1 00:00:35,327 --> 00:00:39,878 Well Tom and Mary, you've made it to the final round. Are you ready to play for the grand prize? 2 00:00:40,007 --> 00:00:43,238 - We're ready Bob! - Any particular prize you're hoping for? 3 00:00:43,367 --> 00:00:46,279 Well Hawaii's nice but Tahiti would be fun too! 4 00:00:46,407 --> 00:00:50,536 - Aww anywhere would be great. - Holidays and digidays, I wish you luck. Here we go. 5 00:00:50,540 --> 00:00:56,565 What is the thin flap of skin that runs from the base of the penis, to the scrotum? 6 00:00:58,767 --> 00:01:00,246 Oh, oh wait wait, I know this. 7 00:01:01,527 --> 00:01:03,961 The... upper vascular hood! 8 00:01:04,087 --> 00:01:07,124 I'm sorry but you're absolutely right! 9 00:01:09,927 --> 00:01:13,840 - Let's tell them what they've won. - Tom and Mary, put on your travel hats 10 00:01:13,967 --> 00:01:17,721 because you're going to beautiful South Park, Colorado. 11 00:01:17,847 --> 00:01:20,520 - Where? - That's right. Just in time for Cow Days, 12 00:01:20,647 --> 00:01:25,363 the world's 45th biggest rodeo and carnival. Every fall South Park celebrates Cow Days. 13 00:01:25,370 --> 00:01:30,118 And you're gonna be a part of it. You'll stay at the fabulous Super 7 Hotel on Bernard Road. 14 00:01:30,407 --> 00:01:36,004 And enjoy festivities including prizes rides, and of course the world famous Running of the Cows. 15 00:01:36,127 --> 00:01:38,322 Congradulations Tom & Mary. 16 00:01:38,447 --> 00:01:42,599 - Well Tom, Mary, you must be very excited. - What was second prize again? 17 00:01:42,727 --> 00:01:46,959 That's all for now. See you tomorrow on... "Ooh what the hell is that!" 18 00:01:48,060 --> 00:01:49,160 Shit. 19 00:01:51,647 --> 00:01:56,880 Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to kick off the 14th annual South Park Cow Days! 20 00:01:57,767 --> 00:02:01,104 As most of you know, Cow Days is when we all get together 21 00:02:01,105 --> 00:02:04,405 to celebrate and thank the noble gentle cow. 22 00:02:05,527 --> 00:02:08,519 And now the chairman of Cow Days, Jimbo Kerns! 23 00:02:09,087 --> 00:02:14,161 This year is a very special Cow Days because we are revealing our all new Cow Memorial. 24 00:02:14,327 --> 00:02:18,161 Which will live forever in South Park from this day forth. Release the curtain! 25 00:02:24,247 --> 00:02:26,498 This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. 26 00:02:26,499 --> 00:02:28,799 Now Mary, this is our only vacation for years. 27 00:02:28,807 --> 00:02:32,218 - We have to make the best of it. - You're right, I'm sorry honey. 28 00:02:32,219 --> 00:02:33,819 We just need to stay positive. 29 00:02:34,007 --> 00:02:39,604 Now get out to the carnival and enjoy the amazing rides and the wonderful games. 30 00:02:42,247 --> 00:02:44,879 Hey come over here kids, win fabulous prizes. 31 00:02:44,880 --> 00:02:47,880 Wow dude, check it out. We can win Terrance and Phillip dolls! 32 00:02:49,087 --> 00:02:51,174 Are those real Terrance and Phillip dolls? They look all crappy. 33 00:02:51,175 --> 00:02:52,675 Yeah they look like cheap ripoffs. 34 00:02:52,767 --> 00:02:55,237 - Sure they're real. They're even made in Canada. - Really? 35 00:02:55,238 --> 00:02:59,238 Yeah look, they're even signed by Terrance and Phillip themselves. 36 00:02:59,367 --> 00:03:02,325 - Dude, that kicks ass! - Oh god damn I gotta win those. How much to play? 37 00:03:02,447 --> 00:03:05,757 - Five dollars for 3 balls. - Five dollars! Jesus Christ! 38 00:03:05,887 --> 00:03:09,766 Dont worry kid, it's easy. You just gotta put one ball through Jennifer Love Hewit's mouth. 39 00:03:09,887 --> 00:03:12,447 - That's easy. - Ok we got a player! 40 00:03:12,567 --> 00:03:14,398 Guys check it out. 41 00:03:15,367 --> 00:03:18,757 - Damn it. - OK son, you still got two balls to try and get through her yapper. 42 00:03:18,887 --> 00:03:21,003 Take this Jennifer Love Hewit! 43 00:03:22,447 --> 00:03:24,438 - You suck Cartman. - I'd like to see you do better. 44 00:03:24,567 --> 00:03:26,239 Give me that. 45 00:03:28,287 --> 00:03:31,345 - Hey! It hit her right in the mouth! - It's gotta go through her mouth. 46 00:03:31,346 --> 00:03:33,746 - But it... - Sorry kid, try again. Just 5 more dollars. 47 00:03:33,767 --> 00:03:35,758 Come on Cartman, give me some money. 48 00:03:36,487 --> 00:03:39,559 - Lend me money fat boy! - I only have 3 dollars left asshole! 49 00:03:39,687 --> 00:03:42,724 Damn it! Come on, I'll try to get more money from my mom. 50 00:03:42,847 --> 00:03:46,886 Ok everybody, it's time for the running of the cows. 51 00:03:48,687 --> 00:03:51,599 - Mom, give me some money! - Kyle what are you doing here? This is very dangerous! 52 00:03:51,767 --> 00:03:53,946 I need 17 dollars so we can win Terrance and Phillip dolls. 53 00:03:53,947 --> 00:03:56,747 Kyle get back into the carnival this instant, you can't be out on the streets. 54 00:03:56,887 --> 00:04:00,300 - I will if you give me money. - OK here! - Sweet. 55 00:04:00,687 --> 00:04:05,477 Ok everybody ok...settle down! I know you're all anxious to get to the running of the cows, 56 00:04:05,607 --> 00:04:08,480 but let me remind you, those brave sould who have decided 57 00:04:08,481 --> 00:04:11,281 to run against the cows do so at their own risk. 58 00:04:11,327 --> 00:04:15,957 I don't think I have to remind you that 3 people died in last year's running of the cows. 59 00:04:17,487 --> 00:04:19,364 Enough said! Let's rock n roll!! 60 00:04:22,207 --> 00:04:24,767 Everybody ready to run? 61 00:04:24,967 --> 00:04:27,322 Release the cows! 62 00:04:31,047 --> 00:04:34,005 They're loose! 63 00:04:53,687 --> 00:04:56,884 Ok, we got 15 dollars between us. That means we got 9 balls to throw. 64 00:04:57,007 --> 00:04:59,077 I only need one dude, I only need one. 65 00:04:59,487 --> 00:05:04,686 Come one come all. Get in line for the chamber of farts. 66 00:05:04,807 --> 00:05:07,799 - What's that? - Dare you enter the chamber of farts? 67 00:05:07,927 --> 00:05:09,838 - How much is it? - Just 3 tickets boys. 68 00:05:09,967 --> 00:05:13,403 Dare you enter the chamber of farts! 69 00:05:13,527 --> 00:05:16,917 - Is it like a haunted house or something? - Sure, it's very scary! 70 00:05:17,047 --> 00:05:21,484 Let's see, each ticked is a dollar, so 3 tickets is like 2.25.... 71 00:05:21,607 --> 00:05:23,806 Nope, we can't dude. We have to win the Terrance and Phillip dolls. 72 00:05:23,807 --> 00:05:26,507 Aw come one you guys. We'll still have plenty of money left over. 73 00:05:26,527 --> 00:05:29,405 - You better be right, dude. - I'm right! 74 00:05:31,167 --> 00:05:33,317 Keep your hands in at all times. 75 00:05:37,047 --> 00:05:41,643 So, the chamber of farts has another victim ay? 76 00:05:41,767 --> 00:05:45,396 Don't be afraid, there aren't any ghouls here. 77 00:05:45,527 --> 00:05:47,757 Only farts! 78 00:05:48,327 --> 00:05:50,318 Ah god damn it! 79 00:05:53,927 --> 00:05:58,796 - What the hell was that? - Perhaps you need some MORE FARTS! 80 00:06:01,567 --> 00:06:04,206 - Alright boys, ride's over. - What? That was the dumbest ride I've ever seen. 81 00:06:04,327 --> 00:06:06,212 Man what the hell kind of carnival company are you? 82 00:06:06,213 --> 00:06:08,513 I don't know what you guys are talkin about, that scared the crap out of me. 83 00:06:08,647 --> 00:06:09,867 That was a waste of money Cartman. 84 00:06:09,868 --> 00:06:14,068 Hey if you guys wanna great ride, get in this line. It's only 7 tickets. 85 00:06:14,127 --> 00:06:17,087 We can't. We're saving our money for the balls in Jennifer Love Hewit's mouth game. 86 00:06:17,088 --> 00:06:21,488 Aw will you relax you pinkeye! We have plenty of money! 87 00:06:22,167 --> 00:06:24,044 Come on you guys! It'll be sweet! 88 00:06:52,447 --> 00:06:55,086 - This ride better be good. - Yeah this line is way too long. 89 00:06:55,207 --> 00:06:58,722 - I think we're almost to the end. - We better be, we've been in line for almost an hour! 90 00:06:58,847 --> 00:07:01,202 - Here we go. - Finally! 91 00:07:01,327 --> 00:07:04,239 - Did you enjoy the ride? - What ride? 92 00:07:04,367 --> 00:07:08,042 This was the line ride. A real life simmulator of a long line. 93 00:07:08,167 --> 00:07:11,364 - You gotta be kidding me. - That's five tickets thank you very much. 94 00:07:11,487 --> 00:07:14,001 - Come see us again soon! - My ass we will! 95 00:07:14,127 --> 00:07:18,279 Well Cartman, this is just my opinion, but I think the line ride sucked donkey balls! 96 00:07:18,407 --> 00:07:19,739 Yeah, let's not ride that ride again. 97 00:07:19,740 --> 00:07:22,340 Would you like to buy a photo of you boys enjoying the line ride? 98 00:07:24,127 --> 00:07:26,004 - How much? - Just 3 dollars. 99 00:07:26,127 --> 00:07:28,687 - Oh. That's that's pretty sweet. - You dumbass Cartman! 100 00:07:28,807 --> 00:07:31,196 - What. This is cool! - No it's not cool! - That's cool! 101 00:07:31,327 --> 00:07:34,922 - Can I help you boys? - We're gonna try to win those Terrance and Phillip dolls again. 102 00:07:35,047 --> 00:07:39,006 - Ok, 5 dollars for 3 balls. - How much do we have left Cartman? 103 00:07:39,127 --> 00:07:42,403 - How much do we have left Cartman? - Uh... 3 dollars. 104 00:07:42,527 --> 00:07:44,749 What? You said we have plenty of money Cartman! 105 00:07:44,750 --> 00:07:47,350 Yeah but I didn't take it to account that I suck at math. 106 00:07:47,407 --> 00:07:49,796 You son of a bitch!!! 107 00:07:53,047 --> 00:07:56,483 Well Cartman, thanks to you we don't have any money left to win the Terrance and Phillip dolls. 108 00:07:56,607 --> 00:08:00,646 - Well I'm sorry! - Sorry's not good enough! What are you gonna do about it? 109 00:08:00,767 --> 00:08:03,903 Hey, I bet Kenny has some food stamps on him! - What, these? 110 00:08:04,327 --> 00:08:07,444 - Sir, will you take food stamps for 3 balls? - Sure as long as they're good. 111 00:08:07,567 --> 00:08:09,842 Give em your food stamps Kenny. 112 00:08:09,967 --> 00:08:11,480 Come on dude! I can do it! I'm sure! 113 00:08:11,481 --> 00:08:14,481 I'm gonna die without fucking food stamps! I have nothing to eat without any food stamps! 114 00:08:14,527 --> 00:08:17,724 Damn it Kenny! Don't be such a food stamphog. Share with the rest of your friends. 115 00:08:18,967 --> 00:08:20,640 Ok here we go. 116 00:08:21,767 --> 00:08:24,645 - Hey! That was right on target! - Sorry kid, try again. 117 00:08:26,647 --> 00:08:30,242 - That does it! Shenanigans! Shenanigans!!! - What are you doing? 118 00:08:30,367 --> 00:08:33,757 - I'm declaring Shenanigans on you. This game is rigged. - Shenanigans? 119 00:08:33,887 --> 00:08:36,092 - What's all the hoo-hah? - Officer Barbrady, 120 00:08:36,093 --> 00:08:38,193 I wanna declare Shenanigans on this carnival operator. 121 00:08:38,287 --> 00:08:41,438 - Why? - This game is fixed. The balls are bigger than Jennifer Love Hewit's mouth! 122 00:08:41,567 --> 00:08:45,606 If that is true, then your declaration of Shenanigans is just. 123 00:08:45,727 --> 00:08:47,889 What do you have to say Carnival operator? 124 00:08:47,890 --> 00:08:53,000 Look the kid was really close, he still has another ball left. Just try again son. 125 00:08:53,087 --> 00:08:54,918 Here you go. 126 00:08:55,807 --> 00:08:58,719 - There you see we have a winnah! - It worked! 127 00:08:58,847 --> 00:09:02,467 Yes, man you can't just go declaring shenanigans on innocent people, 128 00:09:02,468 --> 00:09:05,068 that's how wars get started! - Sorry Officer Buttbaby. 129 00:09:05,087 --> 00:09:06,964 - Barbrady! - Oh I'm sorry what did I say? 130 00:09:07,087 --> 00:09:09,396 You said buttbaby. 131 00:09:11,367 --> 00:09:15,599 Ok kids you won. You get to pick between the Barbie Pocket Mirror and the Bon Jovi toothpick. 132 00:09:15,727 --> 00:09:17,836 No dude, I want the Terrance and Phillip dolls up there. 133 00:09:17,837 --> 00:09:20,737 Oh no no no. You gotta win 7 times to earn those. 134 00:09:20,807 --> 00:09:25,244 You win 7 Bon Jovi toothpicks, then you can trade em in for the Terrance and Phillip dolls. 135 00:09:25,367 --> 00:09:28,826 You dirty son of a bitch! You never told us we had to win.... 136 00:09:28,827 --> 00:09:30,227 Step on up! Just 5 dollars to play! 137 00:09:30,367 --> 00:09:32,246 Damn it I have to have those dolls! 138 00:09:32,247 --> 00:09:34,047 It's hopeless we're never gonna have enough money to win. 139 00:09:34,087 --> 00:09:37,602 Wait a minute, I got it. The bullriding contest. 140 00:09:37,727 --> 00:09:40,195 Cartman could ride a bull and try to win 5000 dollars. 141 00:09:41,287 --> 00:09:46,566 Think about it dude. 5000 dollars. That's 1000 set of balls, that's 3000 balls! 142 00:09:46,687 --> 00:09:48,241 We'd HAVE to win enough to get the dolls! 143 00:09:48,242 --> 00:09:50,142 What the hell makes you think Cartman rides a bull? 144 00:09:50,287 --> 00:09:53,597 Because you spent all of our money on those stupid rides fatass! 145 00:09:53,727 --> 00:09:56,893 And either you're getting on a bull or I'm gonna break your fucking head open! 146 00:09:56,894 --> 00:09:59,394 Ok... I'll get on a bull. 147 00:09:59,447 --> 00:10:02,519 Alright, now come on you have to practice! 148 00:10:02,647 --> 00:10:04,922 - He really wants those dolls. - I guess. Damn! 149 00:10:07,447 --> 00:10:11,963 - That ride wasn't very good. - Now mary you promised me we'd try to have a good time. 150 00:10:12,087 --> 00:10:15,523 You're right, I'm sorry honey. I'll try and have a good time. 151 00:10:36,767 --> 00:10:39,293 Alright, this mechanical bull is gonna help you practice for the real thing Cartman. 152 00:10:39,294 --> 00:10:40,494 Hey this is sweet. 153 00:10:40,567 --> 00:10:44,719 - You gotta try and stay on for 10 seconds ok, Cartman? - I'll try, 10 seconds is a long time. 154 00:10:44,847 --> 00:10:47,520 We'll start on the slowest setting and work our way up. Ready? Go! 155 00:10:51,007 --> 00:10:52,486 Son...of..a...bitch. 156 00:10:52,607 --> 00:10:55,201 - How long was that? - That wasn't quite 10 seconds. 157 00:10:55,327 --> 00:10:58,032 Damn it. That wasn't 10 seconds Cartman, you have to do better than that. 158 00:10:58,033 --> 00:11:00,133 You guys... seriously... my back... 159 00:11:00,287 --> 00:11:02,033 Get back on fatass, you have to practice! 160 00:11:02,034 --> 00:11:03,774 Seriously... help... 161 00:11:05,007 --> 00:11:07,237 screw you guys... hate you guys... 162 00:11:07,367 --> 00:11:09,756 - What'd you say Cartman? - Hate you guys.... 163 00:11:09,887 --> 00:11:13,197 - I think he said he wants to practice on a real bull. - ...hate you guys... 164 00:11:29,247 --> 00:11:33,638 Be careful with old Bob here. He ain't much for ridin anymore, but he's all I got. 165 00:11:33,767 --> 00:11:37,965 Well he'll have to do. Cartman has to get some practice with a real bull. - Well have fun boys. 166 00:11:38,087 --> 00:11:39,884 - Ok Cartman, you ready? - No... 167 00:11:40,007 --> 00:11:42,043 Open the gates! 168 00:11:45,807 --> 00:11:48,605 Hey hey, get down. This is my kind of bull ride. 169 00:11:48,727 --> 00:11:52,606 - That bull sucks, he's not even bucking or anything. - Ooh this is sweet. 170 00:11:52,727 --> 00:11:54,800 - What are you gonna do? - Hit the bull in the balls with a snowball. 171 00:11:54,800 --> 00:11:56,163 Oh yeah that's a good idea! 172 00:11:59,687 --> 00:12:01,245 - That's better. - Hold on, Cartman. 173 00:12:01,407 --> 00:12:05,286 Seriuosly you guys! Seriuosly, stop this crazy thing! Motherf... 174 00:12:08,767 --> 00:12:11,839 Get up Cartman, you're still not staying on long enough. 175 00:12:11,967 --> 00:12:13,923 Come on Cartman. 176 00:12:14,166 --> 00:12:15,724 Oh my god! They killed Cartman! 177 00:12:15,800 --> 00:12:17,323 No we didn't kill him! He's still breathing. 178 00:12:17,447 --> 00:12:18,960 Get up! 179 00:12:19,767 --> 00:12:21,485 Get up!! 180 00:12:24,127 --> 00:12:26,595 You ok dude? 181 00:12:26,727 --> 00:12:28,763 Ca..cartman...hell..loo.... 182 00:12:30,687 --> 00:12:32,245 Dude, I think we broke him. 183 00:12:34,327 --> 00:12:38,206 Boys I'm afraid your fat little friend has suffered head trauma. - What's the matter with him? 184 00:12:38,327 --> 00:12:42,240 Apparently he thinks he's a Vietnamese prostitute named Ming Li. 185 00:12:42,847 --> 00:12:45,036 - But can he still ride a bull? - What? 186 00:12:45,037 --> 00:12:46,926 We need him to win the bullriding contest so we can get 187 00:12:46,927 --> 00:12:48,127 Terrance and Phillip dolls. Can he still do it? 188 00:12:48,247 --> 00:12:52,479 - No boys, you need to take him home and let him get plenty of sleep. - Damn it! 189 00:12:53,607 --> 00:12:55,199 Cartman, Cartman, can you hear me? 190 00:12:56,156 --> 00:13:00,037 - Shirley bonsier! - What? - Oh yong shantar yo mother. 191 00:13:01,527 --> 00:13:03,438 - Oh he's fine, dude. - You think? 192 00:13:05,327 --> 00:13:07,238 Yeah dude, let's get his ass to the rodeo. 193 00:13:07,367 --> 00:13:10,643 Alright damn it! We are not going to stand for this. 194 00:13:10,767 --> 00:13:15,795 Now whoever stole our Golden Cow Memorial, we're gonna find you and kill you! 195 00:13:19,567 --> 00:13:23,953 Allright. Ok, whoever took the sacred cow just please return it 196 00:13:23,954 --> 00:13:25,871 and there'll be no questions asked. 197 00:13:27,687 --> 00:13:29,645 Wait a minute, you folks from outta town. 198 00:13:29,646 --> 00:13:33,546 You're the only ones with the reason to take our beloved cow memorial. 199 00:13:33,687 --> 00:13:37,077 Where are we going to put a 60 foot tall statue of a cow? 200 00:13:37,207 --> 00:13:42,076 - I think maybe you'll answer that downtown, tourists. - Oh my god! 201 00:13:44,327 --> 00:13:47,764 - How's he doing? - He still thinks he's a Vietnamese prostitute. 202 00:13:50,047 --> 00:13:53,164 - You think he can ride the bull? - Yeah I think so. - Cool! 203 00:13:53,287 --> 00:13:56,882 Hora... hora plee sojuboy! 204 00:13:57,007 --> 00:14:00,317 Hora... sojuboy... me so horny. Me love you long time. 205 00:14:00,447 --> 00:14:05,680 - No way kid! You're grossing me out! - Huro saki saki!! 206 00:14:05,807 --> 00:14:07,320 Beat it kid! Come on honey. 207 00:14:07,447 --> 00:14:10,519 Come one, come all. Chamber of Farts has been fixed and reopened! 208 00:14:13,047 --> 00:14:14,799 - Geezes dude. - Hey, where's Cartman? 209 00:14:15,767 --> 00:14:17,700 - Oh hell. - I don't know where he is. 210 00:14:17,767 --> 00:14:19,999 Kenny you go find Cartman, we have to go sign him up for the bull ride. 211 00:14:22,727 --> 00:14:27,164 - It's so cold here. - Where is that Sherriff? We need water! 212 00:14:27,287 --> 00:14:31,565 - Oh well let's try to make the best of it Mary. - You're right, we're not being positive. 213 00:14:31,687 --> 00:14:36,158 - At least we get some time alone. - Yeah and at least we've got our health. 214 00:14:37,167 --> 00:14:40,523 - I tell you Mitchell, I ain't ever seen nothing like it. - Where are they again? 215 00:14:40,647 --> 00:14:42,922 Just right up over this ridge. 216 00:14:51,767 --> 00:14:54,707 That's what they've been doing all morning. Sittin there and mooing. 217 00:14:54,708 --> 00:14:56,008 And more cows come all the time. 218 00:14:56,127 --> 00:14:59,051 Well I ain't never seen this before it neither. But I know one thing, 219 00:14:59,100 --> 00:15:05,039 when cows start gettin together it can't be good. They might start forming a cult! - Cow cult. 220 00:15:07,967 --> 00:15:12,165 Welcome to the Annual Bull Riding Rodeo! 221 00:15:12,287 --> 00:15:16,917 Once again the Bull Riding event, grand prize 5000 dollars! 222 00:15:18,527 --> 00:15:20,700 Kenny, where the hell is Cartman? 223 00:15:20,701 --> 00:15:23,545 - I dunno! I couldn't find him! - He's up in like 20 minutes! 224 00:15:26,007 --> 00:15:27,759 There he is! 225 00:15:27,887 --> 00:15:29,843 Suki suki! Five dolla! 226 00:15:37,487 --> 00:15:38,966 Here they are just like we told you. 227 00:15:43,247 --> 00:15:46,319 Ok that's enough of that. You cows need to disperse! 228 00:15:47,487 --> 00:15:51,605 Alright? Bad cows! You hear me? BAD COWS!!! 229 00:15:51,727 --> 00:15:54,002 Alright Ned, you're gonna have to bust out the whip. 230 00:15:55,207 --> 00:15:58,244 Hya. Get along little doggies. 231 00:16:01,007 --> 00:16:03,805 Bad cows... stay... 232 00:16:06,487 --> 00:16:08,478 Holy smokes! Play dead Ned! 233 00:16:08,607 --> 00:16:12,361 - I reckon we should get some help. - I reckon. 234 00:16:12,487 --> 00:16:14,349 Don't be nervous Cartman, this is gonna be cake. 235 00:16:14,350 --> 00:16:16,050 Yeah, then those Terrance and Phillip dolls will be ours. 236 00:16:16,127 --> 00:16:20,200 - Suki suki aight? - Opers number 24, Jack McMack! 237 00:16:21,527 --> 00:16:24,087 3,2,1! 238 00:16:30,407 --> 00:16:32,204 Ooh. That's gonna cost him a point deduction. 239 00:16:33,687 --> 00:16:38,761 - Up next #14, Ming Li! - 8 Dolla, 8dolla! You give me 8 dolla socia boy! 240 00:16:38,887 --> 00:16:42,084 - Here we go! - Dude, I'm having second thoughts about this. - What do you mean? 241 00:16:42,247 --> 00:16:44,185 I'm starting to think that maybe it's wrong to put someone 242 00:16:44,186 --> 00:16:45,586 who thinks they're a Vietnamese prostitute on a bull. 243 00:16:45,647 --> 00:16:47,444 Let her go! 244 00:16:49,687 --> 00:16:52,406 Hang on Cartman! 245 00:16:52,487 --> 00:16:55,901 Whoa, and this Vietnamese prostitute can really ride a bull! 246 00:16:55,902 --> 00:16:58,902 I guess she's had a lot of practice if you know what I mean. 247 00:16:59,767 --> 00:17:03,043 Ahhh! Ten dolla! 10 dolla socia boy! 248 00:17:03,167 --> 00:17:07,683 - She's setting a new world record! - Ming Li Ming Li! Ming Li! 249 00:17:10,967 --> 00:17:14,277 - Dude, that bull's gonna kill him. - Go help him Kenny! 250 00:17:14,378 --> 00:17:18,078 Uh uh! I know what's gonna happen alright! 251 00:17:18,167 --> 00:17:20,806 - Oh my god they killed Kenny! - You bastards! 252 00:17:21,927 --> 00:17:26,045 And this brave little whore from the East, has really put on a show for us today! 253 00:17:26,167 --> 00:17:29,637 The winner of the bullriding contest, Ming Li! 254 00:17:29,767 --> 00:17:31,246 Ooh suki suki? Only ten dolla. 255 00:17:32,327 --> 00:17:33,555 We did it dude, we did it! 256 00:17:38,527 --> 00:17:40,245 Freeze cows! 257 00:17:40,367 --> 00:17:45,395 The game is over! You will now return to your respective towns! 258 00:17:45,527 --> 00:17:49,315 Ya hear that cows? You're surrounded! There's no way out! 259 00:17:49,447 --> 00:17:55,363 You will now all march in an ordely fashion, into this trailer! Now Move!!! 260 00:18:01,607 --> 00:18:05,998 Hey where is she going? That's the wrong way you stupid cow! 261 00:18:08,207 --> 00:18:09,879 Oh dear Jesus no! 262 00:18:15,927 --> 00:18:18,236 They're killing themselves! 263 00:18:18,367 --> 00:18:20,278 Stop please! 264 00:18:21,847 --> 00:18:23,519 Can't we do anything??? 265 00:18:24,887 --> 00:18:28,277 Oh god the humanity Ned! The humanity! 266 00:18:28,407 --> 00:18:32,320 This is the first cow mass suicide I've seen in... at least 8 months. 267 00:18:36,407 --> 00:18:40,082 - Oh you boys are back again huh? - Yeah, and we have 5000 dollars this time. 268 00:18:40,207 --> 00:18:42,675 How many balls does that get us? 269 00:18:42,807 --> 00:18:47,316 Uh uh I'll tell you what boys. I'm gonna be really nice and just trade you 270 00:18:47,317 --> 00:18:49,417 the 5000 for the Terrance and Phillip dolls. 271 00:18:49,527 --> 00:18:51,916 - You will? - Wow, why'd you get so cool all of a sudden? 272 00:18:53,327 --> 00:18:56,797 We did it! You see Cartman? You won us the Terrance and Phillip dolls! 273 00:18:58,047 --> 00:19:00,515 - What should we do with them? - We should... 274 00:19:02,007 --> 00:19:04,760 - Dude these dolls are cheap ripoffs! - After all that? 275 00:19:04,887 --> 00:19:07,845 Shenanigans! Shenanigans!!!! SHENANIGANS!!!!!! 276 00:19:07,967 --> 00:19:12,245 - What's all this? - Officer Barbrady, I would like to reinstate my previous shenanigans! 277 00:19:12,367 --> 00:19:15,600 - This whole carnival is a ripoff!! - You know, uh excuse me, but I agree. 278 00:19:15,601 --> 00:19:17,001 These rides are really stupid. 279 00:19:17,087 --> 00:19:20,204 - Chamber of farts isn't scary at all. - Yeah and the food is terrible! 280 00:19:20,327 --> 00:19:22,682 Hey it's just a stupid rodeo, what do you expect? 281 00:19:24,127 --> 00:19:27,333 Ok ok, let's calm down. People of South Park, 282 00:19:27,334 --> 00:19:30,634 do you declare shenanigans on the carnival people? 283 00:19:30,727 --> 00:19:34,163 Ok carnival people. Do you accept this decree of shenanigans? 284 00:19:35,207 --> 00:19:38,438 What the hell are you talkin about? This whole town is screwy. 285 00:19:38,567 --> 00:19:42,560 Well that settles it. Everybody grab a broom! It's Shenanigans!!! 286 00:19:50,327 --> 00:19:53,000 You found it! You found the memorial! 287 00:19:53,127 --> 00:19:57,484 - And the cows? Are they all back too? - They're dead mayor! They're all dead! 288 00:19:57,607 --> 00:19:59,837 - What?!? - Oh it was awful! 289 00:19:59,967 --> 00:20:04,995 Cow after cow taking its own life, and we could do nothing to stop them! 290 00:20:05,127 --> 00:20:09,200 Well perhaps one day cows will learn that cults are never a good thing. 291 00:20:09,327 --> 00:20:12,239 I hope so mayor, I hope so. 292 00:20:12,367 --> 00:20:15,359 I need a cold beer and a burger. 293 00:20:15,487 --> 00:20:17,000 What's all the ruckus over there? 294 00:20:18,167 --> 00:20:22,638 - Sounds like somebody declared shenanigans. - Oh hell I have to run home and get my broom! 295 00:20:24,367 --> 00:20:27,916 Ok carnival people, in the jail with....ooh? 296 00:20:29,527 --> 00:20:32,360 Hey, aren't those the people we thought took the wooden cow? 297 00:20:33,647 --> 00:20:37,560 - Didn't we ever release them? - Well I forgot all about them. - Uh me too. 298 00:20:37,687 --> 00:20:41,839 Oh my god....officer Barbrady, uh you never had Tom and Mary in this cell. 299 00:20:41,967 --> 00:20:45,357 - I didn't? - No! No, in fact they never came to South Park. 300 00:20:45,487 --> 00:20:48,957 - We've never heard of them. - Ooh. Gee I feel a lot better then. 301 00:20:49,087 --> 00:20:52,636 Although I could've sworn that I have heard of them and they starved to death in my prison. 302 00:20:53,807 --> 00:20:57,561 - Say Terrance, let's look for treasure. - Oh good idea Phillip, lets look for treasure! 303 00:20:57,687 --> 00:21:00,485 - What are you guys doing? - Oh hey Cartman. How are you feeling? 304 00:21:00,607 --> 00:21:03,519 Oh pretty good except I had the weirdest dream last night. 305 00:21:03,647 --> 00:21:07,720 - Really? What about? - Well, I dreamt that I was a poor vietnamese girl, 306 00:21:07,847 --> 00:21:09,690 and then you guys made me ride a big scary bull. 307 00:21:09,691 --> 00:21:12,991 And then Leonardo DeCarprio gave me a spankin for several hours. 308 00:21:13,287 --> 00:21:18,645 - Heey, how did you guys win all those Terrance and Phillip dolls? - Oh... nowhere. 309 00:21:18,767 --> 00:21:22,965 - Wait a minute! You guys DID make me ride that bull! - No! Cartman, that was just a dream! 310 00:21:24,647 --> 00:21:26,922 Bye Ming Li. Thanks again! 311 00:21:30,567 --> 00:21:32,842 Son of a bitch!