1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,053 South Park 904 512x384 Xvid 136MB 2 00:00:08,494 --> 00:00:12,669 Best Friends Forever 3 00:00:29,721 --> 00:00:32,719 4 00:00:36,975 --> 00:00:38,693 Mom! Mom! Get up, we have to go! 5 00:00:38,927 --> 00:00:39,880 MOM, GET UP! 6 00:00:40,202 --> 00:00:42,108 Oh, Poopie-kins, it's very early. 7 00:00:42,330 --> 00:00:46,167 Mom, I told you! The new Sony PSP game machines go on sale at seven a.m. today. 8 00:00:46,350 --> 00:00:48,689 I have to be the first to get one! Come on! 9 00:00:48,795 --> 00:00:50,600 Sweetie, can't we go after school? 10 00:00:50,800 --> 00:00:52,726 Everyone's moms are taking their kids after school! 11 00:00:52,931 --> 00:00:55,980 We're outsmarting everyone by getting to the store right when it opens! Let's go! 12 00:00:57,819 --> 00:01:01,044 I can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when I show up to school with a PSP! 13 00:01:01,235 --> 00:01:03,909 I wonder if Kyle will cry? Oh PLEASE let Kyle cry! 14 00:01:07,631 --> 00:01:08,746 What the hell?! 15 00:01:15,023 --> 00:01:16,619 Kenny, when did you get here? 16 00:01:17,497 --> 00:01:19,417 Friday?! Aw, Jesus! 17 00:01:20,264 --> 00:01:22,363 I'll just... sort of get in here- in here. 18 00:01:22,398 --> 00:01:24,446 Hey dickhole! What do you think you're doing? 19 00:01:24,563 --> 00:01:26,598 Uh, my friend Kenny was saving my place in line. 20 00:01:26,872 --> 00:01:30,656 There's no saving place, fourthie! Get to the back or we'll beat your face in! 21 00:01:31,331 --> 00:01:32,570 Oh, Goddamnit! 22 00:01:35,942 --> 00:01:37,884 They'd better not sell out! 23 00:01:42,682 --> 00:01:44,594 That thing is pretty cool. What games did you get with it? 24 00:01:44,745 --> 00:01:49,294 It's a game called "Heaven versus Hell." Kenny commands the armies of heaven against the forces of Satan. 25 00:01:52,159 --> 00:01:55,500 - Dude, you see what Kenny got? - YES YES, I KNOW! UP YOURS, KYLE! 26 00:01:55,663 --> 00:01:58,328 - Wuh what'd I do? - JUST SHUT YOUR JEW MOUTH! 27 00:01:58,591 --> 00:02:02,261 "Congratulations! You have reached ...lever nine!" 28 00:02:02,785 --> 00:02:05,746 Wow, level nine already? Dude, you kick ass in "Heaven versus Hell." 29 00:02:05,837 --> 00:02:08,189 Yeah, Kenny finally found something he's really good at. 30 00:02:37,312 --> 00:02:40,355 Kenny? Kenny, are you still playin' with that thing? 31 00:02:40,888 --> 00:02:43,619 Kenny, it's been two weeks and you've done nothin' else! 32 00:02:44,903 --> 00:02:47,182 Who cares if you almost made it to lever sixty?! 33 00:02:47,316 --> 00:02:48,900 You're wastin' your life, Kenny! 34 00:02:49,004 --> 00:02:51,772 If you died tomorrow, what would you have to show for it?! 35 00:02:51,901 --> 00:02:56,354 You'er gonna end up wishin' you'd done more with your life, just like your dead-beat father! 36 00:02:56,401 --> 00:02:59,297 - Hey, I heard that, bitch! - I wasn't talkin' to you, asshole!! 37 00:02:59,512 --> 00:03:02,800 - How about I come in there and kick your teeth in! - I'd like to see you try! 38 00:03:08,171 --> 00:03:10,205 You have reached level sixty! 39 00:03:17,124 --> 00:03:19,515 Oh yeah, lever four, sweet! 40 00:03:46,721 --> 00:03:48,168 Open the gate! 41 00:03:48,362 --> 00:03:50,520 Open the gate! 42 00:03:57,701 --> 00:04:01,726 Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven, Kenny. I am Peter. 43 00:04:05,308 --> 00:04:06,793 There isn't much time, Kenny. 44 00:04:06,965 --> 00:04:11,532 You're dead, but, your death was no accident. Heaven needs you. 45 00:04:13,668 --> 00:04:15,607 Come! There is much to discuss 46 00:04:26,697 --> 00:04:28,780 Things are not good in Heaven, Kenny. 47 00:04:28,823 --> 00:04:33,200 Satan is planning a massiva attack and he knows we are too few in number to stop him! 48 00:04:33,580 --> 00:04:37,203 God has changed the rules here. For ages, only Mormons were allowed into Heaven. 49 00:04:37,404 --> 00:04:39,774 - Hello - Hi, dear! 50 00:04:39,814 --> 00:04:43,542 But knowing that Hell was becoming much larger, God decided to let more people cross over 51 00:04:43,542 --> 00:04:48,277 so that he could build an army as well, an army that YOU must command. 52 00:04:50,556 --> 00:04:52,733 The Sony PSP was built by God, 53 00:04:52,971 --> 00:04:56,587 to determine who on Earth had the best skills to defeat the armies of Satan. 54 00:04:57,002 --> 00:05:01,459 You... are the best. YOU, are the only hope for the universe. 55 00:05:03,285 --> 00:05:05,841 Satan's army grows as we speak. 56 00:05:06,158 --> 00:05:09,825 The Dark Lord knows that our armies are few in number, and unorgamized. 57 00:05:10,262 --> 00:05:13,910 So our only hope... is perfect strategy. 58 00:05:14,801 --> 00:05:17,149 A child? This is God's solution? 59 00:05:17,346 --> 00:05:20,673 He beat Satan's army in over three thousand separate simulations. 60 00:05:21,081 --> 00:05:23,275 Archangel Michael, what say you? 61 00:05:26,643 --> 00:05:31,119 The child did something none of us could: Reach lever sixty on the PSP. 62 00:05:31,318 --> 00:05:34,926 Now I don't know if that's luck or perseverence, but it's Goddamned impressive. 63 00:05:35,272 --> 00:05:38,359 All right, Kenny, let me show you what we're up against. 64 00:05:39,907 --> 00:05:41,900 This is the Kingdom of Heaven. 65 00:05:42,316 --> 00:05:44,887 Satan's armies will attack the gate ...here. 66 00:05:45,060 --> 00:05:48,524 They are... ten billion in number. Maybe more. 67 00:05:49,809 --> 00:05:52,970 Our armies are here, here, and here. 68 00:05:53,483 --> 00:05:56,141 Just under... ten thousand strong. 69 00:05:58,652 --> 00:06:03,463 We are outnumbered and in need of someone who can singlehandedly bring the whole Dark Empire down. 70 00:06:03,745 --> 00:06:07,516 Basically, Kenny, you... are Keanu Reeves. 71 00:06:23,028 --> 00:06:26,056 My fellow damned souls! 72 00:06:26,409 --> 00:06:29,389 Now is the time for our assault! 73 00:06:29,885 --> 00:06:33,993 You know no fear! You will drink the blood of angels! 74 00:06:35,152 --> 00:06:38,060 We go now! Nothing can stop us! 75 00:06:38,792 --> 00:06:41,289 Step aside! Step aside, I say! 76 00:06:41,643 --> 00:06:44,151 Satan! God has mocked thee once again! 77 00:06:44,792 --> 00:06:45,860 My spy! 78 00:06:46,023 --> 00:06:48,300 God has found a way to defeat your army. 79 00:06:48,354 --> 00:06:50,050 Impossible! How?! 80 00:06:50,126 --> 00:06:54,400 A young man. Basically, he he's like Keanu Reeves. 81 00:06:55,714 --> 00:06:57,602 Oh Jesus Christ. 82 00:06:57,725 --> 00:07:00,851 My Lord. My Lord, we must attack, now! 83 00:07:00,956 --> 00:07:03,445 What's the point?! They have a Keanu Reeves now. 84 00:07:03,559 --> 00:07:06,281 Do not fear, my Lord. Your army is great! 85 00:07:06,572 --> 00:07:07,671 Very well. 86 00:07:08,163 --> 00:07:11,900 Demon Army, begin your march on Heaven! 87 00:07:17,776 --> 00:07:21,049 Up here, you get the best tactical view to protect the fortress. 88 00:07:21,284 --> 00:07:24,266 It is from here, Kenny, that you shall command the armies of heaven. 89 00:07:26,878 --> 00:07:30,350 Simple. You will use... this. 90 00:07:34,439 --> 00:07:37,495 This golden PSP is king of all PSPs. 91 00:07:37,634 --> 00:07:39,794 Hail the holy PSP. 92 00:07:39,952 --> 00:07:42,198 It works just like the ones we sent to Earth. 93 00:07:42,578 --> 00:07:45,928 All the commands you make will be sent to the troops down on the battlefield. 94 00:07:46,266 --> 00:07:51,364 All you have to do is play the game, Kenny. Only this time, It's for reals. 95 00:07:52,050 --> 00:07:53,923 Gabriel returns with news! 96 00:07:55,434 --> 00:07:58,699 Hell's army is departing! They head now for the Gates of Heaven. 97 00:07:58,957 --> 00:08:01,487 Prepare the troops! We must be ready for them! 98 00:08:01,673 --> 00:08:02,948 The time is at hand, Kenny. 99 00:08:03,053 --> 00:08:06,068 The stage is set and the final battle between Heaven and Hell is about to begin! 100 00:08:06,379 --> 00:08:08,461 The fate of the outcome is in your hands. 101 00:08:11,087 --> 00:08:11,937 Where'd he go? 102 00:08:13,045 --> 00:08:15,167 Doctor! Doctor, we have a pulse! 103 00:08:15,617 --> 00:08:17,608 Then that's it! We brought him back. 104 00:08:17,955 --> 00:08:22,778 Amazing, doctor! You've revived somebody who's been legally dead for almost a day! 105 00:08:23,199 --> 00:08:26,301 Call the parents. They're going to be shocked to find out... 106 00:08:27,025 --> 00:08:28,844 their son is alive. 107 00:08:31,785 --> 00:08:36,867 It's the latest in electro-plastilical science. Your son's organs are all functioning again. 108 00:08:37,563 --> 00:08:40,489 It's a miracle... Kenny, you're alive. 109 00:08:40,869 --> 00:08:42,813 I'm a-fraid he can't respond to you. 110 00:08:42,999 --> 00:08:47,153 You see, being dead for that long, most of Kenny's brain cells died from lack of oxygen. 111 00:08:47,472 --> 00:08:52,192 Your son is alive, but, in what we call a "persistant meditative staute." 112 00:08:52,447 --> 00:08:53,574 Will he ever recover? 113 00:08:53,999 --> 00:08:55,052 I'm afraid no. 114 00:08:55,234 --> 00:08:57,409 Brain cells cannot be repaied once dead. 115 00:08:57,630 --> 00:08:59,875 But his soul is still in here. 116 00:09:00,147 --> 00:09:02,572 Almost... trapped in here, if you will. 117 00:09:02,880 --> 00:09:04,725 Kenny is the same as he ever was. 118 00:09:04,938 --> 00:09:08,562 It's just that, now, he's more like ...a tomato. 119 00:09:09,532 --> 00:09:11,778 He can't more on hiw own-ah how will he eat? 120 00:09:11,999 --> 00:09:16,169 A feeding tube. It pumps a nutrient paste directly into Kenny's stomache. 121 00:09:16,261 --> 00:09:20,505 With it we can actually keep Kenny the tomato alive for years. 122 00:09:24,357 --> 00:09:26,001 A feeding tube?! 123 00:09:26,194 --> 00:09:29,602 Yes. Apparently they're using machines to keep them alive. 124 00:09:29,865 --> 00:09:34,748 But... that's not natural. God intended Kenny to die! What are these people doing?! 125 00:09:34,994 --> 00:09:38,801 The child's soul is now trapped inside his vegetative body. 126 00:09:38,957 --> 00:09:41,328 We have no one to command the troops with the PSP's 127 00:09:41,705 --> 00:09:43,954 And Satan's armies are approaching. 128 00:09:44,123 --> 00:09:45,954 Oh God-damnit 129 00:09:50,173 --> 00:09:54,297 Boys I want to thank you for coming down to my office on such short notice. 130 00:09:56,541 --> 00:09:57,836 Are we in trouble or something? 131 00:09:57,915 --> 00:09:59,785 No. Boys, I'm a laywer. 132 00:09:59,935 --> 00:10:03,472 Your friend Kenny has passed away and I've called you here to read his will. 133 00:10:03,860 --> 00:10:05,158 Kenny had a will? 134 00:10:06,151 --> 00:10:13,627 In the highly liekly event of my death, I, Kenny McCormick, wish to leave all my belongings to my good friends, Stan and Kyle. 135 00:10:14,072 --> 00:10:16,884 Dudes, you were the friends a guy could have. 136 00:10:19,308 --> 00:10:20,919 That's... really touching. 137 00:10:21,464 --> 00:10:22,303 Fag! 138 00:10:22,779 --> 00:10:23,861 To Eric Cartman: 139 00:10:24,247 --> 00:10:28,045 Eric, I never really liked you. But then, nobody does. 140 00:10:28,581 --> 00:10:32,816 You have no ability to feel, and you are going to die alone and miserable. 141 00:10:33,129 --> 00:10:38,063 It is only because I feel so sorry for you that I leave you my Sony PSP. 142 00:10:38,736 --> 00:10:42,983 Oh yeah! Oh yeah, baby! Who the man? Who the man? 143 00:10:43,189 --> 00:10:46,877 There is one more thing I would like to ask you all, as my friends. 144 00:10:47,295 --> 00:10:53,812 If I should ever be in a vegetative state and kept alive on life-support, please,... 145 00:10:57,665 --> 00:10:58,395 Please what? 146 00:10:59,829 --> 00:11:02,009 I don't know. I lost the last page. 147 00:11:02,559 --> 00:11:05,968 Who cares? Kenny's dead! When do I take possession of my PSP, sir? 148 00:11:06,029 --> 00:11:09,966 It's right here, along with Kenny's other belongings. They're all yours. 149 00:11:11,218 --> 00:11:11,971 Yes! 150 00:11:12,869 --> 00:11:14,395 - He's alive! - What? 151 00:11:14,583 --> 00:11:16,898 Kenny McCormick! He's alive at the hospital! 152 00:11:18,023 --> 00:11:19,344 Oh my God! 153 00:11:31,357 --> 00:11:34,208 Your army nears the Kingdon of Heaven, my Lord. 154 00:11:34,225 --> 00:11:38,953 I don't know if we should continue without knowing more about this Keanu Reeves God has. 155 00:11:39,113 --> 00:11:41,562 Satan! I come bearing good news! 156 00:11:41,672 --> 00:11:46,243 The Keanu Reeves boy has been revived on Earth! His soul is no longer in Heaven. 157 00:11:47,444 --> 00:11:49,523 Then God is helping us. 158 00:11:49,966 --> 00:11:54,012 Full march, to the Gates of Heaven! Victory is ours! 159 00:11:57,566 --> 00:11:59,000 Kenny? 160 00:11:59,018 --> 00:12:01,466 - Kenny! You're alive! - Dude, how's you do that?? 161 00:12:02,372 --> 00:12:04,015 He can't responde to you, boys. 162 00:12:04,276 --> 00:12:07,008 Being dead for that long caused severe damage to his brain. 163 00:12:07,374 --> 00:12:08,889 Well... well then he's NOT alive. 164 00:12:09,233 --> 00:12:13,050 He's alive. He-ee smiles when I talk to him. I think... 165 00:12:13,246 --> 00:12:16,857 That's not Kenny. Kenny sniffs paint and sets things on fire! Here, look. 166 00:12:17,134 --> 00:12:19,215 Kenny, Kenny look. Want a dollar? 167 00:12:20,205 --> 00:12:22,887 I I don't know if it's right to keep Kenny alive on that machine. 168 00:12:23,180 --> 00:12:25,606 I I just... I don't know what he would want. 169 00:12:25,792 --> 00:12:27,364 Yeah, the lawyer lost that page. 170 00:12:27,531 --> 00:12:28,865 Oh, I just remembered! 171 00:12:28,953 --> 00:12:32,546 Kenny told me this one time, that he wouldn't wanna be kept alive via feeding tube. 172 00:12:32,635 --> 00:12:33,600 He did? When? 173 00:12:33,671 --> 00:12:36,100 Um, it was um, this one time... 174 00:12:36,617 --> 00:12:40,170 He did not say that! You just want him dead so you can have his stupid PSP! 175 00:12:40,373 --> 00:12:43,279 Stupid? PSP is stupid?! Did you all hear that?? 176 00:12:43,734 --> 00:12:48,023 Uh I mean, I mean this isn't about PSP, Kyle! His is about my friend, and his wishes. 177 00:12:48,160 --> 00:12:49,880 179 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:53,707 - Did not! - Fine! We'll see about this, you freakin' Jew! 180 00:12:53,891 --> 00:12:57,767 I'm gonna get that feeding tube removed if I have to go all the way to the Supreme Court! 181 00:13:01,709 --> 00:13:04,043 Satan's army has crossed over the Plains of Limbo! 182 00:13:04,153 --> 00:13:08,964 Then they will be here on the morrow. Without Kenny's soul here there will be nobody who can use the holy PSP. 183 00:13:09,129 --> 00:13:11,788 No! There is another. 184 00:13:12,019 --> 00:13:14,940 A Japanese boy did make it to level fifty-nine. 185 00:13:16,573 --> 00:13:20,178 Are you stupid, Uriel? Japanese people don't have souls! 186 00:13:20,405 --> 00:13:22,459 - Yeah - Yeah, Uriel! 187 00:13:22,626 --> 00:13:24,260 Oh, right right, I'm sorry 188 00:13:24,359 --> 00:13:27,245 Kenny remains our only hope! Here is what we must do. 189 00:13:27,389 --> 00:13:31,999 Gabriel and Uriel, you go down to Earth and try to get that feeding tube removed. 190 00:13:32,821 --> 00:13:34,735 In the meantime we will put all our troops at Heaven's Gate. 191 00:13:34,735 --> 00:13:38,209 We will try to keep Hell's Aermy from breaking through as long as possible. 192 00:13:39,683 --> 00:13:43,613 Hopefull, it will be long enough to get our Keanu Reeves back. 193 00:13:45,596 --> 00:13:49,268 You see your honor, I was the only one that Kenny McCormick told his wishes to. 194 00:13:49,490 --> 00:13:53,413 And Kenny told me specifically that he would never want to be kept alive on a machine. 195 00:13:53,873 --> 00:13:55,855 What they're doing to him ...is not right. 196 00:13:56,892 --> 00:14:00,339 Well I'm sorry, young man, but the parents want their child kept alive. 197 00:14:00,485 --> 00:14:02,576 I don't believe you have any legal authority here. 198 00:14:02,685 --> 00:14:04,269 I do have legal authority, your honor. 199 00:14:04,650 --> 00:14:07,772 You see, I was Kenny's... BFF. 200 00:14:10,771 --> 00:14:12,300 Best friends forever? 201 00:14:12,334 --> 00:14:15,957 That's right. Kenny and I have been BFFs since first grade. Here, look. 202 00:14:16,897 --> 00:14:19,000 Kenny has the other half of this BFF necklace. 203 00:14:19,101 --> 00:14:22,591 I believe you all know what that means, and how serious this is. 204 00:14:24,121 --> 00:14:26,654 Look, Kenny, your friends are here to visit you again. 205 00:14:27,561 --> 00:14:29,292 But this just doesn't seem right. 206 00:14:29,603 --> 00:14:30,940 Wha, what's the matter, doctor? 207 00:14:31,099 --> 00:14:34,329 I'm afraid I've been given a court order to remove Kenny's feeding tube. 208 00:14:34,624 --> 00:14:35,215 What? 209 00:14:35,445 --> 00:14:37,424 - He's right in here. - Cartman! 210 00:14:38,111 --> 00:14:41,816 Kenny's BFF says that Kenny didn't want to be kept alive artificially. 211 00:14:41,882 --> 00:14:44,482 The courts have determined we must obey his wish. 212 00:14:44,507 --> 00:14:46,328 Cartman is NOT Kenny's BFF! 213 00:14:46,784 --> 00:14:48,242 Sir, take a look at this. 214 00:14:51,332 --> 00:14:54,643 That's all the verification we need. Pull the feeding tube, doctor. 215 00:14:54,963 --> 00:14:56,322 No doctor! You can't! 216 00:14:56,480 --> 00:14:58,346 I'm sorry. I have no choice. 217 00:15:03,676 --> 00:15:04,847 Here is the hospital 218 00:15:05,008 --> 00:15:09,782 This is hopeless, Gabriel. We cannot interact with anything on Earth, how could we possibly get a feeding tube removed? 219 00:15:10,710 --> 00:15:12,844 That dirty no-good sonofabitch! 220 00:15:12,980 --> 00:15:15,587 Now that Cartman got Kenny's feeding tube out, he he's gonna die for sure! 221 00:15:16,029 --> 00:15:17,418 The tube has been removed? 222 00:15:17,559 --> 00:15:19,666 How can they let an eight-year-old decide Kenny's fate? 223 00:15:19,976 --> 00:15:22,420 Apparently, some blessed child has done our work for us. 224 00:15:22,573 --> 00:15:26,987 Good. Now all we must do is pray nobody interferes with the child's death a second time. 225 00:15:27,259 --> 00:15:30,306 Dude, we have to do whatever we can to get that feeding tube put back in! 226 00:15:30,366 --> 00:15:31,623 - Yeah! - No! 227 00:15:31,882 --> 00:15:35,497 Let's go to the, uh, media. We'll make everyone in the country know that they're killing Kenny. 228 00:15:35,662 --> 00:15:36,517 Yeah, come on! 229 00:15:36,711 --> 00:15:39,743 No! No, no boys! Aw Goddamnit! 230 00:15:42,339 --> 00:15:45,049 This is HBC News. A right-to-die case debate is heating up in Colorado, 231 00:15:45,061 --> 00:15:48,922 where Kenny McCormick's feeding tube has been removed by his BFF. 232 00:15:49,030 --> 00:15:53,563 Two boys are bringing national attention to this story by protesting outside the hospital. 233 00:15:55,010 --> 00:15:57,622 - Don't kill Kenny! - You bastards! 234 00:15:57,746 --> 00:16:00,327 - Don't kill Kenny! - You bastards! 235 00:16:00,395 --> 00:16:03,068 No! No, they're not killing him, they're letting him die! 236 00:16:03,115 --> 00:16:07,327 You bureaucrats have no right to play God and take that tube out! 237 00:16:07,555 --> 00:16:10,487 Nono, see, they were playing God when they put the feeding tube IN! 238 00:16:11,020 --> 00:16:13,631 A woman was arrested for trying to bring food to the patient. 239 00:16:14,213 --> 00:16:16,120 Get your man-hands off of me! 240 00:16:16,507 --> 00:16:21,456 However, a growing number of people are also standing behind Kenny's BFF, Eric Cartman. 241 00:16:22,022 --> 00:16:25,064 We must respect the wishes of people's BFFs. 242 00:16:25,264 --> 00:16:28,976 Otherwise, all our BFF necklaces would become meaningless 243 00:16:29,117 --> 00:16:34,108 We all have BFFs, and we believe that a BFF is the highest legal authority. 244 00:16:34,261 --> 00:16:36,602 That's right. Respect our authoritih-m. 245 00:16:37,381 --> 00:16:39,282 What mockery is this?! 246 00:16:39,792 --> 00:16:40,548 My Lord... 247 00:16:40,919 --> 00:16:42,524 The feeding tube has been pulled! 248 00:16:42,598 --> 00:16:46,743 If the child dies and his soul returns to heaven, God will have his Keanu Reeves! 249 00:16:47,466 --> 00:16:49,497 Perhaps the child won't die in time. 250 00:16:49,684 --> 00:16:51,641 Forget it! I'm calling the attack off! 251 00:16:51,997 --> 00:16:53,042 No! 252 00:16:53,312 --> 00:16:57,912 Keep your army marching, my Lord. I will get that feeding tube put back in. 253 00:16:58,782 --> 00:16:59,902 How? 254 00:17:00,021 --> 00:17:04,124 I will do what we always do: Use the Republicans. 255 00:17:06,110 --> 00:17:10,469 We Republicans are deeply saddened by the tragic events in Colorado. 256 00:17:13,272 --> 00:17:15,682 Removing the feeding tube is murder, 257 00:17:16,347 --> 00:17:18,744 Removing the feeding tube is murder! 258 00:17:19,087 --> 00:17:21,746 Who are we to decide if Kenny should live or die? 259 00:17:22,263 --> 00:17:25,068 Who are we to decide if Kenny should live or die? 260 00:17:25,482 --> 00:17:27,653 It is God's will that he live! 261 00:17:28,108 --> 00:17:29,940 It is God's will that he LIVE! 262 00:17:33,610 --> 00:17:35,825 No no, you don't say that part. 263 00:17:36,371 --> 00:17:39,000 No no, you don't say that part, haghaghaghagha. 264 00:17:50,078 --> 00:17:52,380 Jesus, their army is massive. 265 00:17:52,704 --> 00:17:54,458 Heaven help us. 266 00:17:55,095 --> 00:17:59,757 The biggest battle of all time is about to begin: the battle of the feeding tube. 267 00:18:00,023 --> 00:18:03,132 As people on both sides of the argument vie for media attention. 268 00:18:05,345 --> 00:18:08,780 We want all the country to see that Kenny is alive, and in pain! 269 00:18:08,939 --> 00:18:12,000 I believe the people at home see he's NOT in pain because he's a tomato! 270 00:18:12,072 --> 00:18:13,740 You say tomato, but I say Kenny! 271 00:18:13,896 --> 00:18:15,670 You say Kenny, but I say tomato! 272 00:18:15,863 --> 00:18:18,400 - Tomato! - Kenny! 273 00:18:19,657 --> 00:18:24,155 Uuhh, excuse me. I uh, just found the last page of Kenny's will. 274 00:18:26,253 --> 00:18:27,300 What? 275 00:18:27,352 --> 00:18:31,600 I found the page where Kenny specified his wishes about being on life support. 276 00:18:31,983 --> 00:18:33,226 Well, what does it say? 277 00:18:34,262 --> 00:18:41,062 If I should ever be in a vegetative state and kept alive on life support, please... 278 00:18:42,705 --> 00:18:48,311 for the love of God, don't ever show me in that condition on national television. 279 00:18:56,684 --> 00:18:59,872 Oh geez. Maybe we let this thing get out of hand. 280 00:19:00,211 --> 00:19:04,361 This issue is so complicated, but... mmaybe we shhhould just let Kenny go in peace. 281 00:19:04,790 --> 00:19:06,700 You mean, Cartman's side is right? 282 00:19:06,868 --> 00:19:09,510 Cartman's side is right, for the wrong reasons. 283 00:19:09,611 --> 00:19:12,601 But we're wrong, for the right reasons. 284 00:19:13,627 --> 00:19:16,395 Come on, everybody. I think Kenny wants to be left alone. 285 00:19:22,515 --> 00:19:26,362 We've just received word that Kenny McCormick... has passed away. 286 00:19:26,630 --> 00:19:32,774 The debate still rages on in America,but at least now, Kenny... is in a much more peaceful place. 287 00:19:34,192 --> 00:19:35,979 The armies of Satan have already broken through the gate! 288 00:19:36,055 --> 00:19:37,760 We're gonna die!!! 289 00:19:38,393 --> 00:19:41,436 Send our troops to the battlefield! I'll command as best I can! 290 00:19:41,877 --> 00:19:45,481 Michael! Michael! The humans finally did the right thing! 291 00:19:45,959 --> 00:19:47,795 Oh my God, they killed Kenny! 292 00:19:47,869 --> 00:19:49,492 Get him into the command station! Hurry! 293 00:19:49,922 --> 00:19:53,082 Satan's army charges! Tell our troops what to do, Kenny! 294 00:19:54,318 --> 00:20:00,136 So it begins. Now we shall see the final battle between Heaven and Hell play out! 295 00:20:06,363 --> 00:20:10,350 Yesss, good, Kenny! The angel spearmen are taking out their demon soulrippers! 296 00:20:11,677 --> 00:20:14,479 Oh, the cavalry angels are clashing with their Black Knights! 297 00:20:15,179 --> 00:20:17,898 Oh my God! My God, this battle is epic! 298 00:20:19,021 --> 00:20:22,656 Ohh, they're bringing in their demon dragons! Look at the size of them! 299 00:20:25,257 --> 00:20:28,950 My God, this is even bigger than the final battle in the Lord of the Rings movie! 300 00:20:28,992 --> 00:20:31,658 It's like, it's like TEN times bigger than that battle! 301 00:20:33,373 --> 00:20:36,456 No! NO! How are we losing?! 302 00:20:36,696 --> 00:20:39,637 The child's soul is in Heaven! God has his secret weapon! 303 00:20:39,857 --> 00:20:40,938 We'll retreat! 304 00:20:41,224 --> 00:20:42,458 Patience, my Lord! 305 00:20:42,579 --> 00:20:45,922 No, Kevin! That's it! I'm breaking up with you! 306 00:20:48,400 --> 00:20:51,607 Yesss. Yes, Kenny! Satan's forces are retreating! 307 00:20:51,713 --> 00:20:55,529 This is TRULY a sight to behold! OH I wish I had a camcorder! 308 00:20:58,079 --> 00:21:01,307 We have done it! We have defeated the armies of Satan! 309 00:21:06,032 --> 00:21:09,446 Kenny! Bless your soul! You've saved all of Heaven! 310 00:21:09,718 --> 00:21:15,592 Yes, Kenny! And to thank you for all you've done, we are going to give you a very special gift. 311 00:21:16,326 --> 00:21:20,575 For saving the entire universe from the forces of evil, we give you this. 312 00:21:22,754 --> 00:21:24,920 Keanu Reeves' statue. 313 00:21:25,682 --> 00:21:27,430 Congratulations.