1 00:00:04,509 --> 00:00:07,419 South Park - Season 12 Episode 6 "Over Logging" 2 00:00:35,608 --> 00:00:37,939 Get off the Internet, Stanley, it's time for bed. 3 00:00:38,059 --> 00:00:39,895 Mom, I just gotta do a couple more things. 4 00:00:40,015 --> 00:00:42,965 Now, Stanley. The Internet will be waiting for you in the morning. 5 00:00:43,085 --> 00:00:44,926 - Off! - Aw man! 6 00:00:48,524 --> 00:00:50,665 Shelley, off the Internet. It's bedtime. 7 00:00:50,785 --> 00:00:53,815 Mom, I'm i-chatting with my boyfriend in Montana! 8 00:00:54,227 --> 00:00:55,650 Now, Shelley! 9 00:00:56,195 --> 00:00:57,761 Why do you hate me? 10 00:00:59,278 --> 00:01:01,000 Randy, off the Internet. 11 00:01:01,123 --> 00:01:03,405 No. No come on, leave me alone. 12 00:01:03,521 --> 00:01:07,354 - No, mister, it's time for night-night. - But Sharon, I've got stuff to do. 13 00:01:07,473 --> 00:01:10,279 I've gotta see my credit rating, I've gotta send an e-mail to Nelson and 14 00:01:10,539 --> 00:01:12,232 check out Foley's vacation photos- 15 00:01:12,358 --> 00:01:14,051 You don't have to do all that now! 16 00:01:14,178 --> 00:01:17,121 You can do one more thing and then it's bedtime. 17 00:01:18,226 --> 00:01:19,470 One more thing? 18 00:01:24,535 --> 00:01:26,092 Oooo yeah... 19 00:01:39,948 --> 00:01:41,142 What the hell? 20 00:01:41,447 --> 00:01:44,132 - Stan! Stan, I gotta use your computer! - What? 21 00:01:44,258 --> 00:01:46,133 My Internet's not working; I gotta use yours. 22 00:01:46,255 --> 00:01:48,233 And give Daddy some private time, will ya? 23 00:01:48,355 --> 00:01:51,053 - My Internet's not working either. - What? 24 00:01:51,845 --> 00:01:55,243 - Dad, the Internet's not working! - I know that, okay? 25 00:01:55,368 --> 00:01:59,153 I have to get online with my darling Amir before school starts! 26 00:01:59,898 --> 00:02:02,072 Randy, I can't get my e-mail to open. 27 00:02:02,335 --> 00:02:05,672 Everybody just calm down! Calm down, all right? 28 00:02:05,797 --> 00:02:09,151 It's going to be okay! We just can't panic! 29 00:02:11,386 --> 00:02:13,790 Gerald. Please help us. 30 00:02:14,057 --> 00:02:15,602 Randy. What happened? 31 00:02:16,157 --> 00:02:18,850 Our house... It has no Internet. 32 00:02:19,398 --> 00:02:20,590 Oh my God. 33 00:02:21,076 --> 00:02:22,473 We've got nothing! 34 00:02:22,735 --> 00:02:24,052 It's just gone. 35 00:02:24,428 --> 00:02:28,190 Come in. You can use our Internet until you figure out what to do. 36 00:02:28,315 --> 00:02:29,653 Thank you Gerald. 37 00:02:29,775 --> 00:02:32,430 - I'm getting on it first. - Oh no you're not! 38 00:02:33,387 --> 00:02:34,871 Kyle, I need to use your Internet. 39 00:02:34,998 --> 00:02:36,520 - It's not working. - What? 40 00:02:36,648 --> 00:02:38,982 I've even unplugged it and plugged it back in. 41 00:02:39,105 --> 00:02:41,602 No. No, our Internet can't be broken. 42 00:02:42,057 --> 00:02:44,471 Ah, I've gotta get an attachment Larry sent me last night. 43 00:02:44,596 --> 00:02:45,852 It's not working, Gerald. 44 00:02:45,977 --> 00:02:47,573 But it has to work! Maybe if I do a little- 45 00:02:47,836 --> 00:02:49,991 Your Internet's not working, Gerald! Face it! 46 00:02:50,255 --> 00:02:51,902 I have to get online before it's school. 47 00:02:52,025 --> 00:02:53,831 What about Starbucks? They have free Internet. 48 00:02:53,958 --> 00:02:55,050 Right, Starbucks! 49 00:02:55,178 --> 00:02:57,923 Everyone get your stuff; we can take my car. 50 00:02:59,316 --> 00:03:02,941 - Hey, is your guys' Internet working? - No! Nobody's is! 51 00:03:03,257 --> 00:03:05,050 What's happening? 52 00:03:05,465 --> 00:03:07,953 Jesus. Everyone's gonna go to Starbucks now. 53 00:03:08,078 --> 00:03:10,931 Everyone in the car. We have to beat them there. 54 00:03:15,586 --> 00:03:17,900 God, the whole neighborhood's affected. 55 00:03:19,177 --> 00:03:21,021 Get out of the way, Peterson! 56 00:03:23,837 --> 00:03:25,853 Folks, there's no Internet here. 57 00:03:25,976 --> 00:03:28,572 - It's not working, I tell ya. - It's not working here? 58 00:03:28,838 --> 00:03:31,040 Kids, get back in the car. We can go to the Mac store. 59 00:03:31,165 --> 00:03:33,132 No, don't. You're wasting your time. 60 00:03:33,256 --> 00:03:35,861 - How do you know? - Because we just came from there! 61 00:03:35,986 --> 00:03:38,782 There was nothing! Not one scrap of Internet! 62 00:03:39,885 --> 00:03:42,552 How can there be no Internet anywhere? What's going on? 63 00:03:42,816 --> 00:03:44,923 Anybody got a Blackberry? Check Drudge Report. 64 00:03:45,415 --> 00:03:49,091 Good idea! No wait, we can't check Drudge Report: there's no Internet! 65 00:03:49,355 --> 00:03:51,431 There has to be a way to find out what's going on. 66 00:03:51,695 --> 00:03:53,211 We can't! Don't you get it? 67 00:03:53,335 --> 00:03:55,771 There's no Internet to find out why there's no Internet! 68 00:03:56,037 --> 00:03:58,561 What did we used to do to get the news before the Internet? 69 00:04:00,707 --> 00:04:02,121 A television! 70 00:04:12,748 --> 00:04:15,910 Once again we apologize, but we cannot bring you the news. 71 00:04:16,035 --> 00:04:19,302 It appears that we have no Internet here at News 4. 72 00:04:20,866 --> 00:04:22,803 We'll be happy to bring you up on current events 73 00:04:22,927 --> 00:04:25,421 just as soon as our Internet is back. 74 00:04:25,765 --> 00:04:27,310 Jesus, it's statewide. 75 00:04:27,438 --> 00:04:29,113 It could be nationwide. 76 00:04:29,608 --> 00:04:31,521 Hello? Do you have Internet? 77 00:04:32,866 --> 00:04:34,512 It it's Channel 4 News. 78 00:04:35,475 --> 00:04:37,182 No, we don't have Internet either. 79 00:04:39,767 --> 00:04:40,961 No Internet... 80 00:04:41,226 --> 00:04:42,272 anywhere... 81 00:04:43,425 --> 00:04:44,420 Jesus... 82 00:04:45,098 --> 00:04:46,491 we're all alone... 83 00:04:55,805 --> 00:04:58,633 84 00:04:59,228 --> 00:05:02,212 85 00:05:09,157 --> 00:05:11,372 - What's the matter? - I don't know. 86 00:05:11,495 --> 00:05:15,393 I need to get on Web MD and see why I have this cough, but I can't. 87 00:05:16,068 --> 00:05:18,840 What if my sweetheart is online looking for me? 88 00:05:18,966 --> 00:05:22,070 He could be wondering why I don't get online with him. 89 00:05:22,196 --> 00:05:23,940 Maybe he thinks I'm dead. 90 00:05:24,566 --> 00:05:28,112 If my darling Amir gets another girlfriend, I'm gonna kill him! 91 00:05:28,508 --> 00:05:29,503 And you! 92 00:05:31,718 --> 00:05:33,303 Shelley, whoa, stop, stop! 93 00:05:33,426 --> 00:05:35,920 Dad, you've gotta do something! She's out of control! 94 00:05:36,045 --> 00:05:38,993 You're right. We just can't sit here any longer. 95 00:05:44,256 --> 00:05:47,553 - Randy, where will you go? - We're gonna head west. 96 00:05:47,678 --> 00:05:51,013 There's a rumor going around there might be some Internet out there. 97 00:05:51,135 --> 00:05:52,971 So we're headed out Californee Way. 98 00:05:53,096 --> 00:05:55,051 You don't know if there's any Internet in California. 99 00:05:55,315 --> 00:05:56,923 Well there certainly ain't none here! 100 00:05:57,048 --> 00:05:59,502 Look, maybe it's time you all face reality! 101 00:05:59,626 --> 00:06:02,310 - The Internet here is dried up! - It could come back. 102 00:06:02,576 --> 00:06:04,322 Yeah, and maybe it won't! 103 00:06:04,858 --> 00:06:07,932 In the meantime I got a family who needs the Internet right away. 104 00:06:08,058 --> 00:06:10,353 We'll head out Californee Way and... 105 00:06:10,536 --> 00:06:12,080 see what we can find. 106 00:06:12,876 --> 00:06:14,270 Come on, let's go. 107 00:06:15,707 --> 00:06:19,900 Look, if you... you do find Internet, let us know, will ya? 108 00:06:20,026 --> 00:06:22,273 How. You won't have Internet. 109 00:06:37,817 --> 00:06:40,141 110 00:06:41,916 --> 00:06:43,770 111 00:06:44,317 --> 00:06:45,771 Sorry folks, we're full up. 112 00:06:46,138 --> 00:06:49,363 Know anywhere else we can stay? We're... heading out Californee Way. 113 00:06:49,486 --> 00:06:52,191 - Looking for some Internet. - You and everyone else. 114 00:06:52,316 --> 00:06:54,153 You'll have to stay out at the transient camp 115 00:06:54,276 --> 00:06:55,862 with all the others heading to Californee. 116 00:06:55,986 --> 00:06:58,240 It's about a mile down the road. 117 00:07:00,527 --> 00:07:03,291 118 00:07:04,716 --> 00:07:09,442 I'm going down the road feeling bad. 119 00:07:09,567 --> 00:07:13,630 I'm going down the road feeling bad. 120 00:07:14,135 --> 00:07:17,600 I'm going down the road feeling bad, 121 00:07:17,728 --> 00:07:19,110 oh Lordy. 122 00:07:19,235 --> 00:07:23,172 My Internet done up and went away. 123 00:07:27,837 --> 00:07:30,760 - Where are you from, old-timer? - Kansas City. 124 00:07:31,088 --> 00:07:35,071 Had me a store there. Kind of... computer supply store. 125 00:07:35,728 --> 00:07:38,612 When the Internet went, the stores went too. 126 00:07:38,878 --> 00:07:41,463 Things will be different when we get out to Californee. 127 00:07:41,585 --> 00:07:44,251 Soon as we get us some Internet we can all rest easy. 128 00:07:44,616 --> 00:07:46,762 Why sure, Silicon Valley. 129 00:07:46,887 --> 00:07:49,402 They gots a whole mess of Internet up there. 130 00:07:49,527 --> 00:07:52,031 'Say a man can practically roll around in it. 131 00:07:52,158 --> 00:07:56,243 When I get to that Internet I'm gonna click on just about everything in sight. 132 00:07:56,366 --> 00:07:59,363 Might even click on a pop-up ad just for the heck of it. 133 00:07:59,486 --> 00:08:03,331 Well I'm gonna sit down at that Internet and just start e-mailing. 134 00:08:03,585 --> 00:08:07,440 Just keep on e-mailing till my fingers are sore to the bone. 135 00:08:08,267 --> 00:08:09,820 Sure will be nice. 136 00:08:10,645 --> 00:08:12,900 You folks all heading to Silicon Valley? 137 00:08:13,546 --> 00:08:15,280 That's right. We need to get online. 138 00:08:16,506 --> 00:08:19,360 - "Get online" he says. - What's so funny about that? 139 00:08:19,628 --> 00:08:23,143 Think about it. How many folk heading out to Californee? 140 00:08:23,267 --> 00:08:25,131 A million? More? 141 00:08:25,256 --> 00:08:28,041 And how much Internet you think they got out there? 142 00:08:29,116 --> 00:08:31,082 Might be some Internet, sure, 143 00:08:31,348 --> 00:08:33,360 but with everyone trying to use it at once, 144 00:08:33,483 --> 00:08:35,505 it's gonna go real slow-like. 145 00:08:35,701 --> 00:08:37,604 I knows it 'cause I seen it. 146 00:08:38,173 --> 00:08:41,079 My two children, they tried to load a Web page. 147 00:08:41,649 --> 00:08:43,480 Took them over three days. 148 00:08:43,717 --> 00:08:45,362 They sat there waiting, 149 00:08:45,897 --> 00:08:49,863 and by the time the loading bar was only half-full they was dead. 150 00:08:50,448 --> 00:08:52,301 Starve on the Internet, 151 00:08:52,685 --> 00:08:55,532 with a belly stuck out like a bladder... 152 00:09:00,726 --> 00:09:02,491 Come on, Stan, let's get some rest. 153 00:09:08,176 --> 00:09:09,551 Amir... 154 00:09:10,726 --> 00:09:13,032 I miss you so much... 155 00:09:17,016 --> 00:09:18,461 Don't cry, Shelley. 156 00:09:18,756 --> 00:09:22,051 You'll be able to get online when we get to Californee. 157 00:09:33,957 --> 00:09:36,023 Everyone, wake up! We're here! 158 00:09:36,287 --> 00:09:39,361 Silicon Valley, Californee! 159 00:09:42,495 --> 00:09:45,281 160 00:09:50,565 --> 00:09:53,110 - Name? - Do they have Internet here? 161 00:09:53,308 --> 00:09:55,291 - Name? - Marsh. 162 00:09:55,417 --> 00:09:57,512 - Service provider? - NetZero. 163 00:09:57,636 --> 00:09:58,813 All right, stay in line. 164 00:09:58,936 --> 00:10:02,190 Once you're inside, Red Cross volunteers will direct you to your campsite. 165 00:10:02,316 --> 00:10:04,160 So is there Internet here? 166 00:10:04,286 --> 00:10:06,680 Stay in line and get to your campsite. 167 00:10:16,956 --> 00:10:19,153 Excuse me, we're looking for some Internet. 168 00:10:19,418 --> 00:10:21,530 - Yeah, they've got it here. - All right! 169 00:10:21,796 --> 00:10:25,612 But there ain't enough to go around. All they got is a little Internet. 170 00:10:25,737 --> 00:10:27,473 Barely a bar a signal. 171 00:10:27,825 --> 00:10:29,833 So they have to ration it out, carefully. 172 00:10:30,155 --> 00:10:32,003 Ya... sign up over there and 173 00:10:32,268 --> 00:10:33,713 use your time when they call your name. 174 00:10:33,837 --> 00:10:36,702 Each family gets 40 seconds of Internet per day. 175 00:10:36,826 --> 00:10:40,490 Forty seconds? That ain't even long enough to check Wikipedia! 176 00:10:40,618 --> 00:10:42,883 Well it's all we got, so we gotta make do. 177 00:10:43,147 --> 00:10:45,473 Look, honey, we ordered us some books on Amazon. 178 00:10:45,598 --> 00:10:46,902 All right, time's up. 179 00:10:47,026 --> 00:10:49,682 No! No wait! I haven't entered the shipping information! 180 00:10:49,807 --> 00:10:51,622 No! No! 181 00:10:51,887 --> 00:10:54,101 Next? Brady, John H. 182 00:10:54,365 --> 00:10:57,511 Aw, how am I supposed to see Internet porn that way? 183 00:10:57,896 --> 00:11:00,743 - What did you say? - Uh, you go ahead, Sharon. 184 00:11:00,867 --> 00:11:04,573 Divide some Internet amongst the children. I- gotta talk to somebody. 185 00:11:09,576 --> 00:11:11,521 And that's about all we know. 186 00:11:11,758 --> 00:11:15,811 Uh, there might be some Internet still in California and parts of Florida, 187 00:11:15,938 --> 00:11:18,783 though we certainly still don't have any here. 188 00:11:20,116 --> 00:11:22,960 - A fax! A fax is coming through! - Oh yeah, a fax! 189 00:11:23,088 --> 00:11:26,632 - A fax! It's a fax, it's a fax! - It's a fax, we got a fax! 190 00:11:27,645 --> 00:11:28,642 It says, 191 00:11:28,768 --> 00:11:31,740 "The government has sent their best people to the Internet 192 00:11:31,865 --> 00:11:33,513 in order to repair it." 193 00:11:34,705 --> 00:11:37,733 We've gotta send a reporter out to the Internet! 194 00:11:39,726 --> 00:11:41,620 Where... is... the Internet? 195 00:11:51,938 --> 00:11:53,133 Gentlemen, 196 00:11:53,255 --> 00:11:57,121 the President is very angry that his Internet still isn't working. 197 00:11:57,386 --> 00:11:58,830 We've tried everything, sir, 198 00:11:58,957 --> 00:12:02,132 but the Internet has slowed to a trickle and we can't get it working correctly. 199 00:12:02,398 --> 00:12:05,842 Take me down below! I want to see the Internet for myself! 200 00:12:10,955 --> 00:12:12,450 Here it is, general. 201 00:12:12,716 --> 00:12:13,911 The Internet. 202 00:12:21,346 --> 00:12:22,632 What's wrong with it? 203 00:12:22,756 --> 00:12:25,552 See that flashing orange light in the middle? 204 00:12:25,676 --> 00:12:27,770 It's supposed to be solid green. 205 00:12:30,856 --> 00:12:32,050 My God. 206 00:12:35,048 --> 00:12:38,173 "Thedancingkitty.com", I wonder what that is. 207 00:12:39,887 --> 00:12:42,860 "Click on the dancing kitty and you could win a prize!" 208 00:12:42,986 --> 00:12:44,181 All right, time's up. 209 00:12:44,307 --> 00:12:47,191 No, wait, I just clicked on the kitty. I got it. 210 00:12:47,318 --> 00:12:49,780 No! It wasn't long enough! No! 211 00:12:50,137 --> 00:12:52,053 Next? Nelson, Peter T. 212 00:12:52,757 --> 00:12:56,750 Excuse me, I need to uh, have some private Internet time. 213 00:12:56,908 --> 00:13:01,453 Look, we're just trying to get by here. Everyone's gotta take what they can get. 214 00:13:02,037 --> 00:13:04,873 I haven't jacked off in over two weeks. 215 00:13:06,157 --> 00:13:07,352 So jack off. 216 00:13:07,477 --> 00:13:10,722 You don't understand. I need the Internet to jack off. 217 00:13:11,136 --> 00:13:12,191 I... 218 00:13:12,408 --> 00:13:15,673 got used to being able to see anything at the click of a button, you know? 219 00:13:15,796 --> 00:13:18,432 Once you jack off to Japanese girls puking in each other's mouths 220 00:13:18,557 --> 00:13:20,571 you can't exactly go back to Playboy! 221 00:13:20,698 --> 00:13:21,890 What do you want us to do? 222 00:13:22,016 --> 00:13:25,173 Pick up the whole computer and put it inside for ten minutes just for you? 223 00:13:25,297 --> 00:13:28,043 - Three minutes would be plenty. - Get lost! 224 00:13:31,578 --> 00:13:33,323 All right, each of you take a ticket. 225 00:13:33,447 --> 00:13:35,392 When they call your name you can use the Internet. 226 00:13:35,656 --> 00:13:38,550 - What number are you, turd? - Eight fifty one. 227 00:13:39,006 --> 00:13:42,293 - You're nine twenty three now. - Hey! Mom! 228 00:13:42,618 --> 00:13:44,820 Shelley, give your brother his ticket back! 229 00:13:44,946 --> 00:13:48,863 Can't you all see I'm in pain? Nobody understands pure love! 230 00:13:48,988 --> 00:13:52,491 Amir and I are closer than anybody in this stupid family! 231 00:13:57,858 --> 00:13:59,003 Hey! 232 00:13:59,128 --> 00:14:00,122 Over here! 233 00:14:01,937 --> 00:14:04,600 You... happen to be looking for Internet porn? 234 00:14:04,728 --> 00:14:06,240 Yeah, how'd you know? 235 00:14:06,368 --> 00:14:09,050 Lots of us fellas came here for that reason. 236 00:14:09,176 --> 00:14:13,071 We all got used to seeing lots of really pervrted stuff on the Internet, 237 00:14:13,195 --> 00:14:15,412 so now we can't go back to Playboy. 238 00:14:15,538 --> 00:14:19,150 - I know, right? - Anyway, we got us a simulator. 239 00:14:19,278 --> 00:14:22,720 You just call out what you wanna see and then say "click." 240 00:14:23,998 --> 00:14:26,882 - "Internet Porn Simulator" - Give it a try. 241 00:14:30,915 --> 00:14:32,283 242 00:14:33,335 --> 00:14:36,390 Japanese girls exchanging bodily fluids? Click. 243 00:14:41,516 --> 00:14:44,202 Oh this sucks! I can't jack off to this! 244 00:14:46,976 --> 00:14:48,170 Damnit. 245 00:14:49,318 --> 00:14:52,300 Let's see. Interracial gang bang Click. 246 00:14:56,037 --> 00:14:58,332 Shemales! Let's try shemales. Click. 247 00:15:00,866 --> 00:15:02,352 Bestiality? Click on that. 248 00:15:05,227 --> 00:15:07,913 Brazilian fart fetish porn? Click! Click! 249 00:15:11,388 --> 00:15:13,870 No. No, this isn't going to work. 250 00:15:16,478 --> 00:15:18,212 It's just not the same. 251 00:15:18,636 --> 00:15:19,892 Well, sorry. 252 00:15:20,017 --> 00:15:22,462 And that'll be $49 on your credit card. 253 00:15:22,838 --> 00:15:25,000 Well at least that part's like the Internet. 254 00:15:25,436 --> 00:15:28,962 We now have a reporter on the scene. Let's go live! 255 00:15:29,817 --> 00:15:31,882 Tom, I'm at the Internet, 256 00:15:32,008 --> 00:15:35,881 where government officials are doing their best to get it running again. 257 00:15:37,166 --> 00:15:40,221 All right, Internet. What do you want from us? 258 00:15:44,826 --> 00:15:47,481 If we've angered you somehow, let us know. 259 00:15:48,407 --> 00:15:50,942 Try to communicate with it digitally again. 260 00:16:14,566 --> 00:16:17,860 I've had it with this thing! Fire a warning shot at it! 261 00:16:23,455 --> 00:16:25,471 Hey, wait a minute. 262 00:16:27,487 --> 00:16:29,083 Is it possible that... 263 00:16:29,665 --> 00:16:31,011 What is it, Kyle? 264 00:16:32,137 --> 00:16:34,733 I think... I know what's wrong. 265 00:16:43,466 --> 00:16:47,371 This is taking too long! When do I get to use the Internet? 266 00:16:47,937 --> 00:16:49,581 It's gotta be our turn soon. 267 00:16:49,708 --> 00:16:53,002 All right, folks, it's bed time. No more Internet for today. 268 00:16:57,025 --> 00:17:00,180 No, no, we're locking it away until tomorrow. Everyone get to bed! 269 00:17:27,968 --> 00:17:29,160 Finally! 270 00:17:29,438 --> 00:17:30,783 I'm online again! 271 00:17:31,205 --> 00:17:32,402 Yes! 272 00:17:33,298 --> 00:17:37,372 Japanese girls puking each other's mouths. 273 00:17:43,547 --> 00:17:44,900 Oh nice... 274 00:17:51,546 --> 00:17:54,812 Now let's see some bestiality. 275 00:18:03,838 --> 00:18:04,833 Yes! 276 00:18:05,058 --> 00:18:08,650 Let's get some Brazilian fart porn in there! 277 00:18:13,566 --> 00:18:14,962 Oh that's good eh! 278 00:18:19,775 --> 00:18:20,970 What is that? 279 00:18:21,096 --> 00:18:24,040 Sounds like someone's being attacked by a tiger. 280 00:18:25,738 --> 00:18:28,033 Get the keys! We gotta get in there. 281 00:18:37,476 --> 00:18:38,671 What the...? 282 00:18:39,068 --> 00:18:40,481 - Dad? - Randy! 283 00:18:42,287 --> 00:18:44,332 There was a, there was a ghost! 284 00:18:44,607 --> 00:18:46,441 And this, this ectoplasm! 285 00:18:47,046 --> 00:18:50,163 Did you see the ghost? It ran through here; it slimed me! 286 00:18:50,707 --> 00:18:51,951 You son of a bitch! 287 00:18:52,306 --> 00:18:55,100 Oh no it wasn't me, it was this spooky ghost! 288 00:18:57,058 --> 00:18:58,882 This is our last chance. 289 00:18:59,075 --> 00:19:01,672 With nowhere else to turn, the government is going to allow 290 00:19:01,796 --> 00:19:03,473 ne brave nine-year-old boy 291 00:19:03,736 --> 00:19:06,683 to attempt his method to get the Internet running again. 292 00:19:07,525 --> 00:19:09,133 It all comes down to this. 293 00:19:09,258 --> 00:19:11,721 Can the little Jewish boy reason with the Internet? 294 00:19:11,987 --> 00:19:13,831 Or will it be gone forever? 295 00:19:14,706 --> 00:19:16,271 All clear for procedure. 296 00:19:16,797 --> 00:19:18,560 All right! Let's do it! 297 00:19:40,585 --> 00:19:43,760 Look! The flashing yellow light is green now! 298 00:19:44,068 --> 00:19:45,262 He did it! 299 00:19:45,386 --> 00:19:47,051 - I've got Internet! - Me too! 300 00:19:47,315 --> 00:19:49,713 Internet activity in all sectors, sir. 301 00:19:54,237 --> 00:19:56,870 - I've got Internet. - Me too! 302 00:19:56,996 --> 00:19:58,012 It's back! 303 00:20:00,408 --> 00:20:01,952 It's back? It's back! 304 00:20:03,437 --> 00:20:07,531 It's working! I can i-chat with my darling Amir now! 305 00:20:08,276 --> 00:20:10,573 Shelley. Shelley Marsh? 306 00:20:12,018 --> 00:20:13,461 - What? - It's me. 307 00:20:13,787 --> 00:20:14,952 Amir. 308 00:20:15,778 --> 00:20:17,541 O... kay. 309 00:20:17,887 --> 00:20:19,932 Your family came here too, huh? 310 00:20:21,807 --> 00:20:23,001 Yeah. 311 00:20:25,778 --> 00:20:28,903 So uh, I guess I'll e-mail you as soon as I get back home. 312 00:20:29,026 --> 00:20:31,823 - Yeah, okay. Sounds good. - Okay, see ya. 313 00:20:33,288 --> 00:20:36,402 We're back together! We're back together! 314 00:20:38,037 --> 00:20:41,443 315 00:20:42,627 --> 00:20:44,900 And so what have we learned through this ordeal? 316 00:20:45,786 --> 00:20:48,861 The Internet went away. It came back. 317 00:20:49,278 --> 00:20:51,371 But for how long we do not know. 318 00:20:52,318 --> 00:20:55,410 We cannot take the Internet for granted any longer. 319 00:20:55,778 --> 00:20:58,912 We as a country must stop over-logging -on. 320 00:20:59,425 --> 00:21:02,540 We must use the Internet only when we need it. 321 00:21:02,976 --> 00:21:06,463 It's easy for us to think we can just use up all the Internet we want. 322 00:21:07,156 --> 00:21:10,843 But if we don't treat the Internet with the respect...! 323 00:21:12,756 --> 00:21:14,101 That it deserves, 324 00:21:14,918 --> 00:21:17,062 it could one day be gone forever. 325 00:21:17,928 --> 00:21:21,183 So let us learn to live with the Internet, not for it. 326 00:21:21,488 --> 00:21:23,320 No more browsing for no apparent reason, 327 00:21:23,446 --> 00:21:27,281 no more mindlessly surfing on our laptops while watching television. 328 00:21:27,548 --> 00:21:28,631 And finally, 329 00:21:28,758 --> 00:21:33,012 we must learn to only use the Internet for porn twice a day. 330 00:21:33,867 --> 00:21:35,061 Max. 331 00:21:41,265 --> 00:21:45,210 SouthParkNews.Net / SouthPark-TV.Com Transcript : SPScriptorium.Com