1 00:00:00,010 --> 00:00:04,020 (Ominous Music) 2 00:00:04,020 --> 00:00:08,390 (crickets chirping) 3 00:00:16,710 --> 00:00:20,710 Alpha Team in position 4 00:00:20,710 --> 00:00:24,820 One hostile at the back door, over. 5 00:00:24,820 --> 00:00:29,060 Bravo Set - one single guard at the front entrance 6 00:00:29,060 --> 00:00:33,100 Delta Set - one guarding the back door armed with a long gun 7 00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:37,290 No night vision. Charlie Set - roof is clear 8 00:00:37,290 --> 00:00:41,630 Echo confirming one guarding the front entrance. Roof is clear. 9 00:00:41,630 --> 00:00:45,750 Delta we move on your mark. Call the Ball. Roger. 10 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:49,950 Echo, you have the sentry guarding the front door, I will take the one guarding the back. 11 00:00:49,950 --> 00:00:53,990 Charlie, continue overwatch in case of any response. 12 00:00:53,990 --> 00:00:58,140 Confirm when ready. Set. Set. 13 00:00:58,140 --> 00:01:02,250 On my mark..three...two...(gunshot) 14 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:06,290 Target down. All clear. 15 00:01:06,290 --> 00:01:10,530 Alpha, Bravo, you are clear to move. Move. 16 00:01:31,630 --> 00:01:36,040 (middle eastern music) 17 00:02:24,970 --> 00:02:29,160 (explosion) 18 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:33,160 (gunshots) (music turns off) 19 00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:37,360 We have a squirter (gunshot) Target down. 20 00:02:37,360 --> 00:02:41,560 Barnes! 21 00:02:45,660 --> 00:02:49,900 (gunshot) 22 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:53,900 Alpha team clear. Warehouse clear. 23 00:02:53,900 --> 00:02:58,020 Clear. Clear. All clear. Barnes! 24 00:02:58,020 --> 00:03:02,360 How is she? She's a little dazed, but otherwise okay. 25 00:03:02,360 --> 00:03:06,430 I think she might be drugged too. The DEA can come in now, it's clear. 26 00:03:06,430 --> 00:03:10,670 Let's see what these bastards have been up to. 27 00:03:10,670 --> 00:03:15,070 Check that box. 28 00:03:15,070 --> 00:03:19,250 What the hell? 29 00:03:19,250 --> 00:03:23,630 Something's not right here. 30 00:03:23,630 --> 00:03:27,740 Is it just me, or does that wall look a little out of place here? 31 00:03:27,740 --> 00:03:32,040 It's definitely hollow. 32 00:03:36,140 --> 00:03:40,150 What the hell? 33 00:03:48,420 --> 00:03:52,580 Alpha, there's a girl in here walking toward us. Copy, we found some in here too 34 00:03:52,580 --> 00:03:56,620 checking it out. Hon? 35 00:03:56,620 --> 00:04:00,660 Are you okay? 36 00:04:00,660 --> 00:04:04,750 BOMB! (explosion) 37 00:04:08,780 --> 00:04:12,860 (electronic music) 38 00:05:07,300 --> 00:05:11,600 Hi. 39 00:05:11,600 --> 00:05:15,670 Excuse me, um...I... 40 00:05:15,670 --> 00:05:19,870 I'm here for the interview... 41 00:05:19,870 --> 00:05:24,310 I didn't know this company was a startup 42 00:05:24,310 --> 00:05:28,500 Not that it matters...I...love...a challenge 43 00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:32,530 Please have a seat and put these on. 44 00:05:40,780 --> 00:05:45,230 (office sounds) 45 00:05:45,230 --> 00:05:49,370 Ah ha ha...so cool... 46 00:05:49,370 --> 00:05:53,800 Is that what your company does? Because...if... 47 00:05:53,800 --> 00:05:57,870 so, this is my peanut butter and jam. 48 00:05:57,870 --> 00:06:01,990 I'm definitely on board. Uh, and who is that dude. 49 00:06:01,990 --> 00:06:06,120 He is a man on a mission 50 00:06:06,120 --> 00:06:10,170 that must be the boss. Good morning Mr Martin. 51 00:06:10,170 --> 00:06:14,490 I find it more convenient to conduct my meetings 52 00:06:14,490 --> 00:06:18,530 this way. This won't take much of your time. Or mine. 53 00:06:18,530 --> 00:06:22,580 Okay...I completely understand...mister.... 54 00:06:22,580 --> 00:06:26,910 Smith...you may call me Mr Smith. Okay, Mr...uh...Smith 55 00:06:26,910 --> 00:06:30,960 You're the one conducting the interview? 56 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:35,000 Quite frankly, this is not so much of an interview as it is an offer. 57 00:06:35,000 --> 00:06:39,050 I get the job? Your brother is under investigation by the securities and exchange commission. 58 00:06:39,050 --> 00:06:43,190 Yeah...you're with the SEC...right? 59 00:06:43,190 --> 00:06:47,240 Yeah, okay then...this interview is over until I can get my attorney. 60 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:51,720 No, Mr Martin...I am not with the SEC 61 00:06:51,720 --> 00:06:55,950 May I continue? That securities and exchange commission will find your brother 62 00:06:55,950 --> 00:07:00,330 guilty, of that there is no doubt. He has been dealing with 63 00:07:00,330 --> 00:07:04,510 some extremely shady people. As a result, your brother 64 00:07:04,510 --> 00:07:08,630 and his family are in for some very difficult times... 65 00:07:08,630 --> 00:07:12,660 in the near and distant future. How did you... This is where my offer to you comes in. 66 00:07:12,660 --> 00:07:16,900 Mr Martin, you possess 67 00:07:16,900 --> 00:07:21,310 a certain skill set. Skills of which my organization 68 00:07:21,310 --> 00:07:25,450 is in need. You mean my programming... 69 00:07:25,450 --> 00:07:29,750 Perhaps I should have said skills possessed by your alter ego...Mimir 70 00:07:29,750 --> 00:07:33,830 Mim...mi....no...no... Interesting choice for a hackers pseudonym... 71 00:07:33,830 --> 00:07:38,040 Mimir...the Norse God of Wisdom. 72 00:07:38,040 --> 00:07:42,490 I do hope you possess the wisdom of Mimir. 73 00:07:42,490 --> 00:07:46,660 As I said...you possess certain skills that my organisation 74 00:07:46,660 --> 00:07:51,050 is in need of. If you accept my offer, we will ensure that 75 00:07:51,050 --> 00:07:55,170 your brother's investigation with the SEC will be concluded in his favor. 76 00:07:55,170 --> 00:07:59,180 I thought you said you weren't with the SEC I'm not. 77 00:07:59,180 --> 00:08:03,620 I'm simply to effect the influence of a great many things. 78 00:08:03,620 --> 00:08:07,810 Your brother's investigation is one of them 79 00:08:07,810 --> 00:08:11,960 Oh...kay...and... 80 00:08:11,960 --> 00:08:16,060 if I reject your offer? As I said, 81 00:08:16,060 --> 00:08:20,070 your brother and his family will be in for a very..hard...time... 82 00:08:20,070 --> 00:08:24,520 I get the bargain...I, uh... 83 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:28,730 I become your hacker slave and... 84 00:08:28,730 --> 00:08:33,080 you fix my brother and his 85 00:08:33,080 --> 00:08:37,220 family's problems. No, in fact, Mr Martin, we will only require your services 86 00:08:37,220 --> 00:08:41,480 for this one assignment. After that you may go back to your life 87 00:08:41,480 --> 00:08:45,970 hacking away, as normal, except you will have 88 00:08:45,970 --> 00:08:50,220 a very large stipend as compensation for your services. 89 00:08:50,220 --> 00:08:54,290 Ummm 90 00:08:54,290 --> 00:08:58,300 How many laws would I have to break? Considering the number of laws you've already broken, 91 00:08:58,300 --> 00:09:02,370 I wouldn't think that would be a consideration for you. 92 00:09:02,370 --> 00:09:06,830 But, you will be doing a service foryour country. 93 00:09:06,830 --> 00:09:10,890 Ah ha...okay...yeah...you're with the government 94 00:09:10,890 --> 00:09:15,270 No, I am not with the government...on the contrary we provide 95 00:09:15,270 --> 00:09:19,360 extra-governmental oversight...preferring to work outside the contraints 96 00:09:19,360 --> 00:09:23,420 of the political agendas of most countries...opting to work for our own country 97 00:09:23,420 --> 00:09:27,850 and it's citizens. 98 00:09:27,850 --> 00:09:32,050 You needn't make a decision immediately. I'll give you the rest of the day to think about my office. Tomorrow at precisely 99 00:09:32,050 --> 00:09:36,470 noon, you will receive a text. We will expect your answer then. 100 00:09:36,470 --> 00:09:40,640 And do keep in mind, Mr Martin, we will not make this offer a second time. 101 00:09:40,640 --> 00:09:44,670 Good day. 102 00:10:00,830 --> 00:10:04,880 (what are your thoughts?) 103 00:10:04,880 --> 00:10:09,230 He'll work...he's a much better programmer than even he realizes. 104 00:10:09,230 --> 00:10:13,340 His hacking skills are off the charts. 105 00:10:13,340 --> 00:10:17,370 (how will he do with the rest of the team?) 106 00:10:17,370 --> 00:10:21,840 There will be some growing pains...for all of them. 107 00:10:21,840 --> 00:10:26,070 But in the end I'm positive he'll mesh well for...whatever you have in mind. 108 00:10:26,070 --> 00:10:30,270 (thank you Ms DeBrun...as expected your recruiting skills) 109 00:10:30,270 --> 00:10:34,320 (have been quite exceptional...you have easily met the terms of our agreement) 110 00:10:34,320 --> 00:10:38,380 (and are therefore released from service) CLICK 111 00:10:38,380 --> 00:10:42,780 (I have unlocked the drawer to your desk. In there you will find) 112 00:10:42,780 --> 00:10:46,970 (an envelop containing your stipend. We have also made an appointment for your father) 113 00:10:46,970 --> 00:10:51,300 (with Dr Johan Strasberg, the leading expert on myeloproliferative disorders) 114 00:10:51,300 --> 00:10:55,380 (arrangements have been made for all expenses) 115 00:10:55,380 --> 00:10:59,670 (incurred for treatment costs to be covered by the organization) 116 00:10:59,670 --> 00:11:03,690 (you may now return to work from your...."holiday") 117 00:11:03,690 --> 00:11:07,720 (I expect I needn't remind you that your activities during your time) 118 00:11:07,720 --> 00:11:12,030 (away from work can never be discussed...I would hate to see the funding) 119 00:11:12,030 --> 00:11:16,090 (for your father's medical treatment suddenly....end) 120 00:11:16,090 --> 00:11:20,330 No...no...I completely understand 121 00:11:20,330 --> 00:11:24,770 Thank you for everything you're doing for my father 122 00:11:37,110 --> 00:11:41,430 (cell tone) 123 00:11:45,890 --> 00:11:50,120 (texting) 124 00:11:50,120 --> 00:11:54,560 (text sent) 125 00:12:11,490 --> 00:12:15,530 According to this note, you're the last one 126 00:12:15,530 --> 00:12:19,600 Seven names...seven people 127 00:12:19,600 --> 00:12:23,950 So...are you the one who's going to tell us what the hell we're going here? None of these idiots know anything. 128 00:12:23,950 --> 00:12:27,950 All I know is... 129 00:12:27,950 --> 00:12:32,140 What I was told during my interview... 130 00:12:32,140 --> 00:12:36,270 I'm just here for my hacking skills. (Gentlemen...) 131 00:12:36,270 --> 00:12:40,370 (and lady...now that you are all here, we can get down to business) 132 00:12:40,370 --> 00:12:44,680 Well, well...the mysterious "Mr Smith" 133 00:12:44,680 --> 00:12:48,850 Again... (as I'm sure you have all surmised) 134 00:12:48,850 --> 00:12:53,080 (each of you has been recruited for your own unique skill set.) 135 00:12:53,080 --> 00:12:57,440 (I'll let you all get acquainted and discover what those skills are later, but for now) 136 00:12:57,440 --> 00:13:01,440 (we must get down to business) My kind of meeting, right to the point> 137 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:05,510 (Yes, Mr Rankin, right to the point. Unfortunately we do not) 138 00:13:05,510 --> 00:13:09,740 (have time for idle chit-chat. The mission you've all) 139 00:13:09,740 --> 00:13:13,940 (been brought together for is extremely sensitive and of upmost importance.) 140 00:13:13,940 --> 00:13:18,300 Well, you've certainly pulled together quite an interesting group. 141 00:13:18,300 --> 00:13:22,380 Military...military - maybe police... 142 00:13:22,380 --> 00:13:26,660 Military...military... 143 00:13:26,660 --> 00:13:30,710 I'm going to guess you're our token geek...And you... 144 00:13:30,710 --> 00:13:34,880 No clue...but you have a very seedy look to you. 145 00:13:34,880 --> 00:13:39,070 (quite astute...and yes, there are a diverse group of skills represented) 146 00:13:39,070 --> 00:13:43,120 (in that room...skills we will need for this mission) 147 00:13:43,120 --> 00:13:47,310 We're all waiting to hear with baited breath. (This is Madeline Thurman) 148 00:13:47,310 --> 00:13:51,440 (Daughter of Langston Thurman) Who's rumored to be the next Republican 149 00:13:51,440 --> 00:13:55,550 candidate for President of the United States. (Exactly) 150 00:13:55,550 --> 00:13:59,640 (She's quite the activist and very politically connected herself.) 151 00:13:59,640 --> 00:14:04,110 (in spite of her young age.) She's very active in the women's right movement in the Middle East. 152 00:14:04,110 --> 00:14:08,150 She's been using her father's connections to work with the Afghan government 153 00:14:08,150 --> 00:14:12,330 to build schools and provide education for young Afghan girls. And it hasn't made 154 00:14:12,330 --> 00:14:16,430 her very propular with some very nasty people from what I hear. 155 00:14:16,430 --> 00:14:20,700 You seem to know a lot about her. The middle east is my specialty... 156 00:14:20,700 --> 00:14:24,750 I'm guessing that's why I'm here... (you are correct on several accounts) 157 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:28,920 (she has been working from Kabul and meeting with the local tribal leaders) 158 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:33,190 (three days ago she disappeared...she was traveling from Kabul to Charikar) 159 00:14:33,190 --> 00:14:37,250 (a village approximately 70km away...when she did not arrive) 160 00:14:37,250 --> 00:14:41,450 (an American Army unit was sent to search for her. The convoy she was) 161 00:14:41,450 --> 00:14:45,880 (traveling in was discovered about 15km outside Charikar) 162 00:14:45,880 --> 00:14:49,910 (everyone in the convoy was found laying on the side of the road) 163 00:14:49,910 --> 00:14:54,180 (their throats had been cut...all except Miss Thurman) 164 00:14:54,180 --> 00:14:58,250 (her body was not among them) How many dead? 165 00:14:58,250 --> 00:15:02,280 (seventeen) How did they manage to keep that one quiet? 166 00:15:02,280 --> 00:15:06,660 (Her father used his influence within the government to keep it quiet for now) 167 00:15:06,660 --> 00:15:10,750 (we are not sure how long that will last...you all know) 168 00:15:10,750 --> 00:15:15,050 (how porous "government secrecy" is today.) 169 00:15:15,050 --> 00:15:19,110 Who claimed responsibility? (there has been no claim of responsibility) 170 00:15:19,110 --> 00:15:23,340 (for her nor any of the other girls who have been kidnapped lately) Others? 171 00:15:23,340 --> 00:15:27,540 (She is not the only one who has been kidnapped in recent months.) 172 00:15:27,540 --> 00:15:31,610 (To date there have been 27 young women kidnapped) 173 00:15:31,610 --> 00:15:35,860 (fortunately, five of those were rescued recently...by accident..) 174 00:15:35,860 --> 00:15:39,880 (but still...rescued) How is someone "accidentally" rescued? 175 00:15:39,880 --> 00:15:43,890 Because, we didn't know they were there. 176 00:15:43,890 --> 00:15:47,990 We were working with the DEA...doing what we could 177 00:15:47,990 --> 00:15:52,010 to interrupt the flow of drugs coming out of Afghanistan. We had a lead 178 00:15:52,010 --> 00:15:56,210 on a large of stash of high grade opiates supposedly being stored in a warehouse...but instead of finding drugs 179 00:15:56,210 --> 00:16:00,280 we found five women chained to a wall. Who is "we"? 180 00:16:04,350 --> 00:16:08,620 Captain Dale Swanson... 181 00:16:08,620 --> 00:16:13,110 currently assigned to first special forces, operational detachment delta. 182 00:16:13,110 --> 00:16:17,330 This is a military operation? I guess should have figured...with... 183 00:16:17,330 --> 00:16:21,540 looks of you guys...but I thought you said we weren't going to be working with the government... I'm no leave... 184 00:16:21,540 --> 00:16:25,680 After the ...incident... 185 00:16:25,680 --> 00:16:30,000 at the warehouse, I was told to take all the time I needed. 186 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:34,010 Finding give women chained to a wall effected you that much... No... 187 00:16:34,010 --> 00:16:38,030 It was the suicide bomber that took out half of my team and the entire DEA contingent. 188 00:16:38,030 --> 00:16:42,110 Three days into my leave, I was contacted by Mr Smith... 189 00:16:42,110 --> 00:16:46,160 I have a feeling you all know the rest of the story. (Captain Swanson) 190 00:16:46,160 --> 00:16:50,350 (will be the team leader for this mission) 191 00:16:50,350 --> 00:16:54,750 (you are to search for an rescue Miss Thurman, and any other young ladies who might 192 00:16:54,750 --> 00:16:58,870 (happen to be with her...but the main focus is on Miss Thurman.) 193 00:16:58,870 --> 00:17:03,170 (You have the full resources of my organization at yoru disposal.) 194 00:17:03,170 --> 00:17:07,220 (You do not need to ask what those resources are. Whatever you need for the mission) 195 00:17:07,220 --> 00:17:11,400 (will be provided) TEXT TONES 196 00:17:11,400 --> 00:17:15,780 (You have just been sent the contact information for your handler for this mission.) 197 00:17:15,780 --> 00:17:19,930 (From this point forward, that will be your point of contact.) 198 00:17:19,930 --> 00:17:23,960 (This is the last time you will hear from me) Yeah...wait...uh... 199 00:17:23,960 --> 00:17:28,030 Do you want me to use my own computer equipment or is there something 200 00:17:28,030 --> 00:17:32,180 that you'd like me to use? 201 00:17:32,180 --> 00:17:36,480 I guess he meant that literally 202 00:17:36,480 --> 00:17:40,590 Okay...first thing I'd like to do is figure out who we are... 203 00:17:40,590 --> 00:17:44,860 what we can do...what we can't do... 204 00:17:44,860 --> 00:17:49,330 I'm not used to working with a team I don't know. That's as good a place to start as any. 205 00:17:49,330 --> 00:17:53,560 I'm Julian...but only my mother calls me Julian... 206 00:17:53,560 --> 00:17:57,610 Everyone who knows me calls me Jules... 207 00:17:57,610 --> 00:18:01,680 and I've a feeling before this is over we'll know each other quite well. 208 00:18:01,680 --> 00:18:05,700 You were pretty spot on...Miss... 209 00:18:05,700 --> 00:18:10,140 Ankita. Ankita... 210 00:18:10,140 --> 00:18:14,340 A lot of people refer to my profession as "seedy" 211 00:18:14,340 --> 00:18:18,690 I tend to move around in the dark underbelly of society 212 00:18:18,690 --> 00:18:22,790 I'm in the business of finding and procuring anything my customer needs 213 00:18:22,790 --> 00:18:27,100 by any means...whether they be legal 214 00:18:27,100 --> 00:18:31,560 or illicit... Black marketeer...I can definitely see the benefits of you on our team. 215 00:18:31,560 --> 00:18:35,760 My specialty includes profiling 216 00:18:35,760 --> 00:18:40,180 and deprogramming. I'm guessing I'm here in case Miss Thurman needs deprogramming 217 00:18:40,180 --> 00:18:44,230 after the ordeal. FBI? 218 00:18:44,230 --> 00:18:48,560 At one point...let's leave it at that. 219 00:18:48,560 --> 00:18:52,640 Well, what do you think? 220 00:18:52,640 --> 00:18:56,860 I think you've put together a good group of individuals 221 00:18:56,860 --> 00:19:01,260 Let's see if they can operate as a team. You know the history some of them have. 222 00:19:01,260 --> 00:19:05,450 We have Lilah to thank for bringing them here. Another good choice. 223 00:19:05,450 --> 00:19:09,840 Now we have to see if Captain Swanson can bring them together as a team. 224 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:13,930 There's the question mark. 225 00:19:13,930 --> 00:19:18,210 The incident in Ankara hit him pretty hard. Hopefully it doesn't effect his leadership 226 00:19:18,210 --> 00:19:22,260 of this team. We can't afford for him to be overly cautious. 227 00:19:22,260 --> 00:19:26,430 My real concern is Larry. 228 00:19:26,430 --> 00:19:30,780 we've created a pack of Alpha Wolves and tossed a sheep in their midst. 229 00:19:30,780 --> 00:19:34,900 I just hope he doesn't get eaten alive before this is all over. 230 00:19:34,900 --> 00:19:39,200 Time will tell. 231 00:19:43,210 --> 00:19:47,420 Folami...I'm an engineer. 232 00:19:47,420 --> 00:19:51,480 But I cut my teeth in the Legion Etrangere. 233 00:19:51,480 --> 00:19:55,540 The French Foreign Legion. 234 00:19:55,540 --> 00:19:59,740 Koa...Royal Thai Army...Special Warfare Division. 235 00:19:59,740 --> 00:20:03,980 But you're not Thai...Laotian? Yes... 236 00:20:03,980 --> 00:20:08,130 My father worked with the American CIA during the Vietnamese War. 237 00:20:08,130 --> 00:20:12,180 When the American forces left the country, they left him. So he fled, taking all of us to Thailand with him. 238 00:20:12,180 --> 00:20:16,690 I'm going to guess "Ivan" over here 239 00:20:16,690 --> 00:20:20,970 is also Spec Ops...probably Spetznaz 240 00:20:20,970 --> 00:20:25,490 Alexi...yes...before.... 241 00:20:25,490 --> 00:20:29,500 when I was young and stupid. 242 00:20:29,500 --> 00:20:33,870 Now I work as chief of security for a Russian businessman in Moscow. 243 00:20:33,870 --> 00:20:38,010 So you're an enforcer for the Russian Mafia. 244 00:20:38,010 --> 00:20:42,170 Da... I knew you looked familiar...I've done some work 245 00:20:42,170 --> 00:20:46,440 for your boss on occasion. 246 00:20:46,440 --> 00:20:50,630 I think my main reason for being here is to soften the testosterone level of the group 247 00:20:50,630 --> 00:20:55,010 (scoffs) No...that's probably me 248 00:20:55,010 --> 00:20:59,160 My specialty is the middle eastern affairs with a focus on fundamentalist terrorism 249 00:20:59,160 --> 00:21:03,210 Formerly with the RAW, now I work in the private sector. So you're a spook! 250 00:21:07,420 --> 00:21:11,620 Watch out...she'll take your teeth. 251 00:21:11,620 --> 00:21:16,040 And...I'm your IT guy. 252 00:21:16,040 --> 00:21:20,100 IT guy...well specs...it's time to earn your money. 253 00:21:20,100 --> 00:21:24,160 That goes for all of you...enough chit chat...let's find this girl for the boss 254 00:21:35,260 --> 00:21:39,590 If you so much as move 255 00:21:39,590 --> 00:21:43,660 You'll end up with a Russian Bowtie (Speaking Russian) 256 00:21:43,660 --> 00:21:47,930 Anyone curious enough to know who he is, or should I just- 257 00:21:47,930 --> 00:21:52,210 Whoa... 258 00:21:52,210 --> 00:21:56,240 Let's not get crazy 259 00:21:56,240 --> 00:22:00,590 Now I AM curious. I'm just delivering the supplies you requested. 260 00:22:00,590 --> 00:22:04,670 You don't look much like a delivery boy. 261 00:22:08,870 --> 00:22:13,070 Curiouser and curiouser. 262 00:22:13,070 --> 00:22:17,220 Start talking. I'm Clark... 263 00:22:17,220 --> 00:22:21,240 your handler...your contact...it's my number that's on your phone 264 00:22:21,240 --> 00:22:25,730 Why the hell you sneaking around in the middle of the night? 265 00:22:25,730 --> 00:22:29,980 This lot needs their beauty sleep 266 00:22:29,980 --> 00:22:34,400 This isn't a nine-to-five...things get done when they need to get done. 267 00:22:34,400 --> 00:22:38,450 Even if it does interfere with your beauty rest. 268 00:22:38,450 --> 00:22:42,810 So, now that you're all awake you can help me bring in the rest of the stuff. 269 00:22:42,810 --> 00:22:46,900 I got some extra special toys for you. 270 00:22:50,900 --> 00:22:55,330 I bet computer 271 00:22:55,330 --> 00:22:59,480 You need all of this? (grumbling) Geek! 272 00:22:59,480 --> 00:23:03,900 For what it's worth, thanks for all the gear 273 00:23:03,900 --> 00:23:07,980 So what's inside this thing anyway. That case you're carrying has the latest intelligence dump 274 00:23:07,980 --> 00:23:12,260 for the area. It'll give you a good starting point in your search. 275 00:23:12,260 --> 00:23:16,750 We managed to narrow it down to just a few groups who might be responsible. And I'll be able to contact you any time we need something. 276 00:23:16,750 --> 00:23:20,980 Using the number Smith sent us, correct? You'll be able to contact me any time you want 277 00:23:20,980 --> 00:23:25,120 just by looking over and talking to me. I'll be with you permanently...for the rest of the mission. Excuse me? 278 00:23:25,120 --> 00:23:29,290 I was under the impression I was going to have full control of the team, not have someone staring 279 00:23:29,290 --> 00:23:33,610 over my shoulder micromanaging the whole time. 280 00:23:33,610 --> 00:23:37,640 I'm simply a liaison. A resource for you and the rest of the team. I'll be operating as a member of your team. 281 00:23:37,640 --> 00:23:41,870 You're in command. No need to worry about me getting in the way. 282 00:23:41,870 --> 00:23:46,270 If nothing else, we can still use him to keep Koa in line. 283 00:23:46,270 --> 00:23:50,340 Any more surprises? That is all Captain. 284 00:23:50,340 --> 00:23:54,350 Then you're dismissed. 285 00:23:58,850 --> 00:24:02,910 This is some next generation 286 00:24:02,910 --> 00:24:07,100 shhhhh-stuff 287 00:24:07,100 --> 00:24:11,240 I had no idea this gear even existed 288 00:24:11,240 --> 00:24:15,590 The trade mags say this is at least ten 289 00:24:15,590 --> 00:24:19,650 years away. 290 00:24:19,650 --> 00:24:23,680 We...are...IN 291 00:24:23,680 --> 00:24:27,780 Haha...terrorist network hacked 292 00:24:27,780 --> 00:24:31,870 bucket list checked! 293 00:24:36,150 --> 00:24:40,600 You don't think this is going to put me on some terrorist hit list do you? 294 00:24:44,810 --> 00:24:49,250 That would suck... 295 00:24:53,400 --> 00:24:57,500 So what's your take on Clark? 296 00:24:57,500 --> 00:25:01,520 He doesn't appear to be just another corporate bean-counter type. 297 00:25:01,520 --> 00:25:05,580 There's more to that book than just the cover...a lot more than he's telling us. 298 00:25:05,580 --> 00:25:09,870 Koa here is a force to be reckoned with and Cark handled him as if he was a school boy. 299 00:25:09,870 --> 00:25:13,950 He caught me offguard. 300 00:25:13,950 --> 00:25:18,260 (coughing) Amateur 301 00:25:18,260 --> 00:25:22,790 My point exactly. I'd love to hear his story. 302 00:25:22,790 --> 00:25:26,790 But I doubt we'll ever get it. 303 00:25:26,790 --> 00:25:30,920 They're doing well together so far. (And Swanson?) 304 00:25:30,920 --> 00:25:35,020 If the death of his team is weighing on him, he isn't letting it show. 305 00:25:35,020 --> 00:25:39,260 (If it does effect his efficiency, assume control of the mission yourself) 306 00:25:39,260 --> 00:25:43,380 (Immediately) And if he resists? 307 00:25:43,380 --> 00:25:47,530 (The mission is more important than any member of the team. Handle it however you see fit.) 308 00:25:47,530 --> 00:25:51,850 Yes sir. 309 00:25:55,860 --> 00:25:59,890 There...what is that? 310 00:25:59,890 --> 00:26:04,350 Uh... 311 00:26:04,350 --> 00:26:08,400 Huh... 312 00:26:08,400 --> 00:26:12,440 It seems to be... 313 00:26:12,440 --> 00:26:16,470 Detailed files of every girl they've kidnapped. 314 00:26:16,470 --> 00:26:20,500 Down to daily schedules...this one...right there 315 00:26:20,500 --> 00:26:24,560 We have Mary Templeton... 316 00:26:24,560 --> 00:26:29,030 She's a vegetarian...she goes to the local farmers market 317 00:26:29,030 --> 00:26:33,050 every Saturday morning...wait... 318 00:26:33,050 --> 00:26:37,460 How many girls 319 00:26:37,460 --> 00:26:41,630 did they saw had been kidnapped...27? 320 00:26:41,630 --> 00:26:45,720 Swanson! Yeah... 321 00:26:45,720 --> 00:26:49,770 OH, yeah...I've-i've discovered a local server that the 322 00:26:49,770 --> 00:26:54,000 Islamic State is using and I was able to hack into it and found- 323 00:26:54,000 --> 00:26:58,480 What am I looking at? It appears to be detailed files of thirty young 324 00:26:58,480 --> 00:27:02,520 women...27 of whom have already been kidnapped. 325 00:27:02,520 --> 00:27:06,590 You're telling me we have a list of women they're still planning to kidnap. Possibly. 326 00:27:06,590 --> 00:27:11,040 Any clue on a timeline or who's next even? 327 00:27:15,300 --> 00:27:19,800 Uh... Look...I thin we've hit a lucky break. 328 00:27:19,800 --> 00:27:23,870 someone's put out a call for bids...someone wants to place an order for a large quantity of C-4 329 00:27:23,870 --> 00:27:27,880 Okay...follow up on that. Print out that list for me and dig deeper into the server. 330 00:27:27,880 --> 00:27:31,960 The rest of you guys over here...we got a plan to work out...Pronto 331 00:27:31,960 --> 00:27:36,160 (radio chatter) 332 00:27:36,160 --> 00:27:40,580 How the hell did Smith 333 00:27:40,580 --> 00:27:44,770 get ahold of a Predator? 334 00:27:44,770 --> 00:27:49,120 Yeah...probably best we not know how he does what he does. 335 00:27:49,120 --> 00:27:53,120 (Ominous music) 336 00:28:01,990 --> 00:28:09,170 (car starts) 337 00:28:13,210 --> 00:28:13,220 out...out of the car! 338 00:28:13,220 --> 00:28:17,230 out...out of the car! 339 00:28:17,230 --> 00:28:21,240 Out or we will kill you where you sit and 340 00:28:21,240 --> 00:28:25,270 leave your body for the crows. 341 00:28:29,290 --> 00:28:33,320 (muffled shot) (electrical crackling) 342 00:28:33,320 --> 00:28:37,320 (muffled shot) electrical crackling) 343 00:28:37,320 --> 00:28:41,340 They're finally waking up. 344 00:28:41,340 --> 00:28:45,360 (speaking Russian) 345 00:28:45,360 --> 00:28:49,380 Glad to have you both join us again. We're looking for some answers. 346 00:28:49,380 --> 00:28:53,390 Maybe you can help us and I don't have a lot of time. 347 00:28:57,400 --> 00:29:01,410 Looking for this girl. Hey! Looking for this girl! 348 00:29:05,430 --> 00:29:09,450 I need you to tell me everything you know. 349 00:29:09,450 --> 00:29:13,480 Names...locations...tactical data... 350 00:29:13,480 --> 00:29:17,490 I don't think you appreciate the gravity of this situation. 351 00:29:17,490 --> 00:29:21,510 Either you give me the answers I need 352 00:29:21,510 --> 00:29:25,520 and prove yourself useful or I'm going to put a bullet in your head and dump your body over the bridge!! 353 00:29:25,520 --> 00:29:29,550 Does he speak English? You won't do that. 354 00:29:29,550 --> 00:29:33,570 You are American military and you have to follow the rules. 355 00:29:33,570 --> 00:29:37,580 Well, I'm not... 356 00:29:37,580 --> 00:29:41,590 Hey... 357 00:29:41,590 --> 00:29:45,610 (gunshot) I said I'D put a bullet in him. 358 00:29:45,610 --> 00:29:49,620 Now... 359 00:29:49,620 --> 00:29:53,650 are you going to be more useful? 360 00:29:53,650 --> 00:29:57,670 Or am I going to have see if your buddies have more to say? 361 00:29:57,670 --> 00:30:01,680 The ones who are supposed to be capturing the other girls? 362 00:30:01,680 --> 00:30:05,700 Yeah...that's good... 363 00:30:05,700 --> 00:30:09,720 (We got what we need from one of ours...we don't need yours) 364 00:30:09,720 --> 00:30:13,720 (gunshots) 365 00:30:21,750 --> 00:30:25,770 Wait...did he just... 366 00:30:25,770 --> 00:30:29,780 (Team three RTB) 367 00:30:37,810 --> 00:30:41,850 This is definitely quite a large order 368 00:30:41,850 --> 00:30:45,870 In addition to the large quantity of C-4 they're looking for burner phones 369 00:30:45,870 --> 00:30:49,890 and tactical vests...detonators... 370 00:30:49,890 --> 00:30:53,900 someone's going to be making a lot of bomb vests... 371 00:30:53,900 --> 00:30:57,900 from the numbers I'd say...fifty or sixty of them. 372 00:30:57,900 --> 00:31:01,910 Well, it's not like they don't have volunteers for a trip to paradise 373 00:31:01,910 --> 00:31:05,930 and their 72 virgins. 374 00:31:05,930 --> 00:31:09,950 Well, I placed a bid for everything on the list. 375 00:31:09,950 --> 00:31:13,970 Purposely lowballed so I should easily win the bid. (phone buzzes) 376 00:31:13,970 --> 00:31:17,970 See...that didn't take long. 377 00:31:17,970 --> 00:31:22,000 They've already accepted my bid...given us delivery instructions. 378 00:31:22,000 --> 00:31:26,010 Let me see that. 379 00:31:26,010 --> 00:31:30,030 See what I can do to, uh 380 00:31:30,030 --> 00:31:34,040 to track that email down. 381 00:31:34,040 --> 00:31:38,050 Probably not likely they've used anything we can track but you never know. 382 00:31:42,080 --> 00:31:46,120 Alright...uh... 383 00:31:46,120 --> 00:31:50,140 Uh, let me know if you 384 00:31:50,140 --> 00:31:54,160 uh...get anything else...uh...the more information I get 385 00:31:54,160 --> 00:31:58,180 the better. Yeah...sure. 386 00:31:58,180 --> 00:32:02,210 (Ominous music) 387 00:32:02,210 --> 00:32:06,240 (crickets chirping) 388 00:32:18,280 --> 00:32:22,310 It appears the car that left 389 00:32:22,310 --> 00:32:26,320 as we were arriving is the only one. Nothing back here. 390 00:32:26,320 --> 00:32:30,330 No lights showing except the one next to the back door. 391 00:32:34,350 --> 00:32:38,370 Deploying laser. 392 00:32:42,390 --> 00:32:46,420 (that light is now out) 393 00:32:46,420 --> 00:32:50,430 Let's see if someone comes out to check it. 394 00:32:50,430 --> 00:32:54,440 (No response) 395 00:32:54,440 --> 00:32:58,460 (all clear back here) 396 00:33:46,680 --> 00:33:50,690 (stab) 397 00:34:06,740 --> 00:34:10,770 (electronic whirring) 398 00:34:14,770 --> 00:34:18,780 (whispering) Three girls on the floor near the bed. No bogies in sight. 399 00:34:18,780 --> 00:34:22,800 Too easy. 400 00:34:22,800 --> 00:34:26,820 Blow the door. 401 00:34:26,820 --> 00:34:30,840 (gunshots) 402 00:34:30,840 --> 00:34:34,860 Get off! 403 00:34:34,860 --> 00:34:38,880 Stop! Get off! (screams) 404 00:34:38,880 --> 00:34:42,890 Miss Thurman! Rankin..in here...NOW! 405 00:34:42,890 --> 00:34:46,910 Miss Thurman, we're here to help you. 406 00:34:46,910 --> 00:34:50,920 (screams) 407 00:34:50,920 --> 00:34:54,950 There really was no other choice. 408 00:34:54,950 --> 00:34:58,960 What would we do with them all afterward? 409 00:34:58,960 --> 00:35:02,980 we extracted the information we needed? I don't know...turn them in? 410 00:35:02,980 --> 00:35:07,000 To who?? The local police? The FBI? The military? 411 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:11,030 How would we explain it to them? 412 00:35:11,030 --> 00:35:15,060 Exactly...you can't just show up at the local police precinct 413 00:35:15,060 --> 00:35:19,090 and say, "Hi, I'm with a secret non-governmental agency who's tracking terrorists... 414 00:35:19,090 --> 00:35:23,100 "we killed a few of them, but here's the ones we didn't." 415 00:35:23,100 --> 00:35:27,110 Yeah...I know...I get it... 416 00:35:27,110 --> 00:35:31,140 Doesn't make it any easier though...I've never seen a dead body... 417 00:35:31,140 --> 00:35:35,160 I've never even been to a funeral, much less watched someone killed in cold blood. 418 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:39,190 Believe me, that was not in cold blood. 419 00:35:39,190 --> 00:35:43,190 The blood on those terrorists hands was still warm... 420 00:35:43,190 --> 00:35:47,210 and imagine how many others they were planning to murder. 421 00:35:51,240 --> 00:35:55,270 So why do you think they took these girls. 422 00:35:55,270 --> 00:35:59,310 We know the terrorists are using every method they can do fund their activities. 423 00:35:59,310 --> 00:36:03,310 We know that they are trafficking drugs. 424 00:36:03,310 --> 00:36:07,310 Human trafficking is just another revenue source. 425 00:36:07,310 --> 00:36:11,330 Yeah, but why these girls specifically. 426 00:36:11,330 --> 00:36:15,360 Imagine the value of the daughter of a wealthy influential American on the Black Market. 427 00:36:15,360 --> 00:36:19,390 The bigger, more important her father or mother is, the greater her value. 428 00:36:19,390 --> 00:36:23,400 Huh...well they do say 429 00:36:23,400 --> 00:36:27,410 that Madeline's father may well become the next President...so... 430 00:36:27,410 --> 00:36:31,420 Imagine what she's worth... 431 00:36:31,420 --> 00:36:35,450 They're gonna be pissed that they lost her... 432 00:36:39,480 --> 00:36:43,510 Well, this was quite a surprise, Mr President. 433 00:36:43,510 --> 00:36:47,520 If I had known you were coming to dinner tonight 434 00:36:47,520 --> 00:36:51,530 I'd have had something a little more substantial than pizza planned... 435 00:36:51,530 --> 00:36:55,550 Are you kidding? Do you know how often Margaret lets me have pizza? 436 00:36:55,550 --> 00:36:59,580 This is a treat. I'm glad to hear it. 437 00:36:59,580 --> 00:37:03,580 So, what brings you to our humble abode 438 00:37:03,580 --> 00:37:07,600 this evening, Mr President? 439 00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:11,610 Well, I'm actually here to ask you a favor on behalf of the Republican Party. Oh? 440 00:37:11,610 --> 00:37:15,620 Don't act like this is a surprise do you. 441 00:37:15,620 --> 00:37:19,640 You know that your name is being bantered around as the party's top choice to take my place 442 00:37:19,640 --> 00:37:23,670 next year when I leave. We need someone who is going to continue 443 00:37:23,670 --> 00:37:27,690 to be hard on terrorism...and Madeline's kidnapping 444 00:37:27,690 --> 00:37:31,700 is still on everyone's mind. 445 00:37:31,700 --> 00:37:35,720 The American people are angry...they want revenge. 446 00:37:35,720 --> 00:37:39,750 And they believe that you're the man to make that happen. Thank you Mr President. 447 00:37:39,750 --> 00:37:43,780 Everything okay hun? Yeah... 448 00:37:43,780 --> 00:37:47,780 Friend drama. Ah...friend drama... 449 00:37:47,780 --> 00:37:51,800 Well, when you got girls, you got drama. 450 00:37:51,800 --> 00:37:55,820 I have three of them and it's nonstop drama. 451 00:37:55,820 --> 00:37:59,850 (He is there?) Yes. (Then it is time) 452 00:37:59,850 --> 00:38:03,880 Allahu akbar. ( Barakallah Fiikum) 453 00:38:15,910 --> 00:38:19,920 Huh...Uh...Ankita? 454 00:38:19,920 --> 00:38:23,920 Come here a sec... 455 00:38:23,920 --> 00:38:27,940 Swanson said he, uh.. 456 00:38:27,940 --> 00:38:31,950 His team was killed in a drug raid gone bad... 457 00:38:31,950 --> 00:38:35,970 Yes, they raided a warehouse looking for drugs used by a terrorist organization to fund their activities. 458 00:38:35,970 --> 00:38:39,970 They didn't find any drugs and one of the terrorists managed to set a 459 00:38:39,970 --> 00:38:43,990 bomb vest off, killing half his team. 460 00:38:43,990 --> 00:38:48,030 I think it was a set up. What do you mean? 461 00:38:48,030 --> 00:38:52,060 I managed to utilize the information 462 00:38:52,060 --> 00:38:56,070 that Jules gave me to dig deeper into the terrorist 463 00:38:56,070 --> 00:39:00,090 network. I found some CCTV footage 464 00:39:00,090 --> 00:39:04,110 of the warehouse where his team was killed. 465 00:39:04,110 --> 00:39:08,140 Alright...found this... 466 00:39:08,140 --> 00:39:12,170 This where the team is moving 467 00:39:12,170 --> 00:39:16,180 into the warehouse....and... 468 00:39:16,180 --> 00:39:20,190 right here.... 469 00:39:20,190 --> 00:39:24,200 you can tell everything is over... 470 00:39:24,200 --> 00:39:28,240 they're standing down...and...I think these are the 471 00:39:28,240 --> 00:39:32,270 DEA guys coming into the warehouse... 472 00:39:32,270 --> 00:39:36,280 Then...this guy... 473 00:39:36,280 --> 00:39:40,290 He notices something wonky 474 00:39:40,290 --> 00:39:44,310 Yes...and the other's too...they've all gone tactical again. 475 00:39:44,310 --> 00:39:48,340 Is there audio...can you hear what they're saying? 476 00:39:48,340 --> 00:39:52,360 No, just video...but watch. 477 00:39:52,360 --> 00:39:56,360 This is right before the suicide bomber set off the vest. 478 00:39:56,360 --> 00:40:00,380 Why did they relax if there's an unknown approaching them? I don't know...it's dark in there... 479 00:40:00,380 --> 00:40:04,380 you can't see much...but... 480 00:40:04,380 --> 00:40:08,410 right...here...right before the best goes off 481 00:40:08,410 --> 00:40:12,430 (click) 482 00:40:12,430 --> 00:40:16,470 We get a clear look at her. Sally Ranson... 483 00:40:16,470 --> 00:40:20,480 Yep...one of the missing girls we're looking for. 484 00:40:24,500 --> 00:40:28,520 Swanson...I'll go over the details 485 00:40:28,520 --> 00:40:32,550 in how we know later but right now you just need to go with what I'm going to tell you. 486 00:40:32,550 --> 00:40:36,580 The terrorists aren't just kidnapping the girls.. 487 00:40:36,580 --> 00:40:40,590 They're brainwashing them and turning them into suicide bombers...exactly 488 00:40:40,590 --> 00:40:44,590 And each time we rescue one and bring them home 489 00:40:44,590 --> 00:40:48,600 we're bringing another potential suicide bomber back into the country 490 00:40:52,620 --> 00:40:56,650 You see...we all think that based on the publicity... What they hell?? 491 00:40:56,650 --> 00:41:00,660 Bomb!! Don't shoot...that's my daughter... 492 00:41:00,660 --> 00:41:04,670 Madeline...what the hell is this? 493 00:41:04,670 --> 00:41:08,690 The enemies of God must be struck down 494 00:41:08,690 --> 00:41:12,710 wherever they are. By killing the leader of the Crusaders, I am 495 00:41:12,710 --> 00:41:16,710 the hammer that strikes a blow for all Islam. 496 00:41:16,710 --> 00:41:20,750 (sighs) 497 00:41:20,750 --> 00:41:24,760 Good call on hacking into the cell system and deactivating the phone. 498 00:41:24,760 --> 00:41:28,780 on her vest. Do you think I got it in time? 499 00:41:28,780 --> 00:41:32,810 If you hadn't, it would already be on the news. 500 00:41:32,810 --> 00:41:36,820 (sighs) Oh, man... 501 00:41:36,820 --> 00:41:40,830 Rankin's with her 502 00:41:40,830 --> 00:41:44,840 He's good...she's in good hands. 503 00:41:44,840 --> 00:41:48,870 He'll get her stable and then give you a list of people you can call who can 504 00:41:48,870 --> 00:41:52,870 continue her deprogramming. Seems they did a really good job on her mind. 505 00:41:56,890 --> 00:42:00,920 Are you people going to tell me who you are? I'm afraid not, Mr Thurman. 506 00:42:00,920 --> 00:42:04,940 well I guess I will have to win the Presidency 507 00:42:04,940 --> 00:42:08,960 in order to find that out, huh? 508 00:42:08,960 --> 00:42:12,980 I'm afraid even that wouldn't help. 509 00:42:12,980 --> 00:42:16,990 Okay...I got your kung fu right here...uh... 510 00:42:16,990 --> 00:42:21,010 We...(system crashes) Oh...Crap!! 511 00:42:25,020 --> 00:42:29,030 Lost him... 512 00:42:29,030 --> 00:42:33,060 How close were you? Uh... 513 00:42:33,060 --> 00:42:37,080 No telling...could have been the next tower... 514 00:42:37,080 --> 00:42:41,110 There could have been a thousand more... 515 00:42:41,110 --> 00:42:45,140 zero way of telling. Any thoughts of where the call originated? 516 00:42:45,140 --> 00:42:49,150 Yeah...next door...or... 517 00:42:49,150 --> 00:42:53,160 the moon...or anywhere in between... 518 00:42:53,160 --> 00:42:57,180 Whoever did this... 519 00:42:57,180 --> 00:43:01,210 really good... 520 00:43:01,210 --> 00:43:05,250 She's finally dozed off...there's a Secret Service agent outside her door 521 00:43:05,250 --> 00:43:09,260 but I think she's down for the count. She's going to need a lot of help to get through this. 522 00:43:09,260 --> 00:43:13,270 For now, I think rest is the best prescription...for both of you. 523 00:43:13,270 --> 00:43:17,280 I think that's our cue... 524 00:43:17,280 --> 00:43:21,310 Mr Thurman...we'll see ourself out. 525 00:43:21,310 --> 00:43:25,340 Thank you gentlemen...thank you very much 526 00:43:29,360 --> 00:43:33,370 (sighs) 527 00:43:37,380 --> 00:43:41,400 Police say they don't have a motive yet and the investigation continues 528 00:43:41,400 --> 00:43:45,420 The race for the White House takes a turn today 529 00:43:45,420 --> 00:43:49,430 with Langston Thurman throwing his proverbial hat into the ring 530 00:43:49,430 --> 00:43:53,440 The Republican candidate is now on the ticket in the Presidential race for this November 531 00:43:53,440 --> 00:43:57,460 Thurman made the announcement this afternoon at a news conference 532 00:43:57,460 --> 00:44:01,480 attended by supporters and his family...his daughter Madeline at his side 533 00:44:01,480 --> 00:44:05,510 as he spoke to the crowd of hundreds of people. Thurman says he 534 00:44:05,510 --> 00:44:09,540 vows to keep his campaign "clean but aggressive" 535 00:44:09,540 --> 00:44:13,540 He didn't expand on what he means by that 536 00:44:13,540 --> 00:44:17,560 and no comments from Democrats regarding their new challenger. Still ahead tonight 537 00:44:17,560 --> 00:44:21,580 Answers to why a teenager opened fire at a Friday night football game 538 00:44:21,580 --> 00:44:25,610 and the fight against terror...how the nation's police departments 539 00:44:25,610 --> 00:44:29,640 are teaming up to fight terrorism in our own country. 540 00:44:29,640 --> 00:44:33,650 Stay with Eyewitness News. 541 00:44:45,720 --> 00:44:49,750 (phone buzzes) 542 00:44:53,770 --> 00:44:57,790 (texting)