1 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:12,000 [THEME MUSIC PLAYING] 2 00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:40,648 AJ: Here, take a swig. 3 00:01:40,857 --> 00:01:42,525 And don't backwash. 4 00:01:42,817 --> 00:01:44,402 Shit! Don't break it. 5 00:01:44,652 --> 00:01:46,553 JARED: It's time for the nuns' rosary. 6 00:01:46,655 --> 00:01:49,700 AJ: This is 8th-grade history. Stealing the sacramental wine? 7 00:01:49,992 --> 00:01:52,118 JARED: It's not sacramental till they bless it. 8 00:01:52,202 --> 00:01:54,371 All clear! Are you gonna confess this? 9 00:01:54,663 --> 00:01:57,291 I'll tell them I stole something, not what. 10 00:01:58,500 --> 00:02:01,420 Go! Form it up! Form it up, let's go, boys. 11 00:02:01,629 --> 00:02:03,589 Hustle, hustle, hustle! 12 00:02:03,839 --> 00:02:06,801 There we go, straight lines. Straight lines. 13 00:02:07,218 --> 00:02:08,261 There you go. 14 00:02:08,553 --> 00:02:10,597 Soprano, DiCarlucci, shake a leg. 15 00:02:10,847 --> 00:02:13,683 Jumping jacks. Ten of them, count them down. 16 00:02:14,059 --> 00:02:16,060 -BOYS: Three, four, five… -AJ: Two, three 17 00:02:16,144 --> 00:02:20,065 -BOYS: six, seven, eight… -AJ: …four, five, six 18 00:02:20,273 --> 00:02:23,151 -BOYS: nine, ten. -AJ: …seven, eight, nine… 19 00:02:26,697 --> 00:02:29,825 DiCarlucci, Barber, Soprano, let's go! Sync up! 20 00:02:31,952 --> 00:02:33,621 What's so funny? Care to share? 21 00:02:34,830 --> 00:02:36,832 Sorry, Mr. Meskimmin. 22 00:02:38,626 --> 00:02:39,627 [BLOWS WHISTLE] 23 00:02:39,835 --> 00:02:41,671 Okay, kick-outs, boys! 24 00:02:41,962 --> 00:02:43,422 Floor! Kick! 25 00:02:43,798 --> 00:02:45,425 Return! Up! 26 00:02:45,842 --> 00:02:47,678 AJ: I'm dizzier than shit! 27 00:02:47,969 --> 00:02:50,847 Kick! Return! Up! 28 00:02:51,473 --> 00:02:52,891 Fuck, here he comes. 29 00:02:53,183 --> 00:02:56,728 Whoa, floor, kick, turn, up! 30 00:02:59,439 --> 00:03:00,941 What's going on here? 31 00:03:01,400 --> 00:03:04,320 Come on, stand up, on your feet, let's go. 32 00:03:08,616 --> 00:03:09,784 Whoa. 33 00:03:09,951 --> 00:03:12,453 -Man! -I don't feel so good. 34 00:03:12,662 --> 00:03:14,372 I don't want any excuses. 35 00:03:14,789 --> 00:03:18,584 Mr. Meskimmin, I gotta go to the bathroom. 36 00:03:18,793 --> 00:03:20,795 Is that alcohol on your breath? 37 00:03:22,046 --> 00:03:24,967 [VOMITS] 38 00:03:40,441 --> 00:03:41,650 Hey, how's the boy? 39 00:03:41,817 --> 00:03:46,448 How am I? I got dust up the crack of my ass, and I'm starving to death. 40 00:03:46,656 --> 00:03:49,826 You're doing an excellent job. Take pleasure in that. 41 00:03:49,993 --> 00:03:54,289 He's been ragging in my ear all day. I'd like to kill him. Hear that, prick? 42 00:03:54,497 --> 00:03:57,500 Get him out of here. Just get him the hell out of here. 43 00:03:57,667 --> 00:04:00,336 -Is there a problem? -You made your point. 44 00:04:00,628 --> 00:04:02,673 -I made my point. -You made your point. 45 00:04:02,923 --> 00:04:04,873 -What point? -Enough with work stoppage. 46 00:04:05,342 --> 00:04:09,930 This union safety official stays until he deems this place is free of hazard. 47 00:04:10,347 --> 00:04:12,349 -I have the money. -You do? 48 00:04:13,142 --> 00:04:16,228 Christopher, see if he's paid up his union dues 49 00:04:16,479 --> 00:04:19,190 then pop a wheel cover to check the brakes. 50 00:04:19,398 --> 00:04:21,193 I'll get right on it. 51 00:04:24,362 --> 00:04:25,864 I'll get your money, okay? 52 00:04:26,156 --> 00:04:27,741 We shall return. 53 00:04:28,492 --> 00:04:30,660 Halle-fucking-lujah! 54 00:04:31,661 --> 00:04:33,997 Give me your cell. I gotta call Carmela. 55 00:04:36,958 --> 00:04:38,008 You sure it was them? 56 00:04:38,251 --> 00:04:42,548 They were drunk in gym class. Byron Barber vomited all over the teacher. 57 00:04:42,757 --> 00:04:44,425 I spat it out. 58 00:04:44,634 --> 00:04:45,635 Anthony. 59 00:04:45,802 --> 00:04:47,804 You're gonna lie to me now? 60 00:04:48,054 --> 00:04:51,432 He's sorry, Father Hagy. He'll be sorrier when he gets home. 61 00:04:51,682 --> 00:04:53,643 Anthony, why don't you wait outside? 62 00:05:01,944 --> 00:05:04,404 He's suspended for three days. 63 00:05:05,322 --> 00:05:06,657 Let me pay for the wine. 64 00:05:06,865 --> 00:05:09,201 This isn't just a crime against property 65 00:05:09,409 --> 00:05:11,829 it's an affront to our holy sacristy. 66 00:05:13,747 --> 00:05:16,959 I've asked Dr. Galani, our school psychologist, to join us. 67 00:05:18,335 --> 00:05:21,881 He's been keeping an eye on Anthony. Meeting with his teachers. 68 00:05:22,131 --> 00:05:24,592 Why don't you pick it up from there, Doctor? 69 00:05:26,427 --> 00:05:28,888 Um, hi. 70 00:05:29,472 --> 00:05:33,393 In many respects, Anthony is a normal, healthy 8th-grader. 71 00:05:33,601 --> 00:05:35,895 Sister Patricia, his art teacher 72 00:05:36,104 --> 00:05:39,608 thinks he shows strong skills in spatial orientation. 73 00:05:40,776 --> 00:05:44,071 But the thing is, and it's not just this one incident 74 00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:47,950 Anthony sometimes has trouble following the rules 75 00:05:49,118 --> 00:05:50,452 weighing consequences. 76 00:05:52,496 --> 00:05:55,291 At times, doesn't think before he acts. 77 00:05:55,457 --> 00:05:56,500 And 78 00:05:56,917 --> 00:06:01,631 it's thought that there's a good possibility Anthony could be ADD. 79 00:06:02,632 --> 00:06:04,551 ADD? 80 00:06:04,759 --> 00:06:07,262 -Attention deficit disorder. -I knew it. 81 00:06:07,470 --> 00:06:09,723 -I knew there was something. -What is it? 82 00:06:09,973 --> 00:06:11,808 It's an aggregate of symptoms. 83 00:06:12,017 --> 00:06:14,311 Inattention, impulsivity 84 00:06:14,561 --> 00:06:17,982 sometimes, although not always, hyperactivity. 85 00:06:18,316 --> 00:06:20,985 To be sure, we'll give him a thorough evaluation. 86 00:06:21,611 --> 00:06:23,446 He needs a whack upside the head. 87 00:06:23,654 --> 00:06:26,032 If he's got an illness? It's an illness, right? 88 00:06:26,657 --> 00:06:30,328 You'd hit somebody who's sick? You'd hit somebody with polio? 89 00:06:33,331 --> 00:06:34,790 You hit Anthony? 90 00:06:34,999 --> 00:06:38,670 Nobody gets hit in our house. Not exactly my idea. 91 00:06:39,296 --> 00:06:42,674 What's happening if you can't do a little tarantella on the kids 92 00:06:42,841 --> 00:06:44,968 when they step out of line? 93 00:06:45,552 --> 00:06:46,845 So what happens now? 94 00:06:47,054 --> 00:06:49,348 He'll be given a complete battery of testing. 95 00:06:49,598 --> 00:06:52,309 Psychological, behavioral, medical. 96 00:06:52,517 --> 00:06:54,186 Let me ask you a question. 97 00:06:54,478 --> 00:06:57,440 These other kids, you keeping an eye on them? 98 00:06:57,690 --> 00:07:00,818 Are you testing them? The ones that aren't named Soprano? 99 00:07:01,527 --> 00:07:03,327 There's no immediate plans for that. 100 00:07:03,446 --> 00:07:08,034 We attend to every child at Verbum Dei according to his own circumstances. 101 00:07:08,785 --> 00:07:12,372 And so what do we, as the parents, do? 102 00:07:12,997 --> 00:07:14,040 Nothing? 103 00:07:14,332 --> 00:07:19,421 Oh, no, I mean, Anthony's misbehaved. He should be consequenced. 104 00:07:21,966 --> 00:07:23,467 It's a crime! 105 00:07:23,717 --> 00:07:28,222 To suspend that child from school with all the money you give them? 106 00:07:28,472 --> 00:07:33,435 That gym teacher shit a brick when your friend puked on his boots, huh, Anthony? 107 00:07:34,228 --> 00:07:35,480 Want to encourage him? 108 00:07:35,689 --> 00:07:37,983 Whatever happened to "boys will be boys"? 109 00:07:38,191 --> 00:07:41,361 He stole from the church. They don't make them any lower. 110 00:07:41,611 --> 00:07:44,197 -What a loser. -That's enough out of you. 111 00:07:44,447 --> 00:07:47,200 Oh, his father was the same way. 112 00:07:47,826 --> 00:07:50,662 I practically lived in that vice principal's office. 113 00:07:52,205 --> 00:07:53,373 Could we not, please? 114 00:07:53,582 --> 00:07:56,002 You only remember what you want to remember. 115 00:07:57,044 --> 00:07:59,380 Yeah, well, I must've had another son 116 00:07:59,588 --> 00:08:02,299 who stole a car when he was 10 years old. 117 00:08:02,550 --> 00:08:04,927 He could barely see over the wheel. 118 00:08:05,136 --> 00:08:07,722 JUNIOR: He was a hellion. Him and his little crew 119 00:08:07,930 --> 00:08:09,932 they stole lobsters on the boats, 120 00:08:10,141 --> 00:08:13,103 and sold them for a buck on Bloomfield Avenue. 121 00:08:13,311 --> 00:08:14,312 Really? 122 00:08:15,105 --> 00:08:18,505 How many times must I say it? I don't want that talk in front of him. 123 00:08:18,608 --> 00:08:20,569 That is wrong, and I don't condone it! 124 00:08:20,777 --> 00:08:21,987 Yeah. Sure. 125 00:08:22,320 --> 00:08:24,114 -Who are you yelling at? -What? 126 00:08:24,656 --> 00:08:25,657 You stupe. 127 00:08:25,824 --> 00:08:28,076 -What did you say? -I didn't say anything. 128 00:08:28,410 --> 00:08:30,537 What's he doing now? What's going on? 129 00:08:30,746 --> 00:08:31,747 He yells at me… 130 00:08:31,913 --> 00:08:34,709 Anthony, I thought this could wait till after dinner. 131 00:08:34,959 --> 00:08:36,459 Your father and I have talked. 132 00:08:36,627 --> 00:08:40,631 You are not to play Mario Cart or go skateboarding for three weeks. 133 00:08:40,923 --> 00:08:42,550 And no TV. 134 00:08:42,759 --> 00:08:43,760 No. 135 00:08:43,926 --> 00:08:45,926 CARMELA: You won't sit on that Internet. 136 00:08:46,054 --> 00:08:49,557 And every day, you'll ride your bike to go visit Grandma. 137 00:08:49,766 --> 00:08:51,142 Oh, that'll be nice. 138 00:08:51,350 --> 00:08:52,644 It's not fair! 139 00:09:02,988 --> 00:09:06,742 -Some fucking day, huh? -I feel like a bomb went off. 140 00:09:09,620 --> 00:09:13,958 You know that stuff the doctor said? I never saw any of that in Anthony. 141 00:09:14,167 --> 00:09:17,003 You never notice how he picks at the tongue of his shoe? 142 00:09:17,295 --> 00:09:19,506 Like he can't help himself. 143 00:09:20,340 --> 00:09:22,133 If he even has this thing. 144 00:09:22,342 --> 00:09:24,511 Something's going on. 145 00:09:31,602 --> 00:09:33,729 -Carm? -Yep? 146 00:09:34,688 --> 00:09:37,191 -Do you think he knows? -I don't know. 147 00:09:38,150 --> 00:09:39,819 She knows. 148 00:09:41,195 --> 00:09:43,030 -Are you…? -Really? 149 00:09:43,948 --> 00:09:46,283 -What makes you say that? -Are you in…? 150 00:09:47,159 --> 00:09:51,706 I don't know. Things she says. She makes remarks, like this today with him. 151 00:09:54,126 --> 00:09:57,629 -Are you in the Mafia? -She talk to you about me? 152 00:09:57,838 --> 00:09:59,089 Talk? To me? 153 00:10:06,763 --> 00:10:08,723 Something happen on that college trip? 154 00:10:11,102 --> 00:10:12,103 Happen? 155 00:10:14,063 --> 00:10:15,064 Like what? 156 00:10:15,231 --> 00:10:18,317 I don't know, she seemed peculiar when she got back. 157 00:10:22,572 --> 00:10:25,408 I think pretty soon we're gonna have to, you know 158 00:10:25,741 --> 00:10:28,328 talk to her about the business. 159 00:10:28,620 --> 00:10:31,665 Yeah. The two of us should sit down with Meadow. 160 00:10:32,207 --> 00:10:34,001 Talk as a family. 161 00:10:35,085 --> 00:10:38,380 With him, they'll test him and we'll see what's what. 162 00:10:40,382 --> 00:10:41,425 Right? 163 00:10:46,096 --> 00:10:47,181 Good night. 164 00:10:48,266 --> 00:10:49,434 Good night. 165 00:11:03,781 --> 00:11:06,700 Maybe I don't want to admit something's wrong with my kid, 166 00:11:06,784 --> 00:11:08,579 but this sounds like bullshit. 167 00:11:08,871 --> 00:11:09,955 What do you mean? 168 00:11:10,164 --> 00:11:13,959 If he's got a disease, why punish him? Isn't that bullshit? 169 00:11:14,210 --> 00:11:16,420 ADD is a controversial subject. 170 00:11:16,629 --> 00:11:20,799 Is it a disease, or a way for psychologists to line their pockets? 171 00:11:25,095 --> 00:11:29,100 Many children can really benefit by professional intervention. 172 00:11:29,309 --> 00:11:30,602 He got in trouble. 173 00:11:30,810 --> 00:11:33,688 So you don't consider his behavior out of the norm? 174 00:11:33,897 --> 00:11:35,148 No. 175 00:11:36,983 --> 00:11:38,401 I don't know. 176 00:11:39,152 --> 00:11:40,904 What do I know about it? 177 00:11:41,154 --> 00:11:42,155 What do you mean? 178 00:11:42,656 --> 00:11:44,866 Oh, I gotta spell it out for you? 179 00:11:45,158 --> 00:11:49,372 Do you see his behavior as a reflection of your own? 180 00:11:52,208 --> 00:11:56,712 Look, like I said, maybe I don't want to admit there's something wrong, 181 00:11:57,672 --> 00:11:59,882 but if he's got this thing 182 00:12:00,341 --> 00:12:01,717 we'll deal with it. 183 00:12:02,176 --> 00:12:04,637 If he had polio, we'd deal with it. 184 00:12:05,347 --> 00:12:08,183 You pick up the pieces and you go on from there. 185 00:12:09,685 --> 00:12:11,728 So that's what we're gonna do. 186 00:12:20,654 --> 00:12:23,156 Do you want to say anything else about this? 187 00:12:28,371 --> 00:12:33,001 Well, last time you were telling me that you had intimate feelings for me. 188 00:12:33,876 --> 00:12:35,878 But you've not mentioned it. 189 00:12:36,921 --> 00:12:38,464 Intimate feelings? 190 00:12:38,923 --> 00:12:40,883 I think I said I was in love. 191 00:12:42,552 --> 00:12:44,805 How are you doing with it? 192 00:12:48,058 --> 00:12:51,937 I can't turn off my feelings because you say it's a by-product of therapy. 193 00:12:52,438 --> 00:12:54,940 I never said to turn off your feelings. 194 00:12:56,692 --> 00:12:58,736 Well, I already got a girlfriend. 195 00:12:59,486 --> 00:13:02,364 She's Russian, 24. 196 00:13:10,206 --> 00:13:11,207 How old are you? 197 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:17,922 It's interesting it took you so long to tell me you had a girlfriend. 198 00:13:18,590 --> 00:13:20,175 How are you doing with it? 199 00:13:24,972 --> 00:13:27,641 I gotta ask you one more question about my son. 200 00:13:28,934 --> 00:13:32,855 You think I should go easy on him now, 201 00:13:33,064 --> 00:13:34,607 or press him harder? 202 00:13:34,940 --> 00:13:36,776 That's difficult to say. 203 00:13:38,444 --> 00:13:41,990 What, you want a raise, maybe, to figure this out? 204 00:13:46,787 --> 00:13:50,457 CARMELA: Anthony! Anthony Jr., you get up! 205 00:13:50,624 --> 00:13:53,877 AJ: Why? I don't have to go to school. I'm suspended. 206 00:13:54,127 --> 00:13:58,799 CARMELA: No lying in bed all day. We're not running a hotel over here. 207 00:13:59,466 --> 00:14:00,968 Get up, have some breakfast! 208 00:14:01,219 --> 00:14:03,471 AJ: I don't want any. I'm not hungry. 209 00:14:04,389 --> 00:14:07,642 CARMELA: What you are gonna do today is get up and go rake. 210 00:14:07,850 --> 00:14:10,603 Then pull all of those leaves out of the pool filter. 211 00:14:10,853 --> 00:14:13,147 You're gonna do some work around here. 212 00:14:13,398 --> 00:14:15,733 MEADOW: Mom, where's my gray jacket? 213 00:14:15,983 --> 00:14:18,986 I left it downstairs. What'd you do with it? 214 00:14:19,237 --> 00:14:20,614 Hello? 215 00:14:20,823 --> 00:14:21,990 [LOUD MUSIC PLAYS] 216 00:14:22,241 --> 00:14:26,662 CARMELA: Anthony, turn off that music! Your father is sleeping! 217 00:14:26,954 --> 00:14:29,205 AJ: You said I couldn't watch TV or play Nintendo. 218 00:14:29,289 --> 00:14:31,739 -CARMELA: What? -AJ: You said nothing about music! 219 00:14:31,959 --> 00:14:34,962 -CARMELA: Turn it off right now! -AJ: Why? 220 00:14:36,463 --> 00:14:38,882 Your father is sleeping, for chrissake! 221 00:14:40,385 --> 00:14:43,012 MEADOW: Mom, I can't find it. Where is it? 222 00:14:45,515 --> 00:14:49,602 ["WHITE RABBIT" BY JEFFERSON AIRPLANE PLAYS] 223 00:15:00,489 --> 00:15:02,950 [HONKING] 224 00:15:03,117 --> 00:15:04,452 Hey, Johnny! 225 00:15:04,827 --> 00:15:06,203 Johnny, come on! 226 00:15:08,205 --> 00:15:10,291 Uncle Jun, why are you here so early? 227 00:15:10,541 --> 00:15:13,043 Anthony, where's your dad? He said he'd be outside. 228 00:15:13,377 --> 00:15:14,920 Want me to go get him? 229 00:15:15,379 --> 00:15:18,967 Did you hear the game last night? Joey Pepitone, three RBIs. 230 00:15:19,426 --> 00:15:21,386 No kidding. My mom made me go to bed. 231 00:15:21,595 --> 00:15:23,305 You miss your bus to school 232 00:15:23,555 --> 00:15:25,765 you walk through the colored neighborhood. 233 00:15:26,224 --> 00:15:28,894 YOUNG LIVIA: Junior! Big fancy car. 234 00:15:29,144 --> 00:15:31,938 We're going to my sister's, and you promised to… 235 00:15:33,023 --> 00:15:35,233 Nonstop! Don't you get sick of yourself? 236 00:15:35,984 --> 00:15:38,905 Dad, could you and Uncle Jun give me a ride to school? 237 00:15:39,155 --> 00:15:41,240 Not now, Tony. You be good, though. 238 00:15:41,449 --> 00:15:44,577 Pay attention to what those teachers tell you. 239 00:15:44,827 --> 00:15:45,828 Okay. 240 00:15:49,624 --> 00:15:52,251 -See you, Ma. -Okay. Be good. 241 00:15:56,547 --> 00:15:57,674 [HONKING] 242 00:16:07,017 --> 00:16:08,268 YOUNG TONY: Hey, wait up! 243 00:16:09,269 --> 00:16:10,812 Shit! 244 00:16:13,398 --> 00:16:14,648 YOUNG JUNIOR: Hey, Rocco! 245 00:16:14,775 --> 00:16:16,986 ROCCO: Come on, move, move, guys! Move, move! 246 00:16:17,195 --> 00:16:21,199 Hey, John, one more day, man! One more day. 247 00:16:21,407 --> 00:16:25,078 -ROCCO: There's gonna be a huge payoff. -JOHNNY: I'm gonna kill you! 248 00:16:29,791 --> 00:16:31,584 JOHNNY: What do you got? 249 00:16:31,793 --> 00:16:35,798 What the fuck is this? What the fuck are you bringing me here? 250 00:16:37,925 --> 00:16:40,511 Who are you fucking with, Rocco? 251 00:16:41,804 --> 00:16:44,306 -Fuck you! -Motherfucker! 252 00:16:44,723 --> 00:16:46,767 You asshole! 253 00:16:46,934 --> 00:16:49,061 What are you bringing to me here? 254 00:16:50,062 --> 00:16:51,438 JOHNNY: Piece of shit! 255 00:16:52,231 --> 00:16:54,108 What the fucking…? 256 00:16:55,819 --> 00:16:57,195 Christ! 257 00:17:06,871 --> 00:17:08,164 You're up. 258 00:17:09,082 --> 00:17:12,252 Who the fuck can sleep with all this shit going on? 259 00:17:12,752 --> 00:17:16,340 I thought about Jefferson Airplane this morning. How about that? 260 00:17:16,591 --> 00:17:19,051 1967. 261 00:17:19,427 --> 00:17:22,013 -Made me think of my father. -What about him? 262 00:17:24,557 --> 00:17:27,107 First time I saw him whack the shit out of somebody. 263 00:17:27,310 --> 00:17:29,437 What made you think about that? 264 00:17:30,771 --> 00:17:34,443 Something to do with my son, I think, what's been going on. 265 00:17:37,696 --> 00:17:40,574 Why did your father whack the shit out of some guy? 266 00:17:41,116 --> 00:17:43,702 I never saw him do something like that. 267 00:17:43,869 --> 00:17:46,246 He used to whack us kids around a little. 268 00:17:46,496 --> 00:17:47,706 Really? 269 00:17:48,874 --> 00:17:52,711 Yeah, the belt was his favorite child development tool. 270 00:17:54,547 --> 00:17:55,882 This was different. 271 00:17:56,716 --> 00:17:58,926 You could tell he knew what he was doing. 272 00:18:00,511 --> 00:18:02,972 How did you feel about your father after that? 273 00:18:03,473 --> 00:18:05,600 I didn't want him to do it to me. 274 00:18:06,017 --> 00:18:07,644 Seriously. 275 00:18:07,894 --> 00:18:10,730 What should I say? I was glad he wasn't a fag. 276 00:18:10,980 --> 00:18:13,901 -How did you and your father get along? -Good. 277 00:18:14,193 --> 00:18:17,237 He was a good guy, my father. Everybody liked him. 278 00:18:17,905 --> 00:18:19,505 He knew how to have a good time. 279 00:18:19,865 --> 00:18:22,618 He loved shellfish, clams, oysters. 280 00:18:23,619 --> 00:18:27,873 Taught us how to eat them. You put Worcestershire on, suck them down. 281 00:18:29,041 --> 00:18:30,209 It's good. 282 00:18:30,709 --> 00:18:33,088 My mother never ate anything raw. 283 00:18:35,674 --> 00:18:37,467 But he wasn't around much. 284 00:18:38,593 --> 00:18:40,178 What did he do for a living? 285 00:18:40,428 --> 00:18:42,597 Retail meat and provisions. 286 00:18:46,643 --> 00:18:49,312 And a little numbers, extortion, loan-sharking. 287 00:18:49,604 --> 00:18:51,023 How did you feel about that? 288 00:18:51,315 --> 00:18:53,734 -How did I feel? -About your father 289 00:18:54,443 --> 00:18:56,737 being engaged in illegal activities? 290 00:18:58,447 --> 00:19:00,825 You know, I never really knew about it. 291 00:19:01,033 --> 00:19:02,368 When did you find out? 292 00:19:02,576 --> 00:19:03,953 Who remembers? 293 00:19:04,870 --> 00:19:07,373 You thought of that incident this morning. 294 00:19:07,790 --> 00:19:11,336 Are you concerned that your son is going to find out about you? 295 00:19:11,962 --> 00:19:14,214 Don't talk to me about legitimate business. 296 00:19:14,464 --> 00:19:16,216 What about chemical companies? 297 00:19:16,425 --> 00:19:21,263 Dumping that shit into rivers and they got deformed babies popping up all over. 298 00:19:23,014 --> 00:19:24,641 Does he know anything? 299 00:19:25,600 --> 00:19:26,768 I don't know. 300 00:19:27,185 --> 00:19:28,228 Has he asked you? 301 00:19:28,937 --> 00:19:29,939 No. 302 00:19:30,481 --> 00:19:32,984 -How will you handle that? -I don't know. 303 00:19:33,735 --> 00:19:36,028 Did you ever talk to your father about it? 304 00:19:36,279 --> 00:19:37,321 Are you kidding? 305 00:19:39,365 --> 00:19:42,368 [DANCE MUSIC PLAYS] 306 00:19:44,620 --> 00:19:47,832 No kidding, Tony. That doesn't sound like Anthony. 307 00:19:48,040 --> 00:19:50,586 Yesterday, he's a boy. Today, I worry about him. 308 00:19:50,836 --> 00:19:52,171 Teenagers. 309 00:19:52,463 --> 00:19:55,591 My daughter gives me feminist shit about this place. 310 00:19:55,841 --> 00:19:59,303 How it "objectifies women." Shit like that. 311 00:19:59,511 --> 00:20:01,513 These girls pull down 1500 a week. 312 00:20:01,805 --> 00:20:04,516 This bears no weight with the principessa. 313 00:20:04,808 --> 00:20:07,186 Meadow was one thing, but this is my son. 314 00:20:07,394 --> 00:20:09,522 Boys are different from girls. 315 00:20:10,607 --> 00:20:15,195 Pussy, Kevin and Matt, they ever ask you about this thing of ours? 316 00:20:15,361 --> 00:20:18,111 I lied through my teeth, but they knew. Fucking nitwits. 317 00:20:18,364 --> 00:20:20,200 They love me anyway. 318 00:20:21,201 --> 00:20:23,703 It's hard to raise kids in an information age. 319 00:20:24,037 --> 00:20:26,039 You know, to protect them. 320 00:20:31,504 --> 00:20:32,880 Hey, what's up? 321 00:20:33,214 --> 00:20:37,051 CHRIS: Who's got an anniversary or a special occasion? 322 00:20:37,551 --> 00:20:38,928 What are these, antiques? 323 00:20:39,220 --> 00:20:43,057 I was picking up the Chinaman's vig, and the FedEx van was wide open. 324 00:20:43,224 --> 00:20:45,059 The guy went in for a burger. 325 00:20:45,226 --> 00:20:49,105 No shit, FedEx. They're usually pretty careful with those. 326 00:20:49,439 --> 00:20:50,857 You did this in daylight? 327 00:20:51,024 --> 00:20:52,400 Nobody saw me. 328 00:20:52,651 --> 00:20:54,110 That's interstate commerce. 329 00:20:54,402 --> 00:20:57,614 You want to be in prison for a stunt like that, be my guest. 330 00:20:58,031 --> 00:21:00,575 I'd take a licking but keep on ticking. 331 00:21:00,992 --> 00:21:02,410 I'm getting out of here. 332 00:21:02,619 --> 00:21:04,246 Jesus Christ! 333 00:21:05,997 --> 00:21:07,083 What's with his ass? 334 00:21:08,000 --> 00:21:10,086 He's got a lot on his mind. 335 00:21:12,880 --> 00:21:15,758 What do you think is going on in this one, Anthony? 336 00:21:16,634 --> 00:21:19,053 I don't know. How many more are left? 337 00:21:19,262 --> 00:21:21,662 The quicker you answer, the faster we'll be done. 338 00:21:24,642 --> 00:21:26,270 Whatever pops in your mind. 339 00:21:27,062 --> 00:21:28,272 There's no guy? 340 00:21:28,897 --> 00:21:31,984 Okay, good. Where do you think he is? 341 00:21:33,610 --> 00:21:35,445 Out buying food for the horse? 342 00:21:37,072 --> 00:21:38,448 Anything else? 343 00:21:39,783 --> 00:21:41,827 Watching TV, maybe? 344 00:21:42,619 --> 00:21:45,623 Maybe he's watching South Park. Number one's on tonight. 345 00:21:45,832 --> 00:21:50,670 Aliens abduct Cartman and give him an anal probe and it makes him fart fire. 346 00:21:57,218 --> 00:21:58,469 You're home. 347 00:21:59,429 --> 00:22:03,349 You know, if it's bad, the ADD, they put Anthony in special ed. 348 00:22:06,770 --> 00:22:07,820 The doctors say that? 349 00:22:07,980 --> 00:22:11,400 Doctors don't know anything yet. They started testing today. 350 00:22:11,609 --> 00:22:13,409 I picked up these books at the mall. 351 00:22:13,569 --> 00:22:15,362 Help Me To Help My Child? 352 00:22:15,613 --> 00:22:16,989 Listen to this. 353 00:22:17,239 --> 00:22:19,658 "About 50% of children diagnosed with ADD 354 00:22:19,909 --> 00:22:22,620 receive help from special education teachers." 355 00:22:22,828 --> 00:22:24,998 We don't even know that's what he's got. 356 00:22:25,248 --> 00:22:29,419 You're right. Let's just be ignorant. Why worry about anything now? 357 00:22:31,922 --> 00:22:33,256 You blame me, don't you? 358 00:22:33,465 --> 00:22:35,675 Who said anything about that? 359 00:22:35,926 --> 00:22:37,719 No, go ahead. You blame me. 360 00:22:38,011 --> 00:22:39,262 I blame myself. 361 00:22:39,471 --> 00:22:41,932 -For what? -For what. 362 00:22:43,893 --> 00:22:45,686 For staying with me? 363 00:22:45,937 --> 00:22:47,730 I have two eyes. 364 00:22:51,317 --> 00:22:52,944 Who do we blame our daughter on? 365 00:22:53,194 --> 00:22:58,157 Straight-A student, National Honor Society, featured soloist in the choir. 366 00:22:58,449 --> 00:23:00,409 Yeah, this isn't going anywhere. 367 00:23:00,618 --> 00:23:03,819 "Like father, like son," right? What about "Daddy's little girl"? 368 00:23:05,999 --> 00:23:10,087 My son's got your Uncle Lenny in his gene pool. Do I blame you for that? 369 00:23:10,379 --> 00:23:11,880 If it helps you. 370 00:23:26,771 --> 00:23:28,398 Hi, Grandma. 371 00:23:29,399 --> 00:23:31,734 Well, look who's here. 372 00:23:31,985 --> 00:23:34,696 -Oh, look at that little face. -Ow. 373 00:23:36,406 --> 00:23:38,908 Pearl, meet my grandson. 374 00:23:39,117 --> 00:23:40,576 This is your grandson? 375 00:23:40,828 --> 00:23:44,206 He rode his bike all the way over to visit his grandma. 376 00:23:44,415 --> 00:23:45,916 How do you like that? 377 00:23:46,125 --> 00:23:48,127 How come he's not in school? 378 00:23:48,419 --> 00:23:51,296 -Because he was a bad boy! -Ow. 379 00:23:51,505 --> 00:23:53,799 Yes, he was, that's why. 380 00:23:54,049 --> 00:23:56,135 He's a big one! 381 00:24:00,140 --> 00:24:01,975 She had a stroke. 382 00:24:03,101 --> 00:24:05,603 Now half her brain is gone. 383 00:24:06,479 --> 00:24:10,400 So what shall we do? What shall we do? 384 00:24:11,109 --> 00:24:12,360 Let's see. 385 00:24:13,236 --> 00:24:14,779 Let's play Scrabble. 386 00:24:14,988 --> 00:24:18,450 You'd be surprised how good your grandmother is. 387 00:24:18,700 --> 00:24:21,287 I don't think so, Gram. I'm kind of wiped. 388 00:24:21,579 --> 00:24:26,667 Oh, you're a 13-year-old boy. You're too young to be so tired. 389 00:24:27,126 --> 00:24:31,297 They sent me to a psychiatrist all morning. I took a million tests. 390 00:24:31,589 --> 00:24:33,132 A psychiatrist? 391 00:24:33,466 --> 00:24:36,177 You know, because I got suspended and everything. 392 00:24:36,427 --> 00:24:39,848 They sent you to a psychiatrist? 393 00:24:40,515 --> 00:24:41,641 Yeah. 394 00:24:41,808 --> 00:24:44,811 But that's crazy. That's all nonsense. 395 00:24:45,729 --> 00:24:48,982 That's nothing but a racket for the Jews! 396 00:24:49,816 --> 00:24:50,859 Dad goes. 397 00:24:51,109 --> 00:24:56,656 -He does not. -Yes, he does. 398 00:24:57,074 --> 00:24:58,826 To a psychiatrist? 399 00:24:59,118 --> 00:25:00,119 Yeah. 400 00:25:00,620 --> 00:25:02,205 He does not. 401 00:25:02,413 --> 00:25:03,664 He does too. 402 00:25:03,831 --> 00:25:06,167 Why do you say that? That's ridiculous! 403 00:25:06,417 --> 00:25:08,836 I heard him and Mom talking about it. 404 00:25:09,170 --> 00:25:11,339 What does he need a psychiatrist for? 405 00:25:12,840 --> 00:25:15,343 Is it okay if I take that pear, Grandma? 406 00:25:17,471 --> 00:25:21,600 He goes to talk about his mother. That's what he's doing. 407 00:25:22,017 --> 00:25:24,978 He talks about me, he complains. 408 00:25:25,187 --> 00:25:28,774 "She didn't do this, she did that." 409 00:25:30,567 --> 00:25:35,364 Oh, I gave my life to my children on a silver platter. 410 00:25:35,572 --> 00:25:38,868 And this is how he repays me. 411 00:25:48,044 --> 00:25:50,797 -AJ: Dad, what's that noise? -TONY: Noise? 412 00:25:51,047 --> 00:25:52,465 TONY: It's a flat tire. 413 00:25:52,715 --> 00:25:55,218 I asked you to clean the nails from the driveway. 414 00:25:57,596 --> 00:25:59,723 I was praying for something like this. 415 00:26:00,224 --> 00:26:02,935 I spent too much money on braces for two years 416 00:26:03,185 --> 00:26:05,312 not to take you to the dentist now. 417 00:26:07,398 --> 00:26:09,400 Maybe we should call the Auto Club. 418 00:26:10,776 --> 00:26:14,196 We change tires at our house. Watch and learn. 419 00:26:18,952 --> 00:26:22,622 Yesterday, with the psychologist, how'd that go? 420 00:26:23,832 --> 00:26:25,250 Okay. 421 00:26:26,626 --> 00:26:28,336 Yeah? What'd you guys do? 422 00:26:28,587 --> 00:26:32,841 He made me look at pictures. And then I had to say something about them. 423 00:26:33,091 --> 00:26:35,092 Did you talk about anything interesting? 424 00:26:35,469 --> 00:26:38,139 That's kind of between me and my therapist. 425 00:26:38,347 --> 00:26:41,147 He said I don't have to say anything if I didn't want to. 426 00:26:41,350 --> 00:26:43,978 That's what we pay extra for at that school? 427 00:26:49,817 --> 00:26:52,862 The other night at dinner, you made a remark. 428 00:26:53,863 --> 00:26:55,699 -No, I didn't. -Yeah, you did. 429 00:26:55,949 --> 00:26:58,994 I'm not mad. I just need to know what you meant by it. 430 00:27:00,162 --> 00:27:01,413 I didn't mean anything. 431 00:27:01,622 --> 00:27:03,207 Come on. 432 00:27:07,836 --> 00:27:09,630 Kids at school said some stuff. 433 00:27:09,963 --> 00:27:11,590 What'd they say? 434 00:27:11,798 --> 00:27:13,384 That you were in the Mafia. 435 00:27:14,928 --> 00:27:16,804 What do you think? 436 00:27:17,513 --> 00:27:18,640 I don't know. 437 00:27:18,848 --> 00:27:20,808 The guys at Uncle Jackie's funeral. 438 00:27:21,017 --> 00:27:24,520 And those other guys writing license plates and taking pictures. 439 00:27:24,771 --> 00:27:27,232 Those were feds, right? Like in Godfather I. 440 00:27:27,857 --> 00:27:31,194 Uncle Jackie's funeral. Right. 441 00:27:31,402 --> 00:27:33,864 I found this page with Uncle Jackie on the Web. 442 00:27:34,156 --> 00:27:38,494 It said he ran some union that ripped off these pension things or something. 443 00:27:40,287 --> 00:27:42,998 Uncle Jackie was a complicated man. 444 00:27:43,624 --> 00:27:45,042 But you loved him, right? 445 00:27:46,085 --> 00:27:47,378 Yeah. 446 00:27:47,836 --> 00:27:50,214 You didn't see me on the Web, did you? 447 00:27:50,965 --> 00:27:52,007 No. 448 00:27:52,801 --> 00:27:54,219 That's right. 449 00:27:55,011 --> 00:27:58,390 Give me a hand so we can get the algae scraped off your teeth. 450 00:28:01,184 --> 00:28:04,813 I'm going crazy with this shit, what he knows, what he doesn't know. 451 00:28:05,522 --> 00:28:08,191 He'll find out eventually. What's the difference? 452 00:28:10,735 --> 00:28:14,365 Me, my father. It's probably in the genes, right? 453 00:28:14,824 --> 00:28:16,909 You know, this ADD thing. 454 00:28:18,160 --> 00:28:19,453 It's probably genetical. 455 00:28:23,374 --> 00:28:24,542 What about Pussy? 456 00:28:26,043 --> 00:28:27,795 He's an acquaintance of mine. 457 00:28:28,045 --> 00:28:31,049 This guy is a stone gangster, and he's got three kids. 458 00:28:31,216 --> 00:28:33,466 One graduated, and two are going to Villanova. 459 00:28:33,677 --> 00:28:36,763 -How do you account for that? -Then you got Leopold and Loeb. 460 00:28:36,972 --> 00:28:38,682 They murdered this kid for fun, 461 00:28:38,932 --> 00:28:41,560 and their father was a successful businessman. 462 00:28:42,436 --> 00:28:45,397 Do you hold your father responsible for what you've become? 463 00:28:46,023 --> 00:28:48,900 Sometimes I think about what life would've been like 464 00:28:49,192 --> 00:28:53,031 if my father hadn't gotten mixed up in what he got mixed up in. 465 00:28:53,489 --> 00:28:55,742 How life would've been different. 466 00:28:57,243 --> 00:29:00,079 Maybe I'd be selling patio furniture in San Diego. 467 00:29:00,246 --> 00:29:03,624 We talked last time about how you felt when you became aware 468 00:29:03,833 --> 00:29:07,545 of your father's criminal life. Any more thoughts on that? 469 00:29:11,050 --> 00:29:14,636 When you first started therapy, you said you had this dream 470 00:29:14,845 --> 00:29:16,347 about those ducks. 471 00:29:16,555 --> 00:29:19,975 They flew away with your penis. It was a bad omen 472 00:29:20,351 --> 00:29:24,438 that something was going to happen in your family. 473 00:29:24,855 --> 00:29:26,357 Is this the terrible thing? 474 00:29:28,943 --> 00:29:32,572 Look, if you know something, please, quit fucking around. 475 00:29:32,822 --> 00:29:35,283 I think it's important to remember. 476 00:29:35,742 --> 00:29:38,411 You said you liked the History Channel. 477 00:29:38,620 --> 00:29:42,415 He who doesn't understand history is doomed to repeat it. 478 00:29:43,958 --> 00:29:47,170 -Let's talk about your father. -My father. 479 00:29:53,886 --> 00:29:55,221 Heads up! 480 00:30:04,188 --> 00:30:05,564 Why are you smiling? 481 00:30:05,731 --> 00:30:07,692 Just thinking about my uncle. 482 00:30:08,610 --> 00:30:10,529 He used to throw the ball with me. 483 00:30:10,821 --> 00:30:13,073 The one with whom you have all the static? 484 00:30:13,824 --> 00:30:14,825 Yeah. 485 00:30:15,033 --> 00:30:16,618 Uncle Jun. 486 00:30:17,494 --> 00:30:21,706 He was always practicing his curve ball outside in front of the house. 487 00:30:22,916 --> 00:30:26,378 I was probably about 8 or 9. 488 00:30:29,132 --> 00:30:30,591 Then my sister came out. 489 00:30:31,092 --> 00:30:33,469 The one who lives in California? 490 00:30:33,678 --> 00:30:35,012 Janice. 491 00:30:36,389 --> 00:30:39,100 How does she feel about your parents? 492 00:30:39,350 --> 00:30:42,270 Who cares what she thinks? She calls herself Vishnamantha. 493 00:30:42,478 --> 00:30:45,398 Soprano isn't good enough for her. Wannabe dot-head. 494 00:30:45,606 --> 00:30:47,943 Why were you thinking of your uncle? 495 00:30:49,611 --> 00:30:50,654 I don't know. 496 00:30:50,946 --> 00:30:52,156 What are you doing? 497 00:30:52,448 --> 00:30:54,199 I'm getting in the car. 498 00:30:54,450 --> 00:30:56,118 Why? Where are you going? 499 00:30:56,660 --> 00:30:58,036 Someplace. 500 00:31:00,372 --> 00:31:02,291 Where are you going? Can I come? 501 00:31:02,583 --> 00:31:05,670 Your mom wants you to get the screens down to the basement. 502 00:31:05,962 --> 00:31:08,381 No, I want to go with you guys. 503 00:31:08,631 --> 00:31:09,632 He said no. 504 00:31:09,883 --> 00:31:11,468 Janice 505 00:31:11,759 --> 00:31:15,221 you both won't be going, you talk to your brother like that. 506 00:31:24,397 --> 00:31:25,649 Go on. 507 00:31:26,901 --> 00:31:31,655 My mother was inside, cooking the meat for the gravy, you know, the "red lead." 508 00:31:31,906 --> 00:31:34,450 Pork bones and veal. It was a Sunday. 509 00:31:34,658 --> 00:31:37,536 -But you said… -I said we'd see. 510 00:31:37,786 --> 00:31:40,080 What's the matter with her? She won't eat. 511 00:31:40,247 --> 00:31:42,416 You won't have to get me anything for Christmas. 512 00:31:42,500 --> 00:31:44,752 You won't have to tell me to take the trash out. 513 00:31:44,836 --> 00:31:47,336 I shouldn't have to tell you to take the trash out. 514 00:31:47,422 --> 00:31:49,424 Why can't I have this? It isn't fair! 515 00:31:49,633 --> 00:31:52,283 I don't want to hear about that stupid electric organ! 516 00:31:52,427 --> 00:31:54,012 It's not stupid, it's fun. 517 00:31:54,262 --> 00:31:56,681 Enough! He won't give me a moment's peace. 518 00:31:56,890 --> 00:32:00,602 If Janice wanted it, she'd get it. She always gets what she wants. 519 00:32:00,894 --> 00:32:03,146 Where were they going? Why couldn't I go? 520 00:32:03,397 --> 00:32:05,274 Your sister does as she's told. 521 00:32:05,441 --> 00:32:06,609 Right, I forgot. 522 00:32:06,901 --> 00:32:09,779 Janice never does anything wrong. She's just perfect. 523 00:32:09,946 --> 00:32:12,031 You're driving me crazy! 524 00:32:13,366 --> 00:32:14,408 No, I'm not. 525 00:32:14,617 --> 00:32:15,993 She said what? 526 00:32:16,244 --> 00:32:18,704 She was high-strung, very dramatic. 527 00:32:18,913 --> 00:32:21,040 Every night to her is a night at the opera. 528 00:32:21,249 --> 00:32:24,127 I could stick this fork in your eye! 529 00:32:25,045 --> 00:32:27,047 She wasn't gonna do it. 530 00:32:27,756 --> 00:32:30,759 Holy shit, that's why I'm remembering all this. 531 00:32:31,510 --> 00:32:34,510 -On account of where they were going. -Where were they going? 532 00:32:35,013 --> 00:32:36,932 I found out a couple Sundays later. 533 00:32:37,307 --> 00:32:40,310 NEWSCASTER: The toll now stands at 11 dead and 600 wounded 534 00:32:40,561 --> 00:32:42,462 as well as hundreds of businesses… 535 00:32:42,689 --> 00:32:44,899 Mom, I'm going to the CYO to play ball. 536 00:32:45,149 --> 00:32:48,861 Take a bat with you, what they're doing on Springfield Avenue. 537 00:32:49,070 --> 00:32:52,323 …looting and sniper fire along Springfield Avenue continue… 538 00:32:52,490 --> 00:32:56,452 …with Mayor Hugh Addonizio placing blame on outside agitators… 539 00:33:22,689 --> 00:33:24,190 Come on, Dad, let's go! 540 00:33:24,441 --> 00:33:26,860 I'm coming, I'm coming. 541 00:33:28,194 --> 00:33:32,282 Keep your sticky fingers off the car. I just waxed the damn thing. 542 00:33:38,288 --> 00:33:39,623 Can I steer? 543 00:33:40,291 --> 00:33:42,209 Maybe on the way home, honey. 544 00:33:55,681 --> 00:33:57,516 Here we are. 545 00:34:07,444 --> 00:34:08,695 Come on. 546 00:34:44,441 --> 00:34:45,734 Uncle Jun? 547 00:34:47,653 --> 00:34:49,405 Buy something nice. 548 00:34:59,666 --> 00:35:01,626 My heart was broken. 549 00:35:01,960 --> 00:35:04,963 You felt your father was showing favoritism. 550 00:35:05,171 --> 00:35:08,091 I still remember that feeling in the pit of my stomach. 551 00:35:08,883 --> 00:35:10,135 Did you confront them? 552 00:35:10,343 --> 00:35:14,764 Have you been listening to me? Kids don't confront in my family. 553 00:35:14,973 --> 00:35:18,102 How does this pertain to the situation with your son? 554 00:35:18,310 --> 00:35:23,232 This amusement park is where I found out my father wasn't like other fathers. 555 00:35:23,524 --> 00:35:25,901 I took the bus this time. 556 00:35:26,902 --> 00:35:29,238 It was three transfers from Newark. 557 00:35:30,740 --> 00:35:33,659 I had this candy bar in my pocket. 558 00:35:33,909 --> 00:35:36,538 It had sand or lint or something on it. 559 00:35:44,463 --> 00:35:46,548 What you doing? Where you spitting? 560 00:35:46,798 --> 00:35:48,175 I ain't doing nothing! 561 00:35:48,467 --> 00:35:50,510 You threw that wrapper on the floor. 562 00:35:50,761 --> 00:35:52,596 -Pick it up! -Leave me alone! 563 00:35:52,888 --> 00:35:54,514 Come back! Pick it up! 564 00:36:01,647 --> 00:36:03,065 WOMAN: What in the world? 565 00:36:08,362 --> 00:36:10,114 OFFICER: Stop or I'll shoot! 566 00:36:10,406 --> 00:36:12,074 You're under arrest! 567 00:36:13,534 --> 00:36:14,620 Stop! 568 00:36:14,912 --> 00:36:16,622 [GUNSHOT] 569 00:36:16,872 --> 00:36:18,373 [SCREAMING] 570 00:36:18,624 --> 00:36:20,209 You're under arrest. 571 00:36:21,043 --> 00:36:22,085 My leg! 572 00:36:22,377 --> 00:36:25,777 TONY: Name was Cicchi Sasso, my father's cousin on his mother's side. 573 00:36:26,048 --> 00:36:29,468 Got out of Vietnam on account of cops blew his kneecap off. 574 00:36:34,724 --> 00:36:36,601 What's the matter with you cops? 575 00:36:36,851 --> 00:36:39,896 Can't bring your kid to an amusement park no more? 576 00:36:40,188 --> 00:36:41,606 Daddy! Daddy! 577 00:36:41,856 --> 00:36:43,691 It's okay, baby. It's okay. 578 00:36:43,983 --> 00:36:46,152 You go home to Mommy, sweetheart. 579 00:36:46,319 --> 00:36:49,906 Va fangool, why don't you go lock up the melanzane? 580 00:36:50,198 --> 00:36:51,866 They're burning down Newark. 581 00:37:02,628 --> 00:37:05,256 JOHNNY: I want my lawyer. I'm not saying shit to you. 582 00:37:05,422 --> 00:37:07,591 MAN: That's Johnny-boy Soprano! 583 00:37:07,758 --> 00:37:09,552 [SIRENS] 584 00:37:11,804 --> 00:37:14,349 JOHNNY: Asshole, you're hurting my wrist. 585 00:37:17,602 --> 00:37:20,689 Get the fuck in there, Clarabell. 586 00:37:23,066 --> 00:37:26,194 He used Janice as a front. They brought their daughters, 587 00:37:26,444 --> 00:37:29,114 so that their business looked sweet and innocent. 588 00:37:29,364 --> 00:37:30,949 That must've been devastating. 589 00:37:31,408 --> 00:37:33,286 It turned out it was no big deal. 590 00:37:33,619 --> 00:37:36,789 To see your father handcuffed and led away by the police? 591 00:37:37,290 --> 00:37:40,710 Well, at the time I thought my head was gonna explode. 592 00:37:41,627 --> 00:37:43,963 He looked helpless. 593 00:37:45,631 --> 00:37:49,176 But when I got home, my mother had a different perspective. 594 00:37:49,427 --> 00:37:51,053 Which made me feel better. 595 00:37:51,305 --> 00:37:53,849 So in her pain, she reached out to you. 596 00:37:54,141 --> 00:37:55,391 That's one way to put it. 597 00:37:55,809 --> 00:37:59,062 Your father may not be home for dinner. Go wash up. 598 00:37:59,313 --> 00:38:01,565 -I know. -What do you know? 599 00:38:01,815 --> 00:38:04,651 I saw him getting arrested. What did he do? 600 00:38:04,943 --> 00:38:07,696 He didn't do anything! They just pick on Italians. 601 00:38:07,905 --> 00:38:11,910 Still, in my heart, I knew my father was no freedom fighter. 602 00:38:12,160 --> 00:38:14,120 So he went to jail? 603 00:38:14,329 --> 00:38:15,879 He came home in a couple hours. 604 00:38:16,664 --> 00:38:18,833 TONY: We were watching Ed Sullivan. 605 00:38:20,209 --> 00:38:23,004 [THE YOUNG RASCALS' "I'VE BEEN LONELY TOO LONG" PLAYS] 606 00:38:27,926 --> 00:38:29,052 [DOOR OPENS] 607 00:38:29,344 --> 00:38:31,347 Hey! Livia! 608 00:38:31,597 --> 00:38:33,182 Look who's home. 609 00:38:34,350 --> 00:38:36,185 -What happened? -What happened? 610 00:38:36,352 --> 00:38:38,520 I got you cherry vanilla at Nasto's. 611 00:38:38,729 --> 00:38:42,650 That didn't take long. Must be in good with the uppity-ups. 612 00:38:44,026 --> 00:38:45,361 Let this be a lesson. 613 00:38:45,653 --> 00:38:48,489 Those stupid cops, they went to the wrong place. 614 00:38:48,697 --> 00:38:50,742 Arrested the wrong guys. 615 00:38:51,034 --> 00:38:53,078 How's my little girl? You all right? 616 00:38:53,370 --> 00:38:55,038 -I'm okay. -Good. 617 00:38:55,330 --> 00:38:58,375 ROCCO: Johnny-boy! Hey, Johnny-boy! 618 00:38:58,875 --> 00:39:00,377 Good for you, Johnny. 619 00:39:00,627 --> 00:39:02,837 Show those fucking sons of bitches. 620 00:39:03,088 --> 00:39:04,381 JOHNNY: What's up, Rocco? 621 00:39:07,968 --> 00:39:09,261 So 622 00:39:10,262 --> 00:39:11,555 Everything okay? 623 00:39:11,764 --> 00:39:14,517 I don't understand. The man your father beat up 624 00:39:14,767 --> 00:39:17,228 was the same one congratulating him? 625 00:39:17,687 --> 00:39:19,063 Yeah. One of them. 626 00:39:19,438 --> 00:39:21,315 Rocco Allatore. 627 00:39:23,025 --> 00:39:24,318 Why'd they arrest him? 628 00:39:24,568 --> 00:39:26,988 He was in violation of his parole. 629 00:39:27,321 --> 00:39:30,325 Association with known undesirables. 630 00:39:30,575 --> 00:39:32,995 But nothing ever happened. It just went away. 631 00:39:33,328 --> 00:39:34,997 He'd been in prison? 632 00:39:35,205 --> 00:39:36,790 He was away when I was a kid, 633 00:39:36,999 --> 00:39:40,043 but they told me he was in Montana being a cowboy. 634 00:39:45,048 --> 00:39:46,133 What? 635 00:39:51,139 --> 00:39:52,682 My son is doomed, right? 636 00:39:53,141 --> 00:39:54,600 Why do you say that? 637 00:39:55,143 --> 00:39:58,062 This is the part where I'm supposed to tell you 638 00:39:58,271 --> 00:40:01,371 how terrible my father was and the terrible things he did, 639 00:40:01,566 --> 00:40:03,901 and how he ruined my life. 640 00:40:04,736 --> 00:40:07,698 But I'll tell you, I was proud to be Johnny Soprano's kid. 641 00:40:07,948 --> 00:40:10,075 When he beat the shit out of that guy 642 00:40:10,325 --> 00:40:12,745 I told the class how tough my father was. 643 00:40:12,953 --> 00:40:15,122 Is that how your son feels about you? 644 00:40:15,456 --> 00:40:16,457 Yeah, probably. 645 00:40:16,749 --> 00:40:19,168 And I'm glad. I'm glad if he's proud of me. 646 00:40:19,460 --> 00:40:22,755 But that's the bind I'm in. I don't want him to be like me. 647 00:40:23,547 --> 00:40:25,047 He could be anything he wants. 648 00:40:25,174 --> 00:40:27,051 He could be like a guy I knew in school. 649 00:40:27,135 --> 00:40:29,735 His grandfather invented ties for the end of salamis. 650 00:40:29,846 --> 00:40:33,141 He made millions of dollars. He's sitting on his ass. 651 00:40:34,142 --> 00:40:36,603 Have you communicated this to your son? 652 00:40:37,145 --> 00:40:39,189 Not in so many words. 653 00:40:42,192 --> 00:40:43,985 Probably not at all. 654 00:40:45,488 --> 00:40:47,615 What's the difference? You said it. 655 00:40:47,865 --> 00:40:50,493 It's in the blood. It's hereditary. 656 00:40:50,701 --> 00:40:54,497 Genetic predispositions are only that. Predispositions. 657 00:40:54,663 --> 00:40:58,709 It's not a destiny written in stone. People have choices. 658 00:40:59,376 --> 00:41:01,170 She finally offers an opinion. 659 00:41:01,420 --> 00:41:05,675 Well, they do. You think everything that happens is preordained? 660 00:41:05,926 --> 00:41:09,429 You don't think that human beings possess free will? 661 00:41:09,638 --> 00:41:12,724 How come I'm not making fucking pots in Peru? 662 00:41:13,475 --> 00:41:17,104 You're born to this shit. You are what you are. 663 00:41:17,312 --> 00:41:20,107 Within that there's a range of choices. 664 00:41:20,315 --> 00:41:21,691 This is America. 665 00:41:22,442 --> 00:41:24,779 Right. America. 666 00:41:26,114 --> 00:41:28,574 JOHNNY: So, Livia, what do you think, huh? 667 00:41:28,866 --> 00:41:31,216 LIVIA: Okies and misfits, that's who goes there. 668 00:41:31,494 --> 00:41:33,579 Losers, the Beverly Hillbillies. 669 00:41:33,871 --> 00:41:35,998 So now Rocco Allatore's a loser? 670 00:41:36,207 --> 00:41:40,503 I've had to rough Rocco up because of money, but he's got a fucking brain. 671 00:41:40,711 --> 00:41:41,963 He's opening a new book. 672 00:41:42,213 --> 00:41:44,883 After that gets up, we get a little cash flow… 673 00:41:45,134 --> 00:41:47,594 Oh, Mr. Cash Flow! Big businessman now. 674 00:41:47,886 --> 00:41:50,806 What do you know? You're scared of your own shadow. 675 00:41:51,098 --> 00:41:53,809 Reno is growing by leaps and bounds, Livia. 676 00:41:54,101 --> 00:41:56,728 It's a chance to get in on the ground floor. 677 00:41:56,937 --> 00:41:59,898 After Rocco gets the book up, he'll open a supper club. 678 00:42:00,149 --> 00:42:03,820 -He wants me to run it. -A supper club? Are you drunk? 679 00:42:04,696 --> 00:42:06,281 Jesus Christ Almighty! 680 00:42:06,573 --> 00:42:08,533 Fucking albacore around my neck! 681 00:42:08,741 --> 00:42:11,452 Every time I try… Me and the kids'll go without you! 682 00:42:11,744 --> 00:42:14,164 They are not going anywhere! 683 00:42:14,414 --> 00:42:18,168 I'd rather smother them with a pillow than take them to Nevada! 684 00:42:18,459 --> 00:42:21,296 JOHNNY: Always with the drama! 685 00:42:27,678 --> 00:42:29,471 Livia, here you are. 686 00:42:29,680 --> 00:42:32,099 Junior, you scared me to death. 687 00:42:32,308 --> 00:42:35,311 I can't stay, but I didn't want to let another day go by. 688 00:42:35,519 --> 00:42:37,479 Business headaches like you won't believe. 689 00:42:37,563 --> 00:42:41,860 Oh, yeah, you and the other one. With all your headaches. 690 00:42:42,110 --> 00:42:43,570 Who, Tony? 691 00:42:44,154 --> 00:42:45,572 Don't be so hard on him. 692 00:42:45,864 --> 00:42:48,991 He's got a lot to learn, but he's headed in the right direction. 693 00:42:49,075 --> 00:42:52,621 Where to? Overbrook State Mental Hospital? 694 00:42:52,787 --> 00:42:53,788 What? 695 00:42:55,290 --> 00:42:57,125 Hey, Uncle Jun. How you doing? 696 00:43:01,672 --> 00:43:03,466 He's keeping his hair. 697 00:43:03,925 --> 00:43:07,053 You see, what a good boy, he comes to visit his mother. 698 00:43:10,223 --> 00:43:14,644 My son's staying for dinner, Junior. I don't suppose you have time. 699 00:43:14,852 --> 00:43:16,854 You two want to visit each other. 700 00:43:17,063 --> 00:43:21,109 Junior's very busy these days with his headaches. 701 00:43:21,360 --> 00:43:24,238 Not too busy to shoot the shit with you, Tony. 702 00:43:24,488 --> 00:43:25,989 We gotta catch a ball game. 703 00:43:26,240 --> 00:43:28,659 Hey, you got my number. All right. 704 00:43:29,826 --> 00:43:31,245 That man. 705 00:43:31,578 --> 00:43:34,665 He's so full of himself since becoming caporegime. 706 00:43:34,915 --> 00:43:36,458 He makes me sick. 707 00:43:43,132 --> 00:43:44,801 Remember the Allatores, Ma? 708 00:43:45,051 --> 00:43:46,469 Oh, why wouldn't I? 709 00:43:46,719 --> 00:43:49,681 They moved to Nevada. They're billionaires now. 710 00:43:49,931 --> 00:43:53,559 Oh, that Rocco Allatore, he was a real go-getter. 711 00:43:53,810 --> 00:43:57,272 -Didn't Dad want to go with him? -Your father? No. 712 00:43:57,939 --> 00:44:02,027 Yeah, he did. I remember you guys talking about it. 713 00:44:02,194 --> 00:44:05,197 Allatore would start a business, Dad would do it with him. 714 00:44:05,406 --> 00:44:07,866 Rocco just got him all worked up, that's all. 715 00:44:08,033 --> 00:44:10,536 What is this with all these questions? 716 00:44:10,869 --> 00:44:12,663 Dad wanted to go with him. 717 00:44:12,871 --> 00:44:13,956 You wouldn't let him. 718 00:44:14,832 --> 00:44:16,208 Let him? 719 00:44:16,542 --> 00:44:17,961 What do you mean? 720 00:44:18,211 --> 00:44:22,215 You just tell me one time your father didn't do 721 00:44:22,465 --> 00:44:24,926 exactly as he wanted. 722 00:44:25,677 --> 00:44:29,764 I don't know. Maybe this was his chance to get out. 723 00:44:30,056 --> 00:44:33,893 Dad was no choirboy, but maybe with a little bit of support… 724 00:44:34,060 --> 00:44:36,313 Mr. Sensitive now. 725 00:44:36,896 --> 00:44:40,901 Well, if it bothers you, maybe you better talk to a psychiatrist. 726 00:44:45,573 --> 00:44:47,992 What are you talking about, a psychiatrist? 727 00:44:48,743 --> 00:44:53,289 That's what people do when they want somebody to blame for their life. 728 00:44:53,581 --> 00:44:55,708 You're a real stone player, aren't you? 729 00:44:55,916 --> 00:44:58,295 You threatened to smother his children. 730 00:44:58,754 --> 00:45:00,297 What does that mean? 731 00:45:00,589 --> 00:45:03,689 Everybody thought Dad was ruthless, but I gotta hand it to you. 732 00:45:03,884 --> 00:45:06,219 If you'd been born after those feminists 733 00:45:06,470 --> 00:45:08,555 you would've been the real gangster. 734 00:45:10,307 --> 00:45:13,310 I don't know what you're talking about! 735 00:45:21,361 --> 00:45:22,362 Please, sit. 736 00:45:22,653 --> 00:45:26,532 I know you're probably eager to hear the results of our testing. 737 00:45:26,824 --> 00:45:30,286 -How's Anthony doing? -Good, I think. Don't you think so? 738 00:45:30,495 --> 00:45:31,913 Yeah, I think so. 739 00:45:32,080 --> 00:45:33,081 Okay. 740 00:45:33,247 --> 00:45:35,124 Well, good. 741 00:45:36,335 --> 00:45:37,795 Let's get to it. 742 00:45:38,545 --> 00:45:41,715 The good news is, no evidence of learning disability. 743 00:45:43,509 --> 00:45:46,804 Cognitive function, verbal and nonverbal intelligent testing 744 00:45:47,054 --> 00:45:49,264 arithmetic and reading evaluation 745 00:45:49,515 --> 00:45:51,715 -all within normal range. -Thank goodness. 746 00:45:51,850 --> 00:45:53,852 Got a clean bill of health. 747 00:45:54,103 --> 00:45:56,940 No soft sign on the neurological, either. 748 00:45:57,148 --> 00:46:00,860 That's all the good news. Why don't you tell us the bad news? 749 00:46:01,319 --> 00:46:05,323 Well, as to whether Anthony has ADD 750 00:46:05,949 --> 00:46:08,326 the results were interesting. 751 00:46:08,827 --> 00:46:12,956 The APA Standard is for the subject to manifest six out of nine 752 00:46:13,206 --> 00:46:15,501 possible symptoms of ADD. 753 00:46:15,668 --> 00:46:19,422 In testing, Anthony manifested five of those symptoms. 754 00:46:19,672 --> 00:46:21,132 Five, really? 755 00:46:21,340 --> 00:46:24,427 He often has difficulty awaiting his turn 756 00:46:24,677 --> 00:46:29,056 is often quote-unquote "on the go," or acts as if driven by a motor 757 00:46:29,348 --> 00:46:31,976 often interrupts or intrudes on others, 758 00:46:32,226 --> 00:46:34,855 and often fidgets with hands or feet. 759 00:46:35,105 --> 00:46:37,357 He fidgets with hands or feet? 760 00:46:38,525 --> 00:46:39,526 That's right. 761 00:46:42,028 --> 00:46:43,697 You mean, like, he fidgets. 762 00:46:44,698 --> 00:46:45,949 Uh-huh. 763 00:46:46,950 --> 00:46:49,244 And that's a sickness, to fidget? 764 00:46:49,453 --> 00:46:52,540 Mr. Soprano, it's one of nine possible symptoms. 765 00:46:55,126 --> 00:46:57,003 What constitutes a fidget? 766 00:46:58,880 --> 00:47:02,091 Tony… No, no, what constitutes a fidget? 767 00:47:02,383 --> 00:47:06,053 So what if he fidgets? Who doesn't fidget in school? 768 00:47:06,471 --> 00:47:10,224 The kid's in puberty. He gets a hard-on every 10 minutes. 769 00:47:10,433 --> 00:47:12,478 Anthony is a borderline case. 770 00:47:12,728 --> 00:47:15,105 He's not a case, he's a 13-year-old boy. 771 00:47:15,355 --> 00:47:18,692 Every time you see a problem, you turn it into a disease. 772 00:47:19,234 --> 00:47:21,778 He's a kid who made a mistake, and he'll pay for it. 773 00:47:21,862 --> 00:47:24,448 But he's gonna be fine. Come on. 774 00:47:29,077 --> 00:47:30,454 I think he's right. 775 00:47:30,704 --> 00:47:33,958 And I don't think we should have to pay for this testing. 776 00:47:38,630 --> 00:47:42,258 NARRATOR [ON TV]: To oppose this massive force bearing down on Midway 777 00:47:42,509 --> 00:47:46,763 Admiral Nimitz had no battleships in shape for the fight. 778 00:47:46,971 --> 00:47:49,307 However, he had the carriers 779 00:47:49,641 --> 00:47:52,311 Yorktown, Enterprise and Hornet. 780 00:47:53,646 --> 00:47:56,941 This might prove to be the trump card. 781 00:48:24,094 --> 00:48:25,470 Studying? 782 00:48:26,137 --> 00:48:27,514 Government. 783 00:48:30,101 --> 00:48:32,311 It's not the end of the world, Anth. 784 00:48:33,020 --> 00:48:34,647 I'm depressed. 785 00:48:36,148 --> 00:48:37,775 You're not depressed. 786 00:48:38,025 --> 00:48:41,320 You're sad because you did something stupid, and you got grounded. 787 00:48:41,571 --> 00:48:44,740 You can't watch TV or play on your computer for a couple weeks. 788 00:48:45,032 --> 00:48:46,742 It's gonna stay like that. 789 00:48:48,244 --> 00:48:49,871 It isn't fair. 790 00:48:50,998 --> 00:48:52,541 You got that right. 791 00:49:04,678 --> 00:49:06,054 What are you doing? 792 00:49:06,346 --> 00:49:07,932 What's it look like? 793 00:49:10,393 --> 00:49:11,853 Can I have one too? 794 00:49:12,395 --> 00:49:14,022 This one's yours. 795 00:49:15,690 --> 00:49:17,525 Gonna need sprinkles. 796 00:49:20,278 --> 00:49:21,696 Okay. 797 00:49:22,363 --> 00:49:23,615 You want nuts? 798 00:49:23,865 --> 00:49:26,117 Yeah. M&M's? 799 00:49:26,534 --> 00:49:30,539 ["WHITE RABBIT" BY JEFFERSON AIRPLANE PLAYS] 800 00:49:51,061 --> 00:49:52,354 Pretty good.