1 00:00:48,005 --> 00:00:49,015 [Carrie] Once upon a time, 2 00:00:49,017 --> 00:00:51,019 in a magical land called Manhattan, 3 00:00:51,021 --> 00:00:53,023 a young woman fell in love. 4 00:00:57,017 --> 00:00:59,001 Charlotte and Jack locked eyes 5 00:00:59,003 --> 00:01:01,020 at a black-tie benefit for Epstein/Barr. 6 00:01:04,011 --> 00:01:08,002 She chased him through every disease in New York. 7 00:01:08,004 --> 00:01:09,006 They've been officially dating 8 00:01:09,008 --> 00:01:11,011 since retinitis pigmentosa. 9 00:01:13,019 --> 00:01:15,015 Jack was perfect for her. 10 00:01:15,017 --> 00:01:17,007 Architect, philanthropist, 11 00:01:17,009 --> 00:01:19,016 and the sex was amazing. 12 00:01:22,003 --> 00:01:23,005 Late one night, 13 00:01:23,007 --> 00:01:25,012 Jack popped the inevitable question. 14 00:01:25,014 --> 00:01:27,000 -So... -Mm? 15 00:01:28,013 --> 00:01:29,020 What are your fantasies? 16 00:01:30,010 --> 00:01:32,004 Oh, God. 17 00:01:32,006 --> 00:01:34,023 I'd love to own my own gallery, 18 00:01:35,001 --> 00:01:37,008 and maybe a little cottage in Maine. 19 00:01:37,010 --> 00:01:39,016 Well, actually I meant more like 20 00:01:39,018 --> 00:01:42,023 screwing in an airplane bathroom kind of fantasies. 21 00:01:43,001 --> 00:01:45,004 [laughs] Oh. 22 00:01:45,006 --> 00:01:46,016 [Carrie] The closest Charlotte had ever come 23 00:01:46,018 --> 00:01:47,022 to getting screwed on a plane 24 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:49,007 was the time she lost all her luggage 25 00:01:49,009 --> 00:01:51,005 on a flight to Palm Beach. 26 00:01:51,007 --> 00:01:56,014 Well, I've always wanted to do it in my parents' bed. 27 00:01:57,021 --> 00:02:00,003 Wild, I like it. 28 00:02:00,005 --> 00:02:01,014 What about you? 29 00:02:01,016 --> 00:02:05,003 You, me, and another woman. 30 00:02:05,022 --> 00:02:07,001 [clicks tongue] Come on! 31 00:02:07,003 --> 00:02:08,021 I'm serious. 32 00:02:08,023 --> 00:02:11,015 Charlotte, you have no idea how sexy you are, 33 00:02:11,017 --> 00:02:13,002 do you? 34 00:02:13,004 --> 00:02:15,022 The idea of you touching another woman... 35 00:02:17,003 --> 00:02:19,018 God, it makes me hard just thinking about it. 36 00:02:20,021 --> 00:02:21,023 Wow. 37 00:02:28,014 --> 00:02:31,004 Jack wants us to do a threesome! 38 00:02:31,006 --> 00:02:33,001 Of course, he does, every guy does. 39 00:02:33,003 --> 00:02:34,020 [Samantha] Threesomes are huge right now. 40 00:02:34,022 --> 00:02:36,008 They're the blow job of the '90. 41 00:02:36,010 --> 00:02:38,003 What was the blow job of the '80s? 42 00:02:38,005 --> 00:02:39,009 Anal sex. 43 00:02:39,011 --> 00:02:40,010 Any sex, period. 44 00:02:40,012 --> 00:02:41,020 Don't let him pressure you into it. 45 00:02:41,022 --> 00:02:43,007 It's just this guy's cheap ploy 46 00:02:43,009 --> 00:02:44,021 to watch you be a lesbian for a night. 47 00:02:44,023 --> 00:02:46,012 Don't knock it until you've tried it. 48 00:02:46,014 --> 00:02:49,009 I had a threesome once, I think. In college. 49 00:02:49,011 --> 00:02:51,017 I was drunk. I woke up in someone else's bra. 50 00:02:51,019 --> 00:02:53,006 The only way to do a threesome 51 00:02:53,008 --> 00:02:54,012 is to be the guest star. 52 00:02:54,014 --> 00:02:55,018 The guest star? 53 00:02:55,020 --> 00:02:57,023 The girl the couple gets to come in, 54 00:02:58,001 --> 00:02:59,011 screw, and leave. 55 00:02:59,013 --> 00:03:00,011 The pinch hitter. 56 00:03:00,013 --> 00:03:02,007 [Samantha] Exactly. It's perfect. 57 00:03:02,009 --> 00:03:03,020 All the great sex without wondering 58 00:03:03,022 --> 00:03:06,000 what it will do to your relationship. 59 00:03:06,002 --> 00:03:07,018 But you don't have relationships. 60 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:09,015 Which is why I have great sex. 61 00:03:09,017 --> 00:03:10,021 I've never done a threesome. 62 00:03:10,023 --> 00:03:12,021 Because you have relationships. 63 00:03:12,023 --> 00:03:14,008 Well, I've never done a threesome. 64 00:03:14,010 --> 00:03:16,013 Oh, come on. Of course, you haven't. 65 00:03:16,015 --> 00:03:18,018 You in a threesome? You won't even wear a thong! 66 00:03:18,020 --> 00:03:20,017 Well, Jack thinks I'm sexy. 67 00:03:20,019 --> 00:03:22,016 He's just buttering you up. 68 00:03:22,018 --> 00:03:24,005 First, you start thinking you're hot, 69 00:03:24,007 --> 00:03:26,018 then he brings up the threesome thing, boom! 70 00:03:26,020 --> 00:03:29,010 Suddenly you're kissing another woman while he beats off. 71 00:03:29,012 --> 00:03:30,015 Please. 72 00:03:30,017 --> 00:03:32,000 Just make sure that the other woman 73 00:03:32,002 --> 00:03:32,023 isn't a friend. 74 00:03:33,001 --> 00:03:34,001 Use somebody random. 75 00:03:34,003 --> 00:03:36,011 You know, somebody you meet in a bar or something. 76 00:03:36,013 --> 00:03:37,014 That's romantic. 77 00:03:37,016 --> 00:03:40,019 No, I think that I'd feel safer with a friend, 78 00:03:40,021 --> 00:03:43,022 with someone I could trust, like Carrie. 79 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:46,011 Oh, gee, I'm flattered. 80 00:03:46,013 --> 00:03:50,019 But um... I'd go with someone who has a little more experience, like Sam. 81 00:03:50,021 --> 00:03:52,006 Well, thanks. 82 00:03:52,008 --> 00:03:55,002 But there is something sexy about a first-timer 83 00:03:55,004 --> 00:03:56,022 like Charlotte. 84 00:03:57,000 --> 00:03:58,002 Really? 85 00:03:58,004 --> 00:03:59,017 Mm-hmm. 86 00:04:01,012 --> 00:04:03,002 Oh, great, no, forget about me. 87 00:04:03,004 --> 00:04:05,021 -[all] Oh, oh. -Oh, come on. 88 00:04:05,023 --> 00:04:07,019 You know, I'd do it with you guys! 89 00:04:07,021 --> 00:04:08,022 It's like... 90 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:12,003 It's like picking teams for dodgeball all over again. 91 00:04:12,005 --> 00:04:13,017 [Carrie] Was Samantha right? 92 00:04:13,019 --> 00:04:16,000 Were threesomes the new sexual frontier? 93 00:04:16,002 --> 00:04:19,004 ♪ One, two, three True love ♪ 94 00:04:19,006 --> 00:04:20,007 No question. 95 00:04:20,009 --> 00:04:22,019 Guys were infatuated with threesomes. 96 00:04:22,021 --> 00:04:26,004 And when I started looking, they were everywhere. 97 00:04:26,006 --> 00:04:27,004 After all, 98 00:04:27,006 --> 00:04:29,012 our lives are built on threesomes. 99 00:04:29,014 --> 00:04:33,009 Fat, low-fat, non-fat, first, business, economy. 100 00:04:33,011 --> 00:04:35,005 Moe, Larry, Curly. 101 00:04:35,007 --> 00:04:36,011 Maybe we were never meant to do it 102 00:04:36,013 --> 00:04:38,015 with only one other person. 103 00:04:38,017 --> 00:04:43,006 Maybe threesomes were the relationship of the future. 104 00:04:43,008 --> 00:04:45,007 Meanwhile, Samantha had been busy 105 00:04:45,009 --> 00:04:47,011 guest starring in a show I like to call 106 00:04:47,013 --> 00:04:49,011 "Sam Does the Married Guy." 107 00:04:49,013 --> 00:04:51,013 I love that you're not my wife. 108 00:04:51,015 --> 00:04:53,018 I love that too. 109 00:04:53,020 --> 00:04:56,013 I mean, that thing you do with your hips, 110 00:04:58,002 --> 00:05:00,009 Ruth won't even get on top. 111 00:05:00,011 --> 00:05:02,021 [Carrie] Ken was 37, a wine importer, 112 00:05:02,023 --> 00:05:04,013 unhappily married to a woman 113 00:05:04,015 --> 00:05:06,019 who designed modular office furniture. 114 00:05:06,021 --> 00:05:08,023 This affair was the most exciting thing 115 00:05:09,001 --> 00:05:12,005 that had happened to him since the '94 Montrachet. 116 00:05:14,014 --> 00:05:17,017 Five hours later, Charlotte's night was just beginning. 117 00:05:17,019 --> 00:05:21,002 She and Jack had just had another fantastic date, 118 00:05:21,004 --> 00:05:22,015 dancing for dyslexia. 119 00:05:22,017 --> 00:05:25,019 So, uh, what do you think of her? 120 00:05:26,013 --> 00:05:27,018 Is she hot? 121 00:05:28,010 --> 00:05:29,008 Jack! 122 00:05:29,010 --> 00:05:30,017 Yeah, you're right. 123 00:05:31,020 --> 00:05:34,002 Maybe she's more your taste. 124 00:05:34,004 --> 00:05:35,010 Stop it. 125 00:05:36,004 --> 00:05:37,014 Have a light? 126 00:05:37,016 --> 00:05:39,006 Sorry, I don't smoke. 127 00:05:39,008 --> 00:05:40,014 That's a shame. 128 00:05:43,004 --> 00:05:44,008 [chuckles] 129 00:05:44,010 --> 00:05:46,002 Did you see that? 130 00:05:46,004 --> 00:05:47,020 She was flirting with us. 131 00:05:47,022 --> 00:05:49,020 I think she was flirting with you. 132 00:05:49,022 --> 00:05:52,006 Charlotte, you are such a turn-on. 133 00:05:52,008 --> 00:05:54,002 And you have no idea. 134 00:05:54,004 --> 00:05:57,013 You're giving off this sexual energy all the time. 135 00:05:57,015 --> 00:06:00,014 A vibe like you've got a fire inside of you. 136 00:06:01,023 --> 00:06:04,017 She'd be crazy not to be into you. 137 00:06:04,019 --> 00:06:08,001 [Carrie] Who knows whether it was her vodka or her vibe, 138 00:06:08,003 --> 00:06:10,019 but Charlotte suddenly did feel a little warm. 139 00:06:10,021 --> 00:06:13,009 I think she put her hand on my leg. 140 00:06:13,011 --> 00:06:15,011 So should I ask her to join us? 141 00:06:20,022 --> 00:06:24,009 [Carrie] That night, she had an eye-opening experience. 142 00:06:24,011 --> 00:06:30,009 [sensual music] 143 00:06:45,005 --> 00:06:48,005 [alarm rings] 144 00:06:50,008 --> 00:06:52,002 Charlotte hadn't been that excited 145 00:06:52,004 --> 00:06:56,006 since she tried on her JV cheerleading uniform for the first time. 146 00:06:57,015 --> 00:07:00,015 So what do you think your dream meant? 147 00:07:00,017 --> 00:07:03,015 I'm in the sand box with Charlotte, Sam, and Carrie. 148 00:07:03,017 --> 00:07:06,014 None of them will play with me. Please, it's obvious. 149 00:07:06,016 --> 00:07:09,017 [Carrie] Across town, Miranda was dealing with her own nightmare. 150 00:07:09,019 --> 00:07:11,019 Look, I know it's juvenile, but it bothers me. 151 00:07:11,021 --> 00:07:13,011 I'm attractive, I'm smart, right? 152 00:07:13,013 --> 00:07:15,019 Plenty of people should want me for a threesome. 153 00:07:15,021 --> 00:07:20,006 So you're saying that you're attracted to your girlfriends? 154 00:07:20,008 --> 00:07:21,008 No! 155 00:07:21,010 --> 00:07:22,023 But if your friends won't go down on you, 156 00:07:23,001 --> 00:07:24,001 who will? 157 00:07:24,003 --> 00:07:25,013 Well, that's some dream. 158 00:07:25,015 --> 00:07:26,014 It was so real. 159 00:07:26,016 --> 00:07:28,004 I can't stop thinking about it. 160 00:07:28,006 --> 00:07:30,008 -And I think I enjoyed it. -That's great. 161 00:07:30,010 --> 00:07:32,009 Dreams are a really good way to experiment. 162 00:07:32,011 --> 00:07:35,019 It's like buying a dress and keeping the tags on. 163 00:07:35,021 --> 00:07:38,006 But do you think it means I should do it? 164 00:07:38,008 --> 00:07:39,018 Have a threesome? 165 00:07:39,020 --> 00:07:42,001 Jack says that I have a fire inside me. 166 00:07:42,003 --> 00:07:44,005 You tell him they make a cream for that. 167 00:07:44,007 --> 00:07:45,015 [laughs] I'm serious! 168 00:07:45,017 --> 00:07:47,001 I don't know. It's your call. 169 00:07:47,003 --> 00:07:49,010 But don't do it just to make Jack happy. 170 00:07:49,012 --> 00:07:51,015 Maybe it would bring us closer. 171 00:07:51,017 --> 00:07:53,004 Sweetie, don't you think it's weird 172 00:07:53,006 --> 00:07:55,020 that you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know 173 00:07:55,022 --> 00:07:58,002 to get closer to Jack? 174 00:07:58,004 --> 00:08:01,003 But how well do we ever know the people we sleep with? 175 00:08:01,005 --> 00:08:03,000 [Carrie] That was the thing about Charlotte. 176 00:08:03,002 --> 00:08:04,022 Just when you were about to write her off 177 00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:06,019 as a Park Avenue Pollyanna, 178 00:08:06,021 --> 00:08:08,015 she'd say something so right on, 179 00:08:08,017 --> 00:08:10,009 you'd think she was the Dalai Lama. 180 00:08:10,011 --> 00:08:13,007 Do you think my hair is too shiny today? 181 00:08:13,009 --> 00:08:15,021 [Carrie] And then she'd say something else. 182 00:08:15,023 --> 00:08:16,021 Do you? 183 00:08:16,023 --> 00:08:18,013 [Carrie] But the bigger question remained, 184 00:08:18,015 --> 00:08:21,009 if Charlotte was actually considering a threesome, 185 00:08:21,011 --> 00:08:22,010 who wasn't? 186 00:08:22,012 --> 00:08:23,023 The Village Voice had more ads 187 00:08:24,001 --> 00:08:25,007 looking for threesomes 188 00:08:25,009 --> 00:08:26,010 than it did for small, 189 00:08:26,012 --> 00:08:27,011 rat-infested studios 190 00:08:27,013 --> 00:08:29,008 renting at $1,000 a month. 191 00:08:29,010 --> 00:08:31,020 But who actually answered these ads? 192 00:08:31,022 --> 00:08:34,006 Wall Street honcho seeks two horny gal pals 193 00:08:34,008 --> 00:08:36,023 for an East Hampton fuck-fest at my summer home. 194 00:08:37,001 --> 00:08:38,009 No fatties, please. 195 00:08:38,011 --> 00:08:40,010 Sweet, suburban schoolteacher 196 00:08:40,012 --> 00:08:44,002 seeks two men to fulfill her wildest fantasies. 197 00:08:44,004 --> 00:08:48,017 You be black or Hispanic, I'll be on time. 198 00:08:48,019 --> 00:08:51,009 I need your dick now. 199 00:08:51,011 --> 00:08:53,007 X-Files fanatic twosome 200 00:08:53,009 --> 00:08:56,016 seeks Scully look-alike for abduction fantasy. 201 00:08:56,018 --> 00:08:58,018 Me, gorgeous with big boobs. 202 00:08:58,020 --> 00:09:00,013 You, a couple with class. 203 00:09:00,015 --> 00:09:03,014 Let's experience everything the city has to offer. 204 00:09:03,016 --> 00:09:07,011 I'm into museums, blow jobs, theater, 205 00:09:07,013 --> 00:09:09,021 and golden showers. 206 00:09:09,023 --> 00:09:12,015 [Carrie] I seemed to be the only person in New York 207 00:09:12,017 --> 00:09:15,004 who still believed in the one-on-one relationship. 208 00:09:15,006 --> 00:09:18,003 Mr. Big and I were actually doing sleepovers. 209 00:09:18,005 --> 00:09:19,008 Which one? 210 00:09:21,001 --> 00:09:22,009 This one. 211 00:09:28,004 --> 00:09:29,011 You better be careful, 212 00:09:29,013 --> 00:09:31,006 I could get used to this. 213 00:09:31,008 --> 00:09:34,014 [Carrie] Why is it that putting a tie around a man's neck 214 00:09:34,016 --> 00:09:37,008 is sometimes even sexier than taking it off? 215 00:09:37,010 --> 00:09:39,006 What are you doing for lunch today? 216 00:09:39,008 --> 00:09:42,004 I could maybe swing an hour between meetings. 217 00:09:42,006 --> 00:09:46,012 [laughs] Oh, no, sorry, I can't. 218 00:09:46,014 --> 00:09:48,005 I have to interview someone. 219 00:09:48,007 --> 00:09:49,023 About what? 220 00:09:50,001 --> 00:09:51,016 Threesomes. 221 00:09:51,018 --> 00:09:52,018 Ever done one? 222 00:09:52,020 --> 00:09:55,004 Sure, who hasn't? 223 00:09:55,017 --> 00:09:57,000 Really? 224 00:09:57,018 --> 00:09:58,019 With who? 225 00:09:58,021 --> 00:10:00,020 My ex-wife. 226 00:10:00,022 --> 00:10:04,012 Suddenly, my column was the last thing on my mind. 227 00:10:04,014 --> 00:10:05,017 You were married? 228 00:10:05,019 --> 00:10:10,005 [clears throat] Yeah, I, uh, thought I told you. 229 00:10:11,003 --> 00:10:13,015 No, no, you didn't. 230 00:10:13,017 --> 00:10:15,019 An ex-wife, that's a new twist. 231 00:10:15,021 --> 00:10:18,006 Yeah, and they had wild sex, threesomes. 232 00:10:18,008 --> 00:10:19,007 We don't have wild sex. 233 00:10:19,009 --> 00:10:21,019 We used to, but now we have sweet sex. 234 00:10:21,021 --> 00:10:23,015 Wild always beats out sweet. 235 00:10:23,017 --> 00:10:24,019 But he's not with her anymore. 236 00:10:24,021 --> 00:10:27,001 Well, probably because they stopped having wild sex. 237 00:10:27,003 --> 00:10:29,005 You know, that's why Ken's fucking me. 238 00:10:29,007 --> 00:10:30,023 His wife won't even give him a blow job. 239 00:10:31,001 --> 00:10:32,005 Is that supposed to make me feel better? 240 00:10:32,007 --> 00:10:34,007 He's never gonna leave his wife for you, you know. 241 00:10:34,009 --> 00:10:35,008 They never do. 242 00:10:35,010 --> 00:10:37,000 Thank God. Who needs the trouble? 243 00:10:37,002 --> 00:10:39,004 This is ideal, no muss, no fuss. 244 00:10:39,006 --> 00:10:41,004 Sounds like you're selling toilet bowl cleaner. 245 00:10:41,006 --> 00:10:43,005 Does this color turn you on? 246 00:10:43,007 --> 00:10:46,011 [Carrie] You had to hand it to Miranda, she was determined. 247 00:10:46,013 --> 00:10:48,003 It's a little bit orange. 248 00:10:48,005 --> 00:10:50,015 You know, there's only one thing left to do. 249 00:10:50,017 --> 00:10:52,019 What, leave him before he leaves me? 250 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:54,002 You kidding? 251 00:10:54,004 --> 00:10:55,010 Check out the ex. 252 00:10:59,008 --> 00:11:00,018 [Carrie] Charlotte was right. 253 00:11:00,020 --> 00:11:03,008 We don't really know the people we sleep with. 254 00:11:03,010 --> 00:11:06,009 After all, what did I really know about Mr. Big? 255 00:11:06,011 --> 00:11:08,004 Except he had an ex-wife named Barbara 256 00:11:08,006 --> 00:11:10,014 who I quickly discovered, worked in publishing. 257 00:11:10,016 --> 00:11:11,023 My plan was simple. 258 00:11:12,001 --> 00:11:14,018 I'd pitch her a steamy, bodice-ripping paperback, 259 00:11:14,020 --> 00:11:16,002 which she'd probably reject, 260 00:11:16,004 --> 00:11:17,015 but at least I'd get five minutes 261 00:11:17,017 --> 00:11:19,005 face-to-face with her. 262 00:11:19,007 --> 00:11:21,007 Carrie? 263 00:11:21,009 --> 00:11:23,016 Come right in, Barbara's ready for you. 264 00:11:26,012 --> 00:11:27,010 Thanks, bye. 265 00:11:27,012 --> 00:11:30,015 Carrie Bradshaw, I am so excited. 266 00:11:30,017 --> 00:11:32,007 -[Carrie] Oh. -Sit down. 267 00:11:32,009 --> 00:11:33,022 I am a huge fan of your work! 268 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:36,015 [Carrie] Good taste and beautiful. Could it get worse? 269 00:11:36,017 --> 00:11:37,016 Whoa. 270 00:11:38,023 --> 00:11:41,009 Special Olympics chairwoman. 271 00:11:41,011 --> 00:11:43,017 Sorry, I haven't hung it yet. 272 00:11:43,019 --> 00:11:45,014 So, I'm dying to hear your pitch. 273 00:11:45,016 --> 00:11:49,006 I never knew you were interested in writing children's books. 274 00:11:49,008 --> 00:11:52,023 Well, who doesn't love children's books? 275 00:11:53,001 --> 00:11:56,001 Five minutes of bodice-ripping material out the window. 276 00:11:56,003 --> 00:11:58,018 So I did what any writer would do. 277 00:11:58,020 --> 00:12:01,006 I pulled an idea out of my ass. 278 00:12:01,008 --> 00:12:06,006 Well, my story is about a little girl, 279 00:12:07,014 --> 00:12:08,016 named Cathy. 280 00:12:09,007 --> 00:12:10,011 Little Cathy. 281 00:12:10,013 --> 00:12:13,010 And what makes little Cathy special? 282 00:12:13,012 --> 00:12:17,008 Well, she's got these magic... 283 00:12:19,003 --> 00:12:20,021 cigarettes. 284 00:12:20,023 --> 00:12:22,022 She has magic cigarettes? 285 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:27,009 Yes, little Cathy and her magic cigarettes. 286 00:12:27,011 --> 00:12:31,001 And whenever she lights up, she can go anywhere 287 00:12:31,003 --> 00:12:35,018 in the whole wide world. You know, Arabia, New Jersey. 288 00:12:35,020 --> 00:12:39,011 I mean that stuff is all gonna be worked out, of course. 289 00:12:39,013 --> 00:12:42,011 You wanna write a children's book about smoking? 290 00:12:42,013 --> 00:12:45,006 Well, it's a children's book for adults. 291 00:12:49,014 --> 00:12:52,022 [laughs] You are outrageous. I love it! 292 00:12:53,000 --> 00:12:54,007 I thought you might. 293 00:12:54,009 --> 00:12:57,003 I've been dying to do something with an edge. 294 00:12:57,005 --> 00:12:58,015 This could be great. 295 00:12:58,017 --> 00:13:00,003 [Carrie] It was the last straw. 296 00:13:00,005 --> 00:13:03,015 She was smart, beautiful, and she got me. 297 00:13:03,017 --> 00:13:05,020 I'd have to kill her. 298 00:13:07,022 --> 00:13:09,019 Meanwhile, Samantha was about to have her own 299 00:13:09,021 --> 00:13:12,016 close encounter with the third kind. 300 00:13:12,018 --> 00:13:14,017 -Oh, I'm sorry. -Sorry. 301 00:13:14,019 --> 00:13:16,005 -Ken. -Sam! 302 00:13:16,007 --> 00:13:18,000 You two know each other? 303 00:13:18,002 --> 00:13:19,021 -Sure. -Not really. 304 00:13:19,023 --> 00:13:22,016 [chuckles] Uh, Ruth, this is Sam, Samantha. 305 00:13:22,018 --> 00:13:25,005 She bought some Pinot Noir from me. 306 00:13:25,007 --> 00:13:26,020 Uh, Sam, this is my wife, Ruth. 307 00:13:26,022 --> 00:13:28,014 -Hi. -Hi. 308 00:13:28,016 --> 00:13:33,000 Okay, we should be going, see ya. 309 00:13:33,002 --> 00:13:35,000 [Carrie] That afternoon was a first for Samantha. 310 00:13:35,002 --> 00:13:38,014 She successfully screwed a guy in under two minutes. 311 00:13:40,018 --> 00:13:42,013 The more Miranda analyzed, 312 00:13:42,015 --> 00:13:44,009 the worse her nightmares got. 313 00:13:44,011 --> 00:13:46,023 So, the four of us get into a cab, 314 00:13:47,001 --> 00:13:49,000 only they won't let me sit in back with them. 315 00:13:49,002 --> 00:13:50,016 They make me ride up front with the driver, 316 00:13:50,018 --> 00:13:52,007 who happens to be the original Chris 317 00:13:52,009 --> 00:13:53,020 from The Partridge Family . 318 00:13:53,022 --> 00:13:56,021 What I'm hearing is that you're still very upset 319 00:13:56,023 --> 00:13:59,007 about being sexually rejected by your friends. 320 00:13:59,009 --> 00:14:02,002 Let me ask you something? 321 00:14:02,004 --> 00:14:04,013 Would you do a threesome with me? 322 00:14:07,002 --> 00:14:10,015 I think we need to talk about why you're asking me that. 323 00:14:10,017 --> 00:14:13,007 I take that as a "no"? 324 00:14:13,009 --> 00:14:16,017 [Carrie] That night, I thought I could put the whole Barbara thing 325 00:14:16,019 --> 00:14:18,008 out of my mind. 326 00:14:18,010 --> 00:14:20,022 After all, Mr. Big was with me now. 327 00:14:22,023 --> 00:14:24,023 [Barbara] Nibbling his earlobes? 328 00:14:25,001 --> 00:14:26,001 How sweet. 329 00:14:26,003 --> 00:14:28,016 Let me show you how it's really done. 330 00:14:32,002 --> 00:14:34,011 [Carrie] So I guess you couldn't avoid a threesome, 331 00:14:34,013 --> 00:14:37,011 because even if you're the only person in the bed, 332 00:14:37,013 --> 00:14:40,006 someone has always been there before you. 333 00:14:40,008 --> 00:14:42,011 Hey, what just happened? 334 00:14:42,013 --> 00:14:43,019 Where'd you go? 335 00:14:45,010 --> 00:14:46,019 I was preoccupied. 336 00:14:46,021 --> 00:14:48,019 No kidding. About what? 337 00:14:48,021 --> 00:14:51,019 [Carrie] Your ex-wife's breasts, your ex-wife's lips, 338 00:14:51,021 --> 00:14:53,021 your ex-wife's long legs. 339 00:14:54,017 --> 00:14:56,019 My column. 340 00:14:56,021 --> 00:14:59,009 You know, I didn't tell you I was married 341 00:14:59,011 --> 00:15:01,016 because it was a long time ago. 342 00:15:01,018 --> 00:15:03,016 What happened? 343 00:15:03,018 --> 00:15:07,001 Alienation of affection, followed by divorce. 344 00:15:07,003 --> 00:15:08,018 Hmm. 345 00:15:08,020 --> 00:15:12,018 Let's not talk about the past, please. 346 00:15:15,019 --> 00:15:17,018 [Carrie] What Mr. Big didn't realize was 347 00:15:17,020 --> 00:15:20,010 the past was sleeping right next to me. 348 00:15:25,003 --> 00:15:26,002 Hey. 349 00:15:26,004 --> 00:15:28,011 The next day, the flesh and blood Barbara 350 00:15:28,013 --> 00:15:29,016 asked me to lunch. 351 00:15:29,018 --> 00:15:30,019 -Hi. -Hi. 352 00:15:30,021 --> 00:15:32,007 Thanks for meeting me. 353 00:15:32,009 --> 00:15:34,012 Oh, thanks for inviting me. 354 00:15:34,014 --> 00:15:37,011 Wow, you changed your hair. 355 00:15:37,013 --> 00:15:40,015 Oh, thanks. 356 00:15:40,017 --> 00:15:43,011 Listen, I have some not-great news. 357 00:15:43,013 --> 00:15:44,019 [Carrie] I'm back with Mr. Big? 358 00:15:44,021 --> 00:15:46,015 The head guys didn't go for Little Cathy . 359 00:15:46,017 --> 00:15:50,001 But fuck 'em, they wouldn't know a good book if it bit 'em in the ass. 360 00:15:50,021 --> 00:15:52,006 Yeah, fuck 'em. 361 00:15:52,008 --> 00:15:53,023 I still love the project, 362 00:15:54,001 --> 00:15:56,011 and at the risk of sounding like a groupie, 363 00:15:56,013 --> 00:15:59,009 I'd really like it if we could become friends. 364 00:16:00,006 --> 00:16:01,023 Friends? 365 00:16:02,001 --> 00:16:04,002 Two hours and four Chardonnays later, 366 00:16:04,004 --> 00:16:06,003 I was sleeping with the enemy. 367 00:16:06,005 --> 00:16:07,010 So never been married? 368 00:16:07,012 --> 00:16:10,001 Mm, once. Long time ago. 369 00:16:10,003 --> 00:16:12,004 Really? What happened? 370 00:16:12,006 --> 00:16:13,010 He had a wandering eye. 371 00:16:13,012 --> 00:16:16,003 [scoffs] It wandered right over to my best friend. 372 00:16:17,015 --> 00:16:20,012 So what about you? Are you seeing anyone? 373 00:16:22,014 --> 00:16:24,010 No one special. 374 00:16:24,012 --> 00:16:27,023 For Samantha, the shit was about to hit the phone. 375 00:16:28,001 --> 00:16:31,010 -[telephone ringing] -Hello. 376 00:16:31,012 --> 00:16:33,011 It's over. I told my wife! 377 00:16:33,013 --> 00:16:34,016 Who is this? 378 00:16:34,018 --> 00:16:36,012 It's Ken. 379 00:16:36,014 --> 00:16:39,013 Wait, you told Ruth about us? 380 00:16:39,015 --> 00:16:40,019 I'm in love with you. 381 00:16:40,021 --> 00:16:42,003 Now we can be together. 382 00:16:42,005 --> 00:16:44,006 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no! 383 00:16:44,008 --> 00:16:46,010 -[telephone beeps] -Hang on. 384 00:16:48,007 --> 00:16:49,012 -Hello. -Samantha? 385 00:16:49,014 --> 00:16:52,010 This is Ruth Scheer. Ken's wife. 386 00:16:52,012 --> 00:16:54,016 Yeah, I found your number in his sock drawer. 387 00:16:54,018 --> 00:16:56,016 Hang on. 388 00:16:56,018 --> 00:16:59,003 Listen to me, you love your wife. 389 00:16:59,005 --> 00:17:00,020 No, I'm in love with you! 390 00:17:00,022 --> 00:17:02,014 No, no, no, no, no, no! 391 00:17:02,016 --> 00:17:04,017 [Carrie] Sam's no muss, no fuss affair 392 00:17:04,019 --> 00:17:07,016 was starting to feel very mussy. 393 00:17:07,018 --> 00:17:08,016 I'm back. 394 00:17:08,018 --> 00:17:10,002 I don't know who you are, 395 00:17:10,004 --> 00:17:12,016 but Ken and I love each other very much. 396 00:17:12,018 --> 00:17:15,005 Of course you do. 397 00:17:15,007 --> 00:17:17,011 And we have an unshakable bond. 398 00:17:17,013 --> 00:17:20,016 Whatever it takes, I'm gonna keep this marriage together. 399 00:17:20,018 --> 00:17:24,003 Good for you! Now, listen, Ruth, this was a huge mistake. 400 00:17:24,005 --> 00:17:25,011 It didn't mean anything. 401 00:17:25,013 --> 00:17:26,021 It was just sex. 402 00:17:26,023 --> 00:17:28,013 Well, exactly! 403 00:17:28,015 --> 00:17:31,017 And if being sexually adventuresome 404 00:17:31,019 --> 00:17:33,011 will keep this marriage together, 405 00:17:33,013 --> 00:17:36,003 then I am prepared to join you... 406 00:17:37,004 --> 00:17:38,005 with him. 407 00:17:39,001 --> 00:17:40,002 In bed. 408 00:17:41,023 --> 00:17:43,005 Oh, no. 409 00:17:43,007 --> 00:17:46,003 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 410 00:17:46,005 --> 00:17:47,019 [Carrie] Samantha was a guest star. 411 00:17:47,021 --> 00:17:50,019 Series regular was not in her contract. 412 00:17:52,020 --> 00:17:56,006 That night at the Attention Deficit Disorder masked ball, 413 00:17:56,008 --> 00:17:59,013 Charlotte felt free to indulge her fantasy. 414 00:17:59,015 --> 00:18:01,022 It's amazing what some sequins on a stick 415 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:03,020 can do to free up inhibitions. 416 00:18:03,022 --> 00:18:07,020 So who here is your type? 417 00:18:08,022 --> 00:18:15,006 [opera music] 418 00:18:16,022 --> 00:18:18,020 [Charlotte] Do you like peacocks? 419 00:18:18,022 --> 00:18:20,002 Do you? 420 00:18:24,009 --> 00:18:27,003 [Carrie] Then Charlotte did the unthinkable. 421 00:18:30,010 --> 00:18:34,005 [laughs] Oh, my God. Oh, my God, she winked at me. 422 00:18:34,007 --> 00:18:35,013 Excellent. 423 00:18:35,015 --> 00:18:37,006 I need to get out of here. 424 00:18:46,005 --> 00:18:48,016 Hey, you okay? 425 00:18:48,018 --> 00:18:50,017 Yeah, yeah, I think so. 426 00:18:50,019 --> 00:18:52,007 So how'd it feel? 427 00:18:53,007 --> 00:18:54,020 Weird. 428 00:18:54,022 --> 00:18:56,016 Well, I enjoyed it. 429 00:18:58,022 --> 00:19:00,012 I do have another fantasy. 430 00:19:00,014 --> 00:19:02,001 What's that? 431 00:19:02,003 --> 00:19:04,009 Doing it upstairs at a party. 432 00:19:06,023 --> 00:19:12,007 [opera music continues] 433 00:19:18,018 --> 00:19:20,002 [woman clears throat] 434 00:19:23,018 --> 00:19:24,021 Can I join you? 435 00:19:26,018 --> 00:19:29,006 [Carrie] She realized that this was her moment. 436 00:19:29,008 --> 00:19:31,003 If she was going to take the plunge, 437 00:19:31,005 --> 00:19:32,023 it was now or never. 438 00:19:34,012 --> 00:19:35,019 [giggles] 439 00:19:53,003 --> 00:19:56,013 Unfortunately, it was Jack who plunged first. 440 00:19:56,015 --> 00:19:58,002 Apparently, someone else's fire 441 00:19:58,004 --> 00:20:00,001 was a little stronger than Charlotte's. 442 00:20:00,003 --> 00:20:03,001 She was not the guest star in this fantasy. 443 00:20:03,003 --> 00:20:05,004 [moaning] 444 00:20:13,005 --> 00:20:15,003 Meanwhile, at a bar downtown... 445 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:24,005 [stammers] Miranda? 446 00:20:25,010 --> 00:20:26,010 Hi. 447 00:20:27,001 --> 00:20:28,008 What a relief. 448 00:20:28,010 --> 00:20:29,011 Oh! 449 00:20:29,013 --> 00:20:32,005 Most of the women who answered our ad, well, 450 00:20:32,007 --> 00:20:33,014 they were, you know, kind of... 451 00:20:33,016 --> 00:20:35,009 -Butt ugly. -Yeah. 452 00:20:35,011 --> 00:20:37,015 Oh, nothing like you. 453 00:20:38,018 --> 00:20:39,017 Thanks. 454 00:20:39,019 --> 00:20:41,010 We've never done anything like this before. 455 00:20:41,012 --> 00:20:45,000 [laughs] It's a huge fantasy of Mark's. 456 00:20:45,002 --> 00:20:48,010 I offered to do it for his 30th birthday. 457 00:20:48,012 --> 00:20:50,011 Whatever happened to giving a nice pen? 458 00:20:50,013 --> 00:20:52,006 [everyone laughs] 459 00:20:53,004 --> 00:20:54,014 [sighs] 460 00:20:54,016 --> 00:20:56,023 So are-- are you doing anything tonight? 461 00:20:58,018 --> 00:21:00,022 Let me just be clear here. 462 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:03,010 You want to do a threesome with me. 463 00:21:03,012 --> 00:21:04,019 Yeah. [giggles] 464 00:21:04,021 --> 00:21:08,002 You know, if you're busy, we understand. 465 00:21:08,004 --> 00:21:11,020 I tell you what, let me just make a quick phone call, okay? 466 00:21:24,009 --> 00:21:27,021 [Carrie] That night, Miranda finally got her validation. 467 00:21:27,023 --> 00:21:31,005 Her shrink had suggested she come three times a week. 468 00:21:33,004 --> 00:21:35,017 I didn't see Mr. Big for eight days. 469 00:21:35,019 --> 00:21:37,021 Well, that was a great meal. 470 00:21:37,023 --> 00:21:39,001 Yeah, it was. 471 00:21:40,013 --> 00:21:42,001 Actually, the food was terrible 472 00:21:42,003 --> 00:21:44,007 and we were both talking to each other like strangers. 473 00:21:44,009 --> 00:21:45,020 What is wrong? 474 00:21:46,015 --> 00:21:47,013 Look. 475 00:21:47,015 --> 00:21:48,023 You tell me you have an ex-wife, 476 00:21:49,001 --> 00:21:50,022 you tell me you guys had a three-way. 477 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:52,001 Yes, I asked. 478 00:21:52,003 --> 00:21:54,005 But you drop this big bomb, 479 00:21:54,007 --> 00:21:55,020 and you don't even give me any details. 480 00:21:55,022 --> 00:21:59,004 You don't even tell me why you broke up. 481 00:21:59,006 --> 00:22:00,005 I cheated on her. 482 00:22:00,007 --> 00:22:01,015 Yeah, I know, she told me at lunch. 483 00:22:01,017 --> 00:22:03,017 I know you know. She told me she told you. 484 00:22:03,019 --> 00:22:05,019 -She told you? -She told me. 485 00:22:05,021 --> 00:22:07,004 See that's another thing. 486 00:22:07,006 --> 00:22:09,022 You didn't tell me that you're still talking to her. 487 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:12,004 I still talk to all my ex-wives. 488 00:22:12,006 --> 00:22:14,020 I'm so not finding that funny. 489 00:22:14,022 --> 00:22:18,011 Oh, come-- Listen, wait a minute. 490 00:22:18,013 --> 00:22:20,018 You know, the reason we had the threesome 491 00:22:20,020 --> 00:22:22,002 is because we were both looking 492 00:22:22,004 --> 00:22:24,016 for something or someone else. 493 00:22:31,017 --> 00:22:34,023 Do you know anyone who's right for me? Mmm? 494 00:22:35,001 --> 00:22:42,001 ♪ I know how tricky things can be ♪ 495 00:22:42,003 --> 00:22:46,017 ♪ But I really do believe that... ♪ 496 00:22:46,019 --> 00:22:49,000 [Carrie] And then it was just the two of us. 497 00:22:49,002 --> 00:22:51,018 And I realized the real appeal of the threesome, 498 00:22:51,020 --> 00:22:53,005 it was easy. 499 00:22:53,007 --> 00:22:55,006 It's intimacy that's the bitch. 500 00:22:55,008 --> 00:22:57,020 ♪ Listen here ♪ 501 00:22:57,022 --> 00:23:03,003 ♪ Some things are meant to be ♪ 502 00:23:07,020 --> 00:23:10,015 ♪ Tried to take it slow ♪ 503 00:23:10,017 --> 00:23:13,012 ♪ Tried to lose control... ♪