1 00:00:31,448 --> 00:00:33,313 Narrator: Deep in the heart of Africa 2 00:00:33,450 --> 00:00:35,816 is a place no man has ever entered. 3 00:00:35,953 --> 00:00:39,571 A place that belongs to the lion, the elephant and the ape. 4 00:00:39,665 --> 00:00:41,997 A place known as the bukuvu. 5 00:00:42,709 --> 00:00:46,497 Travelers flying overhead can only glimpse at its many marvels: 6 00:00:46,588 --> 00:00:48,499 Its sparkling rivers, 7 00:00:48,590 --> 00:00:50,171 its lush veldts, 8 00:00:50,884 --> 00:00:52,875 its billowy cloud formations 9 00:00:53,345 --> 00:00:57,429 and its hidden mountains. 10 00:00:58,767 --> 00:01:00,620 - Never fear, my friends. - George! George! 11 00:01:00,644 --> 00:01:02,509 All was not lost. 12 00:01:02,980 --> 00:01:06,313 Scraped and boo-booed, they searched high and low, 13 00:01:06,984 --> 00:01:11,273 but they never recovered their most precious cargo. 14 00:01:17,661 --> 00:01:19,822 George, George George of the jungle 15 00:01:19,913 --> 00:01:22,074 strong as he can be 16 00:01:24,293 --> 00:01:26,534 watch out for that tree 17 00:01:26,628 --> 00:01:28,710 George, George George of the jungle 18 00:01:28,797 --> 00:01:31,209 lives a life that's free 19 00:01:33,385 --> 00:01:35,467 watch out for that tree 20 00:01:35,554 --> 00:01:37,715 when he gets in a scrape he makes his escape 21 00:01:37,806 --> 00:01:40,843 with help from his friend an ape named ape 22 00:01:40,934 --> 00:01:43,220 and his elephant shep can fetch a log 23 00:01:43,312 --> 00:01:46,725 he's man's best friend he's George's dog 24 00:01:46,815 --> 00:01:49,101 he's George, George George of the jungle 25 00:01:49,192 --> 00:01:51,183 strong as he can be 26 00:01:53,614 --> 00:01:55,696 watch out for that tree 27 00:01:55,782 --> 00:01:57,693 hear him holler swing and sing 28 00:01:57,784 --> 00:02:00,241 all the animals come to the jungle king 29 00:02:00,329 --> 00:02:02,240 George, George George of the jungle 30 00:02:02,331 --> 00:02:04,367 George, George George of the jungle 31 00:02:04,458 --> 00:02:06,824 so grab a vine and swing in time 32 00:02:06,918 --> 00:02:09,660 if you smack a tree just pay no mind 33 00:02:09,755 --> 00:02:12,462 like George, George George of the jungle 34 00:02:12,549 --> 00:02:14,631 strong as he can be 35 00:02:17,012 --> 00:02:19,048 watch out for that tree 36 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:21,676 watch out for that bang! Ooh! 37 00:02:21,808 --> 00:02:23,673 Tree 38 00:02:27,439 --> 00:02:29,521 George, George George of the jungle 39 00:02:29,608 --> 00:02:31,519 watch out for that tree 40 00:02:32,778 --> 00:02:35,019 narrator: Twenty-five years later, the bouncing baby boy 41 00:02:35,113 --> 00:02:37,900 has grown into a swinging jungle king. 42 00:02:38,992 --> 00:02:40,823 He is swift. He is strong. 43 00:02:41,286 --> 00:02:45,495 He is sure. He is smart. 44 00:02:45,582 --> 00:02:46,822 He is unconscious. 45 00:02:47,959 --> 00:02:50,120 Meanwhile, 43 vines away, 46 00:02:50,253 --> 00:02:53,666 George's kingdom was being threatened by a terrifying intruder. 47 00:02:53,757 --> 00:02:55,463 Hi, everybody. Me again. 48 00:02:55,884 --> 00:02:58,921 Third day in mbwebwe. Look at this incredible... 49 00:02:59,096 --> 00:03:02,759 - Banyan tree. - Banyan tree. And look what's in it. 50 00:03:08,855 --> 00:03:10,937 Could you die? 51 00:03:11,191 --> 00:03:13,102 And over here 52 00:03:13,318 --> 00:03:16,435 is the outhouse, which you don't want to see, believe me. 53 00:03:16,988 --> 00:03:19,730 By the way, Betsy, thank you so much for those moist towelettes. 54 00:03:19,825 --> 00:03:21,361 They've been a lifesaver. 55 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:25,778 And these are the wonderful porters. Wave, guys. 56 00:03:25,872 --> 00:03:28,238 And this is our guide, Mr. kwame. 57 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:31,541 Without him, we would be lost. Hi. 58 00:03:31,628 --> 00:03:34,745 This is great. 59 00:03:36,383 --> 00:03:37,919 And this is... Lyle! 60 00:03:38,427 --> 00:03:40,383 Hello, bujumburans. 61 00:03:40,929 --> 00:03:41,964 What are you doing here? 62 00:03:42,055 --> 00:03:44,637 What kind of greeting is that to give your fiancé? 63 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:48,342 Aren't you happy to see me? Yeah! Of course I am. 64 00:03:50,605 --> 00:03:52,645 The jungle loves you. You're beautiful. 65 00:03:52,774 --> 00:03:54,014 How did you find me? 66 00:03:54,151 --> 00:03:56,391 Well, I just hired the two best trackers in the business. 67 00:03:56,903 --> 00:03:59,315 Aah! I'm chafing, Max. 68 00:03:59,990 --> 00:04:02,151 Ah, yeah, I'm chafing big time. 69 00:04:02,242 --> 00:04:05,700 Didn't I tell you not to wear 20 pounds of black leather in the jungle? 70 00:04:06,288 --> 00:04:07,949 - Didn"t I tell ya? - Ah. 71 00:04:08,290 --> 00:04:10,997 Cotton, I said. Cotton breathes. 72 00:04:11,334 --> 00:04:13,325 Take my things to the lady's tent and shake a leg. 73 00:04:17,799 --> 00:04:19,755 Narrator: Later that night, Lyle Van de groot 74 00:04:19,843 --> 00:04:21,674 lost no time in making arrangements 75 00:04:21,762 --> 00:04:24,378 to whisk his wayward fiancée back home. 76 00:04:24,473 --> 00:04:28,716 I'll take it. Nairobi Hilton. They can airlift us there in two hours. 77 00:04:29,227 --> 00:04:30,888 Pillows, okay? 78 00:04:31,146 --> 00:04:34,183 Wait a second. I'm losing you. Bad reception here. 79 00:04:34,524 --> 00:04:36,890 Okay, I've got you back. No, wait! I'm losing you! 80 00:04:37,068 --> 00:04:39,150 My batteries are dead! No! Doody! 81 00:04:39,696 --> 00:04:41,482 I don't want to go anyway, Lyle. 82 00:04:41,698 --> 00:04:44,189 Tomorrow we're gonna climb the mountain where the big apes are. 83 00:04:44,701 --> 00:04:45,816 Don't you wanna see them? 84 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:49,278 Only if they can shake a good gin Martini without bruising it. 85 00:04:49,414 --> 00:04:51,200 How! 86 00:04:51,750 --> 00:04:53,706 Me and Thor here would be happy to help you 87 00:04:53,794 --> 00:04:55,659 and the lady up the mountain, Mr. Van de groot. 88 00:04:56,087 --> 00:04:59,204 - Yeah. - Mr. kwame leading the way, of course. 89 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:01,297 If you don't mind me saying so, 90 00:05:01,927 --> 00:05:04,464 the apes are supposed to be a fascinating sight, 91 00:05:05,222 --> 00:05:06,428 especially that white ape. 92 00:05:06,723 --> 00:05:08,679 White ape? What's that? 93 00:05:09,434 --> 00:05:13,143 Ask Mr. kwame. I bet he can tell you. 94 00:05:13,980 --> 00:05:15,686 Kwame: It is only a native legend. 95 00:05:15,857 --> 00:05:17,177 Ursula: Could you please tell us? 96 00:05:20,403 --> 00:05:22,815 The people say he is over seven feet tall, 97 00:05:22,906 --> 00:05:24,646 with the strength of a lion. 98 00:05:25,283 --> 00:05:27,945 When the moon is full and the air is sweet, 99 00:05:28,119 --> 00:05:30,201 he wanders alone through the jungle, 100 00:05:30,288 --> 00:05:34,201 piercing the silence of the valley with his mournful call. 101 00:05:34,835 --> 00:05:37,827 Now, some say he is thirsty for blood. 102 00:05:38,380 --> 00:05:41,998 Others say he is calling for the mate that he longs for, 103 00:05:43,134 --> 00:05:44,715 but will never find. 104 00:05:45,804 --> 00:05:50,047 By day, he rules the entire bukuvu from the top of the mountain. 105 00:05:50,684 --> 00:05:52,015 But by night... 106 00:05:52,185 --> 00:05:55,848 He and bigfoot run the candy counter at the bukuvu cineplex. 107 00:05:56,273 --> 00:05:59,982 Now playing on all 14 screens: Planet of the apes. 108 00:06:03,822 --> 00:06:04,857 Bigfoot? 109 00:06:04,948 --> 00:06:06,939 Max, that'd be worth a lot more than any white... 110 00:06:08,285 --> 00:06:10,025 Lyle: Ursula, what are we doing here? 111 00:06:10,370 --> 00:06:11,951 Lyle, I came all this way... 112 00:06:12,038 --> 00:06:15,201 Okay, okay. The things I do for you. 113 00:06:15,542 --> 00:06:17,032 Looks like we're on, fellows. 114 00:06:18,670 --> 00:06:20,706 Narrator: As the sun Rose over ape mountain, 115 00:06:20,839 --> 00:06:25,333 its agitated inhabitants sent an urgent message to George by bongo-gram, 116 00:06:25,468 --> 00:06:28,426 warning the jungle king that intruders were close afoot. 117 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:30,700 Ooh. Lyle, listen. What was that? 118 00:06:30,724 --> 00:06:33,466 Could be the mating call of the white ape. 119 00:06:34,144 --> 00:06:36,100 White ape. Sounds like a drink. 120 00:06:36,354 --> 00:06:39,312 Yes, bartender. I'll have two black Russians and a white ape. 121 00:06:39,399 --> 00:06:42,766 Narrator: A drink the venal Van de groot would be begging to imbibe 122 00:06:42,944 --> 00:06:46,562 if he only knew how near the white ape was at that very moment, 123 00:06:46,865 --> 00:06:49,777 flying through the foliage, surveying the scenery, 124 00:06:49,951 --> 00:06:54,945 cruising in for a closer look, swinging through the trees with effortless ease. 125 00:06:55,665 --> 00:06:56,665 George: Ow! 126 00:06:58,418 --> 00:07:01,626 And so, onward and upward the tired trekkers trudged 127 00:07:01,713 --> 00:07:04,546 on feverish footsies over perilous paths. 128 00:07:04,716 --> 00:07:08,834 When they finally beheld the mighty ape mountain, they reacted with awe. 129 00:07:09,220 --> 00:07:10,630 All: Aww. 130 00:07:10,931 --> 00:07:14,469 Narrator: I said "awe." A-w-e. 131 00:07:14,684 --> 00:07:17,266 - All: Ooh! - Narrator: That's better. 132 00:07:17,354 --> 00:07:21,017 Kwame: Single file on the bridge. Step very cautiously. 133 00:07:21,399 --> 00:07:25,233 It is full of rotten planks. One false move, you could fall over. 134 00:07:25,820 --> 00:07:29,358 Then you will have a very long time to wave good-bye. 135 00:07:29,741 --> 00:07:32,608 Don't you worry, peanut. I was on a bridge like this in Maui. 136 00:07:32,744 --> 00:07:34,575 It was steady as a rock. See? 137 00:07:34,955 --> 00:07:36,695 Kwame: Stop! Stop that! 138 00:07:40,210 --> 00:07:42,292 I got you. 139 00:07:42,379 --> 00:07:44,961 No! 140 00:07:48,051 --> 00:07:50,793 Narrator: Don't worry. Nobody dies in this story. 141 00:07:50,929 --> 00:07:53,921 They just get really big boo-boos. 142 00:07:54,891 --> 00:07:56,097 What did I tell you? 143 00:07:57,102 --> 00:08:00,094 They shouldn't let inexperienced guides like that on these treks. 144 00:08:05,360 --> 00:08:07,601 Mm-hmm. 145 00:08:08,113 --> 00:08:09,793 Did you see the look that guy just gave me? 146 00:08:10,865 --> 00:08:13,626 Probably saying I'm the biggest jerk they've ever seen in their lives. 147 00:08:13,910 --> 00:08:16,070 Probably trying to think of something evil to do to me. 148 00:08:23,336 --> 00:08:24,336 Aah! 149 00:08:24,838 --> 00:08:26,678 If they turn on us, we're never gonna get home. 150 00:08:27,090 --> 00:08:30,924 It's up to me to make the peace. I'm going in. 151 00:08:31,261 --> 00:08:33,923 Gentlemen. Cigar? Cigarette? 152 00:08:34,681 --> 00:08:36,842 Okay, gifts from America. 153 00:08:37,767 --> 00:08:39,078 - Lyle: I give you a cigar, - Hey, hey. 154 00:08:39,102 --> 00:08:40,592 You give me some of your lands. 155 00:08:40,895 --> 00:08:44,433 All right. My first contact has been made. 156 00:08:45,191 --> 00:08:46,647 Ready, aim... 157 00:08:50,655 --> 00:08:52,771 Lyle: There you go, my man. 158 00:08:54,117 --> 00:08:56,358 You like magic fire? Do ya? 159 00:08:56,453 --> 00:08:59,240 Well, get a load of that. 160 00:09:01,416 --> 00:09:03,998 There you go. Magic picture. 161 00:09:04,544 --> 00:09:06,830 Yet another gift from America. Here you go. 162 00:09:07,338 --> 00:09:08,418 You're welcome. 163 00:09:14,971 --> 00:09:16,461 Thirty-five millimeters. 164 00:09:26,566 --> 00:09:28,022 Translation, please. 165 00:09:28,443 --> 00:09:30,229 He says that he likes your magic pictures, 166 00:09:30,403 --> 00:09:34,146 but he prefers the resolution of the Leica 35-millimeter transparency. 167 00:09:34,741 --> 00:09:38,654 He also says your lens is dirty, but he has the equipment to clean it for you. 168 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:44,873 Well, tell him to clean this while he's at it. 169 00:09:45,919 --> 00:09:47,284 Come on, let's go. “Where? 170 00:09:48,046 --> 00:09:50,662 To find you an ape, so we can get the heck outta here. 171 00:09:51,174 --> 00:09:55,008 Lyle, we can't go into the jungle alone. We could get lost out here. 172 00:09:55,136 --> 00:09:56,672 It's my job to get you what you want. 173 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:59,129 You want a double decaf latte with mocha sprinkles, 174 00:09:59,349 --> 00:10:01,806 you will get a double decaf latte with mocha sprinkles. 175 00:10:02,268 --> 00:10:04,725 You want a white ape, I'll get you a white ape. 176 00:10:05,396 --> 00:10:07,261 Here, monkey, monkey, monkey. 177 00:10:07,816 --> 00:10:10,603 Here, gorilla, gorilla. Come on. 178 00:10:10,944 --> 00:10:13,526 _shh. 179 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:18,281 - Don't move. - I actually found one? It worked? 180 00:10:30,088 --> 00:10:32,295 Hmm. 181 00:10:32,924 --> 00:10:35,836 - God, that scared me. - Scared me, too. 182 00:10:43,560 --> 00:10:46,051 I'm gonna go get help. You wait here. 183 00:11:03,288 --> 00:11:05,779 Oh, no. 184 00:11:36,529 --> 00:11:38,019 Aaah! 185 00:11:46,289 --> 00:11:49,531 Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. 186 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:55,787 Ooh! Ooh! 187 00:12:06,684 --> 00:12:10,142 Eww! When lion brush last? 188 00:12:11,898 --> 00:12:15,766 Don't tickle. Don't tickle. 189 00:12:15,860 --> 00:12:17,976 I'll... 190 00:12:29,082 --> 00:12:32,495 Rubber tree always good for clothesline. Upsy, kitty. 191 00:12:42,387 --> 00:12:45,299 George not even trying hard. 192 00:12:51,479 --> 00:12:53,435 Flying pile driver. 193 00:12:53,773 --> 00:12:55,638 Having some fun now. 194 00:12:56,276 --> 00:12:58,016 Bad kitty! 195 00:13:16,879 --> 00:13:21,293 - That close one, huh? - Watch out for that tree! 196 00:13:22,218 --> 00:13:23,628 Huh? 197 00:13:27,140 --> 00:13:28,721 Oops. 198 00:13:29,225 --> 00:13:32,262 Hmm? 199 00:13:32,687 --> 00:13:34,769 Hmm. Funny-looking fella. 200 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:45,320 The white ape. 201 00:13:49,370 --> 00:13:51,486 U-u-Ursula! Ursula! 202 00:13:57,837 --> 00:14:00,044 Ursula, I found your scrunchie. 203 00:14:30,578 --> 00:14:32,068 Lyle: Go away! 204 00:14:35,583 --> 00:14:36,914 It was horrible. 205 00:14:37,794 --> 00:14:41,378 An almost 400-pound white ape man. 206 00:14:41,631 --> 00:14:45,920 The white ape has my girlfriend. 207 00:14:46,969 --> 00:14:49,961 I held him off as long as I could. Blood everywhere. 208 00:14:50,598 --> 00:14:53,260 The white ape got my girlfriend. 209 00:14:54,352 --> 00:14:56,468 He weighs 400 pounds. 210 00:14:56,604 --> 00:14:58,811 The white ape got my girlfriend! 211 00:14:59,148 --> 00:15:01,355 The white ape got... help! Help! 212 00:15:01,859 --> 00:15:03,599 Man needs help! 213 00:15:16,833 --> 00:15:19,449 Narrator: After a night of feverish fantasies, 214 00:15:19,544 --> 00:15:22,832 the perfectly permed heiress, Ursula stanhope, 215 00:15:23,172 --> 00:15:26,664 awoke to the melodious music of the bukuvu bird life 216 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:31,385 and found herself venturing forth in search of that defender of the innocent, 217 00:15:31,597 --> 00:15:33,133 protector of the weak 218 00:15:33,224 --> 00:15:37,183 and all-around good guy, George of the jungle. 219 00:15:40,481 --> 00:15:42,472 But that's not who she saw first. 220 00:15:42,608 --> 00:15:44,849 “What! 221 00:15:49,115 --> 00:15:51,697 Get away! Get away! Get away! 222 00:15:56,038 --> 00:15:57,778 Hmm? 223 00:16:04,088 --> 00:16:06,420 Hello. 224 00:16:07,300 --> 00:16:08,460 Oh, dear. 225 00:16:11,846 --> 00:16:12,926 Feeling better, fella? 226 00:16:14,932 --> 00:16:17,048 Okay. It's that dream, then. 227 00:16:17,393 --> 00:16:20,726 I'm still having that psycho dream. Hello. 228 00:16:23,107 --> 00:16:25,348 Oh, no, no! Don't worry! Ape friend. 229 00:16:25,693 --> 00:16:27,921 Ape make your breakfast. “What does it want? What does it want? 230 00:16:27,945 --> 00:16:32,154 "It" wants its physician's desk reference, if you don't mind. 231 00:16:32,825 --> 00:16:35,783 Unless you'd rather die of dengue fever, of course. 232 00:16:36,120 --> 00:16:39,157 - That is very funny! - Ha, ha, ha. 233 00:16:39,373 --> 00:16:41,079 I thought I heard the monkey talk. 234 00:16:41,751 --> 00:16:45,710 But that is totally understandable, right? 235 00:16:45,880 --> 00:16:48,667 I mean, why wouldn't an ape read textbooks? 236 00:16:48,966 --> 00:16:51,252 And why wouldn't I find myself in a tree house 237 00:16:51,344 --> 00:16:55,428 with room service and a Tarzan wannabe, wearing a, um 238 00:16:55,848 --> 00:16:57,839 what do you call that thing? 239 00:16:58,392 --> 00:17:00,178 - Butt flap. - Right. 240 00:17:01,646 --> 00:17:04,388 Oh... 241 00:17:04,690 --> 00:17:05,690 Ay! 242 00:17:07,193 --> 00:17:09,229 Ooh! Mmm. 243 00:17:10,821 --> 00:17:15,281 - Ape: Bit of a shock, I suppose. Yes. - Fever. 244 00:17:16,452 --> 00:17:21,162 Cold compress. Dab her lightly, George. "Talking monkey." 245 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:25,161 That's the ticket. Good. 246 00:17:25,336 --> 00:17:26,542 Huh? 247 00:17:27,630 --> 00:17:29,621 Huh? Something funny about this fella. 248 00:17:30,383 --> 00:17:34,797 She's not a "fella," George. She's a woman, the female of your species. 249 00:17:35,388 --> 00:17:37,800 You mean ape and George not brothers? 250 00:17:39,100 --> 00:17:41,216 Well, in a sense, we are related. 251 00:17:41,352 --> 00:17:43,843 After all, we're both members of the primate family. 252 00:17:44,105 --> 00:17:45,766 Primate family. Brothers. 253 00:17:46,315 --> 00:17:48,806 I suppose one might claim... 254 00:17:48,943 --> 00:17:52,606 Mommy, make that monkey stop talking. 255 00:17:53,364 --> 00:17:57,323 Perhaps I should refrain from speaking around her, as it seems to upset her. 256 00:18:15,886 --> 00:18:18,593 - What your name? - Ursula. 257 00:18:20,016 --> 00:18:21,802 Ursula stanhope. 258 00:18:23,269 --> 00:18:25,055 - Who are you? - George. 259 00:18:25,938 --> 00:18:27,098 George primate. 260 00:18:28,774 --> 00:18:31,982 And that brother ape. Ape primate. 261 00:18:32,737 --> 00:18:35,854 Ah! Oh, um... 262 00:18:35,948 --> 00:18:39,065 Okay, I'm gonna pass out again now. 263 00:18:39,910 --> 00:18:41,070 Bye. 264 00:18:42,121 --> 00:18:44,612 Aah! 265 00:18:45,458 --> 00:18:48,541 It's a sissy white ape. I would've choked the life out of him, 266 00:18:48,711 --> 00:18:51,919 except that he had two of his lion buddies jump me from behind. 267 00:18:52,340 --> 00:18:54,672 So in this version, there are two lions with the white ape? 268 00:18:54,800 --> 00:18:57,542 A minute ago, there was only one. 269 00:18:57,637 --> 00:19:01,630 Hey, the important thing, kwame, is that I was outnumbered. 270 00:19:04,602 --> 00:19:05,762 Absolutely. 271 00:19:30,086 --> 00:19:31,542 Hi. 272 00:19:31,837 --> 00:19:34,954 When I woke up this morning, I remembered about that lion, 273 00:19:35,049 --> 00:19:37,961 and I know you saved me yesterday. 274 00:19:38,552 --> 00:19:41,214 - And I just wanted to say thank you. - Ah! 275 00:19:42,139 --> 00:19:43,174 Ooh! 276 00:19:44,308 --> 00:19:48,221 Now I'm feeling better, I realize the others must think I'm cat food by now. 277 00:19:48,354 --> 00:19:51,892 And I don't want my fian... This guy that I was with, to worry. 278 00:19:52,149 --> 00:19:54,435 So I should probably go and look for them. 279 00:19:55,486 --> 00:19:59,229 - I was wondering if you could help me. - Ursula want to go already? 280 00:20:04,370 --> 00:20:06,156 Okay, George help. Get trusty doggy. 281 00:20:06,539 --> 00:20:08,245 Oh, you have a dog. That's great. 282 00:20:08,582 --> 00:20:10,538 Doggy will help find friends. George call shep. 283 00:20:10,835 --> 00:20:13,167 Shep! Here boy! 284 00:20:13,546 --> 00:20:15,537 Come on! Here, boy. 285 00:20:16,006 --> 00:20:17,792 Shep! 286 00:20:18,467 --> 00:20:21,834 Here comes shep. 287 00:20:22,179 --> 00:20:24,261 Come on, shep! Come on, boy! 288 00:20:25,141 --> 00:20:26,551 That a boy! Want to play? 289 00:20:26,684 --> 00:20:29,721 Come on! Come on! Come on! 290 00:20:31,313 --> 00:20:32,974 Good boy. 291 00:20:33,649 --> 00:20:37,187 Come on, boy! Come on! Good boy, shep! 292 00:20:37,737 --> 00:20:40,319 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop, stop, stop! 293 00:20:40,531 --> 00:20:41,896 Sit. Sit. 294 00:20:42,158 --> 00:20:46,652 Good boy! Good obedience training. 295 00:20:46,996 --> 00:20:49,282 - George trained from pup. - That's your dog? 296 00:20:49,665 --> 00:20:52,702 This shep, George's big, gray, peanut-loving poochie. 297 00:20:53,210 --> 00:20:55,417 Good boy, shep! Good boy. 298 00:20:56,297 --> 00:20:58,754 Good boy, shep! Good boy. 299 00:20:59,049 --> 00:21:02,086 That's a good boy. Want to shake? 300 00:21:02,178 --> 00:21:04,260 Mmm? 301 00:21:04,346 --> 00:21:08,259 - Good... doggy. Be nice. - Shep. 302 00:21:08,350 --> 00:21:12,684 Ursula: Shake? George. George. 303 00:21:12,772 --> 00:21:15,764 George! 304 00:21:21,864 --> 00:21:24,526 - See? Shep shake. - Oh, George. 305 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:27,700 He's a big poochie, all right. 306 00:21:27,787 --> 00:21:29,903 Does he fetch? 307 00:21:31,999 --> 00:21:34,661 Here, boy. Come on, boy. 308 00:21:34,752 --> 00:21:37,789 Want a stick? Where's the stick? 309 00:21:37,880 --> 00:21:43,000 Where's the stick, shep? 310 00:21:43,093 --> 00:21:45,129 Here it is. Here, boy. Fetch! 311 00:21:47,056 --> 00:21:49,798 Come on, boy! Run, run! Run, boy! 312 00:21:49,892 --> 00:21:53,726 Good boy. Go on, boy! Go get it! 313 00:21:59,944 --> 00:22:02,560 - Where'd he go? - Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 314 00:22:04,949 --> 00:22:06,860 Ursula: Wow! 315 00:22:06,951 --> 00:22:09,693 Ape: No, not in the roses! Aah! 316 00:22:11,914 --> 00:22:13,745 George: Ungawa, shep! 317 00:22:13,833 --> 00:22:16,825 Narrator: And so, with the help of the jungle king's big, gray, 318 00:22:16,919 --> 00:22:19,626 peanut-loving poochie, George and Ursula set out 319 00:22:19,713 --> 00:22:24,002 on a desperate search to find her fianc... uh, that guy she was with... 320 00:22:24,093 --> 00:22:26,835 Lyle! Lyle! 321 00:22:26,929 --> 00:22:31,844 - Ursula! Ursula! - While he desperately searched for her. 322 00:22:31,934 --> 00:22:36,052 Narrator: But by the end of the afternoon her desperation had dimmed, 323 00:22:36,146 --> 00:22:38,102 that was fantastic! 324 00:22:38,190 --> 00:22:40,897 And she had given up all hope of everything 325 00:22:40,985 --> 00:22:44,352 except enjoying the jungle king's company from her precarious perch 326 00:22:44,446 --> 00:22:45,902 atop his faithful doggy. 327 00:22:45,990 --> 00:22:47,050 So, where are we going now? 328 00:22:47,074 --> 00:22:48,985 To find tookie-tookie bird for jungle news. 329 00:22:49,076 --> 00:22:52,159 Tookie-tookie bird. I love that. 330 00:22:52,454 --> 00:22:56,197 Narrator: Later they rested, while the tired tusker teethed on a 331 00:22:56,292 --> 00:22:59,580 wait a second. The dog bone is too much. Lose it. 332 00:22:59,670 --> 00:23:01,786 That's better. 333 00:23:04,008 --> 00:23:07,375 Bongo-gram. What could it mean? 334 00:23:07,469 --> 00:23:09,380 Aaah-aaah! Eee-eee! Tookie-tookie! 335 00:23:12,641 --> 00:23:16,884 Tookie say little monkey in trouble. 336 00:23:18,522 --> 00:23:20,012 George investigate. 337 00:23:35,664 --> 00:23:36,664 What happened? 338 00:23:39,543 --> 00:23:41,329 Where other monkeys? 339 00:23:42,087 --> 00:23:43,577 Where? There? 340 00:23:44,256 --> 00:23:46,338 How many? That many? 341 00:23:47,009 --> 00:23:50,217 Lots of monkey. Then what happened? 342 00:23:52,848 --> 00:23:54,338 Tell George more. 343 00:23:54,934 --> 00:23:55,934 No! 344 00:23:57,561 --> 00:24:00,849 Little monkey say other monkeys call little monkey "runt." 345 00:24:01,440 --> 00:24:03,351 Not let little monkey play games. 346 00:24:03,734 --> 00:24:06,692 Poor thing. Hi, monkey. 347 00:24:10,491 --> 00:24:12,277 Hi. You okay? 348 00:24:12,368 --> 00:24:13,653 Monkey: No. 349 00:24:16,163 --> 00:24:17,369 Don't cry. 350 00:24:20,542 --> 00:24:22,954 Hmm. 351 00:24:23,045 --> 00:24:24,751 Little monkey like Ursula. 352 00:24:31,553 --> 00:24:34,295 What did you tell him? 353 00:24:34,390 --> 00:24:36,301 Just watch. 354 00:24:40,562 --> 00:24:44,305 (Chittering continues 355 00:24:44,400 --> 00:24:46,391 oh. 356 00:24:48,445 --> 00:24:51,152 Ah. 357 00:24:55,202 --> 00:24:57,488 Uh-oh! 358 00:25:42,207 --> 00:25:46,041 Narrator: Meanwhile, back at a really big footprint in the mud... 359 00:25:49,339 --> 00:25:51,500 Let me through. What's happening? 360 00:25:51,592 --> 00:25:53,628 This footprint does not belong to any of my men. 361 00:25:54,428 --> 00:25:56,043 Max: See? There's your proof. 362 00:25:56,138 --> 00:25:58,379 The white ape does exist. 363 00:25:58,474 --> 00:26:01,637 Now all we have to do is track down the girl and the ape's in the bag. 364 00:26:02,144 --> 00:26:05,307 No, seriously. I don't know if I want to do this again. 365 00:26:05,481 --> 00:26:09,269 Ursula need to relax when it come to vine swinging, for George. 366 00:26:10,569 --> 00:26:14,562 Hmm? Swing, swing, swing. Come on. 367 00:26:14,656 --> 00:26:17,135 Want George of jungle to tell you special vine swinging secret? 368 00:26:17,159 --> 00:26:20,276 Fine. Tell me all your secrets. 369 00:26:20,370 --> 00:26:24,113 George's secrets. Hmph. There's the shortest book ever written. 370 00:26:24,500 --> 00:26:29,039 Wrap it around your sock for special George of jungle foot lock. 371 00:26:29,129 --> 00:26:31,586 - Now, ready to try again? - No. 372 00:26:44,353 --> 00:26:48,016 George: Like this, Ursula! 373 00:26:48,107 --> 00:26:51,645 He flies through the air with the greatest of ease 374 00:26:51,735 --> 00:26:55,694 our daring young man on the flying trapeze 375 00:26:55,781 --> 00:26:58,443 - look, no hands! - His movements so graceful 376 00:26:58,534 --> 00:27:00,365 all girls he could please 377 00:27:00,494 --> 00:27:04,954 and with love he is swinging away 378 00:27:05,040 --> 00:27:07,281 - he flies through the air with the - That's pretty good. 379 00:27:07,376 --> 00:27:08,707 Greatest of ease 380 00:27:08,794 --> 00:27:11,501 George, watch out for that... 381 00:27:11,588 --> 00:27:13,544 Tree. 382 00:27:20,556 --> 00:27:22,797 Aaaah! 383 00:27:27,396 --> 00:27:30,729 Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the king of the jungle. 384 00:27:40,242 --> 00:27:42,528 Where the devil is my egg timer? 385 00:27:42,619 --> 00:27:44,860 - Aaah-aah! Eee-eee! Tookie-tookie. - Tookie! 386 00:27:44,955 --> 00:27:49,164 I'm fed up with this felonious fowl stealing everything in the kitchen. 387 00:27:49,251 --> 00:27:53,369 - Miserable creature. - Tookie-tookie. 388 00:27:53,463 --> 00:27:56,671 George, what on earth are you doing? 389 00:27:56,758 --> 00:28:00,091 George just feel like looking a little special today, that all. 390 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:04,763 Possibly there is a stirring of special feelings within you? 391 00:28:05,559 --> 00:28:07,095 Mm-hmm. 392 00:28:07,811 --> 00:28:09,597 Uh-huh. 393 00:28:18,655 --> 00:28:21,897 George having stirring of special feelings right now. 394 00:28:22,159 --> 00:28:23,899 Ape: I see. 395 00:28:24,870 --> 00:28:27,577 Good thing she same species, huh? Yes. 396 00:28:28,290 --> 00:28:29,290 Ape? 397 00:28:31,585 --> 00:28:34,042 Tell George how to make Ursula George's mate. 398 00:28:34,171 --> 00:28:38,710 - Mmm? - Please? Brother? 399 00:28:38,800 --> 00:28:43,885 First, command her attention by bulging out your cheeks and pursing your lips. 400 00:28:43,972 --> 00:28:47,885 - Show George. - All right. Just like this. Watch. 401 00:28:52,856 --> 00:28:56,064 Even puffier. 402 00:28:56,151 --> 00:28:59,484 Next, display your interest by drawing back your upper lip, 403 00:28:59,571 --> 00:29:03,314 jutting your jaw forward and exposing your teeth. 404 00:29:03,408 --> 00:29:07,742 - Like this? - Throw a handful of leaves in the air, 405 00:29:07,829 --> 00:29:10,571 then leap about and hoot in a dominant fashion. 406 00:29:15,587 --> 00:29:16,587 Like this, ape? 407 00:29:16,838 --> 00:29:19,625 Good. She won't be able to resist that. 408 00:29:24,012 --> 00:29:25,047 Ursula! 409 00:29:25,973 --> 00:29:28,680 Gosh, this trails really rough. 410 00:29:33,855 --> 00:29:36,187 "Ursula! Ursula!" 411 00:29:42,447 --> 00:29:45,814 - Hey, come back here. - They're not abandoning us, are they? 412 00:29:45,909 --> 00:29:48,321 - They are threatening. - Lyle: If you don't mind, kwame, 413 00:29:48,412 --> 00:29:52,280 I have a knack for getting the most out of my employees. 414 00:29:52,374 --> 00:29:54,615 Do you mind if I address the porters? 415 00:29:54,710 --> 00:29:56,792 They only speak Swahili. 416 00:29:56,878 --> 00:30:00,496 Well, I just happen to have a Swahili phrase book. 417 00:30:00,590 --> 00:30:02,376 Be my guest. 418 00:30:24,656 --> 00:30:27,193 I think our troubles are over. 419 00:30:27,284 --> 00:30:30,868 Tell them I'll pay 50 zamoles a man if they'll help me capture the white ape 420 00:30:30,954 --> 00:30:32,865 and bring him back alive. Alive? 421 00:30:32,956 --> 00:30:35,038 After he, uh... 422 00:30:36,043 --> 00:30:39,251 Well, he pulled Ursula's scrunchie off, we know that much. 423 00:30:39,338 --> 00:30:43,001 - 50 zamoles a man. What do you say? - They only speak Swahili. 424 00:30:43,091 --> 00:30:45,833 One hundred zamoles a man and you got a deal. 425 00:30:45,927 --> 00:30:49,010 - Hey, wait a second. - Done. 426 00:30:50,807 --> 00:30:53,549 Narrator: Meanwhile, at a very big and expensive waterfall set, 427 00:30:53,685 --> 00:30:57,018 Ursula was amazed that she was lost in the wilderness with a jungle man. 428 00:30:57,105 --> 00:31:00,893 Here I am, lost in the wilderness with a jungle man. 429 00:31:05,822 --> 00:31:10,407 I should be terrified that no one will ever find me, but I'm not. 430 00:31:12,120 --> 00:31:14,702 - Thank you. - For what? 431 00:31:15,332 --> 00:31:16,788 For this adventure. 432 00:31:17,918 --> 00:31:19,533 It's what I've always wanted. 433 00:31:21,421 --> 00:31:23,252 King of jungle only here to help. 434 00:31:30,555 --> 00:31:32,511 Mr. bombastic 435 00:31:33,392 --> 00:31:37,010 the awesome, bombastic romantic, fantastic lover 436 00:31:40,399 --> 00:31:43,641 Mr. lover-lover 437 00:31:43,735 --> 00:31:46,067 George, are you okay? 438 00:31:46,154 --> 00:31:49,146 Your face is swelling up like... 439 00:31:49,241 --> 00:31:51,948 Is something in my teeth? 440 00:32:00,752 --> 00:32:02,117 Okay. 441 00:32:08,510 --> 00:32:10,466 Listen, um, 442 00:32:10,637 --> 00:32:15,131 I'm gonna step outside for a little air, okay? 443 00:32:18,645 --> 00:32:21,853 - Are you sure you threw the leaves? - Yeah, George threw leaves. 444 00:32:21,940 --> 00:32:24,932 Well, cheer up, old boy. 445 00:32:25,193 --> 00:32:28,856 I spent all day poring through every book in the library, 446 00:32:28,989 --> 00:32:31,446 and finally I found this. 447 00:32:32,033 --> 00:32:33,318 Hmm. 448 00:32:33,410 --> 00:32:36,652 It's positively packed full of human courtship rituals. 449 00:32:36,746 --> 00:32:38,282 Ape: Listen. 450 00:32:50,927 --> 00:32:52,042 Go for it. 451 00:32:59,144 --> 00:33:01,305 = sa 452 00:33:06,234 --> 00:33:08,395 what... oh. 453 00:33:13,575 --> 00:33:15,361 Did you fight a crocodile for this? 454 00:33:15,452 --> 00:33:17,738 Oh. No, George not fight. 455 00:33:17,829 --> 00:33:19,990 Crocodile have toothache. 456 00:33:20,081 --> 00:33:22,242 George pull tooth. 457 00:33:22,667 --> 00:33:25,704 Crocodile give to George after. Gift. 458 00:33:25,795 --> 00:33:27,205 Good juju. 459 00:33:28,131 --> 00:33:31,248 - Juju? - Good luck. Protection. 460 00:33:33,762 --> 00:33:36,219 I have something like that too. 461 00:33:36,306 --> 00:33:38,513 - Want to see? - Mm-hmm. 462 00:33:39,142 --> 00:33:41,724 It's not worth anything. 463 00:33:41,937 --> 00:33:45,600 I found it in a cereal box when I was ten years old. 464 00:33:46,191 --> 00:33:49,683 It's my good luck. My juju. 465 00:33:52,948 --> 00:33:53,948 Can I... 466 00:33:55,075 --> 00:33:56,075 Oh. 467 00:34:09,130 --> 00:34:10,870 I want you to have that. 468 00:34:10,966 --> 00:34:12,672 For George? 469 00:34:14,177 --> 00:34:17,419 That's the nicest present George ever get. 470 00:34:20,058 --> 00:34:21,058 Thank you. 471 00:34:31,528 --> 00:34:34,019 All right, man. Yeah. 472 00:34:34,155 --> 00:34:35,895 It dancin' time. 473 00:34:40,245 --> 00:34:41,325 Ursula, wanna dance? 474 00:34:41,413 --> 00:34:43,950 Oh, no. Thanks. 475 00:34:44,040 --> 00:34:47,157 I'd be too embarrassed. “What mean "embarrassed"? 476 00:34:47,627 --> 00:34:51,415 That's when you feel stupid in front of other people. 477 00:34:52,132 --> 00:34:54,088 You know, like they're judging you. 478 00:34:55,093 --> 00:34:57,004 - You've never felt that? - No. 479 00:34:57,095 --> 00:34:59,632 There are no other people. 480 00:34:59,723 --> 00:35:02,089 - Good point. - George not feel stupid. 481 00:35:02,183 --> 00:35:05,095 Sometimes George smash into tree, and sometime... 482 00:35:09,941 --> 00:35:12,728 Sometimes George fall out of tree house, 483 00:35:13,111 --> 00:35:14,351 but not feel stupid. 484 00:35:14,779 --> 00:35:16,315 Something good always happen after. 485 00:35:17,240 --> 00:35:19,026 George just lucky, I guess. 486 00:35:19,659 --> 00:35:24,699 One day I looked up and there you were 487 00:35:24,789 --> 00:35:29,032 no people here to look stupid for. Just George. 488 00:35:29,127 --> 00:35:33,211 Like a simple question looking for an answer 489 00:35:34,257 --> 00:35:39,092 now I am a whale listening to some inner call 490 00:35:39,179 --> 00:35:43,422 swimming blindly to throw myself upon your shore 491 00:35:43,516 --> 00:35:47,850 what if I don't find you and I have landed 492 00:35:48,188 --> 00:35:52,477 would you leave me here to die on your shore, stranded 493 00:35:52,734 --> 00:35:55,601 I think I know why the dog howls at the moon 494 00:35:57,280 --> 00:36:00,693 I think I know why the dog howls at the moon 495 00:36:01,493 --> 00:36:06,078 I sing dela, dela 496 00:36:06,164 --> 00:36:11,329 ngyanya dela when I'm with you 497 00:36:11,419 --> 00:36:15,788 dela, sondela, mama 498 00:36:15,882 --> 00:36:18,168 sondela 499 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:20,796 I burn for you 500 00:36:20,887 --> 00:36:23,594 I've been waiting for you all my life 501 00:36:23,682 --> 00:36:25,468 hoping for a miracle 502 00:36:25,558 --> 00:36:29,426 I've been waiting day and night, day and night 503 00:36:30,605 --> 00:36:32,846 I've been waiting for you all my life 504 00:36:33,108 --> 00:36:34,939 waiting for redemption 505 00:36:35,068 --> 00:36:37,354 I've been waiting day and night 506 00:36:37,445 --> 00:36:39,106 I burn for you 507 00:36:52,794 --> 00:36:56,378 Narrator: And so it came to pass that George of the jungle 508 00:36:56,464 --> 00:36:59,501 attended his first co-ed dance. 509 00:37:06,266 --> 00:37:10,259 But his rapturous rendezvous with the urban heiress was to be short-lived, 510 00:37:10,353 --> 00:37:15,473 as the very next morning, kwame and his men were drawing dangerously close. 511 00:37:15,567 --> 00:37:19,731 That is, dangerously close to shoving a coconut up Lyle's... 512 00:37:20,405 --> 00:37:21,736 Sleeping bag. 513 00:37:21,823 --> 00:37:24,235 That's it! I've had it! 514 00:37:24,325 --> 00:37:27,988 I am the richest, smartest, handsomest guy here, so I get to go first. 515 00:37:34,335 --> 00:37:36,246 There's an elephant around here. 516 00:37:36,337 --> 00:37:40,330 Bad guy falls in poop. Classical element of physical comedy. 517 00:37:40,425 --> 00:37:44,088 Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh. Ready? 518 00:37:44,179 --> 00:37:46,591 All: Ready! 519 00:37:49,100 --> 00:37:53,343 Those were nowhere near properly digested. 520 00:37:54,230 --> 00:37:56,346 In case anybody's wondering, I'm okay. 521 00:37:58,693 --> 00:38:00,183 Have you cleaned my lighter yet? 522 00:38:09,037 --> 00:38:11,369 Lyle: Come on, come on. 523 00:38:13,208 --> 00:38:16,371 That was Ursula. 524 00:38:16,920 --> 00:38:21,084 Did you hear that? She's alive. Ursula! 525 00:38:21,174 --> 00:38:24,337 Why don't you bring on a brass band while you're at it, you nit? 526 00:38:24,427 --> 00:38:26,588 We gotta be stealthy here, right? 527 00:38:27,555 --> 00:38:29,796 Stealthy. Right. 528 00:38:30,475 --> 00:38:32,306 Phew! 529 00:38:33,645 --> 00:38:34,645 Party time. 530 00:38:48,868 --> 00:38:51,280 Get off! 531 00:38:56,251 --> 00:38:57,787 It's him! 532 00:38:59,504 --> 00:39:01,244 Thor: Hey, it's a dude. 533 00:39:02,131 --> 00:39:04,122 I told you there weren't no white ape. 534 00:39:04,217 --> 00:39:07,584 You dragged me all the way here to look at some guy in a leopard skin bikini. 535 00:39:07,679 --> 00:39:09,573 If I wanted to see that, I could've stayed in Miami. 536 00:39:09,597 --> 00:39:11,178 Lyle: Wait a second. 537 00:39:11,266 --> 00:39:14,929 The white ape is a man? Let me at him. 538 00:39:15,728 --> 00:39:18,515 Hang on. Could you, uh, see if he's dangerous? 539 00:39:18,606 --> 00:39:21,439 Here, boy! Where's my little doggy? 540 00:39:22,485 --> 00:39:24,350 I've got a feeling he's not. 541 00:39:24,445 --> 00:39:26,106 Okay. I'll go first. 542 00:39:26,614 --> 00:39:29,356 If he gets aggressive, I'll scare him off with this. 543 00:39:29,450 --> 00:39:30,610 I thought that was a lighter. 544 00:39:30,660 --> 00:39:33,322 It is a lighter, but he doesn't know that. 545 00:39:39,669 --> 00:39:41,705 Lyle: Ursula, it's me. 546 00:39:41,963 --> 00:39:45,330 Lyle. Your man. I've come for you. 547 00:39:45,884 --> 00:39:47,124 Are you okay? 548 00:39:50,805 --> 00:39:52,921 Ursulal - 549 00:39:53,349 --> 00:39:55,806 - Lyle, what are you doing here? - Thank god. 550 00:39:56,019 --> 00:39:59,762 Mushy bear, you're safe. I don't believe it! 551 00:40:00,064 --> 00:40:04,478 Oh, I was so afraid for your safety. 552 00:40:06,529 --> 00:40:07,735 Lyle! 553 00:40:08,323 --> 00:40:11,110 Don't get all smoochy and disgusting with me, okay? 554 00:40:11,200 --> 00:40:13,532 I remember what you did when that lion came. 555 00:40:13,661 --> 00:40:17,654 What are you talking about? I was fighting the lion the whole time. 556 00:40:18,333 --> 00:40:21,575 You were just so terrified you don't remember. 557 00:40:21,669 --> 00:40:23,955 I remember George, that's who I remember. 558 00:40:24,130 --> 00:40:25,165 George? 559 00:40:25,924 --> 00:40:28,085 Look over there. What do you see? 560 00:40:30,011 --> 00:40:32,844 - An elephant. - But what has the elephant got? 561 00:40:36,809 --> 00:40:39,972 - Fleas. Ohl - Ivory! White gold. 562 00:40:40,438 --> 00:40:44,727 Listen, Ursula, I have no idea what you're talking about. Can we just go? 563 00:40:44,859 --> 00:40:47,475 - George! - Ursula! 564 00:40:47,570 --> 00:40:48,980 Ready, 565 00:40:49,614 --> 00:40:51,855 aim... 566 00:40:56,537 --> 00:40:59,279 Run, shep! Run for your life! 567 00:40:59,374 --> 00:41:01,456 Did that monkey just speak? 568 00:41:01,542 --> 00:41:03,533 That monkey just spoke. 569 00:41:03,628 --> 00:41:05,710 - I knew it. - He talked. 570 00:41:05,797 --> 00:41:07,788 - Shoot it now. - Huh? 571 00:41:07,882 --> 00:41:11,966 With the tranquilizer gun, idiot! That ape's worth a fortune. 572 00:41:12,053 --> 00:41:13,964 No! 573 00:41:14,055 --> 00:41:16,717 Stop, or I'll shoot! 574 00:41:25,108 --> 00:41:27,019 Ee - = sa Teenie 575 00:41:27,110 --> 00:41:31,570 George! 576 00:41:32,407 --> 00:41:33,522 Narrator: Whew! 577 00:41:33,616 --> 00:41:36,779 Okay, kids, let's settle down and review the important information. 578 00:41:36,911 --> 00:41:37,911 Lyle is a big doofus. 579 00:41:37,996 --> 00:41:41,864 Poor George was really shot but can't die because, let's face it, he's the hero. 580 00:41:41,958 --> 00:41:45,496 So, the concerned and preternaturally wealthy Ursula stanhope 581 00:41:45,586 --> 00:41:48,874 whisked George off on a private jet bound for the country of his birth 582 00:41:48,965 --> 00:41:52,002 where he would get the finest medical treatment available. 583 00:41:52,093 --> 00:41:55,551 I'm gonna get you the finest medical treatment available. 584 00:41:56,180 --> 00:42:00,423 As for those pesky, pernicious and putrid poachers, Max and Thor, 585 00:42:00,601 --> 00:42:03,343 they awaited their fate in the Bujumbura jail. 586 00:42:03,438 --> 00:42:06,054 Officer: You two, out. 587 00:42:06,149 --> 00:42:09,812 - Acquitted? - No, deported. 588 00:42:09,944 --> 00:42:13,186 Narrator: Meanwhile, kwame and his men faced the next-to-impossible task 589 00:42:13,281 --> 00:42:17,820 of picking out George's assailant from a lineup of the usual suspects. 590 00:42:18,369 --> 00:42:20,781 Man: Too short. Too sweaty. 591 00:42:20,872 --> 00:42:24,581 Wait a second! That's the guy. That's the guy who shot him. 592 00:42:24,667 --> 00:42:27,534 - I never forget a face. - Me? 593 00:42:34,302 --> 00:42:38,341 No, Max. Forget about it. I do not want to listen to any more of your ideas. 594 00:42:38,431 --> 00:42:42,219 You'll like this one. We're gonna steal Georgie-boy's talking ape. 595 00:42:42,810 --> 00:42:44,141 You mean, back up the mountain? 596 00:42:44,228 --> 00:42:48,096 Thor, that ape is our ticket out of poaching and into show business. 597 00:42:48,316 --> 00:42:50,773 - No. - Think about it. We got a talking ape. 598 00:42:51,194 --> 00:42:53,401 What do siegfried and Roy have? 599 00:42:53,488 --> 00:42:55,103 - Sequins? - Exactly. 600 00:42:55,990 --> 00:42:58,697 Get ready for room service, mate, and girls. 601 00:42:58,993 --> 00:43:01,450 We're gettin' our ape and going to Vegas. 602 00:43:01,537 --> 00:43:04,244 By next weekend, we'll be headlining at the tropicana. 603 00:43:04,540 --> 00:43:06,952 - Nobody is gonna stop us. - Right. 604 00:43:07,460 --> 00:43:10,247 George of the jungle must be halfway to frisco by now. 605 00:43:10,671 --> 00:43:14,004 Narrator: Ah, but the plotting poachers were only half correct, 606 00:43:14,092 --> 00:43:18,631 for at that very moment, our handsome hero was all the way to San Francisco. 607 00:43:18,721 --> 00:43:19,836 Yes, mother, I'm safe. 608 00:43:19,931 --> 00:43:22,013 You're sure you didn't catch dengue fever? 609 00:43:22,100 --> 00:43:24,136 No, mother, I did not catch dengue fever. 610 00:43:24,227 --> 00:43:26,593 - Well, how's your temperature? - Normal. 611 00:43:26,687 --> 00:43:29,929 - Color of your tongue? - Pink. 612 00:43:30,024 --> 00:43:32,106 - What about your hmm-hmm? - Regular. 613 00:43:32,193 --> 00:43:35,310 Now, Lyle. How is my darling future son-in-law? 614 00:43:35,404 --> 00:43:39,898 Lyle is... 615 00:43:40,118 --> 00:43:43,155 He's happy to be home, mom. Could you hold on one second? 616 00:43:46,666 --> 00:43:50,534 George, please don't call any animals into the car, okay? 617 00:43:50,753 --> 00:43:51,753 Thanks. 618 00:43:51,838 --> 00:43:54,295 Mom? 619 00:43:54,382 --> 00:43:58,546 Mom, hold on. I'm losing you again. George. George. 620 00:43:58,636 --> 00:44:01,218 Are you paying any attention? This is important. 621 00:44:01,305 --> 00:44:03,967 I know it's important. 622 00:44:04,058 --> 00:44:06,640 No, George. Hot, hot, hot. 623 00:44:06,727 --> 00:44:10,686 This faster than riding big, great, peanut-loving poochie shep. 624 00:44:10,773 --> 00:44:13,230 Love you, mom. Gotta go. Bye. Watch out for that... 625 00:44:13,317 --> 00:44:16,309 Ooh! 626 00:44:24,829 --> 00:44:26,990 Ursula: So, what do you think of my jungle? 627 00:44:27,081 --> 00:44:28,491 This very high tree house. 628 00:44:29,709 --> 00:44:32,075 Good place to call friends from. Sound carry. 629 00:44:32,503 --> 00:44:36,246 Oh, no, no, no, no. 630 00:44:36,340 --> 00:44:38,752 The neighbors. 631 00:44:38,843 --> 00:44:41,835 Man: Shut up, buddy! Give it a rest. 632 00:44:41,929 --> 00:44:46,923 We're 10 stories up, George. I don't think the animals can make it up here. 633 00:44:47,018 --> 00:44:49,851 Oh, sure. George know that. 634 00:44:51,105 --> 00:44:52,185 George know that. 635 00:45:02,783 --> 00:45:04,148 You must be tired. 636 00:45:04,243 --> 00:45:08,987 I'll make the couch up for you to sleep in the living room. 637 00:45:09,123 --> 00:45:11,956 Oh, no. George sleep here in tree house. 638 00:45:12,960 --> 00:45:14,951 Okay. Good night. 639 00:45:17,882 --> 00:45:18,997 Sleep sweet, Ursula. 640 00:45:20,635 --> 00:45:21,966 Sleep sweet, George. 641 00:45:26,182 --> 00:45:27,182 Ooh. 642 00:45:29,810 --> 00:45:32,051 Narrator: Well, Ursula's fiancé is in prison, 643 00:45:32,146 --> 00:45:34,228 and there's a jungle man sleeping on her balcony. 644 00:45:34,315 --> 00:45:36,727 - She could use a best friend right now. - Hi. 645 00:45:36,817 --> 00:45:38,728 - Hi. - I got here as fast as I could. 646 00:45:38,819 --> 00:45:39,819 Where is he? 647 00:45:39,904 --> 00:45:41,465 He's under the waterf... He's in the shower. 648 00:45:41,489 --> 00:45:43,400 Not anymore. 649 00:45:43,491 --> 00:45:45,982 - George. - Oh. Bad waterfall. 650 00:45:46,077 --> 00:45:49,820 First water get hot, then George slip on this strange, yellow rock. 651 00:45:49,914 --> 00:45:51,745 Oh! 652 00:45:51,832 --> 00:45:54,414 Hi. George of jungle. 653 00:45:55,127 --> 00:45:56,788 - Charmed, I'm sure. - George. 654 00:45:57,755 --> 00:45:59,791 Um, take this big book, 655 00:46:00,841 --> 00:46:04,004 cover the Booty, get into decent clothes. 656 00:46:04,095 --> 00:46:05,756 - Sorry, Betsy. Bye. - No problem. 657 00:46:05,846 --> 00:46:08,758 I see why they made him king of the jungle. 658 00:46:09,809 --> 00:46:12,016 Betsy, I am in trouble here, okay? 659 00:46:12,270 --> 00:46:15,012 How am I gonna tell my parents that my fiancé's in an African jail 660 00:46:15,106 --> 00:46:17,017 and that I brought home a jungle man? 661 00:46:17,566 --> 00:46:19,727 You are totally stuck on George, huh? 662 00:46:20,069 --> 00:46:21,934 No, I am not! 663 00:46:22,863 --> 00:46:23,863 Can I have him then? 664 00:46:24,782 --> 00:46:27,068 Okay, let's think. Think, think, think. 665 00:46:27,159 --> 00:46:30,572 Think, think, think. What am I gonna do about tomorrow? 666 00:46:30,788 --> 00:46:32,244 Tomorrow is your engagement party, 667 00:46:32,331 --> 00:46:34,993 and unless they give day passes out of Bujumbura jail 668 00:46:35,084 --> 00:46:36,699 Lyle is not likely to attend. 669 00:46:36,794 --> 00:46:40,286 So tell 'em the truth, don't worry about it and take George. 670 00:46:40,673 --> 00:46:43,289 - He can back up your story. Right? - All right. 671 00:46:43,926 --> 00:46:45,837 I'll tell my dad first thing in the morning. 672 00:46:46,178 --> 00:46:49,921 Make it second thing. First thing, I suggest you buy jungle man some clothes. 673 00:46:54,312 --> 00:46:55,768 Nice butt flap. 674 00:47:02,611 --> 00:47:05,648 Narrator: Being of a conservative mind regarding gender roles, 675 00:47:05,740 --> 00:47:07,776 Ursula stanhope wasted no time 676 00:47:07,867 --> 00:47:11,451 in taking George of the jungle to a fine haberdasher. 677 00:47:14,290 --> 00:47:15,610 Ursula: And this is neiman Marcus. 678 00:47:15,958 --> 00:47:19,450 Whoo! They have big, shiny cave. 679 00:47:20,046 --> 00:47:22,082 Would you like to sample our new fragrance? 680 00:47:22,173 --> 00:47:24,755 Thank you. 681 00:47:32,058 --> 00:47:33,923 Narrator: Later, in the men's department, 682 00:47:34,018 --> 00:47:36,009 after discovering his long-lost brothers, 683 00:47:36,103 --> 00:47:40,722 the jungle king was pleased to find he looked pretty good in Armani. 684 00:47:40,816 --> 00:47:42,477 Pretty darn good. 685 00:47:43,611 --> 00:47:45,442 What's up, my man? 686 00:47:45,946 --> 00:47:47,857 - Watch out, man! - Oh-oh-oh! 687 00:47:48,324 --> 00:47:51,282 Why everyone run around crazy, like antelope in mating season? 688 00:47:51,744 --> 00:47:53,221 They're just trying to make a living. 689 00:47:53,245 --> 00:47:55,236 It's a different kind of jungle here, George. 690 00:47:55,331 --> 00:47:57,822 Survival of the fittest. Dog eat dog. 691 00:47:57,917 --> 00:48:01,080 - "Dog eat dog"... dog eat dog here? - No, that's not what I meant. 692 00:48:01,295 --> 00:48:03,536 George never bring shep here. Uh-uh. Never. 693 00:48:03,631 --> 00:48:05,792 Every story gets to have a really big coincidence, 694 00:48:05,883 --> 00:48:07,043 ahd here's ours: 695 00:48:07,134 --> 00:48:10,752 Who should see them walking down the street but Ursula's meddling mother? 696 00:48:11,013 --> 00:48:12,924 Yes, Lyle Van de groot, please. 697 00:48:13,015 --> 00:48:16,007 - I'm sorry. He's not back from Africa. - He's not? 698 00:48:16,102 --> 00:48:18,184 Woman: No. I'm sorry. 699 00:48:18,270 --> 00:48:20,682 Narrator: Meanwhile, back on ape mountain, 700 00:48:20,773 --> 00:48:25,016 George's friends were going positively gaga from missing the jungle king. 701 00:48:25,111 --> 00:48:26,851 No! 702 00:48:26,946 --> 00:48:30,188 Oh, look at this. Ruined. Ruined! 703 00:48:30,282 --> 00:48:32,022 Shep, come here at once. 704 00:48:32,118 --> 00:48:34,325 Come on! 705 00:48:35,037 --> 00:48:37,528 How many times do I have to tell you? 706 00:48:37,623 --> 00:48:41,036 - My violin bow is not a chew toy! - Blaa-aa-aaah! 707 00:48:41,127 --> 00:48:42,788 Bad dog! 708 00:48:42,878 --> 00:48:46,245 And you! Out of my sight, you feathered fool. 709 00:48:47,466 --> 00:48:48,876 No! 710 00:48:48,968 --> 00:48:52,460 Not on the tree house! I'll smack you... 711 00:48:52,930 --> 00:48:54,636 On! 712 00:48:55,433 --> 00:48:56,889 Ursula, it's mother. 713 00:48:57,017 --> 00:49:00,885 Pick up the phone and tell me who that man was I saw you strolling with today. 714 00:49:00,980 --> 00:49:04,143 And where is Lyle? We must discuss the engagement party. 715 00:49:05,025 --> 00:49:06,640 I know you're there, Ursula. 716 00:49:06,735 --> 00:49:09,693 Pick up the phone and tell me why you have been avoiding me. 717 00:49:10,239 --> 00:49:11,820 Pick up the phone! 718 00:49:15,327 --> 00:49:18,615 Well, I think that was an overreaction. 719 00:49:20,166 --> 00:49:22,006 Just make sure you stay here while I'm at work. 720 00:49:22,209 --> 00:49:26,418 And you can watch TV and eat and relax. 721 00:49:26,505 --> 00:49:29,372 I'll be back as soon as I can. Just stay here. 722 00:49:29,467 --> 00:49:30,467 Narrator: "Stay here"? 723 00:49:30,634 --> 00:49:34,547 George is king of the jungle. No four walls built by modern man can contain him. 724 00:49:34,680 --> 00:49:38,889 Not true. George have every intention of doing exactly what Ursula say. 725 00:49:38,976 --> 00:49:40,716 Really? Is that so? 726 00:49:41,979 --> 00:49:42,979 For a while. 727 00:49:44,023 --> 00:49:45,729 And at that very moment, 728 00:49:45,816 --> 00:49:49,434 Betsy and Ursula were on their way to break the news about Lyle to her father. 729 00:49:49,570 --> 00:49:50,855 Good luck, kiddo. 730 00:49:51,405 --> 00:49:52,805 - Surprise! - Aaah! 731 00:49:56,869 --> 00:49:59,861 Ursula, welcome home, sweetheart, 732 00:50:00,498 --> 00:50:02,830 and happy engagement day. 733 00:50:03,334 --> 00:50:04,949 Chock full o' nuts 734 00:50:05,044 --> 00:50:07,877 the heavenly coffee 735 00:50:08,672 --> 00:50:10,663 announcer: The coffee that brings you together. 736 00:50:10,925 --> 00:50:13,132 When you're in love 737 00:50:14,929 --> 00:50:16,294 now George understand. 738 00:50:16,388 --> 00:50:19,425 George get coffee, then Ursula want George. 739 00:50:32,905 --> 00:50:34,941 Java-java-java-java, java-java-java-java. 740 00:50:35,032 --> 00:50:38,365 So the low has moved offshore. High pressure's built a Ridge in. 741 00:50:38,452 --> 00:50:40,659 The weather is absolutely gorgeous. 742 00:50:40,746 --> 00:50:43,328 - If you're not outside, you oughta be! - Who, me? 743 00:50:43,541 --> 00:50:45,748 - I mean you. - Oh. 744 00:50:45,834 --> 00:50:47,665 Okay! 745 00:50:47,753 --> 00:50:50,210 Narrator: And so, jazzed on java, 746 00:50:50,297 --> 00:50:54,006 George of the jungle made his way into the city by the bay. 747 00:50:54,093 --> 00:50:57,756 Whoo! 748 00:50:58,305 --> 00:50:59,920 Quickly taking to tourism, 749 00:51:00,015 --> 00:51:02,973 the jungle king enjoyed the first drive-through dining of his life 750 00:51:03,060 --> 00:51:06,928 and strolled the city streets until he found something so scintillating 751 00:51:07,022 --> 00:51:09,104 he had to say: - Ooh! 752 00:51:10,192 --> 00:51:11,648 Yeah! 753 00:51:19,618 --> 00:51:21,904 But nothing excited the jungle king more 754 00:51:21,996 --> 00:51:24,908 than the sight of the biggest rope bridge he had ever seen. 755 00:51:25,040 --> 00:51:28,749 Ooh. Yeah. 756 00:51:49,398 --> 00:51:51,389 - Man: Help! - Ooh. 757 00:51:51,483 --> 00:51:53,474 Somebody help! 758 00:52:05,831 --> 00:52:08,914 To swing or not to swing? 759 00:52:09,001 --> 00:52:10,411 Man: Help! 760 00:52:13,505 --> 00:52:14,620 Swing. 761 00:52:24,600 --> 00:52:29,515 As the king of the jungle calculated the angle and velocity of his big swing, 762 00:52:29,605 --> 00:52:32,893 Ursula felt like jumping off a bridge herself. 763 00:52:32,983 --> 00:52:36,851 I feel so guilty. I don't know what I'm going to do. 764 00:52:36,945 --> 00:52:40,858 First thing: I suggest you tell your father what you came here to tell him. 765 00:52:41,533 --> 00:52:42,864 - Hi, daddy. - Hi, honey. 766 00:52:42,951 --> 00:52:47,445 Take a look at this. The most remarkable thing is happening on the bay bridge. 767 00:52:47,539 --> 00:52:50,372 Where strong winds have carried him to the bay bridge. 768 00:52:50,459 --> 00:52:52,620 Valerie devlin is live on the scene. 769 00:52:53,128 --> 00:52:54,163 Thank you, terilyn. 770 00:52:54,254 --> 00:52:56,916 We do have a breaking story at the bay bridge, 771 00:52:57,007 --> 00:53:00,966 where a parasailer dangles helplessly, 500 feet above the water. 772 00:53:01,053 --> 00:53:03,840 Help! 773 00:53:06,350 --> 00:53:08,807 Reporter: There's no word on who this lone daredevil is. 774 00:53:08,894 --> 00:53:11,806 - Ursula: That's George. - He appears to have some kind of rope. 775 00:53:11,897 --> 00:53:14,889 - He might be preparing to swing on it. - I gotta go. 776 00:53:32,835 --> 00:53:35,793 Excuse me, sir. I have to get on this boat. 777 00:53:47,224 --> 00:53:50,842 Hey, fella. George of jungle. Need a vine? 778 00:53:50,936 --> 00:53:54,520 Thanks a lot, man. Get me out of this stuff, huh? 779 00:54:00,904 --> 00:54:03,520 - Thanks, man. - Oh, don't mention it. 780 00:54:03,615 --> 00:54:07,654 King of jungle only here to help! 781 00:54:07,745 --> 00:54:09,531 Whoa! 782 00:54:09,621 --> 00:54:12,533 Oh! Oh-oh-oh! 783 00:54:13,709 --> 00:54:16,826 - George! - Ursula! Ow! 784 00:54:37,566 --> 00:54:39,898 All: Watch out for that... 785 00:54:39,985 --> 00:54:41,976 Aaah! 786 00:54:47,075 --> 00:54:48,861 - George! - Ursula! 787 00:54:48,952 --> 00:54:51,864 What are you doing? Are you okay? You just saved that man's life! 788 00:54:51,955 --> 00:54:54,571 George just lucky, I guess. 789 00:54:56,668 --> 00:54:59,205 Ooh. This coffee stuff really work good. 790 00:55:00,464 --> 00:55:03,922 One of the most daring rescues ever recorded live on television. 791 00:55:04,468 --> 00:55:07,380 This is Valerie devlin reporting to you from under the bay bridge. 792 00:55:07,471 --> 00:55:08,927 - Back to you, terilyn. - Hmm? 793 00:55:09,014 --> 00:55:12,427 You know, they say the city by the bay is the most romantic in the world, 794 00:55:12,518 --> 00:55:15,931 and it looks as though there's a little romance unfolding under the bay bridge. 795 00:55:16,021 --> 00:55:17,602 - We"ll be back in a moment. - Oh. 796 00:55:18,982 --> 00:55:21,598 Narrator: Meanwhile, back in the jungle... 797 00:55:21,693 --> 00:55:23,399 Thor: There's five stinkin' apes out there. 798 00:55:23,487 --> 00:55:24,943 Which one are we takin' to Vegas? 799 00:55:25,489 --> 00:55:27,275 The one who's playing chess. 800 00:55:27,366 --> 00:55:30,278 Checkmate. 801 00:55:34,706 --> 00:55:36,537 - Yes! - Sweet dreams, banana breath. 802 00:55:36,625 --> 00:55:38,536 Tookie. 803 00:55:38,627 --> 00:55:40,663 Go find George. 804 00:55:49,012 --> 00:55:52,129 - Hmm? - Thor. 805 00:55:58,522 --> 00:56:01,184 Let's get him in the cage while he's still under. Come on. 806 00:56:04,319 --> 00:56:07,061 Narrator: As the pesky poachers grunted and groaned, 807 00:56:07,155 --> 00:56:10,067 pushing and pulling the ponderous primate along, 808 00:56:10,158 --> 00:56:14,071 the trusty tookie-tookie bird was already winging to the rescue, 809 00:56:14,162 --> 00:56:17,074 making a bird-line for San Francisco 810 00:56:17,165 --> 00:56:20,407 where George of the jungle was trying to give the heiress Ursula 811 00:56:20,502 --> 00:56:22,584 the courage to face her parents 812 00:56:22,671 --> 00:56:26,755 by helping her discover the juju within. 813 00:56:26,842 --> 00:56:30,300 - Make jungle call. Then you feel brave. - No, I can't. 814 00:56:30,387 --> 00:56:33,675 - Come on. Big breath. Support voice. - No, no, no. No! 815 00:56:33,765 --> 00:56:36,347 - Please. Please? - I can't do it. 816 00:56:36,435 --> 00:56:39,768 Big. Brave. Queen of jungle. Come on, Ursula. 817 00:56:52,326 --> 00:56:54,692 - Wow. - Not bad for beginner. 818 00:56:54,995 --> 00:56:57,202 Narrator: Emboldened with jungle juju, 819 00:57:00,709 --> 00:57:02,290 who took it extremely well. 820 00:57:02,377 --> 00:57:05,995 Mother, daddy, I love you both very much. 821 00:57:06,214 --> 00:57:08,455 I have something very important to tell you, 822 00:57:08,550 --> 00:57:10,506 and I hope you'll understand. 823 00:57:10,594 --> 00:57:13,051 I don't want to marry Lyle anymore. 824 00:57:19,227 --> 00:57:20,307 Narrator: Just kidding. 825 00:57:20,395 --> 00:57:24,308 Aaah! 826 00:57:24,441 --> 00:57:26,648 The young miss stanhope proceeded to spill the beans... 827 00:57:26,735 --> 00:57:29,067 I went to the jungle... 828 00:57:29,154 --> 00:57:31,065 Very quickly, 829 00:57:38,580 --> 00:57:41,322 Until she got to the important part at the end. 830 00:57:41,500 --> 00:57:46,210 Then Lyle shot him. So Lyle is in jail, and George is with me, 831 00:57:47,631 --> 00:57:49,337 and I don't want to marry Lyle anymore. 832 00:57:49,591 --> 00:57:53,209 I knew it. It's that swinging man from the bridge. 833 00:57:53,303 --> 00:57:55,419 I saw you smooching on TV. 834 00:57:55,514 --> 00:57:58,597 - Mother, we weren't smooching... - How could you do this to me? 835 00:57:58,684 --> 00:58:01,471 Don't you realize the caliber of people who are going to be here? 836 00:58:01,561 --> 00:58:02,997 Calm down, Beatrice, and let her say... 837 00:58:03,021 --> 00:58:06,809 I thought we would be introducing them to Lyle Van de groot, 838 00:58:06,900 --> 00:58:09,391 not some wild man you found in the jungle. 839 00:58:09,486 --> 00:58:12,023 Beatrice, this is supposed to be her wedding, not yours. 840 00:58:12,155 --> 00:58:14,897 - So? - Beatrice, I know you're upset. 841 00:58:14,992 --> 00:58:18,405 So am I, but we can't force her to marry someone against her will. 842 00:58:18,495 --> 00:58:21,612 - Why not? - Mom. Dad. 843 00:58:21,707 --> 00:58:23,663 I'm ready to go out there and apologize 844 00:58:23,750 --> 00:58:25,630 to everybody and tell them what really happened. 845 00:58:25,836 --> 00:58:27,622 Absolutely not! 846 00:58:27,713 --> 00:58:31,877 As far as I'm concerned, you... You caught one of those viruses. 847 00:58:31,967 --> 00:58:34,424 Yes, one of those dreadful jungle viruses 848 00:58:34,511 --> 00:58:36,718 that get nice girls all confused. 849 00:58:36,805 --> 00:58:41,390 If Lyle survives that awful jail, you will simply have to kiss and make up. 850 00:58:41,476 --> 00:58:45,640 As for this evening, we will hold our heads high and we will carry on. 851 00:58:45,731 --> 00:58:49,223 Now, darling, where is that charming young friend of yours? 852 00:58:49,985 --> 00:58:52,567 - Well, where is he? - I don't know. He's around here someplace. 853 00:58:52,654 --> 00:58:54,235 Well, find him. We haven't got all day. 854 00:58:54,322 --> 00:58:56,904 Oh, Ursula, look! How wonderful! 855 00:58:56,992 --> 00:59:01,076 And look at Richard's exquisite figurines of you and darling Lyle. 856 00:59:04,166 --> 00:59:06,248 George, watch out for that... 857 00:59:14,843 --> 00:59:17,630 Mom. Dad. This is George. 858 00:59:17,721 --> 00:59:19,803 Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ursula. 859 00:59:19,890 --> 00:59:21,676 How do you do? 860 00:59:36,531 --> 00:59:39,864 It is always such a pleasure to see you, Mr. mayor. 861 00:59:39,951 --> 00:59:42,363 It's so nice to get away from city hall 862 00:59:42,454 --> 00:59:44,866 and be around some normal people for a change. 863 00:59:44,956 --> 00:59:47,618 Well, we are perfectly normal, I assure you 864 00:59:47,709 --> 00:59:49,916 in an exceptional way, of course. 865 00:59:50,337 --> 00:59:51,452 Of course. 866 00:59:51,713 --> 00:59:53,704 - And what about this guy, Lyle? - Mm-hmm. 867 00:59:53,799 --> 00:59:57,883 I'd really like to meet the man you deem good enough to marry your daughter. 868 00:59:57,969 --> 01:00:01,052 Well, unfortunately, Lyle is busy at the moment 869 01:00:01,139 --> 01:00:02,754 tending to some legal affairs. 870 01:00:02,849 --> 01:00:06,842 - Some pété, Mr. mayor? - You know, I never touch that stuff. 871 01:00:07,312 --> 01:00:08,312 Oh. 872 01:00:08,939 --> 01:00:11,859 - I had a lovely time. Excuse me Dr. fogel. - Would you excuse us, please? 873 01:00:11,942 --> 01:00:14,684 It's 7:30. Do you know where your jungle man is? 874 01:00:18,740 --> 01:00:21,573 So this is what you were doing in the jungle. Clever girl. 875 01:00:21,660 --> 01:00:26,199 Yeah. Um, he swung me on vines and fed me coconut milk. 876 01:00:26,289 --> 01:00:29,372 - I knew it. - He's not a real meat loaf, is he? 877 01:00:29,459 --> 01:00:32,166 No. I mean, he's not brainy 878 01:00:32,254 --> 01:00:35,121 in that doctor, lawyer, banker way, 879 01:00:35,215 --> 01:00:36,830 but he has something else. 880 01:00:37,717 --> 01:00:40,459 - He has a... - Sensual intelligence. 881 01:00:41,805 --> 01:00:43,545 Woman: "Sensual intelligence." 882 01:00:43,974 --> 01:00:47,137 - Wow. - Oh, my god. 883 01:00:47,769 --> 01:00:50,135 What is it with chicks and horses, huh? 884 01:01:08,957 --> 01:01:11,118 George, how are you this evening? 885 01:01:14,921 --> 01:01:17,583 Pretty sharp threads there, uh, George, right? 886 01:01:18,091 --> 01:01:20,002 - Where are you based? - The jungle. 887 01:01:20,093 --> 01:01:23,005 I hear ya. We cut our teeth in New York also. 888 01:01:23,096 --> 01:01:26,054 You're considering a position with stanhope? That could be fruitful. 889 01:01:26,183 --> 01:01:29,300 Fruitful? This place not so fruitful. Nobody have big coconuts. 890 01:01:35,901 --> 01:01:37,812 - George, I wan... - Mmm? 891 01:01:37,903 --> 01:01:39,814 Oh. Would you mind 892 01:01:39,905 --> 01:01:41,816 stepping outside with me... 893 01:01:41,907 --> 01:01:44,614 Thank you so much... For just a moment? 894 01:01:44,701 --> 01:01:46,612 Sure. 895 01:01:48,705 --> 01:01:50,445 Ella: Hello, Beatrice. 896 01:01:50,832 --> 01:01:51,992 Hello, Ella. 897 01:01:52,542 --> 01:01:54,578 We haven't been friends for very long, George, 898 01:01:54,669 --> 01:01:57,251 but I already think I know something about you. 899 01:01:57,339 --> 01:01:58,339 Oh? 900 01:01:58,590 --> 01:02:01,798 You are in love with my daughter. 901 01:02:02,552 --> 01:02:04,838 Mrs. Ursula not so dumb. 902 01:02:04,930 --> 01:02:06,591 Charming. 903 01:02:07,432 --> 01:02:12,517 My concern, however, is that Ursula seems to reciprocate your feelings, 904 01:02:12,604 --> 01:02:14,936 and that does present a problem to me. 905 01:02:16,775 --> 01:02:20,313 You see, you and Ursula together 906 01:02:20,403 --> 01:02:23,315 would be unbefitting her social stature. 907 01:02:23,907 --> 01:02:24,907 You see? 908 01:02:25,742 --> 01:02:28,108 Let me put it in a way you might understand. 909 01:02:28,203 --> 01:02:32,162 Where you come from, zebras marry zebras, 910 01:02:32,249 --> 01:02:34,365 and leopards marry leopards. 911 01:02:34,459 --> 01:02:37,326 Stripes with stripes, spots with spots. 912 01:02:37,420 --> 01:02:39,411 Well, Ursula is a stripe 913 01:02:39,923 --> 01:02:41,629 and you are a spot, 914 01:02:42,050 --> 01:02:45,918 one which I intend to have removed as soon as possible. 915 01:02:47,347 --> 01:02:50,054 So you no want Ursula to love George. 916 01:02:50,141 --> 01:02:53,725 I would rather have my tongue nailed to this table every morning at breakfast. 917 01:02:53,812 --> 01:02:55,803 - That hurt. - Not as much as you will 918 01:02:55,897 --> 01:02:57,977 if you do anything to screw up my daughter's marriage 919 01:02:58,024 --> 01:02:59,309 to Lyle Van de groot. 920 01:02:59,401 --> 01:03:03,485 When Lyle returns, this wedding will proceed as planned. 921 01:03:03,571 --> 01:03:05,778 If you do anything to upset that, 922 01:03:07,325 --> 01:03:10,863 I will remove your reason for wearing a loin cloth. 923 01:03:12,497 --> 01:03:14,453 Steak tartare, Mrs. stanhope? 924 01:03:14,541 --> 01:03:18,409 Oh, no, thank you. I've had quite enough protein for today. 925 01:03:18,712 --> 01:03:20,418 Have a pleasant evening, Mr. jungle. 926 01:03:41,860 --> 01:03:45,444 Mmm? 927 01:03:46,740 --> 01:03:48,901 Tookie? Tookie! 928 01:03:48,992 --> 01:03:53,736 Tookie! George so happy to see tookie. 929 01:03:57,125 --> 01:03:59,537 Ape kidnapped? 930 01:03:59,627 --> 01:04:01,288 Ape ape-napped? 931 01:04:01,379 --> 01:04:03,791 George save ape! 932 01:04:06,134 --> 01:04:07,134 Ursula. 933 01:05:04,067 --> 01:05:07,150 Beatrice: Of course he went back to the jungle. Where else would he go? 934 01:05:07,237 --> 01:05:08,237 The hague? 935 01:05:08,363 --> 01:05:10,354 But why would he leave without saying good-bye? 936 01:05:10,532 --> 01:05:14,696 Well, personally, I think he acted rather sensibly. Showed good character. 937 01:05:14,786 --> 01:05:18,153 He understands that he belongs there, you belong here. 938 01:05:18,248 --> 01:05:21,706 It's really all a question of stripes and spots. 939 01:05:22,168 --> 01:05:24,875 What? Oh, no. 940 01:05:24,963 --> 01:05:27,500 You got to him. Mother, what did you say? 941 01:05:27,632 --> 01:05:30,715 I simply said that if he really cared for you, 942 01:05:30,802 --> 01:05:35,136 he'd leave you alone, let you get on with your life and marry Lyle. 943 01:05:35,223 --> 01:05:36,884 I am not marrying Lyle, mother. 944 01:05:36,975 --> 01:05:38,636 Beatrice, perhaps we should... “Arthur! 945 01:05:38,726 --> 01:05:41,058 Now, Ursula, darling, don't be ridiculous. 946 01:05:41,146 --> 01:05:44,889 There's a difference between marriageable material and a fling in the jungle. 947 01:05:44,983 --> 01:05:47,645 "A fling in the jungle"? A fling in the jungle? 948 01:05:47,902 --> 01:05:50,063 Who says I had a fling in the jungle? 949 01:05:50,155 --> 01:05:52,771 You don't think you can fool your mother, do you? 950 01:05:53,032 --> 01:05:56,570 You've been head over heels for that ape ever since you brought him here. 951 01:05:56,661 --> 01:06:00,245 Now, Ursula, that kind of love is fleeting. 952 01:06:00,331 --> 01:06:01,616 You'll get over it. 953 01:06:08,715 --> 01:06:10,000 Did you just say "love"? 954 01:06:11,342 --> 01:06:12,923 - No. - You did. 955 01:06:13,011 --> 01:06:14,011 Ursula! 956 01:06:14,095 --> 01:06:15,156 - You're right. - Don't say it. 957 01:06:15,180 --> 01:06:17,171 I love him. I'm outta here. 958 01:06:17,265 --> 01:06:20,678 Ursula, you can't love him! Arthur, say something. 959 01:06:21,144 --> 01:06:22,509 Be careful out there, honey. 960 01:06:22,604 --> 01:06:24,344 - What? - Good-bye, daddy. 961 01:06:24,439 --> 01:06:27,226 - I love you. - I love you, mom. 962 01:06:27,317 --> 01:06:29,148 - Thank you. - Oh, Ursula... 963 01:06:29,235 --> 01:06:31,601 - Arthur, do something! - What would you have me do? 964 01:06:31,696 --> 01:06:34,904 - There's obviously no stopping her. - Oh, god! 965 01:06:38,870 --> 01:06:42,704 - Ursula! - God, that woman's a pain in the ass. 966 01:06:45,585 --> 01:06:48,201 Narrator: Meanwhile, halfway across the world, 967 01:06:48,296 --> 01:06:50,207 another ass was feeling pain 968 01:06:50,298 --> 01:06:53,210 as an ape named ape was caged in a cage, 969 01:06:53,301 --> 01:06:55,883 hoping to hear the jungle king's awesome... 970 01:07:01,684 --> 01:07:03,220 Hey, I'm pretty good at that. 971 01:07:03,937 --> 01:07:05,677 And wondering if he would ever come. 972 01:07:05,980 --> 01:07:08,392 But the motion-sick mammal needn't have moaned, 973 01:07:08,566 --> 01:07:11,478 for that defender of the innocent, protector of the weak 974 01:07:11,569 --> 01:07:16,438 and all-around good guy, George of the jungle, was closer than he knew. 975 01:07:22,080 --> 01:07:24,162 Next time George get bigger box. 976 01:07:29,879 --> 01:07:30,994 Ooh. 977 01:08:26,144 --> 01:08:28,226 Oh! Bad luck. 978 01:08:30,815 --> 01:08:32,931 - Hmm. - Did you hear something? 979 01:08:33,026 --> 01:08:35,233 - What? - I heard a noise. 980 01:08:38,615 --> 01:08:42,233 I think I chipped a tooth. 981 01:08:42,327 --> 01:08:45,069 _oh! 982 01:08:45,163 --> 01:08:47,154 - Ah. - Oh, Thor! 983 01:08:47,248 --> 01:08:49,739 - You're disgusting. - That wasn't me. 984 01:08:49,834 --> 01:08:51,244 Not me. 985 01:09:16,027 --> 01:09:17,392 I'm hungry. 986 01:09:17,487 --> 01:09:21,776 Shut up! You been yakkin' for two days straight, and I'm mad enough to... 987 01:09:21,866 --> 01:09:24,107 You really should work on your anger. 988 01:09:24,243 --> 01:09:27,451 Have you tried brankowski's "cage the rage" technique? 989 01:09:27,538 --> 01:09:29,620 Don't let him get to you, Thor. 990 01:09:29,707 --> 01:09:33,416 - He's just an ape. - Fine way to talk to your meal ticket. 991 01:09:33,503 --> 01:09:36,415 You keep that up, it's liable to affect my stage performance. 992 01:09:36,506 --> 01:09:39,168 Give him a banana, Thor. Won't be long now. 993 01:09:39,676 --> 01:09:41,132 That's what you said yesterday. 994 01:09:41,219 --> 01:09:43,551 This trail's taking us to the middle of nowhere! 995 01:09:43,638 --> 01:09:46,971 The sign at the trail head said "short cut to ape river." 996 01:09:47,058 --> 01:09:50,016 Now, why would it say "short cut" if it wasn't a... 997 01:09:50,770 --> 01:09:51,770 Wait a minute. 998 01:09:52,188 --> 01:09:55,601 Maybe it's a fake, a decoy trail. 999 01:09:55,692 --> 01:09:58,980 Very good, Max. Actually, the trail is a fake. 1000 01:09:59,070 --> 01:10:02,062 It circles ape mountain six times 1001 01:10:02,156 --> 01:10:04,238 before heading right back to the tree house. 1002 01:10:04,325 --> 01:10:07,032 Oh, I knew we was lost! 1003 01:10:07,120 --> 01:10:10,237 Don't listen to him, Thor. He's just trying to trick us. 1004 01:10:10,331 --> 01:10:13,744 Lead us off the short cut so we take twice as long on the regular trail. 1005 01:10:13,835 --> 01:10:16,247 We're already takin' twice as long! 1006 01:10:16,337 --> 01:10:19,295 Are you gonna let a monkey make a monkey out of ya? 1007 01:10:19,382 --> 01:10:20,417 What? 1008 01:10:20,508 --> 01:10:23,625 - Duh! - Let's go. 1009 01:10:23,720 --> 01:10:27,087 If he tells us the short cut leads to the tree house, 1010 01:10:27,181 --> 01:10:30,014 then that's exactly where it doesn't lead. 1011 01:10:39,610 --> 01:10:40,690 Ape? 1012 01:11:04,385 --> 01:11:06,376 Poor ape-napped brother. 1013 01:11:06,471 --> 01:11:08,553 Carefully! 1014 01:11:08,639 --> 01:11:11,847 Max, look. We're back at the tree house. 1015 01:11:13,311 --> 01:11:16,849 Well, I tried, but you fellas are just too smart for me. 1016 01:11:16,939 --> 01:11:18,725 Oh, no! 1017 01:11:18,816 --> 01:11:21,211 Narrator: "Oh, no" was right, for the exhausted ape-nappers... 1018 01:11:21,235 --> 01:11:25,319 Why don't you say something constructive for a change like what we should do now. 1019 01:11:25,406 --> 01:11:27,317 Narrator: Because I don't like you. 1020 01:11:27,408 --> 01:11:30,491 - Well, I hate you, you snotty son of a... - I'll pretend I didn't hear that. 1021 01:11:30,578 --> 01:11:33,866 Narrator: Having some fun now, hmm? 1022 01:11:33,956 --> 01:11:35,821 Thor, were you fighting with the narrator? 1023 01:11:35,917 --> 01:11:37,436 - Well, he started it. - Narrator: Did not. 1024 01:11:37,460 --> 01:11:39,200 - You did too! - Did not! 1025 01:11:39,295 --> 01:11:40,535 - You did too! - Did not! 1026 01:11:40,630 --> 01:11:42,086 - You did too! - Thor! Stop it! 1027 01:11:42,173 --> 01:11:44,380 Thor: That's it! I'm not draggin' this another inch! 1028 01:11:44,550 --> 01:11:46,111 Max: What are you doing?! Get back there and work! 1029 01:11:46,135 --> 01:11:48,015 - Where you going? - You wretched little weasel! 1030 01:11:48,137 --> 01:11:50,719 Don't you call me a weasel, you big brontosaurus! 1031 01:11:56,521 --> 01:11:59,433 - Let's take care of him. - Huh? Huh? 1032 01:11:59,524 --> 01:12:01,435 Whoal! 1033 01:12:01,526 --> 01:12:03,437 Why didn't you come sooner? 1034 01:12:03,528 --> 01:12:05,393 Why ape have little stars around head? 1035 01:12:09,283 --> 01:12:11,194 George, remember everything I taught you 1036 01:12:11,285 --> 01:12:13,196 about queensberry rules and fighting fair? 1037 01:12:13,287 --> 01:12:15,778 - Uh-huh. - Well, now's a good time to forget it. 1038 01:12:15,873 --> 01:12:17,409 Let's finish him off. 1039 01:12:18,167 --> 01:12:20,749 Hyah! 1040 01:12:22,839 --> 01:12:26,707 - I can't breathe, Max. - Let it out, Thor. Let it out! 1041 01:12:28,553 --> 01:12:30,418 Aaah! 1042 01:12:33,182 --> 01:12:35,173 - Right, jungle boy! - Aaah! 1043 01:12:38,521 --> 01:12:41,308 - Whoal! - Oh! 1044 01:12:41,399 --> 01:12:44,391 Oh! 1045 01:12:51,576 --> 01:12:53,988 - Huh? - Huh? 1046 01:13:02,336 --> 01:13:04,918 Hmm? 1047 01:13:07,174 --> 01:13:10,416 Ah! 1048 01:13:11,971 --> 01:13:14,337 Yah! 1049 01:13:14,432 --> 01:13:17,970 - Aaah! Aaah! - Whoa-ooh! 1050 01:13:18,060 --> 01:13:20,972 Huh? Mmm. Mmm. 1051 01:13:21,063 --> 01:13:23,475 Yaaah! 1052 01:13:23,566 --> 01:13:26,433 Aaah-aaah! Eee-eee! Tookie-tookie! 1053 01:13:28,112 --> 01:13:30,945 - Take this! - Stop it! Ape! Aaah! 1054 01:13:42,460 --> 01:13:45,202 Aaah! Yaah! Yaah! 1055 01:13:47,590 --> 01:13:51,333 Get it off! Get it off me, Max! 1056 01:14:06,984 --> 01:14:09,646 All right! 1057 01:14:10,905 --> 01:14:13,191 Shep! Look out! 1058 01:14:15,993 --> 01:14:18,234 Ursula? 1059 01:14:19,330 --> 01:14:21,161 Oh! 1060 01:14:21,248 --> 01:14:22,738 Ooh! 1061 01:14:22,833 --> 01:14:25,165 George good teacher! 1062 01:14:27,797 --> 01:14:29,333 Aaah! 1063 01:14:29,423 --> 01:14:31,835 George. George. 1064 01:14:32,510 --> 01:14:34,421 I came all this way to tell you that... 1065 01:14:34,512 --> 01:14:37,754 - Ursula talk later. George busy now. - Oh! 1066 01:14:39,433 --> 01:14:41,765 - What? - Fella got toucan on can. 1067 01:14:41,852 --> 01:14:44,013 I know. 1068 01:15:05,668 --> 01:15:08,785 Ha ha ha! Good show, George! 1069 01:15:08,879 --> 01:15:10,790 And you too, tookie! 1070 01:15:10,881 --> 01:15:12,792 My hero. 1071 01:15:13,968 --> 01:15:15,879 Did I just say that? 1072 01:15:15,970 --> 01:15:17,961 Ape: George! 1073 01:15:18,055 --> 01:15:21,263 - Over here, George! - Ape, sit tight. George be right back. 1074 01:15:21,350 --> 01:15:23,090 Oh, I say. 1075 01:15:31,569 --> 01:15:33,150 Now George can talk. 1076 01:15:33,237 --> 01:15:35,649 What Ursula come back to say? 1077 01:15:37,825 --> 01:15:39,486 Only that 1078 01:15:39,827 --> 01:15:41,943 I know in my heart 1079 01:15:42,413 --> 01:15:46,156 that I really, truly... 1080 01:15:46,333 --> 01:15:48,164 Haven't seen the light yet. 1081 01:15:48,252 --> 01:15:50,083 Yle? 1082 01:15:50,171 --> 01:15:51,377 Narrator: Yes, Lyle. 1083 01:15:51,505 --> 01:15:54,622 For the venal Van de groot has escaped from the Bujumbura jail 1084 01:15:54,759 --> 01:15:57,876 and joined an obscure cult on the shores of lake tanganyika, 1085 01:15:58,012 --> 01:16:00,754 which had empowered him with a peculiar piece of parchment. 1086 01:16:00,890 --> 01:16:04,849 - What are you doing here? - Surprised, my little cupcake? 1087 01:16:04,935 --> 01:16:07,017 You see, I'm now a mail-order minister, 1088 01:16:07,104 --> 01:16:11,063 ordained in the church of celestial power and light, incorporated. 1089 01:16:11,650 --> 01:16:16,440 Capable of performing legally binding marriage ceremonies anywhere. 1090 01:16:16,530 --> 01:16:20,068 - Lyle, I'm not marrying you. - Actually, you are. Come on, let's go. 1091 01:16:20,284 --> 01:16:22,164 - Come along, my little African queen. - George. 1092 01:16:22,203 --> 01:16:25,036 Now George really mad! George tear off your... 1093 01:16:28,793 --> 01:16:30,704 Mercenary: Everybody freeze now! 1094 01:16:31,378 --> 01:16:33,790 Operation completed as ordered, sir. 1095 01:16:33,881 --> 01:16:38,250 Thank you, Gunnar, gunter, hans, jan and Phil. 1096 01:16:40,429 --> 01:16:44,468 No hard feelings, stone belly. The best man won, that's all. 1097 01:16:44,558 --> 01:16:47,766 I should say the guy who brought mercenaries won. That's all. 1098 01:16:48,604 --> 01:16:52,267 Okay, honey. Ready to go? I got a boat waitin' to take us to Bujumbura. 1099 01:16:52,817 --> 01:16:54,853 - George. - Ursula. 1100 01:16:55,236 --> 01:16:57,568 Don't go that way! Go that way! 1101 01:16:58,114 --> 01:17:00,025 - Aaah! - See ya later. 1102 01:17:00,116 --> 01:17:01,343 George! “Adios. Auf wiedersehen. 1103 01:17:01,367 --> 01:17:04,029 - Stop it! Stop it! - George: Ursula! 1104 01:17:04,120 --> 01:17:06,452 Lyle, let go of Mel 1105 01:17:06,539 --> 01:17:08,655 come on. Come on. 1106 01:17:10,793 --> 01:17:12,499 Oo00-000! Eee-eee! Aaah-aaah! 1107 01:17:36,694 --> 01:17:40,357 Bongo-gram! Work every time. 1108 01:17:40,447 --> 01:17:42,608 Good work, brother apes. 1109 01:17:42,700 --> 01:17:44,691 Now listen very carefully to George. 1110 01:17:55,171 --> 01:17:56,171 Let er rip, shep! 1111 01:17:59,967 --> 01:18:03,380 Ursula: No! Stop it, Lyle! 1112 01:18:03,470 --> 01:18:05,552 Come on. 1113 01:18:05,639 --> 01:18:07,550 Stop it! You're such a jerk! 1114 01:18:07,641 --> 01:18:10,383 Oh! Ow! Ooh! 1115 01:18:10,477 --> 01:18:12,593 Come here! 1116 01:18:14,690 --> 01:18:19,059 You know, I forgive you and I'm willing to give you yet another chance. 1117 01:18:19,153 --> 01:18:21,485 Lyle, you don't know where you're go... 1118 01:18:49,725 --> 01:18:52,842 You see? 1119 01:18:52,937 --> 01:18:55,223 I told you I'd have a boat waiting. 1120 01:19:06,742 --> 01:19:09,984 Aaah! 1121 01:19:10,079 --> 01:19:11,535 Oh! Oh! 1122 01:19:21,632 --> 01:19:24,590 Okay, then. All righty. 1123 01:19:25,511 --> 01:19:28,218 Reverend Lyle, ready to perform the ceremony. 1124 01:19:28,305 --> 01:19:30,216 Do you, Ursula stanhope, 1125 01:19:30,307 --> 01:19:32,423 take me, Lyle Van de groot, 1126 01:19:32,518 --> 01:19:34,429 to be your lawful wedded husband? 1127 01:19:34,520 --> 01:19:35,976 Get a grip, Lyle. 1128 01:19:44,321 --> 01:19:46,357 - Lyle. - Yeah, honey? 1129 01:19:46,991 --> 01:19:50,233 - Lyle. - Oh, my god! 1130 01:19:52,454 --> 01:19:54,695 Help! 1131 01:20:05,092 --> 01:20:08,004 Lyle! 1132 01:20:14,351 --> 01:20:15,591 Thanks, tookie. 1133 01:20:18,564 --> 01:20:21,180 This biggest swing in jungle history. 1134 01:20:21,275 --> 01:20:22,981 Will hurt very much, 1135 01:20:23,777 --> 01:20:25,108 but George have to do it. 1136 01:21:02,483 --> 01:21:04,644 George! “What the... 1137 01:21:08,906 --> 01:21:10,112 This gonna hurt. 1138 01:21:11,075 --> 01:21:13,691 George, watch out for that tree! 1139 01:21:18,582 --> 01:21:20,322 George not feel so good. 1140 01:21:36,850 --> 01:21:39,808 Lyle: Oh, thank god we've made it. 1141 01:21:39,895 --> 01:21:42,102 Say I do, Ursula. 1142 01:21:42,189 --> 01:21:44,100 Ahh! That's it. We're married. 1143 01:21:44,191 --> 01:21:46,102 Now to look at my bride. 1144 01:21:47,111 --> 01:21:49,898 No! 1145 01:21:55,619 --> 01:21:58,031 No! No! 1146 01:21:58,122 --> 01:22:01,159 No! 1147 01:22:01,250 --> 01:22:02,365 George, 1148 01:22:03,627 --> 01:22:06,585 what I came here to say was that I love you. 1149 01:22:08,298 --> 01:22:10,129 Ursula love George? 1150 01:22:10,926 --> 01:22:12,257 So much. 1151 01:22:13,470 --> 01:22:15,210 George love Ursula too. 1152 01:22:17,182 --> 01:22:21,175 Narrator: And so George of the jungle received the first kiss of his life 1153 01:22:21,270 --> 01:22:23,807 that came from neither elephant nor ape. 1154 01:22:25,816 --> 01:22:27,772 And on the following new moon, 1155 01:22:27,943 --> 01:22:32,027 Ursula stanhope finally got the simple wedding she had hoped for 1156 01:22:32,114 --> 01:22:37,074 as the San Francisco heiress and king of the jungle joined their hearts forever 1157 01:22:37,161 --> 01:22:38,651 in wedded bliss. 1158 01:22:41,331 --> 01:22:43,242 The rings! 1159 01:22:43,333 --> 01:22:45,324 - The rings. - The rings? 1160 01:22:45,419 --> 01:22:47,284 Tookie? 1161 01:23:10,736 --> 01:23:13,603 Arthur, I wish you'd do something about all these monkeys. 1162 01:23:13,697 --> 01:23:15,062 I feel like Jane goodall. 1163 01:23:15,991 --> 01:23:18,607 Madam, I knew Jane goodall, 1164 01:23:18,702 --> 01:23:21,114 and you are no Jane goodall. 1165 01:23:25,792 --> 01:23:28,704 I got it! Whoo! 1166 01:23:28,795 --> 01:23:30,956 Aaah! 1167 01:23:35,636 --> 01:23:37,376 Listenin' to some inner call 1168 01:23:37,471 --> 01:23:41,714 swimmin' blindly to throw myself upon your shore 1169 01:23:41,808 --> 01:23:44,220 I think I know why the dog howls at the moon 1170 01:23:46,730 --> 01:23:48,891 I think I know why the dog howls at the moon 1171 01:23:50,234 --> 01:23:55,149 I sing dela, dela 1172 01:23:55,239 --> 01:23:57,525 ngyanya dela 1173 01:23:57,616 --> 01:23:59,948 when I'm with you 1174 01:24:00,577 --> 01:24:04,991 dela, sondela mama 1175 01:24:05,082 --> 01:24:07,243 sondela 1176 01:24:07,334 --> 01:24:09,495 I burn for you 1177 01:24:10,170 --> 01:24:12,661 I been waiting for you all my life 1178 01:24:12,756 --> 01:24:14,621 hoping for a miracle 1179 01:24:14,716 --> 01:24:17,048 I been waiting day and night 1180 01:24:17,135 --> 01:24:18,591 day and night 1181 01:24:19,763 --> 01:24:21,754 I been waiting for you all my life 1182 01:24:22,266 --> 01:24:23,847 waiting for redemption 1183 01:24:24,184 --> 01:24:26,140 I been waiting day and night 1184 01:24:26,228 --> 01:24:28,219 I burn for you 1185 01:24:33,318 --> 01:24:35,229 - Ursula: I love you. - George: Good boy. 1186 01:24:35,320 --> 01:24:37,231 Narrator: And so ends our tale 1187 01:24:37,322 --> 01:24:38,858 of that defender of the innocent, 1188 01:24:38,949 --> 01:24:42,316 protector of the weak and all-around good guy, 1189 01:24:42,411 --> 01:24:44,322 George of the jungle. 1190 01:24:45,080 --> 01:24:47,947 A noble king, his beautiful queen 1191 01:24:48,041 --> 01:24:50,953 and their nimble young heir to the jungle throne. 1192 01:24:51,044 --> 01:24:52,204 George, watch out for that... 1193 01:24:53,088 --> 01:24:55,295 I know what you're thinking. 1194 01:24:55,465 --> 01:24:59,674 How does a baby raised by an ape grow up to be king of the jungle, 1195 01:24:59,761 --> 01:25:03,128 find his queen and live happily ever after? 1196 01:25:03,974 --> 01:25:05,714 George just lucky, I guess. 1197 01:25:08,478 --> 01:25:10,594 George, George George of the jungle 1198 01:25:10,689 --> 01:25:12,304 strong as he can be 1199 01:25:12,941 --> 01:25:15,023 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1200 01:25:15,110 --> 01:25:16,771 Watch out for that tree 1201 01:25:17,446 --> 01:25:19,562 George, George George of the jungle 1202 01:25:19,656 --> 01:25:21,271 lives a life that's free 1203 01:25:21,908 --> 01:25:24,240 ape: Wait a moment! Wait, wait! 1204 01:25:24,328 --> 01:25:26,364 Don't you want to know what happened to me? 1205 01:25:40,510 --> 01:25:43,718 And now the end is near 1206 01:25:43,805 --> 01:25:47,548 and so I face the final curtain 1207 01:25:47,643 --> 01:25:51,101 my friends I'll say it clear 1208 01:25:51,188 --> 01:25:54,180 I'll state my case of which I'm certain 1209 01:25:54,733 --> 01:25:57,816 I've lived a life that's full 1210 01:25:57,944 --> 01:26:01,607 I've traveled each and every highway 1211 01:26:01,698 --> 01:26:04,781 and more much more than this 1212 01:26:04,868 --> 01:26:08,952 whoo - I did it my way! Yes! 1213 01:26:09,039 --> 01:26:12,531 There were times I'm sure you knew 1214 01:26:12,626 --> 01:26:16,039 when I bit off more than I could chew 1215 01:26:16,129 --> 01:26:19,417 but through it all when there was doubt 1216 01:26:19,508 --> 01:26:22,875 I ate it up and spit it out 1217 01:26:23,428 --> 01:26:26,795 I faced it all and I stood tall 1218 01:26:26,890 --> 01:26:30,633 and did it my way 1219 01:26:31,228 --> 01:26:32,764 doo-doo-doo 1220 01:26:37,234 --> 01:26:39,350 George, George George of the jungle 1221 01:26:39,444 --> 01:26:41,651 strong as he can be 1222 01:26:41,738 --> 01:26:43,945 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1223 01:26:44,032 --> 01:26:46,114 Watch out for that tree 1224 01:26:46,201 --> 01:26:48,362 George, George George of the jungle 1225 01:26:48,453 --> 01:26:50,114 lives a life that's free 1226 01:26:50,789 --> 01:26:52,825 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1227 01:26:52,916 --> 01:26:54,747 Watch out for that tree 1228 01:26:54,835 --> 01:26:57,042 when he gets in a scrape he makes his escape 1229 01:26:57,129 --> 01:26:59,541 with help from his friend an ape named ape 1230 01:27:00,590 --> 01:27:02,797 and his elephant shep can fetch a log 1231 01:27:02,884 --> 01:27:05,216 he's man's best friend he's George's dog 1232 01:27:05,721 --> 01:27:08,588 he's George, George George of the jungle 1233 01:27:08,682 --> 01:27:10,138 strong as he can be 1234 01:27:10,934 --> 01:27:13,095 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1235 01:27:13,186 --> 01:27:15,268 Watch out for that tree 1236 01:27:15,355 --> 01:27:17,516 George, George George of the jungle 1237 01:27:17,607 --> 01:27:19,313 friend to you and me 1238 01:27:19,860 --> 01:27:22,067 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1239 01:27:22,154 --> 01:27:24,190 Watch out for that tree 1240 01:27:24,281 --> 01:27:26,192 hear him holler swing and sing 1241 01:27:26,283 --> 01:27:28,865 all the animals come to the jungle king 1242 01:27:29,786 --> 01:27:31,947 so grab a vine and swing in time 1243 01:27:32,038 --> 01:27:34,450 if you slam a tree just pay no mind 1244 01:27:34,875 --> 01:27:37,833 like George, George George of the jungle 1245 01:27:37,919 --> 01:27:40,035 George, George George of the jungle 1246 01:27:40,130 --> 01:27:42,291 George, George George of the jungle 1247 01:27:42,382 --> 01:27:44,543 George, George George of the jungle 1248 01:27:44,634 --> 01:27:46,795 George, George George of the jungle 1249 01:27:46,887 --> 01:27:49,003 George, George George of the jungle 1250 01:27:49,097 --> 01:27:51,258 George, George George of the jungle 1251 01:27:51,349 --> 01:27:53,431 George, George George of the jungle 1252 01:27:53,518 --> 01:27:55,725 George, George George of the jungle 1253 01:27:55,812 --> 01:27:57,973 George, George George of the jungle 1254 01:27:58,064 --> 01:28:00,100 George, George George of the jungle 1255 01:28:00,192 --> 01:28:02,399 George, George George of the jungle 1256 01:28:02,486 --> 01:28:04,568 George, George George of the jungle 1257 01:28:04,654 --> 01:28:06,519 swing from tree to tree 1258 01:28:09,284 --> 01:28:10,945 watch out for that tree 1259 01:28:11,495 --> 01:28:13,702 George, George George of the jungle 1260 01:28:13,789 --> 01:28:15,404 lives a life that's free 1261 01:28:16,041 --> 01:28:18,202 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1262 01:28:18,293 --> 01:28:19,954 Watch out for that tree 1263 01:28:20,504 --> 01:28:22,995 left in the wild was a baby with a smile named George 1264 01:28:23,089 --> 01:28:25,000 who stayed for quite a while 1265 01:28:25,842 --> 01:28:28,049 and George grew up in the trees above 1266 01:28:28,136 --> 01:28:30,593 when Ursula found him they found love 1267 01:28:31,389 --> 01:28:33,675 she took him to the city took him straight downtown 1268 01:28:33,767 --> 01:28:36,099 but the concrete bliss brought poor George down 1269 01:28:37,020 --> 01:28:39,227 so it's back to the jungle for a wedding in the green 1270 01:28:39,314 --> 01:28:41,976 for the king and queen of the animal scene 1271 01:28:43,985 --> 01:28:46,101 George, George George of the jungle 1272 01:28:46,196 --> 01:28:48,027 strong as he can be 1273 01:28:48,406 --> 01:28:50,692 AAA-AAA-aaah! 1274 01:28:50,784 --> 01:28:52,900 Watch out for that tree 1275 01:28:52,994 --> 01:28:56,907 watch out for that... Bang! Ooh! Tree 1276 01:29:05,382 --> 01:29:07,623 George, George George of the jungle 1277 01:29:07,717 --> 01:29:09,503 watch out for that tree 1278 01:31:33,780 --> 01:31:36,692 Ape: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the king of the jungle.