1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,930 2 00:00:05,930 --> 00:00:08,060 It's an incredible feat-- 3 00:00:08,060 --> 00:00:11,750 Pearl Harbor's Red Hill 4 00:00:11,750 --> 00:00:15,480 seven miles of tunnels 5 00:00:15,480 --> 00:00:19,590 built to hold 250 6 00:00:19,590 --> 00:00:21,300 So this is one of the tanks. 7 00:00:21,300 --> 00:00:22,910 Oh, my gosh. 8 00:00:22,910 --> 00:00:25,620 And to give you a reference 9 00:00:25,620 --> 00:00:28,130 not the base, but 10 00:00:28,130 --> 00:00:30,890 fit in here with enough room. 11 00:00:30,890 --> 00:00:33,110 Tonight, you'll 12 00:00:33,110 --> 00:00:36,380 at this once secret site 13 00:00:36,380 --> 00:00:38,070 thousands of military families. 14 00:00:38,070 --> 00:00:43,190 15 00:00:43,190 --> 00:00:47,480 What is the scope of the 16 00:00:47,480 --> 00:00:50,030 Unrecognizable in modern times. 17 00:00:50,030 --> 00:00:54,230 We watched a young deminer 18 00:00:54,230 --> 00:00:57,060 could detonate a mine nearby. 19 00:00:57,060 --> 00:01:01,230 Russia has sown Ukraine 20 00:01:01,230 --> 00:01:06,450 She threaded the grass, feeling 21 00:01:06,450 --> 00:01:10,100 The day before, another 22 00:01:10,100 --> 00:01:12,990 23 00:01:12,990 --> 00:01:16,830 Welcome to the 2023 24 00:01:16,830 --> 00:01:20,670 In Indian relay, as many as 25 00:01:20,670 --> 00:01:23,500 are brought to a start 26 00:01:23,500 --> 00:01:25,090 The horses are bareback. 27 00:01:25,090 --> 00:01:26,910 No saddles or stirrups. 28 00:01:26,910 --> 00:01:29,610 Their riders wear 29 00:01:29,610 --> 00:01:33,450 At the sound of a 30 00:01:33,450 --> 00:01:36,900 and tear down the track. 31 00:01:36,900 --> 00:01:42,390 These horses are able to run 32 00:01:42,390 --> 00:01:45,500 But the hard part 33 00:01:45,500 --> 00:01:49,870 34 00:01:49,870 --> 00:01:51,340 I'm Leslie Stahl. 35 00:01:51,340 --> 00:01:52,700 I'm Bill Whitaker. 36 00:01:52,700 --> 00:01:53,970 I'm Anderson Cooper. 37 00:01:53,970 --> 00:01:55,259 I'm Sharyn Alfonsi. 38 00:01:55,259 --> 00:01:56,590 I'm Jon Wertheim. 39 00:01:56,590 --> 00:01:57,820 I'm Cecilia Vega. 40 00:01:57,820 --> 00:01:59,080 I'm Scott Pelley. 41 00:01:59,080 --> 00:02:02,940 Those stories tonight 42 00:02:02,940 --> 00:02:09,580 43 00:02:09,580 --> 00:02:13,160 The US military takes pride 44 00:02:13,160 --> 00:02:15,850 That's why military 45 00:02:15,850 --> 00:02:18,100 told us they feel so betrayed. 46 00:02:18,100 --> 00:02:20,350 Two years ago, there 47 00:02:20,350 --> 00:02:23,230 close to the drinking water 48 00:02:23,230 --> 00:02:24,530 base in Hawaii. 49 00:02:24,530 --> 00:02:27,400 As we first reported in 50 00:02:27,400 --> 00:02:29,710 assured thousands 51 00:02:29,710 --> 00:02:31,700 that the tap water was safe. 52 00:02:31,700 --> 00:02:33,950 But nearly two weeks 53 00:02:33,950 --> 00:02:35,470 parents learned the truth. 54 00:02:35,470 --> 00:02:38,590 The water they drank or 55 00:02:38,590 --> 00:02:40,090 contained jet fuel. 56 00:02:40,090 --> 00:02:43,060 Tonight, you'll hear from 57 00:02:43,060 --> 00:02:45,920 say the jet fuel tainted 58 00:02:45,920 --> 00:02:49,570 But first, we'll go to where the 59 00:02:49,570 --> 00:02:52,180 began. 60 00:02:52,180 --> 00:02:56,050 From the air, the historic 61 00:02:56,050 --> 00:02:59,530 Eight miles from Honolulu, 62 00:02:59,530 --> 00:03:02,320 battle gray ships and 63 00:03:02,320 --> 00:03:06,790 killed by Japan's 64 00:03:06,790 --> 00:03:10,420 What you can't see is the 65 00:03:10,420 --> 00:03:14,350 that provided fuel for the 66 00:03:14,350 --> 00:03:16,120 for 80 years. 67 00:03:16,120 --> 00:03:18,260 It doesn't look like 68 00:03:18,260 --> 00:03:19,720 But wait till you get inside. 69 00:03:19,720 --> 00:03:23,530 Vice Admiral John Wade led us 70 00:03:23,530 --> 00:03:24,880 storage facility. 71 00:03:24,880 --> 00:03:28,640 Seven miles of tunnels 72 00:03:28,640 --> 00:03:32,740 built to hold 250 73 00:03:32,740 --> 00:03:34,610 So this is one of the tanks. 74 00:03:34,610 --> 00:03:36,460 Oh, my gosh. 75 00:03:36,460 --> 00:03:39,650 That black hole is a 76 00:03:39,650 --> 00:03:43,960 so deep, it's hard to see 77 00:03:43,960 --> 00:03:45,980 To just show you how 78 00:03:45,980 --> 00:03:48,880 this tank holds 12.5 79 00:03:48,880 --> 00:03:51,720 And to give you a reference 80 00:03:51,720 --> 00:03:54,230 not the base, but 81 00:03:54,230 --> 00:03:56,840 fit in here with enough room. 82 00:03:56,840 --> 00:04:01,230 And this is just one of 83 00:04:01,230 --> 00:04:04,880 This is the Arizona, 84 00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:07,320 When the Japanese 85 00:04:07,320 --> 00:04:10,070 construction was already 86 00:04:10,070 --> 00:04:13,460 the Navy's fuel reserves 87 00:04:13,460 --> 00:04:17,570 The decision was made to 88 00:04:17,570 --> 00:04:21,290 to build a bulk storage fuel 89 00:04:21,290 --> 00:04:22,470 in secrecy. 90 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:25,400 And how long did 91 00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:27,560 There's a little less 92 00:04:27,560 --> 00:04:30,860 At its peak, there are about 93 00:04:30,860 --> 00:04:31,980 All right, watch your head. 94 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:33,110 We're going to go this way. 95 00:04:33,110 --> 00:04:35,360 But this testament 96 00:04:35,360 --> 00:04:39,560 became a monumental 97 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,810 That's jet fuel spraying 98 00:04:42,810 --> 00:04:45,840 The video was recorded 99 00:04:45,840 --> 00:04:49,400 Hill on November 20 of 2021. 100 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:54,450 The fuel, 20,000 gallons of it, 101 00:04:54,450 --> 00:04:56,970 The weight caused 102 00:04:56,970 --> 00:04:59,120 This trolley hit it. 103 00:04:59,120 --> 00:05:03,800 And jet fuel spewed for 21 hours 104 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:08,870 drinking water for 93,000 people 105 00:05:08,870 --> 00:05:10,460 Harbour. 106 00:05:10,460 --> 00:05:13,760 According to Navy investigators, 107 00:05:13,760 --> 00:05:16,290 didn't have the right 108 00:05:16,290 --> 00:05:19,740 They also assumed there was no 109 00:05:19,740 --> 00:05:20,880 They were wrong. 110 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:25,010 At least 5,000 gallons of jet 111 00:05:25,010 --> 00:05:28,490 floor and into the 112 00:05:28,490 --> 00:05:32,360 The next day, the Navy issued a 113 00:05:32,360 --> 00:05:36,170 and told the 8,400 families 114 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:40,670 the water remains safe to drink, 115 00:05:40,670 --> 00:05:42,300 tested the water yet. 116 00:05:42,300 --> 00:05:46,370 A week later, residents 117 00:05:46,370 --> 00:05:48,140 When did you get the 118 00:05:48,140 --> 00:05:49,830 something wrong with the water? 119 00:05:49,830 --> 00:05:53,480 My husband came into the 120 00:05:53,480 --> 00:05:57,530 and said, gosh, the water smells 121 00:05:57,530 --> 00:05:59,360 The water smells weird. 122 00:05:59,360 --> 00:06:02,960 Brittany Traeger lived on base, 123 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:05,130 Hill, with her 124 00:06:05,130 --> 00:06:07,610 who is a Navy chief 125 00:06:07,610 --> 00:06:11,900 Traeger says she began to feel 126 00:06:11,900 --> 00:06:13,320 I had a cough. 127 00:06:13,320 --> 00:06:15,190 My tonsils were very swollen. 128 00:06:15,190 --> 00:06:17,210 I remember a very 129 00:06:17,210 --> 00:06:18,780 where I was walking to the car. 130 00:06:18,780 --> 00:06:22,680 And I had vertigo so bad that 131 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:24,140 The smell was that overwhelming? 132 00:06:24,140 --> 00:06:25,400 Uh-huh. 133 00:06:25,400 --> 00:06:28,740 In an email to residents, 134 00:06:28,740 --> 00:06:30,560 the commanding 135 00:06:30,560 --> 00:06:34,159 reassured residents, "there 136 00:06:34,159 --> 00:06:35,890 that the water is not safe. 137 00:06:35,890 --> 00:06:38,870 My staff and I are 138 00:06:38,870 --> 00:06:40,370 Did you stop using water? 139 00:06:40,370 --> 00:06:42,530 Did you stop taking baths? 140 00:06:42,530 --> 00:06:44,010 So I did. 141 00:06:44,010 --> 00:06:44,770 My daughter did. 142 00:06:44,770 --> 00:06:47,060 Just because you had a bad 143 00:06:47,060 --> 00:06:48,020 told you to. 144 00:06:48,020 --> 00:06:48,520 Correct. 145 00:06:48,520 --> 00:06:50,900 They gave us an 146 00:06:50,900 --> 00:06:54,740 could send an email to if we 147 00:06:54,740 --> 00:06:58,190 So I emailed those people who 148 00:06:58,190 --> 00:06:59,370 that I should call. 149 00:06:59,370 --> 00:07:01,310 And I called that 150 00:07:01,310 --> 00:07:02,670 And it was just busy. 151 00:07:02,670 --> 00:07:07,560 They were overwhelmed and 152 00:07:07,560 --> 00:07:11,360 10 days after the spill, there 153 00:07:11,360 --> 00:07:15,050 from six neighborhoods across 154 00:07:15,050 --> 00:07:18,160 odor coming from kitchen 155 00:07:18,160 --> 00:07:22,670 but the Navy said its initial 156 00:07:22,670 --> 00:07:24,270 It defied logic. 157 00:07:24,270 --> 00:07:27,050 Even though there 158 00:07:27,050 --> 00:07:28,830 though our water 159 00:07:28,830 --> 00:07:31,820 and even though there was sheen 160 00:07:31,820 --> 00:07:34,670 the tests are coming 161 00:07:34,670 --> 00:07:37,400 After 12 days and 162 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:41,370 assuring residents the water 163 00:07:41,370 --> 00:07:44,240 the Navy reversed course. 164 00:07:44,240 --> 00:07:47,480 On December 2, 165 00:07:47,480 --> 00:07:50,900 more comprehensive tests 166 00:07:50,900 --> 00:07:53,990 had detected jet 167 00:07:53,990 --> 00:07:57,380 Three weeks after the spill, 168 00:07:57,380 --> 00:08:01,550 of Health revealed jet 169 00:08:01,550 --> 00:08:05,600 higher than what the 170 00:08:05,600 --> 00:08:08,660 Richelle Dietz lives on base 171 00:08:08,660 --> 00:08:11,450 petty officer, and 172 00:08:11,450 --> 00:08:13,820 Jet fuel is not something 173 00:08:13,820 --> 00:08:16,190 think could happen 174 00:08:16,190 --> 00:08:18,720 How were people 175 00:08:18,720 --> 00:08:21,290 I was so sick to my 176 00:08:21,290 --> 00:08:24,620 that I actually threw 177 00:08:24,620 --> 00:08:26,000 Because why? 178 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:28,670 Because my kids had 179 00:08:28,670 --> 00:08:32,220 Within a month, the Navy set 180 00:08:32,220 --> 00:08:35,419 Some complained of stomach 181 00:08:35,419 --> 00:08:36,500 and coughing. 182 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:41,240 The military moved more than 183 00:08:41,240 --> 00:08:43,580 Small studies of 184 00:08:43,580 --> 00:08:46,490 suggest jet fuel 185 00:08:46,490 --> 00:08:48,930 to neurological and 186 00:08:48,930 --> 00:08:52,290 But the long-term impact 187 00:08:52,290 --> 00:08:56,790 is unknown because it's so 188 00:08:56,790 --> 00:09:00,090 Richelle Dietz told us, days 189 00:09:00,090 --> 00:09:01,860 tonsils became inflamed. 190 00:09:01,860 --> 00:09:05,280 And her son started suffering 191 00:09:05,280 --> 00:09:08,620 I can hear people saying 192 00:09:08,620 --> 00:09:09,820 kids get that stuff. 193 00:09:09,820 --> 00:09:11,880 How do you know it's related? 194 00:09:11,880 --> 00:09:15,960 Because they never had it 195 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:18,210 It wasn't an issue. 196 00:09:18,210 --> 00:09:20,380 It's unclear how many got sick. 197 00:09:20,380 --> 00:09:23,400 But of 2,000 people who 198 00:09:23,400 --> 00:09:26,200 by the Centers for Disease 199 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:29,880 more than 850 200 00:09:29,880 --> 00:09:33,360 The water system was 201 00:09:33,360 --> 00:09:36,300 and bottled water brought in. 202 00:09:36,300 --> 00:09:38,760 Brittany Traeger said 203 00:09:38,760 --> 00:09:41,040 suffers respiratory 204 00:09:41,040 --> 00:09:44,980 require hour long treatments 205 00:09:44,980 --> 00:09:48,150 that includes a nebulizer 206 00:09:48,150 --> 00:09:50,370 to clear her lungs. 207 00:09:50,370 --> 00:09:52,080 Tell me about your 208 00:09:52,080 --> 00:09:58,210 13 days after the 209 00:09:58,210 --> 00:10:02,560 smelled like jet fuel, my 210 00:10:02,560 --> 00:10:04,780 with a cough. 211 00:10:04,780 --> 00:10:10,010 And it pretty much 212 00:10:10,010 --> 00:10:13,250 Three months passed before 213 00:10:13,250 --> 00:10:15,050 was deemed safe again. 214 00:10:15,050 --> 00:10:18,690 The Navy's own investigation 215 00:10:18,690 --> 00:10:21,810 "cascading failures" and 216 00:10:21,810 --> 00:10:25,820 supervision, and ineffective 217 00:10:25,820 --> 00:10:29,450 unacceptably short 218 00:10:29,450 --> 00:10:31,790 For the last 10 219 00:10:31,790 --> 00:10:35,630 raised concerns about the threat 220 00:10:35,630 --> 00:10:39,140 The primary water supply 221 00:10:39,140 --> 00:10:43,160 is hundred feet below 222 00:10:43,160 --> 00:10:46,490 In March of 2022, the 223 00:10:46,490 --> 00:10:50,150 ordered Red Hill 224 00:10:50,150 --> 00:10:52,280 Vice Admiral John 225 00:10:52,280 --> 00:10:56,270 to get the 104 million gallons 226 00:10:56,270 --> 00:10:59,330 and move it safely to 227 00:10:59,330 --> 00:11:01,680 We've got to defuel that's 228 00:11:01,680 --> 00:11:04,730 There's ongoing and 229 00:11:04,730 --> 00:11:07,160 long-term environmental 230 00:11:07,160 --> 00:11:11,440 to restore the aquifer, the 231 00:11:11,440 --> 00:11:13,380 And then there's also 232 00:11:13,380 --> 00:11:15,070 for those that 233 00:11:15,070 --> 00:11:19,050 Your view now the thing that 234 00:11:19,050 --> 00:11:19,930 is a threat. 235 00:11:19,930 --> 00:11:20,650 That's right. 236 00:11:20,650 --> 00:11:21,780 That's right. 237 00:11:21,780 --> 00:11:23,970 In six months, 238 00:11:23,970 --> 00:11:27,180 successfully removed 239 00:11:27,180 --> 00:11:31,110 But it took two years before the 240 00:11:31,110 --> 00:11:34,840 to 14 officers involved 241 00:11:34,840 --> 00:11:37,200 including five admirals. 242 00:11:37,200 --> 00:11:40,410 Was anyone fired 243 00:11:40,410 --> 00:11:43,590 At the time that the 244 00:11:43,590 --> 00:11:46,360 we had officers that 245 00:11:46,360 --> 00:11:50,880 And so they had already 246 00:11:50,880 --> 00:11:54,160 Meredith Berger is an assistant 247 00:11:54,160 --> 00:11:56,690 We met her at the 248 00:11:56,690 --> 00:11:59,790 She told us the Navy 249 00:11:59,790 --> 00:12:03,120 We're talking about 20,000 250 00:12:03,120 --> 00:12:06,500 90,000 people had their 251 00:12:06,500 --> 00:12:09,570 It looks like people 252 00:12:09,570 --> 00:12:12,290 And no one was fired. 253 00:12:12,290 --> 00:12:14,290 How is that accountability? 254 00:12:14,290 --> 00:12:19,520 It's accountability within the 255 00:12:19,520 --> 00:12:22,720 And we have heard 256 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:25,330 and that maybe it 257 00:12:25,330 --> 00:12:29,650 2,000 military families agree 258 00:12:29,650 --> 00:12:31,520 and are suing the government. 259 00:12:31,520 --> 00:12:34,840 The defuel and Deitzs 260 00:12:34,840 --> 00:12:38,650 alleging they were harmed 261 00:12:38,650 --> 00:12:41,410 Are you angry that it 262 00:12:41,410 --> 00:12:43,450 angry at what happened after? 263 00:12:43,450 --> 00:12:45,700 It's a little bit of 264 00:12:45,700 --> 00:12:47,140 this feeling of betrayal. 265 00:12:47,140 --> 00:12:48,260 What do you mean, betrayal? 266 00:12:48,260 --> 00:12:52,240 So my husband has been 267 00:12:52,240 --> 00:12:56,150 We have moved our family 268 00:12:56,150 --> 00:12:58,270 We gave so much of 269 00:12:58,270 --> 00:13:00,830 for them to ignore warnings. 270 00:13:00,830 --> 00:13:05,660 And then we were directly and 271 00:13:05,660 --> 00:13:08,510 Navy leadership has 272 00:13:08,510 --> 00:13:11,930 but has not said that the 273 00:13:11,930 --> 00:13:14,030 of the ongoing illnesses. 274 00:13:14,030 --> 00:13:16,490 The Navy did set 275 00:13:16,490 --> 00:13:18,890 to collect data and 276 00:13:18,890 --> 00:13:22,730 believes they have health issues 277 00:13:22,730 --> 00:13:26,370 What happens in 5, 278 00:13:26,370 --> 00:13:30,020 Will those services still be 279 00:13:30,020 --> 00:13:34,400 So that is part of 280 00:13:34,400 --> 00:13:36,680 that we're collecting 281 00:13:36,680 --> 00:13:39,140 to inform future 282 00:13:39,140 --> 00:13:43,450 the requirements are for 283 00:13:43,450 --> 00:13:47,310 That doesn't sound like a 284 00:13:47,310 --> 00:13:50,720 And I want to be careful because 285 00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:51,720 part of things. 286 00:13:51,720 --> 00:13:56,570 And so I don't want to speak 287 00:13:56,570 --> 00:13:58,640 any authority or a decision. 288 00:13:58,640 --> 00:14:01,170 So we followed up with 289 00:14:01,170 --> 00:14:04,820 which told us it's reviewing 290 00:14:04,820 --> 00:14:08,900 care for military families, 291 00:14:08,900 --> 00:14:10,430 children. 292 00:14:10,430 --> 00:14:12,890 Two years after the 293 00:14:12,890 --> 00:14:15,660 have reported water 294 00:14:15,660 --> 00:14:18,800 The Navy is conducting 295 00:14:18,800 --> 00:14:24,440 and says it is confident there 296 00:14:24,440 --> 00:14:27,530 Richelle Dietz is still 297 00:14:27,530 --> 00:14:31,290 She, and Brittany Traeger, along 298 00:14:31,290 --> 00:14:34,460 are awaiting a judge's 299 00:14:34,460 --> 00:14:37,490 What is the remedy 300 00:14:37,490 --> 00:14:42,000 In our family, it's restoring 301 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:43,730 That's a big thing to say. 302 00:14:43,730 --> 00:14:45,630 There's a body of 303 00:14:45,630 --> 00:14:47,130 They contaminated our water. 304 00:14:47,130 --> 00:14:48,420 They lied to us. 305 00:14:48,420 --> 00:14:50,010 They did not protect us. 306 00:14:50,010 --> 00:14:51,480 And they did not intervene. 307 00:14:51,480 --> 00:14:55,710 And accountability looks like 308 00:14:55,710 --> 00:14:58,190 my family, and the 309 00:14:58,190 --> 00:15:01,650 And that will restore 310 00:15:01,650 --> 00:15:06,350 311 00:15:06,350 --> 00:15:09,630 Does Red Hill still pose 312 00:15:09,630 --> 00:15:12,670 This facility was a 313 00:15:12,670 --> 00:15:13,990 At 60minutesovertime.com. 314 00:15:13,990 --> 00:15:16,490 Sponsored by Nurtec ODT. 315 00:15:16,490 --> 00:15:21,380 316 00:15:21,380 --> 00:15:24,690 No matter how Russia's 317 00:15:24,690 --> 00:15:28,610 Dr. Yuri Kuznetsov will be 318 00:15:28,610 --> 00:15:30,620 madness for years. 319 00:15:30,620 --> 00:15:33,150 As we first reported 320 00:15:33,150 --> 00:15:37,070 Kuznetsov is a Ukrainian 321 00:15:37,070 --> 00:15:40,950 who stayed by his patients 322 00:15:40,950 --> 00:15:45,040 Now, heroism is a 323 00:15:45,040 --> 00:15:48,050 His city was liberated, 324 00:15:48,050 --> 00:15:51,440 sees victims every 325 00:15:51,440 --> 00:15:55,280 who step on one of the 326 00:15:55,280 --> 00:15:58,480 across about one 327 00:15:58,480 --> 00:16:01,190 There's a massive effort 328 00:16:01,190 --> 00:16:03,620 but that will take a 329 00:16:03,620 --> 00:16:06,970 Until then, there 330 00:16:06,970 --> 00:16:13,490 with healing hands and eyes 331 00:16:13,490 --> 00:16:17,420 Half his life, he's 332 00:16:17,420 --> 00:16:22,020 and here in its basement, 333 00:16:22,020 --> 00:16:29,750 All he'd become in 52 years was 334 00:16:29,750 --> 00:16:31,970 We didn't imagine, 335 00:16:31,970 --> 00:16:34,530 that Russia would 336 00:16:34,530 --> 00:16:37,670 Dr. Kuznetsov told us. 337 00:16:37,670 --> 00:16:39,860 When you're sitting 338 00:16:39,860 --> 00:16:42,530 and a plane is 339 00:16:42,530 --> 00:16:45,710 was impossible to predict 340 00:16:45,710 --> 00:16:47,850 to see another day. 341 00:16:47,850 --> 00:16:53,260 In 2022, the basement became 342 00:16:53,260 --> 00:16:55,330 That's him dressed in white. 343 00:16:55,330 --> 00:16:57,760 The wounded were endless. 344 00:16:57,760 --> 00:17:00,940 A close friend's wife, 345 00:17:00,940 --> 00:17:04,290 And this man who 346 00:17:04,290 --> 00:17:08,130 Did you save more 347 00:17:08,130 --> 00:17:12,329 We saved significantly 348 00:17:12,329 --> 00:17:16,869 Many of your colleagues 349 00:17:16,869 --> 00:17:20,520 I wonder why you stayed. 350 00:17:20,520 --> 00:17:22,950 When you have 351 00:17:22,950 --> 00:17:28,530 the only doctor, the only 352 00:17:28,530 --> 00:17:32,070 I didn't understand 353 00:17:32,070 --> 00:17:34,680 He could not leave Izium. 354 00:17:34,680 --> 00:17:39,010 His city of 40,000 was 355 00:17:39,010 --> 00:17:42,120 The Russians laid 356 00:17:42,120 --> 00:17:44,430 from Ukraine's counterattack. 357 00:17:44,430 --> 00:17:49,900 Putin's unprovoked war on an 358 00:17:49,900 --> 00:17:57,110 of Izium and killed 1,000, 359 00:17:57,110 --> 00:18:06,830 cleaved in two and this school, 360 00:18:06,830 --> 00:18:10,970 The people of Izium clothed 361 00:18:10,970 --> 00:18:14,190 and yet they are 362 00:18:14,190 --> 00:18:18,950 363 00:18:18,950 --> 00:18:22,090 Demining teams are still 364 00:18:22,090 --> 00:18:25,850 365 00:18:25,850 --> 00:18:28,430 Izium, 20 miles 366 00:18:28,430 --> 00:18:33,260 one of the worst areas for 367 00:18:33,260 --> 00:18:37,610 Throughout Ukraine, more than 368 00:18:37,610 --> 00:18:39,650 wounded by mines. 369 00:18:39,650 --> 00:18:42,630 Lidia Borova, a 370 00:18:42,630 --> 00:18:46,580 was picking mushrooms 371 00:18:46,580 --> 00:18:48,110 I turned by the tree. 372 00:18:48,110 --> 00:18:51,400 And then there was an 373 00:18:51,400 --> 00:18:54,240 I looked down at myself 374 00:18:54,240 --> 00:18:55,530 My arm was injured. 375 00:18:55,530 --> 00:18:57,210 My leg was injured. 376 00:18:57,210 --> 00:19:00,980 I was losing strength. 377 00:19:00,980 --> 00:19:04,060 Her right foot and 378 00:19:04,060 --> 00:19:07,010 379 00:19:07,010 --> 00:19:11,540 Kuznetsov said, first of 380 00:19:11,540 --> 00:19:16,790 is to persuade a patient that 381 00:19:16,790 --> 00:19:19,160 It's very difficult 382 00:19:19,160 --> 00:19:23,270 that the leg is no 383 00:19:23,270 --> 00:19:30,180 He told us a prosthetic is 384 00:19:30,180 --> 00:19:33,280 Dr. Kuznetsov saved 385 00:19:33,280 --> 00:19:35,890 I didn't realize how 386 00:19:35,890 --> 00:19:38,380 I don't know how I 387 00:19:38,380 --> 00:19:41,130 388 00:19:41,130 --> 00:19:44,800 Ihor Bogoraz was with 389 00:19:44,800 --> 00:19:48,670 They found 12 mines, 390 00:19:48,670 --> 00:19:52,560 391 00:19:52,560 --> 00:19:55,230 I decided to mow the 392 00:19:55,230 --> 00:19:57,850 And one mine was under my foot. 393 00:19:57,850 --> 00:20:01,600 I stepped on it and 394 00:20:01,600 --> 00:20:04,200 And that's it. 395 00:20:04,200 --> 00:20:06,720 No leg. 396 00:20:06,720 --> 00:20:11,070 Serhii Nikolaiv was walking 397 00:20:11,070 --> 00:20:15,660 while uncovering 398 00:20:15,660 --> 00:20:20,050 If it had been green, he told 399 00:20:20,050 --> 00:20:21,280 but it was Brown. 400 00:20:21,280 --> 00:20:22,270 I didn't see it. 401 00:20:22,270 --> 00:20:25,640 It blended in with the leaves. 402 00:20:25,640 --> 00:20:26,910 I stepped on it. 403 00:20:26,910 --> 00:20:30,680 And I knew right away. 404 00:20:30,680 --> 00:20:34,220 Kuznetsov said, the 405 00:20:34,220 --> 00:20:39,860 who stepped on petal mines 406 00:20:39,860 --> 00:20:43,670 The person who invented 407 00:20:43,670 --> 00:20:46,410 because they only 408 00:20:46,410 --> 00:20:51,350 But what they can do when 409 00:20:51,350 --> 00:20:55,430 Petal mines, 5 inches 410 00:20:55,430 --> 00:20:58,850 by the thousands 411 00:20:58,850 --> 00:21:02,510 11 pounds of pressure 412 00:21:02,510 --> 00:21:07,850 Vasyl Solyanik found them on 413 00:21:07,850 --> 00:21:10,680 There's 18 here, he told us. 414 00:21:10,680 --> 00:21:13,490 But in all, there were over 50. 415 00:21:13,490 --> 00:21:15,980 He showed us his video. 416 00:21:15,980 --> 00:21:19,770 That's a petal mine right there. 417 00:21:19,770 --> 00:21:24,350 They are so common that we were 418 00:21:24,350 --> 00:21:28,740 woman who gathered them in a 419 00:21:28,740 --> 00:21:30,560 station. 420 00:21:30,560 --> 00:21:35,110 Solyanik told us, there's some 421 00:21:35,110 --> 00:21:38,490 so don't walk around there. 422 00:21:38,490 --> 00:21:40,740 He dialed 101. 423 00:21:40,740 --> 00:21:43,750 And emergency services 424 00:21:43,750 --> 00:21:46,730 Ivan Shepelev and Ihor Ovcharuk. 425 00:21:46,730 --> 00:21:50,190 426 00:21:50,190 --> 00:21:52,810 We encounter every 427 00:21:52,810 --> 00:21:57,940 Ovcharuk told us, anti-infantry 428 00:21:57,940 --> 00:21:59,890 artillery shells, rockets. 429 00:21:59,890 --> 00:22:00,990 It's all here. 430 00:22:00,990 --> 00:22:04,170 431 00:22:04,170 --> 00:22:08,960 At Solyanik's home, a sweep 432 00:22:08,960 --> 00:22:09,460 bomb. 433 00:22:09,460 --> 00:22:13,200 434 00:22:13,200 --> 00:22:14,710 Those are tricky. 435 00:22:14,710 --> 00:22:17,660 436 00:22:17,660 --> 00:22:19,350 So they blew it in place. 437 00:22:19,350 --> 00:22:22,510 438 00:22:22,510 --> 00:22:25,970 Ivan Shepelev told us, 439 00:22:25,970 --> 00:22:30,100 they also left booby traps. 440 00:22:30,100 --> 00:22:32,960 We have seen cases, 441 00:22:32,960 --> 00:22:36,690 where explosives were 442 00:22:36,690 --> 00:22:39,610 443 00:22:39,610 --> 00:22:42,970 Ovcharuk said, my 444 00:22:42,970 --> 00:22:49,180 on removing our dead Ukrainian 445 00:22:49,180 --> 00:22:50,860 been mined. 446 00:22:50,860 --> 00:22:54,730 In 2022, Ihor 447 00:22:54,730 --> 00:22:58,270 shattered when a fellow 448 00:22:58,270 --> 00:23:00,310 and lost his foot. 449 00:23:00,310 --> 00:23:06,910 Shepelev told us, we know 450 00:23:06,910 --> 00:23:09,940 that someone's life is saved. 451 00:23:09,940 --> 00:23:14,470 A few weeks after our 452 00:23:14,470 --> 00:23:17,570 wrecked the fire station 453 00:23:17,570 --> 00:23:22,670 Some were injured, but 454 00:23:22,670 --> 00:23:26,930 What is the scope of the 455 00:23:26,930 --> 00:23:31,100 I think the scope is 456 00:23:31,100 --> 00:23:34,950 Pete Smith heads demining 457 00:23:34,950 --> 00:23:39,260 a charity founded in 458 00:23:39,260 --> 00:23:42,350 Smith was 33 years 459 00:23:42,350 --> 00:23:47,180 and awarded by Queen Elizabeth 460 00:23:47,180 --> 00:23:49,110 bomb in a train station. 461 00:23:49,110 --> 00:23:54,920 Today, he says, Ukraine is the 462 00:23:54,920 --> 00:23:58,910 In some areas, the minefields 463 00:23:58,910 --> 00:23:59,940 in areas-- 464 00:23:59,940 --> 00:24:01,530 maybe a dozen mines deep. 465 00:24:01,530 --> 00:24:03,780 But that's just the 466 00:24:03,780 --> 00:24:05,790 Then several 467 00:24:05,790 --> 00:24:10,250 there are other layers 468 00:24:10,250 --> 00:24:15,310 Smith took us to a farm sown 469 00:24:15,310 --> 00:24:16,680 You have to step carefully. 470 00:24:16,680 --> 00:24:19,850 Right there, in the 471 00:24:19,850 --> 00:24:24,580 packed with 17 pounds 472 00:24:24,580 --> 00:24:27,500 With three weeks of 473 00:24:27,500 --> 00:24:32,260 Yulia Yaroshchuk was probing 474 00:24:32,260 --> 00:24:36,700 would detonate a mine near her. 475 00:24:36,700 --> 00:24:44,380 She threaded the grass, feeling 476 00:24:44,380 --> 00:24:47,900 477 00:24:47,900 --> 00:24:51,830 Only the day before, a 478 00:24:51,830 --> 00:24:56,750 and two were wounded in 479 00:24:56,750 --> 00:25:00,270 Doing this by hand 480 00:25:00,270 --> 00:25:06,020 it seems to me that you have 481 00:25:06,020 --> 00:25:10,800 She said, well, of course, 482 00:25:10,800 --> 00:25:14,090 As far as I know, it'll 483 00:25:14,090 --> 00:25:19,760 Each day of war means 484 00:25:19,760 --> 00:25:22,880 Why do you do this work? 485 00:25:22,880 --> 00:25:24,330 I didn't have to do it. 486 00:25:24,330 --> 00:25:25,970 I wanted to do it. 487 00:25:25,970 --> 00:25:29,630 This is my contribution 488 00:25:29,630 --> 00:25:33,060 Will Ukraine ever 489 00:25:33,060 --> 00:25:34,790 I think what I have 490 00:25:34,790 --> 00:25:38,600 in Ukraine is the innovation, 491 00:25:38,600 --> 00:25:41,600 the sheer will of 492 00:25:41,600 --> 00:25:43,880 confident that they 493 00:25:43,880 --> 00:25:46,520 the last mine from Ukraine. 494 00:25:46,520 --> 00:25:50,160 Does this war make 495 00:25:50,160 --> 00:25:57,310 496 00:25:57,310 --> 00:26:03,160 Not to a single person here or 497 00:26:03,160 --> 00:26:06,700 What kind of mind, what 498 00:26:06,700 --> 00:26:10,690 do you have to be to 499 00:26:10,690 --> 00:26:13,300 like this on your enemies? 500 00:26:13,300 --> 00:26:16,240 You can't. 501 00:26:16,240 --> 00:26:19,900 Even now, someone could 502 00:26:19,900 --> 00:26:21,740 and it makes a loud noise. 503 00:26:21,740 --> 00:26:26,880 And in your soul you feel 504 00:26:26,880 --> 00:26:28,460 It's a real horror. 505 00:26:28,460 --> 00:26:33,490 506 00:26:33,490 --> 00:26:35,860 my sister-in-law 507 00:26:35,860 --> 00:26:43,080 by a mine in front 508 00:26:43,080 --> 00:26:44,450 in front of their eyes. 509 00:26:44,450 --> 00:26:48,020 510 00:26:48,020 --> 00:26:51,810 Of all of Vladimir Putin's 511 00:26:51,810 --> 00:26:58,640 one was the bombing of 512 00:26:58,640 --> 00:27:02,600 Kuznetsov told us, after 513 00:27:02,600 --> 00:27:05,210 was damaged, a lot 514 00:27:05,210 --> 00:27:07,290 simply became unavailable. 515 00:27:07,290 --> 00:27:14,570 Here, we had both intensive 516 00:27:14,570 --> 00:27:18,030 When Yuriy Kuznetsov 517 00:27:18,030 --> 00:27:20,540 his grandmother 518 00:27:20,540 --> 00:27:23,900 He told us that's why 519 00:27:23,900 --> 00:27:28,550 And we suspect that's why he 520 00:27:28,550 --> 00:27:32,990 and occupation, and the 521 00:27:32,990 --> 00:27:36,620 When a town loses 522 00:27:36,620 --> 00:27:41,450 doesn't just lose the 523 00:27:41,450 --> 00:27:46,950 The best praise for me was when 524 00:27:46,950 --> 00:27:51,010 that when we heard the 525 00:27:51,010 --> 00:27:53,670 we realized that 526 00:27:53,670 --> 00:27:59,580 It could withstand, 527 00:27:59,580 --> 00:28:02,010 The future of 528 00:28:02,010 --> 00:28:05,760 devotion and heroic patience. 529 00:28:05,760 --> 00:28:09,420 On this day, Yulia 530 00:28:09,420 --> 00:28:17,210 teased out one Russian mine, 531 00:28:17,210 --> 00:28:18,220 from its edge. 532 00:28:18,220 --> 00:28:31,970 533 00:28:31,970 --> 00:28:34,280 The horse has played 534 00:28:34,280 --> 00:28:38,430 in the history and mythology 535 00:28:38,430 --> 00:28:42,800 The Shoshone, Crow, Blackfeet, 536 00:28:42,800 --> 00:28:45,530 first saw horses when 537 00:28:45,530 --> 00:28:48,950 to this continent 500 years 538 00:28:48,950 --> 00:28:51,800 in hunting and in 539 00:28:51,800 --> 00:28:56,090 Collectively, these tribes call 540 00:28:56,090 --> 00:28:58,460 As we first reported 541 00:28:58,460 --> 00:29:02,720 men and women from those tribes 542 00:29:02,720 --> 00:29:07,050 that fans have dubbed America's 543 00:29:07,050 --> 00:29:09,840 The tribes call it Indian Relay. 544 00:29:09,840 --> 00:29:12,180 Its roots date back centuries. 545 00:29:12,180 --> 00:29:14,280 And it's one of 546 00:29:14,280 --> 00:29:20,270 dangerous, and inspiring things 547 00:29:20,270 --> 00:29:24,350 Welcome to the 2023 548 00:29:24,350 --> 00:29:26,150 We start at the start. 549 00:29:26,150 --> 00:29:30,230 In Indian Relay, as many as 550 00:29:30,230 --> 00:29:33,120 are brought to a start 551 00:29:33,120 --> 00:29:36,670 The horses are bareback, 552 00:29:36,670 --> 00:29:39,370 Their riders wear 553 00:29:39,370 --> 00:29:43,190 At the sound of a 554 00:29:43,190 --> 00:29:44,920 and tear down the track. 555 00:29:44,920 --> 00:29:49,030 556 00:29:49,030 --> 00:29:51,510 To actually get on 557 00:29:51,510 --> 00:29:57,010 and run as fast as you 558 00:29:57,010 --> 00:29:57,850 That's easy. 559 00:29:57,850 --> 00:29:58,860 Yeah. 560 00:29:58,860 --> 00:30:01,830 Ken Real Bird is a sort 561 00:30:01,830 --> 00:30:05,790 of Indian relay, 562 00:30:05,790 --> 00:30:08,310 all over the American West. 563 00:30:08,310 --> 00:30:11,450 These horses are able to run 564 00:30:11,450 --> 00:30:16,500 565 00:30:16,500 --> 00:30:20,610 But the hard part 566 00:30:20,610 --> 00:30:22,320 Wait, what? 567 00:30:22,320 --> 00:30:29,830 After the riders race, one lap 568 00:30:29,830 --> 00:30:34,420 they all speed into a sort of 569 00:30:34,420 --> 00:30:36,550 are waiting with fresh 570 00:30:36,550 --> 00:30:37,910 known as the exchange. 571 00:30:37,910 --> 00:30:41,260 572 00:30:41,260 --> 00:30:44,260 So he has to come 573 00:30:44,260 --> 00:30:48,250 and then angle that horse in. 574 00:30:48,250 --> 00:30:52,300 He gets off and 575 00:30:52,300 --> 00:30:54,360 and he's on to the 576 00:30:54,360 --> 00:30:57,670 577 00:30:57,670 --> 00:30:59,480 Boom, there he goes. 578 00:30:59,480 --> 00:31:02,460 579 00:31:02,460 --> 00:31:06,580 Ken Real Bird makes that flying 580 00:31:06,580 --> 00:31:09,120 sounds simple. 581 00:31:09,120 --> 00:31:10,510 It is not. 582 00:31:10,510 --> 00:31:14,250 It's more like a dangerous, 583 00:31:14,250 --> 00:31:17,130 and horses from six 584 00:31:17,130 --> 00:31:20,800 to do the same thing at the 585 00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:23,970 586 00:31:23,970 --> 00:31:28,000 You have what they 587 00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:31,690 Their job, primarily, 588 00:31:31,690 --> 00:31:35,310 in the proper position 589 00:31:35,310 --> 00:31:36,490 Now, here they come. 590 00:31:36,490 --> 00:31:41,260 Simultaneously, you have a guy, 591 00:31:41,260 --> 00:31:42,220 on his feet. 592 00:31:42,220 --> 00:31:45,930 And he's got to catch that horse 593 00:31:45,930 --> 00:31:50,910 594 00:31:50,910 --> 00:31:54,240 That horse, he really doesn't 595 00:31:54,240 --> 00:31:59,830 596 00:31:59,830 --> 00:32:03,250 A third member of the pit 597 00:32:03,250 --> 00:32:07,200 because the riders must do 598 00:32:07,200 --> 00:32:10,390 599 00:32:10,390 --> 00:32:14,020 It's exciting, but it's 600 00:32:14,020 --> 00:32:14,520 Yeah. 601 00:32:14,520 --> 00:32:17,700 602 00:32:17,700 --> 00:32:18,550 A lot of injuries. 603 00:32:18,550 --> 00:32:21,510 604 00:32:21,510 --> 00:32:25,210 Almost every heat will have some 605 00:32:25,210 --> 00:32:27,960 606 00:32:27,960 --> 00:32:31,590 Can you imagine the 607 00:32:31,590 --> 00:32:37,410 Chiefs all combined in 608 00:32:37,410 --> 00:32:40,790 That's what it's going to feel 609 00:32:40,790 --> 00:32:43,290 pounds. 610 00:32:43,290 --> 00:32:47,140 Injuries to both horses and 611 00:32:47,140 --> 00:32:50,250 The team that best avoids 612 00:32:50,250 --> 00:32:53,700 that third lap on a third 613 00:32:53,700 --> 00:32:55,860 for showing off at the finish. 614 00:32:55,860 --> 00:32:58,740 Well, that was a great race. 615 00:32:58,740 --> 00:33:02,400 Ken Real Bird says the 616 00:33:02,400 --> 00:33:05,460 are in the horse stealing 617 00:33:05,460 --> 00:33:08,700 staged against white 618 00:33:08,700 --> 00:33:11,550 These young men of 619 00:33:11,550 --> 00:33:14,110 would travel when it 620 00:33:14,110 --> 00:33:17,070 They would come and 621 00:33:17,070 --> 00:33:20,670 and hightail it back 622 00:33:20,670 --> 00:33:23,880 They exchanged horses as they 623 00:33:23,880 --> 00:33:25,350 were being pursued. 624 00:33:25,350 --> 00:33:31,030 And so that's pretty much the 625 00:33:31,030 --> 00:33:32,680 that we know today. 626 00:33:32,680 --> 00:33:35,770 Races in the organized 627 00:33:35,770 --> 00:33:38,110 in the early 1900s. 628 00:33:38,110 --> 00:33:40,870 When they first started out, 629 00:33:40,870 --> 00:33:43,900 were happening more in 630 00:33:43,900 --> 00:33:45,910 Native communities on 631 00:33:45,910 --> 00:33:47,510 I've seen some races-- 632 00:33:47,510 --> 00:33:50,450 Calvin Ghost Bear is a 633 00:33:50,450 --> 00:33:51,860 Seven heats, eight heats. 634 00:33:51,860 --> 00:33:55,600 And president of an organization 635 00:33:55,600 --> 00:33:56,420 Relay Council. 636 00:33:56,420 --> 00:34:00,340 637 00:34:00,340 --> 00:34:02,980 What we do with Horse 638 00:34:02,980 --> 00:34:05,080 took a lot of the 639 00:34:05,080 --> 00:34:07,720 within the tribal 640 00:34:07,720 --> 00:34:09,480 into the mainstream. 641 00:34:09,480 --> 00:34:11,400 And now we're bringing 642 00:34:11,400 --> 00:34:15,270 643 00:34:15,270 --> 00:34:18,659 Last summer's Indian Relay 644 00:34:18,659 --> 00:34:22,949 and climaxed in Casper, Wyoming, 645 00:34:22,949 --> 00:34:30,040 event that celebrated tribal 646 00:34:30,040 --> 00:34:35,870 and dance, and offered more 647 00:34:35,870 --> 00:34:39,429 thanks to sponsorship from a 648 00:34:39,429 --> 00:34:41,020 Arapaho tribe. 649 00:34:41,020 --> 00:34:42,790 This is the ladies. 650 00:34:42,790 --> 00:34:47,060 It included a women's division. 651 00:34:47,060 --> 00:34:51,110 It's two laps and two horses, 652 00:34:51,110 --> 00:34:54,400 in men's races. 653 00:34:54,400 --> 00:34:59,770 But the athleticism and danger 654 00:34:59,770 --> 00:35:01,810 Now, there's no 655 00:35:01,810 --> 00:35:04,450 There's also a 656 00:35:04,450 --> 00:35:05,770 Takes a great tumble. 657 00:35:05,770 --> 00:35:09,340 with riders as young 658 00:35:09,340 --> 00:35:12,610 climbing on and falling off. 659 00:35:12,610 --> 00:35:14,290 He's going to be all right. 660 00:35:14,290 --> 00:35:16,420 Those are the guys 661 00:35:16,420 --> 00:35:19,660 the great riders, the great 662 00:35:19,660 --> 00:35:20,920 all horsemen. 663 00:35:20,920 --> 00:35:23,400 And it's like that 664 00:35:23,400 --> 00:35:26,110 665 00:35:26,110 --> 00:35:28,720 On the Blackfeet 666 00:35:28,720 --> 00:35:31,730 we met Ervin Carlson 667 00:35:31,730 --> 00:35:36,640 who have been competing 668 00:35:36,640 --> 00:35:39,640 Chazz is one of the most 669 00:35:39,640 --> 00:35:41,410 circuit. 670 00:35:41,410 --> 00:35:44,270 For relay, making 671 00:35:44,270 --> 00:35:47,350 is just practice, practice, 672 00:35:47,350 --> 00:35:49,360 of experience. 673 00:35:49,360 --> 00:35:50,150 Chazz is off. 674 00:35:50,150 --> 00:35:54,330 675 00:35:54,330 --> 00:35:57,330 Another team we followed through 676 00:35:57,330 --> 00:36:01,110 by 23-year-old Tuesday Washakie 677 00:36:01,110 --> 00:36:03,300 in Wyoming. 678 00:36:03,300 --> 00:36:07,090 Her younger sister, Zia, is the 679 00:36:07,090 --> 00:36:11,400 Both feel a close 680 00:36:11,400 --> 00:36:16,570 If you're having a bad day, 681 00:36:16,570 --> 00:36:17,310 you can go out. 682 00:36:17,310 --> 00:36:19,950 And you can catch your 683 00:36:19,950 --> 00:36:24,180 and things will just 684 00:36:24,180 --> 00:36:27,870 I think that's just how it is. 685 00:36:27,870 --> 00:36:31,500 Mason Red Wing feels the 686 00:36:31,500 --> 00:36:33,480 to care for his horses. 687 00:36:33,480 --> 00:36:35,310 It's really something 688 00:36:35,310 --> 00:36:36,580 all here for one purpose. 689 00:36:36,580 --> 00:36:38,130 And it's the horse. 690 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:39,330 Just setting up over here. 691 00:36:39,330 --> 00:36:42,030 Mason hails from the Crow 692 00:36:42,030 --> 00:36:43,890 in South Dakota. 693 00:36:43,890 --> 00:36:45,810 When I was younger, 694 00:36:45,810 --> 00:36:48,120 why I used to feel such 695 00:36:48,120 --> 00:36:49,230 towards my own people. 696 00:36:49,230 --> 00:36:51,670 I didn't want to 697 00:36:51,670 --> 00:36:55,410 And the horse helped me 698 00:36:55,410 --> 00:36:58,200 and be proud of who I am 699 00:36:58,200 --> 00:37:01,950 Why were you feeling you didn't 700 00:37:01,950 --> 00:37:04,000 Growing up, where I'm 701 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:06,330 you see a lot of 702 00:37:06,330 --> 00:37:08,860 not proud to be where I'm from. 703 00:37:08,860 --> 00:37:09,360 Like what? 704 00:37:09,360 --> 00:37:14,730 Alcoholism, drug addiction, 705 00:37:14,730 --> 00:37:17,550 Suicide rates on the reservation 706 00:37:17,550 --> 00:37:18,970 the national average. 707 00:37:18,970 --> 00:37:23,130 My own father succumbed 708 00:37:23,130 --> 00:37:24,900 So it really hit home. 709 00:37:24,900 --> 00:37:26,380 You said the horse 710 00:37:26,380 --> 00:37:26,880 Yup. 711 00:37:26,880 --> 00:37:27,800 Yes, sir. 712 00:37:27,800 --> 00:37:28,990 Essentially. 713 00:37:28,990 --> 00:37:32,240 You think it does that for a lot 714 00:37:32,240 --> 00:37:34,170 So there's a lot 715 00:37:34,170 --> 00:37:38,710 that are just looking 716 00:37:38,710 --> 00:37:43,250 There's little glamor in Indian 717 00:37:43,250 --> 00:37:45,070 Every team is self-funded. 718 00:37:45,070 --> 00:37:48,680 And nearly everyone has a day 719 00:37:48,680 --> 00:37:51,050 But the sport is on the rise. 720 00:37:51,050 --> 00:37:52,810 Prize money is increasing. 721 00:37:52,810 --> 00:37:56,920 And 67 teams competed in 722 00:37:56,920 --> 00:37:59,920 723 00:37:59,920 --> 00:38:04,240 The quality of 724 00:38:04,240 --> 00:38:07,730 Teams go to major racetracks 725 00:38:07,730 --> 00:38:11,290 home of the Kentucky Derby, 726 00:38:11,290 --> 00:38:13,270 to Indian Relay. 727 00:38:13,270 --> 00:38:17,800 Kentucky, that would be 728 00:38:17,800 --> 00:38:20,030 race before the derby. 729 00:38:20,030 --> 00:38:23,110 That would be my goal. 730 00:38:23,110 --> 00:38:26,270 Lots of thrills and 731 00:38:26,270 --> 00:38:28,800 732 00:38:28,800 --> 00:38:33,330 Each team competed in one heat 733 00:38:33,330 --> 00:38:36,540 Their cumulative time 734 00:38:36,540 --> 00:38:39,390 determined whether they 735 00:38:39,390 --> 00:38:42,270 heat on Sunday. 736 00:38:42,270 --> 00:38:46,780 Is the race usually won 737 00:38:46,780 --> 00:38:49,760 Yeah. 738 00:38:49,760 --> 00:38:53,240 It's like a relay team 739 00:38:53,240 --> 00:38:58,890 But in Indian Relay, exchanges 740 00:38:58,890 --> 00:39:02,720 18 other humans, 741 00:39:02,720 --> 00:39:04,820 From what I've seen, it's like-- 742 00:39:04,820 --> 00:39:05,460 Chaos. 743 00:39:05,460 --> 00:39:07,220 Chaos. 744 00:39:07,220 --> 00:39:09,890 In the block, it's 745 00:39:09,890 --> 00:39:13,340 Tuesday Washakie's women's 746 00:39:13,340 --> 00:39:14,460 in Casper. 747 00:39:14,460 --> 00:39:16,350 Oo Vee Das is right there. 748 00:39:16,350 --> 00:39:19,710 And her sister Zia had a 749 00:39:19,710 --> 00:39:22,210 They finished a close second. 750 00:39:22,210 --> 00:39:24,080 I don't know, did you 751 00:39:24,080 --> 00:39:25,800 it make you more determined? 752 00:39:25,800 --> 00:39:27,170 It makes me more 753 00:39:27,170 --> 00:39:30,170 I'd be out here mad as 754 00:39:30,170 --> 00:39:33,260 Winning it all is going 755 00:39:33,260 --> 00:39:35,210 The first place 756 00:39:35,210 --> 00:39:37,100 came from the 757 00:39:37,100 --> 00:39:40,970 in Washington State with 758 00:39:40,970 --> 00:39:42,770 Is this your first championship? 759 00:39:42,770 --> 00:39:45,440 No, I actually won the 760 00:39:45,440 --> 00:39:46,200 All right. 761 00:39:46,200 --> 00:39:47,760 Yeah, when I was 13. 762 00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:49,260 And how old are you now? 763 00:39:49,260 --> 00:39:50,010 17. 764 00:39:50,010 --> 00:39:50,680 17? 765 00:39:50,680 --> 00:39:51,180 Yeah. 766 00:39:51,180 --> 00:39:51,730 Wow. 767 00:39:51,730 --> 00:39:53,360 Are you going to do 768 00:39:53,360 --> 00:39:55,750 Yeah, I'm going to do 769 00:39:55,750 --> 00:39:57,870 I love this game. 770 00:39:57,870 --> 00:40:00,390 The day before, we 771 00:40:00,390 --> 00:40:04,320 win a heat with her arms 772 00:40:04,320 --> 00:40:05,850 and strength. 773 00:40:05,850 --> 00:40:10,540 It is how we connect to 774 00:40:10,540 --> 00:40:12,970 the warriors of 200 years ago. 775 00:40:12,970 --> 00:40:16,170 It's that same bloodline 776 00:40:16,170 --> 00:40:18,780 is cursing through their blood. 777 00:40:18,780 --> 00:40:20,220 Mason Red Wing. 778 00:40:20,220 --> 00:40:25,050 Over three days of 779 00:40:25,050 --> 00:40:29,280 Mason Red Wing and his team go 780 00:40:29,280 --> 00:40:34,120 when an exchange went 781 00:40:34,120 --> 00:40:36,220 as another went right. 782 00:40:36,220 --> 00:40:38,170 Good, good, good. 783 00:40:38,170 --> 00:40:41,470 Because we're always searching 784 00:40:41,470 --> 00:40:44,320 They didn't quite 785 00:40:44,320 --> 00:40:47,230 It's for the championship 786 00:40:47,230 --> 00:40:51,250 The team that did was 787 00:40:51,250 --> 00:40:54,190 met months earlier on the 788 00:40:54,190 --> 00:40:57,120 Ervin Carlson and his son Chazz. 789 00:40:57,120 --> 00:40:59,530 So we've been following 790 00:40:59,530 --> 00:41:02,660 This is the culmination of 791 00:41:02,660 --> 00:41:05,100 So does this give you bragging 792 00:41:05,100 --> 00:41:07,180 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 793 00:41:07,180 --> 00:41:07,990 [CHANTING] 794 00:41:07,990 --> 00:41:08,950 795 00:41:08,950 --> 00:41:12,550 As a tribal elder sang a 796 00:41:12,550 --> 00:41:16,210 of their victory and organizers 797 00:41:16,210 --> 00:41:18,140 for $20,000. 798 00:41:18,140 --> 00:41:20,680 Give him a nice 799 00:41:20,680 --> 00:41:24,460 We noticed a group of kids 800 00:41:24,460 --> 00:41:26,560 watching intently. 801 00:41:26,560 --> 00:41:28,090 What the horse 802 00:41:28,090 --> 00:41:30,670 the horse can do that for 803 00:41:30,670 --> 00:41:34,120 And I'm a firm believer in it. 804 00:41:34,120 --> 00:41:37,660 I know for a fact, it 805 00:41:37,660 --> 00:41:38,760 and our young women back. 806 00:41:38,760 --> 00:41:47,280 807 00:41:47,280 --> 00:41:48,490 I'm Scott Pelley. 808 00:41:48,490 --> 00:41:53,030 We'll be back next week with 809 00:41:53,030 --> 00:42:02,350 810 00:42:02,350 --> 00:42:04,940 So when you look out there 811 00:42:04,940 --> 00:42:05,690 what do you think? 812 00:42:05,690 --> 00:42:07,640 I see money leaving America. 813 00:42:07,640 --> 00:42:08,900 Pure insanity. 814 00:42:08,900 --> 00:42:11,350 You're noticing mis- 815 00:42:11,350 --> 00:42:12,660 on your own social media. 816 00:42:12,660 --> 00:42:14,080 This is the world 817 00:42:14,080 --> 00:42:16,370 And we can make impacts 818 00:42:16,370 --> 00:42:20,560 819 00:42:20,560 --> 00:42:22,370 Is this a battle of 820 00:42:22,370 --> 00:42:23,110 In part it is. 821 00:42:23,110 --> 00:42:24,050 Black versus White. 822 00:42:24,050 --> 00:42:26,560 In part it is. 823 00:42:26,560 --> 00:42:28,700 If you're not willing to 824 00:42:28,700 --> 00:42:30,240 then what are you 825 00:42:30,240 --> 00:42:37,030 826 00:42:37,030 --> 00:42:37,550 Go for me. 827 00:42:37,550 --> 00:42:37,930 Go for three. 828 00:42:37,930 --> 00:42:38,510 1, 2, 3. 829 00:42:38,510 --> 00:42:40,060 Go. 830 00:42:40,060 --> 00:42:41,980 I want a strong America. 831 00:42:41,980 --> 00:42:44,640 I want a proud America. 832 00:42:44,640 --> 00:43:03,000