1 00:01:07,443 --> 00:01:20,748 3,500 years ago after the worldwide Flood of Noah's time, but long before the birth of Jesus Christ 2 00:01:21,040 --> 00:01:29,340 God inspired Moses to record history - from the beginning. 3 00:01:29,799 --> 00:01:36,722 These writings became the first five books of the Holy Bible's Old Testament. 4 00:01:36,939 --> 00:01:42,270 Beginning with Genesis, the first book 5 00:01:42,486 --> 00:01:54,157 Our history from Adam, the first man, to Abraham, with whom God established His covenant. 6 00:01:54,374 --> 00:02:02,957 All leading to God's ultimate plan of redemption: a future new covenant, a New Testament, someday to come. 7 00:02:03,175 --> 00:02:23,436 Genesis is the book of our origins, and our destiny. It's a destiny we cannot fully understand until we go back to the beginning. 8 00:02:31,485 --> 00:02:38,075 They hijack science; they want to convince the whole world that science is only possible within an atheistic worldview. 9 00:02:46,125 --> 00:02:52,340 I have to ask the question: How can you not believe that Somebody designed all of this? 10 00:03:00,973 --> 00:03:08,648 Obviously, the genius of God's creative hand screams for the powerful existence of an Intelligent Designer. 11 00:03:12,610 --> 00:03:25,414 GENESIS 12 00:05:25,576 --> 00:05:31,624 Part 1 -- "Paradise Lost" 13 00:05:38,464 --> 00:05:46,931 The Bible begins with a statement that is so simple a child can understand it, yet so very deep: 14 00:05:47,163 --> 00:05:50,559 "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." 15 00:05:50,792 --> 00:05:57,358 You see, this argument over God's existence, and of Creation versus Evolution, is not so much a religious argument. 16 00:05:57,591 --> 00:06:04,824 Rather, it is an ontological argument, that is, it's an argument concerning the very nature of reality. 17 00:06:05,058 --> 00:06:08,369 It's not between science versus religion. No, it's a worldview clash. 18 00:06:08,603 --> 00:06:13,707 Two different views of origins resulting in two totally different worldviews that clash. 19 00:06:13,942 --> 00:06:18,504 People are battling over two different histories. You either trust God, or you trust man. 20 00:06:18,754 --> 00:06:22,716 It really becomes an issue of authority. Who is the authority? 21 00:06:22,952 --> 00:06:25,636 Is it God in His Word, the Holy Bible, or instead is it man and man's opinions? 22 00:06:25,871 --> 00:06:27,805 Really, we only have two possibilities. 23 00:06:28,040 --> 00:06:35,271 Either the universe, and all of us, came about through a purely natural, physical process; 24 00:06:35,521 --> 00:06:39,775 in other words, we just "happened" - or - Somebody (out there) made us. 25 00:06:40,025 --> 00:06:44,905 I was taught in school that there was a "Big Bang," that there were millions of years, and man slowly evolved. 26 00:06:45,100 --> 00:06:48,951 The theory of evolution, atheistic evolution, the Big Bang, and millions of years. 27 00:06:49,146 --> 00:06:53,664 If we simply happened then there really is no right or wrong. 28 00:06:53,860 --> 00:06:58,294 We could just live our lives the way we wish to, that has huge consequences. 29 00:06:58,489 --> 00:07:02,423 Evolution has a lot of unintended consequences that I'm not sure everyone has thought about. 30 00:07:02,619 --> 00:07:06,218 Evolution's beliefs relate to ethics. They relate to whether or not the world is supposed to be good. 31 00:07:06,415 --> 00:07:09,472 When you find yourself struggling with evil, you ought to ask yourself: 32 00:07:09,668 --> 00:07:14,268 Well, I thought the world was supposed to be this way? If evolution is true, then get used to it. 33 00:07:14,465 --> 00:07:18,063 You see if evolution is true; who am I? You're nothing important. 34 00:07:18,261 --> 00:07:20,983 You're just a piece of protoplasm that washed up from the cosmic shores. 35 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:25,070 If evolution is true, man is just an animal. We're Mother Nature's science project. 36 00:07:25,268 --> 00:07:30,284 Why am I here? If evolution is true, if Nature is all there is, there's no real purpose. 37 00:07:30,482 --> 00:07:33,787 Might as well do whatever you feel like. If it feels good, do it! 38 00:07:33,986 --> 00:07:38,751 You have no meaning. There is no reason for you to exist. 39 00:07:38,949 --> 00:07:42,963 Where am I going when I die? You're going to go back into the ground and that is going to be it. 40 00:07:43,162 --> 00:07:49,929 The lights are turned out on you. You die and become part of nothingness. You're worthless. 41 00:07:50,128 --> 00:07:57,978 But instead if there is a God, and in particular the God of the Bible, then the world, all of reality, is altogether different! 42 00:07:58,178 --> 00:08:01,357 I used to think that to believe the Bible meant you had to reject science. 43 00:08:01,557 --> 00:08:05,277 I thought I had to have a "mental lobotomy" in order to start believing the Bible. 44 00:08:05,478 --> 00:08:09,448 We hear the mantra: "All the scientists believe in evolution." 45 00:08:09,649 --> 00:08:13,994 Some people today want to insist that you can't do science without believing in evolution. 46 00:08:14,195 --> 00:08:18,916 In other words if you are a creationist you cannot also be a scientist. 47 00:08:19,117 --> 00:08:24,463 But there are thousands of PhD scientists all over the world who don't accept evolution. 48 00:08:24,665 --> 00:08:27,007 And many of them don't accept the belief in millions of years. 49 00:08:27,209 --> 00:08:31,387 I have four advanced educational degrees. Most evolutionist professors I've met have only three. 50 00:08:31,589 --> 00:08:38,894 There is a small movement in the evolutionist community to try to get the doctoral degrees taken away from all professing creationists. 51 00:08:39,097 --> 00:08:44,233 That's never going to happen but the fact that someone is trying speaks to the nature of the debate. 52 00:08:44,436 --> 00:08:49,947 The secularists and the atheists took control of science and its beliefs. 53 00:08:50,150 --> 00:08:53,075 They took control of all the science journals and all the university science programs. 54 00:08:53,278 --> 00:08:57,371 They have taken over the museums. They have taken over the state schools. They have taken over the universities. 55 00:08:57,575 --> 00:09:00,791 Also the main textbooks and the public schools in almost every country. 56 00:09:00,995 --> 00:09:04,253 The secularists really have control of the educational system and they want 57 00:09:04,457 --> 00:09:10,259 their religion of secularism, of atheism, and of naturalism forced upon the students. 58 00:09:10,463 --> 00:09:15,472 They use political pressure. They use scare tactics. They use the courts as well. 59 00:09:15,677 --> 00:09:21,729 They will intimidate school districts and take away their autonomy that is given to them by the US Constitution. 60 00:09:21,934 --> 00:09:30,404 And if that's what they have to do, if you need laws to protect a theory from criticism, what does that tell you about the theory? 61 00:09:30,610 --> 00:09:36,952 In America, there is no real separation of Church and State because the State is forcing a religion on generations of kids, 62 00:09:37,159 --> 00:09:42,124 and that is that everything can be explained by natural processes only, i.e. atheistic evolution. 63 00:09:42,331 --> 00:09:44,960 They eliminate the supernatural. Their theory is a religion. It is a religion of atheism. 64 00:09:45,167 --> 00:09:51,300 They hijack science, and they convince the whole world that science is only possible within an atheistic worldview. 65 00:09:51,507 --> 00:09:56,013 Even though modern science was born from the womb of the Christian worldview. 66 00:09:56,221 --> 00:09:59,308 Did you know that modern science was pretty much invented by people of faith, by Christians? 67 00:09:59,516 --> 00:10:02,311 Think of Sir Isaac Newton. I think he needs a better public relations agent: 68 00:10:02,519 --> 00:10:04,480 All most folks know is that he had an apple fall on his head and that he discovered gravity. 69 00:10:04,688 --> 00:10:10,277 He was doing mathematical formulas to show that the idea of math and reason came directly from a logical Creator who invented the world. 70 00:10:10,486 --> 00:10:15,074 Isaac Newton, Boyle, Pasteur, Faraday: These scientists were all Bible-believing Christians. 71 00:10:15,283 --> 00:10:20,788 Johannes Kepler, who pretty much invented modern astronomy, he didn't see any problem between science and the Scriptures. 72 00:10:20,997 --> 00:10:22,873 Most of the early scientists were not materialists. 73 00:10:23,082 --> 00:10:27,753 Most of the early scientists were theists who believed that there was a God who had created everything. 74 00:10:27,963 --> 00:10:34,718 And the reason that we could understand the created world was that there was a Mind, an incredible intelligence, behind the material world. 75 00:10:34,928 --> 00:10:42,184 We need to acknowledge that there is a Creator God who put in place an orderly universe to allow us to understand science. 76 00:10:42,395 --> 00:10:47,773 Which makes more sense: a rational God who created a rational world that can be studied rationally; 77 00:10:47,984 --> 00:10:54,571 Or - an irrational, meaningless process that somehow created a rational world that can be studied rationally? 78 00:10:54,783 --> 00:10:58,867 It doesn't even make sense. In a secularized world where there is no right and wrong, 79 00:10:59,079 --> 00:11:01,537 everything just exploded, they believe, and this is what we have? 80 00:11:01,749 --> 00:11:05,374 Why would we have all these beautiful laws like F = ma or E = mc2? 81 00:11:05,586 --> 00:11:09,211 In a secular worldview with things like the Big Bang, evolution, the millions of years, 82 00:11:09,424 --> 00:11:11,088 and a naturalistic origin of life; those are not scientific. 83 00:11:11,301 --> 00:11:13,882 A lot of people have been duped into believing that they are, but they're not. 84 00:11:14,095 --> 00:11:17,469 For example, is the Big Bang observable and repeatable? No. 85 00:11:17,682 --> 00:11:19,930 Is millions of years observable and repeatable? No. 86 00:11:20,143 --> 00:11:23,308 "Origin of life" Has anybody ever made life from non-life? No. 87 00:11:23,522 --> 00:11:28,063 Evolution is not a scientific fact. The "millions of years" is also not a scientific fact. 88 00:11:28,277 --> 00:11:33,569 Evolution and its millions of years - is the greatest myth ever forced onto the minds of men. 89 00:11:33,783 --> 00:11:37,614 The reason that most people believe it today is because they have been brainwashed. 90 00:11:37,829 --> 00:11:42,786 Are we going to believe man's theories, when man wasn't there during the supposed millions and millions of years of Earth's history? 91 00:11:43,001 --> 00:11:46,457 And who really just has t make up stories about what happened in the past? 92 00:11:46,672 --> 00:11:49,752 When you start to buy into evolution, its millions of years, and some of those ideas, 93 00:11:49,967 --> 00:11:54,381 you've then opened the door to say, "You don't have to trust the Bible completely." 94 00:11:54,597 --> 00:12:00,763 If you can't trust the truth of Genesis 1-12, then why should you believe: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? 95 00:12:00,978 --> 00:12:06,643 That is a logical incoherence, because now you're picking and choosing which Scriptures to believe. 96 00:12:06,860 --> 00:12:16,820 Hypocrisy in the Church is the greatest deterrent to turning people to Christ, and to confidence in the written Word, from Genesis to Revelation. 97 00:12:17,037 --> 00:12:24,453 Genesis is so important because it's the foundation of who God is, and who we are, and why is the world broken? 98 00:12:24,670 --> 00:12:27,498 Why do bad things happen to good people? And why do good things sometimes happen to bad people? 99 00:12:27,706 --> 00:12:34,880 And does anyone have a fix? All this gets related to us in Genesis. Genesis gives us the true beginning of history of the world. 100 00:12:35,098 --> 00:12:38,217 The scientific evidence does not support evolution and millions of years. 101 00:12:38,435 --> 00:12:43,430 Rather it confirms what Genesis says about a Great Flood of Noah, and about the age of the Earth. 102 00:12:43,649 --> 00:12:45,849 God's Word is true from the very first verse. 103 00:12:46,068 --> 00:12:51,313 And in this debate between Creation versus Evolution, Christians need to always be standing on the truth of God's Word. 104 00:12:51,532 --> 00:12:57,986 Stand firm on the authority of the Word of God, starting with the very first verse. 105 00:13:33,188 --> 00:13:43,323 [Genesis 1:1-13] "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 106 00:13:45,617 --> 00:13:56,545 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 107 00:13:57,421 --> 00:14:04,094 And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 108 00:14:05,596 --> 00:14:18,233 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 109 00:14:20,694 --> 00:14:34,124 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 110 00:14:35,417 --> 00:14:44,801 And God called the light, Day, and the darkness he called, Night. 111 00:14:45,028 --> 00:14:52,601 And the evening and the morning were the First Day. 112 00:15:00,317 --> 00:15:13,121 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. 113 00:15:18,835 --> 00:15:25,425 And let it divide the waters from the waters. 114 00:15:26,593 --> 00:15:36,228 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament 115 00:15:36,478 --> 00:15:45,445 from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so. 116 00:15:46,822 --> 00:16:00,460 And God called the firmament, Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 117 00:16:01,920 --> 00:16:12,806 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place. 118 00:16:15,559 --> 00:16:22,441 And let the dry land appear. 119 00:17:01,480 --> 00:17:04,149 And it was so. 120 00:17:08,779 --> 00:17:15,535 And God called the dry land, Earth. 121 00:17:32,511 --> 00:17:40,644 And the gathering together of the waters He called, seas. 122 00:17:46,942 --> 00:17:54,324 And God saw that it was good. 123 00:18:01,498 --> 00:18:11,842 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed. 124 00:18:12,041 --> 00:18:24,396 And the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth. 125 00:18:28,483 --> 00:18:31,361 And it was so. 126 00:18:36,366 --> 00:18:43,999 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind. 127 00:18:47,544 --> 00:18:56,887 And the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind. 128 00:19:08,732 --> 00:19:18,074 And God saw that it was good. 129 00:19:36,843 --> 00:19:45,560 And the evening and the morning were the third day." 130 00:19:57,239 --> 00:19:59,824 When we read the first chapter of Genesis, we have to ask: 131 00:20:00,031 --> 00:20:03,203 What kind of text is this? What type of literature is this? 132 00:20:03,409 --> 00:20:08,416 Is Genesis supposed to be poetry? ls it supposed to be an allegory? 133 00:20:08,623 --> 00:20:15,215 Don't forget that Genesis is written in historical narrative Hebrew, not in lyrical poetic form. 134 00:20:15,422 --> 00:20:22,180 It is written in historical style, and it's meant to be taken as straightforward, literal history. 135 00:20:22,388 --> 00:20:29,437 The Bible clearly says that God created everything in six literal days, just like our days, about 6,000 years ago. 136 00:20:29,645 --> 00:20:36,778 Jesus Christ himself referred to Genesis on multiple occasions, each time referring to Genesis as real history. 137 00:20:36,987 --> 00:20:43,201 There are some people who approach the Biblical text today and they view it through the lens of modern scientific interpretations. 138 00:20:43,410 --> 00:20:47,872 For example, they try to insert millions of years in between the first two verses of Scripture. 139 00:20:48,082 --> 00:20:54,754 Now in order to add millions of years in between verse 1 and verse 2, you have to deal with the grammar of the text. 140 00:20:54,964 --> 00:20:57,924 The Hebrew is very clear in the syntax and grammar. 141 00:20:58,134 --> 00:20:59,801 Now, there are people who say they don't believe it. 142 00:21:00,011 --> 00:21:08,143 But no one can say that the Hebrew word "yom" doesn't mean a 24-hour day right there where it says a day. 143 00:21:08,353 --> 00:21:13,732 And then it says first day, second day; and at the end, the fifth day and the sixth day. 144 00:21:13,943 --> 00:21:17,944 Each of those days was an ordinary, approximately 24-hour day. 145 00:21:18,155 --> 00:21:24,200 In fact, that is why in Exodus 20:11, God said He made everything in six days and rested for one, as a basis for the seven-day week. 146 00:21:24,412 --> 00:21:27,287 You see the seven day week actually comes from the Bible. It doesn't come from any other worldview. 147 00:21:27,499 --> 00:21:30,332 It doesn't come from any other religion. It doesn't come from astronomical science. 148 00:21:30,544 --> 00:21:37,047 We have this seven-day cycle that we call the week, and there is no astronomical basis for this. 149 00:21:37,259 --> 00:21:44,179 It's something that is fairly universal among cultures, but we find it's given to us in the first few chapters of Genesis. 150 00:21:44,392 --> 00:21:47,974 You have the six days of Creation. And then on the seventh day, God rested. 151 00:21:48,187 --> 00:21:50,518 God made everything in six days. He rested for one. 152 00:21:50,732 --> 00:21:52,270 That is why we have a seven-day week; that's where it comes from. 153 00:21:52,484 --> 00:21:56,066 We don't have any "seven millions-of-years" weeks, or something like that! 154 00:21:56,279 --> 00:22:01,613 There is no way to harmonize evolution and its "millions of years" with the "days" in Genesis 1. 155 00:22:01,827 --> 00:22:07,952 If you try to make that order of the events of the Creation Week match with evolutionary principles, it can't. 156 00:22:08,167 --> 00:22:14,042 If the days were really millions or billions of years, how could the plants go for a million years with no Sun? 157 00:22:14,257 --> 00:22:18,588 They might have lasted overnight, like the Bible says, but not for a million years! 158 00:22:18,803 --> 00:22:22,092 The plants could survive just fine for twelve hours without sunlight. 159 00:22:22,307 --> 00:22:31,267 If Genesis 1 was just written by Moses out of his own imagination, he would never think to put things in the order that they are in. 160 00:22:31,484 --> 00:22:35,980 It is completely contradictory to the order in which the evolutionists say things happened. 161 00:22:36,197 --> 00:22:40,193 They are in that order because that's the order in which God actually created, 162 00:22:40,610 --> 00:22:45,323 knowing that people would come along and devise their own creation myths, 163 00:22:45,540 --> 00:22:50,036 and that one day there would be evolutionists with their atheistic creation myth. 164 00:23:05,301 --> 00:23:16,396 In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book, "On the Origin of Species." 165 00:23:16,813 --> 00:23:21,818 It was a book that proposed a new theory on how life came to be on planet Earth. 166 00:23:22,277 --> 00:23:29,951 This theory would strongly contradict the Bible, which had been the predominant, trusted source of ancient history in the West up until that time. 167 00:23:30,171 --> 00:23:35,915 Darwin was strongly influenced by Charles Lyell's 1853 book, "The Principles of Geology." 168 00:23:36,136 --> 00:23:42,797 Lyell, also influenced by others, reinterpreted geologic history through gradual processes 169 00:23:43,018 --> 00:23:47,427 over millions of years - a concept known as: uniformitarianism. 170 00:23:47,648 --> 00:23:56,895 This view was contrary to catastrophism, which teaches that Noah's Flood can explain much of what we find in the geologic record. 171 00:23:57,103 --> 00:24:02,442 Lyell's motivation was to "free the science from Moses". 172 00:24:03,234 --> 00:24:09,699 Their ideas would soon transform the culture from one that largely trusted in the Biblical account of history; 173 00:24:09,922 --> 00:24:14,704 and its implications for cosmology, geology, and biology, 174 00:24:14,927 --> 00:24:19,417 to one that searched for alternative explanations for everything. 175 00:24:19,641 --> 00:24:25,298 Did man evolve from animals? Did the universe form itself over billions of years? 176 00:24:25,522 --> 00:24:30,303 Did dinosaurs go extinct millions of years before man was on the Earth? 177 00:24:30,512 --> 00:24:33,890 Was there really a worldwide Flood? 178 00:24:34,114 --> 00:24:42,982 These questions would soon lead many to either make compromises with the Bible, or even to deny the Holy Bible altogether. 179 00:24:43,691 --> 00:24:47,111 I've had people say, "Well where did God come from? Who created God?" 180 00:24:47,337 --> 00:24:50,114 On what page of Shakespeare's work: "Hamlet" do you find Shakespeare? 181 00:24:50,340 --> 00:24:54,118 Shakespeare is not confined to his book. He's not present within it; he wrote the book. 182 00:24:54,344 --> 00:24:57,205 He's not bound by his book. And God is not bound by His Creation. 183 00:24:57,205 --> 00:25:01,167 When you ask that question, "Where did God come from?" or "Who created God?" 184 00:25:01,393 --> 00:25:04,921 You are assuming that time is absolute and God showed up on that timeline. 185 00:25:05,147 --> 00:25:07,799 That is not the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible is beyond all that. 186 00:25:08,025 --> 00:25:12,679 God started time. He wasn't created. He is not bound by time. God is that absolute! 187 00:25:12,906 --> 00:25:17,058 Everyone knows, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." 188 00:25:17,308 --> 00:25:21,771 Heaven is space. The earth is matter. And then He said, "Let there be light." 189 00:25:21,999 --> 00:25:25,275 (Most people know that verse by heart too.) That's energy. 190 00:25:25,502 --> 00:25:32,782 On the first day of the universe, God created: space, time, matter, and energy - all the components of the universe. 191 00:25:33,010 --> 00:25:39,205 And the only actual matter in the universe is the Earth at the time, standing in and out of the water. 192 00:25:39,434 --> 00:25:45,169 Perhaps it was water that the Earth was made from, and water was actually the first substance that God made. 193 00:25:45,399 --> 00:25:51,426 And so, we have matter, space, time, and energy being created on the first day of the universe. 194 00:25:51,655 --> 00:25:59,017 The second day is when God actually separates the waters above from the waters below, and then the expanse is there. 195 00:25:59,247 --> 00:26:04,856 The third day, God then brings forth the dry land. He raises up the land surface. 196 00:26:05,086 --> 00:26:09,444 So now you have the first continent, probably only one continent because it says He gathered the waters together. 197 00:26:09,674 --> 00:26:13,698 All to one place, which suggests that in the early Earth there was one land mass. 198 00:26:13,929 --> 00:26:18,036 Just one continent later split up, we believe, during the Great Flood of Noah many years later. 199 00:26:18,267 --> 00:26:24,417 It wasn't until the 1960s that geologists began to widely accept "continental drift." 200 00:26:24,649 --> 00:26:33,885 This was a supposedly new idea that the continents of the Earth had broken up at sometime in the past and had slowly moved apart. 201 00:26:34,117 --> 00:26:37,388 You've probably heard the name "Rodinia" or "Pangaea." 202 00:26:37,680 --> 00:26:44,354 A super-continent on Earth, in which all the continents as we know them were once connected together. 203 00:26:44,587 --> 00:26:49,233 This is a concept that the Bible already revealed thousands of years earlier. 204 00:26:49,467 --> 00:26:59,827 In 1858, Antonio Snider-Pellegrini proposed that the continents had moved apart rapidly during Noah's Flood, in a catastrophic process. 205 00:27:00,078 --> 00:27:09,379 Genesis 1:9 states that God gathered together the waters into one place, and He made the dry land to appear. 206 00:27:09,629 --> 00:27:19,013 What the Bible had stated all along - that the lands were once connected and then split apart - geologists started teaching thousands of years later. 207 00:27:20,515 --> 00:27:28,314 Many people's understanding of the Flood is the understanding they acquired when they were about four years old. 208 00:27:28,550 --> 00:27:35,405 The Flood was an incredible catastrophe almost beyond what the human mind can comprehend. 209 00:27:35,599 --> 00:27:40,159 This is a catastrophic event of unimaginable proportions. 210 00:27:40,354 --> 00:27:47,583 Sedimentation on a global cataclysmic-catastrophic scale, burying billions of creatures suddenly, all in unimaginable amounts of sediment. 211 00:27:47,779 --> 00:27:53,965 Look at all the fossils. It's almost like the surface of the Earth screams at us, "Hey! There was a catastrophic event!" 212 00:27:54,161 --> 00:27:58,261 If something like that happened, what sort of evidence should have been left behind? 213 00:27:58,457 --> 00:28:02,223 Billions of dead things, buried in rock layers laid down by water, all over the Earth! 214 00:28:02,420 --> 00:28:07,061 Most of the fossil record is a result of the Flood, not millions of years of slow processes. 215 00:28:07,258 --> 00:28:11,733 The fossil record documents the reality of the Genesis Flood. 216 00:28:11,930 --> 00:28:20,450 It was also a tectonic catastrophe: large-scale plate motion, migration of the continents by thousands of miles. 217 00:28:20,647 --> 00:28:30,334 Which means that all of the Atlantic Ocean opened up during the Flood; and the Indian Ocean opened up also, the transforming the Earth's surface. 218 00:28:30,626 --> 00:28:36,924 It is impossible to walk away from the Biblical text thinking that this was some type of local Mesopotamian flood. 219 00:28:37,123 --> 00:28:45,975 This was a Flood of universal proportions in its destruction of the Earth itself; its the destruction of all mankind. 220 00:28:46,175 --> 00:28:49,020 The Bible tells us of a worldwide Flood. 221 00:28:49,219 --> 00:28:58,863 One that radically changed the climate and devastated the continents, thousands of years before scientists would even propose ice ages. 222 00:28:59,063 --> 00:29:05,453 The irony is that these same scientists would confirm the possibility of great global floods 223 00:29:05,654 --> 00:29:12,001 on planets like Mars, and yet still deny that a global Flood was possible on Earth. 224 00:29:12,202 --> 00:29:18,883 You see, the Bible already stated there was a worldwide Flood, but they don't want to validate the Bible. 225 00:29:19,085 --> 00:29:23,805 They will come up with any other explanation except the truth. 226 00:29:24,007 --> 00:29:28,976 For 150 days, the waters covered the mountains. They prevailed over the Earth. 227 00:29:29,179 --> 00:29:36,859 Five months of torrential downpour rain, of the fountains of the great deep being broken open, and gushing out water from beneath as well. 228 00:29:37,109 --> 00:29:45,201 The Hebrew words for the great deep, this immediately takes the reader back to Genesis 1:2, where we have a water-covered Earth. 229 00:29:45,404 --> 00:29:53,584 Then on the third day, God also makes the plants and the trees of the field with the fruit in them, with seeds already in them. 230 00:29:53,788 --> 00:29:59,924 Some people object to that and say, "But wait a minute: the plants were made on Day 3, but the sun wasn't made until Day 4. 231 00:30:00,128 --> 00:30:03,386 How can you have plants without light from the sun?" 232 00:30:03,590 --> 00:30:06,848 But you have light starting on Day 1: God said, "Let there be light." 233 00:30:07,052 --> 00:30:10,977 We are not told where the light came from. Presumably, He had a source for light. 234 00:30:11,182 --> 00:30:14,397 Light then exists independent of its source anyway, if you think about it. 235 00:30:14,602 --> 00:30:19,360 And the Sun was made on Day 4 to be the light-bearer from that time onwards. 236 00:30:19,566 --> 00:30:25,157 It's interesting: In the Old Testament, God warns the Israelites not to worship the Sun like the pagans do. 237 00:30:25,364 --> 00:30:32,623 And I believe one of the reasons that God left the Sun until Day 4, was to show that He created the light and that He sustains all of that. 238 00:30:32,830 --> 00:30:39,422 The Sun is just His tool, so don't worship the Sun. Worship God, who made the Sun. 239 00:30:44,844 --> 00:30:47,638 [Genesis 1:14-19] And God said 240 00:30:49,390 --> 00:31:01,903 Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night. 241 00:31:04,989 --> 00:31:08,993 And let them be for signs, 242 00:31:15,082 --> 00:31:18,210 and for seasons 243 00:31:25,676 --> 00:31:28,304 and for days 244 00:31:30,056 --> 00:31:32,642 and for years. 245 00:31:43,527 --> 00:31:55,665 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven, to give light upon the earth. 246 00:31:59,377 --> 00:32:01,754 And it was so. 247 00:32:04,465 --> 00:32:12,974 And God made two great lights; 248 00:32:22,775 --> 00:32:28,447 the greater light to rule the day, 249 00:32:38,958 --> 00:32:47,425 and the lesser light to rule the night. 250 00:33:39,477 --> 00:33:44,106 He made the stars also. 251 00:34:00,581 --> 00:34:07,797 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. 252 00:34:22,186 --> 00:34:31,904 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. 253 00:34:35,449 --> 00:34:39,745 And God saw that it was good. 254 00:34:42,206 --> 00:34:47,878 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day." 255 00:34:51,048 --> 00:34:54,635 Astronomers typically specialize in different fields. 256 00:34:54,859 --> 00:34:58,556 Some will study planets, some will study galaxies; I happen to study stars. 257 00:34:58,780 --> 00:35:04,520 Physicists and astronomers have started asking questions. They say, "Why does the universe appear to be designed?" 258 00:35:04,745 --> 00:35:09,608 I read this book many years ago called "The Anthropic Principle." It's a huge book of over a thousand pages. 259 00:35:09,833 --> 00:35:14,155 The authors draw this interesting story that the world appears to be designed. 260 00:35:14,380 --> 00:35:18,617 When I got done, they said that it just appears to be designed; there really is no design there. 261 00:35:18,843 --> 00:35:23,747 I'm thinking, you look at the evidence and then you deny that the evidence is there?! 262 00:35:23,973 --> 00:35:27,626 How can you not believe that Somebody designed all of this? 263 00:35:27,853 --> 00:35:32,089 The secular world says that the Big Bang occurred 14 billion years ago. 264 00:35:32,316 --> 00:35:34,133 Everything was compacted into one spot. 265 00:35:34,359 --> 00:35:40,222 It expanded, then the stars formed themselves, and then our Sun formed, and in the dust around the Sun, the Earth formed. 266 00:35:40,449 --> 00:35:44,476 It was a hot molten blob, it got covered by water, and then biological evolution happened. 267 00:35:44,704 --> 00:35:47,730 But if that's the case, you have any number of problems. 268 00:35:47,957 --> 00:35:52,985 According to evolutionary theory, or at least atheistic evolution theory, the Big Bang created everything. 269 00:35:53,213 --> 00:35:58,240 Gas clouds went out everywhere, and stars contracted from gas clouds out of their gravity. 270 00:35:58,468 --> 00:36:05,331 But it's impossible for stars to contract out of their gravity because as soon as you get a gas cloud that is compressed, it will heat up. 271 00:36:05,559 --> 00:36:13,339 And hot gases want to expand, and that expansion force is 100x or more powerful than the force of gravity! 272 00:36:13,568 --> 00:36:14,757 So it could never happen. 273 00:36:14,986 --> 00:36:19,303 There are all these "the dog ate my homework" stories about how gravity waves came from black holes. 274 00:36:19,533 --> 00:36:23,974 They might do a push-pull thing on gas clouds and make this actually happen. 275 00:36:24,204 --> 00:36:29,355 But you have a "chicken and the egg" problem here, because don't black holes come from stars? 276 00:36:29,585 --> 00:36:35,194 So there have to be stars in the first place! There are many, many questions in science that have not been answered. 277 00:36:35,402 --> 00:36:37,571 But there are also many questions that have been answered. 278 00:36:37,802 --> 00:36:43,202 So far, it is the problem for the evolutionist of the questions that have been answered. 279 00:36:43,433 --> 00:36:48,415 Like the coalescence of the stars, like violating the First Law of Thermodynamics. 280 00:36:48,647 --> 00:36:51,126 Matter and energy cannot be either created or destroyed. 281 00:36:51,358 --> 00:36:54,672 However the Big Bang insists that had to have happened at least once. 282 00:36:54,904 --> 00:37:00,052 Many people think the universe popped into existence instantly in a Big Bang, and that it happened all by itself! 283 00:37:00,284 --> 00:37:05,432 Somehow matter had spontaneously come into existence, without a prior cause. 284 00:37:05,665 --> 00:37:08,352 They have some serious problems with the laws of nature. 285 00:37:08,585 --> 00:37:11,814 I was speaking to the vice president of a group called: the Darwin Coalition, once and I said, 286 00:37:12,047 --> 00:37:14,275 "You all believe in spontaneous generation!" 287 00:37:14,508 --> 00:37:18,153 He said, "We do not!" I said, "Yes you do. You believe it happened at least once, don't you?" 288 00:37:18,387 --> 00:37:24,285 Why would any smart person be so easily fooled by such a dumb suggestion? 289 00:37:24,519 --> 00:37:30,374 That actually his theory does violate the known discoveries and laws of science. 290 00:37:30,608 --> 00:37:36,547 We have two very important concepts in physics called the: First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. 291 00:37:36,782 --> 00:37:43,971 The first law says that energy is neither created nor destroyed. And equally as valid as the first law is 292 00:37:44,206 --> 00:37:50,728 The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which says that things are currently running down; and energy is becoming less useful. 293 00:37:50,963 --> 00:37:55,441 The useful amount of energy is always decreasing, and we measure this with a thing called entropy. 294 00:37:55,677 --> 00:38:01,488 The entropy is always increasing. It's almost as if the world was wound-up like a clock, and it's been unwinding. 295 00:38:01,683 --> 00:38:08,454 The second law would seem to argue that the universe has not always existed - the material universe has not always existed. 296 00:38:08,649 --> 00:38:12,583 But the first law says you could not have a beginning. So, we have this contradiction. 297 00:38:12,778 --> 00:38:16,170 We have this tension: Both laws are equally true. 298 00:38:16,365 --> 00:38:21,258 And yet both laws, if extrapolated into the past, contradict each other. 299 00:38:21,454 --> 00:38:26,388 The universe has no natural explanation; it doesn't have a physical explanation. 300 00:38:26,585 --> 00:38:29,558 The other thing they've done in our educational system: 301 00:38:29,755 --> 00:38:32,728 They said that science can only explain things by natural processes. 302 00:38:32,925 --> 00:38:34,938 They have even changed the definition of science from: 303 00:38:35,135 --> 00:38:40,736 "The study of the natural world using the five senses" to be instead: "the search for only natural explanations." 304 00:38:40,933 --> 00:38:43,906 But who decided that? That's an arbitrary definition. 305 00:38:44,103 --> 00:38:49,161 That specifically excludes any possibility of God being involved. 306 00:38:49,359 --> 00:38:52,915 God has not only been "kicked out" but He is treated as most unwelcome. 307 00:38:53,113 --> 00:38:55,959 They have totally changed the methodology of science. 308 00:38:56,158 --> 00:39:04,343 We need to bring the worlds of science and the Bible together for people so they can see that they mesh fine. 309 00:39:04,542 --> 00:39:07,012 It is the unbelievers who have the scientific problems, not us. 310 00:39:07,211 --> 00:39:11,266 From a secular perspective, they can only get light about halfway across the universe. 311 00:39:11,466 --> 00:39:16,480 That's why they have astronomical inflation theories and super-inflation theories and so on - because they have a problem. 312 00:39:16,680 --> 00:39:19,691 They have a light time-travel problem. 313 00:39:19,891 --> 00:39:21,485 The problem is actually worse that we sometimes think. 314 00:39:21,685 --> 00:39:28,283 Alpha Centauri is more than four light years away. God had to get that light here not in four years, but by the end of Day 4. 315 00:39:28,484 --> 00:39:30,744 We used to call that "the starlight problem." 316 00:39:30,945 --> 00:39:38,127 The nearest galaxy to us is 1.5 - 2 million light years away, so wouldn't it take at least 1.5 million years for that light to get here? 317 00:39:38,328 --> 00:39:46,468 And yes, in straight space, it would. But even the Big Bang theorists will say that space and dimensions "unfolded." 318 00:39:46,969 --> 00:39:53,392 Some people take mentions in the Old Testament of God "stretching out the heavens" like a tent or a canopy 319 00:39:53,594 --> 00:39:56,895 as Him stretching that light miraculously to get here. 320 00:39:57,098 --> 00:39:59,940 Bible verses: "He stretches out the heavens as a tent upon a pole to dwell in," 321 00:40:00,143 --> 00:40:04,069 "He stretches out the heavens as a curtain", "He that arched the heavens", "He that bowed the heavens", 322 00:40:04,272 --> 00:40:06,113 "He stretched out the heavens across the North place"... 323 00:40:06,316 --> 00:40:10,284 All these Bible verses and many more indicate that the way that God did it was stretching. 324 00:40:10,868 --> 00:40:13,620 The telescope has been around for hundreds of years. 325 00:40:13,824 --> 00:40:19,042 It has played an instrumental role in many of our greatest discoveries about the universe. 326 00:40:19,246 --> 00:40:28,594 Telescopes much larger and more advanced than these were used in the early 1900s to measure what became known as the red shift, 327 00:40:28,798 --> 00:40:34,475 a form of measurement which provided empirical evidence that space was stretching. 328 00:40:34,892 --> 00:40:42,191 This meant that space-time itself could actually be manipulated as if it were fabric. 329 00:40:42,733 --> 00:40:48,697 This understanding would begin to bring answers to some of the biggest mysteries of the universe. 330 00:40:48,903 --> 00:40:54,119 But this concept was just a recognition of what the Bible has already revealed. 331 00:40:54,325 --> 00:41:02,252 In the books of both Isaiah and Job, God said He stretched out the heavens like a curtain, 332 00:41:02,459 --> 00:41:06,298 and that He created the heavens and stretched them out. 333 00:41:06,505 --> 00:41:10,552 These Bible verses gave us further insight to the dimensionality of space 334 00:41:10,760 --> 00:41:15,015 and showed us that the universe has been stretched since the beginning of creation. 335 00:41:15,223 --> 00:41:20,938 The implications of this Biblical concept have been better understood in modern times. 336 00:41:21,146 --> 00:41:30,113 What's equally extraordinary is that the Bible also revealed that the Earth is round and that it floats in space, hanging upon nothing: 337 00:41:30,322 --> 00:41:36,995 amazing scientific insights from the Bible, proclaimed at a time when some ancient cultures believed that the Earth was flat. 338 00:41:37,246 --> 00:41:44,419 The Bible has always been - and shall ever be - validated by real science. 339 00:41:44,753 --> 00:41:51,718 Edwin Hubble is credited with what many people think is perhaps the greatest discovery of astronomy in the twentieth century. 340 00:41:51,928 --> 00:41:54,429 It's the idea of what we call the expansion of the universe. 341 00:41:54,640 --> 00:41:59,768 And if it's expanding, then you would expect more distant objects to appear to be moving farther away from us. 342 00:41:59,979 --> 00:42:05,399 As the universe gets larger, there should be a relationship between distance and that apparent motion between us. 343 00:42:05,610 --> 00:42:08,819 And we measure that motion by the red shifts. 344 00:42:09,030 --> 00:42:14,992 Now according to Albert Einstein, if you actually stretch the fabric of space, 345 00:42:15,203 --> 00:42:20,163 you will also essentially and necessarily have to stretch the fabric of time. 346 00:42:20,375 --> 00:42:27,754 So, Andromeda is not just 1 .5 - 2 million light years in spatial displacement over that way. 347 00:42:27,967 --> 00:42:35,804 It is also time-stretched. We are looking at the galaxy of Andromeda as it looked at a previous time. 348 00:42:36,017 --> 00:42:44,354 But we are also looking at a galaxy that has experienced more time than we have if we are anywhere closer to the center of the stretching. 349 00:42:44,568 --> 00:42:50,527 William Tifft, back about forty years ago, discovered something interesting in the red shifts of galaxies. 350 00:42:50,741 --> 00:42:59,244 The universe consists of concentric "shells" of galaxies, and we are near the center of that. 351 00:42:59,459 --> 00:43:03,790 If we are placed there by God for some reason, that's what you might expect. 352 00:43:04,005 --> 00:43:08,295 Astronomers have more or less ignored Tifft's work over the years and yet it's staring them in the face. 353 00:43:08,510 --> 00:43:14,468 In astronomy, as in any other sciences, I think there are evidences that the world is far younger than many people think. 354 00:43:14,683 --> 00:43:21,266 Spiral galaxies would be a good example. They actually spin more rapidly at the center, and more slowly out at the edges. 355 00:43:21,482 --> 00:43:26,813 Obviously if this thing spins around several times it starts "smearing out" the spiral arms. 356 00:43:27,030 --> 00:43:31,735 And as that happens you would spin it out to the point where you would end up with just a blurry disk. 357 00:43:31,952 --> 00:43:37,866 They think these galaxies are at least ten billion years old, so these things would be entirely smeared out. 358 00:43:38,083 --> 00:43:40,410 But in six thousand years there would not be much smearing taking place. 359 00:43:40,628 --> 00:43:43,705 In billions of years, it's a problem; in thousands of years, not a problem. 360 00:43:43,955 --> 00:43:47,959 Comets really do have something to say about the age of the solar system. 361 00:43:48,177 --> 00:43:52,631 We can divide comets into two groups: short period comets, and long period comets. 362 00:43:52,849 --> 00:43:57,052 For short period comets, in only a couple hundred thousand years and they are all gone: There should not be any left. 363 00:43:57,270 --> 00:44:02,391 For long period comets, tens of millions or maybe a hundred million years but they are also all gone. 364 00:44:02,609 --> 00:44:07,104 So for a billions-of-years old solar system, you have a problem; but for thousands of years, not a problem. 365 00:44:07,323 --> 00:44:11,942 We understand that the Sun is powered by nuclear fusion and that could power the Sun for billions of years. 366 00:44:12,161 --> 00:44:17,447 As it produces energy like that, it changes its composition inside, and over time it should slowly brighten. 367 00:44:17,667 --> 00:44:22,119 And as it does, the Earth would get warmer. Now again, over thousands of years this is not a problem. 368 00:44:22,339 --> 00:44:27,457 But if go back a couple billion to three billion years ago when life supposedly first developed on the planet, 369 00:44:27,678 --> 00:44:31,044 you have a problem because the Earth would have been far colder. 370 00:44:31,265 --> 00:44:34,464 It would have been frozen, and nobody thinks that happened. 371 00:44:34,685 --> 00:44:37,884 So in billions of years, it's a problem; but in thousands of years, not a problem. 372 00:44:38,106 --> 00:44:42,848 In fact, other planets in our solar system testify to a young universe as well. 373 00:44:43,069 --> 00:44:48,228 Both the density and magnetic field of Mercury cannot allow for millions of years. 374 00:44:48,450 --> 00:44:54,693 In 1984, creationist Dr. Russell Humphreys correctly calculated the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune. 375 00:44:54,915 --> 00:44:58,989 That was several years before the Voyager 2 satellite would actually measure them. 376 00:44:59,211 --> 00:45:05,287 Humphreys used a vital clue from the Bible: that the universe was made only 6,000 years ago. 377 00:45:05,510 --> 00:45:11,251 And when the surface of Venus was mapped in the mid-nineties, volcanos, craters, mountains, 378 00:45:11,474 --> 00:45:15,547 and other features showed the history of the planet as young. 379 00:45:16,673 --> 00:45:23,138 Neptune is too hot to be old. Pluto still has nitrogen in its atmosphere. 380 00:45:23,362 --> 00:45:29,936 The rings of Saturn and Neptune aren't uniform, as they would be after millions of years. 381 00:45:30,161 --> 00:45:36,526 So, do we trust in the timeline of men, who are repeatedly wrong and having to change their beliefs? 382 00:45:36,777 --> 00:45:44,159 Or do we trust in the Bible, which has never been proven wrong and does not change. 383 00:45:47,370 --> 00:45:50,081 [Genesis 1:20-23] And God said 384 00:45:52,501 --> 00:46:03,553 Let the waters bring forth abundantly, the moving creature that has life. 385 00:46:16,024 --> 00:46:26,993 And birds that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 386 00:46:29,246 --> 00:46:34,209 And God created great whales, 387 00:46:42,467 --> 00:46:46,930 and every living creature that moves, 388 00:46:50,600 --> 00:46:58,441 which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind. 389 00:47:16,334 --> 00:47:22,883 And every winged bird after his kind. 390 00:47:30,974 --> 00:47:36,229 And God saw that it was good. 391 00:47:37,063 --> 00:47:46,114 And God blessed them, saying, be fruitful, and multiply. 392 00:47:49,367 --> 00:47:53,538 And fill the waters in the seas. 393 00:48:00,378 --> 00:48:06,718 And let birds multiply in the earth. 394 00:48:34,663 --> 00:48:42,545 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 395 00:48:49,469 --> 00:48:55,642 A lot of people will say, "It just seems so hard to believe the Bible because of all those miracles and everything." 396 00:48:55,838 --> 00:48:58,770 Well, the Big Bang is a believed miracle. The evolution of life would have to be a miracle. 397 00:48:58,967 --> 00:49:04,859 And the changing of that life into all "the origin of the species" all require violations of the laws of science. 398 00:49:05,057 --> 00:49:09,948 To believe that there is no God, you will have to believe in miracles, but without a miracle maker! 399 00:49:10,145 --> 00:49:13,910 To believe that evolution is true, you will have to violate some of the main, 400 00:49:14,108 --> 00:49:17,580 and most important principles and laws of science that have been agreed upon. 401 00:49:17,779 --> 00:49:22,002 Not only does the atheistic evolutionary worldview violate the First Law of Thermodynamics 402 00:49:22,200 --> 00:49:27,799 (so that's against a principle of science) but Louis Pasteur proved that "spontaneous generation" wasn't true. 403 00:49:27,998 --> 00:49:32,095 But all evolutionists - every atheistic evolutionist - actually believes in the spontaneous generation of life! 404 00:49:32,345 --> 00:49:35,181 This whole evolutionary concept that life came from non-life. 405 00:49:35,557 --> 00:49:39,853 It actually violates a law of science. It is one of the only laws in biology. 406 00:49:40,052 --> 00:49:44,274 It's called the Law of Biogenesis, and it states that life only comes from life, not from non-life. 407 00:49:44,482 --> 00:49:49,487 The law of biogenesis therefore says that all life comes from pre-existing life. 408 00:49:49,688 --> 00:49:55,452 And yet evolution says that life can come from non-life. Surprise! If you just wait long enough. 409 00:49:55,869 --> 00:50:01,374 But we see no examples of that today. We can't observe it; we can't repeat it; people just believe it blindly. 410 00:50:01,575 --> 00:50:04,544 Anytime they have done these sorts of "origin of life" experiments, 411 00:50:04,745 --> 00:50:10,467 where they're trying to take a soup, so to speak, of all these different molecules, add a little bit of lightning... 412 00:50:10,668 --> 00:50:13,094 cook everything together, add a spark, and out comes...? 413 00:50:14,137 --> 00:50:19,100 Tar. They end up with gunk. They have to do a lot of tweaking to end up with... 414 00:50:19,302 --> 00:50:22,979 amino acids. Is that impressive? Ooohh. 415 00:50:23,182 --> 00:50:27,609 It's not even meaningful information as far as real DNA is concerned. 416 00:50:27,811 --> 00:50:32,322 Every evolutionary story starts with the famous "Miller-Urey Experiments" from the 1950s. 417 00:50:32,525 --> 00:50:37,660 The best yields that they've ever gotten were 80% L-amino acids and 20% D-amino acids. 418 00:50:37,864 --> 00:50:44,542 That means that every fifth amino acid in a protein series would be lethal to all forms of life on our planet! 419 00:50:44,746 --> 00:50:48,463 The evolutionists try to get away from this molecular problem of mirror images. 420 00:50:48,667 --> 00:50:56,262 The odds for 250 chemical parts coming together is 2 X 10"476. 421 00:50:56,846 --> 00:51:02,936 That is a 2 with 476 zeros following after it! 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000... 422 00:51:03,311 --> 00:51:08,775 Those are the terrible odds for the first cell to even come into existence - all by itself! 423 00:51:09,109 --> 00:51:17,659 The best they've been able to do is the idea that the amino acids assembled themselves on the backs of floating crystals in the ocean. 424 00:51:17,865 --> 00:51:22,205 Their schemes and the things they have tried to imagine just don't work. 425 00:51:22,411 --> 00:51:31,297 If you take the cell and you poke a hole in it, you have all the components for the cell there - and yet no life. 426 00:51:31,504 --> 00:51:34,843 They will say, "That's an origin of life issue and I'm not going to deal with that." 427 00:51:35,050 --> 00:51:38,721 But you have to deal with it, because there is no point in dealing with any of these other things 428 00:51:38,929 --> 00:51:43,143 if you cannot even get an organism in the first place. The problems are exponential 429 00:51:43,350 --> 00:51:47,397 People in the field actually know this but go along with it anyway because, well, 430 00:51:47,605 --> 00:51:53,361 (they believe) the other disciplines of science are where the real proof is. 431 00:51:53,570 --> 00:51:56,823 So, the geologists think that the real proof is with the paleontologists. 432 00:51:57,032 --> 00:51:59,242 The fossil-studiers think the geophysicists have the proof. 433 00:51:59,451 --> 00:52:02,829 The geophysicists think it's the astrophysicists that have the proof. 434 00:52:03,038 --> 00:52:06,249 Everyone gets to the airport but thinks that somebody else has bought the tickets! 435 00:52:06,458 --> 00:52:09,252 They would never do this in any other area of their lives. 436 00:52:09,461 --> 00:52:14,674 They are denying the obvious because of their starting point: that there is no God. 437 00:52:14,884 --> 00:52:19,846 A lot of people are enticed by this idea because it takes God out of the picture. 438 00:52:20,056 --> 00:52:23,349 Here's another way in which young people are being conned. 439 00:52:23,560 --> 00:52:30,315 When they read their textbooks and it's talking about changes in finches' beaks or changes you see in dogs, the word "evolution" is used. 440 00:52:30,526 --> 00:52:37,155 But then the word "evolution" is also used for molecules-to-man, so it's a "bait and switch" trick. 441 00:52:37,366 --> 00:52:41,701 Just like all the other sequences, like chimps gradually turning into humans, 442 00:52:41,913 --> 00:52:44,037 and this little Bambi-looking thing turning into horses, 443 00:52:44,249 --> 00:52:49,459 those kinds of things that have been used for evolution really don't belong in the textbooks. 444 00:52:49,671 --> 00:52:53,755 Alan Feduccia, the head of Biology at UNC-Chapel Hill, 445 00:52:53,967 --> 00:52:58,843 says that it will be the paleontological embarrassment of the twentieth century, 446 00:52:59,056 --> 00:53:03,473 the idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs. They are not a related lineage at all. 447 00:53:03,686 --> 00:53:07,143 I get the question of dinosaurs all the time. Consider dragons. 448 00:53:07,356 --> 00:53:12,523 We see dragon legends in cultures all over the world. We find petroglyphs, cave drawings and etchings. 449 00:53:12,737 --> 00:53:17,195 And many of these are images of dragons are creatures that we would call dinosaurs today. 450 00:53:17,403 --> 00:53:20,990 But the word "dinosaur" didn't exist until it was invented in 1841. 451 00:53:21,205 --> 00:53:26,162 So before 1841 , very often the word "dragon" would have been used. 452 00:53:26,377 --> 00:53:29,290 "Dragon" is more of an overarching term. 453 00:53:29,505 --> 00:53:32,460 It would include flying reptiles and sea reptiles, as well as things like the dinosaurs. 454 00:53:32,675 --> 00:53:37,215 Now when it comes to evidence of dinosaurs and man living at the same time, believe it or not we have an immense amount. 455 00:53:37,430 --> 00:53:39,842 When we look at ancient histories from various cultures 456 00:53:40,058 --> 00:53:46,015 We get very detailed descriptions of creatures that today, in our modern world, we would call dinosaurs. 457 00:53:46,266 --> 00:53:48,643 In Genesis, in chapter 1,we're told that on Day 6, 458 00:53:48,859 --> 00:53:55,066 God created the beasts of the earth and everything that creeps upon the earth. 459 00:53:55,283 --> 00:54:02,198 This would of course include dinosaurs. In the past dinosaurs were simply known as: dragons. 460 00:54:02,415 --> 00:54:10,748 Even as late as the early 1900s, dictionaries described dragons as "now rare" and "a huge serpent." 461 00:54:10,966 --> 00:54:19,757 Not only do we find dinosaurs in cave drawings, carvings of figurines, and even in cultural legends from the not-too-distant past, 462 00:54:19,976 --> 00:54:25,471 but the Bible speaks descriptively of creatures that sound like - dinosaurs. 463 00:54:25,690 --> 00:54:33,938 In the book of Job, God tells Job to behold the "behemoth" - a creature that Job would have known. 464 00:54:34,157 --> 00:54:40,653 In fact, God specifically says that He made the behemoth along with mankind. 465 00:54:40,873 --> 00:54:48,328 And it describes behemoth as having a tail that sways like a cedar tree, and bones as strong as iron. 466 00:54:48,548 --> 00:54:52,457 He's so big that a raging river is nothing to him. 467 00:54:52,677 --> 00:54:59,547 The description of this massive creature fits the huge sauropod dinosaurs we know of from the fossil record. 468 00:54:59,768 --> 00:55:05,887 The Bible describes in great detail a creature that sounds just like a dinosaur, 469 00:55:06,108 --> 00:55:12,393 thousands of years before paleontologists would rediscover and rename them. 470 00:55:12,977 --> 00:55:16,314 My daughter, when she was younger, came home from her kindergarten class 471 00:55:16,536 --> 00:55:20,902 with a book that said that dinosaurs lived 100 million years ago. 472 00:55:21,124 --> 00:55:23,154 That is just an assertion, they are just saying it. 473 00:55:23,376 --> 00:55:24,947 They didn't observe this; you can't repeat this. 474 00:55:25,170 --> 00:55:32,455 It is man - fallible, imperfect men - who separate man from dinosaurs by about 65 million years now. 475 00:55:32,678 --> 00:55:35,458 You either start with what God has to say, or start with what man has to say. 476 00:55:35,681 --> 00:55:40,254 God, who has always been there; He is perfect and infallible, and He's the one who says... 477 00:55:40,478 --> 00:55:43,341 that people and dinosaurs walked the Earth together. 478 00:55:43,565 --> 00:55:47,428 A lot of people scoff at that, but if you look back in history, nobody scoffed at that until recent times, 479 00:55:47,652 --> 00:55:51,224 when people started to buy into this concept of millions and billions of years. 480 00:55:51,448 --> 00:55:58,689 One of the things that really helps to convince people of the millions of years is that chart of the "geological column," 481 00:55:58,914 --> 00:56:04,195 where you see the rock layers and then you have the timeline on the side with the millions of years. 482 00:56:04,420 --> 00:56:06,072 And then you have the bottom-dwelling sea creatures. 483 00:56:06,297 --> 00:56:11,119 And then fish, and amphibians, and reptiles, and dinosaurs, and birds, and mammals, and people. 484 00:56:11,344 --> 00:56:14,414 How did that "geological column" get developed? 485 00:56:14,639 --> 00:56:24,006 It was back in the late 18th and early 19th century (1800s) that they started to use certain "index fossils" to date a rock layer. 486 00:56:24,215 --> 00:56:29,178 "Oh, well that rock layer is this old because we know that the rock layers that have those fossils are this old." 487 00:56:29,405 --> 00:56:34,267 You might ask, "How did they know how old the fossils were?" Good question. They didn't. 488 00:56:34,494 --> 00:56:40,064 They were making an assumption about the history of life. That assumption is invalid. 489 00:56:40,606 --> 00:56:44,652 Remember this? The geologic column. 490 00:56:44,880 --> 00:56:53,369 You were probably taught in school that each layer represents a different period of time, and it was deposited over millions of years. 491 00:56:53,598 --> 00:56:59,459 In reality, each layer is simply showing the order of how things were buried. 492 00:56:59,687 --> 00:57:04,839 Both land and sea creatures alike are found throughout the geologic column. 493 00:57:05,068 --> 00:57:11,471 Sea creatures are found from the lowest to the highest layers and even on top of mountains. 494 00:57:11,700 --> 00:57:21,063 In fact, 75% of the Earth's land surface is made up of sedimentary layers, which are rock layers that formed in water. 495 00:57:21,294 --> 00:57:26,694 Geologists also confess that the Earth is riddled with massively eroded features 496 00:57:26,925 --> 00:57:33,910 like the Grand Canyon in America, the Blyde River Canyon in South Africa, and the Capertee Valley in Australia. 497 00:57:34,141 --> 00:57:39,624 And yet, they still refuse to acknowledge a worldwide Flood. 498 00:57:40,208 --> 00:57:43,419 Remember those prophetic verses in the Bible's Second Book of Peter? [2 Peter 3:5-9] 499 00:57:43,651 --> 00:57:53,137 "There shall come in the last days scoffers who are willingly ignorant that the Earth, being overflowed with water, perished." 500 00:57:53,370 --> 00:58:00,478 2,000 years ago, Peter warned us that this rejection of truth would happen. 501 00:58:01,562 --> 00:58:06,526 Fossils are actually not the evidence of the history of life. 502 00:58:06,759 --> 00:58:13,199 They are the evidence of the death of all life during Noah's Flood, and how all those things got buried. 503 00:58:13,433 --> 00:58:15,743 There are sea creatures all the way through the rock record. 504 00:58:15,977 --> 00:58:19,121 And we find sea creatures on the tops of our highest mountains! 505 00:58:19,372 --> 00:58:24,710 There are sea creatures on the tops of the Himalayas, the Alps, the Andes, and the Rockies. How did they get up there? 506 00:58:24,945 --> 00:58:27,922 Creatures that don't have any hard parts; like fossilized worms. 507 00:58:28,157 --> 00:58:34,512 Even fossilized animal manure; that's not going to be fossilized slowly over hundreds or thousands of years. 508 00:58:34,747 --> 00:58:40,142 Those are some of the Biblical and scientific reasons why we should not accept those millions of years. 509 00:58:40,378 --> 00:58:46,649 A lot of people think that the Biblical chronology couldn't be true because the Bible says that the Earth is 6,000 years old. 510 00:58:46,885 --> 00:58:50,987 That is very, very different than saying that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. 511 00:58:51,181 --> 00:58:53,447 How do we know that it is 4.5 billion years? 512 00:58:53,642 --> 00:58:56,409 Because it's only ever stated: "It's 4.5 billion years. We know that." 513 00:58:56,604 --> 00:58:58,869 Well, how do you know that? "Radioactive dating." 514 00:58:59,065 --> 00:59:03,666 A lot of people think that carbon dating proves that the rocks are millions of years old. 515 00:59:03,861 --> 00:59:09,171 Carbon dating is never used to date the rocks. It is only used to date former living things. 516 00:59:09,367 --> 00:59:13,926 No evolutionist uses carbon-14, because even if it worked the way they thought it did, 517 00:59:14,122 --> 00:59:20,391 it can only go out to 110,000 years maximum, even using the new accelerator mass spectrometer method. 518 00:59:20,587 --> 00:59:27,773 The half-life of carbon-14 is so short (only 5,730 years) that you should not find any carbon-14 in 519 00:59:27,970 --> 00:59:33,029 anything older than 100,000 years, which should not have even one atom that we could detect. 520 00:59:33,226 --> 00:59:37,366 The fact that people are routinely finding significant levels of C-14 521 00:59:37,564 --> 00:59:42,371 in all these different fossils indicates something is wrong with the dating methods. 522 00:59:42,569 --> 00:59:49,920 The half-life (the decay rate) of carbon-14 is very short, so it's never used to date the rocks. 523 00:59:50,119 --> 00:59:54,050 It is the other methods: uranium changing into lead, potassium into argon, 524 00:59:54,248 --> 00:59:58,137 rubidium into strontium, and they have really long half-lives. 525 00:59:58,336 --> 01:00:02,141 All of those, including carbon-14, depend on 4 basic assumptions: 526 01:00:02,340 --> 01:00:07,438 1. You somehow have to be able to estimate the original amount of the "parent" isotope. 527 01:00:07,638 --> 01:00:11,692 2. You have to somehow calculate the original amount of the "daughter" isotope. 528 01:00:11,892 --> 01:00:16,614 There are little detective-forensic ways, but no truly scientific method, 529 01:00:16,814 --> 01:00:21,118 no rigorous ways to actually determine the beginning of that rock. 530 01:00:21,319 --> 01:00:27,958 3. They also have to assume that the rate at which, for example, uranium decays into lead, has always been constant. 531 01:00:28,159 --> 01:00:33,255 But they have only been measuring the decay rates for a hundred years now. 532 01:00:33,457 --> 01:00:36,884 We have learned that pressure, magnetic fields, and heat can change the decay rates. 533 01:00:37,086 --> 01:00:40,930 Radioactive lutetium decays nine trillion times faster in the plasma state, 534 01:00:41,132 --> 01:00:45,726 and evolutionists, (Big Bang theorists) believe that the whole universe began in a plasma state. 535 01:00:45,928 --> 01:00:51,315 And one more: 4. You have to assume that the sample has been in a closed system the entire time. 536 01:00:51,518 --> 01:00:56,028 Scientists who are well-informed on this issue, with PhDs in geology and physics, 537 01:00:56,231 --> 01:00:59,281 They say that there are problems with every one of those four assumptions. 538 01:00:59,485 --> 01:01:07,248 But if even just one of these assumptions doesn't go their way, then the entire possibility drops to zero. 539 01:01:07,451 --> 01:01:11,836 There is no reason to trust that these methods are giving us the true age of the rocks. 540 01:01:12,040 --> 01:01:17,675 I would play the lottery with my life savings rather than bet on something like that! 541 01:01:17,925 --> 01:01:28,686 In 2005, Mary Schweitzer, a paleontologist and evolutionist, made the first popularized discovery of soft tissues in a dinosaur bone, 542 01:01:28,891 --> 01:01:34,608 which included blood vessels and cells, DNA and proteins - all of which decay quickly. 543 01:01:34,814 --> 01:01:36,736 Mary Schweitzer herself said, 544 01:01:36,941 --> 01:01:44,952 "This flies in the face of everything we understand about how tissues and cells degrade. I can't explain it, to be honest." 545 01:01:45,158 --> 01:01:50,708 Schweitzer can't explain it, and neither can her colleagues, who also cling to the evolutionary paradigm. 546 01:01:50,914 --> 01:01:55,045 To illustrate the problem, let's travel back to the early 1700s: 547 01:01:55,252 --> 01:02:00,217 That was a time when Biblical catastrophism was the accepted geological view. 548 01:02:00,424 --> 01:02:05,473 If people then found a dinosaur bone (or a dragon bone, as they may have called it) 549 01:02:05,680 --> 01:02:10,144 with soft tissue and remnants of blood still in it, would they be confused? 550 01:02:10,352 --> 01:02:15,441 Of course not. They would simply conclude that this was a creature that died 551 01:02:15,649 --> 01:02:20,404 and was buried during or after the Flood, i.e. within the past few thousand years. 552 01:02:20,613 --> 01:02:27,119 Now let's fast-forward to today. Would people be confused to find the same thing in a dinosaur bone? 553 01:02:27,328 --> 01:02:37,713 Of course, many people would, because the evidence we find doesn't match the evolutionary time-scale we've been conditioned to believe. 554 01:02:37,923 --> 01:02:42,885 Many textbooks say that the peppered moth, industrial melanism in England, is evolution. 555 01:02:43,095 --> 01:02:45,429 Well if that's all that evolution is, I believe! 556 01:02:45,639 --> 01:02:50,601 The dark-colored peppered moths were more camouflaged than the light-colored peppered moths. 557 01:02:50,811 --> 01:02:55,314 As a result, the birds could see the lighter ones and eat them for lunch a lot easier. 558 01:02:55,525 --> 01:02:59,443 It's not an evolutionary event at all. It's a natural selection event. 559 01:02:59,654 --> 01:03:01,779 Natural selection means to pick or choose; 560 01:03:01,990 --> 01:03:06,700 to select from what is already there, traits that were already there, genetic information that was already there. 561 01:03:06,912 --> 01:03:12,039 This process will never get you from clams or algae sorts of things in the ocean turning into moths. 562 01:03:12,251 --> 01:03:18,379 It will never get you from monkeys turning into people. This process can't make one step in that direction. 563 01:03:18,591 --> 01:03:25,469 Natural selection may be able to explain "the survival of the fittest," but it cannot explain "the arrival of the fittest." 564 01:03:25,682 --> 01:03:31,934 "How did we get moths in the first place?" That's the question evolution claims to answer but cannot and does not. 565 01:03:32,147 --> 01:03:39,316 Instead, they just go look at how the colors shifted. Before the magic of evolution, there were white moths and black moths. 566 01:03:39,530 --> 01:03:43,696 After the magic of evolution, there were white moths and black moths. 567 01:03:43,910 --> 01:03:48,659 That would also happen if Darwin was wrong; it doesn't have anything to do with Darwin's theory. 568 01:03:48,873 --> 01:03:54,415 The types of changes that we're seeing that lead to variation within "kinds" are not the types of changes that are required by evolution. 569 01:03:55,416 --> 01:04:01,380 There is variation within the kind, but not the evolution of one kind becoming another kind. 570 01:04:01,595 --> 01:04:09,638 In the creation account, it says that God created "according to their kind," or "after their kind" - not through any evolutionary processes. 571 01:04:09,854 --> 01:04:14,852 You don't have one "kind" developing into another kind or sort. They are all created according to their kind. 572 01:04:15,068 --> 01:04:17,855 So even though you get variety, they are not changing into other things. 573 01:04:18,071 --> 01:04:21,567 Bacteria are not changing into more complex creatures. 574 01:04:21,783 --> 01:04:23,611 Yes, you can have great variation within a kind. 575 01:04:23,827 --> 01:04:28,449 You can get different species forming, which is what Darwin really saw. But there are limits. 576 01:04:28,666 --> 01:04:32,995 There are no mechanisms there at all in genetics to add in new information 577 01:04:33,212 --> 01:04:36,665 that never existed in order to change it into a totally different kind. 578 01:04:36,883 --> 01:04:42,838 Dogs always remain dogs. Cats always remain cats. There is nothing in observational science to contradict that. 579 01:04:43,056 --> 01:04:46,008 Every animal will bring forth "after its own kind." 580 01:04:46,226 --> 01:04:50,095 You can observe that in the existing creation and in the fossil record. 581 01:04:50,314 --> 01:04:55,476 Genesis passes the tests of the scientific method. Evolution doesn't. 582 01:04:55,695 --> 01:04:59,772 The fact of the matter is that the information is stronger than it has ever been. 583 01:04:59,991 --> 01:05:03,317 In the past five years there has been a quantum jump in the data. 584 01:05:03,536 --> 01:05:08,948 The new discoveries actually go against evolutionary thinking and make it more and more preposterous; 585 01:05:09,167 --> 01:05:12,242 data that's against the evolutionary theory and actually makes it untrue. 586 01:05:12,462 --> 01:05:20,709 The creationists are finding more and more ammunition in the new scientific data - not in theories - but in the data, 587 01:05:20,930 --> 01:05:27,716 which prompted (NCSEs) Eugenie Scott to say that facts are a dime a dozen; theories are what matter in science. 588 01:05:27,937 --> 01:05:32,179 You know what? It is unbelievable what unbelievers have to believe to be unbelievers! 589 01:05:32,400 --> 01:05:35,599 Come to me when you can "show me the money." Do you have facts or not? 590 01:05:35,821 --> 01:05:39,228 Do you have data? Do you have observations? Do you have the scientific method or not? 591 01:05:39,450 --> 01:05:45,359 Contrary to what scientist Bill Nye said, we really should tell our children what our beliefs are and why. 592 01:05:45,581 --> 01:05:48,612 We should not just say, "This is what to believe, Johnny... " but say, 593 01:05:48,835 --> 01:05:54,910 "Here is why we believe this and it's not just faith. We have science. It's really on our side." 594 01:06:04,753 --> 01:06:09,049 [Genesis 1:24-25] "And God said, 595 01:06:09,842 --> 01:06:19,601 Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, 596 01:06:22,938 --> 01:06:30,612 cattle, and creeping thing, and beasts of the earth after his kind. 597 01:06:38,662 --> 01:06:41,373 And it was so. 598 01:06:56,055 --> 01:07:04,938 And God made the beasts of the earth after his kind. 599 01:07:25,417 --> 01:07:29,755 And cattle after their kind. 600 01:07:42,935 --> 01:07:51,652 And every thing that creeps upon the earth after his kind. 601 01:08:12,047 --> 01:08:17,845 And God saw that it was good." 602 01:08:48,417 --> 01:08:52,880 Evolutionists believe that approximately 5 million years ago, 603 01:08:53,114 --> 01:08:58,802 humans and today's apes shared a common ancestor back at a biological "fork in the road." 604 01:08:59,011 --> 01:09:03,015 That creature is often referred to as an "ape-like creature." 605 01:09:03,223 --> 01:09:07,394 They don't like to call it an "ape" because they will argue that this creature evolved into apes. 606 01:09:07,686 --> 01:09:10,731 And then apes evolving into apes is not impressive. 607 01:09:10,967 --> 01:09:14,610 I'm prepared to accept that ape-like creatures produced apes. 608 01:09:14,846 --> 01:09:22,826 I have a little trouble with the idea that ape-like creatures became humans, and of course that's the whole realm of the "ape-men." 609 01:09:23,160 --> 01:09:26,663 Most people are taught anthropology from a secular worldview nowadays. 610 01:09:26,858 --> 01:09:29,917 And when they do that, they are taught an entirely different history. 611 01:09:30,112 --> 01:09:35,464 People are taught (and I was taught this when I went to school as well) that we evolved from some ape-like ancestor out of Africa. 612 01:09:35,660 --> 01:09:39,134 They migrated out of Africa to the Middle East. We got a little bit smarter. 613 01:09:39,330 --> 01:09:42,054 We went from hunters and gatherers to become farmers. 614 01:09:42,250 --> 01:09:44,681 Then after that we developed some civilizations. 615 01:09:44,878 --> 01:09:48,393 We see Mesopotamia, or Egypt, or the Indus Valley; things like that. 616 01:09:48,590 --> 01:09:52,439 Then people got even smarter and we were able to start building boats and going around to different places. 617 01:09:52,636 --> 01:09:56,735 And all of the sudden, we see places like the Roman Empire pop up. 618 01:09:56,932 --> 01:10:01,281 Then we transfer all the way up to England becoming one of the most powerful nations on Earth. 619 01:10:01,479 --> 01:10:06,370 Then we transfer over to the Americas: and here we are. That's the kind of anthropology that we were taught. 620 01:10:06,567 --> 01:10:13,293 But if you go back 200 years ago and look at anthropology from that perspective and for the 2,000 years before that, nobody believed that. 621 01:10:14,336 --> 01:10:17,381 That is actually a relatively new idea based on an evolutionary worldview. 622 01:10:17,579 --> 01:10:21,301 If you start with God and His Word, then Anthropology starts with Adam and Eve. 623 01:10:21,500 --> 01:10:22,886 God creates Adam and Eve! 624 01:10:23,085 --> 01:10:28,642 You see, what the Bible says, what Genesis says, is that on the sixth day of the world, God made two humans. 625 01:10:28,841 --> 01:10:34,856 He made a whole bunch of monkeys. He never made any "monkey-humans" but that's what they are always looking for in the fossils. 626 01:10:35,056 --> 01:10:45,242 Over time, one by one, all of the "missing link" fossils have been reclassified as either over to the human side or over to the monkey side. 627 01:10:45,442 --> 01:10:51,415 Even "Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis, discovered by Donald Johanson in 1973) 628 01:10:51,615 --> 01:10:57,170 was dismissed by Johanson himself, saying that Lucy had been dethroned. 629 01:10:57,372 --> 01:11:04,886 Meet "Lucy" - the nasal bones do not protrude. Do you notice any slope at all to the face? Of course. 630 01:11:06,013 --> 01:11:15,814 Compare the zygomatic arch to the slope: Clearly, ape-like. What about the forehead: ls it flat or curved? Absolutely flat. 631 01:11:16,440 --> 01:11:21,194 When we look from the side, the bone comes way out on this flat forehead. 632 01:11:21,820 --> 01:11:27,200 And it is very difficult to see if there are orbits (eye sockets) when viewed from the side. 633 01:11:27,492 --> 01:11:34,249 Finally: cranial capacity. Lucy has a small brain by ape standards; never mind a much larger human-sized brain. 634 01:11:34,499 --> 01:11:37,294 Lucy had a brain one-third the size of ours. 635 01:11:37,498 --> 01:11:43,342 At full growth, as a full-grown female Lucy was only 65 pounds, 3.5 feet tall: This was a chimp. 636 01:11:43,546 --> 01:11:47,721 As for the drawings and skeletal diagrams of her standing upright, 637 01:11:47,925 --> 01:11:56,396 this probably would have been very unnatural and painful, the toe bones being curved even more than on a modern chimp, 638 01:11:56,601 --> 01:11:59,024 and many other things about the fingers too. 639 01:11:59,229 --> 01:12:04,363 Lucy had a "divergent big toe" as they are calling it now as they have discovered more of the fossils: 640 01:12:04,568 --> 01:12:08,408 that means a thumb on the foot. Lucy was actually a chimp! 641 01:12:08,617 --> 01:12:15,832 The quest for the elusive missing-link fossil between ape-like creatures and humans 642 01:12:16,039 --> 01:12:20,587 has given rise to some of the grossest examples of evolutionary propaganda to date. 643 01:12:20,794 --> 01:12:26,134 "Lucy," whom they claim is our distant relative, is perhaps the worst. 644 01:12:26,341 --> 01:12:32,849 To see why, let's isolate a scanned replica of the Lucy skull (as evolutionists have imagined it) 645 01:12:33,057 --> 01:12:36,812 and place it next to the skull of a modern chimpanzee. 646 01:12:37,312 --> 01:12:47,572 What becomes immediately apparent is that the two skulls are nearly identical, with the exception that Lucy's brain cavity is even smaller. 647 01:12:47,823 --> 01:12:53,078 To fuller illustrate this, let's pass the Lucy skull into the chimpanzee skull. 648 01:12:53,870 --> 01:13:02,921 With the two skulls now on top of each other, it seems incredibly clear that "Lucy" was just a type of chimpanzee. 649 01:13:03,131 --> 01:13:09,344 To further illustrate the point, let's now pass the Lucy skull into that of a modern human. 650 01:13:09,553 --> 01:13:16,768 To be gracious, even if we scale Lucy up, she still doesn't come close to being human. 651 01:13:17,727 --> 01:13:21,815 What would your conclusion be on a creature like this? Clearly, it's an ape. 652 01:13:22,026 --> 01:13:29,114 In fact, what is Lucy's scientific name? Australopithecus: That means "Southern ape." 653 01:13:29,325 --> 01:13:32,534 Whatever else we could say about Lucy, she is an ape. 654 01:13:32,784 --> 01:13:40,584 Let's look at another presumed ancestor of man, or a "pre-homo sapiens." It's Neanderthal Man. 655 01:13:40,796 --> 01:13:44,212 The problem with Neanderthals is that when I was in college, 656 01:13:44,425 --> 01:13:47,507 they taught us that they were the "missing link" and that they could barely grunt. 657 01:13:47,720 --> 01:13:52,387 And now we found out that the hypoglossal canal (a hole at the base of the skull 658 01:13:52,600 --> 01:13:59,478 (where a nerve goes out to the mouth and controls our speaking) had a hypoglossal nerve 659 01:13:59,691 --> 01:14:03,565 that was the same size in Neanderthals - as in modern people today. 660 01:14:03,773 --> 01:14:06,902 Monkeys though have just a little, thin thread-like nerve. 661 01:14:07,115 --> 01:14:11,198 They have the "hardware" but they just don't have the "software drivers" to actually talk. 662 01:14:11,412 --> 01:14:17,704 They think; they have thoughts and probably emotions, but they just can't do that like we can. 663 01:14:17,919 --> 01:14:19,998 Neanderthals, however, obviously could talk. 664 01:14:20,213 --> 01:14:24,586 We have every bone in Neanderthal Man's body. There's not a missing bone. 665 01:14:24,801 --> 01:14:28,048 So, we know that the nasal bone is protruded, just as you see it there. 666 01:14:28,507 --> 01:14:35,805 Even this nasal spine down here - which is found just under your nose - the nasal spine is not found on apes either. 667 01:14:36,021 --> 01:14:43,271 So, we have the spine and we have the protruding nose. What about the slope of the face? Perpendicular. 668 01:14:43,522 --> 01:14:53,448 What about the curvature of the forehead? It's curved enough that you can see into the orbits quite easily from the side. 669 01:14:53,665 --> 01:15:04,251 Finally, cranial capacity. If you compare this skull to an adult modern human skull, it's about 100 cubic centimeters or more larger. 670 01:15:04,468 --> 01:15:09,506 What would your conclusion be? ls this an ape or is this a human? It's obviously a human. 671 01:15:09,724 --> 01:15:15,929 But if it's a human, we expect to find more than just simply the bones. We expect some cultural evidence, And we have that. 672 01:15:16,147 --> 01:15:25,772 Since the time that I was in college in the 1970s, we've found turquoise and pink-colored flax fibers in Neanderthal caves. 673 01:15:25,991 --> 01:15:30,944 They liked colorful clothing. They were built better than us. They also had bigger brains than us. 674 01:15:31,163 --> 01:15:35,407 In the average human today, the brain case is 1200 cubic centimeters. 675 01:15:35,626 --> 01:15:38,243 But in Neanderthals, it was 1400 cubic centimeters. 676 01:15:38,463 --> 01:15:42,330 We have their burial customs. We have their tools of all different kinds. 677 01:15:42,550 --> 01:15:44,749 They were good hunters. They had strategies. 678 01:15:44,970 --> 01:15:50,672 They took women on their hunting trips. One evolutionist actually said that might be why they went extinct. 679 01:15:51,006 --> 01:15:57,304 Recently, they've found what is arguably a cosmetics kit: a couple of scallop shells unhinged with pigments in them. 680 01:15:57,525 --> 01:16:02,892 They have found what appear to be flutes with holes in positions to be playable buried with Neanderthal Man. 681 01:16:03,114 --> 01:16:07,606 We found a musical instrument: a bare bone with holes drilled in it like a flute. 682 01:16:07,827 --> 01:16:11,610 I don't know if you've ever heard a monkey play a flute, but it really doesn't work. 683 01:16:11,832 --> 01:16:17,699 We find flowers buried in the graves of their dead. But animals, like monkeys, don't bury their dead. Only humans do that. 684 01:16:17,921 --> 01:16:22,037 The Neanderthals had art, religion, culture, language. Unquestionably human! 685 01:16:22,259 --> 01:16:30,253 And yet, when I first bought this model of Neanderthal Man it was called a Homo sapiens, subspecies: Neanderthalensis. 686 01:16:30,477 --> 01:16:32,964 In other words, they gave it a different subspecies name. 687 01:16:33,188 --> 01:16:40,597 Today, the scientific name (the classification) for Neanderthal Man is: Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. 688 01:16:40,821 --> 01:16:46,436 And that third word is actually the designation of the "variety" of humans that it is. 689 01:16:46,660 --> 01:16:49,439 We modern humans are now classified as Homo sapiens sapiens. 690 01:16:49,664 --> 01:16:54,819 So what creation has been saying all along is true: Neanderthals were people too! 691 01:16:55,044 --> 01:16:59,741 100% human. And that's true for the whole body, not just the skull. 692 01:16:59,966 --> 01:17:02,827 The same experiment can be done with Neanderthals, 693 01:17:03,053 --> 01:17:09,250 which evolutionists still claim is another branch in the transition from apes to humans. 694 01:17:09,476 --> 01:17:14,798 Let's place the skull of a Neanderthal next to the skull of a modern human. 695 01:17:15,024 --> 01:17:22,222 The Neanderthal has the same facial structures. We all know that everyone has a uniquely-shaped skull. 696 01:17:22,449 --> 01:17:30,730 Some people have larger heads; some have wider cheek bones, broader jaws and brow ridges, or more slope to their foreheads. 697 01:17:30,958 --> 01:17:41,157 With the right combination of these traits that we see in people today, it is easy to see how a Neanderthal is simply a human. 698 01:17:41,491 --> 01:17:44,285 Everyone has been told that there are dozens and dozens 699 01:17:44,514 --> 01:17:50,125 of these solid missing-link fossils - transitional forms - "So-and-So" Man, and Java Man, 700 01:17:50,353 --> 01:17:53,169 and Piltdown Man, and Cro-Magnon Man, and Neanderthal Man... 701 01:17:53,398 --> 01:17:56,339 Essentially, all of Homo erectus would be just human beings. 702 01:17:56,568 --> 01:18:03,221 Don't just believe modern myths of the "proofs" of evolution like "junk" DNA, like "missing-link" fossils. 703 01:18:03,513 --> 01:18:07,225 The secular world teaches that you evolved from some ape-like ancestor; that there was no Adam and Eve. 704 01:18:07,455 --> 01:18:11,020 And since there's no Adam and Eve, then there was no fall into sin back in Genesis. 705 01:18:11,251 --> 01:18:13,565 And that means that there is no need for a Savior. 706 01:18:13,795 --> 01:18:19,237 So, the secular anthropology not only attacks the authority of the Bible - it also attacks the very Gospel itself. 707 01:18:46,389 --> 01:18:49,392 [Genesis 1:26] "And God said, 708 01:18:54,689 --> 01:19:00,653 Let us make man 709 01:19:07,368 --> 01:19:10,955 in our image, 710 01:19:15,376 --> 01:19:17,962 after our likeness. 711 01:20:13,142 --> 01:20:28,867 And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle. 712 01:20:29,868 --> 01:20:40,044 And over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." 713 01:21:33,056 --> 01:21:37,977 I was debating the student atheist club president, at the College of New Jersey. 714 01:21:38,179 --> 01:21:47,570 He made the statement in his closing comments that there were "dozens of fossils" that proved the transition from simians to humans. 715 01:21:47,773 --> 01:21:53,076 And I said, "Now, you said that there were 'dozens' of fossils. Can you name one?" 716 01:21:53,279 --> 01:21:57,705 He said, "Well, the literature is just replete..." blah blah blah, There are so many." 717 01:21:57,956 --> 01:22:02,085 And I said, "I didn't ask for many. I just asked you for one. Just tell the audience one." 718 01:22:02,752 --> 01:22:07,256 And he said, "Australopithecus africanus." I said to the audience, "Okay..." 719 01:22:07,461 --> 01:22:10,969 I stood up and I said, "Now we're going to learn about modern myths." 720 01:22:11,219 --> 01:22:17,725 One of the common misconceptions that exists in society is that "humans and chimps are 99% similar." 721 01:22:17,930 --> 01:22:23,773 I am very disillusioned by the idea of using a percentage to describe how similar humans and chimps are. 722 01:22:23,978 --> 01:22:28,778 You cannot use a percent similarity to describe common ancestry! 723 01:22:28,984 --> 01:22:35,451 One of the most popular misconceptions held by evolutionists is that birds evolved from dinosaurs. 724 01:22:35,657 --> 01:22:37,578 What proof do they have - you might ask? 725 01:22:37,785 --> 01:22:46,629 Well, just look at their similar design - they might say - pointing out that both birds and some dinosaurs have hollow bones. 726 01:22:46,836 --> 01:22:52,093 But common features like these - can also be understood as evidence for - a common Designer, 727 01:22:52,300 --> 01:22:56,931 who didn't need to "reinvent the wheel" every time He created a new kind. 728 01:22:57,139 --> 01:23:04,731 Humans and frogs both have five digits on their lower limbs, but that doesn't mean frogs and humans share a common ancestor... 729 01:23:04,939 --> 01:23:08,776 unless you believe fairy tales, of course! 730 01:23:08,985 --> 01:23:14,073 It's not too surprising that our chromosomes look a lot the same as a chimpanzee's. 731 01:23:14,282 --> 01:23:20,705 Of all other living things, their biochemistry, their physiology, and their body structures look the most like us humans. 732 01:23:20,914 --> 01:23:27,462 Their DNA ought to look the most like ours too. For goodness sake, bananas have DNA that is 50% the same as ours. 733 01:23:27,671 --> 01:23:35,636 So, monkeys should have 80, 90, 98% the same DNA because their bodies look that much like ours. 734 01:23:35,846 --> 01:23:38,890 If evolution was not true, and there is a Designer instead, 735 01:23:39,100 --> 01:23:41,642 i.e. a Creator God who made those chromosomes in the beginning, then this is what it would look like. 736 01:23:41,853 --> 01:23:48,107 You start looking at the genome and the DNA differences and you try to figure out: How different are we? 737 01:23:48,318 --> 01:23:55,948 What makes humans different from everything else? This "image of God" as the Latin phrase "Imago Dei." what does that mean? 738 01:23:56,160 --> 01:24:00,036 We're not animals. We're different from the animals. Human beings have court systems. 739 01:24:00,247 --> 01:24:05,541 We believe in justice and truth and in righteousness because we are made in the image of God. We are moral creations. 740 01:24:05,753 --> 01:24:09,796 When you read through Genesis 1, it comes to the pinnacle at the very end. 741 01:24:10,008 --> 01:24:13,299 Humans are created, and: "behold it was very good." 742 01:24:13,512 --> 01:24:16,219 Now when God says that something is very good, how good is it? 743 01:24:16,431 --> 01:24:18,763 It was a perfect creation where there was no death. 744 01:24:18,976 --> 01:24:24,268 God made the world perfect. There was no death or bloodshed at first according to Genesis 1:29-30. 745 01:24:24,482 --> 01:24:27,396 Originally, all of the animals were vegetarian, and mankind was vegetarian. 746 01:24:27,610 --> 01:24:29,690 We weren't allowed to eat meat until after the Flood. 747 01:24:29,904 --> 01:24:31,442 That's when God first permitted mankind to eat meat. 748 01:24:31,656 --> 01:24:34,529 People didn't kill animals for food. Animals didn't rip each other up for food. 749 01:24:34,743 --> 01:24:37,281 Both mankind and the animals were vegetarian. 750 01:24:37,495 --> 01:24:41,035 For those who don't believe God's Word, they're living in the present, and they look around and see death. 751 01:24:41,249 --> 01:24:42,829 So they assume that death has always been here. 752 01:24:43,043 --> 01:24:49,210 When I look at the human body, I see something that looks like it was designed to last forever, because we keep turning over our parts. 753 01:24:49,425 --> 01:24:54,090 That's the way our body is. We were originally created to live forever. 754 01:24:54,305 --> 01:24:56,676 If your car was operating the way we do, where all the parts kept turning over, 755 01:24:56,891 --> 01:24:59,720 then you scratch the paint and it heals, how long would your car last? 756 01:24:59,936 --> 01:25:02,974 It would last forever. So, with us something went wrong. 757 01:25:03,190 --> 01:25:09,063 And that flaw was sin that came into the world. Decay and death came as a result of man's disobedience. 758 01:25:09,279 --> 01:25:14,861 So, if evolution is true, you have "millions of years" of death before man ever sinned to bring about death? 759 01:25:15,077 --> 01:25:20,158 We really have a huge theological problem if we accept those "millions" of years. 760 01:25:20,374 --> 01:25:25,413 If we accept the millions of years, then we are accepting "millions of years" of death and bloodshed, 761 01:25:25,630 --> 01:25:29,458 and disease and violence - all before man comes on the scene. 762 01:25:29,676 --> 01:25:33,754 But the Bible says that God created the world at the beginning, and that it was very good. 763 01:25:33,972 --> 01:25:37,133 There was no death, and no disease or natural disasters. 764 01:25:37,351 --> 01:25:42,221 It was sin that brought that death and natural evil into the world. 765 01:25:42,440 --> 01:25:45,558 What was the world like in the beginning? 766 01:25:45,892 --> 01:25:54,025 The Bible describes the early Earth as paradise, a lush and beautiful world from pole to pole. 767 01:25:54,244 --> 01:26:01,449 A world where man, animals, and plants of all kinds lived in perfect harmony. 768 01:26:01,668 --> 01:26:07,747 A world without sickness, disease, pain, or death. 769 01:26:08,122 --> 01:26:12,835 This "Golden Age" of the past, reported to us accurately in the Bible, 770 01:26:13,056 --> 01:26:17,632 is also remembered in the legends of human cultures throughout our history, 771 01:26:17,852 --> 01:26:24,472 where man and animals grew to be larger and live much longer than we do today. 772 01:26:24,680 --> 01:26:31,229 Scientific discoveries reveal fossil representatives of every major kind of plant and animal, 773 01:26:31,450 --> 01:26:35,691 that are many times larger than their present-day counterparts. 774 01:26:35,913 --> 01:26:47,245 There were fossil insects as large as modern dogs, fossil birds with 25-foot wingspans, fossil trees nearly 900-feet tall. 775 01:26:47,495 --> 01:26:58,130 And fish as big as our modern whales, to name a few. Today, Earth is not paradise anymore. 776 01:26:58,464 --> 01:27:05,972 So, we must ask: When was: Paradise Lost? And why? 777 01:27:06,196 --> 01:27:11,477 And will we ever see it again? 778 01:27:29,745 --> 01:27:42,008 [Genesis 1:27-31] "So God created man in his own image. 779 01:27:46,304 --> 01:27:51,350 In the image of God created he him. 780 01:28:17,043 --> 01:28:25,426 Male and female created he them. 781 01:28:54,789 --> 01:29:05,966 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply. 782 01:29:06,198 --> 01:29:12,807 And fill the earth, and subdue it. 783 01:29:20,398 --> 01:29:29,365 And have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air. 784 01:29:29,824 --> 01:29:36,080 And over every living thing that moves upon the earth. 785 01:29:36,997 --> 01:29:49,093 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth. 786 01:29:49,328 --> 01:30:00,020 And every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 787 01:30:01,188 --> 01:30:12,283 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth, 788 01:30:12,533 --> 01:30:23,586 wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat. 789 01:30:26,630 --> 01:30:29,216 And it was so. 790 01:30:51,071 --> 01:30:57,703 And God saw everything that He had made. 791 01:30:59,288 --> 01:31:07,171 And behold it was very good. 792 01:31:57,805 --> 01:32:05,854 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 793 01:32:16,365 --> 01:32:22,162 Every civilization has a story - a story of who God is, who we are here, why the world is the way that it is. 794 01:32:22,366 --> 01:32:26,875 What the Bible offers is not just a story - but the story. It tells us why we're important. 795 01:32:27,079 --> 01:32:28,752 It also tells us why the world is broken. 796 01:32:28,956 --> 01:32:32,464 Why do we all get so frustrated that things shouldn't be this way when we're at a funeral? 797 01:32:32,668 --> 01:32:36,051 Why do we find ourselves saying, "Why do bad things happen to good people? 798 01:32:36,256 --> 01:32:39,888 And why do good things happen to bad people?" Genesis explains that. 799 01:32:40,093 --> 01:32:43,809 The Fall into sin was a real spiritual and historical event. 800 01:32:44,014 --> 01:32:52,526 Real people in history actually violated a law of God, that caused our entire race and the creation to fall. 801 01:32:52,731 --> 01:32:57,740 When Adam and Eve sinned against God, God cursed the ground, He cursed the animals, and He sentenced man to die. 802 01:32:57,945 --> 01:32:59,658 Everything changed. They realized that they were naked. 803 01:32:59,864 --> 01:33:03,746 They realized that they were ashamed, and the first thing that they did was try to cover themselves. 804 01:33:03,952 --> 01:33:09,543 But those coverings were not good enough. The punishment for sin was death, so the solution had to involve death. 805 01:33:09,750 --> 01:33:15,174 At the very beginning, when Adam and Eve are making their first mistakes and shame and guilt are coming into the equation, 806 01:33:15,381 --> 01:33:19,595 God immediately gives them a solution: He's going to send someone to bring forgiveness to this problem. 807 01:33:19,802 --> 01:33:26,477 In fact, He immediately covered them. God comes and says that He covers our shame and He forgives our guilt. 808 01:33:26,684 --> 01:33:34,860 The reality of the world is the fact that God exists, and that we are separated from God by sin. 809 01:33:35,068 --> 01:33:38,489 We sin by nature. We sin by choice. You can agree with everything I say. 810 01:33:38,697 --> 01:33:41,742 You can believe that the world is only thousands of years old, and you can think that God created it. 811 01:33:41,951 --> 01:33:45,412 But if you believe that God exists - but that's as far as it goes - you've missed the point. 812 01:33:45,621 --> 01:33:48,457 You looked at the billboard - you've seen the ad - but you've missed the point. 813 01:33:48,666 --> 01:33:53,087 The point is this: It's about a relationship with Him; restoring that relationship with Him! 814 01:33:53,296 --> 01:33:58,384 And the God of the universe loved us enough to demonstrate His invisible attributes everywhere. 815 01:33:58,593 --> 01:34:03,972 So that everyone has evidence of Him. Wherever you live, in whatever time period you live, through the telescope or the microscope. 816 01:34:04,183 --> 01:34:09,353 And He's calling out to you to have a relationship with Him. It's not good enough to just believe in God. 817 01:34:09,563 --> 01:34:16,568 What good does it do if you lead somebody to believe in an "Intelligent Designer" who is vaguely defined? 818 01:34:16,779 --> 01:34:22,533 We need to respond to the Creator and He has spoken uniquely in His Word. 819 01:34:22,744 --> 01:34:27,496 And He has told us in the Bible how we can be restored to a right relationship with God. 820 01:34:27,708 --> 01:34:34,336 God is indeed a God of love, but He is also the Righteous Judge, and sin has to be accounted for. 821 01:34:34,548 --> 01:34:40,092 The God of the Bible is not only merciful and kind, but He is also holy and just. 822 01:34:40,304 --> 01:34:44,471 And every time we sin, we store up His wrath that will be revealed on the Day of Judgment. 823 01:34:44,684 --> 01:34:47,182 God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. 824 01:34:47,395 --> 01:34:52,354 You are a moral creation: You have to give an account to God for every idle word you've spoken; 825 01:34:52,568 --> 01:34:55,107 every deed done in darkness will be brought out into the light. 826 01:34:55,320 --> 01:34:59,445 And if that happens on Judgment Day and you're found guilty, the Bible says that you're heading for Hell. 827 01:34:59,658 --> 01:35:03,282 But look at the Great Flood. Did everybody die in the Flood? No. 828 01:35:03,496 --> 01:35:07,536 Even though there was a judgment upon sin, the Lord God still sent a means of salvation. 829 01:35:07,750 --> 01:35:11,248 That's a lesson for us today. The Great Flood was God's judgment. 830 01:35:11,463 --> 01:35:15,753 But at the same that judgment was there, He provided an Ark of Salvation. 831 01:35:15,967 --> 01:35:22,217 For those people in that day, there was a means of escape: Everybody on board Noah's Ark was spared. 832 01:35:22,433 --> 01:35:27,055 Those not on board the Ark perished. The same is true in our day and age. 833 01:35:27,271 --> 01:35:30,184 God provides for us an Ark of Salvation. His name is: Jesus Christ. 834 01:35:30,399 --> 01:35:33,312 God loves us and He has provided a way of salvation, 835 01:35:33,528 --> 01:35:40,778 to the point that He sent His own Son into the world to satisfy God's condition of death as the penalty for sin. 836 01:35:40,994 --> 01:35:48,494 He took the full penalty of death that should have been ours upon Himself and paid it in full, by Himself, for us. 837 01:35:48,711 --> 01:35:52,122 And He wants you to come to Him and find His forgiveness. 838 01:35:52,340 --> 01:35:59,254 That forgiveness was so costly that He came to Earth and put on matter Himself, and allowed Himself to be crucified. 839 01:35:59,472 --> 01:36:04,927 A crown of thorns was pushed into His head. Nails like railroad spikes were pounded into His wrists and into His feet. 840 01:36:05,145 --> 01:36:08,138 And He did that not because He had to. He did that because He loved you. 841 01:36:08,357 --> 01:36:11,683 And He knew that if He didn't; if there was any other way... 842 01:36:11,902 --> 01:36:18,774 If there was any other way, if it wasn't necessary, then God would not have put His only Son through it. 843 01:36:18,993 --> 01:36:22,444 He wouldn't have turned His back on Him and allowed the sin of all humans 844 01:36:22,664 --> 01:36:27,199 - past, present, and future - to be laid upon His Son, Jesus, as the "scape goat." 845 01:36:27,419 --> 01:36:29,785 Jesus had to go to the Cross. He had to be crucified. 846 01:36:30,005 --> 01:36:34,957 He had to die one of the most grueling deaths known in the history of mankind. 847 01:36:35,177 --> 01:36:40,128 And so, Jesus Christ died for your sins, and my sins, and for the sins of the whole world. 848 01:36:40,349 --> 01:36:45,133 We need Jesus Christ. He is the solution to the problem of sin. 849 01:36:45,354 --> 01:36:48,929 That is indeed the Christian Gospel. That is indeed the Good News of the Bible. 850 01:36:49,150 --> 01:36:55,227 But it's only good news because it's based on the bad news in Genesis, because of what Adam and Eve did. 851 01:36:55,448 --> 01:36:58,564 And because we're all one human race; because we're all descendants of them. 852 01:36:58,785 --> 01:37:02,025 We're all born with that sin nature and that tendency to sin. 853 01:37:02,247 --> 01:37:08,031 If there wasn't an original sin, if we aren't born into sin and in need of a Savior, 854 01:37:08,254 --> 01:37:13,954 if we are born "okay" then maybe we could just be "good" and we wouldn't need Jesus to die for us. 855 01:37:14,177 --> 01:37:18,041 But that's just not reality. It's not good theology. It isn't even good logic. 856 01:37:18,264 --> 01:37:22,462 Just as God made one man (Adam) who brought death into the world, Jesus is the new man who brings life. 857 01:37:22,686 --> 01:37:29,845 Just as there was Noah's Ark which had only one way in. Only one way of deliverance to save you from judgment. 858 01:37:30,069 --> 01:37:33,724 So too, Jesus Christ comes and says, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life." 859 01:37:33,948 --> 01:37:38,145 By coming to Jesus, although there is a future judgment coming, He has made a way of rescue from that judgment. 860 01:37:38,369 --> 01:37:41,440 Just as Abraham had only one covenant son, Isaac, whom he was willing to sacrifice, 861 01:37:41,664 --> 01:37:45,152 Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Promise, and our Heavenly Father was willing to sacrifice Him. 862 01:37:45,377 --> 01:37:50,616 And then there's Joseph who was rejected, thrown into the pit, thought to be dead, but later found to be alive! 863 01:37:50,841 --> 01:37:52,784 That sounds a lot like Jesus Christ in the Bible's New Testament! 864 01:37:53,010 --> 01:37:55,537 And then we move into the Exodus and we see that He is the ultimate Deliverer. 865 01:37:55,763 --> 01:37:57,748 He's the ultimate Passover; He's the ultimate Lawgiver. 866 01:37:57,973 --> 01:38:05,505 Jesus is all over in Genesis and the deeper you look into it, the more you find that the whole book points directly to Him. 867 01:38:05,732 --> 01:38:10,969 And so right here in Genesis, chapter 1, it's all about Jesus Christ. 868 01:38:11,196 --> 01:38:16,683 We call Jesus Christ "The Word." He is "The Word of God." He is the way by which we can know God. 869 01:38:16,910 --> 01:38:23,148 Who has ever had his name used as a cuss word? Nobody except: Jesus Christ. 870 01:38:23,375 --> 01:38:28,070 He said, "The world hates Me because I testify of its deeds, that they are evil." 871 01:38:28,297 --> 01:38:32,824 And so we use His name in blasphemy. The name that is above all names. We lust, we lie, we steal. 872 01:38:33,052 --> 01:38:35,452 That's why we have suffering, disease, pain, and death. 873 01:38:35,680 --> 01:38:39,122 But it gives great hope for this fallen creation that is in death, 874 01:38:39,351 --> 01:38:44,378 that God invaded this world, and through the Cross opened up the doors of everlasting life for humanity. 875 01:38:44,606 --> 01:38:51,009 Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is infinite, He became a man and died that infinite punishment that we all deserve. 876 01:38:51,238 --> 01:38:56,098 The infinite Son took that infinite punishment from the infinite Father, and that satisfied the wrath of God. 877 01:38:56,327 --> 01:38:59,059 Now the Lord God offers us the free gift of salvation as a result. 878 01:38:59,289 --> 01:39:01,770 And that's the God whom I love. That's the God whom I want to know. 879 01:39:02,000 --> 01:39:06,108 I want to know Him because He loved me enough not just to sort of watch from a distance and love everybody. 880 01:39:06,338 --> 01:39:11,405 He loved me enough to "get in the game" and to die on my behalf. And that is the story of the Bible. 881 01:39:11,635 --> 01:39:17,285 Jesus Christ, who walked the Earth as a man, is the One who loved us enough to take upon Himself our punishment. 882 01:39:17,516 --> 01:39:22,708 To go to the Cross, to taste death, to shed His blood so that we could be with Him in Heaven forever. 883 01:39:22,939 --> 01:39:26,003 Those who reject Him spend eternity separated from God. 884 01:39:26,234 --> 01:39:31,591 What a horror that any human being could end up in that terrible place: damned in Hell. 885 01:39:31,823 --> 01:39:37,764 And so, we plead with people and say, listen, God is rich in mercy and He provided a Savior in Jesus Christ! 886 01:39:37,997 --> 01:39:44,104 God became a human being. He suffered and died on the Cross to take the punishment for the sin of the world. 887 01:39:44,337 --> 01:39:47,816 We broke God's law and Jesus "paid our fine." It's as simple as that. 888 01:39:48,049 --> 01:39:52,279 If someone pays your fine, the judge can say, "You're out of here. Your case is dismissed!" 889 01:39:52,512 --> 01:39:56,950 That is what God can do for you and I. Our sins can be washed away! 890 01:39:57,184 --> 01:39:59,953 God can commute our death sentence and let us live forever - 891 01:40:00,187 --> 01:40:03,707 because of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 892 01:40:03,941 --> 01:40:08,503 What we are commanded to do is repent of our sins and trust only in Jesus. 893 01:40:08,738 --> 01:40:12,674 Anyone who would repent, who would turn from their sin, who would say, 894 01:40:12,909 --> 01:40:19,181 "God, I'm a sinner. I deserve Your judgment. But I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior." 895 01:40:19,416 --> 01:40:25,062 That person can be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with the Creator. 896 01:40:25,297 --> 01:40:30,692 We have to believe in the true and living God who is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 897 01:40:30,928 --> 01:40:35,739 And we need to trust in Him for our salvation.