1 00:00:41,200 --> 00:00:42,680 Y'guys! Listen to this song I just wrote! 2 00:00:42,880 --> 00:00:44,480 It's called "I Hate Y'guys!". 3 00:00:45,480 --> 00:00:49,229 I hate y'guys! Y'guys are assholes! 4 00:00:50,480 --> 00:00:51,480 Especially Kenny! 5 00:00:52,840 --> 00:00:54,560 I hate him the most. 6 00:00:55,400 --> 00:00:57,120 Okay, now! Let's try one altogether! 7 00:00:57,920 --> 00:00:58,840 I hate y'guys! 8 00:00:59,040 --> 00:01:02,520 C'mon! Y'guys know the words! Especially Kenny! 9 00:01:02,720 --> 00:01:04,120 This is sweet being rugged outdoorsmen! 10 00:01:04,320 --> 00:01:06,600 Facing the wilderness, not having to be home until 8:30. 11 00:01:07,640 --> 00:01:09,840 Where're you goin? - I'm goin home for a minute! I have to go to the bathroom! 12 00:01:10,040 --> 00:01:12,760 - Just go behind the trees! - I have to go number two! 13 00:01:12,960 --> 00:01:14,040 So, you can poo in the wilderness! 14 00:01:14,480 --> 00:01:15,960 No way, dude! What would I wipe with!? 15 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:18,600 Cartman, don't be such a baby! We're supposed to be rugged outdoorsmen! 16 00:01:18,800 --> 00:01:21,160 - What do I sit on? - You just squat, stupid! 17 00:01:21,840 --> 00:01:22,960 Not here! Go further away! 18 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:26,160 God! I'm glad y'guys know all these pooping outside rules! 19 00:01:31,080 --> 00:01:32,720 Watch out for ground eels! 20 00:01:33,720 --> 00:01:36,120 - Shut up, y'guys! I can't think! - What do you have to think about? 21 00:01:36,320 --> 00:01:38,720 I have to think about planes droping bombs, 22 00:01:38,920 --> 00:01:42,800 and dump trucks, and soft serve ice cream... 23 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:45,500 - Ah! That did it! - Sick, dude! 24 00:01:49,880 --> 00:01:51,360 Pooping outside! 25 00:01:51,920 --> 00:01:53,480 Making soft serve ice cream! 26 00:01:54,000 --> 00:01:56,800 For all my friends! Especially Kenny! 27 00:01:57,880 --> 00:01:59,520 Hey, Kenny! Can I borrow one of your gloves? 28 00:01:59,521 --> 00:02:02,190 Okay! No way! 29 00:02:02,511 --> 00:02:06,280 What the...! - OOMA! KOOGA! My God, y'guys! Come look at this! 30 00:02:06,480 --> 00:02:09,040 - We don't wanna look at it, Cartman! - Y'guys! Get over hnya! 31 00:02:09,240 --> 00:02:11,680 - No way, dude! - I'm seriously! 32 00:02:12,200 --> 00:02:13,760 - Look! Over by those bushes! - What!? 33 00:02:13,920 --> 00:02:15,040 MESO SCARED! 34 00:02:15,240 --> 00:02:17,040 I see it! - C'mon! Let's kill it! 35 00:02:17,240 --> 00:02:19,520 Aw, Cartman! You're supposed to bury it! 36 00:02:21,240 --> 00:02:23,560 Look at this sword! Offered only here on House Shopping network! 37 00:02:24,080 --> 00:02:26,240 It's got a dragon on the blade! 38 00:02:26,440 --> 00:02:30,900 It's got a dragon painted right on the blade! Used by the samurai... 39 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:33,400 Ned, how the hell could you loose your voice box? 40 00:02:34,760 --> 00:02:35,760 I Can't hear you, Ned! 41 00:02:35,960 --> 00:02:38,520 You don't have a trachea! You smoke too much, you had it removed! 42 00:02:38,680 --> 00:02:41,720 And then, you drank too much and you lost your goddam voice box, Ned! 43 00:02:41,920 --> 00:02:44,000 Shhhut-Up-Jim-Bo! 44 00:02:44,200 --> 00:02:46,480 Ah, Ned! Don't burp-talk! That just sicks me out! 45 00:02:46,680 --> 00:02:48,440 - Right this way! - Over here! 46 00:02:48,640 --> 00:02:50,120 What the hell's goin on? 47 00:02:50,320 --> 00:02:52,880 Uncle Jimbo, Cartman found some big animal creature! It ran over that way! 48 00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:54,560 Hold on! I'll get my shotgun! 49 00:02:54,720 --> 00:02:56,120 Ned! Ned, c'mon! 50 00:02:57,600 --> 00:02:59,960 - Where did it go? - It just ran by here a second ago! 51 00:03:00,160 --> 00:03:02,320 Sounds like it ran into the ostritch trap! 52 00:03:03,960 --> 00:03:05,080 Now, keep quiet! 53 00:03:05,280 --> 00:03:07,760 I'm gonna turn my flashlight on. 54 00:03:07,960 --> 00:03:09,520 It may get startled, so be ready! 55 00:03:12,400 --> 00:03:15,200 Holy crow! I've never seen anything like it! 56 00:03:17,640 --> 00:03:19,360 That thing's funny! 57 00:03:19,560 --> 00:03:21,880 - It's stupid! - Well, let's kill it! 58 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:25,770 No! No! Don't! - Huh? - I like it! 59 00:03:25,805 --> 00:03:27,480 You don't like anything, Cartman! 60 00:03:27,920 --> 00:03:28,840 Well, alright! 61 00:03:29,040 --> 00:03:31,200 Ned, get the mayor on the phone, tell her that we... 62 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:33,640 Yeah, right! You can't talk! Alright! Never mind! I'll do it! 63 00:03:35,040 --> 00:03:37,080 Yeah, it was like wrestling a Louisiana alligator, this thing! 64 00:03:37,280 --> 00:03:38,160 Put up one hell of a fight! 65 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:41,480 Hello, there! 66 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:42,800 Who's the cute baby? 67 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:45,080 Who's the fuzzy, huh! Yes, that's a cutie! 68 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:48,160 Mayor, we're from the department of interior! 69 00:03:48,360 --> 00:03:49,400 Oh, yes! How are you? 70 00:03:49,600 --> 00:03:50,840 - Fine! Just fine! - Fine! Just fine! - Fine! 71 00:03:51,520 --> 00:03:52,760 Right over here! 72 00:03:52,960 --> 00:03:54,120 My God, McLaghnan! Do you believe it? 73 00:03:57,480 --> 00:03:58,800 - It's amazing! - What? 74 00:03:58,960 --> 00:04:02,560 Mayor, this is a jakovasaur! A live one has never been seen! 75 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:04,080 Neato! 76 00:04:04,240 --> 00:04:07,720 Incredible! We know of this creature only from remains found frozen in snow! 77 00:04:07,920 --> 00:04:11,010 Do you realize what this means?! We can use its DNA and have a chance 78 00:04:11,011 --> 00:04:14,211 of bringing the entire jackovasaur species back from extinction! 79 00:04:14,280 --> 00:04:15,760 Wow! Cool! 80 00:04:15,800 --> 00:04:19,000 Is-there-re-ward-money? 81 00:04:20,480 --> 00:04:22,720 Uh, cut it out, Ned! That's just disgusting! 82 00:04:22,920 --> 00:04:25,720 This one jakovasaur can mother an entire population of the animals. 83 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:29,520 Well, in that case, I think we should name it...Hope! 84 00:04:29,720 --> 00:04:32,360 - Hope! - Yes! Hope! 85 00:04:34,480 --> 00:04:35,560 I think his name is Joon-joon! 86 00:04:35,760 --> 00:04:37,880 Hope! Why, that's a perfectly beautiful name! 87 00:04:38,240 --> 00:04:40,080 Now we must find a safe place for it! 88 00:04:40,280 --> 00:04:43,840 I'll keep it at my house! - No, Garrison! You'll just try to have sex with it! 89 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:47,726 What! How dare you say that! - Garrison, you remember what 90 00:04:47,760 --> 00:04:50,320 happened the wounded pigeon you were supposed to take care of? 91 00:04:50,520 --> 00:04:53,360 Oh, come on! You all know that pigeon was a total slut! 92 00:04:53,560 --> 00:04:56,600 I've got a barn it can stay in! It ain't much, but it's heated! 93 00:04:56,800 --> 00:04:59,455 - Well, that sounds fine! Just fine! - Fine! Just fine! - Fine! 94 00:04:59,640 --> 00:05:01,687 Now, wait a minute! I wanna clear the air, here! 95 00:05:01,722 --> 00:05:03,700 We all know that pigeon was a whore! 96 00:05:03,735 --> 00:05:10,664 Raise your hand if you didn't sleep with that pigeon! Oh, whatever! 97 00:05:32,120 --> 00:05:36,000 It's got a dragon painted on the blade! This is the Sumatomi Sword... 98 00:05:36,200 --> 00:05:38,440 Wow! A dragon right on the blade! 99 00:05:38,640 --> 00:05:43,320 Mom! Can I get a Sumatomi Sword used by the ancient Togagawa soldiers? 100 00:05:43,520 --> 00:05:46,160 - I'll think about it, hon! - Weak! 101 00:05:47,200 --> 00:05:49,480 Mom! Somebody's at the door! 102 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:52,840 - Mommy's busy, poopykins! - Should I get it? 103 00:05:54,200 --> 00:05:57,960 Go ahead, snookums! It's probably one of your little friends! 104 00:06:01,040 --> 00:06:02,600 Okay! Okay! Hold your horses! 105 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:08,760 Mom! It's another Stark's Pond creature! 106 00:06:08,960 --> 00:06:10,440 That's nice, muffin! 107 00:06:10,640 --> 00:06:12,120 PLEASE HELP ME! 108 00:06:13,280 --> 00:06:14,960 PLEASE HELP ME FIND JOON-JOON! 109 00:06:15,160 --> 00:06:17,920 SHE HAS BEEN GONE SINCE LIST NIGHT AND I'M WORRIED SCARED! 110 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:21,200 - You mean the other jakovasaur? - WHAT MEANS A JAKOVASAUR? 111 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:22,880 You're a jakovasaur! That's what they call you! 112 00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:24,560 OH! COOL NAME! 113 00:06:24,760 --> 00:06:26,520 But the other jakovasaur talked different! 114 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:29,680 THAT'S 'CAUSE JOON-JOON'S A GIRL! GIRLS TALK DIFFERENTLY! 115 00:06:29,880 --> 00:06:31,680 Let's call my friends over! They're never gonna believe it! 116 00:06:31,960 --> 00:06:33,440 PLEASE TAKE ME TO JOON-JOON! 117 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:36,600 WE'RE THE LAST OF OUR KIND! THERE ARE ONLY TWO OF US LEFT! 118 00:06:37,040 --> 00:06:39,840 He's the last of his kind, y'guys! There's only two of them left! 119 00:06:42,160 --> 00:06:43,823 Did you smoke some of your mom's crack? 120 00:06:43,824 --> 00:06:46,024 Will you stop with the whole mom smoking-crack thing?! It's an old joke! 121 00:06:46,120 --> 00:06:48,520 ERIC! DO YOU HAVE ANYMORE COOKIES? 122 00:06:48,720 --> 00:06:51,200 - Who's that? One of your mom's boyfriends? - No! That was a jakovasaur! 123 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:52,200 It's okay to come in! 124 00:06:53,720 --> 00:06:55,280 Jakov! I want you to meet friends! 125 00:06:55,440 --> 00:06:58,320 HI, YOU GUYS! I LOVE NEW FRIENDS! 126 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:03,040 - Isn't he funny? - No, he's annoying! 127 00:07:03,240 --> 00:07:04,541 What're we supposed to with him? 128 00:07:04,542 --> 00:07:06,342 We have to take him to that rancher's barn to see his girlfriend! 129 00:07:06,440 --> 00:07:08,881 - Why don't we just tell our parents? - No! Adults won't understand! 130 00:07:08,882 --> 00:07:10,882 We have to do this ourselves! 131 00:07:12,600 --> 00:07:14,360 Keep quiet! We can get in big trouble for being here! 132 00:07:16,320 --> 00:07:17,880 Keep quiet, stupid! 133 00:07:18,080 --> 00:07:19,680 OH, JOON-JOON! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY! 134 00:07:19,880 --> 00:07:22,520 - Dude! Have you ever heard of whispering? - I AM WHISPERING! 135 00:07:25,280 --> 00:07:27,840 - You're so funny, Jakov! - I AM?! 136 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:31,160 Ok, uh Jakov, why don't you just take boonga here and go back to Stark's Pond? 137 00:07:31,360 --> 00:07:35,437 OH, I DON'T KNOW! THIS PLACE IS KINDA NICER THAN STARK'S POND! 138 00:07:42,520 --> 00:07:45,214 Hello and welcome to Voice Box Express, your number one source of voice boxes. 139 00:07:45,215 --> 00:07:46,415 I'm Amanda. How may I help you? 140 00:07:46,520 --> 00:07:48,440 Yes!- Hello! 141 00:07:48,640 --> 00:07:53,600 Um-I-lost -my-voice-box! 142 00:07:53,800 --> 00:07:54,760 'scuse me? 143 00:07:54,960 --> 00:07:59,040 I- lost-my-voice-box! 144 00:08:00,960 --> 00:08:02,360 Excuse me? 145 00:08:04,040 --> 00:08:06,960 I- lost-my-voice-box! 146 00:08:07,160 --> 00:08:09,800 Hey, Ned! Look what I bought you! A new voice box! 147 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:11,480 Ya wannit?! 148 00:08:11,680 --> 00:08:13,480 Yeah, Ned! Yeah! Ya wannit?! 149 00:08:13,720 --> 00:08:15,120 Alright! Here ya go! 150 00:08:15,320 --> 00:08:16,320 Well, try it out! 151 00:08:16,520 --> 00:08:19,240 Ah, Jimbo! I can't thank ya enough for the new voice box! 152 00:08:19,720 --> 00:08:22,000 Now, what in the devil is this, thing! 153 00:08:22,200 --> 00:08:25,400 Ah, no! I must've picked up the Irish model by mistake! 154 00:08:25,600 --> 00:08:29,040 What a bloody pickle this is! Did ya keep the receipt, then? 155 00:08:29,240 --> 00:08:31,640 - You guys! Come quick! I've only just heard! - What?! What is it?! 156 00:08:31,840 --> 00:08:34,640 They've found another one! They've found another jakovasaur! 157 00:08:36,080 --> 00:08:37,960 Nnngg... Blimey! 158 00:08:39,320 --> 00:08:43,249 Here with more on the status of the jakovasaurs is department of interior guy! 159 00:08:43,284 --> 00:08:47,178 Thank you, Mayor! The noble jakovasaur is on the brink of extinction! 160 00:08:47,213 --> 00:08:49,760 And now, you as a community have a chance to bring them back! 161 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:52,080 "Thank you, Mayor, for this distinctive honor..." 162 00:08:52,280 --> 00:08:54,000 - What're you doing, fatass?! - I'm preparing my speech 163 00:08:54,160 --> 00:08:56,480 for when they call me up to congradulate on me on my discovery! 164 00:08:56,680 --> 00:08:58,560 "Thank you, Mayor, for this distinctive honor..." 165 00:08:58,760 --> 00:09:00,680 Hope and Jakov are the last of their kind. 166 00:09:00,880 --> 00:09:05,120 But, with the help of the mayor, we have implemented a plan to help them breed! 167 00:09:05,320 --> 00:09:07,360 We will give them a home and a fighting chance at survival. 168 00:09:08,320 --> 00:09:09,600 Yay for Hope! - THANK YOU! 169 00:09:09,760 --> 00:09:12,200 And now, the little boy who first discovered the jakovasaurs, 170 00:09:12,560 --> 00:09:13,640 Eric Cartman! 171 00:09:14,400 --> 00:09:16,800 Thank you, Mayor, for this honorable distinction! Ahem! 172 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:18,160 Well, that's about it! Let's go! 173 00:09:18,360 --> 00:09:22,440 Ya know, there's really only two season here in South Park. Winter and July. 174 00:09:22,960 --> 00:09:26,840 But I'm seriously! South Park has always been a place of discovery for me. 175 00:09:30,120 --> 00:09:33,560 Hey! You sons of bitches! Get back hnya! I'm having a goddam distinctive honor! 176 00:09:35,720 --> 00:09:36,840 WOW! IT'S SO PRETTY! 177 00:09:37,040 --> 00:09:41,320 Well, Jakov, we hope this new home inspires you and Hope to uh... 178 00:09:41,520 --> 00:09:42,680 ...hm you know! 179 00:09:44,013 --> 00:09:44,412 WHAT? 180 00:09:44,480 --> 00:09:48,438 Well, we'd love to see more jakovasaurs, so maybe you two should uh... 181 00:09:49,803 --> 00:09:50,257 WHAT? 182 00:09:50,480 --> 00:09:52,267 ...get to some business! - WHAT? 183 00:09:52,320 --> 00:09:54,000 - THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE SEX, GODDAMMIT! - OH! 184 00:09:55,040 --> 00:09:56,960 We'll just leave you two lovebirds alone! 185 00:09:57,160 --> 00:10:06,060 ALRIGHT, THEN! 186 00:10:06,095 --> 00:10:14,925 MESA JUS DOWONAH! 187 00:10:14,960 --> 00:10:16,360 I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! 188 00:10:16,520 --> 00:10:18,680 Jakov, to have sex, all you need to do is... 189 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:20,360 well, you know... put your... 190 00:10:22,960 --> 00:10:25,840 Hmmmm! I guess we don't know exactly how jakovasaurs mate! 191 00:10:26,040 --> 00:10:27,760 There is another option! 192 00:10:28,680 --> 00:10:31,480 I've manage to artificially inseminate Hope with your semen! 193 00:10:31,680 --> 00:10:34,160 I HAVE SEAMEN?! WHERE'S THE BOAT?! 194 00:10:37,040 --> 00:10:39,000 Yes! Yes that's very funny, Jakov! 195 00:10:39,200 --> 00:10:42,400 I will need to examine Hope once more to see if the process worked! 196 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:46,480 Goddam! Shut up! 197 00:10:46,680 --> 00:10:49,520 Yes! Yes! I think it worked! They're going to be parents! 198 00:10:49,720 --> 00:10:50,600 Yeah! - We did it! 199 00:10:50,800 --> 00:10:54,040 NOW I CAN BE LIKE ALL THE OTHER DADS IN SOUTH PARK! 200 00:10:54,240 --> 00:10:56,400 Dude, do we really want another one of these things hangin around? 201 00:10:57,120 --> 00:10:58,360 And Bobby Tister is having 202 00:10:58,560 --> 00:11:01,360 a great first quarter! Let's see what trigger he uses here! 203 00:11:01,560 --> 00:11:02,720 Here's the snap! And he's... 204 00:11:02,920 --> 00:11:05,480 THANKS FOR INVITING ME TO WATCH THE GAME, GUYS! 205 00:11:05,640 --> 00:11:06,720 No problem, Jakov! 206 00:11:06,920 --> 00:11:08,240 To the fourty yard line! 207 00:11:08,400 --> 00:11:10,320 GO NINERS! NIIINERS! 208 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:12,560 We're rooting for the Broncos here, Jakov! 209 00:11:13,520 --> 00:11:15,680 To Turald Davis! He's at the fifty! The fourty! The thirty! 210 00:11:15,880 --> 00:11:16,920 YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT?! 211 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:20,720 THERE'S ONE TIME! I WAS WATCHING THIS RABBIT! 212 00:11:20,920 --> 00:11:22,240 He breaks another tackle and the Broncos... 213 00:11:22,400 --> 00:11:26,160 YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT... HAPPENED?! IT TOOK DOOKIE-RED-RADAPIE! 214 00:11:26,360 --> 00:11:29,800 Hey, Jakov! Uh, could you run down to the store and get some more pretzles? 215 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:31,520 SURE! YOU GOT MONEY?! 216 00:11:31,720 --> 00:11:34,601 Here... here you go! And...and don't go to the store down the block! 217 00:11:34,602 --> 00:11:36,502 The one four miles away in Fairplay has better pretzles! 218 00:11:36,560 --> 00:11:37,960 COOL BEAN! 219 00:11:38,320 --> 00:11:39,440 WHOOPSIE! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK! 220 00:11:40,240 --> 00:11:42,560 Jakovasaurs kinda piss me off! Mkay?! 221 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:47,640 Amazing! The justation period was only four days! 222 00:11:47,840 --> 00:11:52,060 At that rate, we could repopulate the jakovasaurs in just a few years! 223 00:11:52,120 --> 00:11:55,260 Don't worry, Hope! Everything's gonna be fine! Just fine! - Just fine! - Fine! 224 00:11:55,280 --> 00:11:56,760 Dude, I don't wanna watch this thing have a baby! 225 00:11:56,920 --> 00:11:59,480 If Jakov and hope don't have kids, their race will become extinct! 226 00:11:59,640 --> 00:12:01,880 Maybe the baby will be stale-born like Cartman was! 227 00:12:02,440 --> 00:12:04,480 Hey! I might've been stale-born, but at least I got better! 228 00:12:04,680 --> 00:12:05,560 Here we go! 229 00:12:06,720 --> 00:12:08,840 Behold! The miracle of child-birth! 230 00:12:10,600 --> 00:12:11,360 Gross! 231 00:12:15,280 --> 00:12:18,840 This is the first step in bringing the species back from the brink of extinction! 232 00:12:20,040 --> 00:12:22,880 - Looks like there maybe a second one! - That would be a great start for them! 233 00:12:29,680 --> 00:12:31,320 She's a cannon! 234 00:12:32,960 --> 00:12:34,680 Well, apparently they breed in litters! 235 00:12:34,880 --> 00:12:36,800 Aren't they cute, y'guys? 236 00:12:37,000 --> 00:12:38,400 Dude, I'm not so sure if this is a good thing! 237 00:12:43,384 --> 00:12:46,273 Okay, children! We have some new students joining us today! 238 00:12:46,274 --> 00:12:49,274 Let's all be warm and welcome them to our class! 239 00:12:49,480 --> 00:12:50,400 Dude, it's crowded in here! 240 00:12:50,600 --> 00:12:52,080 I LIKE SCHOOL! 241 00:12:52,560 --> 00:12:57,480 Okay! So we're just gonna stick to our normal lesson plan and start the day with histor! 242 00:12:58,274 --> 00:13:02,120 Now, does anyone know why Chubby Checker left the Beatles in 1972? 243 00:13:04,136 --> 00:13:05,880 - Yes! - I DON'T KNOW! 244 00:13:06,440 --> 00:13:09,400 Okay! Is there anybody who can answer the question? 245 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:11,520 - I CAN'T! - ME NEITHER! 246 00:13:11,680 --> 00:13:13,680 Dammit! Ya don't raise your hand if you don't know! 247 00:13:16,240 --> 00:13:17,360 FIGHT! FIGHT! 248 00:13:17,560 --> 00:13:19,120 SCHOOL! SCHOOL! I LIKE SCHOOL! 249 00:13:19,320 --> 00:13:21,040 SCHOOL! SCHOOL! I LIKE SCHOOL! 250 00:13:22,040 --> 00:13:23,280 This sucks ass! 251 00:13:23,480 --> 00:13:26,120 I like going to school now! Jakovasaurs are so cool! 252 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:30,040 This is insane, Mr. Garrison! - It sure is, Mr. Hat! 253 00:13:30,920 --> 00:13:31,840 Now, folks, 254 00:13:32,040 --> 00:13:35,680 I know we're all a little worried about the jakovasaurs, and I wanna hear you all out! 255 00:13:35,880 --> 00:13:40,160 Mayor, the little jakovasaurs are ruining my classroom! I can't teach our kids anything! 256 00:13:41,200 --> 00:13:45,160 And those jakovasaurs eat three times as much as normal children! I can't keep up! 257 00:13:46,560 --> 00:13:48,960 And they're creating more trash than we can handle too! 258 00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:52,895 And what about little Laura! The Williams' kid! 259 00:13:52,896 --> 00:13:55,896 If she doesn't get that heart valve operation, she could die! 260 00:13:57,720 --> 00:13:59,200 Yeah! Yeah! That's right! 261 00:13:59,360 --> 00:14:02,800 Alright, alright! It's obvious be have to do something, but we can't just make them leave! 262 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:05,040 e just encourage them to find some place better! 263 00:14:05,240 --> 00:14:08,456 But where?! Jakovasaurs are big, loud, annoying, and stupid! 264 00:14:08,457 --> 00:14:09,657 Where would they fit in? 265 00:14:10,040 --> 00:14:13,990 - Memphis? - Yes! Memphis! You jakovasaurs would love it there! 266 00:14:14,015 --> 00:14:16,240 I DON'T KNOW! I LIKE SOUTH PARK A LOT! 267 00:14:16,440 --> 00:14:18,200 WHA'DO YOU THINK, HONEY?! 268 00:14:19,840 --> 00:14:23,120 But everyone in South Park wishes they could live in Memphis! Right? 269 00:14:24,520 --> 00:14:25,720 Yeah! I'd love to go to Memphis! 270 00:14:25,920 --> 00:14:27,400 OKAY! WE'LL MOVE TO MEMPHIS! 271 00:14:28,800 --> 00:14:30,120 Hey, Jakov! How's it going? 272 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:33,080 - GREAT, ERIC! WE'RE MOVING! - Huh, moving!? 273 00:14:33,280 --> 00:14:36,160 ME AND MY FAMILY ARE HEADING TO THE PROMISED LAND OF MEMPHIS! 274 00:14:36,360 --> 00:14:38,520 You can't leave! You're my friends! 275 00:14:38,720 --> 00:14:40,800 Oh, Eric dear! It's what's best! 276 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:42,240 Yeah! Let's get that luggage packed! 277 00:14:42,440 --> 00:14:45,680 Jakov! Please don't go! You make everything in South Park fun! 278 00:14:45,715 --> 00:14:48,920 You brought life to this whole town! It would suck without you! 279 00:14:49,080 --> 00:14:49,920 IT WOULD?! 280 00:14:50,120 --> 00:14:52,840 Yes! These people, Jakov! These people need you! 281 00:14:53,000 --> 00:14:56,040 I need you! Please, Jakov! Stay! 282 00:14:57,440 --> 00:15:00,880 OKAY! I LIKE SOUTH PARK BEST OF ALL! WE'RE STAYING! 283 00:15:01,080 --> 00:15:03,640 Hooray! Jakov is staying, y'guys! 284 00:15:05,400 --> 00:15:08,120 - Now what do we do? - Don't worry! We've come up with a plan! 285 00:15:08,280 --> 00:15:09,920 - You have? - Yes! We're leaving! 286 00:15:09,921 --> 00:15:10,845 What?! 287 00:15:10,880 --> 00:15:14,160 We're getting the hell out of here and away from those goddam things! 288 00:15:14,360 --> 00:15:15,120 You can't leave! 289 00:15:15,320 --> 00:15:16,560 Yes! Who would take care of them? 290 00:15:16,760 --> 00:15:20,160 Little boy, we're making you an Honorary Department of Interior Person, 291 00:15:20,360 --> 00:15:23,800 so now you are officially in charge of South Park's fish and wildlife! 292 00:15:23,801 --> 00:15:25,801 You have authority over all of them! 293 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:27,920 I have authoritah?! 294 00:15:28,080 --> 00:15:31,680 That's right! And people must respect it! - Well, that should be fine! Just fine! 295 00:15:31,840 --> 00:15:33,280 - Fine! Just fine! - Fine! 296 00:15:33,480 --> 00:15:35,520 Aww, no! Nothing's worse than Cartman with authoritah! 297 00:15:35,720 --> 00:15:36,680 Bye-bye, now! 298 00:15:39,920 --> 00:15:44,120 And now, back to Jakovasaurs on Comedy Central! 299 00:15:45,480 --> 00:15:47,360 HI, HONEY! I'M HOME! 300 00:15:51,040 --> 00:15:55,160 IT WAS ROUGH AT WORK TODAY! I'VE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH COFFEE! 301 00:15:56,320 --> 00:15:58,520 NO! IN THE BOSS'S LIP! 302 00:16:00,080 --> 00:16:02,640 - HELLO, DAD! - HELLO, SON! HOW WAS YOUR DAY?! 303 00:16:02,800 --> 00:16:05,440 OH, NOT SO GOOD! SOMETHING REALLY STRANGE HAPPENED! 304 00:16:05,600 --> 00:16:09,400 WHAT?! YOU MEAN MTV PLAYED A VIDEO THAT WASN'T WILL SMITH? 305 00:16:10,880 --> 00:16:13,880 NO, DAD! A MAN IN A BLUE SUIT AND AN BAG CAME TO THE DOOR! 306 00:16:14,080 --> 00:16:16,560 HE JUST LEFT THIS STILL PIECE OF PAPER WITH A STAMP ON IT! 307 00:16:16,760 --> 00:16:19,600 THAT'S CALLED A MAILMAN! HE TAKES CARE OF MAIL! 308 00:16:19,800 --> 00:16:21,920 OH! HE TOOK CARE OF MOM TOO! 309 00:16:23,880 --> 00:16:26,520 YOU'RE A NUT! LET ME SEE THAT LETTER! 310 00:16:28,040 --> 00:16:32,080 IT'S FROM A GAMESHOW! THE MAYOR HAS INVITED ME TO COMPETE! 311 00:16:32,142 --> 00:16:32,931 Hi, Jakov! 312 00:16:34,520 --> 00:16:36,000 What the hell is that? 313 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:38,080 Who's laughing? 314 00:16:38,280 --> 00:16:42,320 THE MAYOR HAS INVITED US TO COMPETE ON A GAMESHOW IN SOUTH PARK! 315 00:16:42,520 --> 00:16:45,440 FIRST PRIZE IS AN ALL EXPENSE PAID VACATION! 316 00:16:45,640 --> 00:16:47,814 Wow! That's cool! I can help you get ready! 317 00:16:54,200 --> 00:16:55,440 C'mon! C'mon! 318 00:16:56,640 --> 00:17:00,000 MAYOR! THIS IS JAKOV! I'M THE TALL FELLOW DOWN THE BLOCK! 319 00:17:00,200 --> 00:17:03,800 Yes, yes, Jakov! You're calling about the gameshow! Congratualations! Will you do it? 320 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:08,200 SURE! IF A FREE TRIP IS INVOLVED! CAN MY WHOLE FAMILY GO?! 321 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:09,720 Of course! That's the point! 322 00:17:09,880 --> 00:17:12,240 ust be ready this afternoon at the public access building. 323 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:13,680 And good luck! Hope you win! 324 00:17:13,880 --> 00:17:15,360 COOL! WEEE! 325 00:17:16,160 --> 00:17:17,760 We got him! Alright! 326 00:17:17,960 --> 00:17:20,200 The boys here will keep little Eric Cartman distracted! 327 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:22,676 Meanwhile, we get rid of the jakovasaurs and bring some 328 00:17:22,677 --> 00:17:25,677 normalcy back to this town! Ready?! 329 00:17:29,000 --> 00:17:31,560 Ned! A package came to you today from Voice Box Express! 330 00:17:31,760 --> 00:17:34,080 Oh!- Boy!- Oh!- Boy! 331 00:17:34,280 --> 00:17:37,160 - Now remember, Barbrady! All ya have to do is loose! - Right! 332 00:17:37,400 --> 00:17:39,520 Okay, let's quiet down, people and jakovasaurs! 333 00:17:40,160 --> 00:17:43,526 Now, as you know, the winner of this little game will get an all expense 334 00:17:43,530 --> 00:17:47,600 paid trip for himself and fifty of his closest relatives to lovely France! 335 00:17:48,680 --> 00:17:52,560 And, all one of you lucky contestants has to do is answer only one of these questions! 336 00:17:52,720 --> 00:17:53,920 Are you ready, players?! 337 00:17:54,120 --> 00:17:55,240 - Ready! - READY! 338 00:17:55,440 --> 00:17:57,880 - Okay! Hands on your buzzers! - 47! 339 00:17:58,920 --> 00:18:02,256 - You have to wait until I ask the question first! - SORRY! 340 00:18:02,360 --> 00:18:04,600 - That's okay! Hands on buzzers! - TURKEY SANDWICH! 341 00:18:04,610 --> 00:18:05,812 Damn! He's quick! 342 00:18:05,920 --> 00:18:07,760 - OH, SORRY! - I'm sorry! 343 00:18:07,960 --> 00:18:10,960 - NO! IT'S MY FAULT! - No! It's all me! My bad! 344 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:14,960 Will somebody please unplug the goddam buzzers! 345 00:18:15,120 --> 00:18:15,800 Got it! 346 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:17,040 Now, can we get on with this?! 347 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:20,080 First Question, what color is blue? 348 00:18:20,560 --> 00:18:21,640 - Blue? - What?! 349 00:18:21,840 --> 00:18:23,240 Blue is blue? 350 00:18:23,440 --> 00:18:24,600 AWW! DID I LOOSE? 351 00:18:24,800 --> 00:18:26,800 What? Loose? No, no! Hang on! 352 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:28,400 You're supposed to loose, you idiot! 353 00:18:28,600 --> 00:18:31,323 - Where am I? - Just don't answer anymore questions! Got it?! 354 00:18:31,358 --> 00:18:32,139 Okee Dokee! 355 00:18:32,440 --> 00:18:35,000 Sorry, folks! A little mix up! We're playing best out of three! 356 00:18:35,400 --> 00:18:38,040 What're we doing out here y'guys? I wanna see if Jakov wins that gameshow! 357 00:18:38,240 --> 00:18:39,120 Oh, he'll win! Don't worry! 358 00:18:39,320 --> 00:18:41,249 We just have to show you this new species, because you're the 359 00:18:41,260 --> 00:18:43,760 department of interior guy, now! Soon, they'll all be eaten by bears! 360 00:18:43,960 --> 00:18:46,680 Ah! Let me get out my notepad so I can classify this new species! 361 00:18:46,880 --> 00:18:49,040 hat should be fine! Just fine! Just fine! Fine! 362 00:18:49,240 --> 00:18:51,720 There it is! That must be of the antelope family! 363 00:18:52,520 --> 00:18:54,240 That's Kenny with branches on his head! 364 00:18:55,653 --> 00:18:57,360 Why did you bring me all the way out here, y'guys? 365 00:18:57,520 --> 00:19:00,520 Cartman, jakovasaurs are making South Park suck! You have to understand that! 366 00:19:00,720 --> 00:19:02,960 What does that have to do with me being all the way out... 367 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:07,040 Wait a minute! You're distracting me! That gameshow is a fix! 368 00:19:07,240 --> 00:19:08,166 Cartman, wait! 369 00:19:08,201 --> 00:19:09,201 Hey, guys! What about me?! 370 00:19:11,280 --> 00:19:14,360 - What's two plus two, Jakov? - I DON'T KNOW! 371 00:19:14,560 --> 00:19:15,760 Four? 372 00:19:15,960 --> 00:19:18,080 Jakov, what is your name? 373 00:19:20,360 --> 00:19:21,320 Jakov. 374 00:19:21,520 --> 00:19:23,440 Oh, screw it! Jakov wins! 375 00:19:23,640 --> 00:19:24,600 I DO?! 376 00:19:26,280 --> 00:19:30,400 You and your entire family are going to wonderful and exotic France! 377 00:19:31,360 --> 00:19:33,200 Alright, everybody! Let's get them to the airport! 378 00:19:34,680 --> 00:19:36,400 Let's go people! There's no time to loose! 379 00:19:39,160 --> 00:19:41,640 BUT WHAT ABOUT OUR CLOTHES?! SHOULDN'T WE PACK FIRST?! 380 00:19:41,840 --> 00:19:43,850 Jakovasaurs don't wear clothes, Jakov! 381 00:19:43,851 --> 00:19:47,800 OH, YEAH! WELL, GOODBYE EVERYBODY! WE'LL SEND STUFF FROM FRANCE! 382 00:19:52,760 --> 00:19:54,560 - Close the doors! - Open this door! 383 00:19:54,760 --> 00:19:55,880 Eric, this is for the best! 384 00:19:56,080 --> 00:19:58,960 I am department of interior guy and I have authoritah! 385 00:20:01,320 --> 00:20:02,520 Noo! Jakov! Don't go! 386 00:20:05,120 --> 00:20:06,320 HI, ERIC! I CAN'T FIND IT! 387 00:20:07,800 --> 00:20:09,440 Come back! 388 00:20:14,480 --> 00:20:16,120 Eric, it's important for you to understand! 389 00:20:16,320 --> 00:20:17,560 No, mother! Just don't! 390 00:20:18,000 --> 00:20:20,640 I know it's hard, Eric! But I've learned something today! 391 00:20:20,800 --> 00:20:24,160 You see, animal species come and go! It's all a part of natural evolution! 392 00:20:24,360 --> 00:20:27,120 The jackovasaurs would've gone extinct if we hadn't interfered, 393 00:20:27,320 --> 00:20:29,880 becasue their particular form of life simply wasn't practical! 394 00:20:30,080 --> 00:20:32,960 We can't go around saving every form of life 395 00:20:33,160 --> 00:20:34,560 anymore than we can kill them all! 396 00:20:34,760 --> 00:20:36,840 We have to let nature run its course! 397 00:20:38,480 --> 00:20:40,440 Ned, that voice box sucks! 398 00:20:40,640 --> 00:20:42,840 I know! I'm still trying to find my old one! 399 00:20:43,040 --> 00:20:45,480 Well then, let's say we all go get some ice cream! 400 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:47,920 That's okay! I'll see y'guys! 401 00:20:50,320 --> 00:20:52,440 Dude! I've never seen Cartman care so much about something! 402 00:20:52,640 --> 00:20:55,760 Yeah! I guess he finally found something that's as annoying as he is! 403 00:21:04,960 --> 00:21:07,600 C'MON, KIDS! LET'S GO FIND THE PYRAMIDS!