1 00:01:52,567 --> 00:01:57,436 And now back to hunting and killing with South Park's favorite hunters, Jimbo and Ned. 2 00:01:57,567 --> 00:02:00,479 I'm Jimbo Kerny and this is here is Ned. Say hi, Ned. 3 00:02:00,607 --> 00:02:03,838 - Nnnhi, Ned. - Now, isn't that great? 4 00:02:03,967 --> 00:02:06,377 We have a terrific show for you today. 5 00:02:06,378 --> 00:02:08,778 We're gonna kill some elk and we're gonna kill mountain goats. 6 00:02:08,807 --> 00:02:14,200 Now the new law passed by Colorado legislature which Ned and I call pussy law #4 7 00:02:14,327 --> 00:02:16,835 states that we can no longer kill animals in defense. 8 00:02:16,836 --> 00:02:19,636 In otherwords our old line of "It's coming right for us" 9 00:02:19,767 --> 00:02:20,961 It's coming right for us. 10 00:02:21,087 --> 00:02:25,478 No longer works. So now we only kill animals to quote "Thin out their numbers". 11 00:02:25,607 --> 00:02:30,397 If we don't hunt, these animals will grow to big in their number and they won't have enough food. 12 00:02:30,527 --> 00:02:35,078 So you see, we have to kill animals, or else they'll die. 13 00:02:38,327 --> 00:02:42,525 Ah, so roll the tape. Here we are up at Shafer's crossing looking for some animals. 14 00:02:42,647 --> 00:02:46,242 Lookee Ned, there's some deers. Quick Ned, thin out their numbers! 15 00:02:46,367 --> 00:02:48,642 Thin out their numbers. 16 00:02:51,647 --> 00:02:53,877 Good work Ned, now they won't starve. 17 00:02:54,007 --> 00:02:57,795 That sure was a great hunting trip, we saved those deer from extiction. 18 00:02:57,927 --> 00:02:59,440 Mmmwere environmentalists. 19 00:02:59,567 --> 00:03:03,924 Coming up next, we're gonna drop some nepalm on an unsuspecting family of bevers. 20 00:03:04,047 --> 00:03:08,006 And also try the numbers of some endangered species. 21 00:03:12,607 --> 00:03:14,837 Mr.Garrison? What's Vietnam? 22 00:03:14,967 --> 00:03:19,119 What's Vietnam. A question a child might ask, but not a childish question. 23 00:03:20,887 --> 00:03:23,879 Children for the next few days we'll be learning all about Vietnam. 24 00:03:24,007 --> 00:03:27,716 Chances are that somebody in your own lives was affected by this incredible war. 25 00:03:27,847 --> 00:03:31,237 That's right Mr.Garrison, the Vietnam war was sticky and icky. 26 00:03:31,367 --> 00:03:33,403 Mr.Garrison? Were you in Vietnam? 27 00:03:37,447 --> 00:03:39,756 Come on Ned, let's go. Jump into the chopper. 28 00:03:41,927 --> 00:03:45,158 - Who's next to take a shower? - Me, I am. 29 00:03:45,287 --> 00:03:49,758 Where could I hide this big pipe? 30 00:03:49,887 --> 00:03:53,277 No I wasn't in Vietnam. But sometimes I like to pretend I was. 31 00:03:53,407 --> 00:03:56,558 Anyway children, I gonna assign you all a paper. 32 00:03:56,687 --> 00:04:01,363 I you all to find somebody in your own life who was in Vietnam, and interview them about it. 33 00:04:01,487 --> 00:04:03,682 What if we don't know anybody who was in Vietnam? 34 00:04:03,807 --> 00:04:06,262 Then you get an F, fail the 3rd grade and have to get a job 35 00:04:06,263 --> 00:04:09,363 cleaning septic tanks to support your drug habit. 36 00:04:09,487 --> 00:04:10,750 Dude, my uncle Jimbo was in Vietnam. 37 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:13,651 Hey yeah, he and Ned did that stupid TV show. 38 00:04:13,767 --> 00:04:17,726 And now time for Jimbo's Mysteries of the Unexplained. 39 00:04:17,847 --> 00:04:22,443 One of our loyal viewers from South Park, sent us some 8 millimeter film 40 00:04:22,567 --> 00:04:25,604 of what he claims to be the Mexican Staring frog of Southern Sri Lanka. 41 00:04:25,727 --> 00:04:28,993 Now as you all know the Mexican Staring frog of Southern SriLanka 42 00:04:28,994 --> 00:04:31,394 can supposedly kill you with one hoard daze. 43 00:04:31,407 --> 00:04:36,037 If the person even so much as looks into the frog's eyes, they can be paralyzed or even die. 44 00:04:36,167 --> 00:04:39,112 And this film proves that that frog may very well exist. 45 00:04:39,113 --> 00:04:43,713 Now watch carefully, you're gonna see the Mexican Staring Frog. 46 00:04:44,567 --> 00:04:47,400 There! There, did you see it? Roll that back again. 47 00:04:48,367 --> 00:04:50,437 Now freeze it. 48 00:04:50,567 --> 00:04:54,116 Well I'd like to know what all you skeptiks out there say now. What do you think, Ned? 49 00:04:54,247 --> 00:04:56,761 - I'm scared. - Well be sure to join us next time, 50 00:04:56,887 --> 00:05:02,280 we're so glad you spend your time with us, while we slaughtered our way through nature's guts. 51 00:05:02,407 --> 00:05:04,045 Come again and stay a while, 52 00:05:04,167 --> 00:05:08,046 - we'll kill a lotmore living things and make them bleed. - MMgood night. 53 00:05:08,167 --> 00:05:09,998 And we're cut. Great show guys. 54 00:05:10,127 --> 00:05:12,339 Oh look who's here, my little nephew Stanley. 55 00:05:12,340 --> 00:05:15,440 So you interested in your uncle Jimbo's big TV show, huh? 56 00:05:15,527 --> 00:05:17,755 No, we have to do a stupid report on Vietnam. 57 00:05:17,756 --> 00:05:19,356 You and Ned are the only guys we know who were there. 58 00:05:19,447 --> 00:05:22,166 - Oh yeah we sure were. - Was it fun? 59 00:05:22,287 --> 00:05:25,040 Cartman! What kind of stupid ass question is that. Of course it was fun! 60 00:05:25,167 --> 00:05:30,241 Well sure Vietnam was fun, but not like going to the circus fun, or fly fishin' in Montana fun. 61 00:05:30,367 --> 00:05:33,726 No, Vietnam was more like shoving shards of broken glass up your ass, 62 00:05:33,727 --> 00:05:36,327 and then sittin' in a tub with tobasco sauce fun. 63 00:05:36,447 --> 00:05:38,722 Yeppers, that's where me and Ned met. 64 00:05:48,727 --> 00:05:51,958 I remember I just gotten off the Ferris Wheel. 65 00:05:52,087 --> 00:05:55,716 Oh boy what a gorgious day. 66 00:05:59,607 --> 00:06:05,604 Kurns get over here! The new privates are here. I'm assigning one of them to you as a tranee. 67 00:06:06,727 --> 00:06:08,763 - Ned Gurblansky reporting sir. - Thanks Ned. 68 00:06:08,887 --> 00:06:11,654 Now the bad guys have been spotted about 10 clicks North of here. 69 00:06:11,655 --> 00:06:14,255 I know that you and Kurns are best suited to take em out. 70 00:06:14,367 --> 00:06:16,323 - Are you up for it? - Sir yes sir! 71 00:06:17,807 --> 00:06:21,402 Standing without on, just me and Ned to win the war for America. 72 00:06:21,527 --> 00:06:25,281 - Pass me some cocoa will you Ned? - Certainly, and would you like another muffin as well? 73 00:06:25,407 --> 00:06:28,205 Why the hell not? We're at war. 74 00:06:29,327 --> 00:06:33,036 - Hey you know those things are bad for your throat. - Naw, that's all lies. I'll be fine. 75 00:06:33,167 --> 00:06:36,955 - Charlies at 2 o'clock! - I see em! Drop the bomb! 76 00:06:37,087 --> 00:06:39,237 - The bomb's not releasing! - Oh no! 77 00:06:39,367 --> 00:06:42,165 - It won't budge. - We only have one option! 78 00:06:43,407 --> 00:06:46,797 - What are you doing man? - We'll have to take em out Ned, at all costs. 79 00:06:46,927 --> 00:06:49,919 Die you red comi bastards! 80 00:07:00,447 --> 00:07:02,438 Oh no! Out of ammo! 81 00:07:16,207 --> 00:07:21,042 - We did it Ned! We killed the entire Vietcong army! - Whoopie. 82 00:07:21,567 --> 00:07:26,163 Let's get back to base camp. We can ride the log ride before it closes. 83 00:07:28,127 --> 00:07:32,006 - nd that's the way it happened boys. - Whoa, Vietnam was sweet. 84 00:07:32,127 --> 00:07:35,358 Great news guys. Your TV show ratings have doubled! 85 00:07:35,487 --> 00:07:39,924 - They've gone from 6 people, to 12! - Holy smokes! We could get an emmy! 86 00:07:41,687 --> 00:07:45,760 You've got to do it J, your ratings are being killed by the Jimbo and Ned hunting show. 87 00:07:45,887 --> 00:07:49,243 - But I don't really care about that. - Well you better care Mr.Smartypants. 88 00:07:49,367 --> 00:07:50,808 No ratings means no show. 89 00:07:50,809 --> 00:07:53,909 If you want to keep reaching out to people, you have to keep up with the times. 90 00:07:54,087 --> 00:07:56,442 - Oh alright. - Alright we're 10 seconds to air guys. 91 00:07:56,567 --> 00:07:58,762 Remember, big, big , big! 92 00:07:58,887 --> 00:08:01,242 And 5, 4, 3... 93 00:08:01,367 --> 00:08:04,885 It's your hour of power, on midday mountain cable access. 94 00:08:04,886 --> 00:08:06,000 Put your hands together and welcome 95 00:08:06,007 --> 00:08:12,400 the only man in town who always has a full in stock wine cellar, Jeeeeeeeeesus 96 00:08:12,967 --> 00:08:14,639 Christ! 97 00:08:15,800 --> 00:08:17,000 Uh...hi. 98 00:08:17,447 --> 00:08:21,935 Ah, ye, yeah. Ok. Beggining today we're taking the show in a new direction. 99 00:08:21,936 --> 00:08:26,037 We've got some interesting people coming on the show this week for you, our viewers. 100 00:08:26,167 --> 00:08:29,239 Today's guest is TV's Gilligan, Mr.Bob Denver! 101 00:08:29,367 --> 00:08:33,246 Here is Bob Denver! 102 00:08:34,527 --> 00:08:38,805 - Hi, Bob Denver. - Hi, Jesus, great to be here. 103 00:08:41,087 --> 00:08:44,841 - So Bob, so you just get in town? - Yep, just got in. 104 00:08:46,887 --> 00:08:52,439 - So..um...so what have you been up to? - N..nothing. Nothing really at all. 105 00:08:54,687 --> 00:08:57,281 Nothing from nothing means nothing. 106 00:08:58,407 --> 00:09:00,045 You gotta have something... 107 00:09:01,447 --> 00:09:05,122 And after killing the entire Vietcong army, they returned to base camp. 108 00:09:05,247 --> 00:09:08,683 Once there they rode the Devil's Drop Rollercoaster, and ate cotton candy. 109 00:09:08,807 --> 00:09:13,676 And ultimately, Ned got the purple heart for his courageous defense of the log ride. 110 00:09:13,807 --> 00:09:16,037 So was the horror of Veitnam. The end. 111 00:09:16,167 --> 00:09:18,078 - The end. - Are there any questions? 112 00:09:19,047 --> 00:09:23,598 - Yes Mr.Garrison? - Yes, uh where the fuck did you hear this ridiculous load of bullshit? 113 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:26,365 From Veitnam veteran. 114 00:09:26,487 --> 00:09:29,015 Well boys, it's obvious to me that you didn't do your work 115 00:09:29,016 --> 00:09:31,616 and that you stayed up all night making up some ridiculous lie. 116 00:09:31,647 --> 00:09:34,719 - No, no we didn't! - You all receive an F... minus! 117 00:09:34,847 --> 00:09:37,361 - F minus? Can he do that? - But, but we're not making it up! It... 118 00:09:37,487 --> 00:09:42,322 Stanley the Vietnam war was war. There weren't galloping steeds or singing birds or logrides. 119 00:09:42,447 --> 00:09:44,267 - How do you know? You weren't even there! - Well that's it! 120 00:09:44,268 --> 00:09:47,268 All of you have detention for the rest of the week! 121 00:09:52,307 --> 00:09:57,620 Welcome to detention, mmkay. Mr.Garrison told me about your little joke. 122 00:09:57,747 --> 00:09:59,688 So it's important for you all to know why you're in detention 123 00:09:59,689 --> 00:10:02,389 for you to obtain the full benfits from it. 124 00:10:02,467 --> 00:10:06,938 You're here because you were inferior mmkay. You're here because you're akward, mmkay. 125 00:10:07,067 --> 00:10:10,901 Well thanks a lot for having such a cool uncle that got us all detention for a week. 126 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:13,495 Yeah dude, your uncle Jimbo sucks ass! 127 00:10:14,067 --> 00:10:16,346 Why would he just invent a story instead of telling us the truth? 128 00:10:16,347 --> 00:10:20,747 Well let's see maybe because he's an old drunk hillbilly dick! 129 00:10:20,827 --> 00:10:22,385 - We've gotta get him back dude! - Totally! 130 00:10:22,507 --> 00:10:25,863 - How? - Well he screwed us by making something up, I say we do the same thing! 131 00:10:25,987 --> 00:10:30,538 - What do you mean? - Did you guys ever see that one Brady Bunch where the guys... 132 00:10:30,667 --> 00:10:32,783 Oh, yeah sweet. 133 00:10:35,147 --> 00:10:36,978 Oh yeah sweet! 134 00:10:37,707 --> 00:10:43,020 And now back to huntin' and killing with South Park's favorite hunters, Jimbo and Ned! 135 00:10:43,147 --> 00:10:46,264 Welcome hunters. Boy have we got a show for you today. 136 00:10:46,387 --> 00:10:48,619 We've just received a tape from another viewer who filmed 137 00:10:48,620 --> 00:10:52,820 the Mexican Staring frog of Southern SriLanka right here in South Park. 138 00:10:52,987 --> 00:10:55,706 Yes now we're about to roll the film but remember, 139 00:10:55,827 --> 00:11:00,059 if you look the Mexican Staring Frog in the eyes, you can go catatonick. 140 00:11:00,187 --> 00:11:04,544 We don't know if this applies to pictures of the frog or not, but who wants to take chances? 141 00:11:04,667 --> 00:11:07,659 So when we roll this film, be sure to look away. 142 00:11:08,427 --> 00:11:10,702 Ok, roll the film, Tom. 143 00:11:12,467 --> 00:11:14,423 Is it over? 144 00:11:14,547 --> 00:11:16,822 Ok, it's over. Well there you have it. 145 00:11:16,947 --> 00:11:20,576 Undeniable proof that the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern SriLanka exists. 146 00:11:20,707 --> 00:11:23,175 And you saw it here on the Jimbo and Ned show. 147 00:11:23,307 --> 00:11:25,887 - Dude, I can't believe they fell for it. - Yeah, what a couple of dumbasses! 148 00:11:25,888 --> 00:11:30,088 Yeah, they're a couple of bitch ass motherfuckers! 149 00:11:30,147 --> 00:11:32,980 - Come one we gotta go make another one! - Lying kicks ass! 150 00:11:33,107 --> 00:11:34,426 Jesus! 151 00:11:34,547 --> 00:11:36,312 We're in trouble. The Jimbo and Ned show, 152 00:11:36,313 --> 00:11:40,413 they got some ridiculous staring frog story, and jumped another 2 points in the ratings. 153 00:11:40,587 --> 00:11:43,147 - Uh-oh. So what are we supposed to do? - I don't know. 154 00:11:43,267 --> 00:11:46,737 We'll have to continue with the changes we've made and then... go even further. 155 00:11:46,867 --> 00:11:51,418 - And we're back in 5, 4, 3... - Remember, big big big! 156 00:11:58,067 --> 00:12:00,043 If you're just joining us, we've been listening to 157 00:12:00,044 --> 00:12:02,744 Michelle's incredible story of survival. Go on Michelle. 158 00:12:02,867 --> 00:12:06,741 Well as I was sayin', I tried and tried but my overturned car just wouldn't budge. 159 00:12:06,742 --> 00:12:09,242 My husband was trapped for 12 hours. 160 00:12:09,347 --> 00:12:11,813 -And yet somehow he managed to survive. 161 00:12:11,814 --> 00:12:14,714 That's right. He's a very brave man and I love him very much. 162 00:12:14,827 --> 00:12:18,502 - I love you too. - Well, let's see if the audience has any questions. 163 00:12:18,627 --> 00:12:24,259 - Yes, you over there. - I think she needs to kick him to the curb baby. 164 00:12:25,347 --> 00:12:28,578 - Kick who to the curb? - Her no good husband. 165 00:12:28,707 --> 00:12:33,462 She's gotta loose that zero and get herself a hero. 166 00:12:33,587 --> 00:12:35,862 - But... - He wants to have his cake and eat it too. 167 00:12:35,987 --> 00:12:38,038 He's gotta dump that trash girlfriend. 168 00:12:38,039 --> 00:12:42,539 It's all about respect, you gotta have respect for yourself. 169 00:12:44,547 --> 00:12:47,778 I think we've somewhat missed the point here. Let's go to somebody else. 170 00:12:47,907 --> 00:12:51,107 - Yes your comments. - Montel, I think we're forgetting something 171 00:12:51,108 --> 00:12:52,608 very important in all of this. 172 00:12:52,747 --> 00:12:54,249 Ok, sure he touched some children. 173 00:12:54,250 --> 00:12:58,350 But the man is a great singer, and has entertained us for so many years. 174 00:12:58,467 --> 00:12:59,549 - What, what are you talking about? 175 00:12:59,550 --> 00:13:02,850 Michael Jackson. All this bad mouthing, putting the man down, 176 00:13:02,947 --> 00:13:09,056 maybe he did touch some children now and then. But come on it's Michael Jackson! 177 00:13:09,707 --> 00:13:12,096 Uh, we'll be back right after these messages. 178 00:13:12,947 --> 00:13:15,825 - Ready you guys? - Ready! - Ok, action. 179 00:13:18,547 --> 00:13:23,541 I am the deadly Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka. 180 00:13:23,667 --> 00:13:26,420 I am very scary, and dangerous. 181 00:13:26,827 --> 00:13:28,419 - Cut! Cartman! - What? 182 00:13:28,547 --> 00:13:30,503 - It's supposed to be a frog! - I know that. 183 00:13:30,627 --> 00:13:34,586 - Since when do frogs talk Cartman? - It's a Sri Lanka frog! 184 00:13:34,707 --> 00:13:36,504 - Durr Cartman! - Durr yourself hippie! 185 00:13:36,627 --> 00:13:39,699 - Just do it again Cartman and don't make it talk! - Ok here we go. Ready? 186 00:13:39,827 --> 00:13:42,022 - Are you ready Cartman? - I'm ready Steven Spielberg! 187 00:13:42,147 --> 00:13:44,945 - Action. - Wehehe, screw you guys. 188 00:13:45,747 --> 00:13:50,582 - But why do I have to dress up like an old lady? - Cause old ladies are fat and you are too. 189 00:13:50,707 --> 00:13:52,933 - Come on Cartman. The way we're shooting this, nobody will even know it's you. 190 00:13:52,934 --> 00:13:54,034 They better not. 191 00:13:54,187 --> 00:13:56,437 When I yell action, you start to walk this way. 192 00:13:56,438 --> 00:13:59,438 And Kenny's gonna pull the plastic frog in front of you and you have to be scared. 193 00:13:59,547 --> 00:14:02,619 - Scared? Of a plastic frog? - It's acting Cartman. 194 00:14:02,747 --> 00:14:04,840 You have to pretend you're really scared then the Mexican Staring Frog 195 00:14:04,841 --> 00:14:07,841 will look you in the eyes then you fall down like you're dead ok, ready? 196 00:14:07,947 --> 00:14:10,905 - This is stupid. - Good and action! 197 00:14:14,467 --> 00:14:17,968 Well it appears as thought a lot of you skeptics thought that the film 198 00:14:17,969 --> 00:14:21,009 we showed of the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka was a fake. 199 00:14:21,067 --> 00:14:23,262 They say it didn't harm anybody. 200 00:14:23,387 --> 00:14:28,507 Well it just so happens that we just received another film from another anonymous viewer. Roll it. 201 00:14:34,307 --> 00:14:37,395 There you go. Proof that not only is this frog real, 202 00:14:37,396 --> 00:14:40,796 but it is doing harm to the people of South Park as we speak. 203 00:14:40,827 --> 00:14:43,421 - Mmdamn that frog. - Well that does it. 204 00:14:43,547 --> 00:14:46,619 All this week Ned and I will be risking lives from him as we go on location 205 00:14:46,747 --> 00:14:50,820 to hunt the Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka. Join us won't ya. 206 00:14:50,947 --> 00:14:55,862 Oh no no no, this is the biggest publicity stunt I've ever seen. Damn those hunters are clever. 207 00:14:55,987 --> 00:14:58,296 - Uh, clever? - It's genious, it really is. 208 00:14:58,427 --> 00:15:02,102 Hell I want to watch them hunt the Mexican Staring Frog. Unless. 209 00:15:02,227 --> 00:15:05,503 - Unless what? - Unless we can prove to the world that the whole things is a sham. 210 00:15:05,627 --> 00:15:08,019 If we prove that the Mexican Staring Frog from Southern Sri Lanka 211 00:15:08,020 --> 00:15:10,220 is just something made up by Jimbo and Ned 212 00:15:10,307 --> 00:15:12,775 we can have them taken off the air perhaps even killed! 213 00:15:12,907 --> 00:15:15,740 Look, why don't we just stick to our own show? People will watch again. 214 00:15:15,867 --> 00:15:20,019 Oh J, you are so omnipotent and yet so naive. 215 00:15:20,147 --> 00:15:24,220 We'll launch a full investigation and then in the meantime we can cash in on the video tapes. 216 00:15:24,347 --> 00:15:25,541 What video tapes? 217 00:15:25,667 --> 00:15:29,421 - Yay my children, I am the way and the light. - You've seen Jesus and pals, 218 00:15:29,547 --> 00:15:33,506 now you've got to get the video. Jesus and pals too hot for TV. 219 00:15:33,627 --> 00:15:37,745 Things get a little out of control. You won't believe your eyes! 220 00:15:38,067 --> 00:15:43,187 Order now, only $19.95! Remember this is stuff you can't see on TV! 221 00:15:44,207 --> 00:15:47,244 - Anonymous tip? - Yeah it was left on our answering machine. 222 00:15:47,367 --> 00:15:49,361 All they said was that they saw the Mexican Staring Frog 223 00:15:49,362 --> 00:15:51,032 just South of Stark's Pond this morning. 224 00:15:51,047 --> 00:15:54,278 Hey Ned, remember that time we got that anonymous tip back in Nam? 225 00:15:54,407 --> 00:15:57,365 - You were in Nam? Where were you statione? - MMDenang. 226 00:15:57,487 --> 00:16:00,001 - With the log ride? - Yep. - Man I was it Tet. 227 00:16:00,127 --> 00:16:03,881 We had a bad ass rollercoaster, but all we ever wanted was a log ride. 228 00:16:04,007 --> 00:16:07,920 We waited and we waited, but they never built us one. 229 00:16:08,047 --> 00:16:11,403 I think Danforth wanted the log ride more than anybody, but he, 230 00:16:11,527 --> 00:16:14,706 he had to settle with that lame dinosaur water adventure ride. 231 00:16:14,707 --> 00:16:18,007 That war was hell on everybody. 232 00:16:18,167 --> 00:16:22,422 Ok, ok, ok bye. Great news everybody, this week's ratings are through the roof! 233 00:16:22,423 --> 00:16:23,823 We're up to 20 people! 234 00:16:23,967 --> 00:16:26,242 - Wow! Do we get more money? - No, but I do. 235 00:16:26,367 --> 00:16:29,139 We're now the highest rated show on mountain cable access. 236 00:16:29,140 --> 00:16:31,040 God bless the Mexican Staring Frog. 237 00:16:31,087 --> 00:16:33,840 - Dude they're gonna look so stupid. - Heh, totally. 238 00:16:33,967 --> 00:16:37,596 - They diserve for lying to us, dude. - Revenge is so very very sweet. 239 00:16:37,727 --> 00:16:39,683 They're here, hurry and hide. 240 00:16:41,447 --> 00:16:45,520 - Let's hunt. - We'll start with a 2-shot of you and Ned getting your equipment together and.. 241 00:16:45,647 --> 00:16:47,683 - Jimbo look! - Hit the deck! 242 00:16:48,127 --> 00:16:51,802 - What is it? - It's him. The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka. 243 00:16:51,927 --> 00:16:53,679 He's right over there on that rock. 244 00:16:53,807 --> 00:16:57,038 Dumbass! You've gotta keep your eyes away from him! Stay down. 245 00:16:57,167 --> 00:17:01,319 - Ned you take flight position, I'll try and keep it turned away from you. - RRroger that. 246 00:17:01,447 --> 00:17:04,235 Hello fellow hunters, have we got a show for you today. 247 00:17:04,236 --> 00:17:08,736 The Mexican Staring Frog is sunning itself on a rock directly behind us. 248 00:17:08,847 --> 00:17:13,716 We've gotta take the frog by surprise. I'm gonna create a diversion using this incendiary device. 249 00:17:13,847 --> 00:17:16,407 While Ned will ambush him from the rear. 250 00:17:17,287 --> 00:17:22,202 Now Ned, he's not looking! Quick Ned, hit him with the shot gun! 251 00:17:22,327 --> 00:17:24,283 Now Ned! Ned? Ned? 252 00:17:28,484 --> 00:17:30,284 Oh no. 253 00:17:30,367 --> 00:17:33,006 Come on Ned buddy, snap out of it! 254 00:17:33,127 --> 00:17:36,199 - Come back to me, buddy. - You getting all this? 255 00:17:37,127 --> 00:17:39,197 Hold on to your butts. 256 00:17:39,327 --> 00:17:41,636 Take that you demon frog! 257 00:17:41,767 --> 00:17:45,476 Ned, Ned, can you hear me? Quick, somebody call and ambulance, this man is catatonick! 258 00:17:45,607 --> 00:17:48,326 - Get the flight for life helicopter. - Holy crap dude. 259 00:17:50,767 --> 00:17:54,646 My pony boar was beat up pretty bad. He kept saying "Stay Gold." 260 00:17:56,487 --> 00:17:59,714 Aww Ned, if you can hear me, you gotta snap out of it. 261 00:17:59,715 --> 00:18:02,215 Cause if you don't I'll never forgive myself. 262 00:18:02,327 --> 00:18:06,115 Oh Stanley he's gone! My only friend in the world is gone! 263 00:18:06,247 --> 00:18:08,681 - Dude, he's ok. That frog wasn't even real. - Look. 264 00:18:08,807 --> 00:18:11,213 - Ahh! What the hell are you doing! I almost looked right at it! 265 00:18:11,214 --> 00:18:14,204 Dude, it's just a plastic frog, it's not real, check it out. 266 00:18:14,207 --> 00:18:16,402 - What? - We shot all those videos and sent them in. 267 00:18:16,527 --> 00:18:19,599 Yeah, we made the whole thing up. It was all just a really, really, funny joke! 268 00:18:19,727 --> 00:18:22,878 - You sent in those videos?!?!? - Oh this is not good. 269 00:18:23,007 --> 00:18:27,000 My best friend is a vegetable, and I'm gonna be the laughing stock of South Park! 270 00:18:27,127 --> 00:18:29,793 Oh come on, Ned's faking it! That frog was just a piece of plastic. 271 00:18:29,794 --> 00:18:31,594 Yeah, come on Ned, quit faking. 272 00:18:31,687 --> 00:18:36,556 You boys don't understand. Ned was so freaked out by the idea of the Mexican Staring frog 273 00:18:36,687 --> 00:18:38,837 that he must've set himself into a deep coma. 274 00:18:38,967 --> 00:18:43,677 It's a psychosomatic response! I couldn't help over hearing your conversation just now. 275 00:18:43,807 --> 00:18:47,561 - Who are you? - I produce a little TV show called Jesus and Pals, you might've heard of it. 276 00:18:47,687 --> 00:18:51,600 Your story's amazing. Full of jealoucy, deplicity, backstabbing and bitterness. 277 00:18:51,727 --> 00:18:53,591 Ahhhh... thanks? 278 00:18:53,592 --> 00:18:56,780 How would you like to share your remarkable story with us on tomorrow's show? 279 00:18:58,647 --> 00:19:02,720 We're back with Jimbo and his nephew Stan. These kids can't stop lying can they? 280 00:19:02,847 --> 00:19:04,876 That's right Jesus, no respect for their elders. 281 00:19:04,877 --> 00:19:08,877 As some of you may know I host a local show on hunting. 282 00:19:09,447 --> 00:19:12,360 Thanks. We've been hunting the Mexican staring frog for a week, 283 00:19:12,361 --> 00:19:14,761 based on some video footage we received from a viewer. 284 00:19:14,847 --> 00:19:18,044 Well, it turns out that these kids faked the footage. 285 00:19:18,167 --> 00:19:21,000 - Is that true Stan? - It was just a joke. We didn't think it would hurt anybody. 286 00:19:22,007 --> 00:19:25,363 Uh, we'll find out more about this debauchery when we return. 287 00:19:26,807 --> 00:19:29,640 - And we're out. - You're corpses up here. 288 00:19:29,767 --> 00:19:32,520 - We need a lot more action from everybody. - Like what? 289 00:19:32,647 --> 00:19:36,356 Like go ahead and tell how your nephew Stan takes drugs and worships Satan. 290 00:19:36,487 --> 00:19:39,047 - Satan got it. - Whoa! I don't take drugs and worship Satan! That's lying! 291 00:19:39,167 --> 00:19:41,610 - Give your attention on medicine you little fibber! 292 00:19:41,611 --> 00:19:42,611 You kids, I didn't bring you on this show to be boring! 293 00:19:43,647 --> 00:19:47,003 - Somebody get pissed off and throw a chair and Ned here! - Dibs! 294 00:19:47,127 --> 00:19:51,006 Remember, you all start a fight after the chair is thrown, that's your cue. 295 00:19:53,607 --> 00:19:57,122 Welcome back to Jesus and Pals. Jimbo, why do you think little Stanley lies? 296 00:19:57,247 --> 00:20:01,957 I'll tell you why. Because he's on drugs, and he worships the devil! 297 00:20:03,647 --> 00:20:06,241 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! 298 00:20:06,367 --> 00:20:09,962 Wow, now Stanley, it sounds like your uncle's really worried about you. 299 00:20:10,087 --> 00:20:13,397 Well I only did it because... he molested me! 300 00:20:14,327 --> 00:20:17,080 - Why you little piece of crap. - You big piece of crap! 301 00:20:17,207 --> 00:20:20,040 That's it, now I'm all pissed off! 302 00:20:20,167 --> 00:20:23,079 - Take that hippie! - Jesus, Jesus. 303 00:20:25,487 --> 00:20:28,843 - Uh, ok ok, that's enough. - Take that you asshole! 304 00:20:28,967 --> 00:20:31,765 - What the fuck was that? - Uh, let's watch the language people. 305 00:20:31,887 --> 00:20:35,084 - Get outta here you bitch! - Ay get off of him you fucking nutsack! 306 00:20:38,247 --> 00:20:40,841 Let's all make our way back to our seats. 307 00:20:42,767 --> 00:20:46,555 - Oh my God, they killed Kenny! - You bastards! 308 00:20:50,287 --> 00:20:53,404 Let's all just make our way back to our seats. 309 00:20:54,767 --> 00:20:56,837 SHUT THE FUCK UP!! 310 00:20:57,967 --> 00:21:01,347 Jesus! What is wrong with you people?? Look around you Stanley. 311 00:21:01,348 --> 00:21:04,048 Look at all the pain and suffering your lie has caused. 312 00:21:04,087 --> 00:21:06,141 Well we only did it cause Jimbo lied to us first. 313 00:21:06,142 --> 00:21:07,842 We had this report on the Vietnam War for school, 314 00:21:07,967 --> 00:21:09,838 and we interviewed Jimbo about it and he made up 315 00:21:09,839 --> 00:21:11,339 all this stuff about Vietnam and he got us in trouble. 316 00:21:11,487 --> 00:21:14,877 Hey now, everything I told you boys about the war, actually happened. 317 00:21:15,007 --> 00:21:16,651 Mr.Garrison said that there was no way that you 318 00:21:16,652 --> 00:21:18,752 could've defeated the entire Vietcong army by yourself. 319 00:21:18,887 --> 00:21:23,722 - The entire Vietcong army?? - I ah, well ok, I migth've embelished the truth a little 320 00:21:23,847 --> 00:21:25,758 - but that's different. - Is it? 321 00:21:25,887 --> 00:21:29,436 Well sure I mean, well no I guess not. 322 00:21:29,567 --> 00:21:32,117 - And as for you Stan, I think you need to kick your drug habit... 323 00:21:32,118 --> 00:21:34,018 Wait a second. I don't take drugs, that was a lie. 324 00:21:34,087 --> 00:21:36,521 - Wait, Jimbo made that up? - No. Your producer did! 325 00:21:36,647 --> 00:21:39,241 - She made Jimbo tell everybody that I did drugs. - What? 326 00:21:39,367 --> 00:21:42,561 During the break, your producer came over, and told Jimbo what to say about me. 327 00:21:42,562 --> 00:21:45,562 She told him to lie. It's true she did. 328 00:21:45,607 --> 00:21:48,963 - I'm such a tool. - Oh really? 329 00:21:49,087 --> 00:21:50,779 - Yeah then she told us to throw a chair at Ned. 330 00:21:50,780 --> 00:21:53,180 Yeah I didn't wanna do it Jesus, they made me do that. 331 00:21:53,287 --> 00:21:57,166 - Screw this show, I thought this was all real. - Wait everybody, come back. 332 00:21:57,287 --> 00:22:02,042 Don't feel too bad Montel. We all wanna touch children sometimes, it's only natural. 333 00:22:04,847 --> 00:22:08,157 Alright Stan, I was just trying to tell a good story. 334 00:22:08,287 --> 00:22:09,936 I never meant for you boys to get in trouble. 335 00:22:09,937 --> 00:22:11,340 Well we're sorry too uncle Jimbo. 336 00:22:11,341 --> 00:22:13,141 We're sorry for making you look stupid in front of the whole world. 337 00:22:13,287 --> 00:22:16,161 Yeah, and we're sorry for turning Ned into a vegetable. - Ahh he'll be fine. 338 00:22:16,162 --> 00:22:18,002 I'll just take him home and show him some good 339 00:22:18,047 --> 00:22:21,405 hard core porn, he'll snap right out of it, won't you Ned? 340 00:22:21,607 --> 00:22:24,284 I want to appologize to all of you for what happened in there. 341 00:22:24,285 --> 00:22:28,085 In our competition for ratings we all lost sight of why we got into showbusiness in the first place. 342 00:22:28,167 --> 00:22:32,445 - Yeah, TV's and beer. - Actually I was referring more to the persuit of truth, 343 00:22:32,567 --> 00:22:37,004 well anyway I can't wait to get back to my old show without all the glitz and ratings and producers. 344 00:22:37,127 --> 00:22:39,595 - Wait a sec, where is your producer? - I sent her away. 345 00:22:39,727 --> 00:22:41,763 Sent her away where? 346 00:22:43,247 --> 00:22:47,479 - What is this? What's happening?? - Welcome to my dominion! 347 00:22:50,167 --> 00:22:51,841 Ah, take a load off, put your feet up. 348 00:22:51,842 --> 00:22:54,742 Me and Satan were just aboot to go shopping for furniture. Come on Satan! 349 00:22:54,887 --> 00:22:56,559 Ok honey.