1 00:00:03,484 --> 00:00:05,444 Ask your doctor if Futurama is right for you. 2 00:00:08,675 --> 00:00:12,939 7x02- A Farewell to Arms 3 00:00:13,940 --> 00:00:17,140 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed. com ~ 4 00:00:22,588 --> 00:00:24,066 Oh, my hair! 5 00:00:33,596 --> 00:00:34,995 Lot of weather we're having. 6 00:00:35,029 --> 00:00:36,829 Allow me, m'lady. 7 00:00:39,831 --> 00:00:41,131 Shall we go a-trousering? 8 00:00:41,165 --> 00:00:44,631 Fry, I appreciate the gallantry, but isn't this a bit much? 9 00:00:44,665 --> 00:00:47,572 You're right. I'm sorry for showing my love. 10 00:00:47,607 --> 00:00:50,310 Okay. Fine. 11 00:00:50,344 --> 00:00:52,249 Here, take my hand. 12 00:01:05,464 --> 00:01:07,098 News and weather, everyone! 13 00:01:07,132 --> 00:01:08,733 I'm sure you've all noticed 14 00:01:08,767 --> 00:01:11,568 the bizarre atmospheric conditions of late. 15 00:01:11,603 --> 00:01:13,370 Come to mention it, yes. 16 00:01:13,405 --> 00:01:16,172 It seems something ain't right in the magnetosphere, 17 00:01:16,206 --> 00:01:18,908 so I'm launching this high-altitude weather balloon 18 00:01:18,942 --> 00:01:21,443 to gather more data. 19 00:01:24,046 --> 00:01:25,880 My pants! My lucky pants! 20 00:01:25,914 --> 00:01:28,115 They don't look so lucky to me. 21 00:01:28,149 --> 00:01:30,117 They are, too! 22 00:01:30,151 --> 00:01:32,085 I was wearing them that time I found a dime in my ear. 23 00:01:32,120 --> 00:01:34,457 I was wearing them when I won a subscription to Redbook. 24 00:01:34,491 --> 00:01:36,627 And I was wearing them when I first met Leela, 25 00:01:36,661 --> 00:01:38,696 so yeah, they're lucky. 26 00:01:38,730 --> 00:01:41,368 Aw... also, oh, Lord. 27 00:01:41,402 --> 00:01:43,037 Plus, they're my only pants. 28 00:01:43,071 --> 00:01:45,739 You've worn the same pants for a thousand years? 29 00:01:45,774 --> 00:01:47,375 No wonder they made a run for it. 30 00:02:00,459 --> 00:02:03,996 Soon your trousers will slip the surly bonds of Earth 31 00:02:04,030 --> 00:02:06,332 and ascend to the heavens. 32 00:02:06,469 --> 00:02:08,802 I'm gonna blast that balloon! 33 00:02:08,837 --> 00:02:12,006 No way will I let God get my pants! 34 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:14,242 Nobody messes with my pants! 35 00:02:14,276 --> 00:02:17,211 Not even the holy one, blessed be he. 36 00:02:33,329 --> 00:02:37,199 Look out! A Central Park badger! 37 00:02:41,504 --> 00:02:42,805 I'll save you, pants! 38 00:02:42,839 --> 00:02:44,540 Scruffy, do you have any varmint grease? 39 00:02:44,575 --> 00:02:46,276 What viscosity you need? 40 00:02:56,056 --> 00:02:58,457 Whoa, there's writing in here! 41 00:02:59,760 --> 00:03:02,396 Also, this grease is flammable. 42 00:03:10,204 --> 00:03:14,140 Incredible! Who could have done this, the sewer mutants? 43 00:03:14,175 --> 00:03:15,842 No, this isn't Mutant language. 44 00:03:15,876 --> 00:03:19,745 We use a lot more profanity. Son of a bitch...! 45 00:03:21,281 --> 00:03:23,315 Leela, take my hand! 46 00:03:25,519 --> 00:03:27,319 I'm slipping! 47 00:03:27,354 --> 00:03:29,422 The one time your hands aren't sticky, they're greasy! 48 00:03:29,456 --> 00:03:32,392 Oh, sorry. Normally I would've wiped them on my pants, but... 49 00:03:37,566 --> 00:03:39,266 Are you okay? 50 00:03:39,301 --> 00:03:42,871 I... ow! My leg, it's broken. 51 00:03:42,906 --> 00:03:44,539 How'd you get down here? 52 00:03:44,574 --> 00:03:46,692 We made a rope from my shirt and jacket 53 00:03:46,785 --> 00:03:49,345 and an expedition flag from my underpants. 54 00:03:49,379 --> 00:03:51,948 I'll help you up. Here, take my hand. 55 00:03:51,982 --> 00:03:53,717 Stop telling me to take your hand. 56 00:03:53,751 --> 00:03:56,620 Look, Fry, your noble gestures keep making things worse. 57 00:03:56,655 --> 00:04:00,024 Can't you just be a rude, unhelpful jerk like Bender? 58 00:04:00,058 --> 00:04:03,394 When I use up the toilet paper, I don't put on a new roll. 59 00:04:03,428 --> 00:04:06,263 Fry, my friend, I found your pants. 60 00:04:06,298 --> 00:04:09,299 And no sign of that crafty badger. 61 00:04:09,334 --> 00:04:10,934 All right! Lucky pants! 62 00:04:17,675 --> 00:04:20,877 Oh, my God! Look what my flashlight found! 63 00:04:22,579 --> 00:04:25,247 A huge pyramid under New New York? 64 00:04:25,282 --> 00:04:27,083 What badger could've built this? 65 00:04:27,117 --> 00:04:30,086 And look at this intricately carved disk. 66 00:04:30,121 --> 00:04:32,289 It merits years of study. 67 00:04:32,324 --> 00:04:35,826 But how can we move such a fragile, precious... 68 00:04:37,430 --> 00:04:39,931 Ancient history coming through! 69 00:04:41,201 --> 00:04:42,401 No, no, no, no, no! 70 00:04:43,670 --> 00:04:45,805 Amazing! 71 00:04:45,839 --> 00:04:49,742 It appears to be some kind of extremely ancient calendar, 72 00:04:49,776 --> 00:04:53,078 predating even the "Girls of Sumeria. " 73 00:04:53,113 --> 00:04:55,848 Of course. It's a Mayan calendar. 74 00:04:55,883 --> 00:04:59,586 No, wait. There's some dried-up old stew on the screen. 75 00:04:59,620 --> 00:05:02,755 Sorry. I was eatin' a can of breakfast and lookin' at porn. 76 00:05:04,525 --> 00:05:08,428 It's not Mayan, it's Martian! 77 00:05:08,462 --> 00:05:10,430 Amy, you grew up on Mars, right? 78 00:05:10,464 --> 00:05:12,532 - Can you read Martian? - A little. 79 00:05:12,566 --> 00:05:16,203 I only learned enough to yell at my nanny. Let's see. 80 00:05:17,872 --> 00:05:21,541 I think it means... "The sun will erupt... 81 00:05:21,576 --> 00:05:24,044 all shall perish," blah-blah-blah. 82 00:05:24,078 --> 00:05:27,514 Get to the point! What does it say about me, Bender? 83 00:05:27,549 --> 00:05:29,550 Nothing! But it does say 84 00:05:29,584 --> 00:05:32,319 a great cataclysm will destroy the world in the year 3012! 85 00:05:32,353 --> 00:05:35,689 The world? That's where I live! 86 00:05:35,723 --> 00:05:37,691 Told you it'd say something about me. 87 00:05:37,725 --> 00:05:40,293 So the world will end in 3012. 88 00:05:40,327 --> 00:05:42,361 Why does that year sound so familiar?! 89 00:05:42,396 --> 00:05:46,032 Because that's the year that's this year! See? 90 00:05:53,741 --> 00:05:56,309 So, uh, you all done with the computer? 91 00:06:03,296 --> 00:06:06,465 Is it just me, or is the world ending more often these days? 92 00:06:06,499 --> 00:06:09,568 The calendar predicts fires, earthquakes, 93 00:06:09,603 --> 00:06:12,504 sharksplosions, then it just ends! 94 00:06:12,538 --> 00:06:15,307 Exactly as the weather balloon foretold. 95 00:06:15,342 --> 00:06:17,676 Before Fry blew his pants out of the sky, 96 00:06:17,711 --> 00:06:22,447 it detected the onset of a catastrophic sunspot cycle. 97 00:06:28,486 --> 00:06:32,489 It's starting. This is the end of the world. 98 00:06:36,126 --> 00:06:38,594 Coward Man away! 99 00:06:42,532 --> 00:06:46,436 Some of us were crazy before it was cool. 100 00:06:50,474 --> 00:06:53,477 Evacuating the planet in three, two... 101 00:06:53,511 --> 00:06:56,447 So long, Earth. Thanks for nothing. 102 00:06:58,817 --> 00:07:00,017 It's not starting. 103 00:07:01,487 --> 00:07:04,221 Come ons, comes on! 104 00:07:07,859 --> 00:07:10,727 Let me try, Headless Clone of Agnew. 105 00:07:12,896 --> 00:07:14,697 Damn thing just won't turn over. 106 00:07:14,731 --> 00:07:16,799 It's like Pat on a Sunday morning. 107 00:07:18,101 --> 00:07:20,803 Oh, the Marconi is on the fritz, too! 108 00:07:20,837 --> 00:07:26,141 The electromagnetic storm is disabling all electronics on Earth. 109 00:07:27,744 --> 00:07:29,811 Hi, there. 110 00:07:33,182 --> 00:07:35,216 Well, it wasn't a bad life. 111 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:38,652 If only I could get back that time I spent watching TRON: Legacy. 112 00:07:38,686 --> 00:07:40,588 Leela, I've made up my mind. 113 00:07:40,622 --> 00:07:43,057 Before we die, I'm gonna find and destroy 114 00:07:43,092 --> 00:07:45,727 every remaining copy of TRON: Legacy. 115 00:07:45,761 --> 00:07:47,595 It may take a couple of hours, but... 116 00:07:47,630 --> 00:07:49,498 Fry, stop trying to do things for me. 117 00:07:49,532 --> 00:07:53,935 Whatever time we have left, just live it with me. 118 00:07:53,970 --> 00:07:57,773 So... you wanna join the Balcony Club? 119 00:07:57,808 --> 00:08:01,444 The Balcony Club? I have an individual membership. 120 00:08:01,478 --> 00:08:06,082 - Zoidberg, get lost. - I am lost. So long. 121 00:08:09,420 --> 00:08:13,089 Stop the end-of-the-world sex. We might survive after all. 122 00:08:14,958 --> 00:08:19,228 All right, Amy, what's so important that you interrupted my embalming? 123 00:08:19,262 --> 00:08:23,532 I translated more Martian symbols. There's a way off this planet. 124 00:08:23,567 --> 00:08:26,602 That underground pyramid isn't a pyramid... 125 00:08:26,637 --> 00:08:28,971 it's a rocket ship! 126 00:08:29,006 --> 00:08:33,076 It was worth waiting five hours to hear you finish that sentence. 127 00:08:33,111 --> 00:08:38,082 A spaceship made of stone? With no electronics, it just might work! 128 00:08:38,116 --> 00:08:40,818 I'll stick with wind-up power, thank you very much. 129 00:08:40,853 --> 00:08:43,320 Hmm, I've never flown a pyramid before, 130 00:08:43,355 --> 00:08:46,256 but I used to drive around town in a mausoleum. 131 00:08:46,290 --> 00:08:47,824 How many people can this thing carry? 132 00:08:47,859 --> 00:08:52,224 Well, the mausoleum held ten horny teenagers, so... 133 00:08:52,259 --> 00:08:53,730 maybe 30,000. 134 00:08:53,764 --> 00:08:57,967 It's our moral duty to save as many lives as possible. 135 00:09:00,437 --> 00:09:02,572 They had their chance. Let's go! 136 00:09:02,607 --> 00:09:04,874 Mind if I appear? 137 00:09:11,450 --> 00:09:13,618 Welcome to the Hidey House. 138 00:09:13,652 --> 00:09:17,122 Brannigan, tell me about this freaky-deaky escape pyramid. 139 00:09:17,156 --> 00:09:20,793 I can fly it, sir. I just need to know where, and how. 140 00:09:20,827 --> 00:09:22,695 The obvious destination is Mars. 141 00:09:22,729 --> 00:09:26,599 It's close, with lots of open space and no Woodward or Bernstein. 142 00:09:26,633 --> 00:09:27,933 That's a plus. 143 00:09:27,968 --> 00:09:32,271 But we can only save 30,000 people. How do we choose who goes? 144 00:09:32,305 --> 00:09:35,274 Well, let's see now. We'll need leaders... 145 00:09:37,010 --> 00:09:41,013 ...scientists, doctors, bureaucrats, pilots, 146 00:09:41,047 --> 00:09:44,050 valuable appliances... even janitors. 147 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:46,719 But that's it. No one else. 148 00:09:46,753 --> 00:09:49,522 I'll miss you, Leela. 149 00:09:49,556 --> 00:09:52,291 But it's okay, 'cause then I'll die. 150 00:09:52,325 --> 00:09:53,725 Cut the waterworks, hippie! 151 00:09:53,760 --> 00:09:55,828 The final decision will be made not by me, 152 00:09:55,862 --> 00:09:59,331 but by a cold, logical machine. 153 00:09:59,365 --> 00:10:02,300 Who shall live and who shall die? 154 00:10:02,335 --> 00:10:05,503 Step right up to the contrabulous choose-matron! 155 00:10:05,537 --> 00:10:08,072 I hate waiting in line to die. 156 00:10:08,106 --> 00:10:09,406 Move it along, grandma. 157 00:10:09,441 --> 00:10:12,542 Stick your hand in and take your chances. 158 00:10:12,577 --> 00:10:15,978 Female, crotchety. Needed to keep others in their place. 159 00:10:16,013 --> 00:10:17,280 Accepted! 160 00:10:18,248 --> 00:10:19,882 Damn straight, kajigger! 161 00:10:19,917 --> 00:10:21,417 Ooh, me next! 162 00:10:21,452 --> 00:10:24,154 We just got one of these. Rejected! 163 00:10:26,257 --> 00:10:29,026 Male, scientist, fond of crazy contraptions. 164 00:10:29,060 --> 00:10:30,494 Accepted! 165 00:10:32,864 --> 00:10:36,068 Female, scientist. We were in the same sorority. 166 00:10:36,102 --> 00:10:37,669 Accepted! 167 00:10:37,704 --> 00:10:40,940 - Sigma Beta, see you latah! - Sigma Beta, see you latah! 168 00:10:41,074 --> 00:10:44,576 Male, medical doctor, delicious with butter and lemon. 169 00:10:44,611 --> 00:10:46,411 Accepted! 170 00:10:46,446 --> 00:10:47,913 I wish they'd hurry. 171 00:10:47,947 --> 00:10:50,015 I want to get out of here before the mayhem starts. 172 00:10:50,049 --> 00:10:53,018 Mayhem?! There's gonna be mayhem? 173 00:10:53,052 --> 00:10:55,086 I'm stayin'! Hoo-ee! 174 00:10:55,120 --> 00:10:57,821 Well, might as well get it over with. 175 00:10:59,291 --> 00:11:02,459 Delivery boy, no discernible skills. 176 00:11:02,493 --> 00:11:03,694 Accepted! 177 00:11:04,764 --> 00:11:06,298 'Cause I like his pants. 178 00:11:06,332 --> 00:11:07,933 Yes! My lucky pants! 179 00:11:07,967 --> 00:11:10,636 Leela, we can go together after all. Come on. 180 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:12,705 Get your badge. Take my hand. 181 00:11:14,007 --> 00:11:16,309 Top gun pilot, natural leader, 182 00:11:16,344 --> 00:11:18,712 extreme combat training. Rejected! 183 00:11:18,746 --> 00:11:19,946 What?! 184 00:11:19,981 --> 00:11:23,884 With all spaceships inoperable, we only need one spaceship pilot. 185 00:11:25,687 --> 00:11:27,655 Wonder what this doo-cracky does? 186 00:11:28,990 --> 00:11:32,393 Snake door. Roger. 187 00:11:32,428 --> 00:11:36,665 You can't reject Leela! Give her a badge, you stupid box! 188 00:11:36,699 --> 00:11:39,167 Male, filthy hand, violent temper. 189 00:11:39,202 --> 00:11:40,435 Accepted again! 190 00:11:40,470 --> 00:11:41,738 Nooo! 191 00:11:43,839 --> 00:11:47,643 Fry, the box has spoken. Go to Mars. 192 00:11:47,677 --> 00:11:50,679 Okay. 193 00:11:50,713 --> 00:11:52,414 Will you at least keep this photo? 194 00:11:54,321 --> 00:11:57,185 Remember how Bender dumped all that pig's blood on me? 195 00:11:57,220 --> 00:12:01,256 You keep it. I'll remember you in here. 196 00:12:01,290 --> 00:12:04,292 I wish I could remember with my boobs. 197 00:12:06,862 --> 00:12:09,096 Leela, we're off to Mars. 198 00:12:10,298 --> 00:12:12,266 We'll see ourselves out. 199 00:12:12,301 --> 00:12:15,102 Wait, I did it. I got Leela a ticket. 200 00:12:16,371 --> 00:12:17,872 How did you do that? 201 00:12:19,174 --> 00:12:22,676 A magician never reveals his secrets. Except the Great Revealo. 202 00:12:22,711 --> 00:12:24,111 That guy stinks. 203 00:12:40,896 --> 00:12:44,165 I still don't see why you get the window seat. 204 00:12:44,200 --> 00:12:48,036 Folks, this is your captain. Our snake tanks are fully loaded, 205 00:12:48,070 --> 00:12:49,971 so once I figure out which button launches this... 206 00:12:51,240 --> 00:12:52,473 I figured it out! 207 00:13:08,557 --> 00:13:11,325 Boo! Don't come back! 208 00:13:11,360 --> 00:13:13,728 Well, let's get lootin'! 209 00:13:13,862 --> 00:13:18,266 Fry, this is the most noble thing anyone has ever done for me. 210 00:13:18,300 --> 00:13:19,901 Wait, Fry? 211 00:13:19,935 --> 00:13:22,103 I'm a lot of people, but I'm not Fry. 212 00:13:26,041 --> 00:13:27,175 Oh, no! 213 00:13:55,103 --> 00:13:59,073 Welcome to Mars! It is with heavy heart and open arms 214 00:13:59,107 --> 00:14:01,542 that we receive Earth's only survivors. 215 00:14:01,577 --> 00:14:04,913 - Admission, $20. - Dad! Gleesh. 216 00:14:04,948 --> 00:14:06,448 Greetings, Mars men. 217 00:14:06,483 --> 00:14:09,118 We come to your planet to construct a gleaming city, 218 00:14:09,152 --> 00:14:11,954 a second Earth on which to begin anew. 219 00:14:11,989 --> 00:14:13,790 Okay. Admission, $20. 220 00:14:13,791 --> 00:14:17,460 I can't believe it. Fry sacrificed his spot for me, 221 00:14:17,495 --> 00:14:19,896 and I never even had a chance to thank him. 222 00:14:19,930 --> 00:14:25,735 Don't worry, Leela. Earth is still there, peaceful and serene as ever. 223 00:14:48,763 --> 00:14:50,260 Bender! You're stealing your own stuff! 224 00:14:50,294 --> 00:14:53,129 I am? Geez, I better slow down. 225 00:14:53,164 --> 00:14:54,831 I'm stealing stuff I don't even need. 226 00:14:54,866 --> 00:14:57,834 - You want a Torah? - Nah, I'm not hungry. 227 00:14:57,869 --> 00:15:00,103 Aw, what's the matter? Scared of dying? 228 00:15:00,138 --> 00:15:05,009 No. 'Cause as long as Leela lives, I'll be alive, too, in her heart. 229 00:15:05,043 --> 00:15:07,110 But really I'll be dead. 230 00:15:10,850 --> 00:15:15,386 Ladies and gentlemen, our new Martian city is complete. 231 00:15:15,420 --> 00:15:18,556 I give you... Dickfrancisco! 232 00:15:22,996 --> 00:15:26,399 The doves didn't magically spring from my hand, 233 00:15:26,433 --> 00:15:29,135 but rather were crammed into this netting sewn into my sleeve! 234 00:15:30,671 --> 00:15:32,473 Thank you, Great Revealo. 235 00:15:32,507 --> 00:15:35,843 And now, as a solemn testicle to those left behind on Earth, 236 00:15:35,878 --> 00:15:39,947 I present this monument, titled simply, "Heroes. " 237 00:15:44,229 --> 00:15:47,922 That frightened little girl in the statue reminds me of Fry. 238 00:15:49,391 --> 00:15:51,024 Stop the ceremony. 239 00:15:53,194 --> 00:15:55,694 Who is this non-Washington redskin? 240 00:15:55,729 --> 00:15:59,765 I am Singing Wind, chief of the native Martian tribe. 241 00:15:59,799 --> 00:16:02,034 But I thought your people abandoned this planet. 242 00:16:02,068 --> 00:16:05,204 We did. I just came back for my stuff. 243 00:16:05,238 --> 00:16:08,340 - What're you guys doing here? - Fleeing Earth, of course. 244 00:16:08,374 --> 00:16:11,210 We flew here in your great stone pyramid. 245 00:16:11,244 --> 00:16:13,245 Seriously? That thing flies? 246 00:16:13,280 --> 00:16:16,782 Of course. Your people left it so we could escape. 247 00:16:16,817 --> 00:16:19,585 I translated your warning that the world was doomed. 248 00:16:19,620 --> 00:16:22,537 Not your world. Our world. 249 00:16:22,658 --> 00:16:25,192 We put calendar there to warn you not to visit Mars. 250 00:16:25,227 --> 00:16:27,274 It Mars that gonna be destroyed. 251 00:16:28,998 --> 00:16:31,900 Why you think we so eager to abandon this dump? 252 00:16:31,934 --> 00:16:37,105 You guys got ten, 15 minutes max. Well, so long. 253 00:16:41,143 --> 00:16:44,211 Hey, Ancient Martian's a very hard language. 254 00:16:44,246 --> 00:16:47,314 A... looks just like a.... 255 00:16:51,452 --> 00:16:54,120 - To the spaceship! - There is no spaceship. 256 00:16:54,154 --> 00:16:56,656 You had it dismantled to build that statue. 257 00:16:56,690 --> 00:16:58,057 To the statue. 258 00:17:01,796 --> 00:17:06,567 Oh, what an idiot I was. And by "I", I mean "you. " 259 00:17:06,601 --> 00:17:11,338 The final solar flare is going to bypass Earth and strike Mars. 260 00:17:28,489 --> 00:17:33,125 My God, one of the hundreds of contradictory prophecies is coming true. 261 00:17:33,160 --> 00:17:36,362 I should've known better than to trust one of Fry's romantic gestures. 262 00:17:36,396 --> 00:17:38,531 Every time he says he loves me, I get killed. 263 00:17:41,335 --> 00:17:43,503 It's just as I only now began to fear. 264 00:17:43,537 --> 00:17:47,140 The solar flares are igniting subsurface gas pockets. 265 00:17:53,248 --> 00:17:55,282 Mars is being blasted out of its orbit. 266 00:17:55,317 --> 00:17:57,618 Fry, you noble idiot. 267 00:18:07,661 --> 00:18:09,962 You're right, Bender, grave robbing is fun. 268 00:18:09,996 --> 00:18:12,464 And these Pinias Skulladas are fantastic. 269 00:18:12,498 --> 00:18:15,733 The crazy weather cleared up, too, for whatever reason. 270 00:18:15,767 --> 00:18:19,136 All in all, it's a fine day for an apocalypse. 271 00:18:19,171 --> 00:18:21,172 So you don't miss what's-her-name? 272 00:18:21,207 --> 00:18:22,841 Of course I do. 273 00:18:22,875 --> 00:18:25,243 But even though we're millions of miles apart, 274 00:18:25,278 --> 00:18:28,013 somehow, I feel she's near me. 275 00:18:28,048 --> 00:18:29,315 Very near! 276 00:18:34,455 --> 00:18:37,257 Oh no! The Kajigger of Gibraltar! 277 00:18:48,637 --> 00:18:51,739 I have got to quit drinking. 278 00:18:51,773 --> 00:18:53,875 Thanks, friend! 279 00:18:57,313 --> 00:19:01,683 Another great thing was she always had room for dessert. 280 00:19:03,252 --> 00:19:05,954 We're passing surprisingly close to Earth! 281 00:19:05,988 --> 00:19:08,823 When we reach 72nd Street, jump! 282 00:19:15,497 --> 00:19:17,231 Ah. Cushiony. 283 00:19:18,834 --> 00:19:21,101 We made it. We're back home. 284 00:19:21,135 --> 00:19:23,036 Okay, today is still a workday, so... 285 00:19:23,070 --> 00:19:24,537 Wait! Help! 286 00:19:24,572 --> 00:19:27,439 I'm still on Mars, and I can't jump! 287 00:19:27,474 --> 00:19:30,642 Hang on, Leela! I'll save you again! 288 00:19:30,677 --> 00:19:32,711 Or somebody else could do it! 289 00:19:38,317 --> 00:19:39,818 Quick, take my hand. 290 00:19:39,852 --> 00:19:42,888 I don't know. Bad things happen when you say that. 291 00:19:49,863 --> 00:19:51,630 - I got her! - Ow! 292 00:19:51,665 --> 00:19:55,768 - Oops. Try again! - We're too far apart. 293 00:19:55,803 --> 00:19:59,171 No, we're not. Grab your severed arm with your other arm. 294 00:19:59,206 --> 00:20:02,308 Ew... kay... 295 00:20:02,342 --> 00:20:04,276 Hurray! 296 00:20:12,485 --> 00:20:14,952 Good thing Scruffy rescued Leela. 297 00:20:14,987 --> 00:20:17,254 Don't thank me, thank the ladder. 298 00:20:17,289 --> 00:20:20,691 Your cloned arms should be fully grown in a month or so. 299 00:20:20,725 --> 00:20:22,360 But for right now, 300 00:20:22,394 --> 00:20:25,796 enjoy the sounds of the world's smallest violin. 301 00:20:28,266 --> 00:20:32,938 I hope you're not too mad at me, Leela, for tearing your arm off and all. 302 00:20:32,972 --> 00:20:36,375 I can't be mad. I'm on way too many painkillers. 303 00:20:36,409 --> 00:20:40,647 Plus, you were willing to sacrifice yourself so I could live. 304 00:20:40,681 --> 00:20:43,851 I mean, you failed, miserably, 305 00:20:43,885 --> 00:20:47,355 but you're the only person who loves me enough to try. 306 00:20:47,389 --> 00:20:49,724 One last foolish gesture? 307 00:20:50,826 --> 00:20:52,960 - Uh... - Mm. 308 00:20:55,698 --> 00:20:57,967 Mmm... 309 00:21:01,817 --> 00:21:04,646 sync & correction by f1nc0 ~ Addic7ed. com ~