1 00:00:50,008 --> 00:00:52,553 In a town where everyone's dying to couple up, 2 00:00:52,678 --> 00:00:55,931 sometimes there's nothing better than being out of a relationship. 3 00:00:56,265 --> 00:00:58,058 You have time to do your laundry, 4 00:00:58,350 --> 00:01:01,270 freedom to play your favorite bad music really loudly. 5 00:01:01,353 --> 00:01:03,689 But the best part of being out of a relationship, 6 00:01:03,981 --> 00:01:06,275 plenty of time to catch up with your friends. 7 00:01:06,358 --> 00:01:10,862 I feel sorry for Big. I really do. Because if you think about it, 8 00:01:10,946 --> 00:01:12,823 I was the best thing that ever happened to him. 9 00:01:12,948 --> 00:01:14,658 Actually, no. I pity him. 10 00:01:14,741 --> 00:01:16,577 Because I get to walk away and be me, 11 00:01:16,660 --> 00:01:18,453 and he has to walk away and stay him, you know? 12 00:01:18,537 --> 00:01:20,497 And who wants to be him when you could be me? 13 00:01:20,581 --> 00:01:22,165 I mean, I'm smart. I'm funny. 14 00:01:22,249 --> 00:01:24,918 I was this "thing," you know. I was it. 15 00:01:25,002 --> 00:01:27,212 I mean, I was this magic moment. 16 00:01:27,337 --> 00:01:28,630 I was the abracadabra. 17 00:01:28,714 --> 00:01:31,008 I was totally the "poof" in the relationship. 18 00:01:31,174 --> 00:01:34,303 I mean, I've got more poof in one finger than he could ever have. 19 00:01:34,386 --> 00:01:37,014 I mean, jeez. Sometimes, I poof just hailing a cab. 20 00:01:37,306 --> 00:01:40,684 So, I guess it's better to know now, so that I can go poof someone else. 21 00:01:40,767 --> 00:01:42,227 Someone who deserves me, 22 00:01:42,311 --> 00:01:46,315 and not some screwed up, insecure guy who can't deal with a woman 23 00:01:46,398 --> 00:01:47,858 who's got her act together. 24 00:01:47,941 --> 00:01:51,862 Now, I'm gonna end up deliriously happy, and Big is gonna die old and alone 25 00:01:51,945 --> 00:01:54,114 and I pity him. Really, I pity him. 26 00:02:01,079 --> 00:02:02,080 What? 27 00:02:02,706 --> 00:02:04,082 All right. Who's gonna tell her? 28 00:02:04,583 --> 00:02:05,542 What? 29 00:02:05,626 --> 00:02:07,794 Honey, you're obsessed with talking about Big and frankly, 30 00:02:07,878 --> 00:02:09,212 we can't take it anymore. 31 00:02:09,296 --> 00:02:11,757 -It's out of our league. -What is this, an intervention? 32 00:02:11,882 --> 00:02:14,509 Yes, stop her before she obsesses again. 33 00:02:14,593 --> 00:02:16,720 Isn't part of the whole breaking up process 34 00:02:16,803 --> 00:02:19,056 that you get free rein to whine to your friends? 35 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:20,307 Of course you do. 36 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:23,185 But maybe you should think about whining to a shrink. 37 00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,812 Why should I pay someone when we can talk for free 38 00:02:25,896 --> 00:02:27,522 and then go get a drink or whatever? 39 00:02:27,939 --> 00:02:30,400 I don't need professional help. I've got you guys. 40 00:02:30,525 --> 00:02:32,319 Yeah, for about another ten minutes. 41 00:02:32,402 --> 00:02:34,571 And then we're cutting you off, cold turkey. 42 00:02:35,030 --> 00:02:37,991 Hey, I don't need therapy. I need new friends. 43 00:02:38,075 --> 00:02:42,371 Look, we're as fucked up as you are. It's like the blind leading the blind. 44 00:02:42,454 --> 00:02:45,374 Sometimes, it helps to talk to somebody who's objective. 45 00:02:45,457 --> 00:02:47,834 Okay, I understand why you see a shrink, you know, 46 00:02:47,959 --> 00:02:49,628 'cause you're always in your head, 47 00:02:49,711 --> 00:02:51,296 but I'm fine. 48 00:02:51,380 --> 00:02:52,798 I am functioning. 49 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:54,591 Besides, I don't really-- 50 00:02:54,675 --> 00:02:57,552 To be honest, I just don't buy the whole shrink thing. 51 00:02:57,636 --> 00:02:59,680 Neither do I. I mean, my parents believe 52 00:02:59,805 --> 00:03:02,599 that any head problem could be solved with physical exercise. 53 00:03:02,683 --> 00:03:05,185 That's why all of us are really good tennis players. 54 00:03:06,395 --> 00:03:07,688 It's a slippery slope. 55 00:03:07,771 --> 00:03:10,273 You know, first you go in once a week, then it's three times a week 56 00:03:10,357 --> 00:03:11,692 and then, the next thing you know, 57 00:03:11,817 --> 00:03:14,361 you're starting your sentences with, "Well, my shrink says..." 58 00:03:14,444 --> 00:03:16,571 My shrink says that's a very common fear. 59 00:03:16,947 --> 00:03:20,659 Therapy is just so self-indulgent. 60 00:03:21,451 --> 00:03:24,246 Ancient man didn't need shrinks to survive. 61 00:03:24,329 --> 00:03:26,415 Ancient man only lived till 30. 62 00:03:26,832 --> 00:03:28,125 Were my friends right? 63 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:30,502 Had I crossed the line from pleasantly neurotic, 64 00:03:30,585 --> 00:03:31,753 into annoyingly troubled? 65 00:03:32,421 --> 00:03:34,673 I decided to seek my own professional help. 66 00:03:35,173 --> 00:03:37,050 How can you not have a shrink? 67 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:39,720 This is Manhattan. Even the shrinks have shrinks. 68 00:03:40,011 --> 00:03:41,471 The fact was, Stanford was right. 69 00:03:41,596 --> 00:03:44,933 A therapist was as ubiquitous in Manhattan as pirated cable. 70 00:03:45,016 --> 00:03:46,017 I have three. 71 00:03:46,184 --> 00:03:48,353 -You do not. -I do. 72 00:03:48,437 --> 00:03:50,105 One for when I want to be coddled, 73 00:03:50,188 --> 00:03:51,815 one for when I want tough love, 74 00:03:51,898 --> 00:03:55,068 and one for when I just want to look at a really beautiful man. 75 00:03:55,152 --> 00:03:57,863 -Well, that's sick. -Which is why I see the other two. 76 00:03:57,988 --> 00:03:58,989 Do you want a name? 77 00:03:59,114 --> 00:04:01,867 Oh, no. Miranda's shrink referred me to one. Uh... 78 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:04,119 Dr. Ellen Greenfield. 79 00:04:04,369 --> 00:04:07,956 Dr. G! Oh, my God! She is hot, hot, hot. 80 00:04:08,039 --> 00:04:09,458 Gwyneth Paltrow sees her. 81 00:04:09,541 --> 00:04:11,001 Why does she go to a shrink? 82 00:04:11,084 --> 00:04:13,170 She suffers from high self-esteem. 83 00:04:14,796 --> 00:04:18,675 While I was contemplating the couch, Miranda was enjoying hers. 84 00:04:37,569 --> 00:04:40,655 Two nights later, she had another nocturnal rendezvous. 85 00:04:48,789 --> 00:04:52,042 Soon, Miranda found herself with a nightly playmate. 86 00:04:53,335 --> 00:04:57,589 A week later, I kept my date with Dr. G, celebrity shrink. 87 00:04:57,672 --> 00:05:00,342 So Carrie, tell me why you're here. 88 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:05,055 Well, my friends can't handle me anymore. 89 00:05:06,097 --> 00:05:08,809 You're like very expensive foster care. 90 00:05:09,601 --> 00:05:10,727 What's bothering them? 91 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:16,566 They tell me that I talk about my ex-boyfriend too much. 92 00:05:17,108 --> 00:05:19,194 But that's normal, right, after a break up? 93 00:05:20,111 --> 00:05:21,655 I don't like the term "normal." 94 00:05:21,738 --> 00:05:22,906 No, of course you don't, 95 00:05:24,074 --> 00:05:25,659 because you wouldn't have any patients. 96 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:28,245 So, tell me about him. 97 00:05:29,579 --> 00:05:30,580 The ex. 98 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:35,377 You know, uh... 99 00:05:36,878 --> 00:05:39,422 I have to be honest here. Um... 100 00:05:40,465 --> 00:05:44,469 I'm not sure I really... believe in therapy. 101 00:05:46,012 --> 00:05:49,891 I'm more of a... "solve your own problems" kind of gal. 102 00:05:55,897 --> 00:05:57,440 Okay, um... 103 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:00,360 I don't know. 104 00:06:03,488 --> 00:06:04,489 He was smart. 105 00:06:07,075 --> 00:06:10,662 He was sexy, just totally screwed up. 106 00:06:11,329 --> 00:06:14,833 He was playing all these games, and I didn't know the rules. 107 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:16,585 You were playing games. 108 00:06:16,668 --> 00:06:20,088 No, he was. I was just along for the ride. 109 00:06:20,505 --> 00:06:21,631 And what about you? 110 00:06:21,965 --> 00:06:25,677 Was this the first time you dated a man who couldn't give you what you wanted? 111 00:06:26,303 --> 00:06:29,806 Well, that's a little easy, don't you think? 112 00:06:35,395 --> 00:06:36,396 Okay. 113 00:06:37,564 --> 00:06:38,607 Yeah. 114 00:06:38,940 --> 00:06:42,485 Maybe I've dated men who were wrong for me, but who hasn't? 115 00:06:43,194 --> 00:06:44,738 The thing they have in common... 116 00:06:45,947 --> 00:06:46,990 is you. 117 00:06:48,325 --> 00:06:49,326 What's your point? 118 00:06:50,243 --> 00:06:51,745 Maybe you're picking the wrong men. 119 00:06:53,914 --> 00:06:57,959 Well, of course you pick the wrong guys. Jesus, I could have told you that. 120 00:06:58,043 --> 00:07:01,171 Well, frankly, I think I picked the wrong therapist. I mean... 121 00:07:02,047 --> 00:07:06,635 She just did not get me at all. She thought I was a game player. 122 00:07:06,718 --> 00:07:09,304 You have to be. It's the only way to deal with men. 123 00:07:09,387 --> 00:07:12,432 Oh, that's healthy. Relationships are not about games. 124 00:07:12,515 --> 00:07:15,352 They're about mature and honest communication. 125 00:07:15,560 --> 00:07:18,188 This from a woman who's playing peek-a-boo with her neighbor. 126 00:07:18,396 --> 00:07:19,773 Games are empowering. 127 00:07:19,856 --> 00:07:23,109 If you know what you're doing, you can totally control the situation. 128 00:07:23,193 --> 00:07:25,820 The only place you can control a man is in bed. 129 00:07:26,071 --> 00:07:29,824 If we perpetually gave men blowjobs, we could run the world. 130 00:07:30,158 --> 00:07:33,161 And at least our hands would be free to greet dignitaries and stuff. 131 00:07:33,453 --> 00:07:34,329 Sorry. 132 00:07:34,704 --> 00:07:37,374 I mean, you know, even if you're in a relationship 133 00:07:37,457 --> 00:07:39,209 you still have to play games. 134 00:07:39,626 --> 00:07:41,586 Yeah, Big and I played games. Look where it got us. 135 00:07:41,670 --> 00:07:45,715 But maybe the game is not really over. Maybe it's just halftime. 136 00:07:46,216 --> 00:07:49,886 That kind of delusional thinking is why you should be in therapy, too. 137 00:07:50,261 --> 00:07:53,056 I do not pick the wrong guys. They pick me. 138 00:07:53,431 --> 00:07:56,434 So what, you're like a fly strip for dysfunctional men? 139 00:07:57,185 --> 00:08:00,855 Yeah, but one of those really pretty floral scented ones. 140 00:08:01,398 --> 00:08:02,816 It's slim pickings out there. 141 00:08:03,108 --> 00:08:06,653 You can't swing a Fendi purse without knocking over five losers. 142 00:08:07,904 --> 00:08:09,948 Where did all the great guys go? 143 00:08:12,993 --> 00:08:16,413 There it was, happy hour in the valley of lost men. 144 00:08:16,496 --> 00:08:17,497 Hello. 145 00:08:17,956 --> 00:08:21,042 I've never seen this many of them rounded up in one space. 146 00:08:21,126 --> 00:08:23,837 -What's going on? -It's sports night. 147 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:25,296 It certainly is. 148 00:08:25,380 --> 00:08:28,049 Come on, girls. Let the games begin. 149 00:08:29,259 --> 00:08:32,178 Sports night, Every female's fantasy, 150 00:08:32,303 --> 00:08:35,265 a room full of captive heterosexual men 151 00:08:35,348 --> 00:08:38,143 all looking to be distracted during commercial breaks. 152 00:08:38,727 --> 00:08:42,313 I'm getting a contact high from all the testosterone. 153 00:08:43,356 --> 00:08:45,316 -We didn't order these. -Oh, no, they're on the house. 154 00:08:45,483 --> 00:08:47,235 It's sports night. Ladies drink for free. 155 00:08:47,318 --> 00:08:48,236 Oh. 156 00:08:48,319 --> 00:08:51,322 Forget Disneyland. This is the happiest place on Earth. 157 00:08:53,074 --> 00:08:54,159 Yes, indeed. 158 00:08:56,661 --> 00:08:59,247 Mmm! If you ladies will excuse me. 159 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:02,083 I'm getting off the bench. 160 00:09:10,050 --> 00:09:11,801 -Who's winning? -Knicks. 161 00:09:12,343 --> 00:09:15,930 -Is that good? -You're not a Knicks fan, I take it. 162 00:09:16,431 --> 00:09:17,557 Not yet. 163 00:09:18,141 --> 00:09:20,477 -I'm Don. -Samantha. 164 00:09:20,602 --> 00:09:24,397 Don Seglar was a very successful importer of Mexican handbags. 165 00:09:24,481 --> 00:09:28,443 He was fanatical about two things, keeping the price of foreign labor down, 166 00:09:28,526 --> 00:09:29,611 and the Knicks. 167 00:09:29,736 --> 00:09:32,614 -Maybe I could teach you a few things. -And vice versa! 168 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:36,034 It's ten seconds left. Pass, you motherfucker! 169 00:09:37,285 --> 00:09:39,329 We need to penetrate, drive to the basket. 170 00:09:40,038 --> 00:09:44,501 Get it to Johnson. He's on fire tonight. Yes! Go L.J., go! 171 00:09:44,918 --> 00:09:46,586 Go! Score! 172 00:09:50,340 --> 00:09:53,593 Which is exactly what Samantha did two hours later. 173 00:10:00,975 --> 00:10:02,227 When I got home that night, 174 00:10:02,310 --> 00:10:04,395 I couldn't get Charlotte's words out of my head. 175 00:10:04,979 --> 00:10:07,190 We spent our childhoods playing games. 176 00:10:07,649 --> 00:10:10,527 Were they all just primers for the games we played as adults? 177 00:10:10,985 --> 00:10:13,071 Were relationships just a big chess match, 178 00:10:13,238 --> 00:10:15,156 strategy, moves, countermoves, 179 00:10:15,240 --> 00:10:18,284 all designed to keep your opponent off balance until you win? 180 00:10:18,910 --> 00:10:21,579 Was there such a thing as an honest relationship? 181 00:10:22,038 --> 00:10:23,039 Or was it true? 182 00:10:23,748 --> 00:10:26,751 Do you have to play games to make a relationship work? 183 00:10:27,460 --> 00:10:28,920 I went out with this girl on Saturday night. 184 00:10:29,420 --> 00:10:30,713 We had a great time. 185 00:10:31,214 --> 00:10:33,049 So, I didn't call her again until Thursday. 186 00:10:33,258 --> 00:10:34,509 You know, so I didn't seem eager. 187 00:10:34,884 --> 00:10:36,845 I went out with this guy on Saturday night. 188 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:38,429 I thought we had a great time. 189 00:10:38,596 --> 00:10:41,015 The asshole doesn't call me until Thursday. 190 00:10:41,266 --> 00:10:43,685 I screened his call and didn't return it until Monday. 191 00:10:44,227 --> 00:10:45,770 I gave my boyfriend an ultimatum. 192 00:10:46,146 --> 00:10:47,564 Propose by Christmas or it's over. 193 00:10:47,814 --> 00:10:51,109 My girlfriends said that was a game. I think it was just smart. 194 00:10:51,192 --> 00:10:55,071 Besides, if he doesn't come through, I can always secretly get pregnant. 195 00:10:55,572 --> 00:10:56,406 The next day, 196 00:10:56,489 --> 00:10:59,409 I reluctantly showed up for my second appointment with Dr. G. 197 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:02,704 I was still a skeptic and I'd already read every "New Yorker" 198 00:11:02,787 --> 00:11:03,746 in the waiting room. 199 00:11:04,038 --> 00:11:06,666 When you think about it, what was I getting out of this anyway? 200 00:11:07,500 --> 00:11:10,461 And then, at five minutes to my last scheduled hour, 201 00:11:11,004 --> 00:11:12,380 I got my answer. 202 00:11:13,298 --> 00:11:15,341 -Hi. -Hi. 203 00:11:19,929 --> 00:11:21,848 My third appointment with Dr. G. 204 00:11:22,098 --> 00:11:25,018 I had come a little early to catch up on my reading. 205 00:11:34,569 --> 00:11:36,571 Hi. I'm Seth. 206 00:11:37,488 --> 00:11:40,408 Oh. Hi. Carrie. 207 00:11:41,743 --> 00:11:43,745 I thought we could go on playing this coy game, 208 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:45,455 or I could actually introduce myself. 209 00:11:46,331 --> 00:11:48,833 Well, I'm glad you did. 210 00:11:49,292 --> 00:11:51,711 Especially since I had worn my new dress for the occasion. 211 00:11:52,212 --> 00:11:53,713 That "New Yorker" is from last year. 212 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:55,381 Oh. 213 00:11:55,465 --> 00:11:58,927 Well, this New Yorker is a little behind on her reading. 214 00:12:00,345 --> 00:12:02,138 So, how long have you been a Dr. G convert? 215 00:12:02,555 --> 00:12:05,391 Not very long, just three sessions. 216 00:12:06,643 --> 00:12:08,269 I just had my one-year anniversary. 217 00:12:08,811 --> 00:12:10,605 What'd she give you, a cake or something? 218 00:12:11,189 --> 00:12:13,024 -A really big bill. -Oh. 219 00:12:14,359 --> 00:12:16,319 Listen, this is gonna sound a little weird. But... 220 00:12:17,737 --> 00:12:19,697 Would you have dinner with me sometime? 221 00:12:21,366 --> 00:12:22,367 Sure. 222 00:12:23,201 --> 00:12:24,202 I'd like that. 223 00:12:28,706 --> 00:12:29,707 Call me, all right? 224 00:12:30,583 --> 00:12:31,584 Okay. 225 00:12:32,710 --> 00:12:34,963 Okay, maybe it was unethical making a date 226 00:12:35,046 --> 00:12:37,966 with Seth Robinson, photographer, in my shrink's waiting room, 227 00:12:38,633 --> 00:12:40,301 but there was something about him. 228 00:12:41,844 --> 00:12:42,845 Come on in, Carrie. 229 00:12:44,889 --> 00:12:46,391 Well, you're dressed up. 230 00:12:47,642 --> 00:12:48,893 -He's a photographer. 231 00:12:49,519 --> 00:12:50,561 Hm. 232 00:12:50,895 --> 00:12:54,315 -And you met him at your shrink's? -Well, it wasn't a setup or anything. 233 00:12:55,483 --> 00:12:57,026 Jeez, what if he's crazy? 234 00:12:57,110 --> 00:12:59,529 It's the crazy ones that have the good pills. 235 00:13:01,072 --> 00:13:03,908 That's it! Go, Marcus! Go! 236 00:13:04,575 --> 00:13:07,245 Excuse me, but why is that on and who is Marcus? 237 00:13:07,328 --> 00:13:08,705 Marcus Camby, Knicks forward. 238 00:13:08,788 --> 00:13:11,124 Now that Ewing is injured, he needs to pull it out. 239 00:13:11,457 --> 00:13:13,876 And when did we start caring about basketball? 240 00:13:15,169 --> 00:13:18,381 Don is obsessed. I don't get laid unless the Knicks win. 241 00:13:18,548 --> 00:13:19,632 And can I just say? 242 00:13:19,716 --> 00:13:22,385 They and I have been on a very long losing streak. 243 00:13:22,468 --> 00:13:24,053 -Well, that's awful. -No kidding. 244 00:13:24,137 --> 00:13:26,723 The Knicks are the only ones that are getting screwed right now. 245 00:13:26,806 --> 00:13:28,808 Come on, you fuckers! 246 00:13:28,933 --> 00:13:30,518 Why are you staying with him? 247 00:13:30,601 --> 00:13:35,565 Because the sex, well, what I can remember, was unbelievable. 248 00:13:36,983 --> 00:13:38,609 Yes! Yes! 249 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:41,821 They won! Ah! They won! 250 00:13:42,530 --> 00:13:46,034 -I've got to go. -Go. Go. Have sex. Go! 251 00:13:47,952 --> 00:13:51,247 The next night, Miranda got a pleasant surprise. 252 00:13:59,756 --> 00:14:03,259 Her date thought it was time they moved past peek-a-boo to playing doctor. 253 00:14:17,482 --> 00:14:21,736 Miranda wanted to play fair, so she gave him a little tit for tat. 254 00:14:24,155 --> 00:14:26,199 All over town, people were getting lucky. 255 00:14:26,491 --> 00:14:29,577 Seth and I were having a great first date at the coffee shop. 256 00:14:29,660 --> 00:14:31,871 Oh! Oh, and what about the plant? 257 00:14:31,996 --> 00:14:34,582 I know. She always has it in a different place. 258 00:14:34,665 --> 00:14:37,960 Maybe it's some sort of Dr. G psychological test. 259 00:14:38,086 --> 00:14:40,713 -That's it. That's Where's Waldo. -Yeah. Oh! 260 00:14:40,797 --> 00:14:42,423 And it needs to be watered. 261 00:14:44,425 --> 00:14:46,803 - It's plastic. -Are you sure? 262 00:14:47,220 --> 00:14:48,763 -I touched it. 263 00:14:49,514 --> 00:14:51,391 You touched Dr. G's plant? 264 00:14:51,474 --> 00:14:53,851 I've been going to her over a year. I got bored. 265 00:14:57,188 --> 00:14:58,481 Then you came along. 266 00:15:00,358 --> 00:15:02,777 -Well, that's sweet. -No, it's true. 267 00:15:03,194 --> 00:15:04,445 There was something about him. 268 00:15:04,570 --> 00:15:06,823 I felt like I could talk to him about anything. 269 00:15:07,240 --> 00:15:10,910 And in the spirit of psychological health and not playing games, 270 00:15:11,035 --> 00:15:12,578 I decided to be honest. 271 00:15:12,662 --> 00:15:13,746 I like you. 272 00:15:15,915 --> 00:15:17,208 I like you, too. 273 00:15:24,924 --> 00:15:27,802 Later that week, Miranda went shopping for dinner. 274 00:15:43,401 --> 00:15:46,863 Shopping quickly devolved into a game of hide and seek. 275 00:16:00,126 --> 00:16:01,335 Hi. 276 00:16:02,378 --> 00:16:05,923 I thought I'd be an adult here and come over and introduce myself. 277 00:16:06,466 --> 00:16:07,467 Hi. 278 00:16:08,551 --> 00:16:09,635 I'm Miranda. 279 00:16:10,470 --> 00:16:11,471 You know? 280 00:16:15,558 --> 00:16:17,018 Across the airshaft. 281 00:16:18,352 --> 00:16:19,896 Oh, yeah, right. 282 00:16:20,396 --> 00:16:22,857 You're the girl who lives above the guy I've been cruising. 283 00:16:26,569 --> 00:16:30,615 Miranda realized she was still playing with an imaginary friend, 284 00:16:30,698 --> 00:16:32,408 just like she did when she was five. 285 00:16:33,075 --> 00:16:36,037 The next day, she called her shrink for an emergency session. 286 00:16:36,787 --> 00:16:39,040 Meanwhile, Sam had decided she would celebrate 287 00:16:39,123 --> 00:16:42,418 the end of the basketball season and the return of her sex life 288 00:16:42,502 --> 00:16:44,962 by watching the final Knicks game at Don's. 289 00:16:45,046 --> 00:16:46,714 -Ah! 290 00:16:49,342 --> 00:16:50,635 Ah! 291 00:16:50,760 --> 00:16:53,262 Yeah, baby! 292 00:16:55,264 --> 00:16:56,766 Good. In a minute, baby. 293 00:16:56,974 --> 00:16:58,392 The Mets are playing Chicago. 294 00:16:59,185 --> 00:17:01,479 Now that basketball is over, I can give them my full attention. 295 00:17:02,730 --> 00:17:05,274 Man, they've been playing lousy ball this year. 296 00:17:06,484 --> 00:17:09,612 The idea of lasting through another sexless season 297 00:17:09,695 --> 00:17:11,489 was more than Samantha could take. 298 00:17:12,156 --> 00:17:14,575 And so, she forfeited the game. 299 00:17:18,412 --> 00:17:20,915 Meanwhile, I was getting plenty of action. 300 00:17:21,165 --> 00:17:24,001 Seth and I had just come back from another amazing date. 301 00:17:24,085 --> 00:17:25,836 Do you wanna come in? 302 00:17:26,587 --> 00:17:28,005 I think I already am. 303 00:17:31,926 --> 00:17:33,052 This is great. 304 00:17:35,680 --> 00:17:40,351 You have all the classics here, Clue, Parcheesi, and Twister. 305 00:17:41,561 --> 00:17:44,647 I was the seventh grade Twister champion. 306 00:17:45,773 --> 00:17:47,441 -Is that a challenge? -Oh, yeah. 307 00:17:47,942 --> 00:17:50,069 All right, buddy. It's go time. 308 00:18:13,384 --> 00:18:16,929 -How are you holding up? -Feeling good, my friend. Feeling good. 309 00:18:20,224 --> 00:18:21,809 Left foot yellow. 310 00:18:23,394 --> 00:18:24,895 I guess that one's mine. 311 00:18:25,146 --> 00:18:27,106 You're in a very compromising position. 312 00:18:27,773 --> 00:18:31,110 I believe I'm in about 20 compromising positions. 313 00:18:33,946 --> 00:18:36,449 I am not gonna lose my concentration. 314 00:18:47,168 --> 00:18:49,587 In no time it was "yellow pants off." 315 00:18:50,504 --> 00:18:53,174 So what do you think Dr. G would have to say about this? 316 00:18:54,634 --> 00:18:56,385 -Very bad. 317 00:18:56,469 --> 00:18:58,179 Bad patients. Bad, bad... 318 00:19:02,433 --> 00:19:03,851 I have to tell you. 319 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:07,605 I'm not really into therapy, I think it's kind of bullshit. 320 00:19:08,439 --> 00:19:11,901 -I'm telling Dr. G on you. -No! No, no no! 321 00:19:11,984 --> 00:19:12,985 Okay. 322 00:19:13,277 --> 00:19:15,196 -Cross your heart. -Hope to die. 323 00:19:19,116 --> 00:19:21,243 So why are you in therapy, seriously? 324 00:19:23,621 --> 00:19:25,122 I'm really fucked up about women. 325 00:19:25,498 --> 00:19:28,084 After I sleep with them, I completely lose interest. 326 00:19:30,461 --> 00:19:31,837 What about you? What's your problem? 327 00:19:32,588 --> 00:19:33,547 I believe in therapy, 328 00:19:33,631 --> 00:19:35,841 this moment is called "the breakthrough." 329 00:19:40,846 --> 00:19:42,306 I pick the wrong men. 330 00:19:52,316 --> 00:19:54,276 Although she'd made some good points, 331 00:19:54,360 --> 00:19:56,195 I stopped seeing Dr. G immediately. 332 00:19:56,529 --> 00:20:00,074 I couldn't risk the humiliation of running into Seth in the waiting room. 333 00:20:00,825 --> 00:20:02,702 My friends totally understand.