1 00:00:07,942 --> 00:00:11,070 I'm going out to South Park gonna have myself a time 2 00:00:11,278 --> 00:00:14,406 Friendly faces everywhere humble folks without temptation 3 00:00:14,615 --> 00:00:17,743 I'm goin out to south park gonna leave my woes behind 4 00:00:17,952 --> 00:00:21,080 Ample parking day or night people spouting howdy neighbor 5 00:00:21,288 --> 00:00:24,208 I'm heading out to south park to see if i cant unwind 6 00:00:24,416 --> 00:00:27,545 I like girls with big fat titties really big fat titties 7 00:00:27,753 --> 00:00:30,880 So come on out to south park and meet some friends of mine 8 00:00:30,900 --> 00:00:32,120 Episode 10x08 "Make Love, Not Warcraft" 9 00:00:39,289 --> 00:00:44,349 Oh, dude! I just took the biggest crap. Hey, where are you guys? 10 00:00:44,527 --> 00:00:46,983 We're over here, by the cart. 11 00:00:48,132 --> 00:00:49,439 Okay, I'm back. 12 00:00:49,467 --> 00:00:51,333 Dude! We've been waiting forever! 13 00:00:51,376 --> 00:00:53,423 Well, I'm sorry, I had to take a dump! 14 00:00:53,475 --> 00:00:56,871 If you didn't eat so much, you wouldn't have diarrhea all the time, fatass! 15 00:00:56,935 --> 00:00:59,391 Hey, I don't need to take any lip from a frickin' girl! 16 00:00:59,445 --> 00:01:01,560 I think Kyle has fake titties, hahaaha. 17 00:01:01,568 --> 00:01:02,922 Heheh, totally, heheh. 18 00:01:03,028 --> 00:01:05,630 Come on, we have to finish the quest in Stonehaven. 19 00:01:05,785 --> 00:01:08,081 Stan? Staan? 20 00:01:08,237 --> 00:01:10,162 Hang on, guys, my dad wants something. 21 00:01:10,325 --> 00:01:11,480 Stan?! 22 00:01:11,688 --> 00:01:12,902 What?! 23 00:01:13,136 --> 00:01:14,721 You've been on your computere all weekend. 24 00:01:14,726 --> 00:01:17,012 Shouldn't you go out and socialize with your friends? 25 00:01:17,085 --> 00:01:18,942 I am socializing, r-tard. 26 00:01:18,948 --> 00:01:22,113 I'm logged on to an MMORPG with people from all over the world 27 00:01:22,118 --> 00:01:25,143 and getting xp with my party using teamspeak! 28 00:01:27,587 --> 00:01:29,483 I'm not a r-tard. 29 00:01:31,075 --> 00:01:33,631 All right, sorry guys. So where to now? 30 00:01:33,687 --> 00:01:35,310 See where I am? It's this way. 31 00:01:35,347 --> 00:01:36,883 Yeah, come on, let's go! 32 00:01:39,265 --> 00:01:42,501 I am the mightiest dwarf in all of Azeroth! 33 00:01:42,585 --> 00:01:44,581 Wow, look at all these people playing right now. 34 00:01:44,635 --> 00:01:45,781 Yeah, it's bullcrap. 35 00:01:45,826 --> 00:01:47,361 I'll bet half these of these people are Koreans. 36 00:01:47,427 --> 00:01:50,352 Oh crap! It's that guy again! 37 00:01:51,776 --> 00:01:52,552 Who is this? 38 00:01:52,568 --> 00:01:55,472 This is the guy that kept killing us after you went to bed! 39 00:01:55,517 --> 00:01:57,302 Get out of here, asshole! 40 00:01:57,496 --> 00:01:59,420 He's a way higher level than us. It isn't fair. 41 00:01:59,477 --> 00:02:02,602 It's all right. He can't kill us unless we agree to duel. 42 00:02:05,685 --> 00:02:07,720 Oh my God, he killed Kenny! 43 00:02:07,775 --> 00:02:09,742 You bastard! 44 00:02:14,115 --> 00:02:17,673 Don't you have better things to do than going online killing people?! 45 00:02:18,765 --> 00:02:21,110 No! I don't want them to start over at the graveyard! 46 00:02:21,128 --> 00:02:22,452 No! 47 00:02:25,067 --> 00:02:26,872 That son of a bitch! 48 00:02:26,927 --> 00:02:28,390 Who is that guy? 49 00:02:28,468 --> 00:02:32,072 Whoever he is, he is one tough badass. 50 00:02:39,825 --> 00:02:41,562 World of Warcraft support line. 51 00:02:41,605 --> 00:02:43,523 Yeah, we bought your game and played it online 52 00:02:43,525 --> 00:02:46,231 but every time we log in, some other player comes in and kills us! 53 00:02:46,277 --> 00:02:48,000 O..ohhh that shouldn't happen. 54 00:02:48,055 --> 00:02:49,821 We designed the game so that players have to agree 55 00:02:49,828 --> 00:02:51,703 to a duel before they can kill each other. 56 00:02:51,748 --> 00:02:53,203 Yeah, well this guy does it anyway! 57 00:02:53,247 --> 00:02:54,802 He's a Goddamned butthole! 58 00:02:54,866 --> 00:02:56,120 Really? That's odd. 59 00:02:56,125 --> 00:02:58,893 More people calling in about their characters getting killed. 60 00:02:58,948 --> 00:02:59,671 Oh no. 61 00:02:59,718 --> 00:03:03,882 Well, we'll certainly keep a look out for that player and ban him from the network. 62 00:03:03,958 --> 00:03:06,112 Better tell the guys upstairs. 63 00:03:07,118 --> 00:03:09,710 Fellow board members, we have a problem. 64 00:03:09,795 --> 00:03:14,640 Somebody in the World of Warcraft is ignoring the World's rules... 65 00:03:14,646 --> 00:03:17,803 and is going around killing innocent players. 66 00:03:18,415 --> 00:03:20,463 Why kill innocent players? 67 00:03:20,527 --> 00:03:23,060 The game is about finishing quests. 68 00:03:23,095 --> 00:03:25,141 We've got to delete him from the servers. 69 00:03:25,185 --> 00:03:26,570 We can't. 70 00:03:26,616 --> 00:03:30,050 Whoever this player is, he has played World of Warcraft so much 71 00:03:30,055 --> 00:03:33,292 that he has reached a level we thought unreachable. 72 00:03:33,357 --> 00:03:36,012 He's actually able to kill our admins. 73 00:03:36,095 --> 00:03:38,702 And he grows stronger every day. 74 00:03:38,837 --> 00:03:40,033 Jesus... 75 00:03:40,076 --> 00:03:41,612 I've gotta get home! 76 00:03:41,706 --> 00:03:44,113 My kids are playing World of Warcraft right now! 77 00:03:44,187 --> 00:03:48,501 Jim, your kids' characters are already dead. 78 00:03:48,736 --> 00:03:51,572 No... no. 79 00:03:52,437 --> 00:03:55,162 They just started playing! 80 00:03:55,267 --> 00:03:58,131 What kind of person would do this? 81 00:03:58,228 --> 00:03:59,542 Only one kind. 82 00:03:59,558 --> 00:04:04,230 Whoever this player is, he has played World of Warcraft nearly every hour of every day 83 00:04:04,237 --> 00:04:06,541 for the past year and a half. 84 00:04:06,817 --> 00:04:10,640 Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone here who... 85 00:04:10,646 --> 00:04:13,472 has absolutely no life. 86 00:04:15,345 --> 00:04:19,260 How do you kill that which has no life? 87 00:04:23,907 --> 00:04:26,273 Randy, you workin' on that sediment analysis? 88 00:04:26,317 --> 00:04:28,952 Not now, Nelson. I just joined a big party of night elves 89 00:04:28,957 --> 00:04:31,790 and we're gonna explore the Tower of Azora together. 90 00:04:32,135 --> 00:04:33,310 Is that a computer game? 91 00:04:33,327 --> 00:04:36,173 No, r-tard, it's an MMORPG. 92 00:04:36,238 --> 00:04:37,830 These are real people I'm playing with. 93 00:04:37,838 --> 00:04:41,470 See, I'm a hunter, level 2. I can chat with all these other people. 94 00:04:41,518 --> 00:04:43,333 I can even wave to this guy, see? 95 00:04:43,428 --> 00:04:44,860 "Hello." 96 00:04:44,928 --> 00:04:47,943 In the outside world, I'm a simple geologist, 97 00:04:47,947 --> 00:04:52,783 but in here... I am Valkorn, Defender of the Alliance. 98 00:04:52,788 --> 00:04:57,702 I've braved the Fargo deep mine to feed it the bloodfish at Jaro d's Landing. 99 00:05:02,255 --> 00:05:04,741 Hm. Looks like that guy just killed you. 100 00:05:05,076 --> 00:05:06,171 What? 101 00:05:06,318 --> 00:05:08,882 Why? Why?! 102 00:05:09,638 --> 00:05:10,802 My friends... 103 00:05:10,836 --> 00:05:13,832 As you all know, some giant butthole keeps logging onto Warcraft 104 00:05:13,837 --> 00:05:15,692 and killing all our characters. 105 00:05:15,788 --> 00:05:18,693 The past four nights we've tried to play, he shows up and kills us! 106 00:05:18,768 --> 00:05:21,263 He killed my character right in the middle of a quest! 107 00:05:21,337 --> 00:05:22,531 Mine too! 108 00:05:22,625 --> 00:05:24,782 We've learned that the four of us can't fight him alone. 109 00:05:24,825 --> 00:05:28,820 But, if we all log in together, we might have a chance. 110 00:05:29,006 --> 00:05:29,930 Hey yeah! 111 00:05:29,987 --> 00:05:32,440 We can really stick it to that assm-m-muncher! 112 00:05:32,485 --> 00:05:33,483 Are you guys dumb? 113 00:05:33,485 --> 00:05:36,191 We can't beat him, even with all of us. It's a waste of time. 114 00:05:36,208 --> 00:05:37,700 Dude, we have to try. 115 00:05:37,757 --> 00:05:39,350 I've got better things to do. 116 00:05:39,415 --> 00:05:42,580 Clyde, Clyde! If you had a chance right now to go back in time 117 00:05:42,588 --> 00:05:45,110 and stop Hitler, wouldn't you do it? 118 00:05:45,668 --> 00:05:49,653 I mean, I personally wouldn't stop him because I think he was awesome, but you would, right? 119 00:05:49,707 --> 00:05:51,410 I'm just gonna stop playing. 120 00:05:51,657 --> 00:05:54,490 When Hitler rose to power there were a lot of people who just stopped playing. 121 00:05:54,558 --> 00:05:56,061 You know who those people were? 122 00:05:56,078 --> 00:05:58,810 The French! Are you French, Clyde? 123 00:05:58,907 --> 00:05:59,622 No. 124 00:05:59,687 --> 00:06:02,010 Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Clyde? 125 00:06:02,058 --> 00:06:03,470 All right all right, I'll do it! 126 00:06:03,595 --> 00:06:05,160 So what's the p-plan? 127 00:06:05,216 --> 00:06:08,572 All right, you all login from your computers at precisely 7:30. 128 00:06:08,575 --> 00:06:11,430 We will meet here, on the plains of the elven forest near Westfall. 129 00:06:11,437 --> 00:06:13,680 My friends, to victory! 130 00:06:13,777 --> 00:06:15,143 To victory! 131 00:06:15,206 --> 00:06:17,732 I don't play World of Warcraft. 132 00:06:18,625 --> 00:06:20,823 Butters, you said you were on your computer all the time! 133 00:06:20,896 --> 00:06:24,661 Yeah, but I'm playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure. 134 00:06:25,795 --> 00:06:28,570 Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer 135 00:06:28,575 --> 00:06:31,371 and join the online sensation before we all murder you. 136 00:06:31,438 --> 00:06:34,453 O-oh, o-oh, a-alright. All right then. 137 00:06:41,715 --> 00:06:43,632 All right, you guys, this is it! 138 00:06:43,676 --> 00:06:46,852 When the attack begins, all warriors click on defensive stance. 139 00:06:46,895 --> 00:06:49,992 Everyone else, wait for Craig to cast his intellect buff. 140 00:06:50,058 --> 00:06:50,643 Okay. 141 00:06:50,777 --> 00:06:51,553 Got it. 142 00:06:51,628 --> 00:06:52,950 The battle is sure to be long 143 00:06:52,958 --> 00:06:56,280 so make sure you all have your special abilities macroed to your keyboards. 144 00:06:56,362 --> 00:06:59,259 All right, Eric. You can c-c-count on us. 145 00:06:59,367 --> 00:07:00,443 Timmy! 146 00:07:00,536 --> 00:07:02,683 This shall be a day for all to remember! 147 00:07:02,687 --> 00:07:04,930 Let us bravely charge the fields of Azeroth! 148 00:07:04,936 --> 00:07:07,040 From with- - Hey fellas! 149 00:07:07,576 --> 00:07:10,383 Boy, this is neato, huh? 150 00:07:11,935 --> 00:07:14,621 Butters? What the hell are you doing? 151 00:07:14,778 --> 00:07:17,350 I got World of Warcraft, like you said. 152 00:07:17,537 --> 00:07:20,182 You can't be the dwarf character, Butters, I'm the dwarf. 153 00:07:20,237 --> 00:07:22,203 Well, there's only like four races to choose from- 154 00:07:22,208 --> 00:07:24,703 So pick another one! I'm the dwarf, you stupid asshole! 155 00:07:24,738 --> 00:07:27,431 Log out, create a new character and log back in! 156 00:07:27,717 --> 00:07:30,483 I like Hello Kitty Island Adventure a lot more 'n this stuff. 157 00:07:30,547 --> 00:07:31,980 Come on, let's do this! 158 00:07:32,065 --> 00:07:35,261 Yeah, my mom says I have to be in bed at 9:30. 159 00:07:35,426 --> 00:07:37,462 Then let's move out! 160 00:07:51,797 --> 00:07:53,123 Look! There he is! 161 00:07:53,168 --> 00:07:55,373 Everyone hold! 162 00:07:57,297 --> 00:07:58,743 He's targeting us. 163 00:07:58,795 --> 00:08:00,343 Prepare to charge! 164 00:08:00,347 --> 00:08:02,963 Scroll over him with your mouse cursors! 165 00:08:02,968 --> 00:08:06,022 And... Right-click! 166 00:08:09,238 --> 00:08:10,272 What the? 167 00:08:10,376 --> 00:08:13,110 Oh Jesus, he summoned scorpions! 168 00:08:21,226 --> 00:08:25,031 I'm burning! Oh Jesus I'm burning! 169 00:08:27,726 --> 00:08:30,141 Kenny's down. K-k-kenny is down. 170 00:08:32,198 --> 00:08:34,740 I have poop on my pants. 171 00:08:34,797 --> 00:08:37,160 Ike, look out! 172 00:08:37,208 --> 00:08:39,033 Kyle... 173 00:08:40,627 --> 00:08:43,531 All right, Clyde, hit him with your crossbow! 174 00:08:44,347 --> 00:08:46,352 Hit him now, Clyde! 175 00:08:46,355 --> 00:08:48,882 Clyde? Clyde! 176 00:08:48,987 --> 00:08:51,180 Clyde! Come on, you guys, move! 177 00:08:51,236 --> 00:08:54,071 Goddamnit we lost Clyde! 178 00:08:56,028 --> 00:08:58,270 Hey, Stan, can I play with you guys? 179 00:08:58,575 --> 00:08:59,560 Dad? 180 00:08:59,637 --> 00:09:01,331 Yeah, I'm playing from the office. 181 00:09:01,396 --> 00:09:04,103 Dad, get off our teamspeak line! 182 00:09:05,435 --> 00:09:07,070 That's it, I'm dead! 183 00:09:09,026 --> 00:09:10,731 That's it, screw this game! 184 00:09:10,925 --> 00:09:14,480 No, leave me alone, don't do... that, dugh 185 00:09:18,667 --> 00:09:20,523 God-fucking-damnit! 186 00:09:25,708 --> 00:09:27,151 Oh Jesus... 187 00:09:27,317 --> 00:09:28,742 Oh God no... 188 00:09:28,855 --> 00:09:30,301 What? 189 00:09:30,448 --> 00:09:34,943 He just finished killing every single player in the Arathi Highlands. 190 00:09:35,037 --> 00:09:36,912 How many people's characters were in there? 191 00:09:36,997 --> 00:09:38,662 Over five thousand. 192 00:09:40,007 --> 00:09:43,521 There are over seven million people who log on to World of Warcraft! 193 00:09:43,526 --> 00:09:46,570 Are you telling me all those people's characters are going to die 194 00:09:46,578 --> 00:09:49,221 and there's nothing we can do to save them? 195 00:09:49,356 --> 00:09:50,352 Yes. 196 00:09:50,538 --> 00:09:53,152 And it won't be long before everyone gets really really frustrated 197 00:09:53,156 --> 00:09:54,993 and stops playing altogether. 198 00:09:55,087 --> 00:10:01,860 Gentlemen, this could very well lead to the end of the World... of Warcraft. 199 00:10:02,017 --> 00:10:04,750 No! Noooo! 200 00:10:13,246 --> 00:10:14,602 What the hell are you guys doing? 201 00:10:14,657 --> 00:10:17,102 Don't tell me you all quit playing World of Warcraft too?! 202 00:10:17,166 --> 00:10:19,670 Dude, we're done. We're sick of getting killed all the time. 203 00:10:19,726 --> 00:10:23,902 Guys, when things look bad, you can't just give up on the world. Of Warcraft. 204 00:10:23,966 --> 00:10:27,532 We don't have a choice, dude. That guy killed our characters 14 times. 205 00:10:27,607 --> 00:10:29,242 I have a solution, you guys. 206 00:10:29,326 --> 00:10:32,191 That guy can kill us so easily because he's a super-high level, right? 207 00:10:32,306 --> 00:10:34,703 What if we were super-high level too? 208 00:10:34,755 --> 00:10:38,362 We can't get to a higher level because that dude doesn't let us finish quests! 209 00:10:38,426 --> 00:10:42,810 That's why we just need to log in and stay in the forest, killing boars. 210 00:10:42,957 --> 00:10:43,563 Boars? 211 00:10:43,638 --> 00:10:46,711 There's lots of computer-generated boars in Warcraft that die with just one blow. 212 00:10:46,768 --> 00:10:49,222 Dude, boars are only worth two experience points apiece. 213 00:10:49,315 --> 00:10:52,052 Do you know how many we would have to kill to get up 30 levels? 214 00:10:52,108 --> 00:10:53,421 Yes. 215 00:10:53,558 --> 00:10:56,703 Sixty-five million three hundred and forty thousand two hundred and eighty five. 216 00:10:56,757 --> 00:10:59,690 Which should take us seven weeks, five days, thirteen hours and twenty minutes 217 00:10:59,697 --> 00:11:01,422 giving ourselves three hours a night to sleep. 218 00:11:01,485 --> 00:11:02,752 What do you say, guys? 219 00:11:02,835 --> 00:11:06,693 You can just, you can just hang outside in the sun all day tossin' a ball around 220 00:11:06,698 --> 00:11:09,170 or you can sit at your computer and do somethin' that matters. 221 00:11:21,016 --> 00:11:28,542 Live to win, till you die, till the light dies in your eyes! 222 00:11:28,546 --> 00:11:37,000 Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall! 223 00:11:37,018 --> 00:11:44,311 Day by day, kickin' all the way I'm not cavin' in 224 00:11:44,315 --> 00:11:49,382 Let another round begin, live to win 225 00:11:49,388 --> 00:11:51,250 Yeah! 226 00:11:51,257 --> 00:11:53,023 Live! 227 00:11:53,028 --> 00:11:55,032 Yeah! 228 00:11:55,038 --> 00:11:57,150 Win! 229 00:11:57,207 --> 00:11:58,821 Sir, you'd better have a look at this! 230 00:11:59,188 --> 00:12:03,793 Four of our subscribers... They've gone up fifty levels in three weeks. 231 00:12:03,887 --> 00:12:07,182 My God... they must have no lives at all. 232 00:12:07,247 --> 00:12:09,582 A hope? - A chance. 233 00:12:09,978 --> 00:12:17,843 Live to win, till you die, till the light dies in your eyes 234 00:12:18,435 --> 00:12:21,452 My mouse-clicking finger hurts. - Come on, Kyle! You can do it! 235 00:12:21,747 --> 00:12:26,173 just keep fighting 'till you fall 236 00:12:26,177 --> 00:12:33,372 Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in 237 00:12:33,387 --> 00:12:40,090 Let another round begin, live to win 238 00:12:40,315 --> 00:12:43,782 Live to win 239 00:12:44,118 --> 00:12:48,613 Live to win 240 00:12:48,807 --> 00:12:52,843 Yeah, win 241 00:12:54,808 --> 00:12:59,392 The admins tell us they are four players from a small town in Colorado. 242 00:12:59,507 --> 00:13:02,353 Are they strong enough to defeat the Evil One? 243 00:13:02,415 --> 00:13:05,413 We ran the numbers, even with their amazing rise in levels 244 00:13:05,417 --> 00:13:07,892 they have a 90% mortality probability. 245 00:13:07,905 --> 00:13:09,813 They'd be walking in a slaughter! 246 00:13:09,877 --> 00:13:13,240 There has to be someway we can help them. 247 00:13:13,367 --> 00:13:17,500 What about... the Sword of a Thousand Truths? 248 00:13:18,575 --> 00:13:21,051 Quiet, Thomas! We aren't even to speak of that sword! 249 00:13:21,117 --> 00:13:24,343 But maybe these new players are the ones the prophecy foretold of. 250 00:13:24,407 --> 00:13:25,672 It is not an option! 251 00:13:25,728 --> 00:13:27,461 What is this sword? 252 00:13:27,516 --> 00:13:30,591 Long ago, when the World of Warcraft was created 253 00:13:30,597 --> 00:13:34,110 one of the programmers put a sword, called the Sword of a Thousand Truths 254 00:13:34,116 --> 00:13:36,040 into the game inventory. 255 00:13:36,048 --> 00:13:38,652 Apparently it could cause 120 damage per second, 256 00:13:38,657 --> 00:13:42,931 with an instant mana burn and an enchantment that boosts its stamina +80. 257 00:13:42,976 --> 00:13:47,242 But the sword was considered to be too powerful for anyone to possess. 258 00:13:47,305 --> 00:13:52,061 So it was removed from the game and stored on a one-gig flash drive. 259 00:13:52,195 --> 00:13:55,940 But it was foretold that one day players who could wield the sword 260 00:13:55,946 --> 00:13:57,860 might reveal themselves. 261 00:13:57,898 --> 00:13:59,750 Who foretold this prophecy? 262 00:13:59,818 --> 00:14:02,453 Soltzman. He's an accountant. 263 00:14:14,777 --> 00:14:19,203 Behold, the Sword of a Thousand Truths. 264 00:14:20,128 --> 00:14:24,050 We must get this sword to the ones who have proven they have no life. 265 00:14:24,095 --> 00:14:28,023 Let's just hope to Christ they don't start the battle before we can reach them. 266 00:14:29,025 --> 00:14:31,872 All right, you guys. The Moment of Truth is here. 267 00:14:31,877 --> 00:14:35,893 It is time for our final battle. Everyone, log in! 268 00:14:36,055 --> 00:14:37,353 I'm in. 269 00:14:37,427 --> 00:14:39,710 Me too. - Me too. 270 00:14:39,917 --> 00:14:43,172 Everyonen equip healing potions to the hotbar if you haven't already. 271 00:14:43,256 --> 00:14:46,813 Uh, Kyle, go ahead and cast Arcane Brilliance to raise our intelligence. 272 00:14:46,895 --> 00:14:49,250 Hang on, I'm chaining my fire spells for max range. 273 00:14:49,298 --> 00:14:50,371 N ice. 274 00:14:50,475 --> 00:14:52,872 Stan, what enchantment does your Cloak of the Tiger have? 275 00:14:52,916 --> 00:14:54,403 Plus 15 agility. 276 00:14:54,478 --> 00:14:57,473 Give the cloak to Kenny. He needs the agility boost for bow attacks. 277 00:14:57,566 --> 00:14:58,271 Okay. 278 00:14:58,315 --> 00:15:02,163 Hold on, this fight could last more than twelve hours. What if we run out of food? 279 00:15:02,208 --> 00:15:04,100 Don't worry, I have that covered. 280 00:15:04,167 --> 00:15:04,891 Mom? 281 00:15:04,948 --> 00:15:05,890 Yes, hon? 282 00:15:05,956 --> 00:15:07,283 More Hot Pockets! 283 00:15:07,345 --> 00:15:08,693 Right away, hon. 284 00:15:08,756 --> 00:15:10,381 That's übercool. 285 00:15:10,458 --> 00:15:11,680 All right, everyone ready? 286 00:15:11,726 --> 00:15:12,843 Ready. - Ready. 287 00:15:12,905 --> 00:15:14,933 Let's go get him! 288 00:15:23,348 --> 00:15:26,483 Wait, I think I see him. Yeah, yeah he's here in Goldshire. 289 00:15:26,536 --> 00:15:30,131 Okay, everyone open your uplifts and autolocate to Stan. 290 00:15:30,195 --> 00:15:32,681 What's the autolocate macro? 291 00:15:32,736 --> 00:15:34,362 Command zero. 292 00:15:35,168 --> 00:15:36,653 Okay, right behind Stan. 293 00:15:36,717 --> 00:15:38,990 Kenny, get ready to turn on true-shot aura. 294 00:15:39,048 --> 00:15:41,841 At that moment, I will use intimidating shout. 295 00:15:41,917 --> 00:15:44,512 Okay, he sees us. 296 00:15:46,405 --> 00:15:47,611 He's targeted us. 297 00:15:47,667 --> 00:15:49,751 Okay, hit him with pyroblast, Kyle. 298 00:15:49,796 --> 00:15:52,653 Casting... there's an 8-second cast time. 299 00:15:52,707 --> 00:15:54,532 Aren't you spec'd to reduce cast time? 300 00:15:54,585 --> 00:15:56,653 No, ah, I'm an arcane fire mage. 301 00:15:56,766 --> 00:15:57,853 Christ. 302 00:15:57,896 --> 00:15:59,022 Cast summon again. 303 00:15:59,197 --> 00:16:02,081 Everyone target the scorpions. 304 00:16:23,686 --> 00:16:24,433 Yes? 305 00:16:24,466 --> 00:16:29,080 We are looking for a great knight by the name of lovestospooge. 306 00:16:29,168 --> 00:16:31,782 That's my son's character's name in Warcraft. 307 00:16:31,876 --> 00:16:32,950 Where is he?! 308 00:16:33,066 --> 00:16:33,903 Who are you? 309 00:16:33,946 --> 00:16:35,703 Sir, we don't have time! 310 00:16:35,708 --> 00:16:39,261 We just heard from our admins that your son's party is already in battle! 311 00:16:39,338 --> 00:16:43,872 Unless they have this sword, your son's character is going to die! 312 00:16:45,366 --> 00:16:47,820 Nn-Oh my God! 313 00:16:52,186 --> 00:16:53,861 Kyle! Fire spell! 314 00:16:55,997 --> 00:16:56,922 Kyle? 315 00:16:58,547 --> 00:17:00,280 Kyle! Dude, what's wrong? 316 00:17:00,366 --> 00:17:03,130 Carpal tunnel! Carpal tunnel! It's aaaah! 317 00:17:03,245 --> 00:17:04,801 Oh Jesus, he's got it bad! 318 00:17:04,888 --> 00:17:07,242 Wait, we need Ben-Gay. 319 00:17:12,695 --> 00:17:13,471 Hurry, dude! 320 00:17:13,517 --> 00:17:15,230 I'm going as fast as I can! 321 00:17:15,277 --> 00:17:16,550 Kyle, you have to keep playing. 322 00:17:16,628 --> 00:17:18,713 I can't. Just leave me behind. 323 00:17:18,765 --> 00:17:21,053 We can't do this without you! Now come on! 324 00:17:21,327 --> 00:17:23,270 Stan?! Stan! 325 00:17:23,768 --> 00:17:25,003 Sharon, where is Stan?! 326 00:17:25,008 --> 00:17:29,450 I don't know. He took his computer somewhere to play that stupid online game. 327 00:17:29,706 --> 00:17:30,653 Stupid? 328 00:17:30,696 --> 00:17:31,383 Where?! 329 00:17:31,416 --> 00:17:32,822 I don't know. 330 00:17:32,857 --> 00:17:35,833 Sharon, his character is going to die if we don't get to him! 331 00:17:35,898 --> 00:17:36,731 So what? 332 00:17:36,776 --> 00:17:38,431 So what?! 333 00:17:39,125 --> 00:17:42,193 We're too late. Without the sword the players will fail. 334 00:17:42,258 --> 00:17:45,401 If we could get to a computer, we could sign on to the World of Warcraft 335 00:17:45,415 --> 00:17:47,703 and give the boys the sword online. 336 00:17:47,788 --> 00:17:50,023 I don't have a World of Warcraft account. Do you? 337 00:17:50,066 --> 00:17:52,340 No, I have a life. 338 00:17:52,795 --> 00:17:54,422 Give me the sword. 339 00:17:54,507 --> 00:17:55,221 You? 340 00:17:55,268 --> 00:17:56,753 I have a Warcraft character. 341 00:17:56,767 --> 00:17:59,731 I'm a newb, but I can log on and get the sword to Stan online. 342 00:17:59,776 --> 00:18:02,983 We can't trust the Sword of a Thousand Truths to a newb! 343 00:18:03,028 --> 00:18:04,913 Sounds to me like we don't have a choice! 344 00:18:04,956 --> 00:18:06,841 Give me the sword. 345 00:18:13,205 --> 00:18:15,592 Come on, we've got to get to a computer that works! 346 00:18:17,067 --> 00:18:17,842 Where's your car? 347 00:18:17,877 --> 00:18:19,112 We took a cab here! 348 00:18:19,147 --> 00:18:20,572 Damnit, mine's in the shop! 349 00:18:20,617 --> 00:18:22,920 Uh hey! Eh help! Stop! 350 00:18:23,105 --> 00:18:25,972 Please, it's an emergency! 351 00:18:27,017 --> 00:18:28,572 Come on! 352 00:18:30,727 --> 00:18:33,752 Nelson! Nelson, I need to come over and use your computer! 353 00:18:33,898 --> 00:18:36,303 No, I d- I need to play World of Warcraft! 354 00:18:36,437 --> 00:18:37,383 Nelson! 355 00:18:43,877 --> 00:18:46,912 All right, major stone shield potions should be... 356 00:18:46,967 --> 00:18:51,160 Oh God, I'm going to have diarrhea again. Ohhh-... Duuuh-... 357 00:18:51,256 --> 00:18:53,882 You can't go to the bathroom, you're stacking sunder armor! 358 00:18:53,978 --> 00:18:55,721 It's okay. 359 00:18:55,796 --> 00:18:57,493 Mom? Bathroom! 360 00:18:57,568 --> 00:18:58,492 What hon? 361 00:18:58,526 --> 00:19:00,993 Bathroom! Bathroom! 362 00:19:06,196 --> 00:19:09,373 Oohh, that's a big boy, isn't he? 363 00:19:09,607 --> 00:19:14,361 All right, Kenny, drink your elixir of the mongoose. I'm now going to use mocking blow. 364 00:19:18,847 --> 00:19:20,600 World of Warcraft! I need to play! 365 00:19:20,658 --> 00:19:23,452 Our demo is set up right over by the- 366 00:19:26,156 --> 00:19:28,783 Got to... sign in... character name... 367 00:19:28,836 --> 00:19:29,912 All right, I'm in! 368 00:19:30,598 --> 00:19:32,073 Dude, I'm almost dead. 369 00:19:32,128 --> 00:19:33,821 Kyle, cast arcane missile! 370 00:19:33,866 --> 00:19:35,763 I'm out of mana, I told you. 371 00:19:35,848 --> 00:19:37,910 I've gotta heal. 372 00:19:38,218 --> 00:19:40,363 Staaan! 373 00:19:41,556 --> 00:19:43,123 Dad? Not now! 374 00:19:43,166 --> 00:19:47,411 Stan! I've been sent here to bring you this. 375 00:19:47,475 --> 00:19:49,921 This sword can completely drain his mana. 376 00:19:49,968 --> 00:19:51,291 Dad, how did you get that? 377 00:19:51,346 --> 00:19:53,313 No time! Just take it! 378 00:19:53,328 --> 00:19:54,890 Here! 379 00:19:57,788 --> 00:20:00,263 How, how do you hand something from one player to another? 380 00:20:00,298 --> 00:20:03,723 Bring up your inventory screen, Control-I. - Okay. 381 00:20:04,075 --> 00:20:06,341 Stan, what the hell are you doing?! 382 00:20:07,128 --> 00:20:08,811 I got it! 383 00:20:09,127 --> 00:20:09,920 Dad! 384 00:20:09,995 --> 00:20:11,723 Stan... 385 00:20:11,815 --> 00:20:13,380 Dad, no! 386 00:20:14,876 --> 00:20:17,383 You killed my father. 387 00:20:21,507 --> 00:20:23,042 His shield and armor spells are down! 388 00:20:23,095 --> 00:20:25,253 Attack! 389 00:20:33,546 --> 00:20:36,310 Looks like you're about to get pwned. 390 00:20:44,548 --> 00:20:46,360 Dad? Dad? 391 00:20:46,428 --> 00:20:48,501 Stan... 392 00:20:48,788 --> 00:20:52,061 I've never been able to say this before, but... 393 00:20:52,126 --> 00:20:54,091 I love you, son. 394 00:20:54,135 --> 00:20:56,063 I know you do, Dad. 395 00:21:03,246 --> 00:21:04,320 They did it! 396 00:21:04,327 --> 00:21:07,541 Our world is saved! 397 00:21:08,266 --> 00:21:10,140 They did it! They killed him! 398 00:21:10,197 --> 00:21:11,881 They did it! - They killed him! 399 00:21:11,945 --> 00:21:13,870 We can come out! 400 00:21:14,015 --> 00:21:16,280 Yes! - We did it! 401 00:21:16,927 --> 00:21:19,310 All right, yay. - Woohoo! Oh man! 402 00:21:19,375 --> 00:21:22,283 We did it you guys. We're totally heroes. 403 00:21:22,345 --> 00:21:24,270 That was such über pwnage. 404 00:21:24,345 --> 00:21:27,912 I can't believe it's all over. What do we do now? 405 00:21:29,698 --> 00:21:32,861 What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game. 406 00:21:32,926 --> 00:21:34,310 Oh yeah. 407 00:21:34,505 --> 00:21:37,530 Okay Kenny, add Eyes of the Beast to your hotbar. 408 00:21:37,577 --> 00:21:40,583 Stan, check your fury talents to boost your shots. 409 00:21:40,635 --> 00:21:41,613 Got it. 410 00:21:41,705 --> 00:21:44,701 Transcipt: spscriptorium Sync: John Smith 0 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net