1 00:00:35,156 --> 00:00:36,563 Dude, did you do all your homework last night? 2 00:00:36,598 --> 00:00:39,547 Yeah. But there was so much of it. I was up until two in the morning. 3 00:00:39,582 --> 00:00:40,205 I know! 4 00:00:40,240 --> 00:00:43,041 Okay, children, I hope you all did your homework last night, 5 00:00:43,042 --> 00:00:46,828 because we're goin' to talk about pages 42 through 612. 6 00:00:46,829 --> 00:00:50,374 First of all, who can tell me what year the Founding Fathers got together? 7 00:00:50,375 --> 00:00:52,940 Let's see, how about� 8 00:00:53,070 --> 00:00:55,161 Please don't call on me. Please, Jesus, don't let him call on me. 9 00:00:55,162 --> 00:00:55,966 Wendy? 10 00:00:56,804 --> 00:00:57,710 1778 11 00:00:57,745 --> 00:01:00,798 Good job, Wendy. And what was that document called? 12 00:01:00,833 --> 00:01:03,798 Oh, please, God, don't let him call on me. Father in heaven, I beg of you- 13 00:01:03,833 --> 00:01:04,715 Kyle? 14 00:01:04,750 --> 00:01:07,123 Oh, thank you Low-ord! Praise Jesus! 15 00:01:07,158 --> 00:01:08,399 The Declaration of Independence? 16 00:01:08,434 --> 00:01:13,507 Very good, Kyle. Now, who can tell me what famous person wrote the Declaration of Independence? 17 00:01:13,508 --> 00:01:14,638 Let's see... 18 00:01:14,639 --> 00:01:17,488 Oh, I know. How about the new student, Timmy? 19 00:01:17,672 --> 00:01:19,540 Timmiihh! 20 00:01:19,575 --> 00:01:21,896 Nno, it wasn't you, Timmy. Try again. 21 00:01:23,400 --> 00:01:25,176 Timmy, did you not do your homework?! 22 00:01:26,175 --> 00:01:29,304 Uh, Mr. Garrison, haven't you figured it out? Timmys' retarded. 23 00:01:29,339 --> 00:01:31,317 Don't call people names, Stanley! 24 00:01:31,352 --> 00:01:32,552 -But he is- -Now, Timmy, 25 00:01:32,553 --> 00:01:34,547 �You need to work on your study skills! 26 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:36,354 Are you mocking me?! 27 00:01:36,355 --> 00:01:39,772 Because if you are, I have no problem sending your butt to the principal's office! 28 00:01:39,807 --> 00:01:41,390 G'oh livin' a lie, livin' a lie, Timmawh! 29 00:01:41,391 --> 00:01:42,365 THAT DOES IT! 30 00:01:42,600 --> 00:01:44,894 Well, Timmy. I just don't know what to do with you. 31 00:01:44,895 --> 00:01:45,895 You're getting very poor marks in school and the teachers are complaining that you aren't paying attention. 32 00:01:50,385 --> 00:01:55,261 Uh young man, if you don't wanna be held back a grade, I suggest you start cooperating, m'kay?! 33 00:01:56,435 --> 00:02:01,165 Well, that does it! I'm suspending you, Timmy, until you can learn to respect your elders! 34 00:02:01,166 --> 00:02:03,998 Huh- hold on just a second there, Principal Victoria. 35 00:02:03,999 --> 00:02:06,434 I think I may know what the problem is. 36 00:02:07,988 --> 00:02:09,405 Yes, of course. 37 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:10,043 What?? 38 00:02:10,078 --> 00:02:15,274 I think maybe Timmy is suffering from something called, "Attention Deficit Disorder," or ADD. 39 00:02:15,275 --> 00:02:17,146 It's very common in kids his age. 40 00:02:18,829 --> 00:02:20,599 Well, that certainly would explain it. 41 00:02:20,600 --> 00:02:24,497 It should be easy enough to find out. They have tests for that kind of thing now, m'kay? 42 00:02:24,532 --> 00:02:26,124 Oolih oo livn' a lie, Timmehuh! 43 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:32,391 Alright, this is a very sinple test which should determine without a doubt whether or not Timmy has Attention Deficit Disorder. 44 00:02:32,426 --> 00:02:33,699 -Good. -M'kay. 45 00:02:34,243 --> 00:02:37,562 Now, Timmy, I'm going to read you a book called, "The Great Gatsby," by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 46 00:02:37,563 --> 00:02:40,261 At the end of the novel I'll ask you a few questions. Are yiou ready? 47 00:02:40,911 --> 00:02:42,379 Okay, here we go. 48 00:02:43,602 --> 00:02:49,799 In my younger and more vulnerable years, my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since 49 00:02:54,526 --> 00:02:59,844 So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 50 00:03:02,613 --> 00:03:07,896 Okay now, Timmy. Can you tell me: In Chapter 7, what kind of car did Gatsby drive? 51 00:03:10,572 --> 00:03:12,058 -Well, that settles it! -Huh?? 52 00:03:12,059 --> 00:03:14,875 This young man definitely has Attention Deficit Disorder! 53 00:03:14,910 --> 00:03:16,125 Oh oh, I nuh-I knew it. 54 00:03:16,160 --> 00:03:17,549 What can we do for him, doctor? 55 00:03:17,584 --> 00:03:19,760 Well, ADD is fairly common in kids today. 56 00:03:19,761 --> 00:03:23,055 I'm gonna prescribe some Ritalin, and we'll see how that goes for little Timmy. 57 00:03:24,760 --> 00:03:26,838 Hurry up, children, let's take our seats. 58 00:03:26,839 --> 00:03:29,820 You'd better have done your homework last night, Timmy. What's this? 59 00:03:30,413 --> 00:03:31,936 A note from the principal? 60 00:03:31,937 --> 00:03:36,532 "Please excuse Timmy from all questions and all homework, as he has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder." 61 00:03:36,533 --> 00:03:37,842 Oh, brother! 62 00:03:37,877 --> 00:03:38,842 He doesn't have to do homework? 63 00:03:38,877 --> 00:03:42,108 That's just swell, Timmy! Looks like you've outsmarted the principal and the counselor! 64 00:03:42,400 --> 00:03:44,553 Very well, I guess you're excused from homework. 65 00:03:44,588 --> 00:03:47,180 Hey wait. I think maybe I have Attention Diffunction Disorder. 66 00:03:47,215 --> 00:03:47,898 -Yeah, me too. -I've got ADD. 67 00:03:48,745 --> 00:03:49,407 (Me too.) 68 00:03:49,442 --> 00:03:51,071 Yeah, I've got it. Me too. Yeah. It's gay. 69 00:03:51,600 --> 00:03:56,794 After a while I went out and left the hospital, and walked back to the hotel in the rain. 70 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:07,228 Alright now, in Chapter 12, what kind of bottles did Miss Van Campen talk about? 71 00:04:08,031 --> 00:04:11,049 Anybody? Anybody?? 72 00:04:11,050 --> 00:04:13,507 My God, these children all have ADD!" 73 00:04:13,522 --> 00:04:16,602 -Hooray. -Hoo-ray. 74 00:04:16,626 --> 00:04:18,437 It's Ritalin for all of you! 75 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:31,124 Dude, we suck! 76 00:04:31,159 --> 00:04:34,850 Hey, that's not the right attitude, Jonesy! The Battle of the Bands is tomorrow night! 77 00:04:34,885 --> 00:04:37,742 Dude, we never win the Battle of the Bands! It's no big deal. 78 00:04:37,777 --> 00:04:38,855 Not a big deal! 79 00:04:38,856 --> 00:04:43,293 This year's winner gets to open for Phil Collins at Lalapalooblaza, and that's no big deal?! 80 00:04:43,328 --> 00:04:44,846 Hey, you guys, you'd better stop fighting. 81 00:04:44,881 --> 00:04:46,438 We've just gotta practice more. 82 00:04:46,473 --> 00:04:49,165 Dude, we've been practicing for eight years, Skyler. 83 00:04:49,200 --> 00:04:52,692 Hey, am I the leader of this band or not?! Huh, let's do it from the top! 84 00:05:03,051 --> 00:05:04,080 What was that? 85 00:05:04,115 --> 00:05:06,215 Huh-I don't know, man. 86 00:05:15,494 --> 00:05:16,664 Who is that? 87 00:05:16,699 --> 00:05:17,728 Timmiihh! 88 00:05:18,200 --> 00:05:19,419 You a singer, man? 89 00:05:31,715 --> 00:05:32,958 Dude, that's hot! 90 00:05:32,993 --> 00:05:33,617 Yeah! 91 00:05:35,187 --> 00:05:38,251 There is your prescription, Ms. McCormick. A hundred dollars' worth of Ritalin. 92 00:05:38,286 --> 00:05:40,518 And he won't have Attention Deficit Disorder anymore? 93 00:05:40,553 --> 00:05:41,661 We can only hope so. Next? 94 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:44,222 Oh, hi, Sheila. 95 00:05:44,257 --> 00:05:47,489 Sharon, your son has Attention Deficit Disorder too? 96 00:05:47,524 --> 00:05:49,872 Yes. I should have known. It all makes semse now. 97 00:05:49,873 --> 00:05:53,485 I could never get Stanley to pay attention when his grandfather told him stories about the '30s. 98 00:05:53,653 --> 00:05:54,797 I know what you mean. 99 00:05:54,798 --> 00:05:58,318 Kyle gets so hyper, sometimes he runs around and screams like a little eight-year-old. 100 00:05:58,565 --> 00:05:59,638 �I am eight. 101 00:05:59,673 --> 00:06:02,443 Next, please? What do we have here- ah! The Ritalin! 102 00:06:02,478 --> 00:06:03,117 Yes. 103 00:06:03,152 --> 00:06:05,773 That's right. I got a bad case of ADD. No homework for me. 104 00:06:05,808 --> 00:06:08,962 Mr. Pharmacist, this Ritalin doesn't have any side effects, does it? 105 00:06:08,997 --> 00:06:12,623 Oh, no no no, your son may experience a small lack of energy, but that's all. 106 00:06:12,658 --> 00:06:13,349 Alright. 107 00:06:13,384 --> 00:06:16,245 Oh, and he might start seeing little pink Christina Aguilera monsters, 108 00:06:16,246 --> 00:06:17,369 but that's to be expected. 109 00:06:17,387 --> 00:06:18,104 Oh my. 110 00:06:18,580 --> 00:06:28,115 Look alive, lettin' it feel (so light). Lettin' it feel so light. 111 00:06:28,150 --> 00:06:30,430 -Boooo! -You suck! 112 00:06:32,032 --> 00:06:36,493 Alright, that was "Sisters of Mercy Hold No Pain Against the Dark Lord," 113 00:06:36,494 --> 00:06:40,171 with their song, "Silk Blood On The Footsteps Of My Mind (Revisited)" 114 00:06:40,276 --> 00:06:43,249 We got the best response. We'll be opening for Phil Collins for sure. 115 00:06:43,284 --> 00:06:45,642 And now it's time for our final band. 116 00:06:45,677 --> 00:06:46,601 Thank God! 117 00:06:47,307 --> 00:06:51,297 Give it up for "Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld!" 118 00:07:08,445 --> 00:07:10,659 Duhude, that handicapped dude ruhules! 119 00:07:10,694 --> 00:07:11,520 Oo-yee-hee-yeh-hah! 120 00:07:11,521 --> 00:07:14,101 You guys are terrible! How could you laugh at that poor kid?! 121 00:07:18,200 --> 00:07:19,670 Lords of the Underworld. 122 00:07:21,712 --> 00:07:23,536 Darkness fills my heart with pain. 123 00:07:24,004 --> 00:07:25,530 Timmih oo livin' a lie! 124 00:07:25,565 --> 00:07:27,750 -Dude, it's Timmy. -No way! 125 00:07:30,600 --> 00:07:33,625 They're ridiculing that singer! Come on, let's get outta here! 126 00:07:38,200 --> 00:07:40,316 The Lords of the Underworld. 127 00:07:42,200 --> 00:07:44,207 Darkness fills my heart with pain. 128 00:07:52,100 --> 00:07:54,925 -That was awesuhome! -Yeah, Timmy ruhules! 129 00:07:54,926 --> 00:07:58,252 Boys! You shouldn't laugh at him! He's handicapped! 130 00:07:58,287 --> 00:07:59,006 But he's funny. 131 00:07:59,041 --> 00:08:00,745 How would you like to be handicapped?! 132 00:08:00,746 --> 00:08:03,554 Do you think that would be funny?! You're making him feel bad! 133 00:08:03,555 --> 00:08:05,196 He looks pretty happy to me. 134 00:08:05,197 --> 00:08:06,804 Oh, you people make me sick! 135 00:08:06,839 --> 00:08:08,546 Dude, this is a no-brainer. 136 00:08:08,547 --> 00:08:13,638 This year's Battle of the Bands winner and the band that gets to open for Phil Collins at Lalapalablala.is� 137 00:08:13,639 --> 00:08:15,015 TIMMY! 138 00:08:16,400 --> 00:08:17,480 We did it, dude! 139 00:08:17,515 --> 00:08:21,098 Listen to them. They really love me. 140 00:08:22,600 --> 00:08:24,419 Yes! I'm a rocker! 141 00:08:27,743 --> 00:08:30,245 Tonight, we analyze the new rock sensation, Timmeo 142 00:08:30,246 --> 00:08:32,874 The controversial new band that has taken the country by storm. 143 00:08:32,875 --> 00:08:38,065 Already playing at several large venues this month , the band prepares for its biggest gig, Lolapalooblaza 144 00:08:38,066 --> 00:08:41,737 where they will open for Phil Collins. But Phil Collins is not happy. 145 00:08:41,772 --> 00:08:45,223 Well, I thinks it's a horrible tragedy, idn't it? 146 00:08:45,224 --> 00:08:49,361 I mean, people aren't gonna see Timmy for his musical skills. 147 00:08:49,362 --> 00:08:53,971 They're laughin' at 'im, and I think you shouldn't laugh at people with disabilities! 148 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:58,431 Society has to learn how to be more compassionate! 149 00:08:58,432 --> 00:08:59,432 This is gonna stop if I have to stop it myself! 150 00:09:03,884 --> 00:09:06,675 Dude, did you see that stuff Phil Collins was saying about Timmy? 151 00:09:06,710 --> 00:09:09,227 Yeah, what a dick. Timmy's five times more talented than he is. 152 00:09:09,262 --> 00:09:11,547 Hey guys, have you been takin' your Ritalin? 153 00:09:11,582 --> 00:09:13,574 Huh? No, we're not actually gonna take that stuff. 154 00:09:13,609 --> 00:09:16,250 No, dude, you gotta try it. It makes you feel good. 155 00:09:16,752 --> 00:09:17,463 (Good.) 156 00:09:22,159 --> 00:09:23,548 Hello there, children. 157 00:09:23,583 --> 00:09:24,385 -Hello, Chef. -(Hello, Chef.) 158 00:09:25,063 --> 00:09:25,945 How's it goin'? 159 00:09:25,980 --> 00:09:27,151 -Very well, thank you. -(Very well, thank you.) 160 00:09:28,188 --> 00:09:30,453 Everything's fine?? Why?? 161 00:09:30,488 --> 00:09:31,626 Because we're on Ritalin. 162 00:09:31,661 --> 00:09:32,253 What?? 163 00:09:32,288 --> 00:09:34,967 We all have Attention Deficit Disorder. So we all started taking Ritalin. 164 00:09:35,002 --> 00:09:36,928 It really takes the edge off, man. You should try it. 165 00:09:37,547 --> 00:09:41,120 So that's why all you children are acting so damned boring! 166 00:09:41,155 --> 00:09:41,893 That's correct, Chef. 167 00:09:41,928 --> 00:09:45,206 Damnit, children, you don't need drugs to make you pay attention in school! 168 00:09:45,207 --> 00:09:48,486 In my day, if we didn't pay attention we got a belt to the bottom! 169 00:09:48,487 --> 00:09:50,199 Now they're tryin' to cure everything with drugs! 170 00:09:50,211 --> 00:09:53,612 Yes, but now we don't have any homework, so we can go see Timmy play downtown at Mile High Stadium 171 00:09:53,647 --> 00:09:54,657 -Oh boy oh boy. -(Oh boy.) 172 00:09:55,390 --> 00:09:56,871 Oh, it makes me sick! 173 00:09:56,872 --> 00:10:01,983 Those damned psychologists prescribe all kinds of medicines to you children without even carin' about the side effects. 174 00:10:01,993 --> 00:10:03,507 But there are no side effects, Chef. 175 00:10:03,542 --> 00:10:04,309 No, not at all. 176 00:10:08,910 --> 00:10:10,648 -Did you guys see that? -See what? 177 00:10:12,400 --> 00:10:14,395 You're watching MTV, 178 00:10:14,396 --> 00:10:17,556 the cool, brainwashing, twelve-year-old-and-younger station that hides behind a slick image. 179 00:10:17,557 --> 00:10:20,485 We're so cool that we decide what's cool. And now, MTV News, 180 00:10:20,486 --> 00:10:23,390 the news that is singlehandedly dumbing down our country. Which is cool. 181 00:10:23,391 --> 00:10:24,841 Here's your host, Kurt Loder 182 00:10:25,753 --> 00:10:27,570 Why am I still doing this? 183 00:10:27,571 --> 00:10:31,294 I've got to be the oldest person in this network by at least 40 years. 184 00:10:31,309 --> 00:10:32,570 Kurt Loder didn't just say that. 185 00:10:32,571 --> 00:10:36,196 No way, he did just say it, but just to be cool. That's what makes him cool. 186 00:10:36,197 --> 00:10:39,314 You think Kurt Loder is cool. And now, the news that's cool. 187 00:10:39,315 --> 00:10:44,150 Well, it's only two weeks until Lalapalalababa, and the headlining band has changed. 188 00:10:44,151 --> 00:10:48,218 Now headlining the event is Timmy , the new hit sensation out of Colorado. 189 00:10:48,219 --> 00:10:53,053 This news came as a shock to the performer that was going to headline Lalapalabala, Phil Collins. 190 00:10:53,313 --> 00:10:57,499 Well, I think the sad question is, "Where are the parents in all this?" 191 00:10:57,500 --> 00:11:02,523 I mean, that kid's parents are lettin' him be exploited, and they don't even seem to care. 192 00:11:02,634 --> 00:11:07,524 And so, Phil Collins decided to travel to South Park and personally pay Timmy's parents a visit. 193 00:11:07,559 --> 00:11:10,804 Well, I mean, why are you lettin' 'em do this to your son? 194 00:11:10,805 --> 00:11:11,805 Don't you see that everyone's just laughin' at him? 195 00:11:13,136 --> 00:11:15,691 -Richarrrrd! -Helennnn! 196 00:11:17,162 --> 00:11:22,642 Phil Collins warns that a novelty band that makes fun of the handicapped should not be allowed to play Lalapalablalala, 197 00:11:22,643 --> 00:11:25,131 And vows to do everything in his power to stop it. 198 00:11:25,132 --> 00:11:28,641 Phil Collins, by the way, divorced his wife via fax and then married a 27-year-old. 199 00:11:28,642 --> 00:11:31,039 I'm Kurt Loder, and that's the news. 200 00:11:31,517 --> 00:11:34,051 Okay, children, let's settle down! 201 00:11:36,696 --> 00:11:39,214 Huhh I mean it; I want quiet! 202 00:11:41,115 --> 00:11:43,854 My God, Mr. Hat, these children are so boring on Ritalin. 203 00:11:46,000 --> 00:11:50,059 Alright, children, today we're gonna learn about human reproduction. 204 00:11:50,060 --> 00:11:51,592 What do you think about that?! 205 00:11:52,278 --> 00:11:58,710 Vaginas, and penises. Butt sex. 206 00:11:59,808 --> 00:12:02,463 Well, damnit, Eric, don't you have some smartass thing to say?! 207 00:12:02,598 --> 00:12:04,921 What kind of smartass thing would I say, Mr. Garrison? 208 00:12:04,956 --> 00:12:08,926 This is driving me crazy!! I can't handle you little bastards being so mellow!! 209 00:12:08,961 --> 00:12:11,824 Gee, you seem a little stressed, Mr. Garrison. Why don't you try some Ritalin? 210 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:16,407 There you go. 211 00:12:19,163 --> 00:12:21,057 Thank you, South Park! Good night! 212 00:12:21,058 --> 00:12:24,428 Alright, let's rock this house! Hello Miami! 213 00:12:26,600 --> 00:12:29,324 Excuse me, Skyler Moles? 214 00:12:29,359 --> 00:12:30,028 Yeah? 215 00:12:30,063 --> 00:12:32,145 Nice to meet you. I'm Phil Collins. 216 00:12:32,180 --> 00:12:35,036 Oh, yeah. You're opening for us as Lalapalazabla. 217 00:12:35,071 --> 00:12:39,794 I just wanted to tell you that, well, I think that you're a great guitar player and song writer. 218 00:12:39,829 --> 00:12:41,979 Oh, thanks a lot. I appreciate that. Gotta run. 219 00:12:42,014 --> 00:12:45,507 It's too bad those other guys are holdin' you back. 220 00:12:45,542 --> 00:12:46,064 Huh? 221 00:12:46,099 --> 00:12:51,063 Well, I mean, it's obvious all the talent and artistic vision in the band comes from you. 222 00:12:51,064 --> 00:12:53,771 Strange, how everyone focuses n Timmy, idn't it? 223 00:12:53,772 --> 00:12:56,583 I mean, even the name of the band is "Timmy," 224 00:12:56,589 --> 00:12:59,729 Nuh-nn, the name of the band is Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld. 225 00:12:59,764 --> 00:13:02,490 Look, I used to be in a band, too. Genesis. 226 00:13:02,491 --> 00:13:05,571 And all those bastards did was hold me back and hold me back. 227 00:13:05,572 --> 00:13:10,456 But then, finally, I went solo. And that's when I started writing really great songs. 228 00:13:10,457 --> 00:13:15,513 But look, if you happen to be on the sidelines, you know, bein' more of a cheerleader than a player, 229 00:13:15,514 --> 00:13:18,558 ...well, then I guess you should stay on as Timmy's shadow. 230 00:13:19,147 --> 00:13:21,666 Uh, thanks man. See ya. 231 00:13:22,390 --> 00:13:25,862 That should just about put an end to all this Timmy nonsense. 232 00:13:32,000 --> 00:13:35,597 Another great show, man. There must have been a hundred thousand people out there. 233 00:13:35,632 --> 00:13:38,093 Yeah. All of them chanting "Timmy, Timmy." 234 00:13:38,691 --> 00:13:39,806 What's the matter, Skyler? 235 00:13:39,841 --> 00:13:44,320 The name of the band is Timmy AND the Lords of the Underworld, not just Timmy. 236 00:13:45,161 --> 00:13:46,802 And the Lords of the Underworld! 237 00:13:47,711 --> 00:13:50,528 It's always about you, isn't it?! I'm sick of it! 238 00:13:50,529 --> 00:13:53,732 Timmy gets all the applause! Timmy gets all the chicks! 239 00:13:53,733 --> 00:13:56,720 Well, you know what?! Forget you, man! 240 00:13:56,755 --> 00:13:58,914 Skyler, Timmy is what made our band famous. 241 00:13:58,949 --> 00:14:03,573 Shut up, Monsy! You can stay and deal with Mr. Egomaniac here, but I'm novin' on! 242 00:14:03,574 --> 00:14:06,410 I don't need Timmy! I'm goin' solo! 243 00:14:07,630 --> 00:14:11,718 No! Don't try and stop me, man! I'll see you on fame's backside. 244 00:14:12,600 --> 00:14:14,615 Ooo livin' a lie! 245 00:14:16,150 --> 00:14:18,482 Hey, Terrance, what brand of pants am I wearing? 246 00:14:18,517 --> 00:14:19,338 Let me see. 247 00:14:20,557 --> 00:14:21,615 How do you like that, Terrance? 248 00:14:21,613 --> 00:14:22,864 Let's watch something else. 249 00:14:22,899 --> 00:14:23,774 Yes, let's. 250 00:14:23,809 --> 00:14:25,590 You're watching VH1. 251 00:14:26,570 --> 00:14:30,382 Here's Lalapalalala's news. The hit group Timmy has broken up. 252 00:14:30,417 --> 00:14:32,137 Oh dear. Timmy's band broke up? 253 00:14:32,172 --> 00:14:34,444 And so, Phill Collins is back on as the headliner. 254 00:14:34,445 --> 00:14:39,918 The opening band now will be Timmy's guitarist Skyler's new solo project, Reach for the Skyler. 255 00:14:39,953 --> 00:14:43,502 You know something? I think that's good. It was wrong to make Timmy a singer. 256 00:14:43,537 --> 00:14:48,699 Yeah. Phil Collins was right. People laughed at Timmy, and Timmy should be at home, where he's protected from laughter. 257 00:14:48,734 --> 00:14:50,827 I agree. You know what, you guys? 258 00:14:50,828 --> 00:14:54,215 We should go to the concert anyways and see Phil Collins. 259 00:14:54,267 --> 00:14:57,311 Yeah. I think Phil Collins rocks the house. 260 00:14:57,346 --> 00:14:58,424 Sounds good. 261 00:14:58,459 --> 00:15:04,796 So it's decided: Phil Collins concert for all of us. Hooray. Oh oh. Hold still, Kenny. 262 00:15:07,399 --> 00:15:09,537 Oh my goodness, you killed Kenny. 263 00:15:09,572 --> 00:15:10,275 Bastard. 264 00:15:11,500 --> 00:15:16,431 Parents, I called you all together because I think you might be making a mistake puttin' your children on Ritalin. 265 00:15:16,466 --> 00:15:18,966 Uh, but our kids have Attention Deficit Disorder, Chef. 266 00:15:18,967 --> 00:15:20,542 They can't pay attention in school without it. 267 00:15:20,722 --> 00:15:22,049 I know you wanna help your kids, 268 00:15:22,050 --> 00:15:26,273 but I brought over a videotape to show you that there are alternatives to Ritalin. 269 00:15:26,274 --> 00:15:31,675 There's this doctor in Northern California who is doing really amazing kids with children who have ADD. 270 00:15:31,676 --> 00:15:33,550 I want you to watch this tape. 271 00:15:34,305 --> 00:15:41,730 Hello, I'm Dr. Richard Shay, here to tell you about exciting new drug-free treatment for children with Attention Deficit Disorder. 272 00:15:43,950 --> 00:15:46,992 This treatment is fast and effective and doesn't use harmful drugs. 273 00:15:46,993 --> 00:15:49,557 Watch closely as I apply treatment to the first child. 274 00:15:49,592 --> 00:15:52,716 I want a horse. I want a big brown horse with a brown-and-black tail, and a diamond tiara- 275 00:15:52,751 --> 00:15:54,321 Sit down and study! 276 00:15:55,601 --> 00:15:57,571 let's go sledding, let's go race and race, let's go! 277 00:15:57,606 --> 00:15:59,876 Sit down and study! 278 00:16:02,087 --> 00:16:05,014 Stop crying and do your schoolwork! 279 00:16:06,300 --> 00:16:08,913 If you would like more information on my bold new treatment, 280 00:16:08,914 --> 00:16:14,705 please send away for this free brochure, entitled, "You can either calm down, or I can pop you in the mouth again." 281 00:16:14,706 --> 00:16:15,734 Thank you. 282 00:16:15,769 --> 00:16:20,279 Well, what do you think? I can have Dr. Shay come to South Park for a small fee. 283 00:16:20,314 --> 00:16:22,246 That video had pretty colors. 284 00:16:22,281 --> 00:16:23,380 It sure did. 285 00:16:23,415 --> 00:16:27,124 What the? Damnit, have you all been taking your children's Ritalin too?! 286 00:16:27,159 --> 00:16:29,049 -Yes. -Awww, fudge it! 287 00:16:29,084 --> 00:16:30,861 Chef, are you going to the Phil Collins concert tomorrow? 288 00:16:30,896 --> 00:16:31,618 The what?? 289 00:16:31,653 --> 00:16:34,963 Phil Collins is playing Lalapalala's, and because we're all doing so well in school now, 290 00:16:34,964 --> 00:16:36,390 ...our parents said they would take us. 291 00:16:36,444 --> 00:16:37,262 Yes. 292 00:16:37,297 --> 00:16:41,259 Hold on a second: you children want to go see Phil Collins? 293 00:16:41,294 --> 00:16:43,636 Yes. His flowing melodies are really enjoyable to us. 294 00:16:43,671 --> 00:16:45,116 Oh my God!! 295 00:16:45,151 --> 00:16:46,585 Come, see him with us. 296 00:16:46,620 --> 00:16:50,964 Yes, come with us. Come with uusss. 297 00:16:50,965 --> 00:16:53,855 Haaa, it's Christina Aguilera agan! She's on my back! Hah! 298 00:16:54,109 --> 00:16:57,959 That does it! That Ritalin has affected your little cracker brains too deeply! 299 00:16:57,960 --> 00:17:00,116 I'm going to go see that damn phramacist! 300 00:17:00,400 --> 00:17:02,959 Look at that. Ritalin stocks are up ten points. 301 00:17:02,994 --> 00:17:04,793 That's easily another twenty grand apiece! 302 00:17:06,400 --> 00:17:09,076 Hey, open this damn door. 303 00:17:09,594 --> 00:17:10,528 Can I help you? 304 00:17:10,563 --> 00:17:14,400 Yes you can! What the hell are you two doin' prescribing all the children Ritalin?! 305 00:17:14,435 --> 00:17:18,044 Well, they've all been diagnosed with ADD. That's Attention Deficit- 306 00:17:18,079 --> 00:17:19,211 I know what it is! 307 00:17:19,212 --> 00:17:22,299 But now you've got a town full of zombie children from the planet Zandor. 308 00:17:22,391 --> 00:17:22,922 Huh? 309 00:17:22,957 --> 00:17:26,250 All around the country, you bastard doctors are giving children Ritalin! 310 00:17:26,251 --> 00:17:30,886 And for every one child that actually needs it, you give it to 50,000 that don't! 311 00:17:30,887 --> 00:17:33,283 Hey now, don't tell us our business, Mr. Chef. Why, we- 312 00:17:33,318 --> 00:17:36,923 You're damn right I'll tell you yo' business, because you two have got your heads up your asses! 313 00:17:36,924 --> 00:17:40,486 Thanks to you, we have children in our town that like Phil Collins! 314 00:17:40,521 --> 00:17:41,197 Eh wuh, what?? 315 00:17:41,232 --> 00:17:46,467 That's right! You've made them so dull and boring that they'er actually going to go to a Phil Collins concert! 316 00:17:46,502 --> 00:17:48,941 Mm- my God. What have we done?? 317 00:17:48,976 --> 00:17:52,203 Well, if I had known� Phl Collins, uh, my God! 318 00:17:53,842 --> 00:17:56,247 Well, how do we reverse the Ritalin?! 319 00:17:56,282 --> 00:17:59,883 We uh� have to convince them not to take it, but, ahah ih it'll be hard to get it away from them. 320 00:17:59,918 --> 00:18:01,518 Then we need an antidote! 321 00:18:01,553 --> 00:18:02,467 Yes, of course. 322 00:18:02,502 --> 00:18:03,853 Uh, what's the antidote for Ritalin? 323 00:18:03,888 --> 00:18:06,949 I have some right here. It's a compound called s"Ritalout." 324 00:18:07,114 --> 00:18:10,198 Alright. Come on, we've got to get the antidote to all the children. Quick! 325 00:18:13,172 --> 00:18:17,790 Last night I went "Bubudio" 326 00:18:19,976 --> 00:18:23,851 Here. We can put the Ritalin antidote in these drinks and hand them out to the children. 327 00:18:24,516 --> 00:18:27,595 Last night I went, "O!" Bububudio. 328 00:18:29,114 --> 00:18:30,573 Wasn't that great, son? 329 00:18:30,608 --> 00:18:31,541 Sure was, Dad. 330 00:18:31,576 --> 00:18:34,352 It's so wonderful to be on the same wavelength as our kids. 331 00:18:34,387 --> 00:18:36,774 Here you go, Stan and Kyle. Free drinks on me. 332 00:18:36,809 --> 00:18:38,263 Oh, thank you, Chef. How nice. 333 00:18:39,887 --> 00:18:45,360 I know. I'd like to sing the complex and amazing song that won me the Oscar, 334 00:18:45,361 --> 00:18:50,209 ...a song entitled, "You'll Be In� Me. 335 00:18:50,842 --> 00:18:51,769 Thanks. 336 00:18:52,698 --> 00:18:55,710 You're inside of me. 337 00:18:56,530 --> 00:18:59,699 Deep inside of me. 338 00:19:00,542 --> 00:19:06,785 So deep inside, I can feel you pushing against my heart. 339 00:19:06,820 --> 00:19:08,847 Come on, drink it down. It's free. 340 00:19:08,882 --> 00:19:12,127 You'll be inside of me� 341 00:19:13,204 --> 00:19:16,417 Oh no! Get off me! Get off me! 342 00:19:16,418 --> 00:19:19,210 Somebody help!! Please?? Somebody get it off of me!! Get it off of me. 343 00:19:19,211 --> 00:19:20,714 -I feel� different. -Yeah. 344 00:19:20,772 --> 00:19:23,090 Get off of me, Christina Aguilera! Alright?! Please! 345 00:19:23,507 --> 00:19:24,869 Drink this, Eric. 346 00:19:24,870 --> 00:19:29,805 God help me! Heh, get it� She's gone! Thank God! 347 00:19:30,600 --> 00:19:31,802 Well, thanks! 348 00:19:34,900 --> 00:19:38,319 Wait a minute! Phil Collins sucks ass! 349 00:19:38,354 --> 00:19:41,830 Yeah! What the hell were we thinking?! Boooooo! 350 00:19:41,865 --> 00:19:43,046 I think it's working. 351 00:19:44,400 --> 00:19:47,194 Shut your filthy holes, you little bastards! 352 00:19:47,229 --> 00:19:49,842 Get off the stage, Phil Collins! We want Timmy! 353 00:19:49,877 --> 00:19:50,482 Yeah! 354 00:19:50,517 --> 00:19:52,302 You just wanna laugh at him. 355 00:19:52,337 --> 00:19:54,803 No! You see, we learned something today. 356 00:19:54,804 --> 00:19:57,738 Yeah, sure, we laughed at Timmy, but what's wrong with laughter? 357 00:19:57,739 --> 00:20:00,258 Just because we laugh at something doesn't mean we don't care about it. 358 00:20:00,259 --> 00:20:03,919 Timmy made us smile, and playing made Timmy smile, so where was the harm in that? 359 00:20:03,920 --> 00:20:08,283 The people that are wrong are the ones that think people like Timmy should be "protected" and kept out of the public's eye. 360 00:20:08,284 --> 00:20:10,042 The cool thing about Timmy being in a band 361 00:20:10,043 --> 00:20:12,332 ...was that he was in your face, and you had to deal with him, 362 00:20:12,333 --> 00:20:14,337 whether you laughed or cried, or felt nothing. 363 00:20:14,338 --> 00:20:15,802 That's why Timmy rules! 364 00:20:15,915 --> 00:20:18,079 Yeah! Tim-my! Tim-my! 365 00:20:18,114 --> 00:20:21,126 Tim-my! Tim-my! Tim-my! Tim-my! 366 00:20:21,161 --> 00:20:23,587 Man, it sucks not being part of Lalapalabala. 367 00:20:24,109 --> 00:20:26,022 -Yeah. -Hey dudes. 368 00:20:26,137 --> 00:20:27,783 Skyler, what are you doing here?! 369 00:20:27,784 --> 00:20:30,235 Isn't Reach for the Skyler supposed to play soon? 370 00:20:30,270 --> 00:20:35,014 They booed Phil Collins off the stage. Everyone's chanting for Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld. 371 00:20:35,049 --> 00:20:40,588 Oh, so now that they want us, you think you can waltz, um, back into our lives and be in the band again? 372 00:20:40,623 --> 00:20:41,958 I don't expect anything. 373 00:20:41,959 --> 00:20:46,959 Timmy, I-gh� Well, I just wanted to say we had some pretty rockin' times, dude, 374 00:20:46,960 --> 00:20:49,630 and� maybe I let fame and Phil Collins go to my head� 375 00:20:53,118 --> 00:20:55,550 Wow. They really are chanting for us. 376 00:20:55,585 --> 00:20:56,838 Hn they want us back. 377 00:20:56,873 --> 00:20:58,265 What do you say, Timmy? 378 00:20:59,682 --> 00:21:00,894 Alright! 379 00:21:00,980 --> 00:21:08,398 Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce the reunion tour of Timmehuh! 380 00:21:08,433 --> 00:21:11,625 Timmiihh, and the Lords of the Underworld! 381 00:21:29,300 --> 00:21:31,538 And the Lords of the Underworld. 382 00:21:31,573 --> 00:21:35,541 Put me down, you filthy bastards! Awwww! 383 00:21:35,576 --> 00:21:37,445 Timmiihh uluh-livin' a lie!