1 00:00:05,148 --> 00:00:08,073 South Park - Season 11 Episode 10 "Imaginationland" 2 00:00:35,454 --> 00:00:37,504 All right, let's try over here. 3 00:00:38,162 --> 00:00:40,065 Set up traps there, and there as well. 4 00:00:40,185 --> 00:00:42,858 Last time I saw him he ran right through here. 5 00:00:43,745 --> 00:00:45,265 This is so retarded, Cartman. 6 00:00:45,385 --> 00:00:47,448 You've got everyone believing your stupid story. 7 00:00:47,568 --> 00:00:49,388 It isn't a story, it's true! 8 00:00:49,508 --> 00:00:50,919 I saw a leprechaun. 9 00:00:51,039 --> 00:00:54,303 I've seen him come through here three days in a row now. 10 00:00:54,423 --> 00:00:56,413 Hawk Eyes, this is Dragon Wind. Do you copy? 11 00:00:56,985 --> 00:00:58,201 This is Hawk Eyes. 12 00:00:58,321 --> 00:01:00,584 We've set up the net and we're standing by. 13 00:01:00,704 --> 00:01:02,767 Copy that, Hawk Eyes. Keep surveillance tag Alpha Niner. 14 00:01:02,887 --> 00:01:03,962 Dragon Wind out. 15 00:01:04,082 --> 00:01:06,882 Just admit you were lying, Cartman, so that everyone can go home! 16 00:01:07,002 --> 00:01:08,782 Oh no! We have a deal, Kyle! 17 00:01:08,902 --> 00:01:12,746 If I can prove there's a leprechain, you have to suck my balls, remember?! 18 00:01:12,866 --> 00:01:15,640 Dragon Wind to Blackie: What's your six, Blackei? 19 00:01:17,484 --> 00:01:19,686 ... I don't want the code name Blackie. 20 00:01:19,806 --> 00:01:20,815 Code names are what they are, Blackie! 21 00:01:20,935 --> 00:01:22,856 Check your six and alert when in position! 22 00:01:22,995 --> 00:01:24,775 This is fucking retarded! 23 00:01:24,895 --> 00:01:25,967 Hahaha, getting nervous, Kyle? 24 00:01:26,087 --> 00:01:28,231 When that leprechaus shows up you must suck my balls! 25 00:01:28,351 --> 00:01:30,405 Don't forget I have a signed contract from you. 26 00:01:30,525 --> 00:01:32,325 Yeah, and if you couldn't prove there was a leprechaun, 27 00:01:32,445 --> 00:01:33,518 you have to give me ten dollars! 28 00:01:33,638 --> 00:01:35,535 Now just pay up and stop being stupid! 29 00:01:35,985 --> 00:01:37,853 Goddamnit, why hasn't it shown up yet? 30 00:01:37,973 --> 00:01:40,082 Dragon Wind to Faggot! Come in, Faggot! 31 00:01:41,128 --> 00:01:42,378 This is faggot. 32 00:01:42,626 --> 00:01:43,835 Go ahead. 33 00:01:43,955 --> 00:01:46,922 Faggot I need you to keep surveillance North to North East. Check back in five. 34 00:01:47,274 --> 00:01:48,474 Okay, will do. 35 00:01:48,846 --> 00:01:50,246 Faggot out. 36 00:01:51,654 --> 00:01:53,754 Okay, that's enough. Everybody! 37 00:01:54,059 --> 00:01:56,519 Cartman is just pulling one of his stupid tricks on everyone, 38 00:01:56,639 --> 00:01:58,558 because he's trying to get out of a deal he made! 39 00:01:58,678 --> 00:01:59,872 It was here, I swear it! 40 00:01:59,992 --> 00:02:01,680 I don't know why it's not showin' up this time! 41 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:03,725 You didn't see a leprechaun, fatass! 42 00:02:03,845 --> 00:02:06,117 If you could prove it, I had to suck your balls, but if you couldn't, 43 00:02:06,237 --> 00:02:08,568 you had to pay me ten dollars! Pay up! 44 00:02:09,645 --> 00:02:11,738 Uh, I got somethin'! I got it! 45 00:02:12,901 --> 00:02:15,200 It's uh... Oh jeez I thnk it's a leprechaun! 46 00:02:15,506 --> 00:02:17,160 Set off diversion track C! 47 00:02:24,337 --> 00:02:25,059 Dude... 48 00:02:25,179 --> 00:02:27,170 Fuh, fuck me, it's a leprechaun. 49 00:02:27,318 --> 00:02:28,505 Get it! 50 00:02:30,043 --> 00:02:33,135 Get that fucking leprechaun! I want it alive! 51 00:02:45,335 --> 00:02:47,667 Wow. Cool. No way. Whoa. Wow. 52 00:02:48,112 --> 00:02:49,234 Eugh! Uh, move aside! Move aside! 53 00:02:50,221 --> 00:02:53,155 All right, butthole, where's the gold?! 54 00:02:54,453 --> 00:02:57,368 You lads don't know what you're doin'. I need to deliver an important message! 55 00:02:57,488 --> 00:02:58,910 There's goin' to be an attack! 56 00:02:59,097 --> 00:03:02,164 Tell me where the gold is or you die! Slow! 57 00:03:05,231 --> 00:03:05,757 Where'd he go? 58 00:03:07,966 --> 00:03:09,536 I was sent to warn of a terrorist attack, 59 00:03:09,656 --> 00:03:10,887 but you boys have made me late. 60 00:03:11,007 --> 00:03:15,302 Now the terrorists will prevail! The end is near! 61 00:03:16,350 --> 00:03:17,262 Dude. 62 00:03:19,914 --> 00:03:20,914 Kyle, 63 00:03:21,285 --> 00:03:23,768 suck my balls. 64 00:03:27,118 --> 00:03:29,918 {SOUTH PARK} 65 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:34,873 {KYLE SUCKS CARTMAN'S BALLS} 66 00:03:37,341 --> 00:03:40,041 {THE TRILOGY} 67 00:03:51,446 --> 00:03:53,846 Dad, where do leprechauns come from? 68 00:03:54,437 --> 00:03:55,587 From Ireland. 69 00:03:56,218 --> 00:04:00,430 So... why would one come to America to warn us about a terrorist attack. 70 00:04:00,732 --> 00:04:03,922 Kyle, leprechauns aren't real. You're almost nine now; 71 00:04:04,042 --> 00:04:07,312 you need to understand the difference beween real and imaginary. 72 00:04:07,639 --> 00:04:09,189 I thought I did. 73 00:04:13,308 --> 00:04:15,832 Ohhh, Ms. Broflovski, how are you this fine evening? 74 00:04:15,952 --> 00:04:17,614 Oh,hello Eric. 75 00:04:17,734 --> 00:04:19,053 Kyle, your friend is here. 76 00:04:19,173 --> 00:04:20,885 Hello, Mr. Broflovski, Ike. 77 00:04:21,005 --> 00:04:22,244 Nice evening, isn't it? 78 00:04:22,364 --> 00:04:25,330 Well Kyle, shall we go up to your room for a few minutes. 79 00:04:25,665 --> 00:04:27,290 Get out of here, Cartman, we're eating dinner! 80 00:04:27,939 --> 00:04:29,822 Uhh, Kyle, I believe a certain someone 81 00:04:29,942 --> 00:04:32,128 is supposed to put a certain set of balls in their mouth. 82 00:04:32,248 --> 00:04:34,422 - I'm not doing it, fatass! - Doing what? 83 00:04:34,615 --> 00:04:36,117 We had a deal, Kyle! 84 00:04:36,237 --> 00:04:37,384 Just get out of here! 85 00:04:37,504 --> 00:04:39,554 You signed an agreement, Kyle!! 86 00:04:39,693 --> 00:04:41,835 I don't care if I signed an agreement! 87 00:04:41,955 --> 00:04:45,585 Ah hey now Kyle, if you made a deal with somebody, you have to stick by it. 88 00:04:45,705 --> 00:04:47,098 Thank you, Mr. Broflovski. 89 00:04:47,218 --> 00:04:49,068 What was the agreement? 90 00:04:49,503 --> 00:04:52,369 That if he could prove leprechauns exist, I would suck his balls. 91 00:04:52,489 --> 00:04:53,483 Whatwhatwhat?! 92 00:04:53,603 --> 00:04:57,237 And there was a leprechaun! You saw it, Kyle!! 93 00:04:59,243 --> 00:05:00,443 Hey dudes. 94 00:05:01,457 --> 00:05:02,507 Hey Kyle. 95 00:05:03,560 --> 00:05:05,310 So, ...how was it? 96 00:05:05,454 --> 00:05:06,674 How was what? 97 00:05:06,794 --> 00:05:08,915 Sucking Cartman's b-balls. 98 00:05:09,035 --> 00:05:10,731 I didn't suck his balls, all right?! 99 00:05:10,851 --> 00:05:11,997 And and I'm not going to! 100 00:05:12,117 --> 00:05:14,752 Dude, why did you ever agree to suck his balls in the first place. 101 00:05:14,872 --> 00:05:18,268 I didn't think there would actually be a leprechaun! And I still don't! 102 00:05:18,388 --> 00:05:21,303 Why would a leprechaun be warning us of a terrorist attack?! 103 00:05:21,423 --> 00:05:23,150 There's another explanation for all this. 104 00:05:23,270 --> 00:05:24,377 Excuse me. 105 00:05:24,721 --> 00:05:27,871 Have you boys seen a leprechaun anywhere lately? 106 00:05:29,148 --> 00:05:30,582 What do you know about the leprechaun? 107 00:05:30,702 --> 00:05:32,397 Ooooo, then you did see him. 108 00:05:32,517 --> 00:05:34,094 That's splendiferous! 109 00:05:34,214 --> 00:05:36,283 I want you to tell me everything he said. 110 00:05:36,403 --> 00:05:38,078 Where was he? What was he doing? 111 00:05:38,198 --> 00:05:39,344 All right I've had enough! 112 00:05:39,464 --> 00:05:41,139 Leprechauns are imaginary! 113 00:05:41,259 --> 00:05:42,981 Well of course they are. 114 00:05:43,177 --> 00:05:47,203 But just because they're imaginary doesn't mean they're not real. 115 00:05:47,764 --> 00:05:51,333 Haven't you boys ever used your imagination? 116 00:05:51,453 --> 00:05:52,426 You, young man! 117 00:05:52,546 --> 00:05:56,272 How would you like to be a cowboy? Or a swashbuckling pirate? 118 00:05:56,887 --> 00:06:00,969 And you! How would you like to be an astronaut, faaar out in space? 119 00:06:01,264 --> 00:06:03,845 All it takes is a little... imagination. 120 00:06:05,961 --> 00:06:09,017 - Who the hell are you? - Still not convinced, eh? 121 00:06:09,137 --> 00:06:10,316 I tell you what, boys. 122 00:06:10,436 --> 00:06:15,106 What say we all take a ride on my... Imagination Flying Machine? 123 00:06:18,833 --> 00:06:19,561 Dude. 124 00:06:19,681 --> 00:06:23,281 Hop aboard, kids. I have something to show you. 125 00:06:23,735 --> 00:06:26,159 Uhhh, are you gonna rap us? 126 00:06:29,408 --> 00:06:30,269 no? 127 00:06:31,743 --> 00:06:33,143 Ah all right then. 128 00:06:33,293 --> 00:06:34,543 Come on, guys. 129 00:06:34,904 --> 00:06:38,171 Watch it, fellas. I'm pretty sure this guy wants to rape us. 130 00:06:38,291 --> 00:06:40,715 All aboard the Imagination Balloon! 131 00:06:44,778 --> 00:06:48,342 Some people feel imagination isn't real, 132 00:06:48,527 --> 00:06:50,558 but I tell them that they're wrong, 133 00:06:50,678 --> 00:06:53,337 'cause whenever I want to play and pretend, 134 00:06:53,457 --> 00:06:58,462 I just sing the Imagination Sooong 135 00:06:59,235 --> 00:07:06,668 Imagination... 136 00:07:07,111 --> 00:07:11,586 Imagination... 137 00:07:12,010 --> 00:07:15,988 Imagination... 138 00:07:16,333 --> 00:07:20,291 Imagination... 139 00:07:20,625 --> 00:07:24,582 Imagination... 140 00:07:24,844 --> 00:07:28,947 Imagination... 141 00:07:29,858 --> 00:07:34,099 Imagination... 142 00:07:34,469 --> 00:07:38,033 Imagination... 143 00:07:39,175 --> 00:07:46,629 Imagination... Imagination... Imagination... 144 00:07:47,570 --> 00:07:50,910 Imagination... Imagination... 145 00:07:51,030 --> 00:07:53,530 Are you gonna take us somewhere or not?! 146 00:07:54,256 --> 00:07:55,538 But my boy, 147 00:07:55,658 --> 00:07:57,542 we're already here. 148 00:08:16,253 --> 00:08:17,353 What is this place? 149 00:08:17,655 --> 00:08:20,482 This... is Imaginationland. 150 00:08:20,787 --> 00:08:23,088 It's where all the wonderful and goofy things 151 00:08:23,208 --> 00:08:25,904 that humans have made up over the years live together. 152 00:08:38,595 --> 00:08:40,805 Shitishens of Imaginationland! 153 00:08:41,131 --> 00:08:44,214 We have distinguished guests from the world beyond! 154 00:08:44,334 --> 00:08:46,674 Hello. 155 00:08:49,220 --> 00:08:53,723 Welcome to Imaginationland. I am the Lollipop King. 156 00:08:54,118 --> 00:08:57,435 We are honored to have Creators in our kingdom. 157 00:08:57,634 --> 00:08:59,665 Now, good news, everyone! 158 00:08:59,785 --> 00:09:02,106 These boys did see the leprechaun! 159 00:09:02,226 --> 00:09:03,900 160 00:09:04,166 --> 00:09:07,779 What did he tell you? Did he have any news? 161 00:09:08,584 --> 00:09:10,884 Well he said there was gonna be a- 162 00:09:11,620 --> 00:09:12,742 ...that there was... gonna be a- 163 00:09:13,080 --> 00:09:15,370 ALLAH!!! 164 00:09:17,018 --> 00:09:18,790 OH FUCK NO! 165 00:10:02,413 --> 00:10:04,252 STAN, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! 166 00:10:08,023 --> 00:10:10,383 Quickly boys! Get on my back! 167 00:10:12,691 --> 00:10:15,096 Fellas! Fellas wait! 168 00:10:15,591 --> 00:10:16,973 Hold on, fellas! 169 00:10:17,093 --> 00:10:17,849 Butters. 170 00:10:17,969 --> 00:10:20,219 Don't leave me, fellas! Come back! 171 00:10:22,765 --> 00:10:23,771 Dude! 172 00:10:25,822 --> 00:10:26,649 Hey guys! 173 00:10:26,769 --> 00:10:28,019 BUTTEEEEERS!!! 174 00:10:34,534 --> 00:10:35,734 Wha? Where...? 175 00:10:36,551 --> 00:10:37,858 Oh. Oh dude. 176 00:10:38,396 --> 00:10:40,096 Oh, it was just a dream. 177 00:10:40,221 --> 00:10:42,582 It was all just a crazy dream. 178 00:10:43,007 --> 00:10:44,928 Huh, oh my God. 179 00:10:49,789 --> 00:10:50,298 Hello? 180 00:10:50,768 --> 00:10:52,627 Dude, did you finish your math homework? 181 00:10:52,747 --> 00:10:55,345 I kind of lost track of time last night. 182 00:10:55,533 --> 00:10:57,314 No no I I hardly got any sleep. 183 00:10:57,434 --> 00:10:59,700 I had this whole messed up dream about some gay Mayor guy 184 00:10:59,820 --> 00:11:02,894 taking us to Imaginationland where all these imaginary characters live? 185 00:11:04,773 --> 00:11:07,023 ...And then it got attacked by terrorists? 186 00:11:07,367 --> 00:11:08,441 Yeah! How'd you know? 187 00:11:08,635 --> 00:11:10,340 Dude! I had the same dream! 188 00:11:10,460 --> 00:11:13,237 We jumped on a dragon's back and, and Butters got left behind! 189 00:11:13,357 --> 00:11:14,656 Stan? Stanley? 190 00:11:14,802 --> 00:11:17,158 You haven't seen your little friend Butters, have you? 191 00:11:17,357 --> 00:11:17,992 Why? 192 00:11:18,356 --> 00:11:21,454 Our darling Butters never came home last night. 193 00:11:21,680 --> 00:11:22,622 What did they say?? 194 00:11:22,742 --> 00:11:24,711 We don't wanna jump to conclusions, but... 195 00:11:24,831 --> 00:11:26,683 we're worried that maybe somebody kidnapped Butters, 196 00:11:26,803 --> 00:11:31,203 sodomized him over and over again, and then fed his genitals to wild animals. 197 00:11:32,016 --> 00:11:33,091 There there, darling. 198 00:11:34,629 --> 00:11:36,094 ...Dude... 199 00:11:39,584 --> 00:11:42,600 Laides and gentlemen, I have dire news. 200 00:11:42,720 --> 00:11:45,713 Yesterday, at approximately 18:00 hours, 201 00:11:45,943 --> 00:11:48,343 terrorists successfully attacked... 202 00:11:48,537 --> 00:11:49,937 our imagination. 203 00:11:52,610 --> 00:11:53,748 Our imagnation? 204 00:11:53,868 --> 00:11:54,612 How? 205 00:11:54,742 --> 00:11:57,754 The imaginary attack appears to have been in the works for years. 206 00:11:57,874 --> 00:12:01,703 The effects of the attack are so far... unimaginable. 207 00:12:02,062 --> 00:12:05,707 We've intercepted this videotape the terrorists made for broadcast. 208 00:12:05,827 --> 00:12:09,460 Luckily we've kept it from being broadcast to the public. 209 00:12:14,952 --> 00:12:17,885 No! It's just a Care Bear! 210 00:12:19,465 --> 00:12:20,515 Oh my God. 211 00:12:20,638 --> 00:12:23,957 Later in the video we can see another imaginary hostage; 212 00:12:24,077 --> 00:12:26,060 this one reading a forced statement. 213 00:12:26,728 --> 00:12:28,453 Praise to the mighty Allah. 214 00:12:28,573 --> 00:12:31,923 His divine grace a-and will have brought forth this day. 215 00:12:33,395 --> 00:12:34,445 Oh jeez! 216 00:12:36,008 --> 00:12:39,961 Uhhh, nnow see, your safety is at our whim. 217 00:12:40,081 --> 00:12:42,054 This is the price you pay, America! 218 00:12:42,174 --> 00:12:43,591 You have defiled Allah, 219 00:12:43,711 --> 00:12:46,761 and now we will turn your imagination against you! 220 00:12:46,939 --> 00:12:48,539 Death to the Infidels! 221 00:12:49,283 --> 00:12:51,085 Can I go now? 222 00:12:51,703 --> 00:12:53,029 Stan! Kyle! 223 00:12:53,374 --> 00:12:55,882 Could you could you get me out of here?? 224 00:12:56,410 --> 00:13:01,179 Gentlemen, the terrorists appear to have complete control of our imagination. 225 00:13:01,500 --> 00:13:03,897 It's only a matter of time before... 226 00:13:04,017 --> 00:13:08,019 our imaginations start running wild. 227 00:13:09,204 --> 00:13:12,732 I believe a serious blow to democracy has just been dealt. 228 00:13:12,852 --> 00:13:15,615 A travesty has occurred, and I want justice! 229 00:13:15,735 --> 00:13:17,862 Kyle Broflovski did willingly and knowingly 230 00:13:17,982 --> 00:13:19,976 sign a contract, and yet, to date, 231 00:13:20,096 --> 00:13:22,669 he has made no effort, nor does he show any intention, 232 00:13:22,789 --> 00:13:24,911 of ever sucking my balls! 233 00:13:25,475 --> 00:13:28,873 I've given him ample time to fulfill his obligation, and he has thus refused. 234 00:13:29,739 --> 00:13:32,418 I stand before you with dry balls, Your Honor. 235 00:13:32,641 --> 00:13:34,377 I've provided witnesses, collected testimonials, 236 00:13:34,497 --> 00:13:36,255 and still, my balls remain dry. 237 00:13:36,502 --> 00:13:38,424 I want what I'm entitled to! 238 00:13:40,133 --> 00:13:41,370 Mr. Broflovski, 239 00:13:41,490 --> 00:13:45,640 did you agree to orally imbibe Mr. Cartman's scrotum and testicles? 240 00:13:47,663 --> 00:13:49,393 I... 241 00:13:49,513 --> 00:13:53,064 Is this not your signature on the contract? 242 00:13:56,827 --> 00:13:57,827 but... 243 00:13:58,153 --> 00:13:59,940 Come o- come on! Really? 244 00:14:00,305 --> 00:14:03,074 I mean, aren't there more important things going on right now? 245 00:14:03,194 --> 00:14:05,312 From what I've been presented and the evidence put forth, 246 00:14:05,432 --> 00:14:07,013 the court has no choice but to order you 247 00:14:07,133 --> 00:14:09,598 to place Mr. Cartman's pubicle sac in your mouth, 248 00:14:09,718 --> 00:14:13,167 and draw upon it succulently for no less than 30 seconds. 249 00:14:13,348 --> 00:14:14,460 Yesss! 250 00:14:14,636 --> 00:14:18,133 You have twenty four hours to suck aforementioned balls. 251 00:14:18,344 --> 00:14:20,283 If after that time you still refuse, 252 00:14:20,403 --> 00:14:23,052 the court will be forced to arrest you for contempt. Next case! 253 00:14:24,473 --> 00:14:25,595 Thank you Your Honor. 254 00:14:25,715 --> 00:14:28,752 This isn't a victory for me, this is a victory for the justice system. 255 00:14:28,872 --> 00:14:30,643 And my balls. 256 00:14:32,983 --> 00:14:35,857 What I am about to tell you is highly classified. 257 00:14:35,977 --> 00:14:40,778 Two days ago, Muslim terrorists hijacked our imagination. 258 00:14:40,899 --> 00:14:44,274 Frankly we don't know what their next move is or how to stop them. 259 00:14:44,394 --> 00:14:47,847 In times like these the government often turns to Hollywood for help. 260 00:14:47,967 --> 00:14:50,922 You creative filmmakers can think of idea we just can't. 261 00:14:51,042 --> 00:14:54,458 That's why we've asked you here, M. Night Shyal-amalam. 262 00:14:54,673 --> 00:14:58,004 The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village, all very clever films. 263 00:14:58,265 --> 00:15:00,849 But can you use your amazing idea brain now 264 00:15:00,969 --> 00:15:03,509 to help us stop the terrorists? 265 00:15:04,239 --> 00:15:06,012 What if... 266 00:15:07,081 --> 00:15:08,934 What if it turns out they aren't terrorists? 267 00:15:09,054 --> 00:15:12,602 But they're actually werewolves? From the future? 268 00:15:13,856 --> 00:15:17,023 N, no. No, they're terrorists. They've been linked to Al Qaeda. 269 00:15:17,188 --> 00:15:21,736 But what if Al Qaeda, it turns out, is the group being terrorized? By aliens? 270 00:15:22,205 --> 00:15:25,722 No- No. That's not an idea, that's a twist. 271 00:15:26,078 --> 00:15:27,783 We need ideas. 272 00:15:27,903 --> 00:15:30,570 How about we make everyone think that terrorists attacked us? 273 00:15:30,690 --> 00:15:33,998 But really, we were all already dead. 274 00:15:34,722 --> 00:15:35,917 Get him out of here. 275 00:15:38,128 --> 00:15:41,631 Mr. Bay, can you thnk of any idea how to outwit these terrorists? 276 00:15:41,866 --> 00:15:43,049 I believe I can. 277 00:15:43,428 --> 00:15:45,872 We start... by making a big CG building 278 00:15:45,992 --> 00:15:48,386 and then we have a meteor go CROSSHH! 279 00:15:48,506 --> 00:15:50,383 and it, and it's all like CRAAWWWLL 280 00:15:50,503 --> 00:15:53,601 and motorcycles burst into flame while they jump over these helicopters, right? 281 00:15:53,800 --> 00:15:54,702 No no! 282 00:15:54,822 --> 00:15:57,563 We need ideas how to stop the terrorists! 283 00:15:57,683 --> 00:16:01,235 An eighteen-wheeler spins out of control and it's all like BROSSHH 284 00:16:01,355 --> 00:16:05,012 And then this huuuge tanker full of dyna- 285 00:16:05,596 --> 00:16:09,033 Those aren't ideas, those are special effects! 286 00:16:11,175 --> 00:16:13,329 I... don't understand the difference. 287 00:16:13,449 --> 00:16:15,748 I know you don't. Get him out of here! 288 00:16:16,032 --> 00:16:19,390 Aaand being that we are all big Mel Gibson film fans, 289 00:16:19,510 --> 00:16:21,545 we thought maybe you could help us. 290 00:16:21,735 --> 00:16:23,642 Ah, my nipples, they hurt! 291 00:16:23,762 --> 00:16:25,466 They hurt when I twist them! 292 00:16:26,697 --> 00:16:27,791 Yes, uh, 293 00:16:27,911 --> 00:16:30,400 I don't suppose you have any creative ideas 294 00:16:30,520 --> 00:16:32,181 how to fight these terrorists? 295 00:16:32,430 --> 00:16:33,616 How about this? 296 00:16:33,736 --> 00:16:36,567 You have that tape that the terrorists made, right? 297 00:16:36,687 --> 00:16:39,856 Well maybe if you did a background check on that videotape, 298 00:16:39,976 --> 00:16:42,008 you might find somebody who doesn't belong. 299 00:16:42,128 --> 00:16:46,028 Somebody who doesn't fit Imaginationland. Ohhh! 300 00:16:47,491 --> 00:16:50,073 Heyy... that's not a bad idea. 301 00:16:50,489 --> 00:16:52,745 Yeah. Say what you will about Mel Gibson, 302 00:16:52,865 --> 00:16:54,857 but the sonofabitch knows story structure. 303 00:16:54,977 --> 00:16:57,623 Get the videotape and do a background check on everyone in it! 304 00:16:57,743 --> 00:17:00,042 Oogh! Yess! 305 00:17:00,879 --> 00:17:03,963 All the imaginary characters in the tape were identified, sir. 306 00:17:04,083 --> 00:17:06,883 Count Chocula, Cinderella, Snarf from Thundercats, 307 00:17:07,003 --> 00:17:07,758 but here 308 00:17:08,117 --> 00:17:11,317 Nothing in American folklore or storytalling match this kid. 309 00:17:11,437 --> 00:17:12,833 He appears to be... 310 00:17:12,953 --> 00:17:14,298 just some kid. 311 00:17:14,418 --> 00:17:18,019 Stan! Kyle! Could you could you get me out of here?? 312 00:17:18,139 --> 00:17:21,491 I want digital imaging and resource magnification done stat! 313 00:17:21,611 --> 00:17:23,972 If that kid isn't imaginary I want to know who he is, 314 00:17:24,092 --> 00:17:26,011 where he's from, and who his friends are! 315 00:17:26,131 --> 00:17:27,531 Yes sir! 316 00:17:29,449 --> 00:17:31,171 Who are you?... 317 00:17:37,677 --> 00:17:40,777 Uh, excuse me? Uh Mr. Terrorist, sir? 318 00:17:41,058 --> 00:17:43,456 Uh, I'm actually not imaginary, 319 00:17:43,671 --> 00:17:46,339 a-and um, my p-my parents are gonna ground me if I don't get back- 320 00:17:48,466 --> 00:17:50,843 Aaah! Okay, sorry. Uh sorry. 321 00:17:51,616 --> 00:17:53,970 Can you tell what the terrorists are doing? 322 00:17:54,090 --> 00:17:57,308 They're going something to Rockety Rocket. 323 00:17:57,428 --> 00:17:58,196 No! 324 00:17:58,316 --> 00:18:00,102 Leave me alone! Haaa! 325 00:18:00,376 --> 00:18:03,206 It doesn't make sense. What do they want with Rockety? 326 00:18:03,326 --> 00:18:05,426 The only reason they would- 327 00:18:05,740 --> 00:18:06,840 Oh my God. 328 00:18:07,430 --> 00:18:09,320 They're gonna blow up the Barrier! 329 00:18:10,350 --> 00:18:12,050 Uh what's the Barrier? 330 00:18:12,410 --> 00:18:12,990 The wall! 331 00:18:13,240 --> 00:18:18,245 The wall which separates the evil side of Imaginationland from the good side! 332 00:18:18,527 --> 00:18:20,835 No! No you can't blow up the barrier! 333 00:18:20,955 --> 00:18:22,405 Are you insane?! 334 00:18:23,983 --> 00:18:25,343 We can't let this happen. 335 00:18:25,463 --> 00:18:27,797 It will be the end of Imaginationland. 336 00:18:27,917 --> 00:18:30,256 Yeah. You have to stop them, kid. 337 00:18:30,376 --> 00:18:33,094 Me?? Woo, what am I supposed to do? 338 00:18:33,214 --> 00:18:34,606 Don't you get it?! 339 00:18:34,726 --> 00:18:36,499 If the terrorists blow that barrier, 340 00:18:36,619 --> 00:18:39,735 all the most evil things ever imagined are gonna pour out 341 00:18:39,855 --> 00:18:42,103 and take over Imaginationland for good! 342 00:18:42,333 --> 00:18:44,283 YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!! 343 00:18:51,982 --> 00:18:53,508 Thanks for coming, everyone. 344 00:18:53,628 --> 00:18:56,700 The big moment is almost here, as soon as Kyle arrives. 345 00:18:57,088 --> 00:18:58,953 He's not gonna show up to suck your balls dude. 346 00:18:59,147 --> 00:19:01,372 He has to. He's been ordered by the court. 347 00:19:01,976 --> 00:19:03,332 Hey, he's here. 348 00:19:03,759 --> 00:19:05,960 What? Move aside, move aside! 349 00:19:06,196 --> 00:19:07,576 Dude, do you really have to do it? 350 00:19:07,696 --> 00:19:09,255 Let's just get this over with! 351 00:19:09,479 --> 00:19:13,676 Yes, come on in, peasant Kyle, and pay homage to this sultan's balls. 352 00:19:13,918 --> 00:19:15,261 God damnit! 353 00:19:15,713 --> 00:19:18,344 Yehehehesss. Yehhhs! 354 00:19:27,774 --> 00:19:30,568 That's them, sir. Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski. 355 00:19:31,186 --> 00:19:34,115 You boys need to come with us on a matter of national security. 356 00:19:34,235 --> 00:19:34,939 Who are you? 357 00:19:35,059 --> 00:19:37,741 There's no time! You need to come with us right now! 358 00:19:38,306 --> 00:19:39,427 Hey, let go of him! 359 00:19:39,547 --> 00:19:42,231 We aren't going to hurt your little friends. We just need information. 360 00:19:42,351 --> 00:19:45,332 No! No, he has to suck my balls! 361 00:19:49,162 --> 00:19:50,162 NO! 362 00:19:50,465 --> 00:19:51,756 KYYYYLE! 363 00:19:53,305 --> 00:19:54,842 Allah akbar! 364 00:19:55,506 --> 00:19:57,203 No! Noooo! 365 00:19:58,851 --> 00:20:01,557 Hold on! Hold on a second! 366 00:20:03,597 --> 00:20:07,805 Now, you really should think about this. I mean, uh, 367 00:20:07,925 --> 00:20:11,149 I know you think attacking our imagination will get you somewhere, 368 00:20:11,269 --> 00:20:12,735 but will it really? 369 00:20:13,863 --> 00:20:15,255 If you destroy that wall, 370 00:20:15,375 --> 00:20:18,943 all the most evil parts of our imagination are gonna break loose, 371 00:20:19,063 --> 00:20:23,111 but... will it really make you terrorists feel better? 372 00:20:23,231 --> 00:20:27,333 Maybe it's time for us all to just... get along. 373 00:20:28,838 --> 00:20:31,253 ALLAH!! 374 00:20:32,583 --> 00:20:34,518 Jesus Christ, no!! 375 00:20:38,674 --> 00:20:40,657 That was your plan to stop them?? 376 00:20:40,777 --> 00:20:42,734 Y-yeah, and that's not a heartfelt speech? 377 00:20:42,854 --> 00:20:44,704 That's fucking stupid! 378 00:20:55,028 --> 00:20:56,491 They are coming... 379 00:20:57,581 --> 00:21:02,581 To be continued 380 00:21:06,475 --> 00:21:07,867 Glad I picked you up, kid. 381 00:21:07,987 --> 00:21:11,487 It's dangerous for someone your age to be hitchhikin' 382 00:21:12,610 --> 00:21:15,210 Yeah well, when a man has been wronged... 383 00:21:15,880 --> 00:21:17,641 he no longer cares about danger. 384 00:21:17,761 --> 00:21:20,135 You goin' to Washington to visit family? 385 00:21:20,725 --> 00:21:22,498 I've got unfinished business. 386 00:21:22,618 --> 00:21:24,957 You go through life being told there's justice, 387 00:21:25,077 --> 00:21:26,559 then you learn that the only real justcie... 388 00:21:27,351 --> 00:21:29,144 is the justice you take. 389 00:21:30,168 --> 00:21:31,768 Make no mistake, Kyle. 390 00:21:32,553 --> 00:21:35,985 Before this is over, you will suck my balls. 391 00:21:37,827 --> 00:21:41,574 Subtitles: Team SouthParkNews.Net Transcript: South Park Scriptorium