1 00:00:08,500 --> 00:00:10,100 * i'm going down to south park * 2 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:11,500 * gonna have myself a time * 3 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:13,100 * friendly faces everywhere * 4 00:00:13,100 --> 00:00:14,100 * humble folks without temptation * 5 00:00:14,100 --> 00:00:16,100 * going down to south park * 6 00:00:16,200 --> 00:00:18,100 * gonna leave my woes behind * 7 00:00:18,100 --> 00:00:19,900 * ample parking day or night * 8 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:21,000 * people spouting "howdy neighbor" * 9 00:00:21,100 --> 00:00:22,900 * headin' on up to south park * 10 00:00:22,900 --> 00:00:24,700 * gonna see if i can't unwind * 11 00:00:24,700 --> 00:00:28,500 * tim-Tmah tim-Mah, tim-Mah tim-Mah timmy tim-Mah * 12 00:00:28,500 --> 00:00:30,500 * so come on down to south park * 13 00:00:30,600 --> 00:00:32,600 * and meet some friends of mine * 14 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:36,000 Okay, here he comes. 15 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:36,900 Who wants to tell him? 16 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:37,900 I'll do it. 17 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:40,600 Hey, fellas! I'm glad you called me! 18 00:00:40,600 --> 00:00:42,600 There's a pie eating contest down at the firehouse, 19 00:00:42,600 --> 00:00:43,600 And i thought we should all go! 20 00:00:43,600 --> 00:00:45,600 Butters, could you take a seat, please? 21 00:00:45,600 --> 00:00:47,700 Well, sure. 22 00:00:49,300 --> 00:00:51,900 Butters, we have to have a very difficult conversation. 23 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:53,500 What is it? 24 00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:54,600 Well, in the months since our friend kenny died 25 00:00:54,700 --> 00:00:56,300 You've really stepped up as a friend 26 00:00:56,300 --> 00:00:58,000 And "filled the gap", so to speak. 27 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:00,100 Oh, it's my pleasure! 28 00:01:00,100 --> 00:01:01,200 I love being you guys' new friend. 29 00:01:01,300 --> 00:01:06,100 Yes, well, butters, it's just not working out. 30 00:01:07,300 --> 00:01:08,600 Not working out? 31 00:01:08,700 --> 00:01:11,700 I'm afraid we're gonna have to let you go- As our friend. 32 00:01:11,700 --> 00:01:13,300 You're just too... 33 00:01:13,300 --> 00:01:15,200 Lame. Lame, yes. 34 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:17,000 But i can get better. 35 00:01:17,100 --> 00:01:19,000 Butters, you just don't really fit in with us here. 36 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:20,100 We think it's best for all of us 37 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:21,600 If you look for friendship opportunities elsewhere. 38 00:01:21,700 --> 00:01:24,000 But we certainly want to thank you for all your hard work 39 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:25,100 And attempts at being our friend. 40 00:01:25,200 --> 00:01:26,300 Lame as they were. 41 00:01:26,400 --> 00:01:28,300 But i thought we were really getting along great. 42 00:01:28,300 --> 00:01:30,200 I thought we were really having fun together. 43 00:01:30,200 --> 00:01:31,700 Yes, well, we weren't. 44 00:01:31,700 --> 00:01:35,200 Please, fellas, don't fire me. 45 00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:36,900 We're sorry, butters, our mind is made up. 46 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:40,000 But we certainly want to thank you for coming by. 47 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:42,500 You know your way out, right? 48 00:01:51,500 --> 00:01:52,900 Phew! Whew! 49 00:01:52,900 --> 00:01:54,500 He took that pretty well i think. 50 00:01:54,600 --> 00:01:55,400 Who cares? 51 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:57,300 So let's get started on who's gonna be 52 00:01:57,300 --> 00:01:59,100 The new person to take kenny's place. 53 00:02:07,100 --> 00:02:08,000 The world isn't fair. 54 00:02:08,100 --> 00:02:10,000 I do everything people ask me to. 55 00:02:10,100 --> 00:02:11,600 I stand in the lunch lines for them... 56 00:02:11,600 --> 00:02:13,100 I buy tampons at the store for them... 57 00:02:13,100 --> 00:02:16,900 I go on maury povich with balls on my chin for them. 58 00:02:18,700 --> 00:02:21,700 And yet, nobody accepts me. 59 00:02:21,700 --> 00:02:22,800 I am an outcast- 60 00:02:22,900 --> 00:02:26,900 A shadow of a man who can find no companionship, 61 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:28,600 No love from others. 62 00:02:29,700 --> 00:02:31,700 Fine! 63 00:02:31,700 --> 00:02:33,000 If i'm to be an outcast, so be it. 64 00:02:33,100 --> 00:02:34,400 I'm through doing what others tell me to do, 65 00:02:34,500 --> 00:02:38,000 And i am sick of this world and the stinky people in it. 66 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:40,000 From now on, i will dedicate my life 67 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:43,000 To bringing chaos to the world that has dejected me! 68 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:44,500 I will become the greatest super-Villain 69 00:02:44,600 --> 00:02:46,200 The world has ever seen! 70 00:02:46,300 --> 00:02:50,500 Where i go, destruction will follow! 71 00:03:10,500 --> 00:03:13,100 Prepare, oh little town. 72 00:03:13,100 --> 00:03:15,200 Prepare for the greatest super-Villain 73 00:03:15,300 --> 00:03:17,200 You have ever seen... 74 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:19,600 Professor chaos! 75 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:22,900 Butters, time for bed. 76 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:25,200 Okay, mom. 77 00:03:25,200 --> 00:03:27,300 Yes, sleep for now. 78 00:03:27,400 --> 00:03:30,600 Tomorrow, the chaos begins. 79 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:31,400 Ha ha... 80 00:03:31,500 --> 00:03:32,200 Ha ha ha... 81 00:03:32,300 --> 00:03:32,700 Ha ha ha ha ha ha! 82 00:03:32,700 --> 00:03:34,600 Ah ha ha ha! 83 00:03:40,200 --> 00:03:41,300 Alright, we want to thank everybody for coming, 84 00:03:41,400 --> 00:03:43,300 This is a great turnout. 85 00:03:43,300 --> 00:03:45,800 Uh, as you know, our friend kenny died a few months ago 86 00:03:45,900 --> 00:03:48,300 And we are looking to fill the void with a new friend. 87 00:03:48,400 --> 00:03:50,300 You've all been selected as possible candidates, 88 00:03:50,300 --> 00:03:52,100 But unfortunately there is only room for one of you. 89 00:03:52,200 --> 00:03:55,000 And so, stan and kyle and i will be spending the next few days 90 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:57,800 Going out with each one of you, and narrowing our choices down, 91 00:03:57,900 --> 00:03:59,500 Until we think we've found the perfect friend. 92 00:03:59,500 --> 00:04:00,700 Are there any questions? 93 00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:03,300 What if we don't want to be your friend? 94 00:04:03,400 --> 00:04:06,700 Clyde... okay? 95 00:04:06,800 --> 00:04:10,400 Now, the first thing we have to do is cut the list down 96 00:04:10,400 --> 00:04:11,300 From 20 choices to 10. 97 00:04:11,400 --> 00:04:13,600 And so today we will all be going 98 00:04:13,600 --> 00:04:16,200 To the amusement park together to see who we want to cut. 99 00:04:16,200 --> 00:04:17,900 Please keep in mind this will all be videotaped, 100 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:22,000 So put on your best friend faces and may the best friend win! 101 00:04:22,100 --> 00:04:26,100 Oh, and we will be needing a $10 per person entrance fee. 102 00:04:46,300 --> 00:04:49,800 Order 23 is up, and order 24 is up. 103 00:05:04,300 --> 00:05:06,300 Uh, waitress, i actually ordered the chicken soup. 104 00:05:06,400 --> 00:05:07,500 This is minestrone. 105 00:05:07,600 --> 00:05:09,200 Yeah, i had the minestrone over here. 106 00:05:09,200 --> 00:05:11,500 Ah ha ha! Ha ha ha haaa! 107 00:05:11,400 --> 00:05:13,900 Ha ha ha ha haaa! 108 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:16,400 I am professor chaos! 109 00:05:16,500 --> 00:05:19,200 And now this puny world will bow down to me! 110 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:21,000 Ha ah ha haaa! 111 00:05:29,300 --> 00:05:30,500 So today, we went to the amusement park 112 00:05:30,500 --> 00:05:31,700 With all our possible friends. 113 00:05:31,800 --> 00:05:32,900 It was a really fun time, we rode all the rides, 114 00:05:32,900 --> 00:05:34,900 And everyone got along great. 115 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:36,300 I think the person that stood out most 116 00:05:36,300 --> 00:05:37,700 At the amusement park was jimmy. 117 00:05:37,800 --> 00:05:41,900 Well, the reason i think i would make the perfect fourth friend 118 00:05:41,900 --> 00:05:42,900 Is that i love telling jokes. 119 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:45,200 You know, who doesn't like to laugh? 120 00:05:45,300 --> 00:05:46,800 Tweek- Now there's an interesting choice. 121 00:05:46,900 --> 00:05:48,900 Tweek has a lot of qualities that i look for in a friend. 122 00:05:48,800 --> 00:05:50,700 What if they don't pick me? 123 00:05:50,700 --> 00:05:52,400 What if they get us all, man? 124 00:05:52,500 --> 00:05:54,300 I mean, christ, if they can get to the pentagon 125 00:05:54,400 --> 00:05:55,800 They can get to us all, man! 126 00:05:55,800 --> 00:05:56,900 Aaagh! 127 00:05:57,000 --> 00:05:58,400 I think i deserve to take kenny's place the most, 128 00:05:58,500 --> 00:06:00,800 Because i've been hanging around these guys for like, five years 129 00:06:00,900 --> 00:06:02,700 And i never get to say or do anything. 130 00:06:02,700 --> 00:06:04,400 Yeah, i've always seen that kid in class, 131 00:06:04,500 --> 00:06:07,100 But he never does anything, he's more like a prop. 132 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:09,000 Towelie is a tough choice, because even though i can see 133 00:06:09,100 --> 00:06:10,900 How always having a towel around could come in handy, 134 00:06:10,900 --> 00:06:12,300 He's just always so high. 135 00:06:12,400 --> 00:06:13,700 Yeah, i really hope i win because- 136 00:06:13,700 --> 00:06:16,800 Wait, what is this again? 137 00:06:16,900 --> 00:06:19,000 I have no idea what's going on. 138 00:06:19,100 --> 00:06:20,700 We decided to get some one-On-One time with jimmy 139 00:06:20,800 --> 00:06:22,000 And ride the log ride. 140 00:06:22,100 --> 00:06:23,200 And the great thing was that because jimmy's crippled 141 00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:26,100 We got to go to the front of the line. 142 00:06:26,100 --> 00:06:28,000 That was definitely big points for jimmy, y'know. 143 00:06:28,100 --> 00:06:29,500 But then, we get to the ride itself and... 144 00:06:29,500 --> 00:06:31,500 Hey, i'm gonna need some help getting in the log, fellas. 145 00:06:31,600 --> 00:06:34,700 Oh, shut her down, someone needs assistance. 146 00:06:34,800 --> 00:06:36,800 Oh, really? 147 00:06:36,900 --> 00:06:38,300 That's gonna cost some points. 148 00:06:38,400 --> 00:06:40,200 But right now i'd say if we're gonna have a retard for a friend 149 00:06:40,200 --> 00:06:41,300 I'd have to pick timmy, 150 00:06:41,300 --> 00:06:42,800 Because timmy doesn't tell lame jokes. 151 00:06:42,800 --> 00:06:44,400 Boy, isn't this great, fellas? 152 00:06:44,400 --> 00:06:45,900 Are we great pals or what? 153 00:06:45,900 --> 00:06:47,200 One thing's for sure, 154 00:06:47,300 --> 00:06:49,600 Picking our new friend isn't gonna be easy. 155 00:06:57,500 --> 00:06:58,800 Kneel! 156 00:06:58,900 --> 00:07:00,600 Kneel before professor chaos! 157 00:07:00,700 --> 00:07:05,000 Ha ha, ha ha ha! 158 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:06,900 Ahh ha ha haa! Ha ha haaa! 159 00:07:08,500 --> 00:07:09,900 Hee ha ha ha haa! 160 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:12,900 Oh, the look on their faces when they got the wrong soup! 161 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:15,400 I love bringing chaos! 162 00:07:19,100 --> 00:07:19,800 Ha! 163 00:07:19,800 --> 00:07:20,800 Ha ha haa! 164 00:07:20,800 --> 00:07:21,700 And that is only the beginning. 165 00:07:21,700 --> 00:07:23,400 Ha ha ha, ha ha ha haa! 166 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:29,100 Alright, everyone, it was a tough decision 167 00:07:29,200 --> 00:07:31,000 But based on our time with you all at the amusement park, 168 00:07:31,100 --> 00:07:32,500 We have whittled our choices down to 10. 169 00:07:32,600 --> 00:07:34,300 If you receive a rose, please stay. 170 00:07:34,400 --> 00:07:36,000 If you don't, please get the fudge out. 171 00:07:36,100 --> 00:07:37,600 Kyle, will you announce the people we want to stay? 172 00:07:37,700 --> 00:07:39,700 Token... 173 00:07:39,700 --> 00:07:41,600 Clyde... 174 00:07:41,600 --> 00:07:43,600 Craig... 175 00:07:43,600 --> 00:07:45,100 Timmy... 176 00:07:45,200 --> 00:07:46,600 Timmy! 177 00:07:46,700 --> 00:07:48,400 Oh, man, this is too much pressure! 178 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:50,500 Pip... 179 00:07:50,500 --> 00:07:52,500 Jimmy... 180 00:07:52,500 --> 00:07:55,100 Jason... 181 00:07:55,100 --> 00:07:57,200 Towelie... 182 00:07:57,200 --> 00:07:59,200 Louigi. 183 00:07:59,300 --> 00:08:03,500 Just one rose left, kyle, who does it go to? 184 00:08:03,500 --> 00:08:04,700 Tweek. 185 00:08:04,700 --> 00:08:05,800 Aah! 186 00:08:05,900 --> 00:08:07,100 Alright, the rest of you, thanks for coming, 187 00:08:07,100 --> 00:08:08,300 Get the fudge out. 188 00:08:10,100 --> 00:08:10,800 I didn't make the cut? 189 00:08:10,900 --> 00:08:12,100 Oh god, i didn't make the cut? 190 00:08:12,200 --> 00:08:14,400 I didn't even get a chance to have them get to know me. 191 00:08:14,500 --> 00:08:16,700 Alright, congratulations to those of you selected to stay. 192 00:08:16,700 --> 00:08:20,900 In the end, one of you will be the new kenny. 193 00:08:20,900 --> 00:08:22,000 Good luck. 194 00:08:27,300 --> 00:08:28,400 Good morning, butters. 195 00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:29,400 It certainly is, mother! 196 00:08:29,500 --> 00:08:30,400 Did you hear about what's been going on? 197 00:08:30,500 --> 00:08:32,500 Some horrible new super-Villain 198 00:08:32,500 --> 00:08:34,700 Made somebody get the wrong soup order at bennigan's. 199 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:37,100 No, i didn't hear about that. 200 00:08:37,100 --> 00:08:38,000 You, you didn't? 201 00:08:38,100 --> 00:08:42,300 Dad, could i see the newspaper real quick? 202 00:08:42,400 --> 00:08:45,700 Well, sure, butters, i was just about to get some breakfast. 203 00:08:53,300 --> 00:08:55,300 Nothing... 204 00:08:55,300 --> 00:08:57,200 Nothing! 205 00:08:57,100 --> 00:08:59,500 It's the liberal media, 206 00:08:59,600 --> 00:09:01,500 They're keeping the stories of my deeds covered up 207 00:09:01,500 --> 00:09:02,800 So as not to cause a panic. 208 00:09:02,900 --> 00:09:06,900 Well then, i guess it's time to step it up a notch! 209 00:09:12,900 --> 00:09:15,600 Okay, next. 210 00:09:23,300 --> 00:09:25,100 This looks pretty good. 211 00:09:25,100 --> 00:09:26,200 Yeah, it's not bad. 212 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:28,400 Next. 213 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:35,500 Timmy! 214 00:09:35,600 --> 00:09:37,100 Next. 215 00:09:38,300 --> 00:09:40,500 Okay, so now we're gonna see how you all work 216 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:42,300 As a friend during class time. 217 00:09:42,400 --> 00:09:43,700 Your performances will be judged primarily 218 00:09:43,700 --> 00:09:45,000 On how you help us cheat and give us answers. 219 00:09:45,100 --> 00:09:47,100 So good luck, everybody! 220 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:48,700 Sit down, boys. 221 00:09:48,800 --> 00:09:50,200 Alrighty, then. 222 00:09:50,300 --> 00:09:51,700 Alright, children, before we get started, 223 00:09:51,700 --> 00:09:55,000 Has anybody seen the eraser for the chalkboard? 224 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:57,700 Heh heh heh, hee! 225 00:09:57,800 --> 00:09:59,500 It probably got knocked on the floor somewhere. 226 00:09:59,500 --> 00:10:03,600 Can you all please just look around your desks for it? 227 00:10:04,900 --> 00:10:07,400 Yes... look around for your precious eraser. 228 00:10:07,500 --> 00:10:08,600 You won't find it. 229 00:10:08,700 --> 00:10:09,900 That eraser is in my backyard, 230 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,200 Buried three feet below the surface of the earth. 231 00:10:12,100 --> 00:10:13,900 And do you even suspect me? No. 232 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,000 Now we shall see how you all like your dear chalkboard 233 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:17,900 Without an eraser! 234 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:20,500 Information that just keeps piling up and piling up, 235 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:23,000 Until your minuscule brains can take it no longer! 236 00:10:23,100 --> 00:10:24,400 No? 237 00:10:24,400 --> 00:10:26,300 Oh well, never mind, i've got a backup one in the desk. 238 00:10:26,300 --> 00:10:29,500 Okay, today, children, we're gonna learn about multiplying times five. 239 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:31,200 So! You all think that you can outsmart 240 00:10:31,200 --> 00:10:32,500 Professor chaos, do you? 241 00:10:32,600 --> 00:10:34,600 Now, whenever we multiply a number times five 242 00:10:34,700 --> 00:10:36,700 The result is going to end in a zero or five. 243 00:10:36,700 --> 00:10:38,400 Ms. Choksondik? What is it, butters? 244 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:41,600 Uh, i need to go to the bathroom, really bad. 245 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:44,800 Alright, butters, take the bathroom pass and go. 246 00:10:46,400 --> 00:10:47,500 Okay, so for instance, children- 247 00:10:47,600 --> 00:10:49,300 Alright i'm going to the bathroom now. 248 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:50,700 If anybody needs me, that's where i'll be. 249 00:10:50,700 --> 00:10:52,500 Just go, butters. 250 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:57,600 Okay, so for instance, five times one is... what, eric? 251 00:10:57,700 --> 00:10:59,700 Uh, what's the question again? 252 00:10:59,700 --> 00:11:02,300 Five times one. 253 00:11:02,300 --> 00:11:04,700 Five times one is of course... 254 00:11:04,800 --> 00:11:06,600 Five. Five.Five. 255 00:11:06,600 --> 00:11:07,900 Five! 256 00:11:08,000 --> 00:11:09,300 Ha ha ha haaa! 257 00:11:09,400 --> 00:11:12,200 The time for fun and games is over, feeble-Minded fools! 258 00:11:12,300 --> 00:11:13,900 Who are you? 259 00:11:13,900 --> 00:11:15,700 I am professor chaos! 260 00:11:15,800 --> 00:11:18,100 Bringer of destruction and maker of doom! 261 00:11:18,200 --> 00:11:20,600 Those who do not know me yet shall know me very soon, 262 00:11:20,700 --> 00:11:23,700 For the hour of chaos is at hand! 263 00:11:23,700 --> 00:11:26,300 Ha ha ha haaa! 264 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:29,800 Hey, that kid took my last eraser! 265 00:11:29,800 --> 00:11:30,700 Come back here, kid! 266 00:11:30,700 --> 00:11:32,500 Oh, i'm back from the bathroom. 267 00:11:32,500 --> 00:11:34,200 I really let one go in there. 268 00:11:34,300 --> 00:11:35,600 Butters did you see another little kid run out of here? 269 00:11:35,700 --> 00:11:37,600 Why yes, i did! 270 00:11:37,700 --> 00:11:39,400 But he pushed me down and i scraped my elbow. 271 00:11:39,400 --> 00:11:42,100 Go on, look at it. It's scraped, look! 272 00:11:42,100 --> 00:11:45,700 Yes, go on and see the red mark on my elbow, 273 00:11:45,700 --> 00:11:47,200 The red mark i made myself 274 00:11:47,300 --> 00:11:49,700 To throw you off professor chaos' trail! 275 00:11:49,700 --> 00:11:50,900 It looks fine, butters. 276 00:11:50,900 --> 00:11:53,500 Okay, hold on and stay here, children. 277 00:11:56,600 --> 00:11:58,300 You're such a fatass, cartman! 278 00:11:58,400 --> 00:11:59,500 Oh yeah? Well, you're a stupid jew! 279 00:11:59,500 --> 00:12:00,500 Shut up, fatass! 280 00:12:00,600 --> 00:12:05,100 Oh, uh... you guys are dumb. 281 00:12:05,100 --> 00:12:09,500 Okay, craig, interesting choice. 282 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:12,100 Powerful stuff there, craig, thank you very much. 283 00:12:14,300 --> 00:12:15,300 It is almost complete- 284 00:12:15,400 --> 00:12:17,500 The creation of my minions who will assist me 285 00:12:17,500 --> 00:12:20,300 In bringing terror to the world. 286 00:12:20,400 --> 00:12:22,300 There we go. 287 00:12:23,900 --> 00:12:27,200 Yes, my minions of chaos. 288 00:12:29,200 --> 00:12:29,800 Shh. 289 00:12:29,900 --> 00:12:31,200 Not now, my lovelies, 290 00:12:31,300 --> 00:12:34,200 Your time to bring destruction will come very soon. 291 00:12:34,300 --> 00:12:35,300 Aah! 292 00:12:35,400 --> 00:12:37,700 Butters, a note for you was left on the front door. 293 00:12:37,700 --> 00:12:38,500 A note? 294 00:12:38,500 --> 00:12:39,700 Here you go. 295 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:40,400 And wash your hands after you touch those hamsters, 296 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:41,500 You'll get aids. 297 00:12:41,500 --> 00:12:45,200 Okay, mom. 298 00:12:52,600 --> 00:12:55,800 So, someone has discovered my horrible secret. 299 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:58,200 This could be a trap set by the f.B.I. 300 00:12:58,200 --> 00:13:00,500 Oh, i'll be at the docks, precious f.B.I., 301 00:13:00,500 --> 00:13:02,900 But it is i who will have the trap set for you! 302 00:13:02,900 --> 00:13:06,000 Come, my minions, we haven't much time. 303 00:13:07,100 --> 00:13:09,000 Alright everyone, the time has come for us 304 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:10,800 To narrow the list down from 10 to six. 305 00:13:10,900 --> 00:13:13,600 But first, let us just say that the people who we didn't pick 306 00:13:13,700 --> 00:13:16,400 Were only not picked because they totally suck balls- Kyle? 307 00:13:16,500 --> 00:13:17,500 They're not going to pick me. 308 00:13:17,500 --> 00:13:18,600 I just know they're not. 309 00:13:18,700 --> 00:13:20,200 Oh jesus! I can't take it! 310 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:21,200 Token. 311 00:13:21,200 --> 00:13:22,000 Alright! 312 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:22,700 Timmy. 313 00:13:22,700 --> 00:13:24,500 Timmy! 314 00:13:24,500 --> 00:13:26,000 Tweek... 315 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:27,400 Pip. 316 00:13:27,400 --> 00:13:28,300 Really? I don't believe it! 317 00:13:28,300 --> 00:13:30,100 Towelie. 318 00:13:30,000 --> 00:13:31,600 What? 319 00:13:31,700 --> 00:13:32,200 Just one more rose, kyle. 320 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:33,100 Jimmy. 321 00:13:33,100 --> 00:13:35,300 Oh boy! Oh thank god! 322 00:13:35,400 --> 00:13:36,900 Alright, those with roses will move on 323 00:13:36,900 --> 00:13:39,500 To the swimsuit and talent competition. 324 00:13:39,500 --> 00:13:42,100 The rest of you- Get the fudge out! 325 00:13:42,400 --> 00:13:43,300 This whole thing is stupid! 326 00:13:43,400 --> 00:13:44,400 You don't pick people you wanna be with 327 00:13:44,500 --> 00:13:45,700 By making it into a game! 328 00:13:45,700 --> 00:13:47,000 Eww, somebody's a sore loser! 329 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:50,800 Clyde, i believe i said get the fudge out, 330 00:13:50,900 --> 00:13:52,900 Which means kiss my fudgen' ass, go fudge yourself, 331 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:55,400 Would ya get the fudge out, clyde? 332 00:14:05,100 --> 00:14:07,000 Hey, butters. 333 00:14:07,100 --> 00:14:08,500 Oh, hey, dougie- I mean- 334 00:14:08,500 --> 00:14:09,800 My name is professor chaos! 335 00:14:09,900 --> 00:14:11,600 I saw you change in the school bathroom. 336 00:14:11,600 --> 00:14:13,300 You stole that eraser in your class. 337 00:14:13,400 --> 00:14:14,500 Very well! 338 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:15,700 You called out professor chaos, 339 00:14:15,800 --> 00:14:19,000 And you also called out your own demise! 340 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:20,200 Go now, my minions! 341 00:14:20,300 --> 00:14:22,900 Go and take this foolish mortal down! 342 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:24,800 Aw, minions, not that way. 343 00:14:24,900 --> 00:14:25,900 Come back, minions. 344 00:14:25,900 --> 00:14:28,800 I'm not trying to call you out- Professor chaos. 345 00:14:28,800 --> 00:14:29,900 I want to join you. 346 00:14:29,900 --> 00:14:31,600 Join me? 347 00:14:31,700 --> 00:14:34,200 Yeah, i want to join you in your conquest of destruction. 348 00:14:34,200 --> 00:14:35,200 But why? 349 00:14:35,200 --> 00:14:36,500 I'm an outcast too- 350 00:14:36,500 --> 00:14:38,400 A frail child cast aside by society. 351 00:14:38,400 --> 00:14:41,100 I want to follow you and- Whatever you're doing. 352 00:14:41,100 --> 00:14:43,700 Very well, you shall be my accomplice in evil. 353 00:14:43,800 --> 00:14:46,300 Together, we shall bring the world to its knees 354 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:49,300 And make all those who banished us from society run wrecked. 355 00:14:49,300 --> 00:14:52,200 Do i get a neat-O costume made out of aluminum foil too? 356 00:14:52,300 --> 00:14:53,300 Well, sure you do. 357 00:14:53,300 --> 00:14:55,600 I am professor and you shall be my general. 358 00:14:55,600 --> 00:14:57,900 From now on you are general... disarray. 359 00:14:57,900 --> 00:14:59,900 General disarray. 360 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:01,700 Now let us go look for my minions! 361 00:15:01,700 --> 00:15:03,300 Because they ran away... 362 00:15:11,700 --> 00:15:12,900 The swimsuit competition really gave us a fresh look 363 00:15:12,800 --> 00:15:14,800 At some of the candidates. 364 00:15:14,800 --> 00:15:16,900 Well, i don't think i did too well 365 00:15:16,900 --> 00:15:18,900 In the bathing suit competition. 366 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:21,000 But i can't wait for the talent show competition. 367 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:23,800 That'll really be my chance to... shine. 368 00:15:23,800 --> 00:15:25,800 Wow, what a terrific audience. 369 00:15:25,800 --> 00:15:27,800 So anyway, a guy walks into a b... 370 00:15:27,800 --> 00:15:29,400 A guy walks into a b... 371 00:15:29,500 --> 00:15:33,400 A guy walks, a guys walk into a b-B... 372 00:15:37,600 --> 00:15:38,800 Okay, wait. 373 00:15:42,900 --> 00:15:45,100 No, no, wait. 374 00:15:49,900 --> 00:15:51,700 Next, please. 375 00:15:51,700 --> 00:15:52,800 What am i supposed to do? 376 00:15:52,900 --> 00:15:54,600 Anything that'll impress us, token. 377 00:15:54,700 --> 00:15:55,800 If you were our friend, 378 00:15:55,900 --> 00:15:57,400 How would you keep us entertained? 379 00:15:57,500 --> 00:15:58,900 Uh... oh, i know! 380 00:16:03,600 --> 00:16:04,900 Very nice. 381 00:16:04,900 --> 00:16:06,100 I like it. 382 00:16:06,100 --> 00:16:07,500 Token was the definite winner of the talent show. 383 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:09,200 But then we decided to take everyone to a baseball game, 384 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:11,000 To see how we got along there. 385 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:12,300 There goes a hit to left field! 386 00:16:12,400 --> 00:16:13,700 And foley's going to score! 387 00:16:13,700 --> 00:16:14,800 Woo-Hoo! 388 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:16,000 Yeah! Isn't this great? 389 00:16:16,100 --> 00:16:17,100 Drinks! Get your drinks here! 390 00:16:17,100 --> 00:16:18,900 Yes, could i have some tea, please? 391 00:16:19,000 --> 00:16:20,700 You don't drink tea at a baseball game, 392 00:16:20,800 --> 00:16:21,900 You french piece of crap! 393 00:16:21,900 --> 00:16:22,900 Oh, very well- 394 00:16:22,900 --> 00:16:24,000 Just some crumpets then. 395 00:16:24,100 --> 00:16:24,800 Alright, that does it! 396 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:25,600 Pip, get the fudge out! 397 00:16:25,700 --> 00:16:27,900 Next! 398 00:16:27,800 --> 00:16:30,100 Okay, let's try this. 399 00:16:33,100 --> 00:16:34,400 Hey, what's wrong with the jumbotron? 400 00:16:34,500 --> 00:16:36,000 People of earth! 401 00:16:36,100 --> 00:16:37,500 Your meaningless lives are about to end! 402 00:16:37,500 --> 00:16:39,200 I am professor chaos 403 00:16:39,300 --> 00:16:42,500 And this is my partner in evil, general disarray. 404 00:16:42,500 --> 00:16:45,700 In the past few days i have rained terror down 405 00:16:45,800 --> 00:16:47,300 Upon the society that shunned me, 406 00:16:47,400 --> 00:16:51,100 And now it is time for my final labor of loathing. 407 00:16:51,200 --> 00:16:54,900 I am going to- Flood the world! 408 00:16:54,900 --> 00:16:56,500 Flood the world! My god! 409 00:16:56,600 --> 00:16:58,900 I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die! 410 00:16:58,900 --> 00:17:01,800 Oh yes, every living creature and every sacred building 411 00:17:01,900 --> 00:17:06,000 Will soon be under leagues and leagues of cold and dark water! 412 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:08,700 And there is nothing you can do to stop it! 413 00:17:08,800 --> 00:17:11,500 General disarray, begin the flooding of earth! 414 00:17:14,400 --> 00:17:16,800 You brought this upon yourselves! 415 00:17:16,800 --> 00:17:19,100 You made the outcasts of the world. 416 00:17:19,200 --> 00:17:23,100 Now watch, watch as your precious planet drowns! 417 00:17:23,100 --> 00:17:24,800 Watch! 418 00:17:28,300 --> 00:17:29,700 Dear christ, who will save us? 419 00:17:29,700 --> 00:17:31,000 We have very little time to live. 420 00:17:31,100 --> 00:17:34,800 How shall we spend our last hours on earth? 421 00:17:43,600 --> 00:17:45,200 Our reign of terror is complete! 422 00:17:45,300 --> 00:17:49,500 The turmoil has now come full circle! 423 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:55,200 Hey, is that hose on full, general disarray? 424 00:17:55,200 --> 00:17:56,300 It's on all the way. 425 00:17:56,400 --> 00:17:57,400 Oh, alright then. 426 00:17:57,500 --> 00:18:00,100 Nothing to do now but watch the world die! 427 00:18:00,100 --> 00:18:01,500 Ha, ha ha haaa! 428 00:18:01,600 --> 00:18:03,000 Ha ha haa! 429 00:18:10,700 --> 00:18:12,200 Boy, this sure is taking a long time. 430 00:18:16,500 --> 00:18:17,600 Okay, so how do we all feel 431 00:18:17,700 --> 00:18:18,600 About towelie as our new friend? 432 00:18:18,600 --> 00:18:20,000 I think towelie's awesome. 433 00:18:20,100 --> 00:18:21,800 Towelie's cool, but he gets stoned all the time. 434 00:18:21,700 --> 00:18:23,300 You can't really rely on him for anything. 435 00:18:23,300 --> 00:18:24,200 Ugh, this is giving me a headache. 436 00:18:24,200 --> 00:18:25,100 Now come on, you guys, 437 00:18:25,200 --> 00:18:27,200 We can't take this decision lightly. 438 00:18:27,300 --> 00:18:28,500 Whoever we pick is going to be the person 439 00:18:28,500 --> 00:18:30,000 We do everything with from now on. 440 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:30,500 You're right. 441 00:18:30,600 --> 00:18:31,900 Well, how about timmy? 442 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:33,400 He's quiet and he takes direction well. 443 00:18:33,400 --> 00:18:34,700 Really, the perfect friend. 444 00:18:34,700 --> 00:18:36,200 Yeah, but timmy can be really self-Centered. 445 00:18:36,200 --> 00:18:37,400 How about token? 446 00:18:37,400 --> 00:18:38,500 Token's a smartass. 447 00:18:38,600 --> 00:18:39,600 So, you're a smartass. 448 00:18:39,700 --> 00:18:41,100 Yeah, but do we really need another one? 449 00:18:41,200 --> 00:18:42,200 Good point. 450 00:18:42,200 --> 00:18:44,500 Hey, fellas, i was just in the neighborhood, 451 00:18:44,600 --> 00:18:46,800 And thought i'd stop by this gift basket. 452 00:18:46,900 --> 00:18:47,700 Oh, thanks, jimmy. 453 00:18:47,800 --> 00:18:49,900 There's some chocolates and licorice 454 00:18:49,900 --> 00:18:52,000 And some games and puzzles inside. 455 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:53,300 That's great. Cool. 456 00:18:53,400 --> 00:18:55,400 Yeah, well, i guess i'll be seeing you friends later. 457 00:18:55,400 --> 00:18:57,700 Alright, jimmy, see ya. 458 00:18:57,800 --> 00:18:58,900 Suck up. 459 00:19:05,900 --> 00:19:07,300 Not long now, general disarray, 460 00:19:07,400 --> 00:19:10,800 And our horrible plan will be complete. 461 00:19:11,700 --> 00:19:14,700 Hey, do you think maybe we should build a boat? 462 00:19:14,700 --> 00:19:16,400 You know, like, a little raft or something 463 00:19:16,400 --> 00:19:17,300 So that when the world floods, 464 00:19:17,400 --> 00:19:19,400 You and me and the minions can live? 465 00:19:19,400 --> 00:19:21,400 Oh yeah, i hadn't thought of that. 466 00:19:21,500 --> 00:19:22,200 That's a pretty good idea. 467 00:19:22,200 --> 00:19:25,200 I'll go get a hammer. 468 00:19:26,300 --> 00:19:28,300 Hey, who is that? 469 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:37,000 Is this it? 470 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:39,700 Yeah, 213, that's the one. 471 00:19:42,900 --> 00:19:45,800 Hey, what are you doin'? 472 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:56,800 Ah! You may have won this time, 473 00:19:56,800 --> 00:19:58,200 But i will be back! 474 00:19:58,300 --> 00:19:59,600 What do we do now? 475 00:19:59,700 --> 00:20:02,100 Well, i had another idea of how to kill the world. 476 00:20:02,100 --> 00:20:04,500 I thought it was almost too horrible to even speak of, 477 00:20:04,600 --> 00:20:08,200 But now they've left me with no other choice! 478 00:20:08,200 --> 00:20:09,700 Well, this is it. 479 00:20:09,800 --> 00:20:11,800 We've made our final decision, and one of you, 480 00:20:11,900 --> 00:20:13,900 Is who we will spending our childhood with, 481 00:20:13,800 --> 00:20:14,900 As our new friend. 482 00:20:14,900 --> 00:20:17,500 Oh please... oh god, please. 483 00:20:17,600 --> 00:20:19,700 Four friends, just one rose. 484 00:20:19,800 --> 00:20:22,400 The moment of truth is here. 485 00:20:22,400 --> 00:20:25,100 Kyle, who does the rose go to? 486 00:20:29,300 --> 00:20:30,900 This is it, general disarray- 487 00:20:30,900 --> 00:20:33,100 My final solution. 488 00:20:33,200 --> 00:20:34,800 What evil plot do you have this time, professor chaos? 489 00:20:34,800 --> 00:20:36,700 Simple, my dear general. 490 00:20:36,800 --> 00:20:40,200 We are going to tear down the earth's precious atmosphere! 491 00:20:40,200 --> 00:20:43,400 Oh yes, my latest plan will melt the polar ice caps 492 00:20:43,400 --> 00:20:46,500 And burn all the world with the sun's harmful rays. 493 00:20:46,600 --> 00:20:49,900 Say good-Bye to your precious ozone and hello to chaos! 494 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:03,500 Okay, hand me another one, general disarray. 495 00:21:04,200 --> 00:21:05,600 Ah ha ha, ha ha haa. 496 00:21:05,600 --> 00:21:06,600 Ha ha ha! 497 00:21:06,700 --> 00:21:08,000 Haa ha ha ha haa! 498 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:09,300 Ah ha ha, ha ha ha. 499 00:21:09,400 --> 00:21:12,100 Ha ha, ha haa! 500 00:21:12,200 --> 00:21:13,400 Will professor chaos' latest plot succeed 501 00:21:13,400 --> 00:21:15,300 And be the final undoing of earth? 502 00:21:15,400 --> 00:21:19,100 And which boy has been chosen to be the replacement for kenny? 503 00:21:19,200 --> 00:21:22,900 And which one of these six south park residents was killed 504 00:21:22,900 --> 00:21:25,300 And will never be seen again? 505 00:21:25,300 --> 00:21:29,200 The answer to these questions will be answered... right now. 506 00:21:29,200 --> 00:21:32,900 No. Tweek. Ms. Choksondik.