1 00:00:41,723 --> 00:00:42,840 God damnit! 2 00:00:42,841 --> 00:00:46,145 Stan, are you okay? 3 00:00:46,146 --> 00:00:47,860 Yeah, dad. We're just rehearsing our band. 4 00:00:47,861 --> 00:00:53,172 Ooohhh, I thought a group of Vietnamese people were having their intestines pulled out through their mouths. 5 00:00:57,939 --> 00:01:01,250 He's right, dude. We have to define our style if we're ever going to make a platinum album. 6 00:01:01,251 --> 00:01:04,464 I mean, ah I'm a fusion guy, but Kenny's background is more Latin Jazz. 7 00:01:04,464 --> 00:01:05,397 (What? Is it?) 8 00:01:05,432 --> 00:01:07,573 Yeah, and I'm more hip-hop and R-and-B oriented. 9 00:01:07,608 --> 00:01:11,252 I think out band better buy a whole bunch of music CDs to listen to for inspiration. 10 00:01:12,047 --> 00:01:13,113 Inspiration. 11 00:01:13,583 --> 00:01:14,114 Wait a minute, that's it. Inspiration, you guys. Don't you see? 12 00:01:17,520 --> 00:01:18,255 See what? 13 00:01:18,290 --> 00:01:21,044 Our band should play Christian rock! 14 00:01:22,831 --> 00:01:23,908 Christian rock?! 15 00:01:23,943 --> 00:01:26,260 Think about it! It's the easiest crappiest music in the world, right? 16 00:01:26,261 --> 00:01:30,470 If we just play songs about how much we love Jesus, all the Christiand will buy our crap! 17 00:01:30,598 --> 00:01:32,273 That's a retarded idea, Cartman! 18 00:01:32,308 --> 00:01:33,250 It worked for Creed! 19 00:01:33,285 --> 00:01:35,272 I don't wanna be in a stupid Christian rock band! 20 00:01:35,307 --> 00:01:38,169 You just start that way, Stan, then you cross over. It's genious! 21 00:01:38,204 --> 00:01:41,805 Just get the hell out of here, Cartman! You're not serious and you're a detriment to the band! 22 00:01:41,840 --> 00:01:47,157 Oh yeah?! I will bet you ten bucks that if I start a Christian rock band that I can get a platinum album before you guys do! 23 00:01:47,192 --> 00:01:48,415 You're on, fat boy! 24 00:01:48,450 --> 00:01:49,872 Okay, fine! Ready?! 25 00:01:49,873 --> 00:01:50,247 First one to have a platinum album wins! Go! 26 00:01:56,000 --> 00:01:57,377 What a stupid asshole! 27 00:01:59,773 --> 00:02:01,292 Platinum album! Platinum album! 28 00:02:01,293 --> 00:02:02,874 Gotta make a platinum album before Kyle! 29 00:02:04,937 --> 00:02:05,913 Oh, hi Eric. 30 00:02:05,948 --> 00:02:07,719 Butters! Get your drum set and meet me at my house! 31 00:02:07,720 --> 00:02:09,479 We have to make a platinum album! Hurry, Butters! 32 00:02:11,277 --> 00:02:12,355 ...Ohhh! 33 00:02:12,390 --> 00:02:15,675 No time to waste! Platinum album! Must beat Kyle! 34 00:02:16,448 --> 00:02:19,746 Token! Get the bass guitar out of your basement and meet me over at my house! 35 00:02:20,245 --> 00:02:22,247 What?! We don't have a bass guitar. 36 00:02:23,060 --> 00:02:26,479 Your family's black, Token! There's bound to be a bass guitar in your basement somewhere! 37 00:02:31,222 --> 00:02:34,797 Whoa, you sure seem with it, Eric. You must have some... ih-inspiration. 38 00:02:34,832 --> 00:02:37,989 Yes, the tears of Kyle Broflovski when he loses his ten dollars to me. 39 00:02:38,136 --> 00:02:40,363 Hey, there was a bass guitar in my basement. 40 00:02:40,398 --> 00:02:41,460 I told you, Token. 41 00:02:41,755 --> 00:02:42,917 So, what are we doing? 42 00:02:42,952 --> 00:02:45,071 Gentlemen, we are about to embark on the most amazing, 43 00:02:45,072 --> 00:02:47,992 ...life-affirming, financially-windfalling experiences of our young lives. 44 00:02:48,206 --> 00:02:49,032 Wow! 45 00:02:49,067 --> 00:02:51,716 We are going to start... a Christian rock band. 46 00:02:52,382 --> 00:02:53,855 Awww. 47 00:02:53,890 --> 00:02:55,038 I'm out. 48 00:02:56,091 --> 00:02:58,517 Wait! Walk out that door, Token, and you'll regret it the rest of your life! 49 00:02:58,518 --> 00:03:01,788 Christians have a built-in audience of over one hundred and eighty million Americans! 50 00:03:01,789 --> 00:03:05,196 If each one of them buys just one of our albums at twelve dollars and ninety-five cents that would be- 51 00:03:05,474 --> 00:03:08,297 Two billion, three hundred and thirty one million dollars. 52 00:03:08,332 --> 00:03:09,689 Still want to leave, Token? 53 00:03:11,605 --> 00:03:12,782 Thank you. 54 00:03:14,438 --> 00:03:16,058 Dad, can I borrow three hundred dollars? 55 00:03:16,721 --> 00:03:18,668 Three hundred dollars?? What in the world for?? 56 00:03:18,703 --> 00:03:20,842 Our band can't find a stylistic direction to go in. 57 00:03:20,843 --> 00:03:24,115 We need to go down to the mall to buy hundreds of CDs to listen to so we can define our sound. 58 00:03:24,814 --> 00:03:27,134 Sorry Kyle, we gave you your allowance already. 59 00:03:27,169 --> 00:03:30,582 Ugh. Can't you see this is my dream?? Music is my life! 60 00:03:30,964 --> 00:03:32,327 It wasn't your life yesterday. 61 00:03:32,362 --> 00:03:35,812 Hold it. Pops, I've got the music inside me. It's in my soul. 62 00:03:35,813 --> 00:03:38,038 And I know my place is up on that stage. 63 00:03:38,039 --> 00:03:40,689 I'm gonna make it to the top. And I just want your blessing, Pops. 64 00:03:41,070 --> 00:03:42,126 The answer is no, Kyle. 65 00:03:42,161 --> 00:03:44,164 Aw, come on Dad, don't be such a Jew! 66 00:03:44,199 --> 00:03:46,254 Kyle, don't belittle your own people! 67 00:03:48,259 --> 00:03:49,062 Hey dude. 68 00:03:49,097 --> 00:03:52,249 It didn't work! My stupid Jew dad won't lend me money for CDs! 69 00:03:52,284 --> 00:03:55,984 No, dude, it's cool. Kenny says you can download music for free on the Internet! 70 00:03:56,019 --> 00:03:56,742 Really? 71 00:03:56,777 --> 00:03:57,386 (Yeah!) 72 00:03:57,421 --> 00:03:58,359 You got a computer? 73 00:04:00,541 --> 00:04:02,826 See? Everyone on the Internet copies their music from their CDs, 74 00:04:02,827 --> 00:04:04,998 ...and then we can download them for free and play them on the computer! 75 00:04:05,002 --> 00:04:08,723 All right, cool. Let's donwload some Metallica, and some Stevie Wonder. 76 00:04:08,867 --> 00:04:10,608 (Oh you forgot to get some Judas Priest.) 77 00:04:10,643 --> 00:04:12,753 Kenny's right. We should download some Judas Priest, too. 78 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:17,094 Judas Priest. Wow! Downloading music for free is awesome! 79 00:04:19,420 --> 00:04:20,360 What the hell is that? 80 00:04:20,395 --> 00:04:21,532 I don't know. Let me go check. 81 00:04:22,274 --> 00:04:23,770 Freeze!! FBI!! 82 00:04:25,178 --> 00:04:26,628 Down on the ground! Down on the ground! 83 00:04:28,840 --> 00:04:30,890 Hurry up! Let me see those hands! 84 00:04:31,814 --> 00:04:34,578 Tango Teamus to Point Bravo! Suspects in custody! 85 00:04:35,646 --> 00:04:38,612 Move move move move move move! All clear, men! Get your ass going! 86 00:04:40,258 --> 00:04:41,813 Kyle, what did you do?! 87 00:04:41,848 --> 00:04:42,559 I don't know! 88 00:04:43,889 --> 00:04:46,043 All right, guys, this is gonna be so easy. 89 00:04:46,044 --> 00:04:50,806 All we have to do to make Christian songs is take regular old songs and add Jesus stuff to them. 90 00:04:50,807 --> 00:04:56,017 See? All we have to do is cross out words like "baby" and "Darling" and replace them with... 91 00:04:56,018 --> 00:04:57,991 ...Jesus. 92 00:04:57,992 --> 00:05:00,133 All right, Butters, give me a beat. 93 00:05:04,135 --> 00:05:07,217 Okay, nice. Very nice. All right, Token, give me a smooth bass line. 94 00:05:08,846 --> 00:05:10,137 I don't know how to play bass. 95 00:05:11,017 --> 00:05:13,011 Token, how many times do we have to go through this? 96 00:05:13,012 --> 00:05:14,527 You're black. You can play bass. 97 00:05:15,019 --> 00:05:16,553 I'm gettin' sick of your stereotypes! 98 00:05:16,588 --> 00:05:18,945 Be as sick as you want, just give me a God-damned bass line! 99 00:05:24,073 --> 00:05:24,835 God-damnit! 100 00:05:27,458 --> 00:05:29,549 All right. Nice, fellas. Nice. 101 00:05:29,584 --> 00:05:32,956 I need you in my life, Jesus. 102 00:05:33,646 --> 00:05:37,151 I can't live without you, Jesus 103 00:05:37,186 --> 00:05:41,894 And I just want to feel you deep inside me, Jesus. 104 00:05:42,321 --> 00:05:43,451 Awesome! 105 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:57,275 Um, sir- 106 00:05:57,276 --> 00:05:58,233 Shiut up!! 107 00:06:00,618 --> 00:06:02,949 You downloaded a lot of songs! 108 00:06:02,950 --> 00:06:06,016 Says here you even downlaoded Judas Priest? 109 00:06:06,017 --> 00:06:08,316 That's hard time you boys are lookin' at. 110 00:06:08,317 --> 00:06:10,475 You got anything to say for yourselves? 111 00:06:11,003 --> 00:06:13,609 We d-didn't think it was that big a deal. 112 00:06:14,161 --> 00:06:16,121 Not a big deal! 113 00:06:16,365 --> 00:06:21,130 You think downloading music for free is not a big deal?! 114 00:06:21,502 --> 00:06:25,049 Put your couts on! I'm gonna show you something! 115 00:06:25,050 --> 00:06:27,431 And I don't think you're gonna like it! 116 00:06:28,217 --> 00:06:32,028 This is the home of Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. 117 00:06:33,532 --> 00:06:36,540 Look. There's Lars now, sitting by his pool. 118 00:06:37,204 --> 00:06:38,581 What's the matter with him? 119 00:06:38,616 --> 00:06:43,282 This month he was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, 120 00:06:43,283 --> 00:06:45,806 ...but thanks to people downloading his music for free, 121 00:06:45,807 --> 00:06:49,418 ...he must now wait a few months before he can afford it. 122 00:06:50,703 --> 00:06:52,516 Come. There's more. 123 00:06:53,147 --> 00:06:57,049 Here's Britney Spears' private jet. Notice anything? 124 00:06:57,659 --> 00:06:59,923 Britney used to have a Gulfstream IV. 125 00:06:59,924 --> 00:07:06,729 Now she's had to sell it and get a Gulfstream III because people like you chose to download her music for free. 126 00:07:08,593 --> 00:07:12,910 The Gulfstream III doesn't even have a remote control for its surround-sound DVD system. 127 00:07:12,911 --> 00:07:16,199 Still think downloading music for free is no big deal? 128 00:07:16,234 --> 00:07:19,353 We... didn't realize what we were doing, eh... 129 00:07:19,388 --> 00:07:21,068 That is the folly of man. 130 00:07:21,351 --> 00:07:23,125 Now look in this window. 131 00:07:23,126 --> 00:07:26,127 Here you see the loving family of Master P. 132 00:07:26,128 --> 00:07:31,220 Next week is his son's birthday and, all he's ever wanted was an island in French Polynesia. 133 00:07:31,255 --> 00:07:32,729 So, he's gonna get it, right? 134 00:07:33,877 --> 00:07:35,787 I see an island without an owner. 135 00:07:35,788 --> 00:07:37,866 If things keep going the way they are, 136 00:07:37,867 --> 00:07:40,693 ...the child will not get his tropical paradise. 137 00:07:40,728 --> 00:07:43,312 We're sorry! We'll, we'll never download music for free again! 138 00:07:43,347 --> 00:07:48,116 Man must learn to think of these horrible outcomes before he acts selfishly or else... 139 00:07:48,117 --> 00:07:53,829 I fear... recording artists will be forever doomed to a life of only semi-luxury. 140 00:07:57,697 --> 00:07:59,193 Almost there, you guys. 141 00:08:01,310 --> 00:08:03,788 Why the hell did you tell us to dress nice to take us out here? 142 00:08:03,823 --> 00:08:06,415 Because, Token, we have to take pictures for our album cover. 143 00:08:06,416 --> 00:08:10,156 The key to a hot-selling Christian album is a flashy inspirational album cover. 144 00:08:10,191 --> 00:08:12,389 Wow, neato! An album cover! 145 00:08:12,424 --> 00:08:15,260 This Christian album better make as much money as you said it would, tubby! 146 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:18,779 I'm going to kill you one day, Token. 147 00:08:18,814 --> 00:08:19,599 What did you say?! 148 00:08:19,600 --> 00:08:22,462 Nothing. All right, guys, stand over there and look wholesome and cool. 149 00:08:22,463 --> 00:08:24,497 I have a timer on this thing so I can get in the shot too. 150 00:08:25,229 --> 00:08:26,720 Cheese! 151 00:08:26,755 --> 00:08:29,016 No no no! Haven't you guys ever seen an album cover? 152 00:08:29,017 --> 00:08:32,083 You're supposed to be standing in random places, looking away like you don't care! 153 00:08:35,415 --> 00:08:36,361 Cheese! 154 00:08:36,490 --> 00:08:39,723 No! Butters, you can't look happy on the album cover! That's not cool! 155 00:08:39,758 --> 00:08:40,646 Oh... 156 00:08:40,681 --> 00:08:41,953 Token, look away to the right. 157 00:08:42,276 --> 00:08:43,234 More. 158 00:08:43,235 --> 00:08:44,171 More! 159 00:08:44,253 --> 00:08:46,158 Why the hell would I be looking way over there?? 160 00:08:46,193 --> 00:08:49,309 So it looks like you're too cool to care that you're on an album cover, you black asshole! 161 00:08:49,310 --> 00:08:50,722 Now just hold it! 162 00:08:55,295 --> 00:08:59,642 Don't ever leave me, Jesus. I couldn't stand to see you go. 163 00:09:00,232 --> 00:09:04,517 My heart would simply snap, my Lord, if you walked on out that door. 164 00:09:05,328 --> 00:09:09,408 I promise I'll be good to you, and keep you warm at night. 165 00:09:09,859 --> 00:09:14,516 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, why don't we just... shut off the lights. 166 00:09:22,289 --> 00:09:25,413 Thanks for releasing them to us, detective. Sorry for all the trouble they caused. 167 00:09:25,448 --> 00:09:28,166 It's all right. I think these boys learned their lesson. 168 00:09:28,201 --> 00:09:29,159 Boy, I'll say! 169 00:09:29,194 --> 00:09:33,884 If you parents will just step over here, you can pay their four hundred dollar release and penalty fees. 170 00:09:33,919 --> 00:09:37,088 Four hundred dollars? Just for downloading some songs off the Internet? 171 00:09:37,089 --> 00:09:38,311 It's not that big a deal. 172 00:09:38,341 --> 00:09:41,742 Not a big deal, huh?! Come with me! 173 00:09:41,743 --> 00:09:43,508 I'm gonna show you something! 174 00:09:43,509 --> 00:09:46,187 And I don't think you're gonna like it! 175 00:09:47,228 --> 00:09:51,118 Wugh, dude. I can't wait to just go back home and get back to band practice. 176 00:09:51,153 --> 00:09:51,849 (Yeah) 177 00:09:51,884 --> 00:09:53,795 No! Didn't you guys learn anything? 178 00:09:53,796 --> 00:09:58,431 Look, if we make an album, all that's gonna happen is that people are gonna steal our songs for free off the Internet. 179 00:09:58,432 --> 00:09:59,802 We won't make a dime! 180 00:09:59,837 --> 00:10:00,688 Oh yeah. 181 00:10:00,723 --> 00:10:04,990 Until we get people to stop downloading music for free, I say we refuse to play! 182 00:10:05,025 --> 00:10:05,921 (Yeah!) 183 00:10:06,287 --> 00:10:11,612 Tom, I'm standing in South Park, Colorado, where the rock band, MOOP, has refused to play. 184 00:10:11,613 --> 00:10:14,546 The strike started yesterday and could go well into next week. 185 00:10:15,687 --> 00:10:17,169 Oh hey guys. How's it going? 186 00:10:17,204 --> 00:10:19,195 We're not letting you back in the band, Cartman! Fuck off! 187 00:10:19,230 --> 00:10:20,981 I don't wanna be in your crappy band, guys. 188 00:10:20,982 --> 00:10:23,758 I just wanted to let you know, the album for my Christian rock band, 189 00:10:23,759 --> 00:10:26,318 Faith + 1, is about to go platinum. 190 00:10:26,803 --> 00:10:27,585 It is?? 191 00:10:27,620 --> 00:10:30,302 That's right. We already sold thirteen copies. 192 00:10:30,303 --> 00:10:32,460 You wanna pay me that ten-dollar bet, Kyle? 193 00:10:35,114 --> 00:10:38,259 You get a platinum album for selling one million copies, you fat turd! 194 00:10:38,294 --> 00:10:39,991 It's just a matter of time, my friends. 195 00:10:39,992 --> 00:10:43,722 This weekend is Christfest. The single largest gathering of Christians in the Midwest. 196 00:10:43,723 --> 00:10:46,277 Each one of them a walkng, praying wallet full of cash. 197 00:10:46,278 --> 00:10:47,786 And I'll be there selling my album. 198 00:10:48,273 --> 00:10:50,230 You'll never get a platinum album doing Christian rock, Cartman! 199 00:10:50,231 --> 00:10:52,742 It was a stupid idea then, and it's a stupid idea now! 200 00:10:52,743 --> 00:10:54,742 Yeah, you don't even know anything about Christianity. 201 00:10:54,777 --> 00:10:56,475 I know enough to exploit it. 202 00:10:56,476 --> 00:10:57,476 Just get that ten bucks ready, Kyle. Tata! 203 00:10:59,686 --> 00:11:00,447 Go ahead! 204 00:11:00,448 --> 00:11:03,216 People will just download your songs for free on the Internet anyways! 205 00:11:03,251 --> 00:11:05,343 What a dumbass. Our band is way cooler than his. 206 00:11:05,378 --> 00:11:06,218 (Yeah.) 207 00:11:12,664 --> 00:11:15,733 Psalm T-Shirts! Get a T-Shirt with your favorite psalm! 208 00:11:15,768 --> 00:11:17,731 Leather-bound bibles. Show your faith. 209 00:11:18,405 --> 00:11:21,412 Yes, it's really the best Christian album that's evern been produced, actually.. 210 00:11:21,447 --> 00:11:23,685 Oh, this will be great for my grandchildren. 211 00:11:23,686 --> 00:11:26,878 They need hip cool music, but with inspirational lyrics. 212 00:11:27,081 --> 00:11:29,527 I think that's what the whole world needs, praise Christ. 213 00:11:29,562 --> 00:11:32,036 Huh we're not really Christians, we're just pretendin' we are. 214 00:11:34,430 --> 00:11:36,594 Butters, remind me later to cut your balls off. 215 00:11:36,629 --> 00:11:41,940 All right, everyone! Welcome to Christfest 2003! 216 00:11:42,689 --> 00:11:44,968 Are you ready for some live music? 217 00:11:46,735 --> 00:11:47,950 Yeah Jesus! 218 00:11:49,669 --> 00:11:54,625 Then let's give it up now for one of Christian rock's biggest bands! Trinity! 219 00:11:55,707 --> 00:12:00,404 The Shepherd and the Light, and His Word lifted me up 220 00:12:00,439 --> 00:12:05,205 And I praise His Holy Name wherever I go. 221 00:12:06,161 --> 00:12:06,823 Damnit! 222 00:12:06,824 --> 00:12:09,642 If we're gonna sell our hot Christian album, we have got to get on that stage! 223 00:12:09,799 --> 00:12:11,847 Hey is this the way to the backstage? 224 00:12:11,882 --> 00:12:12,698 Who are you? 225 00:12:12,733 --> 00:12:14,221 We're the band Sanctified. 226 00:12:14,222 --> 00:12:17,207 We play metal and punk, but with lyrics that inspire faith in Christ. 227 00:12:17,425 --> 00:12:20,572 Yeah. We proved that Christian music can be tough and hard core. 228 00:12:20,607 --> 00:12:22,278 Yeah, you guys are real hard core. 229 00:12:22,313 --> 00:12:24,546 You bet your gosh-darned rear end we are! 230 00:12:24,950 --> 00:12:27,338 All right, uhh, Sanctified, you guys are up next. 231 00:12:27,373 --> 00:12:28,967 Yeah! Let's do it! 232 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:32,925 Sent down from Heaven! The Spirit and the Glory! 233 00:12:32,960 --> 00:12:36,687 Eh hey guys, wait, uh, ..we wannaaa play with you before you go onstage. 234 00:12:36,722 --> 00:12:38,126 Well, that, that's cool. 235 00:12:38,161 --> 00:12:40,179 Always good to be praying before you're playin'. 236 00:12:40,214 --> 00:12:42,218 Let's just go over here so we can hear ourselves better. 237 00:12:42,219 --> 00:12:45,430 Lord, Father in Heaven, we thank you for all your blessings and we... 238 00:12:48,185 --> 00:12:50,689 Hey, Eric, I don't think they can get out. 239 00:12:54,400 --> 00:12:56,987 All right, Christians, how are you feeling tonight? 240 00:12:57,022 --> 00:13:00,689 Praise Jesus! Praise him! My Lord! 241 00:13:00,724 --> 00:13:04,212 Let's keep this salvation train going with the hot band, Sanctified! 242 00:13:04,902 --> 00:13:06,524 That's Faith + 1. 243 00:13:06,559 --> 00:13:08,406 Uh. Uh apparently there's been a change. 244 00:13:08,407 --> 00:13:12,235 Give it up for ... Faith + 1! 245 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:16,276 You know, Jesus? 246 00:13:16,277 --> 00:13:22,974 I've been thinking a lot about you lately and, well, that's why I wrote this song. 247 00:13:23,009 --> 00:13:29,410 I love you, Jesus. I want you to walk with me 248 00:13:29,800 --> 00:13:36,851 I'll take good care of you baby. Call you my baby, baby! 249 00:13:37,200 --> 00:13:43,456 You died for my sins, and you know that I would die for you, right? 250 00:13:43,491 --> 00:13:51,498 What's the matter, baby? You tremble at Jesus, baby! 251 00:13:51,499 --> 00:13:53,997 Your love... is my life! 252 00:13:53,998 --> 00:13:58,203 You know when I’m without you, there's a black hole in my life! Oo-ohhh! 253 00:13:58,238 --> 00:14:04,405 I wanna believe. It's all right, 'cause I get lonely in the night and it's up to you to 254 00:14:14,775 --> 00:14:17,212 Dude, I didn't know being in a band was gonna be this tough. 255 00:14:17,247 --> 00:14:18,141 Yeah, it's tough. 256 00:14:18,142 --> 00:14:21,042 But it's times like these that... you see what your band is made of. 257 00:14:21,043 --> 00:14:23,323 We've gotta fight through the rough times like Journey! 258 00:14:23,358 --> 00:14:27,820 "Tom, we're now entering the second day of the rock band MOOP's refusal to play, 259 00:14:27,821 --> 00:14:31,251 and the second day of absolutely no other news to report on. 260 00:14:31,252 --> 00:14:36,948 In a recent poll we asked people if MOOP's refusal to play would stop them from downloading music off the Internet. 261 00:14:36,949 --> 00:14:40,004 One percent said yes. Two percent said no. 262 00:14:40,005 --> 00:14:43,262 And ninety-seven percent said, "Who the hell is MOOP?!" 263 00:14:43,555 --> 00:14:44,774 Back to you, Tom. 264 00:14:44,809 --> 00:14:48,269 Hey, are you the guys protesting free Internet music downloading? 265 00:14:48,304 --> 00:14:49,837 Hey, it's that Lars Ulrich guy! 266 00:14:49,872 --> 00:14:53,345 That's right. Metallica is behind you dudes a thousand percent! 267 00:14:53,694 --> 00:14:57,644 We're gonna sit here and protest with you until free downloadin' stop, hyeah! 268 00:14:57,679 --> 00:15:01,088 Tom, it appears now the musicians' strike is growing! 269 00:15:01,089 --> 00:15:03,945 As I'm speaking, more musicians are arriving! 270 00:15:04,359 --> 00:15:11,538 It looks like Alanis Morissette, Blink 182, Britney Spears, and dozens of others are going to join MOOP in not playing music. 271 00:15:11,539 --> 00:15:14,054 This is a veritable Strikapalooza! 272 00:15:19,222 --> 00:15:23,170 Guys, we here at Faith Records were very moved by your performance at Christfest. 273 00:15:23,171 --> 00:15:26,071 You're one of the most talented Christian rock bands we've ever heard! 274 00:15:26,807 --> 00:15:30,295 Thank you so much. Christ has really blessed us with talent. 275 00:15:31,543 --> 00:15:36,447 We just have one question, though. We were looking over some of your lyrics, uh... 276 00:15:36,448 --> 00:15:40,990 "I want to walk hand-in-hand with Jesus on a private beach for two." 277 00:15:40,991 --> 00:15:45,213 "I want him to nibble on my ear and say 'I'm here for you." 278 00:15:45,214 --> 00:15:48,384 Ih it seams you really love Christ. 279 00:15:48,419 --> 00:15:49,818 Yes, we sure do. 280 00:15:49,853 --> 00:15:54,014 Eh no but ih it appears you are actually... in love with Christ. 281 00:15:56,009 --> 00:15:58,850 Well what are you saying? That, that you don't really love Christ?? 282 00:15:58,885 --> 00:16:01,055 Well uh of course I do. I mean I just- 283 00:16:01,090 --> 00:16:03,283 Well what's the difference?! You love Christ, you're in love with Christ, 284 00:16:03,284 --> 00:16:04,719 I mean, uh, what the heck is this?? 285 00:16:04,754 --> 00:16:07,833 Uh, we'd just like to make sure the bands we sign are in it for God, 286 00:16:07,834 --> 00:16:08,834 and not for the money. 287 00:16:09,011 --> 00:16:13,016 I resent that, sir! I have never in my life done anything just for the money! 288 00:16:13,428 --> 00:16:15,863 If I'm lying may the Lord strike me down right now. 289 00:16:16,858 --> 00:16:18,131 Uhm, oh. 290 00:16:19,233 --> 00:16:23,279 That's- all we needed to know. Just, sign here and we'll get your album sold. 291 00:16:23,836 --> 00:16:28,758 K-tal Records presents the most inspirational Christian rock band in the world! 292 00:16:28,759 --> 00:16:30,513 Faith + 1, 293 00:16:30,514 --> 00:16:33,580 ...featuring the very best in good, wholesome Christian music. 294 00:16:33,764 --> 00:16:36,309 Oh Lord you are my Savior! 295 00:16:36,310 --> 00:16:37,310 You know I miss you so much when you are gone. 296 00:16:39,866 --> 00:16:43,806 With great inspirational songs like "I Wasn't Born Again Yesterday"... 297 00:16:43,841 --> 00:16:49,570 Yes I may be born again, but I was wasn't born again yesterday. 298 00:16:49,605 --> 00:16:53,200 I wanna get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus! 299 00:16:53,201 --> 00:16:56,443 I wanna feel his salvation all over my face! 300 00:16:56,478 --> 00:16:59,200 The CD is filled with instant classics. 301 00:16:59,201 --> 00:17:00,201 Who doesn't remember... 302 00:17:00,842 --> 00:17:04,352 The Body of Christ! Sleek swimmer's body, all muscled up and toned! 303 00:17:04,466 --> 00:17:08,049 The Body of Christ! O, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own! 304 00:17:08,348 --> 00:17:14,548 You're one time, two times, three times my Savior... 305 00:17:14,583 --> 00:17:17,348 Whenever I see Jesus up on that Cross 306 00:17:17,349 --> 00:17:20,135 I can't help but think that he looks kinda hot... 307 00:17:20,170 --> 00:17:24,043 This album is not available in stores and limited quantities are available, 308 00:17:24,044 --> 00:17:25,044 ...so order now! 309 00:17:29,000 --> 00:17:30,623 I can't take this much longer. 310 00:17:30,624 --> 00:17:32,845 Maybe we're just, not cut out to be in a band. 311 00:17:32,880 --> 00:17:34,767 You guys, we can't give up on our dreams now! 312 00:17:34,768 --> 00:17:37,075 As soon as this strike ends, we're gonna be the biggest band ever! 313 00:17:37,110 --> 00:17:41,072 Yeah, if we all give in now, people might never stop downloading our music for free! 314 00:17:41,107 --> 00:17:43,887 I'm sure we're gonna get word any minute that people have agreed to stop. 315 00:17:46,064 --> 00:17:48,517 Certified letter for the rock band MOOP? 316 00:17:48,552 --> 00:17:49,490 That's us! 317 00:17:52,167 --> 00:17:53,027 Dear MOOP. 318 00:17:53,028 --> 00:17:58,074 This letter is to inform you that Faith Plus One's debut album has just sold one million copies. 319 00:17:58,850 --> 00:17:59,387 What?? 320 00:17:59,422 --> 00:18:02,546 We cordially invite you to attend the platinum album award ceremony, 321 00:18:02,547 --> 00:18:04,397 which will be held tomorrow morning at ten. 322 00:18:04,398 --> 00:18:06,582 Details and proof of sales enclosed. 323 00:18:06,583 --> 00:18:11,041 P.S. Nananana na na. Hahahaha ha ha. 324 00:18:12,518 --> 00:18:15,110 He did it. Cartman got a platinum album. 325 00:18:15,145 --> 00:18:17,157 Is this for real?? This is for real! 326 00:18:17,192 --> 00:18:18,382 He beat us. 327 00:18:18,383 --> 00:18:21,526 Because all this time we've been so caught up with how to protect our music 328 00:18:21,527 --> 00:18:22,527 ...that we forgot to just play. 329 00:18:22,951 --> 00:18:25,393 But why play if we're not gonna make millions of dollars. 330 00:18:25,717 --> 00:18:27,376 Because that's what real artists do. 331 00:18:27,377 --> 00:18:30,492 People are always gonna find a way to copy our music and swap it for free. 332 00:18:30,493 --> 00:18:34,616 If we're real musicians, then we should just play and be stoked that so many people are listening. 333 00:18:34,651 --> 00:18:36,973 Besides, maybe our sound would have gotten downloaded for free, 334 00:18:36,974 --> 00:18:40,457 but if they were good songs then people still would have bought tickets to see our band in concert. 335 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:43,717 From now on, MOOP isn't about money. MOOP is about music! 336 00:18:43,718 --> 00:18:46,368 We're not striking anymore! Who's with us?! 337 00:18:47,824 --> 00:18:49,339 ...We're just about the money. 338 00:18:49,374 --> 00:18:50,581 Yeah, yeah. 339 00:18:50,616 --> 00:18:51,968 Oh. 340 00:18:52,003 --> 00:18:55,217 So... Dude, what are you gonna do about your bet with Cartman. Are you- gonna pay 'im? 341 00:18:55,252 --> 00:18:56,499 I don't have a choice, dude. 342 00:18:56,500 --> 00:19:00,088 I'm gonna swallow my pride, face Cartman, and say "Congratulations. You were right" 343 00:19:00,089 --> 00:19:01,664 And I'm gonna give him the ten dollars. 344 00:19:01,665 --> 00:19:04,155 And hopefully, he won't make a big deal out of it. 345 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:14,380 Welcome! Welcome everyone! 346 00:19:14,381 --> 00:19:16,619 Please enjoy! The presentation should begin shortly. 347 00:19:16,654 --> 00:19:18,033 Cartman, what the hell is all this? 348 00:19:18,068 --> 00:19:20,361 Our platinum album ceremony. I spared no expense. 349 00:19:20,396 --> 00:19:21,969 But you spent all the money we made! 350 00:19:22,004 --> 00:19:25,942 We're Faith Plus One, Token, there'll be plenty more money. Relax and enjoy, black asshole. 351 00:19:25,943 --> 00:19:28,161 There's hors d'oeuvres and drinks by the Ferris wheel, everyone! 352 00:19:28,768 --> 00:19:31,785 Oh Kyle, guys, so nice to see you! 353 00:19:31,820 --> 00:19:34,881 Let's just get this over with, Cartman. You won the bet, here's ten dollars. 354 00:19:34,916 --> 00:19:36,881 Oh nonononono, not yet, Kyle. Hold on. 355 00:19:36,882 --> 00:19:39,189 Everyone! Everyone, can I have your attention please? 356 00:19:41,621 --> 00:19:43,355 We like to praise Christ! 357 00:19:43,390 --> 00:19:46,835 Yes, yes, thank you thank you. Praise Him. I think we're ready to start now. 358 00:19:49,353 --> 00:19:53,048 Welcome to the presentation ceremony for Faith Plus One. 359 00:19:55,117 --> 00:19:57,976 And now to present the award, here's Michael Collins. 360 00:19:58,405 --> 00:20:00,338 This is the worse day of my life. 361 00:20:00,373 --> 00:20:02,679 Ahhh, this is the best day of my life. 362 00:20:02,714 --> 00:20:06,065 Boys, in recognition for over one million records sold, 363 00:20:06,066 --> 00:20:10,570 the Christian Recording Industry is please to present you with this Myrrh album. 364 00:20:12,186 --> 00:20:14,319 Thank you very uh- wah? Myrrh album? 365 00:20:14,320 --> 00:20:16,230 I thought albums win either gold or platinum. 366 00:20:16,265 --> 00:20:19,410 Nono, in Christian rock, our albums go gold and frankincense and myrrh. 367 00:20:19,411 --> 00:20:20,313 Congratulations! 368 00:20:20,796 --> 00:20:24,274 Ha! Our bet was that you would get a platinum album, not a myrrh album! 369 00:20:24,275 --> 00:20:25,858 I don't owe you anything, fat boy! 370 00:20:26,591 --> 00:20:29,142 You mean to tell me I could never get a platinum album with a Christian rock band?! 371 00:20:29,177 --> 00:20:30,633 No, but you can go double myrrh. 372 00:20:32,583 --> 00:20:34,243 GOD DAMNIT!! 373 00:20:36,062 --> 00:20:38,071 Oh, please don't take the Lord's Name in vain. 374 00:20:38,106 --> 00:20:42,151 Who cares?! I can never win my bet because you stupid assholes don't give out platinum albums! 375 00:20:42,186 --> 00:20:44,733 But you spread the Word of the Lord. You've brought faith in Jesus. 376 00:20:44,768 --> 00:20:46,352 OH, FUCK JESUS!! 377 00:20:48,687 --> 00:20:52,089 Eric, I-I'm pretty sure you shouldn't say the F-word about-uh Jesus. 378 00:20:52,124 --> 00:20:53,659 Yeah. You're gonna hurt the band. 379 00:20:53,694 --> 00:20:58,668 Who fuckin' cares, Token?! I could never beat Kyle now! I'll say it again! Fuck Jesus! 380 00:20:59,723 --> 00:21:01,215 My ears are bleeding! 381 00:21:01,250 --> 00:21:03,639 Good job, dickhead! You lost the entire audience! 382 00:21:03,674 --> 00:21:05,935 Ah, fuck you, Token! You black asshole! 383 00:21:14,407 --> 00:21:16,531 Hm. Guess he got what he deserved. 384 00:21:27,094 --> 00:21:29,222 Fuck you, Eric.