1 00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:40,842 Friends, we gather in this place to mourn the victims of yesterday's tragedy. 2 00:00:40,843 --> 00:00:46,516 ...nine good people who were run over in the street by an elderly woman driver. 3 00:00:47,098 --> 00:00:47,484 Oh God, memorial services are sooo boring. 4 00:00:49,820 --> 00:00:52,992 You insensitive asshole, Cartman! Nine people died! 5 00:00:53,023 --> 00:00:56,484 Yeah, but like, eight of them were hippies. Mostly hippies go to farmer's markets. 6 00:00:56,619 --> 00:00:57,763 Mostly 7 00:00:57,798 --> 00:01:01,496 It is sometimes hard, in times like these, to understand God's way. 8 00:01:01,497 --> 00:01:08,867 Why would he allow nine innocent people to be run down in the prime of their lives by a senior citizen who, perhaps, shouldn't be driving? 9 00:01:08,868 --> 00:01:12,977 It is then that we must understand, God's sense of humor is very different from our own. 10 00:01:12,978 --> 00:01:16,498 He does not laugh at the simple "man walks into a bar" joke. 11 00:01:16,499 --> 00:01:22,843 No, God needs complex irony and subtle farcical twists that seem macabre to you and me. 12 00:01:22,844 --> 00:01:23,844 All that we can hope for is that God got his good laugh and a tragedy such as this will never happen again. 13 00:01:29,338 --> 00:01:30,394 Look out!! 14 00:01:32,080 --> 00:01:35,153 Huh? Was that a stop sign back there? 15 00:01:48,132 --> 00:01:50,483 Hey Dad, how come they let old people drive? 16 00:01:50,518 --> 00:01:54,155 Well, Stan, it's a very fragile issue. 17 00:01:54,190 --> 00:01:56,024 But they kill people. 18 00:01:56,059 --> 00:02:01,414 Sometimes, yes, but senior citizens have to be dealt with very gingerly, Stan. 19 00:02:01,415 --> 00:02:03,761 We can't just take their licenses away. 20 00:02:03,828 --> 00:02:07,379 I'll be God-damned if they think they can take my license away! 21 00:02:07,414 --> 00:02:08,412 Oooh, hi Dad. 22 00:02:08,447 --> 00:02:12,670 I heard what you said! You wanna take drivin' privileges away from seniors! 23 00:02:12,671 --> 00:02:17,848 Well let me tell you something, peckerface! I worked fifty five years in the steel mill! 24 00:02:17,849 --> 00:02:19,008 Yes Dad. 25 00:02:19,043 --> 00:02:21,562 -And I flew Spitfires over Germany in World War II! -Yes I know. 26 00:02:21,795 --> 00:02:27,130 And I will be God-damned if the government thinks it can step in and take away my right to drive! 27 00:02:27,741 --> 00:02:31,095 I think old people should have rights, Grandpa. I just don't wanna die. 28 00:02:43,485 --> 00:02:47,003 Damnit Mona, this isn't the fastest way to Country Kitchen Buffet! 29 00:02:47,038 --> 00:02:50,467 No, but it's the shortest. I save the most gas that way. 30 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:02,868 You save the most gas if you take the highway to Country Kitchen Buffet! 31 00:03:02,903 --> 00:03:06,269 Less miles means less gas, you old fool. 32 00:03:10,147 --> 00:03:12,669 There's Country Kitchen right there! 33 00:03:12,704 --> 00:03:13,470 Where? 34 00:03:13,505 --> 00:03:15,293 Right there! You're gonna miss it! 35 00:03:21,425 --> 00:03:23,921 Is this the parking lot? 36 00:03:23,956 --> 00:03:25,063 I think so. 37 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:30,720 Another death tonight by a senior citizen motorist. 38 00:03:30,721 --> 00:03:36,104 Carl Zorn of Pine Junction was killed instantly when struck by a vehicle driven by Pete and Lydia Malman, 39 00:03:36,105 --> 00:03:38,646 who were trying to find Country Kitchen Buffet. 40 00:03:38,647 --> 00:03:42,426 This latest tragedy comes only two days after the accident in Deer Creek, 41 00:03:42,427 --> 00:03:46,932 where three construction workers and a bulldozer were run down by senior citizen Paul Thom , 42 00:03:46,933 --> 00:03:49,468 who was trying to find Country Kitchen Buffet. 43 00:03:49,469 --> 00:03:54,723 Public outcry is forcing the DMV to consider suspending the licenses of all seniors over seventy, 44 00:03:54,724 --> 00:03:57,285 though no decision has yet to be made. 45 00:03:59,239 --> 00:04:04,436 Seniors of South Park, I don't know about you, but I am mad as hell! 46 00:04:04,471 --> 00:04:05,226 Yeah! 47 00:04:06,853 --> 00:04:12,092 I'm sick of having my mental condition come into question! 48 00:04:14,438 --> 00:04:20,025 We need to let everyone know we're pissed off, and we're not gonna take it anymore! 49 00:04:20,060 --> 00:04:22,580 Yeah! Yeah! That's right, Pete! 50 00:04:22,615 --> 00:04:25,478 That's right! Now, 51 00:04:25,479 --> 00:04:30,204 ...can anybody remember what we're pissed off about? 52 00:04:35,580 --> 00:04:41,559 Now, remember we're all pissed about something and uh... that's why we had this meeting, 53 00:04:41,560 --> 00:04:44,051 but I... can't for the life of me re- 54 00:04:44,086 --> 00:04:49,821 Oooo. Was it the kids skateboarding on the sidewalks? No? 55 00:04:50,291 --> 00:04:53,657 Oh, I remember! They're gonna take our licenses away! 56 00:04:53,692 --> 00:04:55,690 Yeah! Yeah! That's right! 57 00:04:55,725 --> 00:04:58,883 That's right! They're gonna try and take our licenses away! 58 00:04:58,884 --> 00:05:01,675 And I, for one, am mad as hell! 59 00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:04,682 Me too! Yeah, that's right! And mine too! 60 00:05:04,717 --> 00:05:09,471 I'm sick of having my mental condition come into question! 61 00:05:09,506 --> 00:05:12,176 So now, what are we gonna do about it? 62 00:05:13,532 --> 00:05:14,823 Do about what? 63 00:05:14,858 --> 00:05:17,474 They're gonna take our licenses away. 64 00:05:17,509 --> 00:05:19,983 They are?? They can't do that! 65 00:05:21,810 --> 00:05:24,889 That's right. So you know what I think we should do? 66 00:05:24,890 --> 00:05:28,494 I think we should have a senior citizens' meeting! 67 00:05:28,495 --> 00:05:33,739 Get all the senior together a the community center and unite! 68 00:05:34,393 --> 00:05:35,756 Great idea, Marvin! 69 00:05:35,791 --> 00:05:39,356 Wait, ah I think we're having that meeting right now. 70 00:05:40,153 --> 00:05:42,642 ...Oh, right, this is the meeting. 71 00:05:42,677 --> 00:05:46,471 Right. To get those damn kids to stop skateboarding on the sidewalks! 72 00:05:46,506 --> 00:05:49,509 Yeah! Yeah! That's right! Someone's gotta stop them! 73 00:05:51,958 --> 00:05:53,197 Sharon, have you seen Dad? 74 00:05:53,232 --> 00:05:57,631 He's not here, hun. He's having a meeting with all the seniors in town at the community center. 75 00:05:58,431 --> 00:06:00,748 Oh. Wait a minute. 76 00:06:00,749 --> 00:06:06,788 If all the seniors in town are at a meeting, that means that when the meeting gets out... 77 00:06:07,618 --> 00:06:10,753 Every senior in town will be driving home... 78 00:06:10,788 --> 00:06:13,523 At the same time. 79 00:06:14,161 --> 00:06:17,223 Oh My God! 80 00:06:18,783 --> 00:06:21,688 Get inside! Get inside! 81 00:06:22,520 --> 00:06:26,429 Seniors' meeting getting out! Get off the streets! 82 00:06:31,325 --> 00:06:33,533 All right, great meeting everyone. Let's do it again sometime. 83 00:06:34,221 --> 00:06:36,093 So long, everybody. 84 00:06:36,467 --> 00:06:37,699 Goodbye, Missy. 85 00:06:41,206 --> 00:06:44,849 Get off the streets! Get off the streets! 86 00:06:45,792 --> 00:06:48,082 Old people are driving! 87 00:06:51,555 --> 00:06:53,946 Gerald! Where are the boys?! 88 00:06:53,981 --> 00:06:54,992 We've gotta get out of here! 89 00:06:55,027 --> 00:06:57,029 The boys, Gerald! Where are they?! 90 00:06:57,064 --> 00:07:00,551 They, they're... they're playing street hockey! 91 00:07:00,872 --> 00:07:03,727 Oh My God!! 92 00:07:04,503 --> 00:07:06,686 With just ten seconds to go, the offense makes its move. 93 00:07:06,687 --> 00:07:09,044 Marsh heads for the goal and paases the ball to the poor kid. 94 00:07:09,045 --> 00:07:13,651 The poor kid hands it out to the Jew! The Jew shoots. Awww, and the shot is blocked again 95 00:07:13,652 --> 00:07:16,447 ...proving once and for all that Jews cannot play hockey! 96 00:07:16,482 --> 00:07:18,816 It isn't fair. Cartman's fatter than the goal. 97 00:07:18,851 --> 00:07:20,859 I'm not fat. I just have a sweet hockey body. 98 00:07:20,894 --> 00:07:23,985 GET OFF THE STREETS! GET OFF THE STREETS! 99 00:07:25,190 --> 00:07:26,749 Dude, look! 100 00:07:26,784 --> 00:07:30,685 GET OFF... THE STREETS! GET OFF THE STREETS! 101 00:07:32,257 --> 00:07:33,308 What is that? 102 00:07:33,309 --> 00:07:33,767 I don't know. 103 00:07:33,802 --> 00:07:38,093 GET OFF... GET STRAIGHT OFF THE STREET! 104 00:07:38,474 --> 00:07:40,194 Dude, is that your dad? 105 00:07:40,229 --> 00:07:40,839 I think so. 106 00:07:40,874 --> 00:07:42,935 Looks like Stan's dad's been hittin' the bottle again. 107 00:07:42,970 --> 00:07:44,549 -STREETS!! OFF- 108 00:07:44,550 --> 00:07:46,423 What is he saying? 109 00:07:46,424 --> 00:07:47,138 I can't understand him. 110 00:07:48,544 --> 00:07:52,724 Calm down! We cannot understand you! 111 00:07:52,759 --> 00:07:55,079 (Ohhhhh, look!) 112 00:07:57,337 --> 00:07:58,828 (You guys!) 113 00:07:58,863 --> 00:08:00,543 -Oh Jesus! -Old people! 114 00:08:00,578 --> 00:08:01,320 Come on! 115 00:08:04,879 --> 00:08:06,086 Oh God, they're coming! 116 00:08:07,164 --> 00:08:08,531 Get over there! Stay low! 117 00:08:09,337 --> 00:08:11,307 Why are they all out driving at the same time? 118 00:08:19,223 --> 00:08:21,005 It's okay, boys. They're gone. 119 00:08:21,006 --> 00:08:23,141 Let's just lay low for a minute until we can find- 120 00:08:25,190 --> 00:08:27,569 I don't remember there being a building here. 121 00:08:27,604 --> 00:08:28,525 RUN! 122 00:08:32,181 --> 00:08:34,722 I told you to turn left, Larry. 123 00:08:34,757 --> 00:08:36,891 Get up the stairs! Up the stairs! 124 00:08:37,459 --> 00:08:38,947 Come on! Come on!! 125 00:08:38,982 --> 00:08:40,064 Aah! There's another one! 126 00:08:42,094 --> 00:08:44,907 Excuse me, is this Costello Avenue? 127 00:08:46,477 --> 00:08:47,741 In here! 128 00:08:54,171 --> 00:08:56,152 They're not gonna stop until we're all dead! 129 00:08:56,187 --> 00:08:57,365 Quiet! Keep quiet! 130 00:08:58,355 --> 00:08:59,491 Dad, I'm scared. 131 00:08:59,526 --> 00:09:03,028 Just, keep your voices down. We'll stay the night in here. 132 00:09:03,029 --> 00:09:04,649 We'll stay the whole winter if we have to. 133 00:09:05,039 --> 00:09:08,203 I'm not staying the winter in this room! We just need to tell old people they can't drive anymore! 134 00:09:08,238 --> 00:09:12,347 Awgh. Stan, it's not that simple! Just relax while I find the lights. 135 00:09:12,882 --> 00:09:14,411 Here we go. 136 00:09:14,446 --> 00:09:16,148 How the hell did we get up here? 137 00:09:18,123 --> 00:09:20,555 I told you this was the wrong way! 138 00:09:23,513 --> 00:09:31,233 Tom, I'm standing outside of the Department of Motor Vehicles, where senior citizens have until three p.m. to hand over their driver's licenses. 139 00:09:31,234 --> 00:09:38,389 The new law was passed just three days after the Night of Horror, in which all seniors were out driving at the same time, 140 00:09:38,390 --> 00:09:42,284 ...causing fourteen deaths and three million dollars in damage. 141 00:09:43,234 --> 00:09:46,593 Alrighty. There we go. Next? 142 00:09:47,452 --> 00:09:51,232 It ain't right what you're doin'! I never had an accident in my life! 143 00:09:51,267 --> 00:09:54,040 That's right. You shouldn't punish all of us. 144 00:09:54,075 --> 00:09:58,542 We're sorry, but this is the only way to be sure. Next please. There we go. 145 00:09:58,577 --> 00:10:04,135 But how am I supposed to get to the grocery store? Or the pharmacy to buy medicine? 146 00:10:04,170 --> 00:10:08,107 Well, maybe you should be in a nursing home. Hmmm? 147 00:10:08,142 --> 00:10:09,836 Some of us would rather die! 148 00:10:09,871 --> 00:10:12,449 Well, we can certainly help you with that, too. 149 00:10:12,484 --> 00:10:14,804 We aren't second-class citizens! 150 00:10:14,839 --> 00:10:19,428 That's right! You can take our licenses, but you'll never take our pride! 151 00:10:19,463 --> 00:10:20,297 Yeah... 152 00:10:23,722 --> 00:10:25,172 Ooooh, isn't this great you guys? 153 00:10:25,173 --> 00:10:28,422 Being able to walk the streets now that old people are confined to their homes where they belong? 154 00:10:29,852 --> 00:10:34,168 Billy, get in the car! I need you boys to help me pick up my new Hov-Around. 155 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:37,533 Uh, Grandpa, I don't think you should be driving. 156 00:10:37,568 --> 00:10:40,911 God-damnit Billy! You're supposed to listen to your dad, right?! 157 00:10:40,912 --> 00:10:41,912 Well I'm your dad's dad, and that means you get in this car before I tan all your hides! 158 00:10:46,856 --> 00:10:48,571 Well, look at it this way: 159 00:10:48,572 --> 00:10:52,478 Statistically speaking, we're safer inside a car with an old person driving than outside. 160 00:10:52,513 --> 00:10:53,811 My God, he's right. 161 00:10:56,329 --> 00:11:00,063 Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, even though I walk through the valley of death. 162 00:11:01,669 --> 00:11:05,874 Guys, I don't know if I ever told you this, but, well, I love you guys. 163 00:11:06,898 --> 00:11:08,082 Except for you, Kyle. 164 00:11:08,117 --> 00:11:09,695 Okay, all set? 165 00:11:18,553 --> 00:11:20,462 (Oooooo my God!) 166 00:11:26,000 --> 00:11:28,202 Ah, I think there's a police car behind you, Grandpa. 167 00:11:30,662 --> 00:11:34,117 Go around. Go around, you moron! 168 00:11:34,152 --> 00:11:37,105 Blue Impala, pull your vehicle over! 169 00:11:37,140 --> 00:11:38,818 I believe that's us... thank God. 170 00:11:43,271 --> 00:11:45,105 Could I see your license, please? 171 00:11:45,140 --> 00:11:47,577 I ain't got one! You peckers took it! 172 00:11:47,612 --> 00:11:49,794 Well then, I have to take you to jail. 173 00:11:49,829 --> 00:11:54,946 You just try taking me to jail, scrotum-head! You just try! 174 00:11:55,723 --> 00:11:59,805 Stupid son of a- God damnit! 175 00:11:59,840 --> 00:12:01,697 I just got him right here, Mr. Marsh. 176 00:12:01,732 --> 00:12:05,191 Oh brother. Well, good job, dad! Look at you now! 177 00:12:05,226 --> 00:12:08,577 Oh God damnit, don't you lecture me you son of a bitch! 178 00:12:08,612 --> 00:12:11,150 You just had to be so damn stubborn, didn't you?! 179 00:12:11,185 --> 00:12:13,744 Now my son is gonna talk to me like I'm twelve. 180 00:12:13,779 --> 00:12:16,339 We're not treating you like children, Dad. All right? 181 00:12:16,340 --> 00:12:19,651 Now I think you owe Mr. Police Officer an apology. 182 00:12:19,652 --> 00:12:22,447 Who needs to apologize, hm? Who's the sorry-sorry? 183 00:12:22,568 --> 00:12:24,023 Kiss my sagging ass! 184 00:12:24,058 --> 00:12:28,563 Well fine. I was gonna bail you out, but maybe you can just sit here for a bit and think about what you did! 185 00:12:28,598 --> 00:12:32,322 Well I won't be sitting here long! I've already called the AARP! 186 00:12:32,357 --> 00:12:33,148 What's that? 187 00:12:33,183 --> 00:12:36,649 The American Association of Retired Persons! 188 00:12:36,650 --> 00:12:39,288 The largest political group in the country! 189 00:12:39,289 --> 00:12:45,110 When seniors like me are bein' descriminated against, the AARP comes and sets it right! 190 00:12:45,111 --> 00:12:48,057 And you're gonna be sorry when they get here! 191 00:12:49,863 --> 00:12:56,818 And so you see, children, Genghis Khan was a "Mongol," not to be confused with a "mongoloid" 192 00:12:56,819 --> 00:12:59,583 ...like the actor, Nicholas Cage. 193 00:12:59,584 --> 00:13:02,406 Okay now, who can tell me in what 194 00:13:02,407 --> 00:13:08,414 ...year ...the ...first ...film by a... mongoloid... 195 00:13:09,355 --> 00:13:10,548 That's odd. 196 00:13:11,926 --> 00:13:14,827 Those ROTC guys are way off course. 197 00:13:18,838 --> 00:13:20,332 More old people! 198 00:13:20,367 --> 00:13:22,719 The American Association of Retired Persons. 199 00:13:22,754 --> 00:13:24,840 Stay in your seats, children. I'll be right back. 200 00:13:27,274 --> 00:13:31,087 Set up a perimeter! Bring Bravo Team to Point Delta! 201 00:13:31,122 --> 00:13:33,561 Bravo Team is go. 202 00:13:33,980 --> 00:13:35,610 Move! Move! Move! 203 00:13:36,197 --> 00:13:38,030 Let's go! Let's go! 204 00:13:38,065 --> 00:13:41,177 Uh, can I help you folks find something? Oowww! 205 00:13:45,155 --> 00:13:46,714 Old people gone mad! 206 00:13:59,681 --> 00:14:02,819 Contact. Put your hands up, young man! 207 00:14:04,029 --> 00:14:04,969 Marvin Marsh? 208 00:14:05,004 --> 00:14:05,812 Yes? 209 00:14:05,847 --> 00:14:08,907 I'm Bill Stewart, President of the AARP. 210 00:14:08,908 --> 00:14:11,728 Hu-we've come to help the seniors in this town fight back. 211 00:14:11,763 --> 00:14:13,164 Oh, it's nice to meet ya, Bill. 212 00:14:14,218 --> 00:14:18,481 We came as fast as we could. We just had to stop by Country Kitchen Buffet first. 213 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:22,669 It's the nursing home! Liberate our comrades! 214 00:14:25,610 --> 00:14:30,181 There now, Mr. Johnson. We can go to the cafeteroa amd get you some creamed corn and toast. 215 00:14:32,181 --> 00:14:33,488 Can I help you? 216 00:14:33,523 --> 00:14:34,475 Help this! 217 00:14:35,435 --> 00:14:35,476 The revolution is on, brother! We're taking control of the town! 218 00:14:38,841 --> 00:14:44,217 Well, alright, well it's about damn time! Hey everyone, we're taking the town. 219 00:14:49,075 --> 00:14:51,551 Seniors, we're taking the town over. 220 00:14:51,586 --> 00:14:53,261 The revolution is on! 221 00:14:54,025 --> 00:14:55,328 The revolution? 222 00:14:55,363 --> 00:14:58,060 Oh, I'd better get my other sweater. 223 00:14:59,116 --> 00:15:03,561 Mrs. Wyland, seniors are taking over the town. Would you like a gun? 224 00:15:03,596 --> 00:15:05,034 Oh, I suppose so. 225 00:15:05,069 --> 00:15:06,711 What the hell is going on?! 226 00:15:06,712 --> 00:15:08,862 Shut your piehole and get over there! 227 00:15:09,899 --> 00:15:11,225 Randy, what is this? 228 00:15:11,260 --> 00:15:14,179 Hey! You are now under the authority of the AARP! 229 00:15:15,753 --> 00:15:19,054 Ha! There you go, Mr. Smartmouth! Look at you now! 230 00:15:19,089 --> 00:15:20,512 Dad, what are you doing?? 231 00:15:20,547 --> 00:15:25,166 The AARP is gonna help us take this town until we get our licenses back! 232 00:15:25,201 --> 00:15:28,714 Yeah, and we're gonna ask for more money in Medi-Care, too! 233 00:15:28,749 --> 00:15:29,583 That's right. 234 00:15:29,618 --> 00:15:30,217 Yeah. 235 00:15:30,252 --> 00:15:31,517 Have you all got Alzheimer's? 236 00:15:31,518 --> 00:15:32,518 The-they're not gonna listen to a bunch of whacked out senior citizens. 237 00:15:35,029 --> 00:15:39,910 Heh?? We'll tell them if they don't give us our demands, we'll start killin' hostages! 238 00:15:39,945 --> 00:15:42,077 Huh, right. They're gonna really believe that. 239 00:15:43,707 --> 00:15:45,622 Isn't that a little extreme, Bill? 240 00:15:45,657 --> 00:15:49,722 Heh?? No, we gotta be tough! Just like with those damned Japs! 241 00:15:49,757 --> 00:15:54,073 This is insane, Dad! You all need to stop right now before morp people get hurt> 242 00:15:54,108 --> 00:15:59,772 The time when you can tell me what to do is over, pucky-boy! We're in charge now! 243 00:16:05,859 --> 00:16:09,974 All right, we've got control of the Mayor's office and the fire station. 244 00:16:10,399 --> 00:16:14,127 Reinforcements have arrived from the nursing home in Conifer. 245 00:16:14,162 --> 00:16:17,786 Good! Hell, us senior citizens could take over the entire country! 246 00:16:17,821 --> 00:16:19,828 We've got company! 247 00:16:23,652 --> 00:16:28,079 Attention seniors: lay down your weapons and turns yourselves over! 248 00:16:28,989 --> 00:16:31,038 Mrs. Applegate, show 'em we mean business. 249 00:16:31,810 --> 00:16:32,787 All right. 250 00:16:38,188 --> 00:16:39,681 What do you want? 251 00:16:40,932 --> 00:16:43,873 We want our licenses back! 252 00:16:43,908 --> 00:16:44,812 Yeah! 253 00:16:44,847 --> 00:16:47,978 That's right. And we want more money in Medi-Care! 254 00:16:48,013 --> 00:16:49,034 Yeah! 255 00:16:49,492 --> 00:16:53,858 And we want those damned kids to stop skateboardin' on the sidewalk! 256 00:16:53,893 --> 00:16:54,907 Yeah! 257 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:01,809 Hey Dad. 258 00:17:01,844 --> 00:17:03,972 Stan! Boys! You're safe! 259 00:17:04,007 --> 00:17:07,171 Dad, why is everyone letting old people do this? Why doesn't somebody stop them? 260 00:17:07,206 --> 00:17:09,030 They've tried to stop them, son, but... 261 00:17:09,499 --> 00:17:11,559 ...the seniors get up so early in the morning they... 262 00:17:11,560 --> 00:17:13,974 ...get everything done before everyone else is even awake! 263 00:17:14,030 --> 00:17:16,468 They're saying something about taking over the entire country. 264 00:17:16,503 --> 00:17:21,278 Yes. And now seeing how early they get up, I don't see how anyone can stop them. 265 00:17:21,279 --> 00:17:22,894 Wait a minute. You boys! 266 00:17:22,895 --> 00:17:25,861 You get up almost as early as they do! You can fight them! 267 00:17:25,896 --> 00:17:27,724 No. Come on, Dad. Can't you guys do it? 268 00:17:28,235 --> 00:17:30,500 No, son. We... like to sleep in. 269 00:17:30,535 --> 00:17:33,194 Two hostages come front and center! 270 00:17:33,358 --> 00:17:35,589 They're coming!! Get out of here before they see you! 271 00:17:35,590 --> 00:17:37,693 Run to the hills and find a way to fight them! Go!! 272 00:17:39,021 --> 00:17:43,683 Boys, avenger me! AVENGER ME!! 273 00:17:45,225 --> 00:17:47,476 All right, check it out. Kenny did reconnaissance on the town. 274 00:17:47,477 --> 00:17:49,887 The old people have blockades here and here . 275 00:17:49,888 --> 00:17:52,394 The old ladies are keeping watch in towers around the perimeter, 276 00:17:52,395 --> 00:17:55,302 and the leaders along with my grandpa are most likely in the Mayor's office. 277 00:17:55,337 --> 00:17:57,601 So our only solution is to cut off their life force. 278 00:17:57,714 --> 00:17:59,014 We can't fight them, Cartman. 279 00:17:59,049 --> 00:18:01,843 No. But we can sneak into town and shut down their food supply. 280 00:18:01,844 --> 00:18:02,988 Here. 281 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:05,371 Country Kitchen Buffet? 282 00:18:05,406 --> 00:18:08,330 Yeah. You take out Country Kitchen Buffet, and old people won't know what to do. 283 00:18:08,365 --> 00:18:09,700 That's a retarded idea, Cartman! 284 00:18:09,735 --> 00:18:12,654 Is it? Two years ago they closed the Country Kitchen Buffet in Steamboat Springs. 285 00:18:12,655 --> 00:18:15,177 And all the old people died of starvation in less than a week. 286 00:18:15,686 --> 00:18:17,082 Yeah, I remember hearing about that. 287 00:18:17,117 --> 00:18:20,351 Ech, even if it could work, how would we go about shutting it down? 288 00:18:20,386 --> 00:18:22,660 I think I have a plan, though we'll have to do it tonight. 289 00:18:25,070 --> 00:18:28,882 We'll start by sneaking into town, cleverly disguised as black people. 290 00:18:29,458 --> 00:18:33,007 At 5:45 Kenny and Kyle split off and set a diversion on the east end of town. 291 00:18:34,618 --> 00:18:38,943 Meanwhile, Stan and I sneak into the Mayor's office and steal some of the explosives the old people have stashed. 292 00:18:39,800 --> 00:18:44,892 Nine o'clock: we rendezvous at the Country Kitchen Buffet, where we strap the explosives and the timer to Kyle's chest. 293 00:18:44,893 --> 00:18:48,066 We say our triple goodbye to Kyle, and them we send him inside. 294 00:18:55,775 --> 00:19:00,317 ...Yeah, or we just go to Country Kitchen Buffet and lock it from the inside so the seniors can't get in. 295 00:19:00,549 --> 00:19:02,351 Well, right, or we could always do that. 296 00:19:05,194 --> 00:19:08,555 All right everyone, round up your ammunition and get ready to move! 297 00:19:08,556 --> 00:19:10,974 We're takin' this war further out! 298 00:19:11,009 --> 00:19:12,093 All right! 299 00:19:15,026 --> 00:19:18,867 Uh, I appreciate what the AARP is tryin' to do for us, but uh, 300 00:19:18,868 --> 00:19:21,593 ...all we want is our licenses back. 301 00:19:21,688 --> 00:19:24,454 Heck no! This is goin' too well. 302 00:19:24,455 --> 00:19:26,643 We're gonna take the whole country back. 303 00:19:26,644 --> 00:19:27,644 Wipe out everyone below the age of sixty five! 304 00:19:29,452 --> 00:19:31,889 Wipe 'em out?? What are you? Senile? 305 00:19:31,924 --> 00:19:35,880 Come on, everyone! It's time to plan for Phase 2! 306 00:19:37,566 --> 00:19:38,642 What the heck? 307 00:19:39,846 --> 00:19:44,718 Huh? What is this?! It's 6 a.m. C-Country Kitchen should be open! 308 00:19:44,782 --> 00:19:46,988 It's not open? It has to be! 309 00:19:49,147 --> 00:19:50,072 Try a window. 310 00:19:51,512 --> 00:19:53,404 They're blocked from the inside. 311 00:19:54,163 --> 00:19:57,109 No... Let us in! Let us in! 312 00:19:57,748 --> 00:20:01,491 Open the door! It's six a.m. 313 00:20:02,664 --> 00:20:05,690 Open the Country Kitchen Buffet for us! 314 00:20:05,725 --> 00:20:06,393 You have to let us in! 315 00:20:17,328 --> 00:20:19,764 All right everyone, area secure. 316 00:20:19,765 --> 00:20:22,304 Collect their weapons and free the hostages. 317 00:20:23,447 --> 00:20:27,613 That was a great strategy, boys. You may very well have saved this entire country. 318 00:20:27,648 --> 00:20:30,645 Whoa-ho-ho-ooh, what happened? Is it over? 319 00:20:30,680 --> 00:20:33,811 Everything is fine. Control of the town is back to you folks. 320 00:20:34,361 --> 00:20:37,023 Country Kitchen... wha-what happened? 321 00:20:37,058 --> 00:20:38,724 Sir, what should we do with this one? 322 00:20:38,759 --> 00:20:40,245 It's up to the townspeople. 323 00:20:40,280 --> 00:20:43,078 Well, I think he learned his lesson. Huh? 324 00:20:43,079 --> 00:20:47,832 Don't you feel silly now, Dad? I think somebody owes us all an apology. Yes he does. 325 00:20:47,905 --> 00:20:50,139 Oh, stop it, Dad! This is partly your fault! 326 00:20:50,174 --> 00:20:50,885 Huh? 327 00:20:50,920 --> 00:20:53,520 Look, all Grandpa wants is not to be talked to like a child. 328 00:20:53,521 --> 00:20:57,128 I think half of what he was angry about wasn't what you were doing, but how you were doing it. 329 00:20:57,163 --> 00:20:58,017 That's right. 330 00:20:58,052 --> 00:21:01,231 And Grandpa, you should be proud that you made it through life to be a senior, 331 00:21:01,232 --> 00:21:04,750 but you should also realize that, when you're behind the wheel, you're a killing machine. 332 00:21:04,785 --> 00:21:12,139 I know. I guess sometimes us seniors need to know when to stop driving so we don't put the responsibility on our families. 333 00:21:12,174 --> 00:21:15,996 Well, I think this has been a real learning experience for the Marsh family. 334 00:21:15,997 --> 00:21:19,808 People died, but we all grew a bit. Let's just go home. 335 00:21:19,910 --> 00:21:21,545 Sure. I'll drive. 336 00:21:22,921 --> 00:21:24,409 That's our Grandpa. 337 00:21:26,277 --> 00:21:28,239 Dude, I hate my family.