1 00:00:04,801 --> 00:00:07,701 The following program is brought to you in Spooky Vision. 2 00:00:07,702 --> 00:00:12,002 Be warned, all scenes will be accompanied by pictures of Barbara Streisand. 3 00:01:17,527 --> 00:01:19,258 I wonder why Cartman wasn't in school today? 4 00:01:19,259 --> 00:01:21,359 He probably just ditched to avoid that spelling test. 5 00:01:21,407 --> 00:01:22,965 Hey guys, how's it going? 6 00:01:23,087 --> 00:01:26,124 Oh nice costume dude, who're ya supposed to be, Luke Perry? 7 00:01:26,247 --> 00:01:27,247 Cartman, how come you weren't in school today? 8 00:01:27,248 --> 00:01:30,248 Did you eat to many pork-rinds last night? 9 00:01:30,527 --> 00:01:32,696 You guys, you're so funny. 10 00:01:32,697 --> 00:01:37,097 No matter how I'm feelin' I can always count on you guys to lighten me up. 11 00:01:37,167 --> 00:01:40,239 - What? - I had to stay home today because my mother wasn't feeling well. 12 00:01:40,367 --> 00:01:44,599 She has the flu and I wanted to take care of the house so she could stay in bed. 13 00:01:45,487 --> 00:01:49,400 I just wanted to catch you guys to see if we were assigned any homework tonight. 14 00:01:50,087 --> 00:01:51,725 What the hell are you talkin' about Cartman? 15 00:01:51,847 --> 00:01:55,237 Stop screwin' around dude. We're all gonna go meet at the store later to buy pumpkins to carve. 16 00:01:55,367 --> 00:01:56,581 Oh, then we can enter the carving contest. 17 00:01:56,582 --> 00:02:01,582 I'll run home and get money from mother, do you guys need some to? 18 00:02:03,687 --> 00:02:05,166 Dude this is creepy. 19 00:02:06,647 --> 00:02:08,956 Stanley, look who's here, Aunt Flo. 20 00:02:09,087 --> 00:02:11,601 - Hello Stanley, remember me? - Hi Aunt Flo. 21 00:02:11,727 --> 00:02:14,844 Now Stanley, Aunt Flo only visits once a month. Be nice. 22 00:02:14,967 --> 00:02:19,324 - Hey Stanley, I brought you and Shelly presents.- Wow really! Hey I love aunt, Flo. 23 00:02:19,447 --> 00:02:22,200 OK, Shelly, this one's for you. 24 00:02:23,687 --> 00:02:27,043 It's a television, CD player, surround sound home theater. 25 00:02:27,167 --> 00:02:30,318 - What do you say Shelly? - Thank you, Aunt Flo. 26 00:02:31,207 --> 00:02:33,721 OK Stanley, your turn. 27 00:02:35,447 --> 00:02:38,007 Your very own fish! 28 00:02:38,127 --> 00:02:40,766 - What do you say Stanley? - I don't know? 29 00:02:44,047 --> 00:02:48,325 I think he likes it. C'mon Shelly let's hook up your home theater. 30 00:02:48,447 --> 00:02:51,405 - How do you like your fish Stanley? - I don't like it. It's spooky. 31 00:02:51,527 --> 00:02:55,759 Oh now what's so spooky about a cute little goldfish. Go put him in your room. 32 00:02:55,887 --> 00:02:57,479 - Do I have to? - Yes you do. 33 00:02:57,607 --> 00:02:59,643 - Dammit! - Language! 34 00:03:00,167 --> 00:03:03,364 - Where've you been, dude? - Dude, my mom's having her monthly visitor. 35 00:03:03,487 --> 00:03:06,957 - Aunt Flo? - Ya. Every time she shows up my mom turns into a total bitch. 36 00:03:07,087 --> 00:03:09,486 Where's Cartman? He's said he was gonna bring money for us to buy a pumpkin. 37 00:03:09,487 --> 00:03:11,187 Ya I wonder why he's being so nice. 38 00:03:11,247 --> 00:03:13,807 - Here he comes. - Hey Cartman, did you bring us money from your mom? 39 00:03:13,927 --> 00:03:18,079 - Heh. Ya right you guys can kiss my black ass. - You said you could get us money Cartman. 40 00:03:18,207 --> 00:03:21,677 Man you guys are hella-stupid. If I had money I wouldn't give it to you ass holes. 41 00:03:22,487 --> 00:03:24,015 Well at least he's back to normal. 42 00:03:24,016 --> 00:03:26,816 Ya but we can't get a pumpkin so we can't enter the carving contest. 43 00:03:26,927 --> 00:03:30,397 - It's OK. Kenny said he could get one. - Oh, how's Kenny gonna get one? He's hella-poor. 44 00:03:30,527 --> 00:03:33,564 - Why do you keep saying hella fat ass? - Cause I'm hella-cool that's why. 45 00:03:33,687 --> 00:03:36,724 - That's not cool! - You guys are just hella-jealous. 46 00:03:39,127 --> 00:03:42,403 - Good night Stanley. We'll-a see you in the morning. - Can you leave the light on, dad? 47 00:03:42,527 --> 00:03:45,997 Well it has to be off or your Aunt Flo will complain about wasting electricity. 48 00:03:46,127 --> 00:03:48,925 - I wish Aunt Flo didn't have to visit now. - Ya, me too, 49 00:03:49,047 --> 00:03:52,722 but she only visits your mom for five days or so. I'll be out sleeping on the couch. 50 00:04:20,367 --> 00:04:22,005 Where'd he go? 51 00:04:44,127 --> 00:04:45,126 Give me this. 52 00:04:45,127 --> 00:04:47,482 Kenny you share that blanket with your brother? 53 00:04:48,167 --> 00:04:50,476 Who the hell could that be? 54 00:04:50,607 --> 00:04:53,048 Hi there folks. This is a heck of a storm out here. 55 00:04:53,049 --> 00:04:55,249 Thought maybe you could use some provisions? 56 00:04:55,367 --> 00:04:57,920 There's some candles and food in there. Ain't much but it should get 57 00:04:57,921 --> 00:05:00,868 you through the night. Take care folks I've got other houses to get to. 58 00:05:01,647 --> 00:05:06,641 Kenny, wasn't that your fat, racist, foul-mouth friend Eric Cartman? 59 00:05:12,727 --> 00:05:15,844 Hey, where'd the shirt go? 60 00:05:15,967 --> 00:05:18,879 I covered you with a shirt, where'd it go? 61 00:05:27,287 --> 00:05:30,085 I'm not gonna look. 62 00:05:31,647 --> 00:05:34,957 It's not closer. I'm just seeing things. 63 00:05:40,047 --> 00:05:43,562 - Mom! Mom! - Stanley, settle down. 64 00:05:43,687 --> 00:05:46,963 - Look he's gonna kill me mom. - Is there a problem? 65 00:05:47,087 --> 00:05:50,124 - Oh, no problem Aunt Flo. - Do you not like your goldfish? 66 00:05:50,247 --> 00:05:52,636 - No! - I'm sorry I'm a bad Aunt. 67 00:05:52,767 --> 00:05:56,999 There, there Aunt Flo. Stanley loves his goldfish. 68 00:06:22,167 --> 00:06:25,125 - Stanley, what are you doing? - The fish! But… 69 00:06:26,407 --> 00:06:28,557 Stanley I am in no mood for this 70 00:06:28,687 --> 00:06:32,475 not when your Aunt Flo is in town. Oh look you woke your sister up. 71 00:06:35,447 --> 00:06:37,756 Go to sleep Stanley! 72 00:06:53,167 --> 00:06:54,725 Mom!! 73 00:06:54,847 --> 00:06:58,362 Alright! Stanley, I have had enough of… 74 00:06:59,407 --> 00:07:02,221 Oh Stanley what have you done baby? What have you done? 75 00:07:02,222 --> 00:07:04,322 Mom, I was just sleeping and the next thing I knew… 76 00:07:04,447 --> 00:07:09,441 Shh, It's OK hun it's OK. Your such a good boy, mommy's little angel. 77 00:07:10,287 --> 00:07:15,441 Now don't worry Stanley mommy's gonna hide the body. Nobody's gonna take my baby away. 78 00:07:15,567 --> 00:07:19,401 I've got such a handsome boy, such a good boy. 79 00:07:20,207 --> 00:07:22,038 You're not gonna get away with this. 80 00:07:37,887 --> 00:07:40,401 - Sharon! - Ah! Aunt Flo, what are you doing up? 81 00:07:40,527 --> 00:07:43,883 Look at you with your little shovel, just like when you were twelve. 82 00:07:44,007 --> 00:07:47,238 - Mom what are you doing? - It's going to be OK, Stanley. 83 00:07:47,367 --> 00:07:51,645 Mom, you think I killed that guy. It was the fish. He says I'm next. 84 00:07:51,767 --> 00:07:55,396 - You get some sleep baby mommy's taken care of everything. - But mom… 85 00:07:55,527 --> 00:08:00,555 Hush little baby don't say a word, mommy's gonna buy you a mocking bird. 86 00:08:00,687 --> 00:08:04,760 If that mocking bird don't sing mommy's gonna bury it in the back yard. 87 00:08:13,767 --> 00:08:16,281 - Mom!! - What is it honey? 88 00:08:16,407 --> 00:08:18,967 - My baby's killed again! - No Mom… 89 00:08:19,087 --> 00:08:21,317 What are we gonna do baby? What're we gonna do? 90 00:08:21,447 --> 00:08:25,725 I've got such a handsome boy such a good boy. 91 00:08:29,967 --> 00:08:32,481 It's about time Kenny did you bring the pumpkin? 92 00:08:32,607 --> 00:08:35,041 Well where is it? 93 00:08:35,167 --> 00:08:37,566 - What the hell is that?! - It's all I could afford. 94 00:08:37,567 --> 00:08:41,242 It's all you could afford? Who ever heard of a squash-o-lantern Kenny. That's hella-stupid. 95 00:08:41,367 --> 00:08:44,484 Stop saying hella Cartman. How are we gonna win the contest with a squash? 96 00:08:44,607 --> 00:08:48,486 - Whoa Stan you don't look so good. - I haven't been sleeping so well. 97 00:08:51,887 --> 00:08:54,720 God I hate you Kenny. 98 00:08:54,847 --> 00:08:57,645 - I have to get another knife this one's hella-dull. - God will you shut-up! 99 00:08:57,767 --> 00:09:00,600 Kyle, You know how some people are murderers and stuff? 100 00:09:00,687 --> 00:09:03,201 - Do you think animals could be murderers too? - I don't know. 101 00:09:04,967 --> 00:09:07,143 Oh great he's got that stupid beard on again. 102 00:09:07,144 --> 00:09:10,344 No Kenny, you should cut with the blade facing away from you. Your gonna hurt yourself. 103 00:09:10,407 --> 00:09:14,958 There you go. Isn't this fun you guys. Carving pumpkins for Halloween. 104 00:09:15,087 --> 00:09:18,397 You guys are my best friends, through thick and thin 105 00:09:18,527 --> 00:09:22,122 we've always been together. We're four of a kind having fun all day, 106 00:09:22,247 --> 00:09:24,556 pallin' around and laughin' away. 107 00:09:24,687 --> 00:09:27,884 Just best friends, Best friends are weeee! 108 00:09:28,007 --> 00:09:29,998 I love you guys. 109 00:09:33,087 --> 00:09:35,203 - You seem tired Stan. - I haven't been sleeping well. 110 00:09:35,367 --> 00:09:38,677 - Why? - My pet goldfish killed another random person last night. 111 00:09:38,807 --> 00:09:42,277 - Oh, that sucks dude. - Hey dudes. Man it's hella-cold out here. 112 00:09:42,407 --> 00:09:45,399 - Cartman? - Who'd you expect Moury Povich? God, you're hella-lame. 113 00:09:45,527 --> 00:09:47,437 - What're you doing? - What do you mean what am I doing? 114 00:09:47,438 --> 00:09:49,038 I'm just standing here. Jesus, mellow out you guys. 115 00:09:49,167 --> 00:09:51,601 - You can't be standing their Cartman. - Why the hell not? 116 00:09:51,727 --> 00:09:54,161 Because you're standing over there! 117 00:09:54,287 --> 00:09:57,757 - Ah, son of a bitch! - Well you don't see this every day. 118 00:09:57,887 --> 00:10:01,118 - I can't believe what I'm seeing. - It's like I'm looking at a mirror. 119 00:10:01,247 --> 00:10:02,726 Dude, this is hella-weird. 120 00:10:04,607 --> 00:10:08,156 Oh, Officer Barbrady, wh-what a surprise. What can I do for you? 121 00:10:08,287 --> 00:10:11,916 - Well there's been a report of a few missing people. - Is that so? 122 00:10:12,047 --> 00:10:15,960 Ya, no biggie but I was wondering if you've seen any of them? 123 00:10:17,407 --> 00:10:21,036 - I've never seen any of those men, Officer Barbrady. - No, I didn't think so. 124 00:10:21,167 --> 00:10:24,318 Mind if I look around the backyard though? 125 00:10:24,447 --> 00:10:27,200 - Why would you want to do that? - Well I'm checking everyone's back yard. 126 00:10:27,327 --> 00:10:31,366 Missing people usually end up hiding in someone's bushes. May I? 127 00:10:38,167 --> 00:10:41,557 Well this all looks all… Did I miss anyone? 128 00:10:42,687 --> 00:10:45,997 Nobody's gonna take my baby away from me. Nobody! 129 00:10:46,127 --> 00:10:49,915 OK Ms. Marsh. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you a few questions. 130 00:10:51,847 --> 00:10:53,565 - Hello there children. - Hey Chef. 131 00:10:53,687 --> 00:10:58,761 All ready for a Halloween lunch? Today I've got spooky spaghetti with freaky French fries… 132 00:10:58,887 --> 00:11:01,481 …or haunted hashbrown… 133 00:11:01,607 --> 00:11:07,542 …and a creepy cookie and monstrous milk… …and a terrifying napkin. 134 00:11:07,967 --> 00:11:09,923 - We have problems! - Well, what's the first problem? 135 00:11:10,047 --> 00:11:14,996 - Chef, I have a goldfish that keeps killing people. - Well, don't worry Stan I'm sure it'll work out. 136 00:11:15,127 --> 00:11:17,163 Now, what's the other problem? 137 00:11:18,807 --> 00:11:22,561 Oh No. Oh dear God no! 138 00:11:22,687 --> 00:11:25,992 …and I showed up at the bus stop and this son of a bitch is standing there. 139 00:11:25,993 --> 00:11:27,593 I'm sorry, I've caused so much trouble. 140 00:11:27,687 --> 00:11:30,838 - This is very strange to me too. - Exactly what do you remember? 141 00:11:30,967 --> 00:11:34,697 Well, I was just standing around and Stan and Kyle were being really mean 142 00:11:34,698 --> 00:11:36,498 as usual and Kenny had just bought a new car. 143 00:11:36,567 --> 00:11:38,205 - Of course, that's it. - What? 144 00:11:38,327 --> 00:11:42,147 Don't you see children? This Cartman is from an evil parallel universe 145 00:11:42,148 --> 00:11:44,048 where every thing exists as its opposite. 146 00:11:44,087 --> 00:11:46,597 He's my evil twin? But he doesn't even look that much like me. 147 00:11:46,598 --> 00:11:48,598 He's all fat and stuff. He's hella-lying. 148 00:11:48,607 --> 00:11:50,279 Will you stop saying that word! 149 00:11:50,407 --> 00:11:53,524 Of course. My pet goldfish must be from the evil opposite universe too! 150 00:11:53,647 --> 00:11:55,586 Children, somewhere in South Park 151 00:11:55,587 --> 00:11:58,587 something has created a door to the evil parallel universe. 152 00:11:58,647 --> 00:12:02,196 - This is amazing. I can't believe how nice you are Chef. - How do you mean? 153 00:12:02,327 --> 00:12:06,605 In my world, you're a skinny, white insurance salesman. 154 00:12:08,847 --> 00:12:12,044 Oh. Hello boys, I'm Stan's Aunt Flo. 155 00:12:12,167 --> 00:12:14,945 Whoa, what's wrong with your head? Why are you shaking like that? 156 00:12:14,946 --> 00:12:16,846 Dude, that's not cool. She's got Parkinson's Disease. 157 00:12:16,887 --> 00:12:21,597 Ah sweet. Hey guys check it out you don't even have to put a quarter in her. 158 00:12:21,727 --> 00:12:23,718 - Cartman! - Dude, this is hella-cool. 159 00:12:23,847 --> 00:12:27,965 - Aunt Flo, where did you get this goldfish? - I got it from the pet store, Stanley. 160 00:12:28,087 --> 00:12:29,839 - Do you remember what pet store? - Lets see. 161 00:12:29,967 --> 00:12:33,960 I believe it was called the "Indian Burial Ground Pet Store" just outside of town. 162 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:38,126 - Where? - I know I have the address written down somewhere. Let me look. 163 00:12:38,247 --> 00:12:40,761 That's it dude. We gotta to take the spooky fish back to that pet store. 164 00:12:40,887 --> 00:12:43,799 Who's "we"? Got a turd in your pocket. I'm goin' home I'm hella-hungry. 165 00:12:43,927 --> 00:12:46,487 - JI'll help you Stan. - Shut your goddamn mouth, fat ass. 166 00:12:46,607 --> 00:12:49,360 Dude, are you sure that fish is a murderer? It seems like a normal fish to me. 167 00:12:49,487 --> 00:12:52,206 Just help me take it back c'mon. Did you find the address Aunt Flo… 168 00:12:52,327 --> 00:12:55,285 - Aunt Flo! - Stanley no! Not Aunt Flo! 169 00:12:55,407 --> 00:12:59,525 - It was the fish! - What a good baby. What a good son I have. 170 00:13:00,687 --> 00:13:02,305 Now we'll never know where that pet store is. 171 00:13:02,306 --> 00:13:04,306 There can't be that many pet stores in South Park dude. 172 00:13:04,447 --> 00:13:07,475 Aunt Flo isn't from South Park. That pet store could be anywhere between here and Denver. 173 00:13:07,476 --> 00:13:09,498 Well we better get working. Cartman, you go home 174 00:13:09,498 --> 00:13:10,755 and call all the pet stores in the phone book. 175 00:13:10,887 --> 00:13:13,242 - Can do. - Screw you. 176 00:13:14,087 --> 00:13:16,078 It's all taken care of, Stanley. 177 00:13:17,607 --> 00:13:20,485 I've got such a good boy, such a handsome boy. 178 00:13:20,607 --> 00:13:23,167 C'mon, we're running out of time. 179 00:13:23,287 --> 00:13:26,245 Say, why is the basement door locked? 180 00:13:26,447 --> 00:13:30,884 …crack corn and I don't care. immy crack corn and I don't care. 181 00:13:31,007 --> 00:13:33,999 My mouse has gone away. 182 00:13:37,687 --> 00:13:40,565 Jimmy crack corn and I don't care… 183 00:13:41,487 --> 00:13:45,765 - I don't see any pet stores called Indian Burial Ground. - Shut up, dude. I'm trying to watch TV. 184 00:13:45,887 --> 00:13:49,562 And now back to the Terrence and Philip Halloween special. 185 00:13:52,727 --> 00:13:56,242 That fart was absolutely ghoulish Terrence. 186 00:13:56,367 --> 00:13:59,279 - Ha ha. Man this is hella-funny. - What's so funny about that? 187 00:13:59,407 --> 00:14:02,001 No Kitty that's my pot pie! 188 00:14:02,127 --> 00:14:06,678 - NO KITTY! THAT'S A BAD KITTY! - Who's my kitty? Who's my mister kitty? 189 00:14:06,807 --> 00:14:11,198 My fluffy old pal. Yes, that's it, that's my mister Kitty. Ya. 190 00:14:12,207 --> 00:14:14,596 DON'T PLAY WITH MY KITTY! 191 00:14:14,727 --> 00:14:16,206 You suck dude. 192 00:14:18,207 --> 00:14:21,995 Stanley, Kenny's mother is here. She's wondering if you've seen Kenny. 193 00:14:22,127 --> 00:14:27,042 - You saw him didn't you? You saw my boy. - Ya, my goldfish… 194 00:14:27,167 --> 00:14:31,319 Ya, Stan just got a new goldfish and he wanted to show it to Kenny, but Kenny never came over. 195 00:14:31,447 --> 00:14:36,362 My Kenny used to laugh and play. He was eight years old just like you my Kenny was. 196 00:14:36,487 --> 00:14:39,206 - I know. - You gotta tell me what happened to him. 197 00:14:39,327 --> 00:14:43,115 - You have to know somthin'. - Mrs. McCormick, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. 198 00:14:43,247 --> 00:14:46,717 - You've been drinking. - That's right, I'm a little drunk. 199 00:14:46,847 --> 00:14:49,441 You'd be drunk too if you lost your boy. 200 00:14:49,567 --> 00:14:52,445 My Kenny used to sing and dance. 201 00:14:52,487 --> 00:14:54,921 - You guys I found the pet store. - C'mon let's go. 202 00:14:55,047 --> 00:14:59,120 Mom, I know you think I did all this but I'm gonna prove to you that it was this fucking fish. 203 00:14:59,247 --> 00:15:03,843 I believe you sweetheart. Run from him boys. Run and don't stop. 204 00:15:07,607 --> 00:15:10,167 - Can I help you boys? - I want to return a fish. 205 00:15:10,267 --> 00:15:13,443 - Dammit! - What? - That's the ninth return I've had this week. 206 00:15:13,567 --> 00:15:16,445 What's wrong with it. Oh, let me guess, it killed a bunch of people right? 207 00:15:16,567 --> 00:15:19,604 - Ya dude. - Dammit! Just like all the other returns. 208 00:15:25,807 --> 00:15:28,480 Dude, why is your store called the Indian Burial Ground Pet Store? 209 00:15:28,607 --> 00:15:31,519 Well, there was an Indian burial ground here before I bought it 210 00:15:31,647 --> 00:15:34,241 So you just built your store on top of Indian burial ground? 211 00:15:34,367 --> 00:15:37,404 Oh, hell no. First I dug up all the bodies, 212 00:15:37,527 --> 00:15:40,485 pissed on 'em, and buried them again upside down. 213 00:15:40,607 --> 00:15:42,723 - Why? - Why? 214 00:15:42,847 --> 00:15:44,758 I don't know. I was drunk. 215 00:15:44,887 --> 00:15:48,277 We think that when you did that, you opened up a door way to an evil parallel universe. 216 00:15:48,407 --> 00:15:51,479 - Well, that certainly would explain a lot. - Like what? 217 00:15:51,607 --> 00:15:53,518 Well like this. 218 00:15:54,287 --> 00:15:56,562 I've been wondering what the hell this was. 219 00:15:59,607 --> 00:16:02,201 Hello Mr. Marsh. Top of the evening to you. 220 00:16:06,207 --> 00:16:08,243 OK. Boy then. 221 00:16:08,847 --> 00:16:10,439 - Sharon? - Yes hon? 222 00:16:10,567 --> 00:16:13,718 There's a policeman being held prisoner in our basement. 223 00:16:14,727 --> 00:16:19,642 Yes hon, I had to restrain him so he wouldn't find the bodies in the backyard and take our baby away. 224 00:16:23,527 --> 00:16:26,963 Why'd you take his pants off? 225 00:16:28,847 --> 00:16:31,884 Sh-Sharon why'd you take his pants off? 226 00:16:32,007 --> 00:16:35,363 - Oh Randy I just don't know what to do any more. - What is it? 227 00:16:35,487 --> 00:16:40,641 I just… I can't believe Aunt Flo is gone, that she won't be visiting me ever again. 228 00:16:41,407 --> 00:16:45,480 Oh, well don't think of it as an end, think of it as a new beginning. 229 00:16:45,607 --> 00:16:48,917 Now could you fill me in on the dead bodies and the captured policeman stuff real quick? 230 00:16:50,847 --> 00:16:54,157 Look pal, this is very simple. All I want to do is return this fish. 231 00:16:54,287 --> 00:16:57,836 - I can't give you your money back. - I don't care dude I just want the fish away from me. 232 00:16:57,967 --> 00:17:01,880 - No, I won't take it back. - Listen friend, you just can't sell people pets like this. 233 00:17:02,007 --> 00:17:06,159 You have to have a sign that says: Warning! These pets are from an evil parallel universe. 234 00:17:06,287 --> 00:17:09,404 Now it's not our fault you disrespected the bodies of this land's native people, 235 00:17:09,527 --> 00:17:11,882 but, by golly, you're gonna take this fish back. 236 00:17:12,007 --> 00:17:15,636 - Alright, you win. - Wow. Thanks Evil Cartman. 237 00:17:15,767 --> 00:17:18,759 And sir, can I make a suggestion? Move your store 238 00:17:18,887 --> 00:17:21,799 and let these great people of the Wampanoa rest in peace. 239 00:17:21,927 --> 00:17:23,565 You kick ass Evil Cartman! 240 00:17:23,687 --> 00:17:26,501 And you know what I like best about you? You don't say hella like our Cartman does. 241 00:17:26,502 --> 00:17:28,302 I swear, if he says that one more time I'm gonna kill him. 242 00:17:28,487 --> 00:17:30,955 No Kyle, murder is never an answer. 243 00:17:32,647 --> 00:17:34,524 What the? 244 00:17:34,647 --> 00:17:37,081 - Stan: He was here. Cartman was just here. - Who are you? 245 00:17:37,207 --> 00:17:39,641 - We're looking for Cartman. The trail ended here. - Where is he? 246 00:17:39,767 --> 00:17:42,679 - I don't know who you mean. - Maybe this will jar your memory. 247 00:17:44,127 --> 00:17:46,960 No, stop you don't know what you're doing. Those pets are evil. 248 00:17:50,407 --> 00:17:52,523 I'm sure glad that's over with. Now I can sleep at night. 249 00:17:52,647 --> 00:17:55,659 Hey you guys we still have time to enter the Pumpkin Carving Contest. 250 00:17:55,660 --> 00:17:56,760 Hey, ya. I almost forgot. 251 00:17:56,807 --> 00:17:59,765 C'mon. I bet that together, we can make the best pumpkin ever. 252 00:17:59,887 --> 00:18:02,416 You know Evil Cartman, I like you better than our Cartman. 253 00:18:02,417 --> 00:18:04,017 Ya, you're cool and you don't say hella. 254 00:18:04,167 --> 00:18:08,285 Eh thank you guys. I certainly like you more than in my evil parallel universe. 255 00:18:08,407 --> 00:18:10,716 They got me! 256 00:18:11,247 --> 00:18:13,886 - So when are we gonna buy a pumpkin to carve? - Let's use Kenny's squash. 257 00:18:14,007 --> 00:18:16,594 Ya. You know, I never thought it was such a bad little squash. 258 00:18:16,595 --> 00:18:19,195 It just needs some tender, loving care. 259 00:18:23,327 --> 00:18:25,397 Ah man. This movie's hella-scary. 260 00:18:25,527 --> 00:18:29,000 - There you are Cartman. - Nice costumes you guys. 261 00:18:29,001 --> 00:18:30,301 What'd do spend, about a buck fifty on those? 262 00:18:30,367 --> 00:18:33,723 - We're here to take you back goody two-shoes. - Oh. I got a better idea. 263 00:18:33,847 --> 00:18:36,680 Why don't you two go fuck yourselves? 264 00:18:36,807 --> 00:18:40,720 - Hey, what's wrong with you Cartman? - What's wrong with me? Let's see, um... 265 00:18:40,847 --> 00:18:43,486 I hate you guys, you're hella-stupid… 266 00:18:43,607 --> 00:18:46,997 - C'mon Mister Wholesome, we're taking you back to our universe. - Don't touch me! 267 00:18:47,127 --> 00:18:50,722 - What the hell's goin' on, Cartman never hits us. - Alright just stand there Cartman. 268 00:18:50,847 --> 00:18:53,113 This gingerfication gun will send you back to our universe. 269 00:18:53,114 --> 00:18:55,314 Oh wait, you guys are from the evil parallel universe? 270 00:18:55,407 --> 00:18:57,523 - Yes. - Oh, well it's about friggin time you showed up! 271 00:18:57,647 --> 00:19:00,639 You don't want me you want that imposter. C'mon I'll show you. 272 00:19:03,047 --> 00:19:08,201 …and the winner is…squash-o-lantern by Stan Marsh, Kyle Broslofski, 273 00:19:08,327 --> 00:19:11,478 and the Evil Eric Cartman from a parallel universe. 274 00:19:11,607 --> 00:19:13,563 - We won, dude. - Hooray! 275 00:19:13,687 --> 00:19:17,646 - You boys win the Halloween chocolate ball. - Oh no. 276 00:19:17,767 --> 00:19:20,918 Stan and Kyle have come to take me back to my world. I don't wanna go back. 277 00:19:21,047 --> 00:19:23,800 Don't worry Evil Cartman, you're staying with us. 278 00:19:23,967 --> 00:19:26,640 Now zap his hella-ass back to your… hella-universe. 279 00:19:26,767 --> 00:19:28,439 Stop saying hella, Cartman. 280 00:19:28,567 --> 00:19:30,637 - Thought you could get away from us, huh Cartman. - Please. 281 00:19:30,767 --> 00:19:32,678 - Leave him alone butt hole! - Shut your trap kid! 282 00:19:32,807 --> 00:19:35,299 Why don't you guys take our Cartman back? He's more like you anyways. 283 00:19:35,300 --> 00:19:36,800 Hey! You back stabbing sell-out. 284 00:19:36,807 --> 00:19:40,117 It's time Cartman. Prepare for Gingerfication. 285 00:19:40,247 --> 00:19:43,125 Well, goodbye you guys. It's been fun. 286 00:19:51,327 --> 00:19:54,603 - Oh, what now? - It's the evil pets! 287 00:19:56,527 --> 00:20:00,839 - The Gingerfication gun. - Get to the stage. 288 00:20:04,207 --> 00:20:07,756 Oh dear. It really was Stan's fish that killed all those people. 289 00:20:08,887 --> 00:20:11,560 - Give me that gun kid. - Up yours evil twin. 290 00:20:16,567 --> 00:20:19,718 Alright now you just got to send this bozo through and the whole mess will be over with. 291 00:20:19,847 --> 00:20:22,566 - Sorry Cartman. We like Evil Cartman better. See ya. -What? 292 00:20:22,687 --> 00:20:26,839 We can't deal with you saying hella anymore Cartman. You're going to the other universe. 293 00:20:33,927 --> 00:20:36,566 - Which one is the good Cartman? - I am. 294 00:20:36,687 --> 00:20:39,599 Stop wasting time Cartman. We got to send one of you back to the universe. 295 00:20:39,727 --> 00:20:42,082 Ya. Now, which one of you is the Cartman we can't stand? 296 00:20:42,207 --> 00:20:43,845 He is. 297 00:20:44,887 --> 00:20:47,879 - Time is running out you'll have to destroy us both. - What!? 298 00:20:48,007 --> 00:20:52,319 It's the only way you can be sure. We have to both go for the good of the world. 299 00:20:53,607 --> 00:20:56,963 Noooo! Screw you guys. 300 00:20:57,087 --> 00:21:00,238 - How did you guys know? - Our Cartman would never say anything like that. 301 00:21:00,367 --> 00:21:05,236 - You guys are hella-stupid. I knew you would fall for that. - Oh no, dude. 302 00:21:05,367 --> 00:21:07,756 - You tricked us Cartman. - That's right I did. 303 00:21:07,887 --> 00:21:12,597 You guys are hella-stupid, you guys are hella-lame, you guys are hella-dumb, 304 00:21:12,727 --> 00:21:14,957 - Hella hella hella. - Dammit! 305 00:21:15,087 --> 00:21:17,376 I'm sorry my wife held you captive Officer. 306 00:21:17,377 --> 00:21:20,477 She's been upset over Aunt Flo isn't gonna visit anymore. 307 00:21:20,527 --> 00:21:25,362 Oh I understand. I remember when my wife stopped getting her monthly visitor. 308 00:21:25,487 --> 00:21:30,959 - Well, do you want your pants back? - No. Just leave me with my dignity. 309 00:21:31,087 --> 00:21:34,284 Ok people, move along, nothing to see here.