1 00:01:36,960 --> 00:01:40,078 Ask any towheaded schoolboy how many senses we got, 2 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:42,231 and it's likely they're gonna say five. 3 00:01:42,400 --> 00:01:43,834 Five? 4 00:01:44,200 --> 00:01:45,190 You kidding me? 5 00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:48,597 What about my sense of balance, entitlement, fair play? 6 00:01:48,800 --> 00:01:52,316 The problem is five is about the most our tiny little brains can handle. 7 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:55,791 But sometimes we have SO many senses cluttering us up, 8 00:01:55,960 --> 00:01:59,794 so many ways to feel about a thing, we blow a fuse. 9 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:01,832 And what's that lead to? 10 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:04,196 Senseless violence. 11 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:07,233 Yeah. Senseless violence. 12 00:02:07,400 --> 00:02:08,993 It comes in all shapes and colours. 13 00:02:10,000 --> 00:02:12,992 For a second day, riots have rocked the east side of the city, 14 00:02:13,200 --> 00:02:15,077 ignited by Governor Devlin's comment 15 00:02:15,240 --> 00:02:17,390 that he would pardon Mayor Wilson Loewen 16 00:02:17,560 --> 00:02:19,597 if Loewen is convicted for his role 17 00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:24,118 in the 1963 murder of two small African-American girls. 18 00:02:24,280 --> 00:02:27,671 In response to the rioting, city schools and offices are closed. 19 00:02:27,840 --> 00:02:31,117 All state correctional facilities are under tight security. 20 00:02:31,280 --> 00:02:33,590 A verdict is expected sometime this week. 21 00:02:36,200 --> 00:02:37,474 Guard. Guard! 22 00:02:39,920 --> 00:02:41,399 No. 23 00:02:41,560 --> 00:02:43,995 Your father was stabbed with an ice pick. 24 00:02:44,160 --> 00:02:47,391 Once in the back, several times in the stomach. 25 00:02:50,560 --> 00:02:52,995 Who? Who murdered my dad? 26 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:54,195 We're investigating, 27 00:02:54,360 --> 00:02:56,749 searching cells for evidence, for the murder weapon. 28 00:02:58,800 --> 00:03:00,950 Man, this is bullshit. 29 00:03:07,360 --> 00:03:08,634 I wanna go to the funeral. 30 00:03:08,800 --> 00:03:12,077 I'm sorry. We can't permit that. We're in lockdown. 31 00:03:12,240 --> 00:03:13,753 But, warden, 32 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:15,559 my parole hearing is tomorrow, 33 00:03:15,760 --> 00:03:19,116 and there's a fairly good chance that I'm gonna go free anyway. 34 00:03:19,280 --> 00:03:22,272 Because of the riots your hearing's been postponed. 35 00:03:24,960 --> 00:03:27,952 Guess what we found. 36 00:03:28,440 --> 00:03:31,637 But why would Clarence Seroy kill my father? 37 00:03:31,800 --> 00:03:34,235 I don't know Seroy. It makes no sense. 38 00:03:34,400 --> 00:03:37,279 This is Oz, Beecher. Nothing makes sense. 39 00:03:37,640 --> 00:03:40,917 Maybe it's these riots. There's a lot of racial tension out there. 40 00:03:41,080 --> 00:03:43,674 No. More likely, 41 00:03:44,160 --> 00:03:46,037 the Aryans hired Seroy 42 00:03:46,200 --> 00:03:50,353 or planted the ice pick in his cell to throw Glynn off. 43 00:03:50,880 --> 00:03:53,110 This is fucking Schillinger's doing. 44 00:03:53,480 --> 00:03:56,757 Killing Beecher's father, man, what a rush. 45 00:03:56,960 --> 00:03:59,156 Better than a case of Red Bull. 46 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:02,034 The fucking hacks haven't a clue who did the deed. 47 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:05,272 Hey, Clarence. How's it going? 48 00:04:05,440 --> 00:04:07,750 Man, this is bullshit. 49 00:04:08,720 --> 00:04:10,552 They'll never figure out who really did it. 50 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:11,755 Shut the fuck up. 51 00:04:11,920 --> 00:04:16,551 The jury found Mayor Wilson Loewen guilty of murder in the second degree. 52 00:04:16,720 --> 00:04:18,119 Fuck! 53 00:04:22,640 --> 00:04:24,278 I believe that Mayor Loewen is innocent, 54 00:04:24,440 --> 00:04:28,638 and I believe that this trial was a mockery of justice. 55 00:04:29,680 --> 00:04:33,560 However, due to the volatility of this situation, 56 00:04:34,120 --> 00:04:36,270 I will not pardon him. 57 00:04:36,440 --> 00:04:38,636 I won't pardon him yet. 58 00:04:38,800 --> 00:04:41,952 We'll let the smoke clear, wait a few months, 59 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:43,355 and then we'll get him out. 60 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:44,550 Why send him here? 61 00:04:44,760 --> 00:04:48,037 Put Loewen in a nice, cushy minimum-security prison 62 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:49,759 like Hecht or MacArthur. 63 00:04:49,920 --> 00:04:52,719 That won't placate the mob. They want the mayor to suffer. 64 00:04:52,880 --> 00:04:56,430 The most important thing is to keep him safe. 65 00:04:56,760 --> 00:04:59,559 What's the safest place in this charnel house? 66 00:04:59,720 --> 00:05:02,439 Unit J. Primarily, we put bad cops there 67 00:05:02,600 --> 00:05:05,752 so they don't face retaliation by the rest of the community. 68 00:05:05,960 --> 00:05:09,715 - Who's in that cell block now? - Alvin Yood, Tobias Beecher. 69 00:05:10,160 --> 00:05:11,673 Are either of them black? 70 00:05:13,760 --> 00:05:14,795 No. 71 00:05:15,280 --> 00:05:16,953 Okay. 72 00:05:17,720 --> 00:05:19,757 Well, hear this. 73 00:05:20,840 --> 00:05:23,514 Wilson Loewen is my friend. 74 00:05:23,680 --> 00:05:27,310 Anything happens to him, Leo, anything, 75 00:05:27,960 --> 00:05:30,952 1 will burn this building to the ground. 76 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:42,479 Mayor Loewen. 77 00:05:42,640 --> 00:05:44,233 Hello, Leo. 78 00:05:44,400 --> 00:05:47,756 The last time I saw you was at the big fundraiser in Morrisville, 79 00:05:47,920 --> 00:05:50,389 back when you were running for lieutenant governor. 80 00:05:50,560 --> 00:05:52,995 We brought in a shitload of cash that night, huh? 81 00:05:54,960 --> 00:05:56,951 I was disappointed when you dropped out of the race. 82 00:05:57,160 --> 00:05:59,470 I always thought you had the makings of a fine politician. 83 00:06:00,320 --> 00:06:03,790 Look, whatever relationship we may have had in the past, 84 00:06:03,960 --> 00:06:05,553 that's over. 85 00:06:05,720 --> 00:06:07,552 You're my prisoner now. 86 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:10,717 That simple, huh? 87 00:06:10,880 --> 00:06:12,996 Or do you think I actually killed those little girls? 88 00:06:13,160 --> 00:06:15,356 You were found guilty. 89 00:06:15,840 --> 00:06:17,911 Well, as a black man 90 00:06:18,080 --> 00:06:19,798 you ought to know that don't mean dick. 91 00:06:20,160 --> 00:06:22,356 Take His Honour to Unit J. 92 00:06:22,520 --> 00:06:24,318 Thank you, friend. 93 00:06:30,440 --> 00:06:31,919 The streets are once again calm, 94 00:06:32,080 --> 00:06:33,957 though damage to the east side due to the rioting 95 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:36,674 is estimated at $13.7 million. 96 00:06:36,840 --> 00:06:40,720 - Lockdown is over. - About fucking time. 97 00:06:40,880 --> 00:06:42,712 Phelan, where'd they put Wilson Loewen? 98 00:06:42,880 --> 00:06:45,679 Don't know. Probably Unit J. 99 00:06:45,840 --> 00:06:48,673 - J? Shit. - Let me the fuck out. 100 00:06:48,840 --> 00:06:50,638 - Shut up, Cutler. I'm coming. 101 00:06:51,080 --> 00:06:53,117 Beecher's in J. 102 00:06:53,440 --> 00:06:56,353 He'll try to hurt the mayor to get back at me. 103 00:06:57,240 --> 00:06:59,754 I want you to put the word out, Winthrop. I want Beecher to know 104 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:03,197 he better not touch a hair on the old man's head. 105 00:07:06,080 --> 00:07:08,754 We were in the Oval Office, and the President says to me: 106 00:07:08,920 --> 00:07:12,470 "Wilson, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be sitting in this chair." 107 00:07:12,640 --> 00:07:16,759 And he gave me these cufflinks. See? Got the presidential seal on them. 108 00:07:16,920 --> 00:07:20,151 Mr. Mayor, you're the only one I know with a bigger appetite than me. 109 00:07:21,080 --> 00:07:24,436 Appetite. Yeah, for power. 110 00:07:24,600 --> 00:07:25,795 I hear you're not gonna resign. 111 00:07:25,960 --> 00:07:28,076 You're forcing city council to vote you out? 112 00:07:28,240 --> 00:07:30,834 Well, the Honourable James Michael Curley 113 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:33,753 served the good people of Boston while he was incarcerated. 114 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:36,554 Hell, he even won reelection while sitting in stir. 115 00:07:36,760 --> 00:07:38,512 I could do the same thing. The people love me. 116 00:07:38,680 --> 00:07:42,196 - I might run for governor. - Hell, why not run for God? 117 00:07:51,560 --> 00:07:53,312 What the hell? 118 00:08:01,800 --> 00:08:03,234 Jesus. 119 00:08:06,920 --> 00:08:09,560 - How're you doing? Can you talk? - Oh, yeah, I'm all right. 120 00:08:09,720 --> 00:08:12,917 - I just choked on... - Just relax, just relax. 121 00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:15,594 He gave him the Heimlich manoeuvre. 122 00:08:16,360 --> 00:08:20,035 - He what? - Beecher saved Loewen's life. 123 00:08:25,320 --> 00:08:26,640 What does Schillinger want with me? 124 00:08:26,800 --> 00:08:29,679 I think it's better if he tells you himself. 125 00:08:30,920 --> 00:08:33,639 I don't wanna hear more of his lies. This is probably just some trap 126 00:08:33,800 --> 00:08:35,393 to fuck with my parole hearing tomorrow. 127 00:08:35,560 --> 00:08:39,758 I'll admit Schillinger has conned me in the past, same as you, but I... 128 00:08:39,920 --> 00:08:42,070 This time it's different. 129 00:08:46,760 --> 00:08:48,353 Beecher. 130 00:08:49,600 --> 00:08:50,795 What do you want? 131 00:08:52,920 --> 00:08:56,800 Wilson Loewen has always been there for my family, 132 00:08:56,960 --> 00:08:58,473 for me. 133 00:08:59,640 --> 00:09:02,598 When my pop couldn't find work, he gave him a job in the parks. 134 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:05,752 When Martha and I couldn't afford a honeymoon, 135 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:08,275 he gave us airline tickets. 136 00:09:08,880 --> 00:09:12,271 The man is my hero. You saved his life. 137 00:09:12,440 --> 00:09:13,999 I am now indebted to you. 138 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:17,155 So I want you to know 139 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:21,312 that I won't do anything to try and stop your parole. 140 00:09:21,960 --> 00:09:24,474 If you can get out of this fuckhole, 141 00:09:25,920 --> 00:09:27,354 go. 142 00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:33,113 Bullshit. 143 00:09:33,280 --> 00:09:35,794 Whatever you're selling, Vern, I'm not buying. 144 00:09:35,960 --> 00:09:38,031 You grateful to me? 145 00:09:38,440 --> 00:09:41,193 - It's true. - True? 146 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:44,640 I can give you a list as big as my tattooed ass 147 00:09:44,800 --> 00:09:46,791 of things you said were true. 148 00:09:46,960 --> 00:09:48,951 - Do I have to stay here? - No. 149 00:09:50,520 --> 00:09:52,591 Beecher, if my backing off wasn't what you were after, 150 00:09:52,760 --> 00:09:54,797 why'd you save Loewen? 151 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:57,879 Because 152 00:09:58,040 --> 00:10:00,156 I saw a man dying. 153 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:03,399 And my instinct was to save his life, 154 00:10:03,800 --> 00:10:04,915 my gut instinct. 155 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:07,475 After all these years in Oz, 156 00:10:07,640 --> 00:10:09,358 I still have that instinct. 157 00:10:09,560 --> 00:10:12,313 That's something you don't know shit about. 158 00:10:14,600 --> 00:10:17,558 Due to recent circumstances, the death of your father, 159 00:10:17,720 --> 00:10:19,552 your saving a fellow inmate's life, 160 00:10:19,760 --> 00:10:22,559 as well as your continued outstanding behaviour, 161 00:10:22,720 --> 00:10:27,078 the board has decided to grant you parole. 162 00:10:28,360 --> 00:10:30,271 You're a free man, Mr. Beecher. 163 00:10:30,680 --> 00:10:31,954 The processing takes a few days, 164 00:10:32,160 --> 00:10:36,597 but for all intents and purposes, you are free. 165 00:10:41,320 --> 00:10:43,550 - Thank you. - Good luck. 166 00:10:55,560 --> 00:10:58,200 Pinch me, Sister. I'm dreaming again. 167 00:10:58,520 --> 00:11:03,071 No, Tobias. You are not dreaming. 168 00:11:04,600 --> 00:11:06,876 - Oh, my goodness. - Holy fucking Christ. 169 00:11:07,040 --> 00:11:09,190 Oh, my God! 170 00:11:10,840 --> 00:11:12,399 Oh, my God. 171 00:11:15,640 --> 00:11:18,439 Yo, Lopresti. My lawyer was supposed to be here an hour ago. 172 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:20,637 Can you call down and find out what's going on? 173 00:11:20,800 --> 00:11:21,870 You haven't heard? 174 00:11:23,640 --> 00:11:27,076 - Heard what? - I got good news, and I got bad news. 175 00:11:27,240 --> 00:11:30,119 The bad news is Beecher's father's dead. 176 00:11:31,680 --> 00:11:33,114 No. 177 00:11:33,280 --> 00:11:37,160 The day we went into lockdown, murdered right down the hall. 178 00:11:37,720 --> 00:11:39,711 I guess that puts a kink in your appeal. 179 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:45,474 What's the good news? 180 00:11:45,640 --> 00:11:46,789 Your girlfriend got paroled. 181 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:50,399 That's right. 182 00:11:50,560 --> 00:11:51,630 Beecher's going home. 183 00:11:52,880 --> 00:11:56,236 And from what I hear, he's in such a hurry to leave, 184 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:59,950 he won't even have time to come say bye-bye. 185 00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:12,439 You know, they say 186 00:12:12,600 --> 00:12:14,238 when one of your senses fails, 187 00:12:14,400 --> 00:12:17,074 the other ones compensate by getting stronger. 188 00:12:17,240 --> 00:12:21,313 Like if you go blind, your hearing suddenly perks up. 189 00:12:21,480 --> 00:12:24,393 Can't smell? Your taste buds bloom. 190 00:12:24,560 --> 00:12:27,200 So, what happens if you lost them all, 191 00:12:27,360 --> 00:12:30,239 if things no longer make any sense? 192 00:12:30,400 --> 00:12:34,792 You've got to rely on others to get you through the day. 193 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:39,437 And in Oz that could be dangerous. 194 00:12:39,600 --> 00:12:42,718 - Rise and shine, you little fucks! - Come on, come on. 195 00:12:42,880 --> 00:12:44,393 Get up. 196 00:12:44,560 --> 00:12:47,279 - I can't, I'm sick. - Bullshit. 197 00:12:47,440 --> 00:12:49,670 If you think you're taking a siesta in the hospital 198 00:12:49,840 --> 00:12:53,071 just because White did, you're in for a rude awakening. 199 00:12:53,240 --> 00:12:56,312 Now get the fuck up. 200 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:04,116 - Jesus. - Claire. 201 00:13:04,280 --> 00:13:05,759 We got a problem over here. 202 00:13:06,560 --> 00:13:10,110 What the fuck is this, Ebola? 203 00:13:12,680 --> 00:13:14,751 Fuck you, Martinez. 204 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:18,394 Yeah, yeah, yeah. "Cha-cha-cha" yourself, Carlos. 205 00:13:18,560 --> 00:13:19,595 Fuck you, all right? 206 00:13:19,760 --> 00:13:23,116 You better calm down, Mr. Martinez, or I will put you in restraints. 207 00:13:23,280 --> 00:13:25,556 What is he, the nurse's pet? 208 00:13:27,080 --> 00:13:29,515 Glynn. Nathan won't give me more painkillers. 209 00:13:29,680 --> 00:13:32,479 So? Call the AMA. 210 00:13:37,640 --> 00:13:39,358 What's the emergency? 211 00:13:39,520 --> 00:13:42,956 Penders, White and Martinez have methylene-chloride poisoning. 212 00:13:43,160 --> 00:13:46,232 - Did someone poison them? - Not someone, us. 213 00:13:46,400 --> 00:13:49,199 - What? - Oz, itself. 214 00:13:49,360 --> 00:13:52,637 Methylene chloride's found in aerosols, paint removers, 215 00:13:52,800 --> 00:13:55,394 metal-cleaning products, polyurethane. 216 00:13:55,560 --> 00:13:58,359 Basically everything that was used to rebuild this place. 217 00:13:58,520 --> 00:14:00,079 And guess where all the residue settled. 218 00:14:00,680 --> 00:14:03,433 In solitary. Shit. 219 00:14:03,600 --> 00:14:05,955 So, what's the prognosis? 220 00:14:06,160 --> 00:14:07,195 Well, when caught early, 221 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:10,916 treatable respiratory and gastric problems. 222 00:14:11,080 --> 00:14:14,835 But these guys, it's all they've been breathing in 24 hours a day. 223 00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:19,392 Martinez's liver is shot. Penders and White have lung damage, 224 00:14:19,560 --> 00:14:22,393 I mean, to say nothing of the neurophysiological effects. 225 00:14:22,840 --> 00:14:24,478 These guys are gonna get crazy? 226 00:14:24,640 --> 00:14:26,438 Or it may make them sane. 227 00:14:26,600 --> 00:14:29,194 But Martinez needs treatment I can't provide. 228 00:14:29,400 --> 00:14:31,152 I'd like to send them to Benchley Memorial. 229 00:14:38,240 --> 00:14:40,675 - No. - Well, he'll get better care. 230 00:14:41,320 --> 00:14:43,834 For the moment, let's keep this close to home. 231 00:14:44,600 --> 00:14:45,874 - Leo. - I don't think we need 232 00:14:46,040 --> 00:14:48,839 to spread the word just yet that Oz is toxic. 233 00:14:49,000 --> 00:14:52,118 - Well, then I wanna go on record. - You're a good doctor, Gloria. 234 00:14:52,280 --> 00:14:54,430 You saved Pancamo after he caught a staph infection. 235 00:14:54,600 --> 00:14:57,399 We didn't go public with that, did we? 236 00:14:58,400 --> 00:15:01,677 I have faith that you'll pull these guys through too. 237 00:15:26,480 --> 00:15:28,437 - Don't you knock? - Sorry. 238 00:15:28,600 --> 00:15:31,797 Didn't think you'd be doing anything that needed knocking. 239 00:15:31,960 --> 00:15:34,110 I'm here to transfer Martinez back to solitary. 240 00:15:34,280 --> 00:15:35,315 He's not going back. 241 00:15:35,480 --> 00:15:37,391 - That's what the paperwork says. - 1 don't care. 242 00:15:37,600 --> 00:15:41,719 Unless you get Glynn to tell me different, Martinez is going. 243 00:15:41,880 --> 00:15:43,598 I'll be right back. 244 00:15:44,800 --> 00:15:46,632 Excuse me. 245 00:15:53,920 --> 00:15:55,399 So. 246 00:15:56,280 --> 00:15:58,874 What ails you, Martinez, huh? 247 00:15:59,160 --> 00:16:00,480 You gonna die? 248 00:16:02,360 --> 00:16:06,069 Oh, I love it when you go all silent on me. 249 00:16:06,240 --> 00:16:08,516 But I don't want you to die, 250 00:16:08,680 --> 00:16:11,877 at least not till you tell me who paid you to cut my tendon. 251 00:16:13,520 --> 00:16:15,193 And you will tell me, Carlos, 252 00:16:15,360 --> 00:16:18,318 because I have friends in solitary. When you get back, they're gonna-- 253 00:16:18,520 --> 00:16:22,229 I have the warden on the phone in my office, Line 3. 254 00:16:29,600 --> 00:16:31,750 Hey. Hey. 255 00:16:31,920 --> 00:16:35,117 You two make a really cute pair. 256 00:16:40,080 --> 00:16:44,517 Jackhammer Miss Sally style. And side, and side, and three. 257 00:16:44,680 --> 00:16:46,557 Add more and do-si-do, and four and five, 258 00:16:46,720 --> 00:16:48,870 and side, and two and three. 259 00:16:49,080 --> 00:16:50,718 This is the best Miss Sally ever. 260 00:16:50,880 --> 00:16:52,757 And jump it out, and work those legs... 261 00:16:52,920 --> 00:16:55,480 Officer Murphy. I got an ask. 262 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:59,110 - I'm in no mood to be tender, Morales. - I wanna shift jobs. 263 00:16:59,280 --> 00:17:02,511 I've been working at mechanical since I got to Oz. I need a change. 264 00:17:02,680 --> 00:17:04,830 - To where? - I'm thinking hospital. 265 00:17:05,000 --> 00:17:08,152 I got a couple pals who are orderlies. I thought maybe I could do some good. 266 00:17:08,320 --> 00:17:10,311 Some good for yourself, you mean. 267 00:17:10,520 --> 00:17:12,113 What do you think, I'm an idiot? 268 00:17:12,280 --> 00:17:13,600 Your pal Martinez is in the ward, 269 00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:16,115 recuperating from something he caught in solitary. 270 00:17:16,280 --> 00:17:18,590 Carlos is in the hospital? I didn't know that. 271 00:17:19,600 --> 00:17:21,671 I made it a priority of mine to keep you and Martinez 272 00:17:21,840 --> 00:17:23,638 as far away from each other as possible. 273 00:17:23,800 --> 00:17:25,473 That is, until Martinez admits 274 00:17:25,640 --> 00:17:27,438 that you ordered him to attack Dave Brass. 275 00:17:27,600 --> 00:17:28,715 That old song of yours again? 276 00:17:28,880 --> 00:17:30,712 Yeah, and when he does, you're doing down. 277 00:17:30,880 --> 00:17:33,838 You're going down, down, down to the lowest pit with no bottom. 278 00:17:34,000 --> 00:17:36,150 Fine, I'll just ask McManus for the transfer. 279 00:17:36,320 --> 00:17:37,390 - You go do that. - I will. 280 00:17:37,560 --> 00:17:39,790 - Yeah. Bye. - Yeah. Bye. 281 00:17:46,880 --> 00:17:49,190 What if Martinez jabbers on me? 282 00:17:49,360 --> 00:17:52,079 He hasn't yet. He never will. 283 00:17:52,240 --> 00:17:55,392 Well, "now" and "never” is not the same thing, Chico. 284 00:17:56,040 --> 00:17:58,680 Being in solitary can wear a man down. 285 00:17:59,320 --> 00:18:01,516 And if Carlos is sick, 286 00:18:01,920 --> 00:18:04,639 the hacks will withhold the medicines until he turns. 287 00:18:04,960 --> 00:18:06,553 What could we do? 288 00:18:08,000 --> 00:18:09,434 Kill him. 289 00:18:10,160 --> 00:18:12,310 Enrique, no, he's one of us. 290 00:18:12,480 --> 00:18:13,879 Yeah, 291 00:18:14,040 --> 00:18:15,394 but for how long? 292 00:18:15,560 --> 00:18:16,880 Lights out. 293 00:18:20,320 --> 00:18:23,073 A lot of times when a woman gets pregnant, 294 00:18:23,240 --> 00:18:25,914 her sense of smell changes for the worse. 295 00:18:26,120 --> 00:18:29,317 Suddenly, roses are putrid. 296 00:18:29,480 --> 00:18:31,232 And freshly baked bread, 297 00:18:31,400 --> 00:18:33,437 jeez, it's more like ammonia. 298 00:18:33,600 --> 00:18:35,876 Epileptics got something similar. 299 00:18:36,080 --> 00:18:39,277 They can often tell when they're about to do a backflip, 300 00:18:39,440 --> 00:18:42,034 because they start to smell things that aren't there. 301 00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:46,637 So at least they got a chance to sit down before the seizure hits. 302 00:18:47,160 --> 00:18:49,117 With pregnancy and epilepsy, 303 00:18:49,320 --> 00:18:53,029 you've got a pretty good sense of impending doom. 304 00:18:53,600 --> 00:18:56,831 Too bad we've got no sense of how to avoid it. 305 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:07,676 - I'm here to work, Stella. - Hi, Robert. Give me a hand? 306 00:19:08,960 --> 00:19:11,952 I need you to take the book cart around today. 307 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:16,116 - William Blake. - That's right. 308 00:19:16,320 --> 00:19:17,515 It's the cover to 309 00:19:17,720 --> 00:19:19,916 - Songs of Experience. - Songs of Experience. 310 00:19:22,520 --> 00:19:25,717 I never expected to find a Blake fan in here. 311 00:19:26,240 --> 00:19:28,880 I'm sorry, I have to ask: Why are you here? 312 00:19:29,040 --> 00:19:32,158 Why would you work in Oz as opposed to some city library 313 00:19:32,320 --> 00:19:34,834 where you wouldn't be surprised to find a Blake fan? 314 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:40,635 Well, one day about a year ago, I was home taking a shower 315 00:19:40,800 --> 00:19:42,279 and I heard a noise. 316 00:19:42,440 --> 00:19:43,589 I came out of the bathroom, 317 00:19:43,760 --> 00:19:46,639 and there was this kid standing in the hallway 318 00:19:46,800 --> 00:19:49,394 with my DVD player. 319 00:19:50,760 --> 00:19:53,513 There I am, au naturel, 320 00:19:53,680 --> 00:19:57,435 and though I consider my body a beautiful sight, 321 00:19:57,600 --> 00:19:59,511 the kid freaks and jumps out the window. 322 00:19:59,680 --> 00:20:01,637 He twists his ankle. 323 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:03,473 Couple minutes later, the police pick him up. 324 00:20:03,640 --> 00:20:06,712 It seems he's robbed other people as well. 325 00:20:06,880 --> 00:20:11,750 So I go downtown to testify at some pretrial thing, 326 00:20:12,640 --> 00:20:16,554 and there's the kid, Germaine, 327 00:20:16,720 --> 00:20:19,997 so small, so sweet, sitting next to his mother. 328 00:20:20,200 --> 00:20:22,555 I think, "He's going to jail." 329 00:20:22,720 --> 00:20:26,679 Then I think, "Christ, he can have my DVD player." 330 00:20:26,840 --> 00:20:32,040 - You could have dropped the charges. - 1 did, but everyone else held firm. 331 00:20:32,240 --> 00:20:34,231 I went and visited Germaine at juvenile detention, 332 00:20:34,440 --> 00:20:36,431 and I said to him, "Why aren't you in school?" 333 00:20:36,640 --> 00:20:39,359 - And you know what he told me? - He couldn't read. 334 00:20:40,600 --> 00:20:42,477 It broke my heart. 335 00:20:43,840 --> 00:20:49,677 I went to Plymouth House every week and taught him, 336 00:20:52,120 --> 00:20:54,077 and he took to words like a plant to rain. 337 00:20:54,240 --> 00:20:57,995 His mind was so sharp, so alive, so thirsty. 338 00:20:58,200 --> 00:20:59,429 That's wonderful. 339 00:21:00,280 --> 00:21:02,999 He got stabbed and died. 340 00:21:05,680 --> 00:21:08,752 And even though I knew there were others like him in Plymouth, 341 00:21:08,920 --> 00:21:10,797 I couldn't go back. 342 00:21:13,000 --> 00:21:16,038 I also knew I couldn't stop what I'd started. 343 00:21:16,240 --> 00:21:17,639 So... 344 00:21:19,680 --> 00:21:23,036 You came to a place filled with old books and bad attitudes. 345 00:21:23,920 --> 00:21:26,992 The truth is, Robert, every book on these shelves is new 346 00:21:27,200 --> 00:21:28,838 to someone who hasn't read it. 347 00:21:30,960 --> 00:21:32,712 You know, Blake, he said: 348 00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:36,510 "There is a moment in each day that Satan cannot find." 349 00:21:36,680 --> 00:21:38,273 That's right. 350 00:21:38,440 --> 00:21:40,113 You know what my ultimate goal is? 351 00:21:40,880 --> 00:21:45,033 To make that moment last a lifetime. 352 00:21:57,920 --> 00:22:00,673 Hey, Rebadow, man, I'll take a novel. 353 00:22:01,440 --> 00:22:03,238 - Which one? - 1 don't know. 354 00:22:03,440 --> 00:22:06,751 A long one. I'm out of toilet paper. 355 00:22:10,360 --> 00:22:13,113 Hey. Agamemnon? 356 00:22:13,280 --> 00:22:14,509 Recommend something? 357 00:22:14,680 --> 00:22:16,956 You got any pop-up books? I love pop-up books. 358 00:22:17,120 --> 00:22:19,077 - No. - Then I'm not interested. 359 00:22:19,240 --> 00:22:21,356 Reading confuses me. 360 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:26,354 Agamemnon. 361 00:22:26,520 --> 00:22:28,397 I know what you're gonna ask. The answer is no. 362 00:22:28,560 --> 00:22:30,437 Come on. 363 00:22:30,640 --> 00:22:33,234 This is the third straight visiting day Norma's come. 364 00:22:33,440 --> 00:22:34,714 Then tell her to stop. 365 00:22:35,240 --> 00:22:37,629 I got nothing to say to the woman who left me at the altar 366 00:22:37,840 --> 00:22:39,956 and then, wham, boom, shows up a couple of months later 367 00:22:40,120 --> 00:22:41,554 carrying some other Joe's child. 368 00:22:41,720 --> 00:22:44,519 Don't you even wanna know if she's doing okay, if the child is? 369 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:47,197 Well, I'm assuming they are. 370 00:22:47,360 --> 00:22:49,271 Fine, assume away. 371 00:22:50,760 --> 00:22:52,034 Why, is there something wrong? 372 00:22:54,600 --> 00:22:57,353 Stop yanking my chain, McManus. Is Norma all right? 373 00:22:57,880 --> 00:22:59,678 Ask her yourself. 374 00:23:05,400 --> 00:23:09,234 - So Norma was here again today? - So we're both in prison? 375 00:23:09,720 --> 00:23:11,279 Excuse me? 376 00:23:11,440 --> 00:23:13,158 I'm sorry. I thought we were asking questions 377 00:23:13,360 --> 00:23:15,158 that we already knew the answers to. 378 00:23:15,320 --> 00:23:17,311 I think you should see her. 379 00:23:18,240 --> 00:23:19,913 I was talking to Stella about it and-- 380 00:23:20,120 --> 00:23:22,634 What's Stella have to do with anything? 381 00:23:22,960 --> 00:23:24,553 She's a very smart woman. 382 00:23:24,720 --> 00:23:27,553 She reminded me of a Blake passage: 383 00:23:27,760 --> 00:23:31,754 Some are born to sweet delight, Some are born to endless night 384 00:23:31,920 --> 00:23:34,560 Oh, I get it, I get it. You're sweet. I'm endless. 385 00:23:35,000 --> 00:23:36,274 No, that's not my point at all. 386 00:23:36,440 --> 00:23:39,751 What Blake is saying is that every day you're born 387 00:23:39,920 --> 00:23:41,752 and it's your choice. 388 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:45,754 See? This is why I like pop-up books. 389 00:23:50,080 --> 00:23:53,311 There's a condition called synesthesia. 390 00:23:53,480 --> 00:23:57,360 It makes you associate letters with colours, 391 00:23:57,560 --> 00:23:59,471 sounds with touch. 392 00:23:59,840 --> 00:24:01,717 Imagine reading a book 393 00:24:01,880 --> 00:24:07,478 and being constantly awash in a cascade of green and purple, 394 00:24:07,640 --> 00:24:09,472 or hearing a guitar chord 395 00:24:09,640 --> 00:24:13,759 and feeling it like your lover's lips against your neck. 396 00:24:14,160 --> 00:24:16,913 Why they call it a condition I'll never know. 397 00:24:17,120 --> 00:24:19,760 It sounds more like a blessing. 398 00:24:20,360 --> 00:24:22,158 And just goes to prove 399 00:24:22,320 --> 00:24:28,157 that even the most basic reality is totally different for each of us. 400 00:24:30,920 --> 00:24:32,433 Belial. 401 00:24:32,600 --> 00:24:35,160 Bring back the spirits of those who have gone before, 402 00:24:36,080 --> 00:24:38,151 those dark and troublesome souls 403 00:24:38,320 --> 00:24:40,550 that spent the last hours of their lives on death row. 404 00:24:40,760 --> 00:24:42,956 Kirk, you scum fuck, quit that shit. 405 00:24:43,160 --> 00:24:45,390 Praise hell. Praise Satan. 406 00:24:49,560 --> 00:24:51,358 Oh, Mukada. 407 00:24:51,520 --> 00:24:53,750 You gotta get Kirk to stop. He's driving me fucking crazy. 408 00:24:53,920 --> 00:24:56,434 Believe me, that's why I'm here. 409 00:24:58,160 --> 00:25:01,118 Somehow I knew we'd meet again. 410 00:25:01,280 --> 00:25:04,557 You wrote a letter to the cardinal claiming that I sexually abused you. 411 00:25:04,720 --> 00:25:07,030 You touched my penis. 412 00:25:07,200 --> 00:25:08,679 You licked my ear. 413 00:25:08,840 --> 00:25:09,875 That's a lie. 414 00:25:10,040 --> 00:25:14,079 I have a meeting later this week with the archdiocese and the cops. 415 00:25:14,480 --> 00:25:18,155 I'm gonna tell them all the "sin-sational" details. 416 00:25:18,320 --> 00:25:20,038 By lying, 417 00:25:20,200 --> 00:25:21,759 you tarnish the legitimate grievances 418 00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:24,070 of the men and boys who have been abused by the clergy, 419 00:25:24,240 --> 00:25:26,117 and you do harm to the many priests 420 00:25:26,280 --> 00:25:28,191 who have lived celibate and spiritual lives. 421 00:25:28,360 --> 00:25:29,395 According to Nostradamus, 422 00:25:29,560 --> 00:25:31,631 the Roman Church is almost ready to fall. 423 00:25:32,080 --> 00:25:34,754 - I want you to tell the truth. - Let me at him. 424 00:25:34,920 --> 00:25:36,991 I'll squeeze the truth out of his scrawny little neck. 425 00:25:37,360 --> 00:25:40,591 Hoyt, you'd think by now you'd realise that's not the answer. 426 00:25:40,760 --> 00:25:43,195 He's gonna die anyway. What's the difference how? 427 00:25:43,760 --> 00:25:47,640 You asked me to perform an exorcism to free you from the devil's hold. 428 00:25:47,800 --> 00:25:50,713 I don't know how to do that, but I've contacted an expert who's a priest-- 429 00:25:50,880 --> 00:25:53,520 Too late, Mukada, as always. 430 00:25:53,680 --> 00:25:55,671 Too late. 431 00:25:58,560 --> 00:26:00,710 When I am executed, 432 00:26:01,560 --> 00:26:03,915 you will be stripped of your ministry, 433 00:26:04,120 --> 00:26:07,192 you will be abandoned by Holy Mother Church, 434 00:26:07,360 --> 00:26:08,919 and you will spend the rest of your days 435 00:26:09,080 --> 00:26:12,755 wandering aimlessly and without hope. 436 00:26:16,040 --> 00:26:17,758 In death, 437 00:26:18,360 --> 00:26:20,510 1 will be triumphant. 438 00:26:49,840 --> 00:26:53,799 - A fashion layout? - Yes. 439 00:26:54,200 --> 00:26:57,158 - With the prisoners on death row? - Yes. 440 00:26:57,360 --> 00:27:00,478 - In Maxim magazine? - Yes. 441 00:27:01,960 --> 00:27:04,110 And why do you think this is such a good idea? 442 00:27:04,280 --> 00:27:06,840 The governor's press secretary believes a photo op 443 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:09,560 will give a positive spin to the prison system. 444 00:27:10,440 --> 00:27:13,353 It seems, I don't know, 445 00:27:13,560 --> 00:27:15,153 unethical. 446 00:27:15,560 --> 00:27:19,713 Or for the boys on death row, a last hurrah. 447 00:27:21,160 --> 00:27:23,356 The thing is gonna work like so. 448 00:27:23,560 --> 00:27:26,837 Each of you clowns is gonna be photographed individually 449 00:27:27,000 --> 00:27:30,152 in various sets of clothes, 450 00:27:30,560 --> 00:27:32,437 and then a group shot. Questions? 451 00:27:32,600 --> 00:27:34,238 Yeah, when's the magazine come out? 452 00:27:34,400 --> 00:27:35,913 January. 453 00:27:36,080 --> 00:27:40,358 Oh, good, I'll be able to see it. My execution isn't until April. 454 00:27:40,560 --> 00:27:41,834 Great. 455 00:27:44,920 --> 00:27:47,719 Okay, good. Let's see a little smile. 456 00:27:50,320 --> 00:27:52,118 Okay, good. 457 00:27:52,280 --> 00:27:54,669 - That's good. - Hey, ladies. 458 00:27:56,560 --> 00:28:00,110 - Okay, big smile. - Jericho can smile. 459 00:28:01,000 --> 00:28:02,638 That's good. 460 00:28:02,800 --> 00:28:04,632 I need to change the flash tube in that lamp. 461 00:28:04,800 --> 00:28:07,314 Okay. Great. 462 00:28:09,800 --> 00:28:11,234 Let's get this over with. 463 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:12,799 Okay, we're ready for the group shot. 464 00:28:18,800 --> 00:28:20,916 Let me get you right behind him. 465 00:28:21,080 --> 00:28:23,151 And let's have you in the back. 466 00:28:24,480 --> 00:28:26,790 Let's get you behind them also. 467 00:28:27,760 --> 00:28:29,637 You and me, Jazbo, 468 00:28:29,800 --> 00:28:31,916 captured on film for posterity. 469 00:28:32,080 --> 00:28:35,994 Okay, great, guys. That's good. And look butch. 470 00:28:40,160 --> 00:28:41,673 - Oh, fuck. - Shit. 471 00:28:45,960 --> 00:28:49,157 This time you die, motherfucker! 472 00:29:07,240 --> 00:29:10,039 I just got a call from the vicar general. 473 00:29:10,760 --> 00:29:13,673 Because Kirk is dead, Monsignor Slon has convinced the police 474 00:29:13,840 --> 00:29:15,831 to drop the investigation against me. 475 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:20,071 - You're back. - Yes. 476 00:29:21,760 --> 00:29:23,433 My prayers have been answered. 477 00:29:25,760 --> 00:29:27,194 Pete. 478 00:29:29,800 --> 00:29:32,235 I prayed for Kirk to die. 479 00:29:52,520 --> 00:29:54,557 I just finished reading Augustus Hill's memoirs. 480 00:29:55,760 --> 00:29:56,875 It's remarkable, isn't it? 481 00:29:57,040 --> 00:30:00,635 You know, the way that he describes people and the way things work, 482 00:30:00,800 --> 00:30:03,076 it's the best book about prison life I've read in years. 483 00:30:03,240 --> 00:30:04,594 I completely agree. 484 00:30:04,760 --> 00:30:06,831 Yeah, so, what do we do with it? 485 00:30:09,280 --> 00:30:13,399 I've just taken the liberty of sending the pages along to my publisher. 486 00:30:14,760 --> 00:30:16,558 He wants to publish. 487 00:30:17,600 --> 00:30:19,591 That's terrific. 488 00:30:19,760 --> 00:30:20,989 Have you told Redding about it? 489 00:30:24,280 --> 00:30:26,237 I tried. 490 00:30:28,160 --> 00:30:29,355 He didn't seem to hear me. 491 00:30:37,800 --> 00:30:39,154 Fuck. 492 00:30:39,560 --> 00:30:44,111 There he goes again, going around in circles. 493 00:30:44,840 --> 00:30:46,831 Hey, yo, Burr, man, you gonna be done soon? 494 00:30:47,000 --> 00:30:49,071 We trying to ball. 495 00:30:51,360 --> 00:30:56,275 Great. Not only ain't he focused on business, he going deaf too. 496 00:30:58,240 --> 00:31:00,356 I'm telling you, man. 497 00:31:00,680 --> 00:31:03,399 That old motherfucker's done. 498 00:31:03,560 --> 00:31:06,951 We need young blood to run the tribe. 499 00:31:07,160 --> 00:31:08,878 You, man. 500 00:31:09,920 --> 00:31:11,957 I ain't no number one, yo. 501 00:31:12,120 --> 00:31:14,794 I already tried it on, and the shoe does not fit. 502 00:31:14,960 --> 00:31:16,678 Then who? 503 00:31:17,520 --> 00:31:20,876 Till we figure that out, bro, we stuck with old Burr here. 504 00:31:30,760 --> 00:31:33,991 Oh, yes. 505 00:31:35,920 --> 00:31:37,831 Yes. 506 00:31:39,040 --> 00:31:40,633 In these tough times, 507 00:31:40,800 --> 00:31:43,189 it's essential for the state government 508 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:48,070 to work hand in hand with business to create new economic opportunities. 509 00:31:48,240 --> 00:31:51,278 Today I am pleased to announce 510 00:31:51,440 --> 00:31:57,914 that privately owned enterprises will be set up inside our penitentiaries, 511 00:31:58,080 --> 00:32:02,517 employing prisoners full-time on a merit basis. 512 00:32:02,680 --> 00:32:06,958 The first programmes will be set up in the Oswald 513 00:32:07,160 --> 00:32:10,357 and Parker Women's Correctional Facilities. 514 00:32:10,560 --> 00:32:12,915 Oh, shit. 515 00:32:13,880 --> 00:32:15,553 Said. 516 00:32:16,160 --> 00:32:18,834 I've been thinking about what you said, 517 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:22,194 how I'm a leader who does not truly lead. 518 00:32:23,160 --> 00:32:26,755 I've been dwelling on all the shit that I done caused. 519 00:32:27,560 --> 00:32:29,631 I got Augustus killed. 520 00:32:29,800 --> 00:32:32,792 I got young boys out there slinging tits. 521 00:32:32,960 --> 00:32:36,669 Well, I can't do it anymore, and I won't let them do it either. 522 00:32:37,960 --> 00:32:39,359 I'm very happy to hear that. 523 00:32:40,400 --> 00:32:42,550 I got this idea, 524 00:32:43,000 --> 00:32:45,958 but I need to talk to McManus upstairs. 525 00:32:46,120 --> 00:32:49,192 But Burr Redding, he ain't got much credibility anymore. 526 00:32:49,360 --> 00:32:51,749 Well, what do you want me to do, go see him for you? 527 00:32:51,960 --> 00:32:54,474 I want you to be there with me. 528 00:32:54,960 --> 00:32:57,110 Your presence is gonna give me voice. 529 00:32:59,360 --> 00:33:00,759 Okay. 530 00:33:01,280 --> 00:33:02,315 But what's your idea? 531 00:33:02,480 --> 00:33:04,676 Well, in order to get my boys to stop selling them tits, 532 00:33:04,840 --> 00:33:07,150 I gotta give them an alternative. 533 00:33:09,600 --> 00:33:10,954 We're gonna get real jobs. 534 00:33:12,520 --> 00:33:14,511 The young lady at the other end of the table 535 00:33:14,680 --> 00:33:16,159 is Donna Degenhart. 536 00:33:16,360 --> 00:33:20,194 She's the owner of this new enterprise in Oz. Donna? 537 00:33:20,360 --> 00:33:23,955 Thanks to all of you in advance for helping me create my company. 538 00:33:24,440 --> 00:33:27,080 - What exactly is your company? - Telemarketing. 539 00:33:27,240 --> 00:33:30,437 I'll hire inmates to man phone banks and control databases 540 00:33:30,600 --> 00:33:32,113 for businesses on the outside. 541 00:33:32,280 --> 00:33:33,634 Like who? 542 00:33:33,800 --> 00:33:36,918 Long-distance providers, public-opinion pollsters, 543 00:33:37,080 --> 00:33:39,959 charities, airline reservations. You name it. 544 00:33:40,120 --> 00:33:43,272 You do this, what happens to Kentwell Communications? 545 00:33:43,440 --> 00:33:45,397 - I'm sorry? - The telemarketing company 546 00:33:45,560 --> 00:33:46,709 that's already in town. 547 00:33:46,880 --> 00:33:48,712 Well, we're not putting anyone out of business. 548 00:33:48,880 --> 00:33:50,359 The market can bear two companies. 549 00:33:50,520 --> 00:33:54,150 And you know this through your extensive experience? 550 00:33:54,360 --> 00:33:58,149 I know this because 36 other states have implemented similar programmes, 551 00:33:58,320 --> 00:33:59,594 and the benefits inside 552 00:33:59,760 --> 00:34:04,277 far outweigh any small complications that may arise outside. 553 00:34:04,680 --> 00:34:08,560 Oh, gee. Seems I hear that every time we kick-start something. 554 00:34:09,040 --> 00:34:11,350 And how often does that work out for us? 555 00:34:11,560 --> 00:34:14,712 For chrissakes. What, do you got stock in Kentwell Communications? 556 00:34:14,880 --> 00:34:17,998 No, a brother. 557 00:34:23,360 --> 00:34:26,830 We wanna get involved in this new business that's coming in. 558 00:34:27,000 --> 00:34:30,118 So fill out an application. 559 00:34:31,080 --> 00:34:34,072 Well, we was thinking about something a little more proactive. 560 00:34:34,280 --> 00:34:37,159 Proactive? What, have you been coaching him? 561 00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:38,799 McManus. 562 00:34:38,960 --> 00:34:41,998 I know what you suspect me of doing inside these walls, 563 00:34:42,160 --> 00:34:43,514 and if you believe your suspicions, 564 00:34:43,680 --> 00:34:46,957 you gotta admit I run a business better than most. 565 00:34:48,080 --> 00:34:51,072 - So you'd both serve as foremen? - Exactly. 566 00:34:51,240 --> 00:34:53,800 You know, see, I really don't have the money in my budget 567 00:34:53,960 --> 00:34:55,189 for two positions. 568 00:34:55,360 --> 00:34:58,591 Well, Ms. Degenhart, that brings me to a question that I have. 569 00:34:58,760 --> 00:35:01,036 Your employees, 570 00:35:01,480 --> 00:35:02,629 they make minimum wage? 571 00:35:02,800 --> 00:35:05,076 No. No, not even close. 572 00:35:05,280 --> 00:35:06,600 So they make a pittance. 573 00:35:07,480 --> 00:35:09,551 Well, I mean no disrespect, Minister Said, 574 00:35:09,720 --> 00:35:13,315 when I say it's honest people who deserve an honest wage. 575 00:35:13,880 --> 00:35:16,474 Besides, Said, this is more than the $2.50 a week 576 00:35:16,680 --> 00:35:18,876 you're currently making and receiving at discharge. 577 00:35:19,080 --> 00:35:20,753 That's like telling a slave it's not all bad 578 00:35:20,920 --> 00:35:22,797 because he gets to work with his family, 579 00:35:22,960 --> 00:35:24,280 inside the master's house. 580 00:35:24,440 --> 00:35:27,592 Oh, come on, the woman just trying to get the operation off the ground. 581 00:35:27,760 --> 00:35:28,795 At whose expense? 582 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:31,679 Look, I have no intention of exploiting anyone. 583 00:35:32,320 --> 00:35:34,072 Sometimes that just comes naturally. 584 00:35:35,080 --> 00:35:40,314 Sadly, the thing about business at its core, it is always just business. 585 00:35:41,520 --> 00:35:43,397 I've decided 586 00:35:44,120 --> 00:35:45,838 the Muslims 587 00:35:46,120 --> 00:35:48,157 will not participate. 588 00:35:50,880 --> 00:35:52,518 Excuse me. 589 00:35:57,400 --> 00:36:00,233 Well, ain't but one thing I got to say: 590 00:36:01,480 --> 00:36:02,879 Fuck him. 591 00:36:03,080 --> 00:36:05,674 I'll work for nothing until you hit your profit's bull's-eye. 592 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:10,833 Well, my foreman. 593 00:36:11,000 --> 00:36:12,593 Yes. 594 00:36:13,080 --> 00:36:18,632 "And life to me is about living, feelings and all and trying not to fall 595 00:36:18,800 --> 00:36:21,030 into them hard places inside you 596 00:36:21,200 --> 00:36:23,760 created by them hard places around you. 597 00:36:23,920 --> 00:36:25,558 It's a I-don't-give-a-fuck song, 598 00:36:25,720 --> 00:36:28,599 set to the tune of the bullshit that bore you. 599 00:36:28,760 --> 00:36:33,596 The place between dreams is a situation signifying nothing. 600 00:36:33,960 --> 00:36:38,875 So to me, I'm just fixing my mind to just enjoy the dream, 601 00:36:39,040 --> 00:36:43,511 because everything else when I ain't asleep is grey. 602 00:36:43,680 --> 00:36:47,389 And life is about wherever you gonna get to, getting got to." 603 00:36:47,560 --> 00:36:51,235 Man, Augustus, this poem is for you. 604 00:36:55,400 --> 00:36:57,311 The meeting didn't go well. 605 00:36:57,480 --> 00:36:59,039 How can you tell? 606 00:36:59,200 --> 00:37:01,840 Your eyes are filled with rage. 607 00:37:02,080 --> 00:37:05,550 Arif, my heart is filled with disappointment. 608 00:37:05,720 --> 00:37:09,475 How come all good things have to have a bad thing attached to them? 609 00:37:09,680 --> 00:37:12,354 If faith were easy, everyone would believe. 610 00:37:13,200 --> 00:37:16,238 - Those are your own words, minister. - Yeah. 611 00:37:17,080 --> 00:37:18,798 There's gotta be a way, Arif, 612 00:37:18,960 --> 00:37:21,474 to do business without cheating all the workers. 613 00:37:21,920 --> 00:37:23,991 Economics is not my strong suit. 614 00:37:24,880 --> 00:37:26,473 Yeah. 615 00:37:26,640 --> 00:37:28,278 Where you going? 616 00:37:29,240 --> 00:37:30,878 To think. 617 00:37:31,480 --> 00:37:33,232 Just to think. 618 00:38:15,680 --> 00:38:18,115 Man, I wish to Christ I could figure out what Redding is up to. 619 00:38:18,280 --> 00:38:20,351 Rumour is he's walking away from the kitchen, 620 00:38:20,520 --> 00:38:23,160 that he's gonna be foreman of that telemarketing business. 621 00:38:23,320 --> 00:38:25,834 That don't mean he'll stop slinging. 622 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:27,434 And what we need is some information. 623 00:38:27,600 --> 00:38:29,273 Alvarez. 624 00:38:29,520 --> 00:38:31,079 Join us. 625 00:38:31,240 --> 00:38:33,151 You want me to sit with you? 626 00:38:33,880 --> 00:38:35,473 Yeah, I figure you and Guerra made peace. 627 00:38:35,640 --> 00:38:37,790 You won't be stabbing each other with the silverware. 628 00:38:37,960 --> 00:38:42,397 - Besides, I got a question. - Nine inches, baby. 629 00:38:45,200 --> 00:38:46,679 You friendly with any of the niggers? 630 00:38:47,400 --> 00:38:48,834 No. 631 00:38:49,160 --> 00:38:51,754 - Poet a little bit, maybe. - All right. 632 00:38:51,920 --> 00:38:53,638 He knows you and us have been at war. 633 00:38:53,800 --> 00:38:58,476 I want you to talk to him. Find out what Redding's real plans are. 634 00:38:59,240 --> 00:39:00,560 SPY- 635 00:39:00,720 --> 00:39:03,360 Well, yeah. 636 00:39:05,480 --> 00:39:07,357 I ain't hungry anymore. 637 00:39:07,520 --> 00:39:08,555 Do this, Miguel, 638 00:39:09,240 --> 00:39:11,834 and we'll welcome you back into El Norte. 639 00:39:12,160 --> 00:39:16,870 You know, I'm glad me and Chico aren't at each other's throats anymore, 640 00:39:17,080 --> 00:39:19,117 but that's as far as it goes, man. 641 00:39:19,280 --> 00:39:22,398 I got my parole in three years. 642 00:39:22,560 --> 00:39:26,554 Until that point, I'm Mahatma Fucking Gandhi. 643 00:39:28,960 --> 00:39:31,270 You want the peach cobbler? 644 00:39:38,240 --> 00:39:40,072 Miguelito. 645 00:39:41,160 --> 00:39:43,754 - You look great. - Yeah. 646 00:39:43,960 --> 00:39:45,030 And you look really young. 647 00:39:46,280 --> 00:39:49,079 What's up with the visit after all this time? 648 00:39:49,240 --> 00:39:50,992 Do I need more reason than you're my son? 649 00:39:51,160 --> 00:39:52,992 Yeah. Didn't matter much before, did it? 650 00:39:53,720 --> 00:39:54,915 Well, maybe I haven't been here 651 00:39:55,080 --> 00:39:57,151 because you're always in solitary or in the hole 652 00:39:57,320 --> 00:39:59,391 or escaping and not even coming to see me. 653 00:39:59,560 --> 00:40:01,233 When would I have a chance to visit, huh? 654 00:40:01,400 --> 00:40:04,836 You just came here to make my life more fucked up, right? 655 00:40:05,760 --> 00:40:06,795 Thank you. 656 00:40:07,560 --> 00:40:10,996 Be Mr. Macho Muchacho all you want, 657 00:40:11,160 --> 00:40:12,833 but if you're so tough, 658 00:40:13,000 --> 00:40:15,958 think what that says about the bitch that bore you. 659 00:40:21,120 --> 00:40:22,679 You're a tough bitch. 660 00:40:24,320 --> 00:40:25,754 Yeah. 661 00:40:27,560 --> 00:40:29,551 You do bore me. 662 00:40:33,360 --> 00:40:35,112 Okay, I'm glad you came. 663 00:40:39,400 --> 00:40:41,710 You know, when I escaped, 664 00:40:42,480 --> 00:40:43,515 I didn't come to see you 665 00:40:43,680 --> 00:40:47,310 because I thought that'd be the first place the cops would look. 666 00:40:47,480 --> 00:40:49,153 It was. 667 00:40:51,240 --> 00:40:52,639 How's Maritza doing? 668 00:40:54,520 --> 00:40:56,989 - She's wonderful. - She fucking anybody? 669 00:40:58,160 --> 00:40:59,594 She's working as a travel agent, 670 00:40:59,760 --> 00:41:02,639 sending people to Europe, Japan, Australia-- 671 00:41:02,800 --> 00:41:05,474 Ma, I asked you a question. 672 00:41:06,520 --> 00:41:10,559 I speak to her once, maybe twice a month. 673 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:12,035 I don't think she is. 674 00:41:12,400 --> 00:41:15,040 You tell her that she gotta come visit me. 675 00:41:16,600 --> 00:41:18,716 That would mean a lot more coming from you. 676 00:41:18,880 --> 00:41:21,520 I ain't gonna ask. I ain't gonna beg. 677 00:41:21,680 --> 00:41:23,751 She should just show up. 678 00:41:59,760 --> 00:42:01,592 - Shit. - Hey, it's Maritza. 679 00:42:01,760 --> 00:42:05,037 I'm not home, so please leave a message. 680 00:42:06,440 --> 00:42:07,874 Hey. 681 00:42:08,760 --> 00:42:10,194 Ritz. 682 00:42:11,080 --> 00:42:13,594 Thinking about you a lot lately. 683 00:42:14,760 --> 00:42:17,354 Ma told me how good you were doing, you know, 684 00:42:17,520 --> 00:42:20,672 sending people all over the world and stuff. 685 00:42:22,840 --> 00:42:28,438 You know, I hope you don't forget that I'm still part of yours, 686 00:42:28,920 --> 00:42:32,629 because, baby, you're still most of mine. 687 00:42:37,480 --> 00:42:41,269 I know that I haven't been the best, 688 00:42:42,120 --> 00:42:43,474 you know, 689 00:42:43,960 --> 00:42:47,157 of anything the last couple of years. 690 00:42:51,280 --> 00:42:54,477 But if you could use some of that travel agent, 691 00:42:54,640 --> 00:42:59,714 you know, magic and arrange for a car to go to Oz. 692 00:43:01,840 --> 00:43:03,399 Damn. 693 00:43:03,720 --> 00:43:06,155 I'd make that trip worthwhile, 694 00:43:07,280 --> 00:43:08,793 I promise. 695 00:43:11,560 --> 00:43:13,153 Al right. 696 00:43:14,760 --> 00:43:16,751 And I love you. 697 00:43:18,360 --> 00:43:20,829 And I miss you, Maritza. 698 00:43:23,160 --> 00:43:25,959 Yeah, I really do. 699 00:43:29,040 --> 00:43:30,678 Please come. 700 00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:34,833 Yeah, please come. 701 00:43:41,800 --> 00:43:43,950 Let's say a young man mugs someone, 702 00:43:44,120 --> 00:43:46,760 a young girl steals 20 purses from Sears, 703 00:43:46,920 --> 00:43:51,153 a young mother drowns her daughter. 704 00:43:52,240 --> 00:43:56,313 The one thing they're all said to lack is common sense. 705 00:43:56,480 --> 00:44:01,953 Somewhere along the way, they lost their ability to think correctly. 706 00:44:02,120 --> 00:44:03,952 Well, look at Oz. 707 00:44:04,480 --> 00:44:07,757 Common sense creates the common criminal. 708 00:44:08,040 --> 00:44:10,554 The desire to do right 709 00:44:10,720 --> 00:44:15,237 is probably the most uncommon sense of all. 710 00:44:15,640 --> 00:44:18,200 - Father. Father, what's the matter? - Help. Help! 711 00:44:18,360 --> 00:44:20,874 - Bring in that crash cart! - Help! 712 00:44:21,040 --> 00:44:23,998 - Father Meehan's dead. - Oh, fuck. 713 00:44:25,800 --> 00:44:27,518 Hey, O'Reily. 714 00:44:27,920 --> 00:44:30,833 I heard your pal Father Meehan crashed and burned. 715 00:44:31,440 --> 00:44:33,397 That must be tearing you up inside, huh? 716 00:44:33,560 --> 00:44:35,915 - Yeah, he was a good man. - Yeah. 717 00:44:36,480 --> 00:44:39,757 I guess you got a little taste of what it felt like when you murdered my father. 718 00:44:39,920 --> 00:44:42,355 - We're done talking, bitch. - Oh, okay. 719 00:44:42,520 --> 00:44:45,319 I was just wondering how you're gonna feel when Cyril dies. 720 00:44:47,240 --> 00:44:49,390 We're appealing Cyril's case. 721 00:44:49,560 --> 00:44:51,153 And your ma. 722 00:44:52,600 --> 00:44:53,795 What? 723 00:44:54,840 --> 00:44:56,274 Your ma. 724 00:44:58,400 --> 00:45:02,314 You go anywhere near my mother, I'll fucking skin you alive. 725 00:45:02,480 --> 00:45:04,994 I don't have to touch her. I got the evil eye, remember? 726 00:45:05,840 --> 00:45:07,831 Yeah, whatever. 727 00:45:08,000 --> 00:45:09,752 Okay, that's what killed Meehan, you know? 728 00:45:09,920 --> 00:45:13,151 My wife's grandmother put the evil eye on that fuck. Was dead within hours. 729 00:45:13,320 --> 00:45:15,755 You know, Schibetta, you really do belong in psych, man. 730 00:45:15,920 --> 00:45:17,638 You're fucking nuts. 731 00:45:18,000 --> 00:45:20,196 Meehan gave me his rosary. 732 00:45:20,840 --> 00:45:23,912 That's all you need, a possession of the person you want cursed. 733 00:45:24,080 --> 00:45:26,993 I gave the rosary to my wife to give to her nana, arrivederci, Meehan. 734 00:45:29,080 --> 00:45:31,879 I'm gonna put the curse on every single person you love, 735 00:45:32,080 --> 00:45:34,833 and when you can't stand the grief one more second, 736 00:45:35,000 --> 00:45:37,116 I'm gonna put it on you. 737 00:45:38,520 --> 00:45:40,796 And I'll be smiling when you're twisting in your own shit. 738 00:45:40,960 --> 00:45:43,349 Hey, you fucking dago, you motherfucker! 739 00:45:43,520 --> 00:45:46,797 - You fucking-- - Easy, O'Reily. 740 00:45:46,960 --> 00:45:49,349 It's okay, man. That's just a momentary lapse. 741 00:45:49,520 --> 00:45:50,555 - Yeah. - Yeah. 742 00:45:50,720 --> 00:45:52,916 Okay, come on, let's take them down. 743 00:46:01,240 --> 00:46:02,594 Hey, Chucky. 744 00:46:02,760 --> 00:46:04,319 You got a minute? 745 00:46:04,760 --> 00:46:07,912 For you, O'Reily, I got only 28 seconds. 746 00:46:08,080 --> 00:46:11,118 But the way you double-talk, it should be plenty. 747 00:46:11,440 --> 00:46:12,555 Peter Schibetta. 748 00:46:12,720 --> 00:46:15,360 Now he's walking around saying he can put curses on people? 749 00:46:15,520 --> 00:46:17,238 The evil eye, sure. 750 00:46:17,400 --> 00:46:19,869 Well, he says that his wife's grandmother, she's got the power. 751 00:46:20,280 --> 00:46:21,873 Petey's got two screws loose. 752 00:46:22,080 --> 00:46:24,833 Oh, man, I feel a lot better hearing that, 753 00:46:25,720 --> 00:46:28,712 because not only did he say that he put a curse on me, 754 00:46:29,080 --> 00:46:30,400 he said he put a curse on you. 755 00:46:31,360 --> 00:46:33,078 Yeah, that's what he said. 756 00:46:33,280 --> 00:46:36,750 I think he still blames you for him taking it up the ass, twice. 757 00:46:37,480 --> 00:46:39,153 The fucking little prick. 758 00:46:39,320 --> 00:46:40,993 Maybe you should go talk to Peter, huh? 759 00:46:42,960 --> 00:46:45,474 - Yeah, maybe I should. - Yeah. 760 00:46:57,680 --> 00:46:58,875 You see, when you say: 761 00:46:59,040 --> 00:47:00,872 "Screw your courage to the sticking place,” 762 00:47:01,120 --> 00:47:04,909 what you're saying is, "Have some balls. Keep on track.” 763 00:47:07,600 --> 00:47:11,434 But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we'll not fail. 764 00:47:11,600 --> 00:47:13,876 - Good. - Then I explain the murder plan. 765 00:47:14,080 --> 00:47:16,276 - Right. - All right, that's it. 766 00:47:16,480 --> 00:47:18,278 We start up again tomorrow at 3:00. 767 00:47:18,440 --> 00:47:20,750 All right, thank you very much. We'll see you later. 768 00:47:21,200 --> 00:47:24,556 Suzanne, I gotta tell you, I am having the best time. 769 00:47:24,720 --> 00:47:28,156 I gotta go meet my wife right now, but I can't wait to tell her all about you. 770 00:47:28,320 --> 00:47:31,358 Thanks. We'll see you later. 771 00:47:37,040 --> 00:47:39,759 Have you heard from the lawyer about the exact date of Cyril's appeal? 772 00:47:39,920 --> 00:47:43,709 Well, all Zelman said was sometime this week. 773 00:47:44,880 --> 00:47:46,473 Damn. 774 00:47:46,800 --> 00:47:48,029 What's the matter? 775 00:47:48,200 --> 00:47:50,669 - I can't find my car keys. - What? 776 00:47:50,840 --> 00:47:53,070 Yeah, I was sure I left them right here. 777 00:47:53,280 --> 00:47:55,157 Christ, Mom. I'll bet Schibetta stole them. 778 00:47:55,320 --> 00:47:57,436 He's gonna put a curse on you. I gotta go. 779 00:47:57,600 --> 00:47:59,113 - Oh, Ryan. - No, I gotta go. 780 00:47:59,560 --> 00:48:00,914 - Slow down. - I got an emergency. 781 00:48:01,160 --> 00:48:02,958 - What emergency? - I can't explain. Let me go. 782 00:48:03,120 --> 00:48:06,033 - You ain't going anywhere. - Fuck. 783 00:48:12,960 --> 00:48:14,712 Yo, yo, yo. Petey, baba. 784 00:48:14,880 --> 00:48:16,837 Chucky, boys. Long time, no see. 785 00:48:17,000 --> 00:48:19,799 - Hey, Petey, where you going? - Visit with my wife. 786 00:48:20,240 --> 00:48:21,639 We called and cancelled. 787 00:48:22,280 --> 00:48:23,270 Why? 788 00:48:23,480 --> 00:48:25,198 You and me, we have to have a little chat. 789 00:48:26,240 --> 00:48:28,754 - About? - Life and death. 790 00:48:29,480 --> 00:48:33,713 - My life, your death. - Chucky, no! 791 00:48:38,040 --> 00:48:41,078 Warden, you better come and see this. 792 00:48:52,000 --> 00:48:55,118 Well, can't say I'm sorry Schibetta's dead. 793 00:48:59,160 --> 00:49:00,833 What's that? 794 00:49:02,640 --> 00:49:04,278 His eye. 795 00:49:06,560 --> 00:49:11,350 - Lockdown. Lockdown! - What the fuck is going on, man? 796 00:49:12,000 --> 00:49:13,752 O'Reily, catch. 797 00:49:27,400 --> 00:49:28,470 There's that little prick. 798 00:49:29,080 --> 00:49:32,869 Robson, you shanked me and I almost died. 799 00:49:33,040 --> 00:49:36,476 - You're gonna wish I had. - Officer. Officer. Officer! 800 00:49:36,640 --> 00:49:38,711 You fucking cunt! 801 00:49:39,640 --> 00:49:41,631 Out of here, let's go. 802 00:49:47,760 --> 00:49:49,114 Holy shit. 803 00:49:54,360 --> 00:49:55,714 Yeah. 804 00:50:06,160 --> 00:50:08,834 - Vern, I need your help. - Keep walking. 805 00:50:09,720 --> 00:50:12,109 After all I've done for the Brotherhood, you owe me. 806 00:50:12,280 --> 00:50:15,875 Hey. You heard the man, keep walking. 807 00:50:16,040 --> 00:50:17,474 Watch your mouth, prag. 808 00:50:20,680 --> 00:50:23,877 I'm not a prag anymore, pal, and as for watching my mouth, 809 00:50:24,080 --> 00:50:27,311 you're the one with the nigger gums. Bye-bye. 810 00:50:40,000 --> 00:50:42,389 You know what true boredom is? 811 00:50:42,720 --> 00:50:45,360 True boredom is when you wanna get yourself off 812 00:50:45,520 --> 00:50:48,080 and you don't wanna at exactly the same time. 813 00:50:48,240 --> 00:50:49,878 Listen, Cutler. 814 00:50:50,040 --> 00:50:53,158 The wops have got it out for me. I need your protection. 815 00:50:53,320 --> 00:50:55,277 In return, 816 00:50:55,440 --> 00:51:01,356 I'll steal, I'll shank. You name it. I need your clout to keep my ass safe. 817 00:51:01,880 --> 00:51:04,269 If that's what you want, I'm afraid your ass is the one thing 818 00:51:04,440 --> 00:51:06,670 that's not gonna be safe. 819 00:51:06,880 --> 00:51:08,439 Prag. 820 00:51:09,280 --> 00:51:11,840 - I'm no bitch. - Then ciao, baby. 821 00:51:13,280 --> 00:51:14,509 If you wanna stay alive, 822 00:51:21,080 --> 00:51:23,549 come get Papa out of his boredom. 823 00:51:37,880 --> 00:51:41,077 I don't really have anyone else to talk to in this place. 824 00:51:41,240 --> 00:51:43,516 That's what I'm here for. 825 00:51:47,080 --> 00:51:48,639 You ever been scared of dying? 826 00:51:50,240 --> 00:51:51,878 Oh, yeah. 827 00:51:53,000 --> 00:51:55,150 My first year here, 828 00:51:55,440 --> 00:51:57,954 a man named Warren Sticks, 829 00:51:58,480 --> 00:51:59,800 we were in the middle of a session, 830 00:51:59,960 --> 00:52:03,078 and suddenly, he leaped out of his chair 831 00:52:03,280 --> 00:52:05,635 and started to choke me. 832 00:52:06,560 --> 00:52:08,471 I blacked out, 833 00:52:08,640 --> 00:52:12,474 and when I came to, I was lying in a pool of blood, 834 00:52:12,920 --> 00:52:14,672 his blood. 835 00:52:15,120 --> 00:52:20,638 He had slit his wrists with the edge of my tape dispenser. 836 00:52:20,800 --> 00:52:23,440 I realised he was 837 00:52:23,640 --> 00:52:26,837 attempting to knock me out so he could kill himself. 838 00:52:27,680 --> 00:52:29,796 You remember that sensation, 839 00:52:29,960 --> 00:52:31,439 thinking you were gonna die? 840 00:52:34,400 --> 00:52:35,674 Is that how you feel now? 841 00:52:37,080 --> 00:52:40,710 I've felt that way every day since as long as I can remember. 842 00:52:41,400 --> 00:52:43,073 How far back is that? 843 00:52:43,280 --> 00:52:45,556 Much further than I'd like. 844 00:52:49,240 --> 00:52:52,119 I was Gerald Robson's only child. 845 00:52:52,360 --> 00:52:54,271 Even as a kid, 846 00:52:54,480 --> 00:52:57,279 you do what you gotta do to survive. 847 00:52:59,640 --> 00:53:03,634 Because when you're 6, running away is not an option. 848 00:53:06,480 --> 00:53:07,515 Did he beat you? 849 00:53:08,560 --> 00:53:10,198 Oh, yeah. 850 00:53:11,320 --> 00:53:13,152 And worse. 851 00:53:16,240 --> 00:53:18,675 Did he abuse you sexually? 852 00:53:23,560 --> 00:53:24,880 It's funny. 853 00:53:25,040 --> 00:53:28,999 Here I am 36 years old, and I got nowhere to run. 854 00:53:31,880 --> 00:53:36,192 You know? And I guess what I wanna know is: 855 00:53:37,880 --> 00:53:42,477 Is it okay to do whatever is necessary 856 00:53:42,880 --> 00:53:44,029 to survive? 857 00:53:44,880 --> 00:53:47,998 - Is what okay? - Or should I die? 858 00:53:51,080 --> 00:53:54,471 - No, no, but-- - That's what I figured. 859 00:53:55,920 --> 00:53:57,593 Thanks, Sister. 860 00:54:00,080 --> 00:54:02,674 Sometimes the worst thing, 861 00:54:02,840 --> 00:54:04,751 the worst possible fucking state of being... 862 00:54:04,920 --> 00:54:08,800 --fucking state of being is having all your senses working full tilt. 863 00:54:08,960 --> 00:54:12,078 How can that be bad? Well, there are certain things we do, 864 00:54:12,240 --> 00:54:16,791 when seen, touched, heard, smelled and tasted all at the same time, 865 00:54:16,960 --> 00:54:18,951 that'll make you wish you were dead. 866 00:54:33,400 --> 00:54:34,879 Lick this. 867 00:54:38,160 --> 00:54:39,912 That's right, lick it real good. 868 00:54:41,600 --> 00:54:42,874 Now give it back to me. 869 00:54:47,000 --> 00:54:48,911 Drop your pants. 870 00:54:53,440 --> 00:54:54,555 Now bend over. 871 00:54:56,080 --> 00:54:59,960 - What? - You and me, we're gonna spoon. 872 00:55:00,120 --> 00:55:01,997 Now bend the fuck over.