1 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:46,607 Talk it through the opening. 2 00:01:46,857 --> 00:01:49,151 A little left. A little left on your end. 3 00:01:49,359 --> 00:01:50,569 All right! 4 00:01:55,324 --> 00:01:56,325 Open the door. 5 00:01:56,491 --> 00:02:00,871 Any hinky shit, you'll be refrying beans with Pablo Escobar again. 6 00:02:04,207 --> 00:02:08,211 This is all a message to your friends: Stay away from Port Newark. 7 00:02:08,879 --> 00:02:12,382 Don't even drive out to Jersey, not even on Sundays. 8 00:02:13,884 --> 00:02:18,013 They've been told. Twice. Now I'll tell them. 9 00:02:20,766 --> 00:02:22,434 Here! 10 00:02:23,644 --> 00:02:25,395 Holy shit! 11 00:02:25,646 --> 00:02:27,022 Bingo! 12 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:29,191 We can't fit it all! 13 00:02:29,399 --> 00:02:32,235 Fucking crackheads and their small bills. 14 00:02:36,239 --> 00:02:40,285 This is a token of my appreciation, for recommending Dr. Melfi. 15 00:02:40,869 --> 00:02:43,080 She's a good shrink. I'm not a model patient... 16 00:02:43,705 --> 00:02:45,874 What? What? You didn't have to. 17 00:02:46,124 --> 00:02:49,127 These are Montecristos. These are Cuban. 18 00:02:49,336 --> 00:02:51,088 Yeah, they're the best, right? 19 00:02:51,296 --> 00:02:52,714 Aren't they illegal? 20 00:02:53,632 --> 00:02:54,675 They're cigars. 21 00:02:56,093 --> 00:02:59,429 - Oh, they're dreamy, Ton. - You're a good neighbor, Bruce. 22 00:02:59,846 --> 00:03:03,600 I'm a doctor. I make referrals all the time. You don't have to... 23 00:03:03,809 --> 00:03:07,229 - No biggie. - I bet these were hard to come by. 24 00:03:07,437 --> 00:03:08,939 They fell off a truck. 25 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:11,900 - Excuse me. - Sure. 26 00:03:13,068 --> 00:03:14,444 - Hello? - It's done. 27 00:03:14,653 --> 00:03:17,447 It's the biggest refrigerator you've ever seen. 28 00:03:17,698 --> 00:03:18,699 And the other thing? 29 00:03:19,449 --> 00:03:22,619 Juan Valdez has been separated from his donkey. 30 00:03:26,957 --> 00:03:30,836 You know, Ton, I been watching you out back with your putter. 31 00:03:31,169 --> 00:03:32,921 - You ever play at the club? - No. 32 00:03:33,463 --> 00:03:35,632 I play Minnisink, the public course. 33 00:03:36,299 --> 00:03:39,636 You ought to come to the club and play sometime. 34 00:03:39,886 --> 00:03:43,598 - No, you know, it's... - Come on! It's a wicked back nine. 35 00:03:43,807 --> 00:03:47,060 Besides, I think you'd like some of the members very much. 36 00:03:47,394 --> 00:03:49,271 Yeah, maybe, you know... 37 00:03:49,855 --> 00:03:50,939 We'll see. 38 00:03:51,690 --> 00:03:52,816 Here we go. 39 00:03:53,483 --> 00:03:56,319 - Fresh champagne, gentlemen. - Oh, that's beautiful! 40 00:03:56,528 --> 00:04:00,323 - I love a mixed salad. - I could stare at it for hours. 41 00:04:00,532 --> 00:04:02,993 A score like this happens once in a lifetime. 42 00:04:03,243 --> 00:04:05,454 Gotta make this work for us, legit. 43 00:04:05,662 --> 00:04:08,623 Find a nice IPO, keep it spinning, live off the juice. 44 00:04:08,832 --> 00:04:11,168 - IP who? - Tony! 45 00:04:11,376 --> 00:04:12,502 Yeah, yeah? 46 00:04:12,836 --> 00:04:16,757 IPO, Initial Public Offering, stock, insider market trading shit. 47 00:04:17,007 --> 00:04:19,342 - Where's my baby? - Understand? 48 00:04:19,509 --> 00:04:23,513 Paulie, baby. Get that big dick in the Jacuzzi, now! 49 00:04:26,516 --> 00:04:27,684 Taking off. 50 00:04:29,186 --> 00:04:32,939 - Gonna celebrate, me and Adriana. - Mother of mercy! 51 00:04:33,148 --> 00:04:35,817 - Could this be the end of RICO? - Maybe. 52 00:04:36,359 --> 00:04:37,944 Just may be! 53 00:04:38,528 --> 00:04:39,863 - Have fun! - Say hello. 54 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:41,865 Say hello to your girl for me. 55 00:04:42,407 --> 00:04:45,702 Thank you so much for taking me to the theater. 56 00:04:47,037 --> 00:04:50,165 Rent. Fucking Broadway musicals. 57 00:04:50,415 --> 00:04:55,504 We're supposed to be all weepy because the heat's off in some guy's loft? 58 00:04:55,712 --> 00:04:57,547 I'm humming the scenery, Chrissy! 59 00:04:57,881 --> 00:05:01,343 Fifth row center and dinner at Le Cirque! 60 00:05:02,344 --> 00:05:04,679 I'm embarrassed to be hungry again. 61 00:05:05,514 --> 00:05:06,890 Thank you. 62 00:05:07,140 --> 00:05:10,101 After how many years with Tony Soprano's crew... 63 00:05:10,352 --> 00:05:12,562 ...some shit has finally worked out. 64 00:05:12,896 --> 00:05:16,942 Just when I was starting to wonder if, you know... 65 00:05:17,984 --> 00:05:20,737 Whose welfare check you gotta cash to get a burger? 66 00:05:20,987 --> 00:05:23,073 Hey, shut the fuck up! 67 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:26,451 Wouldn't it be cool to own a restaurant like Le Cirque? 68 00:05:27,410 --> 00:05:29,913 Madonna, with the careers. 69 00:05:30,747 --> 00:05:33,208 The black guy over there, he look familiar? 70 00:05:34,376 --> 00:05:37,379 Why don't you just forget about working and be with me? 71 00:05:37,546 --> 00:05:38,547 Oh, yeah. 72 00:05:38,713 --> 00:05:41,716 And be one of those wives like Carmela Soprano: 73 00:05:41,925 --> 00:05:46,972 Breast-feeding rug rats and spending the rest of your life at the gym. 74 00:05:47,597 --> 00:05:51,768 You're right. My cousin's always had a brain, but what does she use it for? 75 00:05:52,352 --> 00:05:55,105 With a husband who can't tell you where the money's from. 76 00:05:55,605 --> 00:05:59,109 - What am I back here, Mark Fuhrman? - You're a dick, man! 77 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:00,777 Chris, would you chill? 78 00:06:00,944 --> 00:06:03,238 It's fucking discrimination, already! 79 00:06:03,613 --> 00:06:04,614 Hey! 80 00:06:05,407 --> 00:06:08,785 About time. Excuse me. 81 00:06:20,630 --> 00:06:22,757 Bold men make bold statements. 82 00:06:22,966 --> 00:06:26,845 Why'd they send you? I'm looking for a burger, not converted rice. 83 00:06:28,972 --> 00:06:30,599 Your woman looks embarrassed. 84 00:06:34,477 --> 00:06:38,064 Give me a couple of burger baskets. 85 00:06:41,192 --> 00:06:45,405 He's only bold because he's semi-hooked up with the Tony Soprano crew. 86 00:06:50,452 --> 00:06:54,998 What's with the attitude? If it's not the blacks, it's somebody else. 87 00:06:56,499 --> 00:06:59,669 - Nice. - Must be the homie with the blue hat. 88 00:06:59,961 --> 00:07:00,962 Yo! 89 00:07:01,171 --> 00:07:02,839 Donnie Brasco. 90 00:07:03,632 --> 00:07:04,799 Yeah? 91 00:07:05,050 --> 00:07:08,637 My name is Orange J. I'm down with Massive Genius. 92 00:07:08,970 --> 00:07:11,598 That's who it was. The gangsta rapper. 93 00:07:11,848 --> 00:07:13,642 I told you to shut up! 94 00:07:13,975 --> 00:07:18,438 We're having a party at G's crib. Englewood Cliffs. You interested? 95 00:07:19,230 --> 00:07:23,485 And I get served with black-eyed peas tomorrow? Yo, I know what time it is. 96 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:28,239 Massive's heard of the crew you with. There's business to be done. 97 00:08:06,736 --> 00:08:09,030 This is a beautiful, beautiful home. 98 00:08:09,239 --> 00:08:13,410 Smaller than my Hamptons crib, but that's bigger than Steven's. 99 00:08:13,576 --> 00:08:16,037 It's Italian contractors obviously. 100 00:08:16,246 --> 00:08:18,415 Look at all these gold records! 101 00:08:21,751 --> 00:08:23,420 What do we have here? 102 00:08:29,259 --> 00:08:31,136 You like that shit? 103 00:08:33,096 --> 00:08:35,557 A little Christmas present to myself. 104 00:08:36,766 --> 00:08:39,060 Isn't that a sight to behold? 105 00:08:41,271 --> 00:08:44,649 I do so love a good firearm in my hand. 106 00:08:54,951 --> 00:08:56,619 You people are all right. 107 00:08:57,620 --> 00:09:00,665 Godfather, I seen that movie 200 times. 108 00:09:01,291 --> 00:09:03,835 Godfather II was definitely the shit! 109 00:09:04,586 --> 00:09:05,962 The third one... 110 00:09:06,171 --> 00:09:10,383 ...a lot of people didn't like it, but I think it was just misunderstood. 111 00:09:13,636 --> 00:09:15,930 So what business you want to discuss? 112 00:09:26,649 --> 00:09:28,276 - Mr. Herman Rabkin. - Hesh. 113 00:09:28,485 --> 00:09:31,321 I don't know him personally, but I know his history. 114 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:34,699 In the late '50s and '60s, he owned F-Note Records. 115 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:38,161 Yeah, Hesh was in the music business. 116 00:09:38,328 --> 00:09:39,996 Little situation here. 117 00:09:40,246 --> 00:09:45,001 My mother's deceased distant cousin, Little Jimmy Willis, '50s legend. 118 00:09:45,168 --> 00:09:47,587 Two seminal hit records was his legacy. 119 00:09:48,254 --> 00:09:49,714 Drug tragedy. 120 00:09:49,964 --> 00:09:51,841 - "Such a Fool." - Oh, I love that! 121 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:54,385 They play it all the time on oldies radio. 122 00:09:54,677 --> 00:09:55,678 Old Herman? 123 00:09:55,970 --> 00:09:59,808 He's just another white motherfucker stealing royalties... 124 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:02,477 ...from the black man that made him the money. 125 00:10:02,977 --> 00:10:07,524 Jimmy's mother, who I'm content to call my aunt, is owed that money. 126 00:10:09,692 --> 00:10:14,364 Hesh is the sweetest guy. But I know his opinion on giving back Israel. 127 00:10:14,697 --> 00:10:17,492 I can only imagine what he'll say about this shit. 128 00:10:17,992 --> 00:10:22,372 Feel free to enjoy the food and any other enjoyments. 129 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:28,169 Champagne, sir. Ma'am? 130 00:10:34,384 --> 00:10:37,512 That guy's a gangsta? I'm a gangsta. 131 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:41,641 I'm an OG, original gangsta. Not him, fucking lawn jockey. 132 00:10:41,850 --> 00:10:44,644 But he's got the fly Hamptons house. 133 00:10:44,853 --> 00:10:49,232 Alec Baldwin comes over. Whitney Houston. What do I got? 134 00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:51,734 I sit in a fucking pork store, for chrissake. 135 00:10:52,110 --> 00:10:55,572 But the moolies, they got it going on. And they're on TV. 136 00:10:55,905 --> 00:10:57,532 They don't take no shit. 137 00:10:57,740 --> 00:11:02,120 Soprano crew, it's always secret this, omertà that. Gets on my nerves. 138 00:11:02,328 --> 00:11:05,248 Junior with his moldy sweaters, and he's a fucking boss. 139 00:11:06,916 --> 00:11:09,252 You were just feeling so good about yourself. 140 00:11:09,586 --> 00:11:12,380 Our thing once ruled the music business, did you know? 141 00:11:12,589 --> 00:11:16,426 - No. - We bankrolled acts, blacks, everybody. 142 00:11:16,676 --> 00:11:19,596 Paid the DJs or busted heads to get them played on the air. 143 00:11:19,804 --> 00:11:21,764 There were great Italian singers. 144 00:11:22,056 --> 00:11:26,853 Fucking A. Frankie Valli, Dion, The Rascals, the whole Philly thing. 145 00:11:27,103 --> 00:11:29,939 My dad used to talk about those guys. 146 00:11:30,231 --> 00:11:33,276 Now? Fucking drum machine, some ignorant poetry... 147 00:11:33,484 --> 00:11:36,613 ...and any dropout ditsoon is chairman of the board. 148 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:39,282 Gangsta. 149 00:11:40,909 --> 00:11:44,913 Talk about paesano pride. Go, Jovi! 150 00:12:07,727 --> 00:12:09,562 - Oh, you're home. - Hey. 151 00:12:09,771 --> 00:12:14,234 - Barb Wagner called, you remember her? - The mayonnaisers from up the street? 152 00:12:14,442 --> 00:12:16,569 They invited us to a barbecue. 153 00:12:20,323 --> 00:12:22,367 All right. Didn't think so. 154 00:12:26,496 --> 00:12:27,747 Still with the brochures? 155 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:31,751 You believe how much it costs for a college education? 156 00:12:32,502 --> 00:12:33,920 We got enough. 157 00:12:34,629 --> 00:12:37,674 I know we got enough, but how much is enough? 158 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:40,176 God forbid, what if something should happen? 159 00:12:40,385 --> 00:12:44,389 Call up old man Coletti, tell him not to put too much makeup on my face. 160 00:12:44,639 --> 00:12:46,849 Don't joke around about this, Tony. 161 00:12:47,225 --> 00:12:48,977 You'll be taken care of. 162 00:12:49,227 --> 00:12:52,730 You always tell me that, "I'll be taken care of." By who? 163 00:12:53,982 --> 00:12:57,527 What is with the look? Did you just make a score? 164 00:12:58,903 --> 00:13:01,114 No. I wish. 165 00:13:01,322 --> 00:13:04,867 You know, Tony, it's a multiple-choice thing with you. 166 00:13:05,368 --> 00:13:09,664 Because I can't tell if you're old-fashioned, you're paranoid... 167 00:13:09,872 --> 00:13:11,749 ...or just a fucking asshole. 168 00:13:15,086 --> 00:13:17,088 So what do I tell the Wagners? 169 00:13:17,463 --> 00:13:18,715 Do you want to go? 170 00:13:18,965 --> 00:13:20,049 Sure. 171 00:13:21,092 --> 00:13:25,096 Even Cusamano asked me to play a little golf with him at his club. 172 00:13:25,471 --> 00:13:27,515 - Sorry. - All right, all right. 173 00:13:34,689 --> 00:13:38,359 Prick. New maître d', he's really on the rag tonight. 174 00:13:39,402 --> 00:13:40,737 I'll talk to him. 175 00:13:41,404 --> 00:13:44,324 - Remember Richie Santini? - Yeah, you used to fuck him. 176 00:13:44,574 --> 00:13:49,120 That really sums it up. I knew him since we were 3, he lived next door. 177 00:13:49,370 --> 00:13:52,123 Yeah, we had our little phase. 178 00:13:52,790 --> 00:13:55,293 - What about him? - You've heard his band? 179 00:13:56,252 --> 00:13:59,130 Defiler? I'm not into that headbanging shit. 180 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:03,593 You talked about the good old days: Italians running the music business. 181 00:14:03,926 --> 00:14:07,764 Richie's this musician who you know. They're not a hair band anymore. 182 00:14:07,930 --> 00:14:09,098 And they're good! 183 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:13,436 You said yourself how much money there was in this thing. 184 00:14:13,603 --> 00:14:16,939 You mean like, Richie Santini? 185 00:14:19,317 --> 00:14:21,444 Would Massive Genius be interested? 186 00:14:22,320 --> 00:14:24,614 It's a whole different thing. Black. 187 00:14:24,781 --> 00:14:29,952 But he's got Massive G Productions. Shit, they make movies even! 188 00:14:32,205 --> 00:14:37,377 Massive does owe me a favor. I'm arranging a sit-down with Hesh. 189 00:14:37,627 --> 00:14:42,590 I was thinking about... Okay, okay, I know this sounds kind of funny. 190 00:14:43,299 --> 00:14:44,801 Music management. 191 00:14:46,344 --> 00:14:48,805 I have met people, important people... 192 00:14:49,013 --> 00:14:54,185 ...learned people skills, how to deal with big egos, solve problems. 193 00:14:54,560 --> 00:14:57,605 And with my love of all kinds of music... 194 00:14:59,816 --> 00:15:02,568 Maybe Alec Baldwin would come to our house. 195 00:15:29,846 --> 00:15:30,847 It's an old demo. 196 00:15:31,889 --> 00:15:33,433 No, you know what? 197 00:15:34,517 --> 00:15:35,726 Fuck it. 198 00:15:36,227 --> 00:15:37,854 Let's set you up. 199 00:15:38,062 --> 00:15:40,523 - What? - I got money. 200 00:15:40,731 --> 00:15:44,068 With how much you listen to the radio, you'd be good. 201 00:15:45,027 --> 00:15:46,696 I can't believe it. 202 00:15:47,029 --> 00:15:49,073 But I get to pick what you wear. 203 00:15:49,740 --> 00:15:52,869 Dress you up. I like that. 204 00:16:08,050 --> 00:16:10,094 This place has the flavor. 205 00:16:10,511 --> 00:16:13,055 That gelding, name is Sydney. 206 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:16,267 You never wrote a song about him? 207 00:16:18,561 --> 00:16:21,647 When you and Little Jimmy were writing all his hits... 208 00:16:21,898 --> 00:16:25,568 ...did you write the music and him the lyrics or vice versa? 209 00:16:25,985 --> 00:16:28,654 We had our own process. 210 00:16:29,197 --> 00:16:32,783 So that "Ooh, wacka-doo, wacka-dooly do, I'm so blue..." 211 00:16:33,117 --> 00:16:36,120 That spring from your experience or the little brother's? 212 00:16:36,370 --> 00:16:38,498 One could write a song about a horse. 213 00:16:38,915 --> 00:16:41,250 But to be a hit with your audience... 214 00:16:41,501 --> 00:16:45,213 ...you'd have a cop on him, be ripped up the ass with a Mac 10, no? 215 00:16:46,881 --> 00:16:49,133 So you bought horses with your royalties. 216 00:16:49,425 --> 00:16:51,761 What about Little Jimmy's royalties? 217 00:16:52,303 --> 00:16:53,930 He bought horse. 218 00:16:54,931 --> 00:16:59,268 Music business back then, we broke all the rules as we went along. 219 00:16:59,519 --> 00:17:01,479 You mean raping and pillaging. 220 00:17:01,687 --> 00:17:03,773 Things haven't changed much, huh? 221 00:17:04,023 --> 00:17:07,944 Were we hard-nosed? Yeah. But we gave a lot of kids their start. 222 00:17:08,152 --> 00:17:11,113 A lot of Negro youth. Took them out of the ghetto. 223 00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:12,740 Put them on the stage. 224 00:17:12,949 --> 00:17:18,120 Ordinarily I'd be more than happy to stroll down Memory Lane with you... 225 00:17:18,496 --> 00:17:20,414 ...but I want reparations. 226 00:17:20,623 --> 00:17:23,417 Why don't we call this what it is? A shakedown. 227 00:17:23,626 --> 00:17:26,420 Your father was a silent partner in F-Note Records. 228 00:17:27,255 --> 00:17:29,966 Made sure that the records got airplay, right? 229 00:17:30,174 --> 00:17:32,760 That money bought my house at the Jersey Shore. 230 00:17:33,553 --> 00:17:35,721 What are you gonna do? I'm guided by you. 231 00:17:35,972 --> 00:17:38,391 He's gotta do the right thing, that's what. 232 00:17:38,808 --> 00:17:43,229 You're way out of line, kid. Let's get some cold water on your head. 233 00:17:48,734 --> 00:17:51,696 Thank you, Jen. Let's get right to the point, huh? 234 00:17:51,904 --> 00:17:53,155 What's in this for you? 235 00:17:53,406 --> 00:17:55,491 If you read Chuck D's book... 236 00:17:55,741 --> 00:17:58,119 ...he advises that reparations be made... 237 00:17:58,411 --> 00:18:01,289 ...by the Jewish studio moguls in Hollywood. 238 00:18:01,497 --> 00:18:04,250 For the way black folks were portrayed on film. 239 00:18:05,293 --> 00:18:07,461 It's germane to this argument in that... 240 00:18:07,670 --> 00:18:11,132 ...the grievances in the music business are far worse. 241 00:18:11,340 --> 00:18:14,302 You're talking to the wrong white man, my friend. 242 00:18:14,510 --> 00:18:18,764 My people were the white man's nigger when yours were still chasing zebras. 243 00:18:20,057 --> 00:18:23,269 As far as Louis B. Mayer is concerned, what are you, nuts? 244 00:18:26,063 --> 00:18:27,898 My lawyers have done research. 245 00:18:29,150 --> 00:18:33,738 I think that the final figure is somewhere around $400,000. 246 00:18:36,324 --> 00:18:40,703 Now, a cashier's check made to a Mrs. Idella Willis... 247 00:18:40,911 --> 00:18:42,455 ...will set it straight. 248 00:18:42,663 --> 00:18:44,165 Or what? 249 00:18:49,128 --> 00:18:51,088 What was it that she called him? 250 00:18:51,714 --> 00:18:52,923 Oh, yeah. 251 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:57,553 "That nice man," I think she said. 252 00:19:07,229 --> 00:19:09,815 So how's your neighbor? The one with no neck? 253 00:19:10,024 --> 00:19:11,567 The Sopranos? 254 00:19:11,734 --> 00:19:15,738 There's a new car in the driveway every other week. Besides that... 255 00:19:15,905 --> 00:19:18,908 He gave me a gift of some excellent Cuban cigars. 256 00:19:19,075 --> 00:19:20,117 And you accepted them. 257 00:19:20,826 --> 00:19:23,412 See? Eroding the neighborhood values. 258 00:19:23,704 --> 00:19:27,833 He was thanking me for the physician, which he is very happy with. 259 00:19:28,084 --> 00:19:29,502 Really? 260 00:19:30,753 --> 00:19:34,757 What does that do to property values? Having a gangster living next door? 261 00:19:35,007 --> 00:19:36,217 Are you kidding? 262 00:19:36,425 --> 00:19:39,720 Safest block in the neighb. Being a gangster, what's that mean? 263 00:19:39,929 --> 00:19:44,266 The shit I see in the boardroom, I don't know if I'd make a distinction. 264 00:19:44,600 --> 00:19:46,811 Oh, will you, please? It's not the same. 265 00:19:47,061 --> 00:19:49,522 Bugging, bribes? I don't know. 266 00:19:49,772 --> 00:19:53,776 I think the only thing separating American business from the Mobs... 267 00:19:53,943 --> 00:19:55,611 ...is whacking somebody. 268 00:19:55,820 --> 00:19:57,071 - Listen to you! - What? 269 00:19:57,321 --> 00:19:58,948 Whacking! 270 00:19:59,448 --> 00:20:04,078 He hangs around with Tony Soprano and it's "fucking this, fucking that." 271 00:20:05,955 --> 00:20:10,167 We were there for that fundraiser. I didn't see any guns anywhere. 272 00:20:10,793 --> 00:20:13,796 But that bar with the goombah Murano glass. 273 00:20:16,632 --> 00:20:18,634 I like Murano glass. 274 00:20:23,139 --> 00:20:24,807 Those Montecristos. 275 00:20:25,307 --> 00:20:27,643 What do you say? After dinner? 276 00:21:05,848 --> 00:21:08,058 It ain't your type of music, but... 277 00:21:08,309 --> 00:21:11,145 I like any kind of music that turns shit green. 278 00:21:12,855 --> 00:21:15,524 He's been through a lot. It's deepened his writing. 279 00:21:15,733 --> 00:21:18,152 As a metal band they were great, but this... 280 00:21:18,360 --> 00:21:21,530 ...as far as I am concerned, blows away Matchbox 20. 281 00:21:21,697 --> 00:21:23,115 What do they call themselves? 282 00:21:23,365 --> 00:21:27,536 Used to be Defiler. Then some personnel changes, bass and drums. 283 00:21:27,828 --> 00:21:30,539 But Richie and Vito are still the core of the band. 284 00:21:30,831 --> 00:21:32,750 Now they're called Visiting Day. 285 00:21:46,722 --> 00:21:48,724 This is some loud shit! 286 00:22:05,241 --> 00:22:06,242 That's Richie. 287 00:22:09,912 --> 00:22:11,121 And that's Vito. 288 00:22:17,002 --> 00:22:18,170 Fuck you! 289 00:22:18,420 --> 00:22:20,589 Sit the fuck down, you mullethead! 290 00:22:26,595 --> 00:22:28,889 This isn't the right place for them. 291 00:22:32,977 --> 00:22:34,562 You suck! 292 00:22:34,728 --> 00:22:36,772 Without the right help from you... 293 00:22:37,022 --> 00:22:40,734 ...Visiting Day could end up in the miscellaneous V section. 294 00:22:50,786 --> 00:22:52,162 You interested? 295 00:22:54,290 --> 00:22:55,499 Yes. 296 00:23:01,463 --> 00:23:04,174 That scene where Pesci sticks the guy's head in a vise... 297 00:23:04,466 --> 00:23:07,803 ...and then pops his eye out. I thought I was gonna die! 298 00:23:12,933 --> 00:23:14,935 I'll be right back, okay? 299 00:23:16,604 --> 00:23:18,063 Excuse me. 300 00:23:18,314 --> 00:23:19,690 - It's this way? - Yes. 301 00:23:19,982 --> 00:23:21,150 Thank you. 302 00:24:01,941 --> 00:24:04,151 - I don't know. - What? 303 00:24:04,526 --> 00:24:08,697 Richie, the guy's 30, still lives with his parents. 304 00:24:08,948 --> 00:24:10,532 It's because of the accident. 305 00:24:10,741 --> 00:24:12,952 Richie had third-degree burns from trying... 306 00:24:13,202 --> 00:24:15,829 ...to grill that trout with a downed power line. 307 00:24:16,205 --> 00:24:20,000 But at the same time, being electrocuted turned his life around. 308 00:24:21,543 --> 00:24:23,754 Well, you did some ace fucking selling. 309 00:24:24,004 --> 00:24:25,214 You think? 310 00:24:26,006 --> 00:24:27,549 Yeah, thing is though... 311 00:24:27,716 --> 00:24:31,679 ...music is not something you can hold in your hands, you know? 312 00:24:31,887 --> 00:24:36,684 Like football betting, cards or coke. 313 00:24:36,934 --> 00:24:38,560 It's art. 314 00:24:38,978 --> 00:24:42,731 Berry Gordy, whatever, he had to see it in the Supremes. 315 00:24:42,940 --> 00:24:46,694 It's an instinct. I see it in Richie. 316 00:24:47,069 --> 00:24:49,571 Yeah, probably is. 317 00:24:50,781 --> 00:24:52,950 I'm really fucking doing it! 318 00:24:53,242 --> 00:24:55,411 And it's all thanks to you. 319 00:24:57,079 --> 00:25:01,291 I'm gonna make a demo CD like Massive advised. And then, yeah! 320 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:03,627 My wife thinks I need to meet new people. 321 00:25:03,877 --> 00:25:06,547 - So? - You're Italian, you understand. 322 00:25:07,047 --> 00:25:10,342 We're brought up to think the americani are fucking bores. 323 00:25:11,093 --> 00:25:13,512 But the average white man's no more boring... 324 00:25:13,721 --> 00:25:17,933 ...than the millionth conversation over who should have won, Marciano or Ali. 325 00:25:18,142 --> 00:25:21,311 Am I to understand that you don't consider yourself white? 326 00:25:21,562 --> 00:25:25,149 I don't mean white like Caucasian. I mean a white man. 327 00:25:25,399 --> 00:25:27,443 Like our friend Cusamano. 328 00:25:28,193 --> 00:25:30,612 Now, he's Italian, but he's americano. 329 00:25:30,779 --> 00:25:35,200 What Dad called a "Wonder Bread Wop." He eats his Sunday gravy out of a jar. 330 00:25:35,409 --> 00:25:39,621 You seem to want to branch out. What's stopping you? 331 00:25:39,788 --> 00:25:41,582 The guys, you know. 332 00:25:43,167 --> 00:25:46,628 What they'd think if I started hanging out with the americani. 333 00:25:57,139 --> 00:26:00,809 I was in the neighborhood last night. At the Cusamano's. 334 00:26:04,354 --> 00:26:05,397 Oh, yeah? 335 00:26:06,148 --> 00:26:07,691 Dinner party. 336 00:26:09,818 --> 00:26:13,989 You should have stopped by. Live right next door. 337 00:26:21,663 --> 00:26:26,043 You didn't hear any strange noises last night in your neighborhood? 338 00:26:27,002 --> 00:26:28,337 Noises? 339 00:26:28,837 --> 00:26:31,465 Like someone screaming in pain? 340 00:26:32,841 --> 00:26:34,176 No. 341 00:26:35,844 --> 00:26:38,347 Probably a television set. 342 00:26:42,851 --> 00:26:44,645 You saw my house? 343 00:26:56,448 --> 00:26:58,617 Oh, this looks good. 344 00:27:01,203 --> 00:27:04,289 That sausage, where'd you get it? That place in Garfield? 345 00:27:04,873 --> 00:27:08,544 - Honey? Where'd we get the sausage? - That place in Garfield. 346 00:27:08,836 --> 00:27:12,214 The only thing better than salsiccia is a pair of tits. 347 00:27:12,422 --> 00:27:14,675 It's a hell of a piece of meat. 348 00:27:14,883 --> 00:27:17,886 Salsiccia is a kind of a phallic thing. 349 00:27:18,220 --> 00:27:19,680 Whereas tits... 350 00:27:23,725 --> 00:27:26,395 Jack, you're a stockbroker, right? 351 00:27:26,895 --> 00:27:29,273 Any changes in the market coming? 352 00:27:29,481 --> 00:27:32,025 - It's always changing. - Keeps us coming back. 353 00:27:34,653 --> 00:27:37,447 Rand, you hear from Ross on Dexplex? 354 00:27:37,698 --> 00:27:39,741 No, but the buyout is going down. 355 00:27:40,033 --> 00:27:42,744 Give me some warning. I need to call the islands. 356 00:27:43,036 --> 00:27:44,079 Dexplex? 357 00:27:52,087 --> 00:27:54,923 It's a little company. It's going public, maybe. 358 00:27:55,257 --> 00:27:58,093 Come on. The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day. 359 00:27:58,302 --> 00:28:00,596 Let's not talk business for once. 360 00:28:00,929 --> 00:28:02,097 American Biotics. 361 00:28:02,264 --> 00:28:05,184 Barb, our stock guru. 362 00:28:05,434 --> 00:28:08,270 She thinks American Biotics may be a good investment. 363 00:28:08,437 --> 00:28:11,940 They're close to a side-effect-free anti-impotence drug. 364 00:28:12,191 --> 00:28:13,775 You guys play the stock market? 365 00:28:13,942 --> 00:28:16,153 Oh, we don't just play... 366 00:28:16,361 --> 00:28:17,696 ...we win. 367 00:30:17,232 --> 00:30:19,318 That's take 62. 368 00:30:19,693 --> 00:30:21,236 We ought to just bag it. 369 00:30:29,703 --> 00:30:31,747 Okay, we're bagging it. 370 00:30:32,247 --> 00:30:34,916 We should've bagged this days ago when it was perfect. 371 00:30:35,584 --> 00:30:37,586 I wish I had thought of that. 372 00:30:40,714 --> 00:30:43,592 It's good. You know, not bad. 373 00:30:44,092 --> 00:30:45,635 It's as good as we'll get. 374 00:30:45,927 --> 00:30:48,930 Oh, it wasn't too bad. It was kind of good! 375 00:30:51,933 --> 00:30:54,519 What are you saying? Is something wrong? 376 00:30:54,770 --> 00:30:58,774 We're all trying our best here. I just think we hit a brick wall. 377 00:30:58,940 --> 00:31:00,609 Maybe some rest. 378 00:31:02,152 --> 00:31:04,029 Hey, hey, fuck that! 379 00:31:04,279 --> 00:31:06,281 I paid for three days' studio time. 380 00:31:06,490 --> 00:31:09,951 It'll only cost me more to pack it up and come back again. 381 00:31:10,160 --> 00:31:13,455 We got through the instrumental tracks with no problem. 382 00:31:13,663 --> 00:31:15,457 I'm fucking beat. 383 00:31:15,665 --> 00:31:17,501 What about we finish this shit? 384 00:31:17,709 --> 00:31:19,961 Three days we've been slamming our hams! 385 00:31:20,128 --> 00:31:23,131 Kinko's gave me five days off. No big deal. 386 00:31:23,382 --> 00:31:27,302 Kinko's? Buddy, this is costing me 300 bucks an hour! 387 00:31:27,511 --> 00:31:28,762 Here, try this. 388 00:31:31,973 --> 00:31:35,143 Dude, I don't do drugs anymore, okay? 389 00:31:35,477 --> 00:31:39,147 Well, hats off. But for all the excitement in these songs... 390 00:31:39,314 --> 00:31:42,150 ...maybe you should suck on another downed power line. 391 00:31:42,359 --> 00:31:43,527 Christopher! 392 00:31:43,735 --> 00:31:48,073 That was our most introspective song. It's not supposed to rock. 393 00:31:48,323 --> 00:31:50,700 - It'll be our first single. - No, second. 394 00:31:51,326 --> 00:31:53,995 - "Sharon's Chair" will bust out. - I like "Melt." 395 00:31:54,871 --> 00:31:57,707 Come on. Go shoot the crank. Let's wrap this up. 396 00:31:59,209 --> 00:32:02,087 - What? - You heard me. Spike up! 397 00:32:02,337 --> 00:32:03,338 No fucking way. 398 00:32:03,630 --> 00:32:05,882 I'm producing these sessions. 399 00:32:06,174 --> 00:32:09,553 Go take the fucking drugs! I'm not fucking around anymore! 400 00:32:09,761 --> 00:32:11,555 Look, the problem, Christopher... 401 00:32:11,763 --> 00:32:15,892 ...is the bass and the drum tracks were miked wrong from the beginning! 402 00:32:16,101 --> 00:32:19,604 Hey, King of Rock, you're out of your depth. 403 00:32:19,813 --> 00:32:21,523 Let me tell you something. 404 00:32:21,731 --> 00:32:25,026 Thank you, but I've recorded in Denmark. 405 00:32:25,235 --> 00:32:28,196 You wanna know what the problem is? 406 00:32:28,447 --> 00:32:31,700 Where are the fucking choruses? 407 00:32:31,908 --> 00:32:34,870 All your songs, you got no choruses. 408 00:32:35,120 --> 00:32:39,040 Your choruses are just another verse. What happened to "She loves You"? 409 00:32:39,541 --> 00:32:40,584 "She Loves You"? 410 00:32:40,834 --> 00:32:43,003 Yeah, the song started with the chorus. 411 00:32:43,211 --> 00:32:46,423 There is structure. That's how you build a song. 412 00:32:46,673 --> 00:32:51,803 The Beatles. That's been 40 years now and it makes me fucking sick! 413 00:32:52,053 --> 00:32:53,638 What is he, nuts? 414 00:32:53,889 --> 00:32:55,974 - Fuck this, man. - Where you going? 415 00:32:56,766 --> 00:32:59,769 I'm going to AA, you fucking jerk-off! 416 00:33:00,729 --> 00:33:02,397 - Get back to work. - Christopher! 417 00:33:02,564 --> 00:33:04,566 - Okay. - Come on, come on! 418 00:33:04,774 --> 00:33:06,735 Big man, huh? 419 00:33:13,241 --> 00:33:15,494 - Fuck! - You all right? 420 00:33:18,246 --> 00:33:21,917 What? What... Get back in the booth! 421 00:33:24,920 --> 00:33:27,130 So we take it from the top. 422 00:33:27,881 --> 00:33:29,883 We'll use a ukulele. 423 00:33:30,091 --> 00:33:31,760 I can't believe you! 424 00:33:32,093 --> 00:33:34,095 5,000 shares. 425 00:33:34,888 --> 00:33:36,932 Yes, American Biotics. 426 00:33:37,807 --> 00:33:40,018 Yeah, can you place the order today? 427 00:33:41,603 --> 00:33:44,689 Okay, great. I'll have the money to you by tomorrow. 428 00:33:45,690 --> 00:33:49,694 Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. 429 00:33:53,698 --> 00:33:57,160 - What, are you spying on people now? - I live here. 430 00:33:57,827 --> 00:33:59,496 You playing Wall Street now? 431 00:34:00,747 --> 00:34:04,042 Women are better savers than men. And we are nurturers. 432 00:34:04,960 --> 00:34:06,962 What do you know about the stock market? 433 00:34:07,295 --> 00:34:11,633 I keep my ears open. CNBC is a very interesting channel. 434 00:34:14,594 --> 00:34:17,055 Your father, God bless him, does very well. 435 00:34:17,305 --> 00:34:21,434 But who knows? What if something unforeseen should happen? 436 00:34:21,643 --> 00:34:24,521 What if he gets hit by a truck? I mean, then what? 437 00:34:24,813 --> 00:34:26,982 - I got you kids to think about. - I don't know. 438 00:34:27,190 --> 00:34:28,733 When you get married, you will. 439 00:34:29,484 --> 00:34:34,114 A woman has to keep her individuality. This here is a life lesson. 440 00:34:39,327 --> 00:34:40,537 Okay. 441 00:34:41,079 --> 00:34:44,541 Let's go to Georgette Klinger's. Massage, facial... 442 00:34:44,749 --> 00:34:47,669 ...jour de beauté. On me. 443 00:34:48,962 --> 00:34:50,130 Sure. 444 00:34:57,345 --> 00:34:59,472 - It's a lily. - Now, that's a shot. 445 00:34:59,681 --> 00:35:02,684 - "Ball runs like a frightened faun." - W.C. Fields. 446 00:35:02,934 --> 00:35:05,854 - That thing's still running! - This is a nice place. 447 00:35:06,104 --> 00:35:08,940 Didn't I tell you? We ought to make you a member. 448 00:35:09,190 --> 00:35:11,735 Tony, you ever play that place in Orlando? 449 00:35:11,943 --> 00:35:15,989 No, I never get down there. Well, Disneyworld. 450 00:35:16,489 --> 00:35:18,158 You know, Al's place. 451 00:35:18,992 --> 00:35:20,368 Mount Plymouth? 452 00:35:20,744 --> 00:35:22,579 - Al Capone built it. - No shit? 453 00:35:23,121 --> 00:35:27,917 - He was a golf fanatic, that's right. - So you guys watch A&E. 454 00:35:29,210 --> 00:35:33,923 Tony, let me ask you a question. If I'm stepping on toes, tell me. 455 00:35:34,174 --> 00:35:35,759 How real was The Godfather? 456 00:35:40,930 --> 00:35:42,766 I mean, in your opinion. 457 00:35:43,058 --> 00:35:46,311 - What do you mean, real? - Authentic or not. 458 00:35:47,312 --> 00:35:48,355 I don't know. 459 00:35:49,606 --> 00:35:52,776 How would I know? It was the '50s, right? 460 00:35:53,360 --> 00:35:57,489 - No, it wasn't. It was 1972. - No, the story took place in the '50s. 461 00:35:57,739 --> 00:36:00,617 Did you really have to cut your finger and take an oath? 462 00:36:08,833 --> 00:36:11,378 Like gridlock on Times Square today, isn't it? 463 00:36:11,628 --> 00:36:14,506 Traffic in Manhattan's worsened since "Don't block the box." 464 00:36:14,756 --> 00:36:17,384 You got a lot of friends in New York, Tony? 465 00:36:17,592 --> 00:36:19,761 - Yeah. - You ever go to Little Italy? 466 00:36:20,804 --> 00:36:23,264 San Gennaro, the feast with the kids. 467 00:36:23,515 --> 00:36:26,393 What do you think of when you hear Mulberry Street? 468 00:36:26,601 --> 00:36:28,770 - Umberto's. - Hey! All right! 469 00:36:30,438 --> 00:36:34,567 You ever see that picture of Galante dead, with a cigar in his mouth? 470 00:36:35,735 --> 00:36:38,947 - No. - It was a fucking beautiful hit. 471 00:36:41,616 --> 00:36:45,245 Sorry, Tony. You probably knew the guy, huh? 472 00:36:45,954 --> 00:36:47,706 How fucking old you think I am? 473 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:52,419 You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I gotta know. 474 00:36:52,627 --> 00:36:55,422 Did you ever meet John Gotti? 475 00:37:00,844 --> 00:37:02,971 Yeah. I knew John. 476 00:37:03,221 --> 00:37:04,639 Fuck! 477 00:37:05,849 --> 00:37:07,684 What was he really like? 478 00:37:13,273 --> 00:37:15,483 - Remember Bungalow Bar? - The ice cream trucks? 479 00:37:15,984 --> 00:37:19,320 Like Good Humor, except the trucks had bungalow roofs on. 480 00:37:20,947 --> 00:37:23,158 Was Gotti a silent partner in that? 481 00:37:23,324 --> 00:37:25,744 I don't know nothing about that. 482 00:37:25,952 --> 00:37:28,329 Just know that when the company folded... 483 00:37:28,621 --> 00:37:31,499 ...and they were auctioning off the last truck... 484 00:37:32,041 --> 00:37:35,003 ...the one with the peaked roofs, you're right, Cuse. 485 00:37:38,506 --> 00:37:41,134 When they were auctioning off the last truck... 486 00:37:41,342 --> 00:37:43,678 ...and I wanted it as a souvenir... 487 00:37:45,764 --> 00:37:47,056 ...Gotti outbid me. 488 00:37:51,269 --> 00:37:52,854 Gave me a ride home. 489 00:37:56,524 --> 00:38:00,779 You know, he rang that bell the whole way home? 490 00:38:12,957 --> 00:38:14,542 They're waving at us. 491 00:38:30,892 --> 00:38:32,393 Oh, I love this part. 492 00:38:40,235 --> 00:38:41,694 This is good. 493 00:38:51,287 --> 00:38:53,414 Some good guitar. Listen to that. 494 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:57,335 They got it going on. 495 00:38:57,710 --> 00:38:59,003 Yeah. 496 00:39:31,119 --> 00:39:32,245 So? 497 00:39:32,954 --> 00:39:34,747 Well, I think it's not good. 498 00:39:36,624 --> 00:39:38,251 Want to be more specific? 499 00:39:38,459 --> 00:39:40,670 There's good and not good. This is not good. 500 00:39:40,962 --> 00:39:43,172 Maybe it's not your era, no offense. 501 00:39:43,381 --> 00:39:46,801 Music is music. Talent is talent. I don't care who you are. 502 00:39:47,051 --> 00:39:51,556 I've seen them all. I saw heavy metal invented by Hendrix at the Cafe Wah. 503 00:39:51,764 --> 00:39:54,267 Kid just came out of the Army. I said to him: 504 00:39:54,475 --> 00:39:58,021 "I don't know if it's talent, charisma, magic, but you got it." 505 00:39:58,271 --> 00:40:01,399 These kids? They don't, sorry. 506 00:40:01,649 --> 00:40:03,776 You're just pissed about the sit-down. 507 00:40:04,110 --> 00:40:07,030 Get the fuck out of here and stop wasting my time. 508 00:40:07,280 --> 00:40:10,491 This Vito is a great fucking guitar player, Hesh. 509 00:40:10,700 --> 00:40:12,243 He's a great guitar player. 510 00:40:12,410 --> 00:40:14,370 However, there's one constant in music. 511 00:40:14,579 --> 00:40:17,582 A hit is a hit and this is not a hit! 512 00:40:17,790 --> 00:40:19,042 - Why? - Christ! 513 00:40:19,334 --> 00:40:23,004 For reasons we couldn't comprehend or codify, you pathetic schlepper! 514 00:40:23,171 --> 00:40:27,467 Fucking Massive is a genius, so what the fuck was he talking about? 515 00:40:27,800 --> 00:40:30,178 When I was a kid, there was this guy. 516 00:40:30,428 --> 00:40:31,846 We called him Jimmy Smash. 517 00:40:32,305 --> 00:40:34,182 Now, he wasn't retarded. 518 00:40:34,432 --> 00:40:39,354 But we thought he was because he had one of these whatchamacallits: 519 00:40:39,646 --> 00:40:42,815 "Hey, Jimmy, how the fuck are you?" 520 00:40:43,274 --> 00:40:45,693 - What do you call that? - Cleft palate. 521 00:40:45,902 --> 00:40:46,945 Yeah. 522 00:40:48,696 --> 00:40:53,826 Well, we was kids, right? So what the hell did we know? 523 00:40:54,118 --> 00:40:57,705 Every time he opened his mouth, we'd piss ourselves laughing. 524 00:40:58,665 --> 00:41:03,461 But Jimmy didn't mind because he got to hang out with us, the popular crew. 525 00:41:04,045 --> 00:41:05,713 We called him when we were bored. 526 00:41:06,714 --> 00:41:09,926 Call him and say, "Hey, Jimmy, sing 'Mack the Knife.'" 527 00:41:10,176 --> 00:41:13,680 Because he wanted to hang out with us, he'd belt it right out. 528 00:41:15,556 --> 00:41:18,101 We'd fucking roll on the floor, laughing. 529 00:41:21,437 --> 00:41:26,484 And then, you know, when the laughs got old, we stopped calling him. 530 00:41:28,569 --> 00:41:30,071 Wasn't until years later... 531 00:41:30,279 --> 00:41:33,157 ...I found out the poor prick went home every night... 532 00:41:33,408 --> 00:41:35,368 ...and cried himself to sleep. 533 00:41:40,498 --> 00:41:42,709 Then when I found out, you know... 534 00:41:43,292 --> 00:41:44,794 ...I felt bad. 535 00:41:48,089 --> 00:41:51,718 But I never really understood what he felt. 536 00:41:52,385 --> 00:41:54,220 To be used, you know... 537 00:41:54,470 --> 00:41:58,349 ...for somebody else's amusement like a fucking dancing bear. 538 00:41:59,017 --> 00:42:01,602 Till I played golf with those guys. 539 00:42:04,397 --> 00:42:06,816 You thought Cusamano was your friend. 540 00:42:08,609 --> 00:42:10,486 You live, you learn. 541 00:42:15,533 --> 00:42:17,452 Can I ask you a question? 542 00:42:19,287 --> 00:42:21,622 Whatever happened to Jimmy? 543 00:42:21,789 --> 00:42:25,710 Jimmy Smash? He's doing 20 for robbery. 544 00:42:26,711 --> 00:42:28,212 The cops knew who it was. 545 00:42:28,463 --> 00:42:32,341 He goes to the bank in a mask and goes, "Give me all your money!" 546 00:42:42,518 --> 00:42:44,854 Some fucker's on the phone for you. 547 00:42:49,692 --> 00:42:53,237 - Good morning, Herman. I'm listening. - Good. 548 00:42:53,446 --> 00:42:56,491 Don't miss what I have to say. I've been thinking about it. 549 00:42:56,824 --> 00:43:00,495 - Go on. - Find another schmuck to screw with. 550 00:43:00,703 --> 00:43:02,330 You do know what this means? 551 00:43:02,622 --> 00:43:05,458 Stupid enough to say it over the phone. Let's hear it. 552 00:43:05,666 --> 00:43:08,002 I don't threaten, Herman. I act. 553 00:43:08,211 --> 00:43:13,091 Genius, you're in way over your head. Why don't you back up a bit? 554 00:43:13,341 --> 00:43:15,676 You know, let sleeping dogs lie. 555 00:43:15,885 --> 00:43:17,678 Hey, Soprano. 556 00:43:17,845 --> 00:43:20,306 This is what I think about this gangsta rap shit: 557 00:43:20,515 --> 00:43:23,726 You probably got a degree in sociology from a city college. 558 00:43:23,976 --> 00:43:27,146 I grew up in the projects. Delta 13. 559 00:43:27,730 --> 00:43:29,232 Killed a man. 560 00:43:30,233 --> 00:43:33,653 Later on I got a degree, but urban planning. 561 00:43:34,529 --> 00:43:35,530 You were close. 562 00:43:35,738 --> 00:43:38,032 Now, when it comes to "Which is mightier... 563 00:43:38,241 --> 00:43:41,285 ...the pen or the motherfucking sword?"... 564 00:43:41,494 --> 00:43:43,162 ...I let the situation dictate. 565 00:43:43,496 --> 00:43:44,705 Don't press it. 566 00:43:44,872 --> 00:43:49,085 I'm gonna do my part to keep Mr. Rabkin's people working. 567 00:43:49,293 --> 00:43:50,461 What's that mean? 568 00:43:50,711 --> 00:43:53,881 Expect to hear from Goldstein, Baum and Woronov. 569 00:43:54,090 --> 00:43:56,384 They represent us in the lawsuit. 570 00:43:56,884 --> 00:43:57,927 You gonna sue? 571 00:43:58,177 --> 00:44:00,555 With what I pay in retainers? Fuck, yeah! 572 00:44:00,763 --> 00:44:01,889 I hear that. 573 00:44:02,056 --> 00:44:04,517 - Yeah, well... - Listen, tatteleh. 574 00:44:04,725 --> 00:44:09,313 Be advised that on your last single, you sampled the backing vocal... 575 00:44:09,564 --> 00:44:13,109 ...from the Chablis' 1968 song, "Riff Wit It"... 576 00:44:13,317 --> 00:44:16,487 ...for which F-Note Records controls the recording rights. 577 00:44:16,737 --> 00:44:18,906 - No shit. - Yes, shit. 578 00:44:19,198 --> 00:44:21,909 I would, of course, have to countersue. 579 00:44:22,410 --> 00:44:24,287 I'll see you in court. 580 00:44:25,413 --> 00:44:27,498 Fucking legal fees. 581 00:44:28,749 --> 00:44:32,587 What kind of melanzane are these? They call themselves gangsters. 582 00:44:32,920 --> 00:44:35,173 It's a new fucking day. 583 00:44:35,756 --> 00:44:37,758 Fucking depressing. 584 00:44:38,426 --> 00:44:40,803 Now, this is a Donatella Versace. 585 00:44:41,095 --> 00:44:42,096 Nice. 586 00:44:42,388 --> 00:44:44,724 You like it better than the Alaia? 587 00:44:50,479 --> 00:44:53,816 - Keep them both. - Christopher, $2400! 588 00:44:55,526 --> 00:44:59,697 - I don't think you really like it. - I like it. I like it. 589 00:45:08,915 --> 00:45:10,958 MTV Awards? 590 00:45:15,296 --> 00:45:16,297 What? 591 00:45:17,506 --> 00:45:18,925 Nothing. 592 00:45:19,800 --> 00:45:21,761 I thought that fight was over. 593 00:45:21,969 --> 00:45:24,472 You want me to take it back? No problem. 594 00:45:24,722 --> 00:45:26,974 No! Fuck, I want you to have it. 595 00:45:43,491 --> 00:45:46,327 You know how I use positive visualization? 596 00:45:46,577 --> 00:45:50,790 I know you talk about it. You're fairly negative a lot of the time. 597 00:45:51,374 --> 00:45:53,167 You should mentally prepare... 598 00:45:53,376 --> 00:45:56,837 ...for the fucking possibility that Visiting Day sucks. 599 00:45:59,548 --> 00:46:00,591 What? 600 00:46:00,841 --> 00:46:05,513 You've gotten this far with Massive because he wants to be in your pants. 601 00:46:07,348 --> 00:46:08,975 Boy, oh, boy. 602 00:46:10,017 --> 00:46:14,021 I let some experts listen to the demo. They shit all over it. 603 00:46:14,689 --> 00:46:18,401 Experts? Who? Hesh? That old fucking synagogue cantor? 604 00:46:18,693 --> 00:46:20,861 Silvio, he owned rock clubs in Asbury. 605 00:46:21,153 --> 00:46:24,156 You heard what Squid said. He's a professional engineer. 606 00:46:24,365 --> 00:46:28,911 What about my opinion? That it's good, that it's special? 607 00:46:35,543 --> 00:46:39,880 His eyes are on your ass 98 percent of the time. You know that. 608 00:46:41,382 --> 00:46:43,551 You're just trying to keep me down! 609 00:46:43,843 --> 00:46:45,052 That ain't fair! 610 00:46:45,303 --> 00:46:46,721 I don't want these clothes. 611 00:46:52,518 --> 00:46:55,521 What's wrong with it? What's wrong with Visiting Day? 612 00:46:55,730 --> 00:46:56,897 I don't know. 613 00:46:57,606 --> 00:47:01,360 It's a problem that you don't know. Richie, he'll sing anything. 614 00:47:01,652 --> 00:47:06,574 You just don't believe my relationship with Massive isn't based on fucking! 615 00:47:07,491 --> 00:47:09,410 It's based on intelligence. 616 00:47:09,577 --> 00:47:11,412 Respect. Talent! 617 00:47:11,579 --> 00:47:12,913 I'll shut up. 618 00:47:17,626 --> 00:47:19,628 You saying I don't have talent? 619 00:47:23,424 --> 00:47:28,095 I branched out, made new friends, new horizons and you can't stand that! 620 00:47:30,931 --> 00:47:34,268 Yeah, go silent. That's you: 621 00:47:34,435 --> 00:47:36,896 Either screaming your head off or fucking dead. 622 00:47:39,607 --> 00:47:41,734 I don't think I can stay here anymore. 623 00:47:48,366 --> 00:47:51,786 - I love you. - That is such a lie! 624 00:48:00,503 --> 00:48:03,464 - Hey, Carmela! - In here! 625 00:48:10,096 --> 00:48:11,347 I need a finger. 626 00:48:13,516 --> 00:48:15,976 - What's in the box? - Sand. 627 00:48:16,352 --> 00:48:17,812 I'm fucking with Cusamano. 628 00:48:18,312 --> 00:48:19,313 Tony! 629 00:48:19,980 --> 00:48:21,315 Beautiful! 630 00:48:21,524 --> 00:48:23,526 You're cute when you're a bad boy. 631 00:48:23,734 --> 00:48:25,903 You're awfully chipper today. 632 00:48:26,112 --> 00:48:29,323 - So what are you doing with the box? - Give it to him. 633 00:48:29,490 --> 00:48:34,328 - Tell him to hold onto it for a while. - Oh, Tony, that is so evil! 634 00:48:34,578 --> 00:48:36,997 Yeah, I know. That's why it's so much fun. 635 00:48:38,124 --> 00:48:39,959 Oh, God. 636 00:48:58,853 --> 00:49:02,690 Cuse! Cuse! Cuse! 637 00:49:02,982 --> 00:49:04,358 Come here. 638 00:49:06,360 --> 00:49:09,155 - Hey, Ton. How you doing? - Good, how you doing? 639 00:49:09,363 --> 00:49:12,450 Fine, thanks. Listen... 640 00:49:13,325 --> 00:49:15,161 ...you know, that nickname... 641 00:49:15,369 --> 00:49:17,163 What? Cuse? Cusamano! 642 00:49:17,371 --> 00:49:20,833 - It's got that other connotation... - No, no, not anymore. 643 00:49:21,125 --> 00:49:25,212 I need a little solid. I need you to hang onto this for a while for me. 644 00:49:27,256 --> 00:49:30,134 Hang onto it and I'll come get it when I need it. 645 00:49:30,801 --> 00:49:31,802 How long? 646 00:49:32,052 --> 00:49:35,347 A month. Maybe more, maybe less. 647 00:49:35,973 --> 00:49:38,225 - Okay? Thanks. - Yeah, sure. 648 00:49:39,351 --> 00:49:42,396 I meant to ask you about the club. What's going on? 649 00:49:42,605 --> 00:49:44,273 Oh, the club. 650 00:49:45,483 --> 00:49:49,278 I'm sorry, Ton. Membership's closed. 651 00:49:50,196 --> 00:49:52,364 - Closed? - Yeah. 652 00:49:53,282 --> 00:49:57,286 - No new members until old members die. - Nobody's dying? 653 00:49:58,621 --> 00:50:01,332 - Nothing we could do anything about. - No biggie, Cuse. 654 00:50:01,582 --> 00:50:02,833 - You sure? - Thanks. 655 00:50:03,083 --> 00:50:06,462 - I mean, because... - No. I'll live. 656 00:51:11,110 --> 00:51:14,029 Now, that's a hit. 657 00:51:26,417 --> 00:51:27,835 What is it? Heroin? 658 00:51:28,127 --> 00:51:32,172 Shit, Jean, I don't know. A weapon? I don't know. 659 00:51:33,924 --> 00:51:35,342 Could be anything. 660 00:51:38,554 --> 00:51:40,139 Don't touch it.