1 00:00:48,219 --> 00:00:49,945 He's gonna be here any minute, Ike. 2 00:00:51,218 --> 00:00:53,468 Oooh nooo, poopies. 3 00:00:53,829 --> 00:00:57,034 Heee might not come if you're too close to the toilet bowl, Ike. Come sit by me. 4 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:05,719 It's getting late, boys. Why don't you come on up to bed. 5 00:01:05,720 --> 00:01:07,391 Just let us stay up a little longer, mom. 6 00:01:07,392 --> 00:01:09,462 Mr. Hankey's gotta show up. He always does. 7 00:01:10,351 --> 00:01:14,322 Alright, bubbe. Oh, and boys? Happy Chanukah. 8 00:01:14,357 --> 00:01:15,559 Happy Chanukah, Mom. 9 00:01:52,602 --> 00:01:53,679 Go away! 10 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:25,662 Stan! Go get the other guys and tell them to meet me at the bos stop in ten minutes! 11 00:02:29,000 --> 00:02:30,483 Okay, good. You're all here. 12 00:02:30,518 --> 00:02:31,990 What is this all about, Kyle? 13 00:02:32,025 --> 00:02:33,655 It's Mr. Hankey! He hasn't shown up yet. 14 00:02:33,690 --> 00:02:35,705 Aw, Jesus Christ! I'm going back to bed. 15 00:02:35,740 --> 00:02:37,701 It's only three days until Christmas, you guys! 16 00:02:37,702 --> 00:02:39,235 You know how bad thins have been around here. 17 00:02:39,236 --> 00:02:41,026 I think it might be because Mr. Hankey hasn't come. 18 00:02:41,085 --> 00:02:43,028 Kyle, I have a full day of watching TV tomorrow. 19 00:02:43,029 --> 00:02:45,065 I don't have time to go on a poo hunt right now, okay? 20 00:02:45,179 --> 00:02:46,978 If you guys want thre to be a Christmas, you'd better come help me! 21 00:02:53,251 --> 00:02:54,820 Dude, you sneezed on my back! 22 00:02:54,855 --> 00:02:57,699 Oh, sorry, you might get some germs while you're walking around in human feces! 23 00:02:57,734 --> 00:03:03,406 Hey, look. Hello? 24 00:03:04,187 --> 00:03:06,504 Hoowwddyy ho! 25 00:03:08,796 --> 00:03:10,790 …Mr. Hankey! Hoh, we were so worried! 26 00:03:10,791 --> 00:03:12,586 I was weiting up for you and you didn't come, so I thought that- 27 00:03:12,621 --> 00:03:14,490 Oh, no I'm fine, Kyle. 28 00:03:14,525 --> 00:03:16,794 But where have you been? Things aren't the same without you. 29 00:03:16,795 --> 00:03:18,222 Nobody seems to have the Christmas spirit. 30 00:03:18,257 --> 00:03:22,971 I know, Kyle. I've just been awfully busy with my family. Honey! 31 00:03:23,006 --> 00:03:23,715 Family? 32 00:03:23,750 --> 00:03:26,400 Boys, I want you to meet my wife. Autumn. 33 00:03:26,435 --> 00:03:29,321 Howdy-hey kids! Would you like a drink? 34 00:03:29,356 --> 00:03:31,087 They're too young to drink, honey. 35 00:03:31,122 --> 00:03:32,868 Hey haa, it's Christmas! 36 00:03:32,903 --> 00:03:38,011 Come. You have to meet the little nuggets, too. Kids! This is our son, Cornwallis. 37 00:03:38,046 --> 00:03:40,429 Hoowwdy Ho! 38 00:03:40,464 --> 00:03:42,068 Our daughter Amber. 39 00:03:42,103 --> 00:03:43,313 Hoowwdy Ho! 40 00:03:43,348 --> 00:03:44,708 And our son, Simon. 41 00:03:44,743 --> 00:03:46,484 Eee, hey! Hnhn. 42 00:03:46,519 --> 00:03:49,824 Simon's not so smart. He was born with a peanut in his head. 43 00:03:50,581 --> 00:03:51,968 Heh What? Dad? Huh? 44 00:03:52,003 --> 00:03:53,086 Nothin', Simon. 45 00:03:53,121 --> 00:03:56,483 A family! So THAT's why you haven't been able to spread Christmas cheer. 46 00:03:56,518 --> 00:04:00,667 It sure has been tough. Nobody seems that into Christmas out there. 47 00:04:00,702 --> 00:04:02,537 I know, it's like it doesn't matter anymore. 48 00:04:02,572 --> 00:04:04,805 My mom''s barely bought me any presents so far. 49 00:04:04,840 --> 00:04:06,370 Well don't worry kids! 50 00:04:06,371 --> 00:04:09,423 I'm sending the nuggets up tomorrow to spread Christmas cheer! 51 00:04:09,493 --> 00:04:11,364 And if you want, you can help them. 52 00:04:11,365 --> 00:04:12,233 Sure we'll help! 53 00:04:12,268 --> 00:04:13,144 Anything for more presents! 54 00:04:13,179 --> 00:04:15,599 Weh-hell, it's a Chrstmas party! 55 00:04:15,600 --> 00:04:16,949 Hey! You boys! 56 00:04:16,950 --> 00:04:19,885 You boys wanna bet me I won't take off my clothes? 57 00:04:19,920 --> 00:04:21,778 Honey, pleh, you're - you're drunk. Onkay? 58 00:04:21,813 --> 00:04:24,017 but it's a Chrstmas party! 59 00:04:24,052 --> 00:04:26,224 Honey, can we go inside for a second? 60 00:04:37,684 --> 00:04:39,703 Well, it's decided, kids. 61 00:04:39,704 --> 00:04:43,325 Tomorrow we're gonna bring back the spirit of Christmas! 62 00:04:50,213 --> 00:04:54,051 Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, you guys! 63 00:04:54,052 --> 00:04:57,142 Only three shopping days until- God-damnit! 64 00:04:57,143 --> 00:04:59,386 Hey! Merry Christmas, asshole! 65 00:04:59,421 --> 00:05:00,725 Nobody's paying any attention. 66 00:05:01,645 --> 00:05:03,779 Ew, I almost stepped in it. 67 00:05:04,759 --> 00:05:08,251 Well, it was a good effort, boys. But I'm gonna have to close shop. 68 00:05:08,252 --> 00:05:11,485 Nobody's buyin' anything an' I can't afford to keep this furnace runnin'! 69 00:05:11,965 --> 00:05:14,878 Oh. And, boys, there's some crap on the sidewalk there. Watch out. 70 00:05:16,549 --> 00:05:22,535 Not one toy. I guess this yeear, everyone's content to celebrate with candles and love. 71 00:05:24,228 --> 00:05:25,505 This is hopeless. 72 00:05:25,506 --> 00:05:28,804 We're just gonna have to face that the commercialism has been sucked out of Christmas. 73 00:05:28,839 --> 00:05:33,813 And in other news tonight it appears that everyone is officially SICK OF CHRISTMAS! 74 00:05:33,814 --> 00:05:37,870 In an SPC poll, 38% said they were fred up and tired of the holiday, 75 00:05:37,871 --> 00:05:39,960 5% said they were indifferent to it, 76 00:05:39,961 --> 00:05:46,195 and a whopping 57% they would quick Bon Jovi square in the balls if given the opportunity. 77 00:05:46,230 --> 00:05:50,170 Well, I think people are just fed up with the crowded shopping and the credit-card bills, uh. 78 00:05:50,171 --> 00:05:52,687 I, I think that the holiday just has become a joke. 79 00:05:52,722 --> 00:05:54,394 You know, it's just that a lot of people don't really 80 00:05:54,395 --> 00:05:56,395 believe in the whole Jesus thing anymore, you know? 81 00:05:56,430 --> 00:05:57,560 So what's to celebrate? 82 00:05:57,595 --> 00:06:00,821 Oh yeah. Right in the balls, man. Right square in the balls. 83 00:06:00,856 --> 00:06:03,096 Well, the holiday spirit may be gone from South Park, 84 00:06:03,097 --> 00:06:06,158 but at least our faith in each other remains strong. 85 00:06:06,550 --> 00:06:08,771 -In South Park. -Oh really? 86 00:06:08,772 --> 00:06:10,510 Dude, change the channel. This is too depressing. 87 00:06:11,090 --> 00:06:14,266 Good Grief! We need a Christmas tree for our play. 88 00:06:14,301 --> 00:06:15,834 Oh, Jesus, not this thing again. 89 00:06:15,869 --> 00:06:17,799 How come everyone in cartoons has such big heads? 90 00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:21,770 Alright, everyone, we've got to get on with our play! 91 00:06:21,805 --> 00:06:24,091 Jesus, this sucks! All they keep doin' is dancing around! 92 00:06:24,126 --> 00:06:26,053 Yeah, this thing really falls apart in the second act. 93 00:06:26,088 --> 00:06:29,500 And why is it that on Charlie Brown cartoons, everyone talks like this. 94 00:06:29,881 --> 00:06:31,762 My mom could make a better Christmas special than this! 95 00:06:31,797 --> 00:06:35,852 Hey, that's it. Oh, my God, that's totally it! It's so simple! 96 00:06:35,887 --> 00:06:36,517 What, dude? 97 00:06:36,552 --> 00:06:38,938 We can get everyone back into the Christmas spirit by making our very 98 00:06:38,939 --> 00:06:42,806 own animated Christmas special, and showing it to everybody in town! 99 00:06:42,858 --> 00:06:44,185 We don't know anything about animation. 100 00:06:44,220 --> 00:06:45,919 How hard can it be? Look at it. 101 00:06:46,274 --> 00:06:49,537 Hey yeah! We can make a little animated Santa Claus and Jesus, 102 00:06:49,538 --> 00:06:52,309 and it can star us instead of these little round-headed guys! 103 00:06:52,344 --> 00:06:53,319 (Yeah, right! Awesome!) 104 00:06:53,354 --> 00:06:56,592 Yeah! And we can call it… "The Spirit of Christmas" 105 00:07:00,606 --> 00:07:02,673 Ogh! This is terrible, Johnson! 106 00:07:02,674 --> 00:07:05,260 Our whole town's economy is going right in the toilet! 107 00:07:05,261 --> 00:07:07,717 We've got to get everybody back in the Christmas spirit! 108 00:07:07,752 --> 00:07:09,990 Mayor, some adorable children are here to see you. 109 00:07:10,025 --> 00:07:11,346 Meugh. Send them in. 110 00:07:11,558 --> 00:07:13,512 Mayor! We have the solution to your problem. 111 00:07:13,547 --> 00:07:14,369 You do? 112 00:07:14,404 --> 00:07:17,164 We're gonna make a short animated Christmas card that everyone 113 00:07:17,165 --> 00:07:18,833 can watch and and play it on the screen at the old drive-in. 114 00:07:18,868 --> 00:07:20,369 It'll have everything. Jesus, Santa. 115 00:07:20,370 --> 00:07:22,227 And when people see it, they'll just HAVE to get in the spirit. 116 00:07:22,228 --> 00:07:23,756 All we need is three hundred dollars for our budget. 117 00:07:23,757 --> 00:07:26,114 An animated Christmas card. 118 00:07:26,115 --> 00:07:30,563 Kids, that just may be the dumbest idea I've ever heard, ever! 119 00:07:31,907 --> 00:07:33,456 But at this point I'm willing to try anything. 120 00:07:33,457 --> 00:07:35,323 Johnson, cut them a check for three hundred dollars. 121 00:07:35,358 --> 00:07:36,118 Alright! 122 00:07:36,153 --> 00:07:38,341 You guys go tell Butters to start making the cutoouts. 123 00:07:38,342 --> 00:07:40,174 I'm gonna go tell Mr. Hankey the good news! 124 00:07:40,914 --> 00:07:44,334 Now you put that vase down! Put that vase down! 125 00:07:44,335 --> 00:07:47,653 That's a very expensive vase! Don't you throw that vase! 126 00:07:48,931 --> 00:07:50,485 Ah, Mr. Hankey? 127 00:07:51,274 --> 00:07:54,040 Oh, Kyle! Hoowwddy ho! 128 00:07:54,075 --> 00:07:56,925 We got the money, Mr. Hankey. We're gonna make our animated Christmas card. 129 00:07:56,960 --> 00:08:01,304 Oh, that's swell! Kids! Christmas is back on! 130 00:08:01,305 --> 00:08:04,227 We've gotta all go get that old drive-in workin' again. 131 00:08:04,241 --> 00:08:04,977 Okay! 132 00:08:05,012 --> 00:08:08,486 That's not the only thing we gotta get workin' again, if you know what I mean... 133 00:08:08,521 --> 00:08:12,120 Wha- why do you, why do you have to say things like that in front of people? 134 00:08:12,155 --> 00:08:14,688 Well, I've gotta go start our animation. We've only got two days. 135 00:08:15,175 --> 00:08:18,783 Good luck, Kyle. And we'll have that projector workin'! Don't you worry! 136 00:08:19,552 --> 00:08:21,075 What's the matter, Cornwallis? 137 00:08:24,294 --> 00:08:25,540 Alright, Butters. Let's see what you've got. 138 00:08:25,575 --> 00:08:28,917 Huh, well, okay. Now, don't expect too much with the budget you gave me. 139 00:08:28,952 --> 00:08:30,046 Yeahyeahyeah. just let us see 'em! 140 00:08:30,081 --> 00:08:33,133 Well, alright. Here's a little paper construction of Santa Claus. 141 00:08:33,134 --> 00:08:37,216 Ho ho ho, uh, there-a kid. Hu-uh, would you like some- t-hoys and stuff? 142 00:08:37,217 --> 00:08:39,598 Hah, and uh, here's a little Jesus. 143 00:08:39,599 --> 00:08:42,370 Hi there, Santa. I am the Light and the Way, and stuff. 144 00:08:42,371 --> 00:08:45,004 Uh, ho o-kay. That's good, I suppose. 145 00:08:45,005 --> 00:08:47,223 Huh, and here's the cutout versions of you guys. 146 00:08:48,683 --> 00:08:50,446 Heheh. Look, he made Stan all fat. 147 00:08:50,481 --> 00:08:51,638 That's not me, that's you! 148 00:08:51,673 --> 00:08:52,336 What?! 149 00:08:52,371 --> 00:08:53,425 They kind of look like us. 150 00:08:53,426 --> 00:08:56,700 I mean, Stan's got blue eyes and I've got a sharper nose, but I mean, they kinda look like us. 151 00:08:56,735 --> 00:08:58,206 I AM NOT THAT GODDAMNED FAT! 152 00:08:58,241 --> 00:08:59,247 God job, Butters. 153 00:08:59,282 --> 00:09:02,166 Woh, ah, hey! I made a little cutout version of me, too! 154 00:09:02,167 --> 00:09:04,351 Ih in case you need it for your animated film. 155 00:09:04,700 --> 00:09:05,427 No, that's okay. 156 00:09:05,462 --> 00:09:06,147 See ya! 157 00:09:06,182 --> 00:09:08,117 Uh-m, alright, alright then. 158 00:09:10,641 --> 00:09:13,725 Oh, uh, hello, good-lookin'? What's your name? 159 00:09:13,726 --> 00:09:15,068 Huh, Butters, ma'am. 160 00:09:15,069 --> 00:09:17,757 Well, Butters, would you like to slap my - titties around? 161 00:09:17,758 --> 00:09:22,555 Whoa! Well, uhuh. Uh, no thanks, ma'am. Uh I, I'll get in trouble again. 162 00:09:25,810 --> 00:09:28,682 Cornwallis, we've got to go fix up the drive-in. 163 00:09:28,717 --> 00:09:30,542 I don't want to, Dad. I'm too sad. 164 00:09:30,577 --> 00:09:32,627 Hey, that's alright, Cornwallis. 165 00:09:32,628 --> 00:09:35,860 The boys' animated movie will being back the spirit of Christmas. 166 00:09:35,895 --> 00:09:39,816 It's not that, father. Its... Well, I don't feel like I'm really a part of Christmas. 167 00:09:39,851 --> 00:09:42,973 But son, you're a Hankey. We love Christmas! 168 00:09:43,008 --> 00:09:45,981 Come on, it's time to sit around the tree! 169 00:09:46,016 --> 00:09:47,245 We're having a talk, honey. 170 00:09:47,280 --> 00:09:51,523 God-damnit it's Christmas and we're gonna be a happy family around the tree! 171 00:09:51,558 --> 00:09:52,596 Autumn, you're drunk. 172 00:09:52,597 --> 00:09:55,694 Alright, now, just go help the other kids; they can't get their stockings up." 173 00:09:55,729 --> 00:09:57,632 That's not the only thing that can't get up around here. 174 00:09:59,228 --> 00:10:01,287 …Now come on, son. Don't be so down. 175 00:10:01,322 --> 00:10:04,448 Why? We're just pieces of crap. Christmas isn't for us. 176 00:10:04,483 --> 00:10:07,530 Christmas is about feeling good. That's for everybody! 177 00:10:07,565 --> 00:10:11,107 I see the Nativity. There's angels, shepherds and sheep. But no poo. 178 00:10:11,108 --> 00:10:15,240 All the Christmas movies: Santa, elves, reindeer. No poo. I'm not a part of it. 179 00:10:15,275 --> 00:10:19,489 No, you're not a part of it, Carnwallis. You're all of it. Don't you see? 180 00:10:19,524 --> 00:10:20,667 I'm nothing but crap! 181 00:10:20,702 --> 00:10:21,901 But crap is everything. 182 00:10:22,261 --> 00:10:25,982 Everything that lives on earth poos in some way 183 00:10:26,017 --> 00:10:29,913 And that's how the cycle happens, each and every day 184 00:10:29,948 --> 00:10:34,082 Just look at the green green grass and the birds up in the sky 185 00:10:34,117 --> 00:10:38,828 It's all here because of poo, and now I'll tell you why 186 00:10:38,863 --> 00:10:43,290 Cause it's eaten by cattle, which is eaten by women and men 187 00:10:43,325 --> 00:10:47,537 It fuses with their bodies and becomes poo again 188 00:10:47,572 --> 00:10:51,590 And that poo goes through the sewer, where it's dumped into the sea. 189 00:10:51,625 --> 00:10:56,062 And it's eaten by the plankton, and becomes the fishes' meal. 190 00:10:57,010 --> 00:11:00,711 And then that bigger fish with the poo still inside 191 00:11:00,746 --> 00:11:04,660 Swims up near the shore and gets eaten alive 192 00:11:04,695 --> 00:11:09,231 By the grizzly bear that poos on a dead piece of sand 193 00:11:09,266 --> 00:11:13,527 So it can spring to life and become food for the land 194 00:11:14,860 --> 00:11:18,988 It's the poo of the antelope, the poo of the giraffe 195 00:11:19,023 --> 00:11:23,029 It falls onto the earth and becomes the blades of grass 196 00:11:23,064 --> 00:11:27,144 The grass is eaten by the cattle, which comes out the other end 197 00:11:27,179 --> 00:11:32,423 To make food for the humans and start all over again 198 00:11:33,061 --> 00:11:37,163 You see, son? You're not an insignificant part of life. You are life. 199 00:11:37,684 --> 00:11:40,922 But how can I be that giraffe and blade of grass, and a human? 200 00:11:40,923 --> 00:11:42,433 I don't control what they do. 201 00:11:42,468 --> 00:11:45,208 Just like your heart beats without you thinking about it, 202 00:11:45,209 --> 00:11:50,047 so, too, your giraffes and your humans do what they do without you even thinkin' about it. 203 00:11:50,048 --> 00:11:53,711 But it is all one life form. It is all… you. 204 00:11:54,346 --> 00:11:55,526 I think I see now. 205 00:11:56,700 --> 00:12:00,844 I'm the poo of the antelope, that flows down to the ground 206 00:12:00,879 --> 00:12:02,808 Becomes the grass of tomorrow 207 00:12:03,425 --> 00:12:04,864 Which the grazers turn around 208 00:12:04,899 --> 00:12:08,965 So I'm the leg of a leopard and the wings of a hen 209 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:14,030 Which becomes dinner for the human and turns back to poo again. 210 00:12:15,416 --> 00:12:21,279 That's the Circle, the Circle of Poo! 211 00:12:23,639 --> 00:12:25,705 Okay, here's the script. But it doesn't have an ending. 212 00:12:25,740 --> 00:12:28,312 No ending? Well, we can't animate until we have our voices recorded, 213 00:12:28,313 --> 00:12:30,753 so we'd better just record what we have and figure out the ending later. 214 00:12:30,788 --> 00:12:32,822 Okay, talk directly in the mike and don't hit any hard p's. 215 00:12:32,857 --> 00:12:33,816 What's a hard p? 216 00:12:33,851 --> 00:12:36,069 You know, first thing in the mornng when it just won't come out? 217 00:12:36,104 --> 00:12:36,838 Oh, yeah. 218 00:12:37,258 --> 00:12:39,635 Uumm, okay, sound is speeding, and… 219 00:12:39,670 --> 00:12:41,544 We wish you a Merry Christmas 220 00:12:41,579 --> 00:12:43,080 -Hold on. -We wish- 221 00:12:46,064 --> 00:12:49,206 Uh, mmm. Okay, and? 222 00:12:49,241 --> 00:12:50,744 We wish you a merry Christmas, 223 00:12:50,779 --> 00:12:52,610 We wish you a merry Christmas, 224 00:12:52,611 --> 00:12:53,902 Hey! Wait a minute! 225 00:12:53,903 --> 00:12:55,651 -What? -Aren't you Jewish, Kyle? 226 00:12:55,652 --> 00:12:56,744 Well, yes, I think so. 227 00:12:56,779 --> 00:12:59,436 Dude, Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas. 228 00:12:59,437 --> 00:13:01,673 You're supposed to sing Chanukah songs. 229 00:13:02,660 --> 00:13:04,014 Dreidel dreidel dreidel, 230 00:13:04,049 --> 00:13:05,041 I made you out of clay, 231 00:13:05,076 --> 00:13:06,404 Dreidel dreidel dreidel-- 232 00:13:06,439 --> 00:13:07,653 Heheheheh, Chanukah sucks. 233 00:13:07,688 --> 00:13:09,302 Don't you oppress me, fat boy. 234 00:13:09,337 --> 00:13:10,481 Don't call me fat, buttfucker. 235 00:13:10,516 --> 00:13:13,589 Then don't belittle my people you fuckin' fatass! 236 00:13:13,624 --> 00:13:15,183 You guys, knock it off! We have to record this! 237 00:13:15,894 --> 00:13:16,656 Dude, that was awesome. 238 00:13:16,691 --> 00:13:17,509 What's awesome? 239 00:13:17,544 --> 00:13:18,676 The script. It's sweet. 240 00:13:18,711 --> 00:13:20,402 That's not in the script They do this all the time. 241 00:13:20,437 --> 00:13:22,343 Well, it should be in the script. 242 00:13:22,344 --> 00:13:25,166 All that "you're fat" and "you're a Jew" and stuff. It's great. 243 00:13:27,854 --> 00:13:30,587 Check it out, dude. The camera shoots one frame at a time. 244 00:13:30,588 --> 00:13:32,937 So, all we gotta do, is put the right mouth on, 245 00:13:32,938 --> 00:13:35,062 according to what syllable they're pronouncing at that frame. 246 00:13:35,097 --> 00:13:35,770 Easy. 247 00:13:35,805 --> 00:13:36,867 Yeah. So what's the first syllable? 248 00:13:36,902 --> 00:13:39,481 Uhd- W, WW-e wish you a Merry Christmas 249 00:13:39,516 --> 00:13:42,273 Okay. So we put little "woo" mouths on all our heads. 250 00:13:42,274 --> 00:13:43,787 And then we shoot that for one frame. 251 00:13:43,822 --> 00:13:46,205 Okay. One. 252 00:13:46,240 --> 00:13:48,425 That's one twenty-fourth of a second of our movie already shot! 253 00:13:48,460 --> 00:13:49,093 Kickass! 254 00:13:49,128 --> 00:13:49,943 Now, the next mouth. 255 00:13:49,978 --> 00:13:52,582 Uuhh, E. W-EE wish you a Merry Christmas. 256 00:13:52,617 --> 00:13:54,093 Okay, where are the E-mouths? 257 00:13:54,128 --> 00:13:54,801 E mouths… 258 00:13:56,226 --> 00:13:58,186 Okay. "Woo" mouths again? 259 00:13:58,423 --> 00:14:00,435 1 2. 260 00:14:00,470 --> 00:14:01,455 So how much done is that? 261 00:14:01,490 --> 00:14:03,345 "We wish you a m - Merry" 262 00:14:03,380 --> 00:14:04,027 Aw, Jesus Christ! 263 00:14:04,690 --> 00:14:07,300 This kids better make a good Christmas movie, Johnson. 264 00:14:07,301 --> 00:14:11,401 If people in this town don't start shopping again, we're all gonna be out of jobs next year. 265 00:14:11,436 --> 00:14:13,136 This… place is pretty run-down. 266 00:14:13,566 --> 00:14:15,144 It's alright, we've got a clean-up crew coming. 267 00:14:15,517 --> 00:14:18,902 Hoowwddy ho! Down here! 268 00:14:19,690 --> 00:14:22,707 Oh. Mr. Haneky, it's you. How wonderful. 269 00:14:22,742 --> 00:14:26,849 My family and I are here to get the drive-in ready for the biig movie. 270 00:14:26,850 --> 00:14:27,884 Perfect! 271 00:14:27,919 --> 00:14:30,861 Hi there, Mr. Important Political Person. 272 00:14:31,245 --> 00:14:35,731 You wanna bet me I won't take off my clothes and run naked through this parkin' lot? 273 00:14:35,777 --> 00:14:37,460 Uh-uh, honey, please don't start! 274 00:14:37,495 --> 00:14:40,190 I didn't start it! He was looking at my breasts! 275 00:14:40,225 --> 00:14:41,739 They're not real, you know. 276 00:14:41,774 --> 00:14:42,911 Don't you say that! 277 00:14:42,946 --> 00:14:45,438 Oh, big secret! Everyone can tell they're made of silicorn! 278 00:14:45,473 --> 00:14:48,498 Uhhh, we'll just leave you to your cleanup. 279 00:14:48,858 --> 00:14:52,577 Okay! Boy, oh boy, this place suuure needs a lot of work. 280 00:14:52,612 --> 00:14:53,781 We can fix it up, Dad. 281 00:14:53,816 --> 00:14:56,596 Oh, look! A homeless person. 282 00:14:56,597 --> 00:14:59,133 Oh. He looks sad, Pappa. 283 00:15:01,460 --> 00:15:02,631 There. That's better. 284 00:15:02,652 --> 00:15:06,100 Good job, Amber. Now this place is starting to look Christmasy 285 00:15:10,103 --> 00:15:14,705 Okay. Okay, the shot is finally set up. Now shoot the O mouth for two frames. 286 00:15:16,629 --> 00:15:17,184 Cartman! 287 00:15:17,219 --> 00:15:19,064 Well, I'm sorry! I have a cold! 288 00:15:19,099 --> 00:15:21,714 That took us half an hour to set up, fatass! 289 00:15:21,749 --> 00:15:24,471 Alright! You know what? I have been here TOO LONG! 290 00:15:24,472 --> 00:15:27,750 I'm sick of making this stupid cartoon, and we're never goin' to finish it anyways! 291 00:15:27,751 --> 00:15:30,712 Screw you guys, I'm goin' home! 292 00:15:30,852 --> 00:15:31,948 Fine! We'll do it with out you! 293 00:15:31,983 --> 00:15:34,328 We can't do it without him, Kyle. We've already animated him in it! 294 00:15:34,363 --> 00:15:35,453 We'll dub his voice over. 295 00:15:35,488 --> 00:15:36,633 Kyle, it's hopeless. 296 00:15:36,634 --> 00:15:38,533 We've only got 20 seconds of animation done, 297 00:15:38,534 --> 00:15:41,580 and we still have Jesus' and Santa's voices to record, and we don't even have a third act. 298 00:15:41,581 --> 00:15:43,677 Dude, it would take a miracle to finish this thing! 299 00:15:43,712 --> 00:15:45,700 Now, don't go saying that. There's always hope. 300 00:15:45,735 --> 00:15:47,153 Miracles happen most every day. 301 00:15:47,639 --> 00:15:49,744 To people like you, and me. 302 00:15:50,132 --> 00:15:51,936 But don't expect a miracle. 303 00:15:52,343 --> 00:15:55,705 Unless you help make it to be. 304 00:15:56,689 --> 00:15:58,187 You hope, and I'll hurry. 305 00:15:58,222 --> 00:16:00,076 You pray, and I'll plan 306 00:16:00,111 --> 00:16:02,483 We'll do what's necessary, 'cause 307 00:16:02,518 --> 00:16:05,916 Even a miracle needs a hand! 308 00:16:05,951 --> 00:16:06,975 -You love- -We love 309 00:16:07,000 --> 00:16:08,000 -And I'll labor. -Tralala 310 00:16:08,000 --> 00:16:08,897 -You sit- -We sit. 311 00:16:08,898 --> 00:16:10,036 -And I'll stand. -Tralalalala 312 00:16:10,037 --> 00:16:12,395 Get help from our next-door neighbor, 'cause 313 00:16:12,430 --> 00:16:15,445 Even a miracle needs a hand! 314 00:16:16,287 --> 00:16:17,635 You could do Cartman's voice, can't you? 315 00:16:17,670 --> 00:16:18,691 "Awgh! I'm so fat!" 316 00:16:18,726 --> 00:16:20,230 Nuh, you've gotta sound fatter. 317 00:16:20,265 --> 00:16:23,462 "Hey, you guys! Seriouslih! I'm so fat! Help me out over hmyah!" 318 00:16:23,497 --> 00:16:24,940 Cool! Now let's try the script! 319 00:16:24,975 --> 00:16:25,809 Rolling… 320 00:16:25,844 --> 00:16:27,871 Stan: I don't know what to do, dude. Who should we help? 321 00:16:27,906 --> 00:16:29,515 Cartman: I say we help Santa Claus! 322 00:16:29,550 --> 00:16:31,462 Oh, you're just saying that because he brings you candy. 323 00:16:31,497 --> 00:16:34,557 Cartman: Ey! I don't need to take that kind of shit from a Jew! 324 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:37,275 -You wish -We wish 325 00:16:37,276 --> 00:16:38,349 -And I'll whittle. -Tralalalala 326 00:16:38,335 --> 00:16:39,251 -You sit -We sit. 327 00:16:39,173 --> 00:16:40,194 --And I'll stand. -Tralalalala 328 00:16:40,195 --> 00:16:42,421 Let's all try to help a little, 'cause 329 00:16:42,456 --> 00:16:43,650 Even a miracle- 330 00:16:46,202 --> 00:16:48,244 …It's okay. We'll just have his character die in the film. 331 00:16:48,279 --> 00:16:54,325 Even a miracle needs a hand!! 332 00:16:58,216 --> 00:17:00,048 Citizens of South Park, 333 00:17:00,049 --> 00:17:02,921 the Colorado Film Commission is pleased to present to you 334 00:17:02,922 --> 00:17:06,045 a work by some of our very own South Park children. 335 00:17:07,435 --> 00:17:08,351 Thank you, thank you. 336 00:17:08,386 --> 00:17:10,268 Cartman, what the hell are you doing here?! You quit! 337 00:17:10,303 --> 00:17:12,418 What are you talkin' about, "quit"? Huh! I don't remember that. 338 00:17:12,453 --> 00:17:15,664 We know tha after you see this darling short film, 339 00:17:15,665 --> 00:17:20,894 you will all feel the mighty glow of the Christmas spirit once again. Boys? 340 00:17:20,929 --> 00:17:22,027 Okay, Mr. Hankey! 341 00:17:22,062 --> 00:17:23,041 O-kay! 342 00:17:26,865 --> 00:17:28,954 We wish you a merry Christmas, 343 00:17:28,989 --> 00:17:31,060 We wish you a merry Christmas, 344 00:17:31,095 --> 00:17:33,121 We wish you a merry Christmas-- 345 00:17:33,156 --> 00:17:34,426 Hey! Wait a minute! 346 00:17:34,461 --> 00:17:34,908 What? 347 00:17:34,943 --> 00:17:35,983 Aren't you Jewish, Kyle? 348 00:17:36,018 --> 00:17:37,077 Yeah, I think so. 349 00:17:37,112 --> 00:17:39,297 (voice rising) Dude, Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas! 350 00:17:39,332 --> 00:17:39,895 What? 351 00:17:39,930 --> 00:17:41,005 You're supposed to sing Chanukah songs! 352 00:17:42,075 --> 00:17:43,553 Dreidel dreidel dreidel- 353 00:17:53,905 --> 00:17:54,935 Eehhhh, pretty! 354 00:17:56,021 --> 00:17:57,295 Oh, that's Christmas for ya. 355 00:17:57,330 --> 00:18:01,496 Uhuh, just hang on folks. We seem to be having some technical difficulties 356 00:18:01,531 --> 00:18:03,659 Boring. - Stupid. 357 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:06,775 It's completely destroyed! There's nothn' I can do! 358 00:18:06,776 --> 00:18:08,113 All that hard work. 359 00:18:08,114 --> 00:18:10,282 Well, thanks a lot, kids. Great idea you had there. 360 00:18:10,283 --> 00:18:12,977 Now everyone is more disenfranchised with Christmas than ever. 361 00:18:12,978 --> 00:18:14,340 We want our three hundred bucks back! 362 00:18:14,432 --> 00:18:15,196 But we spent it! 363 00:18:15,231 --> 00:18:17,163 Fine. Then we'll sue you. Johnson? 364 00:18:18,994 --> 00:18:21,791 I… used to believe in miracles. 365 00:18:23,101 --> 00:18:23,933 All that work! 366 00:18:23,968 --> 00:18:24,669 For nothing. 367 00:18:24,964 --> 00:18:27,062 Boys, I uh, I'm s-, I'm sorry. 368 00:18:27,097 --> 00:18:29,218 Sure. Sh-sure, Mr. Hankey. 369 00:18:29,253 --> 00:18:31,096 I guess- we might as well- go home now. 370 00:18:36,010 --> 00:18:39,894 It's my fault. All my fault. I got everyone's hopes up. 371 00:18:39,929 --> 00:18:41,682 But Dad, we can fix the projector. 372 00:18:41,717 --> 00:18:45,009 Aw, it's too late for that, son. everyone' gone home. 373 00:18:45,010 --> 00:18:46,996 And I don't know nothin' about projectors. 374 00:18:46,997 --> 00:18:49,416 I'm just a stupid piece of crap. 375 00:18:49,451 --> 00:18:52,423 Dad, you taught me an important lesson: That crap is the cycle of everything. 376 00:18:52,893 --> 00:18:55,694 Aw, that was just a stupid song, Cornwallis! 377 00:18:55,695 --> 00:18:57,675 I was jus' tryin' to get you to stop your bitchin' 378 00:18:57,710 --> 00:18:59,072 No, it wasn't a stupid song. 379 00:18:59,073 --> 00:19:02,590 Because you showed me that I have the power and the strength to do anything I want. 380 00:19:02,591 --> 00:19:04,545 You made me believe in myself, Dad! 381 00:19:04,546 --> 00:19:06,918 Now I'm asking you to do the same. 382 00:19:06,953 --> 00:19:08,347 Son… 383 00:19:09,641 --> 00:19:13,548 You're the smartest piece of crap since Albert Poodinger! Come on! 384 00:19:16,131 --> 00:19:18,250 Isn't this a nice Christmas, Stanley? 385 00:19:18,251 --> 00:19:21,973 No commercialism and shopping, just a nice fire and family. 386 00:19:22,296 --> 00:19:23,433 I wanna die. 387 00:19:36,852 --> 00:19:38,407 -What the-- -(Nooo!!) 388 00:19:41,500 --> 00:19:43,891 They did it! They got it working! 389 00:19:43,926 --> 00:19:47,803 You have blemished the meaning of Christmas for the last time, Kringle! 390 00:19:47,838 --> 00:19:51,139 I bring happiness and love to children all over the world. 391 00:19:51,174 --> 00:19:53,391 Christmas is for celebrating my birth! 392 00:19:53,426 --> 00:19:55,342 Christmas is for giving! 393 00:19:55,377 --> 00:19:57,794 Oh, wow! 394 00:19:57,829 --> 00:19:59,023 Mom! They got it working! 395 00:19:59,377 --> 00:20:02,400 What's that? They got your father's penis workin' again? 396 00:20:03,329 --> 00:20:07,349 …We actually spoke--to the Brian Boitano. 397 00:20:07,384 --> 00:20:10,365 Yeah. And you know? I think I've learned something today, 398 00:20:10,366 --> 00:20:14,325 it doesn't matter if you're Christian or Jewish or Atheist or Hindu. 399 00:20:14,326 --> 00:20:17,029 Christmas still is about one very important thing. 400 00:20:17,064 --> 00:20:17,841 Yeah, ham. 401 00:20:17,876 --> 00:20:18,659 No not ham! 402 00:20:19,710 --> 00:20:21,692 Ey! Why the hell did you have me say that?! 403 00:20:21,727 --> 00:20:23,323 Heheh, we could make you say whatever we wanted. 404 00:20:23,358 --> 00:20:25,402 ...Christmas is about something much more important! 405 00:20:25,437 --> 00:20:26,030 What? 406 00:20:26,065 --> 00:20:26,796 Presents. 407 00:20:27,878 --> 00:20:28,674 Don't you see, Kyle? 408 00:20:29,084 --> 00:20:30,042 Presents. 409 00:20:31,214 --> 00:20:33,080 …Presents. 410 00:20:33,115 --> 00:20:34,703 My God, they're right! 411 00:20:35,222 --> 00:20:40,683 Christmas is about presents. If we all buy presents, everyone benefits. M'kay? 412 00:20:40,718 --> 00:20:42,825 That is the spirit of Christmas. 413 00:20:42,826 --> 00:20:46,134 Commercialism. Becuase it's what makes our country work! 414 00:20:46,169 --> 00:20:48,334 They're starting to understand, Johnson. 415 00:20:48,335 --> 00:20:49,839 They're starting to understand. 416 00:20:49,874 --> 00:20:53,893 We got so caught up in the little things of Christmas, like love and family that… 417 00:20:53,894 --> 00:20:57,395 we almost fogot it's buying things that makes our economy thrive. 418 00:20:57,430 --> 00:21:01,652 Hey, the shops are still open. We still have time to shop. 419 00:21:11,709 --> 00:21:14,447 You did it, Mr. Hankey. You brought back the spirit of Christmas! 420 00:21:14,482 --> 00:21:16,092 No, you did it, boys! 421 00:21:16,127 --> 00:21:17,942 Aw, hell, we all did it! 422 00:21:17,977 --> 00:21:19,896 Kids, that cartoon was fabulous. 423 00:21:19,897 --> 00:21:22,632 How would you like to have your own show and make 100 more of them? 424 00:21:22,667 --> 00:21:24,858 Are you kidding? I think we'd rather stab ourselves in the head. 425 00:21:24,893 --> 00:21:26,889 Yeah. Let's just go home and open our presents. 426 00:21:26,924 --> 00:21:29,192 Hey man, if you're Jewish you get presents for eight days. 427 00:21:29,227 --> 00:21:30,200 Wow! Count me in! 428 00:21:30,235 --> 00:21:31,115 Yeah! I'll be a Jew too. 429 00:21:31,574 --> 00:21:32,642 Dreidel dreidel dreidel 430 00:21:32,677 --> 00:21:33,931 I made you out of clay 431 00:21:33,966 --> 00:21:35,309 Dreidel dreidel dreidel 432 00:21:35,344 --> 00:21:36,932 With dreidel I will play!