1 00:01:28,435 --> 00:01:34,408 Space Event Ship Academic Vladislav Volkov South Pacific 2 00:01:38,579 --> 00:01:44,618 - How is our tropical depression? - It's now officially called Typhoon Leiah. 3 00:01:49,323 --> 00:01:52,259 Aleksej. 4 00:01:52,426 --> 00:01:57,631 - Mir-station, "Volkov" calling. - Mir's listening. 5 00:02:02,970 --> 00:02:05,572 Thank you. Good bye! 6 00:02:17,985 --> 00:02:22,623 Finalizing coordinates as we speek. 7 00:02:23,156 --> 00:02:27,995 Transmitting data is thirty seconds. 8 00:02:28,996 --> 00:02:32,966 Bishop to King 6. 9 00:03:11,872 --> 00:03:18,145 Lonja, look out the window. Something's closing to us. 10 00:03:28,055 --> 00:03:31,892 Juri, look! 11 00:03:32,059 --> 00:03:37,231 Something's coming straight to us. And very fast! 12 00:03:47,608 --> 00:03:54,615 Aleksej, all audio visual links are gone. Something is very wrong. 13 00:03:55,716 --> 00:03:58,986 Space station Mir? 14 00:04:25,546 --> 00:04:30,384 Aleksej, someone is accessing the mainframe computer! 15 00:04:30,551 --> 00:04:33,820 Impossible, I'm the only one with the access code! 16 00:04:53,807 --> 00:04:59,746 Typhoon Leiah, South Pacific. 7 days later. 17 00:05:27,774 --> 00:05:34,114 Captain, winds gusting to 110. If they get to 130, we're verging category five. 18 00:05:36,016 --> 00:05:43,357 Put her back into the wind, Woods. Forty-five degrees down swell. 19 00:06:16,857 --> 00:06:19,993 Captain, the barge is taking on water. 20 00:06:20,160 --> 00:06:24,097 - Captain! - I've got eyes, for Christ's sakes. 21 00:06:24,264 --> 00:06:27,768 I've seen her through worse than this, so calm down and stand your station. 22 00:06:27,935 --> 00:06:30,037 Woods! 23 00:06:30,204 --> 00:06:33,941 Forty-five degrees the swell. 24 00:06:41,715 --> 00:06:44,418 Green water! 25 00:07:13,780 --> 00:07:18,318 - Steve! Engine room! - Richie, the door's jammed. I can't get in! 26 00:07:18,485 --> 00:07:21,722 Damn! If water stalls the engine, man, we're history. 27 00:07:25,125 --> 00:07:30,297 Hiko, take the torch and cut the door. I'm goin' up top. Hiko, let me help you with that. 28 00:07:38,972 --> 00:07:44,411 Captain, recommend new course heading: 2-2-9 degrees magnetic. 29 00:07:44,578 --> 00:07:51,018 Once we're in the eye, we'll have calm seas for two hours. We can make repairs, steady the barge. 30 00:07:51,618 --> 00:07:55,455 - Skipper, should I head for the eye? - What the hell is goin' on up here? 31 00:07:55,622 --> 00:08:01,929 - Captain, the engine room is taking on water. - Then pump it out, mister. You're the bloody engineer. 32 00:08:02,095 --> 00:08:06,934 We can't get in. The bulkhead took a hit, and the door's wedged tight. Hiko's cuttin' it now. 33 00:08:07,100 --> 00:08:10,938 Jesus Christ, the barge! 34 00:08:14,675 --> 00:08:17,945 - We gotta cut that damn thing loose! - That's not an option, Mr. Baker. 35 00:08:18,111 --> 00:08:22,883 Skipper, should I head for the breach? I need an answer now. I'm losin' her. 36 00:08:23,050 --> 00:08:29,523 - Winds 125, Captain! - Captain, take a look! That barge goes down, we go down with it! 37 00:08:29,690 --> 00:08:34,228 Well, that's a chance I'll take. 38 00:08:35,796 --> 00:08:42,035 - I'm cuttin' it loose. - Stay away from that door, mister. 39 00:08:42,669 --> 00:08:45,572 I mean, what's so precious about your goddamn cargo, Captain? 40 00:08:45,739 --> 00:08:51,979 The cargo is mine. I've leveraged everything I own against it. 41 00:08:52,145 --> 00:08:57,184 - And it's not insured. - Christ, what's the matter with those people? 42 00:08:57,351 --> 00:09:02,990 So I go out that door, you shoot me? I stay here, we're all dead! 43 00:09:10,531 --> 00:09:12,599 Get the tank! Hold the tank! 44 00:09:48,268 --> 00:09:52,806 Let me tell you something. You ever put a gun in my face again... 45 00:09:52,973 --> 00:09:55,742 And you'll what? 46 00:09:57,411 --> 00:10:02,249 You figure it out. 47 00:10:15,462 --> 00:10:22,736 Sir, what about Foster's idea? I can reach the eye. 48 00:11:09,883 --> 00:11:12,853 I've let you down, lad. 49 00:11:13,020 --> 00:11:19,893 - The water's coming in faster than it's going out. - I can't believe we were stupid enough to sign on with that guy again. 50 00:11:20,060 --> 00:11:23,730 Maricon, ese got a gun on you, man. I would've decked that son of a bitch. 51 00:11:23,897 --> 00:11:31,038 He had us pullin' 500 tons of lumber and steel, uninsured, in a typhoon, a hundred miles from any normal shipping lane. 52 00:11:31,205 --> 00:11:35,909 And Woods tells me Foster got tossed out of the Navy for striking a superior officer. 53 00:11:36,076 --> 00:11:38,712 - Hey, Hiko. - Comin' through. 54 00:11:38,879 --> 00:11:43,584 I'll tell you one thing, Stevie. It's the last time we make a move for percentage of cargo instead of a salary. 55 00:11:43,750 --> 00:11:47,187 - Damn straight. Damn straight. - I told you it was a bad idea. 56 00:11:47,354 --> 00:11:50,491 - My idea? It was your idea. - It was your idea. What are you talking about? 57 00:11:53,160 --> 00:11:58,198 - How is it? - It's bad. - Define bad. 58 00:11:58,365 --> 00:12:02,569 - We're sinking. - That's bad. 59 00:12:02,736 --> 00:12:06,673 So does anyone have any suggestions? 60 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:09,610 Mayday, mayday, mayday. Hello, mayday. Come back, please. 61 00:12:09,776 --> 00:12:15,115 - We got about four days of supplies. - What is this? - That's food and that's water. 62 00:12:15,282 --> 00:12:21,555 - Put that back, okay? We're gonna distribute... - Fifty-mile range. Piece of junk. 63 00:12:25,859 --> 00:12:28,095 Hey, you buy this shit? 64 00:12:28,262 --> 00:12:33,767 Wait, wait, wait! I'm picking up a contact. There might be another ship in the eye with us. 65 00:12:39,773 --> 00:12:42,943 Twelve miles out. Speed: zero knots. 66 00:12:43,110 --> 00:12:46,547 - It's dead in the water, but it's really big. - Let's hail it, Foster. 67 00:12:46,713 --> 00:12:50,717 Ahoy, vessel, latitude 29 degrees south, Iongitude 1-7-9 degrees east. 68 00:12:50,884 --> 00:12:56,156 This is the Sea Star. We are 12 miles northwest of your position. Come back. 69 00:12:57,825 --> 00:13:00,727 So where the hell is the captain? 70 00:13:29,456 --> 00:13:31,825 I'm busy. 71 00:13:31,992 --> 00:13:37,631 Skipper, there's a ship in the eye with us. Dead in the water, about 12 miles out. 72 00:13:37,798 --> 00:13:41,768 Dead in the water? 73 00:13:41,935 --> 00:13:45,806 I'll be there in a minute. 74 00:13:53,013 --> 00:13:57,518 Dead in the water? 75 00:14:12,132 --> 00:14:16,003 Captain? Dead ahead, 300 yards. 76 00:14:16,170 --> 00:14:19,506 Hail it, Woods. 77 00:14:19,673 --> 00:14:24,311 Unidentified vessel, this is the Sea Star. Approaching from the northwest, 300 yards out. 78 00:14:24,478 --> 00:14:28,816 Dead ahead, 300 yards. 79 00:14:34,922 --> 00:14:39,860 Unidentified vessel, this is the Sea Star. Approaching from the northwest, 300 yards out. Please come back. Over. 80 00:14:41,094 --> 00:14:45,899 - You see anything? - Nope. Not a thing. 81 00:14:54,041 --> 00:14:57,544 That ain't ours, brother. 82 00:15:11,124 --> 00:15:17,097 Unidentified vessel, this is the Sea Star. Approaching from the northwest, 200 yards out. Come back. Over. 83 00:15:22,402 --> 00:15:27,941 This is the Sea Star approaching from the northwest. Is anybody there? Over. 84 00:15:30,811 --> 00:15:34,481 She looks Russian. 85 00:15:42,322 --> 00:15:47,394 "The Academic Vladislav Volkov, missile and satellite tracking ship. 86 00:15:47,561 --> 00:15:52,166 45 000 tons full gross, 642 feet, two steam turbines. 87 00:15:52,332 --> 00:15:55,502 Ship's complement: 300. Armament: none." 88 00:15:55,669 --> 00:16:00,073 She's fitted for scientific purposes Their biggest. Forty-two labs,.. 89 00:16:00,240 --> 00:16:03,177 five machine shops outfitted with advanced robotics. 90 00:16:03,343 --> 00:16:08,749 Three parabolic dishes can maintain simultaneous communication with several spacecraft." 91 00:16:08,916 --> 00:16:13,187 Ahoy, the Vladislav Volkov! 92 00:16:13,353 --> 00:16:19,459 I'm the captain of the Sea Star. Is there anyone aboard? 93 00:16:23,163 --> 00:16:28,836 Baker. Break out the shotguns, the flashlight and the walkies. We're goin' aboard. 94 00:16:46,019 --> 00:16:50,691 - Jesus Christ. This is kind of stupid, Stevie. - Come on. 95 00:16:52,793 --> 00:16:55,896 Very stupid. 96 00:17:18,352 --> 00:17:22,589 Stevie. This is very stupid, what we're doing. 97 00:17:33,167 --> 00:17:41,008 - Stevie! Those are bullet holes, Stevie. - I don't like this at all, man. This is bullshit. 98 00:17:48,949 --> 00:17:52,920 Ahoy, the bridge! 99 00:17:55,889 --> 00:18:00,060 Anyone aboard? 100 00:18:28,789 --> 00:18:31,925 The bridge is deserted. 101 00:18:50,844 --> 00:18:54,815 What the hell happened in here? 102 00:19:18,539 --> 00:19:22,342 What a mess. 103 00:19:24,178 --> 00:19:27,981 Looks like somebody powered it down, Captain. 104 00:19:29,817 --> 00:19:35,789 - Captain? Captain, do you see anything? - You'll be the first to know, Woods. 105 00:19:35,956 --> 00:19:41,328 - What do you think? Pirates? - Russian Mafia, probably. 106 00:19:41,495 --> 00:19:46,466 - Pipe down. Check the radio. - It's smashed. 107 00:19:58,245 --> 00:20:02,683 These logs are worthless, unless somebody reads Russian. 108 00:20:03,417 --> 00:20:08,322 That storm wall is 16 miles due east. Captain, you've got an hour and a half. 109 00:20:08,489 --> 00:20:14,661 He's, thinking, Foster. You know, something you were paid to do? 110 00:20:14,828 --> 00:20:18,665 You thinking what I'm thinking? 111 00:20:19,933 --> 00:20:24,705 - What? - Salvage? Salvage, baby. 112 00:20:25,772 --> 00:20:31,011 You all signed on for a percentage. But you never figured I'd bring you this, did you? 113 00:20:31,178 --> 00:20:34,281 A ship abandoned in international waters. 114 00:20:34,448 --> 00:20:41,722 Maritime law says she's a derelict. All we have to do is tow her to safety, slap a salvage 115 00:20:41,889 --> 00:20:47,227 lien on her, and the Russian government has to pay us 10% of her value to get her back. 116 00:20:47,394 --> 00:20:53,800 - Richie, put a number on her for me. - Well, let's see. There's three parabolic satellite dishes. 117 00:20:53,967 --> 00:20:59,873 One of them's kind of fucked up. 42 labs all primed with, state-of-the-art stuff. 118 00:21:00,040 --> 00:21:04,645 Let's see. We're talking... two hundred? 119 00:21:07,314 --> 00:21:11,251 - Three hundred million? - $ 300 million. 120 00:21:11,418 --> 00:21:17,658 10% of that is $ 30 million. That's what's comin' our way. 121 00:21:17,825 --> 00:21:21,094 The opportunity of a lifetime if we play our cards right. 122 00:21:21,261 --> 00:21:26,400 - That's what, about 30 grand apiece? - Three hundred G's apiece. - Three hundred G's! 123 00:21:26,567 --> 00:21:31,071 - That's at one percent? Right, Captain? - I'm willing to change all that... 124 00:21:31,238 --> 00:21:37,010 cut you in for ten percent. That's $ 3 million each. 125 00:21:37,177 --> 00:21:41,482 What do you think of that? What do you think? 126 00:21:42,249 --> 00:21:46,153 - Is it legal? - Totally. Totally legal. 127 00:21:46,920 --> 00:21:51,758 - Shit. I'm in if you're in, jefe. - Hey, I'm good. 128 00:21:53,861 --> 00:21:57,598 What about you, Foster? 129 00:21:57,764 --> 00:22:01,301 - Oh, Foster, please! Come on! - What? Come on! It's easy money! 130 00:22:01,468 --> 00:22:05,606 - There's no such thing as easy money. - I'll take that as a yes, Foster. 131 00:22:05,772 --> 00:22:10,277 Baker, find the ship's generator. We need power to the bridge. See if you can get the main engines running. 132 00:22:10,444 --> 00:22:14,648 Squeaky, you go with him. Richie? Throw a line down to the tug. We're gonna have to turn this ship into the wind. 133 00:22:14,815 --> 00:22:19,820 - Foster, can you see if you can get some of this navigational equipment started? - My father was an admiral. 134 00:22:19,987 --> 00:22:24,458 I know a little something about maritime law. If there's anybody alive on this ship, you can't claim her. 135 00:22:24,625 --> 00:22:29,363 - Then let's not find anyone alive. - What does that mean? 136 00:22:29,530 --> 00:22:34,034 Just that. I hope we don't find anyone alive. 137 00:22:34,201 --> 00:22:36,336 Woods, come back to me. 138 00:22:37,037 --> 00:22:40,174 We're gonna need to turn the ship into the wind. 139 00:22:45,145 --> 00:22:47,681 It just doesn't add up. You know? 140 00:22:47,848 --> 00:22:52,386 Russian vessel, middle of nowhere, dead in the water, crew vanished? 141 00:22:52,553 --> 00:22:56,557 - I mean, why would they abandon ship? - I don't know. 142 00:22:56,723 --> 00:23:01,261 And another thing. Who the hell do you think we can trust here? We're talkin' about an awful lot of goddamn money, right? 143 00:23:01,428 --> 00:23:05,399 Listen, the only two guys that we can trust is just you and me, Stevie. That's it. 144 00:23:05,566 --> 00:23:08,502 I wouldn't take a check from the captain. 145 00:23:08,669 --> 00:23:13,907 Woods is wound up so tight, you couldn't pull a pin out of his ass with a tractor. 146 00:23:14,074 --> 00:23:17,411 And Hiko is like... 147 00:23:17,578 --> 00:23:21,181 I don't understand what the hell Hiko is. 148 00:23:24,451 --> 00:23:31,291 Richie's crazy like a fox, Stevie. But, you know, I think he just might be there for us. 149 00:23:32,292 --> 00:23:36,430 - And Foster's good. - "Good"? 150 00:23:37,397 --> 00:23:42,569 - What do you mean by "good"? - I mean she's solid, on the level. 151 00:23:42,736 --> 00:23:47,574 - What'd you think I meant? - Sounds like you think she's hot. 152 00:23:47,741 --> 00:23:49,810 Course I think she's hot. Don't you? 153 00:23:56,250 --> 00:24:00,254 - Right here, Steve. Right here. - Got it? - Yep. 154 00:24:00,420 --> 00:24:03,090 Yeah, that's it. 155 00:24:03,257 --> 00:24:06,426 - Aw, shit. - No go? - Nope. 156 00:24:08,262 --> 00:24:13,834 - What's wrong with this thing? - Here's your problem right here. Looks like somebody trashed the control panel. 157 00:24:14,067 --> 00:24:17,171 Oh, yeah. These three relays are unplugged. 158 00:24:17,337 --> 00:24:22,743 - Let's hustle, Squeak. We got no power to the rudder in a typhoon, we're screwed. - I'm hustling, all right? 159 00:24:32,085 --> 00:24:34,822 - Go? - Give it a shot. 160 00:24:57,945 --> 00:25:00,214 - That's more like it. - Captain? 161 00:25:00,380 --> 00:25:03,517 I'm on my way, Woods. 162 00:25:08,355 --> 00:25:13,227 - What the hell is that? - Good job, Baker. You lit us up like a pinball machine! 163 00:25:27,007 --> 00:25:30,177 Tell you something. We're gonna be rich. 164 00:25:30,344 --> 00:25:33,881 You're gonna be a rich man, Hiko! 165 00:25:38,252 --> 00:25:41,688 Captain? 166 00:25:45,859 --> 00:25:48,996 Somebody's running this. 167 00:25:49,163 --> 00:25:52,866 - Looks like it's running itself. - Computers don't run themselves. 168 00:25:56,103 --> 00:25:58,605 I don't know much about computers, but that's an anchor. 169 00:26:09,683 --> 00:26:13,053 Emergency on top deck! Emergency on top deck! Anchor went down on the tug! 170 00:26:19,960 --> 00:26:25,466 Baker, did you copy that? We need you up here... 171 00:26:25,632 --> 00:26:28,101 Baker, we need you on deck now! 172 00:26:28,268 --> 00:26:31,872 - Already on my way. Hey, Squeak, can you catch that? - What the hell happened? 173 00:26:32,039 --> 00:26:38,212 - You just sit tight. Any sign of trouble, you don't be a cowboy. - I'm not gonna, but don't leave me here for too long. - Stay on your radio. 174 00:26:50,624 --> 00:26:56,230 - Woods! - Tell you what. I'm gonna go get some help. 175 00:26:57,631 --> 00:27:02,002 I can't swim! Woods! 176 00:27:02,169 --> 00:27:06,740 Get back here, goddamn cocksucker! 177 00:27:08,775 --> 00:27:10,511 Hiko! Hiko! 178 00:27:10,677 --> 00:27:15,349 - What are you doing? - Leave me alone! - Shit. 179 00:27:17,985 --> 00:27:20,654 Steve! 180 00:27:32,766 --> 00:27:35,502 I got you. 181 00:27:43,343 --> 00:27:46,680 No, that anchor didn't just drop by itself. No. 182 00:27:46,847 --> 00:27:50,951 - Somebody else is on this ship. - I hear that. 183 00:27:51,118 --> 00:27:56,190 - I'll be all right. - Not without stitches, you won't. Lift up. Lift up! 184 00:27:58,826 --> 00:28:04,631 - What are you lookin' at? - Hey! It could've been me! 185 00:28:06,800 --> 00:28:11,138 - Stevie, what's goin' on up there, man? - We lost the tug, Squeak. 186 00:28:11,305 --> 00:28:15,309 - She's gone. - That sucks. - How we doin' down there? 187 00:28:15,476 --> 00:28:18,712 I'm doin' fine. This whole thing is automated. It runs by itself. 188 00:28:18,879 --> 00:28:23,917 Negative, negative. We got somebody else on board. Repeat. We got somebody else on board. That's who sank the tug. 189 00:28:24,084 --> 00:28:30,190 - Now, I want you to bolt the engine room door shut. You understand me? - I copy that. And hurry up, will you? 190 00:28:30,357 --> 00:28:35,429 - Listen, I think we should split up into two groups. - Root 'em out. - I agree. I just have to fix his leg. 191 00:28:35,596 --> 00:28:39,066 Hold your horses, mister. I'm still captain here. 192 00:28:39,233 --> 00:28:42,503 You left this on the bridge. 193 00:28:42,669 --> 00:28:47,241 You were captain of the Sea Star. She just sank, right? 194 00:28:47,407 --> 00:28:50,911 I'm ranking officer. 195 00:28:51,078 --> 00:28:53,247 Listen to me, Baker. 196 00:28:53,413 --> 00:28:59,620 For $ 30 million I'm willing to overlook all that's come between us. 197 00:28:59,786 --> 00:29:03,290 How about you? 198 00:29:06,960 --> 00:29:09,730 - Good man. Richie! - Yeah. 199 00:29:09,897 --> 00:29:14,468 - Take Woods. Go to the engine room. - Shit. - Back up Squeaky. 200 00:29:14,635 --> 00:29:19,473 We're gonna take Hiko, get him to a sick bay. Gonna get that leg fixed. 201 00:29:19,640 --> 00:29:21,909 - Stay away, Woods. - Go with him, Woods. 202 00:29:22,075 --> 00:29:28,081 Let me tell you something. You get me killed, I'm gonna kick your ass. Now, take my shit. Let's go. 203 00:29:39,793 --> 00:29:43,497 - Wait up for us, Foster. - All right. 204 00:29:46,099 --> 00:29:50,404 It'll be down that corridor. 205 00:29:54,741 --> 00:30:00,681 - Where's this go, Richie? - It goes down. Come on. 206 00:30:49,530 --> 00:30:52,866 Hello? Listen, I'm a friend. All right? 207 00:30:53,033 --> 00:30:56,904 I'm Cuban. I'm not American. 208 00:30:57,638 --> 00:31:02,142 Anybody in there? 209 00:31:54,461 --> 00:31:59,199 - Weapons locker. - What the hell is this all about? 210 00:32:03,203 --> 00:32:04,805 Bingo. 211 00:32:07,975 --> 00:32:12,579 - Put him up here. Come on, Hiko. All right. Tighten that down. - Yeah. 212 00:32:23,290 --> 00:32:27,227 - All right. This is gonna hurt. - It's all right. Just get on with it. 213 00:32:32,232 --> 00:32:36,737 - You have a high pain threshold. - Yeah, I usually do it myself. 214 00:32:36,904 --> 00:32:40,741 No, really. 215 00:32:40,908 --> 00:32:44,611 - Hey, Hiko. Some dry clothes. - Yeah, thanks. - Oh, man. 216 00:32:45,846 --> 00:32:48,015 All right. Here we go. 217 00:32:48,182 --> 00:32:53,253 - Ah, come on, Richie. Isn't that enough guns? Damn. - Woods, let me tell you three things. 218 00:32:53,420 --> 00:32:57,191 You can never be too rich, too thin or too well-armed. 219 00:32:57,357 --> 00:32:59,460 Yeah, let's go. Oh, man. 220 00:33:05,532 --> 00:33:10,871 - Get the green bag. - Green bag? Oh, man. 221 00:33:11,038 --> 00:33:16,510 Goddamn, I'm carrying too much. I got a bad latissimus, Richie. 222 00:33:17,277 --> 00:33:23,014 I'm tellin' you, Richie. My back isn't gonna let me do this anymore. I can't deal with it. I get hung up on everything. 223 00:33:25,686 --> 00:33:30,824 I get hung up on everything. I'm tellin' you, I'm gonna get rid of some of this crap. 224 00:33:33,293 --> 00:33:37,498 - Hey, Woods, what do you make of this? - I have no idea. 225 00:33:44,705 --> 00:33:48,842 Tactical short-range surface-to-air. 226 00:33:49,009 --> 00:33:53,080 - This is beautiful, man. - Oh, I'm thrilled. Can we go now? 227 00:33:53,247 --> 00:33:56,717 - In a minute. Look around, man. - Damn! 228 00:34:01,989 --> 00:34:05,659 Hello, Mr. Cable. 229 00:34:06,593 --> 00:34:09,930 - Hey, Woods. Look at this. - What? 230 00:34:11,231 --> 00:34:14,434 It looks like some kind of ejection seat or escape vehicle. 231 00:34:16,737 --> 00:34:20,107 Oh, launch buttons. Cool. 232 00:34:22,609 --> 00:34:26,780 - Richie. - Yeah. - Look at these doors, man. 233 00:34:33,420 --> 00:34:37,391 That's an awful lot of blood, Richie. 234 00:34:37,558 --> 00:34:41,695 - Now can we go? - Yeah, yeah. 235 00:34:44,431 --> 00:34:49,470 - Oh, Foster. - Yeah? - What are you gonna do with your three million? 236 00:34:49,636 --> 00:34:53,440 - I don't have it yet. - What about you, Hiko? 237 00:34:53,607 --> 00:34:59,279 - Three million? Probably open a school. - A school? For what? 238 00:34:59,446 --> 00:35:04,051 Kura Kaupapa. It would be choice. Lots of little kids reading, writing, learning Maori. 239 00:35:04,218 --> 00:35:08,122 - That's sweet. - Yeah, it's a dream thing. 240 00:35:08,288 --> 00:35:14,228 - How about you, Baker? - Oh, I don't know. Always loved the sea. 241 00:35:15,462 --> 00:35:18,499 Probably buy an island. 242 00:35:19,399 --> 00:35:24,338 - Oh, yeah? Does it have a beach? - Beautiful white sand. Hammock, sailboat. 243 00:35:24,505 --> 00:35:30,477 - What about a house? - How about a villa? Thatched roof, overlooking a lagoon. 244 00:35:30,644 --> 00:35:35,449 - It sounds nice. - Yes, lovely. When you two gettin' married? 245 00:35:35,616 --> 00:35:39,419 - Gee! Take it easy, mate! - No, you take it easy, mate. 246 00:35:50,364 --> 00:35:53,133 Get off my leg! Geez! 247 00:36:12,519 --> 00:36:15,856 Is she dead? 248 00:36:16,156 --> 00:36:20,027 No. 249 00:36:26,166 --> 00:36:30,971 - What's this shit, Richie? - Somebody doesn't Iike electricity, Woodsy. Come on. 250 00:36:34,174 --> 00:36:37,811 Well, it looks like somebody tried to rewire the ship. 251 00:36:39,246 --> 00:36:41,348 - You okay? - Yeah, I'm all right. 252 00:36:41,515 --> 00:36:45,552 - So that's done. - What's all this weird stuff in her bag? 253 00:36:47,421 --> 00:36:50,991 She's got videotapes, cigarettes. What's this? Hair spray? 254 00:36:51,158 --> 00:36:54,528 - Hey, watch out! Watch out, watch out! Thermite grenades. - What? 255 00:36:54,695 --> 00:36:59,500 Thermite. One of those things blows, burn a hole right through the deck. Be careful. 256 00:36:59,666 --> 00:37:03,370 - Be careful, really careful. - What's she trying to do? Sink the ship? 257 00:37:03,537 --> 00:37:07,274 - Squeaky, talk to me. - How does it feel? - It's good. Thanks. 258 00:37:07,441 --> 00:37:10,511 - Are you gonna be able to walk? - Yeah. I'll be okay. 259 00:37:14,548 --> 00:37:20,788 Squeak, que pasa, buddy? Where the hell are you, man? Shit. 260 00:37:24,625 --> 00:37:30,097 - Richie, Woods, come back. - Steve, this ship's got a a missile rome. - I don't give a damn about any missiles! 261 00:37:30,264 --> 00:37:34,902 - I left Squeaky in the engine room and he's not answering, so get the hell down there. - Yeah, yeah. We hear you. 262 00:37:35,068 --> 00:37:39,640 - We've got a crew member up here who just unloaded an Uzi on us, so you better watch your ass. - Yeah, copy that. 263 00:37:41,375 --> 00:37:44,878 - I'm goin' to the engine room. - We'll see you on the bridge. 264 00:37:45,045 --> 00:37:47,981 Steve? Watch your back. 265 00:38:06,133 --> 00:38:13,474 - Hey, Woods, you comprehend this Cyrillic crap? - It's like chicken scratches to me. 266 00:38:15,476 --> 00:38:18,912 Richie, Richie, help me! 267 00:38:25,486 --> 00:38:28,188 Here, Woods. 268 00:38:33,360 --> 00:38:36,530 That thing smells Iike dog shit, Richie. What is it? 269 00:38:36,697 --> 00:38:41,368 It's robotic, Woodsy. High-tech robotics. 270 00:38:46,607 --> 00:38:50,277 - Where'd you learn how to sew? - My grandfather. - Yeah? 271 00:38:54,448 --> 00:38:58,118 It's all right. It's okay. We're not going to hurt you. 272 00:38:58,819 --> 00:39:03,857 Power. Turn off the power. Shut down the ship. You're all in danger. 273 00:39:04,024 --> 00:39:08,562 - What's she going on about? - I don't know. I don't know. 274 00:39:13,300 --> 00:39:17,171 Captain, please. 275 00:39:17,838 --> 00:39:21,475 What's your name? 276 00:39:23,310 --> 00:39:26,847 What's happened on this ship? Where're the rest of your crew? 277 00:39:27,014 --> 00:39:31,518 - Dead. - Dead? Good. 278 00:39:31,685 --> 00:39:35,489 You must turn off the power. It needs power to move through the ship. 279 00:39:35,656 --> 00:39:42,229 - What... needs... power? - It. From the MIR. 280 00:39:42,396 --> 00:39:46,900 - The MIR space station? - Yes. - She's a fruitcake. 281 00:39:47,067 --> 00:39:52,003 - Come on, Captain. - She's a nutter, which is perfect. - Hiko, come on! 282 00:40:42,556 --> 00:40:44,958 Drop it. 283 00:40:45,893 --> 00:40:48,595 Drop it! 284 00:40:53,967 --> 00:40:59,907 - It's okay. - You don't understand. - Look. I'm not gonna hurt you. 285 00:41:03,944 --> 00:41:08,015 My name's Kelly Foster. I'm a navigator. 286 00:41:08,182 --> 00:41:13,754 I'm Nadia. Nadia Vinogradova, Chief Science Officer. 287 00:41:14,655 --> 00:41:19,693 Nadia, what happened? Where's your crew? 288 00:41:19,860 --> 00:41:24,264 I told you. Dead or deserted. 289 00:41:24,431 --> 00:41:28,836 Three hundred crew members are gone? What happened? 290 00:41:29,002 --> 00:41:34,975 Eight days ago, during a transmission from the MIR space station, something came onto the ship. 291 00:41:35,142 --> 00:41:39,146 We thought our transmitters and receivers were malfunctioning, so we shut them down. 292 00:41:39,313 --> 00:41:44,017 It took control of computers, scanned all information. 293 00:41:44,184 --> 00:41:49,623 - Language, encyclopedias, medical data. It was learning. - Learning what? 294 00:41:50,891 --> 00:41:54,828 How to kill us. 295 00:41:55,395 --> 00:41:59,700 My captain, Aleksej, and me were the last to survive. 296 00:41:59,867 --> 00:42:06,640 - We cut their cables, smashed them... - Wait a minute. You just said "them". Before you said "it". 297 00:42:07,808 --> 00:42:10,077 Who's "them"? 298 00:42:10,244 --> 00:42:14,214 - Machine. Machines. - Machines? 299 00:42:18,185 --> 00:42:21,688 - I'm telling you the truth. - I know. I... 300 00:42:21,855 --> 00:42:25,359 - Foster? - Yeah, I'm in here. 301 00:42:26,193 --> 00:42:31,265 It's okay. Nobody's going to hurt you. It's okay. It's okay. 302 00:42:33,934 --> 00:42:39,873 - She's nuts. - But something scared the hell out of her. 303 00:42:40,741 --> 00:42:44,611 - I say we get her up to the bridge. Hiko. - Give me the flashlight. 304 00:42:44,778 --> 00:42:50,951 You're gonna be okay. It's okay. We're gonna get you something to eat. Come on. Come on. Watch your head. It's okay. 305 00:42:52,886 --> 00:42:56,857 - Are you okay? - Yes. - Go! - No! 306 00:42:59,126 --> 00:43:05,232 - You got her? Okay, go. - I'm not a threat! I'm not a threat! 307 00:43:08,535 --> 00:43:14,475 I used to go turkey huntin', you know, with my dad. It beats the shit outta this, man. 308 00:43:15,242 --> 00:43:19,980 - You hear that? - It sounds like somebody's working down there. What... 309 00:43:27,588 --> 00:43:31,792 - Hey! Anybody in here? - Quiet, man. Be quiet. 310 00:43:33,393 --> 00:43:37,297 Stay down. There might be somebody. 311 00:43:37,464 --> 00:43:43,103 Hey, Woodsy, there's another one of those things, man. 312 00:43:51,111 --> 00:43:53,480 Let's go, man! I'm outta here. 313 00:44:03,490 --> 00:44:10,430 - Richie, Woods, where the hell are you two? - Hey, Steve, listen. There's a machine shop down here with, 314 00:44:10,597 --> 00:44:15,836 - state-of-the-art robotics. - I already told you twice to get your asses to the engine room! You hear me? 315 00:44:17,704 --> 00:44:22,276 Yeah, yeah. We're comin'. 316 00:44:45,666 --> 00:44:48,368 Come on, Woodsy. 317 00:44:55,742 --> 00:44:59,012 I'm not... I'm not comin'. 318 00:45:17,831 --> 00:45:21,201 Hey, little buddy. 319 00:45:26,840 --> 00:45:31,912 - Richie, let's go. - Hey, Woodsy. Did the other one bother you? No, it didn't. 320 00:45:52,232 --> 00:45:54,802 Richie. Richie? 321 00:46:13,387 --> 00:46:17,090 Goddamn, Richie! 322 00:46:22,062 --> 00:46:25,966 - I'm sick of this! - Steve, this is Richie. There's another Russian down here. The son of a bitch shot at us! 323 00:46:26,133 --> 00:46:29,837 - And Woods is hurt. - So watch your ass. You copy? - Copy that. How is he? 324 00:46:30,003 --> 00:46:36,777 - Just tell him it's bad. Bad! - He'll live, but he ain't in a good mood, man. 325 00:46:36,944 --> 00:46:40,280 Just get him to the damn engine room. And no more sightseeing, all right? 326 00:46:40,447 --> 00:46:45,252 - Yeah. Copy, copy, copy. - All right. - Get up. Get up. 327 00:46:51,758 --> 00:46:55,162 Squeaky? Squeak? 328 00:46:58,265 --> 00:47:03,837 Holy shit. What the hell? Oh, my God. 329 00:47:05,939 --> 00:47:08,876 Jesus Christ! Squeak? 330 00:47:09,042 --> 00:47:11,545 Squeak? Open up! 331 00:47:13,881 --> 00:47:19,686 - Don't shoot! It's us! - Where the hell have you two been? Back from your holiday? 332 00:47:20,220 --> 00:47:25,526 - Jesus Christ. Woods, you're a mess. - Thank you. 333 00:47:25,692 --> 00:47:29,963 - You said a Russian did this? - No, a machine did that with a nail gun. 334 00:47:30,130 --> 00:47:35,569 Yeah, that's right. You're not gonna believe it till you see it. There's some really weird shit goin' down on this ship, man. 335 00:47:35,736 --> 00:47:40,007 - Weird ain't the word. - I'm in need of some proper medical attention. - Shut the fuck up! 336 00:47:40,174 --> 00:47:44,578 - I don't belong on this ship. - Somebody just welded the engine room door shut. - It's welded? 337 00:47:44,745 --> 00:47:48,482 - Squeaky's still missing. - Weird. 338 00:47:49,049 --> 00:47:52,853 Richie? Richie, it's that smell again. 339 00:48:00,494 --> 00:48:03,363 - Squeak? - Hey, Squeaky! 340 00:48:03,530 --> 00:48:06,033 - Squeak, man. - Is that you? 341 00:48:15,209 --> 00:48:17,044 - Shit! - Go! - That bastard shot at us! 342 00:48:26,053 --> 00:48:29,723 You're all going to die. 343 00:48:29,890 --> 00:48:36,430 You hear that, Foster? We're all going to die, because there are aliens on this ship. 344 00:48:36,930 --> 00:48:40,567 That's all the grounds I need. 345 00:48:40,734 --> 00:48:45,405 One of my men is missing. And I want some answers! 346 00:48:45,572 --> 00:48:52,746 - And no more of this Twilight Zone stuff. - I don't know anything about your man. 347 00:48:52,913 --> 00:48:59,419 Rubbish. I'm gonna give you five seconds, and then I'm gonna blow your brains out. 348 00:48:59,586 --> 00:49:03,624 - One... - Captain! She couldn't possibly know where Squeaky is. She was hiding in sick bay. 349 00:49:03,791 --> 00:49:09,163 She knows. She dropped an anchor on my tug. She fired at us. Two. 350 00:49:09,329 --> 00:49:14,968 - Captain! Hiko, come on! - That anchor nearly killed me. I'm not feeling too sympathetic. - Me neither. 351 00:49:15,135 --> 00:49:19,440 - Three. - Shoot me. I don't care. Just shut down the power to the ship. 352 00:49:24,144 --> 00:49:28,282 - Captain, she's not gonna tell you what you wanna hear. - Hey, Captain. 353 00:49:28,449 --> 00:49:33,587 I'd like to hear what she has to say about this. Up here on the chart table, Richie. 354 00:49:35,756 --> 00:49:38,992 Fake bastard! 355 00:49:39,159 --> 00:49:43,964 - What the bloody hell is that? - It beats the hell out of us. 356 00:49:44,131 --> 00:49:49,603 - It's Aleksej, my captain. - Hell, whatever it is, it tried to kill us. 357 00:49:53,674 --> 00:49:58,312 Squeaky's still AWOL, and somebody welded the engine room door shut. 358 00:49:58,479 --> 00:50:02,316 - We're not alone here. - She's got another friend down there. 359 00:50:02,483 --> 00:50:06,720 Can someone explain what the hell is goin' on? 360 00:50:06,887 --> 00:50:11,125 Finish your story, Nadia. 361 00:50:12,359 --> 00:50:18,565 The energy that came from the MIR... infested all of the ship's electrical systems. 362 00:50:18,732 --> 00:50:22,870 Mainframe computer, the labs, the machine shops. 363 00:50:23,036 --> 00:50:30,244 It activated fire extinguishers. Sixty-seven died from halon gas poisoning. Quarter of the crew. 364 00:50:30,410 --> 00:50:35,349 It cut us off from machine shops and started building. 365 00:50:35,516 --> 00:50:41,421 - The little ones first... the gatherers. - Yeah. We saw a whole room full of them. That's what nailed Woods. 366 00:50:43,557 --> 00:50:48,228 Then came something... more dangerous. 367 00:50:48,395 --> 00:50:55,102 Half man, half machine. A biomechanism. Engineering beyond our comprehensions. 368 00:50:56,170 --> 00:51:00,407 The rest of the crew deserted, taking their chances in the sea. 369 00:51:00,574 --> 00:51:06,680 - Only Aleksej and me stayed, cutting cables. - What does cutting cables have to do with it? 370 00:51:08,382 --> 00:51:12,753 The machines are controlled by the electrical energy in the computer. 371 00:51:12,920 --> 00:51:18,525 - If we can cut their source of power, they'll die. - We cut these to get him here. 372 00:51:18,692 --> 00:51:23,797 What the hell are you talking about? What is this thing that's inside the computer? 373 00:51:24,531 --> 00:51:30,437 It's a life-form unlike anything we know. Not cellular but electrical in nature. Extremely intelligent. 374 00:51:30,604 --> 00:51:36,877 - You mean it's like Iightning that can think? - It has no form, no shape, but it's giving itself what it lacks. 375 00:51:37,044 --> 00:51:42,816 It's creating a new life-form... using parts of the ship and crew. 376 00:51:43,550 --> 00:51:49,656 Blood is still pumping through this brain. There's been no decomposition at all. 377 00:51:53,160 --> 00:51:59,266 Yeah. Here, right here. See? There's... some kind of coil or self-contained power supply built right into it. 378 00:51:59,433 --> 00:52:03,170 Amazing. This brain is still alive. 379 00:52:08,776 --> 00:52:14,982 - Stop fucking around with the damn thing, Richie! - I'm just looking at it, Steve. 380 00:52:28,662 --> 00:52:31,632 Aleksej? 381 00:52:42,176 --> 00:52:47,448 - Touch it again, I'll cut your hands off. - I can respect that. 382 00:52:51,885 --> 00:52:56,156 - It's still Aleksej. It's Aleksej. - Rubbish! 383 00:52:56,323 --> 00:53:02,296 You're listening to a pile of Russian rubbish. And I for one won't listen to any more of it. 384 00:53:02,463 --> 00:53:06,133 There's no alien. Something their government cooked up. 385 00:53:06,300 --> 00:53:10,904 It all went wrong, didn't it? You're afraid the rest of the world's gonna find out about it. 386 00:53:11,071 --> 00:53:14,541 Dr. Igor Fuckin' Frankenstein there. 387 00:53:14,708 --> 00:53:19,012 Tell me the truth. It is some kind of fency medical experiment, is it? 388 00:53:19,179 --> 00:53:24,918 Aleksej was no medical experiment. He was my husband. 389 00:53:25,519 --> 00:53:27,387 Rubbish! 390 00:53:27,554 --> 00:53:35,160 - Could someone please come and take a look at the nails in my shoulder? - Woods, stop whining! - God! 391 00:53:48,842 --> 00:53:51,178 Oh, my God. Captain! 392 00:53:54,414 --> 00:53:57,084 Brace yourselves! 393 00:54:15,969 --> 00:54:17,971 We gotta turn her into the wind! 394 00:54:23,210 --> 00:54:25,779 The steering doesn't answer. 395 00:54:28,882 --> 00:54:32,319 - We could steer the ship from the engine room. - I thought you said the door was welded. 396 00:54:32,486 --> 00:54:37,491 - We'll cut the damn door. - Right. Bring her. I wanna keep her in my sight. 397 00:54:52,606 --> 00:54:56,510 I gotta get off this ship. 398 00:55:12,426 --> 00:55:15,963 - All clear? - Clear. - Clear. 399 00:55:20,501 --> 00:55:23,437 Did you feel that? 400 00:55:28,642 --> 00:55:31,812 The ship's turning. 401 00:55:33,113 --> 00:55:38,986 - We just turned 20 degrees into the wind. The ship's steering itself. - Ships don't steer themselves. 402 00:55:39,820 --> 00:55:43,624 She's altered her course. 403 00:55:44,525 --> 00:55:48,562 - Let's go. Come on. - Engine room's one deck down. 404 00:55:49,696 --> 00:55:53,000 - What the hell was that? - Could be Squeak. 405 00:55:53,167 --> 00:55:57,738 - I don't care who it is! - I said it could be Squeak! 406 00:55:59,840 --> 00:56:02,743 Jesus Christ. 407 00:56:08,482 --> 00:56:11,418 - Careful, Richie. - Yeah. 408 00:56:11,585 --> 00:56:15,589 - It's too weird, man. You can't open that door. - What is it, Steve? 409 00:56:15,756 --> 00:56:18,926 - I don't know. What you got, Richie? - I don't know. It could be Squeaky. 410 00:56:19,093 --> 00:56:24,164 - Let me see. Let me see! - What the hell is that? 411 00:56:24,331 --> 00:56:27,234 - Open the door! - Don't open the damn door! 412 00:56:41,215 --> 00:56:45,252 - Squeak? - Steve... 413 00:56:53,927 --> 00:56:57,431 - Richie! God, Richie, help me, for God's sake! Richie! - Shit! 414 00:57:16,150 --> 00:57:19,653 - Steve! - Out this side! - Go! Go! Go! 415 00:57:19,820 --> 00:57:23,123 - Come on. This way! - Steve. 416 00:57:27,895 --> 00:57:31,498 - Where are we? - Communications room. - Good! I'm callin' for help. 417 00:57:34,301 --> 00:57:39,106 - Did you trash this? - We destroyed every transmitter on the ship. 418 00:57:48,949 --> 00:57:52,085 - You didn't smash this one. Mayday, mayday, mayday! - Don't! 419 00:57:52,686 --> 00:57:56,924 What the hell is wrong with you? Are you out of your fuckin' mind? 420 00:57:57,091 --> 00:58:02,596 No one else is gonna claim salvage on this vessel but us. 421 00:58:05,365 --> 00:58:08,936 You're no longer in charge. 422 00:58:11,839 --> 00:58:14,441 Come here! 423 00:58:29,857 --> 00:58:32,392 - What do they want from us? - It wants to kill us. 424 00:58:32,559 --> 00:58:36,296 - No, they want something. - It wants to mutilate us just like it did Woods. 425 00:58:36,463 --> 00:58:40,534 - Did you see Squeaky? That thing wants something from us. - Why don't we talk to it? 426 00:58:41,969 --> 00:58:47,828 - It's in the computer. We could talk to it. - What? - Talk to it! It's in the computer. 427 00:58:47,841 --> 00:58:51,011 What the hell? What do I do? What do I do? 428 00:58:51,178 --> 00:58:53,814 Nadia, please help me. I need English, please. 429 00:58:58,318 --> 00:59:00,921 "Who are you?" 430 00:59:03,724 --> 00:59:06,994 I am aware. 431 00:59:09,196 --> 00:59:14,902 - Is that it? Is it? Is it the thing? - "We mean you no harm." 432 00:59:15,068 --> 00:59:17,738 Life-form analysis complete. 433 00:59:17,905 --> 00:59:23,710 Species is destructive, invasive, noxious, harmful to the body of the whole. 434 00:59:24,211 --> 00:59:27,881 - "What species?" - Man. 435 00:59:30,284 --> 00:59:33,287 You are virus. 436 00:59:33,454 --> 00:59:37,458 Great. Just great. It thinks we're germs. 437 00:59:39,693 --> 00:59:42,429 "What do you want from us?" 438 00:59:42,963 --> 00:59:47,101 Viscous neurological transmitters, oxygenated tissues, 439 00:59:47,267 --> 00:59:50,938 Aponeurus Superiorus Papelbrai. 440 00:59:51,105 --> 00:59:55,075 - "Superior..." What the hell is that? - It's part of an optic nerve. - What? 441 00:59:55,242 --> 00:59:59,813 Spare parts.... It wants us for spare parts. 442 01:00:04,718 --> 01:00:07,121 Communication terminated. 443 01:00:08,789 --> 01:00:12,659 - It must be destroyed. - How? - You said it was electrical, like lightning. - Yes. 444 01:00:12,826 --> 01:00:17,431 - What happens when Iightning hits water? - It grounds out! - That's right. - It grounds out, dissipates and dies. 445 01:00:17,598 --> 01:00:23,570 - That means we can kill this thing. - We have to sink the ship to do that. - It's in the computer. Where's the mainframe? 446 01:00:23,737 --> 01:00:28,175 - D deck. One deck below. - She's right. We gotta get to the computer if we're gonna kill this thing. 447 01:00:29,443 --> 01:00:34,448 - We gotta get the hell outta here first. - You people want a way out of here? I'll show you a way outta here. 448 01:00:39,420 --> 01:00:41,822 Steve... 449 01:00:46,026 --> 01:00:50,864 Spare parts, my ass, man. That ain't gonna happen to me. I ain't goin' up against those things, man. 450 01:00:51,031 --> 01:00:54,501 You people can do what you want. - Ned! - I'm outta here. - Get down! 451 01:00:57,971 --> 01:01:03,977 - You're crazy! - Who's gonna carry my shit? Who's gonna carry my shit? 452 01:01:07,381 --> 01:01:10,818 - He's gone postal, man. - Come on. Let's go! Steve.. 453 01:01:16,657 --> 01:01:19,993 - You coming? - You hit a superior officer, Foster. 454 01:01:21,562 --> 01:01:27,634 - You punched me! You're crazy! - Fuck you! - You're all gonna get yourselves killed! 455 01:02:04,605 --> 01:02:08,408 Wanna talk to me, do ya? 456 01:02:17,117 --> 01:02:21,221 I knew you did... 457 01:02:24,191 --> 01:02:26,126 "Everton... 458 01:02:26,293 --> 01:02:31,131 is the dominant life-form. 459 01:02:31,298 --> 01:02:35,068 I am Everton." 460 01:02:43,210 --> 01:02:46,547 "I will help you... 461 01:02:46,713 --> 01:02:50,551 bring this ship to port. 462 01:02:50,717 --> 01:02:53,220 New Zealand, 463 01:02:53,387 --> 01:02:57,491 Australia, anywhere you want." 464 01:02:59,326 --> 01:03:01,462 E-DECK, WORKROOM 14. 465 01:03:01,628 --> 01:03:06,433 "Workroom 14." 466 01:03:15,843 --> 01:03:19,513 It's not gettin' me. 467 01:03:24,918 --> 01:03:31,959 My brain is not becoming some hard drive... for some biomechanoid, alien mother... 468 01:03:51,545 --> 01:03:55,682 Oh, I can use this. This is a good part. 469 01:04:12,232 --> 01:04:16,570 That door down there leads to the main computer room. 470 01:04:16,737 --> 01:04:22,309 I thought you said this was gonna be well protected. Hiko. 471 01:04:33,153 --> 01:04:37,858 - It's gone. - Gone where? 472 01:04:44,364 --> 01:04:47,167 Fuckin' thing moved itself. 473 01:05:24,404 --> 01:05:29,610 Robert Everton, Captain, the Sea Star. 474 01:05:31,912 --> 01:05:34,982 Thank you. 475 01:06:29,636 --> 01:06:36,543 They're planning to sink the ship. Of course, you know that, don't you? 476 01:06:47,654 --> 01:06:53,393 It's pretty amazing, what with no head and all. 477 01:07:00,234 --> 01:07:07,241 Woods. Twenty-five years, him and me... 478 01:07:07,407 --> 01:07:09,877 together. 479 01:07:12,646 --> 01:07:16,083 Are you Everton? 480 01:07:17,351 --> 01:07:21,188 Are you the dominant life-form? 481 01:07:22,756 --> 01:07:30,397 - How can I be of assistance to you? - Help me to survive. 482 01:07:34,902 --> 01:07:41,341 - It's welded. We just came through here. We've been set up. - This way. - Let's go! 483 01:07:44,378 --> 01:07:47,514 Six years in the navy as a weapons specialist. 484 01:07:47,681 --> 01:07:51,718 I graduated top of my class... I'm gettin' out. 485 01:07:51,885 --> 01:07:56,523 I got a plan. It thinks it's smarter than me? It's gonna get a surprise. 486 01:08:00,360 --> 01:08:04,932 - Where we going? - The storage room. We can get out through here... 487 01:08:08,268 --> 01:08:11,438 - It's welded. What's down there? Nadia! - Dead end. 488 01:08:11,605 --> 01:08:15,476 Steve, I need something to pry this. Hurry! 489 01:08:29,556 --> 01:08:32,392 Steve! 490 01:08:32,559 --> 01:08:36,630 Hiko! Steve, over here! 491 01:09:05,793 --> 01:09:11,698 - Nadia, which way? - The antenna control room. We'll be safe there. 492 01:09:12,299 --> 01:09:15,469 - Okay. Steve! - Right behind you! Go! Just keep moving! 493 01:09:28,215 --> 01:09:31,618 You stay close, Foster. 494 01:09:48,035 --> 01:09:51,572 Keep going, Hiko! Keep going! 495 01:10:02,216 --> 01:10:05,552 Hiko! Help me, Hiko! 496 01:10:16,530 --> 01:10:20,267 - Foster, hang on! - Hiko! - Take my hand! Come on! I got ya! 497 01:10:37,017 --> 01:10:39,887 Hiko! 498 01:10:51,465 --> 01:10:56,904 Come on, come on! He's gone. Keep moving! 499 01:11:16,256 --> 01:11:21,462 - Maybe he made it to another part of the ship. - Not a chance. Not a chance. 500 01:11:40,163 --> 01:11:43,967 Just a little good-bye gift. 501 01:11:49,439 --> 01:11:55,912 We gotta find out where it's taking us. Steve! Give me a hand. 502 01:12:01,651 --> 01:12:04,554 We need a light. 503 01:12:08,759 --> 01:12:13,630 We're headed here on this vector. North-northwest. Lord Howe lsland? 504 01:12:13,797 --> 01:12:20,971 - Lord Howe? Why? There's nothin' there. - There is. There is a British intelligence station there. 505 01:12:21,138 --> 01:12:24,941 They have digital linkups... to all the military and commercial satellites in the Southern Hemisphere. 506 01:12:25,108 --> 01:12:29,079 If it gets into the transoceanic Pacific cable, it could go anywhere. 507 01:12:29,212 --> 01:12:33,316 This is the vessel Norfolk to the vessel at 29 south, 79 east. 508 01:12:33,483 --> 01:12:39,022 - Received a mayday at 0800 hours. We have you on radar. - Richie's mayday got through! 509 01:12:39,189 --> 01:12:43,193 If you are receiving but cannot transmit, please respond by signal flare. 510 01:12:43,360 --> 01:12:46,630 - We need a flare gun! - No, no! - If anything, we need to warn them away. 511 01:12:46,797 --> 01:12:52,836 - Why? - Because this thing is isolated on the ship, Steve. We can't let another ship near us. 512 01:13:02,212 --> 01:13:07,317 - We gotta sink this ship. - How? 513 01:13:08,852 --> 01:13:13,490 Flood the hold with fuel and detonate it. 514 01:13:13,657 --> 01:13:16,860 Let's do it. 515 01:13:33,810 --> 01:13:38,048 Jesus Christ. 516 01:13:38,215 --> 01:13:41,418 Foster, get back! 517 01:13:52,863 --> 01:13:57,668 You don't recognize me. What's wrong? 518 01:14:12,549 --> 01:14:17,320 I'm still your captain, Foster. You must treat me with respect. 519 01:14:28,732 --> 01:14:32,903 - We know where you're going. - I know you do. 520 01:14:33,070 --> 01:14:36,907 There's a whole world waiting out there. 521 01:14:40,877 --> 01:14:43,513 Steve! Foster! Grenade! 522 01:14:48,318 --> 01:14:50,587 Get down! 523 01:15:20,784 --> 01:15:25,989 Through your captain, it knows what we are planning. We must hurry. Come on. 524 01:16:02,893 --> 01:16:05,896 So, which way? 525 01:16:07,664 --> 01:16:11,068 Oh, God! Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me! 526 01:16:11,234 --> 01:16:14,571 - Put the gun down. - Richie, man, it's us! - How do I know that? 527 01:16:14,738 --> 01:16:19,276 Put it down, Mason. We're gonna blow the ship. You come with us, all right? 528 01:16:19,443 --> 01:16:25,549 - I got my own plan. - What the hell are you talking about? 529 01:16:25,716 --> 01:16:31,688 - Richie, don't be a fool! Richie! - Come on. Let's go. 530 01:16:58,882 --> 01:17:01,151 That should do it. 531 01:17:14,498 --> 01:17:19,670 - Checkmate. - I gave us 15 minutes. - Let's go. - We should warn Richie. 532 01:17:20,904 --> 01:17:23,840 Richie, Richie, if you can hear me, we're leaving the ship. 533 01:20:02,099 --> 01:20:05,335 English. 534 01:20:05,502 --> 01:20:08,905 - Do you speak English? - Fuck you. 535 01:20:09,072 --> 01:20:13,977 - English. Where is the detonator? - I don't remember. 536 01:20:14,678 --> 01:20:18,615 The detonator... where is it? 537 01:21:02,192 --> 01:21:05,362 Cut her down. 538 01:21:16,239 --> 01:21:19,676 Steve, buddy, you okay? I got ya. 539 01:21:25,148 --> 01:21:27,651 We gotta go. We gotta go. 540 01:21:34,391 --> 01:21:37,427 Steve! Richie! 541 01:21:45,669 --> 01:21:49,172 Come on, Foster. Foster, this way, this way. 542 01:22:14,531 --> 01:22:17,934 It's not coming. 543 01:22:26,943 --> 01:22:30,147 Foster, Foster, look. 544 01:22:30,313 --> 01:22:35,419 Survival suits. Maybe we have a chance. Put it on. Put it on. 545 01:22:40,090 --> 01:22:44,094 Richie? 546 01:23:00,416 --> 01:23:12,189 Oh, my God. Richie? Oh, man. We thought you bailed on us, bro. We thought you weren't comin' back. 547 01:23:12,356 --> 01:23:15,859 Shows you how smart I am. 548 01:23:18,128 --> 01:23:23,467 Hey, Steve. Now, there's still a way to get off this ship. 549 01:23:23,633 --> 01:23:27,637 - What? - But you gotta get to the missile room. 550 01:23:27,804 --> 01:23:33,043 - Missile room? - You'll understand when you get there. 551 01:23:34,711 --> 01:23:38,315 Steve... 552 01:23:39,850 --> 01:23:43,553 Mason! 553 01:24:07,310 --> 01:24:11,248 Nadia, stop! Nadia! 554 01:24:11,415 --> 01:24:14,551 - There's no time! - I'm not leaving, not until I know it's dead. 555 01:24:14,718 --> 01:24:21,925 - The ship's gonna blow any second. - I've got to make sure. - Nadia, it's suicide! - I don't care! - Nadia! 556 01:24:34,338 --> 01:24:37,441 Checkmate. 557 01:24:39,376 --> 01:24:46,049 Foster. Foster, get to the upper deck. Get off the ship. You have to tell people what has happened here. 558 01:24:46,216 --> 01:24:49,286 - No. No. - Yes, go. Go! 559 01:24:59,129 --> 01:25:03,934 Are there more of those devices aboard this ship? 560 01:25:06,236 --> 01:25:09,606 Just one more. 561 01:25:09,773 --> 01:25:12,275 No! No! 562 01:26:04,461 --> 01:26:08,598 It's me, Baker. It's me! 563 01:26:14,838 --> 01:26:20,777 - Come on. We're gonna get outta here. - No, I can't. I don't wanna hear it! You don't have a choice! Get the hell up! Let's go! Come on! 564 01:26:28,618 --> 01:26:32,055 Come on! 565 01:26:39,696 --> 01:26:44,167 - Where are we? - The missile bay. Check that door. 566 01:26:46,803 --> 01:26:49,539 It's blocked. 567 01:26:51,041 --> 01:26:54,845 Foster, look at this! It's a rocket motor! 568 01:27:05,389 --> 01:27:08,892 Looks like some sort of ejection seat. 569 01:27:13,363 --> 01:27:16,033 - Come on. Let's go! Get in! - No. No! 570 01:27:17,668 --> 01:27:21,505 - No, I'm not going without you! - Just get in! - No! - There's no time! 571 01:27:21,672 --> 01:27:24,941 Richie rigged this for one, okay? 572 01:27:26,109 --> 01:27:29,446 And you're it. 573 01:27:43,193 --> 01:27:47,364 Let's go! Come on, come on, come on, damn it! 574 01:27:54,604 --> 01:27:58,942 - Foster, go! - Not without you. 575 01:29:05,342 --> 01:29:09,813 That's one hell of a flare. 576 01:30:05,268 --> 01:30:08,205 Hiko! 577 01:30:19,583 --> 01:30:26,690 Foster, it's all right. It's okay, you hear me? We made it. 578 01:30:26,857 --> 01:30:30,027 Come on. 579 01:30:32,729 --> 01:30:35,732 All right? We made it. 580 01:30:58,555 --> 01:31:03,126 Respect to HDT!