1 00:00:35,957 --> 00:00:39,206 We are South Park, Green and White. Let's go, Cows! Fight fight fight! 2 00:00:39,248 --> 00:00:42,677 Nobody can beat a Cow! Let's gooo, South Park! 3 00:00:42,685 --> 00:00:44,207 Hey, South Park! Do you have school spirit? 4 00:00:44,426 --> 00:00:46,082 Moooooooo! 5 00:00:46,375 --> 00:00:48,712 I think us Cows have the best school spirit. Huh, Mandy? 6 00:00:48,957 --> 00:00:51,847 Yeah, and South Park is really gonna stick it to Littleton next week! 7 00:00:51,882 --> 00:00:54,481 Let's bring out our mascot and get this pep rally going! 8 00:00:57,932 --> 00:01:00,567 It's Billy! Uh, Billy will wave for me! Wave for me, Billy! 9 00:01:09,665 --> 00:01:16,450 We are People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals! We protest your insensitive use of cows as your school mascot! 10 00:01:17,328 --> 00:01:19,313 Oh Jesus, not PETA again. 11 00:01:19,566 --> 00:01:22,790 Cows are maimed and slaughtered and used as a commodity! 12 00:01:26,940 --> 00:01:30,433 This is unfair to the cows! This is your insensitivity! 13 00:01:30,904 --> 00:01:32,103 EWWW! 14 00:01:34,747 --> 00:01:40,760 The cow is a slave! The cow is a commodity! To be thrown away by a society gone wrong! 15 00:01:44,838 --> 00:01:48,567 All right, children, I have just been informed that since our school has been attacked 16 00:01:48,609 --> 00:01:54,656 by eco-terrorists for the 47th time, we are going to change our school mascot. 17 00:01:54,805 --> 00:01:56,191 AWWWWWWWWW!!! 18 00:01:56,471 --> 00:01:59,635 Buh, Mr. Garrision, if we change our mascot that means the eco-terrorists win! 19 00:02:00,016 --> 00:02:02,525 That's right, Stanley, the eco-terrorists win. 20 00:02:03,612 --> 00:02:06,418 Now, I have here a mascot selection sheet. 21 00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:10,547 Every student is supposed to check the box next to the mascot they like the most. 22 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:13,926 And the most popular selection will be the school's new mascot. 23 00:02:13,961 --> 00:02:15,072 But we like being the Cows! 24 00:02:17,318 --> 00:02:20,485 You're responsible for the enslavement and genocide of millions! 25 00:02:21,036 --> 00:02:24,163 Get, get outta here, PETA! We're changin' the mascot already! 26 00:02:24,399 --> 00:02:26,201 Who'll speak for those who cannot speak for themselves?? 27 00:02:26,236 --> 00:02:27,790 Go on, get, get outta here! 28 00:02:28,721 --> 00:02:29,425 Get, get out! 29 00:02:31,045 --> 00:02:32,383 Jesus, where do they keep coming from?? 30 00:02:33,639 --> 00:02:34,426 Go on, get outta here. 31 00:02:35,532 --> 00:02:36,657 This is bullcrap, dude! 32 00:02:37,127 --> 00:02:41,745 Now children, it's not that bad. There's plenty of great new mascots on the sheet to chose from. 33 00:02:41,787 --> 00:02:45,791 The Hurricanes, the Blizzards, the Redskins, the Indians... 34 00:02:45,942 --> 00:02:47,740 But aren't Indians and Redskins just as offensive? 35 00:02:48,032 --> 00:02:50,429 No, those are fine. PETA doesn't care about people. 36 00:02:52,229 --> 00:02:56,905 Goddamnit PETAns piss me off! We're never gonna end up with a stupid eagle or a faggy bobcat as a mascot. 37 00:02:57,132 --> 00:02:59,179 Wait. You guys, I have an awesome idea! 38 00:02:59,221 --> 00:03:02,766 We should secretly go around and tell all the students we can to not check any of 39 00:03:02,808 --> 00:03:05,894 the mmascots on this election sheet, and instead write in "Giant Douche. " 40 00:03:05,973 --> 00:03:06,586 Ye-heah! 41 00:03:06,923 --> 00:03:07,747 (Yeah, totally awesome!) 42 00:03:07,996 --> 00:03:10,315 Yeh- no, no, wait wait wait. I got a better idea you guys. 43 00:03:10,357 --> 00:03:15,112 What we should do is we should secretly go around and tel all the sstudents we can to not check any of 44 00:03:15,113 --> 00:03:18,866 the mascots on this election sheet, and instead write in "Turd Sandwich. " 45 00:03:20,707 --> 00:03:22,050 Turd Sandwich isn't better than Giant Douche. 46 00:03:22,575 --> 00:03:24,997 Heh, it's only about a thousand times better, am I right guys? 47 00:03:25,038 --> 00:03:27,082 Come on! We have to tell everybody fast! This is gonna be soo funny! 48 00:03:27,094 --> 00:03:30,350 It was MY idea and we're gonna tell everyone to write in "Giant Douche!" It's way funnier! 49 00:03:30,608 --> 00:03:31,479 IT IS NOT!!! 50 00:03:31,743 --> 00:03:33,253 Kenny, what's funnier? A giant douche or a turd sandwich? 51 00:03:34,022 --> 00:03:34,675 (Giant douche.) 52 00:03:34,967 --> 00:03:37,222 Aw, you're just saying that because I broke your cat's leg last week. 53 00:03:37,578 --> 00:03:39,102 Stan, do you pick giant douche or turd sandwich? 54 00:03:39,614 --> 00:03:40,856 Dude, I really don't care. 55 00:03:41,783 --> 00:03:43,807 That's two against one, 'cause Stan doesn't care. So it's giant douche. 56 00:03:44,489 --> 00:03:45,668 ...Wait wait, what about Butters? 57 00:03:46,038 --> 00:03:46,379 Huh? 58 00:03:46,662 --> 00:03:47,139 You hate Butters. 59 00:03:47,358 --> 00:03:50,564 Goddamnit you guys, Butters is our friend! And he's allowed to have his opinion! 60 00:03:50,606 --> 00:03:54,860 Butters which is funnier? A stupid not-funny giant douche or a super funny turd sandwich? 61 00:03:54,907 --> 00:03:55,895 Hahaa, a turd sandwich! 62 00:03:56,307 --> 00:03:57,199 You misled him, fat ass! 63 00:03:57,562 --> 00:03:59,657 It's the best choice, and me and Butters are sticking with it. 64 00:03:59,937 --> 00:04:01,348 Yeah!... What's this for? 65 00:04:02,566 --> 00:04:04,745 Jimmy, we're gonna have everyone write in a mascot that's really funny, 66 00:04:04,786 --> 00:04:06,658 and you have to tell us which one would be funnier.. 67 00:04:06,693 --> 00:04:11,933 That"s a... fantastic idea fellas. Uh, the key to successful humor is s- staying power. Uh tell me the first mascot idea. 68 00:04:12,366 --> 00:04:13,400 A giant douche. 69 00:04:14,110 --> 00:04:16,814 Heh, huh okay, that's pretty funny. Now, what's the second? 70 00:04:17,177 --> 00:04:17,978 A turd sandwich. 71 00:04:18,437 --> 00:04:20,733 Turhr... Ohokahay. Okay, now let's wait ten seconds. 72 00:04:27,480 --> 00:04:28,723 Okay now, t-tell me the first one again? 73 00:04:29,312 --> 00:04:30,000 Giant douche. 74 00:04:30,649 --> 00:04:31,766 And the second? 75 00:04:32,422 --> 00:04:33,134 Turd sandwich. 76 00:04:34,858 --> 00:04:38,250 Gee, th-they're both screamingly funny, fellas Uhhhbetter give it another ten seconds. 77 00:04:43,161 --> 00:04:46,286 All right, now we'll see which one really has staying power. Number one? 78 00:04:46,370 --> 00:04:47,192 A giant douche. 79 00:04:47,904 --> 00:04:49,644 Okay, I think, that's it. Number 2? 80 00:04:50,079 --> 00:04:51,045 Turd sandwich. 81 00:04:52,149 --> 00:04:55,003 Gee, I don't know what to say, fellas. They're both instant classics. 82 00:04:55,045 --> 00:04:59,466 But I guess I'll have to go with giant douche, simply because the fact that it's a giant renders it useless, 83 00:04:59,508 --> 00:05:00,509 adding a parody slant to the satire. 84 00:05:01,394 --> 00:05:02,177 AWWWW!! 85 00:05:02,557 --> 00:05:03,735 Ohhh, we lost? 86 00:05:03,949 --> 00:05:05,995 All right, it's decided. Let's all write in "Giant Douche. " 87 00:05:06,367 --> 00:05:07,757 Okay. You win, Kyle. 88 00:05:11,160 --> 00:05:15,232 Attention students, we have tallied your mascot nomination sheets, 89 00:05:15,274 --> 00:05:19,487 and there will now be a school-wide vote between the top two nominations. 90 00:05:19,528 --> 00:05:25,212 So here is the first most-requested candidate, a giant douche. 91 00:05:31,178 --> 00:05:32,180 Go giant douche! 92 00:05:33,579 --> 00:05:36,312 Hey, South Park! Have we got school spirit?? 93 00:05:38,639 --> 00:05:44,632 We've got spirit, yes we do! Giant douches me and you! Let's gooooo, Douches! 94 00:05:50,504 --> 00:05:54,002 And now your second nominee, Turd Sandwich. 95 00:06:00,490 --> 00:06:01,891 All right turd sandwich! 96 00:06:02,771 --> 00:06:02,969 Yeah! 97 00:06:03,004 --> 00:06:03,776 Cartman? What the hell?? 98 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:04,764 Giant Douche sucks! 99 00:06:05,709 --> 00:06:09,997 We've got spirit, yes we do! We are sandwiches filled with poo! Yeeaahhh! 100 00:06:11,946 --> 00:06:17,672 Students can now cast their choice between the Giant Douche and the Turd Sandwich. 101 00:06:17,711 --> 00:06:19,981 We'll count up the votes on Tuesday. 102 00:06:20,005 --> 00:06:21,362 You won't get more votes than us, asshole! 103 00:06:21,639 --> 00:06:22,509 Dream on, Jew boy! 104 00:06:22,911 --> 00:06:24,526 Yeah, dream on, Jew boy! 105 00:06:27,567 --> 00:06:28,899 Be sure to vote for Giant Douche. 106 00:06:29,271 --> 00:06:30,290 (Giant Douche! Vote for him!) 107 00:06:30,601 --> 00:06:31,696 Giant Douche is your man! 108 00:06:32,266 --> 00:06:36,172 Kyle, aren't you taking this a little too far? I mean, do we really want a giant douche to be our school mascot? 109 00:06:36,440 --> 00:06:38,985 Dude, I'm not going to lose to Cartman's stupid turd sandwich. 110 00:06:42,213 --> 00:06:46,281 Vote for Turd Sandwich. This is the most important election of our lives. 111 00:06:46,305 --> 00:06:50,795 Turd Sandwich brings us hope for change. A vote for Turd Sandwich is a Vote for Tomorrow! 112 00:06:51,661 --> 00:06:53,245 There. Do you really want that asshole to win? 113 00:06:53,492 --> 00:06:54,228 I'm not voting! 114 00:06:54,519 --> 00:06:59,528 What? Y-you gotta vote, dude. Haven't you seen the Rock the Vote stuff or, or Puff Daddy's Vote or Die?? 115 00:06:59,644 --> 00:07:00,699 I just think this whole thing is stupid! 116 00:07:02,502 --> 00:07:07,690 Kenny, we have got to make Stan understand the importance of voting, because he'll definitely vote for our guy. 117 00:07:07,911 --> 00:07:08,372 (Yeah.) 118 00:07:10,848 --> 00:07:12,057 How was school today, Stanley? 119 00:07:12,365 --> 00:07:14,610 It was ridiculous. We have to have a new school mascot 120 00:07:14,643 --> 00:07:17,271 and we're supposed to vote between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. 121 00:07:18,634 --> 00:07:20,096 ...What did you say? 122 00:07:20,776 --> 00:07:23,590 Did you just say that... voting is ridiculous? 123 00:07:23,625 --> 00:07:28,038 No, I think voting is great, but, if I have to choose between a douche and a turd, I just don't see the point. 124 00:07:28,413 --> 00:07:31,634 You don't see the point!! Oh you young people just make me sick! 125 00:07:31,956 --> 00:07:34,875 Stanley, do you know how many people died so you could have the right to vote?! 126 00:07:35,141 --> 00:07:38,194 Mom, a-I just don't think there's much of a difference between a douche and a turd. I d-I don't care. 127 00:07:38,557 --> 00:07:44,817 You don't care?! You really want a turd sandwich as your school mascot?! On your football helmets?! A turd?! 128 00:07:45,250 --> 00:07:49,526 Well, hold on, Randy, I think a turd sandwich is a little better than them having a giant douche on their uniforms. 129 00:07:49,896 --> 00:07:51,973 You're crazy!! A d-a douche is at least clean! 130 00:07:52,309 --> 00:07:53,779 It's sexist is what it is! 131 00:07:54,089 --> 00:07:55,644 You don't understand the issues, Sharon! 132 00:07:55,860 --> 00:07:56,922 Are you calling me ignorant?? 133 00:07:57,168 --> 00:08:00,519 You think the school mascot should be a turd sandwich? Well you're not exactly Einstein! 134 00:08:00,761 --> 00:08:03,411 I am sick of you belittling my opinion, you son of a bitch! 135 00:08:05,043 --> 00:08:06,745 I hate this family, I hate it! 136 00:08:15,365 --> 00:08:16,079 Puff Daddy? 137 00:08:16,762 --> 00:08:19,935 Your friend Kyle said you don't understand the importance of voting. 138 00:08:20,678 --> 00:08:21,050 I... 139 00:08:21,670 --> 00:08:24,463 Apparently you haven't heard of my "Vote or Die" campaign. 140 00:08:25,524 --> 00:08:26,410 "Vote or Die"? 141 00:08:26,692 --> 00:08:27,262 What the hell does that even mean?! 142 00:08:29,406 --> 00:08:30,262 What you think it means, bitch! 143 00:08:30,666 --> 00:08:31,382 AAAAH!! 144 00:08:34,089 --> 00:08:36,519 Vote or die, mother_, mother_er, vote or die! 145 00:08:36,769 --> 00:08:39,291 Rock the vote or else I'm gonna stick a knife through your eye. 146 00:08:39,326 --> 00:08:41,523 Democracy is founded on one simple rule! 147 00:08:42,006 --> 00:08:44,373 Get out there and vote or I will mother__ kill you. 148 00:08:46,298 --> 00:08:46,422 Yeh. 149 00:08:46,937 --> 00:08:49,147 I like it when you vote, bitch! (bitch!) 150 00:08:49,393 --> 00:08:51,427 Shake them titties when you vote, bitch! (bitch!) 151 00:08:51,691 --> 00:08:53,860 I slam my jimmy through your mouth roof (mouth roof) 152 00:08:54,173 --> 00:08:56,484 Now get your big ass in the pollin' booth. 153 00:08:56,804 --> 00:09:00,042 I said vote, bitch, or I'll f_____ kill you! 154 00:09:01,905 --> 00:09:04,278 Vote or die, mother_, mother_, vote or die! 155 00:09:04,480 --> 00:09:06,823 You can't run from a.38, go ahead and try! 156 00:09:07,083 --> 00:09:09,442 Let your opinion be heard! You gotta make a choice 157 00:09:09,690 --> 00:09:12,011 'Cause after I slit your throat you won't have a f____ voice 158 00:09:14,529 --> 00:09:16,735 'Vote or die! Vote or die! 159 00:09:18,802 --> 00:09:20,740 Okay. I'll vote. 160 00:09:24,823 --> 00:09:27,836 Hello, Clyde. 161 00:09:28,581 --> 00:09:29,423 What do you guys want? 162 00:09:29,760 --> 00:09:32,623 We were just wondering who you might be voting for, for the school's new mascot. 163 00:09:32,934 --> 00:09:33,803 I haven't decided yet. 164 00:09:34,247 --> 00:09:38,250 Oh really? Well that's interesting. You certainly should think about it and make the right decision. 165 00:09:40,485 --> 00:09:41,610 Butterscotch candy? 166 00:09:43,177 --> 00:09:43,649 Sure. 167 00:09:46,033 --> 00:09:48,673 Clyde, are you aware of what Turd Sandwich can bring to our school? 168 00:09:49,173 --> 00:09:54,023 A turd sandwich is not only the first turd to be nominated school mascot, but even the first, sandwich. 169 00:09:56,419 --> 00:09:59,702 You see, what Turd Sandwich brings to our school, Clyde, is a complete package. 170 00:09:59,725 --> 00:10:02,811 The turd and the coin. And the lettuce, and the olives. 171 00:10:03,570 --> 00:10:08,508 Whe-whereas Giant Douche is just, well ju-just a, ju-ju-just a giant douche. 172 00:10:10,277 --> 00:10:13,168 So, come voting day, you'll now most likely vote for the turd sandwich, yes? 173 00:10:16,235 --> 00:10:17,477 I'm still not totally sure. 174 00:10:18,500 --> 00:10:20,456 Well then, perhaps we could interest you in 175 00:10:21,859 --> 00:10:23,652 another butterscotch candy? 176 00:10:30,380 --> 00:10:33,676 You're doing the right thing, Stan. Don't you feel like you're a part of something now? 177 00:10:33,711 --> 00:10:34,476 I guess... 178 00:10:37,806 --> 00:10:42,203 Look, it may not seem important now, but your vote really does count, and we all have to do our part. 179 00:10:42,515 --> 00:10:43,043 Okay. 180 00:10:44,980 --> 00:10:46,159 Look... wait, what are you doing? 181 00:10:46,717 --> 00:10:47,253 I'm voting. 182 00:10:47,774 --> 00:10:49,544 No, no, you... you wrote down Turd Sandwich. 183 00:10:50,010 --> 00:10:50,620 Yeah, I know. 184 00:10:52,780 --> 00:10:54,572 ...Dude, you're supposed to vote for Giant Douche. 185 00:10:55,110 --> 00:10:56,789 I thoght I was supposed to make my own decision. 186 00:10:57,065 --> 00:10:59,821 Well yeah, but not if your decision is for Turd Sandwich! What the hell is wrong with you?! 187 00:11:00,196 --> 00:11:02,423 Wait a minute, you didn't want me to vote you wanted me to vote for your guy! 188 00:11:02,759 --> 00:11:05,188 Well, I just figured you'd vote for my guy! Who's fuckin' friend are you?! 189 00:11:05,514 --> 00:11:06,240 Puffy! 190 00:11:06,511 --> 00:11:07,501 Hey, fuck off, Kyle. 191 00:11:07,538 --> 00:11:09,992 Don't let them intimidate you, Stan. I'll help walk you to the booth. 192 00:11:10,027 --> 00:11:12,447 And then I'm gonna buy you a niiice steak dinner with all the trimmings. 193 00:11:12,482 --> 00:11:14,842 Oh forget it! I'm not gonna be persuaded into voting 194 00:11:14,883 --> 00:11:17,845 and I'm and I'm not gonna be threatened into voting if I don't feel comfortable with it! 195 00:11:17,886 --> 00:11:20,222 I'm not gonna vote and you can all just live with it! 196 00:11:22,375 --> 00:11:27,057 We've simply had it with your son, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Voting just doesn't appear to be important to 'im. 197 00:11:27,431 --> 00:11:30,368 Stanley, when you left for school this morning you said you were going to vote! 198 00:11:30,897 --> 00:11:31,840 The whole thing is a joke! 199 00:11:32,515 --> 00:11:36,404 You see? He's out of control. It's nearly torn our whole family apart. 200 00:11:36,995 --> 00:11:42,923 Well, my hands are tied. We can no longer have Stan's behavior jeopardizing the other children. He must be removed. 201 00:11:43,282 --> 00:11:46,432 Ogh! Are you happy now, Stan? You just got yourself suspended! 202 00:11:46,743 --> 00:11:51,690 Nno, I'm afraid it's worse than that. By county law I'm bound to enforce the harshest punishment possible. 203 00:11:52,711 --> 00:11:53,623 Expulsion?? 204 00:11:54,399 --> 00:11:56,349 No. Banishment. 205 00:11:57,464 --> 00:11:58,345 B- bani-banishment? 206 00:11:58,385 --> 00:12:04,774 You can appeal to the city council, but I don't think it'll do any good. Your son must leave South Park, never to return. 207 00:12:05,404 --> 00:12:06,514 Oh, Randy! 208 00:12:08,405 --> 00:12:11,740 Our son, banished. Where did we go wrong?? 209 00:12:16,217 --> 00:12:18,028 Ya... you're all joking, right? 210 00:12:21,409 --> 00:12:25,162 As it was in the times of our forefathers, so it is now. 211 00:12:25,245 --> 00:12:32,389 Stan Marsh, for not following our most sacred of rites, you are hereby banished from South Park for all eternity. 212 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,972 Or until you decide that voting is important. 213 00:12:35,839 --> 00:12:39,392 Good-bye, Stan. May the gods treat you more kindly than we did. 214 00:12:54,378 --> 00:12:57,330 Stan, don't you think this has gone far enough? Is it really that big a deal? 215 00:12:59,112 --> 00:13:01,702 Yeah, just vote. For Giant Douche. 216 00:13:03,620 --> 00:13:04,714 I'm not voting! 217 00:13:09,664 --> 00:13:11,780 You, Puffy man, are we just gonna let this happen? 218 00:13:12,011 --> 00:13:13,279 We've gots to kill this non-votin' fool! 219 00:13:13,957 --> 00:13:18,986 No, Justacious, let him go. He won't survive a fortnight in the wilderness. 220 00:13:20,903 --> 00:13:24,658 This is breaking your mother's heart, Stan. She couldn't even help tie you to the horse. 221 00:13:25,062 --> 00:13:26,025 Dad, isn't this a little extreme? 222 00:13:26,462 --> 00:13:30,373 Jesus. I guess maybe you'll never understand how important voting is. 223 00:13:31,710 --> 00:13:32,143 Goodbye, Stan. 224 00:13:46,774 --> 00:13:49,696 That's... one of the hardest things a parent ever has to do. 225 00:14:07,307 --> 00:14:08,096 Look! What is that? 226 00:14:08,496 --> 00:14:09,610 Oh, the poor thing! 227 00:14:10,076 --> 00:14:10,722 Hello? 228 00:14:11,595 --> 00:14:12,989 Don't worry, we'll free you. 229 00:14:13,673 --> 00:14:14,821 Just sit still for a moment. 230 00:14:15,527 --> 00:14:15,928 Oh thank God. 231 00:14:16,451 --> 00:14:18,070 Get offa him, you filthy human! 232 00:14:20,970 --> 00:14:22,457 Poor thing needs water. 233 00:14:22,679 --> 00:14:23,638 You'er safe now. 234 00:14:24,197 --> 00:14:26,245 Shame on you, making this horse your slave. 235 00:14:28,112 --> 00:14:28,561 Awww! 236 00:14:29,490 --> 00:14:30,841 Come, you can live with us. 237 00:14:31,149 --> 00:14:32,625 We will give you food and shelter. 238 00:14:32,825 --> 00:14:33,506 What about me? 239 00:14:33,864 --> 00:14:35,090 OPEN THE GATE! 240 00:14:45,789 --> 00:14:47,922 This poor creature is in need of food and water. 241 00:14:48,481 --> 00:14:50,174 You have a home here, friend. 242 00:14:50,630 --> 00:14:52,774 The... kid wants to stay, too. 243 00:14:53,144 --> 00:14:54,961 I was put on the horse. I didn't wanna ride it. 244 00:14:56,067 --> 00:14:59,921 I don't know if you can stay. We'll have to ask Dr. Cornwallis. Come. 245 00:15:02,739 --> 00:15:08,357 We don't normally allow outsiders. See, here we live in harmony with animals. 246 00:15:08,627 --> 00:15:14,339 They're not our pets but our fellow living beings. We work with the animals and try to live as they do. 247 00:15:17,899 --> 00:15:22,236 We make friends with the animals. We coexist, and we... intermarry. 248 00:15:22,734 --> 00:15:24,178 This is my wife, Janice. 249 00:15:25,791 --> 00:15:30,894 The outside world looks down on a man marrying a llama, but our love knows no boundaries. 250 00:15:37,062 --> 00:15:38,880 Wow, you guys really love animals. 251 00:15:40,072 --> 00:15:43,168 And why not? Mark here has been with Kelly for three years now. 252 00:15:43,883 --> 00:15:46,946 And Gary and Sally here have just managed to have a child together. 253 00:15:48,639 --> 00:15:50,349 Kill me... 254 00:15:52,168 --> 00:15:54,598 Yes, life here is good and natural. 255 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:59,270 But now that you know where our compound is, you'll either have to live with us, or be murdered. 256 00:15:59,799 --> 00:16:00,780 I'll live with you. 257 00:16:01,280 --> 00:16:05,063 It's not up to you. You'll have to talk with Dr. Cornwallis. 258 00:16:30,889 --> 00:16:31,585 What did he say? 259 00:16:32,115 --> 00:16:33,419 He said I can stay. 260 00:16:34,004 --> 00:16:39,357 Excellent! Dr. Cornwallis is wise beyond his year Here's your PETA shirt and a bumper sticker. 261 00:16:41,909 --> 00:16:44,849 Debate 2004] 262 00:16:45,815 --> 00:16:49,477 This is Debate 2004 with your host, Jim Lehrer. 263 00:16:49,857 --> 00:16:53,665 Welcome to the cable-access televised debate between a giant douche 264 00:16:53,722 --> 00:16:54,828 and a turd sandwich. 265 00:16:55,664 --> 00:16:56,570 We'll start with Giant Douche. 266 00:16:56,605 --> 00:17:01,800 Sir, some students and parents are reluctant to have a... giant douche represent them. 267 00:17:01,855 --> 00:17:03,272 What do you say to those people? 268 00:17:03,301 --> 00:17:06,430 Jim, first of all I would like to thank you for monitoring this debate. 269 00:17:06,485 --> 00:17:09,474 And I would like to thank all of the students and their parents for coming. 270 00:17:09,498 --> 00:17:11,103 Aww, suck-up, suck-up! 271 00:17:11,932 --> 00:17:13,201 What?! It's an obvious suck-up move. 272 00:17:13,528 --> 00:17:19,634 But I would hope that those students and their parents who question my qualities would simply look at my opponent. 273 00:17:19,669 --> 00:17:21,676 He is a turd sandwich. 274 00:17:22,019 --> 00:17:23,080 You're a turd sandwich. 275 00:17:24,224 --> 00:17:27,635 ...No, sir, if you'll pardon me, you are in fact, the turd sandwich. 276 00:17:27,670 --> 00:17:28,785 You're a turd sandwich. 277 00:17:29,771 --> 00:17:31,223 ...Sir, you are a turd sandwich. 278 00:17:31,258 --> 00:17:32,279 You're a turd sandwich. 279 00:17:33,409 --> 00:17:36,153 Ahh, Turd Sandwich, I will ask you not to speak out of turn. 280 00:17:36,423 --> 00:17:37,612 I I'm sorry, Jim. 281 00:17:38,147 --> 00:17:42,330 Anyway, as I was saying, ahh... wait I I forgot what I was saying. 282 00:17:42,678 --> 00:17:43,545 Ha. Wha-hat a douche. 283 00:17:43,898 --> 00:17:46,164 All right, Turd Sandwich, this next question is for you. 284 00:17:46,199 --> 00:17:51,563 How should South Park Elementaryenforce its laws of conduct for young athletes during sporting events. 285 00:17:56,381 --> 00:18:00,270 ...Uh you know, uh, my opponent wouldn't even know the answer to that question. 286 00:18:00,305 --> 00:18:03,270 If you ask him the same question, he would not answer it. 287 00:18:03,279 --> 00:18:07,560 He would stand around and just babble on and on about nothing until he was finally saved by the buzzer sound. 288 00:18:08,258 --> 00:18:09,251 Your time is up, Turd. 289 00:18:12,086 --> 00:18:15,571 Stan, I want to introduce you to my stepdaughter, Teresa. 290 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:19,054 She seems to have taken a liking to you. 291 00:18:19,549 --> 00:18:21,530 And she's ovulating. 292 00:18:22,127 --> 00:18:23,647 Ahh no thanks, that's okay. 293 00:18:23,977 --> 00:18:27,968 Stan, some PETA members are growing concerned that maybe you don't love animals. 294 00:18:28,496 --> 00:18:31,355 I do love animals, just ... nnot like you guys do. 295 00:18:31,907 --> 00:18:35,549 You... don't belong here, Stan. You should return home. 296 00:18:35,971 --> 00:18:37,823 I can't. I was banished for not voting. 297 00:18:38,164 --> 00:18:39,809 But, why on earth wouldn't you wanna vote? 298 00:18:40,220 --> 00:18:43,662 I think voting is great. I just didn't care this time because it was between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. 299 00:18:44,028 --> 00:18:49,399 But Stan, don't you know, it's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. 300 00:18:49,434 --> 00:18:54,180 Nearly every election since the beginning of time has been between some douche and some turd. 301 00:18:54,215 --> 00:18:57,942 They're the only people who suck up enough to make it that far in politics. 302 00:18:58,241 --> 00:18:59,803 I guess... I guess you're right. 303 00:19:00,905 --> 00:19:03,884 Yo, what did I say was going to happen to you, bitch? 304 00:19:05,430 --> 00:19:05,835 AAAAAH! 305 00:19:06,557 --> 00:19:08,508 Aaaah!! He's wearing the skin of an animal! 306 00:19:09,827 --> 00:19:10,521 Take that! 307 00:19:14,480 --> 00:19:17,925 I... hope that teaches you a lesson about being hurt. 308 00:19:18,273 --> 00:19:19,556 Itius, Rodicus! 309 00:19:23,831 --> 00:19:25,016 Vote or die! 310 00:19:26,628 --> 00:19:27,340 AAAAH!! 311 00:19:28,116 --> 00:19:30,713 Protect the animals! Protect the animals! 312 00:19:35,027 --> 00:19:37,717 Janice, we shall die together in each other's arms! 313 00:19:42,203 --> 00:19:45,375 Kill me! Kill meee!! 314 00:19:52,250 --> 00:19:55,615 M'kay, that's one more vote for Turd Sandwich. 315 00:19:56,529 --> 00:19:57,853 So who won, Mr. Mackey? 316 00:19:58,952 --> 00:20:02,075 It's pretty close, but it looks like Giant Douche is gonna win. 317 00:20:02,461 --> 00:20:04,204 Oh no! NOOO!! 318 00:20:04,577 --> 00:20:05,740 HA! You lose, fatass! 319 00:20:06,203 --> 00:20:08,015 Uh hey, wait a minute, look! 320 00:20:12,895 --> 00:20:13,719 Stan! 321 00:20:14,560 --> 00:20:18,578 Stan, you came back. Does that mean... you learned the importance of voting? 322 00:20:19,164 --> 00:20:21,811 I learned that I'd better get used to having to pick between a douche 323 00:20:21,846 --> 00:20:24,061 and a turd sandwich because it's usually the choice I'll have. 324 00:20:24,085 --> 00:20:25,161 He's going to vote!! 325 00:20:25,582 --> 00:20:27,260 He's going to vote. He's going to vote. 326 00:20:27,830 --> 00:20:32,212 Let's get out the vote! Let's make our voices heard! 327 00:20:32,863 --> 00:20:36,924 We've been given the right to choose between a douche and a turd. 328 00:20:37,576 --> 00:20:41,971 It's democracy in action! Put your freedom to the test. 329 00:20:42,824 --> 00:20:47,383 A big fat turd or a stupid douche. Which do you like best? 330 00:20:48,724 --> 00:20:53,534 Stan's vote bring the total votes for Turd Sandwich to... thirty six! 331 00:20:53,569 --> 00:20:59,887 And Giant Douche has... one thousand four hundred and ten. Giant Douche still wins. 332 00:20:59,911 --> 00:21:01,458 Yeah! All right! 333 00:21:01,991 --> 00:21:02,900 AWWWW!! 334 00:21:03,394 --> 00:21:04,972 Dude, so my vote didn't even really matter! 335 00:21:05,337 --> 00:21:07,038 Hey! That's not true, Stan. 336 00:21:07,797 --> 00:21:11,107 You can't judge the merits of voting on whether or not your candidate won. 337 00:21:11,458 --> 00:21:13,044 Your vote still mattered. 338 00:21:13,481 --> 00:21:14,428 Hey everybody! 339 00:21:14,769 --> 00:21:17,729 They just found all the PETA members murdered at their compound! 340 00:21:18,803 --> 00:21:21,951 What the? They're all dead? Well, that means... 341 00:21:22,698 --> 00:21:24,778 That we can go back to being the South Park Cows! 342 00:21:25,104 --> 00:21:27,230 Hooray! All right! 343 00:21:28,099 --> 00:21:29,648 Now, your vote didn't matter. 344 00:21:30,099 --> 00:21:32,648 WilLoW:...) 2005 Jan 23rd