1 00:00:46,795 --> 00:00:49,175 MAN: 1957 was a big year. 2 00:00:49,380 --> 00:00:52,010 The Russians put that Sputnik into outer space. 3 00:00:52,220 --> 00:00:55,135 The Dodgers played their last game at Ebbets Field... 4 00:00:55,305 --> 00:00:56,765 ...and said goodbye to Brooklyn. 5 00:00:56,975 --> 00:01:00,685 That guy, he shot Frank Costello in the head and missed. 6 00:01:00,895 --> 00:01:05,105 The Gallo brothers whacked Albert Anastasia in that barbershop. 7 00:01:05,315 --> 00:01:07,150 It was total chaos. 8 00:01:07,315 --> 00:01:10,985 With Anastasia out, Vito Genovese figures he's the big boss. 9 00:01:11,155 --> 00:01:12,360 But Carlo Gambino... 10 00:01:12,530 --> 00:01:14,820 ...and Joe Bananas had other ideas. 11 00:01:15,160 --> 00:01:16,950 So they called a meeting. 12 00:01:17,120 --> 00:01:18,910 A big meeting. 13 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:32,510 lt was the first time the whole Commission would meet face to face. 14 00:01:32,675 --> 00:01:35,675 Bosses and wiseguys were coming from all over the country... 15 00:01:35,845 --> 00:01:37,845 ...and all the New York families too. 16 00:01:38,055 --> 00:01:40,640 Maybe 50 bosses, the whole wiseguy world... 17 00:01:40,850 --> 00:01:43,936 ...all coming to this little town upstate. 18 00:01:53,530 --> 00:01:56,905 My father went with Dom Manetta and Tommy D. Fat Tommy. 19 00:01:57,115 --> 00:01:58,825 He was running the family then. 20 00:01:59,035 --> 00:02:02,870 Some asshole thought it would be a good idea to have this meeting... 21 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:06,375 ...at Joe Barbara's farm, up in the country, nice and quiet. 22 00:02:06,625 --> 00:02:08,375 Get away from the car. 23 00:02:10,797 --> 00:02:14,174 Want to be a fucking rib eye? Get away from the car! 24 00:02:15,802 --> 00:02:18,929 Turns out the local cops were watching Joe Barbara like a hawk... 25 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:23,392 ...and some deputy sheriff notices all the traffic and calls the feds. 26 00:02:36,281 --> 00:02:38,031 The meeting never even got started. 27 00:02:38,241 --> 00:02:39,700 The feds moved in... 28 00:02:40,577 --> 00:02:43,162 ...and bingo, the bosses, they moved out. 29 00:03:01,764 --> 00:03:05,309 My father and Dominic, they hid in the field with some hay or corn... 30 00:03:05,476 --> 00:03:07,060 ...some kind of foliage, l don't know. 31 00:03:07,228 --> 00:03:08,353 Along comes a farmer. 32 00:03:08,605 --> 00:03:11,773 Dominic bullshits him while my father holds out... 33 00:03:12,025 --> 00:03:15,694 ...this .44 cannon he used to carry, and hijacked the tractor. 34 00:03:17,113 --> 00:03:19,781 The story is they drove it all the way to Bensonhurst... 35 00:03:19,949 --> 00:03:23,577 ...but my father told me they only got as far as Poughkeepsie. 36 00:03:27,540 --> 00:03:29,917 Carlo Gambino, he came out of it... 37 00:03:30,126 --> 00:03:32,377 ...capo di tutti capi, boss of all bosses... 38 00:03:32,587 --> 00:03:36,882 ...and that was the last time the Commission tried to meet until now. 39 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:46,183 [OPERA MUSlC PLAYlNG OVER SPEAKERS] 40 00:03:46,351 --> 00:03:49,144 I don't know, l don't like it. What do we got to meet for? 41 00:03:49,395 --> 00:03:52,356 Let everybody else worry about their own business. 42 00:03:52,565 --> 00:03:56,944 The '57 meeting was about how we were going to divide this country. 43 00:03:57,362 --> 00:04:00,197 This meeting is how we're going to survive. 44 00:04:01,574 --> 00:04:05,410 You got made guys informing for the feds. 45 00:04:05,620 --> 00:04:07,663 Bosses are going to jail. 46 00:04:07,830 --> 00:04:09,998 People are getting whacked without permission. 47 00:04:10,458 --> 00:04:12,584 And on top of everything else... 48 00:04:12,794 --> 00:04:14,544 ...you got these Chinese... 49 00:04:14,712 --> 00:04:17,297 ...and these crazy Russians to deal with. 50 00:04:17,465 --> 00:04:19,049 Everything is changing. 51 00:04:19,759 --> 00:04:21,969 We got to change with the times. 52 00:04:22,178 --> 00:04:24,221 Are we going to get a fucking Website? 53 00:04:24,514 --> 00:04:26,390 When your papa died... 54 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:33,188 ...l made him a promise that I'd always look out for you. 55 00:04:34,107 --> 00:04:36,900 I want you to come to that meeting with me. 56 00:04:37,068 --> 00:04:38,151 [SPEAKS IN lTALIAN] 57 00:04:47,203 --> 00:04:51,456 Listen. This guy, Primo Sindone, you watch out for him. 58 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:53,375 He's a scumbag. 59 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:55,377 Keep your eye on him, okay? 60 00:05:00,049 --> 00:05:01,925 Let me get a toothpick. I'll be right there. 61 00:05:02,093 --> 00:05:04,594 [MACHlNE GUNS FlRING] 62 00:05:30,747 --> 00:05:33,707 WOMAN: l just kept telling him that I needed room... 63 00:05:33,916 --> 00:05:35,417 ...to grow... 64 00:05:37,211 --> 00:05:40,589 ...and to find myself as a person. 65 00:05:40,882 --> 00:05:43,800 You know? Not just as a woman... 66 00:05:43,968 --> 00:05:46,887 ...but as an independent entity. 67 00:05:47,055 --> 00:05:50,557 Then l told him I needed to get in touch with my uniqueness... 68 00:05:50,767 --> 00:05:52,976 ...but he could not handle that. 69 00:05:53,811 --> 00:05:56,438 He said that l was driving him away. 70 00:05:56,606 --> 00:06:00,442 He said l was driving him away. 71 00:06:01,444 --> 00:06:04,738 Do you think I was driving him away, Dr. Sobel? 72 00:06:06,616 --> 00:06:08,658 Caroline, things end. 73 00:06:09,285 --> 00:06:12,871 It's a part of life. It's how we deal with things ending that's important. 74 00:06:13,081 --> 00:06:14,331 I just cannot believe... 75 00:06:14,540 --> 00:06:17,376 ...that it's over between me and Steve, you know? 76 00:06:17,585 --> 00:06:19,795 I mean, maybe there's still hope. 77 00:06:20,338 --> 00:06:22,547 He took out a restraining order against you. 78 00:06:22,757 --> 00:06:25,592 I have to be honest, that's usually not a good sign. 79 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:28,011 But what should I do? 80 00:06:29,055 --> 00:06:30,680 Well... 81 00:06:31,182 --> 00:06:33,725 ...the first thing that l think you should do... 82 00:06:34,018 --> 00:06:37,979 ...is to stop whining about this pathetic loser. For chrissakes! 83 00:06:38,147 --> 00:06:39,940 You are a tragedy queen! 84 00:06:40,108 --> 00:06:42,818 "Steve doesn't like me. Steve doesn't respect me." 85 00:06:43,027 --> 00:06:45,153 Who gives a shit? Get a fucking life! 86 00:06:47,698 --> 00:06:49,366 Dr. Sobel? 87 00:06:50,827 --> 00:06:53,120 Yes. Yes, l, uh.... 88 00:06:54,664 --> 00:06:56,665 I was reflecting on your situation. 89 00:06:56,874 --> 00:06:59,126 It's interesting, what you were saying. 90 00:06:59,335 --> 00:07:00,710 I want you to think about it. 91 00:07:01,504 --> 00:07:03,338 And l'm going to think about it. 92 00:07:03,548 --> 00:07:04,923 We'll both think about it-- 93 00:07:05,091 --> 00:07:06,967 Okay. 94 00:07:07,135 --> 00:07:10,011 --and continue next week when l get back from vacation. 95 00:07:10,763 --> 00:07:12,681 [SOBBlNG] 96 00:07:14,058 --> 00:07:15,684 Caroline, what are you feeling? 97 00:07:15,893 --> 00:07:18,520 You're just like Steve. You just want to-- 98 00:07:18,729 --> 00:07:20,147 You just want to... 99 00:07:20,356 --> 00:07:22,149 ...get rid of me and throw me out. 100 00:07:22,358 --> 00:07:23,984 You know that's not true. 101 00:07:24,193 --> 00:07:25,193 Yes, it's true. 102 00:07:25,403 --> 00:07:26,862 I'll see you next week... 103 00:07:27,029 --> 00:07:29,614 ...whereas Steve never wants to see you again. 104 00:07:29,782 --> 00:07:31,700 [CAROLlNE SOBBlNG] 105 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:40,500 NICKY: Please, Mr. Vitti. 106 00:07:40,710 --> 00:07:42,586 I said l don't know nothing, but they don't believe me... 107 00:07:42,795 --> 00:07:45,589 ...because that time I said Little Joe hit Dukey and he didn't. 108 00:07:45,798 --> 00:07:48,633 I didn't know because Little Joe looked just like that-- 109 00:07:48,843 --> 00:07:50,218 JlMMY: Shut the fuck up! 110 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:53,889 You know me, right? 111 00:07:54,056 --> 00:07:55,098 You're Mr. Vitti. 112 00:07:55,308 --> 00:07:57,309 You know what l'll do to you if you lie? 113 00:07:57,768 --> 00:08:00,604 You'll crack me on the head with that pipe. 114 00:08:00,897 --> 00:08:03,231 It's a rhetorical question, you idiot. 115 00:08:03,441 --> 00:08:06,109 I'll ask you one time only: Who killed Dominic? 116 00:08:06,319 --> 00:08:07,986 -Who killed Dominic? -l don't know! 117 00:08:08,196 --> 00:08:10,238 VlTTI: Who killed Dominic? -l don't know! 118 00:08:10,406 --> 00:08:11,406 I swear to God-- 119 00:08:11,616 --> 00:08:12,782 VlTTI: Don't fucking lie! 120 00:08:12,992 --> 00:08:15,327 You little motherfucker! Who killed Dom? 121 00:08:25,838 --> 00:08:27,881 He don't know nothing. Forget it. 122 00:08:28,049 --> 00:08:30,258 [PIPE CLANKlNG] 123 00:08:34,597 --> 00:08:36,348 That was relatively painless. 124 00:08:36,516 --> 00:08:37,557 Shut the fuck up! 125 00:08:38,434 --> 00:08:39,684 That hurt. 126 00:08:40,353 --> 00:08:42,020 [HORNS HONKING] 127 00:08:42,188 --> 00:08:43,563 BEN: We're not going anywhere. 128 00:08:43,773 --> 00:08:46,816 We've sat here for ten minutes. I hate being late. 129 00:08:47,026 --> 00:08:49,945 -l hate walking into that house late. -Dad, relax. 130 00:08:50,279 --> 00:08:53,448 You're like this because you're mad we have to go to Grandpa's. 131 00:08:53,658 --> 00:08:55,283 Please don't analyze me. 132 00:08:55,451 --> 00:08:58,954 I can't be analyzed by somebody who, until recently, believed in Santa. 133 00:08:59,121 --> 00:09:01,915 There is one Dr. Sobel in this family. Just one. 134 00:09:02,667 --> 00:09:05,835 But there's two. There's you and there's Grandpa. 135 00:09:06,837 --> 00:09:09,339 You know what? Let's talk about something else. 136 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:11,466 Okay. 137 00:09:11,634 --> 00:09:13,510 Will you read Grandpa's new book? 138 00:09:14,804 --> 00:09:17,180 Mom says you won't because you're jealous. 139 00:09:17,473 --> 00:09:21,768 Does your mother talk about anything else, or is it just me 24 hours a day? 140 00:09:21,978 --> 00:09:23,436 Shit! 141 00:09:23,604 --> 00:09:26,606 This is like voodoo, your mother knows where l am every second. 142 00:09:26,774 --> 00:09:29,192 [NlCKY SPEAKING lNDlSTlNCTLY] 143 00:09:31,195 --> 00:09:32,445 JlMMY: Get in! 144 00:09:32,655 --> 00:09:35,323 BEN: lf l point to you, make believe your neck hurts. 145 00:09:36,117 --> 00:09:37,325 What are you, a moron? 146 00:09:37,618 --> 00:09:39,286 I'm sorry. This was my fault. 147 00:09:39,495 --> 00:09:40,537 JlMMY: Did you see anything? 148 00:09:40,746 --> 00:09:42,455 BEN: l was talking to my son. JlMMY: Bullshit! 149 00:09:42,623 --> 00:09:43,707 That's all right, sir. 150 00:09:43,874 --> 00:09:46,334 It's our fault for being in front of you. 151 00:09:46,544 --> 00:09:48,003 No, really. Listen to me. 152 00:09:48,212 --> 00:09:50,505 I'm responsible. Here's my insurance information. 153 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:52,549 It's okay. Forget about it. 154 00:09:52,717 --> 00:09:55,385 Forget about--? Your rear end is screwed up. 155 00:09:55,553 --> 00:09:57,721 JELLY: No, it was like that before. 156 00:09:59,390 --> 00:10:01,433 Let's call the police and file a report. 157 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:03,685 Fuck the police. 158 00:10:03,853 --> 00:10:05,145 Hear me? 159 00:10:07,231 --> 00:10:08,898 Okay. Fuck them. 160 00:10:09,567 --> 00:10:11,192 You're right. Fuck them. 161 00:10:11,402 --> 00:10:14,863 Especially those mounted cops who leave big piles all over... 162 00:10:15,072 --> 00:10:17,407 ...and you just step in it up to your shins. 163 00:10:17,700 --> 00:10:19,242 Let me give you my card... 164 00:10:19,452 --> 00:10:22,078 ...in case you look at the damage and change your mind. 165 00:10:22,455 --> 00:10:24,080 You a doctor? 166 00:10:24,248 --> 00:10:25,457 I'm a psychiatrist. 167 00:10:25,625 --> 00:10:28,918 Oh. A shrink. I talked to a shrink one time. 168 00:10:29,128 --> 00:10:31,546 When I got sent upstate on a... 169 00:10:31,756 --> 00:10:33,131 ...fishing trip. 170 00:10:33,758 --> 00:10:35,592 Jelly! Let's go! Come on. 171 00:10:36,427 --> 00:10:38,178 I gotta go. 172 00:10:38,346 --> 00:10:40,263 I'll see you. 173 00:10:42,058 --> 00:10:44,726 [NlCKY SPEAKING lNDlSTlNCTLY] 174 00:10:44,894 --> 00:10:46,227 Pings and knocks. 175 00:10:46,395 --> 00:10:48,480 Cheap gas. What are you going to do? 176 00:10:48,856 --> 00:10:50,857 -Right. JELLY: Take it easy, doc. 177 00:10:51,025 --> 00:10:52,567 Right. 178 00:10:54,862 --> 00:10:55,904 [PIANO PLAYlNG] 179 00:10:56,072 --> 00:10:58,198 PEOPLE [SlNGlNG]: I bet you showed the other kids how 180 00:10:58,532 --> 00:11:00,575 I can see the judge's eyes 181 00:11:00,743 --> 00:11:02,661 When he handed you the prize 182 00:11:02,828 --> 00:11:05,622 I bet you made the cutest bow 183 00:11:05,790 --> 00:11:07,332 Neurotics only! 184 00:11:07,541 --> 00:11:11,544 You must have been a beautiful baby 185 00:11:11,712 --> 00:11:14,089 'Cause baby, look at you now 186 00:11:14,298 --> 00:11:15,840 Thank God for Prozac 187 00:11:16,217 --> 00:11:20,553 Baby, look at you now 188 00:11:23,099 --> 00:11:25,767 You're not coming? I mean, this is my wedding. 189 00:11:25,976 --> 00:11:29,062 We understand it's a special day for you, Benny... 190 00:11:29,271 --> 00:11:31,648 ...but your father and l can't just pick up and leave town... 191 00:11:31,857 --> 00:11:33,942 ...every time you decide to get married. 192 00:11:34,151 --> 00:11:36,277 Every time? This is a once in a lifetime-- 193 00:11:36,487 --> 00:11:38,738 Twice in a lifetime thing, Mom. 194 00:11:39,115 --> 00:11:41,825 Dad, you're not coming to my wedding? 195 00:11:42,034 --> 00:11:45,120 We want to, but I have three book signings next weekend. 196 00:11:45,329 --> 00:11:47,622 I can't piss off these big bookstores. 197 00:11:47,957 --> 00:11:51,334 If l cancel, they stick me on the bottom shelves. That's how they are. 198 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:52,836 That's the word on the street. 199 00:11:53,003 --> 00:11:55,338 Barnes is okay, but Noble is a vindictive prick. 200 00:11:55,548 --> 00:11:57,132 Ben. The language. 201 00:11:57,299 --> 00:11:58,633 BEN: I'm sorry, but listen. 202 00:11:58,801 --> 00:12:01,177 I have been alone for eight years. 203 00:12:01,345 --> 00:12:04,597 I finally found somebody that I want to spend my life with. 204 00:12:04,807 --> 00:12:07,142 At least meet her before we get married. 205 00:12:07,309 --> 00:12:09,018 You are gonna be her family. 206 00:12:09,228 --> 00:12:11,229 I think she should know that up front. 207 00:12:11,439 --> 00:12:12,939 You're being very hostile. 208 00:12:13,649 --> 00:12:14,983 I was joking. 209 00:12:15,443 --> 00:12:17,068 I think I'll go talk to the mayor. 210 00:12:17,236 --> 00:12:18,987 The mayor is here? 211 00:12:20,030 --> 00:12:21,322 What's wrong? 212 00:12:21,532 --> 00:12:23,074 Nothing. Everything's fine. 213 00:12:23,242 --> 00:12:24,826 How's your practice? 214 00:12:24,994 --> 00:12:27,036 Excellent. I have interesting patients. 215 00:12:27,246 --> 00:12:30,165 Very interesting. Fascinating, actually. 216 00:12:30,374 --> 00:12:33,001 Dad has a patient who dreams he shits trout. 217 00:12:34,545 --> 00:12:35,837 Thanks, Mike. 218 00:12:37,339 --> 00:12:40,717 MAN: The Manetta family is bound to ask questions. 219 00:12:41,844 --> 00:12:44,053 They think we put the hit out on Dominic. 220 00:12:44,263 --> 00:12:46,347 Forget Dominic. They were after Paul. 221 00:12:46,682 --> 00:12:49,017 It's a miracle you survived. I just thank God. 222 00:12:49,351 --> 00:12:51,144 Yeah, thank God, all right. 223 00:12:51,395 --> 00:12:54,439 If it wasn't because l had to go back for that toothpick... 224 00:12:54,648 --> 00:12:56,816 ...l'd be lying dead with Dominic, God forbid. 225 00:12:56,984 --> 00:12:58,359 May he rest in peace. 226 00:12:58,527 --> 00:13:00,028 This is about the big meeting. 227 00:13:00,196 --> 00:13:02,530 Primo Sindone wants to run the whole show. 228 00:13:02,740 --> 00:13:04,282 Primo's a boss. He knows the rules. 229 00:13:04,492 --> 00:13:08,203 He couldn't come after them unless he had permission from the families. 230 00:13:08,370 --> 00:13:11,664 If they did, we're headed for one big war, l can tell you that. 231 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:14,834 Find out what you can. We got two weeks. 232 00:13:15,044 --> 00:13:17,837 God forbid the other New York bosses are against us. 233 00:13:20,633 --> 00:13:23,301 I want to know that before l go into that meeting. 234 00:13:23,469 --> 00:13:24,844 MANGANO: Sure. 235 00:13:25,012 --> 00:13:26,888 You all right? You don't look too good. 236 00:13:28,682 --> 00:13:30,058 What's the matter? 237 00:13:30,935 --> 00:13:33,561 I'm a little choked up. I'm going to get some air. 238 00:13:33,771 --> 00:13:36,231 MASlELLO: Take it easy. MANGANO: Take some air. 239 00:13:45,241 --> 00:13:46,616 Paul... 240 00:13:46,784 --> 00:13:48,409 -...you all right? -Yeah, I just... 241 00:13:48,619 --> 00:13:50,203 What? 242 00:13:52,832 --> 00:13:53,915 I feel like shit. 243 00:13:54,124 --> 00:13:56,918 This whole thing is like one big fucking headache. 244 00:13:57,127 --> 00:13:59,462 You having one of them "mindgraines"? 245 00:13:59,630 --> 00:14:01,589 [VITTl BREATHING HEAVlLY] 246 00:14:03,634 --> 00:14:05,218 Paul. Jimmy! 247 00:14:05,386 --> 00:14:07,470 VlTTI: Let's go for a ride. JlMMY: What's the matter? 248 00:14:07,638 --> 00:14:09,722 JELLY: Just drive the car. JlMMY: What happened? 249 00:14:21,151 --> 00:14:24,195 Good news, Mr. Evans. Your heart is just fine. 250 00:14:24,613 --> 00:14:25,780 "Just fine"? 251 00:14:25,990 --> 00:14:29,117 But l had eight heart attacks in the last three weeks. 252 00:14:29,326 --> 00:14:32,120 Based on everything, I'd say you had an anxiety attack. 253 00:14:32,329 --> 00:14:33,454 A what? 254 00:14:33,664 --> 00:14:35,331 An anxiety attack. A panic attack. 255 00:14:35,541 --> 00:14:36,624 I'll give you Xanax. 256 00:14:36,792 --> 00:14:38,585 An anxiety attack? What are you saying? 257 00:14:38,794 --> 00:14:40,128 It's a common thing. 258 00:14:40,337 --> 00:14:42,005 VlTTI: Hey, look at me. 259 00:14:42,214 --> 00:14:44,507 Do I look like a guy who panics? 260 00:14:46,886 --> 00:14:49,596 -Do l look like I panic? -lt's nothing to be ashamed of. 261 00:14:49,805 --> 00:14:53,224 Where'd you go to medical school? I got a fucking heart attack. 262 00:14:53,434 --> 00:14:56,019 DOCTOR: Not according to your EKG. 263 00:14:59,982 --> 00:15:01,983 [CLATTERlNG] 264 00:15:02,151 --> 00:15:04,193 [GLASS SHATTERS] 265 00:15:07,615 --> 00:15:10,325 Jelly, l need you to do something for me as a friend. 266 00:15:10,492 --> 00:15:11,492 Yeah, anything. 267 00:15:11,702 --> 00:15:14,913 -l need you to find me a doctor. -We just come from the doctor. 268 00:15:15,122 --> 00:15:17,373 Not that kind of doctor. Like a head doctor. 269 00:15:17,666 --> 00:15:19,959 You going to change your face like Sonny Black? 270 00:15:20,169 --> 00:15:22,170 Don't get his nose. He looks like a pig. 271 00:15:22,379 --> 00:15:25,798 Not a plastic surgeon. I got to spell everything out for you? 272 00:15:26,008 --> 00:15:27,383 It saves time. 273 00:15:29,470 --> 00:15:33,181 I mean, like a head doctor. Like a psychiatrist. 274 00:15:33,349 --> 00:15:34,515 Wow. 275 00:15:34,683 --> 00:15:37,894 This is like one of them psychic, ESPN... 276 00:15:38,395 --> 00:15:40,605 ...ESPN things, you know? 277 00:15:40,981 --> 00:15:44,525 I just ran into a psychiatrist. Actually, he ran into me. 278 00:15:44,693 --> 00:15:47,278 -Was he any good? -Yeah. 279 00:15:47,446 --> 00:15:50,156 He seemed like a smart guy. He had a business card. 280 00:15:50,366 --> 00:15:53,534 A business card? Wow. That's a real fucking achievement. 281 00:15:58,832 --> 00:16:00,333 What do you need a shrink for? 282 00:16:00,542 --> 00:16:02,418 It's not for me. It's for my friend. 283 00:16:02,628 --> 00:16:05,129 He has problems. I'll ask the shrink questions... 284 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:07,090 ...and get some answers for my friend. 285 00:16:07,299 --> 00:16:08,883 And nobody can know. God forbid... 286 00:16:09,093 --> 00:16:11,344 ...somebody hears l been talking to a shrink. 287 00:16:11,553 --> 00:16:14,305 It could be interpreted wrong. Know what l mean? 288 00:16:14,682 --> 00:16:16,557 No one will ever know. 289 00:16:16,725 --> 00:16:19,686 -Could I just ask one question? -Go ahead. 290 00:16:19,853 --> 00:16:21,437 This friend... 291 00:16:21,605 --> 00:16:22,855 ...is it me? 292 00:16:25,484 --> 00:16:26,567 Yeah, it's you. 293 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:32,949 Carl, l'm detecting a pattern. You settle too easily for things. 294 00:16:33,409 --> 00:16:35,410 You're right. l do. 295 00:16:36,996 --> 00:16:38,663 See, you just did it again. 296 00:16:38,831 --> 00:16:41,749 I suggested something and you immediately agreed. 297 00:16:42,710 --> 00:16:44,210 You're right. l did. 298 00:16:44,420 --> 00:16:45,753 Why do you do this? 299 00:16:45,921 --> 00:16:47,422 I don't know. 300 00:16:48,048 --> 00:16:50,925 I think it's your fear of rejection or disapproval. 301 00:16:51,093 --> 00:16:53,428 You don't have to worry about that. 302 00:16:53,595 --> 00:16:55,471 Be your own man. Stand your ground. 303 00:16:55,681 --> 00:16:58,349 You don't have to let people roll over you. 304 00:16:58,559 --> 00:17:00,768 -Dr. Sobel? -Excuse me, we're in session. 305 00:17:00,936 --> 00:17:02,937 Yeah, l know. l'm sorry. 306 00:17:04,565 --> 00:17:06,566 I know you. You're the guy I hit last night. 307 00:17:06,775 --> 00:17:08,693 Bingo. Get out of here. 308 00:17:09,278 --> 00:17:11,612 Upsy-daisy. Got a coat, nutbar? 309 00:17:11,780 --> 00:17:12,864 -What are you doing? -He's leaving. 310 00:17:13,115 --> 00:17:15,867 He's not going till he's done with his session. 311 00:17:16,118 --> 00:17:18,369 -l'll give you $1 00 to leave. -Don't take it. 312 00:17:18,579 --> 00:17:19,829 -Make it $1 50. -Listen. 313 00:17:20,039 --> 00:17:21,456 -Three hundred. BEN: Carl. 314 00:17:21,623 --> 00:17:23,332 He ain't that fucking crazy. 315 00:17:24,168 --> 00:17:25,835 You were right. l stood my ground. 316 00:17:26,045 --> 00:17:28,296 BEN: This was the wrong time. -l got him up from $1 50. 317 00:17:28,464 --> 00:17:30,256 -l'm proud of you. -l feel like a new man. 318 00:17:30,466 --> 00:17:31,674 I'm so happy. 319 00:17:31,884 --> 00:17:35,053 I know you're upset about the car, but you can't come in here. 320 00:17:35,304 --> 00:17:37,305 This is a patient's private session. 321 00:17:40,559 --> 00:17:41,684 VlTTI: You know me? 322 00:17:41,894 --> 00:17:43,978 -Yes. -No, you don't. 323 00:17:47,524 --> 00:17:49,317 You see my picture in the paper? 324 00:17:49,485 --> 00:17:50,985 -Yes. -No, you didn't. 325 00:17:51,153 --> 00:17:53,237 I don't even get the paper. 326 00:17:58,535 --> 00:18:00,745 Jelly, wait outside. 327 00:18:01,497 --> 00:18:03,456 Sit down. 328 00:18:08,629 --> 00:18:11,255 -You ain't got no bugs in here? -Bugs? 329 00:18:11,465 --> 00:18:14,008 Bugs. Recording equipment. 330 00:18:14,176 --> 00:18:16,844 No. I don't record. l take notes. 331 00:18:18,889 --> 00:18:22,016 I tried to give him the insurance information several times. 332 00:18:22,184 --> 00:18:24,852 Seriously, several times. He wouldn't take it. 333 00:18:25,020 --> 00:18:26,854 Please don't kill me. 334 00:18:27,022 --> 00:18:29,649 I was going to ask you if you liked Tony Bennett. 335 00:18:30,734 --> 00:18:33,528 I'm a big Tony Bennett fan. 336 00:18:33,695 --> 00:18:36,781 -Me too. -l like all ltalian singers. 337 00:18:37,908 --> 00:18:40,243 Mr. Vitti, I know it's not your fault... 338 00:18:40,452 --> 00:18:43,246 ...but shouldn't we take this up with our insurance companies? 339 00:18:43,455 --> 00:18:45,748 It ain't about that. I don't care about the car. 340 00:18:45,958 --> 00:18:48,042 I got a friend of mine.... 341 00:18:48,210 --> 00:18:52,213 He's got problems, and he'll have to probably see a shrink. 342 00:18:52,422 --> 00:18:54,173 So l'll ask you a couple of questions. 343 00:18:54,341 --> 00:18:56,300 Oh. Go ahead, then. 344 00:18:58,345 --> 00:19:00,304 What do we do? What, we sit? 345 00:19:00,514 --> 00:19:02,265 Whatever makes you comfortable. 346 00:19:02,474 --> 00:19:03,558 I'll sit over here. 347 00:19:05,727 --> 00:19:07,228 I'm going to sit here. 348 00:19:07,479 --> 00:19:09,605 If you're comfortable, it's fine. 349 00:19:16,405 --> 00:19:18,156 So who starts? 350 00:19:19,241 --> 00:19:21,409 Tell me why you think you need therapy. 351 00:19:21,952 --> 00:19:25,371 I don't need therapy. I told you that. lt's for my friend. 352 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:27,331 -l'm sorry. -You didn't hear me say that? 353 00:19:27,499 --> 00:19:28,541 I'm sorry. 354 00:19:28,709 --> 00:19:32,628 You're supposed to be good at listening. You can't remember what l said? 355 00:19:32,838 --> 00:19:34,046 So sorry. 356 00:19:34,256 --> 00:19:37,800 I ain't thrilled with the level of service up to this point. 357 00:19:37,968 --> 00:19:41,304 -That was my fault. I apologize. -Yeah. 358 00:19:41,471 --> 00:19:43,931 Why don't we start over? 359 00:19:44,099 --> 00:19:46,601 Why don't you just tell me about your friend? 360 00:19:48,729 --> 00:19:52,440 This friend, you know, he's a very powerful guy. 361 00:19:52,608 --> 00:19:54,317 Never had trouble dealing with nothing. 362 00:19:54,484 --> 00:19:56,861 All of a sudden, he's falling apart... 363 00:19:57,029 --> 00:19:59,947 ...he cries for no reason, he can't sleep... 364 00:20:00,199 --> 00:20:01,949 ...he can't be with his friends. 365 00:20:02,117 --> 00:20:04,535 All of a sudden, he gets nervous around them. 366 00:20:04,745 --> 00:20:06,370 He wants to get away from them. 367 00:20:06,538 --> 00:20:09,582 And these are guys he knows his whole life, you know? 368 00:20:09,791 --> 00:20:11,709 And then he has these attacks. 369 00:20:12,961 --> 00:20:16,005 He can't breathe, he gets dizzy... 370 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:18,549 ...chest pains, you know.... 371 00:20:18,926 --> 00:20:21,469 He thinks he's gonna die or something. 372 00:20:21,637 --> 00:20:22,845 Panic attacks. 373 00:20:23,055 --> 00:20:24,847 What's it with you guys and panic attacks? 374 00:20:25,057 --> 00:20:27,975 Who said "panic"? Who said "panic"? 375 00:20:28,185 --> 00:20:29,268 Not panic. 376 00:20:29,478 --> 00:20:31,979 Dizzy, chest-breathing, constricting... 377 00:20:32,648 --> 00:20:33,981 ...attacks. 378 00:20:34,233 --> 00:20:37,860 This guy, he just wants to know what he can do to make it stop. 379 00:20:40,197 --> 00:20:43,741 Mr. Vitti, I'm gonna go out on a limb here. 380 00:20:45,494 --> 00:20:47,662 I think your friend... 381 00:20:48,580 --> 00:20:50,039 ...is you. 382 00:20:54,711 --> 00:20:58,381 You. You.... 383 00:20:59,508 --> 00:21:01,425 You got a gift, my friend. 384 00:21:01,677 --> 00:21:03,761 You got a gift. 385 00:21:03,929 --> 00:21:05,346 Oh, yeah. 386 00:21:05,514 --> 00:21:08,307 You saw that there was something I was trying to do... 387 00:21:08,517 --> 00:21:11,060 ...and figured it out. That's why you are who you are. 388 00:21:11,687 --> 00:21:13,479 God bless you. You got a fucking gift. 389 00:21:13,689 --> 00:21:17,400 -No, I don't. -Yes, you do. 390 00:21:19,027 --> 00:21:20,403 Go on. 391 00:21:20,570 --> 00:21:22,697 -What? -Go on. 392 00:21:22,864 --> 00:21:24,156 I think... 393 00:21:25,409 --> 00:21:26,701 ...medication could help. 394 00:21:26,868 --> 00:21:28,077 Drugs? 395 00:21:28,412 --> 00:21:30,121 Can't do drugs. I don't do drugs. 396 00:21:31,373 --> 00:21:33,874 If you want to get to the root of the problem... 397 00:21:34,042 --> 00:21:35,876 ...you'll want to get some form of therapy. 398 00:21:36,086 --> 00:21:38,087 Like what? With you or something? 399 00:21:38,255 --> 00:21:41,382 Me? No, l don't think you want-- 400 00:21:42,384 --> 00:21:44,343 My roster of patients is full. 401 00:21:44,553 --> 00:21:48,097 I'm full right now. Plus, l'm leaving on a short vacation. 402 00:21:48,307 --> 00:21:49,598 Where you going? 403 00:21:49,766 --> 00:21:51,976 -l don't share that with patients. -Where? 404 00:21:52,185 --> 00:21:54,770 Sheraton Bal Harbor Hotel in Miami Beach. 405 00:21:55,063 --> 00:21:56,522 That wasn't so hard, was it? 406 00:21:56,732 --> 00:21:58,232 No, it wasn't. 407 00:22:01,486 --> 00:22:03,946 You know, it's a funny kind of a thing... 408 00:22:04,156 --> 00:22:07,408 ...but l feel better after I got all that off my chest. 409 00:22:07,576 --> 00:22:09,160 I feel like a load... 410 00:22:09,411 --> 00:22:11,329 ...a load is off my shoulders. 411 00:22:12,372 --> 00:22:14,165 -You're good. -l-- 412 00:22:14,333 --> 00:22:15,541 Doc, thank you. 413 00:22:16,752 --> 00:22:18,336 -l didn't do anything. -You did. 414 00:22:18,587 --> 00:22:19,837 -l did nothing. -You did too. 415 00:22:20,047 --> 00:22:22,298 The load, gone. Where is it? 416 00:22:22,507 --> 00:22:23,799 Don't know. 417 00:22:24,843 --> 00:22:26,594 You're good. Nah, nah. 418 00:22:26,762 --> 00:22:28,596 You're good, Doc. 419 00:22:28,930 --> 00:22:30,890 I'll be getting in touch with you. 420 00:22:31,099 --> 00:22:33,434 -Don't, please. -One more thing. 421 00:22:33,769 --> 00:22:35,436 If l talk to you... 422 00:22:35,604 --> 00:22:39,440 ...and you turn me into a fag, I'll kill you. Understand? 423 00:22:39,608 --> 00:22:42,151 Could we define "fag"? Because some feelings... 424 00:22:42,361 --> 00:22:44,653 -...may come up. -l go fag, you die. Got it? 425 00:22:44,863 --> 00:22:46,781 Simple. 426 00:22:46,948 --> 00:22:48,199 You're good, Doc. 427 00:22:48,367 --> 00:22:50,284 You're good. 428 00:22:52,287 --> 00:22:54,830 -See you, Doc. -Mm-hm. 429 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:09,970 We take on Manetta, what does Vitti do? Nothing. 430 00:23:10,180 --> 00:23:11,472 Why doesn't he move? 431 00:23:11,640 --> 00:23:12,765 SlNDONE: Fuck him. 432 00:23:12,933 --> 00:23:15,768 You say "fuck him," but he's planning something big. 433 00:23:15,977 --> 00:23:17,103 This shit's coming down. 434 00:23:17,312 --> 00:23:19,146 Well then, let it come down. 435 00:23:19,314 --> 00:23:20,981 Let me tell you, Vitti's a tough guy... 436 00:23:21,149 --> 00:23:24,860 ...but a lot of tough guys get fed to the crabs off Red Hook. 437 00:23:25,654 --> 00:23:28,697 Vitti. That name has been haunting me since l was a kid. 438 00:23:28,907 --> 00:23:31,826 Growing up, he was the smart guy, I was the dope. 439 00:23:31,993 --> 00:23:35,121 My father was a nickel-and-dime shitheel, his had it all. 440 00:23:35,330 --> 00:23:37,498 Vito Genovese blew it at Apalachin... 441 00:23:37,666 --> 00:23:40,751 ...because he forgot to kill Gambino before the meeting. 442 00:23:40,961 --> 00:23:43,879 I won't make that same mistake. I want Paul Vitti dead! 443 00:23:44,089 --> 00:23:47,716 You hear me? I want him dead. Not breathing now. Dead! 444 00:23:47,884 --> 00:23:49,844 Okay, okay, okay. 445 00:23:50,011 --> 00:23:51,762 Like the pants? 446 00:23:51,930 --> 00:23:53,597 They look great. He's some tailor. 447 00:23:53,849 --> 00:23:56,434 -l'll tell you. Look good. -l like them. 448 00:24:00,856 --> 00:24:04,775 Don't leave food in your room. I won't come home to a science fair. 449 00:24:05,026 --> 00:24:06,444 I didn't. 450 00:24:06,945 --> 00:24:09,697 -Dad, one thing, though. -Yeah? 451 00:24:09,865 --> 00:24:11,282 -"l go fag, you die." -That's it. 452 00:24:11,491 --> 00:24:13,075 I'm sealing the vent in your room. 453 00:24:13,285 --> 00:24:15,035 You cannot listen to my sessions! 454 00:24:15,203 --> 00:24:17,830 It's so cool. Was that really Paul Vitti? 455 00:24:18,039 --> 00:24:21,292 I didn't ask to see his Mafia decoder ring, but it was him. 456 00:24:21,501 --> 00:24:24,628 -Are you going to treat him? -Of course not. Are you crazy? 457 00:24:24,796 --> 00:24:29,049 And, Michael, you cannot tell anybody that he was here. Understand? 458 00:24:29,259 --> 00:24:31,051 -Should l take it off the lnternet? -What? 459 00:24:31,219 --> 00:24:32,928 -Michael! -l'm kidding. 460 00:24:40,395 --> 00:24:42,480 WOMAN [ON TV]: Despite the heat and the popularity... 461 00:24:42,647 --> 00:24:44,565 ...of more exotic Caribbean destinations... 462 00:24:44,774 --> 00:24:47,985 ...Florida's hospitality industry reports booming business... 463 00:24:48,195 --> 00:24:49,945 ...from Orlando to the Keys. 464 00:24:50,155 --> 00:24:51,489 Judging from the mob... 465 00:24:51,740 --> 00:24:53,032 ...around the pool here today... 466 00:24:53,241 --> 00:24:57,286 ...there's nothing off about the off-season in Miami Beach this summer. 467 00:24:57,496 --> 00:25:01,790 On a personal note, this is my last report for WVBF. 468 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:04,835 I'm marrying a wonderful man, and l'm moving to New York. 469 00:25:05,086 --> 00:25:06,754 Thanks for everything, Miami. 470 00:25:07,005 --> 00:25:10,841 For the last time, this is Laura MacNamara for WVBF. 471 00:25:12,552 --> 00:25:13,594 Catch! 472 00:25:14,804 --> 00:25:15,888 [LAUGHS] 473 00:25:16,056 --> 00:25:17,348 MAN: We're clear! Nice, Laura. 474 00:25:17,516 --> 00:25:19,141 Okay. 475 00:25:19,434 --> 00:25:21,685 -Ben! -Hi. 476 00:25:26,024 --> 00:25:28,484 Everybody! This is him! This is the guy! 477 00:25:28,652 --> 00:25:29,735 Hi. 478 00:25:29,903 --> 00:25:32,363 -l missed you so much. -l missed you too. 479 00:25:32,572 --> 00:25:34,698 -Michael, say hi. -Hi, Laura. 480 00:25:34,908 --> 00:25:37,117 Hi, Michael. How are you? 481 00:25:38,119 --> 00:25:39,912 You want to go look at the camera? 482 00:25:40,121 --> 00:25:42,289 Why would l want to go look at the camera? 483 00:25:43,583 --> 00:25:46,710 -Oh, yeah. ls it okay? LAURA: Yeah, go ahead. 484 00:25:46,920 --> 00:25:50,130 Don't worry if you break anything. I'm out of here. 485 00:25:51,591 --> 00:25:54,802 -You think he likes me? -He's crazy about you. No, he is. 486 00:25:55,011 --> 00:25:57,096 I love you. I'm so glad to be with you. 487 00:25:57,472 --> 00:25:59,807 Do you really? And do you really love me? 488 00:25:59,975 --> 00:26:01,976 Of course. What's the matter? 489 00:26:02,686 --> 00:26:04,562 -l'm nervous. -Why? 490 00:26:04,938 --> 00:26:07,648 Because I'm going to be a stepmom to a grown kid... 491 00:26:07,857 --> 00:26:09,233 ...and we're getting married. 492 00:26:09,484 --> 00:26:11,318 So, what are you worried about? 493 00:26:11,486 --> 00:26:13,737 What if you get tired of me? 494 00:26:13,905 --> 00:26:16,240 A lot of couples are very happy and then they marry... 495 00:26:16,491 --> 00:26:18,742 ...and completely lose interest in each other. 496 00:26:18,994 --> 00:26:20,703 That won't happen to us. 497 00:26:25,208 --> 00:26:28,961 [WOMAN MOANlNG] 498 00:26:36,177 --> 00:26:37,761 Is everything okay, Paul? 499 00:26:38,013 --> 00:26:40,598 Will you stop talking? I'm trying to do this here. 500 00:26:42,017 --> 00:26:43,726 SHEILA: You seem distracted. -l am. 501 00:26:43,935 --> 00:26:45,102 I got things on my mind. 502 00:26:45,353 --> 00:26:47,521 -Would you stop talking? -l'm sorry. 503 00:26:47,731 --> 00:26:48,772 Lie down. 504 00:26:52,277 --> 00:26:53,527 Thinking about your wife? 505 00:26:53,737 --> 00:26:57,531 I wasn't thinking about my wife. What are you talking about? 506 00:26:57,699 --> 00:26:59,074 SHEILA: Sorry. 507 00:27:07,792 --> 00:27:09,376 Now I am thinking about my wife. 508 00:27:09,544 --> 00:27:12,338 Sheila, why can't you keep your mouth shut? 509 00:27:12,505 --> 00:27:14,048 SHEILA: Sorry. 510 00:27:18,803 --> 00:27:20,721 JELLY: Psst. 511 00:27:20,889 --> 00:27:22,389 Dr. Sobel. 512 00:27:22,557 --> 00:27:24,558 Psst. 513 00:27:24,726 --> 00:27:26,226 Dr. Sobel. 514 00:27:26,895 --> 00:27:30,147 -Mom? -Dr. Sobel. 515 00:27:31,066 --> 00:27:32,066 [GASPS] 516 00:27:32,233 --> 00:27:33,275 It's me. 517 00:27:33,485 --> 00:27:36,236 Mr. Vitti wants to see you. I got your robe. 518 00:27:38,239 --> 00:27:42,701 VlTTI: l got news for you, you two-bit prick, son-of-a-bitch rat bastard... 519 00:27:42,911 --> 00:27:45,954 ...you did nothing for me! Whatever you did, it didn't take. 520 00:27:46,164 --> 00:27:48,415 I'm still fucked up. You did nothing for me! 521 00:27:48,625 --> 00:27:52,002 I did nothing for you? I saw you for five minutes. 522 00:27:52,253 --> 00:27:53,545 What do you expect? 523 00:27:53,755 --> 00:27:57,007 I can't work miracles. Let me tell you something else. 524 00:27:57,342 --> 00:27:59,677 I don't like it when someone breaks in... 525 00:27:59,886 --> 00:28:01,929 ...and kidnaps me in the middle of the night! 526 00:28:02,097 --> 00:28:03,681 I have a family. I have a life. 527 00:28:03,932 --> 00:28:05,599 And l have a serious practice. 528 00:28:05,767 --> 00:28:08,352 And l don't have time for your bullshit! 529 00:28:09,229 --> 00:28:11,271 That got away from me at the end there. 530 00:28:14,401 --> 00:28:16,026 I couldn't get it up last night. 531 00:28:17,278 --> 00:28:18,487 Do you mean sexually? 532 00:28:18,697 --> 00:28:20,531 I mean for the game against Michigan State. 533 00:28:20,740 --> 00:28:22,991 Of course, sexually! What's the matter with you? 534 00:28:23,284 --> 00:28:24,618 Can l get this straight? 535 00:28:24,828 --> 00:28:28,205 You flew 1 500 miles, you dragged me out of bed... 536 00:28:28,456 --> 00:28:30,499 ...because you couldn't get an erection? 537 00:28:30,709 --> 00:28:33,001 Don't that prove l'm motivated? 538 00:28:33,169 --> 00:28:34,878 You can take a pill for that. 539 00:28:35,046 --> 00:28:36,088 That's a cheat. 540 00:28:36,297 --> 00:28:38,757 You start with the pills, next it's hydraulics. 541 00:28:38,967 --> 00:28:41,927 A hard-on should be gotten legitimately or not at all. 542 00:28:42,137 --> 00:28:43,887 I think Mark Twain said that. 543 00:28:44,139 --> 00:28:45,973 Are you going to help me or not? 544 00:28:47,392 --> 00:28:49,643 I don't believe this. All right. 545 00:28:49,811 --> 00:28:51,186 Okay. 546 00:28:51,354 --> 00:28:52,688 Has this happened before? 547 00:28:52,897 --> 00:28:55,441 -The dead dick thing? -Mm-hm. 548 00:28:55,608 --> 00:28:58,152 Never. Well, one time. Last night. 549 00:28:59,112 --> 00:29:01,196 -One more time. -So twice. 550 00:29:01,406 --> 00:29:03,198 Do the math. Two times. 551 00:29:04,159 --> 00:29:07,244 Then another time, but after a big meal, so that don't count. 552 00:29:07,495 --> 00:29:10,414 Being unable to perform three or four times is not-- 553 00:29:10,665 --> 00:29:11,832 Eight times. 554 00:29:12,417 --> 00:29:14,126 Eight times is not catastrophic. 555 00:29:14,335 --> 00:29:16,003 Maybe not to you. Look at you. 556 00:29:16,838 --> 00:29:19,965 But if I can't get it up, that makes me less of a man. 557 00:29:20,175 --> 00:29:22,092 In my world, I deal with animals. 558 00:29:22,302 --> 00:29:25,053 They may seem dumb to an educated guy like you... 559 00:29:25,263 --> 00:29:28,348 ...but animals are very cunning and they sense weakness. 560 00:29:29,100 --> 00:29:30,392 I got less than two weeks... 561 00:29:30,602 --> 00:29:33,187 ...to get strong, or they'll eat me up, if they don't kill me. 562 00:29:33,396 --> 00:29:34,480 What happens in two weeks? 563 00:29:34,689 --> 00:29:36,690 I can't tell you. You don't want to know. 564 00:29:36,858 --> 00:29:40,027 You can't tell me and I don't want to know. That's a big help. 565 00:29:40,195 --> 00:29:42,196 You're supposed to tell me. I do want to know. 566 00:29:42,405 --> 00:29:44,782 That's how this works. This is impossible. 567 00:29:45,033 --> 00:29:48,160 I can't do anything in two weeks, and even if I could... 568 00:29:48,369 --> 00:29:51,622 ...what is my goal? To make you a happy, well-adjusted gangster? 569 00:29:52,081 --> 00:29:54,708 The other day I was watching a TV commercial... 570 00:29:54,876 --> 00:29:56,585 ...some kid playing with puppies. 571 00:29:56,795 --> 00:29:58,712 I cried for 45 minutes. 572 00:29:58,880 --> 00:30:00,839 Slap a pair of tits on me, l'm a woman. 573 00:30:01,049 --> 00:30:03,467 -l can't help you. -You're turning me down? 574 00:30:03,718 --> 00:30:07,888 When I got into family therapy, this wasn't the family l had in mind. 575 00:30:08,056 --> 00:30:12,518 You with your schmucky little office and house, you're turning me down? 576 00:30:12,727 --> 00:30:15,103 So you can listen to housewives piss and moan... 577 00:30:15,313 --> 00:30:17,439 ...about nobody fucks them right anymore? Eh? 578 00:30:17,649 --> 00:30:19,024 -l'm leaving now. -You see this? 579 00:30:19,192 --> 00:30:20,234 [SOBBlNG] 580 00:30:20,401 --> 00:30:22,069 This is what l'm talking about. 581 00:30:22,278 --> 00:30:23,904 I'm a dead man. 582 00:30:26,324 --> 00:30:29,576 You call yourself a doctor. You should be ashamed of yourself. 583 00:30:31,079 --> 00:30:35,415 A real doctor could never turn his back on a person who's suffering! 584 00:30:36,251 --> 00:30:40,796 You couldn't treat a fucking two-celled amoeba, you fucking phony. 585 00:30:44,467 --> 00:30:47,678 Mother of God, give me the strength to get through this. 586 00:30:48,388 --> 00:30:51,265 This fucking rat bastard won't help me. 587 00:30:53,101 --> 00:30:56,854 I start crying all the time. Don't know what it is. 588 00:30:57,438 --> 00:30:58,689 All right, here. 589 00:31:01,276 --> 00:31:07,948 Sit down. 590 00:31:11,786 --> 00:31:13,954 What happened with your wife last night? 591 00:31:14,122 --> 00:31:16,665 I wasn't with my wife. I was with my girlfriend. 592 00:31:16,875 --> 00:31:19,001 -Are you having marriage problems? -No. 593 00:31:19,252 --> 00:31:20,669 Why do you have a girlfriend? 594 00:31:20,879 --> 00:31:22,421 You're moralizing with me now? 595 00:31:22,630 --> 00:31:25,132 No, I'm curious. Why do you have a girlfriend? 596 00:31:25,300 --> 00:31:27,551 I do things with her I can't do with my wife. 597 00:31:27,802 --> 00:31:29,136 Why can't you do them with your wife? 598 00:31:29,345 --> 00:31:32,681 That's the mouth she kisses my kids with. Are you crazy? 599 00:31:35,018 --> 00:31:36,852 Have you been under stress lately? 600 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:40,105 -Like seeing your best friend murdered? -That would qualify. 601 00:31:40,315 --> 00:31:41,732 I got a lot of stress. 602 00:31:41,900 --> 00:31:43,650 [SOBBlNG] 603 00:31:46,362 --> 00:31:49,197 Based upon what you told me before about the attacks... 604 00:31:49,407 --> 00:31:51,158 ...l'd say that was probably it. 605 00:31:52,243 --> 00:31:53,869 -Just stress? -"Just stress"? 606 00:31:54,078 --> 00:31:55,871 Stress is a very powerful force. 607 00:31:56,080 --> 00:31:58,999 I doubt there's anything physically wrong with you. 608 00:31:59,167 --> 00:32:01,084 -That's it? -That's it. 609 00:32:02,128 --> 00:32:04,338 -That's it? -l think so. 610 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:06,882 -You. -No, no. 611 00:32:07,050 --> 00:32:08,425 You're very good, you. 612 00:32:08,676 --> 00:32:09,968 You are very good. 613 00:32:10,178 --> 00:32:12,304 -There's more to it than-- -You're very good. 614 00:32:12,513 --> 00:32:14,473 -There are underlying-- -Understand me? 615 00:32:14,682 --> 00:32:16,099 You're right on the money. 616 00:32:16,351 --> 00:32:18,852 I feel the juices rush back to my balls as we speak. 617 00:32:19,062 --> 00:32:21,563 I never thought l'd hear another man say that to me. 618 00:32:21,773 --> 00:32:23,941 That settles it. You are my shrink. 619 00:32:24,192 --> 00:32:25,692 No, I couldn't. 620 00:32:25,860 --> 00:32:29,363 You're not ready to open up. You're not a good candidate-- 621 00:32:29,572 --> 00:32:32,616 Listen to you. The fucking honesty. 622 00:32:32,867 --> 00:32:34,242 That's it. You don't understand. 623 00:32:34,410 --> 00:32:36,703 Nobody, nobody talks to me like that. 624 00:32:36,871 --> 00:32:38,330 You understand? 625 00:32:38,539 --> 00:32:40,040 -Yes, I do. -That's it. 626 00:32:40,208 --> 00:32:41,375 Let's do it. l'm ready. 627 00:32:41,542 --> 00:32:43,418 You don't hear the word "no" very often. 628 00:32:43,628 --> 00:32:46,880 I hear it all the time, only it's more, "No, please, no, no." 629 00:32:47,548 --> 00:32:49,216 I'm here for two more days. 630 00:32:49,384 --> 00:32:52,678 When I get back to New York, I'll treat you exclusively. 631 00:32:52,887 --> 00:32:54,680 For two weeks. 632 00:32:54,847 --> 00:32:56,932 I just don't know what to tell my patients. 633 00:32:57,141 --> 00:32:58,892 -You want me to clear your schedule? -Oh, no. 634 00:32:59,060 --> 00:33:01,853 It would be my honor to do that. My pleasure. Jimmy? 635 00:33:02,021 --> 00:33:04,523 No. No, not Jimmy. I will do this myself. 636 00:33:04,732 --> 00:33:05,857 -You sure? -Positive. 637 00:33:06,067 --> 00:33:07,734 I will see you in New York. 638 00:33:07,902 --> 00:33:10,904 Okay. Want one of them? 639 00:33:11,114 --> 00:33:12,239 BEN: No, thanks. VlTTI: Sure? 640 00:33:12,407 --> 00:33:14,408 BEN: That's very kind of you, but l.... 641 00:33:14,575 --> 00:33:16,743 Want to give a little sta minch? 642 00:33:17,412 --> 00:33:18,620 You sure? 643 00:33:19,664 --> 00:33:20,956 The pause that refreshes. 644 00:33:21,165 --> 00:33:22,916 I don't-- No, l really.... 645 00:33:23,084 --> 00:33:24,209 You're on vacation. 646 00:33:24,377 --> 00:33:26,253 I'm also about to get married... 647 00:33:26,421 --> 00:33:28,922 ...so l'd like to go back to my hotel and.... 648 00:33:29,132 --> 00:33:31,425 Good night. I'll see you in New York. 649 00:33:31,718 --> 00:33:34,594 You. Hey, Doc. You. 650 00:33:34,762 --> 00:33:36,346 I'm going to see a lot of you. 651 00:33:37,223 --> 00:33:40,267 Ben? Where were you? 652 00:33:40,476 --> 00:33:42,436 My God, l woke up and you were gone! 653 00:33:42,645 --> 00:33:45,313 There was no note or anything! I was out of my mind! 654 00:33:45,523 --> 00:33:47,774 I walked all over the hotel looking for you. 655 00:33:47,984 --> 00:33:51,069 I even ate a Rice Krispy Treat. I almost called the police. 656 00:33:51,279 --> 00:33:54,156 No, don't call the police. I'll tell you the truth. 657 00:33:54,365 --> 00:33:56,283 I had a patient emergency. 658 00:33:56,492 --> 00:33:58,577 You have patients in Florida? 659 00:33:58,786 --> 00:34:02,456 One. He followed me from New York. I had to go, trust me. 660 00:34:02,665 --> 00:34:04,624 My God. Who is this patient? 661 00:34:06,794 --> 00:34:10,338 Paul Vitti. 662 00:34:10,798 --> 00:34:13,884 -Paul Vitti? Mafia Paul Vitti? -Yeah. 663 00:34:14,510 --> 00:34:15,969 Yes. 664 00:34:16,137 --> 00:34:20,307 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 665 00:34:20,975 --> 00:34:23,477 Listen. lt's not like he's a regular patient. 666 00:34:23,686 --> 00:34:25,645 -He's got problems. -Well, yeah. 667 00:34:25,813 --> 00:34:28,523 He thinks that l'm treating him. It's crazy. 668 00:34:28,691 --> 00:34:30,317 -So you're not treating him? -No. 669 00:34:30,485 --> 00:34:31,735 Tell me you're not. 670 00:34:31,944 --> 00:34:33,153 I'm not treating him. 671 00:34:33,321 --> 00:34:36,364 It's scary. You don't want someone like that in your life. 672 00:34:36,574 --> 00:34:39,451 I've covered the mob down here. I've seen what they do. 673 00:34:39,660 --> 00:34:42,788 He and l spoke about it. He understood. lt's over. 674 00:34:42,997 --> 00:34:45,123 -You're sure? -Absolutely. 675 00:34:45,750 --> 00:34:47,125 Okay. 676 00:34:47,293 --> 00:34:49,002 I was so worried. 677 00:34:49,212 --> 00:34:51,338 I thought maybe you got scared or... 678 00:34:51,506 --> 00:34:53,006 ...saw an ex-girlfriend or something. 679 00:34:53,174 --> 00:34:55,509 -Oh, no, no. -Well, l don't know. 680 00:34:56,385 --> 00:34:57,928 -l love you. -l love you. 681 00:34:58,137 --> 00:35:01,348 I'm sorry, but everything's going to be okay. 682 00:35:03,684 --> 00:35:05,685 WOMAN [SlNGING OVER SPEAKERS]: It's such a good vibration 683 00:35:05,853 --> 00:35:08,230 MAN: Give her a big hand! Let's hear it! How about that? 684 00:35:08,397 --> 00:35:09,773 [CROWD APPLAUDlNG] 685 00:35:09,941 --> 00:35:11,733 LAURA: Ooh, wow. 686 00:35:12,944 --> 00:35:15,570 That was great! Come on, get into it. 687 00:35:16,239 --> 00:35:18,281 I don't understand. They splash in the water. 688 00:35:18,449 --> 00:35:19,699 They eat fish. 689 00:35:19,867 --> 00:35:21,535 This is not a big stretch for a whale. 690 00:35:21,702 --> 00:35:22,744 Stop it. 691 00:35:22,912 --> 00:35:25,038 We're having fun, right? 692 00:35:25,206 --> 00:35:28,125 I'm not having as much fun as it looks like l am. 693 00:35:28,376 --> 00:35:31,128 I'm pretending, because we have to bond and all. 694 00:35:35,883 --> 00:35:41,388 WOMAN: As l was saying, a little snack for her might be, oh, 50 pounds of mackerel. 695 00:35:42,723 --> 00:35:44,057 There she goes! 696 00:35:47,770 --> 00:35:50,564 I'm going to get a hot dog. Anybody want anything? 697 00:35:50,731 --> 00:35:52,274 -l'll go with you. -No, it's fine. 698 00:35:52,483 --> 00:35:55,318 You're pretending to have a good time. I don't want to spoil that. 699 00:35:55,570 --> 00:35:56,778 I'll be right back. 700 00:35:57,029 --> 00:35:59,072 You think those whales piss in that water? 701 00:35:59,282 --> 00:36:03,285 I think they use the men's room next door to the Burger King. 702 00:36:03,452 --> 00:36:04,494 Dummy. 703 00:36:04,704 --> 00:36:06,872 -What's going on? -Mr. Vitti wants to see you. 704 00:36:07,081 --> 00:36:09,708 -ls this a joke? -You're an employee of Mr. Vitti's... 705 00:36:09,917 --> 00:36:12,335 ...which means you're on call 24 hours a day... 706 00:36:12,503 --> 00:36:14,004 ...just like the rest of us. 707 00:36:14,255 --> 00:36:15,589 I'm sorry. He and l discussed-- 708 00:36:15,756 --> 00:36:18,925 We discussed this, and l agreed to see him in New York. 709 00:36:19,093 --> 00:36:20,093 That's it. 710 00:36:20,261 --> 00:36:23,221 Dr. Momma-Luke, listen to me. It is what it is. 711 00:36:23,431 --> 00:36:25,891 If he wants you sooner, you go sooner. 712 00:36:26,058 --> 00:36:27,434 That's it. Yeah. 713 00:36:27,602 --> 00:36:28,852 No. I am not going. 714 00:36:29,061 --> 00:36:31,605 And if either one of you bother me again... 715 00:36:31,814 --> 00:36:33,273 ...l won't treat him at all. 716 00:36:33,441 --> 00:36:34,608 Do you understand that? 717 00:36:34,775 --> 00:36:35,859 [SPEAKS IN lTALIAN] 718 00:36:36,027 --> 00:36:38,486 It's over! End of story. 719 00:36:39,322 --> 00:36:41,531 MAN: Look at the size of this one. 720 00:36:41,949 --> 00:36:43,950 Jesus Christ! 721 00:36:45,786 --> 00:36:47,204 It's feeding time. 722 00:36:49,582 --> 00:36:51,291 BEN: They threw me in the shark tank, Paul. 723 00:36:51,459 --> 00:36:53,084 VlTTI: They were trying to make a point. 724 00:36:53,294 --> 00:36:55,337 That you're scary? Believe me, l get it. 725 00:36:55,504 --> 00:36:56,546 You're in a mood. 726 00:36:56,756 --> 00:36:59,299 I get that way when a shark tries to chew on my ass. 727 00:36:59,508 --> 00:37:02,219 -We had an agreement. -We did, but I had an episode. 728 00:37:02,428 --> 00:37:05,430 I didn't have a panic attack, but I started panicking... 729 00:37:05,640 --> 00:37:07,641 ...thinking I might get one. Is that weird? 730 00:37:07,850 --> 00:37:10,602 I am redefining "weird" on an hourly basis. 731 00:37:10,811 --> 00:37:12,562 MOONY: What's he doing? TINO: I don't know. 732 00:37:12,813 --> 00:37:15,190 -He's talking with some guy. MOONY: Can you hit him? 733 00:37:15,399 --> 00:37:18,526 TINO: He's got fat Jelly and his partner Jimmy Boots with him. 734 00:37:18,736 --> 00:37:21,780 I could do it with a rifle and scope, but I don't have that with me. 735 00:37:21,989 --> 00:37:22,989 MOONY: Just get him. 736 00:37:23,199 --> 00:37:25,325 TINO: You told me to take care of him, I'll do it. 737 00:37:25,493 --> 00:37:27,661 BEN: What were you thinking when you got anxious? 738 00:37:27,828 --> 00:37:30,163 Let's get out of here. We're being watched. 739 00:37:30,373 --> 00:37:33,166 Don't look. There's feds up there watching us. 740 00:37:33,334 --> 00:37:35,126 How do you know that? 741 00:37:35,294 --> 00:37:36,962 I'm a criminal. lt's my job. 742 00:37:38,172 --> 00:37:40,173 RICCl: Who's the new face? 743 00:37:40,967 --> 00:37:43,426 STEADMAN: Maybe he's Vitti's new consigliere. 744 00:37:43,678 --> 00:37:46,721 PROVANO: Whoever this guy is, he must be important to the family. 745 00:37:46,931 --> 00:37:49,683 STEADMAN: Put his picture on the wire, see what you come up with. 746 00:37:54,146 --> 00:37:58,191 Normally, a patient wouldn't have a vat of Scotch during a session. 747 00:38:00,152 --> 00:38:03,863 That's interesting. l'll have to remember it if l'm ever on Jeopardy. 748 00:38:04,031 --> 00:38:05,407 BEN: Tell me about your father. 749 00:38:05,616 --> 00:38:08,243 VlTTI: My father. Well, my father.... 750 00:38:08,452 --> 00:38:09,953 Let's sit here. 751 00:38:10,746 --> 00:38:11,997 My father. 752 00:38:13,374 --> 00:38:15,792 A big man in the neighborhood. Everybody loved him. 753 00:38:16,002 --> 00:38:17,919 Very well-respected, God rest his soul. 754 00:38:18,129 --> 00:38:19,629 He passed away? 755 00:38:19,839 --> 00:38:22,799 I just like saying "God rest his soul." Of course he passed away. 756 00:38:23,009 --> 00:38:24,718 I was about 1 2 at the time. 757 00:38:24,885 --> 00:38:26,219 How did he die? 758 00:38:26,721 --> 00:38:28,888 It was a sudden thing. A heart attack. 759 00:38:29,056 --> 00:38:31,474 How was the relationship? Were you close? 760 00:38:31,684 --> 00:38:32,976 Eh, we were pretty close. 761 00:38:33,185 --> 00:38:35,437 We weren't getting along great right then. 762 00:38:35,604 --> 00:38:37,147 Why is that? 763 00:38:37,315 --> 00:38:39,941 I was hanging out in the neighborhood. I had a borgata. 764 00:38:40,109 --> 00:38:41,401 What is that? 765 00:38:41,569 --> 00:38:44,070 A kid gang, nothing big. But he didn't like that. 766 00:38:44,238 --> 00:38:45,488 -He didn't approve. -No, no. 767 00:38:45,656 --> 00:38:47,991 He slapped me around a couple of times. 768 00:38:48,326 --> 00:38:49,492 And what? 769 00:38:49,702 --> 00:38:50,994 And then he died. 770 00:38:51,579 --> 00:38:53,413 How'd that make you feel? 771 00:38:53,581 --> 00:38:56,124 It felt great, wonderful. How'd it make me feel? 772 00:38:56,292 --> 00:38:57,417 Think about it. 773 00:38:57,585 --> 00:39:00,795 Were you angry? Were you afraid? Sad? 774 00:39:00,963 --> 00:39:02,964 Maybe all those things. 775 00:39:03,132 --> 00:39:04,758 Any feelings of guilt? 776 00:39:04,925 --> 00:39:06,301 About what? I didn't kill him. 777 00:39:06,510 --> 00:39:08,178 I know that, I'm just speculating... 778 00:39:08,346 --> 00:39:12,349 ...that maybe in some way you may have wanted him to die. 779 00:39:12,558 --> 00:39:14,017 Why would l want him to die? 780 00:39:14,226 --> 00:39:17,145 You said you were fighting. He slapped you around... 781 00:39:17,355 --> 00:39:19,564 ...because you rebelled against his authority. 782 00:39:19,774 --> 00:39:21,608 Maybe some unresolved Oedipal conflict. 783 00:39:21,776 --> 00:39:23,443 English, English. 784 00:39:23,652 --> 00:39:27,530 Oedipus was a Greek king who killed his father and married his mother. 785 00:39:27,698 --> 00:39:28,823 Fucking Greeks. 786 00:39:28,991 --> 00:39:31,326 It's an instinctual developmental drive. 787 00:39:31,494 --> 00:39:33,661 The young boy wants to replace his father... 788 00:39:33,829 --> 00:39:36,289 ...so that he can totally possess his mother. 789 00:39:36,457 --> 00:39:38,792 Are you saying I wanted to fuck my mother? 790 00:39:38,959 --> 00:39:42,003 -lt's a primal fantasy. -Have you ever seen my mother? 791 00:39:42,213 --> 00:39:44,464 -Are you out of your mind? -lt's Freud! 792 00:39:44,632 --> 00:39:47,509 Freud's a sick fuck, and you are too for bringing it up. 793 00:39:47,676 --> 00:39:49,636 -lt's-- -Ugh! 794 00:39:51,222 --> 00:39:54,516 BEN: Can l be honest? I don't think l can call you Dad. 795 00:39:54,725 --> 00:39:57,477 So, what do l call you? Do I call you Scott? 796 00:39:57,645 --> 00:39:59,354 My friends call me Captain. 797 00:40:00,272 --> 00:40:01,815 -Captain? -Yeah, Captain. 798 00:40:01,982 --> 00:40:03,483 Captain. 799 00:40:03,651 --> 00:40:05,944 Want another drink? I'm definitely having eight or nine. 800 00:40:06,112 --> 00:40:07,987 I'd like a morphine and soda. 801 00:40:08,155 --> 00:40:10,073 I'm shaking. 802 00:40:10,241 --> 00:40:13,827 Shall we go to our table? Come on, Michael. 803 00:40:13,994 --> 00:40:15,412 Hey. Hey. 804 00:40:15,579 --> 00:40:16,871 Señor Sobel. 805 00:40:20,334 --> 00:40:21,501 How you doing? 806 00:40:23,170 --> 00:40:24,671 Honey, it's the Vittis. 807 00:40:24,839 --> 00:40:26,881 My God. Yeah. 808 00:40:28,217 --> 00:40:31,302 Everybody's happy, everybody's smiling. This is nice. 809 00:40:31,470 --> 00:40:33,346 You Paul Vitti, the mobster. 810 00:40:35,099 --> 00:40:37,225 Now, is that polite? Eh? 811 00:40:37,393 --> 00:40:39,727 Is that being nice? I'm trying to be nice. 812 00:40:39,937 --> 00:40:42,897 Do I walk up to you and say you're so-and-so, the hard-on? 813 00:40:43,941 --> 00:40:46,067 This is Laura's father, the captain. 814 00:40:46,277 --> 00:40:48,069 VlTTI: I'm very, very sorry. 815 00:40:48,279 --> 00:40:49,404 Excuse us. 816 00:40:51,866 --> 00:40:53,950 I heard about the wedding. Here you go. 817 00:40:54,160 --> 00:40:57,454 A little something for the bride and groom. God bless. 818 00:40:57,830 --> 00:40:58,955 We can't accept this. 819 00:40:59,123 --> 00:41:00,832 -Yes, you can. -Thank you. 820 00:41:01,000 --> 00:41:04,419 I'm just going to borrow this guy. I'll bring him right back. 821 00:41:04,628 --> 00:41:06,379 And then you'll leave us alone. 822 00:41:06,547 --> 00:41:09,466 I'll leave you alone. I got to talk to you. 823 00:41:11,302 --> 00:41:12,969 Two minutes. Two minutes. 824 00:41:13,179 --> 00:41:15,763 Wait over there. Don't listen to what we say. 825 00:41:15,973 --> 00:41:17,432 My ears are sealed. 826 00:41:17,641 --> 00:41:19,559 I had a really weird dream last night. 827 00:41:19,727 --> 00:41:22,729 I feel like I'm having one now. Why'd you interrupt my party? 828 00:41:22,938 --> 00:41:25,482 You're really very rigid about certain things. 829 00:41:25,691 --> 00:41:27,025 Did you know that? 830 00:41:27,234 --> 00:41:29,569 All right, tell me about your dream. 831 00:41:29,737 --> 00:41:31,362 I'm asleep. 832 00:41:31,572 --> 00:41:34,199 I hear a baby crying. I go to the refrigerator. 833 00:41:34,408 --> 00:41:35,992 I get him a bottle of milk. 834 00:41:36,202 --> 00:41:37,994 I bring the bottle of milk to him... 835 00:41:38,204 --> 00:41:39,537 ...l see the milk is black. 836 00:41:39,747 --> 00:41:42,373 JELLY: That's fucking weird! -Get out of here. 837 00:41:42,583 --> 00:41:44,250 -Get out of here. -Sorry. 838 00:41:45,294 --> 00:41:48,421 What does that mean? And no more filth about my mother. 839 00:41:48,589 --> 00:41:50,548 I don't know. What does it mean to you? 840 00:41:51,425 --> 00:41:54,594 This is why I pay you? I say something, you say it back to me? 841 00:41:54,803 --> 00:41:57,055 I could get Jelly to do that for nothing. 842 00:41:57,264 --> 00:41:59,807 Get Jelly. I'm going back to my party. 843 00:42:01,769 --> 00:42:03,937 All right. I'm letting it go this time. 844 00:42:04,104 --> 00:42:07,232 Because you're getting married, I'm going to let it go. 845 00:42:10,945 --> 00:42:13,905 Why don't you look over that way before l bust your fucking head open? 846 00:42:14,073 --> 00:42:15,448 Jesus. 847 00:42:28,796 --> 00:42:32,131 I'm going to grab a bite to eat. You want a sandwich? 848 00:42:32,633 --> 00:42:34,801 What kind of sandwich ain't too fattening? 849 00:42:34,969 --> 00:42:36,594 A half a sandwich. 850 00:42:37,096 --> 00:42:39,055 I'll be back in a few minutes. 851 00:42:42,059 --> 00:42:43,977 [ELEVATOR DINGS] 852 00:42:44,144 --> 00:42:46,187 [SILENCED GUNSHOTS] 853 00:43:09,878 --> 00:43:12,505 Now, nod your head and smile. Do it. 854 00:43:13,465 --> 00:43:15,174 Now, you listen to me, goombah. 855 00:43:15,342 --> 00:43:18,386 I know what your game is, and you'd better call it quits. 856 00:43:18,554 --> 00:43:22,181 If you and your paisans do anything to hurt my little girl... 857 00:43:22,391 --> 00:43:24,017 ...l don't care who your friends are... 858 00:43:24,184 --> 00:43:27,687 ...l'll hunt you down like the dog you are, and I'll kill you. 859 00:43:27,855 --> 00:43:29,272 Understand? 860 00:43:29,440 --> 00:43:31,232 Now, nod and smile. 861 00:43:31,775 --> 00:43:33,026 Congratulations. 862 00:43:36,697 --> 00:43:37,864 What was that about? 863 00:43:38,073 --> 00:43:41,784 Just guy stuff between me and the captain. 864 00:43:45,372 --> 00:43:48,291 [CHATTERlNG ON TV] 865 00:44:00,971 --> 00:44:03,723 [SHOWER RUNNING] 866 00:44:20,741 --> 00:44:22,617 [YELLING] 867 00:44:46,892 --> 00:44:48,351 Shit! 868 00:44:51,188 --> 00:44:53,773 In sickness and in health, from this day forth... 869 00:44:53,941 --> 00:44:55,942 -...as long as you both shall live? -l-- 870 00:44:56,110 --> 00:44:57,360 [GLASS SHATTERlNG] 871 00:44:57,528 --> 00:44:59,529 [SCREAMlNG] 872 00:45:00,239 --> 00:45:01,739 [PEOPLE SCREAMING] 873 00:45:01,907 --> 00:45:04,701 Ey-ey-ey-ey-ey. 874 00:45:05,244 --> 00:45:07,829 Bring Marie and the kids right to the airport. 875 00:45:08,038 --> 00:45:11,791 Pull the car in the back of the hotel and wait for us. 876 00:45:12,000 --> 00:45:13,042 JlMMY: You got it, boss. 877 00:45:13,252 --> 00:45:15,878 That's it. That is it. I have had it with you. 878 00:45:16,088 --> 00:45:17,130 -What happened? -What happened? 879 00:45:17,339 --> 00:45:21,217 I just saw a man fall seven stories into a platter of poached salmon! 880 00:45:21,427 --> 00:45:23,302 JELLY: Did he break anything? -Everything! 881 00:45:23,470 --> 00:45:25,179 They're still pulling capers out of him. 882 00:45:25,389 --> 00:45:29,225 People get depressed, they jump. It's a tragedy, but it ain't my fault. 883 00:45:29,435 --> 00:45:31,060 You're telling me it was a suicide? 884 00:45:31,270 --> 00:45:33,813 I think he left a note. Jelly, did they find it? 885 00:45:33,981 --> 00:45:35,940 No, but they will in a minute. 886 00:45:36,150 --> 00:45:38,276 Let me guess what it says: "Life is bullshit. 887 00:45:38,485 --> 00:45:40,820 I can't fucking take it no more. Signed, the dead guy." 888 00:45:40,988 --> 00:45:42,947 Hey. That's good, Doc. 889 00:45:43,157 --> 00:45:45,408 Enough talk. We got to get out of here. 890 00:45:45,617 --> 00:45:47,201 There's feds all over. 891 00:45:47,411 --> 00:45:49,287 I'm going back to New York... 892 00:45:49,496 --> 00:45:52,290 ...and l would suggest that you do the same thing. 893 00:45:52,499 --> 00:45:54,292 Because they're probably on to you too. 894 00:45:54,501 --> 00:45:56,544 On to me? What are you talking about? 895 00:45:56,754 --> 00:46:00,214 Being an accessory to a murder wasn't part of our understanding. 896 00:46:00,424 --> 00:46:02,133 I didn't kill nobody. 897 00:46:02,301 --> 00:46:04,177 I can't speak for other people in the room. 898 00:46:04,344 --> 00:46:05,511 That guy tried to kill me. 899 00:46:05,679 --> 00:46:08,347 God forbid he did that to somebody in my family. 900 00:46:08,515 --> 00:46:10,850 It would've been a double or a triple tragedy. 901 00:46:11,018 --> 00:46:13,394 Trust me, in this case, we're the good guys. 902 00:46:13,604 --> 00:46:15,104 LAURA: Where is he? 903 00:46:15,856 --> 00:46:18,149 JlMMY: Where are you going? -Don't touch me. 904 00:46:19,234 --> 00:46:20,693 How could you do that? 905 00:46:20,986 --> 00:46:22,779 Another country heard from. 906 00:46:23,322 --> 00:46:24,363 Wait downstairs. 907 00:46:24,531 --> 00:46:27,742 Why? Are they going to throw me off the balcony too? 908 00:46:28,368 --> 00:46:30,870 You're upset and you're upsetting me. 909 00:46:31,079 --> 00:46:32,163 Of course I'm upset! 910 00:46:32,372 --> 00:46:35,708 My wedding is ruined because you've got problems! 911 00:46:35,876 --> 00:46:36,959 I got problems? 912 00:46:37,544 --> 00:46:38,586 Honey, please. 913 00:46:39,546 --> 00:46:42,381 I'm going to pack, and then l'm going to New York. 914 00:46:42,591 --> 00:46:45,551 And l am getting married with you or without you! 915 00:46:46,220 --> 00:46:48,346 With! With! l'm sorry, honey. 916 00:46:48,555 --> 00:46:51,891 It'll all work out. l promise. Please? 917 00:46:52,851 --> 00:46:54,477 No, I hate you! 918 00:46:56,063 --> 00:46:58,147 Are you happy? Huh? Are you happy? 919 00:46:58,357 --> 00:47:00,650 You know what you did? You have ruined my life! 920 00:47:00,859 --> 00:47:02,735 Happy? What are you talking about? 921 00:47:02,945 --> 00:47:05,238 You think I wanted this? I'm a victim here. 922 00:47:05,405 --> 00:47:06,864 I can't believe this guy. 923 00:47:07,074 --> 00:47:09,325 He tries to kill me, then whacks one of my guys. 924 00:47:09,535 --> 00:47:13,079 On top of that, he fucks up your wedding. You know how upset I am? 925 00:47:13,247 --> 00:47:15,998 I'm so enraged, I don't know what do to with myself! 926 00:47:16,208 --> 00:47:18,751 Plus, l'm trying to get out of this hotel and-- 927 00:47:18,919 --> 00:47:20,586 Are you listening to yourself? 928 00:47:20,796 --> 00:47:21,963 Listen to yourself! 929 00:47:22,214 --> 00:47:26,384 This has been a disaster from the moment you stepped foot in my office. 930 00:47:26,593 --> 00:47:29,262 That is it. Over! I'm no longer your doctor. 931 00:47:29,429 --> 00:47:30,847 Just because of this? 932 00:47:31,014 --> 00:47:34,225 Because of this little double homicide? Yes, because of this! 933 00:47:34,434 --> 00:47:37,937 You don't have a shred of human decency. Not a shred. 934 00:47:38,146 --> 00:47:40,106 I actually thought I could help you. 935 00:47:40,315 --> 00:47:42,859 There's no helping you. You're a common thug! 936 00:47:43,068 --> 00:47:44,694 Nobody in the world could help you! 937 00:47:44,903 --> 00:47:46,445 All right! What do you want me to do? 938 00:47:46,780 --> 00:47:47,947 [SIREN WAILlNG ON TV] 939 00:47:48,115 --> 00:47:49,866 [PHONE RlNGING] 940 00:47:50,784 --> 00:47:51,826 MOONY: Yo. 941 00:47:51,994 --> 00:47:54,287 VITTI: Let me speak to Primo. -Hold on. 942 00:47:56,748 --> 00:47:58,416 Paul Vitti's on the phone. 943 00:47:59,293 --> 00:48:01,627 -Vitti? -Vitti. 944 00:48:06,216 --> 00:48:08,759 -Hello. -Yeah, yeah, hello. 945 00:48:08,927 --> 00:48:10,219 SlNDONE: Who is this? -lt's me. 946 00:48:10,429 --> 00:48:12,555 -Me who? -Me who-- Me, me. 947 00:48:12,764 --> 00:48:15,433 -Me, me who? -Me, me. You know me. Me. 948 00:48:16,101 --> 00:48:17,393 Yeah, how's it going? 949 00:48:17,603 --> 00:48:18,811 Not good. Not good. 950 00:48:18,979 --> 00:48:21,981 Whoever did that thing to you-know-who, my good friend... 951 00:48:22,149 --> 00:48:23,649 ...they're trying to do that to me. 952 00:48:23,817 --> 00:48:26,277 And l'm having a lot of feelings about that. 953 00:48:26,486 --> 00:48:28,988 And l'm trying to get some... 954 00:48:29,239 --> 00:48:31,324 -Closure. -...closure on that. 955 00:48:33,035 --> 00:48:34,952 What kind of feelings? 956 00:48:35,162 --> 00:48:37,872 I'm very angry. I'm feeling very angry about that. 957 00:48:38,040 --> 00:48:39,582 I'm really, uh-- 958 00:48:39,750 --> 00:48:40,917 I'm enraged. 959 00:48:41,126 --> 00:48:43,336 I'm feeling very, very mad about that. 960 00:48:43,545 --> 00:48:44,837 Why are you telling me? 961 00:48:45,047 --> 00:48:46,464 Why am l telling you? 962 00:48:46,673 --> 00:48:48,841 Like you don't know nothing about it? Eh? 963 00:48:49,009 --> 00:48:50,343 You don't know nothing? What? 964 00:48:50,802 --> 00:48:52,678 SlNDONE: I don't know what you're talking about. 965 00:48:52,846 --> 00:48:54,513 -l'm trying to.... -Tell you how I feel. 966 00:48:54,681 --> 00:48:57,224 Tell you about my feelings and that.... 967 00:48:57,601 --> 00:48:58,976 -l'm angry. -l'm angry. 968 00:48:59,186 --> 00:49:00,561 And anger is a.... 969 00:49:00,771 --> 00:49:02,521 -A blocked wish. -A blocked wish. 970 00:49:02,731 --> 00:49:06,025 And l'm looking forward to seeing you next week at that thing... 971 00:49:06,193 --> 00:49:08,819 ...then l can unblock that angered wish... 972 00:49:08,987 --> 00:49:10,029 ...and then hopefully.... 973 00:49:10,197 --> 00:49:12,698 You make one more move on me, you motherfucker... 974 00:49:12,866 --> 00:49:14,867 ...l'll fucking cut your fucking balls off! 975 00:49:15,077 --> 00:49:18,454 I'll shove them up your fucking ass, I'll fucking bury you! 976 00:49:18,664 --> 00:49:21,707 I'll put ice picks in your eyes! I'll chop your eyeballs! 977 00:49:21,875 --> 00:49:24,710 I'll send them to your family to eat for dessert! 978 00:49:24,878 --> 00:49:26,879 -You understand me? -Hey, Paul. 979 00:49:27,047 --> 00:49:28,381 -What? -Fuck you. 980 00:49:28,590 --> 00:49:30,383 You motherfucker! 981 00:49:33,095 --> 00:49:36,222 You get a dictionary and find out what this "closure" is. 982 00:49:36,390 --> 00:49:40,559 If that's what he's going to hit us with, l want to know what it is. 983 00:49:40,769 --> 00:49:42,186 How was that? 984 00:49:42,771 --> 00:49:44,480 It was going great until... 985 00:49:44,690 --> 00:49:47,441 ...the cutting off of the balls and shoving it up... 986 00:49:47,651 --> 00:49:48,901 ...his ass. 987 00:49:49,277 --> 00:49:52,405 You know what l do when l'm mad? I hit a pillow. 988 00:49:52,572 --> 00:49:54,323 Just hit the pillow. See how you feel. 989 00:49:59,287 --> 00:50:01,122 There's your fucking pillow. 990 00:50:02,249 --> 00:50:03,916 Feel better? 991 00:50:05,252 --> 00:50:06,502 Yeah, l do. 992 00:50:06,712 --> 00:50:08,004 Good. 993 00:50:22,728 --> 00:50:25,438 Call the Vatican. See if something is missing. 994 00:50:25,814 --> 00:50:27,815 So cool! 995 00:50:28,400 --> 00:50:31,902 Michael, I need to talk to your dad in private, okay? 996 00:50:32,112 --> 00:50:33,904 Would you unload the car, please? 997 00:50:34,114 --> 00:50:36,907 It's almost as tall as the house. 998 00:50:37,367 --> 00:50:39,952 -Mike? -All right. 999 00:50:40,120 --> 00:50:41,787 What is going on? 1000 00:50:42,247 --> 00:50:43,622 What is this? 1001 00:50:44,499 --> 00:50:45,916 Why? 1002 00:50:46,293 --> 00:50:49,128 It's a wedding gift. He felt bad for the-- 1003 00:50:49,379 --> 00:50:53,340 Mm-hm, okay. Well, we're not married, so we can just send it back. 1004 00:50:55,969 --> 00:50:58,137 It was not my fault. Everybody was there. 1005 00:50:58,305 --> 00:51:01,098 You didn't want to go ahead with the ceremony. 1006 00:51:01,308 --> 00:51:05,269 What did you expect? That's not what I want for an anniversary memory. 1007 00:51:05,479 --> 00:51:08,856 "Look at our wedding video. There are your parents, and mine. 1008 00:51:09,066 --> 00:51:11,317 There's the guy that plunged to his death." 1009 00:51:11,526 --> 00:51:13,736 I just want to marry you. 1010 00:51:14,529 --> 00:51:16,155 I'm thinking it'll never happen. 1011 00:51:16,364 --> 00:51:19,241 It's happening next Saturday at the Waldorf. 1012 00:51:19,451 --> 00:51:20,659 And who will be there? 1013 00:51:20,869 --> 00:51:22,244 The three of us, the clergyman... 1014 00:51:22,454 --> 00:51:25,956 ...and any of your family who are done with their crisis counseling. 1015 00:51:26,166 --> 00:51:28,709 No guests without necks. Everybody has to have a neck. 1016 00:51:28,919 --> 00:51:32,171 -We will do a neck check at the door. -Thank you. 1017 00:51:33,673 --> 00:51:35,800 Any furniture you want to change in the house-- 1018 00:51:35,967 --> 00:51:37,259 [YELLING] 1019 00:51:37,427 --> 00:51:38,594 Dr. Sobel. 1020 00:51:38,762 --> 00:51:39,845 Ma'am. 1021 00:51:40,013 --> 00:51:42,765 I'm Agent Steadman. Agent Ricci, Agent Provano... 1022 00:51:42,974 --> 00:51:44,892 ...Federal Bureau of lnvestigation, OCD. 1023 00:51:45,102 --> 00:51:46,977 Obsessive-compulsive disorder? 1024 00:51:47,354 --> 00:51:50,147 Organized Crime Division. We need to talk. 1025 00:51:50,357 --> 00:51:52,691 FBI? This is cooler than the fountain. 1026 00:51:52,859 --> 00:51:53,984 Go to your room. 1027 00:51:54,194 --> 00:51:56,028 -But l just-- -Go to your room. 1028 00:51:56,363 --> 00:51:58,864 Fine. l can hear better in there anyway. 1029 00:51:59,950 --> 00:52:01,200 Please. 1030 00:52:05,372 --> 00:52:07,706 Can you explain these photographs? 1031 00:52:12,170 --> 00:52:13,921 LAURA: Hm. 1032 00:52:15,048 --> 00:52:19,051 Yes. l'm a psychotherapist. Paul Vitti is my patient. 1033 00:52:19,261 --> 00:52:20,928 -Was your patient. -Was my patient. 1034 00:52:21,138 --> 00:52:23,055 But not even like a patient. 1035 00:52:23,265 --> 00:52:24,390 Right. Exactly. 1036 00:52:24,558 --> 00:52:26,684 So why did he send you that fountain? 1037 00:52:27,978 --> 00:52:29,395 The fountain? 1038 00:52:30,105 --> 00:52:32,314 Oh, that. That was a.... 1039 00:52:33,066 --> 00:52:36,527 That was a gift to celebrate the completion... 1040 00:52:36,695 --> 00:52:38,070 ...of the therapy. 1041 00:52:38,238 --> 00:52:40,447 I got a television from a kleptomaniac... 1042 00:52:40,615 --> 00:52:43,075 ...so it's not really that big of a deal. 1043 00:52:43,243 --> 00:52:45,536 Let me cut to the chase, Dr. Sobel. 1044 00:52:46,621 --> 00:52:50,249 Sometime in the next week, the heads of every major crime family... 1045 00:52:50,417 --> 00:52:52,793 ...are meeting somewhere in the New York area. 1046 00:52:52,961 --> 00:52:55,754 We think the stage is set for a major bloodbath. 1047 00:52:55,964 --> 00:52:57,339 Has he mentioned it to you? 1048 00:52:57,507 --> 00:52:59,592 A bloodbath? 1049 00:52:59,759 --> 00:53:03,095 No. He has not mentioned anything like that. 1050 00:53:03,305 --> 00:53:05,431 I would've remembered that. 1051 00:53:05,640 --> 00:53:08,767 "Bloodbath" is something that sticks out in a conversation. 1052 00:53:08,935 --> 00:53:12,855 You could really help us by supplying information about that meeting. 1053 00:53:13,940 --> 00:53:15,691 If l don't? 1054 00:53:15,942 --> 00:53:17,693 If you don't... 1055 00:53:17,861 --> 00:53:20,738 ...l will personally make your life a living hell. 1056 00:53:24,576 --> 00:53:27,745 MASlELLO: Pauly, I don't mean this in a disrespectful way. 1057 00:53:28,580 --> 00:53:31,332 Now, you know I was a good friend to your father. 1058 00:53:31,583 --> 00:53:34,543 I'll always be a good friend to you. 1059 00:53:34,711 --> 00:53:38,255 But the word is out that you're talking to a shrink. 1060 00:53:38,465 --> 00:53:40,716 -ls that right? -What's the point here? 1061 00:53:40,884 --> 00:53:44,553 The point is this concerns the whole family. 1062 00:53:44,721 --> 00:53:47,806 Right now, we're the only ones that know about it. 1063 00:53:48,016 --> 00:53:50,893 If this ever gets out in the street, we're dead. 1064 00:53:51,102 --> 00:53:52,978 Who knows what you're saying to him? 1065 00:53:53,188 --> 00:53:55,731 It ain't nobody's fucking business. 1066 00:53:55,941 --> 00:53:57,191 I beg to differ. 1067 00:53:57,400 --> 00:54:01,320 If you're looking to establish an insanity plea for later on... 1068 00:54:01,488 --> 00:54:02,988 ...that's okay. 1069 00:54:03,156 --> 00:54:06,533 But everybody'll think you're falling apart. lt's not right. 1070 00:54:06,701 --> 00:54:08,994 They'll think this is a sign of weakness. 1071 00:54:09,162 --> 00:54:12,331 Sindone will take over everything. Is that what you want? 1072 00:54:12,499 --> 00:54:14,625 So, what do you want me to do? 1073 00:54:14,793 --> 00:54:16,293 It's time to end it, Paul. 1074 00:54:16,461 --> 00:54:17,836 What do you mean, end it? 1075 00:54:18,004 --> 00:54:20,339 Get rid of the shrink. He knows too much. 1076 00:54:20,507 --> 00:54:22,883 You want me to whack my doctor? Are you crazy? 1077 00:54:23,843 --> 00:54:27,012 Paul, if you don't do it, somebody else will. 1078 00:54:27,180 --> 00:54:29,056 That's the way it is. 1079 00:54:29,224 --> 00:54:30,891 Nobody touches this guy. 1080 00:54:31,059 --> 00:54:34,353 Anybody lays a finger on him, I'll kill them. Understood? 1081 00:54:38,692 --> 00:54:42,194 -l'm getting fruit. Want anything? -No, I'll wait in the car. 1082 00:54:49,286 --> 00:54:50,953 Can l get two of these? 1083 00:55:09,431 --> 00:55:11,473 [GUN CLATTERS] 1084 00:55:25,572 --> 00:55:26,739 VlTTI: Papa! 1085 00:55:30,243 --> 00:55:32,119 Papa! Papa! 1086 00:55:35,040 --> 00:55:37,833 [SOBBlNG] 1087 00:55:41,004 --> 00:55:42,713 Papa! 1088 00:55:46,176 --> 00:55:47,843 [ORGAN PLAYING] 1089 00:55:48,011 --> 00:55:49,428 [WHlSPERlNG] I'm sorry. 1090 00:55:49,763 --> 00:55:51,180 Sorry. 1091 00:56:00,106 --> 00:56:01,774 [WHlSPERlNG] You look lousy. You all right? 1092 00:56:01,941 --> 00:56:06,028 Yeah, l'm all right. Listen, Paul, don't send me any more gifts. 1093 00:56:06,237 --> 00:56:10,616 -You didn't like the fountain? -lt's a boundary issue. 1094 00:56:10,825 --> 00:56:13,702 If more people gave from the heart, we'd all be better off. 1095 00:56:13,912 --> 00:56:17,289 Let me see your watch. Piece ofjunk. You're getting a Rolex. 1096 00:56:17,499 --> 00:56:20,167 -Don't buy me one. -Who said anything about buying? 1097 00:56:20,377 --> 00:56:22,711 Paul, listen. I really have to talk to you. 1098 00:56:32,555 --> 00:56:33,972 Who is that? 1099 00:56:34,933 --> 00:56:39,061 Tommy Angels. We grew up together. Worked for a crew out of Jersey City. 1100 00:56:39,646 --> 00:56:42,648 -How did he die? PRlEST: All rise. 1101 00:56:43,483 --> 00:56:46,318 He was on his way to talk to a federal prosecutor. 1102 00:56:46,528 --> 00:56:48,404 Got hit by a truck. 1103 00:56:48,988 --> 00:56:50,280 Twice. 1104 00:56:50,990 --> 00:56:52,199 I don't need to know this. 1105 00:56:52,409 --> 00:56:53,659 I can't hear this. 1106 00:56:54,953 --> 00:56:57,830 This is too much for me. I'm having nightmares myself. 1107 00:56:57,997 --> 00:57:01,125 The other night, l dreamed you and I were walking down the street... 1108 00:57:01,334 --> 00:57:02,835 ...and l stopped to buy some fruit. 1109 00:57:03,002 --> 00:57:05,587 Out of nowhere, two guys come and they kill me... 1110 00:57:05,839 --> 00:57:09,007 ...like Marlon Brando in The Godfather. 1111 00:57:10,093 --> 00:57:12,511 Good scene. What'd l do? 1112 00:57:12,679 --> 00:57:13,846 You drop your gun. 1113 00:57:14,055 --> 00:57:17,558 You run up to me and you yell, "Papa! Papa!" 1114 00:57:17,976 --> 00:57:19,351 I was Fredo? 1115 00:57:19,853 --> 00:57:21,395 I don't think so. 1116 00:57:22,939 --> 00:57:25,732 You're starting to lose it. You may need therapy yourself. 1117 00:57:25,942 --> 00:57:29,528 -Paul, we really have to talk. This is-- PRlEST: All rise. 1118 00:57:30,697 --> 00:57:32,531 BEN: We're running out of time. 1119 00:57:51,134 --> 00:57:52,301 The widow. 1120 00:57:52,719 --> 00:57:54,136 I'm very sorry. 1121 00:57:55,430 --> 00:57:56,555 The daughter. 1122 00:57:56,806 --> 00:57:57,973 I'm sorry. 1123 00:58:00,977 --> 00:58:03,937 -Brother. -My condolences. 1124 00:58:09,944 --> 00:58:11,403 I'm very sorry. 1125 00:58:29,339 --> 00:58:30,839 Him I don't know. 1126 00:58:36,262 --> 00:58:37,804 Can we talk now? 1127 00:58:42,602 --> 00:58:46,104 [IN NORMAL TONE] Don't you see? You called me Papa. This is all about your father. 1128 00:58:46,272 --> 00:58:48,148 [IN NORMAL TONE] You're nuts. That's your dream. 1129 00:58:48,316 --> 00:58:50,484 But the black-milk dream is also about your father. 1130 00:58:50,693 --> 00:58:53,695 I don't buy that. ln my dream, I'm bringing the baby the black milk. 1131 00:58:53,947 --> 00:58:56,323 Freud believed you're everyone in your dreams. 1132 00:58:56,533 --> 00:58:58,450 Fuck Freud. After what you told me... 1133 00:58:58,660 --> 00:59:01,203 ...l'm afraid to call my mother on the telephone. 1134 00:59:01,454 --> 00:59:03,622 Listen, just try to go with me here. 1135 00:59:03,831 --> 00:59:05,958 Let's just say that you are the baby. 1136 00:59:06,209 --> 00:59:07,960 What kind of milk did your father bring you? 1137 00:59:08,127 --> 00:59:09,628 Could we stop talking about my father? 1138 00:59:09,796 --> 00:59:13,507 No. That's the point. We have to talk about your father. 1139 00:59:13,716 --> 00:59:16,009 It is so hard to-- You know what you're like? 1140 00:59:16,219 --> 00:59:18,178 Like this: "Doc, you got to help me. 1141 00:59:18,388 --> 00:59:19,972 I'm in pain. Please help me." 1142 00:59:20,139 --> 00:59:22,975 "All right, Paul, I'll help." "Fuck you. Nobody helps Paul Vitti." 1143 00:59:23,142 --> 00:59:25,227 All right, very good. This is you: 1144 00:59:25,436 --> 00:59:27,729 "Oh. That's interesting. What does that mean to you? 1145 00:59:28,398 --> 00:59:29,648 Anger is a blocked wish." 1146 00:59:29,899 --> 00:59:31,900 Boo-fucking-hoo-hoo. 1147 00:59:32,110 --> 00:59:34,194 -Let's talk about your father. -Let's not. 1148 00:59:34,404 --> 00:59:35,654 What does your father do? 1149 00:59:35,822 --> 00:59:36,947 It's not important. 1150 00:59:37,156 --> 00:59:39,241 -What? You paused. -l did not. 1151 00:59:39,450 --> 00:59:42,494 You just paused. That means you had a feeling. A thought. 1152 00:59:42,662 --> 00:59:44,663 What does your father do? What's he do? 1153 00:59:44,998 --> 00:59:47,249 -He's a psychiatrist. -A psychiatrist? 1154 00:59:47,500 --> 00:59:49,167 Oh. 1155 00:59:49,335 --> 00:59:52,004 Now I know why you're fucked up. Next patient, please. 1156 00:59:52,338 --> 00:59:53,672 We are running out of time. 1157 00:59:53,840 --> 00:59:55,841 Let's not waste it on my problems. 1158 00:59:56,009 --> 00:59:57,175 -Your father's a problem? -No. 1159 00:59:57,343 --> 00:59:58,343 -That's what you said. -l did not! 1160 00:59:58,595 --> 01:00:00,762 -Now you're upset. -l am not upset! 1161 01:00:00,972 --> 01:00:02,097 -Yes, you are. -Stop it! 1162 01:00:02,307 --> 01:00:03,557 I'm getting good at this. 1163 01:00:03,725 --> 01:00:07,853 Paul, we only have a few days left. This is very important stuff. 1164 01:00:08,062 --> 01:00:10,105 That's why you're acting like this. 1165 01:00:10,273 --> 01:00:12,357 If you want to spend it screwing around, l can't help you. 1166 01:00:12,525 --> 01:00:14,776 Call me when you want to get serious. 1167 01:00:14,944 --> 01:00:16,570 I am serious. 1168 01:00:16,738 --> 01:00:19,031 Hey. Don't you want to analyze me no more? 1169 01:00:19,198 --> 01:00:21,450 Doc, doc, doc. 1170 01:00:21,618 --> 01:00:22,868 Say hello to your father for me. 1171 01:00:28,791 --> 01:00:30,876 MASlELLO [ON RECORDING]: lt's time to end it, Paul. 1172 01:00:31,044 --> 01:00:32,544 VlTTI [ON RECORDING]: What do you mean, end it? 1173 01:00:32,712 --> 01:00:35,213 MASlELLO: Get rid of the shrink. He knows too much already. 1174 01:00:35,381 --> 01:00:36,923 VlTTI: You want me to whack my doctor? 1175 01:00:37,133 --> 01:00:40,969 MASlELLO: Ifyou don't do it, somebody else will. That's the way it is. 1176 01:00:41,137 --> 01:00:42,429 VlTTI: Nobody touches this guy. 1177 01:00:42,639 --> 01:00:45,223 Anybody lays a finger on him, I'm gonna kill them. 1178 01:00:45,391 --> 01:00:47,059 Understood? 1179 01:00:48,061 --> 01:00:49,645 Now let's hear the other one. 1180 01:00:50,730 --> 01:00:52,230 VlTTI: You want me to whack my doctor? 1181 01:00:52,398 --> 01:00:55,567 MASlELLO: Ifyou don't do it, somebody else will. That's the way it is. 1182 01:00:55,735 --> 01:00:57,611 VlTTI: I'm gonna kill them. 1183 01:00:59,572 --> 01:01:01,323 -Good. -That's very good. 1184 01:01:02,492 --> 01:01:04,201 MASlELLO: We think it's time to end it. 1185 01:01:04,410 --> 01:01:05,452 VlTTI: What do you mean? 1186 01:01:05,662 --> 01:01:08,538 MASlELLO: Get rid of the shrink. He knows too much already. 1187 01:01:08,748 --> 01:01:10,248 VlTTI: You want me to whack my doctor? 1188 01:01:10,416 --> 01:01:13,752 MASlELLO: Ifyou don't do it, somebody else will. That's the way it is. 1189 01:01:13,920 --> 01:01:15,462 VlTTI: I'm gonna kill them. 1190 01:01:20,009 --> 01:01:21,551 What do you want me to do? 1191 01:01:24,764 --> 01:01:26,973 MASlELLO: Paul, he's talking to the feds. 1192 01:01:27,183 --> 01:01:29,935 I know this guy. He wouldn't talk to the feds. No way. 1193 01:01:30,103 --> 01:01:33,939 The FBI was over at his house today. Jimmy Boots saw them. 1194 01:01:34,399 --> 01:01:36,775 VlTTI: You saw them there? -lt's the truth. l saw them. 1195 01:01:37,026 --> 01:01:38,527 Next, you'll get a call... 1196 01:01:38,778 --> 01:01:40,696 ...and he'll want a meeting. 1197 01:01:40,863 --> 01:01:42,447 JELLY: Hey, Paul. 1198 01:01:43,032 --> 01:01:44,408 Dr. Sobel called. 1199 01:01:44,617 --> 01:01:47,077 He said he needs to see you right away. 1200 01:01:49,872 --> 01:01:53,375 MAN [SINGlNG OVER SPEAKERS]: If our lips should meet 1201 01:01:53,543 --> 01:01:56,878 Innamorata 1202 01:01:57,046 --> 01:01:58,547 This is delicious. 1203 01:01:58,756 --> 01:02:00,215 This is so good. 1204 01:02:00,633 --> 01:02:02,134 I love ltalian food. 1205 01:02:02,385 --> 01:02:04,761 I've never been to Italy. Is it great? 1206 01:02:04,929 --> 01:02:06,555 I was in France twice... 1207 01:02:06,723 --> 01:02:09,683 ...and Jamaica, the island. You ever been there? 1208 01:02:09,892 --> 01:02:11,852 It's great, because l love to snorkel. 1209 01:02:12,019 --> 01:02:15,147 Have you guys ever snorkeled? It's great to sleep with the fish. 1210 01:02:15,314 --> 01:02:17,399 Swim with the fish. Have you ever done that? 1211 01:02:17,567 --> 01:02:19,568 It's good. So... 1212 01:02:19,777 --> 01:02:22,154 ...what are you doing this summer? 1213 01:02:22,321 --> 01:02:24,030 About what? 1214 01:02:24,991 --> 01:02:27,242 -Hey, Carlo. -How are you? 1215 01:02:28,786 --> 01:02:30,996 -Jelly. Good. -How you doing? 1216 01:02:31,330 --> 01:02:33,999 This is Ben. Say hello to Carlo. 1217 01:02:34,167 --> 01:02:36,042 -Carlo. Carlo...? -How you doing? 1218 01:02:36,252 --> 01:02:38,462 That's it. Grab a seat. 1219 01:02:41,674 --> 01:02:43,508 Carlo and I grew up together. 1220 01:02:43,760 --> 01:02:45,719 He's like, I would say, almost... 1221 01:02:45,928 --> 01:02:47,846 ...like a cousin to me. 1222 01:02:48,014 --> 01:02:50,390 -l am your cousin. -That's what I'm saying. 1223 01:02:50,600 --> 01:02:52,684 It's a family thing. It's the closeness. 1224 01:02:52,852 --> 01:02:55,896 Anything he needs, anything I can do for him, l'm here for him. 1225 01:02:56,105 --> 01:02:57,439 -You know that. -l know. 1226 01:02:57,648 --> 01:02:59,441 Did you take care of that thing? 1227 01:02:59,609 --> 01:03:03,403 -lt's all right to talk business? -lt's okay. 1228 01:03:03,571 --> 01:03:05,113 -l took care of it. -And the other? 1229 01:03:05,323 --> 01:03:08,450 I got to wait for the first before l can move on the second. 1230 01:03:08,659 --> 01:03:10,285 The guy give you a problem? 1231 01:03:10,495 --> 01:03:13,371 The guy in the first thing? He's a lunatic. 1232 01:03:13,539 --> 01:03:15,207 -What did he say? -The usual. 1233 01:03:15,374 --> 01:03:16,958 You told him you weren't doing it? 1234 01:03:17,126 --> 01:03:18,293 CARLO: What am l going to do? 1235 01:03:18,461 --> 01:03:20,295 VlTTI: Got to nip that shit in the bud. 1236 01:03:20,505 --> 01:03:23,089 CARLO: But if the first comes through, that'll fix everything. 1237 01:03:23,299 --> 01:03:26,176 Including the second thing. Exactly. 1238 01:03:27,303 --> 01:03:29,554 Don't repeat what you hear here. You hear? 1239 01:03:30,139 --> 01:03:31,973 The first thing or the second thing? 1240 01:03:32,183 --> 01:03:33,225 VlTTI: Very funny. 1241 01:03:33,392 --> 01:03:35,310 JELLY: Stevie Beef is over there. 1242 01:03:36,813 --> 01:03:38,897 -Fat piece of shit. -Rat-fucking, cocksucking.... 1243 01:03:39,148 --> 01:03:41,650 -Scumbag. -Garbage pail. 1244 01:03:41,859 --> 01:03:43,068 Let's go say hi. 1245 01:03:46,364 --> 01:03:47,614 Hey, Steve, how are you? 1246 01:03:48,366 --> 01:03:52,619 So this is a very unusual place. Do you guys come here often? 1247 01:03:52,787 --> 01:03:56,581 Well, this place has a very special meaning for Paul. 1248 01:03:56,749 --> 01:03:58,542 Yeah, it's where his father got whacked. 1249 01:03:58,709 --> 01:04:00,252 Hey. 1250 01:04:00,878 --> 01:04:03,338 JlMMY: What's the big secret? JELLY: Never mind. 1251 01:04:03,548 --> 01:04:05,048 Wait a second. 1252 01:04:07,051 --> 01:04:08,593 Paul's father was murdered? 1253 01:04:08,761 --> 01:04:11,263 JlMMY: Right at that table, with his whole family there. 1254 01:04:11,430 --> 01:04:13,431 JELLY: Shut your face. 1255 01:04:16,853 --> 01:04:19,563 Paul was there too. 1256 01:04:19,730 --> 01:04:22,190 JELLY: He doesn't like to talk about it. 1257 01:04:28,614 --> 01:04:30,532 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you going? 1258 01:04:30,741 --> 01:04:31,950 To the bathroom. 1259 01:04:32,118 --> 01:04:33,743 Sit down. 1260 01:04:33,911 --> 01:04:35,453 I'm going with you. 1261 01:04:42,628 --> 01:04:45,088 Jelly, l have to, you know.... 1262 01:04:45,423 --> 01:04:47,674 -Poop? -Yeah. 1263 01:04:48,551 --> 01:04:49,634 Go ahead. 1264 01:04:53,347 --> 01:04:56,683 [BEN HUMMING] 1265 01:04:56,851 --> 01:04:58,935 [WHlSTLES] 1266 01:05:01,647 --> 01:05:03,440 [GRUNTlNG] 1267 01:05:11,574 --> 01:05:13,992 Holy shit! 1268 01:05:17,288 --> 01:05:20,165 You got to get more roughage, Doc. 1269 01:05:20,333 --> 01:05:21,416 BEN: Wow! 1270 01:05:21,584 --> 01:05:23,376 A bran muffin in the morning would help that. 1271 01:05:23,544 --> 01:05:25,879 [PHONE RlNGING] 1272 01:05:26,047 --> 01:05:27,255 SlNDONE: I don't believe this. 1273 01:05:27,465 --> 01:05:29,841 I'd like to see a movie, but there's nothing out there. 1274 01:05:30,009 --> 01:05:33,219 It's all this shoot-them-up action bullshit. 1275 01:05:33,429 --> 01:05:35,972 I get enough of that at work. 1276 01:05:36,557 --> 01:05:39,267 Primo, that was our friend. 1277 01:05:39,435 --> 01:05:41,519 They spotted that guy at Paretti's Restaurant. 1278 01:05:41,687 --> 01:05:43,313 SlNDONE: That's good. 1279 01:05:43,481 --> 01:05:44,981 That's very good. 1280 01:05:45,191 --> 01:05:47,275 Handsome Jack. 1281 01:05:47,693 --> 01:05:49,611 Let's make it his last supper. 1282 01:05:49,779 --> 01:05:51,988 -You got it, Primo. -No problem. 1283 01:05:52,156 --> 01:05:55,450 Hey, Jack. Just for fun... 1284 01:05:55,618 --> 01:05:57,702 ...tear out his heart and bring it to me. 1285 01:05:57,954 --> 01:06:00,956 I'm going to bring it back to you on a fucking platter. 1286 01:06:01,165 --> 01:06:02,707 Where we going to get a platter? 1287 01:06:02,959 --> 01:06:04,459 Just bring it, all right? 1288 01:06:05,294 --> 01:06:07,462 JELLY: Or Raisin Bran. That goes right through me. 1289 01:06:07,713 --> 01:06:09,547 -lt's a pusher. -Good tip. 1290 01:06:09,799 --> 01:06:12,676 I have to talk to you. In private. 1291 01:06:17,974 --> 01:06:19,724 Why didn't you tell me about your father? 1292 01:06:19,892 --> 01:06:20,892 What about him? 1293 01:06:21,060 --> 01:06:23,061 You told me he died of a heart attack. 1294 01:06:23,229 --> 01:06:26,481 -What's the problem? -Your father was murdered. 1295 01:06:26,649 --> 01:06:29,317 What's the difference? He's dead. 1296 01:06:29,485 --> 01:06:32,445 It's a big difference. Why didn't you tell me? 1297 01:06:32,613 --> 01:06:35,323 It's private. I got to tell you every little thing? 1298 01:06:35,491 --> 01:06:36,950 This is not a little thing. 1299 01:06:37,159 --> 01:06:39,452 What am I going to do? Spend my life crying about the past? 1300 01:06:39,620 --> 01:06:40,912 It's over. Forget it. 1301 01:06:41,080 --> 01:06:43,081 I think you want to talk about it. 1302 01:06:43,332 --> 01:06:45,208 -l don't want to talk about it. -You do. 1303 01:06:45,418 --> 01:06:47,168 I don't want to talk about it. 1304 01:06:47,336 --> 01:06:49,754 -Why did you choose this restaurant? -l like it. 1305 01:06:49,922 --> 01:06:51,923 Of all the places we could've gone, why this place? 1306 01:06:52,091 --> 01:06:53,216 White clam sauce. The best. 1307 01:06:53,384 --> 01:06:57,095 That's not the reason. You want me to know about your father. 1308 01:06:57,263 --> 01:07:00,098 -You're reaching out to me. -Yeah, I'm reaching out to you. 1309 01:07:00,266 --> 01:07:02,475 Where is it? 1310 01:07:11,444 --> 01:07:13,611 Get in the car. 1311 01:07:15,114 --> 01:07:18,450 It's late. I'll take a cab. I can get to Grand Central and.... 1312 01:07:18,617 --> 01:07:20,535 You know what? I can make the 1 1 :1 0. 1313 01:07:20,745 --> 01:07:22,120 So thanks, anyway. 1314 01:07:22,288 --> 01:07:24,456 I said get in the car, Doc. 1315 01:07:25,750 --> 01:07:27,834 Do what he says. 1316 01:07:28,461 --> 01:07:32,547 You know, this is called a "transference neurosis," where the patient-- 1317 01:07:34,800 --> 01:07:35,967 Okay. 1318 01:07:36,135 --> 01:07:37,552 JlMMY: Get in the car. -Yeah. 1319 01:08:02,787 --> 01:08:05,830 What is this guy doing? He's been in the bathroom for half an hour. 1320 01:08:05,998 --> 01:08:07,082 [TOlLET FLUSHES OVER RADIO] 1321 01:08:07,249 --> 01:08:09,250 -Oh, fuck! -Get over there! 1322 01:08:17,635 --> 01:08:19,511 Son of a bitch! 1323 01:08:21,597 --> 01:08:22,764 We lost him. 1324 01:08:51,669 --> 01:08:53,128 Come on, get out. 1325 01:08:53,337 --> 01:08:54,879 Get out and get over there. 1326 01:08:59,301 --> 01:09:01,261 All right, leave us alone. 1327 01:09:02,638 --> 01:09:04,013 Sorry, Doc. 1328 01:09:04,181 --> 01:09:05,557 It's not personal. 1329 01:09:05,724 --> 01:09:09,435 Don't kid yourself. It doesn't get more personal than this. 1330 01:09:10,980 --> 01:09:14,941 Walk over there. 1331 01:09:20,197 --> 01:09:22,490 -You know why I got to do this? -Yes. Do you? 1332 01:09:22,658 --> 01:09:25,535 Don't bullshit me. You ratted me out, you betrayed me. 1333 01:09:25,744 --> 01:09:28,663 I betrayed you? That's interesting. Who's got the gun? 1334 01:09:28,873 --> 01:09:31,499 Don't give me that. Are you insulting my intelligence? 1335 01:09:31,709 --> 01:09:33,251 You cooperated with the feds. 1336 01:09:33,419 --> 01:09:36,671 They played me a tape. I heard you say you were going to kill me. 1337 01:09:36,881 --> 01:09:39,340 -l heard the tape. -Never. On my mother's life. 1338 01:09:39,508 --> 01:09:40,592 -Never. -l heard it. 1339 01:09:40,759 --> 01:09:43,344 It's not important now, but I did not betray you. 1340 01:09:43,512 --> 01:09:46,222 I had a wire on, but l took it off because l think l can help you. 1341 01:09:46,432 --> 01:09:49,601 -l don't want to know what you think. -Yes, you do. 1342 01:09:49,768 --> 01:09:51,186 Let me help you! 1343 01:09:51,353 --> 01:09:53,104 It's over! 1344 01:09:56,775 --> 01:09:58,651 Can l ask you one last question? 1345 01:10:00,446 --> 01:10:01,529 What? 1346 01:10:01,697 --> 01:10:03,114 -What did you order? -What? 1347 01:10:03,282 --> 01:10:04,949 -What did you order? -When? 1348 01:10:05,117 --> 01:10:07,827 The night your father was killed, what were you eating? 1349 01:10:08,037 --> 01:10:10,205 How the fuck do l know? 1350 01:10:10,372 --> 01:10:11,581 You don't remember? 1351 01:10:11,749 --> 01:10:13,082 It was 35 years ago. 1352 01:10:13,250 --> 01:10:14,626 What was your father eating? 1353 01:10:14,793 --> 01:10:17,128 I don't remember. What are you talking about? 1354 01:10:17,296 --> 01:10:18,796 Try. 1355 01:10:18,964 --> 01:10:22,550 It's a simple question. What was your father eating? 1356 01:10:32,561 --> 01:10:34,145 Penne. 1357 01:10:34,980 --> 01:10:36,064 Good. 1358 01:10:36,232 --> 01:10:38,274 What did you have? 1359 01:10:42,154 --> 01:10:43,947 Ravioli. 1360 01:10:44,823 --> 01:10:47,367 The food was already on the table? 1361 01:10:47,534 --> 01:10:49,786 No, they were serving it. 1362 01:10:50,496 --> 01:10:52,956 And did you see the guys coming? 1363 01:10:54,625 --> 01:10:56,167 One of them. 1364 01:10:57,544 --> 01:10:59,337 Dressed like a busboy. 1365 01:11:00,673 --> 01:11:02,382 Your father saw him too? 1366 01:11:03,175 --> 01:11:06,302 No. I knew the guy looked wrong. 1367 01:11:06,470 --> 01:11:07,845 Why, Paul? 1368 01:11:08,013 --> 01:11:11,140 The pants. Looked too good for a busboy. 1369 01:11:12,351 --> 01:11:14,310 So he walked to the table. 1370 01:11:14,520 --> 01:11:16,437 I watched him the whole way. 1371 01:11:16,689 --> 01:11:18,314 Did you say anything? 1372 01:11:21,026 --> 01:11:22,777 No. 1373 01:11:23,696 --> 01:11:26,906 Dad was so mad at me, I couldn't say anything. 1374 01:11:27,074 --> 01:11:29,117 And you were mad at him. 1375 01:11:30,703 --> 01:11:32,161 And then what happened? 1376 01:11:32,329 --> 01:11:35,665 I never saw the second guy. My mother just started screaming. 1377 01:11:36,250 --> 01:11:38,334 And you blame yourself. 1378 01:11:38,502 --> 01:11:40,962 I could've saved him. 1379 01:11:41,130 --> 01:11:42,547 But you were mad at him. 1380 01:11:42,756 --> 01:11:44,549 I should've said something. 1381 01:11:44,758 --> 01:11:46,801 You couldn't have saved him, Paul. 1382 01:11:46,969 --> 01:11:49,137 I killed him. 1383 01:11:49,722 --> 01:11:51,222 You didn't kill him. 1384 01:11:51,432 --> 01:11:54,434 You were mad, but you didn't kill him. It's the life he chose. 1385 01:11:54,601 --> 01:11:57,312 I just let him die. 1386 01:11:58,188 --> 01:12:00,690 I let him die! 1387 01:12:03,569 --> 01:12:09,198 I let him die, and I couldn't say goodbye to him. 1388 01:12:10,743 --> 01:12:12,577 So why don't you say it now? 1389 01:12:12,786 --> 01:12:15,038 Tell him. If he was here, what would you say? 1390 01:12:15,205 --> 01:12:16,581 -l can't. -Yes, you can. 1391 01:12:16,749 --> 01:12:19,000 I can't. No, I can't. 1392 01:12:19,168 --> 01:12:20,418 Tell him, Paul. 1393 01:12:21,587 --> 01:12:23,379 I want to say l'm.... 1394 01:12:23,589 --> 01:12:26,090 Dad, I'm sorry. 1395 01:12:28,302 --> 01:12:29,677 I'm sorry. 1396 01:12:31,096 --> 01:12:34,057 I'm sorry, Dad. 1397 01:12:34,224 --> 01:12:36,768 I'm sorry. I let him die. 1398 01:12:38,103 --> 01:12:40,605 I'm sorry, Dad. 1399 01:12:40,773 --> 01:12:43,066 [VITTl SOBBING] 1400 01:12:43,233 --> 01:12:44,817 Jesus. 1401 01:12:45,402 --> 01:12:47,445 Poor guy's falling apart. 1402 01:12:47,696 --> 01:12:49,280 Why don't he just pop him? 1403 01:12:49,448 --> 01:12:52,450 It's embarrassing standing here like this. 1404 01:12:52,618 --> 01:12:53,785 Shut up. 1405 01:13:02,002 --> 01:13:03,211 You couldn't save him. 1406 01:13:03,420 --> 01:13:04,962 I know l could've. l could've. 1407 01:13:05,172 --> 01:13:07,215 No, he was trying to save you. 1408 01:13:07,424 --> 01:13:09,175 That's what you fought about. 1409 01:13:09,426 --> 01:13:13,012 He didn't want this for you. And you don't want it for Anthony. 1410 01:13:13,263 --> 01:13:14,430 No, I don't! 1411 01:13:14,598 --> 01:13:17,809 You don't want him to grow up like you did, without a father. 1412 01:13:24,108 --> 01:13:26,067 Your father's not dead, Paul. 1413 01:13:26,276 --> 01:13:29,821 He's alive in you. And he's trying to tell you something. 1414 01:13:30,030 --> 01:13:31,322 He's trying to tell you-- 1415 01:13:31,573 --> 01:13:33,074 Holy shit! 1416 01:13:34,993 --> 01:13:37,578 They're shooting! They're shooting! 1417 01:13:40,874 --> 01:13:42,583 [GROANING] 1418 01:13:43,168 --> 01:13:45,711 -Pull yourself together! -l feel so bad! 1419 01:13:46,004 --> 01:13:48,464 You're going to feel a lot worse. 1420 01:13:50,342 --> 01:13:51,926 Paul, come on! 1421 01:13:52,678 --> 01:13:55,430 Time to channel all this nice grief... 1422 01:13:55,597 --> 01:13:56,931 ...into a murderous rage. 1423 01:13:59,017 --> 01:14:00,560 Come on! Time to shoot back! 1424 01:14:00,811 --> 01:14:03,020 Let's go! Here we go! Bang, bang! 1425 01:14:04,398 --> 01:14:06,649 Bang, bang! Come on. Let's go. 1426 01:14:06,859 --> 01:14:09,068 Come on! Bang, bang! 1427 01:14:09,528 --> 01:14:11,112 Now come on. Paul, here. 1428 01:14:11,321 --> 01:14:13,781 Put the gun in your hand and shoot! 1429 01:14:13,991 --> 01:14:16,534 For God sakes, shoot somebody! 1430 01:14:18,829 --> 01:14:20,663 Give me the fucking gun! 1431 01:14:38,974 --> 01:14:40,391 Stay down. 1432 01:14:41,977 --> 01:14:43,478 Paul, you okay? 1433 01:14:43,645 --> 01:14:44,979 VlTTI: Yeah, l'm okay. 1434 01:14:45,147 --> 01:14:47,857 Jelly. Jelly, did l do that? 1435 01:14:48,400 --> 01:14:49,734 JELLY: No, Doc. 1436 01:14:49,902 --> 01:14:51,110 That one's mine. 1437 01:14:51,278 --> 01:14:53,070 You get the '72 Chevy... 1438 01:14:53,238 --> 01:14:56,908 ...and the Amana side-by-side refrigerator-freezer. 1439 01:14:57,075 --> 01:14:58,326 You okay, Paul? 1440 01:14:58,494 --> 01:14:59,911 VlTTI: Yeah, l'm okay. 1441 01:15:00,078 --> 01:15:01,913 I'm going to check on Jimmy. 1442 01:15:03,081 --> 01:15:04,373 Jimmy? 1443 01:15:04,541 --> 01:15:06,375 [JIMMY GROANING] 1444 01:15:09,338 --> 01:15:11,422 Pretty fucking ironic, ain't it? 1445 01:15:12,716 --> 01:15:14,717 You can give me back the gun now. 1446 01:15:15,636 --> 01:15:18,471 It's okay. I wasn't really going to whack you. 1447 01:15:19,890 --> 01:15:22,099 All right, maybe l was going to whack you. 1448 01:15:22,267 --> 01:15:25,019 But l was real conflicted about it. 1449 01:15:25,229 --> 01:15:27,021 Progress, right? 1450 01:15:32,611 --> 01:15:34,987 I can't see you anymore. 1451 01:15:35,155 --> 01:15:36,739 I know. 1452 01:15:39,159 --> 01:15:41,077 You hit some very big stuff tonight. 1453 01:15:41,245 --> 01:15:44,121 So you'll probably feel like this for a while. 1454 01:15:44,289 --> 01:15:46,165 But you're close to something. 1455 01:15:47,084 --> 01:15:48,543 The rest is up to you. 1456 01:15:49,628 --> 01:15:51,212 Good luck. 1457 01:15:59,304 --> 01:16:01,639 I want to please him when we're in bed... 1458 01:16:01,848 --> 01:16:05,351 ...but whatever l do, it seems like it's never enough. 1459 01:16:05,686 --> 01:16:08,980 Now he wants me to say things when we're making love. 1460 01:16:12,943 --> 01:16:15,570 What kind of things does he want you to say? 1461 01:16:15,737 --> 01:16:20,491 Well, he wants me to call him "big boy"... 1462 01:16:21,535 --> 01:16:24,036 ...and he's my "bucking bronco"... 1463 01:16:24,871 --> 01:16:26,998 ...and l'm supposed to "ride him hard"... 1464 01:16:27,207 --> 01:16:30,710 ...and "put him back in the barn wet." 1465 01:16:41,179 --> 01:16:42,555 Are you okay, Dr. Sobel? 1466 01:16:44,016 --> 01:16:45,474 Well, it's.... 1467 01:16:48,186 --> 01:16:51,314 Here's what l think you should do, Elaine. 1468 01:16:51,481 --> 01:16:54,317 I would do whatever he says. 1469 01:16:54,484 --> 01:16:56,944 If he wants you to talk, talk. 1470 01:16:57,154 --> 01:16:58,904 I'd get on all fours and bark like a dog. 1471 01:16:59,156 --> 01:17:00,448 I'd do whatever it takes. 1472 01:17:00,657 --> 01:17:02,992 Smoke some joints, drink wine, whatever it is... 1473 01:17:03,201 --> 01:17:05,369 ...to get off on each other and be happy. 1474 01:17:05,537 --> 01:17:06,787 Where are you running? 1475 01:17:06,997 --> 01:17:08,831 This is a time to be happy! 1476 01:17:09,041 --> 01:17:11,542 Because life is just too short. 1477 01:17:11,752 --> 01:17:15,087 It's just too fucking short. 1478 01:17:16,048 --> 01:17:17,673 Okay. 1479 01:17:23,930 --> 01:17:25,514 I'll see you Thursday. 1480 01:17:30,687 --> 01:17:32,271 JELLY: Everything okay? 1481 01:17:33,649 --> 01:17:34,982 -Paul. -Jelly. 1482 01:17:35,150 --> 01:17:36,484 Feeling all right? 1483 01:17:36,693 --> 01:17:38,110 You need anything? 1484 01:17:38,320 --> 01:17:41,280 No. Feel great. Never felt better. 1485 01:17:41,907 --> 01:17:46,035 Wait'll l go to that meeting. I'm going to knock them dead. 1486 01:17:46,203 --> 01:17:49,038 All right. l'll be outside. 1487 01:17:55,420 --> 01:17:56,837 MAN 1 [ON TV]: When l look at him... 1488 01:17:57,005 --> 01:17:59,548 ...I think about how different it was. 1489 01:17:59,716 --> 01:18:02,426 Was providing for a family simpler back then... 1490 01:18:02,636 --> 01:18:05,429 ...or did he just make it look that way? 1491 01:18:08,642 --> 01:18:10,726 Decisions are tougher now. 1492 01:18:10,977 --> 01:18:12,436 There's so much information... 1493 01:18:12,646 --> 01:18:15,064 ...so many ways to invest. 1494 01:18:20,612 --> 01:18:21,862 [SOBBlNG] 1495 01:18:22,030 --> 01:18:24,490 Strange. l spent the first half of my life... 1496 01:18:24,700 --> 01:18:26,951 ...not wanting to walk in his footsteps. 1497 01:18:27,160 --> 01:18:29,370 Now I only wish l could. 1498 01:18:32,708 --> 01:18:34,625 MAN 2: Times are more complex. 1499 01:18:34,835 --> 01:18:37,837 Ask a Merrill Lynch financial consultant who can help with a plan. 1500 01:18:38,046 --> 01:18:41,674 And more ways to make the plan work than anyone else. 1501 01:18:46,513 --> 01:18:50,015 [CLASSlCAL MUSlC PLAYING] 1502 01:18:52,811 --> 01:18:54,520 You look beautiful, honey. 1503 01:19:06,158 --> 01:19:09,410 We are put on this earth to find a love, a soul mate... 1504 01:19:09,619 --> 01:19:12,496 ...someone with whom we can create joy. 1505 01:19:12,706 --> 01:19:13,873 And how glad we are... 1506 01:19:14,082 --> 01:19:15,833 ...that Ben and Laura have found each other. 1507 01:19:16,042 --> 01:19:19,295 And we anticipate and celebrate the years ofjoy... 1508 01:19:19,463 --> 01:19:22,465 JELLY: Psst. Psst. -...they will share together from this day on. 1509 01:19:23,300 --> 01:19:26,552 Ben, do you take Laura to be your wedded wife... 1510 01:19:26,762 --> 01:19:28,846 ...for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health... 1511 01:19:29,014 --> 01:19:31,265 -...till death do you part, so help you God? JELLY: Psst. 1512 01:19:31,433 --> 01:19:32,516 -No! -What? 1513 01:19:32,684 --> 01:19:33,893 Excuse me? 1514 01:19:34,060 --> 01:19:36,228 I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to him. 1515 01:19:36,396 --> 01:19:37,730 Who him? 1516 01:19:37,898 --> 01:19:39,190 It's not important. Yes. 1517 01:19:39,566 --> 01:19:40,649 Yes what? 1518 01:19:40,859 --> 01:19:42,777 Yes to the first part. To her. 1519 01:19:42,986 --> 01:19:45,029 That's a yes. Pick it up from there. 1520 01:19:45,655 --> 01:19:47,531 Doc, this is an emergency. 1521 01:19:47,741 --> 01:19:49,784 -l don't believe this. -This is my wedding! 1522 01:19:49,951 --> 01:19:51,952 -Want me to make a scene? -Bigger than this? 1523 01:19:52,120 --> 01:19:54,038 -Yeah. -Jesus! 1524 01:19:54,206 --> 01:19:56,707 Tick-tock. Let's go. Hurry up. Pronounce. 1525 01:19:56,917 --> 01:19:59,960 By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. 1526 01:20:00,921 --> 01:20:02,338 Ring, ring. Kiss, kiss. 1527 01:20:04,049 --> 01:20:06,383 Here. Fine. Good. Okay, just go. 1528 01:20:06,551 --> 01:20:08,886 JlMMY: Sorry, Mrs. Sobel. Duty calls. 1529 01:20:09,054 --> 01:20:11,680 You're the first person to call me Mrs. Sobel. 1530 01:20:11,848 --> 01:20:14,099 -Nice, huh? -No. 1531 01:20:14,267 --> 01:20:18,896 [MENDELSSOHN'S "WEDDING MARCH" PLAYlNG] 1532 01:20:23,735 --> 01:20:25,903 JELLY: l'm telling you, Doc, this is serious. 1533 01:20:26,112 --> 01:20:28,280 If he don't make that meeting, they'll kill him. 1534 01:20:28,532 --> 01:20:30,574 Can't somebody else in the family go for him? 1535 01:20:30,867 --> 01:20:33,994 What about Tommy the Tongue or Louie the Lip? 1536 01:20:34,204 --> 01:20:35,955 What about you? Why don't you go? 1537 01:20:36,122 --> 01:20:39,416 That would be a very good idea, except for one little detail. 1538 01:20:39,584 --> 01:20:42,628 I'm a fucking moron. I'm known for it. 1539 01:20:42,796 --> 01:20:44,880 -You got to go. -You must be a moron. 1540 01:20:45,048 --> 01:20:46,632 -Watch it! -You just said it. 1541 01:20:46,800 --> 01:20:50,094 When I say it, it's different. When you say it, it sounds negative. 1542 01:20:50,262 --> 01:20:52,596 Jelly, l am not going to any meeting. 1543 01:20:52,764 --> 01:20:55,266 I am no longer on the payroll. Do you understand that? 1544 01:20:55,433 --> 01:20:58,060 Now, l am going back to my wife. 1545 01:20:58,228 --> 01:21:02,106 -Doc. -Jelly, don't-- 1546 01:21:02,274 --> 01:21:04,650 Now, Jelly, we've been through this before. 1547 01:21:04,901 --> 01:21:06,318 You can't shoot me. 1548 01:21:06,486 --> 01:21:08,237 Correction: 1549 01:21:08,405 --> 01:21:10,948 It was Mr. Vitti who couldn't shoot you. 1550 01:21:12,576 --> 01:21:14,743 You're going to that meeting. 1551 01:21:19,082 --> 01:21:22,543 RICCl: This is Surveillance 6. They've left the building and are heading east. 1552 01:21:22,711 --> 01:21:24,420 STEADMAN [OVER RADlO]: Roger that. 1553 01:21:27,507 --> 01:21:28,966 JlMMY: Put this on. -ls this chrome? 1554 01:21:29,175 --> 01:21:30,593 I can see my own reflection. 1555 01:21:30,760 --> 01:21:34,263 Let me tell you something. That's a $1 ,200 Valentino suit. 1556 01:21:34,431 --> 01:21:38,017 If you spill anything on it, I'm going to mess you up good. 1557 01:21:38,268 --> 01:21:40,519 Shut up! You're making him nervous. 1558 01:21:40,770 --> 01:21:42,980 If he fucks up, they'll kill him for sure. 1559 01:21:43,148 --> 01:21:45,858 -What? This is insane! -lt's all right. 1560 01:21:46,109 --> 01:21:48,861 Let's go over it again. Mr. Vitti's been detained. 1561 01:21:49,112 --> 01:21:51,822 Apologies all around. Ba-da-beep, ba-da-bop, ba-da-boop. 1562 01:21:51,990 --> 01:21:54,617 And then you say you're the new consigliere... 1563 01:21:54,826 --> 01:21:57,536 -...speaking for Mr. Vitti. -Then what? 1564 01:21:57,746 --> 01:22:01,373 Then you keep your mouth shut and hope nobody asks you nothing. 1565 01:22:01,541 --> 01:22:03,500 That's some plan you got there. 1566 01:22:03,668 --> 01:22:07,212 Shut up! Doc, if you got to talk... 1567 01:22:07,380 --> 01:22:09,715 ...try to be vague. Could you do that? 1568 01:22:09,883 --> 01:22:12,760 I'm a psychiatrist. Believe me, l can be vague. 1569 01:22:15,722 --> 01:22:18,307 RICCl [OVER RADIO]: Looks like they're headed for the tunnel. 1570 01:22:20,226 --> 01:22:23,312 STEADMAN: We'll pick them up on the other side. 1571 01:22:27,901 --> 01:22:29,401 Here they come. 1572 01:22:33,031 --> 01:22:34,323 Which one is it? 1573 01:22:34,491 --> 01:22:36,200 PROVANO: The black one. 1574 01:22:48,338 --> 01:22:50,631 MARIE: Are you sure you don't want something to eat? 1575 01:22:52,425 --> 01:22:54,343 You want some iced tea? 1576 01:22:55,845 --> 01:22:58,055 I think I'm going to call Dr. Terragrossa. 1577 01:22:58,223 --> 01:23:00,224 Is Daddy going to be all right? 1578 01:23:01,726 --> 01:23:03,519 I think so, honey. 1579 01:23:03,895 --> 01:23:06,397 Shouldn't you be outside playing? 1580 01:23:06,564 --> 01:23:08,649 No, it's all right. 1581 01:23:09,985 --> 01:23:11,610 How long you going to sit there? 1582 01:23:11,778 --> 01:23:13,988 How long you going to lay there? 1583 01:23:18,034 --> 01:23:19,702 I'm done. 1584 01:23:57,282 --> 01:23:58,866 Let's go. 1585 01:24:00,618 --> 01:24:02,077 It'll be all right, Doc. 1586 01:24:06,499 --> 01:24:08,459 [CHATTERlNG] 1587 01:24:17,761 --> 01:24:20,179 There's no way I can get away with this. 1588 01:24:20,597 --> 01:24:22,097 Jelly, l can't do this! 1589 01:24:22,307 --> 01:24:24,016 Don't fucking whine. 1590 01:24:24,267 --> 01:24:26,518 Whining's a dead giveaway. 1591 01:24:26,770 --> 01:24:28,228 Blend. 1592 01:24:28,396 --> 01:24:29,813 Blend in. 1593 01:24:29,981 --> 01:24:31,607 Oh. 1594 01:24:31,775 --> 01:24:34,985 -Hey. -Hey. 1595 01:24:35,153 --> 01:24:36,612 Oh. 1596 01:24:36,780 --> 01:24:38,614 So where's Vitti? 1597 01:24:38,782 --> 01:24:41,533 He ain't here. 1598 01:24:41,701 --> 01:24:43,660 -How you doing? -How you doing? 1599 01:24:43,828 --> 01:24:45,954 How you been? All right? 1600 01:24:46,122 --> 01:24:47,664 All right. 1601 01:24:47,832 --> 01:24:50,000 BEN: Hey, when'd you guys get out? 1602 01:24:50,168 --> 01:24:52,169 You need anything, you let me know. 1603 01:24:52,337 --> 01:24:56,173 Whoa. Hey, ee. Hey, eye, oh. 1604 01:24:56,341 --> 01:24:58,801 [SPEAKS IN lTALIAN] 1605 01:24:59,344 --> 01:25:01,845 Hey. Easter weekend. 1606 01:25:03,515 --> 01:25:04,890 You're a planet! 1607 01:25:08,812 --> 01:25:10,521 JELLY: Blending, enough. 1608 01:25:13,358 --> 01:25:15,025 Who's the guy with Jelly? 1609 01:25:15,193 --> 01:25:16,902 I never seen him before. 1610 01:25:22,492 --> 01:25:25,911 [WHlSPERlNG] Hey. What's going on? Where's Paul? 1611 01:25:26,079 --> 01:25:27,704 [WHlSPERlNG] He'll be here. Don't worry. 1612 01:25:27,872 --> 01:25:30,541 And what's he doing here? 1613 01:25:30,708 --> 01:25:32,042 He's just.... 1614 01:25:32,210 --> 01:25:34,545 It's okay. Forget about it. 1615 01:25:34,712 --> 01:25:36,171 Forget about it? 1616 01:25:36,339 --> 01:25:38,841 What the hell is that? "Forget about it." 1617 01:25:39,008 --> 01:25:42,219 [WHlSPERlNG] I can't do this. No, l can't do this. 1618 01:25:43,054 --> 01:25:45,180 I think we're going to get started here. 1619 01:25:45,390 --> 01:25:47,808 We got a lot to talk about here today, and... 1620 01:25:48,017 --> 01:25:51,061 ...for now, we'll just stick with the more important issues. 1621 01:25:51,229 --> 01:25:54,398 And one more thing. If you got anything to say... 1622 01:25:54,607 --> 01:25:57,734 ...let us know who you are, because a lot of us don't know each other. 1623 01:25:57,944 --> 01:26:01,780 I didn't think anybody here was into wearing fucking nametags. 1624 01:26:01,948 --> 01:26:03,448 [MEN LAUGHlNG] 1625 01:26:11,249 --> 01:26:12,958 I'm Primo Sindone. 1626 01:26:13,209 --> 01:26:15,127 They call me Sonny Long. 1627 01:26:15,378 --> 01:26:17,796 Some of you know me as Mikey Gaga. 1628 01:26:18,047 --> 01:26:19,923 Some of you know me as Joey Boombots. 1629 01:26:20,133 --> 01:26:23,886 Be as it may, it's good to see so many of the old faces here... 1630 01:26:24,053 --> 01:26:26,930 ...and to welcome some of the new ones from all over the country. 1631 01:26:28,183 --> 01:26:29,600 I see Joe Baldassare... 1632 01:26:29,767 --> 01:26:30,893 ...Frankie Zello. 1633 01:26:32,437 --> 01:26:36,315 But l'm disappointed the head of our other New York family isn't here. 1634 01:26:37,066 --> 01:26:40,694 All I see is his man Jelly and some sawed-off prick nobody knows. 1635 01:26:45,617 --> 01:26:48,619 Yeah. Well, uh.... 1636 01:26:48,786 --> 01:26:50,621 The thing is... 1637 01:26:50,788 --> 01:26:53,957 ...Mr. Vitti's been detained. 1638 01:26:54,250 --> 01:26:56,960 Plus, he's sorry... 1639 01:26:57,170 --> 01:26:58,462 ...for his detainment. 1640 01:26:58,713 --> 01:27:00,047 SlNDONE: Detained? 1641 01:27:00,215 --> 01:27:02,007 What kind of bullshit is that? 1642 01:27:02,175 --> 01:27:04,134 What's more important than this? 1643 01:27:04,344 --> 01:27:08,138 As the host, l take his not being here as a sign of disrespect to me... 1644 01:27:08,306 --> 01:27:11,850 ...and all these other men who came a long way to be here. 1645 01:27:12,018 --> 01:27:14,561 Yeah. l mean, no. l mean-- 1646 01:27:14,771 --> 01:27:17,397 You see, the thing is that he's not feeling well. 1647 01:27:17,607 --> 01:27:20,984 -Plus, he don't feel good. -Jelly. 1648 01:27:21,945 --> 01:27:23,528 [IN NEW YORK ACCENT] What's the matter with you? 1649 01:27:23,696 --> 01:27:25,989 We never discuss Mr. Vitti's health outside the family. 1650 01:27:26,157 --> 01:27:27,991 You know better than that. 1651 01:27:28,409 --> 01:27:30,244 Sit down. 1652 01:27:30,411 --> 01:27:32,287 Sit down! 1653 01:27:32,455 --> 01:27:34,581 You want a fresh one? 1654 01:27:37,377 --> 01:27:40,337 Who is this guy? What the fuck is he doing here? 1655 01:27:40,546 --> 01:27:41,588 Who I am? 1656 01:27:41,798 --> 01:27:43,674 "Who l am?" "Who am I?" 1657 01:27:43,841 --> 01:27:45,676 "Who am I?" is a question for the ages. 1658 01:27:45,843 --> 01:27:48,679 That's one we're all searching for, to find out who I am. 1659 01:27:48,846 --> 01:27:51,014 Who's in there, who wants to come out and go: 1660 01:27:51,182 --> 01:27:52,516 "Hey, l'm hungry." 1661 01:27:52,892 --> 01:27:54,393 "Who l am"... 1662 01:27:54,727 --> 01:27:56,853 ...is too deep and.... 1663 01:27:57,146 --> 01:27:59,106 You got to go in deep and pull out the thing... 1664 01:27:59,315 --> 01:28:02,192 ...like that movie where the thing came out of the stomach... 1665 01:28:02,402 --> 01:28:04,653 ...and ate the people on the fucking spaceship. 1666 01:28:04,862 --> 01:28:06,405 May they rest in peace. 1667 01:28:06,656 --> 01:28:08,532 My name is Ben Sobel. 1668 01:28:09,909 --> 01:28:11,034 Leone. 1669 01:28:11,202 --> 01:28:12,577 Ben Soboleone. 1670 01:28:12,912 --> 01:28:14,579 I'm also known... 1671 01:28:14,872 --> 01:28:18,667 ...as Benny the Groin, Sammy the Schnoz... 1672 01:28:18,876 --> 01:28:21,253 ...Elmer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba... 1673 01:28:21,504 --> 01:28:24,006 ...and once as Miss Phyllis Levine. 1674 01:28:24,215 --> 01:28:26,258 But that was at a party. It was years ago. 1675 01:28:26,509 --> 01:28:28,802 I smoked a titibet, and l had a Quaquaalude... 1676 01:28:29,012 --> 01:28:31,722 ...and suddenly l'm in fishnets singing show tunes. 1677 01:28:31,931 --> 01:28:34,266 These things happen, but has nothing to do... 1678 01:28:34,517 --> 01:28:37,227 ...with what l'm here with you fine gentlemen today. 1679 01:28:37,437 --> 01:28:38,562 So l apologize. 1680 01:28:38,771 --> 01:28:42,733 That being said, l'm also known to the people who know me the best... 1681 01:28:42,942 --> 01:28:44,985 ...as the fucking Doctor. 1682 01:28:45,528 --> 01:28:49,656 The second part of your question that you asked me... 1683 01:28:49,866 --> 01:28:53,076 ...is "Why am I here?" I am here... 1684 01:28:53,745 --> 01:28:57,039 ...representing Mr. Paul Vitti as his consigligliere. 1685 01:28:57,206 --> 01:28:58,957 [CHUCKLlNG] 1686 01:28:59,125 --> 01:29:00,834 Consigliere. 1687 01:29:03,796 --> 01:29:06,381 Never correct me in public again. 1688 01:29:06,591 --> 01:29:08,425 Do you understand that? 1689 01:29:09,927 --> 01:29:11,762 You broke my heart, Jelly. 1690 01:29:11,929 --> 01:29:14,014 You broke my heart. 1691 01:29:16,642 --> 01:29:19,853 I apologize for the second interruption. 1692 01:29:21,397 --> 01:29:23,315 As Mr. Vitti's... 1693 01:29:23,608 --> 01:29:26,318 ...consigliere... 1694 01:29:26,944 --> 01:29:30,405 ...l am involved in all aspects of the Vitti family business... 1695 01:29:30,615 --> 01:29:33,116 ...and am prepared to speak for Mr. Vitti on all matters. 1696 01:29:33,409 --> 01:29:35,452 Badda-bing-badda-boom-Betty Boop. 1697 01:29:36,079 --> 01:29:37,746 Okay, Doctor. 1698 01:29:37,955 --> 01:29:39,790 Let's stop with the bullshit. 1699 01:29:42,668 --> 01:29:44,586 There's been this thing between me... 1700 01:29:44,796 --> 01:29:46,421 ...and Paul Vitti for a long time. 1701 01:29:47,840 --> 01:29:51,176 Are you talking about the first thing or the second thing? 1702 01:29:51,594 --> 01:29:53,637 What second thing? I only know one thing. 1703 01:29:54,597 --> 01:29:58,141 How can we bring up the first if we don't talk about the second? 1704 01:29:58,351 --> 01:30:01,103 -Did you talk to the guy? -What guy? 1705 01:30:01,938 --> 01:30:03,647 The guy with the thing! 1706 01:30:03,856 --> 01:30:05,774 What thing? What are you talking about? 1707 01:30:05,983 --> 01:30:07,984 How should I know? You brought it up! 1708 01:30:08,194 --> 01:30:10,153 This is the problem. Do you see this? 1709 01:30:10,321 --> 01:30:11,988 You see what's happening here? 1710 01:30:12,198 --> 01:30:15,867 You can't have an intelligent conversation with this guy. 1711 01:30:18,037 --> 01:30:21,373 What if I put two bullets in your brain? What do you think of that? 1712 01:30:21,624 --> 01:30:24,167 That's a little dark. What do you think? 1713 01:30:24,377 --> 01:30:28,338 It's a good idea. Why would l say it if l didn't think it was good? 1714 01:30:28,506 --> 01:30:29,673 I don't know. Why would you? 1715 01:30:29,841 --> 01:30:30,841 [BANGS] 1716 01:30:31,008 --> 01:30:33,844 -l wouldn't! That's what I'm saying! -Whoa, hoa, hoa. 1717 01:30:34,011 --> 01:30:37,180 Look at what's happening here. Look at you. 1718 01:30:37,807 --> 01:30:41,518 Do you feel you have to get angry so people will listen to you? 1719 01:30:41,686 --> 01:30:44,146 -ls that your deal? -What is he saying? 1720 01:30:44,355 --> 01:30:46,940 You do have a tendency to get angry a lot. 1721 01:30:47,150 --> 01:30:48,650 I agree, Primo. 1722 01:30:48,860 --> 01:30:51,403 Talk about Vitti. Why are we talking about me? 1723 01:30:51,571 --> 01:30:53,655 Oh! That's interesting too. 1724 01:30:53,906 --> 01:30:58,493 Do you feel you're not important enough for us to discuss you? 1725 01:30:58,703 --> 01:31:00,412 -What does that mean? -What do you think? 1726 01:31:00,663 --> 01:31:03,707 -Fuck you! -Primo, calm down. 1727 01:31:03,916 --> 01:31:06,168 This prick won't stop with the questions. 1728 01:31:06,335 --> 01:31:08,503 -Pass the fruit, please. -You're a dead man! 1729 01:31:09,797 --> 01:31:12,466 VlTTI: Primo! Primo! 1730 01:31:13,926 --> 01:31:17,721 Put it down. 1731 01:31:23,853 --> 01:31:25,645 [WHlSPERlNG] Wait in the car. Keep it running. 1732 01:31:25,813 --> 01:31:27,230 BEN [WHISPERS]: How are you feeling? 1733 01:31:27,398 --> 01:31:28,899 Sit down. l'll take it from here. 1734 01:31:29,150 --> 01:31:31,693 Sit down. Sit down. 1735 01:31:33,404 --> 01:31:35,238 I'm Paul Vitti. 1736 01:31:35,406 --> 01:31:39,743 I'm sorry I was late. Those who know me know l meant no disrespect. 1737 01:31:39,911 --> 01:31:41,703 If it's all right with you... 1738 01:31:41,954 --> 01:31:45,332 ...l just want to say something. Then l'll leave you to your business. 1739 01:31:45,541 --> 01:31:50,462 About two and a half weeks ago, somebody killed my dear friend, Dominic Manetta. 1740 01:31:51,422 --> 01:31:52,923 Come on, this is bullshit. 1741 01:31:53,090 --> 01:31:56,218 Everybody knows he whacked out Dominic so he could take over. 1742 01:31:56,385 --> 01:31:57,802 VlTTI: Whatever. 1743 01:31:57,970 --> 01:32:02,849 What l came to say is I've come to a very important decision in my life. 1744 01:32:03,017 --> 01:32:04,434 And that is... 1745 01:32:05,394 --> 01:32:06,978 ...l want out. 1746 01:32:07,146 --> 01:32:09,105 I don't want to do this no more. 1747 01:32:10,608 --> 01:32:12,609 I'm going to go away for a while... 1748 01:32:12,777 --> 01:32:15,946 ...but l will respect the oath I took the day l was made... 1749 01:32:16,113 --> 01:32:19,616 ...and what I know about anybody's business l take to the grave. 1750 01:32:19,784 --> 01:32:21,493 You have my word. 1751 01:32:22,495 --> 01:32:24,996 As for my own family... 1752 01:32:25,164 --> 01:32:28,250 ...l know Carlo Mangano would like to be the new boss. 1753 01:32:28,459 --> 01:32:29,668 Thank you, Paul. 1754 01:32:29,835 --> 01:32:32,128 That's why he betrayed Dominic and me to our enemies... 1755 01:32:32,296 --> 01:32:34,756 ...and sent his own man to Miami to try and kill me. 1756 01:32:34,966 --> 01:32:37,801 -l swear you got this wrong-- -Shut your mouth. 1757 01:32:38,803 --> 01:32:41,054 Even though it's my right, I won't take revenge. 1758 01:32:41,222 --> 01:32:43,890 You want to know why? Because you got a problem. 1759 01:32:44,058 --> 01:32:45,809 A problem with aggression. 1760 01:32:45,977 --> 01:32:47,686 Maybe you weren't hugged as a kid. 1761 01:32:47,937 --> 01:32:49,771 You ought to look inside yourself... 1762 01:32:49,981 --> 01:32:53,608 ...look inside and find out who you are. 1763 01:32:53,776 --> 01:32:55,485 Because for me... 1764 01:32:55,653 --> 01:32:56,987 ...l had a breakthrough. 1765 01:32:57,154 --> 01:33:01,324 I'm in a good place mentally, and l'm feeling good about me. 1766 01:33:02,660 --> 01:33:04,744 I don't know, Paul. 1767 01:33:04,912 --> 01:33:08,748 I can see where some people might have a problem with this. 1768 01:33:08,916 --> 01:33:11,876 I realize that. So as a token of good faith... 1769 01:33:12,128 --> 01:33:14,379 ...l've taken the liberty of writing down a few things... 1770 01:33:14,630 --> 01:33:17,173 ...putting them in a safe-deposit box in case... 1771 01:33:17,383 --> 01:33:20,343 ...something should happen to me, my friend or my family. 1772 01:33:22,221 --> 01:33:25,015 [MURMURlNG] 1773 01:33:28,185 --> 01:33:30,478 I don't know what anybody else thinks... 1774 01:33:30,855 --> 01:33:33,356 ...but l say good luck and God bless, Paul. 1775 01:33:33,524 --> 01:33:36,026 [MEN SPEAKlNG IN lTALlAN] 1776 01:33:37,987 --> 01:33:40,071 Thank you. Come on, let's go. 1777 01:33:40,489 --> 01:33:43,241 -l'm his friend. VlTTI: Come on. 1778 01:33:50,082 --> 01:33:52,334 BEN: That was remarkable. Do you feel proud? 1779 01:33:52,543 --> 01:33:56,171 Some people in therapy never have breakthroughs like you had. 1780 01:33:56,339 --> 01:33:57,839 Hey, Paul! 1781 01:33:59,342 --> 01:34:00,717 I don't want to do this. 1782 01:34:00,926 --> 01:34:04,888 Think this is a civil service job? You can just quit and walk away? 1783 01:34:05,097 --> 01:34:06,723 What are you, fucking crazy? 1784 01:34:06,932 --> 01:34:08,558 Not anymore. 1785 01:34:08,726 --> 01:34:10,101 Tell me something. 1786 01:34:10,269 --> 01:34:13,396 Will you stab me in the back like the shit I always knew you were? 1787 01:34:13,564 --> 01:34:15,899 No, I won't stab you in the back. 1788 01:34:16,067 --> 01:34:17,942 I want to see your face when I do it. 1789 01:34:18,110 --> 01:34:20,737 Yeah? I don't think so. 1790 01:34:20,946 --> 01:34:22,405 Mo-Mo! 1791 01:34:23,240 --> 01:34:24,532 Bigs! 1792 01:34:24,742 --> 01:34:26,284 Eddie! 1793 01:34:29,413 --> 01:34:31,581 It's over, Primo. 1794 01:34:31,749 --> 01:34:33,750 Now get the fuck out of here. 1795 01:34:41,759 --> 01:34:44,094 Machine gun was a nice touch. A little hostile. 1796 01:35:13,374 --> 01:35:16,334 [SIRENS WAlLlNG] 1797 01:35:18,295 --> 01:35:19,963 STEADMAN [OVER SPEAKER]: Hands in the air! 1798 01:35:20,131 --> 01:35:21,548 Drop your weapons! 1799 01:35:21,757 --> 01:35:23,299 Do it now! 1800 01:35:35,104 --> 01:35:36,938 OFFlCER: I got you! Get down! 1801 01:35:39,734 --> 01:35:41,025 [GRUNTlNG] 1802 01:35:41,193 --> 01:35:43,528 AGENT 1 : Get out of the car! Hands on top of the car! 1803 01:35:43,738 --> 01:35:46,823 One fucking move, I swear l'll blow your fucking heart out! 1804 01:35:47,032 --> 01:35:49,701 Take a pill, RoboCop! Take a pill! 1805 01:35:51,620 --> 01:35:53,663 I can't believe this. You took a bullet for me. 1806 01:35:53,873 --> 01:35:57,542 What doc would ever do that for his patient? l'll never forget that. 1807 01:35:57,752 --> 01:35:59,586 You.... You.... 1808 01:35:59,754 --> 01:36:01,880 Paul, l tripped. 1809 01:36:02,089 --> 01:36:05,008 Oh, yeah, you tripped. Heh. You tripped over your unconscious. 1810 01:36:06,051 --> 01:36:09,637 AGENT 2: Mr. Vitti, you have the right to remain silent.... 1811 01:36:13,350 --> 01:36:15,226 Today's my wedding day. 1812 01:36:26,530 --> 01:36:28,865 BEN: You got off easy. Eighteen months is nothing. 1813 01:36:29,074 --> 01:36:31,993 They found Primo Sindone dead in a field near La Guardia. 1814 01:36:32,203 --> 01:36:35,163 I heard. Don't look at me. I had nothing to do with it. 1815 01:36:35,372 --> 01:36:39,375 A million guys from here to Canarsie were looking to whack that bastard. 1816 01:36:39,585 --> 01:36:41,753 Good. I was just checking. 1817 01:36:42,296 --> 01:36:43,338 Don't worry. 1818 01:36:43,506 --> 01:36:44,589 [BOTH CHUCKLE] 1819 01:36:45,007 --> 01:36:48,259 You think we could keep going with the private sessions up here? 1820 01:36:48,469 --> 01:36:50,011 You'd like to do that? 1821 01:36:50,805 --> 01:36:54,224 I could arrange to come up on Saturdays. Or we could do it by phone. 1822 01:36:54,433 --> 01:36:55,558 Phone appointments? 1823 01:36:55,768 --> 01:36:59,604 I do that when a patient's out of town or in federal prison. 1824 01:37:06,111 --> 01:37:07,237 Thanks, Doc. 1825 01:37:12,743 --> 01:37:14,577 -Hey, doc. -Yeah? 1826 01:37:15,621 --> 01:37:18,373 I never really got to thank you properly... 1827 01:37:19,458 --> 01:37:20,542 ...for curing me. 1828 01:37:22,044 --> 01:37:25,463 We don't say "cure." We say you had a "corrective emotional experience." 1829 01:37:25,673 --> 01:37:26,923 Excuse me. 1830 01:37:27,091 --> 01:37:29,551 Heh, heh. You. You're something, you. 1831 01:37:29,760 --> 01:37:32,262 -Yes, you are. You are something. -You. You. 1832 01:37:33,180 --> 01:37:35,598 -No, you're something. -No, you. 1833 01:37:35,766 --> 01:37:36,808 You! 1834 01:37:44,191 --> 01:37:45,316 [PIANO PLAYlNG] 1835 01:37:45,484 --> 01:37:46,985 -Happy? MAN [SINGlNG]: The best is yet to come 1836 01:37:47,152 --> 01:37:48,695 I just can't get used to it. 1837 01:37:48,863 --> 01:37:49,904 Used to what? 1838 01:37:50,114 --> 01:37:52,198 It's been so long since you were kidnapped. 1839 01:37:52,408 --> 01:37:53,575 I don't know if l can adjust. 1840 01:37:53,742 --> 01:37:55,994 MAN: Out of the tree of life 1841 01:37:56,161 --> 01:37:58,121 Listen. 1842 01:37:58,289 --> 01:38:00,915 How about one more dance... 1843 01:38:01,458 --> 01:38:04,127 -...and then we'll go upstairs? -Okay. 1844 01:38:06,505 --> 01:38:08,923 Tony, can you do one more song? 1845 01:38:09,717 --> 01:38:10,967 Oh, anything you want. 1846 01:38:11,135 --> 01:38:14,429 You know, my friend told me to stay as long as you needed me. 1847 01:38:14,638 --> 01:38:15,930 I don't want to let him down. 1848 01:38:16,140 --> 01:38:18,600 "World On A String," the Harold Arlen song. 1849 01:38:18,809 --> 01:38:20,101 LAURA: This is so great. 1850 01:38:20,269 --> 01:38:22,103 [BAND PLAYlNG "I'VE GOT THE WORLD ON A STRlNG"] 1851 01:38:22,271 --> 01:38:23,396 BEN: This is a gift. 1852 01:38:23,564 --> 01:38:26,524 [SINGlNG] I've got the world on a string 1853 01:38:27,943 --> 01:38:30,653 I'm sitting on a rainbow 1854 01:38:31,280 --> 01:38:36,242 I've got the string around my finger 1855 01:38:37,703 --> 01:38:40,705 What a world, what a life 1856 01:38:42,124 --> 01:38:44,208 I'm in love 1857 01:38:48,672 --> 01:38:52,508 I've got a song that l sing 1858 01:38:52,843 --> 01:38:55,887 I can make the rain go 1859 01:38:56,600 --> 01:39:01,770 Any time I move my finger 1860 01:39:02,810 --> 01:39:07,230 Lucky me, can't you see? 1861 01:39:07,400 --> 01:39:09,945 I'm in love 1862 01:39:12,110 --> 01:39:16,200 Life is a beautiful thing 1863 01:39:18,370 --> 01:39:22,205 As long as l hold that string 1864 01:39:25,085 --> 01:39:28,545 I'd be a silly so-and-so 1865 01:39:30,800 --> 01:39:34,260 If I should ever let go 1866 01:39:38,345 --> 01:39:41,600 I've got the world on a string 1867 01:39:42,100 --> 01:39:45,855 I'm sitting on a rainbow 1868 01:39:46,020 --> 01:39:51,315 I've got the string around my finger 1869 01:39:51,985 --> 01:39:56,030 What a world, what a life 1870 01:39:56,200 --> 01:40:03,205 I'm in love 1871 01:40:04,415 --> 01:40:06,080 Good night, Sobels.