1 00:00:04,307 --> 00:00:07,094 [ Man ] One, two! One, two, three! 2 00:00:33,033 --> 00:00:37,732 Fry, I know those cookies are fresh-a-licious, but they produce an awful lot of trash. 3 00:00:43,390 --> 00:00:45,828 [ Grunts ] 4 00:00:51,137 --> 00:00:53,923 - [ Sighs ] - And, Bender, that aerosol head spray... 5 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:55,924 makes your antenna smell nice. 6 00:00:56,055 --> 00:00:59,015 - Thank you. - But it's doing long-term damage to the planet. 7 00:00:59,146 --> 00:01:01,844 So? It's not like it's the only one we've got. 8 00:01:01,973 --> 00:01:03,846 Good news, everyone. 9 00:01:03,975 --> 00:01:07,849 I'm sending you on an extremely controversial mission. 10 00:01:07,980 --> 00:01:11,200 - Controversial? - Oh, my, no. 11 00:01:11,331 --> 00:01:14,161 For this highly controversial mission, 12 00:01:14,290 --> 00:01:16,554 you'll be towing the Juan Valdez, 13 00:01:16,685 --> 00:01:21,037 an orbiting supertanker full of rich Colombian dark matter. 14 00:01:21,168 --> 00:01:24,432 Dark matter oil? What if we hit something? The tanker could leak. 15 00:01:24,561 --> 00:01:28,436 Impossible. The tanker has 6,000 hulls. 16 00:01:28,566 --> 00:01:32,091 So, unlike me, it's entirely leakproof. 17 00:01:32,222 --> 00:01:36,792 [ Computer Squeals ]Now, once you've hauled the tanker past the protestors-- 18 00:01:36,921 --> 00:01:40,578 - Protestors? - Correct. 6,000 hulls. 19 00:01:40,709 --> 00:01:44,756 Why do we have to fly within three feet of this penguin preserve on Pluto? 20 00:01:44,887 --> 00:01:46,975 [ Whispering ] To avoid the tollbooth. 21 00:01:48,412 --> 00:01:52,286 Okay, she's all restocked with emergency jam. Let's get going. 22 00:01:52,415 --> 00:01:54,200 At the risk of sounding negative, no. 23 00:01:54,331 --> 00:01:57,290 Look, Professor, I can't participate in this mission. 24 00:01:57,420 --> 00:01:59,293 What are you yapping about? 25 00:01:59,423 --> 00:02:02,382 This time it's your reckless disregard for the environment. 26 00:02:02,513 --> 00:02:05,429 In fact, I'm gonna go join those protestors. 27 00:02:05,560 --> 00:02:07,126 This is an outrage! 28 00:02:07,257 --> 00:02:10,390 I demand you hand over your captain's jacket. 29 00:02:10,521 --> 00:02:13,784 This is my normal jacket. I've had it for ten years. 30 00:02:13,915 --> 00:02:16,004 I said hand it over. 31 00:02:17,701 --> 00:02:20,401 Well, Fry, or should I say... 32 00:02:20,531 --> 00:02:22,837 Captain Fry? 33 00:02:22,967 --> 00:02:26,276 No, I shouldn't, because Bender is the new captain. 34 00:02:26,407 --> 00:02:28,322 Bender?That's right. 35 00:02:28,451 --> 00:02:31,151 Being captain is about intuition and heart. 36 00:02:31,281 --> 00:02:33,413 A good captain can't have either one. 37 00:02:33,543 --> 00:02:37,504 That's why cold, logical Bender is perfect for the job. 38 00:02:37,634 --> 00:02:40,899 Well, I do think of human life as expendable. 39 00:02:41,030 --> 00:02:44,337 No fair. Leela was training me to be captain. 40 00:02:44,468 --> 00:02:47,602 She even let me sit on her lap and steer... in this comic I drew. 41 00:02:47,731 --> 00:02:50,170 Ooh, the new one's out. 42 00:02:50,300 --> 00:02:53,737 Fry, the title of captain may inflate the human ego, 43 00:02:53,868 --> 00:02:57,045 but it's beneath the notice of my mighty robo-logic. 44 00:02:58,395 --> 00:03:01,703 Now, look spry, men! We launch at six bells. 45 00:03:12,974 --> 00:03:15,629 Greetings, eco-nauts. I'm Free Waterfall, Sr., 46 00:03:15,759 --> 00:03:17,632 founder of Penguins Unlimited. 47 00:03:17,762 --> 00:03:21,418 Whoa-ho. No, no. No applause. 48 00:03:21,549 --> 00:03:24,900 Every time you clap your hands, you kill thousands of spores... 49 00:03:25,030 --> 00:03:27,424 that'll someday form a nutritious fungus. 50 00:03:27,555 --> 00:03:30,296 Just show your approval with a mold-friendly thumbs up. 51 00:03:31,688 --> 00:03:33,996 Please hold your thumbs until the end. 52 00:03:34,126 --> 00:03:36,346 Now, folks, it's time to stop that tanker... 53 00:03:36,477 --> 00:03:39,087 with a nonviolent human circle. 54 00:03:39,218 --> 00:03:42,699 Why do we have to resort to nonviolence? Can't we just kick their asses? 55 00:03:42,831 --> 00:03:46,574 Now, little lady, those people's asses are living things too. 56 00:03:46,704 --> 00:03:49,576 [ Ship Beeping ] 57 00:03:52,361 --> 00:03:55,712 Aye! We're hitched up tighter than Davey Jones's U-Haul. 58 00:03:55,843 --> 00:03:58,367 - At ease, men. - I am at ease. 59 00:03:58,498 --> 00:04:01,937 Mr. Fry, I like to give my first mate an informal nickname. 60 00:04:02,067 --> 00:04:05,549 From now on, you'll be known as Wiggles. 61 00:04:05,680 --> 00:04:09,336 The hell I will! Have you even read the Captain's Handbook? 62 00:04:10,989 --> 00:04:14,602 I have now. And what's Peter Parrot's first rule of captaining? 63 00:04:14,731 --> 00:04:18,257 Always respect the chain o' command, Captain. 64 00:04:18,387 --> 00:04:23,262 Correct, Wiggles. You've just earned an invitation to the captain's table. 65 00:04:24,437 --> 00:04:28,137 The captain's table. What an honor. 66 00:04:29,964 --> 00:04:32,968 Our peace ring has 'em trapped like a tiger in a washing machine. 67 00:04:36,014 --> 00:04:39,495 Get ready!Okay, watch yourself. Here they come. 68 00:04:43,283 --> 00:04:45,502 When you were planning this peace ring, 69 00:04:45,632 --> 00:04:50,245 didn't you realize spaceships can move in three dimensions?No, I did not. 70 00:05:00,081 --> 00:05:02,867 Folks, that tanker gave us the slip. 71 00:05:02,997 --> 00:05:05,000 But we'll stop 'em here on Pluto. 72 00:05:05,129 --> 00:05:07,394 If you're cold, rub your bodies with permafrost. 73 00:05:07,524 --> 00:05:10,178 It's nature's long johns. 74 00:05:10,310 --> 00:05:14,879 If rubbin' frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey, I don't wanna be right. 75 00:05:15,009 --> 00:05:17,795 This here is our penguin preserve. 76 00:05:17,925 --> 00:05:19,536 [ Chirping ] 77 00:05:19,667 --> 00:05:22,016 Aw, they're so cute. 78 00:05:22,146 --> 00:05:24,759 They're like if puppies and kittens could have babies. 79 00:05:24,889 --> 00:05:28,457 We use hand puppets around the young'uns to simulate a natural environment. 80 00:05:32,418 --> 00:05:34,812 [ Screaming ] 81 00:05:34,942 --> 00:05:38,860 That's adorable. Ow! 82 00:05:42,646 --> 00:05:45,822 But I suppose it's this medal I'm most proud of, Wiggles. 83 00:05:45,954 --> 00:05:49,566 I won it for saving the children of Earth from a giant kangaroo. 84 00:05:49,697 --> 00:05:52,351 It was on the Australian news. You probably didn't see it. 85 00:05:52,481 --> 00:05:55,658 Brilliant!Would you cram a sock in it, Bender! 86 00:05:55,790 --> 00:05:59,620 Those aren't even medals. They're bottle caps and pepperoni slices. 87 00:06:01,577 --> 00:06:03,579 Thank you, steward. 88 00:06:03,711 --> 00:06:06,713 Wiggles, weren't you about to propose a toast to your gallant captain? 89 00:06:06,843 --> 00:06:10,718 Fine! I've got a toast. To Captain Bender, he's the best... 90 00:06:10,848 --> 00:06:13,372 at being a big jerk who's stupid... 91 00:06:13,502 --> 00:06:15,939 and his big ugly face is as dumb as a butt. 92 00:06:16,071 --> 00:06:17,680 Ah, I've heard better. 93 00:06:17,812 --> 00:06:19,944 If I were in charge, I wouldn't treat you like this. 94 00:06:20,074 --> 00:06:22,382 You're nothing but a big blowhard. 95 00:06:24,165 --> 00:06:27,822 Sir, you forget yourself. Shut up! 96 00:06:30,606 --> 00:06:32,696 [ Slurping ] 97 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:36,612 Being captain is obviously more important to you than being my friend. 98 00:06:36,744 --> 00:06:38,963 - I'm going. - Going? 99 00:06:39,093 --> 00:06:42,531 But a captain can't drink without his first mate. 100 00:06:45,709 --> 00:06:47,624 You can drink with me, maybe? 101 00:06:47,754 --> 00:06:49,930 I don't feel like drinking. 102 00:06:50,060 --> 00:06:52,716 Then if you'll excuse me, I see some ravioli... 103 00:06:52,846 --> 00:06:55,415 that only has two shoe prints on it. 104 00:06:55,545 --> 00:06:57,417 [ Squishing ]Three. 105 00:06:57,547 --> 00:06:59,983 [ Voracious Chewing ] 106 00:07:04,511 --> 00:07:07,514 [ Bender ] ♪ Oh, Greenland is a barren land ♪ 107 00:07:07,644 --> 00:07:10,733 ♪ A land that bears no green 108 00:07:10,865 --> 00:07:14,956 ♪ Where there's ice and snow and the whalefishies blow ♪♪ 109 00:07:15,086 --> 00:07:17,132 Captain, please, have some liquor. 110 00:07:17,262 --> 00:07:19,439 You robots need alcohol to function. 111 00:07:19,569 --> 00:07:22,528 [ Grunts ] I once knew a guy. 112 00:07:22,658 --> 00:07:25,487 You look like him. He wasn't neither. 113 00:07:25,619 --> 00:07:28,622 [ Groans ] I'm a good captain. 114 00:07:28,752 --> 00:07:31,146 Please, sir. I love you like a father. 115 00:07:31,276 --> 00:07:33,191 [ Gasps ] [ Bone Snaps ] 116 00:07:37,543 --> 00:07:40,502 Here they come. Oh, I hope they read my sign. 117 00:07:43,418 --> 00:07:45,552 [ Leela ] Bender's flying too low! 118 00:07:45,682 --> 00:07:48,598 And he's upside down!He must be talking on a cell phone. 119 00:07:56,997 --> 00:07:58,956 [ Beeping ] [ Snoring ] 120 00:07:59,086 --> 00:08:01,697 [ Mumbling ]What's happening? 121 00:08:01,829 --> 00:08:05,485 All 6,000 hulls have been breached! 122 00:08:05,615 --> 00:08:09,488 Oh, the fools! If only they'd built it with 6,001 hulls. 123 00:08:09,619 --> 00:08:11,708 When will they learn? 124 00:08:13,492 --> 00:08:15,711 [ All Screaming ] 125 00:08:16,800 --> 00:08:18,714 [ Sighs ] 126 00:08:25,242 --> 00:08:29,377 Continuing our coverage of a tragic, but faraway,story. 127 00:08:29,509 --> 00:08:31,379 The crisis on Pluto worsens... 128 00:08:31,511 --> 00:08:34,164 as dark matter spreads throughout the penguin habitat. 129 00:08:34,296 --> 00:08:37,734 The images are truly horrific.[ Coughing ] 130 00:08:37,865 --> 00:08:43,523 [ Cartoon Sound Effects ] 131 00:08:43,653 --> 00:08:45,611 I don't think any of us can understand... 132 00:08:45,741 --> 00:08:49,528 how those poor, oil-drenched penguins feel. 133 00:08:49,658 --> 00:08:52,532 [ Laughing ] Oily humanoid. 134 00:08:54,794 --> 00:08:57,448 At the time of the crash, the tanker captain... 135 00:08:57,580 --> 00:08:59,974 had an alcohol level of .08%, 136 00:09:00,104 --> 00:09:03,325 well below the legal limit for robots. 137 00:09:03,455 --> 00:09:06,763 - [ Groans ] - Son, as your lawyer, 138 00:09:06,894 --> 00:09:10,418 I declare y'all are in a 12-piece bucket of trouble. 139 00:09:10,549 --> 00:09:12,421 But I done struck you a deal. 140 00:09:12,552 --> 00:09:16,643 Five hours of community service cleaning up that ol' mess you caused. 141 00:09:16,773 --> 00:09:21,211 Five hours? Aw, man. Couldn't you have just gotten me the death penalty? 142 00:09:21,342 --> 00:09:24,563 I'd have done better, but it's plumb hard pleading a case... 143 00:09:24,693 --> 00:09:28,131 while awaiting trial for that there incompetence. 144 00:09:28,263 --> 00:09:30,134 Yeah, good luck with that. 145 00:09:31,701 --> 00:09:33,572 [ Penguins Quacking ] 146 00:09:47,238 --> 00:09:51,373 [ Flesh Squeaking ]Now you stay away from those puffin twins. 147 00:09:51,503 --> 00:09:53,375 [ Squawking ] 148 00:09:53,504 --> 00:09:55,376 Good way to avoid frostbite, folks-- 149 00:09:55,506 --> 00:09:57,683 put your hands between your buttocks. 150 00:09:57,813 --> 00:09:59,686 That's nature's pocket. 151 00:09:59,816 --> 00:10:01,861 Uh, I think I'll go check on Bender. 152 00:10:01,991 --> 00:10:04,341 Watch that he doesn't pick your pocket. 153 00:10:06,388 --> 00:10:08,912 [ Gulping, Sighs ] 154 00:10:09,043 --> 00:10:10,610 Can't beat fresh-squeezed. 155 00:10:10,740 --> 00:10:14,134 Bender, can you at least pretend you're being punished? 156 00:10:16,702 --> 00:10:18,748 And clean the black parts too. 157 00:10:18,879 --> 00:10:20,489 [ Mimicking ] 158 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:23,797 Are they black with white feathers or white with black feathers? 159 00:10:23,927 --> 00:10:26,668 [ Deep Voice ] It don't matter, baby. They're all beautiful. 160 00:10:26,799 --> 00:10:28,628 [ Both Sighing ] 161 00:10:28,758 --> 00:10:31,065 Yo, screws, more Tegrin over here. 162 00:10:31,195 --> 00:10:33,676 Oh-hoo, what's this? 163 00:10:42,597 --> 00:10:44,904 [ Quacking ] 164 00:10:45,774 --> 00:10:47,864 [ Chuckling ] 165 00:10:51,955 --> 00:10:53,653 Oh, man, he got away. 166 00:10:53,783 --> 00:10:56,133 I guess this is why Chief says no hugging. 167 00:10:58,308 --> 00:11:01,791 Good work, everyone. I suggest you all go get some sleep. 168 00:11:01,922 --> 00:11:04,359 Me? Well, I'm gonna stay up all night... 169 00:11:04,489 --> 00:11:07,535 singing songs about penguins in a fine piercing tenor. 170 00:11:08,841 --> 00:11:10,756 Has anyone seen Bender? 171 00:11:10,886 --> 00:11:14,673 Bender! Here, robot, robot, robot! 172 00:11:14,803 --> 00:11:16,850 [ Explosions On TV ] 173 00:11:16,980 --> 00:11:19,678 Hey, why weren't you Kong Donkeys outside cleaning up? 174 00:11:19,808 --> 00:11:23,595 They sent us inside for doing an unsatisfactory job... 175 00:11:23,725 --> 00:11:25,902 and eating penguin eggs. 176 00:11:26,033 --> 00:11:29,340 You ate most of them. So, where's CaptainBender? 177 00:11:29,471 --> 00:11:31,647 Off "catastrophizing" some other planet? 178 00:11:31,778 --> 00:11:34,171 - Huh? - Damn it, Fry! 179 00:11:34,302 --> 00:11:36,696 He may have done wrong, but he's still your captain. 180 00:11:36,826 --> 00:11:39,220 I'm worried about him. He didn't come back with the group. 181 00:11:39,350 --> 00:11:43,876 He didn't?No, and with windchill it's 20 degrees below absolute zero. 182 00:11:44,006 --> 00:11:45,966 I better go find him.Wait. Let me. 183 00:11:46,096 --> 00:11:49,230 Bender and I have our disagreements, but we're still friends. 184 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:51,667 And I'm gonna show him what that means. 185 00:11:54,148 --> 00:11:56,932 To the ship!Why don't you just walk? 186 00:11:57,063 --> 00:11:59,153 He was only about 20 yards from here. 187 00:11:59,283 --> 00:12:01,416 Madam, I am in command now. 188 00:12:01,546 --> 00:12:03,461 Such a man. 189 00:12:03,591 --> 00:12:06,508 I'd follow him to hell and back, I would. 190 00:12:11,947 --> 00:12:13,863 [ Snoring ] 191 00:12:17,388 --> 00:12:20,956 [ Water Splashing ][ Gasping ] 192 00:12:21,087 --> 00:12:22,916 What the-- 193 00:12:23,046 --> 00:12:25,178 [ Blubbering ] 194 00:12:26,267 --> 00:12:28,399 What's this water made of, ice? 195 00:12:28,529 --> 00:12:30,793 Forget this! 196 00:12:30,923 --> 00:12:32,794 [ Screams ] 197 00:12:38,408 --> 00:12:40,280 [ Screaming Continues ] 198 00:12:40,411 --> 00:12:42,849 [ Groaning ] 199 00:12:42,979 --> 00:12:45,286 [ Whistling ] 200 00:12:51,292 --> 00:12:54,250 [ Quacking ] [ Bender Beeping ] 201 00:13:02,042 --> 00:13:06,046 - [ Quacking ] - [ Quacking ] 202 00:13:08,525 --> 00:13:10,832 [ All Quacking ] 203 00:13:14,140 --> 00:13:16,273 Captain, I don't think we're on Pluto any longer. 204 00:13:16,403 --> 00:13:18,927 In fact, we may have left space as we know it. 205 00:13:19,058 --> 00:13:21,931 Then where are we? You said you knew how to navigate. 206 00:13:22,062 --> 00:13:25,065 Stop yelling at me! [ Sobbing ] 207 00:13:25,195 --> 00:13:28,241 [ All Quacking ] 208 00:13:29,938 --> 00:13:33,682 - [ Chirping ] - [ Weakly Quacking ] 209 00:13:44,605 --> 00:13:46,086 [ Disappointed Quack ] 210 00:13:55,485 --> 00:13:57,923 [ Sighing ] 211 00:14:04,931 --> 00:14:06,366 [ Groaning ] 212 00:14:10,066 --> 00:14:12,328 [ Quacks ] 213 00:14:22,164 --> 00:14:24,298 [ Chirping ] 214 00:14:30,607 --> 00:14:33,524 [ Retching ] 215 00:14:41,009 --> 00:14:42,924 Folks, it's worse than we thought. 216 00:14:43,056 --> 00:14:46,450 Seems dark matter is nature's sex drug. 217 00:14:46,581 --> 00:14:50,149 It's like a perverted trail mix of penguin estrogen, 218 00:14:50,279 --> 00:14:52,934 penguin Viagra and Spanish penguin fly. 219 00:14:53,066 --> 00:14:55,677 - Why, it's making 'em ultra-fertile. - How ultra? 220 00:14:55,807 --> 00:14:59,028 Well, your garden variety penguin lays one egg a year. 221 00:14:59,158 --> 00:15:03,032 Since the spill, our penguins have been laying six eggs every 15 minutes. 222 00:15:03,163 --> 00:15:06,253 - [ All Gasp ] - Also, the eggs hatch in only 12 hours. 223 00:15:06,383 --> 00:15:09,125 - [ All Gasp ] - Also, the males are layin' eggs. 224 00:15:09,255 --> 00:15:11,953 [ Gasps ] 225 00:15:12,085 --> 00:15:14,000 This man has over-gasped. 226 00:15:16,044 --> 00:15:18,874 If the birds keep multiplying, there'll soon be too many to count. 227 00:15:19,004 --> 00:15:22,051 Before long, the penguins will exhaust their food supply... 228 00:15:22,182 --> 00:15:24,793 and starve to death. 229 00:15:24,923 --> 00:15:27,360 Oh, if only we hadn't flown penguins to Pluto... 230 00:15:27,490 --> 00:15:30,145 and dumped oil on them, this might never have happened. 231 00:15:30,277 --> 00:15:32,148 Can't we stop them from multiplying? 232 00:15:32,278 --> 00:15:36,413 Yes, I reckon it is our responsibility. And thankfully, we have a plan. 233 00:15:36,543 --> 00:15:38,240 What is it? We'll do anything. 234 00:15:38,371 --> 00:15:40,504 Everyone, grab your guns. 235 00:15:40,634 --> 00:15:44,116 I declare penguin huntin' season officially open! 236 00:15:48,686 --> 00:15:50,905 [ All Quacking ] 237 00:15:52,038 --> 00:15:53,995 We can't shoot penguins! 238 00:15:54,126 --> 00:15:56,476 Isn't there some way to keep them from breeding? 239 00:15:56,606 --> 00:15:59,870 Cold showers don't work on Antarctic creatures. 240 00:16:00,001 --> 00:16:02,874 Surely you agree that a quick semi-painless death... 241 00:16:03,004 --> 00:16:05,006 is a damn sight better than weeks of starvation. 242 00:16:05,138 --> 00:16:08,619 Well, I suppose, but I mean, 243 00:16:08,750 --> 00:16:12,448 I joined Penguins Unlimited to love penguins, not to hunt them. 244 00:16:12,580 --> 00:16:14,538 This time the two are one and the same. 245 00:16:14,668 --> 00:16:18,019 Now, are you with us, or are you gonna let innocent penguins suffer? 246 00:16:18,150 --> 00:16:20,630 [ All Quacking ] 247 00:16:20,761 --> 00:16:25,679 Oh, God, it's inhuman! It's like Hong Kong! I'll do it! 248 00:16:25,809 --> 00:16:30,250 That's a good old-fashioned gun. Simple point-and-click interface. 249 00:16:30,379 --> 00:16:32,991 - Rifle check! - Oh, yeah! 250 00:16:33,121 --> 00:16:34,557 Whee doggie! 251 00:16:34,688 --> 00:16:36,865 Hey, you're enjoying this. 252 00:16:36,995 --> 00:16:39,346 Look, nobody enjoys shootin' penguins. 253 00:16:39,475 --> 00:16:42,436 But if you haveto shoot penguins, well, you might as well enjoy it. 254 00:16:42,566 --> 00:16:46,875 I'm sorry, but if it's fun in any way, it's not environmentalism. 255 00:16:47,005 --> 00:16:49,703 Oh, really? How 'bout blowin' up dams? 256 00:16:49,834 --> 00:16:52,097 Yeah, that is fun.[ Cocks Rifle ] 257 00:16:52,227 --> 00:16:54,230 Let's "conservate." 258 00:16:56,101 --> 00:17:00,889 [ Fry Screaming ] It's been an honor to serve under you, sir. 259 00:17:08,027 --> 00:17:10,071 All right. This is for their own good. 260 00:17:10,202 --> 00:17:13,380 Don't leave orphans. Gotta kill entire families. 261 00:17:14,597 --> 00:17:16,512 [ Chirping ] 262 00:17:18,515 --> 00:17:21,952 But they're so cute. No, you can do this. 263 00:17:22,084 --> 00:17:24,826 It's just like murdering a little butler. 264 00:17:24,955 --> 00:17:27,175 I-- I can't look. 265 00:17:29,569 --> 00:17:32,702 - [ Rifle Blast ] - [ Squawking ] 266 00:17:32,834 --> 00:17:34,704 Oh, no! [ Sobbing ] 267 00:17:34,836 --> 00:17:37,143 What have I done? 268 00:17:40,145 --> 00:17:43,410 [ Sobs ] You poor little guy. 269 00:17:43,539 --> 00:17:46,281 I'm so sorry I-- Bender? 270 00:17:48,632 --> 00:17:50,547 [ Bender Beeps ] 271 00:17:55,029 --> 00:17:58,163 What's going on? Were you hiding out with these little guys? 272 00:17:58,294 --> 00:18:00,775 Of course not! Filthy ice rats! 273 00:18:00,904 --> 00:18:03,256 Scat! Shoo![ Chirping ] 274 00:18:03,385 --> 00:18:05,258 What are you doing? Get away. 275 00:18:05,387 --> 00:18:07,215 Aw, they love you. 276 00:18:07,346 --> 00:18:09,522 Well, I don't love them. 277 00:18:09,653 --> 00:18:12,090 - [ Chirping ] - [ Sighs, Retches ] 278 00:18:15,310 --> 00:18:18,836 I don't know why, but when I look down at their little faces, 279 00:18:18,967 --> 00:18:21,622 it makes me wanna puke... in a good way. 280 00:18:21,751 --> 00:18:25,104 [ All Shouting Excitedly ] 281 00:18:32,633 --> 00:18:35,548 [ Rifle Blasts Continue ]Stop! Stop shooting! 282 00:18:35,679 --> 00:18:38,638 It's me, Leela. Sorry. 283 00:18:38,769 --> 00:18:41,684 Why aren't you firing randomly into those birds, little lady? 284 00:18:41,816 --> 00:18:44,252 Don't you wanna help 'em?Not this way. 285 00:18:44,384 --> 00:18:47,822 What? Why, you're not a tree-huggin' kook at all. 286 00:18:47,951 --> 00:18:51,478 Look, I don't know if shooting penguins will help the environment or not, 287 00:18:51,607 --> 00:18:54,611 but I do know the decision shouldn't be in the hands of people... 288 00:18:54,741 --> 00:18:56,656 who just wanna kill for fun. 289 00:18:56,787 --> 00:19:01,401 Leela, you may just be farmin' some free-range truth there. 290 00:19:01,530 --> 00:19:03,837 On the other hand, we already made up... 291 00:19:03,968 --> 00:19:06,449 200 pounds of batter for penguin tempura. 292 00:19:06,579 --> 00:19:08,669 Okay, boys, it's them or us! 293 00:19:08,798 --> 00:19:11,192 No! 294 00:19:11,324 --> 00:19:13,630 - Hey, where'd they-- - Attack! 295 00:19:14,500 --> 00:19:17,067 [ All Quacking ] 296 00:19:18,505 --> 00:19:20,420 [ All Gasp ] 297 00:19:26,034 --> 00:19:28,818 [ Panting ] Oh, God. 298 00:19:30,604 --> 00:19:34,346 Make sure they use every part of my body! 299 00:19:34,477 --> 00:19:36,609 I'll avenge your death, son! 300 00:19:36,740 --> 00:19:39,221 They used to be such peaceful birds. 301 00:19:39,352 --> 00:19:42,528 I suppose this was your doing.Yep, it's like I taught 'em. 302 00:19:42,659 --> 00:19:45,705 If it ain't black and white, peck, scratch and bite. 303 00:19:45,836 --> 00:19:47,837 Now, to take off my tuxedo. 304 00:19:52,756 --> 00:19:55,367 Guys, it's me, your lovable dictator. 305 00:19:55,498 --> 00:19:57,673 Uh-oh. [ Screaming ] 306 00:20:02,548 --> 00:20:05,508 Oh! If only we had a toboggan. 307 00:20:08,207 --> 00:20:10,164 Faster! Faster! 308 00:20:17,303 --> 00:20:20,567 [ Grunting ] 309 00:20:22,786 --> 00:20:24,440 [ Both Sigh ] 310 00:20:26,355 --> 00:20:29,576 Oh, right, they can swim. It's all coming back to me now. 311 00:20:32,012 --> 00:20:34,450 [ Gasping ] 312 00:20:36,234 --> 00:20:38,105 It's Fry.Wiggles? 313 00:20:45,808 --> 00:20:49,160 Well, at least it'll help reduce their population. 314 00:20:49,290 --> 00:20:52,337 Yeah, life is hilariously cruel. 315 00:20:52,468 --> 00:20:54,557 [ Laughing ] 316 00:20:54,688 --> 00:20:57,211 [ Gasping ] 317 00:20:58,560 --> 00:21:01,259 Permission to come aboard, Wiggles?Granted. 318 00:21:01,390 --> 00:21:05,786 We can't take off without our captain. [ Clearing Throat ] 319 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:09,571 Oh, and bring my toboggan. 320 00:21:12,967 --> 00:21:15,273 So, Leela, were you able to help the penguins? 321 00:21:15,403 --> 00:21:18,058 Well, sure. I mean, not really. 322 00:21:18,189 --> 00:21:20,583 I mean, nature will work itself out. 323 00:21:20,713 --> 00:21:23,412 It can't screw things up any worse than we did trying to fix things. 324 00:21:23,542 --> 00:21:25,413 Right?[ Mumbles ] I don't know. 325 00:21:25,545 --> 00:21:28,808 Ah, quit your worrying. Thanks to my shining influence, 326 00:21:28,939 --> 00:21:32,247 those stupid birds will do just fine. 327 00:21:46,521 --> 00:21:48,307 [ Chambers Loading ]