1 00:00:07,520 --> 00:00:10,388 ♪ I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time ♪ 2 00:00:10,490 --> 00:00:12,190 ♪ Friendly faces everywhere ♪ 3 00:00:12,292 --> 00:00:14,308 ♪ Humble folks without temptation ♪ 4 00:00:14,394 --> 00:00:17,562 ♪ Goin' down to South Park, gonna leave my woes behind ♪ 5 00:00:17,647 --> 00:00:19,230 ♪ Ample parking day or night ♪ 6 00:00:19,315 --> 00:00:20,982 ♪ People spouting, "Howdy, neighbor!" ♪ 7 00:00:21,067 --> 00:00:24,285 ♪ Heading on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind ♪ 8 00:00:24,404 --> 00:00:27,321 ♪ Mrph rmhmhm rm! Mrph rmhmhm rm! ♪ 9 00:00:27,407 --> 00:00:30,196 ♪ Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine ♪ 10 00:00:30,272 --> 00:00:33,229 Sync and corrections by rickSG www.addic7ed.com 11 00:00:34,849 --> 00:00:35,981 All right, guys. 12 00:00:36,083 --> 00:00:38,884 Now let's go back and talk about infinitives. 13 00:00:39,084 --> 00:00:42,152 Remember... Those are verbs combined with the word "to." 14 00:00:42,358 --> 00:00:43,794 [Whispering] Oh, my [bleep] God. 15 00:00:43,795 --> 00:00:45,503 Now, usually, an infinitive acts like a noun, 16 00:00:45,860 --> 00:00:48,441 as in "I want to go out to eat," 17 00:00:48,591 --> 00:00:51,043 or "I hope to be chosen today." 18 00:00:51,662 --> 00:00:52,406 [Whispering] What?! 19 00:00:52,441 --> 00:00:53,766 - I'm so bored, dude. - Now, usually, it isn't common 20 00:00:53,868 --> 00:00:56,485 to split "to" and the verb, but sometimes you can. 21 00:00:56,520 --> 00:00:57,569 [Normal voice] Knock it off! 22 00:00:57,672 --> 00:00:58,771 Is there a problem, guys? 23 00:00:58,903 --> 00:01:00,255 Go get my pen, fat ass! 24 00:01:00,274 --> 00:01:01,896 I'm am not your slave, Kyle. 25 00:01:02,048 --> 00:01:03,375 Go get my pen! 26 00:01:03,477 --> 00:01:04,637 MR. MACKEY: Attention, students. 27 00:01:04,672 --> 00:01:07,513 Kyle Broflovski, report to the principal's office, please. 28 00:01:07,615 --> 00:01:09,114 [Laughs] PC Principal wants to see you, Kyle! 29 00:01:09,250 --> 00:01:12,008 Kyle Broflovski to the principal's office. M'kay? 30 00:01:12,019 --> 00:01:13,118 God damn it. 31 00:01:13,204 --> 00:01:14,392 Have fun, dude. 32 00:01:16,674 --> 00:01:18,457 [Sighs deeply] 33 00:01:20,961 --> 00:01:25,264 Oh, Kyle, [chuckles nervously] uh, thank you for coming. 34 00:01:25,349 --> 00:01:26,682 Where's PC Principal? 35 00:01:26,801 --> 00:01:28,706 I think he's finally lost it, Kyle. 36 00:01:28,799 --> 00:01:30,974 He and his PC buddies are on a hunger strike. 37 00:01:31,124 --> 00:01:33,158 They're calling for people's resignations! 38 00:01:33,305 --> 00:01:36,842 Kyle, PC Principal had problems with Jimmy and with Leslie, 39 00:01:36,944 --> 00:01:39,078 and now they're missing. M'kay? 40 00:01:39,180 --> 00:01:40,696 Nobody knows where they are. 41 00:01:41,148 --> 00:01:42,448 That's what happens. 42 00:01:42,550 --> 00:01:45,511 You go against PC, and you just end up missing. 43 00:01:45,586 --> 00:01:46,919 [Shuddering] M'kay. 44 00:01:47,021 --> 00:01:48,034 What are you talking about? 45 00:01:48,287 --> 00:01:51,924 PC Principal had issues with them, m'kay? 46 00:01:52,026 --> 00:01:55,060 And he had issues with you, Kyle. 47 00:01:55,162 --> 00:02:00,766 Whatever's going on... it's pretty damn scary. 48 00:02:00,868 --> 00:02:04,386 [Whirring] 49 00:02:04,505 --> 00:02:08,557 JIMMY: For years, mankind has tried to rid the world of ads. 50 00:02:08,676 --> 00:02:11,323 For our ancestors, ads couldn't be avoided. 51 00:02:11,394 --> 00:02:13,997 But everyone knew what was an ad and what wasn't. 52 00:02:14,482 --> 00:02:16,732 After many years, mankind invented cable, 53 00:02:16,751 --> 00:02:19,265 a way to pay for television so there would be no ads. 54 00:02:19,534 --> 00:02:22,082 But somehow, the ads still found a way. 55 00:02:22,641 --> 00:02:26,464 And so mankind invented TiVo, a way to skip past commercials. 56 00:02:26,531 --> 00:02:27,314 [Pop] 57 00:02:27,349 --> 00:02:29,288 Finally, it appeared to be the end of ads. 58 00:02:30,164 --> 00:02:31,954 And everywhere, people rejoiced. 59 00:02:32,633 --> 00:02:35,274 The ads were stopped. Or so it seemed... 60 00:02:36,070 --> 00:02:37,261 With the rise of the Internet, 61 00:02:37,262 --> 00:02:40,034 suddenly the ads had an en-entirely new way to attack us... 62 00:02:41,051 --> 00:02:42,484 Pop-ups. 63 00:02:43,064 --> 00:02:44,843 The top scientific minds were brought together 64 00:02:44,929 --> 00:02:46,899 to find a way to stop the ads once and for all. 65 00:02:47,131 --> 00:02:48,869 They invented the ad blocker. 66 00:02:49,166 --> 00:02:51,692 Suddenly, there were no ads on phones, on computers. 67 00:02:51,769 --> 00:02:53,791 And everywhere, people rejoiced. 68 00:02:54,242 --> 00:02:56,796 But the ads adapted. They became s-smarter. 69 00:02:56,974 --> 00:02:58,837 They disguised themselves as news. 70 00:02:58,909 --> 00:03:00,692 All around the world, people read news stories 71 00:03:00,778 --> 00:03:02,924 completely unaware they were reading ads. 72 00:03:03,564 --> 00:03:06,844 And now, the ads have taken the next step in their evolution. 73 00:03:07,268 --> 00:03:08,910 They have taken human form. 74 00:03:09,153 --> 00:03:10,507 Ads are among us. 75 00:03:10,549 --> 00:03:12,725 They could be your friend, your g-gardener. 76 00:03:13,387 --> 00:03:15,213 The ads are trying to wipe us out. 77 00:03:15,248 --> 00:03:17,336 The question is how? 78 00:03:24,001 --> 00:03:28,086 So, um...[clears throat] South Park kind of sucks now. 79 00:03:28,172 --> 00:03:29,564 You guys want to bail? 80 00:03:31,006 --> 00:03:33,370 - What?! - What are you talking about? 81 00:03:33,566 --> 00:03:36,478 It's just, you know, used to be nice and laid back here, 82 00:03:36,597 --> 00:03:38,922 but now it's all "ngh," you know? 83 00:03:38,933 --> 00:03:41,817 Like... Like now everybody's all, "ngh-ngh." 84 00:03:41,936 --> 00:03:43,610 Let's bail. You want to bail, Stan? 85 00:03:44,117 --> 00:03:45,329 No, I don't. 86 00:03:47,782 --> 00:03:49,225 What's going on, Randy? 87 00:03:49,277 --> 00:03:51,818 Nothing! I just... You know, we don't have to live here. 88 00:03:51,946 --> 00:03:53,081 We could live anywhere! 89 00:03:53,099 --> 00:03:56,390 Last month, all you could talk about was how great this town had become. 90 00:03:56,524 --> 00:03:58,417 What changed your mind? 91 00:04:00,354 --> 00:04:01,763 We can't afford it. 92 00:04:02,940 --> 00:04:04,740 We can't afford it? 93 00:04:04,842 --> 00:04:06,792 All these fancy new restaurants and shops 94 00:04:06,927 --> 00:04:08,627 and everyone wants to live here. 95 00:04:08,762 --> 00:04:11,797 A bowl of City Beef costs 10 bucks now, for Christ's sake. 96 00:04:11,932 --> 00:04:14,516 And there's nowhere to shop but stupid Whole Foods. 97 00:04:14,635 --> 00:04:17,386 Well, we'll just have to stop going to those places. 98 00:04:17,471 --> 00:04:20,272 I had to take out a second mortgage on the house. 99 00:04:20,357 --> 00:04:21,640 You what?! 100 00:04:21,775 --> 00:04:24,226 I had to Sharon! It isn't my fault! 101 00:04:24,311 --> 00:04:26,562 It's the man! Don't you see? 102 00:04:26,647 --> 00:04:30,816 The man is pricing us out of our own town. 103 00:04:34,855 --> 00:04:36,188 It's just my luck. 104 00:04:36,290 --> 00:04:37,923 I talk to a nice girl, seem to hit it off, 105 00:04:38,025 --> 00:04:40,092 and she turns out to just be an ad. 106 00:04:41,051 --> 00:04:42,888 Well, that's what an ad does. 107 00:04:42,923 --> 00:04:45,598 She was designed to entice and manipulate. 108 00:04:45,700 --> 00:04:48,701 This is such a fantastic story for the school newspaper. 109 00:04:48,803 --> 00:04:51,134 Why don't we just run it so that everybody knows the truth? 110 00:04:51,169 --> 00:04:54,273 Jimmy, we're newsmen like you. 111 00:04:54,375 --> 00:04:57,626 For decades, we used our soft, buttery voices 112 00:04:57,712 --> 00:04:59,878 to inform the people about what's happening. 113 00:05:00,315 --> 00:05:05,554 Then we watched as our entire industry was taken over by the ads. 114 00:05:06,002 --> 00:05:09,735 Some of our colleagues were manipulated into doing the ads' bidding. 115 00:05:09,857 --> 00:05:12,691 The man who came to your house with a gun was one of them. 116 00:05:12,777 --> 00:05:15,444 Our own Kevin Jarvis has more. 117 00:05:15,563 --> 00:05:18,230 Thanks, Tom. Jimmy, the man who tried to kill you 118 00:05:18,316 --> 00:05:22,061 was a Brian Bouyant of WXNR, Fort Collins. 119 00:05:22,214 --> 00:05:24,286 When he saw there was no money in news anymore, 120 00:05:24,405 --> 00:05:26,872 he sided with the ads even though he knew 121 00:05:26,957 --> 00:05:29,575 it meant the destruction of our species. 122 00:05:29,660 --> 00:05:32,232 - Back to you, Tom. - Thanks, Kevin. 123 00:05:32,673 --> 00:05:35,080 The only hope for the truth to get out there, Jimmy, 124 00:05:35,216 --> 00:05:37,883 is for you see through this ad's deception 125 00:05:37,968 --> 00:05:40,419 and to find out what they're planning. 126 00:05:40,504 --> 00:05:44,173 Your Super School News was a threat to them, 127 00:05:44,258 --> 00:05:46,892 but unless you get this little bitch to talk, 128 00:05:46,977 --> 00:05:49,087 we may never know why. 129 00:05:50,514 --> 00:05:51,764 Dude, Kyle! 130 00:05:51,849 --> 00:05:54,066 Will you look at this? 131 00:05:54,481 --> 00:05:57,557 KYLE: "Principal sends two favorite students on a Disney Cruise. 132 00:05:57,592 --> 00:05:59,271 This week students Jimmy Valmer and Leslie Meyers 133 00:05:59,357 --> 00:06:01,106 are being treated to an all-expenses-paid vacation 134 00:06:01,242 --> 00:06:02,574 for their outstanding school"... What the hell is this? 135 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:03,942 It doesn't make any sense, dude. 136 00:06:04,028 --> 00:06:06,612 PC Principal is using the school paper to cover something up. 137 00:06:06,747 --> 00:06:08,997 Yeah, I... I don't want to get involved. 138 00:06:09,116 --> 00:06:11,417 You don't want to get involved? Dude, what's wrong with you? 139 00:06:11,502 --> 00:06:13,836 I've already learned you can't win against PC Principal. 140 00:06:13,954 --> 00:06:16,317 You should know, of all people, since he's converted your dad. 141 00:06:16,480 --> 00:06:17,506 What's that supposed to mean? 142 00:06:17,625 --> 00:06:19,041 Fellas, we found out what happened to Jimmy! 143 00:06:19,126 --> 00:06:21,836 He got to go on a vacation for being an exemplary student. 144 00:06:21,871 --> 00:06:23,262 That is not what happened. 145 00:06:23,347 --> 00:06:24,930 Something is very wrong here. 146 00:06:25,015 --> 00:06:27,537 We all have to stand up to PC Principal together. 147 00:06:27,572 --> 00:06:30,218 Yeah, and wasn't Jimmy the one in charge of the school newspaper? 148 00:06:30,396 --> 00:06:31,978 So who's putting this out? 149 00:06:34,356 --> 00:06:36,482 I like the school paper. 150 00:06:36,527 --> 00:06:38,861 I like to type with my hands. 151 00:06:38,979 --> 00:06:41,800 Who told you that the principal sent Jimmy on a Disney Cruise? 152 00:06:42,032 --> 00:06:45,150 Uhhhhh... 153 00:06:45,236 --> 00:06:48,320 Uhhhhh... 154 00:06:48,406 --> 00:06:50,489 Uh, don't remember. 155 00:06:50,733 --> 00:06:52,324 You have quotes in here from Jimmy. 156 00:06:52,460 --> 00:06:53,659 Did you talk to him? 157 00:06:53,744 --> 00:06:56,161 Uhhhhh... 158 00:06:56,297 --> 00:06:59,415 Uhhhhh... I like the school paper. 159 00:06:59,735 --> 00:07:01,859 Come on. We'll get to the bottom of this. 160 00:07:06,683 --> 00:07:08,672 Did I do good, computer? 161 00:07:09,330 --> 00:07:11,758 I think the sponsored content fooled them. 162 00:07:12,107 --> 00:07:14,001 I hope I made you happy. 163 00:07:14,362 --> 00:07:16,560 Can you see me, computer? 164 00:07:16,595 --> 00:07:19,101 Do you know what I'm thinking right now? 165 00:07:19,186 --> 00:07:20,352 [Pop] 166 00:07:20,488 --> 00:07:22,366 Ahh, thanks, computer. 167 00:07:26,694 --> 00:07:29,361 We have to make sure nobody recognizes us. 168 00:07:29,447 --> 00:07:31,747 There's no telling who works for who. 169 00:07:31,866 --> 00:07:34,700 Here, Caitlyn, I got you this fake mustache to put on. 170 00:07:34,785 --> 00:07:37,503 I'm not putting on a mustache. I'll look silly. 171 00:07:38,040 --> 00:07:41,597 Oh, that... That's where you draw the line, huh, Caitlyn? 172 00:07:41,632 --> 00:07:42,875 Don't be an asshole. 173 00:07:42,960 --> 00:07:44,843 [Sarcastically] No, you're right. That's nuts. 174 00:07:44,929 --> 00:07:46,295 A woman wearing a mustache... 175 00:07:46,380 --> 00:07:48,129 That's just ridiculous, huh, Cait... 176 00:07:48,164 --> 00:07:49,715 All right, all right. I'll put it on. 177 00:07:49,800 --> 00:07:51,550 [Bleep] No, no, please, Cait. 178 00:07:51,685 --> 00:07:54,269 Don't put on a fake mustache. That's crazy. 179 00:07:54,388 --> 00:07:56,472 You don't want people thinking you're a weirdo. 180 00:07:56,557 --> 00:07:57,723 I mean, geez. 181 00:07:57,858 --> 00:07:59,525 [Chuckling] You're such an asshole. 182 00:07:59,610 --> 00:08:01,777 [Indistinct conversations] 183 00:08:08,536 --> 00:08:10,402 What the hell is this? 184 00:08:10,488 --> 00:08:12,321 What have they done to my town?! 185 00:08:12,406 --> 00:08:13,739 Keep your voice down! 186 00:08:13,874 --> 00:08:16,074 Since when do we have a flippin' Whole Foods?! 187 00:08:16,160 --> 00:08:17,960 Everything's changed. 188 00:08:18,078 --> 00:08:20,245 Hi, there. You got a minute for gay rights? 189 00:08:20,331 --> 00:08:22,965 Gay rights?! Geez, you already got all those. 190 00:08:23,083 --> 00:08:24,967 What the hell do you want to do now? 191 00:08:29,255 --> 00:08:32,090 All right. Your total is $126.39. 192 00:08:32,226 --> 00:08:34,092 And would you like to give a dollar to help hungry children 193 00:08:34,178 --> 00:08:36,961 get iPads to protect your Internet safe space today? 194 00:08:36,996 --> 00:08:38,381 I will. 195 00:08:38,416 --> 00:08:41,406 What the Sam hell is going on? 196 00:08:44,655 --> 00:08:47,272 Why would anyone think that I'm on the principal's side? 197 00:08:47,408 --> 00:08:49,825 I hate the principal. I think he's a dick. 198 00:08:49,944 --> 00:08:52,933 So, you don't know anything about the principal that might be newsworthy? 199 00:08:52,947 --> 00:08:54,513 Super School News-worthy? 200 00:08:54,615 --> 00:08:56,648 Just that he hated me and called me a blabbermouth. 201 00:08:56,750 --> 00:08:57,950 I don't think I'm a blabbermouth. 202 00:08:58,052 --> 00:08:59,751 I just like talking to people. 203 00:08:59,854 --> 00:09:03,956 [Clears throat] Leslie, what kind of plans do you have? 204 00:09:04,058 --> 00:09:05,424 Do you have any plans? 205 00:09:05,526 --> 00:09:06,925 What kind of plans? 206 00:09:07,027 --> 00:09:08,160 Just, you know, plans. 207 00:09:08,262 --> 00:09:10,696 Like, what are you hoping to... accomplish? 208 00:09:10,798 --> 00:09:13,131 I don't know. What are your plans? 209 00:09:13,405 --> 00:09:16,676 Well, I want to pursue careers in both news reporting and comedy. 210 00:09:16,711 --> 00:09:19,195 [Chuckles] Really? That's... different. 211 00:09:19,230 --> 00:09:21,098 Yeah, you're pretty different yourself, Leslie. 212 00:09:21,518 --> 00:09:22,818 How so? 213 00:09:25,689 --> 00:09:28,148 I'm starting to think that maybe all ads aren't so bad. 214 00:09:29,950 --> 00:09:32,497 Jimmy, you're thinking with your dick. 215 00:09:32,532 --> 00:09:34,152 - I am not thinking with my dick. - Yes, you are. 216 00:09:34,255 --> 00:09:35,587 - No, I just think that she's a... - Put your dick away. 217 00:09:35,689 --> 00:09:37,371 She's an emotional, interesting, caring girl. 218 00:09:37,372 --> 00:09:40,192 Jim. Jimmy. That's your dick talking. 219 00:09:40,829 --> 00:09:42,887 Believe me. I know how you feel. 220 00:09:43,233 --> 00:09:45,141 Ads promise us things. 221 00:09:45,176 --> 00:09:46,465 Ads are perfect. 222 00:09:46,567 --> 00:09:50,802 But make no mistake... All ads lie. 223 00:09:50,905 --> 00:09:54,373 And all ads deceive. 224 00:09:59,479 --> 00:10:01,512 There... Leslie's Instagram and her Twitter. 225 00:10:01,614 --> 00:10:03,214 Last entry was 10 days ago. 226 00:10:03,316 --> 00:10:04,415 What about Jimmy's? 227 00:10:04,517 --> 00:10:05,716 Jimmy never used that stuff, remember? 228 00:10:05,818 --> 00:10:07,118 He said he hated using the Internet. 229 00:10:07,220 --> 00:10:09,754 How do you hate the Internet? That's like hating titties. 230 00:10:09,856 --> 00:10:11,422 What are you doing now? 231 00:10:11,457 --> 00:10:14,618 I'm just looking for any news articles or anything about PC Principal. 232 00:10:14,653 --> 00:10:15,977 [Computer whirring] 233 00:10:16,095 --> 00:10:18,095 [Muffled] Where did you say PC Principal was from? 234 00:10:18,231 --> 00:10:19,397 I think it was Vermont. 235 00:10:19,482 --> 00:10:20,932 Maybe there's something from the news in Vermont 236 00:10:21,067 --> 00:10:22,066 that can give us a clue about... 237 00:10:22,151 --> 00:10:23,935 God damn it. What the hell is this? 238 00:10:24,070 --> 00:10:25,319 That's an ad for skiing in Vermont. 239 00:10:25,438 --> 00:10:28,189 That looks fun! 240 00:10:28,274 --> 00:10:29,690 Dude! Dude, look at this. 241 00:10:29,776 --> 00:10:31,776 How PC culture is changing Vermont 242 00:10:31,911 --> 00:10:33,160 from a state of intolerance to a... 243 00:10:33,279 --> 00:10:34,328 Dude, there it is again! 244 00:10:34,447 --> 00:10:36,330 It's that goddamn guitar! 245 00:10:36,449 --> 00:10:37,849 This ad is [bleep] following me! 246 00:10:38,009 --> 00:10:39,583 - Just click out of it. - I'm trying! 247 00:10:39,669 --> 00:10:40,952 God damn it. Get over here! 248 00:10:41,087 --> 00:10:42,420 That's a pretty sweet-looking guitar. 249 00:10:42,505 --> 00:10:43,932 It is pretty cool, dude. It tunes itself. 250 00:10:44,072 --> 00:10:44,916 How does it do that? 251 00:10:45,048 --> 00:10:47,044 It's this company that does all kinds of high-tech instruments. 252 00:10:47,196 --> 00:10:48,693 See, look, I'll show you. 253 00:10:49,177 --> 00:10:50,845 Oh, that's sweet. Send me the link to this so I can... 254 00:10:50,964 --> 00:10:52,213 Oh, dude, that new "Frankenstein" movie's out. 255 00:10:52,298 --> 00:10:53,214 I totally want to see that. 256 00:10:53,299 --> 00:10:54,465 That movie's gonna suck, dude. 257 00:10:54,550 --> 00:10:56,133 Hit the arrow. I want to see where it's playing. 258 00:10:56,219 --> 00:10:58,185 Oh, sorry. Wrong arrow button. 259 00:10:58,304 --> 00:10:59,603 Wow! What kind of ice cream is that? 260 00:10:59,689 --> 00:11:01,305 [Laughter] 261 00:11:01,441 --> 00:11:02,974 Yeah, yeah. So... So, Clyde says to Token, 262 00:11:03,059 --> 00:11:04,358 "Why don't you open a bank account with your mouth 263 00:11:04,477 --> 00:11:05,643 so I can deposit my dick in it?" 264 00:11:05,728 --> 00:11:07,645 [Laughter] 265 00:11:07,730 --> 00:11:09,313 So then what did Token say? 266 00:11:09,399 --> 00:11:10,481 Token was all like... 267 00:11:10,616 --> 00:11:12,283 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa. 268 00:11:12,368 --> 00:11:13,284 What the hell are we doing? 269 00:11:13,369 --> 00:11:14,618 Eating ice cream, dipshit. 270 00:11:14,704 --> 00:11:15,953 But what about Jimmy? We were, like, 271 00:11:16,039 --> 00:11:17,989 totally trying to find out what happened to him. 272 00:11:18,124 --> 00:11:19,707 Whoa. 273 00:11:19,826 --> 00:11:20,791 What the hell just happened? 274 00:11:20,877 --> 00:11:22,043 We got distracted! 275 00:11:22,161 --> 00:11:23,661 We got to get back to that computer! 276 00:11:28,668 --> 00:11:31,135 Now, this here is a dry Riesling. 277 00:11:31,220 --> 00:11:33,637 You're gonna experience vanilla after tones 278 00:11:33,723 --> 00:11:35,006 and a nutty finish. 279 00:11:35,091 --> 00:11:38,092 You mean like someone put their balls in the glass? 280 00:11:38,177 --> 00:11:40,177 Nah, like chestnuts, damn it. 281 00:11:40,313 --> 00:11:43,180 I just can't keep up with this town no more. 282 00:11:43,266 --> 00:11:46,017 Everything's gettin' all nice and fancy. 283 00:11:46,102 --> 00:11:48,019 I swear I'm gonna need to get a second mortgage 284 00:11:48,154 --> 00:11:50,604 on the ranch just to pay my daily expenses. 285 00:11:50,690 --> 00:11:52,106 Don't you get it? 286 00:11:52,191 --> 00:11:53,941 That's just what they want. 287 00:11:54,027 --> 00:11:57,445 Nobody cares about the people who lived here before. 288 00:11:57,530 --> 00:11:59,113 They want us to move 289 00:11:59,198 --> 00:12:00,781 'cause then they want to knock our houses down 290 00:12:00,867 --> 00:12:03,167 and build more lofts and villas. 291 00:12:03,252 --> 00:12:05,086 All right, Randy, you should probably lay off 292 00:12:05,204 --> 00:12:07,038 the ol' vine Chatuenuf de Pape. 293 00:12:07,173 --> 00:12:08,339 You'll all see. 294 00:12:08,424 --> 00:12:10,374 Pretty soon, everyone who used to live here 295 00:12:10,460 --> 00:12:12,176 is gonna have to move, 296 00:12:12,261 --> 00:12:15,046 and we'll all be shopping at the Safeway again. 297 00:12:17,850 --> 00:12:20,885 ♪♪ 298 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:27,141 ♪ Where has my town gone? ♪ 299 00:12:27,226 --> 00:12:28,225 ♪ Where has my... ♪ 300 00:12:28,311 --> 00:12:29,276 Oof! 301 00:12:29,395 --> 00:12:30,611 You like apples? 302 00:12:30,730 --> 00:12:31,729 [Groans] 303 00:12:31,864 --> 00:12:33,564 How you like them apples? 304 00:12:33,699 --> 00:12:35,199 Hey, it's Caitlyn Jenner! 305 00:12:36,369 --> 00:12:37,618 Check his ass! 306 00:12:37,737 --> 00:12:39,070 [Muffled] Principal Victoria? 307 00:12:41,157 --> 00:12:43,824 - He's one of them. - One of what? 308 00:12:43,910 --> 00:12:44,959 Caitlyn. 309 00:12:46,462 --> 00:12:48,079 [Groans] 310 00:12:48,523 --> 00:12:50,798 JIMMY: Okay, Leslie, let's try a different approach. 311 00:12:50,917 --> 00:12:53,084 Let's say you wanted to destroy an entire species. 312 00:12:53,219 --> 00:12:54,351 How would you go about it? 313 00:12:54,454 --> 00:12:57,288 Why would I want to destroy an entire species? 314 00:12:57,390 --> 00:12:59,356 You have the wrong idea about me, Jimmy. 315 00:12:59,459 --> 00:13:00,724 The person trying to change things 316 00:13:00,827 --> 00:13:02,893 and make everything terrible is the new principal. 317 00:13:02,995 --> 00:13:05,329 And what is the new Principal trying to do, Leslie? 318 00:13:05,431 --> 00:13:08,641 He's trying to make sure people like you and me aren't allowed to exist. 319 00:13:08,868 --> 00:13:10,434 I know that you're trying to help. 320 00:13:10,536 --> 00:13:13,003 I know that the newsmen in there are trying to help, too. 321 00:13:13,362 --> 00:13:17,441 But now I'm going to tell you something very important, Jimmy. 322 00:13:17,543 --> 00:13:19,376 ♪ Like a rock! ♪ 323 00:13:19,479 --> 00:13:22,613 ♪ I drive a Chevy, I'm a cowboy, and I drive it like a rock! ♪ 324 00:13:22,715 --> 00:13:23,814 What the hell is that? 325 00:13:23,916 --> 00:13:25,716 Tom, it looks like a pop-up ad. 326 00:13:25,818 --> 00:13:27,251 How did an ad get in here? 327 00:13:27,353 --> 00:13:29,253 Let's go to David at the network hub. 328 00:13:29,355 --> 00:13:30,754 No answers here, Tom. 329 00:13:30,857 --> 00:13:32,456 We're trying to correct the problem. 330 00:13:32,558 --> 00:13:33,858 You have to get me out of here, Jimmy. 331 00:13:33,960 --> 00:13:35,259 - They're going to kill me. - What? 332 00:13:35,361 --> 00:13:37,094 Listen to me carefully, and don't look at the glass. 333 00:13:37,196 --> 00:13:38,796 I feel something for you I have never felt before. 334 00:13:38,898 --> 00:13:39,964 I think it's trust. 335 00:13:40,066 --> 00:13:41,298 The men in there are sick with hatred, 336 00:13:41,400 --> 00:13:42,900 and as soon as they realize I have no information, 337 00:13:43,002 --> 00:13:44,902 they are going to burn me. I've seen them do it to others. 338 00:13:45,004 --> 00:13:46,103 Please, you have to help me, Jimmy. 339 00:13:46,205 --> 00:13:47,771 Don't let them hurt me. Please don't abandon me. 340 00:13:47,874 --> 00:13:49,807 When the lights go back on, just look at me and smile. 341 00:13:49,892 --> 00:13:51,942 David, any word on the pop-up ad situation? 342 00:13:52,028 --> 00:13:53,611 Tom, we've just about got it fixed. 343 00:13:53,696 --> 00:13:55,075 Should be ready now. 344 00:13:56,249 --> 00:13:57,481 And that's really it, Jimmy. 345 00:13:57,617 --> 00:13:59,483 I want to help all of you however I can. 346 00:14:03,089 --> 00:14:05,156 [Laughter] 347 00:14:07,827 --> 00:14:10,744 So, then Token tells Clyde that if his mouth was a bank, 348 00:14:10,830 --> 00:14:12,880 Clyde's mom would have already deposited her dick in it, 349 00:14:12,999 --> 00:14:15,166 which is hilarious because Clyde's mom is dead! 350 00:14:15,251 --> 00:14:18,002 [Laughter] 351 00:14:18,137 --> 00:14:19,253 Wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa. 352 00:14:19,338 --> 00:14:20,588 What the hell are we doing? 353 00:14:20,673 --> 00:14:22,139 We're trying on shoes and eating chicken nuggets, stupid. 354 00:14:22,225 --> 00:14:23,307 What do you think? 355 00:14:23,392 --> 00:14:27,178 No. That's not what we set out to do. 356 00:14:27,263 --> 00:14:29,513 We were... We were on Cartman's computer, 357 00:14:29,599 --> 00:14:31,348 looking up news stories about PC Principal. 358 00:14:31,434 --> 00:14:33,017 Didn't we finish doing that? 359 00:14:33,152 --> 00:14:34,852 No, we didn't. 360 00:14:34,937 --> 00:14:38,322 It's like someone's trying to distract us because 361 00:14:38,407 --> 00:14:41,025 they're worried what we'll uncover about PC people. 362 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:43,661 Yeah, like one of us is purposely trying to keep us 363 00:14:43,746 --> 00:14:45,863 from digging too deep because they're afraid. 364 00:14:45,948 --> 00:14:47,248 Why are you looking at me? 365 00:14:47,366 --> 00:14:48,699 Why are you looking at me? 366 00:14:48,834 --> 00:14:51,035 Why isn't anyone looking at me? 367 00:14:56,075 --> 00:14:57,741 [Spits, groans] 368 00:14:57,843 --> 00:14:59,410 Hey [bleep] you. 369 00:14:59,512 --> 00:15:01,111 Wake up, dickhead. 370 00:15:01,214 --> 00:15:03,547 Garrison, what the hell is wrong with you? 371 00:15:03,649 --> 00:15:05,432 I'll tell you what's wrong with me. 372 00:15:05,551 --> 00:15:07,301 There's enemies to humanity out there, 373 00:15:07,386 --> 00:15:09,186 wanting to put an end to all of us, 374 00:15:09,272 --> 00:15:11,355 and there's assholes like you helping them out! 375 00:15:11,440 --> 00:15:13,307 I don't know what you're talking about. 376 00:15:13,392 --> 00:15:16,527 Whose idea was it to revitalize the shitty part of town 377 00:15:16,629 --> 00:15:19,597 into an arts-and-foods district called ShiTpaTown? 378 00:15:24,704 --> 00:15:26,637 All right, it was kind of my idea. 379 00:15:26,739 --> 00:15:27,972 Son of a bitch. 380 00:15:28,074 --> 00:15:30,341 What, to take one area of town that was crappy 381 00:15:30,443 --> 00:15:33,377 and gentrify it for the local people to enjoy? 382 00:15:33,479 --> 00:15:34,878 I thought we could keep it contained! 383 00:15:34,981 --> 00:15:36,580 It doesn't contain. 384 00:15:36,682 --> 00:15:39,783 What's happened to South Park is happening everywhere. 385 00:15:39,885 --> 00:15:41,819 30 miles south of here in the town of Fairplay, 386 00:15:41,921 --> 00:15:45,489 they've changed an area north of downtown into NODOFOPA. 387 00:15:45,591 --> 00:15:48,392 A run-down area south of the capital in Cheyenne, 388 00:15:48,494 --> 00:15:51,729 Wyoming, is now historic SOCACHEYWO. 389 00:15:51,831 --> 00:15:53,430 Channel Street in mid-Chicago 390 00:15:53,532 --> 00:15:55,599 is being revitalized into Chimichanga. 391 00:15:55,701 --> 00:15:56,834 Oh, my God. 392 00:15:56,936 --> 00:16:00,571 LODO, SOBRO, RIVMO... All happening at the same time. 393 00:16:00,673 --> 00:16:02,439 And it isn't just in the U.S. 394 00:16:02,541 --> 00:16:06,610 In Cairo, the area northwest of the third pyramid is NoWE3Pi. 395 00:16:06,712 --> 00:16:09,413 Three miles north of Auschwitz is NoMoAuchie. 396 00:16:09,515 --> 00:16:11,048 It goes on and on! 397 00:16:11,150 --> 00:16:12,416 What does it mean? 398 00:16:12,518 --> 00:16:15,552 In our town, it all started when PC Principal arrived. 399 00:16:15,655 --> 00:16:17,755 He's part of a much larger conspiracy, 400 00:16:17,857 --> 00:16:19,223 and you're his lackey. 401 00:16:19,325 --> 00:16:20,457 Not me. 402 00:16:20,559 --> 00:16:22,326 If PC Principal has been using us, 403 00:16:22,428 --> 00:16:24,995 I'll take the bastard down myself. 404 00:16:26,656 --> 00:16:28,757 It's day two of the hunger strike 405 00:16:28,859 --> 00:16:31,159 started by the college-aged fraternity brothers 406 00:16:31,261 --> 00:16:33,328 who are demanding that all of South Park's 407 00:16:33,430 --> 00:16:35,297 community leaders step down. 408 00:16:35,399 --> 00:16:38,166 The PC frat brothers say they've gone now two days 409 00:16:38,268 --> 00:16:39,801 without eating any pussy 410 00:16:39,903 --> 00:16:42,504 and will continue to do so until people resign. 411 00:16:42,606 --> 00:16:45,373 Who is that reporter? Do we... know him? 412 00:16:45,475 --> 00:16:48,510 Tom, that's Bill Keegan, WCFO. 413 00:16:48,612 --> 00:16:51,446 Thanks, Brian. He's working for the ads, obviously. 414 00:16:51,548 --> 00:16:52,747 Sellout douchebag. 415 00:16:52,850 --> 00:16:53,982 That's right, Tom. 416 00:16:54,084 --> 00:16:56,391 He was always a douchebag at the conventions. 417 00:16:56,426 --> 00:16:58,108 Thanks, Rick. Stay dry. 418 00:16:58,288 --> 00:17:01,089 [Lock rattling] 419 00:17:01,191 --> 00:17:03,091 Leslie, come on. 420 00:17:03,193 --> 00:17:04,960 Jimmy, you're gonna help me? 421 00:17:05,062 --> 00:17:06,895 Yeah, I'm gonna help you. I mean, come on. 422 00:17:08,365 --> 00:17:09,664 TOM: Jimmy! 423 00:17:09,766 --> 00:17:11,666 Oh, Jesus, he let her out! 424 00:17:11,768 --> 00:17:13,735 PC Principal is our enemy, not her. 425 00:17:13,837 --> 00:17:16,104 His dick is compromised. Stay back! 426 00:17:16,173 --> 00:17:17,339 It is not my dick. 427 00:17:17,424 --> 00:17:18,840 I'm thinking rationally and with logic. 428 00:17:18,926 --> 00:17:20,058 I am taking her out of here. 429 00:17:20,177 --> 00:17:23,678 Well, then, I'm sorry I have to do this, Jimmy. 430 00:17:23,764 --> 00:17:25,897 Officer Barbrady, we need you to shoot these kids. 431 00:17:26,016 --> 00:17:27,148 What?! 432 00:17:27,234 --> 00:17:29,150 The ad has gotten to him. There's no time to argue. 433 00:17:29,236 --> 00:17:31,186 I'm not shooting any more kids! 434 00:17:31,321 --> 00:17:32,821 Do you want to save your town?! 435 00:17:32,906 --> 00:17:35,175 Officer Barbrady, we have to stop PC Principal before it's too late! 436 00:17:35,239 --> 00:17:36,858 Barbrady, shoot them in their heads! 437 00:17:36,944 --> 00:17:39,194 No! I'm not shooting any more people... 438 00:17:39,279 --> 00:17:41,196 Not for you, not for anybody! 439 00:17:41,281 --> 00:17:43,498 You're making the worst mistake of your life, officer. 440 00:17:43,584 --> 00:17:44,950 Maybe so. 441 00:17:45,035 --> 00:17:47,702 All I know is I'm done shooting people. 442 00:17:47,788 --> 00:17:49,337 [Gunshot] Aah! 443 00:17:49,423 --> 00:17:51,790 Oh, sorry. Geez. 444 00:17:51,875 --> 00:17:53,341 Damn it! 445 00:17:56,713 --> 00:17:58,546 Think about it, you guys. 446 00:17:58,632 --> 00:18:00,215 From the moment PC Principal took over, 447 00:18:00,300 --> 00:18:01,716 Kyle's been different. Haven't you noticed? 448 00:18:01,802 --> 00:18:02,550 Yeah. 449 00:18:02,636 --> 00:18:05,340 He's distracting us either because he's too afraid or because he... 450 00:18:09,526 --> 00:18:11,142 What are you guys talking about? 451 00:18:11,228 --> 00:18:12,060 Nothing! 452 00:18:12,195 --> 00:18:13,728 Stan's calling you a traitor. 453 00:18:14,233 --> 00:18:15,113 What?! 454 00:18:15,232 --> 00:18:18,212 Kyle, I think it's pretty obvious you don't want us investigating PC Principal. 455 00:18:18,372 --> 00:18:20,102 - And why do you think that, Stan, huh? - I don't know. 456 00:18:20,286 --> 00:18:22,287 Because if anyone has a reason for us 457 00:18:22,406 --> 00:18:24,322 to not mess with PC Principal, it's you! 458 00:18:24,408 --> 00:18:27,242 Let's not forget that Stan's dad is PC Principal's little bitch! 459 00:18:27,377 --> 00:18:28,576 [Laughs] That's a good point! 460 00:18:28,662 --> 00:18:29,794 I am loving this right now. 461 00:18:29,913 --> 00:18:31,246 My dad's stupid, not a bitch. 462 00:18:31,381 --> 00:18:32,747 This is about you being scared, Kyle! 463 00:18:32,833 --> 00:18:33,999 It is you, isn't it? 464 00:18:34,084 --> 00:18:35,667 That's why you're trying to shift blame on me. 465 00:18:35,752 --> 00:18:37,585 That's very Cartman of you, Stan. 466 00:18:37,671 --> 00:18:38,586 Oh, that's low. 467 00:18:38,722 --> 00:18:40,472 Don't you dare call me a Cartman! 468 00:18:40,590 --> 00:18:41,423 No, that's good. 469 00:18:41,558 --> 00:18:42,974 Just keep on distracting everybody. 470 00:18:43,093 --> 00:18:44,342 It seems to be working, Cartman. 471 00:18:44,428 --> 00:18:45,844 [bleep] you, Kyle! 472 00:18:45,929 --> 00:18:47,312 Fight! 473 00:18:47,431 --> 00:18:49,481 [Indistinct shouting] 474 00:19:05,082 --> 00:19:07,115 Time to take this asshole down. 475 00:19:07,200 --> 00:19:08,500 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, whoa! 476 00:19:08,618 --> 00:19:10,368 We can't just go walking in there. 477 00:19:10,454 --> 00:19:11,670 Why not? 478 00:19:11,788 --> 00:19:14,622 This is a safe space. We're not allowed past this. 479 00:19:14,758 --> 00:19:16,424 When you breach a college safe space, 480 00:19:16,510 --> 00:19:18,927 you're crossing the most sacred human boundary there is. 481 00:19:19,012 --> 00:19:20,378 Oh, give me a break. 482 00:19:20,464 --> 00:19:22,464 No, no, no, no, no. Look, this is very real 483 00:19:22,549 --> 00:19:24,466 and very important in PC culture. 484 00:19:24,601 --> 00:19:26,267 Every human has a right to a safe space. 485 00:19:26,353 --> 00:19:27,802 It cannot be entered. 486 00:19:27,888 --> 00:19:29,104 Yeah, it can. Watch. 487 00:19:30,307 --> 00:19:31,473 Wow, how did you... 488 00:19:32,359 --> 00:19:34,275 Whoa! 489 00:19:37,864 --> 00:19:40,148 Burning the midnight oil, huh, Nathan? 490 00:19:40,412 --> 00:19:42,150 - Jimmy! - You son of a bitch. 491 00:19:42,285 --> 00:19:43,902 What have done to the Super School News? 492 00:19:43,987 --> 00:19:47,038 I was just holding down the fort while you were away, Jim. 493 00:19:47,157 --> 00:19:49,290 Writing headlines sponsored by PC Principal and the ads? 494 00:19:49,376 --> 00:19:50,458 How much did they pay you?! 495 00:19:50,544 --> 00:19:52,827 Please, Jimmy. I'm just trying to survive here. 496 00:19:52,963 --> 00:19:54,462 Everyone's gonna know the truth, Nathan. 497 00:19:54,548 --> 00:19:56,809 We're getting a new edition of the school paper out by morning. 498 00:19:56,843 --> 00:19:58,833 Everyone's going to know all about the ads. 499 00:20:13,183 --> 00:20:14,849 [Laughing] 500 00:20:14,985 --> 00:20:16,434 Deal with him. 501 00:20:16,520 --> 00:20:21,623 [Weakly] Leslie, I thought we were b-besties. 502 00:20:21,725 --> 00:20:23,575 [Echoing] Hey there, big man. 503 00:20:23,693 --> 00:20:25,744 Editor of the school paper, huh? 504 00:20:25,862 --> 00:20:29,364 You still don't even know half the story. 505 00:20:33,270 --> 00:20:34,602 It's clear. 506 00:20:36,139 --> 00:20:37,405 Where is everybody? 507 00:20:37,507 --> 00:20:39,541 I thought the news said they're on a hunger strike. 508 00:20:39,626 --> 00:20:41,709 This doesn't make sense. Someone's always here. 509 00:20:41,795 --> 00:20:43,378 Take a look at this! 510 00:20:46,967 --> 00:20:48,049 What the hell? 511 00:20:48,135 --> 00:20:50,518 It looks like he was researching this. 512 00:20:50,604 --> 00:20:52,387 You see this news story? 513 00:20:52,522 --> 00:20:55,890 If this is true, then PC Principal was trying to help. 514 00:20:55,976 --> 00:20:57,392 Click on that. What is that? 515 00:20:57,527 --> 00:21:00,395 No, click out of that. What is this? 516 00:21:00,530 --> 00:21:03,898 [Laughter] 517 00:21:04,034 --> 00:21:05,567 So, then... So, then, Caitlyn says, 518 00:21:05,652 --> 00:21:07,485 "Look, bitch, you're married to Bill Clinton. 519 00:21:07,571 --> 00:21:09,621 If anyone should be afraid of AIDS, it's you." 520 00:21:09,739 --> 00:21:11,539 That stupid bitch had it coming. 521 00:21:11,625 --> 00:21:13,491 [Laughter] 522 00:21:13,577 --> 00:21:14,709 Oh, God, I love you, Cait. 523 00:21:14,795 --> 00:21:16,244 We are so gonna win the primaries. 524 00:21:16,329 --> 00:21:17,412 [Laughter] 525 00:21:17,547 --> 00:21:18,913 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. 526 00:21:19,049 --> 00:21:20,715 What... What were we doing again? 527 00:21:20,801 --> 00:21:23,450 [Doorbell rings] 528 00:21:25,444 --> 00:21:26,326 Leslie? 529 00:21:26,327 --> 00:21:28,130 You're trying to find out what's going on, right? 530 00:21:28,131 --> 00:21:30,060 But your friend is standing in your way? 531 00:21:30,061 --> 00:21:31,506 How do you know that... 532 00:21:31,507 --> 00:21:34,049 I can show you what's going on, Kyle, but you have trust me. 533 00:21:34,505 --> 00:21:36,453 What's the last four digits of your soc? 534 00:21:37,479 --> 00:21:38,799 2692. 535 00:21:40,879 --> 00:21:43,906 Sync and corrections by rickSG www.addic7ed.com