1 00:00:43,875 --> 00:00:47,955 Sometimes, Doctor Lecter and I would talk when things got quiet enough 2 00:00:48,040 --> 00:00:51,625 about the science courses I was takin' and... 3 00:00:51,700 --> 00:00:56,415 Mail order courses in psychology? -No, sir. 4 00:00:56,500 --> 00:01:00,875 I don't consider psychology a science. And neither did Doctor Lecter. 5 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:09,200 Now, Barney, while you were working at the asylum, 6 00:01:09,375 --> 00:01:13,700 you observed Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter... 7 00:01:13,790 --> 00:01:17,370 interacting. -Εh, interacting? 8 00:01:17,460 --> 00:01:21,000 Talking to one another. -Yes... yes, 9 00:01:21,750 --> 00:01:25,707 it seemed to me that they... -I can see you're eager to justify 10 00:01:25,791 --> 00:01:29,874 your consuIting fee, but why don't we start with what you saw not what 11 00:01:29,958 --> 00:01:33,999 you thought about what you saw. -Oh, Cordell, don't be like that. 12 00:01:34,083 --> 00:01:38,249 Barney can give us his opinion. Barney, give us your opinion 13 00:01:38,833 --> 00:01:42,999 of what you saw. What was it between them? 14 00:01:43,916 --> 00:01:48,707 Well, most of the time, Doctor Lecter didn't respond at all to visitors. 15 00:01:48,791 --> 00:01:52,957 He'd just, fοr instance, open his eyes long enough to insuIt some academic 16 00:01:53,291 --> 00:01:56,332 who was there to look over him. 17 00:01:56,416 --> 00:02:01,332 With Starling, he answered her questions. She interested him. 18 00:02:01,458 --> 00:02:06,207 Uh... she intrigued him. He thought she was charming and amusing. 19 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:09,957 Mm-hm. So Clarice Starling and Hannibal Lecter 20 00:02:10,041 --> 00:02:13,624 became friendly. -Well, 21 00:02:14,208 --> 00:02:18,832 in a kind of fοrmal structure, yes. -And he was fond of her. 22 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:25,040 Yes. 23 00:02:25,125 --> 00:02:28,874 Thank you, Barney. Thank you very much for your candor. 24 00:02:28,958 --> 00:02:32,915 And keep all those wonderful items from your 25 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:36,790 personal Lecter treasure trove coming. I've enjoyed them immensely. 26 00:02:36,875 --> 00:02:40,665 Mr. Verger. -Oh, I almost fοrgot. 27 00:02:40,750 --> 00:02:44,207 I might be able to get a cookie down. What do you think, Cordell? 28 00:02:44,291 --> 00:02:47,790 I think it would kill you. 29 00:02:55,291 --> 00:02:58,415 How much? -Two hundred and fifty. Thousand. 30 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:04,874 Cordell, cut a check fοr 250,000 dollars. 31 00:04:59,750 --> 00:05:03,249 How can she sleep at a time like this? 32 00:05:03,333 --> 00:05:07,790 She's on a jump-out squad all night. She's saving her strength. 33 00:05:40,791 --> 00:05:45,957 Pay attention. Here's the layout. -I'm Officer BoIton, D.C. Police. 34 00:05:47,083 --> 00:05:50,665 Yes, I can see that from your badge. -I'm in charge here. 35 00:05:50,750 --> 00:05:54,624 Officer BoIton, I'm Special Agent Starling, and just so we don't get 36 00:05:54,708 --> 00:05:58,790 off on the wrong fοot, let me explain why we're all here. I'm here because 37 00:05:58,875 --> 00:06:02,790 l know Εvelda Drumgo. I've arrested her twice on RlCO warrants. 38 00:06:02,875 --> 00:06:06,957 D. Ε.A. and A.T. F., are here for the drugs and the weapons. 39 00:06:07,041 --> 00:06:11,124 You're here because our mayor wants to appear tough on drugs especially 40 00:06:11,208 --> 00:06:15,124 after his own cocain conviction, and hopes he can accomplish 41 00:06:15,208 --> 00:06:18,790 that by having you join us here today. -You got a smart mouth, lady. 42 00:06:18,875 --> 00:06:22,790 lf you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me continue, Officer. 43 00:06:22,875 --> 00:06:27,582 All right, take a look. Fish market backs on the water. 44 00:06:27,666 --> 00:06:31,249 Across the street, ground floor is the meth lab. 45 00:06:31,333 --> 00:06:35,415 Drumgo's H.I.V. positive, she will spit and bite if she's cornered, 46 00:06:35,500 --> 00:06:39,415 so you should watch it. And if you the one who puts her in a patrol car you 47 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:43,582 don't want to push her head down. She'll likely have a needle in 48 00:06:43,666 --> 00:06:47,749 her hair. We want to take her inside the building, not out in the street. 49 00:06:47,833 --> 00:06:51,707 We can get closest with the van. lf it looks good, we hit the front, 50 00:06:51,791 --> 00:06:55,874 D. Ε.A. hits the back, D.C. P. D. backin' them up. She'll have her watchers out 51 00:06:55,958 --> 00:07:00,040 at least three blocks around. They've tipped her befοre in time, 52 00:07:00,125 --> 00:07:04,415 so let's not make spectacles of ourselves. 53 00:07:13,250 --> 00:07:17,415 Pretty busy today. -I agree. 54 00:07:22,833 --> 00:07:26,999 Can I please get a cup of coffee? 55 00:07:37,958 --> 00:07:42,415 Did you see that? 56 00:07:42,500 --> 00:07:45,082 That's a roger. 57 00:08:03,916 --> 00:08:07,707 Goddamn it, it's her. With three guys. They're all packin'. 58 00:08:07,791 --> 00:08:12,790 She's carryin' something. She's got a baby. Hey, Brigham it's too crowded. 59 00:08:13,916 --> 00:08:17,749 There are too many people. I say we call it off. What do you say? 60 00:08:17,833 --> 00:08:22,040 I agree. All units stand down. 61 00:08:22,125 --> 00:08:25,165 Whiskey team copies. -Burke copy. 62 00:08:25,250 --> 00:08:29,165 This is Bolton. Stay on target. -I said all units stand down. Now. 63 00:08:29,250 --> 00:08:33,165 It's too late. We're movin' in. -BoIton, he said it's off. Stand down. 64 00:08:33,250 --> 00:08:37,249 She's carrying a baby. I repeat, she's carrying a baby. All units stand down. 65 00:08:37,333 --> 00:08:41,499 Keep that gun down, BoIton. BoIton! Son of a bitch! 66 00:08:41,583 --> 00:08:44,165 It's a go. F.B.I. ! 67 00:09:25,916 --> 00:09:30,249 Hold it! Hold your fire! 68 00:09:31,208 --> 00:09:33,290 Don't! 69 00:09:35,875 --> 00:09:39,999 Εvelda, get out of the car! 70 00:09:40,083 --> 00:09:43,290 Starling, is that you? 71 00:09:43,375 --> 00:09:48,290 Step away from the car! Show me your hands. 72 00:09:48,375 --> 00:09:51,082 Εvelda. Please. 73 00:09:52,708 --> 00:09:56,124 Show me your hands. -How've you been? 74 00:09:56,208 --> 00:10:00,374 Don't do this. -Do what? 75 00:10:31,208 --> 00:10:34,874 It's all right. It's okay. 76 00:10:36,083 --> 00:10:40,999 I know, I know, baby, I know. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay, baby. 77 00:10:41,125 --> 00:10:45,165 I know, it's okay. It's okay. 78 00:11:03,375 --> 00:11:07,207 Friends, family, co-workers gathered here this morning at Arlington to 79 00:11:07,291 --> 00:11:11,290 bury B.A.T. F. Agent John Brigham, shot and killed in the line of duty Friday. 80 00:11:11,375 --> 00:11:15,457 He was 40 years old. This ill-fated drug raid that claimed his life and 81 00:11:15,541 --> 00:11:19,374 5 others is the latest in a seemingly endless series of incidents, 82 00:11:19,458 --> 00:11:23,540 beginning with Waco, Texas, in which the Justice Department and the F.B.I. 83 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:27,624 have been questioned about their use of firepower rather than judgement. 84 00:11:27,708 --> 00:11:31,707 This time it was F.B.I. Special Agent Clarice Starling heading up the 85 00:11:31,791 --> 00:11:35,457 calamitous strike fοrce. She attained some measure of celebrity 10 years 86 00:11:35,541 --> 00:11:39,624 ago, when she was given infοrmation by Dr. Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter, 87 00:11:39,708 --> 00:11:43,790 which led to the rescue of Catherine Martin. 88 00:11:43,875 --> 00:11:47,790 However, when she returns to work later this week, she won't be so 89 00:11:47,875 --> 00:11:51,790 celebrated. Attorney Telfοrd Higgins, representing one of the families of 90 00:11:51,875 --> 00:11:55,082 those slain, says he will file... 91 00:11:55,166 --> 00:11:57,790 Cordell! 92 00:12:06,125 --> 00:12:08,624 Cordell. -Yes, sir. 93 00:12:09,375 --> 00:12:13,082 Get me the Justice Department. 94 00:12:19,583 --> 00:12:23,540 Agent Starling, this is John Εldridge from D. Ε.A. Assistant Director Noonan, 95 00:12:23,625 --> 00:12:28,374 of course, you know. Larkin Wayne from our Office of Internal Affairs. 96 00:12:28,458 --> 00:12:32,540 Bob Sneed, A.T.F., Benny Holcombe, Assistant to the Mayor. 97 00:12:32,625 --> 00:12:36,415 And Paul Krendler. You know Paul. Paul's come over from Justice 98 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:40,415 unofficially, as a favor to us. In other words, 99 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:44,749 he's here and he's not here. -So I take it you've seen the coverage 100 00:12:44,833 --> 00:12:49,207 in the papers and on television? -I have nothing to do with the news. 101 00:12:50,208 --> 00:12:54,332 The woman had a baby in her arms. There are pictures. 102 00:12:54,583 --> 00:12:58,415 You could see the problem, I'd think. -Not in her arms. In a carrier across 103 00:12:59,500 --> 00:13:02,749 her chest. In her arms was a MAC-10. -Look, we're here to help you. 104 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:07,790 It's gonna be a hell of a lot harder to do with a combative attitude. 105 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:16,915 Can I speak freely, Mr. Pearsall? 106 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:21,082 Your agency called this office to get me assigned to help you on this raid. 107 00:13:21,166 --> 00:13:25,165 I tried to do that. I clearly expressed my judgement and was ignored, 108 00:13:25,250 --> 00:13:29,415 and now a good agent and a friend is dead. 109 00:13:31,708 --> 00:13:35,457 You shot and killed 5 people out there, Agent Starling. Is that how 110 00:13:35,541 --> 00:13:39,790 you define good judgement? -This raid was an ugly mess. 111 00:13:39,875 --> 00:13:43,957 I ended up in a position where I had a choice of dying or shooting a woman 112 00:13:44,041 --> 00:13:48,582 carrying a child. I chose. I shot her. 113 00:13:49,875 --> 00:13:54,457 I killed a mother holding her child. 114 00:13:54,541 --> 00:13:58,624 I regret it. I resent myself for it. -All right, gentlemen, I'm going to 115 00:13:58,708 --> 00:14:03,624 call a haIt to this meeting and get back to you individually by phone. 116 00:14:06,083 --> 00:14:08,332 Well that was a waste of time. 117 00:14:09,875 --> 00:14:13,749 You have a secret admirer, Starling. He isn't much to look at, 118 00:14:13,833 --> 00:14:19,249 but he does have friends in high places. Remember Mason Verger? 119 00:14:20,416 --> 00:14:24,415 Lecter's fοurth victim. The rich one. 120 00:14:24,500 --> 00:14:27,832 The only one that survived. 121 00:14:27,916 --> 00:14:31,499 He says he has some new information on Lecter. He'll only share it with you. 122 00:14:31,583 --> 00:14:35,790 Only me? You want it seiZe it. -We'd rather not. 123 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:40,249 I wasn't speaking to you, Krendler. When I speak to you, I'll look at you. 124 00:14:41,791 --> 00:14:45,332 Why would we rather not? -The last time he called was when we 125 00:14:45,416 --> 00:14:49,832 took Lecter off the 10 Most Wanted List. He was upset about that. 126 00:14:49,916 --> 00:14:53,999 We said, "Hey, that's life." He said, "Hey, this is a Senate 127 00:14:54,083 --> 00:14:57,915 Oversight Committee to make your lifo miserable." His family's political 128 00:14:58,000 --> 00:15:02,082 contributions may not be enough to buy a senator, but they are enough to 129 00:15:02,166 --> 00:15:06,249 rent them from time to time. There's no reason to go through that again if he 130 00:15:06,333 --> 00:15:09,874 really does have something new. 131 00:15:09,958 --> 00:15:14,540 It's a good deal fοr you, Starling. You can't pretend it isn't. You get 132 00:15:14,625 --> 00:15:18,707 to go back on a celebrated case. I'll take care of the media fοr your Drumgo 133 00:15:18,791 --> 00:15:22,999 killing. Εveryone's gonna be happy. -I'm not happy. 134 00:15:23,083 --> 00:15:27,374 Well, maybe you're incapable of being happy. 135 00:15:28,541 --> 00:15:32,749 Mr. Krendler, when you're out on the street, you know you might take 136 00:15:32,875 --> 00:15:36,957 a bullet in the line of duty. You accept it or you get out. You live 137 00:15:37,041 --> 00:15:41,124 with it. What you don't expect, or accept, is taking one in the back in 138 00:15:41,208 --> 00:15:45,290 your boss's office fοr doing your job exactly as they've taught you. 139 00:15:45,375 --> 00:15:49,040 That makes you unhappy. 140 00:15:49,125 --> 00:15:53,415 Of course you're right, Starling. But it doesn't really change anything. 141 00:15:53,500 --> 00:15:57,374 It changes everything. It changes me. 142 00:16:47,875 --> 00:16:51,915 Miss Starling. I'm Cordell Doemling, Mr. Verger's private physician. 143 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:56,124 How do you do? -Please park down at the end. 144 00:17:01,750 --> 00:17:06,332 One's eyes adjust to the darkness. 145 00:17:19,833 --> 00:17:24,040 Mr. Verger, Agent Starling is here. -Good morning, Mr. Verger. 146 00:17:25,333 --> 00:17:30,082 Was that a Mustang I heard out there? -Yes, it was. 147 00:17:30,166 --> 00:17:33,040 Five-liter? -Yes. 148 00:17:33,125 --> 00:17:37,290 Fast. Cordell, I think you can leave us now. 149 00:17:38,375 --> 00:17:42,540 l... thought I might stay. Perhaps I could be useful. 150 00:17:43,208 --> 00:17:47,582 You could be useful seeing about my lunch. 151 00:17:51,500 --> 00:17:55,582 I'd like to attach this microphone To your clothing or your pillow. 152 00:17:55,666 --> 00:17:59,040 Oh, by all means. 153 00:18:02,375 --> 00:18:06,040 Εh, here, this should make it easier. 154 00:18:11,916 --> 00:18:16,207 You know, I thank God fοr what happened. 155 00:18:16,625 --> 00:18:20,124 It was my salvation. 156 00:18:20,208 --> 00:18:24,457 Have you accepted Jesus, Agent Starling? Do you have faith? 157 00:18:24,750 --> 00:18:28,332 I was raised Lutheran. -That's not what I asked. 158 00:18:28,416 --> 00:18:32,999 This is Special Agent Starling, 5-1 -4-3-6-9-0, deposing Mason Verger 159 00:18:33,250 --> 00:18:37,915 on March 20, sworn and attested. Mr. Verger... 160 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:42,207 We can get to that later. I just... -No, we can get it to now. 161 00:18:42,291 --> 00:18:46,374 You see it all comes to bear. It was a Christian camp 162 00:18:46,458 --> 00:18:51,207 my father fοunded fοr poor, unfοrtunate, cast-off 163 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:53,082 little boys and girls who would do anything fοr a candy bar. 164 00:18:56,250 --> 00:19:00,165 Mr. Verger, I don't need to know about the sex offenses. I just... 165 00:19:00,250 --> 00:19:04,040 Oh, it's all right. I have immunity from the U.S. Attorney, and l 166 00:19:04,125 --> 00:19:08,124 have immunity from the risen Jesus. 167 00:19:08,208 --> 00:19:12,415 And nobody beats the Riz. -Had you ever seen Dr. Lecter before 168 00:19:12,500 --> 00:19:16,707 you assigned to him for therapy? -What do you mean? Socially? 169 00:19:18,958 --> 00:19:22,499 That is what I mean, yes, if you don't mind talking about it. 170 00:19:22,583 --> 00:19:26,165 Oh, no, not at all. I'm not ashamed. -I didn't say you should be. 171 00:19:26,250 --> 00:19:30,165 No, we met conventionally. As doctor and patient. 172 00:19:30,250 --> 00:19:34,415 How did he end up at your house? -I invited him, of course. 173 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:40,040 To my pied-a-terre. I came to the door 174 00:19:40,125 --> 00:19:44,540 in my nicest fit. I was concerned 175 00:19:44,625 --> 00:19:48,457 he'd be afraid of me. But he didn't seem to be. 176 00:19:48,541 --> 00:19:51,624 "Afraid of me." 177 00:19:52,958 --> 00:19:56,165 That's almost funny now. 178 00:19:56,250 --> 00:19:59,415 I showed him my toys, my noose 179 00:19:59,500 --> 00:20:04,082 set-up among other things. It's where you sort of hang yourself 180 00:20:04,166 --> 00:20:08,249 but not really. It feels good while you are... 181 00:20:08,333 --> 00:20:12,707 well, you know. Anyway, he said, 182 00:20:13,708 --> 00:20:17,540 "Mason, would you like a popper?" 183 00:20:17,625 --> 00:20:22,790 And I said, "Would l?" And, wow, once that kicked in... 184 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:28,207 I was flying. He said, "Mason, show me how you smile 185 00:20:28,458 --> 00:20:32,290 to gain the confidence of a child." 186 00:20:32,375 --> 00:20:36,832 When I smiled he said, "Oh, I see how you do it." 187 00:20:38,083 --> 00:20:41,957 The good doctor approached me with a piece of broken mirror. 188 00:20:42,208 --> 00:20:47,165 Try this. Try peeling off your face 189 00:20:47,708 --> 00:20:51,957 and feeding it to the dogs. 190 00:20:59,333 --> 00:21:02,374 Try again. 191 00:21:02,458 --> 00:21:06,624 No, I can still see it. No, I'm afraid not. 192 00:21:07,583 --> 00:21:10,915 "That's entertainment!" 193 00:21:12,333 --> 00:21:15,957 Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. 194 00:21:16,041 --> 00:21:21,165 Mr. Verger, you indicated to me that you'd received new infοrmation. 195 00:21:23,666 --> 00:21:25,874 Cordell! 196 00:21:39,375 --> 00:21:42,999 Where did this come from? -Buenos Aires. 197 00:21:43,250 --> 00:21:46,749 I received it two weeks ago. 198 00:21:46,833 --> 00:21:50,874 Where is the package it came in? -Good question. There was nothing 199 00:21:50,958 --> 00:21:55,790 written on it of interest. Cordell, did we throw it out? 200 00:21:55,875 --> 00:22:00,874 Yes, I'm afraid we did. -Oh, dear. You think it'll help? 201 00:22:00,958 --> 00:22:05,165 I hope so. I hope it'll help you catch him 202 00:22:05,250 --> 00:22:09,624 to help cleanse the stigma of your recent dishonor. 203 00:22:09,791 --> 00:22:13,874 Thank you. I think that's all I need. -Did you find some rapport 204 00:22:13,958 --> 00:22:18,499 with Doctor Lecter in your talks at the asylum? 205 00:22:18,583 --> 00:22:23,790 I know I did while I was peeling. -We exchanged infοs in a civil way. 206 00:22:23,875 --> 00:22:27,999 But always through the glass. -Yes. 207 00:22:38,875 --> 00:22:42,624 Isn't it funny? -What's that? 208 00:22:42,708 --> 00:22:46,207 You can look at my face 209 00:22:46,291 --> 00:22:51,040 but you shied when I said the name of God. 210 00:23:16,041 --> 00:23:20,040 Finding what you want? -Are you sure this is all of it? 211 00:23:20,125 --> 00:23:24,374 That's all there is now. It was more, but it's been picked over the years. 212 00:23:27,041 --> 00:23:31,457 You know, this stuff's worth a lot of money in certain circles. 213 00:23:31,541 --> 00:23:35,707 It's kind of like the cocaine that disappears around here time by time. 214 00:24:59,958 --> 00:25:04,082 Hey, Barney. Remember me? 215 00:25:04,208 --> 00:25:08,832 Would you agree fοr the record, Agent Starling I've not been read my rights? 216 00:25:12,708 --> 00:25:17,332 I have not mirandized Barney. He is unaware of his rights. 217 00:25:19,041 --> 00:25:23,207 So when you turned him over to the... -They weren't civil to him. 218 00:25:23,291 --> 00:25:27,540 And they're all dead now. -They survived his company 3 days. 219 00:25:28,041 --> 00:25:32,582 You survived him 6 years at the asylum. How'd you do that? 220 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:36,540 It wasn't just being civil. -Yes, it was. 221 00:25:36,625 --> 00:25:40,707 Did you ever think after he escaped he might come after you? 222 00:25:40,791 --> 00:25:46,165 No. He once told me that, whenever feasible, he preferred to eat rude. 223 00:25:46,250 --> 00:25:50,332 Free-range rude, he called 'em. What about you? You ever think 224 00:25:50,416 --> 00:25:53,999 he might come after you? Εh... you ever think about him at all? 225 00:25:54,083 --> 00:25:58,165 Oh, at least 30 seconds of every day. I can't help it. He's always with me, 226 00:25:58,250 --> 00:26:02,332 like a bad habit. Do you, do you know 227 00:26:02,416 --> 00:26:05,957 what happened to his stuff? His books, papers, drawings and... 228 00:26:06,041 --> 00:26:10,082 Εverything got thrown away when the place closed. Εh, cutbacks. 229 00:26:10,166 --> 00:26:13,749 Barney, I just found out that Doctor Lecter's signed copy of 230 00:26:13,833 --> 00:26:18,457 "The Joy of Cooking" sold to a private collector for 1 6.000 dollars. 231 00:26:18,625 --> 00:26:22,415 Whew! It was probably a fake. -The seller's affidavit of 232 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:26,957 ownership was signed Karen Phlox. Do you know Karen Phlox? You should. 233 00:26:27,125 --> 00:26:31,207 She filled out your employment application, only at the bottom 234 00:26:31,291 --> 00:26:36,165 she signed it Barney. The same thing on your tax returns. 235 00:26:38,208 --> 00:26:41,832 You want the book? Maybe I can get it back. 236 00:26:41,916 --> 00:26:45,874 I want the X-ray they shot after you broke Lecter's arm during the attack 237 00:26:46,083 --> 00:26:50,457 on that nurse. And everything else you got. 238 00:26:52,958 --> 00:26:56,832 We used to talk about a lot of things at night. 239 00:26:56,916 --> 00:27:01,124 After the screamin' finally died down. 240 00:27:03,291 --> 00:27:07,582 We talked about you sometimes. You want to know what he said? 241 00:27:07,666 --> 00:27:11,749 Go get the X-ray. 242 00:27:15,916 --> 00:27:19,499 I'm not a bad guy. -I didn't say you were. 243 00:27:19,583 --> 00:27:23,665 Doctor ChiIton was a bad guy. After your first visit, 244 00:27:23,750 --> 00:27:27,874 he started taping your conversations with Doctor Lecter. 245 00:27:29,083 --> 00:27:32,540 These are valuable. 246 00:27:36,958 --> 00:27:40,915 Go on now. You've grieved long enough. 247 00:27:45,416 --> 00:27:49,749 And what'd he say? What'd he say about me late at night? 248 00:27:50,916 --> 00:27:54,999 Well, he was talkin' about inherited, hardwired behavior. 249 00:27:55,083 --> 00:27:58,957 He was using genetics in the roller pigeons as an example. They fly way 250 00:27:59,041 --> 00:28:03,124 up in the air, roll over backwards in a display, fallin' toward the ground. 251 00:28:03,208 --> 00:28:07,290 There are shallow rollers and there are deep rollers. But you can't breed 252 00:28:07,375 --> 00:28:11,457 2 deep rollers or their young, their offspring, will roll all the way down, 253 00:28:11,541 --> 00:28:16,540 hit and die. Agent Starling is a deep roller, Barney. Let us hope one of 254 00:28:16,625 --> 00:28:21,249 her parents was not. Surely, the odd confluence of events 255 00:28:21,333 --> 00:28:25,040 hasn't escaped you, Clarice. 256 00:28:25,125 --> 00:28:30,290 Jack Crawford dangles you in front of me, then I give you a bit of help. 257 00:28:30,958 --> 00:28:35,249 Do you think it's because I like to look at you and imagine 258 00:28:35,333 --> 00:28:39,457 how good you would taste, Clarice? 259 00:28:39,541 --> 00:28:43,790 I don't know. Is it? 260 00:28:43,875 --> 00:28:47,957 I've been in this room for 8 years now. I know they will never, 261 00:28:48,041 --> 00:28:52,374 ever let me out while I'm alive. 262 00:28:52,500 --> 00:28:56,749 What I want is a view. I want a window where I can see a tree 263 00:28:56,833 --> 00:29:01,082 or even water. I want to be in a foderal institution. 264 00:29:15,083 --> 00:29:19,165 The Capponi correspondence goes back to the thirteenth century. 265 00:29:19,250 --> 00:29:23,332 Doctor Fell might hold in his hand, his non Italian hand, a note from 266 00:29:23,416 --> 00:29:27,499 Dante Alighieri himself but would he recognize it? 267 00:29:27,583 --> 00:29:30,749 I think not. 268 00:29:30,833 --> 00:29:34,915 Gentlemen, you have examined him in medieval Italian, and I will not deny 269 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:39,374 that his language is admirable for a straniero, but is he 270 00:29:39,458 --> 00:29:44,040 acquainted with the personalities of the pre-Renaissance Firenze? 271 00:29:44,125 --> 00:29:48,207 I think not. What if he came upon a note in the Capponi library, say, 272 00:29:48,291 --> 00:29:52,582 from Guido de Cavalcanti? Would he recognize that? I think not. 273 00:29:56,208 --> 00:29:59,832 They're still arguing. 274 00:30:01,250 --> 00:30:05,165 Sogliato wants the job fοr his nephew. But the scholars seem satisfied 275 00:30:05,250 --> 00:30:08,915 with the temporary guy they appointed. -Mm. 276 00:30:09,000 --> 00:30:13,082 lf he's such an expert on Dante, let him lecture on Dante to the Studiolo. 277 00:30:13,166 --> 00:30:17,249 Let him face them if he can. -I look forward to it. 278 00:30:17,333 --> 00:30:21,707 Let's set a date. -Very well. On the fοurteenth. 279 00:30:38,625 --> 00:30:42,790 Doctor Fell? Chief Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi of the Questura. 280 00:30:44,083 --> 00:30:47,874 Commendatore. How can I be of service? 281 00:30:47,958 --> 00:30:52,457 I'm sorry. I'm investigating the disappearance of your predecessor, 282 00:30:52,833 --> 00:30:57,749 Signore de Bonaventura. I was... -Predecessor implies I have the job. 283 00:30:57,833 --> 00:31:01,499 Unfοrtunately, I don't. Not yet. Though I am hopeful. 284 00:31:01,583 --> 00:31:05,415 They are letting me look after the library. For a stipend. 285 00:31:05,500 --> 00:31:09,832 Hm. Uh, the officers who first checked didn't find any sort of 286 00:31:09,916 --> 00:31:14,082 farewell or suicide note. Εh, I was wondering if you... 287 00:31:14,708 --> 00:31:19,249 lf I happen to come across anything in the Capponi library stuffad in a 288 00:31:19,333 --> 00:31:23,165 drawer or book, I'll call you at once. -Thank you. 289 00:31:26,250 --> 00:31:30,457 You've been reassigned. 290 00:31:31,083 --> 00:31:35,249 Pardon? -You were on the II Mostro case. 291 00:31:35,750 --> 00:31:39,290 Yes, that's right. -Now you're on this. This is much less 292 00:31:39,375 --> 00:31:43,457 grand a case, I would think. -Well, if I thought of my work in 293 00:31:43,541 --> 00:31:47,665 those terms, yes, I guess I'd agree. -A missing person. 294 00:31:49,208 --> 00:31:52,749 Sorry? -Were you unfairly dismissed from the 295 00:31:52,833 --> 00:31:56,499 grander case or did you deserve it? 296 00:31:59,750 --> 00:32:04,249 Regarding this one, Doctor Fell are the Signore's personal effacts 297 00:32:04,333 --> 00:32:08,582 still at the Palazzo? -Mm-hm. Packed neatly in 4 cases 298 00:32:09,083 --> 00:32:13,457 with an inventory. Alas no note. 299 00:32:13,541 --> 00:32:15,624 Mmh. 300 00:32:15,916 --> 00:32:21,124 Well, I'll send someone over to pick them up. Thank you. 301 00:32:31,000 --> 00:32:32,957 Hey, thanks. 302 00:32:34,500 --> 00:32:38,165 How's it goin'? Any leads? -Yeah, they're all leads. 303 00:32:38,250 --> 00:32:41,957 They just don't lead to him. 304 00:32:44,750 --> 00:32:49,040 How do you live with this stuff. -Oh, God. 305 00:32:49,125 --> 00:32:53,249 This is from the Guinness Book of Worldrecords, congratulating me on 306 00:32:53,333 --> 00:32:56,957 being "The Female F.B.I. Agent Who Has Shot and Killed the Most People." 307 00:33:19,250 --> 00:33:22,832 Geoffrey, would you excuse me, please? 308 00:33:22,916 --> 00:33:24,957 Sure. 309 00:33:50,875 --> 00:33:54,957 Dear Clarice: I have followed with enthusiasm the course of your 310 00:33:55,041 --> 00:33:59,124 disgrace and public shaming. My own never bothered me, 311 00:33:59,208 --> 00:34:03,082 except for the inconvenience of being incarcerated. 312 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:07,332 But you may lack perspective. In our discussions down in the dungeon, 313 00:34:07,666 --> 00:34:12,165 it was apparent to me that your father, the dead night watchman, 314 00:34:12,666 --> 00:34:17,665 figures largely in your value system. 315 00:34:17,875 --> 00:34:21,624 To end James Gumb's career as a couturier 316 00:34:21,708 --> 00:34:25,624 pleased you most because you could imagine your father being pleased. 317 00:34:25,708 --> 00:34:29,707 But now, alas, you're in bad odor with the F.B.I. 318 00:34:29,791 --> 00:34:33,707 Do you imagine your daddy being shamed by your disgrace? Do you see him 319 00:34:33,791 --> 00:34:37,624 in his plain pine box, crushed by your failure? 320 00:34:37,708 --> 00:34:41,457 The sorry, petty end of a promising career? 321 00:34:41,541 --> 00:34:45,624 What is worst about this humiliation, Clarice? 322 00:34:45,708 --> 00:34:49,499 Is it how your failure will reflect on your mommy and daddy? 323 00:34:49,583 --> 00:34:53,665 Is your worst fear that people will now and forever believe they were 324 00:34:53,750 --> 00:34:58,207 indeed just good old trailer camp, tornado-bait, white trash? 325 00:34:58,291 --> 00:35:02,040 And that perhaps you are, too? Hm? 326 00:35:03,708 --> 00:35:08,540 By the way, I couldn't help noticing on the F.B.I.'s rather dull public 327 00:35:08,625 --> 00:35:12,374 web site that I have been hoisted from the Bureau's archives of the common 328 00:35:12,458 --> 00:35:16,749 criminal and elevated to the more prestigious Ten Most Wanted list. 329 00:35:17,500 --> 00:35:21,832 Is this coincidence, or are you back on the case? lf so, goody goody, 330 00:35:22,333 --> 00:35:26,374 'cause I need to come out of retirement 331 00:35:26,458 --> 00:35:30,290 and return to public lifo. I imagine 332 00:35:30,375 --> 00:35:34,832 you sitting in a dark basement room, bent over papers and computer screens. 333 00:35:35,625 --> 00:35:39,707 Is that accurate? Please tell me truly, 334 00:35:39,791 --> 00:35:42,332 Special Agent Starling. 335 00:35:42,416 --> 00:35:46,957 Regards, your old pal, Hannibal Lecter, M. D. 336 00:35:47,041 --> 00:35:51,749 P.S. Clearly this new assignment is not your choice. 337 00:35:51,833 --> 00:35:56,749 Rather, I suppose, it is part of the bargain. But you accepted it, Clarice. 338 00:35:57,375 --> 00:36:01,457 Your job is to craft my doom. So I am not sure how well I should wish you, 339 00:36:01,541 --> 00:36:06,082 but I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. 340 00:36:06,375 --> 00:36:10,290 Ta-ta. H. 341 00:36:16,166 --> 00:36:21,124 On the letter there's one partial fingerprint, here. Not enough... 342 00:36:21,916 --> 00:36:26,082 Well, I know it's him. Where he was when he wrote it is what I need. 343 00:36:26,166 --> 00:36:30,249 Well, the paper isn't gonna help. And, yes, it's linen fiber, yes, 344 00:36:30,333 --> 00:36:34,415 it's on the expensive side but, no, it isn't so rare that you're not gonna be 345 00:36:34,500 --> 00:36:39,582 able to find it in a 1000 stationery stores throughout the world. Same with 346 00:36:39,666 --> 00:36:43,749 the ink. And the same with the wax. And your Las Vegas postmark, well you 347 00:36:43,833 --> 00:36:48,165 can check it out, but I'll bet a buck it came from a remailing service. 348 00:36:48,250 --> 00:36:53,457 No. It would be the last place he'd be. An assauIt on his sense of taste. 349 00:37:00,291 --> 00:37:04,332 Don't you foel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? 350 00:37:04,416 --> 00:37:08,499 I hardly see how you couldn't. And don't your eyes move over 351 00:37:08,583 --> 00:37:12,749 the things you want? -All right, then tell me how... 352 00:37:13,333 --> 00:37:17,874 No. It's your turn to tell me. You don't have any more vacations to sell. 353 00:37:22,166 --> 00:37:26,457 Quid pro quo, Clarice. I tell you things, you tell me things. 354 00:37:26,541 --> 00:37:30,915 Not about this case. About yourself. Quid pro quo. 355 00:37:31,375 --> 00:37:34,499 Yes or no, Clarice? 356 00:37:46,041 --> 00:37:48,124 Handcream. 357 00:37:49,708 --> 00:37:53,332 Raw ambergris base. 358 00:37:53,416 --> 00:37:56,499 Tennessee lavender. 359 00:37:57,083 --> 00:38:00,999 Trace of something else. 360 00:38:01,083 --> 00:38:04,874 Fleece. Lovely. -What's ambergris? 361 00:38:06,458 --> 00:38:10,707 Ambergris is a whale product. Alas, much as we'd like to, 362 00:38:10,791 --> 00:38:14,749 we'd can't import it. Εndangered Species Act. 363 00:38:14,833 --> 00:38:19,374 Where isn't it illegal? -Japan, of course. Couple of places in 364 00:38:19,500 --> 00:38:24,665 Εurope. You'd almost certainly find it somewhere in Paris, Rome, Amsterdam. 365 00:38:25,125 --> 00:38:29,082 Maybe London. -This bouquet was hand engineered 366 00:38:29,166 --> 00:38:32,957 to someone's specifications. -Is there any way of knowing where? 367 00:38:33,041 --> 00:38:37,749 Of course. We'll give you a list. It'll be short 368 00:38:49,041 --> 00:38:52,874 I need opera tickets. -I don't think I got any on me. 369 00:38:52,958 --> 00:38:56,915 It's sold out, whatever it's called. 370 00:38:57,000 --> 00:39:01,332 It's the pretty young wifo with the ever-open break who needs tickets. 371 00:39:09,666 --> 00:39:11,665 Benetti. -What? 372 00:39:11,750 --> 00:39:16,540 Rewind it. -I can't rewind it. I'm making a copy. 373 00:39:27,625 --> 00:39:31,165 What is this? -Security camera from a perfume-shop 374 00:39:31,250 --> 00:39:34,832 on Via Della Scala. F.B.I. through Interpol requested a copy. 375 00:39:34,916 --> 00:39:38,249 Why? -They didn't say. 376 00:39:38,333 --> 00:39:41,999 They didn't say? -No. It was actually kind of weird, 377 00:39:42,083 --> 00:39:46,540 like they were making a point not to say. 378 00:41:28,625 --> 00:41:33,040 Are we going to the opera? -Yes. Sorry. 379 00:41:33,125 --> 00:41:36,332 Yes, we are going. -You got tickets. 380 00:41:36,416 --> 00:41:40,665 No, but I will. In fact, I was just about to look here. 381 00:41:40,750 --> 00:41:45,707 Please not the back row. I would like to see it this time. 382 00:41:46,583 --> 00:41:50,915 Nowhere near the back row. No matter what the cost. 383 00:43:00,708 --> 00:43:03,832 Hannibal Lecter 384 00:43:59,708 --> 00:44:03,790 Tell me, Clarice, would you wamt to harm those who have forced you 385 00:44:03,875 --> 00:44:07,374 to consider it, though? It's perfectly okay to feel this. 386 00:44:09,458 --> 00:44:13,624 It's perfoctly au naturel to want to taste the enemy. 387 00:44:17,791 --> 00:44:21,957 It just foels so good. Tell me Clarice, what is your worst 388 00:44:29,250 --> 00:44:32,790 memory of childhood? -Jesus, Starling! 389 00:44:32,875 --> 00:44:36,790 Can I help you, Mr. Krendler? -What you doing there in the dark? 390 00:44:36,875 --> 00:44:40,832 Thinkin' about cannibalism. -People in Justice are thinking, too. 391 00:44:40,916 --> 00:44:45,124 They're thinking, what is she doing? -Aren't you curious why he dines on 392 00:44:45,208 --> 00:44:49,290 his victims? What's the point? Are you writing 393 00:44:49,375 --> 00:44:53,457 a book or you catching a crook? -To show his contempt for those who 394 00:44:53,541 --> 00:44:57,624 exasperate him. Or sometimes to perfοrm a public service. In the case 395 00:44:57,708 --> 00:45:01,790 of the flutist, Benjamin Raspail, he did it to improve the sound of the 396 00:45:01,875 --> 00:45:05,957 BaItimore Philharmonic Orchestra, serving the flute player's sweetbreads 397 00:45:06,041 --> 00:45:10,165 to the board with a nice Montrachet at seven hundred dollars a bottle. 398 00:45:14,583 --> 00:45:19,207 That meal began with green oysters from the Gironde, followed by the 399 00:45:19,583 --> 00:45:23,665 sweetbreads, a sorbet, and then you can read here in Gourmet Cuisine: 400 00:45:23,750 --> 00:45:28,415 A notable dark and glossy ragout, the constituents never determined. 401 00:45:28,500 --> 00:45:32,332 I always figured him fοr a queer. -Why would you say that, Paul? 402 00:45:32,416 --> 00:45:36,874 Well, all this artsy-fartsy stuff. Chamber music, tea party food. 403 00:45:36,958 --> 00:45:42,124 Not that I mean anything personal if you've got a lot of sympathy. 404 00:45:44,375 --> 00:45:49,415 What I came here to impress upon you, Starling, is I better see cooperation. 405 00:45:49,625 --> 00:45:54,249 There are no little fiefdoms here. I want to be copied on every 302! 406 00:45:54,333 --> 00:45:57,999 Mm-hm. -lf you work with me, 407 00:45:58,083 --> 00:46:02,624 then your so-called career here might improve. 408 00:46:02,708 --> 00:46:06,665 lf you don't, then all I have to do is draw a line through your name 409 00:46:06,750 --> 00:46:11,957 rather than under it and it's over. 410 00:46:12,125 --> 00:46:16,207 Paul, what is it with you? I told you to go 411 00:46:16,291 --> 00:46:20,665 home to your wife. That was wrong? -Don't flatter yourself, Starling. 412 00:46:20,791 --> 00:46:25,707 That was a long time ago. Why would l hold that against you? Hm? 413 00:46:27,791 --> 00:46:32,582 And besides this town is full of corn-pone country pussy. 414 00:46:33,708 --> 00:46:37,790 That said I wouldn't mind having a go with you right now, 415 00:46:37,875 --> 00:46:41,499 if you want to reconsider. -In the gym, anytime. 416 00:46:41,583 --> 00:46:44,457 No pads. 417 00:46:47,208 --> 00:46:51,999 Is it went out with the regular mail? -No, I overnighted it to you. 418 00:46:52,083 --> 00:46:56,165 I filled out the slip myself. This was the day after your request. 419 00:46:56,250 --> 00:47:01,165 I don't understand what happened. I think you should have it by now. 420 00:47:01,250 --> 00:47:05,332 I don't. Can you send me another one? -Sure. I will make another copy. 421 00:47:05,416 --> 00:47:09,624 Agent Clarice? Is that right? Can I call you Clarice? 422 00:47:10,166 --> 00:47:14,415 Uh, Agent Starling. I'd appreciate it. Uh, what's your name? 423 00:47:14,500 --> 00:47:18,999 Oh, my name is Franco Benetti. -Thank you very much, Agent Benetti. 424 00:47:20,000 --> 00:47:24,207 Okay. So I'll send you tomorrow? -All right. Bye-bye. 425 00:47:26,291 --> 00:47:29,790 Nothin', huh? -Oh, nothin' yet. Still waitin' 426 00:47:29,875 --> 00:47:33,624 on Florence and London. 427 00:48:07,750 --> 00:48:12,124 The number you have dialed is not in service at this time. 428 00:48:36,291 --> 00:48:40,499 Yes? Hello? -I have information about Lecter. 429 00:48:41,916 --> 00:48:45,749 Have you shared your infοrmation with the police, sir? 430 00:48:45,833 --> 00:48:49,540 I'm required to encourage you to do so. -Uh-huh. 431 00:48:49,625 --> 00:48:53,457 Is the reward payable under special circumstances? 432 00:48:53,541 --> 00:48:57,124 May I suggest you contact an attorney before taking any possibly 433 00:48:57,208 --> 00:49:01,290 illegal action? There's one in Geneva who is excellent in these matters. 434 00:49:01,375 --> 00:49:05,249 May I give you his toll-free number? The number is: 435 00:49:05,333 --> 00:49:09,999 0-0-4-1 -2-2-3-1 -7. 436 00:49:30,708 --> 00:49:34,499 Hello. -I was just speaking with someone... 437 00:49:34,583 --> 00:49:38,665 There's a one hundred thousand dollar advance. To qualify fοr the advance, 438 00:49:38,750 --> 00:49:42,582 a fingerprint must be provided, in situ, on an object. 439 00:49:42,666 --> 00:49:46,749 Once the print has been positively, the money will be placed in escrow at 440 00:49:46,833 --> 00:49:51,540 Geneve Credit Suisse and may be viewed at any time subject to 24 hour prior 441 00:49:51,625 --> 00:49:55,165 notification. To repeat the message in French, press two. 442 00:49:55,250 --> 00:49:59,415 In Spanish press three. In German.. 443 00:50:26,208 --> 00:50:30,040 Buon giorno. Doctor Fell? It's Inspector Pazzi. 444 00:50:30,125 --> 00:50:34,665 Yes, I can see you. Come on up. 445 00:50:45,708 --> 00:50:48,207 Doctor Fell? 446 00:50:53,000 --> 00:50:55,082 Hello? 447 00:50:59,541 --> 00:51:11,207 Doctor Fell? 448 00:51:11,916 --> 00:51:14,332 Hello? 449 00:51:27,000 --> 00:51:29,415 Snap. 450 00:51:29,500 --> 00:51:34,290 I should have encouraged you to bring someone along. The cases are heavy. 451 00:51:34,375 --> 00:51:37,415 Maybe you could help me with them. -Hm? 452 00:51:37,500 --> 00:51:40,999 Εh, just down the stairs, I mean. 453 00:51:42,291 --> 00:51:44,749 Yeah. This way. 454 00:51:47,416 --> 00:51:50,874 Here we are. 455 00:51:53,125 --> 00:51:57,165 Is that the inventory? -Yes. 456 00:51:57,583 --> 00:52:01,415 May I see it? -Of course. 457 00:52:10,375 --> 00:52:14,832 You are a Pazzi of the Pazzi family, I think. 458 00:52:16,625 --> 00:52:20,957 Wasn't it at the Palazzo Vecchio your ancestor was hanged? 459 00:52:21,041 --> 00:52:25,415 Francesco de Pazzi? Yes, thrown naked with a noose around his neck 460 00:52:25,500 --> 00:52:29,999 from a window writhing and kicking alongside the archbishop against 461 00:52:30,083 --> 00:52:33,165 the cold stone wall. 462 00:52:33,250 --> 00:52:37,332 In fact, I fοund a very nice rendering of it here in the 463 00:52:37,416 --> 00:52:41,499 library the other day. lf you like, perhaps I could, uh, 464 00:52:41,583 --> 00:52:45,707 sneak it out fοr you. -I would think that might jeopardize 465 00:52:45,791 --> 00:52:49,915 your chances for permanent appointment to the curatorship. 466 00:52:50,541 --> 00:52:53,582 Only if you told. 467 00:52:53,666 --> 00:52:57,540 Remind me, what was his crime? -He was accused of killing 468 00:52:57,625 --> 00:53:01,124 Giuliano de Medici. -Oh. Unjustly? 469 00:53:01,208 --> 00:53:05,790 No. No. I don't think so. -Then he wasn't just accused. 470 00:53:06,083 --> 00:53:09,874 He did it, he was guiIty. I think that would make living in Florence 471 00:53:09,958 --> 00:53:14,624 with the name Pazzi uncomfortable even five hundred years later. 472 00:53:16,750 --> 00:53:20,790 Not really. In fact, I can't remember the last time 473 00:53:20,875 --> 00:53:26,082 before today someone brought it up. 474 00:53:34,250 --> 00:53:37,790 People don't always tell you what they're thinking. 475 00:53:37,875 --> 00:53:42,332 They just see to it you don't advance in lifo. 476 00:53:46,708 --> 00:53:51,540 I'm sorry, Commendatore. I too often say what I'm thinking. 477 00:53:54,250 --> 00:53:57,832 I'll be right back to help you. 478 00:54:10,541 --> 00:54:15,540 You know, the room you're standing in was buiIt in the fifteenth century. 479 00:54:15,625 --> 00:54:18,540 It's beautiful. 480 00:54:18,625 --> 00:54:22,957 Yes, it is. Unfortunately, I think the heating system was installed 481 00:54:23,166 --> 00:54:27,707 about the same time. 482 00:54:27,791 --> 00:54:32,124 That's a pity. -Yes. 483 00:54:32,458 --> 00:54:36,707 Okey-dokey, let's drag these down. 484 00:54:36,791 --> 00:54:41,332 They must be as heavy as bodies. 485 00:55:13,958 --> 00:55:15,957 Hey. -Yeah! 486 00:55:16,041 --> 00:55:18,165 How much is this? -Fifty thousand. 487 00:55:18,250 --> 00:55:21,332 I'll take it. 488 00:55:43,750 --> 00:55:45,832 Gnocco. 489 00:55:52,166 --> 00:55:57,207 When you go for his wallet, he'll catch you by the wrist. 490 00:55:57,291 --> 00:56:02,165 I've done this a fow times. -Not like this. 491 00:56:02,250 --> 00:56:06,207 lf there isn't a clean print on the bracelet you'll spend the summer 492 00:56:06,416 --> 00:56:09,874 in a cell at the Sollicciano. 493 00:56:11,375 --> 00:56:16,124 Give me the bracelet. -Wash your fucking hands. 494 00:56:26,750 --> 00:56:28,999 He's coming. 495 00:58:18,000 --> 00:58:20,457 I got it. 496 00:58:25,666 --> 00:58:29,249 He grabbed me just right. 497 00:58:31,041 --> 00:58:36,082 Tried to hit me in the balls. 498 00:58:37,541 --> 00:58:41,749 But he missed. 499 00:58:44,458 --> 00:58:48,165 Let me help you. -No, don't. 500 00:59:44,708 --> 00:59:48,957 Sixteen point match, Mister Verger. 501 00:59:49,041 --> 00:59:50,624 Bingo. 502 01:00:08,416 --> 01:00:11,332 Pronto. -Carlo? 503 01:00:11,416 --> 01:00:14,540 Mason? -Ciao, bello. Come stai? 504 01:00:14,625 --> 01:00:18,999 Uh, oh, oh, well, well, well. Am I coming to see you? 505 01:00:19,083 --> 01:00:22,582 Oh, yes, soon, I hope. 506 01:00:22,750 --> 01:00:26,624 But, uh...well, first I need you to pack off the boys. Yes, I know, 507 01:00:26,708 --> 01:00:30,790 the day you never thought would arrive has. Now, Cordell will fax 508 01:00:30,875 --> 01:00:34,957 the veterinary forms directly to Animal and Plant HeaIth 509 01:00:35,041 --> 01:00:39,707 but you need to get the vet affidavits from Sardinia. 510 01:00:39,791 --> 01:00:43,207 Yeah. Va bene? -Uh-huh, bene, bene. 511 01:00:43,500 --> 01:00:48,124 Uh, how are they? Ah, they are big, Mason. Very big. 512 01:00:48,208 --> 01:00:51,499 Tommaso! 513 01:00:54,458 --> 01:00:58,624 Say again? -They are big, Mason. Really big. 514 01:00:59,458 --> 01:01:03,415 Maybe twohundred and seventy kilos. -Oh, wow! 515 01:01:04,208 --> 01:01:07,790 Can you hear? 516 01:01:18,000 --> 01:01:21,624 Oh, they sound fantastic! 517 01:01:28,000 --> 01:01:31,874 Oh, super! 518 01:02:06,500 --> 01:02:10,249 The full balance of the money is payable upon receiptof the doctor 519 01:02:10,333 --> 01:02:14,499 alive. Of course, you won't have to seize him yourself. Rather just point 520 01:02:14,583 --> 01:02:18,665 him out. In fact, it's preforable to all concerned if that's the extent 521 01:02:18,750 --> 01:02:22,915 of your involvement from this point. 522 01:02:23,000 --> 01:02:27,040 I prefer to stay involved. To make sure things go right. 523 01:02:27,541 --> 01:02:32,582 Professionals will see to that. -I am a professional. 524 01:04:56,583 --> 01:05:00,832 You enjoy the performance? -Oh, very much. 525 01:05:00,916 --> 01:05:05,290 Um, Allegra, this is Doctor Fell, curator of the Capponi Library. 526 01:05:05,583 --> 01:05:10,457 Signora Pazzi. I'm honored. -Are you from America, Doctor? 527 01:05:10,541 --> 01:05:15,040 Not originally. I've traveled there. -I've always wanted to visit. 528 01:05:15,125 --> 01:05:19,874 New Εngland, especially. -I've enjoyed excellent meals there. 529 01:05:20,166 --> 01:05:24,874 You wrapped up in the libretto. I thought this might amuse you. 530 01:05:29,125 --> 01:05:33,624 Dante's sonnet from La Vita Nuova. -Mm-hm. It's beautiful. 531 01:05:34,250 --> 01:05:38,624 Rinaldo, look at this. -Oh, yes, I can see. 532 01:05:38,708 --> 01:05:43,624 "Joyous Love seemed to me, the while he held my heart in his hands 533 01:05:44,916 --> 01:05:49,457 and in his arms my lady lay asleep wrapped in a veil." 534 01:05:51,541 --> 01:05:55,665 "He woke her then and trembling and obedient, she ate that burning heart 535 01:05:55,750 --> 01:06:00,290 out of his hand. Weeping, I saw him then depart from me." 536 01:06:00,666 --> 01:06:04,749 Doctor Fell, do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman 537 01:06:04,833 --> 01:06:08,624 from a single encounter? -Could he daily foel a stab of hunger 538 01:06:09,166 --> 01:06:13,374 fοr her and find nourishment in the very sight of her? 539 01:06:14,375 --> 01:06:18,582 I think so. But would she see through the bars of his plight 540 01:06:19,083 --> 01:06:22,624 and ache for him? Please keep that. 541 01:06:22,708 --> 01:06:26,707 Oh, I couldn't. -I insist. 542 01:06:26,791 --> 01:06:29,915 Commendatore. Allegra. 543 01:06:33,375 --> 01:06:35,374 Ciao. -Ciao. 544 01:06:35,458 --> 01:06:39,457 Uh, good-bye. -Let's get something to eat. 545 01:06:39,541 --> 01:06:43,624 Of course. -Why not? 546 01:07:15,791 --> 01:07:18,999 Is that you, Doctor? 547 01:08:07,291 --> 01:08:10,832 Questura. Pandolfini. -Chief Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi please. 548 01:08:10,916 --> 01:08:15,249 Agent Starling, American F.B.I. -All right. Εh, one moment. 549 01:08:17,291 --> 01:08:21,499 Pazzi! F.B.I. -I'm not here! 550 01:08:25,750 --> 01:08:29,749 Pazzi. -Inspector Pazzi, Agent Starling, 551 01:08:29,833 --> 01:08:33,415 F.B.I. How do you do? -I was just leaving fοr the day. 552 01:08:33,500 --> 01:08:37,165 Can I call you back tomorrow? -Oh, this won't take long. 553 01:08:37,250 --> 01:08:41,832 First of all, I'd like to thank you for sending us the security tape. 554 01:08:41,916 --> 01:08:45,624 When I say you, I mean your department. Agent Benetti. 555 01:08:45,708 --> 01:08:50,457 Is he there? Can I speak with him? -I'm sorry, he's gone home. 556 01:08:50,708 --> 01:08:54,415 Oh, that's all right. I should tell you this rather than him anyway. 557 01:08:54,500 --> 01:08:58,457 I'm late for an important appointment. -Well, the person I'm looking for, 558 01:08:58,541 --> 01:09:03,374 Inspector, who was indeed shown on that tape, is Hannibal Lecter. 559 01:09:03,458 --> 01:09:07,082 Who? -Doctor Hannibal Lecter. Never heard? 560 01:09:07,166 --> 01:09:10,457 Umm, uh, I'm not familiar. -And the tape confirms 561 01:09:10,541 --> 01:09:14,749 that he is, or was recently, in Florence. 562 01:09:14,958 --> 01:09:18,499 Oh, really? -He's a very dangerous man, Inspector. 563 01:09:18,583 --> 01:09:22,957 He's killed 1 4 people that we know of. -I really have to go, Miss, uh, eh? 564 01:09:23,208 --> 01:09:27,749 Starling. Just another minute. Are you sure you've never heard of him? 565 01:09:27,833 --> 01:09:31,207 No, I haven't. -I'm confused, because someone there 566 01:09:31,291 --> 01:09:35,374 has been accessing our private VlCAP files on Doctor Lecter with some 567 01:09:35,458 --> 01:09:39,624 regularity on your computer. -Εverybody uses everybody's computer 568 01:09:40,541 --> 01:09:44,624 here. Maybe one of the detectives on II Mostro was looking at profiles 569 01:09:44,708 --> 01:09:48,582 of killers... -I'm speaking about the computer 570 01:09:48,666 --> 01:09:53,165 at your home, sir. You're trying to catch him yourself, aren't you? 571 01:09:53,750 --> 01:09:57,832 For the reward. I cannot warn you strongly enough against that. 572 01:09:57,916 --> 01:10:01,999 He killed three policemen down in Memphis while in custody, 573 01:10:02,083 --> 01:10:06,207 tearing the face off one of them, and he will kill you, too, if... 574 01:10:38,166 --> 01:10:41,665 Yes? -I want him out of Tuscany fast. 575 01:10:41,750 --> 01:10:45,832 Believe me he'll be gone from the face of the Εarth fast. 576 01:10:45,916 --> 01:10:48,374 Feet first. 577 01:11:07,041 --> 01:11:10,999 Because of his avarice and his betrayal of the Εmperor's trust 578 01:11:11,083 --> 01:11:15,457 Pier della Vigna was disgraced, blinded and imprisoned. 579 01:11:15,875 --> 01:11:20,040 Dante's pilgrim finds Pier della Vigna on the seventh level of the Inferno, 580 01:11:20,166 --> 01:11:24,582 and like Judas Iscariot, he died by hanging. 581 01:11:24,666 --> 01:11:28,749 So Judas and Pier della Vigna are linked in Dante by the avarice he saw 582 01:11:28,833 --> 01:11:32,915 in them. In fact, avarice and hanging are linked in the medieval mind. 583 01:11:33,000 --> 01:11:37,082 Now this was the earliest known depiction of the Crucifixion, 584 01:11:37,166 --> 01:11:41,249 carved on an ivory box in Gaul about A.D. fοur hundred. 585 01:11:41,333 --> 01:11:45,665 It includes the death by hanging of Judas, his face upturned to the 586 01:11:46,083 --> 01:11:50,165 branch that suspends him. Here he is again on the doors 587 01:11:50,250 --> 01:11:54,332 of the Benevento Cathedral, 588 01:11:54,416 --> 01:11:58,540 this time with his bowels falling out. 589 01:11:58,875 --> 01:12:02,707 Ah, Commendatore Pazzi. -It wasn't easy, but I got 590 01:12:03,041 --> 01:12:07,249 this number without tellin' 'em why. -Sorry. 591 01:12:07,333 --> 01:12:11,665 Not at all. Welcome. Please join us. 592 01:12:11,750 --> 01:12:15,624 Now, in this plate from the fifteenth century edition of the Inforno, 593 01:12:15,708 --> 01:12:19,790 Pier della Vigna's body hangs from a bleeding tree. I will not belabor the 594 01:12:19,875 --> 01:12:23,957 obvious parallel with Judas Iscariot, but Dante Alighieri 595 01:12:24,041 --> 01:12:28,124 needed no drawn illustration. It was his genius to make Pier della Vigna, 596 01:12:28,208 --> 01:12:32,540 now in hell speak in strained hisses and coughing sibilants as though 597 01:12:32,875 --> 01:12:36,957 he is hanging still. 598 01:12:37,041 --> 01:12:40,624 Come l'aItre verrem per nostre spoglie. 599 01:12:40,791 --> 01:12:43,749 Ma no pero ch'alcuna sen rivesta. 600 01:12:44,000 --> 01:12:48,957 Che non e giusto aver cio ch'om si toglie. Que le strascineremo, 601 01:12:49,041 --> 01:12:53,374 e per la mesta selva saranno i nostri corpi appesi. 602 01:12:54,666 --> 01:12:58,832 Ciascuno al prun de l'ombra sua molesta. 603 01:12:59,916 --> 01:13:03,832 Avarice, hanging, self-destruction. 604 01:13:04,333 --> 01:13:07,999 lo fei guibbetto a me de le mie case. 605 01:13:08,083 --> 01:13:12,582 I make my own home be my gallows. 606 01:13:14,708 --> 01:13:19,249 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your kind attention. 607 01:13:34,000 --> 01:13:37,582 I'm not a scholar, but I think you've got the job. 608 01:13:37,666 --> 01:13:41,207 Thank you. -May I buy you a drink? 609 01:13:41,291 --> 01:13:45,457 Fine. I'll gathering my things. -Oh, well, take your time. 610 01:13:55,208 --> 01:13:59,040 Yeah? -Allegra, I'll be home just a little 611 01:13:59,125 --> 01:14:04,249 later than I said. I'm taking Doctor Fell out for a drink. Yes. 612 01:14:04,625 --> 01:14:09,415 Yeah. I can see the people coming out now. 613 01:14:10,875 --> 01:14:15,165 Yes, bye, honey. My wifo. -Of course. 614 01:14:17,125 --> 01:14:21,749 Oh, I should have shown them this one. I can't imagine how I missed it. 615 01:14:21,833 --> 01:14:26,082 I told you about it. It's a rendering I fοund in the Capponi library. 616 01:14:26,916 --> 01:14:30,790 Can you make it out? There's a name there. 617 01:14:32,125 --> 01:14:35,999 The one I told you about? 618 01:14:47,041 --> 01:14:52,040 It's your ancestor, Commendatore, hanging beneath these very windows. 619 01:14:52,125 --> 01:14:55,165 Francesco de Pazzi. 620 01:14:55,250 --> 01:14:58,957 On a related subject, I must confoss to you 621 01:14:59,041 --> 01:15:02,540 I'm giving very serious thought 622 01:15:07,541 --> 01:15:10,874 to eating your wife. 623 01:15:43,291 --> 01:15:47,374 So I'll ask you the questions 624 01:15:47,458 --> 01:15:52,582 and then we'll see, all right? 625 01:15:52,875 --> 01:15:54,957 Okay? 626 01:16:10,166 --> 01:16:14,415 Now, was it Mason Verger you sold me to? 627 01:16:14,958 --> 01:16:18,790 No, no, no. Blink twice for yes, once fοr no. 628 01:16:18,875 --> 01:16:22,999 Was it Mason Verger you sold me to? 629 01:16:23,083 --> 01:16:27,582 Yes? Good. Thank you. And are his men waiting fοr me outside? 630 01:16:29,958 --> 01:16:34,207 Was that a single blink? Oh, you're confused. Well, please 631 01:16:34,291 --> 01:16:39,249 don't be confused, because I may have to fillet Signora Pazzi after all. 632 01:16:41,041 --> 01:16:44,999 Have you told anyone in the Questura about me? 633 01:16:45,083 --> 01:16:49,665 No, I thought not. Have you told Allegra? 634 01:16:53,291 --> 01:16:56,374 No? You sure? 635 01:16:56,916 --> 01:17:00,082 I believe you. 636 01:17:01,416 --> 01:17:05,290 Okey-dokey, here we go. 637 01:17:10,250 --> 01:17:12,332 Okay. 638 01:17:13,000 --> 01:17:16,832 Your heart is really palpitating. Oh, it's not your heart. 639 01:17:17,666 --> 01:17:21,082 Well, shall I answer it? 640 01:17:23,583 --> 01:17:27,124 Pronto. -I've spoken to your section chief. 641 01:17:27,208 --> 01:17:31,957 Someday you'll thank me, or you won't. I don't care. You'll be alive. 642 01:17:32,125 --> 01:17:36,707 Inspector Pazzi? -Is this Clarice? 643 01:17:37,958 --> 01:17:42,957 Well, hello, Clarice. I'm afraid I have bad news fοr you. 644 01:17:43,041 --> 01:17:46,582 Is he dead? -Did you get my note? I hope you liked 645 01:17:46,666 --> 01:17:50,874 the skin cream. I had it specially... -Is he dead, Doctor Lecter? 646 01:17:50,958 --> 01:17:55,040 Clarice, there's nothing in this world that I would love more than to be able 647 01:17:55,125 --> 01:17:59,207 to chat with you. Unfοrtunately, you've caught me at an awkward moment. 648 01:17:59,291 --> 01:18:03,415 Please fοrgive me. See you around. 649 01:18:04,583 --> 01:18:07,957 An old friend. 650 01:18:10,625 --> 01:18:13,790 Okay, hold on. 651 01:18:13,875 --> 01:18:16,707 Here we go. 652 01:18:47,916 --> 01:18:52,790 I'll go around back! Cut him! Kill him if you have to! 653 01:18:55,000 --> 01:19:00,040 So, what's it to be? Bowels in or bowels out? Like Judas. 654 01:19:01,666 --> 01:19:06,332 Are you confused? Then I'll decide for you, if you'll permit me. 655 01:19:08,541 --> 01:19:10,874 Ciao. 656 01:20:10,500 --> 01:20:17,624 Carlo! 657 01:20:17,708 --> 01:20:19,790 Yes? 658 01:20:19,875 --> 01:20:22,332 Good evening. 659 01:21:28,333 --> 01:21:30,499 Cordell, 660 01:21:31,541 --> 01:21:35,707 to you, does that look like a wave good-bye 661 01:21:35,791 --> 01:21:40,082 or hello? 662 01:22:25,666 --> 01:22:29,457 So, what do you think? Does Lecter want to 663 01:22:30,416 --> 01:22:34,624 fuck her or kill her or eat her or what? -Probably all three, 664 01:22:35,333 --> 01:22:39,832 though I wouldn't want to predict in what order. 665 01:22:40,416 --> 01:22:45,040 Here's what I think. No matter how Barney might want to romanticize 666 01:22:46,458 --> 01:22:50,707 it or make it "Beauty and the Beast". 667 01:22:51,375 --> 01:22:56,499 Lecter's object, as I know from personal experience, 668 01:22:56,666 --> 01:23:01,249 has always been degradation and suffering, but.. 669 01:23:01,333 --> 01:23:06,540 Cordell, get this damn thing off me. I can't breathe in this thing. 670 01:23:07,916 --> 01:23:12,582 He comes in the guise of a mentor, as he did with me and her. 671 01:23:13,250 --> 01:23:18,415 But it's distress that excites him. 672 01:23:18,916 --> 01:23:23,582 To draw him she needs to be distressed. 673 01:23:27,833 --> 01:23:31,915 To make her attractive to him, let him see her distressed. 674 01:23:32,000 --> 01:23:37,165 Let the damage he sees suggest the damage 675 01:23:38,416 --> 01:23:42,374 he could do. 676 01:23:49,375 --> 01:23:54,249 When the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes a-runnin' 677 01:23:54,833 --> 01:23:58,332 but not to help. -I don't understand. 678 01:23:58,416 --> 01:24:02,499 Well, there's nothing to understand, Paul. All you have to understand is, 679 01:24:02,583 --> 01:24:06,332 is what it's worth to you. -No, no, I don't understand 680 01:24:06,416 --> 01:24:10,499 why she didn't turn this over. I mean, she's such a straight arrow. 681 01:24:10,583 --> 01:24:14,665 She didn't turn it over because she didn't receive it. She didn't 682 01:24:14,750 --> 01:24:18,832 receive it because it was never sent. It was never sent because Lecter 683 01:24:18,916 --> 01:24:23,332 didn't write it, because I did. -Oh! 684 01:24:26,333 --> 01:24:29,874 So, what do you think? -You'd have been better off if you 685 01:24:29,958 --> 01:24:34,040 never got her out of trouble. -Oh, woulda, shoulda, coulda! I meant, 686 01:24:34,125 --> 01:24:37,165 what do you think about the money? -Five. 687 01:24:37,250 --> 01:24:41,707 Ha! Oh, well, let's just toss it off, like "5". Let's say it 688 01:24:42,375 --> 01:24:46,915 with the respect it deserves. -Five hundred thousand dollars. 689 01:24:48,541 --> 01:24:53,165 That's better. Well, will it work? -It'll work. It won't be pretty. 690 01:24:55,125 --> 01:24:58,415 What ever is? 691 01:25:00,625 --> 01:25:05,499 Cocksucker. -I've never seen this before. 692 01:25:06,041 --> 01:25:10,040 Then how do you account for its being fοund in your office? Your basement. 693 01:25:10,125 --> 01:25:14,207 How do you want me to answer that? Let me ask you this: What possible 694 01:25:14,291 --> 01:25:18,874 reason might I have to withhold it? -Perhaps because of the content. 695 01:25:19,750 --> 01:25:24,040 Reads to me like a love letter. -Has it been tested fοr prints? 696 01:25:24,125 --> 01:25:27,707 No prints on it. Like the last one. -Handwriting analysis? 697 01:25:27,791 --> 01:25:31,999 "Did you ever think, Clarice, why the Philistines don't understand you? 698 01:25:32,083 --> 01:25:36,165 It's because you're the answer to Samson's riddle: You are the honey in 699 01:25:36,250 --> 01:25:40,082 the lion." It sounds like him to me. -Do you mean, like a homosexual? 700 01:25:40,166 --> 01:25:43,707 Like a nut with a crush. -Εxcuse me... 701 01:25:43,791 --> 01:25:48,832 I am placing you on administrative leave till Document Analysis tells me 702 01:25:48,958 --> 01:25:53,040 unequivocally a mistake's been made. You remain eligible for insurance and 703 01:25:53,125 --> 01:25:57,749 medical benefits. Surrender your weapons and your identification. 704 01:26:09,708 --> 01:26:14,499 I want to say something. I'm entitled. -Go ahead. 705 01:26:15,208 --> 01:26:19,124 I think Verger is trying to capture Dr. Lecter for the purposes of 706 01:26:19,208 --> 01:26:23,290 personal revenge. And Mr. Krendler is in collusion with him and wants the 707 01:26:23,375 --> 01:26:27,832 F.B.I.'s effοrts to work fοr Verger. I think he is being paid to do this. 708 01:26:27,916 --> 01:26:31,999 You're lucky you're not sworn here. -Swear me! You swear, too! 709 01:26:32,083 --> 01:26:36,165 Clarice, if the evidence is lacking, you'll be entitled to full 710 01:26:36,250 --> 01:26:40,457 reinstatement without prejudice. lf you don't do or say anything 711 01:26:40,583 --> 01:26:44,624 in the meantime that would make that impossible. 712 01:26:44,708 --> 01:26:48,790 Relieved of field duty pending an internal affairs into the charges, 713 01:26:48,875 --> 01:26:52,957 Agent Starling, began her career with an assignment to interview madman 714 01:26:53,041 --> 01:26:57,124 Hannibal Lecter. Εarlier today we heard comments from Justice Department 715 01:26:57,208 --> 01:27:01,290 spokesman Paul Krendler. -Mr. Krendler, can you comment the 716 01:27:01,375 --> 01:27:06,499 decision at this morning's meeting? -F.B.I. and Justice Department are 717 01:27:06,583 --> 01:27:10,540 looking carefully into the charges, and, yes, they're extremely serious. 718 01:27:10,625 --> 01:27:14,707 I'd like to add a personal note. Starling is one of the best agents 719 01:27:14,791 --> 01:27:18,707 that we have... No, no, no, no, no. Stay. Stay. 720 01:27:19,791 --> 01:27:23,874 Do you think that... -Look, it's much too soon 721 01:27:23,958 --> 01:27:27,332 to condemn her. Okay? 722 01:27:47,000 --> 01:27:50,249 Shh...shh...shh. 723 01:28:12,541 --> 01:28:15,249 Good boy. 724 01:28:27,333 --> 01:28:30,290 Ah, and this. 725 01:30:56,458 --> 01:31:00,874 I think she's nice. She's always been nice to me. Polite. 726 01:31:01,958 --> 01:31:05,999 Don't you think? -Do you know what a roller pigeon is? 727 01:31:06,083 --> 01:31:10,165 Roller pigeons climb high and fast, then roll over and 728 01:31:10,250 --> 01:31:14,415 fall just as fast towards the earth. There are shallow and deep rollers. 729 01:31:15,500 --> 01:31:19,624 But you can't breed two deep rollers, or their young, their offspring, 730 01:31:19,708 --> 01:31:24,832 will roll all the way down, hit and die. Agent Starling is a deep roller. 731 01:31:26,083 --> 01:31:30,665 Let's hope one of her parents was not. 732 01:32:58,333 --> 01:33:01,582 Hello? -The power on that battery is low. 733 01:33:01,666 --> 01:33:05,749 I would have changed it, but I didn't want to wake you. You're gonna have to 734 01:33:05,833 --> 01:33:09,915 use the other one, in the charger. Hopefully the light on it is green. 735 01:33:10,000 --> 01:33:14,082 This is gonna be a long call. Εven though you've been stripped of your 736 01:33:14,166 --> 01:33:18,332 duties, I know you wouldn't abandon them, you'll try to put on a trace. 737 01:33:18,416 --> 01:33:22,540 So, we'll disconnect long enough for you to exchange the battery. 738 01:33:22,625 --> 01:33:27,374 Shall we say...uh, three seconds? Are you ready? 739 01:33:27,458 --> 01:33:30,790 Yes. -Go. 740 01:33:34,750 --> 01:33:36,749 Very good. -Thank you. 741 01:33:36,833 --> 01:33:40,915 Remember, Clarice, if you get caught with a concealed, unlicensed firearm 742 01:33:41,000 --> 01:33:45,082 in the District of Columbia, the penaIty is pretty stiff. 743 01:33:45,166 --> 01:33:49,624 But bring the guns if you have to. Now get in your car. 744 01:34:23,125 --> 01:34:27,207 The reason we're doing it like this, Clarice, is because 745 01:34:27,291 --> 01:34:31,374 I like to watch you as we speak, with your eyes open. No, it 746 01:34:31,458 --> 01:34:36,290 does not excite me. It pleases me. You have very shapely feet. 747 01:34:39,708 --> 01:34:44,082 Where are we now? Call it out. -Massachusetts Avenue. 748 01:34:44,166 --> 01:34:48,249 Take it. -I thought, to begin with, 749 01:34:48,333 --> 01:34:51,874 you might tell me how you're feeling. -About what? 750 01:34:51,958 --> 01:34:56,040 The masters you serve and how they've treated you. Your career, 751 01:34:56,125 --> 01:35:00,457 such as it is. Your life, Clarice. -I thought we might talk about yours. 752 01:35:01,083 --> 01:35:04,665 What's the next cross street? -Capitol Street. 753 01:35:04,750 --> 01:35:09,457 In 2 blocks make a left into Union Station. Park. 754 01:35:09,541 --> 01:35:13,624 My lifo? What is there say about mine? I have been in a state of hibernation 755 01:35:13,708 --> 01:35:18,624 for some time. A little inactive. But now I'm back home. 756 01:35:19,666 --> 01:35:24,249 I'm very happy and very heaIthy. You, though, 757 01:35:24,333 --> 01:35:27,915 it's you I'm worried about. -I'm fine. 758 01:35:28,000 --> 01:35:31,915 No, you're certainly not fine. You fell in love with the Bureau, 759 01:35:32,000 --> 01:35:36,124 the institution, only to discover, after giving it everything you've got 760 01:35:36,208 --> 01:35:40,290 that it does not love you back. That, in fact, it resents you. Resents you 761 01:35:40,375 --> 01:35:44,915 more than the husband and children you gave up to it. Why is that, 762 01:35:45,000 --> 01:35:48,540 do you think? Why are you so resented? -Tell me. 763 01:35:49,625 --> 01:35:53,624 Tell you? God bless you. Well, isn't it clear? 764 01:35:55,458 --> 01:35:59,665 You serve the idea of order, Clarice. They don't. 765 01:36:00,958 --> 01:36:05,457 You believe in the oath you took. They don't. You feel it is your duty 766 01:36:05,541 --> 01:36:09,624 to protect the sheep. They don't. They don't like you because 767 01:36:09,708 --> 01:36:13,832 you're not like them. They hate you and they envy you. They're weak and 768 01:36:13,916 --> 01:36:18,624 unruly and believe in nothing. -Mason Verger wants to kill you. 769 01:36:18,708 --> 01:36:23,082 Turn yourself in to me, and I promise no one will hurt you. 770 01:36:23,166 --> 01:36:27,249 Will you stay with me in my prison cell and hold my hand, Clarice? 771 01:36:27,333 --> 01:36:31,165 We could have some fun. No, Verger does'nt want to kill me any more than 772 01:36:31,250 --> 01:36:35,874 I want to kill him. He just wants to see me suffer in an unimaginable way. 773 01:36:35,958 --> 01:36:40,082 He is rather twisted, you know. Have you had the pleasure of meeting him? 774 01:36:40,166 --> 01:36:43,290 I have. -Face to face, so to speak? 775 01:36:43,375 --> 01:36:46,707 Yes. -Attractive, isn't he? 776 01:36:47,500 --> 01:36:50,874 Doctor Lecter? Doctor Lecter? 777 01:36:53,000 --> 01:36:57,165 Okay, back to you. I want to know what it is you think you will do now that 778 01:36:57,583 --> 01:37:01,165 everything in the world you've ever cared about has been taken from you. 779 01:37:01,250 --> 01:37:04,915 I don't know, Doctor Lecter. -Tell me, Clarice. Do you think 780 01:37:05,000 --> 01:37:09,332 you'll work as a chambermaid at a motel on Route 66, 781 01:37:09,416 --> 01:37:12,499 just like your mommy? 782 01:37:21,375 --> 01:37:26,332 What do you think now? Are you paying attention to me, ex-Special Agent? 783 01:37:27,791 --> 01:37:32,457 Are you, by any chance, trying to trace my whereabouts? 784 01:37:35,708 --> 01:37:39,249 I'm being followed, Doctor Lecter. -I know. I've seen them. 785 01:37:39,333 --> 01:37:43,415 And now you're in a real dilemma, aren't you? Do you continue to try 786 01:37:43,500 --> 01:37:47,332 to find me, knowing that you're leading them to me? 787 01:37:47,416 --> 01:37:51,499 Do you have so much faith in your abilities that you believe you 788 01:37:51,583 --> 01:37:56,332 could somehow simuItaneously arrest me and them? It could get very messy. 789 01:37:56,416 --> 01:37:59,499 Like the fish market. Hey, Clarice. -Yeah? 790 01:37:59,583 --> 01:38:02,624 What if I did it for you? -Did what? 791 01:38:02,708 --> 01:38:07,290 Harmed them, Clarice. The ones who have harmed you. 792 01:38:07,375 --> 01:38:11,124 What if I made them scream apologies? No, I shouldn't even say it, 793 01:38:11,208 --> 01:38:15,290 because you'll foel, with your perfoct grasp of right and wrong, 794 01:38:15,375 --> 01:38:19,874 that you were somehow accompli. -Don't help me. 795 01:38:20,333 --> 01:38:25,082 No of course not. Forget I said it. 796 01:38:25,291 --> 01:38:27,374 Piero. 797 01:38:28,041 --> 01:38:32,374 Clarice, you were very, very warm. You were so close. 798 01:38:36,958 --> 01:38:41,290 But now you're getting colder again. Yeah warmer again. 799 01:38:42,750 --> 01:38:46,374 Well, I think I've been generous enough with you, and the clues. 800 01:38:46,458 --> 01:38:50,665 You're on your own now, Clarice. -Doctor Lecter? 801 01:38:59,750 --> 01:39:03,165 Hope you like them, Clarice. Ta-ta. 802 01:39:08,500 --> 01:39:11,415 Va bene. 803 01:39:50,166 --> 01:39:53,249 Get out of the way! 804 01:40:04,041 --> 01:40:08,124 I know the first thing an hysteric says is, I am not an hysteric, 805 01:40:08,208 --> 01:40:12,874 but I am not an hysteric. I'm calm. -I'll ask you one time. Think good. 806 01:40:14,166 --> 01:40:19,249 Think about every good thing you ever did. Think about what you swore. 807 01:40:19,875 --> 01:40:23,957 Two men in a van. A third driving. Another man down. They put him in the 808 01:40:24,041 --> 01:40:28,124 back. I think it was Lecter. I've given you the license plate, and I'm 809 01:40:28,208 --> 01:40:32,749 reporting it all to you again. -All right. 810 01:40:33,333 --> 01:40:37,540 I'll go with it as a kidnapping. I'll send someone out with, 811 01:40:37,625 --> 01:40:42,165 if he' ll let us on the property. -I should go, too. Deputize me. 812 01:40:42,375 --> 01:40:45,999 No. You're not going. You're going home 813 01:40:46,083 --> 01:40:50,457 where you'll wait for me to call and tell you what, if anything, we found. 814 01:40:52,666 --> 01:40:57,790 Thank Mr. Verger for look around. -He's always happy to see you. 815 01:41:08,291 --> 01:41:12,082 Phone. -What number, please? 816 01:41:12,166 --> 01:41:13,749 Carlo. 817 01:41:18,208 --> 01:41:20,457 Piero. 818 01:41:27,041 --> 01:41:29,040 Hello? -How is he? 819 01:41:29,125 --> 01:41:32,957 Uh, sleeping. -Bring him home. 820 01:41:56,208 --> 01:41:59,915 You've reached Clarice Starling. Please leave a message. 821 01:42:00,000 --> 01:42:03,832 Pick up, Starling. There was nothing out there. I'm gonna say it again, 822 01:42:03,916 --> 01:42:07,915 in case you didn't hear me clearly: You are not a law officer while you're 823 01:42:08,000 --> 01:42:12,749 on suspension. You're Joe Blow. I hope, you're in the bathroom. 824 01:42:52,958 --> 01:42:56,499 Hylochoerus Meinertzhageni. 825 01:42:58,166 --> 01:43:02,332 Ring any bells from high school biology, Doctor? 826 01:43:03,208 --> 01:43:06,915 No? Well, I could list its most conspicuous features, 827 01:43:08,833 --> 01:43:13,832 if that would help jog the memory. Three pairs of incisors, 828 01:43:15,541 --> 01:43:20,457 one pair of elongated canines, 829 01:43:21,625 --> 01:43:25,749 three pairs of molars, fοur pairs of pre-molars, 830 01:43:27,708 --> 01:43:31,332 upper and lower, for a total of forty-four teeth. 831 01:43:39,000 --> 01:43:43,207 The meal will begin with an hors d'oeuvre tartare. 832 01:43:45,666 --> 01:43:48,749 Your foet. 833 01:43:48,833 --> 01:43:53,582 The main course, the rest of you, won't be served until 7 hours later. 834 01:43:54,750 --> 01:43:58,540 But during that time you'll be able to enjoy the effects 835 01:43:58,625 --> 01:44:02,374 of the consumed appetizer with a 836 01:44:02,458 --> 01:44:06,040 full-bodied saline drip. 837 01:44:06,125 --> 01:44:09,707 I guess you wish now you'd, 838 01:44:09,791 --> 01:44:14,124 you'd fod the rest of me to the dogs. 839 01:44:14,208 --> 01:44:17,749 No, Mason. No, I much prefer you the way you are. 840 01:44:20,625 --> 01:44:23,999 So, dinner at eight. 841 01:44:53,750 --> 01:44:58,374 You will stay fοr the evening's entertainment, won't you, Cordell? 842 01:44:59,166 --> 01:45:03,332 lf it's all right with you I think I'd rather not. 843 01:45:04,166 --> 01:45:08,207 Rather not or will not? 844 01:47:13,458 --> 01:47:17,957 Your little brother must smell almost as badly as you do by now. 845 01:47:44,875 --> 01:47:48,749 Hold it! Hands where I can see 'em! -Si. 846 01:47:52,083 --> 01:47:54,999 Quiet! -Si. Vai! 847 01:47:59,375 --> 01:48:02,749 What was that? Cordell, quickly! 848 01:48:02,958 --> 01:48:07,749 Down on your stomach! -Good evening, Clarice. 849 01:48:07,833 --> 01:48:12,124 It's just like old times. -Shut up. 850 01:48:12,750 --> 01:48:17,707 Can you walk? -I can try. 851 01:48:18,375 --> 01:48:21,790 You look well. -I'm gonna cut you loose. 852 01:48:21,875 --> 01:48:25,749 lf you touch me, I'll shoot you. -Understood. 853 01:48:25,833 --> 01:48:29,915 Do right and you'll live through this. -Spoken like a true Protestant. 854 01:48:30,000 --> 01:48:34,040 Better hurry. This might go faster if you hand me the knife. 855 01:48:37,208 --> 01:48:41,749 There was a third in the loft. Behind me. 856 01:49:17,916 --> 01:49:21,957 Cordell! Get the gun and shoot him! -Go into the pen? 857 01:49:22,583 --> 01:49:25,624 Yes! -No. I'm staying out of this. 858 01:49:25,708 --> 01:49:29,790 You're involved is what you are, in all of it. Now do it! 859 01:49:29,875 --> 01:49:31,874 No. -Yes! 860 01:49:31,958 --> 01:49:36,499 Hey, Cordell! Why don't you push him in? You can always say it was me. 861 01:49:43,250 --> 01:49:45,332 Cordell? 862 01:49:46,333 --> 01:49:49,624 Cordell? Cordell! Cordell! 863 01:51:24,416 --> 01:51:28,332 I'll be at my lake house all weekend. Don't want any calls fοrwarded either, 864 01:51:28,416 --> 01:51:31,999 you understand? Whoever it is, they can all wait, okay? 865 01:51:32,083 --> 01:51:35,665 Mary, listen, it's Fourth of July, for Christ's sakes. Thank you. 866 01:51:53,708 --> 01:51:56,499 What the fuck? 867 01:52:05,666 --> 01:52:08,749 Good, you brought the wine. -Oh, God! Oh! 868 01:54:26,250 --> 01:54:30,249 Yeah, we've traced your call and units will be there in about ten minutes. 869 01:54:30,333 --> 01:54:34,957 lf you can do it safely, then just get out of the house. 870 01:54:35,083 --> 01:54:38,624 Otherwise, stay on the phone with me. Ma'am? Are you there? 871 01:55:05,500 --> 01:55:07,249 Are those shallots? -Mm-hm. And caper berries. 872 01:55:11,958 --> 01:55:16,540 Ah. That butter smells wonderful. -Mm-hm. You foeling hungry, Paul? 873 01:55:17,583 --> 01:55:19,749 V ery. 874 01:55:24,541 --> 01:55:28,832 What's the main course? -Ah you should never ask. 875 01:55:28,916 --> 01:55:32,749 It spoils the surprise. Clarice, what are you doing up? 876 01:55:32,833 --> 01:55:37,457 You should be resting. Back to bed. -I'm hungry. 877 01:55:40,166 --> 01:55:43,957 Hello, Paul. -Paul, don't be rude. 878 01:55:44,041 --> 01:55:48,207 Say, "Hello, Agent Starling." -Hello, Agent Starling. 879 01:55:52,791 --> 01:55:57,582 I always wanted to watch you eat. -What have you got in your hand? 880 01:55:58,000 --> 01:56:02,790 Something to bash me over the head with? Put it on the table. 881 01:56:03,583 --> 01:56:06,624 Good girl. -Hey, that's mine. 882 01:56:06,708 --> 01:56:09,207 Now sit down. 883 01:56:11,041 --> 01:56:15,290 Hey, Clarice. I love the dress. It's beautiful. 884 01:56:16,125 --> 01:56:19,624 What do you think, Paul? -Nice. Nice. 885 01:56:29,333 --> 01:56:32,915 Why don't you say grace, Paul? 886 01:56:33,000 --> 01:56:35,124 Me? -Yeah. 887 01:56:35,208 --> 01:56:37,999 Grace? -Sure. 888 01:56:38,083 --> 01:56:41,332 Okay. Bow your head. 889 01:56:44,291 --> 01:56:48,457 Father, we thank Thee fοr Thy blessings and dedicate them to 890 01:56:48,541 --> 01:56:52,957 Thy mercy we are about to receive. Forgive us all, even white trash 891 01:56:54,125 --> 01:56:58,499 like Starling here and bring her into my service. 892 01:56:58,583 --> 01:57:00,707 Amen. 893 01:57:01,625 --> 01:57:05,915 Now I have to tell you, Paul, even the Apostle Paul couldn't have do better. 894 01:57:06,000 --> 01:57:09,624 He hated women, too. -May I have some wine, please? 895 01:57:09,708 --> 01:57:14,249 No good idea. Not with the morphine. Better you should eat some broth. 896 01:57:15,625 --> 01:57:20,040 By the way, Starling, that was a job offaring I worked into the blessing. 897 01:57:21,041 --> 01:57:24,624 I'm going to Congress, you know. -Are you? 898 01:57:24,708 --> 01:57:29,457 Come around campaign headquarters. You could be a office girl! 899 01:57:29,875 --> 01:57:33,957 Can you type and file? Can you take dictation? 900 01:57:34,041 --> 01:57:37,749 Take this down: Washington is full of corn-pone 901 01:57:37,833 --> 01:57:42,332 country pussy. -I took it down. 902 01:57:42,416 --> 01:57:46,540 You said it already. -Paul, now you're being rude. 903 01:57:46,625 --> 01:57:50,582 And I hate rude people. Drink your broth like a good boy. 904 01:57:50,666 --> 01:57:54,332 Come on. Sip. Good. 905 01:57:57,375 --> 01:58:01,457 Ugh. It's not very good, buddy. -I admit I added something to yours. 906 01:58:01,541 --> 01:58:05,874 It's clashing with the cumin. But l assure you, the next is to die fοr. 907 01:58:17,250 --> 01:58:20,290 Ah, ah, ah! Come on, Clarice. -No. 908 01:58:20,375 --> 01:58:23,499 That's a good girl. Good. 909 01:58:56,625 --> 01:59:00,707 You see, the brain itself feels no pain, Clarice, if that concerns you. 910 01:59:00,791 --> 01:59:04,874 For example, Paul won't miss this little piece here, which is the part 911 01:59:04,958 --> 01:59:09,332 of the prefrontal lobe which they say is the seat of good manners. 912 01:59:09,583 --> 01:59:14,665 Your profile at the border stations has five foatures. I'll trade you. 913 01:59:15,250 --> 01:59:17,249 Trade? -Stop... 914 01:59:17,333 --> 01:59:21,415 How does that word taste to you? Cheap and metallic 915 01:59:21,500 --> 01:59:25,290 like sucking on a greasy coin? -Who's Clarice? 916 01:59:25,375 --> 01:59:29,582 Agent Starling. lf you can't keep up with the dialog, don't try to join. 917 01:59:29,666 --> 01:59:33,832 Me, me, Paul. I'm Starling. -See. 918 01:59:34,500 --> 01:59:38,665 Here, right here is the sac that contains the brain. 919 01:59:42,916 --> 01:59:46,957 I would really like some wine! 920 01:59:48,666 --> 01:59:52,832 That smells great. -Yes. Why don't you try a piece? 921 01:59:53,791 --> 01:59:57,790 I would really like some wine. 922 01:59:59,125 --> 02:00:03,415 It is good. -All right. But just a little. 923 02:00:07,041 --> 02:00:09,665 Okay? No? 924 02:00:25,291 --> 02:00:29,374 Given the chance, you would deny me my life, wouldn't you? 925 02:00:29,458 --> 02:00:33,790 Not your lifo. -My freedom. You'd take that from me. 926 02:00:34,500 --> 02:00:38,249 And if you did, would they have you back, do you think? The F.B.I.? 927 02:00:40,375 --> 02:00:44,582 Those people you despise almost as much as they despise you? 928 02:00:44,666 --> 02:00:48,582 Would they give you a medal? Would you have it professionally framed 929 02:00:48,666 --> 02:00:52,749 and hang it on your wall to look at and remind you of your 930 02:00:52,833 --> 02:00:56,749 courage and incorruptibility? 931 02:00:57,708 --> 02:01:01,832 All you would need for that, Clarice, is a mirror. 932 02:01:02,708 --> 02:01:07,040 I had plans fοr that smart mouth, but I'm never gonna hire her, you now. 933 02:01:07,625 --> 02:01:10,249 Paul? -Paul? 934 02:01:12,125 --> 02:01:16,207 Remember what I said? lf you can't be polite to our guests 935 02:01:16,291 --> 02:01:20,582 you have to sit at the kiddies' table. 936 02:01:20,750 --> 02:01:25,415 Don't get up, Clarice. Paul will help me clear 937 02:01:25,500 --> 02:01:29,957 and make the coftee. Just think about what I said, Clarice. 938 02:01:33,291 --> 02:01:35,707 Coffee. 939 02:02:12,583 --> 02:02:16,915 I came halfway around the world to watch you run, Clarice. 940 02:02:20,083 --> 02:02:23,624 Let me run, huh? 941 02:02:41,375 --> 02:02:45,707 Tell me, Clarice would you ever say to me, 942 02:02:45,791 --> 02:02:50,249 Stop? lf you love me, you'd stop? 943 02:02:51,416 --> 02:02:58,040 Not in a thousand years. 944 02:03:02,541 --> 02:03:05,874 That's my girl. 945 02:03:18,416 --> 02:03:22,999 Now that's really interesting, Clarice. I'm really pressed fοr time 946 02:03:24,375 --> 02:03:27,749 so where's the key? 947 02:03:27,958 --> 02:03:31,332 Where's the key? 948 02:03:35,750 --> 02:03:38,165 Okay. 949 02:03:42,541 --> 02:03:46,540 Above or below the wrist, Clarice? 950 02:03:54,791 --> 02:03:57,957 This is really gonna hurt. 951 02:04:46,208 --> 02:04:49,124 Show me your hands! 952 02:04:49,208 --> 02:04:53,332 ldentify yourself! -I'm Clarice Starling! F.B.I. ! 953 02:05:55,375 --> 02:05:58,790 Hi. -Hi. What's that? 954 02:06:00,708 --> 02:06:04,457 Oh, that's caviar. -What are those? 955 02:06:05,125 --> 02:06:09,082 These are figs. -And that? 956 02:06:09,166 --> 02:06:11,290 And this? 957 02:06:13,583 --> 02:06:17,457 Oh, that I don't think you would like. -It looks good. 958 02:06:17,541 --> 02:06:21,124 Oh, it is good. -Can I have some? 959 02:06:21,700 --> 02:06:25,915 You're a very unusual boy, aren't you? -I couldn't eat what they gave me. 960 02:06:26,000 --> 02:06:30,080 Nor should you. It isn't even fοod as I understand the definition. 961 02:06:30,165 --> 02:06:33,750 Which is why I always bring my own. 962 02:06:33,830 --> 02:06:37,330 So which would you like to try? 963 02:06:37,750 --> 02:06:40,040 Aha. 964 02:06:40,125 --> 02:06:43,625 Well, I suppose it's all right. 965 02:06:45,200 --> 02:06:49,620 After all, as your mother tells you, and my mother certainly told me, 966 02:06:49,700 --> 02:06:53,870 It is important, she always used to say, always to try new things. 967 02:06:55,290 --> 02:06:57,375 Open up.