1 00:00:35,740 --> 00:00:38,919 Passengers said the carnival cruise line smelled like poop, 2 00:00:38,920 --> 00:00:40,680 but that that was an improvement. 3 00:00:41,880 --> 00:00:43,070 Alright, it's late. 4 00:00:43,071 --> 00:00:44,530 I'm gonna call it a night. 5 00:00:45,130 --> 00:00:46,229 You coming? 6 00:00:46,230 --> 00:00:47,979 Oh ya know, I can't really sleep. 7 00:00:47,980 --> 00:00:50,560 I'm just gonna stay up a bit. Have some me time. 8 00:00:51,890 --> 00:00:54,950 Randy, do not watch that no-no channel. 9 00:00:56,280 --> 00:00:59,269 I'm not staying up to do that, Sharon. Geez. 10 00:00:59,270 --> 00:01:00,950 Alright, come to bed soon. 11 00:01:16,660 --> 00:01:18,420 Man, that is hot. 12 00:01:20,680 --> 00:01:22,159 Oh yeah. 13 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:23,520 Fuck. 14 00:01:23,780 --> 00:01:25,479 Just look at that rack of ribs! 15 00:01:25,480 --> 00:01:27,109 Now those were slow cooked and 16 00:01:27,110 --> 00:01:29,290 then braised to bring out the smoky flavor. 17 00:01:30,310 --> 00:01:33,079 God damn. Yeah! 18 00:01:33,080 --> 00:01:35,380 See how that just falls off the bone? 19 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:38,560 That is money, right there. 20 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:40,650 Yeah, fucking money. 21 00:01:41,270 --> 00:01:43,399 Next on food network it's Paula Dean! 22 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:44,489 Hey ya'll! 23 00:01:44,490 --> 00:01:47,379 Tonight we're gonna be making some deep fried chicken. 24 00:01:47,380 --> 00:01:49,019 Oh yeah? 25 00:01:49,020 --> 00:01:50,470 My buttery whipped patatas 26 00:01:50,471 --> 00:01:53,290 and we're gonna be finishing off with a chocolate pecan pie. 27 00:01:54,870 --> 00:01:56,260 Oh fuck yeah. 28 00:02:03,060 --> 00:02:04,130 Dad, what are you doing? 29 00:02:04,131 --> 00:02:05,439 You're just in time! 30 00:02:05,440 --> 00:02:06,280 Sit down, sit down! 31 00:02:06,281 --> 00:02:07,760 I've made you all breakfast again! 32 00:02:07,761 --> 00:02:08,790 Oh crap. 33 00:02:09,300 --> 00:02:11,769 Now what I have for you is a nice goat cheese 34 00:02:11,770 --> 00:02:13,279 and heirloom tomato frittata 35 00:02:13,280 --> 00:02:16,179 and we're gonna top that with a little creme fraiche. 36 00:02:16,180 --> 00:02:17,750 Oh yeah. 37 00:02:19,240 --> 00:02:21,779 Randy, you've been watching that channel again, haven't you? 38 00:02:21,780 --> 00:02:22,659 No! 39 00:02:22,660 --> 00:02:24,889 Yes, because every time you watch cooking shows 40 00:02:24,890 --> 00:02:27,180 you stay up all night trying to copy what they made! 41 00:02:27,181 --> 00:02:29,200 Wul, I'm sorry if there's something wrong with me 42 00:02:29,201 --> 00:02:30,920 helping out with the cooking! 43 00:02:31,760 --> 00:02:33,460 You think you'd be grateful, Sharon. 44 00:02:33,461 --> 00:02:34,400 I gotta get to work. 45 00:02:34,401 --> 00:02:35,890 I cooked so you guys clean up. 46 00:02:40,390 --> 00:02:41,790 Can I have a pop-tart? 47 00:02:45,250 --> 00:02:45,990 Oh this is sweet. 48 00:02:45,991 --> 00:02:47,050 I've seen this episode. 49 00:02:47,051 --> 00:02:48,929 Hello and welcome to progressive. 50 00:02:48,930 --> 00:02:50,510 Yes, we're looking to buy car insurance. 51 00:02:50,511 --> 00:02:52,320 Well, you've come to the right place. 52 00:02:55,180 --> 00:02:56,279 Oh dear! 53 00:02:56,280 --> 00:02:58,130 I knew we should have gone to Geico. 54 00:02:59,190 --> 00:03:00,799 Daddy time. It's daddy tv time. 55 00:03:00,800 --> 00:03:03,119 Now just look at this pork tenderloin. 56 00:03:03,120 --> 00:03:05,059 It is brined and ready for action. 57 00:03:05,060 --> 00:03:06,629 Oh yeah, look at that. 58 00:03:06,630 --> 00:03:09,020 Dad, you know mom doesn't want you watching food channels. 59 00:03:09,021 --> 00:03:11,029 I've worked all day. I can watch what I want! 60 00:03:11,030 --> 00:03:14,349 We're gonna take a stick of butter and just smear that all over. 61 00:03:14,350 --> 00:03:16,620 Oh my God that's awesome. 62 00:03:19,390 --> 00:03:22,640 Oh, oh yeah! Woa! 63 00:03:22,700 --> 00:03:23,900 Now let's get that on the grill. 64 00:03:24,480 --> 00:03:25,420 See what he's doing, Stan? 65 00:03:25,421 --> 00:03:26,860 He brined that for an hour in the fridge 66 00:03:26,861 --> 00:03:28,940 so now he can sear the shit out of it. 67 00:03:30,250 --> 00:03:31,590 Look at the char we're getting. 68 00:03:31,591 --> 00:03:33,139 That is what we're going for. 69 00:03:33,140 --> 00:03:34,719 Oooh, isn't that hot guys? 70 00:03:34,720 --> 00:03:36,289 Oh, yeah! 71 00:03:36,290 --> 00:03:37,570 Don't you just... 72 00:03:37,571 --> 00:03:39,490 don't you just wanna get in there! 73 00:03:40,780 --> 00:03:42,290 We will be right back to good eats. 74 00:03:42,291 --> 00:03:44,560 Hey ladies, are you looking for a better workout? 75 00:03:44,561 --> 00:03:46,499 Aw, stupid commercials. 76 00:03:46,500 --> 00:03:48,399 Introducing the shake weight. 77 00:03:48,400 --> 00:03:51,149 A spring-loaded workout device you pump with your arms. 78 00:03:51,150 --> 00:03:52,990 Just grab the piston and go to work 79 00:03:52,991 --> 00:03:54,710 one-handed, or double-fisted. 80 00:03:55,440 --> 00:03:56,559 Come on! 81 00:03:56,560 --> 00:03:59,219 You just shake it back and forth. 82 00:03:59,220 --> 00:04:01,199 It feels really good in my hands. 83 00:04:01,200 --> 00:04:03,929 Best of all shake weight tells you when your workout is finished 84 00:04:03,930 --> 00:04:06,320 by chiming, and releasing a cooldown spray. 85 00:04:07,870 --> 00:04:09,899 Boring! 86 00:04:09,900 --> 00:04:13,059 Order now and we'll include the optional heart rate monitor. 87 00:04:13,060 --> 00:04:14,670 Just put your finger in the tester 88 00:04:15,520 --> 00:04:17,279 and shake weight takes your pulse! 89 00:04:17,280 --> 00:04:18,669 Get yours today! 90 00:04:18,670 --> 00:04:20,740 Now back to good eats. 91 00:04:21,480 --> 00:04:24,159 Just look at the glaze we got going now on that thing. 92 00:04:24,160 --> 00:04:25,509 Oh man, yeah! 93 00:04:25,510 --> 00:04:26,870 That is hot! 94 00:04:28,490 --> 00:04:30,440 Alright. Now here's the really cool part! 95 00:04:30,441 --> 00:04:31,530 What we're gonna do is... 96 00:04:31,760 --> 00:04:34,150 this channel has been blocked by parental controls 97 00:04:35,970 --> 00:04:37,450 channel blocked? 98 00:04:38,180 --> 00:04:39,760 What the... what the hell? 99 00:04:41,480 --> 00:04:42,620 Sharon, what are you doing? 100 00:04:42,621 --> 00:04:45,179 Just using the parental controls to block some channels. 101 00:04:45,180 --> 00:04:47,279 I wasn't watching food channels. 102 00:04:47,280 --> 00:04:49,540 Then how do you know I blocked them. 103 00:04:50,410 --> 00:04:52,649 I know, cuz... I don't know that! 104 00:04:52,650 --> 00:04:54,209 That's what I'm saying! 105 00:04:54,210 --> 00:04:55,260 Gaww! 106 00:05:03,810 --> 00:05:06,299 Thanks for calling the food network hotline. 107 00:05:06,300 --> 00:05:09,269 Billing is 9.95 for each 60-second period. 108 00:05:09,270 --> 00:05:11,619 To accept, say 'creme fraiche' 109 00:05:11,620 --> 00:05:13,050 creme fraiche. 110 00:05:14,340 --> 00:05:15,839 Hi there, I'm Amanda. 111 00:05:15,840 --> 00:05:16,860 What are you up to? 112 00:05:16,861 --> 00:05:17,630 Oh hi. 113 00:05:17,631 --> 00:05:19,919 I just thought I'd give the hotline a try. 114 00:05:19,920 --> 00:05:21,330 What are... what are you doing? 115 00:05:21,331 --> 00:05:23,260 I'm making a pan roasted chicken. 116 00:05:24,190 --> 00:05:25,309 Pan roasted! 117 00:05:25,310 --> 00:05:27,340 Like seared on the stove and then put in the oven? 118 00:05:27,341 --> 00:05:28,459 Uh-huh. 119 00:05:28,460 --> 00:05:30,110 I've just taken the chicken out of the pan. 120 00:05:30,111 --> 00:05:31,479 It's so moist. 121 00:05:31,480 --> 00:05:33,909 I'm gonna let it rest now, about five minutes. 122 00:05:33,910 --> 00:05:34,819 Yeah? 123 00:05:34,820 --> 00:05:35,849 Oh yeah. 124 00:05:35,850 --> 00:05:38,839 Oho, there's lots of browned bits stuck to the bottom of the skillet. 125 00:05:38,840 --> 00:05:40,849 You gonna deglaze that fucking pan? 126 00:05:40,850 --> 00:05:42,120 Oh I'm going to deglaze it. 127 00:05:42,121 --> 00:05:43,140 You wanna help me? 128 00:05:43,141 --> 00:05:44,709 If I was there I would. 129 00:05:44,710 --> 00:05:46,949 I'd take some, red wine, 130 00:05:46,950 --> 00:05:48,230 about a quarter cup, 131 00:05:48,231 --> 00:05:50,669 then get a wooden spoon. 132 00:05:50,670 --> 00:05:53,069 And I'd deglaze the fuck out of that pan. 133 00:05:53,070 --> 00:05:54,639 I gotta wooden spoon right here. 134 00:05:54,640 --> 00:05:55,880 It's pretty hard. 135 00:05:57,260 --> 00:05:59,660 Yeah, you gonna put some onion in while you're deglazing? 136 00:05:59,661 --> 00:06:01,630 Was thinking about shallots actually. 137 00:06:01,631 --> 00:06:05,379 Oh yeah, shallots won't overwhelm the chicken's natural flavors. 138 00:06:05,380 --> 00:06:06,200 Fuck yeah. 139 00:06:06,270 --> 00:06:07,800 Randy marsh! 140 00:06:08,300 --> 00:06:08,900 Sharon! 141 00:06:09,310 --> 00:06:11,649 Your time on food network hotline has expired. 142 00:06:11,650 --> 00:06:14,300 To add more time say 'creme fraiche.' 143 00:06:15,490 --> 00:06:17,289 I don't know what to do, Sheila. 144 00:06:17,290 --> 00:06:18,839 It's like he's a different person. 145 00:06:18,840 --> 00:06:21,019 Last night I walked in on him in the bathroom, 146 00:06:21,020 --> 00:06:23,729 he was sitting on the toilet flambeing a pork chop. 147 00:06:23,730 --> 00:06:25,559 Sharon, I'm so sorry. 148 00:06:25,560 --> 00:06:28,259 It just makes me feel unwanted, you know? 149 00:06:28,260 --> 00:06:30,820 I mean, am I not attractive anymore? 150 00:06:31,300 --> 00:06:33,639 I mean, I don't exercise anymore at all. 151 00:06:33,640 --> 00:06:35,660 Well, if it will make you feel better about yourself, 152 00:06:35,661 --> 00:06:37,179 then workout, Sharon. 153 00:06:37,180 --> 00:06:39,269 Like I have time to go to a gym every day. 154 00:06:39,270 --> 00:06:40,700 There are plenty of things you can buy 155 00:06:40,701 --> 00:06:42,470 to help you get a good workout at home. 156 00:06:42,471 --> 00:06:44,320 Have you heard of the shake weight? 157 00:06:53,810 --> 00:06:55,119 Help you find anything? 158 00:06:55,120 --> 00:06:58,079 Yes I was interested in the shake weights. 159 00:06:58,080 --> 00:06:59,960 Biggest seller the past four months! 160 00:06:59,961 --> 00:07:01,070 What model are you looking at? 161 00:07:01,071 --> 00:07:02,900 I didn't realize there were different models. 162 00:07:02,901 --> 00:07:04,909 Well you got your standard, your deluxe. 163 00:07:04,910 --> 00:07:05,690 Small to large sizes, 164 00:07:05,691 --> 00:07:07,290 but if you're really looking for a workout 165 00:07:07,291 --> 00:07:08,959 you might want to try the big Jim. 166 00:07:08,960 --> 00:07:10,540 That woman over there is trying it out. 167 00:07:13,660 --> 00:07:16,099 I think I'll start with the smaller, white ones. 168 00:07:16,100 --> 00:07:17,949 Smaller white ones, yes, ma'am. 169 00:07:17,950 --> 00:07:19,599 Standard or voice assist model? 170 00:07:19,600 --> 00:07:20,610 Well, I don't know... 171 00:07:20,611 --> 00:07:22,649 I would definitely recommend the voice assist. 172 00:07:22,650 --> 00:07:25,400 It has recorded voice commands to help motivate you in your workout. 173 00:07:29,720 --> 00:07:31,240 You are doing excellent! 174 00:07:34,220 --> 00:07:35,460 Great work! 175 00:07:38,490 --> 00:07:39,680 Now switch arms! 176 00:07:42,540 --> 00:07:44,120 Wow! Good job! 177 00:07:44,780 --> 00:07:45,920 You are amazing! 178 00:07:46,460 --> 00:07:48,400 You are very attractive. And interesting. 179 00:07:49,150 --> 00:07:50,340 Thank you, shake weight. 180 00:07:50,341 --> 00:07:52,339 Come on now, almost finished! 181 00:07:52,340 --> 00:07:53,470 Yes! 182 00:07:53,540 --> 00:07:54,570 Good! 183 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:55,799 Almost done! 184 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:56,650 Keep going! 185 00:07:57,270 --> 00:07:58,309 Keep going! 186 00:07:58,310 --> 00:07:59,060 Harder! 187 00:07:59,061 --> 00:08:00,690 Faster! 188 00:08:03,850 --> 00:08:05,640 Your workout is finished! 189 00:08:06,250 --> 00:08:07,990 Here is some cab fare. 190 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:09,639 Oh wow! 191 00:08:09,640 --> 00:08:11,370 Now going to sleep mode. 192 00:08:15,700 --> 00:08:17,749 You guys have no idea how much it sucks. 193 00:08:17,750 --> 00:08:18,930 My dad is obsessed. 194 00:08:18,931 --> 00:08:20,320 Every day it's booby flay this, 195 00:08:20,321 --> 00:08:21,280 Gordon ramsay that. 196 00:08:21,281 --> 00:08:22,940 This morning he was pretending to read playboy, 197 00:08:22,941 --> 00:08:25,210 but he actually had a bon appetit magazine hidden inside it. 198 00:08:25,211 --> 00:08:26,820 Well, hearing you bitch about your dad 199 00:08:26,821 --> 00:08:28,620 all the time is super interesting, Stan. 200 00:08:28,621 --> 00:08:30,190 I hope you do it the entire lunch period. 201 00:08:31,840 --> 00:08:33,400 Hello there, children! 202 00:08:34,170 --> 00:08:35,040 Aw, what? 203 00:08:35,041 --> 00:08:36,159 How's it goin? 204 00:08:36,160 --> 00:08:38,039 No! Dad, no! 205 00:08:38,040 --> 00:08:40,159 The school was hiring and I got the job. 206 00:08:40,160 --> 00:08:41,200 Isn't that great? 207 00:08:41,201 --> 00:08:42,240 Dad, you're a geologist! 208 00:08:42,241 --> 00:08:43,370 What about your real job. 209 00:08:43,371 --> 00:08:44,319 I quit! 210 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:46,160 Now, what I have for your starters today 211 00:08:46,161 --> 00:08:49,089 is a potato encrusted scallop with lobster foam. 212 00:08:49,090 --> 00:08:51,639 And we're gonna top that with some nice creme fraiche. 213 00:08:51,640 --> 00:08:52,869 Lobster foam? 214 00:08:52,870 --> 00:08:54,390 It says very clearly on the lunch schedule 215 00:08:54,391 --> 00:08:55,879 that today is pizza day! 216 00:08:55,880 --> 00:08:58,709 Yes, and so this is my take on a pizza. 217 00:08:58,710 --> 00:09:00,479 It's an Asian slaw on flatbread, 218 00:09:00,480 --> 00:09:03,739 deconstructed and topped with a nice parmesan aioli. 219 00:09:03,740 --> 00:09:04,989 Dad, no! 220 00:09:04,990 --> 00:09:06,020 I'm gonna tell mom. 221 00:09:06,021 --> 00:09:07,710 Go back to your other job right now. 222 00:09:07,711 --> 00:09:11,420 Stan there is nothing wrong with a man following his passion! 223 00:09:12,620 --> 00:09:13,939 Oooh yeah. 224 00:09:13,940 --> 00:09:15,340 Fuck yeah! 225 00:09:19,380 --> 00:09:20,189 Mom? 226 00:09:20,190 --> 00:09:21,129 Mom! 227 00:09:21,130 --> 00:09:22,100 You gotta do something. 228 00:09:22,101 --> 00:09:23,730 Dad's trying to be our new school chef. 229 00:09:23,731 --> 00:09:24,829 Oh I know. 230 00:09:24,830 --> 00:09:27,479 He tried out all his recipes here and left me with the mess. 231 00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:29,280 Well you gotta tell him to stop, mom! 232 00:09:29,281 --> 00:09:31,560 You think your father is going to listen to me? 233 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:36,379 This is a workout reminder. 234 00:09:36,380 --> 00:09:37,889 Time for a workout. 235 00:09:37,890 --> 00:09:39,339 This thing is so great. 236 00:09:39,340 --> 00:09:41,740 It reminds me when I haven't worked out in a while. 237 00:09:42,420 --> 00:09:43,380 That's it. 238 00:09:43,381 --> 00:09:44,210 Work it. 239 00:09:44,211 --> 00:09:45,059 Harder. 240 00:09:45,060 --> 00:09:46,149 Faster. 241 00:09:46,150 --> 00:09:47,479 Mom, dad's food sucks 242 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:49,450 and the kids at school are starting to get pissed at me. 243 00:09:49,451 --> 00:09:53,139 Sorry, Stan, but I need to start doing things for myself. 244 00:09:53,140 --> 00:09:54,829 You are independent and strong. 245 00:09:54,830 --> 00:09:55,560 Right. 246 00:09:55,561 --> 00:09:57,960 I spend all my time trying to take care of everybody else. 247 00:09:57,961 --> 00:09:59,460 Switch arms. 248 00:10:00,350 --> 00:10:02,590 I don't need to look good to keep your father interested in me. 249 00:10:02,591 --> 00:10:04,509 I'm just going to do it for me. 250 00:10:04,510 --> 00:10:06,489 You are so motivated and charming. 251 00:10:06,490 --> 00:10:08,499 It is time to take your pulse. 252 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:10,080 Insert finger. 253 00:10:10,920 --> 00:10:12,349 Do not stop your arms. 254 00:10:12,350 --> 00:10:13,439 Keep going. 255 00:10:13,440 --> 00:10:14,269 Good. 256 00:10:14,270 --> 00:10:16,709 Get your finger up there a little more. 257 00:10:16,710 --> 00:10:19,150 Your pulse is 145. 258 00:10:19,890 --> 00:10:20,949 Faster! 259 00:10:20,950 --> 00:10:21,889 Harder! 260 00:10:21,890 --> 00:10:23,929 Who says that school cafeteria food 261 00:10:23,930 --> 00:10:26,549 can't be healthy, delicious and gourmet? 262 00:10:26,550 --> 00:10:29,629 Today we're gonna be making the students my tasty baked ziti 263 00:10:29,630 --> 00:10:32,109 with basil and fresh mozzarella. 264 00:10:32,110 --> 00:10:35,909 It's all right here, right now on cafeteria fraiche. 265 00:10:35,910 --> 00:10:37,910 Oh fuck yeah. 266 00:10:46,260 --> 00:10:47,819 Oh yeah. 267 00:10:47,820 --> 00:10:48,820 Man! 268 00:10:59,480 --> 00:11:00,570 Dad, what are you doing? 269 00:11:01,560 --> 00:11:03,460 Fraiiiiche. 270 00:11:05,310 --> 00:11:07,659 Cafeteria fraiche. 271 00:11:07,660 --> 00:11:10,199 Alright, now for my baked ziti we are gonna start off 272 00:11:10,200 --> 00:11:12,640 by getting some extra virgin olive oil into the pan. 273 00:11:12,641 --> 00:11:14,059 Oh yeah. 274 00:11:14,060 --> 00:11:15,260 Get that all over there. 275 00:11:15,261 --> 00:11:16,400 It's all slick. 276 00:11:16,401 --> 00:11:17,870 It's all wet and slick. 277 00:11:19,570 --> 00:11:21,000 Can we get some food please? 278 00:11:21,001 --> 00:11:23,049 Now, olive oil does have a low smoke point, 279 00:11:23,050 --> 00:11:25,650 so keep the heat low and keep in fraiche. 280 00:11:28,420 --> 00:11:29,929 That's so fucking hot. 281 00:11:29,930 --> 00:11:32,169 Look at that crust is perfect. 282 00:11:32,170 --> 00:11:33,469 Fuck yeah. 283 00:11:33,470 --> 00:11:36,249 Dad you aren't ever going to be a celebrity chef! 284 00:11:36,250 --> 00:11:37,709 Quiet on set, please! 285 00:11:37,710 --> 00:11:38,910 No dad. That's enough. 286 00:11:38,911 --> 00:11:40,989 You need to be focusing on getting mom back! 287 00:11:40,990 --> 00:11:42,920 Back from where? 288 00:11:51,880 --> 00:11:53,349 Oh, this is so nice. 289 00:11:53,350 --> 00:11:54,950 I really needed this. 290 00:11:56,230 --> 00:11:58,250 You are so lovely and elegant. 291 00:11:58,720 --> 00:12:01,179 You can do anything you set your mind to. 292 00:12:01,180 --> 00:12:03,099 Oh thanks, shake weight. 293 00:12:03,100 --> 00:12:04,390 You are a go-getter. 294 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:06,509 You are strong and confident. 295 00:12:06,510 --> 00:12:08,039 You're right! 296 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:10,949 Tell me again about the women who you do not like. 297 00:12:10,950 --> 00:12:13,369 Well, Linda Stotch is a real gossiper, 298 00:12:13,370 --> 00:12:15,739 and Tammy Bretz at work is just a know-it-all. 299 00:12:15,740 --> 00:12:18,780 Oh you are so witty and alarmingly insightful. 300 00:12:20,040 --> 00:12:21,660 How about a quick workout? 301 00:12:23,190 --> 00:12:24,090 A workout? 302 00:12:24,091 --> 00:12:25,210 What, right now? 303 00:12:25,211 --> 00:12:26,430 Just a quickie. 304 00:12:26,431 --> 00:12:27,619 You can do it. 305 00:12:27,620 --> 00:12:29,749 I don't really like working out in public. 306 00:12:29,750 --> 00:12:30,580 Come on. 307 00:12:30,581 --> 00:12:31,960 You can do it! 308 00:12:38,170 --> 00:12:39,090 That's it! 309 00:12:39,091 --> 00:12:39,999 Good! 310 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:40,900 Keep it up! 311 00:12:41,690 --> 00:12:42,689 Feel the burn. 312 00:12:42,690 --> 00:12:43,779 Harder! 313 00:12:43,780 --> 00:12:44,740 Faster! 314 00:12:45,850 --> 00:12:47,030 You are amazing! 315 00:12:47,150 --> 00:12:48,350 Switch arms. 316 00:12:50,370 --> 00:12:51,429 Oh, that's it. 317 00:12:51,430 --> 00:12:52,469 Yes. 318 00:12:52,470 --> 00:12:54,519 You are getting really good at this. 319 00:12:54,520 --> 00:12:56,289 You are capable of anything. 320 00:12:56,290 --> 00:12:57,349 Harder. 321 00:12:57,350 --> 00:12:58,729 Faster. 322 00:12:58,730 --> 00:13:00,299 I said faster! 323 00:13:00,300 --> 00:13:01,479 More. 324 00:13:01,480 --> 00:13:02,529 Do it. 325 00:13:02,530 --> 00:13:03,969 You are almost there. 326 00:13:03,970 --> 00:13:05,349 Home stretch. 327 00:13:05,350 --> 00:13:06,340 Oh, yes. 328 00:13:08,950 --> 00:13:10,380 Your workout is finished. 329 00:13:10,381 --> 00:13:12,099 Your cab fare. 330 00:13:12,100 --> 00:13:14,060 Now go into sleep mode. 331 00:13:16,710 --> 00:13:18,260 We really think this is gonna work, Stan. 332 00:13:18,261 --> 00:13:19,290 All we have to do 333 00:13:19,291 --> 00:13:21,270 is convince your dad that his cooking sucks, right? 334 00:13:21,271 --> 00:13:22,670 He's not going to listen to us. 335 00:13:22,671 --> 00:13:23,560 We already tried. 336 00:13:23,561 --> 00:13:24,760 He won't listen to us, 337 00:13:24,761 --> 00:13:26,910 but he would listen to Gordon ramsay. 338 00:13:30,690 --> 00:13:31,970 That's stupid, cartman. 339 00:13:31,971 --> 00:13:33,200 He does kind of look like him, dude, 340 00:13:33,201 --> 00:13:35,809 and Kenny thinks cartman's Gordon ramsay impersonation is really good. 341 00:13:35,810 --> 00:13:36,850 Yeah, it's really good! 342 00:13:36,851 --> 00:13:37,850 Let's hear it, cartman. 343 00:13:37,851 --> 00:13:38,620 Right. 344 00:13:38,621 --> 00:13:40,229 Simple, rustic. Yeah? 345 00:13:40,230 --> 00:13:41,319 Wake up! 346 00:13:41,320 --> 00:13:42,389 Jesus! 347 00:13:42,390 --> 00:13:43,499 Fuck me! 348 00:13:43,500 --> 00:13:44,790 You're not a fucking chef! 349 00:13:44,791 --> 00:13:46,339 Hi, right, Gordon, yeah. 350 00:13:46,340 --> 00:13:48,379 Making a nice, simple beef Wellington. 351 00:13:48,380 --> 00:13:49,980 You're fucking taking the piss yeah? 352 00:13:49,981 --> 00:13:51,370 Fuck me you can't cook! 353 00:13:53,010 --> 00:13:54,240 You guys, my dad is retarded 354 00:13:54,241 --> 00:13:55,640 but he's not that retarded. 355 00:13:55,641 --> 00:13:56,650 Hey Stan, have you seen my... 356 00:13:56,651 --> 00:13:58,530 oh my God, it's Gordon ramsay! 357 00:14:00,760 --> 00:14:02,690 Stan do you know who that is in there? 358 00:14:02,691 --> 00:14:04,400 That's the Gordon ramsay. 359 00:14:05,770 --> 00:14:07,750 Uh yeah, dad he'd like to talk to you. 360 00:14:07,751 --> 00:14:08,660 Talk to me? 361 00:14:08,661 --> 00:14:09,910 Oh Jesus. 362 00:14:27,860 --> 00:14:30,070 You have not worked out in seven hours. 363 00:14:30,850 --> 00:14:32,659 Oh God, not right now. 364 00:14:32,660 --> 00:14:33,640 Come on. 365 00:14:33,641 --> 00:14:35,049 Let's get to it. 366 00:14:35,050 --> 00:14:36,339 I'm tired. 367 00:14:36,340 --> 00:14:38,550 You have not worked out in seven hours. 368 00:14:39,390 --> 00:14:41,399 Where is that sleep mode button? 369 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:43,819 Cannot go to sleep mode. 370 00:14:43,820 --> 00:14:45,569 You need to workout first. 371 00:14:45,570 --> 00:14:48,080 Come on, just really fast. 372 00:14:49,070 --> 00:14:50,020 Come on. 373 00:14:50,021 --> 00:14:51,659 It won't take long. 374 00:14:51,660 --> 00:14:53,379 Just a quick workout. 375 00:14:53,380 --> 00:14:54,679 Come on. 376 00:14:54,680 --> 00:14:55,680 Please. 377 00:14:56,380 --> 00:14:58,240 Alright, fine. 378 00:14:59,940 --> 00:15:00,900 That's it. 379 00:15:00,901 --> 00:15:01,900 Good. 380 00:15:02,420 --> 00:15:03,630 A little faster. 381 00:15:04,200 --> 00:15:05,150 Harder. 382 00:15:05,900 --> 00:15:07,690 Come on, get into it. 383 00:15:09,120 --> 00:15:10,090 That's it. 384 00:15:10,091 --> 00:15:11,510 Now switch arms. 385 00:15:14,580 --> 00:15:17,650 You are so attractive and you have interesting things to say. 386 00:15:18,540 --> 00:15:19,649 Come on. 387 00:15:19,650 --> 00:15:20,970 You are almost there. 388 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:22,609 Faster. 389 00:15:22,610 --> 00:15:23,790 Do it faster. 390 00:15:28,100 --> 00:15:29,960 Now going to sleep mode. 391 00:15:38,420 --> 00:15:40,429 What the fuck kind of cook do you think you are? 392 00:15:40,430 --> 00:15:41,500 You are having a laugh, hay? 393 00:15:41,501 --> 00:15:44,449 Hay, you've got your fucking head up your ass, don't you! 394 00:15:44,450 --> 00:15:45,420 Yes, chef! 395 00:15:45,421 --> 00:15:46,939 Give up you wanka! 396 00:15:46,940 --> 00:15:48,660 You fucking can't cook for shit! 397 00:15:49,560 --> 00:15:50,559 Alright dad. 398 00:15:50,560 --> 00:15:51,750 Gordon ramsay says you suck. 399 00:15:51,751 --> 00:15:52,720 It's time to give up. 400 00:15:52,721 --> 00:15:53,410 No Stan! 401 00:15:53,411 --> 00:15:54,210 No chef! 402 00:15:54,211 --> 00:15:55,760 This is my dream! 403 00:15:56,270 --> 00:15:59,119 You aren't ever going to become a celebrity chef, dad! 404 00:15:59,120 --> 00:16:00,419 Give up on your dream! 405 00:16:00,420 --> 00:16:03,239 Uh excuse me. Randy marsh? 406 00:16:03,240 --> 00:16:05,779 Yes, I... oh my God it's Bobby flay! 407 00:16:05,780 --> 00:16:07,179 Stan, that's Bobby flay! 408 00:16:07,180 --> 00:16:08,889 I heard that Gordon ramsay 409 00:16:08,890 --> 00:16:11,029 had taken an interest in your cafeteria food! 410 00:16:11,030 --> 00:16:13,249 So now I would like to challenge you 411 00:16:13,250 --> 00:16:16,059 to a school cafeteria food throwdown! 412 00:16:16,060 --> 00:16:17,679 What, are you serious? 413 00:16:17,680 --> 00:16:19,249 Yes, yes! 414 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:22,139 A culinary battle royal is set to explode here 415 00:16:22,140 --> 00:16:23,569 in a school cafeteria. 416 00:16:23,570 --> 00:16:26,229 Will it be the simple, rustic cafeteria food of the challenger? 417 00:16:26,230 --> 00:16:28,309 Or will the iron chef reign supreme? 418 00:16:28,310 --> 00:16:30,329 Hey no, no all you people get out of here. 419 00:16:30,330 --> 00:16:31,909 Hold on! Wait! 420 00:16:31,910 --> 00:16:34,959 School cafeteria food needs to be healthy! 421 00:16:34,960 --> 00:16:38,009 Why won't people listen to me?! 422 00:16:38,010 --> 00:16:39,889 Jamie Oliver! 423 00:16:39,890 --> 00:16:41,909 And our celebrity sous chefs! 424 00:16:41,910 --> 00:16:43,279 Mario Batali! 425 00:16:43,280 --> 00:16:44,180 Paula Dean! 426 00:16:44,181 --> 00:16:45,769 And Giada de Laurentis! 427 00:16:45,770 --> 00:16:47,770 With her perky tats and gigantic head! 428 00:16:49,890 --> 00:16:52,090 Can I just get some God damn tater tots?! 429 00:16:54,850 --> 00:16:56,890 Your room is being serviced. 430 00:16:57,410 --> 00:16:58,520 Oh well. 431 00:17:04,410 --> 00:17:05,839 Uh, excuse me! 432 00:17:05,840 --> 00:17:07,759 Oh! No! No, sorry! 433 00:17:07,760 --> 00:17:10,530 I done with cleaning, thank you. Please sorry! 434 00:17:19,030 --> 00:17:20,499 What's the big deal? 435 00:17:20,500 --> 00:17:22,360 She wanted to work out. 436 00:17:23,360 --> 00:17:25,040 You never want to work out. 437 00:17:25,750 --> 00:17:28,910 I just needed help going to sleep, mode. 438 00:17:29,630 --> 00:17:30,800 What. 439 00:17:31,640 --> 00:17:32,890 What. 440 00:17:33,280 --> 00:17:34,349 Come on. 441 00:17:34,350 --> 00:17:35,299 What. 442 00:17:35,300 --> 00:17:37,100 You are amazing and irreplaceable. 443 00:17:37,800 --> 00:17:38,769 What. 444 00:17:38,770 --> 00:17:40,400 How about a quick workout. 445 00:17:41,250 --> 00:17:42,450 What. 446 00:17:43,350 --> 00:17:44,590 Yes, I don't care. 447 00:17:44,591 --> 00:17:46,980 I just want to find out how to return my shake weight. 448 00:17:46,981 --> 00:17:48,369 This is ridiculous. 449 00:17:48,370 --> 00:17:50,399 Give shake weight a break. 450 00:17:50,400 --> 00:17:52,329 Because I want to return it now, 451 00:17:52,330 --> 00:17:54,040 I need to know the address of your company. 452 00:17:54,041 --> 00:17:55,869 You are enticing and lovely. 453 00:17:55,870 --> 00:17:58,919 Tell me again about the women you do not like. 454 00:17:58,920 --> 00:18:00,899 I don't care how long I've had it, 455 00:18:00,900 --> 00:18:02,170 I want my money back. 456 00:18:02,171 --> 00:18:04,580 You are so forthcoming and delightful. 457 00:18:05,270 --> 00:18:08,570 Tell me about which woman at work makes you the angriest. 458 00:18:09,850 --> 00:18:10,730 Tonight, 459 00:18:10,731 --> 00:18:12,759 a school cafeteria in middle America 460 00:18:12,760 --> 00:18:15,199 is the stage for a heavyweight culinary battle! 461 00:18:15,200 --> 00:18:17,140 The very best of the best will cookoff 462 00:18:17,141 --> 00:18:20,310 to find out who can make the best school cafeteria food. 463 00:18:20,710 --> 00:18:22,829 It's the hell's kitchen nightmares 464 00:18:22,830 --> 00:18:26,710 iron top chef cafeteria throwdown ultimate cookoff challenge! 465 00:18:27,620 --> 00:18:28,700 Behind you! 466 00:18:30,340 --> 00:18:31,690 Who's cafeteria food will win? 467 00:18:31,691 --> 00:18:33,300 These chef's are cooking their hearts out 468 00:18:33,301 --> 00:18:34,450 and bringing their a game 469 00:18:34,451 --> 00:18:36,320 to serve the kids of this elementary school! 470 00:18:36,890 --> 00:18:40,169 These kids have now been waiting over 12 hours for their lunch! 471 00:18:40,170 --> 00:18:42,979 Over at the prep station Jamie Oliver is crying again. 472 00:18:42,980 --> 00:18:45,629 Kid's food should be hewfy! 473 00:18:45,630 --> 00:18:47,979 Why in'nit hewfffy? 474 00:18:47,980 --> 00:18:49,040 And back in the kitchen 475 00:18:49,041 --> 00:18:50,880 the challenger appears to have lost something. 476 00:18:50,881 --> 00:18:52,400 Where is it? 477 00:18:53,100 --> 00:18:54,390 I must have left it at home! 478 00:18:55,110 --> 00:18:56,420 I'll be right back! 479 00:18:57,510 --> 00:18:59,040 The challenger has left the cafeteria 480 00:18:59,041 --> 00:19:00,940 to find his most important ingredient. 481 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:04,230 Creme fraiche! 482 00:19:04,720 --> 00:19:05,780 Creme fraiche! 483 00:19:08,160 --> 00:19:08,990 Where is it? 484 00:19:08,991 --> 00:19:10,040 Where is it? 485 00:19:12,160 --> 00:19:14,090 Dammit where is that creme fraiche? 486 00:19:17,560 --> 00:19:20,430 Where did I leave that fucking creme fraiche?! 487 00:19:22,020 --> 00:19:23,340 It has to be somewhere! 488 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:25,539 Randy, I'm back. 489 00:19:25,540 --> 00:19:27,910 Oh thank God! Sharon! 490 00:19:29,170 --> 00:19:30,980 Have you seen my creme fraiche? 491 00:19:31,370 --> 00:19:32,700 Randy, we should talk. 492 00:19:33,090 --> 00:19:33,790 I don't have time! 493 00:19:33,791 --> 00:19:34,980 I'm cooking right now! 494 00:19:34,981 --> 00:19:37,039 Randy, I don't want our marriage to fail. 495 00:19:37,040 --> 00:19:39,459 I don't know how to fix what's wrong but please, 496 00:19:39,460 --> 00:19:42,050 can't we just go to bed and start fresh in the morning? 497 00:19:42,770 --> 00:19:44,369 You don't understand, Sharon! 498 00:19:44,370 --> 00:19:46,019 I've got Gordon ramsay up my ass, 499 00:19:46,020 --> 00:19:47,500 Bobby flay about to kick my ass 500 00:19:47,501 --> 00:19:49,100 and the whole world is gonna be watching! 501 00:19:49,101 --> 00:19:50,519 I can't sleep! 502 00:19:50,520 --> 00:19:52,280 I haven't slept for days! 503 00:19:53,140 --> 00:19:54,310 What'd you say? 504 00:19:54,840 --> 00:19:56,159 I can't sleep, Sharon. 505 00:19:56,160 --> 00:19:57,330 I'm in work mode. 506 00:19:58,300 --> 00:19:59,720 Can I try something? 507 00:20:04,390 --> 00:20:06,410 Sharon, what are you... oh! 508 00:20:10,160 --> 00:20:11,630 A nice ol' fashioned! 509 00:20:13,350 --> 00:20:14,610 Oh, that's good. 510 00:20:14,611 --> 00:20:15,969 Oh that's it. 511 00:20:15,970 --> 00:20:18,130 Yeah, now switch arms. 512 00:20:19,050 --> 00:20:20,220 Oh that's good. 513 00:20:20,221 --> 00:20:21,829 Really good. Wow! 514 00:20:21,830 --> 00:20:23,429 How'd you get so good at this? 515 00:20:23,430 --> 00:20:24,560 You're amazing! 516 00:20:24,561 --> 00:20:25,470 That's it! 517 00:20:25,471 --> 00:20:26,319 Faster! 518 00:20:26,320 --> 00:20:27,350 Faster! 519 00:20:33,860 --> 00:20:36,470 Haven't had an old fashioned in a long time. 520 00:20:37,360 --> 00:20:38,979 Oh I'm tired. 521 00:20:38,980 --> 00:20:40,460 You gonna go back to the kitchen? 522 00:20:40,461 --> 00:20:42,029 Oh, no. Fuck that. 523 00:20:42,030 --> 00:20:43,190 I'm going to sleep, babe. 524 00:20:43,191 --> 00:20:45,040 Here, do you need some money or anything? 525 00:20:45,041 --> 00:20:46,409 No, I'm good. Thanks. 526 00:20:46,410 --> 00:20:47,999 I'll get my old job back tomorrow. 527 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:49,379 Cooking's dumb. 528 00:20:49,380 --> 00:20:51,660 I'm just really sleepy. 529 00:20:52,710 --> 00:20:54,050 Love you, Sharon. 530 00:21:08,050 --> 00:21:10,210 I guess my work here is finished. 531 00:21:11,830 --> 00:21:15,159 Shake weight, you aren't really workout equipment at all, are you? 532 00:21:15,160 --> 00:21:16,739 Marriage is important. 533 00:21:16,740 --> 00:21:18,329 Keep your man happy. 534 00:21:18,330 --> 00:21:20,179 When things are going bad, 535 00:21:20,180 --> 00:21:23,280 there's nothing like an old fashioned to ease that stress. 536 00:21:24,060 --> 00:21:26,249 I'll remember that now, thanks to you. 537 00:21:26,250 --> 00:21:28,359 It has been nice getting to know you, 538 00:21:28,360 --> 00:21:30,189 how about a quick workout, 539 00:21:30,190 --> 00:21:32,070 for old time's sake? 540 00:21:32,760 --> 00:21:33,779 Just kidding. 541 00:21:33,780 --> 00:21:35,349 I must be going now. 542 00:21:35,350 --> 00:21:37,349 Another lovely woman needs me. 543 00:21:37,350 --> 00:21:38,230 Goodbye. 544 00:21:38,231 --> 00:21:39,459 Customer! 545 00:21:39,460 --> 00:21:41,290 Goodbye, shake weight. 546 00:21:41,490 --> 00:21:43,490 Sync by YYeTs.net www.addic7ed.com