1 00:00:18,852 --> 00:00:21,312 (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) 2 00:00:23,816 --> 00:00:25,896 Silence, puny audience! 3 00:00:25,984 --> 00:00:30,244 And welcome to Who Dares To Be A Millionaire? 4 00:00:30,322 --> 00:00:33,412 Tremble before Morbo's mighty likability, 5 00:00:33,492 --> 00:00:37,252 as I chitchat with our first contestant, Philip J. Fry. 6 00:00:37,621 --> 00:00:38,751 (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) 7 00:00:44,628 --> 00:00:46,168 Give him hell, Morbo! 8 00:00:47,756 --> 00:00:50,086 Prepare for pleasantries! 9 00:00:50,217 --> 00:00:52,637 So, Fry, what do you do for a living? 10 00:00:52,720 --> 00:00:55,220 Me? Can I phone a friend? 11 00:00:55,305 --> 00:00:56,635 Chitchat achieved! 12 00:00:59,017 --> 00:01:01,227 Are you ready to play? 13 00:01:01,311 --> 00:01:04,441 I didn't come to play, I came to win. 14 00:01:04,523 --> 00:01:05,823 Now let's play. 15 00:01:05,899 --> 00:01:10,069 For $1, what tool is used to hammer a nail? 16 00:01:10,154 --> 00:01:12,574 Is it, A, a hammer? 17 00:01:12,740 --> 00:01:14,570 B, a nail? 18 00:01:14,658 --> 00:01:16,448 C... B, Nail! Final answer! 19 00:01:16,535 --> 00:01:17,615 (BUZZER SOUNDS) 20 00:01:20,164 --> 00:01:22,294 HERMES: Sweet dodo of Lesotho! 21 00:01:22,374 --> 00:01:25,044 Don't you ever stop to think before you speak? 22 00:01:25,127 --> 00:01:26,837 I never stop to think about it. 23 00:01:27,337 --> 00:01:31,257 Leave Fry alone. His intelligence is just a little differenty. 24 00:01:32,009 --> 00:01:33,259 You a big dummy! 25 00:01:33,385 --> 00:01:36,675 Hey, I'm beginning to think you guys don't think I'm very smart. 26 00:01:36,764 --> 00:01:39,684 You can barely remember your own name, Einstein. 27 00:01:39,767 --> 00:01:41,767 Einstein is a hard name to remember. 28 00:01:42,269 --> 00:01:43,269 Ow! 29 00:01:43,353 --> 00:01:44,733 Smeesh, Professor. 30 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:47,943 Don't have a shmaneurysm. Fry's your distant relative. 31 00:01:48,025 --> 00:01:49,225 Not distant enough. 32 00:01:49,359 --> 00:01:52,319 I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm this monkey's nephew. 33 00:01:52,696 --> 00:01:55,696 (SNIFFLES) But you're my only family. 34 00:01:55,866 --> 00:01:58,576 Who will hug me if I achieve something? 35 00:01:58,869 --> 00:02:01,659 Oh, perhaps I've been too harsh. 36 00:02:01,955 --> 00:02:07,375 Come, lad, take my hand and I'll explain why I find you so repugnant. 37 00:02:08,337 --> 00:02:11,957 All my life, I've been inspired by great minds. 38 00:02:12,424 --> 00:02:15,684 Euclid, Copernicus, Braino. 39 00:02:15,969 --> 00:02:19,889 And my personal role model, Leonardo da Vinci. 40 00:02:20,349 --> 00:02:21,929 What turned them to stone? 41 00:02:22,726 --> 00:02:25,896 Da Vinci was history's greatest artist and inventor. 42 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:30,533 VoilĂ ! 43 00:02:30,609 --> 00:02:34,949 He invented flying machines, war engines, submarines. 44 00:02:35,072 --> 00:02:37,282 Uh-oh. Nibbler died in the wall. 45 00:02:37,366 --> 00:02:40,656 That's not Nibbler. That's my most precious possession. 46 00:02:40,744 --> 00:02:42,414 Leonardo's beard! 47 00:02:42,538 --> 00:02:46,578 I paid a fortune for it at an auction of historic body parts. 48 00:02:47,751 --> 00:02:50,041 I suppose if I have an Achilles' heel, 49 00:02:50,128 --> 00:02:52,878 it's because I bought it at that same auction. 50 00:02:53,257 --> 00:02:57,127 Indeed so. Most indeededly. 51 00:02:57,219 --> 00:02:58,799 Careful with that, you fool! 52 00:03:00,264 --> 00:03:03,354 No! No! 53 00:03:04,017 --> 00:03:05,597 But possibly yes. 54 00:03:06,520 --> 00:03:07,600 What is it, Professor? 55 00:03:10,399 --> 00:03:14,529 Oh, my! It's da Vinci's fabled lost invention. 56 00:03:14,611 --> 00:03:19,451 Even the scholars who wrote of this device had no idea what it was for. 57 00:03:19,533 --> 00:03:22,493 And now, at last, neither do I! 58 00:03:22,578 --> 00:03:23,868 Maybe we can figure it out. 59 00:03:23,954 --> 00:03:26,464 We? (LAUGHS) 60 00:03:27,958 --> 00:03:30,078 Well, I may not have brain smarts, 61 00:03:30,210 --> 00:03:32,340 but at least I have street smarts. 62 00:03:35,841 --> 00:03:38,591 I was in the hospital two weeks. No one visited me. 63 00:03:38,677 --> 00:03:39,797 Quiet, you! 64 00:03:39,970 --> 00:03:43,970 I'm trying to deduce the function of da Vinci's lost invention. 65 00:03:44,141 --> 00:03:45,351 Not even a card. 66 00:03:45,434 --> 00:03:48,354 He might have hidden a clue in one of his other works. 67 00:03:48,437 --> 00:03:52,317 Ergo, I sent Bender out for a copy of The Last Supper. 68 00:03:52,399 --> 00:03:53,479 BENDER: I'm back! 69 00:03:53,650 --> 00:03:57,320 Everybody at Kinko's was an idiot, so I just brought the original. 70 00:03:57,613 --> 00:03:58,953 (GRUNTING) 71 00:04:04,578 --> 00:04:07,998 Jesus Christ, and his 12 Apostles. 72 00:04:08,165 --> 00:04:09,245 That's odd. 73 00:04:09,333 --> 00:04:12,133 This hand here doesn't belong to anybody. 74 00:04:12,210 --> 00:04:14,920 And it's pointing a knife at James the Lesser! 75 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,915 That's the great thing about that hand. 76 00:04:17,007 --> 00:04:19,467 And what about these funky table legs? 77 00:04:19,551 --> 00:04:22,261 It's like they're from some other, funkier painting. 78 00:04:22,346 --> 00:04:24,926 Maybe da Vinci painted over something else. 79 00:04:25,015 --> 00:04:26,635 It's called a pentimento. 80 00:04:26,725 --> 00:04:30,515 That's true, Dr. Zoidberg. How did you know that? 81 00:04:30,604 --> 00:04:32,774 My doctorate is in art history. 82 00:04:32,856 --> 00:04:35,186 Let's see what's under The Last Supper. 83 00:04:38,946 --> 00:04:42,236 Wait a second! I'm not big-boned, I'm just fat. 84 00:04:43,992 --> 00:04:45,742 My God! Look! 85 00:04:45,869 --> 00:04:47,119 (ALL GASP) 86 00:04:47,204 --> 00:04:48,834 My God! I'm looking! 87 00:04:50,582 --> 00:04:53,502 My God! Saint James was a robot! 88 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:57,340 My God! Da Vinci left his legs unpainted as a clue. 89 00:04:57,464 --> 00:05:01,684 My God! This is the greatest mystery of all time. 90 00:05:01,843 --> 00:05:05,603 We must fly to Rome and exhume the body of Saint James. 91 00:05:05,722 --> 00:05:08,602 Didn't we used to be a delivery company? To the ship. 92 00:05:40,132 --> 00:05:41,172 Psst. 93 00:05:41,258 --> 00:05:43,798 Leela, wanna join the mile-deep club? 94 00:05:43,885 --> 00:05:45,585 Sure, why not? (GASPS) 95 00:05:45,679 --> 00:05:47,849 No time! I've found a clue that 96 00:05:47,931 --> 00:05:50,601 could unlock all the secrets of history. 97 00:05:51,018 --> 00:05:52,018 (GROANS) 98 00:05:52,102 --> 00:05:54,152 Look at these Roman numerals. 99 00:05:54,229 --> 00:05:55,349 Roman numerals? 100 00:05:55,731 --> 00:05:57,611 I've got it! We're in Rome! 101 00:05:57,691 --> 00:06:01,611 Don't be stupid. It's a long-lost mathematical code. 102 00:06:01,695 --> 00:06:04,775 I'll need to consult these ancient writings. 103 00:06:08,326 --> 00:06:13,456 Some preposterous hogwash about the Fibonacci sequence... 104 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:14,540 Aha! 105 00:06:14,750 --> 00:06:18,130 The markings indicate how many paces we need to take. 106 00:06:19,337 --> 00:06:22,587 One... Okay, we're there. 107 00:06:23,925 --> 00:06:26,085 Brothers and sisters, let us pry. 108 00:06:31,641 --> 00:06:35,441 It's true! Saint James really was a robot. 109 00:06:35,645 --> 00:06:40,105 I bet he's up in robot heaven right now. So he won't miss his eyes. 110 00:06:44,321 --> 00:06:46,071 (POWERING UP) 111 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:51,200 (ALL GASP) 112 00:06:51,286 --> 00:06:54,826 My God! Robot Saint James is a zombie. 113 00:06:54,998 --> 00:06:57,668 Nay, I am not Saint James. 114 00:06:57,751 --> 00:06:59,631 Enough of your lies, Saint James. 115 00:06:59,753 --> 00:07:01,673 We saw you in The Last Supper. 116 00:07:01,880 --> 00:07:05,630 The great man Leonardo built me as an artist's model. 117 00:07:05,717 --> 00:07:07,297 When I took repose in this coffin, 118 00:07:07,594 --> 00:07:11,014 I carefully tossed the real Saint James in yonder heap. 119 00:07:12,307 --> 00:07:14,427 I'm sure you have many questions. 120 00:07:14,518 --> 00:07:16,598 Come, there is a chamber where I used to 121 00:07:16,686 --> 00:07:18,646 speak with Pope John the Patient. 122 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:24,190 I told him I'd be back in five minutes. 123 00:07:24,861 --> 00:07:26,611 Well, he'll make a nice heap. 124 00:07:30,325 --> 00:07:34,905 I am Animatronio, guardian of da Vinci's great secret. 125 00:07:34,996 --> 00:07:37,706 He left my legs visible in the painting as a clue, 126 00:07:37,791 --> 00:07:39,881 then dispatched me hither to await 127 00:07:40,001 --> 00:07:43,001 his shadow society of intellectuals. 128 00:07:43,713 --> 00:07:45,013 Hi, Animatronio. 129 00:07:45,090 --> 00:07:47,800 You personally knew da Vinci? 130 00:07:47,884 --> 00:07:48,974 (SHRIEKS) 131 00:07:49,052 --> 00:07:51,302 Was he nice? How did his hair smell? 132 00:07:51,388 --> 00:07:54,888 And on a personal note, what is the function of this device? 133 00:07:54,975 --> 00:07:58,725 Halt! You know not the function of the machina magnifica? 134 00:07:59,062 --> 00:08:02,152 Then thou art not members of the shadow society! 135 00:08:02,232 --> 00:08:03,272 The what now? 136 00:08:03,358 --> 00:08:05,358 Not one more word shall I breathe. 137 00:08:05,443 --> 00:08:08,703 Not even about the great fountain where thou mayest find the... 138 00:08:09,364 --> 00:08:10,364 Wait... 139 00:08:10,740 --> 00:08:13,580 Thou didst not know about the fountain, didst thou? 140 00:08:13,660 --> 00:08:15,790 Curses! I must be punished. 141 00:08:16,288 --> 00:08:18,078 (GROANING) 142 00:08:18,498 --> 00:08:20,328 Quick, we must find out what he knows 143 00:08:20,417 --> 00:08:22,537 before he flays himself to death! 144 00:08:23,086 --> 00:08:24,126 Where is the great fountain? 145 00:08:24,212 --> 00:08:25,302 What makes it so great? 146 00:08:25,380 --> 00:08:27,170 Why does a robot need a codpiece? 147 00:08:27,257 --> 00:08:29,717 Fie, thou fen-suckled bum-bailey! 148 00:08:29,801 --> 00:08:33,511 Thou willst never pry information from these mechanical lips! 149 00:08:33,597 --> 00:08:35,137 Just tell us, already. 150 00:08:35,223 --> 00:08:37,523 Okay, the fountain thou seekest is... 151 00:08:37,601 --> 00:08:38,771 (GROANING) 152 00:08:40,687 --> 00:08:43,937 And so dies our hope of solving this mystery. 153 00:08:44,232 --> 00:08:46,692 Come on, gang. Let's go home. 154 00:08:46,776 --> 00:08:48,986 Wait! Let's not give up so easily. 155 00:08:49,112 --> 00:08:51,412 Animatronio mentioned a fountain. 156 00:08:51,823 --> 00:08:54,833 That's a statue of Neptune, god of water. 157 00:08:54,951 --> 00:08:58,701 The number of points on his trident is three, or trey. 158 00:08:58,955 --> 00:09:01,615 The "U" in his name is written like "V." 159 00:09:01,708 --> 00:09:03,378 Trey, "V." 160 00:09:03,460 --> 00:09:06,920 Trevi! It's the Trevi fountain! 161 00:09:07,005 --> 00:09:09,965 There can be no question! But, Professor... 162 00:09:10,050 --> 00:09:11,630 There can be no question! 163 00:09:13,303 --> 00:09:16,393 Wow, it hasn't changed in 1,000 years. 164 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:22,560 Okay, everyone, into the fountain. 165 00:09:22,646 --> 00:09:25,186 What are you, senile? I'm not jumping in there. 166 00:09:25,273 --> 00:09:26,523 Hey, look. Coins. 167 00:09:43,333 --> 00:09:44,753 (GUNSHOTS FIRING) 168 00:09:48,797 --> 00:09:50,167 I got 48 cents. 169 00:09:50,715 --> 00:09:53,795 (GASPS) There's one more nickel, and it's a big one! 170 00:10:08,191 --> 00:10:10,611 Quickly, into the sewer hole. 171 00:10:13,697 --> 00:10:14,737 Why? 172 00:10:22,038 --> 00:10:23,498 (ALL SCREAMING) 173 00:10:29,838 --> 00:10:31,088 What's this dump? 174 00:10:38,722 --> 00:10:41,682 My God! It's the Pantheon! 175 00:10:41,766 --> 00:10:44,136 This place is 3,000 years old. 176 00:10:44,227 --> 00:10:46,437 What could possibly be left to discover? 177 00:10:46,521 --> 00:10:49,481 Maybe something about ourselves, Leela. 178 00:10:49,566 --> 00:10:51,226 Wait! What's under that blanket? 179 00:10:52,777 --> 00:10:56,277 My God! Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man! 180 00:10:56,614 --> 00:10:58,454 It's truly a masterpiece. 181 00:10:58,533 --> 00:11:00,083 Note how the perspective lines 182 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:01,990 draw the eye right to his dong. 183 00:11:04,164 --> 00:11:05,754 Say, what's this? 184 00:11:06,916 --> 00:11:08,376 Anyone hear something? 185 00:11:08,460 --> 00:11:09,920 It's a coin slot. 186 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:12,343 Bender, insert that giant nickel. 187 00:11:12,422 --> 00:11:13,592 Sure. 188 00:11:18,136 --> 00:11:19,926 (GROANS) Hush, Bender! 189 00:11:21,473 --> 00:11:24,143 What's your game, Vitruvian Man? 190 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:31,436 Whoa! Whoa! 191 00:11:33,610 --> 00:11:35,990 FARNSWORTH: I withdraw the question, Vitruvian Man. 192 00:11:36,905 --> 00:11:39,775 Da Vinci's lost workshop! 193 00:11:40,075 --> 00:11:41,575 At the risk of sounding stupid, 194 00:11:41,701 --> 00:11:43,201 do these things actually work? 195 00:11:43,286 --> 00:11:45,036 Of course not, stupid! 196 00:11:45,121 --> 00:11:49,121 I mean, that flying machine's as aerodynamic as a sofa! 197 00:11:49,209 --> 00:11:51,959 How could it possibly get off the ground? 198 00:11:52,045 --> 00:11:54,835 In a way thou shalt never discover! 199 00:11:56,383 --> 00:11:57,633 (ALL GASP) 200 00:11:57,717 --> 00:11:59,047 Hi, Animatronio. 201 00:11:59,135 --> 00:12:01,215 I feign death and stalk thee, 202 00:12:01,304 --> 00:12:04,394 that I might preserve the greatest of Leonardo's secrets! 203 00:12:04,516 --> 00:12:05,516 (EXCLAIMS) 204 00:12:09,604 --> 00:12:13,524 All right, buddy, we want secrets! And they'd better be ancient! 205 00:12:13,817 --> 00:12:15,277 (SPEAKS ITALIAN) 206 00:12:15,485 --> 00:12:19,405 Never shall I reveal how these wondrous machines fit together! 207 00:12:19,489 --> 00:12:20,949 They fit together? 208 00:12:21,032 --> 00:12:23,332 I said no such thing. And then I died! 209 00:12:23,451 --> 00:12:24,701 (GROANING) 210 00:12:27,831 --> 00:12:30,291 You're right, Professor. This thing doesn't fly. 211 00:12:30,375 --> 00:12:33,205 Don't sit in there, you idiot! That's dangerous! 212 00:12:38,341 --> 00:12:39,341 (EXCLAIMS) 213 00:12:56,526 --> 00:13:00,526 (GASPS) No wonder this contraption isn't aerodynamic! 214 00:13:00,613 --> 00:13:03,573 It's not an aircraft, it's a spacecraft! 215 00:13:04,576 --> 00:13:05,616 (SHOUTS) 216 00:13:05,702 --> 00:13:09,042 As I live, thou shan't discover the great secret! 217 00:13:16,004 --> 00:13:17,884 FRY: Bye, Animatronio! 218 00:13:45,783 --> 00:13:46,993 My God! 219 00:13:47,076 --> 00:13:50,116 Why would Leonardo's machine have brought us here? 220 00:13:50,205 --> 00:13:52,745 I don't know. Let's ask this guy. 221 00:13:52,874 --> 00:13:55,084 I am Leonardo. 222 00:13:55,460 --> 00:13:56,460 (BOTH GASP) 223 00:13:56,544 --> 00:13:58,594 Welcome to Planet Vinci. 224 00:14:03,134 --> 00:14:05,054 FARNSWORTH: My God! 225 00:14:05,178 --> 00:14:07,098 FRY: That's what I was gonna say! 226 00:14:15,772 --> 00:14:19,272 Leonardo! You're alive? Here? 227 00:14:20,443 --> 00:14:24,663 You've learned my great secret. I was but a visitor to Earth. 228 00:14:24,739 --> 00:14:27,989 In truth, I am what you call a space alien. 229 00:14:28,159 --> 00:14:29,199 Oh! 230 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:30,865 It's an honor to meet you, Leonardo. 231 00:14:30,954 --> 00:14:35,044 And may I say, you were great in Titanic. The Beach... 232 00:14:35,124 --> 00:14:38,094 That's Leonardo DiCaprio, you blockhead! 233 00:14:38,503 --> 00:14:39,633 (GROANS) 234 00:14:40,088 --> 00:14:42,668 Looks like eating rocks wasn't as dumb as you said. 235 00:14:46,386 --> 00:14:48,006 So what do people do for fun here? 236 00:14:48,096 --> 00:14:50,346 Do you enjoy partying all night, 237 00:14:50,473 --> 00:14:52,773 with plenty of ale and lusty women? 238 00:14:52,850 --> 00:14:54,850 I sure do! Not us. 239 00:14:54,936 --> 00:14:58,556 We spend our leisure time in the mathematics museum. 240 00:15:00,275 --> 00:15:04,435 Planet Vinci is basically a single colossal university. 241 00:15:04,779 --> 00:15:06,109 How's your football team? 242 00:15:06,197 --> 00:15:07,317 Learned. 243 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:10,487 Ooh! I'm going to check out that math lecture. 244 00:15:10,577 --> 00:15:14,157 All this knowledge is giving me a raging brainer. 245 00:15:14,664 --> 00:15:17,374 Would you like to hear the lecture, too, Fry? 246 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,418 No. It would just go in one ear and out some other hole. 247 00:15:20,628 --> 00:15:22,338 Come. Sit down. 248 00:15:22,672 --> 00:15:24,722 Now, that I can do. (GROANS) 249 00:15:25,383 --> 00:15:28,763 I have a terrible secret to confess, Mr. DiCaprio. 250 00:15:28,845 --> 00:15:30,255 I'm not very smart. 251 00:15:30,346 --> 00:15:32,256 I appreciate your candor. 252 00:15:33,141 --> 00:15:35,851 I don't even know what language you're speaking. 253 00:15:37,228 --> 00:15:39,608 I, too, have a confession. 254 00:15:39,689 --> 00:15:44,359 You see, here on Planet Vinci, I am the stupidest person. 255 00:15:44,694 --> 00:15:47,284 What? Who'd possibly think you're stupid? 256 00:15:47,363 --> 00:15:49,113 Duh! I'm Leonardo! 257 00:15:49,198 --> 00:15:51,658 I don't know the mass of the Higgs boson. 258 00:15:51,743 --> 00:15:54,203 Duh! I have to draw in pencil, 259 00:15:54,287 --> 00:15:57,537 'cause I don't know how to use rendering software. 260 00:15:58,958 --> 00:16:00,208 (BOTH LAUGHING) 261 00:16:00,793 --> 00:16:03,803 Stupid Biff! Thinks he's so smart. 262 00:16:03,880 --> 00:16:05,380 He looks stronger than you, too. 263 00:16:05,465 --> 00:16:09,425 I went to Earth because I could no longer stand the ridicule. 264 00:16:09,510 --> 00:16:14,510 But being surrounded by even stupider people was equally infuriating. 265 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:17,061 I can see myself in your shiny button. 266 00:16:17,143 --> 00:16:19,393 Inventing is what makes me happy. 267 00:16:19,479 --> 00:16:22,939 Or did, until I misplaced the plans for my masterpiece. 268 00:16:23,066 --> 00:16:24,186 You mean these? 269 00:16:24,275 --> 00:16:27,435 (GASPS) The machina magnifica? 270 00:16:27,987 --> 00:16:29,527 Infinite joy! 271 00:16:29,781 --> 00:16:33,331 Fry, my friend, you have given my life meaning again! 272 00:16:33,618 --> 00:16:36,828 That calculus lecture was harder than I expected. 273 00:16:36,913 --> 00:16:40,293 We had to answer every question in the form of an opera. 274 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:42,380 I have a lot of homework for tomorrow, 275 00:16:42,460 --> 00:16:46,340 if I don't want to be embarrassed. 276 00:16:48,091 --> 00:16:50,131 (INAUDIBLE) 277 00:17:18,037 --> 00:17:20,327 (ALL LAUGHING) 278 00:17:32,927 --> 00:17:34,387 (PLAYING RHYTHMICALLY) 279 00:17:35,972 --> 00:17:37,392 (ALL BOOING) 280 00:17:37,890 --> 00:17:39,430 Thank you. Thank you. 281 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:42,232 And if you like that, you'll love our main event. 282 00:17:42,353 --> 00:17:46,313 Ladies and gentlemen, Leonardo DiCaprio! 283 00:17:46,607 --> 00:17:47,937 (ALL CHEERING) 284 00:17:48,776 --> 00:17:50,436 I mean, da Vinci! 285 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:52,315 (ALL BOOING) 286 00:17:54,824 --> 00:17:59,584 For centuries, you've ridiculed me. Especially you, Biff. 287 00:17:59,746 --> 00:18:00,906 Nice hat! 288 00:18:00,997 --> 00:18:02,247 (ALL WHOOPING) 289 00:18:02,832 --> 00:18:06,842 But, at long last, this invention will show you. 290 00:18:07,128 --> 00:18:08,498 It will show you all! 291 00:18:09,297 --> 00:18:13,677 Behold, my unstoppable doomsday machine! 292 00:18:13,760 --> 00:18:15,010 And I helped! 293 00:18:15,303 --> 00:18:18,513 Wait. You told me it was an unstoppable ice cream machine. 294 00:18:18,723 --> 00:18:21,483 Ice cream is just a by-product of the machine! 295 00:18:21,559 --> 00:18:24,389 Lts primary purpose is to exterminate 296 00:18:24,479 --> 00:18:27,229 everyone who ever made me feel inferior! 297 00:18:27,398 --> 00:18:30,688 Ooh! I'm so scared! 298 00:18:30,902 --> 00:18:33,032 Bring it on, dum-dum! 299 00:18:33,196 --> 00:18:34,696 (ALL LAUGHING) 300 00:18:36,741 --> 00:18:39,281 Oh, yeah? Let's see how hard you're laughing 301 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:42,538 when my doomsday machine chops off your face! 302 00:18:54,425 --> 00:18:55,965 Leonardo, stop! 303 00:18:56,052 --> 00:18:57,222 (ALL GASP) 304 00:18:57,303 --> 00:18:58,893 I want in on this! 305 00:18:59,263 --> 00:19:00,933 Are you crazy, Professor? 306 00:19:01,015 --> 00:19:02,715 I hate these nerds! 307 00:19:02,850 --> 00:19:04,640 Just 'cause I'm stupider than them, 308 00:19:04,727 --> 00:19:07,017 they think they're smarter than me. 309 00:19:07,104 --> 00:19:10,574 Kill them all, starting with the math teacher! 310 00:19:16,447 --> 00:19:17,907 (ALL SCREAMING) 311 00:19:24,205 --> 00:19:27,865 I knew this final invention would be a humdinger. 312 00:19:27,959 --> 00:19:32,129 Yes. We three idiots will finally have our revenge! 313 00:19:32,505 --> 00:19:34,125 I don't think so. 314 00:19:34,382 --> 00:19:38,432 You two make me ashamed to call myself an idiot. 315 00:19:42,765 --> 00:19:44,845 There's always going to be someone smarter than you, 316 00:19:44,934 --> 00:19:48,104 so the only way to be happy is to make the most of what you've got. 317 00:19:48,187 --> 00:19:49,477 But you've got nothing. 318 00:19:49,564 --> 00:19:50,614 Oh, no? 319 00:19:50,690 --> 00:19:54,730 I've got one single nail, and another nail to nail it in with. 320 00:19:54,819 --> 00:19:58,279 And I'm gonna stop this infernal ice cream machine once and for all! 321 00:20:00,700 --> 00:20:01,950 (SCREAMS) 322 00:20:18,467 --> 00:20:19,887 (ALL LAUGHING) 323 00:20:20,845 --> 00:20:24,215 Some doomsday machine! It barely killed anyone! 324 00:20:24,307 --> 00:20:25,387 Oh, yeah? 325 00:20:26,559 --> 00:20:27,809 Well, take this! 326 00:20:30,479 --> 00:20:31,649 Oh, my. 327 00:20:32,023 --> 00:20:36,443 Poor Leonardo da Vinci. He sure was stupid. 328 00:20:39,363 --> 00:20:42,373 Fry, I admire what you did today, 329 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:45,910 and I'm deeply sorry for insulting your intellect. 330 00:20:45,995 --> 00:20:48,655 Your tiny, tiny intellect. 331 00:20:48,748 --> 00:20:50,708 Oops. There I go again, you dope. 332 00:20:51,000 --> 00:20:52,080 I mean, dummy. 333 00:20:52,168 --> 00:20:53,168 It's okay. 334 00:20:53,252 --> 00:20:55,802 I may not be clever, but I have a good heart. 335 00:20:55,880 --> 00:20:57,590 That's what my mom used to say. 336 00:20:57,673 --> 00:20:59,843 She was a wise woman. 337 00:21:00,051 --> 00:21:02,051 Also, that I'm not much to look at. 338 00:21:02,136 --> 00:21:04,886 A wise woman, indeed. 339 00:21:37,171 --> 00:21:38,171 ENGLISH - US - PSDH