1 00:00:55,199 --> 00:00:59,226 Don't. Please. I'm bleeding. I can feel it. 2 00:00:59,337 --> 00:01:03,296 Really. How about this? 3 00:01:06,277 --> 00:01:09,246 I'm sorry for sins committed against thee. 4 00:01:09,313 --> 00:01:12,282 Hail Marv. Full of grace. 5 00:01:12,350 --> 00:01:17,219 - Blessed art thou among women. - Give me the ax. 6 00:01:47,285 --> 00:01:51,221 - You gotta watch her. She creeps. - What? 7 00:01:51,289 --> 00:01:53,257 The boiler. She creeps. 8 00:01:53,324 --> 00:01:58,125 Tell Ullman and he'll tell you we can't afford a new one. 9 00:01:58,229 --> 00:02:01,164 Even if this is the best hotel around. 10 00:02:01,265 --> 00:02:04,359 This place is gonna go Rocky Mountain-high one day. 11 00:02:05,136 --> 00:02:09,232 I just hope that tom fool Ullman is here to ride the rocket. 12 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:14,275 - The pressure gauge and drop valve. - What's she rated for? 13 00:02:14,345 --> 00:02:18,247 She's rated for 160. But you couldn't get me down here... 14 00:02:18,349 --> 00:02:21,318 if the dial gets up to 140. 15 00:02:21,385 --> 00:02:27,290 It's got a safety valve. But it's been rusted shut for 20 years. 16 00:02:27,391 --> 00:02:32,158 So here's what you gotta do. Watch it. It's hot. 17 00:02:35,199 --> 00:02:37,133 Yeah. Okay. 18 00:02:37,234 --> 00:02:41,193 You dump it like that every night. Last thing... 19 00:02:41,305 --> 00:02:43,432 you'll be all right. Mr. Torrance. 20 00:02:44,208 --> 00:02:48,201 But remember, no safety valve. So don't forget. 21 00:02:48,279 --> 00:02:51,146 It wouldn't do to forget that. Would it? 22 00:02:51,215 --> 00:02:56,278 Come over here and I'll show you where Ullman wants those rattraps set. 23 00:02:56,387 --> 00:03:00,153 He's always talking about rats. 24 00:03:00,224 --> 00:03:05,161 He's crazy on the subject. Crazy on a lot of subjects. If you ask me. 25 00:03:05,262 --> 00:03:07,389 - This is rat country. - Well. Yeah. 26 00:03:08,199 --> 00:03:11,362 I keep telling Ullman to get rid of all this stuff. 27 00:03:12,169 --> 00:03:15,297 Talk about putting out a welcome mat for the buggers. 28 00:03:15,373 --> 00:03:20,333 He won't hire a couple of kids to do it. Because he's cheap. 29 00:03:20,444 --> 00:03:26,178 You can't fight city hall. I just put the traps down the way he wants. 30 00:03:26,250 --> 00:03:30,209 Life's too short to fight with the likes of him. 31 00:03:30,321 --> 00:03:35,224 Besides. Every hotel's got rats. And every hotel has got scandals. 32 00:03:35,292 --> 00:03:39,228 I'm sure the Overlook has had its share. Huh? 33 00:03:40,231 --> 00:03:46,170 The reason they pay Ullman 60 grand is he's so good at hushing them up. 34 00:03:46,237 --> 00:03:49,172 He's great. Gotta give him that much. 35 00:03:49,240 --> 00:03:53,336 We had this lady here last summer. Wife of some big-shot lawyer... 36 00:03:53,411 --> 00:03:56,278 not that she was with the lawyer. 37 00:03:56,313 --> 00:04:01,250 She was with some college kid. Third night of their stay. He cuts out... 38 00:04:01,352 --> 00:04:04,321 she draws herself a warm tub of water... 39 00:05:02,246 --> 00:05:04,214 And? 40 00:05:06,250 --> 00:05:09,219 Slit her wrists. Man. What a mess. 41 00:05:21,131 --> 00:05:23,224 Ullman hushed it up. Though. 42 00:05:25,302 --> 00:05:28,396 Then there was this last caretaker. Grady. 43 00:05:29,206 --> 00:05:33,267 - Yeah. What about him? - Nothing. 44 00:05:33,344 --> 00:05:35,312 What about him? 45 00:05:35,379 --> 00:05:40,180 He killed himself too. No razorblades for him. Though. 46 00:05:40,251 --> 00:05:45,279 Shotgun. Both barrels... Pulled the trigger with his toe. 47 00:05:45,356 --> 00:05:49,292 - Out go the lights. - Yeah. Out go the lights. 48 00:05:49,360 --> 00:05:53,228 Cabin fever. I guess. Of course. He was alone. 49 00:05:53,330 --> 00:05:56,231 You'll have your wife and your boy. 50 00:05:56,300 --> 00:06:01,260 Mr. Torrance. You wanna watch out for them. No offence. 51 00:06:01,338 --> 00:06:06,401 It'd be bad to get in some jackpot situation after the roads are closed. 52 00:06:07,177 --> 00:06:09,338 I'll take care of them, don't you worry. 53 00:06:09,413 --> 00:06:12,246 Don't let Ullman get your goat. 54 00:06:12,349 --> 00:06:17,309 - I need this job too badly. - I know what you're telling me. 55 00:06:18,422 --> 00:06:22,415 - Any ghosts? - What? 56 00:06:23,160 --> 00:06:28,188 You said that every hotel's got its rats. Got its scandals. 57 00:06:28,299 --> 00:06:31,132 What about ghosts? 58 00:06:34,271 --> 00:06:38,298 No ghosts. Not here. Come on. Let's go. 59 00:07:04,335 --> 00:07:07,304 - I thought you got lost. - Nope. 60 00:07:19,249 --> 00:07:22,150 Hey. Wait up! 61 00:08:09,266 --> 00:08:14,203 - Interesting form of the game. - It's called Denver croquet. 62 00:08:14,271 --> 00:08:16,398 Invented by a man named Horace Derwent. 63 00:08:17,241 --> 00:08:22,178 As with Derwent himself, everything in the game is larger than life. 64 00:08:22,246 --> 00:08:26,273 Twice ordinary croquet size. As a matter of fact. 65 00:08:26,350 --> 00:08:30,309 Kids love it, and most adults come to love it too. 66 00:08:30,387 --> 00:08:35,188 It's more challenging than it looks. Due to the size of the ball. 67 00:08:35,259 --> 00:08:39,127 Does your wife understand what you'd be taking on here? 68 00:08:39,229 --> 00:08:43,256 - And there's your son too. - Wendy is an extraordinary woman. 69 00:08:43,367 --> 00:08:49,272 - And your son is also extraordinary? - We like to think so. 70 00:08:49,440 --> 00:08:55,140 I don't suppose you care much for me. Few on my staff do. I imagine. 71 00:08:55,212 --> 00:08:59,376 They regard me as a bit of a bastard. They're right. 72 00:09:00,150 --> 00:09:05,110 One has to be to run a hotel such as this in the manner it deserves. 73 00:09:05,322 --> 00:09:08,189 It is a great hotel. 74 00:09:08,292 --> 00:09:10,351 Good shot! 75 00:09:12,296 --> 00:09:16,130 And it was Horace Derwent who built this hotel? 76 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:18,395 In addition to inventing Denver croquet. 77 00:09:19,203 --> 00:09:24,231 Not at all. The Overlook has been here almost since the turn of the century. 78 00:09:24,308 --> 00:09:28,244 Mr. Derwent was the man who rescued it from extinction. 79 00:09:28,345 --> 00:09:32,304 He turned it into a show place after World War ll. 80 00:09:33,217 --> 00:09:38,280 It's run in the black since 1975. We'd like to keep it that way. 81 00:09:41,425 --> 00:09:45,259 Mr. Ullman. If you have something you want to say... 82 00:09:45,329 --> 00:09:48,196 why don't you come out and say it? 83 00:09:48,298 --> 00:09:53,258 Last winter there was a grotesque tragedy at the Overlook. 84 00:09:53,337 --> 00:09:57,205 - The caretaker... - Did some dental work with a shotgun. 85 00:09:57,274 --> 00:10:00,141 Grady. His name was? 86 00:10:00,244 --> 00:10:06,183 Watson's been talking. I see. Yes. Grady was his name. 87 00:10:06,250 --> 00:10:11,244 I made a mistake. I admit it. The man was a drunk. 88 00:10:13,323 --> 00:10:18,260 Well. I guess I should have known. 89 00:10:18,362 --> 00:10:22,298 Mr. Ullman. The bottle and I have parted company. 90 00:10:22,366 --> 00:10:27,167 Alcoholics never really part company with the bottle, correct? 91 00:10:27,271 --> 00:10:31,230 They just hope that nothing will push them over the edge. 92 00:10:31,341 --> 00:10:35,209 But in the winter. The Overlook is full of edges. 93 00:10:35,279 --> 00:10:41,184 The board of directors has hired you over my strenuous objections. 94 00:10:41,251 --> 00:10:45,415 You are a beneficiary of our politically correct times. 95 00:10:46,190 --> 00:10:51,253 The board has put an alcoholic less than a year from his last drink... 96 00:10:51,328 --> 00:10:55,321 in charge of a great resort hotel. May I be frank? 97 00:10:55,399 --> 00:10:58,391 - Why stop now? - It makes me sick. 98 00:11:00,404 --> 00:11:03,373 I cannot believe this. Those men gave... 99 00:11:04,174 --> 00:11:09,373 Mr. Torrance. I'm told that when you drink. You become emotionally unstable. 100 00:11:09,413 --> 00:11:11,347 Since I'm not drinking... 101 00:11:11,448 --> 00:11:16,283 You were teaching at a prep school. That was your last job? 102 00:11:16,320 --> 00:11:19,380 You beat up a student. Quite badly. 103 00:11:20,190 --> 00:11:26,129 That was less than five months ago. Wasn't it? After you quit drinking? 104 00:11:27,331 --> 00:11:30,300 George Hatfield. 105 00:11:31,268 --> 00:11:35,295 I had to cut him from the debating team at Stovington. 106 00:11:36,373 --> 00:11:38,364 He took it personally. 107 00:11:39,176 --> 00:11:43,408 What do you think you're doing? What the hell are you doing? 108 00:12:03,166 --> 00:12:06,135 That was the last of the storms. 109 00:12:06,270 --> 00:12:09,262 Until then. I wasn't going to the meetings. 110 00:12:09,373 --> 00:12:11,341 Really? 111 00:12:12,209 --> 00:12:18,273 I was on what the old-timers like to call a “dry drunk. A bad one. 112 00:12:18,348 --> 00:12:22,375 It took losing my job to bring me to AA. Since then... 113 00:12:23,186 --> 00:12:25,154 Every thing's been rosy. 114 00:12:25,188 --> 00:12:30,125 No. No. Not rosy. Bearable. 115 00:12:30,227 --> 00:12:35,187 You won't find any AA meetings here. Not once the snow starts to fly. 116 00:12:35,299 --> 00:12:38,291 There are three 800-number meetings each week. 117 00:12:38,402 --> 00:12:42,133 I'll also be talking to my sponsor on the phone. 118 00:12:42,205 --> 00:12:46,141 I'll have the Big Book with me and my family. 119 00:12:46,243 --> 00:12:49,303 They're the most important thing. Wendy and Danny. 120 00:12:49,346 --> 00:12:54,306 And there's my play. I'm trying to write a play. 121 00:12:55,352 --> 00:12:59,311 This winter. I'll not only be taking care of the Overlook... 122 00:12:59,389 --> 00:13:03,120 I'll be taking care of myself and my family. 123 00:13:03,226 --> 00:13:06,218 And I won't be doing any of it for you. 124 00:13:06,263 --> 00:13:10,199 I actually find that rather comforting. 125 00:13:12,402 --> 00:13:15,371 I thought that you would. 126 00:13:33,223 --> 00:13:35,282 - Mom? - Yeah? 127 00:13:35,359 --> 00:13:37,327 Can I go outside? 128 00:13:37,427 --> 00:13:42,160 - Will you stay where I can see you? - Sure. 129 00:13:42,399 --> 00:13:46,233 You gonna go wait for Dad? 130 00:13:46,370 --> 00:13:50,329 - What's your drawing? - Fruit. 131 00:13:50,407 --> 00:13:54,309 - What you making? - Chicken pie for dinner. 132 00:13:55,245 --> 00:13:58,305 - Could you leave out the peas? - Okay. 133 00:13:58,382 --> 00:14:01,180 - Danny? - Yeah? 134 00:14:02,285 --> 00:14:05,345 Did your dad get the job? 135 00:14:05,422 --> 00:14:09,256 The man he talked to didn't like him. But he got it. 136 00:14:09,359 --> 00:14:12,226 Are you sure? 137 00:14:14,231 --> 00:14:16,392 - Do you need me to fix this? - No. It's okay. 138 00:14:17,334 --> 00:14:20,201 Daddy will fix it when he gets home. 139 00:14:20,270 --> 00:14:24,172 Well. If you change your mind. I got some tape. 140 00:14:24,241 --> 00:14:26,368 Draw good fruit. 141 00:14:27,144 --> 00:14:30,307 - Stay where I can see you. - I will. 142 00:15:02,379 --> 00:15:05,177 Draw good fruit. 143 00:15:24,334 --> 00:15:26,302 Pilot to tower. 144 00:15:26,369 --> 00:15:30,362 Gotta make an emergency landing. Wing's all screwed up. 145 00:15:46,189 --> 00:15:48,316 Look at this mess! 146 00:15:48,391 --> 00:15:52,384 I'm sorry. Daddy. I didn't mean to. 147 00:15:53,196 --> 00:15:56,393 I was trying to fix up your desk for a surprise. 148 00:15:57,167 --> 00:16:00,136 I go to use the phone and come back to this? 149 00:16:00,237 --> 00:16:04,173 Answer me, you damn pup. I'll fix you. 150 00:16:04,241 --> 00:16:07,335 You get over here and take your medicine. 151 00:16:09,146 --> 00:16:11,376 Jack. What did you do to him? 152 00:16:12,182 --> 00:16:16,175 I'm sorry. It's just since that George Hatfield thing... 153 00:16:16,253 --> 00:16:19,245 I don't believe you. What did you do to him? 154 00:16:19,356 --> 00:16:21,290 What did you do to Danny? 155 00:16:35,272 --> 00:16:37,240 Doc? 156 00:16:39,142 --> 00:16:41,235 You awake. Doc? 157 00:16:58,228 --> 00:17:02,187 I am never going to another emergency ward. Jack. 158 00:17:02,432 --> 00:17:06,266 I'm never gonna lie for you again. Either. 159 00:17:08,238 --> 00:17:10,399 You said you didn't need the meetings. 160 00:17:11,208 --> 00:17:15,406 - You said you could stop on your own. - I was wrong. 161 00:17:19,416 --> 00:17:22,146 I never... 162 00:17:23,153 --> 00:17:27,214 in all his life. Did anything like that to him before. 163 00:17:31,194 --> 00:17:34,391 That's the only reason I'm still in this bed with you. 164 00:17:35,432 --> 00:17:40,199 Still in this house with you. Still in this life with you. 165 00:17:42,305 --> 00:17:47,174 Anything ever happens again, I am packing my bags and I'm leaving. 166 00:17:47,244 --> 00:17:49,337 And I'm taking him with me. 167 00:17:50,280 --> 00:17:53,113 You won't need to. 168 00:17:55,385 --> 00:17:58,183 What do you mean? 169 00:18:03,159 --> 00:18:05,218 I'll leave. 170 00:18:07,197 --> 00:18:09,324 One way or the other. 171 00:18:13,436 --> 00:18:16,234 What are you talking about? 172 00:18:16,273 --> 00:18:20,175 About not being able to stand myself like this. 173 00:18:22,412 --> 00:18:26,143 You're right. It's gotta end. 174 00:18:26,383 --> 00:18:29,250 One way or the other. 175 00:19:48,231 --> 00:19:52,190 - Danny? - What? What do you want? 176 00:19:52,302 --> 00:19:54,395 I'm here. 177 00:19:55,405 --> 00:20:00,206 Danny. Danny. 178 00:20:06,316 --> 00:20:08,375 Good shot! 179 00:20:13,390 --> 00:20:15,358 Danny. 180 00:20:17,327 --> 00:20:19,352 Hi. Doc. 181 00:20:20,330 --> 00:20:24,266 Hi. Tony. What do you want? 182 00:20:33,176 --> 00:20:36,339 - Tony. You're scaring me. - I know. Doc. 183 00:20:36,413 --> 00:20:39,348 I'm sorry. But I have to. 184 00:20:50,427 --> 00:20:56,229 Stay away, Danny. Stay away. 185 00:21:19,355 --> 00:21:23,348 No. Tony. No. Please. 186 00:21:24,160 --> 00:21:26,185 No. Tony. No. 187 00:21:33,369 --> 00:21:37,203 Come out and take your medicine. 188 00:21:37,273 --> 00:21:40,333 Come out here, you damned little pup. 189 00:21:40,410 --> 00:21:44,107 Get out here right now. 190 00:21:44,214 --> 00:21:49,174 You're making it worse for yourself. I'll find you. 191 00:21:49,252 --> 00:21:54,315 And when I do. By God. You'll take your medicine now! 192 00:21:55,158 --> 00:21:56,284 No! 193 00:22:07,203 --> 00:22:10,229 Daddy! Hey. Dad. Hi. 194 00:22:12,375 --> 00:22:16,243 Hey. Danny boy. How you doing. Kiddo? 195 00:22:21,384 --> 00:22:23,318 Danny? 196 00:22:24,320 --> 00:22:26,379 Danny. You okay? 197 00:22:36,232 --> 00:22:38,132 Danny? 198 00:22:39,302 --> 00:22:41,270 Dan. What...? 199 00:22:44,140 --> 00:22:47,371 Danny? You all right. Son? 200 00:22:50,346 --> 00:22:53,372 - I'm okay. Daddy. - Yeah? 201 00:22:54,183 --> 00:22:56,378 Well. Give it to me. Big boy. 202 00:22:59,155 --> 00:23:00,349 Hey. Good one. Huh? 203 00:23:02,392 --> 00:23:05,361 - Last one. - Don't drop him. Jack. 204 00:23:12,268 --> 00:23:15,328 - Kissing. - Yeah. That's what I've been missing. 205 00:23:15,405 --> 00:23:19,239 Get the groceries. Okay? Can you make it by yourself? 206 00:23:19,309 --> 00:23:22,335 - Sure. I can. - All the way up those stairs? 207 00:23:23,212 --> 00:23:28,377 There he is. Ladies and germs. Doc Torrance, world's strongest man! 208 00:23:30,253 --> 00:23:34,155 - You got it. - I was a lock. You knew that. Right? 209 00:23:34,223 --> 00:23:36,214 No. I didn't. Neither did you. 210 00:23:36,326 --> 00:23:42,196 The board could have reversed itself despite your old drinking buddy. Al. 211 00:23:42,265 --> 00:23:46,224 Did you get all of that stuff from little Kreskin? 212 00:23:46,336 --> 00:23:51,239 No. What Danny has didn't come from outer space. You know. 213 00:23:51,307 --> 00:23:56,335 Maybe I got a little of it too. Maybe we both do. 214 00:24:00,149 --> 00:24:03,141 - But he knew that I got the job? - He sure did. 215 00:24:03,219 --> 00:24:05,414 And he knew that Ullman didn't like you. 216 00:24:06,189 --> 00:24:09,215 That Ullman was one vicious little son of a... 217 00:24:09,325 --> 00:24:14,194 - You'll never have to see him. - Thank God for small favours. 218 00:24:33,416 --> 00:24:35,281 Hello? 219 00:24:35,351 --> 00:24:39,412 Yes. This is Al Shockley. I'll accept the charges. 220 00:24:40,323 --> 00:24:43,383 Jack. How'd it go with Ullman? 221 00:24:44,193 --> 00:24:49,324 He made it very clear that he didn't approve of hiring an alcoholic... 222 00:24:49,399 --> 00:24:55,167 as a caretaker. But I got the job. And I just called to say thanks. 223 00:24:55,238 --> 00:24:58,207 You know what they say at the AA meetings. 224 00:24:58,307 --> 00:25:01,299 Don't thank me. Thank your higher power. 225 00:25:01,377 --> 00:25:07,338 In this case. I'd say my higher power is the board of directors and you. Al. 226 00:25:07,450 --> 00:25:13,286 And if I cannot finish my play snowed in all winter. I'll never be able to. 227 00:25:13,356 --> 00:25:15,324 You'll finish. 228 00:25:15,391 --> 00:25:21,387 Jack. Did you tell Ullman you had a slip before you left Vermont? 229 00:25:23,299 --> 00:25:27,326 Doc? You okay, Doc? 230 00:25:30,373 --> 00:25:34,400 - No. No. I did not. - Well, that's maybe not so good. 231 00:25:35,178 --> 00:25:39,308 You know what they say in the meetings. “Honesty in all our affairs. 232 00:25:44,253 --> 00:25:48,189 Sometimes honesty's a luxury. Al. 233 00:25:48,257 --> 00:25:51,226 I need this job. You know? 234 00:25:51,294 --> 00:25:55,128 I mean. I really need this job. 235 00:25:55,198 --> 00:25:58,224 And Ullman never actually came out and asked. 236 00:25:58,334 --> 00:26:01,235 I get the point. Hitting your meetings? 237 00:26:02,238 --> 00:26:06,197 Yeah. Every night, every night. 238 00:26:06,275 --> 00:26:11,338 I have some milk and ice cream that's getting warm. So I think I better... 239 00:26:11,414 --> 00:26:15,350 I understand. Well. Have a great winter up there. 240 00:26:15,418 --> 00:26:21,357 And if you need to talk about our mutual problem. You've got my number. 241 00:26:23,259 --> 00:26:27,355 Yes. I do. Thank you. Thanks for everything. 242 00:26:27,430 --> 00:26:32,163 Yeah. Very easy for you. Isn't it? 243 00:26:32,368 --> 00:26:35,360 Check book kid. Yeah. 244 00:28:20,276 --> 00:28:22,437 Come on. Get off my butt, man. 245 00:28:23,179 --> 00:28:26,273 That's okay. Dad. Let him sit on it and rotate. 246 00:28:26,349 --> 00:28:29,341 Daniel Torrance. Where did you hear that? 247 00:28:29,418 --> 00:28:34,253 - Elmer Martin at daycare. - Well. Don't you say it any more. Okay? 248 00:28:34,357 --> 00:28:37,292 - Why? - It's not nice. 249 00:28:46,335 --> 00:28:52,137 - Get off the road! - Hey. Read between the lines. Pal. 250 00:29:03,386 --> 00:29:05,183 Fuel pump. 251 00:29:05,254 --> 00:29:09,281 The fuel pump will make it another three miles. Just relax. 252 00:29:09,358 --> 00:29:12,293 Look who's talking. 253 00:29:15,197 --> 00:29:18,394 Get away. 254 00:29:19,335 --> 00:29:22,168 What's that one, Morn? 255 00:29:22,338 --> 00:29:24,306 “Entering Sidewinder Pass. 256 00:29:24,407 --> 00:29:28,309 That's as far as the snow ploughs go in the winter. Danny. 257 00:29:28,377 --> 00:29:32,279 The road is closed from here over to Buckland. Utah. 258 00:29:32,381 --> 00:29:36,317 That's why the Overlook is just a summertime hotel? 259 00:29:37,186 --> 00:29:41,384 - That's right. - The pantry's fully stocked. Right? 260 00:29:42,158 --> 00:29:43,250 Of course. Why? 261 00:29:43,359 --> 00:29:47,193 I wouldn't want to end up like the Donner Party. 262 00:29:47,263 --> 00:29:51,393 Who are the Donners. And what kind of party did they have? 263 00:29:53,436 --> 00:29:59,375 All right. Well. Actually. Daniel. It was kind of a dinner party. 264 00:29:59,442 --> 00:30:03,276 The Donners had a dinner. It was a Donner-dinner. 265 00:30:03,379 --> 00:30:08,339 That's right. That's exactly what it was. It was a Donner-dinner. 266 00:30:10,353 --> 00:30:12,321 What' s that one? 267 00:30:13,222 --> 00:30:18,159 That sign says. “We take a look where we're gonna spend the winter. 268 00:30:45,354 --> 00:30:50,348 - Wow. - That's an authentic wow. All right. 269 00:30:51,260 --> 00:30:55,287 - Jack. It's wonderful. - Yeah. There she is. 270 00:31:12,214 --> 00:31:14,148 Redrum. Join us. Danny. 271 00:31:14,250 --> 00:31:17,344 Come out here, you damn pup. 272 00:31:17,420 --> 00:31:20,184 Danny. 273 00:31:21,157 --> 00:31:23,125 Danny. 274 00:31:23,225 --> 00:31:28,185 Hey. Doc. It's dangerous. You ought to stay away from there. 275 00:31:28,397 --> 00:31:32,356 I can't. You know I can't. 276 00:31:34,170 --> 00:31:37,333 Whoa. A little close to the edge there. Doc. 277 00:31:37,440 --> 00:31:40,238 Danny. Are you all right? 278 00:31:40,309 --> 00:31:44,336 I'm fine. Come on. Let's go. 279 00:32:50,279 --> 00:32:53,146 You were right about the fuel pump. 280 00:32:53,215 --> 00:32:56,378 Yeah. Although the last five miles. I had my doubts. 281 00:32:57,153 --> 00:33:00,281 - What are those animals? - That's called a topiary. 282 00:33:00,356 --> 00:33:04,383 Those are animals that are made out of hedges. 283 00:33:11,367 --> 00:33:14,131 Aren't they cool? 284 00:33:16,238 --> 00:33:18,206 They sure are. 285 00:33:22,244 --> 00:33:26,340 - Danny. Are you sure you're all right? - Come on. He's fine. 286 00:33:27,149 --> 00:33:29,379 Ullman's gone. Thank God. 287 00:33:30,152 --> 00:33:34,384 The cook. Hallorann his name is. Is supposed to show us around. 288 00:33:35,157 --> 00:33:39,287 It was those topiaries that made Uncle Al think of me for the job. 289 00:33:39,361 --> 00:33:43,354 He remembered I worked for a landscaping company in college. 290 00:33:44,133 --> 00:33:47,159 I used to trim this lady's topiary. 291 00:33:47,269 --> 00:33:50,329 In fact. I used to trim her topiary once a week. 292 00:33:50,406 --> 00:33:55,207 - Get away. - Did she have nice hedges, Daddy? 293 00:33:55,277 --> 00:33:58,337 They were... Yeah. Well... 294 00:33:59,148 --> 00:34:01,275 - What did I say? - Nothing. Honey. 295 00:34:01,317 --> 00:34:05,219 Look. Look at this. There's a playground. 296 00:34:06,222 --> 00:34:11,159 A playground. All to yourself. You never have to wait for the slide. 297 00:34:11,227 --> 00:34:14,219 - Not bad. Huh? - Cool. 298 00:34:14,430 --> 00:34:18,389 We'll come back for the bags. Let's go find Hallorann. 299 00:34:59,275 --> 00:35:02,244 Did you think they were coming to get you? 300 00:35:02,378 --> 00:35:06,178 Of course not. They're just hedges. 301 00:35:06,248 --> 00:35:11,276 Correct! Give that man a cigar and a blowtorch to light it with. 302 00:35:48,290 --> 00:35:52,351 - Well. What do you think? - Wow. 303 00:35:59,335 --> 00:36:05,240 Yes. Sir. Built in 1909. That's what the guidebook says. 304 00:36:05,307 --> 00:36:10,176 It's incredible. It's just incredible seeing it like this. 305 00:36:10,279 --> 00:36:12,372 No one else here. 306 00:36:16,185 --> 00:36:19,313 Are you sure there is someone here? 307 00:36:21,156 --> 00:36:22,384 You must be the Torrances. 308 00:36:23,158 --> 00:36:26,184 - Right. I'm Jack. - Pleased to meet you. Jack. 309 00:36:26,261 --> 00:36:30,254 This is my wife. Wendy. The short one there is our boy. Danny. 310 00:36:30,366 --> 00:36:34,200 - Dick Hallorann. - Nice to know you. Mr. Hallorann. 311 00:36:34,269 --> 00:36:36,396 Dick. Please. 312 00:36:39,308 --> 00:36:43,244 - Nice to meet you. - I'm pleased to meet you. 313 00:36:45,214 --> 00:36:50,174 Come on. Level with me. Son. Are you gonna spend the winter here? 314 00:36:50,252 --> 00:36:51,252 Yeah. 315 00:36:51,320 --> 00:36:54,255 No. You'll come down to St. Pete with me. 316 00:36:54,323 --> 00:36:57,258 Learn to make the best Creole shrimp. 317 00:36:57,326 --> 00:37:00,295 When you're not studying college girls in bikinis. 318 00:37:00,362 --> 00:37:03,160 - Jack. How are you? - Good to see you. 319 00:37:03,265 --> 00:37:05,165 - Let me get those. - Thanks. 320 00:37:05,234 --> 00:37:10,171 Wendy. Danny. This is Mr. Watson. He's the regular custodian. 321 00:37:10,239 --> 00:37:11,263 Plain old Pete. 322 00:37:11,340 --> 00:37:13,308 - Nice to meet you. - Thank you. 323 00:37:13,409 --> 00:37:17,277 - Nice to meet you. Pete. - Howdy. Partner. 324 00:37:17,346 --> 00:37:23,148 Son. Are you a buckaroo or a tenderfoot? 325 00:37:23,218 --> 00:37:28,155 I guess I'm a tenderfoot. We're from Vermont. 326 00:37:28,257 --> 00:37:33,354 - Tenderest feet you ever saw. - You'll be a buckaroo come springtime. 327 00:37:33,429 --> 00:37:37,160 Then you'll be ready for a hat like mine. 328 00:37:37,232 --> 00:37:40,258 Maybe you would want one a tad smaller. Huh? 329 00:37:43,205 --> 00:37:45,139 Excuse me. Son. 330 00:37:46,375 --> 00:37:50,368 - I'll take this stuff to the cars. - No. Pete. I got this. 331 00:37:51,146 --> 00:37:54,206 - Show them the kitchen. - That's your territory. 332 00:37:54,283 --> 00:37:58,413 But I seen it a zillion times. I need fresh air. Give me the keys. 333 00:37:59,188 --> 00:38:00,416 Whatever you say. 334 00:38:01,190 --> 00:38:04,284 Come on out this way. Folks. The kitchen is in here. 335 00:38:04,359 --> 00:38:07,260 Wanna lend me a hand, Doc? 336 00:38:09,331 --> 00:38:12,198 If my mommy says I can. 337 00:38:12,301 --> 00:38:17,204 Okay. Let's get you zipped up. It's cold out there. 338 00:38:17,339 --> 00:38:19,364 Mr. Hallorann... I'm sorry. Dick. 339 00:38:19,408 --> 00:38:23,242 How did you know that we call Danny “Doc“ sometimes? 340 00:38:23,345 --> 00:38:27,372 Oh. I heard it when you came in. 341 00:38:27,449 --> 00:38:32,216 The acoustics in this place are funny. You'll see. 342 00:38:32,287 --> 00:38:34,152 Okay.?'- 343 00:38:37,192 --> 00:38:42,425 Well. Doc. You gonna give me a hand. Or you just gonna stand there? 344 00:38:49,404 --> 00:38:55,400 Okay. Folks. Back this way. Now. Watch out for this flapper here. 345 00:38:56,178 --> 00:38:58,408 She'll pull out and bite you. 346 00:39:05,320 --> 00:39:09,347 You shine on. Harder than anybody lever met in my life... 347 00:39:09,424 --> 00:39:12,188 and I'm 60 come this January. 348 00:39:12,261 --> 00:39:14,320 Shine on? 349 00:39:14,396 --> 00:39:19,163 You got a knack. That's all. I've always called it the shining. 350 00:39:19,268 --> 00:39:25,138 My gram called it that too. She had it. Had it strong. 351 00:39:25,207 --> 00:39:30,235 We used to sit in the kitchen when I was a boy no older than you... 352 00:39:30,312 --> 00:39:35,249 and have long talks without ever opening our mouths. 353 00:39:35,317 --> 00:39:38,252 Am I the only one you ever met? 354 00:39:38,353 --> 00:39:43,290 - No. Child. No. - Are there lots. Then? 355 00:39:44,159 --> 00:39:49,187 Nope. But you do run across them from time to time like... 356 00:39:49,298 --> 00:39:54,395 folks with six fingers on a hand or eyes that ain't the same colour. 357 00:39:55,203 --> 00:39:59,333 Most folks who shine only shine a little. 358 00:39:59,408 --> 00:40:06,211 But you. Son. I can feel it coming off you like heat. 359 00:40:07,316 --> 00:40:11,275 I bet you just about glow in the damn dark. Boy. 360 00:40:29,338 --> 00:40:35,368 My Bessie. It came off the assembly line in 1959. 361 00:40:35,444 --> 00:40:40,279 Not a speck of rust on her. Isn't she sweet? 362 00:40:41,149 --> 00:40:43,208 Sweet as honey from the bee. 363 00:40:43,285 --> 00:40:48,245 Sweet as honey from the bee. That's what you said. 364 00:40:48,323 --> 00:40:50,382 That's right. 365 00:40:51,393 --> 00:40:53,327 Give me a blast. 366 00:40:53,428 --> 00:40:58,365 Think at me as hard as you can. I wanna see just how much you got. 367 00:40:59,368 --> 00:41:03,202 - What do you want me to think? - Anything that's hard. 368 00:41:03,405 --> 00:41:05,339 Okay.?'- 369 00:41:06,208 --> 00:41:07,334 Hi. Dick! 370 00:41:09,411 --> 00:41:13,370 Mr. Hallorann? Dick. Are you okay? Your nose! 371 00:41:14,449 --> 00:41:20,149 I'm okay. It's nothing. 372 00:41:22,257 --> 00:41:25,192 I broke a piece of your car. I'm sorry. 373 00:41:25,260 --> 00:41:28,229 Please don't tell my dad. He could get mad. 374 00:41:28,296 --> 00:41:31,265 Nobody's gonna tell your daddy anything. 375 00:41:31,333 --> 00:41:34,268 This is between you and me. 376 00:41:37,205 --> 00:41:40,174 - You did that? - Yeah. 377 00:41:40,242 --> 00:41:43,268 Sometimes it happens when I think really hard. 378 00:41:43,378 --> 00:41:46,176 Once I was at a basketball game... 379 00:41:46,248 --> 00:41:52,153 with my dad at his school. And I got excited. 380 00:42:18,346 --> 00:42:21,315 You ain't a pistol, Danny. 381 00:42:21,383 --> 00:42:25,319 You're an all-out atomic bomb. 382 00:42:26,388 --> 00:42:31,257 Did you go as hard as you could? You didn't. Did you? 383 00:42:31,326 --> 00:42:33,294 No. 384 00:42:34,196 --> 00:42:37,165 I got scared at the last second and held back. 385 00:42:37,265 --> 00:42:39,358 It's a good thing you did. 386 00:42:40,135 --> 00:42:44,265 You probably would've torn my poor head clean off. 387 00:42:50,345 --> 00:42:54,281 You can feed an army with this stuff in here. What's this? 388 00:42:54,349 --> 00:42:57,341 Something special Dick left for your Christmas. 389 00:42:57,419 --> 00:43:00,149 There's a capon for Thanksgiving. 390 00:43:00,255 --> 00:43:04,191 That's in one of the smaller freezers. Through the pantry. 391 00:43:04,259 --> 00:43:09,162 - How many smaller freezers are there? - Three. Come on. 392 00:43:16,338 --> 00:43:20,274 - Are those necessary? - Can't trust latches in the Overlook. 393 00:43:20,375 --> 00:43:26,177 Doors. Even heavy ones. Have a way of coming open. Drafts. I guess. 394 00:43:26,214 --> 00:43:27,408 You got three stoves... 395 00:43:28,183 --> 00:43:32,119 six ovens. Counting your microwave and Dutch ovens. 396 00:43:32,187 --> 00:43:35,315 Yeah. Cook a TV dinner in every one of them. 397 00:43:35,423 --> 00:43:39,154 TV dinners are what I do best. 398 00:43:39,194 --> 00:43:43,221 You'll have to leave a trail of bread crumbs when I come in here. 399 00:43:43,331 --> 00:43:47,290 You can't let it get you down. It's still just a kitchen. 400 00:43:47,402 --> 00:43:49,370 Most of this you won't touch. 401 00:43:50,172 --> 00:43:53,164 There's a pantry back there. A vegetable bin. 402 00:43:53,241 --> 00:43:57,109 We've got a cellar behind the trap door full of potatoes. 403 00:43:57,179 --> 00:43:59,147 You got a meat slicer here. 404 00:43:59,247 --> 00:44:02,375 You got a food processor. You got sinks over there. 405 00:44:03,151 --> 00:44:07,178 The dishwashers are over there. Two of them. Two each. 406 00:44:07,255 --> 00:44:09,246 What is this here? 407 00:44:11,359 --> 00:44:16,194 Dick has left you a complete list of all the edibles in the place. 408 00:44:16,298 --> 00:44:18,357 Can you read his writing? 409 00:44:18,433 --> 00:44:23,370 A hundred and twenty pounds of hamburger. 410 00:44:23,405 --> 00:44:28,138 Sixteen gallons of redeye chili. Three legs of lamb... 411 00:44:28,210 --> 00:44:33,238 bacon. Pork chops. Halibut. Peas. Corn. There's only three of us. 412 00:44:33,315 --> 00:44:38,343 Yeah. And the roads are gonna be closed from late October to April. 413 00:44:38,420 --> 00:44:43,221 The telephone lines are above ground. They blow over in the winter. 414 00:44:43,291 --> 00:44:47,284 You got a CB. And you wanna make damn sure it's working good. 415 00:44:47,362 --> 00:44:49,353 That's for an emergency. 416 00:44:50,165 --> 00:44:53,225 Basically. Ma'am. You gotta depend on yourself. 417 00:44:53,301 --> 00:44:57,397 The Forest Service might get a chopper in here for an emergency... 418 00:44:58,173 --> 00:45:02,200 but with those crosswinds blowing off the Paiute Mountains... 419 00:45:02,277 --> 00:45:06,179 San Marco Mountains to the south. Don't count on it. 420 00:45:06,248 --> 00:45:09,376 You wouldn't wanna end up like the Donners. Would you? 421 00:45:10,185 --> 00:45:13,348 - No. I don't. - Now. Don't scare the lady. Okay? 422 00:45:13,388 --> 00:45:17,154 Maybe it's good to be scared sometimes. A little. 423 00:45:17,259 --> 00:45:22,390 Now. You know the winters in Vermont. But it's different up here. 424 00:45:23,164 --> 00:45:28,261 Compared to Vermont. This place is the dark side of the moon. Buddy. 425 00:45:28,336 --> 00:45:31,271 I got time to show you the dining room. 426 00:45:31,306 --> 00:45:35,367 You're gonna like it, I think. Right this way. 427 00:45:54,396 --> 00:46:00,335 My gram called it “shining on. The Bible calls it “having visions. 428 00:46:00,402 --> 00:46:03,371 And the scientists call it “precognition. 429 00:46:04,172 --> 00:46:08,336 But it all comes to the same thing. No matter what you call it. 430 00:46:08,443 --> 00:46:13,346 - Seeing the future. - One possible future. 431 00:46:13,415 --> 00:46:18,250 Because those things you shine on. They don't always come to pass. 432 00:46:18,353 --> 00:46:20,378 That's how it is for me. Anyway. 433 00:46:23,425 --> 00:46:25,290 Now. You listen to me. 434 00:46:25,360 --> 00:46:30,297 I've had some bad dreams here myself and some bad feelings. 435 00:46:30,398 --> 00:46:34,129 And maybe a half a dozen times I've seen things. 436 00:46:34,235 --> 00:46:38,331 Not real things. But not nice either. 437 00:46:38,406 --> 00:46:43,275 - What were they. Dick? - I don't need to go into details. Boy. 438 00:46:43,378 --> 00:46:46,347 Once it had to do with those hedge animals. 439 00:46:46,414 --> 00:46:49,178 I saw something in one of the rooms. 440 00:46:49,351 --> 00:46:53,253 I want you to promise me that you'll never go in there. 441 00:46:53,288 --> 00:46:56,121 That you'll just steer right clear. 442 00:46:56,224 --> 00:47:00,251 - Which room? - Never mind. 443 00:47:01,129 --> 00:47:05,361 217. 217, isn't it? 444 00:47:07,135 --> 00:47:12,300 Maybe and maybe not. Just promise me you won't go in. 445 00:47:12,407 --> 00:47:15,376 I promise. 446 00:47:16,177 --> 00:47:18,338 The Overlook's a funny place. 447 00:47:20,248 --> 00:47:24,378 Probably not the best place for a kid that's got the shining. 448 00:47:25,420 --> 00:47:32,223 - But you say your dad needs a job. - He does. He really does. 449 00:47:33,294 --> 00:47:36,320 Just keep a good head on your shoulders. 450 00:47:36,398 --> 00:47:39,299 What that means mostly is remembering... 451 00:47:39,367 --> 00:47:43,201 that anything you might see here can't hurt you. 452 00:47:43,271 --> 00:47:46,365 - Do you get that? - Like pictures in a book? 453 00:47:47,175 --> 00:47:52,306 That's right. People with the shining see things like pictures in a book. 454 00:47:52,380 --> 00:47:56,214 And sometimes book pictures can be scary. 455 00:47:58,186 --> 00:48:02,145 My dad has a book with Bluebeard in it. 456 00:48:02,257 --> 00:48:08,196 And it had a picture in it of a man with a lady's cut-off head. 457 00:48:08,263 --> 00:48:12,165 My mom was mad at my dad for reading it to me. 458 00:48:12,267 --> 00:48:16,226 I mean. The story was okay. I liked it. 459 00:48:16,304 --> 00:48:20,172 But the picture gave me nightmares. 460 00:48:20,241 --> 00:48:25,304 - But it was just a picture. Right? - Just a picture. 461 00:48:25,380 --> 00:48:29,214 Should you see something scary like that here. Doc... 462 00:48:29,317 --> 00:48:33,219 just look the other way and count to 10. 463 00:48:33,388 --> 00:48:38,155 And when you look back. It'll be gone. Do you get it? 464 00:48:38,226 --> 00:48:42,219 - Look the other way and count to 10. - Good. 465 00:48:49,304 --> 00:48:52,296 Oh. There's a hell of a view here. 466 00:48:52,373 --> 00:48:56,207 Just look at that. Dining room seats 200. 467 00:48:56,277 --> 00:49:00,373 Used to seat almost twice that when Horace Derwent ran the place. 468 00:49:01,149 --> 00:49:04,175 - He was this rich fella... - I know who he was. 469 00:49:04,252 --> 00:49:07,153 I hope you brought your own drinks. 470 00:49:07,222 --> 00:49:11,386 The employees had the end-of-the-season party last night. 471 00:49:12,193 --> 00:49:14,184 I don't drink. 472 00:49:14,262 --> 00:49:18,164 Well. Maybe that's just as well. 473 00:49:18,233 --> 00:49:22,397 - That's it. Let's go find the buckaroo. - Right. 474 00:49:28,376 --> 00:49:32,176 Listen. Son. If there is trouble... 475 00:49:32,213 --> 00:49:37,150 just give a big loud holler like the one that broke my tail light out. 476 00:49:37,218 --> 00:49:43,179 I might even hear you down in Florida. And if I do. I'll come on the run. 477 00:49:43,258 --> 00:49:46,227 - Really? - It's a promise. 478 00:49:46,327 --> 00:49:50,286 Sarah Hallorann's little boy Dick always keeps a promise. 479 00:49:51,266 --> 00:49:55,396 Come on. Let's go inside and see how your folks are making out. 480 00:49:56,204 --> 00:49:57,398 Okay.?'- 481 00:50:31,272 --> 00:50:32,398 Gotta get moving. 482 00:50:33,174 --> 00:50:37,270 Rawlins ain't getting any closer while I'm standing here. 483 00:50:41,216 --> 00:50:46,313 Jack. Take care. Buddy. Watch that boiler. Dump it every night. 484 00:50:46,387 --> 00:50:49,117 - I will. - Danny. Hang in there. 485 00:50:49,190 --> 00:50:52,125 You're gonna be a buckaroo come springtime. 486 00:50:52,227 --> 00:50:54,252 Miss. Good luck to you. 487 00:50:54,329 --> 00:50:59,323 Dick. Try to be nice to them old folks down there in St. Pete. 488 00:50:59,400 --> 00:51:02,267 You're gonna be one of them. 489 00:51:02,370 --> 00:51:05,430 I showed them the kitchen. Show them the rest. 490 00:51:06,207 --> 00:51:11,235 This place makes my arthritis worse. Especially this time of the year. 491 00:51:11,279 --> 00:51:14,373 - Pete. See you May 15. - You got a date. 492 00:51:15,183 --> 00:51:17,151 All right. 493 00:51:17,385 --> 00:51:21,219 Hey. Maybe Ullman will die this winter. 494 00:51:21,322 --> 00:51:25,281 Maybe he won't. But it's happy thoughts that keep us young. 495 00:51:25,360 --> 00:51:30,388 - That's what my mama said. - You know it. I'll be a pallbearer. 496 00:51:31,165 --> 00:51:34,157 - He's got a case on that boiler. - He sure does. 497 00:51:34,269 --> 00:51:39,206 You wanna see more? I ain't got long if I wanna get to Denver before dark. 498 00:51:39,274 --> 00:51:41,435 - It'd be my pleasure. - I'd love it. 499 00:51:42,176 --> 00:51:45,168 - Yeah. We'd all love it. - All right. Come on. 500 00:51:47,215 --> 00:51:51,151 Danny? What did you and Mr. Hallorann talk about? 501 00:51:51,252 --> 00:51:55,245 Nothing. Honey. Just stuff. 502 00:52:00,428 --> 00:52:05,263 Excuse me just a minute. Got a little business to attend to. 503 00:52:10,238 --> 00:52:13,401 - Can I borrow that for a second? - You're the writer. 504 00:52:14,175 --> 00:52:17,338 Wonderful things the two of you are teaching my son. 505 00:52:17,378 --> 00:52:22,145 - Respect for authority. - Credit where credit is due. 506 00:52:22,216 --> 00:52:27,313 Come on. It's time for your first trip on Overlook's main elevator. 507 00:52:27,388 --> 00:52:33,122 Installed back in 1926. 508 00:52:34,128 --> 00:52:37,188 Just look the other way and count to 10. 509 00:52:37,298 --> 00:52:41,200 And when you look back, he'll be gone. 510 00:52:43,371 --> 00:52:46,169 Danny. Coming? 511 00:52:56,217 --> 00:52:58,344 Don't worry. Doc. Safe as houses. 512 00:52:59,153 --> 00:53:01,417 Isn't that what they said about the Titanic? 513 00:53:09,163 --> 00:53:12,189 It's okay. This baby's made thousands of trips. 514 00:53:12,266 --> 00:53:15,201 Yeah. But there's always that last one. 515 00:53:15,436 --> 00:53:19,236 Laugh if you want. I'm sure this elevator's safe... 516 00:53:19,307 --> 00:53:23,243 but this is the last time we're all in it at the same time. 517 00:53:23,311 --> 00:53:26,212 If it stops with us in it this winter... 518 00:53:26,280 --> 00:53:29,272 - Wendy. That is just... - Sensible. 519 00:53:29,350 --> 00:53:32,376 Never take a chance up here. Jack. 520 00:53:34,155 --> 00:53:37,147 Not in the Overlook. 521 00:53:37,225 --> 00:53:41,252 Third floor. All out for the presidential suite. 522 00:53:41,329 --> 00:53:44,127 What's so sweet about it? 523 00:53:44,232 --> 00:53:46,393 Four presidents have stayed here. 524 00:53:47,201 --> 00:53:52,138 Wilson. Harding. FDR and Nixon. 525 00:53:52,206 --> 00:53:56,165 Even Ullman don't brag too much on Nixon. 526 00:53:57,278 --> 00:54:01,180 Danny. You all right? 527 00:54:01,249 --> 00:54:04,275 - Don't think it'll bite. Do you? - Of course not. 528 00:54:04,385 --> 00:54:09,254 In my opinion. This is the best view of the Rockies the hotel's got. 529 00:54:09,323 --> 00:54:13,282 Maybe the best view of the Rockies anybody's got. 530 00:54:22,203 --> 00:54:25,172 - I guess. - It's gorgeous. 531 00:54:28,409 --> 00:54:30,240 Pretty plush pad. Huh? 532 00:54:30,311 --> 00:54:33,303 Don't. Please. Man. Don't. 533 00:54:34,348 --> 00:54:39,285 - Ullman talked about the roof. - Yeah. He wants me to re shingle it. 534 00:54:39,353 --> 00:54:42,379 He'll get all the “for free“ out of you he can. 535 00:54:43,157 --> 00:54:45,216 How about this? 536 00:54:48,129 --> 00:54:50,222 Give me the ax. 537 00:54:53,134 --> 00:54:57,264 One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. 538 00:55:02,276 --> 00:55:05,302 I thought for a second we lost you there. Doc. 539 00:55:05,346 --> 00:55:09,180 No. Daddy. I'm right here. 540 00:55:12,186 --> 00:55:13,186 Look at that. 541 00:55:18,426 --> 00:55:23,295 Second floor. The elevator is the easiest way to the service area. 542 00:55:23,364 --> 00:55:26,128 We'll take the stairs back down. 543 00:55:26,200 --> 00:55:29,169 - That's a relief. - I thought you'd like that. 544 00:55:29,270 --> 00:55:35,140 You know. The guest rooms are off-limits. Doc. All the guest rooms. 545 00:55:35,209 --> 00:55:38,110 Mr. Ullman made that perfectly clear. 546 00:55:38,212 --> 00:55:42,273 I won't go in the rooms, Dick. Or the suite places either. 547 00:55:42,350 --> 00:55:46,116 Good. Well. Come on back downstairs. Folks. 548 00:55:46,220 --> 00:55:48,381 I'll show you your caretakers apartment. 549 00:55:49,156 --> 00:55:53,286 It ain't the presidential suite. But it ain't bad either. 550 00:56:08,309 --> 00:56:13,303 - And now you're home. - It's great. Huh? 551 00:56:13,381 --> 00:56:18,216 It's like the cabin in Michigan we used to have when I was little. 552 00:56:18,286 --> 00:56:20,151 Summers were okay... 553 00:56:20,221 --> 00:56:24,248 but in the winter when the snow came. It was magic. 554 00:56:24,325 --> 00:56:29,262 - So great. Huh? - Very great indeed. 555 00:56:38,205 --> 00:56:42,369 I can write in here. Just move in a small desk. 556 00:56:43,177 --> 00:56:46,374 - No windows. - No distractions. 557 00:56:48,215 --> 00:56:50,274 Come on this way. 558 00:56:58,192 --> 00:57:02,322 - The master bedroom. Madame. - Excellent. Jeeves. 559 00:57:02,396 --> 00:57:08,198 Ah. Big bed. Plenty of room for movement. 560 00:57:08,269 --> 00:57:09,293 Jack. 561 00:57:13,407 --> 00:57:15,375 Where's Danny? 562 00:57:19,280 --> 00:57:21,214 Danny? 563 00:57:21,382 --> 00:57:25,148 - Doc. Where are you? - In here. 564 00:57:28,155 --> 00:57:33,286 Dad. Mom. Look. Bunk beds. I'm gonna sleep on the top. Okay? 565 00:57:33,361 --> 00:57:39,322 - It's okay by me. Champ. Wendy? - It's okay by me. Very okay. 566 00:57:41,235 --> 00:57:45,331 - This is so cool. - It is. Thank you. Dick. 567 00:57:46,307 --> 00:57:49,242 My pleasure. Wendy. You're good people. 568 00:57:49,310 --> 00:57:52,245 With God's help. You'll have a good winter. 569 00:57:52,346 --> 00:57:56,180 And I gotta go. You wanna see me off. Danny? 570 00:57:56,250 --> 00:57:58,218 Sure. 571 00:58:10,264 --> 00:58:13,131 I'll take good care of your kitchen. 572 00:58:13,200 --> 00:58:18,103 I know you will. Enjoy that turkey. The capon too. 573 00:58:18,205 --> 00:58:20,139 We will. 574 00:58:20,341 --> 00:58:24,175 They're like pictures in a book. They can't hurt you. 575 00:58:24,278 --> 00:58:25,370 All right. 576 00:58:25,446 --> 00:58:30,145 Call me if you need me. A big loud shout. 577 00:58:31,285 --> 00:58:33,185 I will. 578 00:58:33,287 --> 00:58:36,154 Win a world, Danny. 579 00:58:36,223 --> 00:58:40,319 - Okay. Bye. Dick. - Bye. 580 00:59:29,176 --> 00:59:35,274 Keep them safe. Lord. That little boy most of all. Please. 581 01:01:01,168 --> 01:01:03,159 Oh. My God. 582 01:01:08,409 --> 01:01:10,377 Wendy! 583 01:01:12,346 --> 01:01:14,246 Wendy! 584 01:01:14,415 --> 01:01:17,282 She went to town. 585 01:01:24,325 --> 01:01:28,261 Go on. Get a life. 586 01:01:37,404 --> 01:01:41,340 You guys. You'll like this. 587 01:02:25,319 --> 01:02:30,222 I guess you'll take your medicine now. My nasty little friends. 588 01:02:30,291 --> 01:02:32,384 I guess you will. 589 01:02:53,180 --> 01:02:56,149 - Daddy! Look what Mommy bought me. - What? 590 01:02:56,216 --> 01:02:58,150 It's a funny car model. 591 01:02:58,218 --> 01:03:01,153 Mommy says you'll help me put it together... 592 01:03:01,221 --> 01:03:03,280 after I finish my first reader. 593 01:03:03,357 --> 01:03:06,224 She says you're good at stuff like... 594 01:03:06,293 --> 01:03:10,354 Hey. Neat! Ls it a bees' nest? 595 01:03:11,131 --> 01:03:14,100 Nope. Wasps. 596 01:03:18,272 --> 01:03:20,331 - How'd you do? - Better. 597 01:03:20,407 --> 01:03:25,242 The truck stalled twice. But nobody honked at me. Got two more bags. 598 01:03:25,312 --> 01:03:28,406 You wouldn't think, with the stuff Hallorann left us... 599 01:03:29,183 --> 01:03:30,343 But no fresh vegetables. 600 01:03:30,417 --> 01:03:34,319 Once the snow falls. We're not gonna do too much shopping. 601 01:03:34,388 --> 01:03:36,322 Danny! Danny. Don't! 602 01:03:36,390 --> 01:03:41,225 It's okay. It's okay. I killed them all with a bug bomb. 603 01:03:41,295 --> 01:03:44,264 I. On the other hand. Sustained several hits. 604 01:03:44,365 --> 01:03:49,234 Oh. My God. Look at that. It's swollen. You should see a doctor. 605 01:03:49,303 --> 01:03:52,329 I'm fine. I'm not allergic. Just hurts. 606 01:03:52,406 --> 01:03:56,137 What do you say. Doc? It's yours if you want it. 607 01:03:56,243 --> 01:04:00,270 Of course I want it. Can I keep it in my room. Mom? 608 01:04:00,381 --> 01:04:05,148 - Do you think that's...? - It's fine. They're dead, guaranteed. 609 01:04:05,219 --> 01:04:10,247 It is the ugliest thing. Of course. My son wants it in his room. 610 01:04:10,324 --> 01:04:13,293 Go on. Doc. Be my guest. 611 01:04:16,196 --> 01:04:19,222 You should have seen it. It was under those rotted shingles. 612 01:04:27,441 --> 01:04:30,137 Hey. Wendy. 613 01:04:33,347 --> 01:04:37,374 Are you happy? Tell me the truth. 614 01:04:49,296 --> 01:04:53,198 This is the happiest I've been... 615 01:04:53,267 --> 01:04:57,135 since Danny was born. 616 01:04:57,204 --> 01:04:59,172 I'm glad. 617 01:05:09,383 --> 01:05:11,351 I got it. I got it. 618 01:05:18,325 --> 01:05:20,156 It is beautiful. 619 01:05:20,227 --> 01:05:24,163 Oh. Yeah. 73 degrees today. The snow's still gonna come. 620 01:05:24,264 --> 01:05:26,323 As hard as that is to believe. 621 01:05:26,400 --> 01:05:30,200 So you're happy. Huh? Kid's happy. You think? 622 01:05:30,304 --> 01:05:33,296 You have the long conversations with him. 623 01:05:33,373 --> 01:05:36,171 They're about what he wants to be... 624 01:05:36,243 --> 01:05:40,145 or who'd win in a fight between Spider-Man and Batman. 625 01:05:40,214 --> 01:05:43,149 About the Overlook he's totally quiet. 626 01:05:45,185 --> 01:05:47,176 Maybe there's nothing wrong. 627 01:05:47,287 --> 01:05:50,222 - He hasn't had any of those... - Fits. 628 01:05:50,290 --> 01:05:52,349 Don't say that. They're not fits. 629 01:05:53,160 --> 01:05:58,188 All right. I'm sorry. You're right. Fugues. How's that? Fugues. 630 01:06:20,287 --> 01:06:24,280 Look. Whatever they were. Fits. Fugues or trances... 631 01:06:24,358 --> 01:06:28,260 he had most of them when things were not going well. 632 01:06:28,362 --> 01:06:32,389 And they're better now. They're better now. 633 01:06:36,336 --> 01:06:38,361 Yeah. They are. 634 01:06:44,278 --> 01:06:49,147 You sure that ugly thing you gave him is really safe? 635 01:06:49,216 --> 01:06:53,243 It's a wasp nest. It's safe as safe can be. 636 01:06:54,288 --> 01:06:55,414 Okay? 637 01:07:42,336 --> 01:07:44,304 “The little puppy was sad. 638 01:07:44,404 --> 01:07:48,204 'Why does no one like me?' he wondered. 639 01:07:48,308 --> 01:07:54,304 'Why won't anyone give me a home?' But he was not dis... 640 01:07:56,216 --> 01:07:58,241 Discouraged. 641 01:08:05,259 --> 01:08:10,219 “Somewhere there will be a home for me.' thought the little puppy. 642 01:08:10,330 --> 01:08:15,358 'Somewhere I will find people who will feed me and pet me. 643 01:08:16,169 --> 01:08:18,364 "They will ne...'" 644 01:08:20,240 --> 01:08:21,400 They will never. 645 01:08:22,175 --> 01:08:27,272 Don't tell me, Mom. Don't always tell me. I can get it, I can. 646 01:08:27,347 --> 01:08:30,248 I'm sorry. I know you can. 647 01:08:30,317 --> 01:08:35,345 You are doing so fantastic. But it's bedtime. 648 01:08:36,156 --> 01:08:39,353 - A couple more pages. Please? - No. Doc. No. 649 01:08:39,426 --> 01:08:42,361 How come I have to go to bed so early? 650 01:08:43,130 --> 01:08:49,194 Because... I need the rest. Okay? So go on now. Brush. 651 01:08:49,303 --> 01:08:54,138 - First I need to kiss Daddy. - Okay. Go kiss Daddy. 652 01:09:07,421 --> 01:09:09,355 Daddy? 653 01:09:12,292 --> 01:09:15,386 - Hey. Doc. - I have to go to bed now. 654 01:09:16,163 --> 01:09:20,190 Come here. Kiss. Come on. Give me a kiss. 655 01:09:20,267 --> 01:09:24,363 You better brush your teeth. I smell chocolate milk on your breath. 656 01:09:25,138 --> 01:09:27,265 - That's where I'm going now. - Good. 657 01:09:27,374 --> 01:09:30,138 How's your Play? 658 01:09:30,210 --> 01:09:35,170 The play is good. Plays excellent. How was reading with Mommy? 659 01:09:35,248 --> 01:09:39,184 Good. But she never gives me time to sound out the words. 660 01:09:39,252 --> 01:09:44,121 - I'll talk to her about that. - Good. She really needs it. 661 01:09:44,191 --> 01:09:46,284 Okay. Beat it. 662 01:10:07,214 --> 01:10:10,274 Danny. We have to talk. 663 01:10:11,385 --> 01:10:14,218 - Go lock the door first. - Why? 664 01:10:14,287 --> 01:10:17,154 Danny. Just do it. Quick! 665 01:10:38,245 --> 01:10:42,147 He is picking up new words so quickly. It is spooky. 666 01:10:42,315 --> 01:10:47,252 He says you don't give him enough time to sound them out. 667 01:10:49,156 --> 01:10:52,284 He's right. I just... I hate to see him struggle. 668 01:10:52,392 --> 01:10:56,351 He thinks someone's gonna shoot him if he screws up. 669 01:10:59,199 --> 01:11:01,190 He's so smart. 670 01:11:01,268 --> 01:11:04,260 But. You know. He's too hard on himself. 671 01:11:04,371 --> 01:11:07,340 I wonder why he needs to learn to read so badly? 672 01:11:08,208 --> 01:11:10,176 I don't know. 673 01:11:27,394 --> 01:11:31,125 You didn't fall asleep. Did you. Danny? 674 01:11:32,432 --> 01:11:34,263 Danny? 675 01:11:34,334 --> 01:11:39,362 Open the door. It is late and I'm too tired to be playing games. 676 01:11:39,406 --> 01:11:41,374 Danny! 677 01:11:44,144 --> 01:11:47,272 I can't even hear myself think. Let alone write. 678 01:11:48,315 --> 01:11:51,182 He won't open the door. 679 01:11:53,186 --> 01:11:56,155 Danny. Open up. Now! 680 01:11:59,359 --> 01:12:06,162 If I have to break this lock. You're going to bed with a hot butt. 681 01:12:07,167 --> 01:12:12,127 I think he's having one of his attacks. Jack. Open the door. 682 01:12:16,276 --> 01:12:19,177 Danny? Wake up. Son. 683 01:12:19,246 --> 01:12:22,215 Look at his eyes. Jack. Baby. Come back. 684 01:12:22,315 --> 01:12:26,183 Good shot! Great party. Isn't it? 685 01:12:26,219 --> 01:12:29,120 Good shot! Now. Give me the ax. 686 01:12:29,189 --> 01:12:34,286 - What is wrong with you? - Wake up. Wake up. Now! 687 01:12:37,163 --> 01:12:42,157 - Where's Tony? Tony was here. - There's no Tony. We talked about that. 688 01:12:42,235 --> 01:12:46,296 - He was! He was in the mirror. - You were having a fainting spell. 689 01:12:46,373 --> 01:12:48,341 - He was! - Listen to him. Jack. 690 01:12:49,142 --> 01:12:51,269 Daddy. Tony was here. He was! 691 01:12:51,344 --> 01:12:55,144 There is no Tony except for your stuffed dog! 692 01:12:55,215 --> 01:13:00,346 There's no imaginary pal who shows you the future! Stop with that crap! 693 01:13:00,420 --> 01:13:06,222 Jack. You keep your hands off of him! 694 01:13:22,142 --> 01:13:24,133 What are you doing? 695 01:13:25,245 --> 01:13:28,305 What the hell do you think you're doing? 696 01:14:16,162 --> 01:14:20,189 Am I bad. Daddy? Like when I messed up your papers? 697 01:14:20,300 --> 01:14:26,398 No. Danny. I'm not mad at you. Not a bit. 698 01:14:27,207 --> 01:14:31,200 I just got scared because I thought... 699 01:14:32,178 --> 01:14:37,206 You know what, I don't know what I thought. Why'd you lock the door? 700 01:14:37,317 --> 01:14:42,220 Tony told me to. I know you don't believe in him. But... 701 01:14:42,255 --> 01:14:46,089 Sometimes I do believe in him. 702 01:14:46,192 --> 01:14:51,391 And sometimes I sound mad because he scares me. 703 01:14:52,432 --> 01:14:55,367 Sometimes he scares me too. 704 01:14:58,271 --> 01:15:01,206 So why did Tony tell you to lock the door? 705 01:15:01,374 --> 01:15:06,334 I don't know. I can't remember. 706 01:15:07,247 --> 01:15:09,374 Okay. All right. 707 01:15:10,417 --> 01:15:13,250 Sweet dreams. Sweet repose. 708 01:15:13,286 --> 01:15:16,346 Twelve of that. Doors are closed. 709 01:15:17,223 --> 01:15:19,282 Good night, baby. 710 01:15:22,295 --> 01:15:24,422 Sleep tight. Okay? 711 01:15:26,232 --> 01:15:28,257 Good night, my boy. 712 01:15:31,371 --> 01:15:35,398 You're not really mad at me. Are you? 713 01:15:36,176 --> 01:15:38,167 No. Danny. No. 714 01:15:38,311 --> 01:15:39,369 Not a bit? 715 01:15:44,150 --> 01:15:47,313 Not a bit. I love you. Doc. 716 01:15:49,422 --> 01:15:54,359 You'd never hurt Mommy or me. Would you. Daddy? 717 01:15:56,162 --> 01:15:58,153 No. Of course not. 718 01:15:58,364 --> 01:16:02,164 Because you're different now. 719 01:16:03,169 --> 01:16:05,228 Yeah. That's right. 720 01:16:05,305 --> 01:16:08,297 You have your meetings now. 721 01:16:09,175 --> 01:16:14,203 Yeah. I got one down at Sidewinder... 722 01:16:14,380 --> 01:16:17,144 and on the CB. 723 01:16:21,187 --> 01:16:24,281 I think Tony told me about a game. 724 01:16:26,326 --> 01:16:30,194 Oh. Yes? What sort of game? 725 01:16:30,263 --> 01:16:32,197 Denver croquet. 726 01:16:32,298 --> 01:16:37,258 It's like regular croquet. Except it's bigger. 727 01:16:39,339 --> 01:16:42,331 Yeah. That's right. 728 01:16:42,408 --> 01:16:48,244 Tony said the mallets are dangerous. That I should stay away from them. 729 01:16:50,150 --> 01:16:51,208 That... 730 01:16:52,318 --> 01:16:54,252 That... 731 01:17:02,262 --> 01:17:07,222 Who was it that told you about Denver croquet? 732 01:17:07,267 --> 01:17:10,236 It was Dick Hallorann, wasn't it? 733 01:17:12,338 --> 01:17:14,101 Danny? 734 01:17:15,408 --> 01:17:18,206 Are you asleep? 735 01:17:24,384 --> 01:17:28,252 You didn't leave it in Boulder. Daddy. 736 01:17:28,321 --> 01:17:34,226 It's in your wallet. It's been in your wallet all the time. 737 01:17:34,294 --> 01:17:39,231 Behind your driver's license. 738 01:17:57,317 --> 01:17:59,308 Is he asleep? 739 01:18:02,288 --> 01:18:04,279 What are you doing? 740 01:18:05,425 --> 01:18:08,258 I'm looking for something. 741 01:18:10,263 --> 01:18:12,128 Look. 742 01:18:15,134 --> 01:18:19,093 We took this when Danny was 6 months old. Remember? 743 01:18:19,205 --> 01:18:22,174 - Yeah. I thought you lost it. - Yeah. Me too. 744 01:18:22,408 --> 01:18:26,344 But it was behind my driver's license all along. 745 01:18:26,412 --> 01:18:29,142 And Danny knew. 746 01:20:10,216 --> 01:20:14,175 If it happens again. We have to take him to a doctor here. 747 01:20:14,253 --> 01:20:17,381 There's one in Sidewinder that's supposed to be good. 748 01:20:18,157 --> 01:20:19,317 He's not a paediatrician. 749 01:20:19,425 --> 01:20:23,361 He's a G.P.. But the lady at the market said kids love him. 750 01:20:23,396 --> 01:20:28,231 If it happens again. You two go to your mother's. I know how you feel about her. 751 01:20:28,334 --> 01:20:31,303 You have no idea how I feel about her. 752 01:20:31,404 --> 01:20:35,340 There's nowhere else. There's nowhere else! 753 01:20:41,180 --> 01:20:44,172 I didn't mean to shake him. 754 01:20:45,284 --> 01:20:48,310 And I sure didn't mean to shout. I was scared. 755 01:20:48,388 --> 01:20:51,289 You know? Scared. 756 01:20:52,358 --> 01:20:55,191 You know what scares me? 757 01:20:56,229 --> 01:21:01,223 Your anger. It's like having a live wire in the house. 758 01:21:02,301 --> 01:21:05,395 I don't want this to be an angry place, Jack. 759 01:21:06,205 --> 01:21:09,436 We've had enough of those in the family. God knows. 760 01:21:10,176 --> 01:21:14,272 I don't mean just since we got married. 761 01:21:14,347 --> 01:21:19,341 With your father and my mother. 762 01:21:25,425 --> 01:21:28,155 I'm sorry. 763 01:21:28,361 --> 01:21:31,330 How many ways can I say it? 764 01:21:40,273 --> 01:21:45,176 I was scared too, Jack. You know? 765 01:22:00,226 --> 01:22:02,251 I love you. 766 01:22:02,395 --> 01:22:04,295 Do you? 767 01:22:05,231 --> 01:22:07,165 Yeah. 768 01:22:08,234 --> 01:22:10,361 I love you too. 769 01:22:39,365 --> 01:22:41,356 What is it now? 770 01:22:42,135 --> 01:22:43,397 Mommy! Get them off! 771 01:22:54,147 --> 01:22:58,277 - You said it was safe. Jack! - Let's just get him out of here. 772 01:23:05,191 --> 01:23:09,423 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Does it hurt bad? 773 01:23:10,196 --> 01:23:12,426 You said the wasps were dead! 774 01:23:13,199 --> 01:23:17,295 I know I did. Stay here with Mommy. I'll be right back. 775 01:24:03,382 --> 01:24:07,318 How do you like that. You little bastards? 776 01:24:26,372 --> 01:24:29,136 Sting me. 777 01:24:29,408 --> 01:24:32,343 Why don't you sting me now? 778 01:24:47,393 --> 01:24:49,384 My God. 779 01:25:17,390 --> 01:25:21,156 - How are you? - Stung. That's how we are. 780 01:25:22,128 --> 01:25:26,258 - Hold your arm out. Doc. - What are you gonna do. Daddy? 781 01:25:27,266 --> 01:25:31,259 Putting a hurt on those people that made the bug bomb. 782 01:25:33,239 --> 01:25:36,208 - Okay. Your turn. - What do you think? 783 01:25:36,275 --> 01:25:40,234 I think $5000 a sting should do it. Don't you think? 784 01:25:42,248 --> 01:25:45,308 I followed the directions on that label, I swear. 785 01:25:45,351 --> 01:25:48,286 I carried that damned nest under my shirt. 786 01:25:48,354 --> 01:25:52,188 And Danny was carrying it around. Dan? 787 01:25:56,195 --> 01:25:59,392 He must have only been stunned. 788 01:26:00,166 --> 01:26:02,134 Danny. 789 01:26:02,401 --> 01:26:08,203 - Why do I have to screw up everything? - Oh. Jack. You don't. 790 01:26:10,242 --> 01:26:12,403 The bug bomb must have been defective. 791 01:26:13,179 --> 01:26:16,273 Had to have been. There's no other explanation. 792 01:26:16,349 --> 01:26:20,183 Would you get rid of the nest? I don't want it here. 793 01:26:20,286 --> 01:26:21,378 Right now. 794 01:26:22,154 --> 01:26:26,352 Tomorrow I want to make an appointment with that doctor to see Danny. 795 01:26:27,126 --> 01:26:29,117 First thing. 796 01:27:05,398 --> 01:27:08,196 Oh. My God. 797 01:27:36,295 --> 01:27:39,321 Freeze. You bastards. 798 01:28:40,426 --> 01:28:42,257 What was that? 799 01:28:42,328 --> 01:28:45,388 Something fell. That's all. Probably in the kitchen. 800 01:28:46,165 --> 01:28:48,360 I went in there for something for that nest. 801 01:28:49,168 --> 01:28:52,331 - Are you sure that's all it was? - Sure as can be. 802 01:28:52,438 --> 01:28:55,407 That's what you said about the nest too. 803 01:29:01,213 --> 01:29:05,240 Don't worry. Every thing's gonna be fine. I swear to you. 804 01:29:05,317 --> 01:29:09,185 From your lips to God's ear. Jack.