1 00:00:05,065 --> 00:00:08,355 South Park - Season 11 Episode 6 "D-Yikes!" 2 00:00:36,758 --> 00:00:40,008 Everyone, sit down and shut the fuck up! 3 00:00:40,059 --> 00:00:41,320 Goddamnit! 4 00:00:41,370 --> 00:00:44,552 Stupid ass man! They're all the same! 5 00:00:45,023 --> 00:00:46,332 Oh God, here we go again. 6 00:00:46,382 --> 00:00:48,385 All men care about is SEX! 7 00:00:48,435 --> 00:00:51,403 I spent two hours getting ready for that stupid date! 8 00:00:51,453 --> 00:00:54,186 And when the bastard checks out my body, he just says, 9 00:00:54,236 --> 00:00:56,394 "Hey, did you used to be a guy or somethin'?" 10 00:00:56,444 --> 00:00:59,205 I'm a woman now, so what's it matter?! 11 00:00:59,255 --> 00:01:00,711 Uh oh, this isn't good. 12 00:01:00,761 --> 00:01:03,211 Did I say something to you, sugartits?! 13 00:01:03,332 --> 00:01:04,280 No ma'am. 14 00:01:04,330 --> 00:01:05,924 You boys make me sick! 15 00:01:05,974 --> 00:01:08,003 You're well on your way to being men, 16 00:01:08,053 --> 00:01:10,303 who only think with their penises! 17 00:01:10,442 --> 00:01:13,042 I am assigning you all weekend homework! 18 00:01:13,123 --> 00:01:15,116 You are going to read Hemingway's book, 19 00:01:15,166 --> 00:01:17,292 "The Old Man And The Sea"! 20 00:01:17,891 --> 00:01:19,133 Have you lost your mind? 21 00:01:19,183 --> 00:01:21,373 Dude, we can't read an entire book in one weekend. 22 00:01:21,423 --> 00:01:23,302 Oh, that's too bad, dude. 23 00:01:23,352 --> 00:01:26,426 Maybe if you boys could keep your penises in your pants 24 00:01:26,476 --> 00:01:28,399 once in a while you'd get more done! 25 00:01:28,449 --> 00:01:30,766 But Teacher, my penis never slips out of my pants. 26 00:01:30,816 --> 00:01:33,139 Eh-except sometimes when I'm wearin' pajamas. 27 00:01:33,189 --> 00:01:35,638 If you do not have an essay written on Monday, 28 00:01:35,688 --> 00:01:38,288 then you will fail! Is that clear?! 29 00:01:40,433 --> 00:01:42,278 Dude, how are supposed to read an entire book 30 00:01:42,328 --> 00:01:44,039 over the weekend and write an essay? 31 00:01:44,089 --> 00:01:45,535 Our whole weekend is shot. 32 00:01:45,585 --> 00:01:47,116 (What the hell are we going to do?!) 33 00:01:47,117 --> 00:01:48,677 You guys, you guys, relax. 34 00:01:48,727 --> 00:01:51,839 We don't have to read the book or write the essay. 35 00:01:51,889 --> 00:01:53,289 - We don't? - No. 36 00:01:53,592 --> 00:01:56,942 There's people you can hire to do these sorts of things. 37 00:02:01,439 --> 00:02:03,153 ¿Que paso? ¿Que paso? 38 00:02:03,590 --> 00:02:05,308 Looking for work? Sí? Trabajo? 39 00:02:05,358 --> 00:02:07,242 - Yeis. - We looking work, sí. 40 00:02:07,292 --> 00:02:09,778 Okay, listen up, Mexicans. We need you to read 41 00:02:09,828 --> 00:02:12,396 "The Old Man And The Sea" for us. Comprende? 42 00:02:12,446 --> 00:02:14,296 "The Old Man Y La Mer. 43 00:02:15,498 --> 00:02:16,868 Okay. Sure. Okay. Yeah. 44 00:02:16,918 --> 00:02:19,069 Here. We need you to work together, read the book 45 00:02:19,119 --> 00:02:21,469 and write four essays, comprende? 46 00:02:21,535 --> 00:02:22,756 La samaraisia. 47 00:02:22,957 --> 00:02:25,613 - Okay no problem. That's no problem. - Yeah, we can do that. 48 00:02:25,663 --> 00:02:26,865 Sí, la samuraisia. 49 00:02:26,915 --> 00:02:28,815 - Okay, gracias. - Gracias. 50 00:02:29,156 --> 00:02:31,436 Dude, that is awesome. I had no idea you could do that. 51 00:02:31,437 --> 00:02:34,354 Oh yeah, dude. Havin' Mexicans around totally kicks fuckin' ass. 52 00:02:34,404 --> 00:02:36,398 53 00:02:37,176 --> 00:02:38,921 They can all rot in hell! 54 00:02:38,971 --> 00:02:40,807 Who needs men anyway?! 55 00:02:40,857 --> 00:02:44,747 They're Goddamned arrogant self-centered assholes is what they are! 56 00:02:44,797 --> 00:02:46,302 Are you okay, hon? 57 00:02:46,352 --> 00:02:47,910 I just hate men is all. 58 00:02:47,960 --> 00:02:50,630 It's like all they care about is how hot you look! 59 00:02:50,680 --> 00:02:52,496 Yeah, I've never been into men. 60 00:02:52,546 --> 00:02:53,971 That's why I work out here. 61 00:02:54,021 --> 00:02:57,133 Since it's women only we don't get ogled at or feel self-conscious. 62 00:02:57,183 --> 00:02:58,324 Tell me about it! 63 00:02:58,374 --> 00:03:00,245 I can't even stretch at a normal gym 64 00:03:00,295 --> 00:03:03,134 without some guy trying to stare down my vage. 65 00:03:03,603 --> 00:03:04,692 I'm Allyson. 66 00:03:04,742 --> 00:03:07,749 Oh, I'm Janet. Janet Garrison. 67 00:03:07,799 --> 00:03:09,299 Sorry I'm so pissed off. 68 00:03:09,349 --> 00:03:10,684 No, I like it. 69 00:03:10,734 --> 00:03:12,575 You seem like a very strong woman. 70 00:03:12,625 --> 00:03:13,928 Yeah, I've been told that. 71 00:03:13,978 --> 00:03:16,609 How come I've never seen you down at the girl bar? 72 00:03:16,659 --> 00:03:19,213 Girl bar? I never even knew there was such a place. 73 00:03:19,263 --> 00:03:21,254 Oh you'd love it. It's the only bar in town 74 00:03:21,304 --> 00:03:24,266 where women like us can hang out and be ourselves. 75 00:03:24,316 --> 00:03:26,066 It's called "Les Bos." 76 00:03:31,396 --> 00:03:32,762 Hi Linda, hi Kate. 77 00:03:32,812 --> 00:03:34,065 Hey Allyson. 78 00:03:34,635 --> 00:03:35,749 Who's the new girl? 79 00:03:35,799 --> 00:03:38,617 Allyson always goes for the butch ones. 80 00:03:38,722 --> 00:03:40,972 Hey Nell. What's up, Tracy? 81 00:03:41,022 --> 00:03:42,769 Oowhat a great place. 82 00:03:42,819 --> 00:03:45,000 All the girls here seem to know each other. 83 00:03:45,050 --> 00:03:48,088 Yeah. Well, most of the girls here have done each other. 84 00:03:48,138 --> 00:03:50,547 He-yeah. Done what? 85 00:03:50,597 --> 00:03:53,597 You know. Had sex. 86 00:03:55,392 --> 00:03:58,092 Oh my God, this is a lesbian bar?? 87 00:03:58,311 --> 00:04:00,911 Yeah. I... thought you understood that. 88 00:04:01,023 --> 00:04:02,855 Oh jeez. 89 00:04:03,054 --> 00:04:06,219 I'm sorry. I thought you knew what "girl bar" meant. 90 00:04:06,269 --> 00:04:09,448 But I'm not a- ...whoa! Who-o-o-o-oa. 91 00:04:10,845 --> 00:04:13,436 Janet, I'm really sorry. It's just that at the gym 92 00:04:13,486 --> 00:04:16,197 you said you didn't like being with men, so I thought you were a- 93 00:04:16,247 --> 00:04:17,729 I don't like being with men! 94 00:04:17,779 --> 00:04:20,079 They're perverted selfish pigs! 95 00:04:21,113 --> 00:04:27,009 Have you... never even... thought... of being... with another woman? 96 00:04:27,059 --> 00:04:29,135 Oho goodness no! 97 00:04:29,185 --> 00:04:31,556 Of course I haven't. 98 00:04:31,650 --> 00:04:34,469 I mean... really I don't even understand 99 00:04:34,519 --> 00:04:37,319 how two women can make love. 100 00:04:37,607 --> 00:04:41,134 I mean un, unless they just kinda scissor or something. 101 00:04:41,184 --> 00:04:43,966 There are a lot of ways to make love, Janet. 102 00:04:44,016 --> 00:04:45,206 I guess I'd be lying 103 00:04:45,256 --> 00:04:48,674 if I said I wasn't a little ...titillated. 104 00:04:49,847 --> 00:04:52,584 Could I... maybe kiss you? 105 00:04:54,179 --> 00:04:55,679 Oh, this is wrong! 106 00:04:55,729 --> 00:04:58,329 You're another woman; it doesn't make sense! 107 00:04:58,379 --> 00:05:01,969 Is it wrong, Janet? Let your inhibitions go. 108 00:05:02,019 --> 00:05:03,671 Let's just have fun tonight. 109 00:05:03,721 --> 00:05:06,071 No commitments. Just fun. 110 00:05:18,635 --> 00:05:20,543 Oh yeah, scissor! 111 00:05:20,602 --> 00:05:22,225 Yeah, scissor me Allyson! 112 00:05:22,275 --> 00:05:24,233 Janet, you're crazy! 113 00:05:24,283 --> 00:05:26,158 Oh, this is hot scissoring! 114 00:05:26,208 --> 00:05:28,756 Ohh! Scissor me timbers! 115 00:05:32,631 --> 00:05:34,822 They'd better be done with the book reports! 116 00:05:34,872 --> 00:05:36,570 School starts in 15 minutes! 117 00:05:36,620 --> 00:05:38,020 They'll be done. 118 00:05:38,909 --> 00:05:40,575 ¿Que paso? ¿Que paso? 119 00:05:40,788 --> 00:05:42,256 All right, did you read the book? 120 00:05:42,257 --> 00:05:43,358 - Sí - Sí. 121 00:05:43,408 --> 00:05:45,836 What was it about? Ih-in case our teacher asks us. 122 00:05:45,886 --> 00:05:48,701 Eet starts there the old man, 123 00:05:48,751 --> 00:05:51,750 and his job is to catch the feesh, 124 00:05:52,184 --> 00:05:55,906 so he get in the boht, to try and catch feesh. 125 00:05:56,229 --> 00:05:59,717 Saw he catch the feesh, but the feesh is very strong, 126 00:05:59,775 --> 00:06:02,854 so the old man, cannot reel in the feesh. 127 00:06:02,904 --> 00:06:06,062 So then he fight the feesh. Some more. 128 00:06:06,890 --> 00:06:09,446 And he finally catch the feesh. 129 00:06:09,496 --> 00:06:11,806 He catches the feesh so, then he can make money. 130 00:06:11,856 --> 00:06:14,306 No, because on the way home, 131 00:06:14,356 --> 00:06:17,112 the sharks come and eat the feesh. 132 00:06:17,162 --> 00:06:20,579 And so, he no make money. 133 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:24,438 That's it, that's the whole story? 134 00:06:24,488 --> 00:06:25,238 Sí. 135 00:06:25,448 --> 00:06:27,152 All right, did you write the four essays? 136 00:06:27,153 --> 00:06:29,048 Sí, we all wrote eses for you. 137 00:06:29,098 --> 00:06:31,448 - All right! - Okay, let's have 'em. 138 00:06:32,145 --> 00:06:33,545 Have what? 139 00:06:33,658 --> 00:06:35,579 You said you all wrote essays. 140 00:06:35,629 --> 00:06:36,879 Where are they? 141 00:06:37,050 --> 00:06:39,157 Well, my ese lives in Miami. 142 00:06:39,207 --> 00:06:40,807 I wrote to him like you said, 143 00:06:40,857 --> 00:06:42,849 but I don't think he got the letter yet. 144 00:06:42,899 --> 00:06:44,707 I wrote my ese in Albuquerque 145 00:06:44,757 --> 00:06:46,442 I wrote three eses: 146 00:06:46,492 --> 00:06:49,119 my ese back home, my ese in Denver, 147 00:06:49,169 --> 00:06:51,679 and my ese in Glenwood even wrote me back. 148 00:06:51,729 --> 00:06:54,029 "Thanks for writing me, ese." 149 00:06:55,110 --> 00:06:56,110 (Uh oh...) 150 00:06:56,248 --> 00:06:58,493 Dude, we're totally fucked now! 151 00:06:58,543 --> 00:07:00,707 Why the hell would we pay you to write your friends?! 152 00:07:00,757 --> 00:07:02,432 We thought it was kind of strange. 153 00:07:02,482 --> 00:07:04,745 This is your fault, Cartman! Now we're gonna fail! 154 00:07:04,795 --> 00:07:06,586 You guys, school starts in ten minutes! 155 00:07:06,636 --> 00:07:07,843 Son of a bitch! 156 00:07:11,620 --> 00:07:13,132 Clyde? Clyde! Hey hey Clyde! 157 00:07:13,182 --> 00:07:15,152 You didn't finish your essay either, right? 158 00:07:15,202 --> 00:07:17,134 No, I got it done. 159 00:07:17,184 --> 00:07:18,838 Jimmy, did you finish your book report? 160 00:07:18,839 --> 00:07:21,561 Yeah. I feel pretty good about it. I finished my whole book report 161 00:07:21,562 --> 00:07:23,644 and, I got a really nice letter from my ese 162 00:07:23,694 --> 00:07:25,637 who works down at the U-Haul. 163 00:07:28,270 --> 00:07:29,752 - Crap! - We're dead. 164 00:07:29,802 --> 00:07:31,622 Hello, class. 165 00:07:32,033 --> 00:07:33,522 Here's my little desk, 166 00:07:33,572 --> 00:07:35,383 my nice lil' chalkboard ... 167 00:07:35,433 --> 00:07:37,224 Mrs. Garrison, about our book reports... 168 00:07:37,274 --> 00:07:38,912 Oho, that's okay Eric. 169 00:07:38,962 --> 00:07:42,799 If you need a little more time with your homework, just say so. 170 00:07:42,849 --> 00:07:43,899 Really? 171 00:07:43,961 --> 00:07:45,734 Kids, I need to tell you something 172 00:07:45,784 --> 00:07:48,084 that you might find shocking. 173 00:07:49,449 --> 00:07:51,022 I'm gay. 174 00:07:52,361 --> 00:07:53,300 Again? 175 00:07:53,505 --> 00:07:55,298 It was a shock to me too. 176 00:07:55,348 --> 00:07:57,611 I... met another woman and... 177 00:07:57,661 --> 00:08:00,162 we went to this fabulous bar called Lesbos 178 00:08:00,212 --> 00:08:02,512 where I finally felt at home. 179 00:08:02,810 --> 00:08:05,939 Allyson and I talked, and really opened up to each other and... 180 00:08:05,989 --> 00:08:09,144 then we... scissored all night long. 181 00:08:09,590 --> 00:08:11,940 You have to be careful with scissors. 182 00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:15,874 But listen, I am not going to just rush into a relationship with Allyson. 183 00:08:15,924 --> 00:08:17,601 I'm a late-in-life lesbian. 184 00:08:17,651 --> 00:08:20,277 So I need to play the field for a while, right? 185 00:08:20,327 --> 00:08:21,877 Oh I'm so happy. 186 00:08:22,077 --> 00:08:22,965 That's great! 187 00:08:22,966 --> 00:08:24,924 Let's hear it for Teacher being a lesbian! 188 00:08:24,974 --> 00:08:25,974 YAY! 189 00:08:30,852 --> 00:08:32,669 Hey Tracy, hey Kate. 190 00:08:32,719 --> 00:08:34,022 Hi Janet. 191 00:08:34,362 --> 00:08:35,585 Lookin' hot, Linda. 192 00:08:35,635 --> 00:08:38,054 Wanna go somewhere and scissor later on? 193 00:08:38,104 --> 00:08:38,917 Huh? 194 00:08:39,711 --> 00:08:40,600 Hey Patty. 195 00:08:40,650 --> 00:08:41,981 What's up, Janet. 196 00:08:42,031 --> 00:08:44,272 Ooo, stop giving me that look. 197 00:08:44,521 --> 00:08:46,714 Scissoring me with your eyes. 198 00:08:47,114 --> 00:08:50,707 Hey Janet, why don't you pick up on your own girl? 199 00:08:55,133 --> 00:08:57,083 Oh yeah, dyke fight! 200 00:09:02,423 --> 00:09:05,476 You kicked me right in the pussy! 201 00:09:09,736 --> 00:09:13,893 Uh? Oh! Oh, we're scissoring. Oh yeah, scissor! 202 00:09:14,761 --> 00:09:16,887 You guys. You guys, stop it. 203 00:09:16,942 --> 00:09:18,594 Listen to me, everybody. 204 00:09:18,644 --> 00:09:20,344 I got some bad news. 205 00:09:20,394 --> 00:09:22,026 What is it, Katie? 206 00:09:22,496 --> 00:09:25,697 They're closing down the bar. For good! 207 00:09:27,070 --> 00:09:29,870 Closing it down? They can't do that. 208 00:09:30,050 --> 00:09:31,426 This is our home. 209 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:33,914 Yeah, this is our home. 210 00:09:34,231 --> 00:09:36,566 Well it's true, I just talked to the owners. 211 00:09:36,616 --> 00:09:38,823 They've sold the bar to Persians. 212 00:09:40,455 --> 00:09:41,902 Persians?! 213 00:09:41,952 --> 00:09:43,992 So where are we supposed to go? 214 00:09:44,042 --> 00:09:45,682 We aren't going anywhere! 215 00:09:45,732 --> 00:09:47,538 We have a history here! 216 00:09:47,588 --> 00:09:52,443 Persians are closing this bar over my dead lesbian body! 217 00:09:55,593 --> 00:09:57,659 Mayor, this is an outrage! 218 00:09:57,709 --> 00:10:00,971 We are being discriminated against as lesbians! 219 00:10:02,669 --> 00:10:04,215 You're a lesbian now? 220 00:10:04,265 --> 00:10:06,904 That's right. A proud lesbian! 221 00:10:06,954 --> 00:10:09,140 And our home is being taken away! 222 00:10:09,190 --> 00:10:11,490 The bar has been sold to Persian club owners. 223 00:10:11,540 --> 00:10:13,392 I don't know what you want me to do about it. 224 00:10:13,393 --> 00:10:14,916 Forbid the transaction! 225 00:10:14,966 --> 00:10:17,116 This is happening all over the country, Mayor. 226 00:10:17,166 --> 00:10:20,533 Lesbian bars being bought out, shut down, it isn't right! 227 00:10:20,583 --> 00:10:21,895 Yeah, that's right! 228 00:10:21,945 --> 00:10:23,881 I'm sorry, but my hands are tied. 229 00:10:23,931 --> 00:10:26,535 The new owners plan to start redecorating the bar tomorrow. 230 00:10:26,585 --> 00:10:28,435 You have to be out by then. 231 00:10:29,680 --> 00:10:32,357 Have you seen how Persians decorate? 232 00:10:34,725 --> 00:10:38,068 They will cover that bar in cheesy blue carpeting, white statues 233 00:10:38,118 --> 00:10:41,768 and gold curtain rods to the point that you will want to puke! 234 00:10:44,236 --> 00:10:46,785 Mrs. Garrison, get out of here. 235 00:10:48,409 --> 00:10:51,756 Well, here's to some great times at this place. 236 00:10:52,254 --> 00:10:55,954 Yeah. Guess we'll just have to find somewhere else to hang out. 237 00:10:56,848 --> 00:11:01,537 Now, come on gals ! I can't believe what I'm hearing ! We can't just give up ! 238 00:11:01,786 --> 00:11:05,085 - What are we supposed to do, Janet? - We stand and fight! 239 00:11:05,135 --> 00:11:09,278 When the Persians come we tell them "We aren't leaving Lesbos." 240 00:11:09,578 --> 00:11:11,328 Actually, it's "Les Bos." 241 00:11:11,996 --> 00:11:14,364 No, it's Lesbos! 242 00:11:14,999 --> 00:11:17,386 We... are Lesbos! 243 00:11:17,436 --> 00:11:20,756 And as Lesbos, we cannot just stand and watch 244 00:11:20,806 --> 00:11:24,785 as one girl bar after another gets shut dowwwwwn! 245 00:11:24,835 --> 00:11:27,835 The Persians have sent somebody to talk to us. 246 00:11:29,150 --> 00:11:30,905 Hello, my name is Emir Hadi. 247 00:11:30,955 --> 00:11:34,188 My boss sent me over here because he heard that you were upset 248 00:11:34,238 --> 00:11:36,830 about us trying to take over the bar. 249 00:11:36,880 --> 00:11:40,093 - Yes, we are. - Well, we want to assure you, 250 00:11:40,257 --> 00:11:42,620 that when this place becomes another Club Persh, 251 00:11:42,670 --> 00:11:45,740 you will all still be 100% welcome. 252 00:11:46,154 --> 00:11:49,003 All they want is to make the place really nice. 253 00:11:49,053 --> 00:11:53,456 We're going to put down some lovely blue carpet, and gold curtain rods. 254 00:11:53,675 --> 00:11:55,625 I knew it! I knew it! 255 00:11:55,695 --> 00:11:57,242 But you are still welcome to come. 256 00:11:57,292 --> 00:12:01,608 My boss wants you to know that you will not be discriminated against in any way. 257 00:12:01,658 --> 00:12:04,349 Would you allow straight people in? Men? 258 00:12:04,399 --> 00:12:06,203 Well... we would allow whoev- 259 00:12:06,253 --> 00:12:10,007 Choose your next words wisely, Persian! 260 00:12:10,645 --> 00:12:13,662 Look uhh, we don't have to offer you anything, so... 261 00:12:13,712 --> 00:12:16,458 I don't know why you're being so difficult. This is crazy. 262 00:12:16,508 --> 00:12:19,362 No, this isn't crazy. 263 00:12:20,621 --> 00:12:23,388 This... is... Lesbos! 264 00:12:28,794 --> 00:12:30,244 How dare you! 265 00:12:33,060 --> 00:12:35,147 And so it had begun. 266 00:12:35,197 --> 00:12:40,059 By kicking the Persian messenger in the balls, the lesbos had sent a message. 267 00:12:40,799 --> 00:12:44,609 All over the country lesbians heard of the brave standoff. 268 00:12:44,659 --> 00:12:47,272 As a group of lesbians in Colorado 269 00:12:47,322 --> 00:12:50,695 are refusing to allow the new owners of their bar in. 270 00:12:50,745 --> 00:12:53,232 - Good for them! - You go girls! 271 00:13:00,846 --> 00:13:03,149 The Persians returned to their office, 272 00:13:03,199 --> 00:13:07,996 and told their coworkers how the thirty lesbos were refusing to let them in. 273 00:13:08,210 --> 00:13:11,400 Well fine. If they're going to block the entrance, 274 00:13:11,450 --> 00:13:15,516 we'll just bring like, sixty of us! I'll call more Persians for help. 275 00:13:26,475 --> 00:13:31,618 The hours pass quickly, and the lesbians boldly stood out in front of their bar 276 00:13:31,668 --> 00:13:33,918 to stop the Persians from entering. 277 00:13:34,620 --> 00:13:35,870 Here they come. 278 00:13:46,690 --> 00:13:48,602 There's so many of them. 279 00:13:49,837 --> 00:13:52,322 Lesbos! Positions! 280 00:13:55,909 --> 00:14:00,080 Lesbians! Stand aside. We're coming in to redecorate it! 281 00:14:00,329 --> 00:14:04,516 The hell you are! You can take your blue carpet and gold curtain rods 282 00:14:04,566 --> 00:14:06,912 and shove them up your Persian buttholes! 283 00:14:06,962 --> 00:14:10,362 All right! Come on! They can't stop all of us! 284 00:14:17,019 --> 00:14:19,269 Lesbos! Remember this day! 285 00:14:19,508 --> 00:14:21,408 Remember this fight! 286 00:14:30,899 --> 00:14:32,599 Don't give them an inch! 287 00:14:37,271 --> 00:14:39,437 Ow! Iranian faggot! 288 00:14:40,445 --> 00:14:42,909 Come on, seriously, let us in! 289 00:14:43,165 --> 00:14:44,165 Never! 290 00:14:46,574 --> 00:14:50,043 For hours, the Lesbos kept the Persians back, 291 00:14:50,093 --> 00:14:53,505 holding them off, keeping them from decorating. 292 00:14:55,589 --> 00:14:58,050 Finally the Persians grew tired, 293 00:14:58,100 --> 00:15:02,228 and many of them wanted to go shopping for more designer sunglasses. 294 00:15:02,278 --> 00:15:06,774 They retreated. The Lesbos... had held. 295 00:15:09,443 --> 00:15:11,693 Lesbohhhs!! 296 00:15:14,751 --> 00:15:16,873 The Persians who did not go shopping 297 00:15:16,923 --> 00:15:20,164 now knew they must face their boss. 298 00:15:20,214 --> 00:15:21,490 Here he comes. 299 00:15:26,577 --> 00:15:30,849 Rauf Xerxes. He sat atop a gold Hummer 300 00:15:30,899 --> 00:15:35,507 with customized Gucci accessories which only a Persian would think was cool. 301 00:15:39,490 --> 00:15:44,742 Mr. Xerxes, the Lesbos wouldn't move. We could not get inside to redecorate. 302 00:15:46,676 --> 00:15:50,487 Tumon, how could you have failed me in this simple task? 303 00:15:50,689 --> 00:15:55,278 I am so seriously pissed off right now. I could bust a testicle. 304 00:15:55,776 --> 00:16:00,303 And with that the Persian club owner came to a realization. 305 00:16:00,816 --> 00:16:04,674 I shall have to deal with these lesbos myself. 306 00:16:09,170 --> 00:16:12,763 Girls, I just want to say that I am very proud of you. 307 00:16:12,965 --> 00:16:17,259 The way we kept those Persians from takin' over our bar was Les-tastic. 308 00:16:17,403 --> 00:16:19,437 Well that's great, Janet, but what now? 309 00:16:19,487 --> 00:16:22,025 We can't just stay here pushing them away our whole lives. 310 00:16:22,075 --> 00:16:23,868 We can't? I think it's pretty fun. 311 00:16:23,918 --> 00:16:25,622 We have to have a more solid plan. 312 00:16:25,672 --> 00:16:28,835 Something we can use against them permanently. 313 00:16:28,885 --> 00:16:32,061 Maybe we can dig up some dirt on the club owner. 314 00:16:32,111 --> 00:16:36,612 Hey, that's a great idea, Betsy. We need somebody working on the inside. 315 00:16:36,880 --> 00:16:37,875 Whattaya mean? 316 00:16:37,925 --> 00:16:40,052 If we could get some Persians on our side, 317 00:16:40,102 --> 00:16:42,900 we could send them in to try to dig up some dirt on the owner! 318 00:16:42,950 --> 00:16:46,081 But who's gonna spy on them for us? We don't know any Persians. 319 00:16:46,131 --> 00:16:50,334 It's okay. There's people you can hire for this kind of thing. 320 00:16:53,890 --> 00:16:56,029 ¿Que paso? ¿Que paso? 321 00:16:56,577 --> 00:16:58,703 Looking for work? Sí? Trabajo? 322 00:16:58,753 --> 00:17:00,903 - Yeis. - We looking work, sí. 323 00:17:00,953 --> 00:17:04,577 All right. We need you to infiltrate some Persians who run Club Persh, 324 00:17:04,627 --> 00:17:07,327 and dig up some dirt on the owner. 325 00:17:07,804 --> 00:17:09,217 Okay. Sure. Okay. Yeah. 326 00:17:09,267 --> 00:17:11,729 Janet, how is this gonna work? They don't look Persian. 327 00:17:11,779 --> 00:17:13,128 Sure they do. 328 00:17:13,914 --> 00:17:15,764 Just have to- gel the hair, 329 00:17:17,176 --> 00:17:20,685 put on a silk shirt, some gold chains, 330 00:17:21,608 --> 00:17:23,558 and tons of cologne. 331 00:17:24,445 --> 00:17:26,140 Persian. 332 00:17:26,190 --> 00:17:26,940 Sí. 333 00:17:27,719 --> 00:17:28,719 Wow! 334 00:17:28,810 --> 00:17:30,895 All right, Mexicans, take the rest of these outfits 335 00:17:30,945 --> 00:17:33,562 and see what you can find out. The address is in there too. 336 00:17:33,612 --> 00:17:35,861 Okay. No problem. Yes. Sí. 337 00:17:36,718 --> 00:17:41,018 And Mexicans, please hurry. Our girl bar has very little time. 338 00:17:42,477 --> 00:17:45,909 A full day passed, and the Lesbos knew 339 00:17:45,959 --> 00:17:48,681 a second Persian attack was imminent. 340 00:17:48,731 --> 00:17:54,204 Outside, Lesbo lookouts kept watch, ready to alert the others. 341 00:17:55,043 --> 00:17:58,394 The Lesbo leader sat nervously inside. 342 00:17:58,444 --> 00:18:02,192 >Her plan to dress Mexicans as Persians to act as spies, 343 00:18:02,242 --> 00:18:03,881 perhaps it had failed. 344 00:18:04,008 --> 00:18:08,647 She looked around at her fellow Lesbos. They were tired. 345 00:18:08,697 --> 00:18:13,002 In order to keep her Lesbos awake, she had no choice: 346 00:18:13,052 --> 00:18:15,202 she would have to make coffee. 347 00:18:35,033 --> 00:18:40,607 With fresh coffee brewed, the Lesbos found new life, but would it be enough ? 348 00:18:41,181 --> 00:18:43,331 The Persians are attacking again! 349 00:18:43,828 --> 00:18:46,950 - Take positions, Lesbos! - Get outside! 350 00:18:47,422 --> 00:18:50,972 No wait, wait! That's not the Persians, it's the Mexicans. 351 00:18:51,042 --> 00:18:52,986 - Really? - How can you tell? 352 00:18:53,036 --> 00:18:55,036 Let them through. It's okay. 353 00:18:55,161 --> 00:18:57,012 - Hola, ¿Cómo estás? - Hola. 354 00:18:57,062 --> 00:19:00,411 Did you uncover anything? Are the Persians doing anything illegal? 355 00:19:00,461 --> 00:19:03,792 Ahh, no. They're not doing anything illegal. 356 00:19:04,518 --> 00:19:05,514 A-are you sure?? 357 00:19:05,564 --> 00:19:09,531 No, but we did find out a kind of secret about the Persian in charge. 358 00:19:09,581 --> 00:19:10,731 What secret?! 359 00:19:13,435 --> 00:19:16,125 - Oh my God, are you sure about this? - Sí. 360 00:19:16,175 --> 00:19:21,051 Janet ! Janet, the Persian boss is here. He wants to talk to you and you alone. 361 00:19:21,575 --> 00:19:25,940 It's okay. It's time I met this rich Persian asshole face to face. 362 00:19:31,795 --> 00:19:34,995 Why are you lesbians being so difficult? 363 00:19:35,448 --> 00:19:38,348 Because we're protecting the only home we have. 364 00:19:38,470 --> 00:19:41,549 I don't know why you have to be all superlame about this. 365 00:19:41,599 --> 00:19:45,058 You know, a long time ago when I first realized I was a lesbian, 366 00:19:45,108 --> 00:19:47,289 I felt isolated, confused. 367 00:19:47,339 --> 00:19:50,910 And finally I found a place that accepts me for who I am. 368 00:19:50,960 --> 00:19:56,815 Okay, how about this? I will make you the manager of Club Persh. 369 00:19:56,865 --> 00:19:58,366 You'll make good money. 370 00:19:58,416 --> 00:20:00,460 That's a generous offers, Xerxes. 371 00:20:00,510 --> 00:20:03,460 But you see, there's something I know about you. 372 00:20:04,714 --> 00:20:07,414 I know you're actually a woman. 373 00:20:08,703 --> 00:20:09,817 How..? 374 00:20:10,529 --> 00:20:12,529 How did you find that out? 375 00:20:12,624 --> 00:20:14,937 I hired Mexicans to spy on you! 376 00:20:14,987 --> 00:20:17,906 They saw you working out at Curves. 377 00:20:17,956 --> 00:20:22,375 You don't understand. Women can't be the boss in Persian culture. 378 00:20:22,425 --> 00:20:24,322 Nobody can know about this. 379 00:20:24,685 --> 00:20:28,964 Yeah. And you know why? Because men are all assholes! 380 00:20:29,014 --> 00:20:33,469 They make you feel ashamed for being a little... big, or, manly looking. 381 00:20:34,409 --> 00:20:39,244 But not Lesbos. We accept other women for who they are inside! 382 00:20:39,741 --> 00:20:41,541 You do? Seriously? 383 00:20:41,736 --> 00:20:45,805 Have you never... even thought, of being with another woman before? 384 00:20:46,276 --> 00:20:50,936 No. I don't even know how two women... can make love. 385 00:20:51,661 --> 00:20:55,361 Unless they just kind of scissor or something. 386 00:20:57,423 --> 00:21:00,378 Ohh yeah! Scissor me, Xerxes! 387 00:21:00,486 --> 00:21:03,052 Ohh, that feels so supercool! 388 00:21:03,132 --> 00:21:06,532 - Yeah, scissor! - Ohh, I'm a new woman! 389 00:21:07,109 --> 00:21:10,537 And so it was that Lesbos was saved. 390 00:21:10,587 --> 00:21:13,918 The Persians had agreed to leave it a lesbian bar, 391 00:21:13,968 --> 00:21:16,972 for no dyke should be without cocktails. 392 00:21:17,022 --> 00:21:21,689 - Thanks for everything, Xerxes. - No. Thank you, friend. 393 00:21:21,790 --> 00:21:24,158 Hey, aren't you supposed to be teaching school right now? 394 00:21:24,208 --> 00:21:27,058 The school hired a substitute to cover for me. 395 00:21:28,018 --> 00:21:31,553 Hand so to find the sum of the two fractions, 396 00:21:31,603 --> 00:21:35,253 zhyou must always check for the lowest common denominator. 397 00:21:35,337 --> 00:21:37,830 Sí. Sí. Yes. Yes. Sí. 398 00:21:37,903 --> 00:21:39,204 These guys are pretty good. 399 00:21:39,205 --> 00:21:41,563 Yeah. I think I'm actually learning something. 400 00:21:41,613 --> 00:21:42,983 Subtitles: Spirit Transcript: South Park Scriptorium 401 00:21:42,984 --> 00:21:43,824 www.southparknews.net