1 00:09:43,397 --> 00:09:46,192 There he is. Hey, Andy! Where you been? It's an all-hands function. 2 00:09:46,497 --> 00:09:48,690 Come here. I want you to meet Joanie. Joanie, this is Andy Tyler. 3 00:09:48,996 --> 00:09:51,155 Hello. My best friend. We went to Annapolis together. 4 00:09:51,463 --> 00:09:54,258 Nice to meet you. Hey, I got you one of Larson's stogies. 5 00:09:54,597 --> 00:09:56,495 To our navy's next sub skipper. Thank you. 6 00:09:58,797 --> 00:10:01,786 Lieutenant! Gonna hoist up a few beers with the enlisted boys later? 7 00:10:02,096 --> 00:10:03,824 You got it, Griggs. All right. 8 00:10:07,730 --> 00:10:10,423 Mr. Tyler! Mr. Tyler! Hmm? 9 00:10:10,697 --> 00:10:12,492 My mom is here visiting. Can I bring her over to meet you? 10 00:10:12,764 --> 00:10:15,821 Sure thing, Trigger. That's the lieutenant I was talking about. 11 00:10:22,797 --> 00:10:24,524 Lieutenant Tyler! 12 00:10:24,797 --> 00:10:28,251 Hello there, Prudence, Louise. Mrs. Dahlgren, Captain. 13 00:10:28,597 --> 00:10:31,392 Where's your date, Andy? It's not like you to arrive stag. 14 00:10:31,664 --> 00:10:35,061 I'm afraid I couldn't get one on such short notice, ma'am. 15 00:10:35,363 --> 00:10:37,090 Captain, could I have a word with you? 16 00:10:37,363 --> 00:10:40,329 Certainly. Darling, will you excuse us? Okay. 17 00:10:40,630 --> 00:10:42,391 Be right back. 18 00:10:47,797 --> 00:10:50,627 ? 19 00:10:55,397 --> 00:10:57,260 I didn't get my boat. 20 00:10:57,597 --> 00:10:59,358 I know. 21 00:10:59,630 --> 00:11:02,460 With all due respect, sir, there's only one way that could've happened, 22 00:11:02,830 --> 00:11:05,660 and that's if you withheld your recommendation. 23 00:11:05,963 --> 00:11:09,452 That's right. I just don't think you're ready. 24 00:11:09,764 --> 00:11:13,059 What do you mean, I'm not ready? 25 00:11:13,363 --> 00:11:17,852 Sir, I have worked my tail off on the S-33. I'm qualified in every area and then some. 26 00:11:18,163 --> 00:11:20,629 No executive officer has higher marks than I do. Andy! 27 00:11:23,030 --> 00:11:25,825 You're just not ready to take on a command of your own. 28 00:11:29,130 --> 00:11:33,358 Now I've made my decision. It's done. 29 00:11:36,930 --> 00:11:39,556 Mr. Tyler. How you doing, sir? 30 00:11:41,497 --> 00:11:44,985 Having a good time? Hell, yeah, Chief. 31 00:11:45,297 --> 00:11:49,423 How about you? I'm looking forward to getting underway. 32 00:11:49,697 --> 00:11:51,924 I'm a sea dog. Need some salt, sir. 33 00:11:56,163 --> 00:11:58,595 He torpedoed me, Chief. 34 00:11:58,896 --> 00:12:01,953 Nine months aboard the S-33, 35 00:12:02,297 --> 00:12:05,263 doing the best job I know how. 36 00:12:05,597 --> 00:12:07,563 Doing everything once and then doing it again, 37 00:12:07,930 --> 00:12:11,862 just to make sure I didn't miss anything the first time. 38 00:12:12,163 --> 00:12:15,254 You'll get your chance, sir. There's other commands in the navy. 39 00:12:20,163 --> 00:12:24,323 - You knew? - 40 00:12:24,597 --> 00:12:26,495 Didn't warn me. 41 00:12:30,397 --> 00:12:32,329 Ain't my place, sir. 42 00:12:32,664 --> 00:12:34,493 Club's secured! Time to go! 43 00:12:34,829 --> 00:12:37,795 44 00:12:38,130 --> 00:12:40,358 Let's go. Get out. Everyone out. 45 00:12:40,630 --> 00:12:42,925 Come on, let's go. 46 00:12:43,263 --> 00:12:45,229 What's the meaning of this, Sergeant? 47 00:12:45,530 --> 00:12:48,462 You the senior man? That's right. I'm the X.O. Of the S-33. 48 00:12:48,763 --> 00:12:51,195 These men have a 48-hour liberty pass. 49 00:12:51,497 --> 00:12:53,724 No, sir, not no more. 50 00:13:38,263 --> 00:13:41,922 What the hell are those yardbirds doing to my boat? 51 00:13:42,230 --> 00:13:43,957 Looks like a goddamn Nazi submarine. 52 00:13:44,230 --> 00:13:48,026 Hey, Andy. This is a fine navy day. 53 00:13:51,963 --> 00:13:56,487 They wouldn't give me five minutes to consummate my marriage. Five minutes! 54 00:13:56,796 --> 00:13:59,762 What's going on here? Hell if I know. Put your cover on. 55 00:14:00,063 --> 00:14:02,188 Yes, sir. 56 00:14:02,497 --> 00:14:04,894 Mr. Tyler, call the crew to quarters. Aye, Captain. 57 00:14:05,197 --> 00:14:10,459 Quarters! Everybody fall in! Let's get in formation now! 58 00:14:10,696 --> 00:14:13,219 Let's go! Now! Formation! 59 00:14:13,564 --> 00:14:17,087 Prepare crew three. Muster with First Lieutenant. 60 00:14:17,430 --> 00:14:20,157 Prepare crew three. Muster with First Lieutenant. 61 00:14:20,430 --> 00:14:23,021 Captain Dahlgren, all crew members present and accounted for, sir! 62 00:14:23,363 --> 00:14:25,192 Very well. At ease. 63 00:14:27,430 --> 00:14:31,691 I'm sorry your liberty's been cut short, but our schedule's changed. 64 00:14:31,963 --> 00:14:36,225 We have two hours to get stowed for sea and set the maneuvering watch. 65 00:14:36,530 --> 00:14:40,155 Mr. Larson, have your torpedo men load the tubes with their four best fish. 66 00:14:40,430 --> 00:14:43,862 Mr. Emmett, warm up the diesels and line up a battery charge. 67 00:14:44,096 --> 00:14:47,994 Mr. Tyler, we have dry stores, ordnance and perishables to get belowdecks. 68 00:14:49,896 --> 00:14:54,488 Gentlemen, it's our turn. That's all. 69 00:14:54,796 --> 00:14:58,058 Attention! 70 00:14:58,363 --> 00:15:00,090 Aye, Captain. 71 00:15:02,596 --> 00:15:05,495 Crew dismissed! You heard the man! Stores load! 72 00:15:05,796 --> 00:15:09,853 You got six seconds to get on your boondockers and dungarees and turn to! 73 00:15:10,163 --> 00:15:11,890 Mr. Tyler, is this for real, or is it a drill? 74 00:15:12,163 --> 00:15:13,890 "It's our turn"... what does that mean? 75 00:15:14,163 --> 00:15:16,720 I thought we had a two-day liberty pass. What's going on? 76 00:15:16,963 --> 00:15:21,986 I don't know, but I'm gonna find out. Get your jobs done now. 77 00:15:22,330 --> 00:15:25,091 All off-going duty officers, report to the dock. 78 00:15:25,363 --> 00:15:28,624 Captain Dahlgren, could you fill me in on what's going on, sir? 79 00:15:28,930 --> 00:15:30,896 We're obviously not going to the Caribbean Station. 80 00:15:31,197 --> 00:15:33,924 No, we're not. We're going on a special op. 81 00:15:34,197 --> 00:15:37,560 You'll be briefed with Mr. Emmett and Mr. Larson once we get underway. 82 00:15:37,863 --> 00:15:40,489 Aye, sir. Andy, listen. 83 00:15:40,796 --> 00:15:42,591 I'm gonna need the very best from you on this run, 84 00:15:42,896 --> 00:15:45,657 regardless of any differences you may have with me. 85 00:15:45,930 --> 00:15:48,089 Are we clear on that? 86 00:15:48,397 --> 00:15:50,726 Yes, sir. Good. 87 00:15:50,963 --> 00:15:55,759 Now go find Radioman Wentz and quietly escort him to the materiel office. 88 00:16:02,530 --> 00:16:05,325 Mr. Tyler. How are you, son? 89 00:16:05,596 --> 00:16:09,290 I'm fine, Admiral Duke. What brings you up here? 90 00:16:09,563 --> 00:16:11,529 He does. That's Lieutenant Hirsch. 91 00:16:11,829 --> 00:16:13,692 He's gonna be riding your boat. 92 00:16:13,996 --> 00:16:18,429 You're not working for Sublant on this run. Mr. Hirsch has operational control. 93 00:16:18,729 --> 00:16:21,491 He's the boss. Anything he wants, he gets. 94 00:16:26,330 --> 00:16:28,057 Fine. 95 00:16:29,796 --> 00:16:31,523 Is this him? 96 00:16:51,596 --> 00:16:53,324 Yes, sir. 97 00:17:28,996 --> 00:17:32,894 He'll do. Thank you, Wentz. That's all for now. 98 00:17:33,163 --> 00:17:38,425 Lieutenant, prepare the boat to get underway. Aye, sir. Admiral. 99 00:17:44,629 --> 00:17:47,323 Mr. Tyler, please, 100 00:17:47,596 --> 00:17:50,585 don't tell the other guys I'm half German. 101 00:17:50,896 --> 00:17:52,623 They'll hate me. 102 00:17:54,096 --> 00:17:56,459 Yeah, sure thing, Wentz. 103 00:17:59,197 --> 00:18:02,458 Prepare crew three. Muster with First Lieutenant. 104 00:18:02,663 --> 00:18:05,891 Prepare crew three. Muster with First Lieutenant. 105 00:18:14,363 --> 00:18:16,794 Duty Officer Lane to the paint shop. 106 00:18:17,096 --> 00:18:18,823 Duty Officer to the paint shop. 107 00:18:21,496 --> 00:18:23,519 You all right, Mr. Tyler? 108 00:18:27,230 --> 00:18:29,457 Tiptop, Eddie. Tiptop. 109 00:18:33,663 --> 00:18:35,891 Wanna thank you for that liberty pass. 110 00:18:39,197 --> 00:18:40,924 My girl thanks you too. 111 00:18:42,529 --> 00:18:44,552 You're a good man, Mr. Tyler. 112 00:18:44,896 --> 00:18:48,124 Heart's in the right place. 113 00:18:48,429 --> 00:18:50,657 Just need to give it some time. 114 00:18:54,829 --> 00:18:57,057 Yeah, I heard about what happened to you. 115 00:18:59,529 --> 00:19:03,461 That's one of the advantages of bein' seen and... not bein' seen. 116 00:19:05,096 --> 00:19:08,584 You'd be surprised some of the shit we mess-doers hear. 117 00:19:08,863 --> 00:19:12,125 Boy, don't go droppin' my eggs. 118 00:19:12,396 --> 00:19:14,158 Damn. Excuse me, Mr. Tyler. 119 00:19:14,462 --> 00:19:18,122 Look, all you gotta do is pick 'em up with both hands, boy, both hands! 120 00:19:21,030 --> 00:19:22,859 Tyler! 121 00:19:23,197 --> 00:19:25,992 When the hell were you gonna tell me? I hear this from the chief. 122 00:19:26,263 --> 00:19:29,229 What do you want me to say? He shit-canned me. 123 00:19:29,529 --> 00:19:31,257 Now you're gonna transfer to another boat. 124 00:19:31,529 --> 00:19:34,495 Excuse me. Can either one of you two tell me where I can find the exec of this thing? 125 00:19:34,796 --> 00:19:37,887 Yeah, that's me, mac. Move your truck. We'll unload shortly. 126 00:19:38,197 --> 00:19:41,129 You'll unload it now. Here's the manifest. 127 00:19:41,429 --> 00:19:43,452 Get those crates belowdecks. Who the hell are you? 128 00:19:43,696 --> 00:19:47,719 Marine Major Coonan, Office of Naval Intelligence. I'm goin' to sea with you boys. 129 00:19:48,063 --> 00:19:52,291 That's my luggage. You got a problem, talk to Mr. Hirsch. 130 00:20:10,663 --> 00:20:12,561 Clear! Cast off all lines forward! 131 00:20:12,863 --> 00:20:14,886 Cast off forward! Take in all lines aft. 132 00:20:15,197 --> 00:20:16,924 Cast off aft! 133 00:20:18,729 --> 00:20:22,059 Rudder amidships, all ahead one-third. 134 00:20:22,396 --> 00:20:24,692 All ahead one-third! 135 00:21:17,796 --> 00:21:19,160 Bridge hatch shut. 136 00:21:19,462 --> 00:21:22,394 Engine room, secure the diesels. Shift propulsion to the battery. 137 00:21:22,629 --> 00:21:24,959 Engine room, secure diesels, shift propulsion to the battery. 138 00:21:25,262 --> 00:21:26,990 Main induction indicates shut. Aye. 139 00:21:27,296 --> 00:21:28,626 Green board, Skipper. Very well. 140 00:21:28,963 --> 00:21:31,690 Passing the 100-fathom curve. On course, on time, sir. 141 00:21:31,963 --> 00:21:34,690 Engine room reports secured diesels, propulsion switched to battery. 142 00:21:34,996 --> 00:21:38,484 Very well. All ahead two-thirds. All ahead two-thirds, aye. 143 00:21:38,796 --> 00:21:42,956 Mr. Emmett, take her down. Make her depth 1-5-0 feet, ten degree down bubble. 144 00:21:43,229 --> 00:21:45,752 One-five-zero feet, ten degree down bubble. Aye, sir. 145 00:21:46,063 --> 00:21:49,086 Chief of the watch, sound the dive alarm. Pass the word to 1 MC. 146 00:21:49,396 --> 00:21:51,692 Open the main ballast tank vents. Aye, sir, passing the word. 147 00:21:54,462 --> 00:21:56,189 Dive, dive, dive. 148 00:21:57,896 --> 00:22:00,021 Sir, main ballast tank vents indicate open. 149 00:22:00,362 --> 00:22:04,090 Aye. Both planes dive, 15 degrees. Both planes dive, 15 degrees. 150 00:22:06,196 --> 00:22:08,287 All clear! 151 00:22:08,629 --> 00:22:11,891 Decks awash. Decks awash. Aye, sir. 152 00:22:39,296 --> 00:22:42,228 First time on a submarine? 153 00:22:42,563 --> 00:22:44,290 That's right. 154 00:22:46,796 --> 00:22:48,523 Six-zero feet. 155 00:22:51,796 --> 00:22:54,159 Lower the scope. 156 00:22:56,629 --> 00:22:59,891 Captain, engine room reports minor flooding from shaft seals and brine pump. 157 00:23:00,162 --> 00:23:03,526 - Bilge is at 18 inches and rising. - Very well. 158 00:23:04,996 --> 00:23:06,859 How deep does this thing go? 159 00:23:07,162 --> 00:23:09,924 She'll go all the way to the bottom if we don't stop her. 160 00:23:10,196 --> 00:23:12,685 Normally we try not to get below 150 feet. 161 00:23:13,030 --> 00:23:14,825 Any deeper, the leaks overwhelm the pumps. 162 00:23:15,162 --> 00:23:17,628 These S-boats are antiques, 163 00:23:17,930 --> 00:23:19,657 older than most of the crew. 164 00:23:22,596 --> 00:23:24,994 One-zero-zero feet. Aye. 165 00:23:30,763 --> 00:23:32,490 Excuse me, Mr. Emmett. 166 00:23:34,829 --> 00:23:36,556 Put a pipe patch on it, lash it with marline. 167 00:23:36,763 --> 00:23:40,923 The yard can fix it when we get back to port. Aye, sir. 168 00:23:41,229 --> 00:23:46,628 Relax, gentlemen. She's old, but she'll hold. 169 00:23:49,596 --> 00:23:51,391 Last night, at 0300 hours, 170 00:23:51,696 --> 00:23:55,389 a British destroyer reported depth charging and sinking a German U-boat. 171 00:23:55,663 --> 00:23:57,891 However, some time thereafter, 172 00:23:58,162 --> 00:24:02,424 Allied direction finding stations triangulated a coded enemy radio signal... 173 00:24:02,696 --> 00:24:05,685 to this position here, near the chop line. 174 00:24:05,996 --> 00:24:08,587 We believe the U-boat was disabled, not sunk, 175 00:24:08,863 --> 00:24:11,454 and is drifting eastward on a four-knot current. 176 00:24:11,729 --> 00:24:14,593 Now, French resistance reported a resupply submarine... 177 00:24:14,930 --> 00:24:18,021 sailed from the Lorient U-boat pens yesterday afternoon, 178 00:24:18,329 --> 00:24:20,056 with engine parts and mechanics. 179 00:24:20,329 --> 00:24:23,625 We believe it's gonna rendezvous with the disabled U-boat. 180 00:24:25,296 --> 00:24:28,319 On board that U-boat is this. 181 00:24:32,095 --> 00:24:35,459 - A typewriter? - An Enigma code machine. 182 00:24:35,763 --> 00:24:39,286 It allows the German navy to communicate with its submarines in secret, 183 00:24:39,596 --> 00:24:43,494 and our inability to decipher their messages is costing us this war. 184 00:24:43,729 --> 00:24:48,423 Mr. Coonan? All right, this is basically a Trojan Horse operation. 185 00:24:48,729 --> 00:24:53,320 The S-33 will rendezvous with the U-boat, posing as the German resupply sub. 186 00:24:53,596 --> 00:24:57,323 I will lead a boarding party dressed in Kriegsmarine uniforms to the enemy submarine. 187 00:24:57,629 --> 00:25:00,424 We will take it by force and secure the Enigma. 188 00:25:00,696 --> 00:25:04,389 Any German survivors will be transferred to the S-33, and the U-boat will be scuttled. 189 00:25:04,663 --> 00:25:07,128 The German resupply submarine will arrive at the rendezvous... 190 00:25:07,429 --> 00:25:10,418 and will assume that the U-boat succumbed to its wounds and sank. 191 00:25:10,729 --> 00:25:12,820 The Germans must never suspect we have the Enigma. 192 00:25:13,129 --> 00:25:15,721 That is vital. So it's a race? 193 00:25:15,963 --> 00:25:18,428 Yes, effectively. Who's the boarding party? 194 00:25:18,729 --> 00:25:20,786 Well, since you're the X.O., you, sir. 195 00:25:21,129 --> 00:25:23,960 Mr. Emmett, Mr. Larson, Mr. Hirsch and nine of your ship's company. 196 00:25:24,296 --> 00:25:27,126 The captain, of course, will remain onboard the S-33. 197 00:25:27,462 --> 00:25:33,053 Mr. Coonan, our boys are submarine sailors, not combat Marines. 198 00:25:33,329 --> 00:25:35,124 The boys onboard that U-boat are sailors too. 199 00:25:35,396 --> 00:25:39,158 Your men'll be ready, Lieutenant. I'll train them myself. 200 00:25:39,429 --> 00:25:42,190 You've come to the right boat. 201 00:26:53,496 --> 00:26:55,519 202 00:27:06,296 --> 00:27:08,762 Ahoy! Friends! 203 00:27:09,095 --> 00:27:13,391 Stop! We have many wounded! 204 00:27:13,696 --> 00:27:17,492 Take us prisoner, please! We'll be no trouble. 205 00:27:20,162 --> 00:27:22,788 Give us a hand! 206 00:27:35,929 --> 00:27:38,259 We need water... and food! 207 00:27:42,962 --> 00:27:44,690 We just want to get home! 208 00:27:49,429 --> 00:27:54,157 Give us a hand! 209 00:27:54,429 --> 00:27:56,452 We have no... 210 00:28:23,496 --> 00:28:26,621 I'm telling you, she was hotter than Dorothy Lamour. 211 00:28:26,929 --> 00:28:30,861 Really? Yeah, I could tell she was interested, 212 00:28:31,162 --> 00:28:33,321 but she was classy, you know? 213 00:28:33,629 --> 00:28:36,493 The type of girl that wants you to take her to a country club dance. 214 00:28:36,729 --> 00:28:39,695 Yeah? Like you've ever seen the inside of a country club? Hey! 215 00:28:40,029 --> 00:28:42,824 Like I'd even want to, all right? 216 00:28:43,095 --> 00:28:46,323 Anyway, I can see I'm not getting anywhere with her, 217 00:28:46,596 --> 00:28:50,289 so what I do is, I use my secret weapon. 218 00:28:50,596 --> 00:28:53,585 I tell her about the S-26. Does the trick right away. 219 00:28:53,895 --> 00:28:56,952 Don't be talking about that while we're underway. 220 00:28:57,262 --> 00:28:59,490 Why? What happened with the S-26? Yeah, what happened? 221 00:28:59,762 --> 00:29:03,388 You guys don't know? No. No. 222 00:29:05,029 --> 00:29:08,791 She was running a test dive down off Norfolk. 223 00:29:09,029 --> 00:29:11,325 Shaft seal failed. 224 00:29:11,596 --> 00:29:14,789 She sunk to 400 feet. 225 00:29:15,095 --> 00:29:17,856 Know how much water pressure there is that deep? 226 00:29:32,929 --> 00:29:35,952 Mazzola, you will be the first one eating powdered eggs on this cruise. 227 00:29:36,262 --> 00:29:39,490 Keep it up, you hear? 228 00:29:44,929 --> 00:29:46,657 Come in. 229 00:29:52,663 --> 00:29:55,958 This is our position, Captain. We're still bucking some pretty heavy seas. 230 00:29:56,329 --> 00:29:59,625 I estimate us to be about three hours behind schedule. 231 00:29:59,929 --> 00:30:02,157 I told Mr. Emmett to run at flank speed and hold off a trim dive... 232 00:30:02,429 --> 00:30:06,156 until we make up the lost time. That's fine, Lieutenant. 233 00:30:08,529 --> 00:30:11,154 You're a first-rate X.O., Andy. 234 00:30:11,462 --> 00:30:13,189 A damn good submariner. 235 00:30:16,296 --> 00:30:18,761 I know the men like you. 236 00:30:19,062 --> 00:30:20,857 I'd give my life for any one of them, sir. 237 00:30:21,162 --> 00:30:25,151 I know you would. I'm not questioning your bravery. 238 00:30:25,496 --> 00:30:27,723 The question is: What about their lives? 239 00:30:30,362 --> 00:30:33,089 You and Mr. Emmett are good friends. 240 00:30:33,362 --> 00:30:36,260 You went to the Academy together. 241 00:30:36,563 --> 00:30:39,358 Would you be willing to sacrifice his life? 242 00:30:39,662 --> 00:30:42,458 Or what about some of the younger enlisted men? 243 00:30:42,762 --> 00:30:45,887 You know, a lot of those guys look up to you like a big brother. 244 00:30:46,196 --> 00:30:48,059 You willing to lay their lives on the line? 245 00:30:51,396 --> 00:30:54,089 You see? You hesitate. 246 00:30:54,396 --> 00:30:57,521 But as a captain, you can't. 247 00:30:57,828 --> 00:30:59,657 You have to act. 248 00:30:59,995 --> 00:31:02,790 If you don't, you put the entire crew at risk. 249 00:31:03,129 --> 00:31:07,459 Now that's the job. It's not a science. 250 00:31:07,762 --> 00:31:12,354 You have to be able to make hard decisions, based on imperfect information. 251 00:31:12,628 --> 00:31:16,186 Asking men to carry out orders that may result in their deaths. 252 00:31:16,496 --> 00:31:21,792 And if you're wrong, you suffer the consequences. 253 00:31:22,029 --> 00:31:25,325 If you're not prepared to make those decisions... 254 00:31:25,628 --> 00:31:30,493 without pause, without reflection, 255 00:31:30,828 --> 00:31:33,658 then you've got no business being a submarine captain. 256 00:31:39,695 --> 00:31:42,923 Tell Mr. Hirsch I'd like a word with him, would you? 257 00:31:46,162 --> 00:31:47,889 Aye, sir. 258 00:32:51,462 --> 00:32:54,723 More soup, Captain? Thank you. 259 00:32:55,029 --> 00:32:57,927 I wish I was going with you, gentlemen. 260 00:32:58,229 --> 00:33:01,093 I feel the same way you do, Carson. 261 00:33:01,396 --> 00:33:03,918 Gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast. 262 00:33:04,162 --> 00:33:06,094 To the officers and crew of the S-33... 263 00:33:06,429 --> 00:33:09,792 and our distinguished guests, Mr. Hirsch and Mr. Coonan. 264 00:33:10,129 --> 00:33:13,493 - Success, gentlemen! - Success. - Success. 265 00:33:16,795 --> 00:33:19,784 Captain Dahlgren, sir? What is it, Wentz? 266 00:33:20,095 --> 00:33:23,323 Chief says we've picked up a radar contact at 0-7-0. 267 00:33:23,595 --> 00:33:26,323 Very well. Mr. Larson? 268 00:33:42,695 --> 00:33:44,661 Signal lamp off the starboard bow! 269 00:33:48,129 --> 00:33:49,856 I see it. 270 00:33:51,962 --> 00:33:56,122 Pass the word along: Submarine sighted off the starboard bow. 271 00:33:56,396 --> 00:33:58,225 Stand by to man battle stations. Aye, sir. 272 00:34:01,162 --> 00:34:03,219 All right, here we go. One last time. 273 00:34:03,528 --> 00:34:08,223 Lieutenant Tyler's raft gets from the conning tower aft. My raft gets the gun crew. 274 00:34:08,461 --> 00:34:10,586 And no one... no one... shoots till I shoot first. 275 00:34:10,862 --> 00:34:12,828 You read me? Yes, sir. 276 00:34:13,162 --> 00:34:16,821 Outstanding. Lock and load. 277 00:34:26,129 --> 00:34:27,856 It'll be all right, son. 278 00:34:32,495 --> 00:34:36,450 Captain, I estimate the German resupply sub has a 14-knot speed of advance. 279 00:34:36,762 --> 00:34:39,751 My latest plot puts them at 12 hours away, sir. Very well, Mr. Larson. 280 00:34:40,062 --> 00:34:43,960 Captain, the boarding party's ready, sir. Await your go-ahead. 281 00:34:44,196 --> 00:34:47,559 Put her low in the water. I wanna give that U-boat as little silhouette as we can. 282 00:34:49,728 --> 00:34:52,160 Sir? Prepare to disembark the boarding party. 283 00:34:52,495 --> 00:34:54,223 Aye, Captain. 284 00:34:57,662 --> 00:34:59,753 If this thing goes south, 285 00:35:00,062 --> 00:35:02,119 I will blow that Nazi boat right out of the water. 286 00:35:02,428 --> 00:35:04,656 Understood, sir. Very well. 287 00:35:34,495 --> 00:35:36,427 All set, Captain. 288 00:35:36,728 --> 00:35:38,455 Now you listen to me. 289 00:35:38,728 --> 00:35:41,024 You get them their damn trophy and get the hell outta there. 290 00:35:41,329 --> 00:35:45,159 - Aye, sir. - The boys are gonna be fine. 291 00:35:46,628 --> 00:35:48,992 I know they will, sir. 292 00:35:51,862 --> 00:35:52,793 Good luck, Andy. 293 00:35:52,962 --> 00:35:53,655 Good luck, Andy. 294 00:35:55,162 --> 00:35:56,889 Godspeed, Skipper. 295 00:37:31,962 --> 00:37:36,291 Easy, Mr. Hirsch. We're almost there. 296 00:37:36,595 --> 00:37:38,493 We'll bushwhack 'em real good. 297 00:37:43,595 --> 00:37:47,221 All right, we got 12 men topside, three on the bridge, 298 00:37:47,495 --> 00:37:50,053 four on the foredeck, five aft. 299 00:37:50,361 --> 00:37:53,555 Now remember: Both rafts need to be tied up... 300 00:37:53,828 --> 00:37:56,726 before we move. 301 00:37:59,995 --> 00:38:02,222 Jesus H. Christ. They got machine guns. 302 00:38:02,428 --> 00:38:04,587 Steady, gentlemen. 303 00:38:04,895 --> 00:38:06,622 Wait for the signal. 304 00:38:21,528 --> 00:38:23,255 Mr. Hirsch. 305 00:38:34,428 --> 00:38:36,156 Mr. Hirsch. 306 00:38:38,628 --> 00:38:40,594 - Hello the boat, you asshole. - Shut up. 307 00:38:50,995 --> 00:38:53,460 Goddamn you, Hirsch, say something. 308 00:40:16,762 --> 00:40:20,455 Let's go! Board this thing! Get out of the rafts! 309 00:40:23,929 --> 00:40:27,190 Conning tower! Move, move! 310 00:40:30,695 --> 00:40:32,661 Clear the conning tower now! 311 00:40:35,461 --> 00:40:37,689 - - Another one there! 312 00:40:39,261 --> 00:40:42,352 - Griggs is hit! - Get him off! 313 00:40:46,528 --> 00:40:49,892 Move, move! Trigger, on the back! 314 00:40:53,029 --> 00:40:54,824 Griggs! Griggs! 315 00:40:55,128 --> 00:40:57,094 We gotta get inside! Griggs! 316 00:40:57,428 --> 00:40:59,724 Chief, Tank, come down now! 317 00:41:01,662 --> 00:41:03,389 Ready? 318 00:41:04,762 --> 00:41:06,853 Quick, open it! Fire! 319 00:41:09,662 --> 00:41:12,924 Tyler, let's go! Inside! 320 00:41:13,195 --> 00:41:15,627 Cover your men! Go, go! 321 00:41:21,161 --> 00:41:23,320 Don't let 'em close it. Don't let 'em close it! 322 00:41:45,195 --> 00:41:48,719 Two, three, four, five. Shut it. 323 00:41:49,028 --> 00:41:51,654 Let's go. Go! Get down! Go! 324 00:41:51,962 --> 00:41:53,894 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! 325 00:42:03,595 --> 00:42:08,857 Get off him, get off him! Don't move, don't move! Get back, get back! 326 00:42:09,195 --> 00:42:11,559 Just drop it! Drop it! 327 00:42:20,562 --> 00:42:22,391 Get 'em outta here! Get 'em outta here! 328 00:42:22,695 --> 00:42:25,058 Did they hit you? I'm okay, sir. 329 00:42:30,261 --> 00:42:32,954 Stern team, go! Bow team, go! 330 00:42:38,728 --> 00:42:40,955 I'm outta clips, sir. You go ahead. 331 00:42:42,828 --> 00:42:44,851 - Rabbit! - All right, get 'em outta here. 332 00:42:45,161 --> 00:42:48,855 Get 'em outta here! Let's go! Get down! Down, down, down, down! Get down! 333 00:42:49,128 --> 00:42:52,026 All right, who's the captain? Huh? Who's the captain? 334 00:42:52,328 --> 00:42:56,192 Kapitan? How about you, ugly? You the captain, huh? 335 00:42:56,495 --> 00:42:59,290 Trigger, if anybody moves, you shoot 'em right here in the forehead, understand? 336 00:42:59,595 --> 00:43:01,026 Yes, sir! All right. 337 00:43:19,261 --> 00:43:21,784 Hirsch, we got it. 338 00:44:26,328 --> 00:44:28,817 Get down, down! 339 00:44:29,128 --> 00:44:33,117 - Down there! - Down, down! 340 00:44:33,428 --> 00:44:36,258 Rabbit, check the bilge for a scuttling charge. Give me your weapon! 341 00:44:36,562 --> 00:44:38,959 Move, sailor, move! Aye, sir! 342 00:44:41,695 --> 00:44:44,252 Goddamn it, stay there. 343 00:44:47,228 --> 00:44:50,023 - Hirsch, I think we got the code books! - That ink's running. Dry it. 344 00:44:52,461 --> 00:44:56,450 It's water soluble. Yeah, use the blankets, use the blankets. 345 00:44:58,528 --> 00:45:00,959 Nothing but pipes and valves, Mr. Emmett. 346 00:45:01,261 --> 00:45:03,318 Bow compartment secure. 347 00:45:26,428 --> 00:45:29,758 Bunch of Marys. 348 00:45:32,261 --> 00:45:35,625 How you doing? You're number ten. There you go. 349 00:45:37,295 --> 00:45:40,318 You having a good night? Uh-huh. 350 00:45:40,628 --> 00:45:42,786 Ain't gonna be none too happy you lost his boat. 351 00:45:43,094 --> 00:45:45,390 Lucky number eleven, let's go! 352 00:45:45,695 --> 00:45:50,150 It's your first time looking at a black man, ain't it? 353 00:45:50,395 --> 00:45:52,156 Get used to it. 354 00:45:52,428 --> 00:45:54,916 Let's go! Get over here! 355 00:46:27,628 --> 00:46:31,355 All right, hurry it up. It's gonna be sunup in an hour. 356 00:47:10,662 --> 00:47:15,321 - Fuse is burning, sir. - All right, she's burning! Let's get this raft loaded! 357 00:47:15,595 --> 00:47:18,186 Let's move! 358 00:47:18,495 --> 00:47:21,620 Sir, we got all the prisoners transferred to the S-33. 359 00:47:21,928 --> 00:47:23,655 Very well. 360 00:47:30,261 --> 00:47:32,658 Hey, Andy. 361 00:47:32,961 --> 00:47:35,587 Make sure you got everything! Get it in the raft! 362 00:47:35,928 --> 00:47:38,156 Get everything belowdecks. Let's go! 363 00:48:20,495 --> 00:48:22,393 Everybody, belowdecks! Get down! 364 00:48:22,694 --> 00:48:24,819 Chief, take her down! Aye, sir! 365 00:48:25,128 --> 00:48:26,889 Let's go, Hirsch! The Enigma! 366 00:48:32,627 --> 00:48:35,526 Trigger! Grab hold! 367 00:48:39,594 --> 00:48:42,822 Trigger! Attaboy! 368 00:48:47,827 --> 00:48:52,192 - Got it! - Help me! Help me! Oh, no! No! 369 00:49:00,761 --> 00:49:03,556 We gotta get outta here! There's still men in the water. 370 00:49:03,861 --> 00:49:06,020 Let's go! Chief, there's still men in the water. 371 00:49:06,328 --> 00:49:09,623 - Go! - 372 00:49:14,694 --> 00:49:17,990 Andy! Andy! 373 00:49:18,295 --> 00:49:22,556 Go! Dive! 374 00:49:24,694 --> 00:49:26,490 Dive! 375 00:49:26,794 --> 00:49:30,851 Take her down! Take her down! 376 00:49:32,461 --> 00:49:34,188 Dive! 377 00:49:38,727 --> 00:49:41,353 378 00:49:42,627 --> 00:49:44,855 Tyler, let's go! 379 00:50:35,328 --> 00:50:38,317 - Chief, you find those vents? - Everything's in German! 380 00:50:38,627 --> 00:50:43,151 Rabbit, get to the torpedo room. Where's the goddamn 1 MC? Trigger, get on the helm! 381 00:50:43,460 --> 00:50:45,449 Mazzola, take the planes! Aye, sir. 382 00:50:45,761 --> 00:50:47,556 Wentz, what about these? I don't know. 383 00:50:47,761 --> 00:50:51,488 There's no label! Okay, those are the aft ballast tanks vents! 384 00:50:51,761 --> 00:50:54,591 These are the midship vents, and these are the main induction valves. 385 00:50:54,894 --> 00:50:57,724 Make sure they're shut. Tank, I need speed! 386 00:50:58,061 --> 00:50:59,856 Get the screws turning. 387 00:51:00,161 --> 00:51:03,252 The lights are on, so there's got to be some power left. I can't read this! 388 00:51:03,594 --> 00:51:07,118 Rabbit, find out how many fish we've got in the tubes! Figure out how to launch 'em! 389 00:51:07,427 --> 00:51:09,053 Go! I can't read this! 390 00:51:09,361 --> 00:51:14,588 Go help Tank, Hirsch. Go, Hirsch! Find the Christmas tree. 391 00:51:14,861 --> 00:51:17,089 We've gotta make sure we don't have any holes in the boat! 392 00:51:17,361 --> 00:51:19,792 "Klar, klar, klar." Wentz, what the hell is "klar"? 393 00:51:20,094 --> 00:51:23,856 "Klar" means "clear." All compartments secure. 394 00:51:24,061 --> 00:51:28,084 White for green? No holes in the ship! Dive the boat! White for green. 395 00:51:28,427 --> 00:51:31,484 Opening ballast vents! Opening midship valves! 396 00:51:31,827 --> 00:51:33,554 Opening midship vents! 397 00:51:42,994 --> 00:51:46,858 This is forward trim, aft trim. These are auxiliaries. 398 00:51:47,161 --> 00:51:50,127 Main motor. Auxiliary, auxiliary. 399 00:52:04,128 --> 00:52:06,253 This is in meters. Everything's in meters. 400 00:52:06,561 --> 00:52:08,652 Passing 15 meters. 401 00:52:08,994 --> 00:52:10,755 Recommend shutting main vents! 402 00:52:11,028 --> 00:52:14,687 - Make it so! Wentz, get in the sound room! - Yes, sir! 403 00:52:14,961 --> 00:52:17,518 Make depth 20 meters. Depth 20 meters, aye. 404 00:52:17,827 --> 00:52:20,884 - Chief, take the dive! - I have the dive. 405 00:52:21,195 --> 00:52:25,456 At 20 meters. Bow planes at zero. Control your depth with the stern planes. 406 00:52:25,761 --> 00:52:28,057 Bow planes at zero. Controlling down with the stern planes. 407 00:52:28,261 --> 00:52:31,193 Oh, shit. All ahead full, sir! 408 00:52:31,494 --> 00:52:33,824 Batteries are flat and draining fast! 409 00:52:34,161 --> 00:52:37,422 Mr. Tyler, I hear the S-33 breaking up. Wait. 410 00:52:37,727 --> 00:52:40,989 I hold a submerged U-boat, 0-1-0. 411 00:52:41,295 --> 00:52:43,284 Real close. Less than 1,000 yards. 412 00:52:43,594 --> 00:52:46,788 Goddamn resupply sub. What's our heading? Two-eight-zero, sir! 413 00:52:47,061 --> 00:52:49,686 All right, right full rudder! Steady on 0-1-0! 414 00:52:49,994 --> 00:52:52,824 Aye, sir! Right full rudder. Steady on course 0-1-0. 415 00:52:53,128 --> 00:52:55,685 Tank, starboard back full. Rabbit, get back to me. 416 00:52:55,994 --> 00:52:57,857 Starboard back full. Aye, sir. 417 00:53:03,527 --> 00:53:06,425 - Watch your depth. She'll squat. - Rabbit! 418 00:53:08,861 --> 00:53:11,326 We got four fish. Tubes are flooded, but I can't open the doors until I'm equalized. 419 00:53:11,661 --> 00:53:14,388 I can't find the valve! Wentz, help Rabbit! 420 00:53:14,694 --> 00:53:18,149 Enemy submarine close aboard. Torpedo in the water. Torpedo in the water! 421 00:53:18,460 --> 00:53:20,358 All right, belay that. Wentz, stay where you are! 422 00:53:20,661 --> 00:53:22,559 Hirsch, hotfoot it to the torpedo room! 423 00:53:25,594 --> 00:53:28,026 Helm, mark your head every ten degrees. Aye, sir. 424 00:53:28,327 --> 00:53:31,851 - Now passing 3-2-0. - Turn, baby, turn. Turn! 425 00:53:34,128 --> 00:53:38,492 Equalizing valves. Holy shit! What's what? This is crazy. I can't equalize the tubes! 426 00:53:38,794 --> 00:53:40,623 What do you need? 427 00:53:40,928 --> 00:53:43,258 Equalizing valves! Equalizing valves! Valve? 428 00:53:43,561 --> 00:53:47,119 Gyro? No, drainage. Drainage. No. 429 00:53:47,460 --> 00:53:49,824 Now passing 0-0-0. 430 00:53:50,161 --> 00:53:53,422 Swing, you bastard, swing. 431 00:53:53,694 --> 00:53:56,217 Chief, stand by in case we have to flood forward trim. 432 00:54:01,694 --> 00:54:04,387 Impulse? Differential... Pressure differential? No. 433 00:54:04,661 --> 00:54:06,388 Turn 'em! Yes, turn 'em! Which way? 434 00:54:06,661 --> 00:54:09,286 Counterclockwise. 435 00:54:17,061 --> 00:54:18,924 Torpedo missed. It's in our baffles. 436 00:54:21,994 --> 00:54:23,823 Two more torpedoes in the water! 437 00:54:24,161 --> 00:54:28,218 Best bearing to the U-boat: 0- 1-0. 438 00:54:28,527 --> 00:54:30,356 Aye, Rabbit, get ready to fire a spread. 439 00:54:30,661 --> 00:54:33,991 Tubes one and two. Zero gyro. Fire! 440 00:54:34,294 --> 00:54:36,283 Rabbit, fire! 441 00:54:36,594 --> 00:54:38,151 442 00:54:38,460 --> 00:54:40,358 What's going on? 443 00:54:40,594 --> 00:54:43,856 What is that? Wrong one! The fish is stuck! 444 00:54:44,161 --> 00:54:47,957 - We missed an interlock. - Rabbit, get those fish out before they blow! 445 00:54:48,227 --> 00:54:50,023 Look for "impulse air" or "firing air." 446 00:54:50,327 --> 00:54:53,021 That was "impulse" there and there! 447 00:54:56,861 --> 00:55:00,520 One, two, away. Lining up tubes three and four. 448 00:55:00,794 --> 00:55:03,056 Three and four, fire! 449 00:55:09,494 --> 00:55:12,017 All fish running hot, straight and normal. 450 00:55:41,194 --> 00:55:42,922 I think they all missed, sir. 451 00:55:57,061 --> 00:55:58,424 Shit. 452 00:56:03,761 --> 00:56:06,727 U-boat's breaking up! 453 00:56:07,028 --> 00:56:09,619 I hear bulkheads collapsing. 454 00:56:13,427 --> 00:56:15,154 The 33 boat, Mr. Tyler. 455 00:56:22,661 --> 00:56:24,889 Let's take her up and look for survivors, Chief. 456 00:56:25,160 --> 00:56:27,217 Give me some rise on the planes! Rise on the planes, aye. 457 00:56:27,561 --> 00:56:29,288 Deploy main ballast! 458 00:56:50,594 --> 00:56:53,116 Gotcha. 459 00:57:14,127 --> 00:57:15,855 Oh, crap. 460 00:57:22,961 --> 00:57:25,984 Help! 461 00:57:26,260 --> 00:57:28,283 Help! 462 00:57:28,561 --> 00:57:31,027 Please! Help! 463 00:57:31,327 --> 00:57:33,088 Help! Help! 464 00:58:09,460 --> 00:58:12,187 Do you speak English? 465 00:58:12,460 --> 00:58:15,085 English. Do you speak English? 466 00:58:15,427 --> 00:58:19,416 What's your rank? What do you do? 467 00:58:19,727 --> 00:58:22,818 What's your job? Your job. 468 00:58:23,127 --> 00:58:26,423 "Job." 469 00:58:31,928 --> 00:58:37,292 You're an electrician. Good. You can us help squeeze more juice out of them batteries. 470 00:58:40,027 --> 00:58:41,721 Sir, I see the skipper. 471 00:58:55,761 --> 00:58:56,283 Battery's dead. Whatever juice was left we used up when we maneuvered. 472 00:58:56,460 --> 00:59:00,790 Battery's dead. Whatever juice was left we used up when we maneuvered. 473 00:59:01,093 --> 00:59:02,821 What about the diesels? 474 00:59:03,093 --> 00:59:06,116 Starboard's a wreck. We need the dry dock to fix it. 475 00:59:06,394 --> 00:59:09,121 Port side diesel's the good news. Whoever the Krauts had on it... 476 00:59:09,360 --> 00:59:11,519 didn't know a piston head from his sister's titty. 477 00:59:11,827 --> 00:59:13,554 I think I can fix it. 478 00:59:13,861 --> 00:59:17,258 Okay, Tank. Do what you can. 479 00:59:17,594 --> 00:59:19,321 Yes, sir. 480 00:59:20,928 --> 00:59:22,860 All right. Listen up. 481 00:59:23,160 --> 00:59:26,024 We've decided on a course. 482 00:59:26,327 --> 00:59:28,054 We're headin' for England, Land's End. 483 00:59:28,327 --> 00:59:32,316 It's the closest, besides occupied France. 484 00:59:32,627 --> 00:59:34,354 Rabbit, how many torpedoes do we have? 485 00:59:34,627 --> 00:59:39,116 Just one. It's in the stern tube, which is busted, bleedin' air from somewhere. 486 00:59:39,427 --> 00:59:42,825 - Sir? - Yeah, what is it, Trigger? 487 00:59:43,060 --> 00:59:45,185 Can't we just use the radio... 488 00:59:45,494 --> 00:59:47,460 fire off a Mayday and wait for a rescue? 489 00:59:47,794 --> 00:59:49,487 That's impossible. 490 00:59:49,794 --> 00:59:52,589 If we transmit, the Germans will direction-find our position to a grid... 491 00:59:52,894 --> 00:59:54,984 with their missing two U-boats. 492 00:59:55,327 --> 00:59:58,816 If they even suspect we have the Enigma, they will change their entire coding system. 493 00:59:59,127 --> 01:00:02,321 And that would completely negate the purpose of our mission. 494 01:00:02,594 --> 01:00:04,355 Mr. Tyler, 495 01:00:04,627 --> 01:00:06,354 if we head for England, 496 01:00:06,627 --> 01:00:08,456 we're gonna go straight through the western approaches. 497 01:00:08,761 --> 01:00:14,455 He's right. I mean, that's Jerry's backyard. Listen, guys. 498 01:00:14,661 --> 01:00:17,422 It's full of U-boats. And we've got nothing to defend ourselves with. 499 01:00:17,694 --> 01:00:20,751 Do you think I got all the answers here? 500 01:00:21,093 --> 01:00:24,889 Think I know how we're gonna get out of this? I don't. I don't know how. 501 01:00:25,227 --> 01:00:28,751 - I say we use the radio. - Nobody asked you. 502 01:00:29,093 --> 01:00:31,821 - We use the radio and take our chances. - I said can it. 503 01:00:32,093 --> 01:00:34,184 - It's what the captain would have done... - Captain's dead. 504 01:01:53,761 --> 01:01:57,124 This is crazy. 505 01:01:57,427 --> 01:01:59,256 This whole thing is crazy... 506 01:01:59,594 --> 01:02:01,685 riskin' our lives over a typewriter. 507 01:02:02,027 --> 01:02:05,755 It's not a typewriter. The hell it ain't. It's got buttons like a typewriter. 508 01:02:06,027 --> 01:02:10,789 Yeah, well, it's not. Whatever it is, it's crazy we get killed over it. 509 01:02:11,093 --> 01:02:13,082 The navy says it's important, it's important. 510 01:02:13,394 --> 01:02:17,156 The navy says it's more important than you, him, me, fine. 511 01:02:17,427 --> 01:02:20,222 We're gonna die trying. 512 01:02:20,494 --> 01:02:23,426 And that ain't crazy. That's our job. 513 01:02:25,260 --> 01:02:28,953 What I don't understand, Chief, is how come you're not in charge? 514 01:02:29,160 --> 01:02:32,490 Scuttlebutt is Dahlgren was kicking Tyler out of the navy anyway, and... 515 01:02:34,260 --> 01:02:36,748 You stow that shit right now, sailor. 516 01:02:37,093 --> 01:02:41,923 Lieutenant Tyler is your commanding officer, and you will respect that man as such. 517 01:02:42,294 --> 01:02:45,055 Do you understand? Yes, Chief. 518 01:03:33,127 --> 01:03:34,786 Look at them sons of bitches. 519 01:03:37,561 --> 01:03:39,493 You know my pop was a fisherman? 520 01:03:39,826 --> 01:03:44,316 He had this old 60-footer he'd run all over the gulf. 521 01:03:44,661 --> 01:03:47,717 Noisy two-stroke diesel. 522 01:03:48,027 --> 01:03:49,925 Rotten to the gunnels, that thing. 523 01:03:50,227 --> 01:03:54,886 I could scrub that deck three times a day, and it still stunk like fish. 524 01:03:55,160 --> 01:03:59,456 And I swore I'd never skipper a boat like that, Chief. 525 01:04:01,427 --> 01:04:04,188 Hmm, I saw myself... 526 01:04:04,494 --> 01:04:06,789 standin' on the bridge of a battleship. 527 01:04:09,127 --> 01:04:11,218 A real sea captain. 528 01:04:11,527 --> 01:04:13,958 Mr. Tyler, permission to speak freely? 529 01:04:15,494 --> 01:04:17,323 Of course, Chief. 530 01:04:17,660 --> 01:04:20,126 This is the navy, 531 01:04:20,460 --> 01:04:23,914 where a commanding officer is a mighty and terrible thing... 532 01:04:24,227 --> 01:04:25,954 a man to be feared and respected. 533 01:04:26,227 --> 01:04:29,750 All knowing, all powerful. 534 01:04:30,060 --> 01:04:33,515 Don't you dare say what you said to the boys back there again... "I don't know." 535 01:04:33,826 --> 01:04:38,486 Those three words will kill a crew, dead as a depth charge. 536 01:04:38,793 --> 01:04:40,656 You're the skipper now, 537 01:04:40,893 --> 01:04:44,587 and the skipper always knows what to do, whether he does or not. 538 01:04:48,660 --> 01:04:51,626 - Aircraft off the port bow! - Shit! 539 01:05:02,394 --> 01:05:05,155 Real sorry, sir. It dropped right out of the clouds. 540 01:05:05,427 --> 01:05:07,586 Rabbit, Trigger, stand by the flak gun. 541 01:05:07,893 --> 01:05:09,859 Sir. Sir. 542 01:05:10,194 --> 01:05:13,648 It's German. Looks like long-range reconnaissance. 543 01:05:13,893 --> 01:05:17,257 What the hell's it doing way out here? 544 01:05:22,660 --> 01:05:25,183 Jesus, here it comes. All right. Sit tight. 545 01:05:25,527 --> 01:05:29,084 As far as he knows, we're all playing on the same team. Everybody wave. 546 01:05:29,394 --> 01:05:31,689 Wave? 547 01:05:31,993 --> 01:05:34,857 Sir, we're sittin' ducks. If we shoot first, we can blow 'em out of the sky. 548 01:05:35,160 --> 01:05:39,785 We miss, he's gonna radio us in. That plane's gonna be the least of our problems. 549 01:05:40,060 --> 01:05:41,855 This is crazy. You're gonna get us killed. 550 01:05:51,394 --> 01:05:55,190 He's comin' around. He's comin' around! 551 01:06:00,160 --> 01:06:01,955 He's attacking! Rabbit, do something! 552 01:06:02,260 --> 01:06:04,522 Mazzola, shut up. Rabbit, ignore him. Do something! 553 01:06:04,793 --> 01:06:07,657 He's coming straight for us! He's coming right at us! Do something! 554 01:06:07,960 --> 01:06:10,051 Acknowledge me, Seaman Parker. What are you waiting for? 555 01:06:10,360 --> 01:06:12,655 Yeah, Rabbit! Shoot him! Seamen Parker, I'm ordering you! 556 01:06:12,960 --> 01:06:15,426 Do not fire that weapon! Get your finger off that trigger! 557 01:06:15,726 --> 01:06:17,954 Pull the trigger! Pull the trigger! 558 01:06:18,260 --> 01:06:20,123 We're gonna die! Do it! Do it! 559 01:06:20,360 --> 01:06:23,258 Come on! Goddamn it, can't you see him? 560 01:06:29,394 --> 01:06:32,224 What the hell are you doin', huh? 561 01:06:32,560 --> 01:06:34,924 This is not a goddamn democracy! 562 01:06:37,494 --> 01:06:40,221 Mr. Tyler, I see a mast on the horizon! 563 01:06:44,626 --> 01:06:47,457 Shit! That's a Nazi destroyer. 564 01:06:47,760 --> 01:06:51,522 That plane must have been runnin' a recon screen for it. 565 01:06:51,826 --> 01:06:55,452 Clear the bridge! Chief, secure the diesel and dive the ship! 566 01:06:55,660 --> 01:06:57,888 Dive the ship! Aye, sir! 567 01:07:54,459 --> 01:07:58,415 We don't have a green board. The engine room's not ready. 568 01:07:58,760 --> 01:08:00,487 Vents won't open We lost hydraulics. 569 01:08:00,693 --> 01:08:04,387 Tank, secure the diesel and rig the engine room for dive! 570 01:08:04,660 --> 01:08:07,649 Tank, acknowledge! 571 01:08:07,993 --> 01:08:11,221 Goddamn it! Mazzola, go see what the hell's going on back there. 572 01:09:20,294 --> 01:09:23,260 Drop it, you Nazi son of a bitch! Drop it! 573 01:09:32,560 --> 01:09:36,118 Goddamn it. 574 01:09:36,426 --> 01:09:38,358 I'm real sorry, Mr. Tyler. 575 01:09:38,693 --> 01:09:41,386 Took me right off my feet. 576 01:09:41,593 --> 01:09:43,923 Listen to me. You've got to secure the diesel. 577 01:09:44,227 --> 01:09:46,749 And find out why the vent valves won't open now! 578 01:09:47,093 --> 01:09:49,354 Yes, sir. Goddamn it! 579 01:09:49,626 --> 01:09:52,115 Eddie, get this son of a bitch out of here. Chain him to the bunks. 580 01:09:52,459 --> 01:09:56,721 Make sure his hands and feet are secure. Put him into submission! 581 01:09:56,993 --> 01:09:59,925 Lieutenant, we have a problem! Take care of it, Eddie. 582 01:10:07,927 --> 01:10:09,859 Oh, shit. 583 01:10:18,493 --> 01:10:21,425 Tell Tank to finish those repairs. The destroyer is sending a launch. 584 01:10:21,760 --> 01:10:23,851 He needs five minutes, Mr. Tyler! 585 01:10:24,194 --> 01:10:26,160 We don't have five minutes, Chief. 586 01:10:26,493 --> 01:10:29,584 Lieutenant, the deck cannon... If we fire a shell below the water line... 587 01:10:29,893 --> 01:10:34,416 It wouldn't do a goddamn thing. No, that tub could take a hundred shells. 588 01:10:34,726 --> 01:10:37,487 What we need is a working torpedo, which we do not have. 589 01:10:37,760 --> 01:10:41,249 Trigger, stand by on the flak gun. When I give the word, turn that launch into driftwood. 590 01:10:41,560 --> 01:10:45,186 Yes, sir. Gonna find out who we are in about 60 seconds. 591 01:10:50,393 --> 01:10:54,291 Trigger, ready on that weapon? Chief, tell Tank he has one minute... 592 01:10:54,626 --> 01:10:56,751 and get Wentz and Rabbit up here with the machine gun. 593 01:10:58,927 --> 01:11:01,518 Hirsch, what happens when they find out we're not German? 594 01:11:01,826 --> 01:11:04,917 After they shoot us as spies, they'll radio into headquarters. 595 01:11:05,227 --> 01:11:07,818 They'll tell them the Enigma's been compromised. 596 01:11:09,760 --> 01:11:13,158 What if we take out their radio, before they can notify anyone about us? 597 01:11:13,459 --> 01:11:16,653 How? With that deck gun. 598 01:11:16,927 --> 01:11:19,757 It's gonna be one hell of a shot, but we can do it. 599 01:11:20,027 --> 01:11:23,118 Then we dive like hell, and we get under them quick. 600 01:11:23,426 --> 01:11:27,586 We lure 'em a little bit closer to the continent, in range of Allied air cover. 601 01:11:27,893 --> 01:11:31,586 Then we call in an air strike. Yeah, we call in an air strike. 602 01:11:33,060 --> 01:11:35,890 Son of a bitch cut off pressure to the hydraulics. 603 01:11:36,194 --> 01:11:38,421 We need to find the stop valve. 604 01:11:44,093 --> 01:11:45,422 Damn! 605 01:11:48,560 --> 01:11:51,856 See that structure topside with the big antenna sticking out of it? 606 01:11:52,193 --> 01:11:54,523 Yes, sir. That's the radio shack. 607 01:11:54,760 --> 01:11:58,783 You and Wentz get on the deck. On my command, put a shell right through the porthole. 608 01:12:01,160 --> 01:12:05,149 Get to it, gentlemen. Get to it. Yes, sir! 609 01:12:23,593 --> 01:12:26,491 Tell them to go away, Mr. Hirsch. 610 01:12:37,626 --> 01:12:41,183 - Talk to me, Rabbit! - Deck gun manned and ready in all respects, sir! 611 01:12:41,493 --> 01:12:43,322 Fire! 612 01:12:50,126 --> 01:12:51,888 613 01:12:58,826 --> 01:13:00,382 Clear the deck! 614 01:13:00,626 --> 01:13:02,785 All right. 615 01:13:04,293 --> 01:13:06,225 616 01:13:19,793 --> 01:13:20,816 Come on! 617 01:13:26,993 --> 01:13:30,254 Dive! Dive! Dive! Dive! 618 01:13:43,860 --> 01:13:47,121 Come on. Why aren't we diving? Repairs aren't complete, sir. 619 01:13:47,426 --> 01:13:49,790 Eddie, man the planes. Tank, all ahead full. Aye, sir! 620 01:13:50,126 --> 01:13:53,115 Aye, sir! Manning planes! All ahead full, aye! 621 01:13:53,426 --> 01:13:57,188 Nice shot, Rabbit. That radio's history. 622 01:14:03,059 --> 01:14:05,321 Come on. 623 01:14:07,293 --> 01:14:09,885 We're heading right towards them. That's right. 624 01:14:10,193 --> 01:14:12,819 Their deck guns can't get to us if we're in close enough. 625 01:14:13,159 --> 01:14:16,125 Let's hope we can dive and clear her keel. 626 01:14:29,860 --> 01:14:33,053 That's it. Hydraulics restored! 627 01:14:33,326 --> 01:14:35,849 Thank you, Tank. That did it. We're going under. 628 01:14:46,126 --> 01:14:48,820 Passing five meters. 629 01:14:57,459 --> 01:14:59,789 Passing ten meters. 630 01:15:06,560 --> 01:15:08,788 Fifteen meters. 631 01:15:36,760 --> 01:15:38,817 Twenty meters. 632 01:16:13,326 --> 01:16:15,849 Trigger, left full rudder. 633 01:16:20,193 --> 01:16:21,920 Tank, all ahead two-thirds. 634 01:16:31,426 --> 01:16:33,153 Contact maneuvering. 635 01:16:37,092 --> 01:16:39,024 Heavy cavitation. 636 01:16:41,126 --> 01:16:44,320 - Splashes. - Shit. 637 01:17:56,726 --> 01:17:59,658 Step away from that bulkhead, Mr. Hirsch. 638 01:18:01,426 --> 01:18:04,256 The shock wave from one of these explosions can snap your spine. 639 01:18:10,825 --> 01:18:13,758 Chief, you ever been depth charged? 640 01:18:15,092 --> 01:18:18,490 Once, off Murmansk, 641 01:18:18,793 --> 01:18:20,849 back in World War I. 642 01:18:21,159 --> 01:18:25,818 One charge came so close, it rattled four teeth out of the skipper's head. 643 01:18:37,026 --> 01:18:38,754 Wasn't even close. 644 01:18:40,293 --> 01:18:45,816 645 01:18:46,092 --> 01:18:48,853 Control, starboard E-motor's seized up. 646 01:18:49,126 --> 01:18:51,422 The German must have sabotaged it. 647 01:18:51,693 --> 01:18:53,420 Goddamn it. 648 01:18:56,493 --> 01:19:00,891 There's no way we make it to Allied air cover creepin' along on one shaft. 649 01:20:05,926 --> 01:20:08,721 Get down! 650 01:20:56,892 --> 01:21:00,188 Eddie, help Chief. 651 01:21:01,493 --> 01:21:03,220 Ye-Yes, sir. 652 01:21:10,926 --> 01:21:13,415 Mr. Chief, I got that. 653 01:21:15,725 --> 01:21:18,816 Tank... you alive back there? 654 01:21:20,259 --> 01:21:22,020 Yes, sir. 655 01:21:22,293 --> 01:21:26,725 Good. Port ahead two-thirds. 656 01:21:28,393 --> 01:21:31,223 Port ahead two-thirds. Aye, sir. 657 01:21:57,159 --> 01:22:00,818 Tank... can you fix the stern tube? 658 01:22:02,759 --> 01:22:04,782 I don't know, Mr. Tyler. 659 01:22:05,126 --> 01:22:07,853 I don't want an "I don't know." 660 01:22:08,126 --> 01:22:12,649 Can you fix the torpedo tube? Yes... or no? 661 01:22:14,692 --> 01:22:17,318 Yes, sir. I think I can. 662 01:22:17,625 --> 01:22:19,353 Thank you, Tank. 663 01:22:19,625 --> 01:22:23,388 Chief, make depth 1-6-0 meters. 664 01:22:26,059 --> 01:22:28,957 That's more than 500 feet. 665 01:22:31,792 --> 01:22:33,520 Take us down, Chief. 666 01:22:36,526 --> 01:22:38,458 Aye, sir. 667 01:22:38,792 --> 01:22:40,520 One-six-zero meters. 668 01:22:40,792 --> 01:22:44,588 Twenty degrees dive, both planes. Twenty degrees dive, aye, sir. 669 01:22:46,126 --> 01:22:48,149 Mr. Tyler, sir, 670 01:22:48,459 --> 01:22:51,357 uh, do you plan on going up against a destroyer... 671 01:22:51,659 --> 01:22:54,625 with only one fish in the tube and a busted motor? 672 01:22:54,926 --> 01:22:57,324 Yes, I am, Eddie. 673 01:22:57,659 --> 01:23:00,125 How wise is that, Lieutenant? Not very. 674 01:23:00,359 --> 01:23:03,882 But have a look. Chief. 675 01:23:04,193 --> 01:23:06,125 There is no way a two-knot submarine... 676 01:23:06,426 --> 01:23:10,949 can get in firing position against a 30-knot destroyer unless we go deep. 677 01:23:11,293 --> 01:23:13,384 At 160 meters, 678 01:23:13,692 --> 01:23:16,454 we can shoot out a bunch of junk from the forward tubes. 679 01:23:16,725 --> 01:23:19,589 It will resurface and create a debris field. 680 01:23:19,892 --> 01:23:21,881 Now the destroyer's gonna go to the center of that debris field, 681 01:23:22,193 --> 01:23:24,488 shut off its engines to make it real nice and quiet... 682 01:23:24,792 --> 01:23:27,224 and do an acoustic search to make sure we're dead. 683 01:23:27,525 --> 01:23:30,356 But we're not. See, we're here, 684 01:23:30,692 --> 01:23:33,284 on our way up to periscope depth. 685 01:23:33,525 --> 01:23:36,321 All right, principle of ascent velocity. 686 01:23:36,592 --> 01:23:39,490 Our positive buoyancy pulls us up and away from the destroyer. 687 01:23:39,825 --> 01:23:42,723 And when we surface, we'll be showing it our ass at 700 yards. 688 01:23:43,059 --> 01:23:47,219 That is a perfect setup for a stern shot on a stationary target. 689 01:23:47,492 --> 01:23:48,322 Boom. It don't get much prettier than that. 690 01:23:48,492 --> 01:23:51,288 Boom. It don't get much prettier than that. 691 01:23:53,426 --> 01:23:55,153 All right, Mr. Tyler. 692 01:23:55,426 --> 01:23:58,687 All right. Passing 1-3-0 meters. 693 01:23:58,992 --> 01:24:01,583 Very well. Rabbit, 694 01:24:01,892 --> 01:24:04,619 I need you to load Mazzola's body into tube three... 695 01:24:04,926 --> 01:24:08,324 and put an escape jacket onto him to make sure he floats. 696 01:24:08,559 --> 01:24:10,548 Wanna shoot him out like garbage? 697 01:24:18,559 --> 01:24:21,821 His body is gonna save our lives. 698 01:24:22,092 --> 01:24:24,683 I'll say a few words for him. 699 01:24:24,992 --> 01:24:28,424 Hirsch, go with Rabbit. Eddie, can you man both planes? 700 01:24:28,725 --> 01:24:31,691 Yes, sir. Mr. Tyler. Yeah. 701 01:24:31,992 --> 01:24:34,423 If you can't take out that destroyer, 702 01:24:34,725 --> 01:24:37,248 the danger is not that some of us may die. 703 01:24:37,592 --> 01:24:39,558 It's that some of us may live. 704 01:24:42,092 --> 01:24:45,455 These men have seen and heard things... 705 01:24:45,759 --> 01:24:47,520 that must not be revealed to the enemy... 706 01:24:49,193 --> 01:24:51,159 our secrets, 707 01:24:51,492 --> 01:24:53,481 such as our radar capabilities... 708 01:24:53,825 --> 01:24:56,121 and our understanding of German encryption. 709 01:24:58,026 --> 01:25:01,958 If we fall into German hands alive, we will be tortured without mercy. 710 01:25:02,259 --> 01:25:05,384 Either you succeed in sinking that ship... 711 01:25:05,692 --> 01:25:08,817 or you must see to it that none of us survive... 712 01:25:09,126 --> 01:25:10,853 to be captured. 713 01:25:43,592 --> 01:25:46,649 We commend his soul to God... 714 01:25:46,926 --> 01:25:49,085 and commit his body to the deep. 715 01:25:56,725 --> 01:25:59,987 Mr. Tyler, contact is zigging. 716 01:26:02,725 --> 01:26:04,248 Splashes. 717 01:26:06,792 --> 01:26:08,917 Contact getting closer. 718 01:26:09,226 --> 01:26:12,090 More splashes. 719 01:26:22,725 --> 01:26:27,419 Tank, line up to pump engine room bilge to sea. 720 01:26:27,725 --> 01:26:29,418 Yes, sir. 721 01:26:43,592 --> 01:26:45,319 Rabbit, 722 01:26:46,992 --> 01:26:48,719 fire the tubes. 723 01:26:50,859 --> 01:26:52,586 Bye, Mazzola. 724 01:28:07,926 --> 01:28:10,221 They're setting them charges too shallow. 725 01:29:30,625 --> 01:29:32,853 Secure that air valve! 726 01:29:47,158 --> 01:29:50,556 Chief, what's our depth? 727 01:29:50,892 --> 01:29:54,086 One-six-zero meters. 728 01:29:55,525 --> 01:29:58,150 Zero the planes. Zero the planes. 729 01:29:58,458 --> 01:30:02,618 Splashes! 730 01:30:02,892 --> 01:30:04,687 They're too close together! 731 01:30:04,959 --> 01:30:07,016 I can't count them. 732 01:30:16,559 --> 01:30:18,286 Chief, 733 01:30:20,158 --> 01:30:21,852 take us to 200 meters. 734 01:30:24,292 --> 01:30:27,850 We're gonna get under these damn things. 735 01:30:29,592 --> 01:30:31,319 Chief, 736 01:30:32,592 --> 01:30:34,820 take us to 200 meters. 737 01:30:41,225 --> 01:30:42,953 Aye, sir. 738 01:30:49,425 --> 01:30:51,721 Making my depth 200 meters. 739 01:30:52,026 --> 01:30:54,457 Ten degrees dive, both planes. 740 01:30:54,792 --> 01:30:56,519 Ten degrees dive. Aye. 741 01:31:20,025 --> 01:31:22,048 One-seven-zero meters. 742 01:31:34,725 --> 01:31:36,452 Tank, 743 01:31:36,725 --> 01:31:39,486 what's the status on the stern torpedo tube? 744 01:31:39,759 --> 01:31:43,555 There's a couple things wrong. I can operate the muzzle door, 745 01:31:43,859 --> 01:31:45,984 but I'm still working on the impulse air. 746 01:31:46,292 --> 01:31:48,588 One-eight-zero meters. 747 01:31:50,792 --> 01:31:54,485 Mr. Tyler, depth gauge back here says 180 meters. 748 01:31:54,725 --> 01:31:57,714 Thanks, Tank. I know. 749 01:31:59,559 --> 01:32:01,650 Keep working. 750 01:32:13,625 --> 01:32:15,853 One-nine-zero meters. 751 01:32:36,358 --> 01:32:40,518 Two-hundred meters. Zero the planes. 752 01:32:40,792 --> 01:32:42,519 Zero the planes, aye. Zero the planes. 753 01:33:45,991 --> 01:33:48,822 Mary, mother of God. 754 01:33:53,292 --> 01:33:55,815 Those Krauts sure know how to build a boat. 755 01:34:04,792 --> 01:34:06,018 Chief, take us up! 756 01:34:06,292 --> 01:34:11,122 Blowing negative! Planes full rise! Clockwise, Hirsch! 757 01:34:12,559 --> 01:34:16,184 - Rabbit, help me out! - Go! Go! 758 01:34:19,891 --> 01:34:22,187 Chief, are you seeing this? 759 01:34:28,225 --> 01:34:32,487 Needle's off the scale! We have to blow main ballast tanks! 760 01:34:32,759 --> 01:34:34,247 Do it, Chief! 761 01:34:52,492 --> 01:34:55,788 - She's still going down! - Ballast tanks are bone dry! 762 01:34:56,125 --> 01:34:58,421 I'm gonna try the trim tanks! 763 01:35:04,325 --> 01:35:06,813 Come on, come on, come on! 764 01:35:17,625 --> 01:35:19,716 She's going up! She's going up! 765 01:35:36,925 --> 01:35:39,755 Mr. Tyler, we're coming up. 766 01:35:40,058 --> 01:35:42,286 But I've lost control of the ballast tanks. 767 01:35:42,559 --> 01:35:44,922 I can't stop our ascent. 768 01:35:45,192 --> 01:35:47,158 Where are we with the stern torpedo? 769 01:35:47,458 --> 01:35:49,185 Piping's damaged. 770 01:35:49,458 --> 01:35:52,753 There's a break in the air line, so there's no pressure to launch a torpedo. 771 01:35:53,058 --> 01:35:56,081 I tried to bypass the leak, but it's way back in the bilge underwater. 772 01:35:56,425 --> 01:35:59,255 There's no way to reach it. I can't fit. 773 01:35:59,592 --> 01:36:02,353 Can somebody else get to it? I don't know. 774 01:36:02,625 --> 01:36:06,057 Maybe somebody smaller. 775 01:36:06,358 --> 01:36:08,119 That's Rabbit or Trigger. 776 01:36:08,392 --> 01:36:11,085 Comin'up on 200 meters. 777 01:36:11,358 --> 01:36:13,085 You gotta pick one. 778 01:36:20,958 --> 01:36:23,254 Trigger. Trigger, 779 01:36:24,559 --> 01:36:26,457 lay aft with Tank. 780 01:36:28,025 --> 01:36:31,651 Move it, son. You got a job to do. 781 01:36:40,392 --> 01:36:43,256 See, we got no air pressure to fire the torpedo. 782 01:36:43,559 --> 01:36:45,990 One of these pipes is busted and leaking air. 783 01:36:46,292 --> 01:36:49,588 How am I gonna find it? You'll see bubbles coming out. A lot of 'em. 784 01:36:49,891 --> 01:36:54,153 Find the isolation valve aft of the leak and crank it down. 785 01:36:54,425 --> 01:36:56,788 Got it? Yeah. 786 01:36:57,091 --> 01:36:59,057 I rigged this hose so you can breathe through it. 787 01:36:59,392 --> 01:37:03,687 Now listen to me. As soon as you finish, you get out of there. 788 01:37:04,025 --> 01:37:06,014 Okay? Yeah. 789 01:37:25,958 --> 01:37:28,651 I can hear her. 790 01:37:30,425 --> 01:37:32,947 Making slow turns. 791 01:37:37,592 --> 01:37:39,353 She just stopped her screws. 792 01:37:42,791 --> 01:37:44,654 I think they see the debris. 793 01:37:47,758 --> 01:37:49,486 I think they're buying it. 794 01:37:49,758 --> 01:37:51,917 One-eight-zero meters. 795 01:37:53,458 --> 01:37:56,185 Chief, can you slow our ascent? We are not ready. 796 01:37:57,492 --> 01:37:59,650 Can't, sir. 797 01:37:59,891 --> 01:38:02,119 We got a one-way ticket topside. 798 01:38:04,492 --> 01:38:08,787 If we surface without a torpedo to fire, we're dead. 799 01:38:44,891 --> 01:38:47,914 There's two air leaks. 800 01:38:48,225 --> 01:38:50,191 I got one, but the other one's way in the back. 801 01:38:50,492 --> 01:38:52,821 I need some more slack on the hose to get to it. That's all there is. 802 01:38:53,125 --> 01:38:54,852 Shit. 803 01:39:16,058 --> 01:39:18,422 One-five-zero meters. 804 01:39:22,125 --> 01:39:23,852 I hear Morse code. 805 01:39:25,591 --> 01:39:28,614 What the hell is it? Are they signaling us? 806 01:39:36,258 --> 01:39:37,814 What's it saying, Wentz? 807 01:39:38,091 --> 01:39:41,148 "I am U-571. Destroy me." 808 01:39:52,925 --> 01:39:55,221 Coming up on 9-0 meters. 809 01:40:11,591 --> 01:40:15,319 Sir, she's started her engines again. 810 01:40:19,058 --> 01:40:22,422 No go, Mr. Tyler. He can't reach. 811 01:40:30,158 --> 01:40:33,783 Trigger, in one minute we're gonna hit the surface. Do you understand me? 812 01:40:34,058 --> 01:40:36,888 Now you've got to go back in there and try. 813 01:40:37,192 --> 01:40:39,215 I wouldn't ask you if our lives didn't depend on it. 814 01:40:39,524 --> 01:40:41,888 Sorry, sir. I can't reach it. No, no, Trigger. 815 01:40:42,192 --> 01:40:43,919 Now listen to me. 816 01:40:45,158 --> 01:40:47,953 You can reach it, and you will. 817 01:40:48,258 --> 01:40:51,156 Now you are gonna close that valve. 818 01:40:51,457 --> 01:40:53,821 Sir, I can't! You're the only chance we've got. 819 01:40:58,858 --> 01:41:01,653 Now you're gonna go back down in that bilge, 820 01:41:01,958 --> 01:41:04,856 and you're gonna do your job, sailor. 821 01:41:17,225 --> 01:41:19,850 Report to me the instant that torpedo's ready to fire. Yes, sir. 822 01:41:23,624 --> 01:41:25,613 Thirty meters. 823 01:41:25,925 --> 01:41:27,788 Talk to me, Wentz. Destroyer is under way. 824 01:41:28,091 --> 01:41:31,057 Steady bearing. They're closing our position. 825 01:41:31,392 --> 01:41:34,653 Shit! Come on, Trigger! 826 01:41:34,958 --> 01:41:36,514 Twenty meters. 827 01:41:36,824 --> 01:41:38,756 Hold on. We're gonna surface. 828 01:41:39,058 --> 01:41:40,785 Raising scope. 829 01:41:50,058 --> 01:41:51,683 Got her. 830 01:41:51,958 --> 01:41:54,788 She's heading right for us. 831 01:41:55,091 --> 01:41:57,989 Helm, come right ten degrees. Aye, sir! 832 01:41:58,292 --> 01:42:00,655 Watch your bow planes. Aye, sir. Watching my bow planes. 833 01:42:00,991 --> 01:42:03,082 Tank, start the diesel. All ahead full! 834 01:42:11,091 --> 01:42:13,818 Port diesel ahead full! 835 01:42:35,558 --> 01:42:37,286 Shit, they've got us bracketed. 836 01:42:39,125 --> 01:42:40,886 Incoming! 837 01:42:47,891 --> 01:42:49,356 We're hit! We're hit! 838 01:42:49,658 --> 01:42:54,182 - Wentz, get in here! - Eddie, secure that hatch! 839 01:43:11,658 --> 01:43:13,284 Tube still not ready! 840 01:43:21,291 --> 01:43:23,587 - Request permission to abandon ship! - Not yet, Chief. 841 01:43:45,391 --> 01:43:48,687 Control, aft torpedo ready in all respects! 842 01:43:49,025 --> 01:43:52,957 Hold us right there, Rabbit. Hold us steady right here. Steady on bearing 8-0 degrees! 843 01:43:54,925 --> 01:43:56,652 Fire! 844 01:43:58,125 --> 01:44:00,522 Tank, fire right now or we die! 845 01:44:06,424 --> 01:44:08,447 Come on, come on. 846 01:44:11,357 --> 01:44:13,823 Torpedo! 847 01:44:45,424 --> 01:44:47,152 848 01:45:08,324 --> 01:45:10,154 Well, that blew 'em right in half. 849 01:45:21,991 --> 01:45:25,753 Hell, Mr. Tyler, if you ever need a chief, 850 01:45:26,058 --> 01:45:27,956 I'd go to sea with you anytime. 851 01:45:29,791 --> 01:45:31,518 Thank you, Chief. 852 01:45:41,457 --> 01:45:43,184 Tank, you okay? 853 01:45:46,291 --> 01:45:48,019 Trigger drowned. 854 01:45:58,291 --> 01:46:00,723 That kid didn't give up, did he? 855 01:46:03,991 --> 01:46:06,422 Neither did you, Mr. Tyler. 856 01:46:18,391 --> 01:46:20,380 We can't keep her afloat much longer, sir. 857 01:46:30,157 --> 01:46:31,885 Let's abandon ship. 858 01:48:06,824 --> 01:48:08,517 Mr. Tyler. Mr. Tyler. 859 00:00:29,542 --> 00:00:31,500 SPRING, 1942 860 00:00:32,542 --> 00:00:36,500 HITLER'S U-BOATS WREAK HAVOC IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC... 861 00:00:36,792 --> 00:00:39,417 SINKING OVER 1000 ALLIED SHIPS AND... 862 00:00:39,708 --> 00:00:41,375 THREATENING TO DESTROY... 863 00:00:41,583 --> 00:00:44,333 THE SUPPLY LINE FROM AMERICA TO ENGLAND. 864 00:00:44,625 --> 00:00:47,583 UNABLE TO CRACK THE NEW U-BOAT RADIO CODES... 865 00:00:47,875 --> 00:00:51,833 ALLIES STRUGGLE BLINDLY AGAINST THE GERMAN ONSLAUGHT. 866 00:01:21,626 --> 00:01:23,709 Enemy speed eight. 867 00:01:23,918 --> 00:01:25,584 Angle to the bow, sixty. 868 00:01:25,959 --> 00:01:28,334 Enemy speed eight. Angle to bow, sixty. 869 00:01:30,043 --> 00:01:31,001 Mark is set. 870 00:01:31,959 --> 00:01:34,168 Depth is set. 871 00:01:36,543 --> 00:01:39,084 Range, five hundred. 872 00:01:39,918 --> 00:01:41,168 In firing range. 873 00:01:42,793 --> 00:01:46,834 Torpedo speed, 35 knots. 874 00:01:47,126 --> 00:01:49,793 Torpedo speed, 35 knots. 875 00:01:52,834 --> 00:01:55,293 Spread shots from tubes one and four! 876 00:02:04,001 --> 00:02:05,501 Tubes 1 and 4 ready. 877 00:02:05,709 --> 00:02:07,835 Tubes 1 and 4 ready. 878 00:02:10,544 --> 00:02:12,919 Spread shots. 879 00:02:13,919 --> 00:02:14,627 Fire! 880 00:02:19,169 --> 00:02:20,127 Torpedoes running. 881 00:02:20,335 --> 00:02:22,669 5, 4, 3... 882 00:02:23,502 --> 00:02:25,294 2, 1... 883 00:02:25,835 --> 00:02:26,627 Jawoh! 884 00:02:29,710 --> 00:02:30,669 Ja! 885 00:02:39,669 --> 00:02:41,210 Great shot, Captain. 886 00:02:44,085 --> 00:02:45,169 Yes, gentlemen. 887 00:02:47,544 --> 00:02:49,794 We broke their back, gentlemen. 888 00:02:57,669 --> 00:03:00,794 Fast screws! Bearing 180! 889 00:03:01,127 --> 00:03:03,044 A destroyer! 890 00:03:04,002 --> 00:03:06,127 Down to 90 meters. 891 00:03:06,335 --> 00:03:08,294 Both motors full ahead! 892 00:03:13,503 --> 00:03:16,461 All hands forward! 893 00:03:26,503 --> 00:03:29,503 Seal torpedo hatches! 894 00:03:29,711 --> 00:03:32,336 Starboard rudder twenty! 895 00:03:33,545 --> 00:03:34,503 Starboard rudder twenty. 896 00:03:35,295 --> 00:03:36,836 Check all hull openings! 897 00:03:37,045 --> 00:03:38,253 Come about. 898 00:03:38,503 --> 00:03:41,086 Passing 200 degrees. 899 00:03:50,586 --> 00:03:53,336 45 meters. Fast dive, Captain. 900 00:03:53,670 --> 00:03:55,795 Both hydroplanes, please. 901 00:03:58,545 --> 00:04:00,503 Steady at 220 degrees. 902 00:04:02,503 --> 00:04:04,753 Contact drawing right. 903 00:04:13,670 --> 00:04:14,920 Port engine stop. 904 00:04:15,461 --> 00:04:18,462 Port engine stopped. 905 00:04:20,212 --> 00:04:23,046 Port engine half back. 906 00:04:30,171 --> 00:04:31,546 Depth charges! 907 00:04:38,254 --> 00:04:39,504 Hold on! 908 00:04:40,629 --> 00:04:42,671 The Tommies are crapping all over us! 909 00:05:57,172 --> 00:06:00,047 Careful, that's fuel leaking! 910 00:06:13,922 --> 00:06:17,047 Stop that leak! 911 00:06:33,881 --> 00:06:36,798 She's dropped to 120 meters, Captain. 912 00:06:37,089 --> 00:06:40,256 Blow all tanks! Surface! Surface! 913 00:07:15,173 --> 00:07:17,923 Everything clear. Lockouts to the bridge! 914 00:07:18,131 --> 00:07:20,464 Diesel room, answer me! 915 00:07:20,798 --> 00:07:23,839 I need a damage report, Hans! 916 00:07:24,256 --> 00:07:27,631 They're all dead, Captain. All our mechanics. 917 00:07:28,131 --> 00:07:30,714 The Chief Mechanic, the fat kid... 918 00:07:31,381 --> 00:07:35,132 the whole engine crew. All dead. 919 00:07:36,340 --> 00:07:38,965 Port exhaust hatch broke. 920 00:07:39,174 --> 00:07:41,257 Port diesel is flooded. 921 00:07:41,549 --> 00:07:44,549 Crankcase is full of seawater. Starboard diesel... 922 00:07:44,882 --> 00:07:46,632 seized 2 days ago. 923 00:07:51,757 --> 00:07:54,007 What about my batteries? 924 00:07:54,382 --> 00:07:58,049 Damaged. 300 amps bow, 200 stern. 925 00:07:58,340 --> 00:08:00,007 It's useless! 926 00:08:01,799 --> 00:08:05,340 We have only enough power to dive and maybe maneuver. 927 00:08:09,299 --> 00:08:13,215 Thank you, Hans. Pass the word to conserve electricity. 928 00:08:13,632 --> 00:08:15,215 - Radioman! - Captain? 929 00:08:17,715 --> 00:08:19,132 To Berlin: 930 00:08:19,882 --> 00:08:23,799 Location 85-32. 931 00:08:25,715 --> 00:08:29,257 Diesel engines out. Electric motors only. 932 00:08:30,549 --> 00:08:32,007 Send help. 933 00:16:35,473 --> 00:16:36,973 I understand... 934 00:16:37,640 --> 00:16:39,557 your family's from Koblentz. 935 00:16:41,890 --> 00:16:44,807 Good Rhine farming folk. 936 00:16:47,807 --> 00:16:50,307 You understand me? 937 00:16:52,807 --> 00:16:54,390 Can you speak passable German? 938 00:16:54,598 --> 00:16:57,390 Can you read and write it? 939 00:16:57,890 --> 00:16:59,515 Or are you just a farm boy... 940 00:16:59,723 --> 00:17:01,390 with a German name? 941 00:17:03,973 --> 00:17:06,682 Just a farm boy... 942 00:17:08,057 --> 00:17:12,015 who can read, write and speak quite well. 943 00:17:12,890 --> 00:17:15,723 I studied German at Brown University... 944 00:17:15,973 --> 00:17:19,432 before joining the war. 945 00:17:27,641 --> 00:17:28,933 Thank you, Wentz. 946 00:26:22,399 --> 00:26:25,482 Okay, let's give it a test. 947 00:26:41,941 --> 00:26:43,732 You said you could repair engines? 948 00:26:43,941 --> 00:26:45,107 Captain... 949 00:26:45,316 --> 00:26:47,899 I apprenticed in my uncle's garage, fixing scooters 950 00:26:48,316 --> 00:26:49,357 I tried. 951 00:26:50,399 --> 00:26:51,691 Damn it! 952 00:26:55,899 --> 00:26:57,566 I need a mechanic! 953 00:27:15,650 --> 00:27:17,775 What are they saying? 954 00:27:21,317 --> 00:27:24,317 They desire to be our guests. 955 00:27:25,442 --> 00:27:26,900 Impossible. Shoot them. 956 00:27:27,900 --> 00:27:29,025 What, sir? 957 00:27:31,525 --> 00:27:33,567 Standing orders of the Führer: 958 00:27:33,775 --> 00:27:35,692 Pick up no survivors. 959 00:27:37,275 --> 00:27:38,483 If they are found... 960 00:27:39,442 --> 00:27:41,692 they will report our position. 961 00:27:45,400 --> 00:27:46,567 Go on. 962 00:36:25,033 --> 00:36:27,700 Our comrades have brought us fresh eggs... 963 00:36:29,408 --> 00:36:31,700 and even our mail. 964 00:38:27,035 --> 00:38:29,785 Welcome! 965 00:38:30,160 --> 00:38:32,618 Have we got a job for you. 966 00:38:55,910 --> 00:38:58,160 Which of you are the mechanics? 967 00:39:04,660 --> 00:39:06,410 Who's the mechanic? 968 00:39:08,994 --> 00:39:11,994 We're all very skilled mechanics. 969 00:39:12,453 --> 00:39:15,911 We'll have you underway before dawn. 970 00:39:16,494 --> 00:39:17,619 Look at this! 971 00:39:19,328 --> 00:39:21,078 Who wants that junk? 972 00:39:22,078 --> 00:39:24,786 Pornography and dirty letters... 973 00:39:25,036 --> 00:39:28,244 stinking of French perfume. 974 00:39:29,536 --> 00:39:32,203 A sack of pure shit. 975 00:39:32,578 --> 00:39:33,994 I should throw it overboard. 976 00:39:43,411 --> 00:39:45,036 Come aboard. 977 00:39:46,036 --> 00:39:46,703 Come. 978 00:39:57,244 --> 00:39:58,619 Welcome aboard. 979 00:39:58,828 --> 00:40:00,786 Aren't you from Wiesbaden? 980 00:40:03,369 --> 00:40:04,453 Alarm! 981 00:40:21,204 --> 00:40:23,954 Repel boarders! Alarm dive! 982 00:41:28,663 --> 00:41:32,288 Flood all the tanks! 983 00:41:32,580 --> 00:41:35,746 Let's drown these vermin! Move your asses! 984 00:41:39,580 --> 00:41:40,371 Faster! Down! 985 01:12:09,441 --> 01:12:10,691 Hello, gentlemen. 986 01:12:13,108 --> 01:12:14,649 Give us a hand. 987 01:12:14,899 --> 01:12:16,066 Sure. 988 01:12:17,983 --> 01:12:19,233 What are they doing? 989 01:12:22,316 --> 01:12:23,358 Something's wrong. 990 01:12:33,816 --> 01:12:34,858 Back to the ship! 991 01:12:35,608 --> 01:12:37,149 Faster! 992 01:13:08,525 --> 01:13:10,734 Get the forward gun! They're firing! 993 01:13:10,942 --> 01:13:11,859 Who, sir? 994 01:13:12,150 --> 01:13:14,734 The submarine. They blew up our radio tower! 995 01:16:51,862 --> 01:16:54,070 Short intervals. 996 01:16:56,570 --> 01:16:57,528 Prepare charges. 997 01:16:58,487 --> 01:17:00,362 Set depth 25.