1 00:01:37,733 --> 00:01:40,247 HILL: The criminal mind. 2 00:01:40,527 --> 00:01:43,724 For the past two hundred years, scientists, sociologists 3 00:01:44,031 --> 00:01:48,184 and other folks who fret about such things have debated 4 00:01:48,535 --> 00:01:50,173 whether a person commits a violent act 5 00:01:50,412 --> 00:01:54,610 because of their environment or their biological makeup. 6 00:01:54,958 --> 00:01:57,268 What turns on the red crime light in a man's brain? 7 00:01:57,544 --> 00:01:59,740 If we find the cause, 8 00:02:00,005 --> 00:02:02,042 can we eliminate the effect? 9 00:02:02,299 --> 00:02:05,974 Can we end violence now and forever? 10 00:02:11,183 --> 00:02:12,981 [INAUDIBLE DIALOG] 11 00:02:26,114 --> 00:02:29,233 HILL: Prisoner number 00G115. 12 00:02:29,535 --> 00:02:31,412 Detective Bruno Goergen. 13 00:02:31,663 --> 00:02:33,973 Convicted March 15th, 2000. 14 00:02:34,249 --> 00:02:38,322 Illegal possession and sale of firearms, murder in the first degree. 15 00:02:38,670 --> 00:02:41,059 Sentence, 36 years. 16 00:02:41,756 --> 00:02:42,871 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 17 00:02:43,091 --> 00:02:45,082 Up for parole in 18. 18 00:02:56,145 --> 00:02:57,624 POET: You know that guy? 19 00:02:59,357 --> 00:03:02,634 [IN JAMAICAN ACCENT] No. He's just so fucking ugly. 20 00:03:03,236 --> 00:03:05,193 [IMITATING MOBAY] "He's just so fucking ugly." 21 00:03:05,446 --> 00:03:06,766 This guy... 22 00:03:07,031 --> 00:03:08,669 [POET CHUCKLING] 23 00:03:08,992 --> 00:03:10,592 GOERGEN: When I first saw you, I thought: 24 00:03:10,827 --> 00:03:13,421 '"What the fuck is Johnny Basil doing in Oz?" 25 00:03:14,080 --> 00:03:17,038 And then I remembered last year you went to Narcotics, right? 26 00:03:17,625 --> 00:03:20,936 One of the greaseballs told me your name was Desmond Mobay? Huh? 27 00:03:21,546 --> 00:03:23,065 [IN NORMAL VOICE] You gonna blow my cover? 28 00:03:23,089 --> 00:03:24,443 Depends. 29 00:03:25,758 --> 00:03:27,157 On what I do for you. 30 00:03:27,927 --> 00:03:29,918 None of the inmates know I'm a cop. 31 00:03:30,179 --> 00:03:32,329 It was part of my deal when I turned state's evidence. 32 00:03:32,599 --> 00:03:35,990 I got a new identity too. Now, scumbags out there find out the truth, 33 00:03:36,311 --> 00:03:39,383 I'm prime beef for any asshole looking to up his cred. 34 00:03:40,481 --> 00:03:41,994 And so...? 35 00:03:42,233 --> 00:03:44,153 So one hand washes the other, my brother in blue. 36 00:03:44,402 --> 00:03:47,076 You know what I remember the most about you 37 00:03:47,363 --> 00:03:49,718 when we were working the streets together? 38 00:03:50,617 --> 00:03:51,846 What a bully you were. 39 00:03:52,452 --> 00:03:54,887 Strong-arming people when there was no need. 40 00:03:55,163 --> 00:03:57,598 You were always a bad cop, Goergen. 41 00:03:57,874 --> 00:03:59,751 I wasn't surprised when I heard you went down. 42 00:04:00,001 --> 00:04:02,081 So you do want me to tell the guys you're undercover? 43 00:04:05,924 --> 00:04:07,845 [IN JAMAICAN ACCENT] I would be happy to help you 44 00:04:08,093 --> 00:04:09,093 in any way I can. 45 00:04:09,595 --> 00:04:11,427 Glad we understand each other. 46 00:04:12,306 --> 00:04:13,944 Excuse me there, butch. 47 00:04:14,642 --> 00:04:17,236 HILL: "Butch'"? Yo. 48 00:04:18,604 --> 00:04:20,524 Normally when a police officer's brought into Oz, 49 00:04:20,773 --> 00:04:22,252 I give them special counseling. 50 00:04:23,067 --> 00:04:24,466 Why? 51 00:04:26,946 --> 00:04:28,539 It's going to be tough for you, 52 00:04:28,781 --> 00:04:32,092 going from a position of authority to being strip-searched. 53 00:04:32,409 --> 00:04:34,400 You might feel humiliated. 54 00:04:35,246 --> 00:04:37,635 - Not me. - Vulnerable. 55 00:04:38,582 --> 00:04:40,255 Uh-uh. 56 00:04:40,501 --> 00:04:43,220 Okay, that's fine. But if you should experience feelings like that, 57 00:04:43,504 --> 00:04:45,381 I just want you to know I'm here. 58 00:04:45,673 --> 00:04:46,902 Thanks. Later. 59 00:04:51,095 --> 00:04:53,735 - You know, my wife's an ex-nun. - Really? 60 00:04:54,014 --> 00:04:56,085 Yeah, she fucks like a $500 whore. 61 00:04:57,518 --> 00:05:00,158 Must be all those years of pent-up chastity. 62 00:05:15,244 --> 00:05:17,155 Tidd, you know what I hate more than anything? 63 00:05:17,413 --> 00:05:20,644 - What's that, Mondo? - This white trash trying to be thugs. 64 00:05:20,958 --> 00:05:22,676 I feel you. I hate that too. 65 00:05:22,918 --> 00:05:25,353 How about you, pussy? How you feel about that, huh? 66 00:05:25,629 --> 00:05:28,781 What I hate is jive-ass niggers. 67 00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:34,677 [GOERGEN GRUNTING] 68 00:05:43,522 --> 00:05:46,322 How the fuck is this you watching my back? 69 00:05:46,610 --> 00:05:48,090 I got a C.O. there as soon as I could. 70 00:05:48,278 --> 00:05:49,951 You should've pulled those apes off me. 71 00:05:50,196 --> 00:05:52,836 Apes. Yeah. 72 00:05:53,116 --> 00:05:54,948 Niggers. Yeah. 73 00:05:55,201 --> 00:05:57,875 I jump in and save you, a fucking white redneck asshole, 74 00:05:58,163 --> 00:06:01,243 - I might as well pack up and leave Oz. - Then maybe you better start packing, 75 00:06:01,499 --> 00:06:03,456 because anything like this fucking happens again, 76 00:06:03,710 --> 00:06:06,907 everyone's gonna know who you are, and you're a dead man, Johnny. 77 00:06:16,014 --> 00:06:19,006 Mobay, did you forget? 78 00:06:19,309 --> 00:06:21,186 What? 79 00:06:21,436 --> 00:06:23,950 If you want to join us, you gotta kill somebody. 80 00:06:24,231 --> 00:06:25,585 I haven't forgotten. 81 00:06:26,024 --> 00:06:28,982 The new man doesn't want any violence in Emerald City. 82 00:06:29,277 --> 00:06:33,111 So you gonna do the deed, make it look like an accident. 83 00:06:33,823 --> 00:06:35,177 Do it far away from here. 84 00:06:35,992 --> 00:06:37,665 Got you, man. 85 00:06:57,430 --> 00:06:59,341 Hill. Hill. 86 00:06:59,599 --> 00:07:01,556 I'm asleep. 87 00:07:01,893 --> 00:07:03,406 [SNORES] 88 00:07:04,729 --> 00:07:06,686 Hear that? It's me snoring. 89 00:07:12,821 --> 00:07:16,496 - I need your help. - I don't give people help. 90 00:07:16,825 --> 00:07:20,819 Adebisi and the others say they will let me in if I kill somebody. 91 00:07:23,498 --> 00:07:26,651 And what? You want me to volunteer to be your victim? 92 00:07:26,961 --> 00:07:28,281 No. 93 00:07:28,504 --> 00:07:31,622 I have decided who to kill, but I need your cooperation to do it. 94 00:07:31,924 --> 00:07:34,438 Man, that shit you're snorting is rotting your brain out. 95 00:07:34,719 --> 00:07:36,073 I ain't helping you kill nobody. 96 00:07:36,512 --> 00:07:38,901 - But... No. No way, no how. 97 00:07:39,181 --> 00:07:41,297 - But... Look, shut up, Mobay. 98 00:07:41,559 --> 00:07:44,677 I'm tired of hearing your lips flap. Let me get some fucking sleep. 99 00:07:54,280 --> 00:07:55,600 [IN NORMAL VOICE] We got problems. 100 00:07:55,823 --> 00:07:56,858 GOERGEN: What? 101 00:07:57,074 --> 00:07:59,668 - My cellmate, Hill, knows you're a cop. - Shit. 102 00:07:59,952 --> 00:08:01,704 - How? - Who knows how? 103 00:08:01,954 --> 00:08:04,194 He says he'll keep quiet for a price. He wants a meeting. 104 00:08:04,457 --> 00:08:06,414 - Where? - The dress factory's freight elevator. 105 00:08:06,667 --> 00:08:09,341 Now, I say we tip his chair and let him go tumbling down the shaft. 106 00:08:10,588 --> 00:08:12,022 Right. 107 00:08:12,882 --> 00:08:13,997 Fuck. 108 00:08:15,468 --> 00:08:17,141 GOERGEN: Are you sure this guy's coming? 109 00:08:17,386 --> 00:08:18,785 Yes. 110 00:08:21,182 --> 00:08:23,776 Geez, you don't know how good you got it till it's gone, man. 111 00:08:24,602 --> 00:08:26,482 All those times I moaned about walking the beat. 112 00:08:26,729 --> 00:08:28,527 I'd give my fucking right nut 113 00:08:28,773 --> 00:08:31,572 to be in the snow, working the fucking Spic Day parade. 114 00:08:33,527 --> 00:08:36,838 Okay, Mobay, I'm here, man. What you want? 115 00:08:38,574 --> 00:08:40,214 Think you got me over a barrel, don't you? 116 00:08:40,284 --> 00:08:41,284 - What? - So long, Butch. 117 00:08:41,494 --> 00:08:43,680 What the fuck are you doing, man? What the fuck are you doing? 118 00:08:43,704 --> 00:08:45,584 [IN JAMAICAN ACCENT] Wait, wait. Let me, let me. 119 00:08:45,665 --> 00:08:48,737 HILL: Mobay, for Christ sake! Aah! Mobay! For Christ sake, wait! 120 00:08:49,043 --> 00:08:50,636 No, man! Please, man, please! 121 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:52,957 [GOERGEN SCREAMING] THUD] 122 00:08:54,257 --> 00:08:55,292 Fuck me! 123 00:08:56,384 --> 00:08:58,500 You should've let me tell you the plan. 124 00:08:59,887 --> 00:09:03,927 What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you out of your fucking mind? 125 00:09:07,062 --> 00:09:08,132 [BUZZER SOUNDING] 126 00:09:08,355 --> 00:09:10,710 Lock-down, lock-down! 127 00:09:11,316 --> 00:09:13,751 - What the fuck happened? - Someone died. 128 00:09:14,027 --> 00:09:17,736 An accident, far from Emerald City. 129 00:09:26,707 --> 00:09:29,984 I'm seriously considering moving to another cell. 130 00:09:30,877 --> 00:09:34,950 - Relax, brother. The worst is over. HILL: Yeah, right. 131 00:09:35,799 --> 00:09:37,392 [SNIFFING] 132 00:09:43,056 --> 00:09:44,649 SPAITE: Hey. 133 00:09:50,856 --> 00:09:52,458 [IN NORMAL VOICE] What are you doing here? 134 00:09:52,482 --> 00:09:54,439 I thought we agreed you shouldn't come visit. 135 00:09:54,693 --> 00:09:55,967 Hill thought he recognised you. 136 00:09:56,194 --> 00:09:58,754 I am here because I am worried about you, partner. 137 00:09:59,031 --> 00:10:01,227 You're supposed to be e-mailing me regularly. 138 00:10:01,491 --> 00:10:03,845 Not only don't I hear from you, but when I do, the reports make no sense. 139 00:10:03,869 --> 00:10:05,507 I was in the Hole for a few days. 140 00:10:07,414 --> 00:10:08,414 Are you using? 141 00:10:09,082 --> 00:10:10,311 - No. - You are. 142 00:10:10,542 --> 00:10:12,180 I can see it in your eyes. 143 00:10:13,420 --> 00:10:15,172 - Okay. But I had to. - That's it. 144 00:10:15,422 --> 00:10:17,025 I'm telling the lieutenant to pull you out. 145 00:10:17,049 --> 00:10:19,120 No. Schmand wants the job done. 146 00:10:19,384 --> 00:10:21,224 And I'm so fucking close to busting these guys. 147 00:10:21,470 --> 00:10:23,586 Look, I know I fucked up, but I can turn it around. 148 00:10:23,847 --> 00:10:26,885 I know I can, Kina. Trust me. 149 00:10:31,897 --> 00:10:35,049 Okay. But I want to hear from you every day. 150 00:10:35,359 --> 00:10:36,997 Every goddamn day. 151 00:10:52,585 --> 00:10:54,104 DIRECTOR: Warden, we need to touch you up a bit. 152 00:10:54,128 --> 00:10:55,128 GLYNN: Touch me up? 153 00:10:55,338 --> 00:10:57,233 DIRECTOR: This is Cassandra and Betty. They're makeup and hair. 154 00:10:57,257 --> 00:10:58,577 What's the hubbub? 155 00:10:59,342 --> 00:11:01,413 The warden's shooting a public service announcement. 156 00:11:02,053 --> 00:11:03,452 Oh, that's right, I forgot. 157 00:11:03,680 --> 00:11:08,231 GLYNN: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to come before you... 158 00:11:08,601 --> 00:11:11,957 - Are you all right? - I may be getting the flu. 159 00:11:12,272 --> 00:11:16,425 GLYNN: I believe a man has to be prepared to accept responsibility... 160 00:11:16,776 --> 00:11:18,045 DIRECTOR: Quick as you can, guys. 161 00:11:18,069 --> 00:11:20,345 MOBAY [OVER INTERCOM]: Warden, your wife is here. 162 00:11:20,613 --> 00:11:22,445 - Mary. - We need to talk. 163 00:11:23,449 --> 00:11:25,406 Uh, excuse me. 164 00:11:27,912 --> 00:11:29,672 Warden, we're moments away here, sir. Please. 165 00:11:29,914 --> 00:11:31,507 Excuse me. 166 00:11:35,169 --> 00:11:37,638 - What's the matter? - I just got a call from a reporter 167 00:11:37,922 --> 00:11:39,151 asking about your brother. 168 00:11:39,841 --> 00:11:41,991 Well, I knew this was coming. 169 00:11:42,260 --> 00:11:44,774 He says that tomorrow the Tribune is breaking the story 170 00:11:45,054 --> 00:11:46,965 that Mark is serving a life sentence for murder, 171 00:11:47,223 --> 00:11:49,863 - and did you have any comment. - I got a lot of comments. 172 00:11:50,143 --> 00:11:52,214 None of them printable. 173 00:11:52,520 --> 00:11:53,954 [KNOCKS] 174 00:11:54,480 --> 00:11:56,920 Warden, I'm sorry. We're trying to make our little movie here. 175 00:11:57,191 --> 00:11:58,671 We're on a very, very tight schedule. 176 00:11:59,277 --> 00:12:02,349 Um, excuse me. I'm sorry. 177 00:12:04,198 --> 00:12:06,109 Thank you so much. Sorry. 178 00:12:07,368 --> 00:12:10,599 Guys, just sign off on him, all right, so we can get this over with. 179 00:12:10,914 --> 00:12:13,349 - DEVLIN: This isn't such a terrible thing. - Oh, no? 180 00:12:13,625 --> 00:12:15,775 I anticipated that some dedicated journalist 181 00:12:16,044 --> 00:12:17,955 would eventually dig up the dirt. 182 00:12:18,212 --> 00:12:21,126 There's a way to use this to our advantage. 183 00:12:21,425 --> 00:12:23,382 - How? - Your brother committed murder, yes. 184 00:12:23,636 --> 00:12:26,674 But you got him to turn himself in. 185 00:12:26,972 --> 00:12:28,246 Three months after the fact. 186 00:12:28,474 --> 00:12:30,545 The press doesn't have to know when you knew. 187 00:12:30,809 --> 00:12:32,689 I'm starting to feel like Ronald fucking Reagan. 188 00:12:32,853 --> 00:12:34,890 We also leak the news that your daughter was raped. 189 00:12:35,731 --> 00:12:39,486 The public will love the fact that you know all sides of crime. 190 00:12:40,194 --> 00:12:43,505 I'm not gonna exploit Ardeth's rape just to get elected. 191 00:12:43,822 --> 00:12:46,814 Leo, people don't vote for candidates because of what they believe, 192 00:12:47,117 --> 00:12:50,075 or their position statements, or any of that shit. 193 00:12:50,371 --> 00:12:54,126 They elect a father, a husband, 194 00:12:54,458 --> 00:12:56,218 and a good old guy they can chug a beer with. 195 00:12:56,460 --> 00:13:02,695 Someone who understands pain because he's suffered too. 196 00:13:03,425 --> 00:13:05,177 And you've suffered, Leo. 197 00:13:05,427 --> 00:13:08,499 All I'm saying is, let them weep for you. 198 00:13:10,391 --> 00:13:12,780 I said no, that's no. 199 00:13:13,060 --> 00:13:16,610 My advice is, get your hat out of the ring. 200 00:13:16,939 --> 00:13:19,374 I need a lieutenant governor who's got balls. 201 00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:22,085 Open the goddamn gate! 202 00:13:23,237 --> 00:13:24,557 GLYNN: I'm a family man... 203 00:13:26,115 --> 00:13:28,265 and there's nothing harder for a family man 204 00:13:28,534 --> 00:13:32,573 than to see those he loves suffer or cause suffering. 205 00:13:32,913 --> 00:13:36,269 My brother's crime devastated us. 206 00:13:38,085 --> 00:13:40,122 My daughter's rape did too. 207 00:13:40,379 --> 00:13:42,370 [REPORTERS SHOUTING] 208 00:13:49,972 --> 00:13:52,725 There's a new study out which claims that some people 209 00:13:53,017 --> 00:13:56,089 are wired to commit violent crimes. 210 00:13:56,395 --> 00:13:58,830 That they have defects in their brain. 211 00:13:59,107 --> 00:14:01,701 That they have less gray matter in their pre-frontal lobe. 212 00:14:01,985 --> 00:14:06,104 Just behind the eyes, they're missing the piece that keeps rage inside. 213 00:14:06,448 --> 00:14:12,444 If true, those people are predestined to rape and murder. 214 00:14:15,206 --> 00:14:17,436 They cannot be held accountable. 215 00:14:17,709 --> 00:14:20,462 Anatomy is destiny. 216 00:14:20,754 --> 00:14:23,515 INMATE: I don't care a fuck about this goddamn toilet paper, you know. 217 00:14:23,757 --> 00:14:25,668 - Take your fucking piece! TIDD: All right. 218 00:14:26,176 --> 00:14:27,928 [BOTH GRUNTING] 219 00:14:31,306 --> 00:14:32,341 Lock down! 220 00:14:33,225 --> 00:14:34,260 Lock down! 221 00:14:35,685 --> 00:14:37,915 McManus, where's your fucking sense of fun? 222 00:14:38,188 --> 00:14:40,498 [BUZZER SOUNDING] 223 00:14:43,818 --> 00:14:45,297 [PHONE RINGING] 224 00:14:47,572 --> 00:14:49,131 - Hello. WITTLESEY: Tim? 225 00:14:49,366 --> 00:14:51,596 - Yeah. - Diane. 226 00:14:57,499 --> 00:15:00,378 - Yeah? - How are you? 227 00:15:00,961 --> 00:15:02,360 I'm good. 228 00:15:02,587 --> 00:15:06,217 I wrote you, but I didn't hear back. Did you get my letter? 229 00:15:06,549 --> 00:15:09,223 Yeah, I got it. I've been busy. 230 00:15:09,511 --> 00:15:11,661 I heard. You're running Unit B now. 231 00:15:12,222 --> 00:15:15,931 - My boys behaving themselves? - Diane, what do you want? 232 00:15:17,102 --> 00:15:20,060 - To see if you're okay. - I'm good. I gotta go. 233 00:15:27,404 --> 00:15:28,633 Tim. 234 00:15:30,240 --> 00:15:32,311 - Hey. - How's things? 235 00:15:32,909 --> 00:15:34,502 The truth? 236 00:15:35,245 --> 00:15:37,806 I miss Diane. I miss Em City. 237 00:15:38,082 --> 00:15:40,232 I'm constantly constipated. 238 00:15:40,501 --> 00:15:43,459 I've managed to completely and literally fuck up my entire life. 239 00:15:43,754 --> 00:15:44,824 That's how I am. 240 00:15:45,047 --> 00:15:47,607 Constipation, that you can fix. Ha-ha-ha. 241 00:15:48,092 --> 00:15:49,526 Right. 242 00:15:50,052 --> 00:15:51,201 Want to grab a beer? 243 00:15:52,263 --> 00:15:54,254 No, thanks. I got a date. 244 00:15:54,807 --> 00:15:57,286 Every time I ask you to do something, you're otherwise engaged. 245 00:15:57,310 --> 00:15:59,221 I'm getting paranoid. You pissed at me? 246 00:16:00,313 --> 00:16:01,986 When Glynn fired me, what did you do? 247 00:16:02,231 --> 00:16:03,665 - I called you immediately. - Yeah, 248 00:16:03,900 --> 00:16:06,176 you were very sympathetic, and then you took my job. 249 00:16:06,444 --> 00:16:09,323 Only temporarily. I told Glynn I did not want to replace you. 250 00:16:09,614 --> 00:16:12,493 I brought you into Oz! When I was fired, you should have quit. 251 00:16:12,992 --> 00:16:14,665 - Tim... I gotta go. 252 00:16:14,911 --> 00:16:17,869 Tim, you know, give me a break here. 253 00:16:45,399 --> 00:16:47,629 QUERNS: Kareem Said. 254 00:16:47,902 --> 00:16:51,179 According to this file, you are one incredible pain in the ass. 255 00:16:51,489 --> 00:16:53,009 Well, that is only one interpretation. 256 00:16:53,241 --> 00:16:55,755 Another could be that I strive for justice where there is none. 257 00:16:56,035 --> 00:16:58,629 What I strive for is peace and quiet. 258 00:16:58,913 --> 00:17:02,349 My mandate from Warden Glynn is simple: no violence. 259 00:17:02,667 --> 00:17:05,466 I applaud you on your mandate. I abhor violence. 260 00:17:05,753 --> 00:17:07,505 That is incredibly sweet of you. 261 00:17:07,755 --> 00:17:09,195 I'm thinking of making some changes, 262 00:17:09,423 --> 00:17:11,463 and I'm hoping you're not gonna stir up any trouble. 263 00:17:12,134 --> 00:17:13,334 Depends. What kind of changes? 264 00:17:13,803 --> 00:17:15,874 Patience, patience. 265 00:17:16,138 --> 00:17:20,178 '"We must be as patient with others as we expect Allah to be with us." 266 00:17:20,519 --> 00:17:23,033 Now, you don't mind if I quote you, do you? 267 00:17:23,313 --> 00:17:26,385 Found this in the bottom of the drawer. McManus must have left it behind. 268 00:17:26,692 --> 00:17:28,808 - I gave it a quick read. - And? 269 00:17:29,069 --> 00:17:31,458 Didn't really hold my interest. Too self-righteous. 270 00:17:31,738 --> 00:17:33,058 You can go. 271 00:17:39,746 --> 00:17:41,896 Hundred dollars. Hundred dollars. 272 00:17:45,669 --> 00:17:47,740 That's all for you if you want it! Ha! 273 00:17:49,089 --> 00:17:50,682 [LAUGHING] 274 00:17:55,554 --> 00:17:57,511 [SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY] 275 00:18:00,893 --> 00:18:03,646 HILL: Prisoner number 00K251, 276 00:18:03,937 --> 00:18:06,850 Kevin Ketchum, a.k.a. Supreme Allah. 277 00:18:09,776 --> 00:18:14,134 Convicted March 22nd, 2000, murder in the second degree. 278 00:18:14,489 --> 00:18:18,608 Sentence, 25 years, up for parole in ten. 279 00:18:18,952 --> 00:18:20,112 MURPHY: This is your sponsor. 280 00:18:20,454 --> 00:18:22,574 He's gonna help acclimate you to life in Emerald City. 281 00:18:22,998 --> 00:18:25,797 Kevin Ketchum, Kareem Said. 282 00:18:26,293 --> 00:18:28,569 My government name is Ketchum. 283 00:18:28,837 --> 00:18:31,556 My real name is Supreme Allah. 284 00:18:32,257 --> 00:18:34,726 All right, let's go, Allah. 285 00:18:35,052 --> 00:18:36,531 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 286 00:18:48,357 --> 00:18:50,507 - Who's that? - Supreme Allah. 287 00:18:51,443 --> 00:18:53,116 I knew him back on the corner. 288 00:18:53,695 --> 00:18:55,448 What kind of a name is Supreme Allah? 289 00:18:56,324 --> 00:18:59,316 - HILL: He's a five percenter. - Five cent of what? 290 00:19:01,579 --> 00:19:04,571 He's a five percenter. They believe that five percent of all black men 291 00:19:04,874 --> 00:19:06,834 are enlightened with a true understanding of life. 292 00:19:07,043 --> 00:19:09,557 Yeah, they also believe that the black man is God, 293 00:19:09,837 --> 00:19:11,197 and that we whiteys are the devil. 294 00:19:11,589 --> 00:19:14,581 They're like Muslims, except they smoke weed, they deal drugs, 295 00:19:14,884 --> 00:19:16,921 and they do what they gotta do. 296 00:19:17,470 --> 00:19:20,383 Oh, fuck, he's gonna be my cellmate. 297 00:19:20,682 --> 00:19:22,320 Shit! 298 00:19:22,559 --> 00:19:24,357 KELLER: Bye-bye. HILL: Pssh. 299 00:19:26,437 --> 00:19:27,717 - Peace, black man. - Look, look, 300 00:19:27,939 --> 00:19:29,691 I ain't buying what you're selling, dog. 301 00:19:29,941 --> 00:19:32,057 I met a lot of you five percenters along the years, 302 00:19:32,318 --> 00:19:35,231 with your prophet Musa and how much the earth weighs shit. 303 00:19:35,530 --> 00:19:38,409 You know, we stuck in here. We stuck in here together. 304 00:19:38,700 --> 00:19:41,613 And I don't need you preaching me, understand? 305 00:19:41,911 --> 00:19:44,710 - Yeah, all right. - All right, then. 306 00:19:51,838 --> 00:19:54,512 - They call you Poet, huh? - Damn skippy, they call me Poet. 307 00:19:55,258 --> 00:19:56,458 Can I read some of your stuff? 308 00:19:56,676 --> 00:19:58,269 Why do you want to read any of my stuff? 309 00:19:58,511 --> 00:20:01,742 I like poetry. You know, I suck at writing myself. 310 00:20:05,685 --> 00:20:08,154 - Start on page 16. - Thanks. 311 00:20:08,438 --> 00:20:11,590 Some of my shit got put in that anthology. 312 00:20:14,360 --> 00:20:15,919 Damn! 313 00:20:19,782 --> 00:20:21,136 Hey, this is good, man. 314 00:20:21,367 --> 00:20:24,280 Fuck me, man. No more pens. 315 00:20:30,835 --> 00:20:32,348 ALLAH: Yo, yo. 316 00:20:43,224 --> 00:20:44,737 You must fall in line behind us. 317 00:20:45,226 --> 00:20:47,422 I ain't got no problem working with you. 318 00:20:47,686 --> 00:20:50,155 ARIF: You're not hearing what I'm saying. 319 00:20:50,439 --> 00:20:53,352 Oh, I hear clearly, Arif. 320 00:20:53,651 --> 00:20:58,009 Thing is, you don't want me any more than the devil does. 321 00:20:59,865 --> 00:21:02,015 You will obey me. 322 00:21:02,952 --> 00:21:04,511 You don't want to be touching me, son. 323 00:21:05,329 --> 00:21:08,003 This is getting us nowhere. Why don't you all just back off? 324 00:21:08,290 --> 00:21:11,442 Supreme Allah, you call yourself Muslim. 325 00:21:11,752 --> 00:21:13,789 But we believe that your way, 326 00:21:14,046 --> 00:21:16,406 - that is a corruption of the truth. ARIF: We don't want you 327 00:21:16,674 --> 00:21:20,190 poisoning the minds of the young brothers here in Oz. 328 00:21:20,970 --> 00:21:23,564 I'm gonna speak my mind while I'm here. 329 00:21:24,557 --> 00:21:27,356 And whoever listens, listens. 330 00:21:28,686 --> 00:21:31,997 Whoever don't, be damned. 331 00:21:44,118 --> 00:21:45,153 [MURPHY KNOCKS] 332 00:21:46,996 --> 00:21:48,145 Thank you, officer. 333 00:21:48,956 --> 00:21:50,026 You want me in or out? 334 00:21:52,876 --> 00:21:54,389 Out. 335 00:22:07,224 --> 00:22:10,421 - There you are. - Yes. 336 00:22:12,021 --> 00:22:15,299 - What are you up to, Adebisi? - Me? 337 00:22:15,609 --> 00:22:17,600 - Nothing. - Nothing? 338 00:22:17,861 --> 00:22:20,216 So how am I to be included in your nothing? 339 00:22:20,488 --> 00:22:24,561 The earth is about to quake. I came to warn you. Take shelter. 340 00:22:24,910 --> 00:22:27,584 - How big a quake? - Big. 341 00:22:28,663 --> 00:22:30,859 But you, you can be safe with me. 342 00:22:31,124 --> 00:22:33,843 Once again you honor me with your offer of protection. 343 00:22:34,127 --> 00:22:36,641 - And once again you refuse? - Regretfully. 344 00:22:36,922 --> 00:22:40,233 You can ask a girl out on a date so many times and get refused. 345 00:22:41,009 --> 00:22:43,364 You could just tell me what's going on. 346 00:22:43,637 --> 00:22:44,752 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 347 00:22:44,971 --> 00:22:46,530 MURPHY: Count! 348 00:22:47,265 --> 00:22:49,541 You'll find out soon enough, eh? 349 00:22:50,852 --> 00:22:55,050 I have decided to junk the council that used to meet regularly, 350 00:22:56,107 --> 00:22:58,781 and replace that system with trusties 351 00:22:59,069 --> 00:23:04,587 who will be responsible for citing grievances and maintaining order. 352 00:23:04,991 --> 00:23:09,269 These trusties will be Simon Adebisi, 353 00:23:09,621 --> 00:23:14,457 Chucky Pancamo and Enrique Morales. 354 00:23:15,126 --> 00:23:18,244 Now, having met with each of you individually, I've decided to transfer 355 00:23:18,546 --> 00:23:20,981 several of you back to Gen Pop. 356 00:23:21,675 --> 00:23:25,828 The following men will follow Officer Johnson out. 357 00:23:26,179 --> 00:23:30,013 97H813, Hinkey. 358 00:23:30,350 --> 00:23:34,548 99S812, Samms. 359 00:23:34,896 --> 00:23:38,776 98B643, Blakely. 360 00:23:39,109 --> 00:23:43,307 97S532, Simpson. 361 00:23:43,655 --> 00:23:48,126 95J932, Jarvis. 362 00:23:48,493 --> 00:23:52,772 98H432, Hoyt. 363 00:23:53,833 --> 00:23:57,463 - This sucks! - No one asked your opinion, Hoyt. 364 00:23:58,337 --> 00:24:01,568 That's enough out of you. Grab your stuff! 365 00:24:21,694 --> 00:24:23,412 This is nuts. 366 00:24:23,654 --> 00:24:26,885 Making Adebisi, Pancamo and Morales trusties? 367 00:24:27,199 --> 00:24:29,634 I mean, they're the three worst motherfuckers in this place. 368 00:24:29,911 --> 00:24:31,591 And transferring all the Aryans and bikers? 369 00:24:31,829 --> 00:24:34,582 - I mean, what kind of logic is that? - I'm not Tim McManus. 370 00:24:34,874 --> 00:24:38,629 I'm not looking to create some Oz version of the Rainbow Coalition. 371 00:24:38,961 --> 00:24:42,477 I reviewed their records. All of them have repeated incidents of violence. 372 00:24:42,798 --> 00:24:44,027 And Adebisi doesn't? 373 00:24:44,258 --> 00:24:46,056 You're just gonna have to learn to trust me. 374 00:24:46,302 --> 00:24:48,862 I wish you'd learn to discuss policy changes with me 375 00:24:49,138 --> 00:24:51,334 - before you announce them. - Not my style. 376 00:24:51,933 --> 00:24:53,526 - Clearly. - You don't like it, 377 00:24:53,768 --> 00:24:55,918 you can follow Hoyt and the rest of them out the door. 378 00:24:56,187 --> 00:24:58,258 - You know what? I will. - I'll start the paperwork. 379 00:24:58,522 --> 00:25:01,196 - The sooner the better. - The sooner. 380 00:25:01,484 --> 00:25:03,043 Yeah. 381 00:25:04,612 --> 00:25:06,125 [BUZZER SOUNDS] 382 00:25:07,990 --> 00:25:09,822 INMATE: Oh, yeah. 383 00:25:12,078 --> 00:25:16,037 Did you know about this? That you'd been made a trusty? 384 00:25:16,916 --> 00:25:18,907 Yeah, yeah. But I was sworn to secrecy. 385 00:25:19,168 --> 00:25:20,488 How come I wasn't made a trusty? 386 00:25:20,711 --> 00:25:23,385 - Ask Querns. - And how come all these new arrivals, 387 00:25:23,673 --> 00:25:25,903 - none of them is Muslim? - Ask Querns. 388 00:25:26,425 --> 00:25:27,779 We had a deal, Adebisi. 389 00:25:28,302 --> 00:25:30,579 That's true. We did. 390 00:25:31,265 --> 00:25:34,496 Now, if you'll excuse me, I got business to do. 391 00:25:45,028 --> 00:25:46,427 No, no, no. 392 00:25:48,907 --> 00:25:50,818 - We have to talk, Querns. - Later. 393 00:25:51,076 --> 00:25:53,226 - Now. - Johnson. 394 00:25:54,496 --> 00:25:57,136 We'll talk... later. 395 00:26:08,635 --> 00:26:10,831 [INMATE MOANING] 396 00:26:14,474 --> 00:26:15,873 McMANUS: Back off, back off. 397 00:26:16,101 --> 00:26:18,331 All right, back! Officers! 398 00:26:18,604 --> 00:26:21,073 Get it off! Now! Move it! 399 00:26:23,066 --> 00:26:25,057 Man, we've gotta get him to the hospital. 400 00:26:25,319 --> 00:26:28,949 This is Unit B. Get a fucking gurney over here! 401 00:26:38,248 --> 00:26:40,637 - What happened? - He's been raped. 402 00:26:42,961 --> 00:26:45,555 - Gloria, you don't have to... I'm fine. 403 00:26:45,839 --> 00:26:47,637 McMANUS: No- - No, Tim, I'm fine. 404 00:26:47,883 --> 00:26:49,954 Let's drape and prep for an anoscopy. 405 00:26:52,846 --> 00:26:54,886 DEVLIN: You know, when I was first elected governor, 406 00:26:55,140 --> 00:26:56,369 crime was out of control. 407 00:26:56,600 --> 00:26:59,114 But we went to work, fighting for increased rights for... 408 00:26:59,394 --> 00:27:00,543 Hey, can you turn that down? 409 00:27:00,771 --> 00:27:02,728 I'm waiting for my soap to come back on. 410 00:27:02,981 --> 00:27:05,655 Mac just left Felicia. Again. 411 00:27:05,943 --> 00:27:09,574 - Turn it the fuck down! - Why are you always so grumpy? 412 00:27:10,740 --> 00:27:13,050 - Hey, what are you doing? - Painting. 413 00:27:13,326 --> 00:27:14,929 They just painted our cells a couple weeks ago. 414 00:27:14,953 --> 00:27:17,342 Painting a mural, asshole. A portrait. 415 00:27:17,622 --> 00:27:19,932 GINZBURG: Of who? MILES: Myself. 416 00:27:20,208 --> 00:27:22,768 I want to leave something behind after they execute me. 417 00:27:23,044 --> 00:27:24,844 What makes you think the next guy in that cell 418 00:27:25,046 --> 00:27:27,274 will want to spend his last days staring at your ugly ass? 419 00:27:27,298 --> 00:27:29,812 - You calling me ugly, black boy? - Motherfucker! 420 00:27:30,093 --> 00:27:32,562 Are my little darlings raising their voices? 421 00:27:32,845 --> 00:27:34,244 Do we need a time out? 422 00:27:34,472 --> 00:27:36,200 DEYELL: Lopresti, how come you're still here? 423 00:27:36,224 --> 00:27:38,864 Shirley Bellinger told the warden you were fucking her every night. 424 00:27:39,143 --> 00:27:40,871 LOPRESTI: Yeah, that bitch almost got me fired. 425 00:27:40,895 --> 00:27:43,455 But I was able to persuade Glynn that she's a lying sack of shit. 426 00:27:44,190 --> 00:27:46,181 But she wasn't lying. You were eating that pussy 427 00:27:46,442 --> 00:27:48,399 like chicken chow mein. Goddamn! 428 00:27:48,653 --> 00:27:51,406 I don't want to hear any more talk about that cunt. 429 00:27:51,698 --> 00:27:53,177 Got me? 430 00:27:58,329 --> 00:28:00,798 Things sure are different around here without old Shirley. 431 00:28:01,082 --> 00:28:02,516 Yeah. 432 00:28:02,750 --> 00:28:04,502 [COUGHING] 433 00:28:07,589 --> 00:28:08,943 That's been happening a lot. 434 00:28:09,173 --> 00:28:10,766 Yeah, fag, you keep me up at night. 435 00:28:11,009 --> 00:28:12,886 God forbid you shouldn't get your beauty sleep. 436 00:28:13,136 --> 00:28:14,736 Maybe you should be in the hospital, man. 437 00:28:14,971 --> 00:28:16,882 No. Don't want to die in a hospital. 438 00:28:17,140 --> 00:28:18,255 You'd rather die in here? 439 00:28:18,474 --> 00:28:20,750 I'd rather expire sunning myself on the Riviera 440 00:28:21,019 --> 00:28:23,010 in the arms of a 17-year-old adonis. 441 00:28:23,271 --> 00:28:24,341 But c'est la vie. 442 00:28:24,564 --> 00:28:26,524 Still, maybe you should have yourself checked out. 443 00:28:26,733 --> 00:28:29,122 I thank you, Moses, for your concern. 444 00:28:29,402 --> 00:28:32,201 - You going fag, Deyell? - When you gonna shut the fuck up? 445 00:28:32,488 --> 00:28:33,558 When I die, nigger! 446 00:28:34,365 --> 00:28:37,118 Ow, fuck! My hand! My fucking hand! 447 00:28:37,410 --> 00:28:38,525 [MILES LAUGHS] 448 00:28:38,745 --> 00:28:40,656 Oh, fuck! 449 00:28:42,081 --> 00:28:45,233 You gotta remember, Deyell, you hit a wall, generally the wall wins. 450 00:28:45,543 --> 00:28:47,854 Yeah, Moses here is not known for his mental muscle. 451 00:28:48,130 --> 00:28:50,007 I got more brains in my little finger than you. 452 00:28:50,257 --> 00:28:52,817 NATHAN: Well, right now, your little finger is in little pieces. 453 00:28:53,093 --> 00:28:54,686 Listen, try to keep this cast clean. 454 00:28:54,929 --> 00:28:56,920 You're gonna have it on for six weeks. All done. 455 00:29:01,769 --> 00:29:04,158 Dr. Nathan, you ain't been up to see Ginzburg lately. 456 00:29:04,438 --> 00:29:05,878 No, I took a short leave of absence. 457 00:29:06,106 --> 00:29:07,824 I assumed Dr. Prestopnik was examining him. 458 00:29:08,067 --> 00:29:09,740 Prestopnik ain't been up there one time. 459 00:29:09,985 --> 00:29:12,101 Quit yapping, Deyell. 460 00:29:17,910 --> 00:29:19,548 NATHAN: Again. 461 00:29:20,287 --> 00:29:23,086 Have you been having chills, night sweats, shortness of breath? 462 00:29:23,374 --> 00:29:24,773 Yes. A trifecta. 463 00:29:26,794 --> 00:29:28,865 We should probably transfer you to the AIDS ward. 464 00:29:29,129 --> 00:29:32,406 When I got the death penalty for suffocating Antonio Nappa, 465 00:29:32,716 --> 00:29:35,105 I thought, ' "Oh, this'll be fun." 466 00:29:35,386 --> 00:29:38,139 - Fun? - See what kills me first: 467 00:29:38,430 --> 00:29:40,580 The state or the disease. 468 00:29:41,225 --> 00:29:43,455 Guess the disease is winning. 469 00:29:55,364 --> 00:29:57,037 [NATHAN SCREAMS] 470 00:30:10,337 --> 00:30:14,808 HILL: Prisoner number 00K414, Patrick Keenan. 471 00:30:15,175 --> 00:30:17,894 Convicted March 25th, 2000. 472 00:30:18,178 --> 00:30:20,488 Assault in the first degree, rape. 473 00:30:20,764 --> 00:30:22,163 [KEENAN GRUNTING] 474 00:30:22,391 --> 00:30:24,507 Sentence, 12 years. 475 00:30:24,768 --> 00:30:27,363 Up for parole in seven. 476 00:30:27,647 --> 00:30:29,524 - KIRK: Hey, O'Reily. - Hey. 477 00:30:29,774 --> 00:30:30,889 You know Patrick Keenan? 478 00:30:31,943 --> 00:30:34,776 - No. - Patrick, this is Ryan O'Reily. 479 00:30:35,071 --> 00:30:36,470 I heard of you. 480 00:30:36,698 --> 00:30:38,974 You and your brother used to run the Bridges Street Gang. 481 00:30:39,242 --> 00:30:40,242 O'REILY: Yeah. 482 00:30:41,912 --> 00:30:43,630 Boy, that's a nice shamrock. 483 00:30:44,831 --> 00:30:47,391 Oh, yeah, thanks. My lucky charm. 484 00:30:47,667 --> 00:30:50,659 - So, what did they catch you doing? - Rape and assault. 485 00:30:50,962 --> 00:30:52,032 O'REILY: That so? 486 00:30:52,255 --> 00:30:54,053 Patrick's the one who did Dr. Nathan. 487 00:30:55,592 --> 00:30:57,868 You raped Dr. Nathan? 488 00:30:58,136 --> 00:31:00,286 - Yeah. - Why? 489 00:31:00,555 --> 00:31:03,069 I don't know. I was in the mood. 490 00:31:03,808 --> 00:31:06,243 He was in the mood. All right. Hey, 491 00:31:06,519 --> 00:31:08,351 it's good to meet you there, Keenan. 492 00:31:08,605 --> 00:31:10,045 You and me, maybe we can get together 493 00:31:10,273 --> 00:31:11,473 and do some business sometime. 494 00:31:11,691 --> 00:31:14,570 Yeah, I'd like that. Working for the O'Reily brothers. 495 00:31:14,861 --> 00:31:16,977 O'REILY: Okay. See you. 496 00:31:26,081 --> 00:31:29,278 TIDD: Ha-ha-ha! Yeah! 497 00:31:30,835 --> 00:31:33,395 Hey, Goldilocks, you want to suck some chocolate? 498 00:31:33,713 --> 00:31:34,942 [SCREAMING] 499 00:31:35,340 --> 00:31:36,933 [INMATES GRUNTING] 500 00:31:37,384 --> 00:31:39,534 [BUZZER SOUNDING] 501 00:31:39,844 --> 00:31:41,403 [CYRIL YELLING] 502 00:32:00,198 --> 00:32:02,428 [YELLING] 503 00:32:03,535 --> 00:32:05,368 I'm switching him to one milligram of Haldol. 504 00:32:05,621 --> 00:32:08,261 - Are you sure? - What do you suggest, counseling? 505 00:32:17,174 --> 00:32:19,006 What the fuck is going on, Adebisi? 506 00:32:19,260 --> 00:32:21,137 Letting these assholes fuck with my brother? 507 00:32:21,387 --> 00:32:23,458 - We had a goddamn deal! - Relax, O'Reily, 508 00:32:23,723 --> 00:32:25,236 before you blow a blood vessel. 509 00:32:25,474 --> 00:32:27,147 I've already spoken to Tidd and Browne. 510 00:32:27,393 --> 00:32:29,509 - Haven't I? - Yeah. 511 00:32:29,770 --> 00:32:31,966 - Browne? - Yeah, man. 512 00:32:34,567 --> 00:32:37,002 This type of bullshit won't happen again. 513 00:32:38,821 --> 00:32:39,856 Okay? 514 00:32:51,083 --> 00:32:52,517 He all right? 515 00:32:52,752 --> 00:32:56,541 They got him so tanked up on Haldol, it's like he's in a fucking coma. 516 00:32:56,881 --> 00:32:58,918 Is that such a bad thing? 517 00:33:03,554 --> 00:33:06,512 O'Reily, I got a question for you. 518 00:33:13,981 --> 00:33:17,736 Stanislofsky, come in. Sit. 519 00:33:19,528 --> 00:33:23,123 I've been playing catch-up on a lot of what's been happening here. 520 00:33:23,449 --> 00:33:26,680 Been reading the file on the death of one Ralph Gulino. 521 00:33:26,994 --> 00:33:29,952 Tragic. Drugs very serious problem. 522 00:33:30,248 --> 00:33:32,842 Yeah. Except he had no history of drugs, 523 00:33:33,125 --> 00:33:35,116 so how does he die of an OD? 524 00:33:35,378 --> 00:33:36,448 A mystery. 525 00:33:36,671 --> 00:33:38,981 I understand you and Gulino didn't get along. 526 00:33:39,257 --> 00:33:40,930 Who says that? 527 00:33:41,425 --> 00:33:42,540 Did you ask me a question? 528 00:33:42,927 --> 00:33:45,158 Because you don't get to ask me questions. 529 00:33:45,430 --> 00:33:48,229 You are my main suspect in Gulino's death. 530 00:33:48,517 --> 00:33:50,554 You are my only suspect. 531 00:33:50,811 --> 00:33:55,965 I'm gonna be watching you, perched like a Czarist eagle. 532 00:33:56,525 --> 00:33:57,754 Ooydee. 533 00:34:10,789 --> 00:34:12,382 You said we should wait. 534 00:34:12,624 --> 00:34:14,984 So we wait, and look what happens. O'Reily goes to the hacks 535 00:34:15,252 --> 00:34:16,772 and tells them you and I killed Gulino. 536 00:34:17,004 --> 00:34:19,757 - O'Reily said that? You and me? - Yes. 537 00:34:20,048 --> 00:34:21,243 So take care of him. 538 00:34:21,466 --> 00:34:24,345 We whack O'Reily now, they'll have all the proof they need. 539 00:34:24,636 --> 00:34:26,274 No, thanks. I got a birthday coming up. 540 00:34:26,513 --> 00:34:28,424 I don't want to spend it in solitary. 541 00:34:35,272 --> 00:34:36,272 O'REILY: Look, 542 00:34:36,481 --> 00:34:39,121 I know that Russian cocksucker's been talking smack about me, Jaz, 543 00:34:39,401 --> 00:34:40,921 but you can't trust that motherfucker. 544 00:34:42,154 --> 00:34:44,384 I don't trust him. I don't trust you neither. 545 00:34:44,656 --> 00:34:47,091 Okay, fine. Only he's supposed to be your pal, right? 546 00:34:47,367 --> 00:34:49,483 I'll bet he hasn't told you about the cell phone. 547 00:34:51,079 --> 00:34:52,877 Cell phone? What cell phone? 548 00:34:53,123 --> 00:34:55,876 Ralph Gulino's cell phone. That's why he killed that wop. 549 00:34:56,168 --> 00:34:57,841 Now who do you trust? 550 00:34:58,587 --> 00:34:59,657 What's going on? 551 00:35:02,549 --> 00:35:05,667 Droog. What is problem? 552 00:35:06,386 --> 00:35:08,059 Cut the shit. 553 00:35:09,514 --> 00:35:11,346 Give me the cell phone. 554 00:35:11,850 --> 00:35:13,443 Give it to me. 555 00:35:19,066 --> 00:35:20,864 So, what is going to happen to me now? 556 00:35:21,902 --> 00:35:25,005 We're thinking, uh... maybe you die. 557 00:35:25,448 --> 00:35:27,200 [STANISLOFSKY SHOUTS] 558 00:35:27,951 --> 00:35:30,022 [GUARDS SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 559 00:35:30,286 --> 00:35:32,357 [BELL RINGING] 560 00:35:39,087 --> 00:35:41,556 Everybody's always looking for an excuse. 561 00:35:41,839 --> 00:35:45,514 I killed that man because, A, I was abused as a child, 562 00:35:45,843 --> 00:35:50,679 B, I had shitty parents, C, I was raised in poverty, 563 00:35:51,057 --> 00:35:53,048 D, all of the above. 564 00:35:53,309 --> 00:35:56,620 If the only thing you know from the cradle on up is violence... 565 00:35:57,272 --> 00:35:58,632 what other choice have you got? 566 00:35:58,856 --> 00:36:00,335 Fuck! 567 00:36:00,567 --> 00:36:01,762 STANISLOFSKY: Nyet! 568 00:36:02,735 --> 00:36:05,204 What other reason do you need? Ha-hoo! 569 00:36:29,971 --> 00:36:31,370 Morning, Bob. 570 00:36:35,018 --> 00:36:38,170 Bob, please, when are you gonna stop this silent treatment? 571 00:36:39,230 --> 00:36:40,903 I said I'm sorry 572 00:36:41,149 --> 00:36:43,220 that I didn't tell you I was building a new tunnel. 573 00:36:43,484 --> 00:36:45,044 That I didn't ask you to escape with me. 574 00:36:45,278 --> 00:36:46,348 What more can I do? 575 00:36:49,949 --> 00:36:50,984 Count. 576 00:36:56,831 --> 00:36:58,105 - How is he? - Not good. 577 00:36:58,333 --> 00:36:59,333 MINEO: 88K214. 578 00:36:59,542 --> 00:37:01,056 77P326. 579 00:37:01,295 --> 00:37:04,651 98K514. 97B412. 580 00:37:09,720 --> 00:37:12,030 Hey, Beecher, get your ass out here. 581 00:37:12,306 --> 00:37:13,306 Leave him alone. 582 00:37:14,391 --> 00:37:15,586 Beecher, now. 583 00:37:15,809 --> 00:37:18,369 You can see he's there. Why does he have to stand in line? 584 00:37:19,605 --> 00:37:22,438 Rules is rules. 585 00:37:22,733 --> 00:37:23,768 Fuck you. 586 00:37:24,401 --> 00:37:25,401 What? 587 00:37:25,611 --> 00:37:27,010 Fuck you. Fuck your rules. 588 00:37:28,739 --> 00:37:31,970 Rebadow, I expect Keller to be mouthy, but not you. 589 00:37:32,284 --> 00:37:34,673 The man's children have been kidnapped. 590 00:37:34,954 --> 00:37:36,228 His son's hand cut off. 591 00:37:36,455 --> 00:37:39,174 Beecher's obviously in pain. Why torture him more? 592 00:37:42,044 --> 00:37:43,044 Keep going. 593 00:37:43,462 --> 00:37:45,180 [INMATES CHEERING AND APPLAUDING] 594 00:37:45,422 --> 00:37:47,891 MURPHY: All right, quiet down. Quiet down, now. 595 00:37:48,175 --> 00:37:49,290 Who knew you had balls? 596 00:37:51,262 --> 00:37:52,855 MINEO: 98T514. 597 00:37:53,097 --> 00:37:54,815 MURPHY: Shut the fuck up! 598 00:37:56,934 --> 00:38:00,211 A few years ago, I was attacked by some of the black boys, and 599 00:38:00,521 --> 00:38:01,750 landed in the hospital. 600 00:38:01,981 --> 00:38:03,460 I remember. 601 00:38:03,691 --> 00:38:08,003 The bruises healed, but I was flooded with fear. 602 00:38:08,362 --> 00:38:10,353 Well, that's natural. 603 00:38:10,614 --> 00:38:13,288 I hadn't felt such fear since I was about to be executed, 604 00:38:13,576 --> 00:38:14,930 and then wasn't. 605 00:38:15,703 --> 00:38:17,580 Killing Raoul Hernandez, as... 606 00:38:18,664 --> 00:38:21,577 as terrible as it was, has... 607 00:38:22,626 --> 00:38:24,776 I don't know, I feel alive. 608 00:38:28,799 --> 00:38:30,551 I'm not afraid to die. 609 00:38:49,821 --> 00:38:50,891 Teach me. 610 00:38:51,698 --> 00:38:52,698 Teach you what? 611 00:38:53,366 --> 00:38:54,366 How to box. 612 00:38:54,576 --> 00:38:56,647 Ha-ha. You gotta be kidding me, right? 613 00:38:57,203 --> 00:38:58,955 I want to learn to defend myself. 614 00:38:59,205 --> 00:39:01,162 Rebadow, I ain't got the time or the interest. 615 00:39:01,416 --> 00:39:02,645 Take off. 616 00:39:02,876 --> 00:39:03,876 I can teach you. 617 00:39:04,085 --> 00:39:06,201 - Cyril! - No, I can if I want. 618 00:39:11,217 --> 00:39:15,131 Okay, first you gotta learn how to stand. 619 00:39:15,472 --> 00:39:16,906 Fucking Cyril. 620 00:39:23,188 --> 00:39:25,907 Hey, Rebadow, give me your pie, pops. 621 00:39:26,733 --> 00:39:27,848 No. 622 00:39:28,401 --> 00:39:33,111 Oh, you're gonna give me your pie or I'm gonna break your old ass in two. 623 00:39:33,657 --> 00:39:35,056 Okay. 624 00:39:38,036 --> 00:39:39,834 [INMATES LAUGHING] 625 00:39:47,254 --> 00:39:49,131 INMATE: How does it taste, man? 626 00:39:53,218 --> 00:39:55,607 You missed a great lunch, but I got you something. 627 00:39:57,013 --> 00:39:58,333 Toby, take it. 628 00:39:58,556 --> 00:40:00,706 Toby, you gotta eat something. Take it. 629 00:40:02,978 --> 00:40:05,891 Take the fucking orange and eat it. Come on. 630 00:40:13,446 --> 00:40:15,801 Nothing like fresh-squeezed orange juice. 631 00:40:16,575 --> 00:40:19,329 Cellmates. It's like being married. 632 00:40:19,620 --> 00:40:20,894 Rebadow still ignoring you? 633 00:40:21,122 --> 00:40:23,796 Worse. He's like a different person 634 00:40:24,083 --> 00:40:26,643 It's like when I was gone, some alien took over his body. 635 00:40:27,378 --> 00:40:28,857 He certainly has changed. 636 00:40:29,088 --> 00:40:30,203 BUSMALIS: It's unsettling. 637 00:40:30,423 --> 00:40:32,619 After a certain age, people shouldn't change. 638 00:40:32,967 --> 00:40:35,083 Shh. Here he comes. 639 00:40:44,186 --> 00:40:46,746 - Mr. Morales. - Whoa, slow down there, Rebadow. 640 00:40:47,023 --> 00:40:48,297 I want to talk to you. 641 00:40:48,524 --> 00:40:49,798 Let him be, Chico. 642 00:40:55,907 --> 00:40:57,261 What do you need? 643 00:40:59,535 --> 00:41:02,288 When I agreed to kill Hernandez, 644 00:41:02,580 --> 00:41:04,571 you said in return I could have anything I wanted. 645 00:41:04,832 --> 00:41:05,832 True. 646 00:41:06,042 --> 00:41:07,522 And now you want me to repay the debt? 647 00:41:07,835 --> 00:41:09,234 Yes. 648 00:41:09,503 --> 00:41:12,143 Okay. What can I do for you? 649 00:41:12,423 --> 00:41:14,733 I want you to let me kill someone else. 650 00:41:30,733 --> 00:41:32,212 BOY: Daddy! 651 00:41:38,282 --> 00:41:39,761 GIRL: Daddy? 652 00:41:40,785 --> 00:41:42,298 Daddy? 653 00:42:01,932 --> 00:42:03,331 MUKADA: He has these dreams a lot? 654 00:42:03,558 --> 00:42:05,435 KELLER: Ever since his kids got nabbed. 655 00:42:05,686 --> 00:42:06,801 Well, I'll speak to him. 656 00:42:07,020 --> 00:42:08,613 Sister Peter Marie too. 657 00:42:08,855 --> 00:42:12,371 Given her relationship with Beecher, she's being rather... 658 00:42:14,069 --> 00:42:15,901 casual about all this. 659 00:42:16,154 --> 00:42:17,428 That's not true. 660 00:42:17,656 --> 00:42:20,535 I can't help thinking her distance has something to do with me. 661 00:42:21,076 --> 00:42:26,071 Well, shocking as this seems, not everything has to do with you. 662 00:42:28,417 --> 00:42:29,646 Keller's right. 663 00:42:29,876 --> 00:42:31,105 It is about him. 664 00:42:31,545 --> 00:42:33,900 The doubts he put in my mind about being a nun, 665 00:42:34,172 --> 00:42:35,845 my effectiveness as a psychologist... 666 00:42:36,091 --> 00:42:38,810 But Pete, Beecher needs you. 667 00:42:39,094 --> 00:42:40,414 Ray, I know. 668 00:42:40,637 --> 00:42:43,277 Do you remember what I said to you a few weeks ago about putting on 669 00:42:43,557 --> 00:42:45,157 a facade so I could get through each day? 670 00:42:45,392 --> 00:42:48,748 - Sure. - I am unable to comfort Tobias. 671 00:42:49,062 --> 00:42:52,498 I mean, I don't even look him in the eye, because I know that if I do, 672 00:42:52,816 --> 00:42:54,773 my facade will crumble. 673 00:42:55,694 --> 00:42:58,413 So that's worse than no help to him. 674 00:43:07,915 --> 00:43:10,828 Beecher hasn't been out of his cell for two solid days. 675 00:43:13,462 --> 00:43:15,214 He just lies in his bunk, 676 00:43:16,048 --> 00:43:17,925 sobbing like a wuss. 677 00:43:18,425 --> 00:43:19,984 [SOBBING] 678 00:43:20,844 --> 00:43:21,914 SCHILLINGER: Good. 679 00:43:22,137 --> 00:43:24,936 That's what's truly elegant about this plan of mine. 680 00:43:25,223 --> 00:43:27,783 We don't physically touch Beecher 681 00:43:28,060 --> 00:43:30,495 and yet the damage done is far more hideous. 682 00:43:32,689 --> 00:43:35,124 Time to put parts three and four into motion. 683 00:43:40,907 --> 00:43:43,057 Hank. Yeah. 684 00:43:43,326 --> 00:43:45,522 I want you to drop off the other package. 685 00:43:46,079 --> 00:43:48,195 Right, where we talked about. 686 00:43:48,581 --> 00:43:50,174 Bye. 687 00:43:53,419 --> 00:43:55,057 You should stop smoking, Father. 688 00:43:55,296 --> 00:43:56,934 I know, I know. It's bad for my health. 689 00:43:57,548 --> 00:44:00,267 There's a law about smoking in public places. 690 00:44:00,635 --> 00:44:02,034 In state-owned buildings. 691 00:44:02,262 --> 00:44:04,014 - Is this bothering you? - Yes! 692 00:44:04,264 --> 00:44:05,264 [KNOCKS] 693 00:44:07,558 --> 00:44:09,151 Hello, Tobias. 694 00:44:09,686 --> 00:44:11,484 Thank you, officer. Wait outside, please. 695 00:44:12,981 --> 00:44:14,176 Take a seat, Toby. 696 00:44:14,941 --> 00:44:16,978 I know what this is about, Dad. 697 00:44:18,069 --> 00:44:19,389 The FBI found Gary? 698 00:44:19,988 --> 00:44:20,988 Yes. 699 00:44:21,197 --> 00:44:23,108 Gary's body. He's dead. 700 00:44:24,450 --> 00:44:25,450 Yes. 701 00:44:26,035 --> 00:44:27,355 I knew. 702 00:44:29,414 --> 00:44:31,849 I knew when I heard about the hand. 703 00:44:32,625 --> 00:44:34,343 And Holly? 704 00:44:35,128 --> 00:44:36,128 Any news? 705 00:44:36,337 --> 00:44:38,214 No, no. Not yet. 706 00:44:39,132 --> 00:44:41,009 I'd like to go to Gary's funeral. 707 00:44:41,467 --> 00:44:43,026 We've already made arrangements. 708 00:44:43,261 --> 00:44:44,941 I want him buried right next to his mother. 709 00:44:45,096 --> 00:44:47,576 I wanna see the graves I've dug lined up one next to the other. 710 00:44:47,849 --> 00:44:50,363 [SOBBING] Oh, son. Son... 711 00:44:58,735 --> 00:45:01,170 It's funny, I can't cry. 712 00:45:03,573 --> 00:45:06,008 I don't have any more tears left. 713 00:45:24,511 --> 00:45:25,785 BEECHER: Chris, 714 00:45:26,013 --> 00:45:29,802 I want to ask you something, uh... 715 00:45:30,517 --> 00:45:33,475 I probably haven't asked you because I didn't want to know the answer. 716 00:45:34,188 --> 00:45:37,067 I know you were married all those times, and I'm wondering 717 00:45:37,358 --> 00:45:40,316 if I was the first, you know, the first man. 718 00:45:40,611 --> 00:45:42,284 [LAUGHING] 719 00:45:43,989 --> 00:45:45,707 Well, I guess that answers my question. 720 00:45:45,950 --> 00:45:48,783 No. No, it doesn't. I just... 721 00:45:49,662 --> 00:45:52,381 think it's an odd conversation for us to be having right before 722 00:45:52,665 --> 00:45:54,338 you go to your son's funeral. 723 00:45:55,501 --> 00:45:58,732 The FBI says you're responsible for a series of homosexual murders. 724 00:45:59,046 --> 00:46:00,046 The FBI- 725 00:46:00,256 --> 00:46:02,725 I'm not asking you to tell me if you committed the murders. 726 00:46:03,008 --> 00:46:06,364 I'm asking you if you've ever felt this way with another man. 727 00:46:06,679 --> 00:46:08,192 No. 728 00:46:09,765 --> 00:46:11,597 I have not felt this way. 729 00:46:13,978 --> 00:46:15,377 I swear, Toby. 730 00:46:16,313 --> 00:46:18,031 You're lying. 731 00:46:18,357 --> 00:46:19,756 Toby... 732 00:46:20,192 --> 00:46:21,751 You're lying. 733 00:46:54,436 --> 00:46:56,507 Sweet dreams, baby. 734 00:47:12,078 --> 00:47:13,273 [KNOCKS] 735 00:47:13,496 --> 00:47:15,134 Yes? 736 00:47:15,999 --> 00:47:18,195 Oh, come in. Sit. 737 00:47:18,668 --> 00:47:20,261 Thanks, officer. 738 00:47:20,921 --> 00:47:21,991 Smoke? 739 00:47:22,255 --> 00:47:23,848 They're bad for you. 740 00:47:28,011 --> 00:47:31,208 Shirley Bellinger, before she was executed, gave me a little hint 741 00:47:31,514 --> 00:47:33,983 as to who impregnated her when she was in Oz. 742 00:47:34,267 --> 00:47:36,577 She said, "Neither rain nor snow," 743 00:47:36,853 --> 00:47:40,483 which I believe is part of the old motto of the U.S. Postal Service. 744 00:47:40,857 --> 00:47:43,697 Since you deliver the mail to Death Row, I'm figuring she was telling me 745 00:47:43,985 --> 00:47:45,055 that you were the father. 746 00:47:45,570 --> 00:47:47,243 Well, you're wrong. 747 00:47:47,489 --> 00:47:49,799 I never had sex with Shirley. 748 00:47:50,700 --> 00:47:52,896 Not that I didn't want to. 749 00:47:54,120 --> 00:47:56,396 Even if you had been right, what's it matter? She's dead. 750 00:47:57,666 --> 00:47:59,816 I don't know you, Schillinger. 751 00:48:00,752 --> 00:48:05,189 I don't know what you're capable of. I know your reputation, of course. 752 00:48:05,840 --> 00:48:10,676 Even so, I find it hard to believe you would cut the hand off a small child. 753 00:48:11,429 --> 00:48:15,138 That you would kill a boy who never hurt a soul. 754 00:48:16,142 --> 00:48:18,019 I never did anything to Beecher's kid. 755 00:48:19,771 --> 00:48:22,047 I'm going to tell you something now. 756 00:48:23,024 --> 00:48:25,254 Beecher is the one who found your son Hank. 757 00:48:26,111 --> 00:48:27,111 Yeah, I know. 758 00:48:28,071 --> 00:48:29,470 You know? 759 00:48:30,073 --> 00:48:32,190 He did it to fuck with me, the same with Andrew. 760 00:48:32,451 --> 00:48:33,885 No. 761 00:48:34,495 --> 00:48:37,613 He did it to make up for what happened to Andrew. 762 00:48:38,124 --> 00:48:41,162 He did it in the hopes of putting the anger that exists between you 763 00:48:41,460 --> 00:48:44,373 behind you. This I swear to you on my vow as a priest. 764 00:48:44,672 --> 00:48:48,381 If I'm lying to you, may I be damned for all time. 765 00:48:52,430 --> 00:48:56,344 Schillinger, don't let anything happen to Beecher's daughter. 766 00:48:57,935 --> 00:49:01,053 If you have any decency left inside you... 767 00:49:01,647 --> 00:49:06,198 If you... if you have a soul... 768 00:49:08,029 --> 00:49:10,145 you'll let that girl go free. 769 00:49:25,504 --> 00:49:27,744 All right, so you asked me to do a little digging, right? 770 00:49:28,007 --> 00:49:31,204 So I dug here. Nothing. I dug there. Zip. 771 00:49:31,510 --> 00:49:33,820 But then, a gusher. 772 00:49:34,138 --> 00:49:35,856 - Tell me. - Tell me? 773 00:49:36,098 --> 00:49:40,057 I got valuable information, and we haven't even negotiated a price. 774 00:49:40,394 --> 00:49:41,464 How much? 775 00:49:41,687 --> 00:49:43,405 Hey, I got kids too, all right? 776 00:49:43,648 --> 00:49:47,198 My youngest, Tabitha, she needs massive amounts of dental work. 777 00:49:47,526 --> 00:49:49,483 That poor girl's teeth are fucked up, man. 778 00:49:49,737 --> 00:49:50,886 - Zabitz. - All rotted out. 779 00:49:51,155 --> 00:49:52,384 Please, not now. 780 00:49:52,615 --> 00:49:55,653 All right. But you pay the dental bills. 781 00:49:55,952 --> 00:49:57,147 Every last one of them. 782 00:49:57,370 --> 00:49:59,043 Okay. 783 00:49:59,288 --> 00:50:01,802 Just tell me what you know about the kidnapping. 784 00:50:05,461 --> 00:50:11,378 According to a very reliable source on the outside, this was a job for hire. 785 00:50:11,802 --> 00:50:16,114 The actual perp's name is Bob "Big Butt" Tolan. 786 00:50:16,473 --> 00:50:17,986 Who hired him? 787 00:50:18,809 --> 00:50:20,402 I hesitate. 788 00:50:20,644 --> 00:50:22,123 Why? 789 00:50:23,188 --> 00:50:27,785 Because it's someone, I understand, who's very near and dear to you. 790 00:50:28,151 --> 00:50:29,789 Who, for Christ sake? 791 00:50:30,654 --> 00:50:32,611 Chris Keller. 792 00:50:33,740 --> 00:50:34,969 Can you be you sure of this? 793 00:50:35,450 --> 00:50:38,488 I'm as sure as anybody can be about anything. 794 00:50:53,218 --> 00:50:55,368 I need you to find out the truth. 795 00:50:56,013 --> 00:50:57,526 That's my job. 796 00:50:58,056 --> 00:51:02,095 He's done a lot of fucked up things to me, but this makes no sense. 797 00:51:02,436 --> 00:51:04,427 TAYLOR: Guys like Keller are hunters. 798 00:51:06,607 --> 00:51:08,484 They kill for sport. 799 00:51:16,992 --> 00:51:19,072 TAYLOR: You think you're a pretty cool customer, huh? 800 00:51:19,328 --> 00:51:23,401 Well, let's just say I've spent my share of time in interrogations. 801 00:51:27,169 --> 00:51:30,480 You ever hear of a fellow by the name of Mark Carocci? 802 00:51:33,508 --> 00:51:34,942 No. 803 00:51:35,218 --> 00:51:36,970 - Byam Lewis? - Nope. 804 00:51:37,220 --> 00:51:38,494 How about Brice Tibbetts? 805 00:51:38,722 --> 00:51:40,759 No, no, and no. 806 00:51:41,016 --> 00:51:42,927 All three of these men were homosexuals. 807 00:51:43,185 --> 00:51:47,144 All three hung out in the same gay bar. All three turned up dead. 808 00:51:47,898 --> 00:51:50,129 That is, after they were sodomized and tortured. 809 00:51:50,401 --> 00:51:51,401 Yeah? 810 00:51:51,611 --> 00:51:52,965 Yeah. 811 00:51:53,238 --> 00:51:55,195 But here's what's curious. 812 00:51:55,490 --> 00:51:58,403 You moved to the city in December of '97. 813 00:51:58,701 --> 00:52:02,410 These men were killed in January, March and May of '98. 814 00:52:03,289 --> 00:52:05,724 You got sent to Oz in June of that year. 815 00:52:06,542 --> 00:52:08,977 Suddenly, the killings stop. 816 00:52:09,462 --> 00:52:11,419 What a bizarre coincidence. 817 00:52:20,390 --> 00:52:21,585 We know you're guilty. 818 00:52:23,017 --> 00:52:24,610 You got proof? 819 00:52:25,603 --> 00:52:26,877 Evidence? Witnesses? 820 00:52:27,105 --> 00:52:28,504 You frequented the same gay bar. 821 00:52:31,025 --> 00:52:34,416 That doesn't make me a murderer any more than it makes me a fag. 822 00:52:34,737 --> 00:52:36,933 And yet you are, aren't you? A fag? 823 00:52:37,198 --> 00:52:38,518 [KELLER CHUCKLES] 824 00:52:38,741 --> 00:52:41,301 - You suck Tobias Beecher's cock. - He sucks mine. 825 00:52:41,578 --> 00:52:44,536 From what I hear, you and he have had a pretty bumpy courtship. 826 00:52:44,831 --> 00:52:48,426 Lots of pain inflicted on both sides. You in on this latest round? 827 00:52:51,879 --> 00:52:52,949 I don't follow you. 828 00:52:53,172 --> 00:52:54,924 The death of his son. 829 00:52:55,174 --> 00:52:58,212 Me kill his son? You're joking, right? 830 00:52:58,511 --> 00:53:01,390 Now, when have you ever known the FBI to joke? 831 00:53:02,223 --> 00:53:03,736 [BELL RINGS] 832 00:53:03,975 --> 00:53:05,488 GUARD: Lights out! 833 00:53:12,233 --> 00:53:13,826 How you doing? 834 00:53:14,611 --> 00:53:16,204 You've been very quiet today. 835 00:53:20,742 --> 00:53:22,221 Let me ask you something. 836 00:53:23,828 --> 00:53:26,707 What should I do if I ever find out who killed Gary? 837 00:53:27,750 --> 00:53:29,502 You should whack them. 838 00:53:30,586 --> 00:53:32,020 I'd help you. 839 00:53:32,254 --> 00:53:34,131 - Yeah? - It'd be my pleasure. 840 00:53:34,381 --> 00:53:36,657 What the fuck-? Aahh! 841 00:53:36,926 --> 00:53:38,599 You murdered my son! 842 00:53:39,136 --> 00:53:40,888 [BOTH GRUNTING] 843 00:53:43,349 --> 00:53:45,226 [BUZZER SOUNDING] 844 00:53:45,476 --> 00:53:46,955 GUARD: Get the fuck off! 845 00:53:47,478 --> 00:53:48,798 You think I did that? 846 00:53:49,021 --> 00:53:51,297 You're capable of fucking anything! 847 00:53:53,400 --> 00:53:55,471 [INMATES SHOUTING] 848 00:53:56,654 --> 00:53:58,884 [BEECHER AND KELLER YELLING] 849 00:54:01,283 --> 00:54:02,921 You bitch! Aah! 850 00:54:11,502 --> 00:54:13,778 - I'm here for my money. - Pay him. 851 00:54:15,798 --> 00:54:17,835 - You really got a kid with rotten teeth? - Yeah. 852 00:54:18,092 --> 00:54:21,084 You should see her mouth, man. Nothing but decay. 853 00:54:22,054 --> 00:54:23,692 HILL: Genetics... 854 00:54:25,557 --> 00:54:27,230 or environment? 855 00:54:27,977 --> 00:54:31,368 Like in everything else, society searches for 856 00:54:31,689 --> 00:54:34,602 the magic bullet, the easy answer. 857 00:54:34,900 --> 00:54:36,937 Because the more complex the answer is, 858 00:54:37,194 --> 00:54:39,310 the more terrified we become. 859 00:54:39,572 --> 00:54:44,521 Is the root of violence much deeper, much darker? 860 00:54:45,119 --> 00:54:48,635 How about pure evil? 861 00:54:50,541 --> 00:54:53,215 Maybe we human creatures are inherently evil. 862 00:54:53,502 --> 00:54:57,860 Maybe evil is ingrained, imbedded in our souls. 863 00:54:59,300 --> 00:55:03,089 "Flip Wilson used to joke, 'The devil made me do it." 864 00:55:04,138 --> 00:55:05,856 Maybe he was right. 865 00:55:06,766 --> 00:55:08,564 Or maybe not. 866 00:55:12,856 --> 00:55:14,335 Hello, Hank. 867 00:55:14,566 --> 00:55:15,965 Yeah. 868 00:55:16,568 --> 00:55:20,198 Want you to drop off the other package at the grandparents' house. 869 00:55:21,573 --> 00:55:23,007 No. 870 00:55:23,617 --> 00:55:24,846 Alive.