1 00:02:16,612 --> 00:02:19,376 Senator, we're making our final approach into Coruscant. 2 00:02:19,482 --> 00:02:21,609 Very good, Lieutenant. 3 00:03:13,336 --> 00:03:15,167 We made it. 4 00:03:18,608 --> 00:03:20,371 I guess I was wrong. 5 00:03:20,476 --> 00:03:22,671 There was no danger at all. 6 00:03:41,531 --> 00:03:43,158 Cord¨¦. 7 00:03:44,500 --> 00:03:47,469 Milady, I'm so sorry. 8 00:03:48,371 --> 00:03:50,464 I've failed you, Senator. 9 00:03:50,573 --> 00:03:51,699 No. 10 00:03:54,877 --> 00:03:57,368 Milady, you're still in danger here. 11 00:04:03,853 --> 00:04:07,118 - I shouldn't have come back. - This vote is very important. 12 00:04:07,423 --> 00:04:11,052 You did your duty. Cord¨¦ did hers. Now, come. 13 00:04:12,929 --> 00:04:15,022 Senator Amidala, please. 14 00:04:26,609 --> 00:04:29,703 I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends. 15 00:04:30,513 --> 00:04:33,346 More and more star systems are joining the separatists. 16 00:04:33,449 --> 00:04:35,280 If they do break away... 17 00:04:35,384 --> 00:04:38,649 I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years... 18 00:04:38,754 --> 00:04:40,813 be split in two. 19 00:04:40,923 --> 00:04:43,892 My negotiations will not fail. 20 00:04:44,226 --> 00:04:46,558 If they do, you must realize... 21 00:04:46,696 --> 00:04:48,755 there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. 22 00:04:49,699 --> 00:04:52,395 We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers. 23 00:04:53,869 --> 00:04:55,564 Master Yoda... 24 00:04:56,539 --> 00:04:59,201 do you think it will really come to war? 25 00:05:00,710 --> 00:05:05,010 The dark side clouds everything. 26 00:05:05,114 --> 00:05:10,074 Impossible to see the future is. 27 00:05:11,921 --> 00:05:15,152 The Loyalist Committee has arrived, Your Honor. 28 00:05:15,257 --> 00:05:16,246 Good. 29 00:05:18,794 --> 00:05:20,955 Send them in. 30 00:05:21,063 --> 00:05:23,896 We will discuss this matter later. 31 00:05:28,104 --> 00:05:31,972 Senator Amidala, your tragedy on the landing platform... 32 00:05:32,074 --> 00:05:33,974 terrible. 33 00:05:34,243 --> 00:05:37,872 Seeing you alive brings warm feelings to my heart. 34 00:05:37,980 --> 00:05:40,710 Do you have any idea who was behind this attack? 35 00:05:40,816 --> 00:05:45,412 Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo. 36 00:05:46,322 --> 00:05:48,381 I think that Count Dooku was behind it. 37 00:05:48,491 --> 00:05:52,393 He is a political idealist, not a murderer. 38 00:05:52,495 --> 00:05:55,487 You know, milady, Count Dooku was once a Jedi. 39 00:05:55,598 --> 00:05:59,056 He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character. 40 00:05:59,168 --> 00:06:01,728 But for certain, Senator... 41 00:06:01,837 --> 00:06:05,671 in grave danger you are. 42 00:06:06,842 --> 00:06:09,743 MasterJedi, may I suggest... 43 00:06:09,845 --> 00:06:13,941 the senator be placed under the protection of your graces? 44 00:06:14,050 --> 00:06:17,110 Do you really think that's a wise decision under these stressful times? 45 00:06:17,219 --> 00:06:19,346 Chancellor, if I may comment, I do not believe... 46 00:06:19,455 --> 00:06:21,787 The situation is that serious? 47 00:06:22,358 --> 00:06:24,349 No, but I do, Senator. 48 00:06:24,460 --> 00:06:27,793 I realize all too well that additional security... 49 00:06:27,897 --> 00:06:31,389 might be disruptive for you... 50 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:34,162 but perhaps someone you're familiar with. 51 00:06:34,503 --> 00:06:38,303 An old friend, like Master Kenobi. 52 00:06:39,175 --> 00:06:40,699 That's possible. 53 00:06:40,810 --> 00:06:43,540 He's just returned from a border dispute on Ansion. 54 00:06:44,714 --> 00:06:46,841 Do it for me, milady. Please? 55 00:06:46,949 --> 00:06:49,349 The thought of losing you... 56 00:06:51,087 --> 00:06:53,146 is unbearable. 57 00:06:54,023 --> 00:06:57,220 I will have Obi-Wan report to you immediately, milady. 58 00:06:57,326 --> 00:06:59,556 Thank you, Master Windu. 59 00:07:08,704 --> 00:07:12,470 - You seem a little on edge. - Not at all. 60 00:07:12,575 --> 00:07:16,204 I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks. 61 00:07:16,946 --> 00:07:18,937 You fell into that nightmare, Master... 62 00:07:19,048 --> 00:07:21,482 and I rescued you, remember? 63 00:07:21,951 --> 00:07:23,976 Oh... yes. 64 00:07:29,425 --> 00:07:33,486 You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath. 65 00:07:34,530 --> 00:07:36,691 I haven't seen her in ten years, Master. 66 00:07:51,380 --> 00:07:54,110 Obi? Obi! 67 00:07:54,216 --> 00:07:57,879 - Mesa so smilen to seein yousa! - Good to see you again, JarJar. 68 00:07:57,987 --> 00:07:59,978 Senator Padm¨¦. 69 00:08:00,089 --> 00:08:03,684 Mesa palos here! Lookie, lookie, Senator. 70 00:08:03,793 --> 00:08:06,523 Desa Jedi arriven. 71 00:08:10,399 --> 00:08:13,095 It's a great pleasure to see you again, milady. 72 00:08:13,202 --> 00:08:15,693 It has been far too long, Master Kenobi. 73 00:08:17,072 --> 00:08:18,505 Ani? 74 00:08:18,607 --> 00:08:21,906 - My goodness, you've grown. - So have you. 75 00:08:22,011 --> 00:08:24,411 Grown more beautiful, I mean. 76 00:08:24,513 --> 00:08:27,209 Well, for a senator, I mean. 77 00:08:29,585 --> 00:08:32,713 Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine. 78 00:08:34,290 --> 00:08:37,748 Our presence here will be invisible, milady, I can assure you. 79 00:08:37,860 --> 00:08:40,328 I'm Captain Typho of Her Majesty's security service. 80 00:08:40,429 --> 00:08:42,488 Queen Jamillia has been informed of your assignment. 81 00:08:42,598 --> 00:08:44,725 I am grateful you are here, Master Kenobi. 82 00:08:44,834 --> 00:08:47,598 The situation is more dangerous than the senator will admit. 83 00:08:47,703 --> 00:08:50,399 I don't need more security. I need answers. 84 00:08:50,506 --> 00:08:52,736 I want to know who's trying to kill me. 85 00:08:52,842 --> 00:08:56,676 We are here to protect you, Senator, not to start an investigation. 86 00:08:56,779 --> 00:08:59,179 We will find out who's trying to kill you, Padm¨¦. 87 00:08:59,281 --> 00:09:01,112 I promise you. 88 00:09:01,217 --> 00:09:03,947 We will not exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner. 89 00:09:04,053 --> 00:09:07,022 I meant that in the interest of protecting her, Master, of course. 90 00:09:07,156 --> 00:09:09,624 We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin... 91 00:09:09,725 --> 00:09:11,693 and you will pay attention to my lead. 92 00:09:11,794 --> 00:09:13,853 - Why? - What? 93 00:09:15,731 --> 00:09:19,462 Why else do you think we were assigned to her if not to find the killer? 94 00:09:19,568 --> 00:09:22,867 Protection is a job for local security, notJedi. 95 00:09:22,972 --> 00:09:25,805 It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate. 96 00:09:25,908 --> 00:09:29,173 We will do exactly as the council has instructed. 97 00:09:31,680 --> 00:09:34,672 And you will learn your place, young one. 98 00:09:38,187 --> 00:09:40,212 Perhaps with merely your presence... 99 00:09:40,322 --> 00:09:43,257 the mystery surrounding this threat will be revealed. 100 00:09:43,359 --> 00:09:45,953 Now, if you'll excuse me... 101 00:09:46,195 --> 00:09:47,890 I will retire. 102 00:09:49,265 --> 00:09:51,324 I know I'll feel better having you here. 103 00:09:51,433 --> 00:09:53,594 I'll have an officer stationed on every floor... 104 00:09:53,702 --> 00:09:55,863 and I'll be in the control center downstairs. 105 00:09:57,506 --> 00:10:00,498 Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Ani. 106 00:10:00,609 --> 00:10:03,737 She hardly even recognized me, JarJar. 107 00:10:05,381 --> 00:10:08,316 I've thought about her every day since we parted and... 108 00:10:09,685 --> 00:10:11,653 she's forgotten me completely. 109 00:10:11,754 --> 00:10:13,415 Shesa happy. 110 00:10:13,522 --> 00:10:15,922 Happier den mesa seein her in a longo time. 111 00:10:16,025 --> 00:10:19,825 You're focusing on the negative, Anakin. Be mindful of your thoughts. 112 00:10:20,129 --> 00:10:22,597 She was pleased to see us. 113 00:10:22,698 --> 00:10:24,666 Now, let's check the security. 114 00:10:33,609 --> 00:10:35,770 I hit the ship, but they used a decoy. 115 00:10:35,878 --> 00:10:38,142 We'll have to try something more subtle this time, Zam. 116 00:10:38,247 --> 00:10:40,272 My client is getting impatient. 117 00:10:40,382 --> 00:10:43,215 Take these. Be careful. They're very poisonous. 118 00:10:43,319 --> 00:10:46,755 And, Zam, there can be no mistakes this time. 119 00:10:50,092 --> 00:10:52,526 Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. 120 00:10:52,628 --> 00:10:54,562 No assassin would try that way. 121 00:10:55,130 --> 00:10:57,690 - Any activity up here? - Quiet as a tomb. 122 00:10:59,234 --> 00:11:02,067 I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her. 123 00:11:02,438 --> 00:11:05,703 - What's going on? - She covered the cameras. 124 00:11:06,442 --> 00:11:08,467 I don't think she liked me watching her. 125 00:11:08,577 --> 00:11:10,477 What is she thinking? 126 00:11:10,579 --> 00:11:13,571 She programmed R2 to warn us if there is an intruder. 127 00:11:13,682 --> 00:11:16,310 There are many other ways to kill a senator. 128 00:11:16,418 --> 00:11:20,752 I know, but we also want to catch this assassin, don't we, Master? 129 00:11:22,858 --> 00:11:24,985 You're using her as bait. 130 00:11:25,094 --> 00:11:27,153 It was her idea. 131 00:11:27,262 --> 00:11:29,822 Don't worry. No harm will come to her. 132 00:11:29,932 --> 00:11:32,901 I can sense everything going on in that room. 133 00:11:33,002 --> 00:11:35,266 Trust me. 134 00:11:35,371 --> 00:11:37,271 It's too risky. 135 00:11:37,773 --> 00:11:40,970 Besides, your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice. 136 00:11:41,377 --> 00:11:43,402 And yours are? 137 00:11:45,614 --> 00:11:47,479 Possibly. 138 00:12:01,830 --> 00:12:03,798 You look tired. 139 00:12:04,533 --> 00:12:06,524 I don't sleep well anymore. 140 00:12:06,635 --> 00:12:09,126 Because of your mother? 141 00:12:14,309 --> 00:12:17,107 I don't know why I keep dreaming about her. 142 00:12:19,848 --> 00:12:21,782 Dreams pass in time. 143 00:12:23,352 --> 00:12:25,912 I'd much rather dream about Padm¨¦. 144 00:12:26,021 --> 00:12:30,219 Just being around her again is... intoxicating. 145 00:12:30,325 --> 00:12:32,793 Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin. They betray you. 146 00:12:32,895 --> 00:12:35,227 You've made a commitment to theJedi order... 147 00:12:35,330 --> 00:12:37,389 a commitment not easily broken. 148 00:12:37,499 --> 00:12:40,263 And don't forget, she's a politician. They're not to be trusted. 149 00:12:40,369 --> 00:12:42,963 She's not like the others in the senate, Master. 150 00:12:43,072 --> 00:12:45,199 It is my experience that senators focus... 151 00:12:45,340 --> 00:12:48,207 only on pleasing those who fund their campaigns... 152 00:12:48,944 --> 00:12:52,505 and they're in no means scared of forgetting the niceties of democracy... 153 00:12:52,614 --> 00:12:54,809 - in order to get those funds. - Not another lecture. 154 00:12:54,917 --> 00:12:57,715 At least not on the economics of politics. 155 00:13:53,342 --> 00:13:56,072 And besides, you're generalizing. 156 00:13:56,178 --> 00:13:58,237 The chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt. 157 00:13:58,347 --> 00:14:00,008 Palpatine is a politician. 158 00:14:00,115 --> 00:14:02,743 I have observed that he is very clever... 159 00:14:02,851 --> 00:14:06,844 in following the passions and the prejudices of the senators. 160 00:14:06,955 --> 00:14:08,820 I think he's a good man... 161 00:14:08,924 --> 00:14:10,824 I sense it too. 162 00:14:27,342 --> 00:14:30,004 Stay here! 163 00:14:32,447 --> 00:14:34,347 Are you all right, milady? 164 00:15:08,817 --> 00:15:10,011 What the... 165 00:15:18,660 --> 00:15:20,321 Jedi poo doo! 166 00:16:22,157 --> 00:16:24,455 - What took you so long? - Oh, you know, Master. 167 00:16:24,559 --> 00:16:27,460 - I couldn't find a speeder I liked... - There he is. 168 00:16:27,562 --> 00:16:30,963 With the open cockpit and the right speed capabilities. 169 00:16:31,066 --> 00:16:33,864 If you spent as long practicing your saber techniques as you do your wit... 170 00:16:33,969 --> 00:16:35,698 you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman. 171 00:16:35,804 --> 00:16:37,499 I thought I already did. 172 00:16:37,606 --> 00:16:40,302 Only in your mind, my very young apprentice. 173 00:17:08,804 --> 00:17:11,238 Pull up, Anakin. Pull up! 174 00:17:18,347 --> 00:17:20,474 You know I don't like it when you do that. 175 00:17:20,615 --> 00:17:23,846 Sorry, Master. I forgot you don't like flying. 176 00:17:23,952 --> 00:17:26,750 I don't mind flying, but what you're doing is suicide! 177 00:17:55,050 --> 00:17:58,019 Anakin! How many times have I told you... 178 00:17:59,221 --> 00:18:01,348 stay away from power couplings! 179 00:18:03,024 --> 00:18:04,355 That was good! 180 00:18:19,908 --> 00:18:22,433 Where are you going? He went that way. 181 00:18:22,544 --> 00:18:24,569 Master, if we keep this chase going any longer... 182 00:18:24,679 --> 00:18:26,670 that creep is gonna end up deep-fried... 183 00:18:26,782 --> 00:18:31,082 and, personally, I'd like to find out who he is and who he's working for. 184 00:18:31,186 --> 00:18:33,848 This is a shortcut... I think. 185 00:19:01,650 --> 00:19:03,515 Well, you've lost him. 186 00:19:04,052 --> 00:19:06,111 I'm deeply sorry, Master. 187 00:19:06,221 --> 00:19:08,121 That was some shortcut, Anakin. 188 00:19:08,223 --> 00:19:10,657 He went completely the other way. 189 00:19:10,759 --> 00:19:12,784 - Once again you've proved... - If you'll excuse me. 190 00:19:15,330 --> 00:19:17,924 I hate it when he does that. 191 00:21:46,948 --> 00:21:48,711 Anakin! 192 00:21:48,817 --> 00:21:51,650 - She went into the club, Master. - Patience. 193 00:21:51,753 --> 00:21:55,280 - Use the Force. Think. - Sorry, Master. 194 00:21:55,390 --> 00:21:58,154 - He went in there to hide, not to run. - Yes, Master. 195 00:21:58,259 --> 00:22:01,057 - Next time, try not to lose it. - Yes, Master. 196 00:22:01,162 --> 00:22:05,098 - This weapon is your life. - I try, Master. 197 00:22:05,233 --> 00:22:07,895 Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me? 198 00:22:08,003 --> 00:22:09,698 Don't say that, Master. 199 00:22:09,804 --> 00:22:11,863 You're the closest thing I have to a father. 200 00:22:11,973 --> 00:22:13,838 Then why don't you listen to me? 201 00:22:13,942 --> 00:22:15,534 I am trying. 202 00:22:27,656 --> 00:22:29,590 Can you see him? 203 00:22:29,691 --> 00:22:31,659 I think he is a she... 204 00:22:31,760 --> 00:22:34,422 and I think she is a changeling. 205 00:22:35,030 --> 00:22:37,658 In that case, be extra careful. 206 00:22:39,701 --> 00:22:42,169 - Go and find her. - Where are you going, Master? 207 00:22:42,270 --> 00:22:43,737 For a drink. 208 00:22:54,315 --> 00:22:56,146 Thank you. 209 00:22:56,885 --> 00:23:00,343 - You wanna buy some death sticks? - You don't want to sell me death sticks. 210 00:23:00,455 --> 00:23:02,389 I don't want to sell you death sticks. 211 00:23:02,490 --> 00:23:04,583 You want to go home and rethink your life. 212 00:23:04,693 --> 00:23:07,025 I want to go home and rethink my life. 213 00:23:55,210 --> 00:23:56,507 Easy. 214 00:23:56,611 --> 00:23:58,738 Jedi business. Go back to your drinks. 215 00:24:05,386 --> 00:24:08,014 Do you know who it was you were trying to kill? 216 00:24:08,690 --> 00:24:10,419 It was a senator from Naboo. 217 00:24:10,525 --> 00:24:13,221 - And who hired you? - It was just a job. 218 00:24:14,362 --> 00:24:16,592 Who hired you? Tell us. 219 00:24:18,099 --> 00:24:20,090 Tell us now! 220 00:24:21,069 --> 00:24:22,900 It was a bounty hunter called... 221 00:24:28,209 --> 00:24:32,669 Wee shahnit... sleemo. 222 00:24:42,257 --> 00:24:44,088 Toxic dart. 223 00:24:54,502 --> 00:24:58,563 Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan. 224 00:24:58,673 --> 00:25:02,131 Most importantly, find out who he's working for. 225 00:25:02,243 --> 00:25:06,145 What about Senator Amidala? She will still need protecting. 226 00:25:06,247 --> 00:25:09,148 Handle that your Padawan will. 227 00:25:10,919 --> 00:25:14,548 Anakin, escort the senator back to her home planet of Naboo. 228 00:25:14,656 --> 00:25:18,387 She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transport. 229 00:25:18,493 --> 00:25:20,484 Travel as refugees. 230 00:25:20,595 --> 00:25:23,496 As the leader of the opposition, it will be very difficult... 231 00:25:23,598 --> 00:25:25,964 to get Senator Amidala to leave the capital. 232 00:25:26,935 --> 00:25:29,768 Until caught this killer is... 233 00:25:29,871 --> 00:25:32,931 our judgment she must respect. 234 00:25:33,374 --> 00:25:35,501 Anakin, go to the senate... 235 00:25:35,610 --> 00:25:38,773 and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter. 236 00:25:47,689 --> 00:25:49,623 I will talk with her. 237 00:25:49,724 --> 00:25:52,852 Senator Amidala will not refuse an executive order. 238 00:25:52,961 --> 00:25:55,122 I know her well enough to assure you of that. 239 00:25:55,230 --> 00:25:57,289 Thank you, Your Excellency. 240 00:25:57,398 --> 00:26:00,765 And so, they've finally given you an assignment. 241 00:26:01,836 --> 00:26:03,861 Your patience has paid off. 242 00:26:04,005 --> 00:26:06,303 Your guidance more than my patience. 243 00:26:07,475 --> 00:26:09,807 You don't need guidance, Anakin. 244 00:26:11,145 --> 00:26:14,137 In time, you will learn to trust your feelings. 245 00:26:16,084 --> 00:26:18,177 Then you will be invincible. 246 00:26:21,322 --> 00:26:23,222 I have said it many times: 247 00:26:23,324 --> 00:26:26,088 You are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met. 248 00:26:26,194 --> 00:26:28,094 Thank you, Your Excellency. 249 00:26:28,196 --> 00:26:31,893 I see you becoming the greatest of all theJedi, Anakin... 250 00:26:32,000 --> 00:26:34,525 even more powerful than Master Yoda. 251 00:26:39,707 --> 00:26:41,732 I am concerned for my Padawan. 252 00:26:41,843 --> 00:26:44,539 He is not ready to be given this assignment on his own yet. 253 00:26:44,679 --> 00:26:47,910 The council is confident in its decision, Obi-Wan. 254 00:26:48,016 --> 00:26:49,984 The boy has exceptional skills. 255 00:26:50,084 --> 00:26:52,518 But he still has much to learn, Master. 256 00:26:52,620 --> 00:26:56,056 His abilities have made him, well, arrogant. 257 00:26:56,190 --> 00:26:58,158 Yes. 258 00:26:58,259 --> 00:27:01,194 A flaw more and more common among Jedi. 259 00:27:03,298 --> 00:27:05,698 Too sure of themselves they are. 260 00:27:05,800 --> 00:27:09,258 Even the older, more experienced ones. 261 00:27:09,370 --> 00:27:12,931 Remember, Obi-Wan, if the prophecy is true... 262 00:27:13,041 --> 00:27:16,670 your apprentice is the only one who can bring the Force back into balance. 263 00:27:20,782 --> 00:27:23,615 I'm taking an extended leave of absence. 264 00:27:23,718 --> 00:27:26,846 It will be your responsibility to take my place in the senate. 265 00:27:26,955 --> 00:27:29,856 Representative Binks, I know I can count on you. 266 00:27:29,958 --> 00:27:34,452 Mesa honored to be taking on dissa heavy burden. 267 00:27:34,829 --> 00:27:39,129 Mesa accept this with muy, muy humility and... 268 00:27:39,233 --> 00:27:41,793 JarJar, I don't wish to hold you up. 269 00:27:41,903 --> 00:27:43,871 I'm sure you have a great deal to do. 270 00:27:43,972 --> 00:27:45,769 Of course. 271 00:27:46,074 --> 00:27:47,632 Milady. 272 00:27:52,246 --> 00:27:54,111 I do not like this idea of hiding. 273 00:27:55,083 --> 00:27:56,311 Don't worry. 274 00:27:56,417 --> 00:27:58,612 Now that the council has ordered an investigation... 275 00:27:58,753 --> 00:28:01,415 it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter. 276 00:28:01,522 --> 00:28:04,423 I haven't worked for a year to defeat the Military Creation Act... 277 00:28:04,525 --> 00:28:06,584 to not be here when its fate is decided. 278 00:28:06,694 --> 00:28:08,753 Sometimes we must let go of our pride... 279 00:28:08,863 --> 00:28:11,423 and do what is requested of us. 280 00:28:11,532 --> 00:28:13,966 Anakin, you've grown up. 281 00:28:15,837 --> 00:28:18,271 Master Obi-Wan manages not to see it. 282 00:28:25,146 --> 00:28:27,774 Don't get me wrong. 283 00:28:27,882 --> 00:28:29,713 Obi-Wan is a great mentor. 284 00:28:29,817 --> 00:28:32,342 As wise as Master Yoda and... 285 00:28:32,453 --> 00:28:34,580 as powerful as Master Windu. 286 00:28:36,958 --> 00:28:39,358 I am truly thankful to be his apprentice. 287 00:28:41,529 --> 00:28:44,589 In some ways... a lot of ways... 288 00:28:46,634 --> 00:28:48,602 I'm really ahead of him. 289 00:28:49,337 --> 00:28:51,202 I'm ready for the trials... 290 00:28:51,305 --> 00:28:54,706 but he feels that I'm too unpredictable. 291 00:28:54,809 --> 00:28:56,709 He won't let me move on. 292 00:28:57,578 --> 00:28:59,876 - That must be frustrating. - It's worse. 293 00:28:59,981 --> 00:29:02,779 He's overly critical. He never listens. 294 00:29:02,884 --> 00:29:05,250 He doesn't understand. 295 00:29:05,353 --> 00:29:07,446 It's not fair! 296 00:29:07,555 --> 00:29:12,390 All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like. 297 00:29:12,493 --> 00:29:14,484 It's the only way we grow. 298 00:29:16,597 --> 00:29:18,030 I know. 299 00:29:19,000 --> 00:29:20,991 Anakin... 300 00:29:23,371 --> 00:29:25,896 don't try to grow up too fast. 301 00:29:26,007 --> 00:29:27,998 But I am grown up. 302 00:29:30,111 --> 00:29:32,079 You said it yourself. 303 00:29:33,214 --> 00:29:35,307 Please don't look at me like that. 304 00:29:36,284 --> 00:29:37,774 Why not? 305 00:29:37,885 --> 00:29:40,012 It makes me feel uncomfortable. 306 00:29:42,023 --> 00:29:43,991 Sorry, milady. 307 00:29:59,273 --> 00:30:02,037 - Be safe, milady. - Thank you, Captain. 308 00:30:02,143 --> 00:30:05,203 Take good care of Dorm¨¦. The threat's on you two now. 309 00:30:05,313 --> 00:30:07,281 He'll be safe with me. 310 00:30:11,719 --> 00:30:13,346 You'll be fine. 311 00:30:13,454 --> 00:30:16,651 It's not me, milady. I worry about you. 312 00:30:16,757 --> 00:30:19,089 What if they realize you've left the capital? 313 00:30:20,261 --> 00:30:23,560 Well, then myJedi protector will have to prove how good he is. 314 00:30:23,664 --> 00:30:25,564 Anakin... 315 00:30:25,666 --> 00:30:28,760 don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the council. 316 00:30:28,903 --> 00:30:30,803 Yes, Master. 317 00:30:31,973 --> 00:30:34,498 I'll get to the bottom of this plot quickly, milady. 318 00:30:34,609 --> 00:30:36,543 You'll be back here in no time. 319 00:30:36,644 --> 00:30:39,875 I'll be most grateful for your speed, MasterJedi. 320 00:30:39,981 --> 00:30:41,881 - It's time to go. - I know. 321 00:30:41,983 --> 00:30:44,508 Anakin, may the Force be with you. 322 00:30:44,619 --> 00:30:46,644 May the Force be with you, Master. 323 00:30:58,132 --> 00:30:59,997 Suddenly I'm afraid. 324 00:31:00,101 --> 00:31:03,730 This is my first assignment on my own. I am too. 325 00:31:06,140 --> 00:31:08,267 Don't worry. We have R2 with us. 326 00:31:13,648 --> 00:31:16,173 I do hope he doesn't try anything foolish. 327 00:31:16,951 --> 00:31:20,409 I'd be more concerned about her doing something than him. 328 00:31:41,842 --> 00:31:43,935 Someone to see ya, honey! 329 00:31:44,378 --> 00:31:46,278 Jedi, by the looks of him. 330 00:31:47,348 --> 00:31:48,940 Obi-Wan! 331 00:31:50,017 --> 00:31:51,314 Hello, Dex. 332 00:31:51,419 --> 00:31:54,013 Take a seat. I'll be right with ya. 333 00:31:56,424 --> 00:31:59,393 - You wanna cup o'jawa juice? - Oh, yes. Thank you. 334 00:32:04,065 --> 00:32:06,226 Old buddy! 335 00:32:15,610 --> 00:32:18,579 So, my friend, what can I do for ya? 336 00:32:18,679 --> 00:32:20,510 You can tell me what this is. 337 00:32:22,016 --> 00:32:25,247 Well, whattaya know! 338 00:32:25,353 --> 00:32:27,753 I ain't seen one of these since I was prospectin'... 339 00:32:27,888 --> 00:32:31,085 on Subterrel, beyond the outer rim. 340 00:32:31,192 --> 00:32:33,626 Can you tell me where it came from? 341 00:32:33,728 --> 00:32:36,697 This baby belongs to them cloners. 342 00:32:36,797 --> 00:32:41,131 What you got here is a Kamino saberdart. 343 00:32:41,235 --> 00:32:44,204 I wonder why it didn't show up in the analysis archives. 344 00:32:44,305 --> 00:32:47,604 It's these funny little cuts on the side that give it away. 345 00:32:47,708 --> 00:32:51,610 Those analysis droids only focus on symbols. 346 00:32:51,746 --> 00:32:54,010 I should think that you Jedi would have more respect... 347 00:32:54,115 --> 00:32:56,447 for the difference between knowledge and... 348 00:32:57,618 --> 00:32:59,279 wisdom. 349 00:32:59,387 --> 00:33:01,378 Well, if droids could think... 350 00:33:01,489 --> 00:33:03,548 there'd be none of us here, would there? 351 00:33:04,292 --> 00:33:06,487 Kamino. I'm not familiar with it. Is it in the Republic? 352 00:33:06,594 --> 00:33:08,562 No, no. It's beyond the outer rim. 353 00:33:08,663 --> 00:33:14,295 I'd say about 12 parsecs outside the Rishi Maze. 354 00:33:14,402 --> 00:33:18,930 Should be easy to find, even for those droids in your archives. 355 00:33:19,907 --> 00:33:24,640 These Kaminoans keep to themselves. 356 00:33:24,745 --> 00:33:27,612 They're cloners. Damn good ones too. 357 00:33:28,783 --> 00:33:31,877 - Cloners. Are they friendly? - Depends. 358 00:33:32,286 --> 00:33:34,220 Depends on what, Dex? 359 00:33:34,322 --> 00:33:37,189 On how good your manners are... 360 00:33:37,291 --> 00:33:41,591 and how big your... pocketbook is. 361 00:33:52,340 --> 00:33:55,036 - Did you call for assistance? - Yes, I did. 362 00:33:55,142 --> 00:33:57,269 Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi? 363 00:33:57,378 --> 00:34:00,677 Yes, I'm looking for a planetary system called Kamino. 364 00:34:00,781 --> 00:34:03,045 It doesn't show up on the archive charts. 365 00:34:03,150 --> 00:34:07,450 Kamino. It's not a system I'm familiar with. 366 00:34:07,555 --> 00:34:09,921 Are you sure you have the right coordinates? 367 00:34:10,024 --> 00:34:13,016 According to my information, it should appear in this quadrant here... 368 00:34:13,127 --> 00:34:15,186 just south of the Rishi Maze. 369 00:34:22,136 --> 00:34:25,469 I hate to say it, but it looks like the system you're searching for... 370 00:34:25,573 --> 00:34:27,268 doesn't exist. 371 00:34:27,375 --> 00:34:30,867 Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete. 372 00:34:30,978 --> 00:34:34,038 If an item does not appear in our records... 373 00:34:34,148 --> 00:34:36,207 it does not exist. 374 00:34:58,005 --> 00:35:00,235 Hey, you! No droids! 375 00:35:00,608 --> 00:35:02,508 Get outta here! 376 00:35:09,350 --> 00:35:11,215 Thank you, R2. 377 00:35:12,019 --> 00:35:14,920 Must be difficult, having sworn your life to theJedi... 378 00:35:15,022 --> 00:35:18,924 not being able to visit the places you like or do the things you like. 379 00:35:19,026 --> 00:35:21,153 Or be with the people that I love. 380 00:35:22,096 --> 00:35:24,121 Are you allowed to love? 381 00:35:24,231 --> 00:35:26,062 I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi. 382 00:35:29,603 --> 00:35:31,901 Attachment is forbidden. 383 00:35:33,707 --> 00:35:35,607 Possession is forbidden. 384 00:35:35,709 --> 00:35:39,304 Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love... 385 00:35:39,413 --> 00:35:41,847 is central to a Jedi's life. 386 00:35:44,318 --> 00:35:48,687 So you might say that we are encouraged to love. 387 00:35:48,789 --> 00:35:50,723 You've changed so much. 388 00:35:50,825 --> 00:35:53,385 You haven't changed a bit. 389 00:35:53,494 --> 00:35:56,361 You're exactly the way I remember you in my dreams. 390 00:36:09,009 --> 00:36:12,740 Reach out. Sense the Force around you. 391 00:36:12,847 --> 00:36:15,543 Use your feelings you must. 392 00:36:19,954 --> 00:36:22,980 Younglings. Younglings! 393 00:36:23,090 --> 00:36:25,524 A visitor we have. 394 00:36:25,626 --> 00:36:28,493 Hello, Master Obi-Wan. 395 00:36:28,629 --> 00:36:30,062 Hello. 396 00:36:30,164 --> 00:36:31,688 I'm sorry to disturb you, Master. 397 00:36:31,799 --> 00:36:34,131 What help can I be, Obi-Wan? 398 00:36:35,603 --> 00:36:38,504 I'm looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. 399 00:36:38,606 --> 00:36:41,734 I trust him, but the systems don't show on the archive maps. 400 00:36:43,310 --> 00:36:46,177 Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. 401 00:36:46,280 --> 00:36:48,248 How embarrassing! 402 00:36:51,685 --> 00:36:53,676 Liam, the shades. 403 00:36:55,055 --> 00:36:57,523 Gather round the map reader. 404 00:36:57,625 --> 00:36:59,786 Clear your minds... 405 00:36:59,894 --> 00:37:03,352 and find Obi-Wan's wayward planet we will. 406 00:37:04,565 --> 00:37:07,728 It ought to be here... 407 00:37:07,835 --> 00:37:09,735 but it isn't. 408 00:37:09,837 --> 00:37:13,273 Gravity is pulling all the stars in the area towards this spot. 409 00:37:14,875 --> 00:37:16,968 Gravity's silhouette remains... 410 00:37:17,077 --> 00:37:20,046 but the star and all the planets... 411 00:37:20,147 --> 00:37:22,138 disappeared they have. 412 00:37:22,249 --> 00:37:24,376 How can this be? 413 00:37:25,586 --> 00:37:27,213 A thought? 414 00:37:28,155 --> 00:37:30,020 Anyone. 415 00:37:30,491 --> 00:37:31,924 Master? 416 00:37:32,026 --> 00:37:34,893 Because someone erased it from the archive memory. 417 00:37:38,232 --> 00:37:42,134 Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. 418 00:37:45,039 --> 00:37:47,269 The Padawan is right. 419 00:37:47,374 --> 00:37:50,434 Go to the center of gravity's pull... 420 00:37:50,544 --> 00:37:54,002 and find your planet you will. 421 00:37:59,420 --> 00:38:02,412 The data must have been erased. 422 00:38:02,856 --> 00:38:07,623 But who could empty information from the archives? Isn't that impossible? 423 00:38:07,728 --> 00:38:11,129 Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is. 424 00:38:11,231 --> 00:38:15,600 Only a Jedi could have erased those files. 425 00:38:15,703 --> 00:38:19,104 But who and why, harder to answer. 426 00:38:20,207 --> 00:38:23,040 Meditate on this I will. 427 00:38:47,901 --> 00:38:50,199 I wasn't the youngest queen ever elected... 428 00:38:50,304 --> 00:38:53,899 but now that I think back on it, I'm not sure I was old enough. 429 00:38:54,008 --> 00:38:55,976 I'm not sure I was ready. 430 00:38:56,076 --> 00:38:58,601 The people you served thought you did a good job. 431 00:38:59,013 --> 00:39:01,072 I heard they even tried to amend the constitution... 432 00:39:01,181 --> 00:39:03,240 so you could stay in office. 433 00:39:03,350 --> 00:39:05,841 I was relieved when my two terms were up. 434 00:39:05,953 --> 00:39:09,650 But when the queen asked me to serve as senator... 435 00:39:09,757 --> 00:39:11,748 I couldn't refuse her. 436 00:39:12,026 --> 00:39:15,393 I agree with her. I think the Republic needs you. 437 00:39:17,498 --> 00:39:19,625 I'm glad that you chose to serve. 438 00:39:26,640 --> 00:39:30,201 If the senate votes to create an army, it's sure to push us into a civil war. 439 00:39:30,310 --> 00:39:32,175 It's unthinkable! 440 00:39:32,279 --> 00:39:35,680 There hasn't been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic. 441 00:39:35,783 --> 00:39:38,251 Do you see any way through negotiations... 442 00:39:38,352 --> 00:39:40,445 to bring the separatists back into the Republic? 443 00:39:40,554 --> 00:39:42,749 Not if they feel threatened. 444 00:39:42,856 --> 00:39:46,223 They'll turn to the Trade Federations or the Commerce Guilds for help. 445 00:39:46,326 --> 00:39:48,294 It's outrageous... 446 00:39:48,395 --> 00:39:50,693 but after four trials in the Supreme Court... 447 00:39:50,798 --> 00:39:54,598 Nute Gunray is still the viceroy of the Trade Federation. 448 00:39:54,702 --> 00:39:58,695 I fear the senate is powerless to resolve this crisis. 449 00:40:00,841 --> 00:40:03,002 We must keep our faith in the Republic. 450 00:40:09,883 --> 00:40:13,944 The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it. 451 00:40:14,054 --> 00:40:16,750 Let's pray that day never comes. 452 00:40:16,857 --> 00:40:19,519 In the meantime, we must consider your own safety. 453 00:40:20,360 --> 00:40:22,624 What is your suggestion, MasterJedi? 454 00:40:22,730 --> 00:40:26,097 Anakin's not a Jedi yet. He's still a Padawan learner. 455 00:40:26,200 --> 00:40:28,065 - But I was thinking... - Hold on a minute. 456 00:40:28,168 --> 00:40:29,430 Excuse me. 457 00:40:29,536 --> 00:40:31,970 I was thinking I would stay in the lake country. 458 00:40:32,072 --> 00:40:34,302 There are some places up there that are very isolated. 459 00:40:34,408 --> 00:40:37,468 Excuse me. I'm in charge of security here, milady. 460 00:40:38,345 --> 00:40:41,246 And this is my home. I know it very well. That is why we're here. 461 00:40:41,348 --> 00:40:43,316 I think it would be wise... 462 00:40:43,417 --> 00:40:45,817 if you took advantage of my knowledge in this instance. 463 00:40:47,187 --> 00:40:49,087 Sorry, milady. 464 00:40:52,292 --> 00:40:54,419 Perfect. It's settled, then. 465 00:41:08,408 --> 00:41:11,138 There it is, R4, right where it should be. 466 00:41:11,245 --> 00:41:13,076 Our missing planet Kamino. 467 00:41:51,251 --> 00:41:53,116 MasterJedi. 468 00:41:54,254 --> 00:41:56,586 The prime minister is expecting you. 469 00:41:57,825 --> 00:42:00,225 - I'm expected? - Of course. 470 00:42:01,128 --> 00:42:03,392 He is anxious to meet you. 471 00:42:03,497 --> 00:42:05,692 After all these years... 472 00:42:05,799 --> 00:42:09,394 we were beginning to think you weren't coming. 473 00:42:09,503 --> 00:42:11,733 Now, please, this way. 474 00:42:24,518 --> 00:42:27,009 May I present Lama Su... 475 00:42:27,120 --> 00:42:29,145 prime minister of Kamino. 476 00:42:30,891 --> 00:42:32,950 And this is MasterJedi... 477 00:42:33,193 --> 00:42:35,093 Obi-Wan Kenobi. 478 00:42:35,195 --> 00:42:38,494 I trust you're going to enjoy your stay. 479 00:42:39,967 --> 00:42:41,935 Please. 480 00:42:43,570 --> 00:42:45,765 And now to business. 481 00:42:45,873 --> 00:42:49,809 You will be delighted to hear that we are on schedule. 482 00:42:50,911 --> 00:42:52,811 200,000 units are ready... 483 00:42:52,913 --> 00:42:55,279 with a million more well on the way. 484 00:42:56,416 --> 00:42:58,384 That's good news. 485 00:42:58,485 --> 00:43:01,613 Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas... 486 00:43:01,722 --> 00:43:05,089 that his order will be met on time. 487 00:43:05,192 --> 00:43:07,160 I'm sorry. Master... 488 00:43:08,328 --> 00:43:10,888 Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is still... 489 00:43:10,998 --> 00:43:14,126 a leading member of theJedi Council, is he not? 490 00:43:14,234 --> 00:43:18,034 Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago. 491 00:43:19,673 --> 00:43:22,005 I'm so sorry to hear that. 492 00:43:22,109 --> 00:43:26,409 But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him. 493 00:43:26,513 --> 00:43:28,845 The army? 494 00:43:28,949 --> 00:43:32,612 Yes, a clone army, and I must say... 495 00:43:32,719 --> 00:43:34,914 one of the finest we've ever created. 496 00:43:35,055 --> 00:43:37,023 Tell me, Prime Minister... 497 00:43:37,124 --> 00:43:39,615 when my master first contacted you about the army... 498 00:43:39,726 --> 00:43:41,853 did he say who it was for? 499 00:43:41,962 --> 00:43:43,987 Of course he did. 500 00:43:44,097 --> 00:43:46,759 This army is for the Republic. 501 00:43:47,634 --> 00:43:51,229 But you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself. 502 00:43:52,806 --> 00:43:54,865 That's why I'm here. 503 00:44:15,729 --> 00:44:17,856 We used to come here for school retreat. 504 00:44:19,599 --> 00:44:21,692 We would swim to that island every day. 505 00:44:23,003 --> 00:44:24,971 I love the water. 506 00:44:29,743 --> 00:44:33,372 We used to lie out on the sand and let the sun dry us... 507 00:44:33,847 --> 00:44:36,816 and try to guess the names of the birds singing. 508 00:44:39,686 --> 00:44:41,711 I don't like sand. 509 00:44:42,422 --> 00:44:46,153 It's coarse and rough and irritating... 510 00:44:46,526 --> 00:44:48,551 and it gets everywhere. 511 00:44:50,764 --> 00:44:52,789 Not like here. 512 00:44:53,433 --> 00:44:55,401 Here, everything is soft... 513 00:44:57,537 --> 00:44:59,732 and smooth. 514 00:45:36,309 --> 00:45:37,970 No. 515 00:45:38,645 --> 00:45:40,670 I shouldn't have done that. 516 00:45:42,416 --> 00:45:44,384 I'm sorry. 517 00:45:57,998 --> 00:45:59,625 Very impressive. 518 00:45:59,733 --> 00:46:01,860 I'd hoped you would be pleased. 519 00:46:05,005 --> 00:46:07,496 Clones can think creatively. 520 00:46:07,607 --> 00:46:11,509 You will find that they are immensely superior to droids. 521 00:46:15,282 --> 00:46:20,686 We take great pride in our combat education and training programs. 522 00:46:20,787 --> 00:46:24,154 This group was created about five years ago. 523 00:46:24,257 --> 00:46:26,316 You mentioned growth acceleration. 524 00:46:26,426 --> 00:46:28,360 Oh, yes, it's essential. 525 00:46:28,462 --> 00:46:31,488 Otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. 526 00:46:31,598 --> 00:46:34,192 Now we can do it in half the time. 527 00:46:34,301 --> 00:46:36,963 I see. 528 00:46:37,070 --> 00:46:38,970 They are totally obedient... 529 00:46:39,072 --> 00:46:41,768 taking any order without question. 530 00:46:41,875 --> 00:46:43,934 We modified their genetic structure... 531 00:46:44,044 --> 00:46:47,275 to make them less independent than the original host. 532 00:46:47,380 --> 00:46:49,905 And who was the original host? 533 00:46:50,050 --> 00:46:52,109 A bounty hunter called Jango Fett. 534 00:46:53,720 --> 00:46:55,813 And where is this bounty hunter now? 535 00:46:55,922 --> 00:46:58,049 Oh, we keep him here. 536 00:47:00,727 --> 00:47:03,560 Apart from his pay, which is considerable... 537 00:47:03,663 --> 00:47:06,154 Fett demanded only one thing: 538 00:47:06,266 --> 00:47:08,860 An unaltered clone for himself. 539 00:47:08,969 --> 00:47:11,403 - Curious, isn't it? - "Unaltered"? 540 00:47:11,505 --> 00:47:14,030 Pure genetic replication. 541 00:47:14,141 --> 00:47:17,304 No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... 542 00:47:17,410 --> 00:47:19,970 and no growth acceleration. 543 00:47:20,080 --> 00:47:23,311 I should very much like to meet this Jango Fett. 544 00:47:23,450 --> 00:47:26,715 I would be very happy to arrange it for you. 545 00:47:44,304 --> 00:47:47,102 Magnificent, aren't they? 546 00:47:53,000 --> 00:47:54,865 I don't know. 547 00:47:56,070 --> 00:47:58,231 Sure you do. You just don't want to tell me. 548 00:47:58,339 --> 00:48:00,705 You gonna use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me? 549 00:48:00,808 --> 00:48:02,901 They only work on the weak-minded. 550 00:48:04,311 --> 00:48:05,972 All right. 551 00:48:06,080 --> 00:48:08,941 I was 12. His name was Palo. 552 00:48:08,949 --> 00:48:10,840 We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. 553 00:48:10,951 --> 00:48:14,011 He was a few years older than I. Very cute. 554 00:48:14,121 --> 00:48:16,987 Dark, curly hair. Dreamy eyes. 555 00:48:16,990 --> 00:48:18,581 All right, I get the picture. 556 00:48:18,959 --> 00:48:21,359 Whatever happened to him? 557 00:48:21,461 --> 00:48:24,191 I went into public service. He went on to become an artist. 558 00:48:24,297 --> 00:48:26,356 Maybe he was the smart one. 559 00:48:26,466 --> 00:48:28,730 You really don't like politicians, do you? 560 00:48:28,835 --> 00:48:30,996 I like two or three... 561 00:48:31,104 --> 00:48:33,163 but I'm not really sure about one of them. 562 00:48:37,184 --> 00:48:39,379 I don't think the system works. 563 00:48:39,486 --> 00:48:42,080 How would you have it work? 564 00:48:42,623 --> 00:48:46,423 We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem... 565 00:48:46,860 --> 00:48:49,385 agree what's in the best interest of all the people... 566 00:48:49,496 --> 00:48:50,961 and then do it. 567 00:48:50,965 --> 00:48:53,228 That's exactly what we do. 568 00:48:53,333 --> 00:48:55,324 The trouble is that people don't always agree. 569 00:48:55,469 --> 00:48:57,369 Well, then they should be made to. 570 00:48:57,471 --> 00:49:00,531 - By whom? Who's gonna make them? - I don't know. Someone. 571 00:49:00,641 --> 00:49:02,666 - You? - Of course not me. 572 00:49:02,809 --> 00:49:05,778 - But someone. - Someone wise. 573 00:49:05,879 --> 00:49:09,679 Sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me. 574 00:49:11,184 --> 00:49:13,448 Well, if it works. 575 00:49:20,527 --> 00:49:22,324 - You're making fun of me. - No. 576 00:49:22,429 --> 00:49:24,989 I'd be much too frightened to tease a senator. 577 00:50:04,334 --> 00:50:06,825 Ani, are you all right? 578 00:50:43,172 --> 00:50:46,198 Boba, is your father here? 579 00:50:47,243 --> 00:50:48,232 Yep. 580 00:50:48,378 --> 00:50:50,403 May we see him? 581 00:50:51,047 --> 00:50:53,345 Sure. 582 00:50:54,951 --> 00:50:57,078 Dad, Taun We's here. 583 00:51:10,266 --> 00:51:12,734 Jango, welcome back. 584 00:51:13,069 --> 00:51:15,003 Was your trip productive? 585 00:51:15,104 --> 00:51:17,038 Fairly. 586 00:51:17,140 --> 00:51:20,974 This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. 587 00:51:21,077 --> 00:51:23,875 He's come to check on our progress. 588 00:51:24,213 --> 00:51:27,114 Your clones are very impressive. You must be very proud. 589 00:51:27,216 --> 00:51:30,208 I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe. 590 00:51:30,320 --> 00:51:34,017 Ever made your way as far into the interior as Coruscant? 591 00:51:34,958 --> 00:51:37,017 - Once or twice. - Recently? 592 00:51:39,162 --> 00:51:40,857 Possibly. 593 00:51:40,964 --> 00:51:43,057 Then you must know Master Sifo-Dyas. 594 00:51:47,670 --> 00:51:49,695 Boba, rood eht so-heeck. 595 00:51:50,907 --> 00:51:52,306 Master who? 596 00:51:54,344 --> 00:51:56,369 Sifo-Dyas. 597 00:51:56,479 --> 00:51:59,107 Is he not theJedi who hired you for this job? 598 00:52:02,085 --> 00:52:03,950 Never heard of him. 599 00:52:06,856 --> 00:52:07,948 Really? 600 00:52:09,092 --> 00:52:13,051 I was recruited by a man called Tyranus on one of the moons of Bogden. 601 00:52:13,162 --> 00:52:14,789 Curious. 602 00:52:18,835 --> 00:52:21,065 Do you like your army? 603 00:52:21,871 --> 00:52:23,839 I look forward to seeing them in action. 604 00:52:25,108 --> 00:52:28,509 They'll do their job well. I'll guarantee that. 605 00:52:28,611 --> 00:52:30,738 Thank you for your time, Jango. 606 00:52:32,515 --> 00:52:34,608 Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi. 607 00:52:54,003 --> 00:52:56,267 What is it, Dad? 608 00:52:57,640 --> 00:52:59,631 Pack your things. We're leaving. 609 00:53:04,380 --> 00:53:08,874 And when I got to them, we went into aggressive negotiations. 610 00:53:08,985 --> 00:53:11,010 "Aggressive negotiations"? What's that? 611 00:53:11,120 --> 00:53:14,612 Well, negotiations with a lightsaber. 612 00:53:27,603 --> 00:53:30,731 If Master Obi-Wan caught me doing this, he'd be very grumpy. 613 00:54:00,103 --> 00:54:02,333 From the moment I met you... 614 00:54:03,439 --> 00:54:05,600 all those years ago... 615 00:54:06,042 --> 00:54:09,034 not a day has gone by when I haven't thought of you. 616 00:54:11,781 --> 00:54:14,181 And now that I'm with you again... 617 00:54:14,817 --> 00:54:16,910 I'm in agony. 618 00:54:20,323 --> 00:54:24,191 The closer I get to you, the worse it gets. 619 00:54:24,293 --> 00:54:26,727 The thought of not being with you... 620 00:54:27,597 --> 00:54:29,531 I can't breathe. 621 00:54:33,402 --> 00:54:35,336 I'm haunted by the kiss... 622 00:54:35,438 --> 00:54:38,407 that you should never have given me. 623 00:54:38,841 --> 00:54:41,173 My heart is beating... 624 00:54:41,277 --> 00:54:44,212 hoping that that kiss will not become a scar. 625 00:54:46,415 --> 00:54:49,316 You are in my very soul... 626 00:54:49,418 --> 00:54:51,443 tormenting me. 627 00:54:53,923 --> 00:54:57,415 What can I do? I will do anything that you ask. 628 00:55:08,371 --> 00:55:11,966 If you are suffering as much as I am, please, tell me. 629 00:55:13,843 --> 00:55:15,743 I can't. 630 00:55:16,846 --> 00:55:19,906 We can't. It's... just not possible. 631 00:55:20,016 --> 00:55:23,008 Anything is possible, Padm¨¦. Listen to me. 632 00:55:23,119 --> 00:55:25,144 No, you listen. 633 00:55:25,788 --> 00:55:29,383 We live in a real world. Come back to it. 634 00:55:29,492 --> 00:55:33,155 You're studying to become a Jedi. I'm a senator. 635 00:55:35,064 --> 00:55:37,555 If you follow your thoughts through to conclusion... 636 00:55:37,667 --> 00:55:40,135 it'll take us to a place we cannot go... 637 00:55:41,404 --> 00:55:43,634 regardless of the way we feel about each other. 638 00:55:43,739 --> 00:55:45,764 Then you do feel something. 639 00:55:45,875 --> 00:55:48,901 I will not let you give up your future for me. 640 00:55:49,011 --> 00:55:51,172 You are asking me to be rational. 641 00:55:52,315 --> 00:55:54,579 That is something I know I cannot do. 642 00:55:54,684 --> 00:55:59,314 Believe me, I wish that I could just wish away my feelings... 643 00:55:59,422 --> 00:56:01,447 but I can't. 644 00:56:02,391 --> 00:56:05,121 I will not give in to this. 645 00:56:12,235 --> 00:56:14,465 Well, you know... 646 00:56:14,570 --> 00:56:17,403 it wouldn't have to be that way. 647 00:56:17,506 --> 00:56:20,339 We could keep it a secret. 648 00:56:21,777 --> 00:56:23,768 We'd be living a lie... 649 00:56:23,879 --> 00:56:26,177 one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to. 650 00:56:27,283 --> 00:56:29,581 I couldn't do that. 651 00:56:29,685 --> 00:56:32,552 Could you, Anakin? Could you live like that? 652 00:56:34,523 --> 00:56:37,515 No. You're right. 653 00:56:39,028 --> 00:56:40,996 It would destroy us. 654 00:56:48,471 --> 00:56:52,373 Tell your council that the first battalions are ready. 655 00:56:52,775 --> 00:56:55,869 And remind them, if they need more troops... 656 00:56:55,978 --> 00:56:59,141 it will take more time to grow them. 657 00:56:59,248 --> 00:57:01,011 I won't forget, and thank you. 658 00:57:01,117 --> 00:57:02,948 Thank you. 659 00:57:19,235 --> 00:57:21,362 R4! 660 00:57:21,470 --> 00:57:24,769 Scramble code five to Coruscant, care of the old folks' home! 661 00:57:31,347 --> 00:57:34,680 I have successfully made contact with the prime minister of Kamino. 662 00:57:34,784 --> 00:57:38,686 They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army. 663 00:57:38,788 --> 00:57:41,256 I have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter... 664 00:57:41,357 --> 00:57:43,484 is the assassin we are looking for. 665 00:57:43,592 --> 00:57:45,560 Do you think these cloners are involved... 666 00:57:45,661 --> 00:57:47,720 in the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala? 667 00:57:47,830 --> 00:57:50,731 No, Master. There appears to be no motive. 668 00:57:50,833 --> 00:57:53,734 Do not assume anything, Obi-Wan. 669 00:57:53,836 --> 00:57:56,805 Clear your mind must be... 670 00:57:56,939 --> 00:58:01,103 if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot. 671 00:58:01,210 --> 00:58:03,075 Yes, Master. 672 00:58:03,179 --> 00:58:06,239 They say Master Sifo-Dyas placed an order for a clone army... 673 00:58:06,349 --> 00:58:09,944 at the request of the senate almost ten years ago. 674 00:58:12,822 --> 00:58:15,689 I was under the impression he was killed before that. 675 00:58:15,791 --> 00:58:19,283 Did the council ever authorize the creation of a clone army? 676 00:58:19,395 --> 00:58:21,295 No. Whoever placed that order... 677 00:58:21,397 --> 00:58:23,695 did not have the authorization of theJedi Council. 678 00:58:23,799 --> 00:58:27,428 Bring him here. Question him we will. 679 00:58:28,738 --> 00:58:31,639 Yes, Master. I will report back when I have him. 680 00:58:33,342 --> 00:58:36,903 Blind we are if creation of this clone army... 681 00:58:37,012 --> 00:58:39,139 we could not see. 682 00:58:42,518 --> 00:58:44,713 I think it is time we informed the senate... 683 00:58:44,820 --> 00:58:46,845 that our ability to use the Force has diminished. 684 00:58:47,723 --> 00:58:52,057 Only the dark lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. 685 00:58:52,194 --> 00:58:54,458 If informed the senate is... 686 00:58:54,563 --> 00:58:57,031 multiply our adversaries will. 687 00:58:58,667 --> 00:59:00,294 No. 688 00:59:03,739 --> 00:59:05,707 Mom, no. 689 00:59:34,303 --> 00:59:36,533 Don't go. 690 00:59:38,574 --> 00:59:40,542 I don't want to disturb you. 691 00:59:41,877 --> 00:59:43,845 Your presence is soothing. 692 00:59:46,749 --> 00:59:48,842 You had another nightmare last night. 693 00:59:50,052 --> 00:59:52,418 Jedi don't have nightmares. 694 00:59:52,955 --> 00:59:54,946 I heard you. 695 00:59:59,895 --> 01:00:01,886 I saw my mother. 696 01:00:04,900 --> 01:00:06,959 She is suffering, Padm¨¦. 697 01:00:09,438 --> 01:00:12,635 I saw her as clearly as I see you now. 698 01:00:23,953 --> 01:00:26,478 She is in pain. 699 01:00:27,590 --> 01:00:30,991 I know I'm disobeying my mandate to protect you, Senator... 700 01:00:31,093 --> 01:00:33,084 but I have to go. 701 01:00:36,031 --> 01:00:38,056 I have to help her. 702 01:00:39,768 --> 01:00:41,668 I'll go with you. 703 01:00:41,770 --> 01:00:44,068 I'm sorry. I don't have a choice. 704 01:00:55,150 --> 01:00:57,015 Dad, look! 705 01:00:57,653 --> 01:01:00,087 Boba, get on board! 706 01:02:16,365 --> 01:02:18,060 Oh, not good. 707 01:04:27,663 --> 01:04:29,096 Wait right there. 708 01:04:29,198 --> 01:04:31,189 Okey-okey. 709 01:04:33,569 --> 01:04:35,230 Chut-chut, Watto. 710 01:04:37,339 --> 01:04:39,500 Let me help you with that. 711 01:04:40,609 --> 01:04:43,976 What? What do you want? 712 01:04:44,079 --> 01:04:46,547 Wait! You're a Jedi! 713 01:04:46,682 --> 01:04:49,845 Whatever it is, I didn't do it. 714 01:04:55,557 --> 01:04:57,718 I'm looking for Shmi Skywalker. 715 01:05:00,529 --> 01:05:02,156 Ani? 716 01:05:04,066 --> 01:05:05,829 Little Ani? 717 01:05:08,771 --> 01:05:10,739 Nahhh. 718 01:05:12,541 --> 01:05:15,237 You are Ani! It is you! 719 01:05:16,645 --> 01:05:19,910 You sure sprouted, huh? 720 01:05:20,749 --> 01:05:23,274 AJedi! Whattaya know! 721 01:05:26,555 --> 01:05:30,457 Maybe you could help with some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money. 722 01:05:30,559 --> 01:05:32,026 My mother. 723 01:05:32,127 --> 01:05:34,618 Oh, yeah. Shmi. 724 01:05:36,098 --> 01:05:39,329 She's not mine-a no more-a. I sold her. 725 01:05:39,434 --> 01:05:41,732 - You sold her? - Years ago. 726 01:05:41,837 --> 01:05:44,931 Sorry, Ani, but you know, business is business. 727 01:05:46,074 --> 01:05:49,840 I sold her to a moisture farmer named Lars. 728 01:05:49,945 --> 01:05:51,970 At least I think it was Lars. 729 01:05:52,080 --> 01:05:55,572 Believe it or not, I heard he freed her and married her! 730 01:05:55,684 --> 01:05:57,982 Can ya beat that, eh? 731 01:06:00,489 --> 01:06:02,548 Do you know where they are now? 732 01:06:03,625 --> 01:06:05,559 Long way from here. 733 01:06:05,661 --> 01:06:10,155 Someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley, I think. 734 01:06:10,265 --> 01:06:12,256 I'd like to know. 735 01:06:13,936 --> 01:06:16,666 Sure. Absolutely! 736 01:06:17,773 --> 01:06:19,798 Let's go look at my records, huh? 737 01:06:48,193 --> 01:06:51,253 Dad! I think we're being tracked! 738 01:06:51,363 --> 01:06:54,799 He must have put a homing device on our hull. 739 01:06:54,900 --> 01:06:57,198 Hang on, son. We'll move into the asteroid field... 740 01:06:57,303 --> 01:07:00,136 and we'll have a couple of surprises for him. 741 01:07:11,150 --> 01:07:13,118 Seismic charges! 742 01:07:13,218 --> 01:07:14,549 Stand by. 743 01:07:39,878 --> 01:07:42,540 He doesn't seem to take a hint, this guy. 744 01:08:01,033 --> 01:08:02,398 Watch out! 745 01:08:22,154 --> 01:08:24,884 Get him, Dad! Fire! 746 01:08:26,792 --> 01:08:29,352 Blast! This is why I hate flying! 747 01:08:49,415 --> 01:08:50,905 We got him! 748 01:08:51,016 --> 01:08:53,041 We'll just have to finish him. 749 01:09:18,477 --> 01:09:22,004 R4, prepare to jettison the spare part canisters. 750 01:09:26,018 --> 01:09:27,918 Fire them now! 751 01:09:40,967 --> 01:09:43,435 We won't be seeing him again. 752 01:10:17,970 --> 01:10:19,961 Well, R4, I think we've waited long enough. 753 01:10:40,593 --> 01:10:44,495 There's an unusual concentration of Federation ships over there, R4. 754 01:11:20,633 --> 01:11:22,567 Stay with the ship, R2. 755 01:11:37,183 --> 01:11:41,085 Hello. How might I be of service? I am C... 756 01:11:41,187 --> 01:11:43,087 3PO? 757 01:11:44,957 --> 01:11:46,822 The maker! 758 01:11:46,926 --> 01:11:48,553 Master Ani! 759 01:11:48,661 --> 01:11:51,459 I knew you would return. I knew it! 760 01:11:51,597 --> 01:11:53,326 And Miss Padm¨¦. Oh, my. 761 01:11:53,432 --> 01:11:55,024 Hello, 3PO. 762 01:11:55,134 --> 01:11:59,036 Bless my circuits! I'm so pleased to see you both. 763 01:11:59,138 --> 01:12:01,106 I've come to see my mother. 764 01:12:02,942 --> 01:12:04,967 I think perhaps we'd better go indoors. 765 01:12:07,947 --> 01:12:12,441 Master Owen, might I present two most important visitors. 766 01:12:12,551 --> 01:12:14,849 I'm Anakin Skywalker. 767 01:12:16,122 --> 01:12:17,749 Owen Lars. 768 01:12:17,857 --> 01:12:20,052 - This is my girlfriend, Beru. - Hello. 769 01:12:20,159 --> 01:12:22,150 I'm Padm¨¦. 770 01:12:22,528 --> 01:12:24,928 I guess I'm your stepbrother. 771 01:12:25,030 --> 01:12:27,931 I had a feeling you might show up someday. 772 01:12:28,701 --> 01:12:30,430 Is my mother here? 773 01:12:30,536 --> 01:12:32,265 No, she's not. 774 01:12:33,472 --> 01:12:35,201 Cliegg Lars. 775 01:12:35,307 --> 01:12:37,298 Shmi is my wife. 776 01:12:38,411 --> 01:12:41,437 We should go inside. We have a lot to talk about. 777 01:12:49,054 --> 01:12:52,148 It was just before dawn. They came out of nowhere. 778 01:12:52,258 --> 01:12:55,159 A hunting party ofTusken Raiders. 779 01:12:56,162 --> 01:12:59,063 Your mother had gone out early, like she always did... 780 01:12:59,165 --> 01:13:02,532 to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators. 781 01:13:03,235 --> 01:13:06,796 From the tracks, she was about halfway home... 782 01:13:06,906 --> 01:13:08,806 when they took her. 783 01:13:10,409 --> 01:13:12,468 Those Tuskens walk like men... 784 01:13:12,578 --> 01:13:17,174 but they're vicious, mindless monsters. 785 01:13:19,018 --> 01:13:22,044 Thirty of us went out after her. Four of us came back. 786 01:13:23,022 --> 01:13:27,152 I'd be out there with them, but after I lost my leg... 787 01:13:27,259 --> 01:13:32,891 I just couldn't ride anymore until I heal. 788 01:13:33,766 --> 01:13:35,734 I don't want to give up on her... 789 01:13:35,835 --> 01:13:38,702 but she's been gone a month. 790 01:13:38,804 --> 01:13:41,830 There's little hope she's lasted this long. 791 01:13:46,612 --> 01:13:48,580 Where are you going? 792 01:13:49,081 --> 01:13:51,106 To find my mother. 793 01:13:52,318 --> 01:13:55,185 Your mother's dead, son. Accept it. 794 01:14:17,343 --> 01:14:20,335 You're gonna have to stay here. 795 01:14:20,446 --> 01:14:23,108 These are good people, Padm¨¦. You'll be safe. 796 01:14:35,761 --> 01:14:37,729 I won't be long. 797 01:16:26,705 --> 01:16:28,696 We must persuade the Commerce Guild... 798 01:16:28,807 --> 01:16:31,207 and the Corporate Alliance to sign the treaty. 799 01:16:31,310 --> 01:16:34,108 What about the senator from Naboo? 800 01:16:34,747 --> 01:16:36,772 Is she dead yet? 801 01:16:37,483 --> 01:16:41,442 I am not signing your treaty until I have her head on my desk. 802 01:16:41,553 --> 01:16:43,851 I am a man of my word, Viceroy. 803 01:16:43,956 --> 01:16:47,016 With these new battle droids we've built for you... 804 01:16:47,126 --> 01:16:50,289 you'll have the finest army in the galaxy. 805 01:17:01,240 --> 01:17:03,140 As I explained to you earlier... 806 01:17:03,242 --> 01:17:06,473 I am quite convinced that 10,000 more systems... 807 01:17:06,578 --> 01:17:09,376 will rally to our cause with your support, gentlemen. 808 01:17:10,315 --> 01:17:13,250 What you are proposing could be construed as treason. 809 01:17:14,186 --> 01:17:15,915 The Techno Union army... 810 01:17:19,158 --> 01:17:21,922 is at your disposal, Count. 811 01:17:22,795 --> 01:17:26,322 The Banking Clan will sign your treaty. 812 01:17:26,432 --> 01:17:28,297 Good. Very good. 813 01:17:29,435 --> 01:17:32,836 Our friends from the Trade Federation have pledged their support... 814 01:17:33,205 --> 01:17:35,833 and when their battle droids are combined with yours... 815 01:17:35,941 --> 01:17:38,967 we shall have an army greater than any in the galaxy. 816 01:17:39,812 --> 01:17:42,508 TheJedi will be overwhelmed. 817 01:17:43,582 --> 01:17:47,416 The Republic will agree to any demands we make. 818 01:18:48,247 --> 01:18:50,238 Mom? 819 01:18:52,684 --> 01:18:54,652 Ani? 820 01:18:55,888 --> 01:18:57,685 Ani? 821 01:18:58,924 --> 01:19:00,585 Is it you? 822 01:19:00,692 --> 01:19:04,253 I'm here, Mom. You're safe. 823 01:19:10,636 --> 01:19:13,605 You look so handsome. 824 01:19:17,042 --> 01:19:19,135 My son. 825 01:19:19,244 --> 01:19:22,008 My grown-up son. 826 01:19:23,549 --> 01:19:25,813 I'm so proud of you, Ani. 827 01:19:25,918 --> 01:19:27,852 I missed you. 828 01:19:30,589 --> 01:19:32,682 Now I am complete. 829 01:19:38,730 --> 01:19:41,722 I love y... 830 01:19:42,935 --> 01:19:46,063 Stay with me, Mom. Everything... 831 01:19:46,171 --> 01:19:48,230 I love... 832 01:19:49,775 --> 01:19:52,243 I love... 833 01:20:49,334 --> 01:20:51,359 Anakin! 834 01:20:51,904 --> 01:20:53,371 No! 835 01:21:13,759 --> 01:21:15,386 What is it? 836 01:21:16,495 --> 01:21:19,953 Pain, suffering... 837 01:21:20,532 --> 01:21:22,523 death I feel. 838 01:21:27,072 --> 01:21:30,200 Something terrible has happened. 839 01:21:32,878 --> 01:21:35,904 Young Skywalker is in pain... 840 01:21:36,014 --> 01:21:37,879 terrible pain. 841 01:21:42,688 --> 01:21:46,317 The transmitter is working, but we're not receiving a return signal. 842 01:21:46,425 --> 01:21:49,155 Coruscant's too far. R4, can you boost the power? 843 01:21:50,729 --> 01:21:52,720 We'll have to try something else. 844 01:21:55,634 --> 01:21:58,432 Maybe we can contact Anakin on Naboo. 845 01:21:58,770 --> 01:22:00,431 It's much closer. 846 01:22:02,274 --> 01:22:04,572 Anakin, do you copy? 847 01:22:04,710 --> 01:22:07,679 This is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin? 848 01:22:07,779 --> 01:22:10,111 He's not on Naboo, R4. 849 01:22:11,650 --> 01:22:13,845 I'm going to try and widen the range. 850 01:22:17,255 --> 01:22:19,223 I do hope nothing's happened to him. 851 01:22:26,732 --> 01:22:28,597 That's Anakin's tracking signal, all right... 852 01:22:28,734 --> 01:22:31,202 but it's coming from Tatooine. 853 01:22:32,771 --> 01:22:35,365 What in the blazes is he doing there? 854 01:22:35,474 --> 01:22:37,442 I told him to stay on Naboo. 855 01:22:40,946 --> 01:22:42,641 We haven't got much time. 856 01:22:42,748 --> 01:22:44,807 Anakin, do you copy? 857 01:22:44,916 --> 01:22:46,941 This is Obi-Wan Kenobi. 858 01:22:54,860 --> 01:22:56,794 Retransmit this message... 859 01:22:58,864 --> 01:23:01,526 Anakin, do you copy? 860 01:23:01,633 --> 01:23:03,999 My long-range transmitter has been knocked out. 861 01:23:04,102 --> 01:23:06,434 Retransmit this message to Coruscant. 862 01:23:50,982 --> 01:23:52,973 I brought you something. 863 01:23:53,085 --> 01:23:55,212 Are you hungry? 864 01:23:56,988 --> 01:23:58,956 The shifter broke. 865 01:24:00,826 --> 01:24:03,624 Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things. 866 01:24:06,064 --> 01:24:09,556 I'm good at fixing things. Always was. 867 01:24:11,903 --> 01:24:13,871 But I couldn't... 868 01:24:17,876 --> 01:24:19,810 Why'd she have to die? 869 01:24:23,281 --> 01:24:25,374 Why couldn't I save her? 870 01:24:25,517 --> 01:24:27,542 I know I could have! 871 01:24:30,388 --> 01:24:32,913 Sometimes there are things no one can fix. 872 01:24:34,593 --> 01:24:37,255 - You're not all-powerful, Ani. - Well, I should be! 873 01:24:40,031 --> 01:24:42,022 Someday I will be. 874 01:24:42,367 --> 01:24:44,995 I will be the most powerfulJedi ever. 875 01:24:46,705 --> 01:24:48,730 I promise you. 876 01:24:49,474 --> 01:24:51,840 I will even learn to stop people from dying. 877 01:24:55,614 --> 01:24:59,607 It's all Obi-Wan's fault! He's jealous! 878 01:24:59,718 --> 01:25:01,743 He's holding me back! 879 01:25:06,124 --> 01:25:08,183 What's wrong, Ani? 880 01:25:18,937 --> 01:25:20,905 I killed them. 881 01:25:22,641 --> 01:25:24,609 I killed them all. 882 01:25:26,444 --> 01:25:28,344 They're dead. 883 01:25:28,446 --> 01:25:30,539 Every single one of them. 884 01:25:32,684 --> 01:25:34,652 And not just the men... 885 01:25:36,588 --> 01:25:38,647 but the women... 886 01:25:38,757 --> 01:25:40,657 and the children too. 887 01:25:41,626 --> 01:25:43,685 They're like animals... 888 01:25:43,795 --> 01:25:46,127 and I slaughtered them like animals! 889 01:25:47,766 --> 01:25:49,757 I hate them! 890 01:26:07,619 --> 01:26:09,587 To be angry is to be human. 891 01:26:09,688 --> 01:26:11,588 I'm a Jedi. 892 01:26:12,691 --> 01:26:14,591 I know I'm better than this. 893 01:26:28,573 --> 01:26:33,101 I know wherever you are it's become a better place. 894 01:26:33,211 --> 01:26:38,342 You were the most loving partner a man could ever have. 895 01:26:41,319 --> 01:26:43,344 Good-bye, my darling wife. 896 01:26:47,359 --> 01:26:49,293 And thank you. 897 01:27:16,588 --> 01:27:18,852 I wasn't strong enough to save you, Mom. 898 01:27:21,359 --> 01:27:23,224 I wasn't strong enough. 899 01:27:27,799 --> 01:27:31,166 But I promise I won't fail again. 900 01:27:42,113 --> 01:27:44,172 I miss you... 901 01:27:45,550 --> 01:27:47,450 so much. 902 01:27:54,392 --> 01:27:57,088 R2? What are you doing here? 903 01:27:59,998 --> 01:28:04,230 It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi-Wan Kenobi. 904 01:28:05,236 --> 01:28:08,364 Master Ani, does that name mean anything to you? 905 01:28:10,508 --> 01:28:12,976 Anakin, my long-range transmitter has been knocked out. 906 01:28:13,078 --> 01:28:15,308 Retransmit this message to Coruscant. 907 01:28:19,818 --> 01:28:22,048 I have tracked the bounty hunter, Jango Fett... 908 01:28:22,153 --> 01:28:24,314 to the droid foundries on Geonosis. 909 01:28:24,422 --> 01:28:28,051 The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here... 910 01:28:28,159 --> 01:28:30,150 and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray... 911 01:28:30,261 --> 01:28:33,753 is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala. 912 01:28:33,865 --> 01:28:36,026 The Commerce Guilds and the Corporate Alliance... 913 01:28:36,134 --> 01:28:39,797 have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming... 914 01:28:39,938 --> 01:28:41,963 Wait. 915 01:28:52,817 --> 01:28:57,447 More happening on Geonosis, I feel, than has been revealed. 916 01:28:57,555 --> 01:28:59,318 I agree. 917 01:29:00,725 --> 01:29:03,023 We will deal with Count Dooku. 918 01:29:03,128 --> 01:29:06,689 The most important thing for you is to stay where you are. 919 01:29:06,798 --> 01:29:09,528 Protect the senator at all costs. 920 01:29:09,634 --> 01:29:12,159 That is your first priority. 921 01:29:13,605 --> 01:29:15,573 Understood, Master. 922 01:29:15,673 --> 01:29:17,607 They'll never get there in time to save him. 923 01:29:17,709 --> 01:29:20,940 They have to come halfway across the galaxy. Look. 924 01:29:23,148 --> 01:29:25,241 Geonosis is less than a parsec away. 925 01:29:25,350 --> 01:29:27,318 If he's still alive. 926 01:29:29,220 --> 01:29:31,882 Are you just gonna sit here and let him die? 927 01:29:31,990 --> 01:29:34,481 - He's your friend, your mentor. - He's like my father! 928 01:29:35,693 --> 01:29:39,390 But you heard Master Windu. He gave me strict orders to stay here. 929 01:29:39,497 --> 01:29:42,728 He gave you strict orders to protect me... 930 01:29:42,834 --> 01:29:45,029 and I'm going to help Obi-Wan. 931 01:29:46,404 --> 01:29:49,965 If you plan to protect me, you'll just have to come along. 932 01:29:54,012 --> 01:29:57,175 I'm not worried, R2. It's just I've never flown before. 933 01:30:07,459 --> 01:30:10,428 The Commerce Guilds are preparing for war. There can be no doubt of that. 934 01:30:10,528 --> 01:30:12,496 Count Dooku must have made a treaty with them. 935 01:30:12,597 --> 01:30:15,998 The debate is over. 936 01:30:16,100 --> 01:30:19,092 Now we need that clone army. 937 01:30:19,204 --> 01:30:22,139 Unfortunately, the debate is not over. 938 01:30:22,240 --> 01:30:24,674 The senate will never approve the use of clones... 939 01:30:24,776 --> 01:30:26,539 before the separatists attack. 940 01:30:26,644 --> 01:30:28,544 This is a crisis. 941 01:30:28,646 --> 01:30:31,774 The senate must vote the chancellor emergency powers. 942 01:30:31,883 --> 01:30:34,943 He can then approve the creation of an army. 943 01:30:35,286 --> 01:30:37,481 But what senator would have the courage... 944 01:30:37,589 --> 01:30:40,149 to propose such a radical amendment? 945 01:30:40,258 --> 01:30:44,354 If only Senator Amidala were here. 946 01:31:05,750 --> 01:31:07,581 Traitor. 947 01:31:08,086 --> 01:31:11,249 Oh, no, my friend. This is a mistake, a terrible mistake. 948 01:31:11,356 --> 01:31:13,415 They have gone too far. This is madness. 949 01:31:13,525 --> 01:31:16,153 I thought you were the leader here, Dooku. 950 01:31:16,261 --> 01:31:18,855 This had nothing to do with me, I assure you. 951 01:31:18,963 --> 01:31:22,399 I will petition immediately to have you set free. 952 01:31:22,500 --> 01:31:26,163 Well, I hope it doesn't take too long. I have work to do. 953 01:31:26,271 --> 01:31:30,071 May I ask why a Jedi knight... 954 01:31:30,174 --> 01:31:32,608 is all the way out here on Geonosis? 955 01:31:32,710 --> 01:31:35,611 I've been tracking a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. 956 01:31:35,713 --> 01:31:37,374 Do you know him? 957 01:31:37,482 --> 01:31:40,280 There are no bounty hunters here that I am aware of. 958 01:31:40,385 --> 01:31:42,353 The Geonosians don't trust them. 959 01:31:42,453 --> 01:31:45,320 Who can blame them? But he is here, I can assure you. 960 01:31:46,457 --> 01:31:50,621 It's a great pity our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. 961 01:31:51,296 --> 01:31:53,764 Qui-Gon always spoke very highly of you. 962 01:31:58,636 --> 01:32:00,661 I wish he were still alive. 963 01:32:02,140 --> 01:32:04,836 I could use his help right now. 964 01:32:05,710 --> 01:32:08,178 Qui-Gon Jinn would never join you. 965 01:32:09,981 --> 01:32:12,882 Don't be so sure, my young Jedi. 966 01:32:12,984 --> 01:32:15,544 You forget that he was once my apprentice... 967 01:32:15,653 --> 01:32:17,678 just as you were once his. 968 01:32:18,656 --> 01:32:20,851 He knew all about the corruption in the senate... 969 01:32:20,959 --> 01:32:23,985 but he wouldn't have gone along with it if he had learned the truth as I have. 970 01:32:24,095 --> 01:32:26,859 - The truth? - The truth. 971 01:32:33,271 --> 01:32:36,570 What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control... 972 01:32:36,674 --> 01:32:38,767 of the dark lord of the Sith? 973 01:32:38,876 --> 01:32:41,709 No, that's not possible. The Jedi would be aware of it. 974 01:32:41,846 --> 01:32:46,078 The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision, my friend. 975 01:32:47,218 --> 01:32:49,778 Hundreds of senators are now under the influence... 976 01:32:49,887 --> 01:32:54,483 of a Sith lord called Darth Sidious. 977 01:32:55,593 --> 01:32:57,185 I don't believe you. 978 01:32:57,295 --> 01:32:59,661 The viceroy of the Trade Federation... 979 01:32:59,764 --> 01:33:02,995 was once in league with this Darth Sidious... 980 01:33:03,868 --> 01:33:07,702 but he was betrayed ten years ago by the dark lord. 981 01:33:07,805 --> 01:33:10,899 He came to me for help. He told me everything. 982 01:33:12,944 --> 01:33:15,003 You must join me, Obi-Wan... 983 01:33:16,214 --> 01:33:20,173 and together we will destroy the Sith! 984 01:33:21,919 --> 01:33:24,217 I will never join you, Dooku. 985 01:33:33,731 --> 01:33:36,632 It may be difficult to secure your release. 986 01:33:44,277 --> 01:33:47,178 It's-a clear desa separatists made a pact... 987 01:33:47,280 --> 01:33:49,942 wesa desa Federation du Trade. 988 01:33:50,050 --> 01:33:54,350 Senators, "dellow felagates": 989 01:33:54,454 --> 01:33:58,481 In response to this direct threat to the Republic... 990 01:33:58,592 --> 01:34:02,289 mesa propose that the senate... 991 01:34:02,429 --> 01:34:06,024 give immediately emergency powers... 992 01:34:06,132 --> 01:34:08,760 to the supreme chancellor. 993 01:34:12,839 --> 01:34:14,966 Palpatine! Palpatine! 994 01:34:18,078 --> 01:34:21,309 Order! We shall have order! 995 01:34:23,016 --> 01:34:26,349 It is with great reluctance... 996 01:34:26,453 --> 01:34:28,546 that I have agreed to this calling. 997 01:34:29,923 --> 01:34:33,882 I love democracy. I love the Republic. 998 01:34:34,728 --> 01:34:36,923 The power you give me... 999 01:34:37,030 --> 01:34:41,558 I will lay down when this crisis has abated. 1000 01:34:46,039 --> 01:34:50,874 And as my first act with this new authority... 1001 01:34:50,977 --> 01:34:55,380 I will create a grand army of the Republic... 1002 01:34:55,482 --> 01:34:59,248 to counter the increasing threats of the separatists. 1003 01:35:00,620 --> 01:35:02,485 It is done, then. 1004 01:35:07,794 --> 01:35:11,457 I will take whatJedi we have left and go to Geonosis and help Obi-Wan. 1005 01:35:11,565 --> 01:35:15,467 Visit I will the cloners on Kamino... 1006 01:35:16,503 --> 01:35:20,200 and see this army they have created for the Republic. 1007 01:35:40,860 --> 01:35:42,885 See those columns of steam straight ahead? 1008 01:35:43,029 --> 01:35:45,054 They're exhaust vents of some type. 1009 01:35:45,932 --> 01:35:47,900 That'll do. 1010 01:35:57,377 --> 01:36:00,312 Look, whatever happens out there, follow my lead. 1011 01:36:00,413 --> 01:36:02,506 I'm not interested in getting into a war here. 1012 01:36:02,616 --> 01:36:04,277 As a member of the senate... 1013 01:36:04,384 --> 01:36:07,478 maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess. 1014 01:36:07,854 --> 01:36:09,822 Don't worry. 1015 01:36:09,923 --> 01:36:12,357 I've given up trying to argue with you. 1016 01:36:17,097 --> 01:36:20,328 My obtuse little friend, if they had needed our help... 1017 01:36:20,433 --> 01:36:22,333 they would have asked for it. 1018 01:36:22,435 --> 01:36:25,563 You obviously have a great deal to learn about human behavior. 1019 01:36:51,464 --> 01:36:54,627 For a mechanic, you seem to do an excessive amount of thinking. 1020 01:36:56,736 --> 01:36:59,296 I am programmed to understand humans! 1021 01:37:02,909 --> 01:37:04,809 "What does that mean?" 1022 01:37:04,911 --> 01:37:07,641 That means I am in charge here! 1023 01:37:07,747 --> 01:37:09,374 Where are you going now? 1024 01:37:09,482 --> 01:37:12,974 You don't know what's out there. Have you no sense at all? 1025 01:37:13,353 --> 01:37:15,048 Idiot! 1026 01:37:17,257 --> 01:37:18,986 Please wait. 1027 01:37:19,793 --> 01:37:21,727 Do you know where you're going? 1028 01:37:34,340 --> 01:37:35,967 Wait. 1029 01:38:51,751 --> 01:38:53,480 Oh, my goodness! 1030 01:38:53,586 --> 01:38:55,144 Shut me down! 1031 01:38:56,256 --> 01:38:58,247 Machines making machines. 1032 01:38:58,358 --> 01:38:59,825 How perverse! 1033 01:39:00,760 --> 01:39:02,193 Calm down, R2! 1034 01:39:02,295 --> 01:39:04,786 I almost fell. 1035 01:39:04,898 --> 01:39:06,866 You'll get your chance... 1036 01:39:08,868 --> 01:39:10,699 I'm scrap. 1037 01:39:11,771 --> 01:39:14,171 It's a nightmare! 1038 01:39:15,942 --> 01:39:17,910 I want to go home! 1039 01:39:19,445 --> 01:39:21,345 What did I do to deserve this? 1040 01:40:01,287 --> 01:40:03,482 I wonder what happened to poor little R2. 1041 01:40:03,590 --> 01:40:05,990 He's always getting himself into trouble. 1042 01:40:07,360 --> 01:40:08,952 Oh, no! 1043 01:40:18,371 --> 01:40:19,998 Uh-oh. 1044 01:40:23,643 --> 01:40:25,611 I'm so confused. 1045 01:42:21,494 --> 01:42:23,359 Not again! 1046 01:42:23,663 --> 01:42:25,631 Obi-Wan's gonna kill me. 1047 01:42:34,774 --> 01:42:36,207 Don't move, Jedi! 1048 01:42:36,309 --> 01:42:37,799 Take him away. 1049 01:42:56,829 --> 01:42:58,660 Don't be afraid. 1050 01:43:00,433 --> 01:43:02,424 I'm not afraid to die. 1051 01:43:07,273 --> 01:43:11,403 I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life. 1052 01:43:12,678 --> 01:43:15,238 What are you talking about? 1053 01:43:16,716 --> 01:43:18,775 I love you. 1054 01:43:22,555 --> 01:43:24,523 You love me? 1055 01:43:28,995 --> 01:43:32,260 I thought we had decided not to fall in love... 1056 01:43:34,000 --> 01:43:36,992 that we would be forced to live a lie... 1057 01:43:37,870 --> 01:43:40,862 and that it would destroy our lives. 1058 01:43:41,541 --> 01:43:44,032 I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. 1059 01:43:49,182 --> 01:43:51,013 I truly... 1060 01:43:52,018 --> 01:43:54,452 deeply love you... 1061 01:43:55,655 --> 01:43:58,215 and before we die, I want you to know. 1062 01:44:55,381 --> 01:44:58,009 I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message. 1063 01:44:58,117 --> 01:45:01,177 I retransmitted it just as you had requested, Master. 1064 01:45:03,556 --> 01:45:05,421 Then we decided to come and rescue you. 1065 01:45:06,392 --> 01:45:07,916 Good job. 1066 01:45:20,273 --> 01:45:23,299 Settle down. Settle down. 1067 01:45:27,313 --> 01:45:31,044 Let the executions begin. 1068 01:46:03,883 --> 01:46:06,818 I've got a bad feeling about this. 1069 01:46:32,412 --> 01:46:34,880 - Just relax. Concentrate. - What about Padm¨¦? 1070 01:46:34,981 --> 01:46:37,108 She seems to be on top of things. 1071 01:47:40,113 --> 01:47:41,842 She can't do that! 1072 01:47:41,948 --> 01:47:43,848 Shoot her... or something! 1073 01:49:02,695 --> 01:49:04,094 Jump! 1074 01:49:28,221 --> 01:49:31,282 This isn't how it's supposed to be! 1075 01:49:31,291 --> 01:49:33,518 Jango! Finish her off! 1076 01:49:33,626 --> 01:49:36,857 Patience, Viceroy, patience. She will die. 1077 01:50:07,693 --> 01:50:09,160 Master Windu. 1078 01:50:09,262 --> 01:50:11,594 How pleasant of you to join us. 1079 01:50:11,697 --> 01:50:13,722 This party's over. 1080 01:50:27,313 --> 01:50:29,577 Brave... 1081 01:50:29,682 --> 01:50:32,048 but foolish, my old Jedi friend. 1082 01:50:32,151 --> 01:50:34,016 You're impossibly outnumbered. 1083 01:50:34,120 --> 01:50:36,452 I don't think so. 1084 01:50:36,556 --> 01:50:37,989 We'll see. 1085 01:51:16,729 --> 01:51:19,323 My legs aren't moving. I must need maintenance. 1086 01:51:59,071 --> 01:52:01,539 What's all this noise? A battle! 1087 01:52:01,641 --> 01:52:03,836 There's been some terrible mistake! 1088 01:52:03,943 --> 01:52:06,673 I'm programmed for etiquette, not destruction! 1089 01:53:34,200 --> 01:53:36,065 Die, Jedi dogs! 1090 01:53:36,168 --> 01:53:37,931 Oh! What did I say? 1091 01:53:47,012 --> 01:53:50,311 Oh, dear. I'm terribly sorry about all this. 1092 01:53:55,988 --> 01:53:58,889 Excuse me. I'm trapped. I can't get up. 1093 01:54:12,838 --> 01:54:16,865 - You call this a diplomatic solution? - No, I call it aggressive negotiations. 1094 01:54:22,014 --> 01:54:23,982 - Uh-oh. - Roger, roger. 1095 01:54:42,134 --> 01:54:44,398 R2, what are you doing here? 1096 01:54:47,606 --> 01:54:48,937 What are you doing? 1097 01:54:49,074 --> 01:54:51,702 Stop that! You're going to strain something. 1098 01:54:51,811 --> 01:54:53,574 My neck! 1099 01:54:55,881 --> 01:54:58,907 Now where are you taking me? This is such a drag! 1100 01:55:03,923 --> 01:55:05,948 I'm quite beside myself. 1101 01:55:14,667 --> 01:55:17,898 R2, please be careful! You're singeing my circuits! 1102 01:55:19,338 --> 01:55:21,863 Yes, but is my head on straight? 1103 01:55:44,630 --> 01:55:46,257 Master Windu... 1104 01:55:46,365 --> 01:55:48,595 you have fought gallantly... 1105 01:55:49,768 --> 01:55:53,795 worthy of recognition in the archives of theJedi order. 1106 01:55:55,774 --> 01:55:57,071 Now... 1107 01:55:58,043 --> 01:56:00,443 it is finished. 1108 01:56:00,546 --> 01:56:02,537 Surrender... 1109 01:56:02,648 --> 01:56:05,344 and your lives will be spared. 1110 01:56:06,218 --> 01:56:09,346 We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku! 1111 01:56:09,455 --> 01:56:10,479 Then... 1112 01:56:11,957 --> 01:56:14,016 I'm sorry, old friend. 1113 01:56:24,703 --> 01:56:26,136 Look! 1114 01:56:38,150 --> 01:56:42,109 Around the survivors a perimeter create. 1115 01:57:38,644 --> 01:57:41,670 I've had the most peculiar dream! 1116 01:57:52,291 --> 01:57:54,282 If Dooku escapes... 1117 01:57:54,393 --> 01:57:58,090 rally more systems to his cause he will. 1118 01:58:02,634 --> 01:58:04,465 Hold on! 1119 01:58:09,008 --> 01:58:10,976 Aim right above the fuel cells! 1120 01:58:17,316 --> 01:58:19,580 Good call, my young Padawan. 1121 01:58:33,832 --> 01:58:36,164 TheJedi have amassed a huge army. 1122 01:58:36,268 --> 01:58:38,327 That doesn't seem possible. 1123 01:58:38,437 --> 01:58:41,133 How could theJedi come up with an army so quickly? 1124 01:58:41,240 --> 01:58:44,676 We must send all available droids into battle. 1125 01:58:44,777 --> 01:58:46,677 There are too many. 1126 01:58:47,646 --> 01:58:50,410 Our communications have been jammed. 1127 01:58:58,624 --> 01:59:01,525 Pilot, land in that assembly area! 1128 01:59:01,627 --> 01:59:02,958 Yes, sir. 1129 01:59:11,036 --> 01:59:12,298 Sir... 1130 01:59:12,404 --> 01:59:15,032 I have five special commando units awaiting your orders, sir. 1131 01:59:16,041 --> 01:59:19,340 To the forward command center take me. 1132 01:59:42,668 --> 01:59:45,398 Attack those Federation starships, quickly! 1133 01:59:56,381 --> 02:00:00,181 Master Yoda, all forward positions are advancing. 1134 02:00:00,285 --> 02:00:02,150 Very good. 1135 02:00:02,788 --> 02:00:04,415 Very good. 1136 02:00:32,618 --> 02:00:34,711 This is not looking good at all! 1137 02:00:35,988 --> 02:00:39,253 We must get the starships back into space. 1138 02:00:42,294 --> 02:00:46,230 We have to order a retreat. 1139 02:00:46,331 --> 02:00:48,697 My master will never allow the Republic... 1140 02:00:48,800 --> 02:00:51,132 to get away with this treachery. 1141 02:00:51,270 --> 02:00:54,501 I'm sending my warriors to hide in the catacombs. 1142 02:00:54,606 --> 02:00:58,633 TheJedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon. 1143 02:01:01,079 --> 02:01:06,381 If they find out what we are planning to build, we're doomed. 1144 02:01:09,621 --> 02:01:12,055 I will take the designs with me to Coruscant. 1145 02:01:12,991 --> 02:01:15,721 They will be much safer there with my master. 1146 02:02:10,249 --> 02:02:15,050 Concentrate all your fire on the nearest starship. 1147 02:02:15,153 --> 02:02:16,984 Yes, sir. 1148 02:02:17,089 --> 02:02:20,547 Move all quadrants to sector 515. 1149 02:03:00,699 --> 02:03:02,166 Look over there! 1150 02:03:05,637 --> 02:03:08,037 It's Dooku! Shoot him down! 1151 02:03:08,140 --> 02:03:10,040 We're out of rockets, sir. 1152 02:03:10,142 --> 02:03:13,009 - Follow him! - We're gonna need some help! 1153 02:03:13,111 --> 02:03:17,172 There isn't time! Anakin and I can handle this! 1154 02:03:40,639 --> 02:03:43,233 Put the ship down! 1155 02:03:43,342 --> 02:03:45,242 Don't let your personal feelings get in the way! 1156 02:03:45,344 --> 02:03:47,107 Follow that speeder! 1157 02:03:53,185 --> 02:03:55,551 - Lower the ship! - I can't take Dooku alone! 1158 02:03:55,654 --> 02:03:59,146 I need you! If we catch him, we can end this war right now! 1159 02:03:59,257 --> 02:04:02,249 - We have a job to do! - I don't care! Put the ship down! 1160 02:04:02,361 --> 02:04:04,659 You will be expelled from theJedi order! 1161 02:04:04,763 --> 02:04:07,994 - I can't leave her! - Come to your senses! 1162 02:04:08,100 --> 02:04:10,728 What do you think Padm¨¦ would do were she in your position? 1163 02:04:15,374 --> 02:04:17,399 She would do her duty. 1164 02:04:26,385 --> 02:04:28,444 The droid army is in full retreat. 1165 02:04:28,553 --> 02:04:31,647 Well done, Commander. Bring me a ship. 1166 02:04:58,650 --> 02:05:01,778 You're gonna pay for all theJedi that you killed today, Dooku. 1167 02:05:01,887 --> 02:05:03,582 We'll take him together. 1168 02:05:03,688 --> 02:05:05,656 - I'm taking him now! - No, Anakin! No! 1169 02:05:13,832 --> 02:05:17,324 As you see, myJedi powers are far beyond yours. 1170 02:05:17,436 --> 02:05:19,370 Now... back down. 1171 02:05:25,210 --> 02:05:27,041 I don't think so. 1172 02:05:39,357 --> 02:05:42,588 Master Kenobi, you disappoint me. 1173 02:05:42,694 --> 02:05:45,754 Yoda holds you in such high esteem. 1174 02:05:48,133 --> 02:05:50,567 Surely you can do better. 1175 02:06:01,746 --> 02:06:03,646 Are you all right? 1176 02:06:03,748 --> 02:06:05,409 Uh-huh. 1177 02:06:06,051 --> 02:06:08,315 We'd better get back to the forward command center. 1178 02:06:08,420 --> 02:06:10,012 No. 1179 02:06:10,121 --> 02:06:13,648 Gather what troops you can. We've got to get to that hangar. 1180 02:06:13,758 --> 02:06:15,726 Get a transport. Hurry! 1181 02:06:15,827 --> 02:06:16,885 Right away. 1182 02:06:42,020 --> 02:06:43,885 Brave of you, boy. 1183 02:06:45,156 --> 02:06:47,386 But I would have thought you had learned your lesson. 1184 02:06:47,492 --> 02:06:49,084 I am a slow learner. 1185 02:07:51,556 --> 02:07:53,319 Master Yoda. 1186 02:07:53,425 --> 02:07:56,485 Count Dooku. 1187 02:07:56,595 --> 02:07:59,962 You have interfered with our affairs for the last time. 1188 02:08:31,262 --> 02:08:34,197 Powerful you have become, Dooku. 1189 02:08:34,699 --> 02:08:37,793 The dark side I sense in you. 1190 02:08:37,902 --> 02:08:40,700 I've become more powerful than anyJedi. 1191 02:08:41,806 --> 02:08:43,433 Even you. 1192 02:08:58,823 --> 02:09:01,883 Much to learn you still have. 1193 02:09:01,993 --> 02:09:05,190 It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided... 1194 02:09:05,296 --> 02:09:07,560 by our knowledge of the Force... 1195 02:09:09,601 --> 02:09:12,195 but by our skills with a lightsaber. 1196 02:09:53,445 --> 02:09:57,211 Fought well you have, my old Padawan. 1197 02:09:57,315 --> 02:09:59,078 This is just the beginning. 1198 02:12:32,270 --> 02:12:34,738 The Force is with us, Master Sidious. 1199 02:12:34,839 --> 02:12:37,808 Welcome home, Lord Tyranus. 1200 02:12:39,677 --> 02:12:42,009 You have done well. 1201 02:12:42,113 --> 02:12:44,479 I have good news for you, my lord. 1202 02:12:45,984 --> 02:12:49,010 - The war has begun. - Excellent. 1203 02:12:49,621 --> 02:12:52,317 Everything is going as planned. 1204 02:13:02,300 --> 02:13:06,259 Do you believe what Count Dooku said about Sidious controlling the senate? 1205 02:13:06,804 --> 02:13:08,795 It doesn't feel right. 1206 02:13:09,140 --> 02:13:12,109 Joined the dark side Dooku has. 1207 02:13:13,411 --> 02:13:15,140 Lies, deceit... 1208 02:13:15,246 --> 02:13:19,046 creating mistrust are his ways now. 1209 02:13:19,150 --> 02:13:20,583 Nevertheless... 1210 02:13:20,685 --> 02:13:23,711 I feel we should keep a closer eye on the senate. 1211 02:13:23,821 --> 02:13:25,846 I agree. 1212 02:13:26,991 --> 02:13:28,856 Where is your apprentice? 1213 02:13:28,960 --> 02:13:32,862 On his way to Naboo, escorting Senator Amidala home. 1214 02:13:34,666 --> 02:13:38,295 I have to admit that without the clones, it would not have been a victory. 1215 02:13:38,403 --> 02:13:40,462 Victory? 1216 02:13:41,339 --> 02:13:43,739 Victory, you say? 1217 02:13:43,841 --> 02:13:47,538 Master Obi-Wan, not victory. 1218 02:13:49,080 --> 02:13:52,311 The shroud of the dark side has fallen. 1219 02:13:53,651 --> 02:13:57,485 Begun the Clone War has.