1 00:00:39,900 --> 00:00:43,900 Why do we hold the Sundance Film Festival here Phillis? It's so painfully crowded. 2 00:00:43,935 --> 00:00:47,900 Because, people from LA love to come to a quaint little mountain town 3 00:00:47,935 --> 00:00:49,865 for a few days, and this gives them excuse. 4 00:00:49,900 --> 00:00:51,865 No this used to be a quaint little mountain town. 5 00:00:51,900 --> 00:00:54,900 Now look at it! Sushi restaraunts, upscale clothes stores, 6 00:00:54,935 --> 00:00:57,917 25 dollar parking, leamnissen. I tell you Phillis, 7 00:00:57,952 --> 00:01:00,865 I think we've tapped this town's resources out. 8 00:01:00,900 --> 00:01:04,900 We must move the festival to another small mountain town and begin again. 9 00:01:04,935 --> 00:01:08,865 That's not a bad idea. But where? 10 00:01:20,900 --> 00:01:23,900 Ok children, I have some very exciting news for you. 11 00:01:23,935 --> 00:01:25,865 Why don't you tell them Mr. Twigg. 12 00:01:25,900 --> 00:01:30,900 That's right Mr. Garrison. The first annual South Park film festival begins today. 13 00:01:30,935 --> 00:01:31,865 Wow, cool! 14 00:01:31,900 --> 00:01:34,900 They're not gonna show that stupid ass Godzilla movie are they? 15 00:01:34,935 --> 00:01:36,917 No no no Kyle. These are independent films. 16 00:01:36,952 --> 00:01:38,865 Oh like Independence Day? That sucked ass too. 17 00:01:38,900 --> 00:01:41,900 No dude, independent films are those black and white hippy movies. 18 00:01:41,935 --> 00:01:43,865 It's about gay cowboys eating pudding. 19 00:01:43,900 --> 00:01:47,900 No they're not. Independent films are produced outside the hollywood system. 20 00:01:47,935 --> 00:01:49,865 They're movies without all the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. 21 00:01:49,900 --> 00:01:53,900 Puh, well you show me one independent film that ISN'T about gay cowboys eating pudding. 22 00:01:53,935 --> 00:01:57,865 Once again you have no idea what you're talkin about, fatass! 23 00:01:57,900 --> 00:02:00,865 I'm not fat, I just haven't grown into my body yet, you skinny bitch! 24 00:02:00,900 --> 00:02:06,900 Eric if you call Wendy bitch one more time, I'm sending you to the principal's office. 25 00:02:06,935 --> 00:02:08,900 Bitch. That's it Eric, you... 26 00:02:08,935 --> 00:02:09,865 I'm going! 27 00:02:09,900 --> 00:02:12,900 Anyway children, I want you all to see at least one independent film 28 00:02:12,935 --> 00:02:16,865 at the festival and then write a paper about it. 29 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:19,900 The first fiml showing is called "Witness to Denial". 30 00:02:19,935 --> 00:02:22,865 And is a sexual exploration piece about 2 women in love. 31 00:02:22,900 --> 00:02:25,900 my uncle Jimbo has a ton of those movies in his dresser drawer. 32 00:02:25,935 --> 00:02:28,900 No no, I wanna shoot the script next month with Demi Moore test. 33 00:02:28,935 --> 00:02:30,865 Well you tell Spielburg he can kiss my ass. 34 00:02:30,900 --> 00:02:33,900 Wow, look at this Johnson. Traffic jams at every intersection, 35 00:02:33,935 --> 00:02:35,900 hoards of people pushing their way through the crowds. 36 00:02:35,935 --> 00:02:38,865 It's almost like we're a real city. 37 00:02:38,900 --> 00:02:41,900 Can't believe I got sent to the principal's office because of your stupid girlfriend. 38 00:02:41,935 --> 00:02:42,865 She's NOT my girlfriend. 39 00:02:42,900 --> 00:02:46,865 Yeah, you really puke on her like that. 40 00:02:46,900 --> 00:02:48,865 Sick Kenny! Damn dude, look at all these people. 41 00:02:48,900 --> 00:02:50,900 I'm late for a screening, I'll call you from the theatre. 42 00:02:50,935 --> 00:02:51,900 All this for a bunch of stupid movies? 43 00:02:51,935 --> 00:02:53,900 Hello there children! Hey Chef! 44 00:02:53,935 --> 00:02:54,865 Whatcha doin? 45 00:02:54,900 --> 00:02:59,900 Children, this whole film festival thing has quite lucrited monotary possiblities. 46 00:02:59,935 --> 00:03:02,900 Now I'm gonna sell of my famous cookies, to these Hollywood types, 47 00:03:02,935 --> 00:03:05,900 and make a mint! What kinda of cookies? 48 00:03:05,935 --> 00:03:06,865 Calm down tubby. 49 00:03:06,900 --> 00:03:09,900 They're little cookies with fudge in the middle. 50 00:03:09,935 --> 00:03:11,900 And I call them "Fudge 'Ems. " 51 00:03:11,935 --> 00:03:12,865 I wanna fudgem! 52 00:03:12,900 --> 00:03:16,900 I can see the commercial now. Wife got you down? 53 00:03:16,935 --> 00:03:18,900 Boss making you angry? Kids yelling at ya? 54 00:03:18,935 --> 00:03:21,865 Well fudge em! Cool! 55 00:03:21,900 --> 00:03:25,865 And I've also got my double chocolate cookies, "fudge this. " 56 00:03:25,900 --> 00:03:28,900 Oh look one of the natives is selling local foodwares. How quaint. 57 00:03:28,935 --> 00:03:30,865 This is why I come to these things. 58 00:03:30,900 --> 00:03:33,900 To get away from LA and become one with a more simple culture. 59 00:03:33,935 --> 00:03:35,900 Well perhaps you'd like to try my low calorie cookies, 60 00:03:35,935 --> 00:03:38,917 "Go fudge yourself. " All my all natural, 61 00:03:38,952 --> 00:03:41,865 "I don't really give a flying fudge. " 62 00:03:41,900 --> 00:03:43,900 Ooh do you have any tofu or steamed cellery? 63 00:03:43,935 --> 00:03:45,900 I would kill for some cous-cous right now. 64 00:03:45,935 --> 00:03:46,865 Cous-goose? 65 00:03:46,900 --> 00:03:50,900 Uhhh nevermind. We brought some food from the natural market in LA. 66 00:03:50,935 --> 00:03:51,865 Cute sign though. 67 00:03:51,900 --> 00:03:55,900 Stan I have two tickets for the opening film at the festival. 68 00:03:55,935 --> 00:03:59,900 Would you like to come with me? Stan, memmememme, hehehehe... 69 00:03:59,935 --> 00:04:00,865 Shut up Cartman! 70 00:04:00,900 --> 00:04:03,865 Sure dude, I mean since we have to write a paper on a film anyway. 71 00:04:03,900 --> 00:04:07,900 It'll be the death of him Kyle. Mark my words. It'll be the death of him. 72 00:04:07,935 --> 00:04:09,900 If she holds his hand in that theatre it'll be all over. 73 00:04:09,935 --> 00:04:13,900 Get em while they're hot. My all new cookies! 74 00:04:13,935 --> 00:04:15,865 "I just went and fudged yo mama!" 75 00:04:15,900 --> 00:04:20,865 Geezes, he sure ran that one into the ground. 76 00:04:20,900 --> 00:04:22,865 When does this thing start, I hope there's some good previews. 77 00:04:22,900 --> 00:04:24,900 Stan, film festival movies don't usually have previews before them. 78 00:04:24,935 --> 00:04:29,865 They what? 79 00:04:29,900 --> 00:04:32,865 Who are you to judge my womanly soul. 80 00:04:32,900 --> 00:04:36,900 The godess flames that burn in my memory are dark. 81 00:04:36,935 --> 00:04:39,865 Dare you call them dark. 82 00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:42,900 Here lies the goddes truth of my body. 83 00:04:42,935 --> 00:04:43,865 Oh brother. 84 00:04:43,900 --> 00:04:46,865 The godess that cries. Freedom! 85 00:04:46,900 --> 00:04:50,400 Here is the godess truth of my womanly being. 86 00:04:50,435 --> 00:04:53,167 You are my blossom my flame, when we make love 87 00:04:53,202 --> 00:04:55,900 it's like the sun is right outside the door. 88 00:04:55,935 --> 00:04:58,900 Then make love to me. Right now! 89 00:04:58,935 --> 00:05:01,865 Dude! 90 00:05:01,900 --> 00:05:04,900 I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. 91 00:05:04,935 --> 00:05:07,865 I can see all obsticles in my way... 92 00:05:07,900 --> 00:05:09,900 Bubbly! You need to get to bed it's late! 93 00:05:09,935 --> 00:05:12,900 I'm poopies ma! Hurry up! 94 00:05:12,935 --> 00:05:15,700 Going dark hand... 95 00:05:19,935 --> 00:05:22,865 Could it be? 96 00:05:22,900 --> 00:05:28,865 Mr. Hankey is that you? Hello? 97 00:05:28,900 --> 00:05:31,900 I'm here live in South Park, Colorado, where citizens of Los Angeles, 98 00:05:31,935 --> 00:05:35,900 are arriving in jobs for the town's first annual film festival. 99 00:05:35,935 --> 00:05:37,865 This is just a small quiet mountain community, 100 00:05:37,900 --> 00:05:40,865 where nothing out of the ordinary ever really happens... 101 00:05:40,900 --> 00:05:42,900 except for the occasional complete desctruction of the entire town. 102 00:05:42,935 --> 00:05:45,865 And so the excitement level is naturally very high. 103 00:05:45,900 --> 00:05:48,900 Right now the townspeople are anxiously awaiting the arrival 104 00:05:48,935 --> 00:05:50,865 of some of Hollywood's top celebrities. 105 00:05:50,900 --> 00:05:52,865 It was him dude. I tell you it was Mr. Hanky. 106 00:05:52,900 --> 00:05:55,900 Wait, I thought Mr. Hanky only came at Christmas time. 107 00:05:55,935 --> 00:05:58,417 Well I'm sure it was him. 108 00:05:58,452 --> 00:06:00,865 Look here comes somebody! 109 00:06:00,900 --> 00:06:05,865 Ladies and gentlemen, TV's Fred Savage! 110 00:06:05,900 --> 00:06:08,865 Well I'm sure a real person will show up soon. 111 00:06:08,900 --> 00:06:10,900 So how was that movie last night dude? dude you don't even wanna know. 112 00:06:10,935 --> 00:06:12,900 It was about a bunch of gay cowboys eating pudding huh? 113 00:06:12,935 --> 00:06:14,865 Yeah... pretty much. Yes! 114 00:06:14,900 --> 00:06:16,900 The theatre sucks though, they need to get a bigger screen. 115 00:06:16,935 --> 00:06:19,900 They should project the movies on Cartman's ass. 116 00:06:19,935 --> 00:06:22,865 Ay! Yeah, but that'd be like I-Max. 117 00:06:22,900 --> 00:06:24,865 Ok ok. That's enought fatass jokes for this week. 118 00:06:24,900 --> 00:06:29,188 Cartman's ass is so fucking fat that sometimes it takes up the entire projecting room. 119 00:06:30,935 --> 00:06:36,900 Ok that does it. Screw you guys I'm going home. 120 00:06:36,935 --> 00:06:38,865 Well? 121 00:06:38,900 --> 00:06:41,865 I'm gonna just give me a minute. 122 00:06:41,900 --> 00:06:43,865 This is perfect. Why didn't we think of it sooner? 123 00:06:43,900 --> 00:06:47,900 This town still has some charm left. Not the mess we turned Park City into. 124 00:06:47,935 --> 00:06:49,865 Forgive me for being observant but, 125 00:06:49,900 --> 00:06:52,900 won't we just end up doing the same thing to this town? 126 00:06:52,935 --> 00:06:55,865 Yes, and the town after, and the town after that. 127 00:06:55,900 --> 00:06:58,900 Like termites, we will move this festival from town to town, 128 00:06:58,935 --> 00:06:59,865 until we have used it up. 129 00:06:59,900 --> 00:07:03,900 And then move on until every quite mountain town is like Los Angeles. 130 00:07:03,935 --> 00:07:05,917 Why? Why would we do such a thing? 131 00:07:05,952 --> 00:07:07,865 Because we have to live in LA. 132 00:07:07,900 --> 00:07:10,900 And if we can't live in quite simple peaceful mountain towns, 133 00:07:10,935 --> 00:07:15,865 then nobody will! 134 00:07:15,900 --> 00:07:19,900 Wait wait wait, zoom into a close up of my face when I do that. 135 00:07:19,935 --> 00:07:22,900 Ready? Then nobody will! 136 00:07:22,935 --> 00:07:23,865 That's it. 137 00:07:23,900 --> 00:07:25,865 Children, glad you're here. 138 00:07:25,900 --> 00:07:27,900 I want you to check out my new confectionaries. 139 00:07:27,935 --> 00:07:29,900 I think they're gonna sell right through the roof. 140 00:07:29,935 --> 00:07:33,900 I call them "Chef's salty chocolate balls. " 141 00:07:33,935 --> 00:07:36,865 Are they good? Try em. 142 00:07:36,900 --> 00:07:40,500 Hey these are good! Yeah, I love your salty chocolate balls Chef! 143 00:07:43,935 --> 00:07:48,865 There it is again. There is what again? 144 00:07:48,900 --> 00:07:50,900 It's Mr. Hanky! I think he's in some kind of trouble. 145 00:07:50,935 --> 00:07:52,900 Dude, how do you tell if a piece of poo is in trouble? 146 00:07:52,935 --> 00:07:54,865 Where does that grill go? To the sewer dude. 147 00:07:54,900 --> 00:07:57,300 Of course! The sewer! That must be where he is! Come on! 148 00:08:18,935 --> 00:08:20,865 Oh man it smells like ass down here. 149 00:08:20,900 --> 00:08:23,900 Of course it smells like ass retard! It's a sewer! 150 00:08:23,935 --> 00:08:25,865 What was that? 151 00:08:25,900 --> 00:08:29,079 Oh man let's get outta here. We can't dude, not until we find Mr. Hankey. 152 00:08:32,935 --> 00:08:34,917 What the hell? Mr. Garrison? 153 00:08:34,952 --> 00:08:36,865 Oh uh... hello children. 154 00:08:36,900 --> 00:08:38,900 What are you doing in the sewer with a bunch of snorkel stuff on? 155 00:08:38,935 --> 00:08:41,865 I I was just uh... hangin out... 156 00:08:41,900 --> 00:08:44,900 In a sewer? Children do you know how to file a police report? 157 00:08:44,935 --> 00:08:49,865 No. Good. See you in school. 158 00:08:49,900 --> 00:08:52,865 This is ridiculous. What the hell are we, the goonies? 159 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:54,900 Yeah, we're the goonies Cartman. Why don't you pretend like you're the fat kid. 160 00:08:54,935 --> 00:08:59,917 Ok that does it. Screw you guys, I'm home. 161 00:08:59,952 --> 00:09:03,926 Howdy ho boys! I told you guys he'd be here. 162 00:09:03,961 --> 00:09:07,900 Gosh look at ya. You're all growing up so fast. 163 00:09:07,935 --> 00:09:10,865 Hi Mr. Hankey, nice to see ya. 164 00:09:10,900 --> 00:09:13,900 Have you all been brushing behind your teeth? Yes. 165 00:09:13,935 --> 00:09:16,865 And using dental floss? Yes. 166 00:09:16,900 --> 00:09:18,900 And washing behind your ears? Yes. 167 00:09:18,935 --> 00:09:20,865 No. 168 00:09:20,900 --> 00:09:22,900 What's the matter Mr. Hankey? Are you sick? 169 00:09:22,935 --> 00:09:24,865 Oh I just got a little cold, that's all. 170 00:09:24,900 --> 00:09:27,865 All these new people in South Park are stressfulin my home. 171 00:09:27,900 --> 00:09:32,900 What do you mean? Well you see boys, the sewer's a fragile ecosystem. 172 00:09:32,935 --> 00:09:33,865 Oh my god. 173 00:09:33,900 --> 00:09:37,400 These new folks in town eat nothing but cous-cous, tofu, 174 00:09:37,435 --> 00:09:41,167 and raw vegetables, and it's destroying my environment. 175 00:09:41,202 --> 00:09:44,865 And that's why you gotta cold? That's why Kyle. That's why. 176 00:09:44,900 --> 00:09:47,900 Why don't you just ask them to leave? There's only 1 time of year I can come to the surface, 177 00:09:47,935 --> 00:09:50,865 and that's Christmas time. 178 00:09:50,900 --> 00:09:53,865 That's why I need you boys to go for me. 179 00:09:53,900 --> 00:09:56,900 Don't worry Mr. Hankey. We'll tell everyone, come on guys! 180 00:09:56,935 --> 00:09:59,984 Don't forget to change your sheets once a week! 181 00:10:03,900 --> 00:10:06,900 So without further adue, we will begin this amazing film. 182 00:10:06,935 --> 00:10:08,865 It's a work of blood, sweat, and tears. 183 00:10:08,900 --> 00:10:11,900 Wait stop! Could I have your attention please! 184 00:10:11,935 --> 00:10:14,417 Is that Leonardo DeCaprio? 185 00:10:14,452 --> 00:10:16,865 Oh wait, that's not him. 186 00:10:16,900 --> 00:10:20,900 Ladies and gentlemen, my best friend Mr. Hankey is getting sicks because South Park 187 00:10:20,935 --> 00:10:22,900 has become overcrowded with people who eat health foods. 188 00:10:22,935 --> 00:10:26,865 Excuse me little boy, what's a Mr. Hankey? 189 00:10:26,900 --> 00:10:28,865 He's a talking piece of poo that lives in the sewer. 190 00:10:28,900 --> 00:10:30,900 But now he's getting sick because his ecosystem is all out of wack because of all 191 00:10:30,935 --> 00:10:32,865 the extra poo in the sewer. 192 00:10:32,900 --> 00:10:35,865 If you don't all leave and go home soon, Mr. Hankey's gonna die. 193 00:10:35,900 --> 00:10:40,900 He's one of my best friends in the whole wide world, and I don't want him to die. 194 00:10:40,935 --> 00:10:42,917 What a great story! It has everything! 195 00:10:42,952 --> 00:10:44,865 This could be the next Free Willy! 196 00:10:44,900 --> 00:10:47,400 Great pick son, how much do you want for it? 197 00:10:47,435 --> 00:10:49,865 Does it have to be a talking piece of poo. 198 00:10:49,900 --> 00:10:51,900 It could be a crime fighting rabbit, or a lovable turtle. 199 00:10:51,935 --> 00:10:53,865 This could be a great summer movie. 200 00:10:53,900 --> 00:10:57,578 Can we put a monkey in it? The Mr. Hankey story, is there a fort available for a fall pick? 201 00:10:57,579 --> 00:11:01,879 - Keanu Reaves. - Matt Damon! - Fred Savage! 202 00:11:03,935 --> 00:11:08,865 I'd pay a million for this story. I'd pay 2! 203 00:11:08,900 --> 00:11:11,900 Dude, no one even listened to me. Well, it does sound like a pretty sweet movie. 204 00:11:11,935 --> 00:11:14,900 I take it you're part owner of this whole Mr. Hooey story right? 205 00:11:14,935 --> 00:11:16,865 Huh? Yeah I guess. 206 00:11:16,900 --> 00:11:19,900 I want you to do a big money deal with me. 207 00:11:19,935 --> 00:11:20,865 All of us? 208 00:11:20,900 --> 00:11:23,900 Well, I can see that you're the real brains of the group. 209 00:11:23,935 --> 00:11:25,865 You don't really need those guys do you? 210 00:11:25,900 --> 00:11:27,900 Yeah screw those guys, I don't even like them. 211 00:11:27,935 --> 00:11:29,865 That's great kid. Let's make a deal. 212 00:11:29,900 --> 00:11:33,400 Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for making 213 00:11:33,435 --> 00:11:36,865 the first annual South Park film festival a success. 214 00:11:36,900 --> 00:11:38,900 We've barely even started and already the festival has seen 215 00:11:38,935 --> 00:11:43,865 more attendance than last year's Sundance festival. 216 00:11:43,900 --> 00:11:46,865 And I am very pleased to announce that in honor of the South Park 217 00:11:46,900 --> 00:11:50,900 people who have welcomed us, we are going to build a Hollywood Planet restaraunt. 218 00:11:50,935 --> 00:11:54,005 Right here where this library used to stand. 219 00:11:57,900 --> 00:12:00,065 Can they do that? They're Hollywood, they can do anything. 220 00:12:18,900 --> 00:12:22,900 Well? How did it go? Is everyone gonna stop poopin' in my environment? 221 00:12:22,935 --> 00:12:25,900 They didn't believe me. They thought I was pitching a movie. 222 00:12:25,935 --> 00:12:30,917 Oh, I, I see. Well shucks Kyle, 223 00:12:30,952 --> 00:12:35,865 I can't thank you enough for tryin. 224 00:12:35,900 --> 00:12:37,900 We only have 1 option. I'm gonna take you to the surface. 225 00:12:37,935 --> 00:12:39,865 I can't, the sun will dry me out. 226 00:12:39,900 --> 00:12:43,900 It's the only way to prove that you're real. But I won't last long up above. 227 00:12:43,935 --> 00:12:47,417 Well you're not gonna last down here either Mr. Hankey, now come on. 228 00:12:47,452 --> 00:12:50,900 I'm not gonna let you die. Alright, just let me get my tooth brush. 229 00:12:50,935 --> 00:12:55,900 Come on Stan, we're gonna be late for the screening! 230 00:12:55,935 --> 00:12:58,865 Geez, they made that into a movie already? 231 00:12:58,900 --> 00:13:02,900 Mr. Hankey, I can't go on anymore. I'd lost the fight. 232 00:13:02,935 --> 00:13:03,865 No, I'm not leaving without you. 233 00:13:03,900 --> 00:13:07,865 We started this together, and we're gonna finish it together. 234 00:13:07,900 --> 00:13:13,865 I always thought death was something glorious, but I know that it's not. 235 00:13:13,900 --> 00:13:17,900 It's going over really well. People are gonna be knocking my door down to get you. 236 00:13:17,935 --> 00:13:21,900 Who the hell cast Tom Hanks in this? Tom Hanks can't act his way out of a nutsack. 237 00:13:21,935 --> 00:13:26,917 I'll always love you Mr. Hankey. 238 00:13:26,952 --> 00:13:30,426 Me me me me meh, me me meh meh. 239 00:13:30,461 --> 00:13:33,900 Oh my god! I found a penny! 240 00:13:33,935 --> 00:13:37,865 You bastard! 241 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:42,865 Ok Mr. Hankey we're out. How are you doin? It sure is dry up here. 242 00:13:42,900 --> 00:13:48,900 Don't worry. We'll do this quick ok. Just hang on Mr. Hankey, just hang on. 243 00:13:48,935 --> 00:13:51,865 Mr. Film Commisioner, could I have a word with you? 244 00:13:51,900 --> 00:13:54,865 Make it quick. Well the people of my town are a little upset. 245 00:13:54,900 --> 00:13:58,900 I don't think we realized what an impact this festival would have on our town. 246 00:13:58,935 --> 00:14:02,865 Right, so we were actually wondering, if we can call this whole thing off. 247 00:14:02,900 --> 00:14:07,900 We have contracts. You try to pull out now, we'll sue your town for every penny it's got. 248 00:14:07,935 --> 00:14:09,865 But thanks so much for the hard work. 249 00:14:09,900 --> 00:14:13,900 But, but this doesn't make sense to me, Marty. You told me the movie made a lot of money. 250 00:14:13,935 --> 00:14:17,917 Right. Two million, minus your agence fee, minus your lawyer's fee, 251 00:14:17,952 --> 00:14:21,900 minus my fee with publicity and taxes taken out, you get 3 dollars! 252 00:14:21,935 --> 00:14:24,865 That's more than most people in your position make, trust me. 253 00:14:24,900 --> 00:14:27,900 Serves you right Cartman, you're a sellout. I'm not a sellout! What's a sellout? 254 00:14:27,935 --> 00:14:30,900 If you work in the entertainment business and you make money, you're a sellout. 255 00:14:30,935 --> 00:14:34,917 It's all goin to hell children. And we're all to blame. 256 00:14:34,952 --> 00:14:38,900 Even me! I was selling out my town too. And now look at it. 257 00:14:38,935 --> 00:14:40,900 So what do we do now? There's nothing we can do. 258 00:14:40,935 --> 00:14:42,917 Just sit here and suck on my balls. 259 00:14:42,952 --> 00:14:44,865 You guys we have to hurry. What? 260 00:14:44,900 --> 00:14:47,865 Come on, everything's gonna be ok! Sir, sir! 261 00:14:47,900 --> 00:14:51,900 Not now. I think it'll change the way you feel about your impact here. 262 00:14:51,935 --> 00:14:55,197 What's this? I want you guys to all meet my friend. 263 00:15:01,900 --> 00:15:03,865 That's great kid, a dried up lump of shit. Very compelling. 264 00:15:03,900 --> 00:15:07,900 Ok folks let's move. We gotta have that sign done before the opening tonight. 265 00:15:07,935 --> 00:15:11,900 You can't die Mr. Hankey, you can't! 266 00:15:11,935 --> 00:15:15,417 Kyle, before I go, 267 00:15:15,452 --> 00:15:19,676 I must tell you. 268 00:15:19,711 --> 00:15:23,865 Come closer. Closer. 269 00:15:23,900 --> 00:15:26,865 Well, what is it Mr. Hankey? 270 00:15:26,900 --> 00:15:33,900 Don't ask for another skywalker. Eh... 271 00:15:33,935 --> 00:15:35,865 Noooo! 272 00:15:35,900 --> 00:15:37,900 Wait Kyle... What is it Mr. Hankey? 273 00:15:37,935 --> 00:15:40,900 Come closer... What is it? 274 00:15:40,935 --> 00:15:42,865 Closer... Yes? 275 00:15:42,900 --> 00:15:47,900 Closer! One time, when you were sleepin, 276 00:15:47,935 --> 00:15:49,865 I put myself in your mouth, 277 00:15:49,900 --> 00:15:53,900 and had my friend take a picture. Eh... 278 00:15:53,935 --> 00:15:55,447 Noooo! 279 00:16:12,900 --> 00:16:15,865 I'm sorry son. Let's get him to ICU. 280 00:16:15,900 --> 00:16:18,900 Nooo! No! You gonna be ok dude? I'm here for you. 281 00:16:18,935 --> 00:16:20,900 Hi Stan, ready to go see another movie? 282 00:16:20,935 --> 00:16:22,093 Ok! 283 00:16:27,900 --> 00:16:29,900 Say Tom, doya have any pudding left? 284 00:16:29,935 --> 00:16:34,917 I ate all mine up silly. 285 00:16:34,952 --> 00:16:39,865 Well now what do we do? 286 00:16:39,900 --> 00:16:43,900 Sorry. Why don't we explore our sexuality? 287 00:16:43,935 --> 00:16:46,865 Oh good idea. Let's... 288 00:16:46,900 --> 00:16:49,865 Aww dude I shouldn't be seeing this! 289 00:16:49,900 --> 00:16:52,538 Is there a problem young man? No problem dude. 290 00:16:56,900 --> 00:16:58,900 I'll never forget you. You were my best friend after Stan. 291 00:16:58,935 --> 00:17:01,917 Come on Kyle. It's time to go. 292 00:17:01,952 --> 00:17:04,926 Chef, does poo go to heaven? 293 00:17:04,961 --> 00:17:07,900 Well... I... I kinda hope not. 294 00:17:07,935 --> 00:17:09,865 I mean, sure it does. 295 00:17:09,900 --> 00:17:14,162 Here, I'll give him one of my salty balls to take with him to poo heaven. 296 00:17:17,935 --> 00:17:22,417 Come on, let's go. 297 00:17:22,452 --> 00:17:25,676 He's back, he's back! 298 00:17:25,711 --> 00:17:28,865 That was delicious! 299 00:17:28,900 --> 00:17:31,900 My salty chocolate balls must've rejuvinated him! 300 00:17:31,935 --> 00:17:34,900 You got the best balls in the whole world Chef! 301 00:17:34,935 --> 00:17:40,865 You damn right. 302 00:17:40,900 --> 00:17:43,900 Come on out and get them here! Mr. Hankey and me T-Shirts! 303 00:17:43,935 --> 00:17:46,900 Get them while they last folks! They're only $14.95! 304 00:17:46,935 --> 00:17:48,865 I'll take two! 305 00:17:48,900 --> 00:17:50,865 Selling T-shirts kicks ass. 306 00:17:50,900 --> 00:17:53,865 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pleased to announce on this gala opening 307 00:17:53,900 --> 00:17:57,900 of Hollywood Planet South Park, that the festival will be back next year. 308 00:17:57,935 --> 00:17:59,900 And the year after that, and the year after that, 309 00:17:59,935 --> 00:18:04,417 and so on! And now, release the curtain! 310 00:18:04,452 --> 00:18:08,865 I give you, Hollywood in South Park! 311 00:18:08,900 --> 00:18:11,900 Wait! I brought him! I brought him to show you! 312 00:18:11,935 --> 00:18:15,000 Aww not this again. Behold, Mr. Hankey! 313 00:18:21,900 --> 00:18:25,900 Anyway, this new Hollywood Planet will be the official meeting place... 314 00:18:25,935 --> 00:18:29,865 Howdy ho folks, I'm afraid my buddy Kyle was right. 315 00:18:29,900 --> 00:18:32,900 There's not enough room in South Park to accomodate a festival. 316 00:18:32,935 --> 00:18:36,900 Mr. Poo if you wouldn't mind, we can't hear our chairman. 317 00:18:36,935 --> 00:18:37,865 If you could just turn yourself down. 318 00:18:37,900 --> 00:18:43,900 You're at about 7 right now, we need you at about 3 ok? 319 00:18:43,935 --> 00:18:45,865 Uh folks please. 320 00:18:45,900 --> 00:18:48,900 Little towns like this simply aren't meant for big advance. 321 00:18:48,935 --> 00:18:51,865 We love having visitors, but golly, 322 00:18:51,900 --> 00:18:54,865 too many of you, is hurtin our ecosystem. 323 00:18:54,900 --> 00:18:57,900 Besides folks, film festivals shouldn't be about 324 00:18:57,935 --> 00:18:59,865 what celebrities are comin, 325 00:18:59,900 --> 00:19:01,865 or what film is gonna get shown. 326 00:19:01,900 --> 00:19:04,865 It should be about people gettin together, 327 00:19:04,900 --> 00:19:07,900 and watching movies, and about people who can never get their 328 00:19:07,935 --> 00:19:10,900 movies seen get a chance to have it watched. 329 00:19:10,935 --> 00:19:12,865 If only once. 330 00:19:12,900 --> 00:19:15,900 A good film festival should be something where we all say 331 00:19:15,935 --> 00:19:18,900 "Oh let's forget about lawyers, and exits, and studios, 332 00:19:18,935 --> 00:19:20,865 and celebrities. 333 00:19:20,900 --> 00:19:23,900 Let"s forget all those things for just a while, 334 00:19:23,935 --> 00:19:28,917 and just watch some new art. " 335 00:19:28,952 --> 00:19:33,865 I... have had enough.. of YOU! 336 00:19:33,900 --> 00:19:38,900 Now, as I was saying, this shall usher in a whole new decade of films... 337 00:19:38,935 --> 00:19:41,900 Oh ohoh! He's dead! Mr. Hankey's dead! 338 00:19:41,935 --> 00:19:47,865 Well this worked once before. 339 00:19:47,900 --> 00:19:52,031 Thanks Chef. Your big chocolate balls are just the trick. 340 00:19:57,935 --> 00:20:00,000 - What the hell is he doing? - I don't know! 341 00:20:16,935 --> 00:20:18,740 Oh my god! 342 00:20:32,900 --> 00:20:34,865 It smells it smells! 343 00:20:34,900 --> 00:20:36,900 AHH! Hurry up it's coming! 344 00:20:36,935 --> 00:20:39,000 I'm trying damn it! 345 00:20:51,900 --> 00:20:54,000 Let's get out of this town! 346 00:21:03,900 --> 00:21:08,865 Golly, I guess I don't know my own strength. 347 00:21:08,900 --> 00:21:12,865 You did it Mr. Hankey! You got rid of all the film people! 348 00:21:12,900 --> 00:21:16,900 Oh yeah, now all we have is a town covered in shit. This is much better. 349 00:21:16,935 --> 00:21:22,865 I couldn't have done it without you Kyle. Kisses! 350 00:21:22,900 --> 00:21:26,900 Stan, I'm sorry I dragged you to all those independent films. 351 00:21:26,935 --> 00:21:27,865 Well that's ok Wendy. I fogive you. 352 00:21:27,900 --> 00:21:31,900 Sometimes I forget that even though a few independent films are great, 353 00:21:31,935 --> 00:21:32,865 most of them suck ass. 354 00:21:32,900 --> 00:21:35,865 Yes, and I've learned something too. 355 00:21:35,900 --> 00:21:38,900 Being a sell out is sweet, cause you make a lot of money. 356 00:21:38,935 --> 00:21:39,865 And when you have money, 357 00:21:39,900 --> 00:21:43,900 you don't have to hang out with any poorass loosers like you guys. 358 00:21:43,935 --> 00:21:45,900 Screw you guys, I'm going home.