1 00:00:49,006 --> 00:00:51,006 [Carrie] New York City restaurants are always looking 2 00:00:51,010 --> 00:00:53,020 for the next new angle to grab that elusive 3 00:00:53,017 --> 00:00:56,007 and somewhat jaded Manhattan palate. 4 00:00:56,009 --> 00:00:58,019 Last year it was fusion-Cajun. 5 00:00:58,018 --> 00:01:00,998 Last month it was mussels from Brussels, 6 00:01:01,003 --> 00:01:03,023 and tonight, it's S&M. 7 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:06,020 Samantha's PR firm was hired to do the opening party 8 00:01:06,022 --> 00:01:08,022 for La Douleur Exquise, 9 00:01:08,019 --> 00:01:11,009 translation, The Exquisite Pain. 10 00:01:11,007 --> 00:01:12,997 Of course, we were all invited. 11 00:01:13,004 --> 00:01:16,004 See, this is what happens when the mayor shuts down the sex shops. 12 00:01:16,005 --> 00:01:17,015 Pops up in your cuisine. 13 00:01:18,008 --> 00:01:19,018 Hey, Stanford! 14 00:01:20,016 --> 00:01:22,006 Well, I know where I'm taking mother for dinner 15 00:01:22,008 --> 00:01:23,018 the next time she's in town. 16 00:01:24,017 --> 00:01:26,007 Oh, honey! 17 00:01:26,009 --> 00:01:27,009 Excuse me. 18 00:01:27,020 --> 00:01:29,020 Let her through! 19 00:01:30,002 --> 00:01:31,012 -Honey! -Hi! 20 00:01:31,007 --> 00:01:32,007 What are you wearing? 21 00:01:32,016 --> 00:01:33,996 The invitation said kinky. 22 00:01:34,004 --> 00:01:35,024 I kinked my hair. 23 00:01:36,003 --> 00:01:38,023 The ladies are inside, go have fun. 24 00:01:38,018 --> 00:01:39,018 -[taps] -[Charlotte screams] 25 00:01:39,023 --> 00:01:41,003 Next! 26 00:01:43,004 --> 00:01:44,014 Excuse me. 27 00:01:44,010 --> 00:01:47,000 But when did wild sex come back in style? 28 00:01:47,003 --> 00:01:48,013 Oh, I think that was the weekend 29 00:01:48,010 --> 00:01:50,010 you spent at the Barney's warehouse sale. 30 00:01:50,012 --> 00:01:53,012 Three Cosmopolitans, a Diet Coke, 31 00:01:53,008 --> 00:01:54,998 and a vodka Martini with a twist. 32 00:01:55,006 --> 00:01:57,016 -[taps] -I said olive. 33 00:01:58,018 --> 00:01:59,998 Bad waiter, bad waiter. 34 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:02,011 What do you tip for that? 35 00:02:02,007 --> 00:02:03,017 [Samantha] Anyone else want a whack? 36 00:02:05,019 --> 00:02:07,019 How does he wait on tables dressed like that? 37 00:02:08,001 --> 00:02:09,011 It's humiliating. 38 00:02:09,015 --> 00:02:11,005 Well, the summer I worked at Howard Johnson's, 39 00:02:11,009 --> 00:02:12,019 I had to wear an orange hat. 40 00:02:12,018 --> 00:02:14,008 Don't be so judgmental! 41 00:02:14,009 --> 00:02:15,999 This is just a sexual expression. 42 00:02:16,002 --> 00:02:18,022 All these people have jobs and pay their bills. 43 00:02:18,019 --> 00:02:20,019 They're just having fun with fetishes. 44 00:02:22,004 --> 00:02:24,024 I wonder what your fetish is? 45 00:02:24,023 --> 00:02:27,023 Charlotte has a thing for Crabtree and Evelyn Potpourri. 46 00:02:27,017 --> 00:02:28,997 I don't have a fetish! 47 00:02:29,004 --> 00:02:31,004 Oh, we all have a fetish. 48 00:02:31,004 --> 00:02:33,004 The difference between us and them is, 49 00:02:33,003 --> 00:02:35,023 they're putting it out there where everyone can see. 50 00:02:35,019 --> 00:02:38,009 I think it's healthy and fabulous. 51 00:02:38,011 --> 00:02:40,021 Well, it's so lovely to see you all. 52 00:02:41,009 --> 00:02:42,009 And remember, ladies, 53 00:02:43,006 --> 00:02:45,016 whipping on the first date is considered forward. 54 00:02:45,020 --> 00:02:47,020 You sit your ass down, Mistress Carrie. 55 00:02:47,021 --> 00:02:50,011 -There are drinks present. -No can do. 56 00:02:50,007 --> 00:02:51,017 Big's flying to Paris tomorrow for business 57 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:53,010 and I wanna say goodbye. 58 00:02:53,009 --> 00:02:56,009 Ooh, why not give him a goodbye he'll never forget? 59 00:02:57,011 --> 00:02:58,021 Sacre bleu! 60 00:02:58,020 --> 00:02:59,020 Go get him, girl. 61 00:03:00,015 --> 00:03:01,005 Woo! 62 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:04,020 [romantic music playing] 63 00:03:07,014 --> 00:03:09,024 Well, laugh, it's a joke. 64 00:03:09,019 --> 00:03:10,999 Oh. 65 00:03:12,006 --> 00:03:13,016 Whoa, wait, wait. 66 00:03:13,019 --> 00:03:16,009 Not so fast, let me see. 67 00:03:20,017 --> 00:03:22,007 Oh, baby. 68 00:03:24,015 --> 00:03:26,005 -[spanks] -[both laugh] 69 00:03:27,003 --> 00:03:28,003 Oh, baby. 70 00:03:42,007 --> 00:03:45,017 [Carrie] I wasn't sure if it was the cap, the crop, or me, 71 00:03:45,017 --> 00:03:47,007 but it worked. 72 00:03:47,011 --> 00:03:49,021 Meanwhile, at a fetish across town, 73 00:03:49,019 --> 00:03:51,999 Stanford Blatch had a secret sex life. 74 00:03:52,004 --> 00:03:54,014 A very active secret sex life 75 00:03:54,008 --> 00:03:56,998 on the Internet as "Rick9Plus." 76 00:03:57,005 --> 00:03:58,015 It all started innocently enough 77 00:03:58,017 --> 00:04:00,017 as a goof on a lonely Friday night. 78 00:04:00,022 --> 00:04:03,012 But pretty soon he was logging in hours and hours 79 00:04:03,015 --> 00:04:05,005 on his favorite website. 80 00:04:05,013 --> 00:04:08,013 It was a comfort to know that others shared his underwear fetish, 81 00:04:08,010 --> 00:04:12,000 sometimes as many as 2,000 hits a day. 82 00:04:12,002 --> 00:04:15,002 No sooner had "Rick9Plus" entered the chat room 83 00:04:15,006 --> 00:04:18,006 that he got a message from his favorite on-screen pal, 84 00:04:18,010 --> 00:04:20,020 "Bigtool4U." 85 00:04:20,017 --> 00:04:23,017 Some fetishes can only flourish behind closed doors 86 00:04:23,018 --> 00:04:26,008 in the very late-night hours on a laptop. 87 00:04:28,022 --> 00:04:30,022 While others are right out in the broad daylight 88 00:04:30,021 --> 00:04:32,011 where everyone can see them. 89 00:04:34,017 --> 00:04:36,997 Charlotte, like every other normal woman in Manhattan, 90 00:04:37,006 --> 00:04:39,006 had a thing for shoes. 91 00:04:43,015 --> 00:04:46,005 Good morning. 92 00:04:46,017 --> 00:04:48,007 Beautiful shoes. 93 00:04:48,010 --> 00:04:49,010 Just got those in. 94 00:04:49,021 --> 00:04:51,011 -Oh... -Would you like to try them on? 95 00:04:51,011 --> 00:04:53,011 No, no, I'm just looking. 96 00:04:53,013 --> 00:04:56,013 I have way too many shoes as it is. 97 00:04:57,011 --> 00:04:59,001 Size seven? 98 00:04:59,013 --> 00:05:00,023 Uh-huh. 99 00:05:01,020 --> 00:05:03,010 Size seven. 100 00:05:05,016 --> 00:05:07,996 Oh, you are bad. [giggles] 101 00:05:09,003 --> 00:05:11,003 Okay, I'm just trying them on. 102 00:05:12,023 --> 00:05:14,013 I can't even afford them. 103 00:05:14,009 --> 00:05:16,019 I'm saving for a summer share in the Hamptons. 104 00:05:17,014 --> 00:05:18,024 [salesman] Beautiful. 105 00:05:19,006 --> 00:05:20,016 Look at that craftsmanship. 106 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:23,010 Oh, I love them. 107 00:05:24,021 --> 00:05:25,021 How much? 108 00:05:25,020 --> 00:05:27,000 $400. 109 00:05:27,014 --> 00:05:28,024 No... 110 00:05:28,017 --> 00:05:29,017 can't. 111 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:32,010 Please take it off before I start to cry. 112 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:35,010 -$200. -Why? 113 00:05:35,009 --> 00:05:36,019 [salesman] Shoes were meant to be loved. 114 00:05:36,020 --> 00:05:38,010 And you're gonna need a beautiful sandal like that 115 00:05:38,013 --> 00:05:39,023 in the Hamptons. 116 00:05:39,017 --> 00:05:42,007 Oh, thank you so much. 117 00:05:43,015 --> 00:05:44,015 Buster. 118 00:05:44,018 --> 00:05:46,018 Thank you, Buster. 119 00:05:46,017 --> 00:05:48,007 [Carrie] While one woman was uptown 120 00:05:48,008 --> 00:05:50,008 eyeing her artful new sandal, 121 00:05:50,012 --> 00:05:53,012 another was downtown eyeing Art of Scandal: 122 00:05:53,012 --> 00:05:56,012 The Life and Times of Isabella Stewart Gardner. 123 00:05:56,008 --> 00:05:59,008 Miranda was obsessed with reading historical biographies. 124 00:05:59,013 --> 00:06:01,023 In fact, she spent all last weekend in bed 125 00:06:01,023 --> 00:06:03,023 with Philip of Spain . 126 00:06:05,011 --> 00:06:06,011 Morning. 127 00:06:06,023 --> 00:06:07,023 Oh... 128 00:06:08,007 --> 00:06:09,007 that's very good. 129 00:06:09,008 --> 00:06:10,018 Crazy Horse and Custer: 130 00:06:10,020 --> 00:06:13,000 The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors. 131 00:06:13,003 --> 00:06:15,013 Stephen Ambrose, great writer. 132 00:06:15,009 --> 00:06:16,019 Yeah, I know. 133 00:06:17,001 --> 00:06:20,021 I just finished his Meriwether Lewis and Thomas Jefferson, 134 00:06:20,021 --> 00:06:22,021 Undaunted Courage. Yeah. 135 00:06:22,021 --> 00:06:24,011 -Amazing. -Oh. 136 00:06:24,013 --> 00:06:26,013 I'll pick that up right after I finish 137 00:06:26,009 --> 00:06:27,999 FDR: the New York Years. 138 00:06:30,009 --> 00:06:31,009 Jack. 139 00:06:31,023 --> 00:06:33,023 Miranda. 140 00:06:33,017 --> 00:06:36,007 [Carrie] And right after Miranda picked up Elizabeth I , 141 00:06:36,010 --> 00:06:38,000 by Jasper Riley, 142 00:06:38,002 --> 00:06:39,022 Jack picked up Miranda. 143 00:06:41,012 --> 00:06:42,022 Big and I stayed in bed all morning, 144 00:06:43,000 --> 00:06:45,000 which gave us just enough time for coffee 145 00:06:45,004 --> 00:06:46,024 and some last-minute details. 146 00:06:46,023 --> 00:06:48,013 I'm gonna miss you. 147 00:06:48,008 --> 00:06:50,008 Well, in a week I'll be back 148 00:06:50,008 --> 00:06:52,008 and you can sit there and watch as I unpack. 149 00:06:59,006 --> 00:07:00,996 There. I helped. 150 00:07:01,002 --> 00:07:02,002 Woo. 151 00:07:02,002 --> 00:07:03,002 [Carrie] Hey. 152 00:07:05,017 --> 00:07:07,017 Oh, before I forget. 153 00:07:07,018 --> 00:07:09,008 Charlotte wants to do a share in the Hamptons. 154 00:07:09,014 --> 00:07:11,004 So, are we thinking about doing something 155 00:07:11,004 --> 00:07:12,014 or should I go in on that? 156 00:07:12,010 --> 00:07:13,020 Don't think I can. 157 00:07:13,017 --> 00:07:16,017 Why, not a big fan of the $40 crab salad? 158 00:07:17,009 --> 00:07:18,009 Actually, there's a possibility 159 00:07:18,016 --> 00:07:20,006 I'm not gonna be here this summer. 160 00:07:21,017 --> 00:07:25,007 I may have to move to Paris for work. 161 00:07:25,016 --> 00:07:27,006 Just for a while. 162 00:07:27,007 --> 00:07:28,997 For how long a while? 163 00:07:29,005 --> 00:07:30,005 I don't know. 164 00:07:30,012 --> 00:07:32,012 Seven months, maybe a year. 165 00:07:32,008 --> 00:07:33,018 Nothing's definite. 166 00:07:33,017 --> 00:07:34,017 Wait. 167 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:38,000 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 168 00:07:39,007 --> 00:07:40,997 How long have you known about this? 169 00:07:41,010 --> 00:07:42,020 It's been in the works for a while. 170 00:07:42,021 --> 00:07:45,011 I'll know more details after this trip. 171 00:07:45,012 --> 00:07:48,022 Well, when did you plan on telling me? 172 00:07:49,004 --> 00:07:51,014 When I knew more, nothing's definite. 173 00:07:51,011 --> 00:07:53,011 I mean, don't get carried away. 174 00:07:53,007 --> 00:07:55,017 -[intercom buzzes] -There's the car. 175 00:07:55,019 --> 00:07:59,019 Look, I have to go or I'm gonna miss the plane. 176 00:07:59,022 --> 00:08:02,002 We'll figure this all out when I get back. 177 00:08:04,002 --> 00:08:05,022 I wanted to kill him. 178 00:08:05,019 --> 00:08:06,999 And he's standing there giving me 179 00:08:07,003 --> 00:08:08,023 the "What's the big problem?" eyes. 180 00:08:08,018 --> 00:08:10,998 You know, I don't understand you, like it's my problem. 181 00:08:11,003 --> 00:08:13,013 Okay, just calm down, there are ways to make this work. 182 00:08:13,014 --> 00:08:14,024 It's just seven months. 183 00:08:14,017 --> 00:08:15,997 And you can go visit him in Paris, 184 00:08:16,006 --> 00:08:17,016 -and he can come back here. -No, it's not about that. 185 00:08:17,021 --> 00:08:20,011 It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor 186 00:08:20,009 --> 00:08:22,009 in his decision-making process. 187 00:08:22,010 --> 00:08:24,020 -Totally. -Men do this all the time. 188 00:08:24,020 --> 00:08:26,010 Women walk around thinking "we" 189 00:08:26,016 --> 00:08:29,016 and their version of "we" is "me and my dick." 190 00:08:29,021 --> 00:08:30,021 Totally. 191 00:08:30,023 --> 00:08:32,013 I mean, just tell me what's going on! 192 00:08:32,007 --> 00:08:33,007 Is that too much to ask? 193 00:08:33,016 --> 00:08:35,016 "Um... Carrie I'm thinking about going to France 194 00:08:35,020 --> 00:08:37,010 for the rest of my life!" 195 00:08:37,016 --> 00:08:38,996 -Am I right? -Totally. 196 00:08:39,002 --> 00:08:40,012 You know, one minute, he's all over me, 197 00:08:40,010 --> 00:08:42,000 and the next minute he's pushing me away. 198 00:08:42,003 --> 00:08:46,003 And I just-- I just cannot believe this is happening again! 199 00:08:46,004 --> 00:08:47,014 Yes, all right, calm down. 200 00:08:47,015 --> 00:08:49,005 There'll be no breaking of things. 201 00:08:49,020 --> 00:08:53,010 Why do I keep doing this to myself? 202 00:08:54,006 --> 00:08:56,996 I must be a masochist or something. 203 00:08:57,003 --> 00:08:59,023 That's when I first realized it. 204 00:08:59,023 --> 00:09:02,023 I was in an S&M relationship with Mr. Big. 205 00:09:04,005 --> 00:09:05,005 Excuse me. 206 00:09:05,014 --> 00:09:07,004 In love relationships, 207 00:09:07,002 --> 00:09:09,022 there is a fine line between pleasure and pain. 208 00:09:09,019 --> 00:09:10,999 In fact, it's a common belief 209 00:09:11,005 --> 00:09:12,015 that a relationship without pain 210 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:15,010 is a relationship not worth having. 211 00:09:15,010 --> 00:09:17,020 To some, pain implies growth. 212 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:20,020 But how do we know when the growing pains stop 213 00:09:20,017 --> 00:09:22,017 and the pain-pains take over? 214 00:09:23,001 --> 00:09:24,021 Are we masochists or optimists 215 00:09:24,019 --> 00:09:26,999 if we continue to walk that fine line? 216 00:09:27,004 --> 00:09:29,014 When it comes to relationships, 217 00:09:29,015 --> 00:09:34,005 how do you know when enough is enough? 218 00:09:34,008 --> 00:09:37,998 When you read The Complete War Memoirs of Charles de Gaulle , 219 00:09:38,004 --> 00:09:39,024 -get back to me. -[both laugh] 220 00:09:39,022 --> 00:09:42,022 [Carrie] On Tuesday night, Miranda and Jack had dinner. 221 00:09:43,000 --> 00:09:44,010 In the biography of her life, 222 00:09:44,013 --> 00:09:48,013 this would go down as the best first date in history. 223 00:09:48,021 --> 00:09:50,011 This is kind of what I wanted to show you. 224 00:09:50,016 --> 00:09:51,016 Oh! 225 00:09:52,006 --> 00:09:53,006 Yeah, um... 226 00:09:54,002 --> 00:09:56,002 -Mark Twain lived here. -Mmm. 227 00:09:56,003 --> 00:09:58,013 Right around the time he wrote Huck Finn . 228 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:00,020 -[Miranda] Really? -Yeah. 229 00:10:02,001 --> 00:10:03,001 C'mon. 230 00:10:03,013 --> 00:10:06,003 [Miranda laughs] It's private property. 231 00:10:06,006 --> 00:10:08,006 -I know, shh. -Shh. 232 00:10:08,013 --> 00:10:10,013 I'm gonna show you his little house. 233 00:10:12,008 --> 00:10:13,018 Right there, number 27. 234 00:10:16,012 --> 00:10:17,012 It's cute. 235 00:10:18,008 --> 00:10:19,008 Yeah. 236 00:10:31,022 --> 00:10:34,022 [Carrie] And just when Miranda thought she could read Jack perfectly, 237 00:10:34,019 --> 00:10:37,009 he opened an entire new chapter. 238 00:10:37,011 --> 00:10:38,011 No, no. 239 00:10:39,002 --> 00:10:41,012 Someone might come by, we could get caught. 240 00:10:42,020 --> 00:10:44,000 I know. 241 00:10:44,009 --> 00:10:45,019 [Miranda laughs] 242 00:10:45,023 --> 00:10:47,013 [Carrie] A chapter entitled, 243 00:10:47,019 --> 00:10:50,999 I Like to Have Sex in Places I Can Get Caught. 244 00:10:52,015 --> 00:10:54,005 With my one man out of town in Paris, 245 00:10:54,016 --> 00:10:57,006 I found time to have drinks with my other man. 246 00:10:57,009 --> 00:10:58,009 I need your advice. 247 00:10:59,002 --> 00:11:02,012 But in order to get it, I have to confess something. 248 00:11:02,010 --> 00:11:03,020 And I'm asking you not to judge me. 249 00:11:03,023 --> 00:11:05,013 Who am I to judge anyone? 250 00:11:05,009 --> 00:11:06,019 I had bangs in the '80s. 251 00:11:06,019 --> 00:11:07,019 Okay. 252 00:11:08,015 --> 00:11:10,015 I have cybersex on the Internet. 253 00:11:11,010 --> 00:11:13,020 And this would be the non-judgment part? 254 00:11:13,023 --> 00:11:16,013 My name is "Rick9Plus." 255 00:11:16,022 --> 00:11:18,012 No, you didn't! 256 00:11:18,020 --> 00:11:19,020 [both laugh] 257 00:11:19,020 --> 00:11:22,010 "Rick9Plus," how sad is that? 258 00:11:22,008 --> 00:11:24,018 Actually, I think it shows a great deal of restraint. 259 00:11:24,020 --> 00:11:26,010 You could have been "Rick11." 260 00:11:27,008 --> 00:11:29,008 So I've been chatting with this guy, 261 00:11:29,012 --> 00:11:31,022 and we have a really great time. 262 00:11:31,021 --> 00:11:35,011 But now he wants to meet and I don't know if I should. 263 00:11:35,015 --> 00:11:37,015 Okay, let's figure this out. 264 00:11:38,012 --> 00:11:39,022 What do you know about him? 265 00:11:40,009 --> 00:11:42,009 His name is "Bigtool4U." 266 00:11:42,015 --> 00:11:43,015 -[sputters] -[both laugh] 267 00:11:43,021 --> 00:11:45,011 My god. 268 00:11:45,007 --> 00:11:47,007 Come on, Carrie. 269 00:11:47,011 --> 00:11:48,021 This is serious. 270 00:11:48,023 --> 00:11:50,013 I'm sorry. 271 00:11:51,009 --> 00:11:52,009 I'm sorry, Rick. 272 00:11:52,014 --> 00:11:54,014 [laughs] 273 00:11:56,015 --> 00:11:57,015 Okay. 274 00:11:58,001 --> 00:11:59,001 Where does he want to meet you? 275 00:11:59,003 --> 00:12:01,023 At an after-hours gay club 276 00:12:01,017 --> 00:12:03,007 in the Meatpacking District. 277 00:12:03,021 --> 00:12:04,021 Makes sense. 278 00:12:05,001 --> 00:12:06,011 Now tell me why you want to go. 279 00:12:06,008 --> 00:12:08,998 He seems hot, it's exciting. 280 00:12:09,008 --> 00:12:10,008 And I haven't had good sex 281 00:12:10,014 --> 00:12:12,024 since before Cats was on Broadway. 282 00:12:13,006 --> 00:12:14,006 I say go. 283 00:12:14,015 --> 00:12:16,005 Have a naughty little adventure. 284 00:12:16,010 --> 00:12:17,010 Be safe, have fun. 285 00:12:17,016 --> 00:12:18,996 [Stanford] What if he disses me? 286 00:12:19,004 --> 00:12:21,014 He said he's really great looking 287 00:12:21,012 --> 00:12:23,022 and has a really ripped body. 288 00:12:23,018 --> 00:12:26,008 Well Stanford, are you "Rick9Plus"? 289 00:12:27,012 --> 00:12:29,022 I'm so getting your point. 290 00:12:30,008 --> 00:12:32,008 [both laugh] 291 00:12:32,009 --> 00:12:34,009 [Carrie] After "Rick9Plus" went home, 292 00:12:34,010 --> 00:12:37,020 I decided I was just drunk enough to call Big. 293 00:12:37,018 --> 00:12:39,008 [telephone rings] 294 00:12:40,023 --> 00:12:42,023 -Hello? -Hey, it's me. 295 00:12:43,002 --> 00:12:44,002 What are you doing? 296 00:12:44,006 --> 00:12:45,016 I'm in bed. 297 00:12:46,002 --> 00:12:48,012 I think it's called sleeping. 298 00:12:48,010 --> 00:12:50,010 Oh, so you're funny in France. 299 00:12:53,007 --> 00:12:56,997 It's 5:30 in the morning. 300 00:12:57,019 --> 00:12:59,999 -What is it? -I would like to know 301 00:13:00,006 --> 00:13:02,996 how you could even think of going to Paris 302 00:13:03,005 --> 00:13:06,015 and not even think about discussing it with me. 303 00:13:07,010 --> 00:13:08,010 Huh? 304 00:13:08,008 --> 00:13:10,008 I think about you all the time. 305 00:13:10,015 --> 00:13:12,005 What's he doing? What's he thinking? 306 00:13:12,016 --> 00:13:13,016 But you, no. 307 00:13:13,020 --> 00:13:16,010 When were you planning to tell me? 308 00:13:17,009 --> 00:13:18,019 Are you still there? 309 00:13:20,016 --> 00:13:21,016 Yes. 310 00:13:21,020 --> 00:13:23,020 Okay, well, because I think about you 311 00:13:23,022 --> 00:13:26,022 all the time. No, no, correction, correction. 312 00:13:26,023 --> 00:13:29,013 I think about us all the time. 313 00:13:29,016 --> 00:13:31,016 Can we get into this another time? 314 00:13:31,023 --> 00:13:33,013 I was sleeping. 315 00:13:33,008 --> 00:13:34,018 Oh, look, look, look, it's never a good time for you. 316 00:13:34,022 --> 00:13:36,012 You're always sleeping, or you're ready, 317 00:13:36,015 --> 00:13:38,005 or you're going, going, going. You're always going. 318 00:13:38,010 --> 00:13:39,020 You're fucking... "Taxi!" 319 00:13:39,018 --> 00:13:42,008 And you're on a plane to France for maybe a year. 320 00:13:42,009 --> 00:13:44,009 Well, you're a freakin' old man. 321 00:13:44,007 --> 00:13:46,007 You should be thinking about somebody else. 322 00:13:46,009 --> 00:13:48,009 This is not fake us. 323 00:13:48,014 --> 00:13:49,024 This is real. 324 00:13:49,018 --> 00:13:51,998 Even if you don't know it, it is. 325 00:13:52,004 --> 00:13:53,014 I am a woman. 326 00:13:53,014 --> 00:13:55,024 A wo-man! 327 00:13:58,016 --> 00:14:00,016 Have another cocktail, woman. 328 00:14:01,001 --> 00:14:02,021 No, no, no, this isn't about cocktails. 329 00:14:02,017 --> 00:14:04,017 This is about basic human decency. 330 00:14:04,022 --> 00:14:06,022 This is about taking responsibility. 331 00:14:06,020 --> 00:14:07,020 It's about being a grown-up. 332 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:09,020 It's about being a man. 333 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:11,010 I am a man. 334 00:14:11,020 --> 00:14:14,010 I'm a tired man. 335 00:14:14,008 --> 00:14:16,998 It's 5:30 in the morning here. 336 00:14:17,004 --> 00:14:18,014 Well, you know what? You better get used to it. 337 00:14:18,011 --> 00:14:19,021 Because if you move there, 338 00:14:19,019 --> 00:14:21,019 this is how our relationship is gonna be. 339 00:14:21,019 --> 00:14:22,999 You're gonna be sleeping when I'm eating, 340 00:14:23,003 --> 00:14:24,013 and I'm gonna be sleeping when-- 341 00:14:24,016 --> 00:14:25,996 shit. 342 00:14:27,002 --> 00:14:28,022 Shit. 343 00:14:30,002 --> 00:14:31,002 Hey. 344 00:14:31,005 --> 00:14:32,005 Are you still there? 345 00:14:33,009 --> 00:14:34,019 I'm going to bed. 346 00:14:35,000 --> 00:14:37,010 I have an important meeting at 9:00. 347 00:14:37,016 --> 00:14:38,016 Yeah, fine, hang up. 348 00:14:38,020 --> 00:14:40,000 But don't call me when I'm sleeping 349 00:14:40,003 --> 00:14:43,013 because I have a job here too, you know. 350 00:14:45,020 --> 00:14:47,020 Shit. 351 00:14:47,018 --> 00:14:50,008 Even through my cosmopolitan haze, 352 00:14:50,013 --> 00:14:52,013 I knew I had gone too far. 353 00:14:53,001 --> 00:14:54,021 Take off your panties. 354 00:14:55,021 --> 00:14:56,021 What? 355 00:14:57,008 --> 00:14:59,008 I want to give you head. 356 00:15:00,003 --> 00:15:01,003 In the cab? 357 00:15:01,017 --> 00:15:04,007 You're not serious, the driver is right there. 358 00:15:19,006 --> 00:15:20,006 Oh. 359 00:15:21,016 --> 00:15:22,016 Yes. 360 00:15:23,010 --> 00:15:24,010 Oh. 361 00:15:25,013 --> 00:15:26,023 Yes! 362 00:15:26,022 --> 00:15:29,002 Take 9th Avenue. 363 00:15:29,006 --> 00:15:31,006 [Carrie] A few days later, on the way home, 364 00:15:31,015 --> 00:15:33,005 Charlotte couldn't help but notice 365 00:15:33,007 --> 00:15:36,007 a gorgeous pair of Italian slingbacks in the window. 366 00:15:36,011 --> 00:15:38,001 I just came in to look. 367 00:15:38,011 --> 00:15:40,011 You have a very high arch. 368 00:15:40,016 --> 00:15:41,016 Are you a dancer? 369 00:15:41,018 --> 00:15:43,008 No. [giggles] 370 00:15:43,013 --> 00:15:45,023 [Buster] Such well-formed feet. 371 00:15:46,005 --> 00:15:50,005 Well, I was in Miss Debbie's twirlers when I was a little girl. 372 00:15:55,020 --> 00:15:56,020 [sighs] 373 00:15:56,020 --> 00:15:58,020 They are so beautiful. 374 00:15:58,021 --> 00:16:01,011 For anyone else, $500. 375 00:16:02,013 --> 00:16:05,023 For you... free. 376 00:16:06,013 --> 00:16:08,013 What? No, Buster. 377 00:16:08,007 --> 00:16:09,997 Why would you do something like that? 378 00:16:10,005 --> 00:16:12,005 Because these beautiful feet are tired. 379 00:16:13,003 --> 00:16:15,013 And they need a little rub. 380 00:16:19,006 --> 00:16:21,996 [Carrie] When a shoe fetish meets a foot fetish, 381 00:16:22,006 --> 00:16:24,006 all reason goes out the shop window. 382 00:16:31,017 --> 00:16:32,017 Thank you. 383 00:16:33,010 --> 00:16:36,010 I am way overreacting to this whole France situation. 384 00:16:36,013 --> 00:16:39,013 I think Charlotte's right, there are-- there are ways to work this out. 385 00:16:39,014 --> 00:16:41,024 Mm-hmm. What made you change your mind? 386 00:16:41,022 --> 00:16:44,012 Well, I completely lost my shit to Big on the phone 387 00:16:44,016 --> 00:16:46,016 and I realized how close this whole thing is 388 00:16:46,021 --> 00:16:47,021 to really blowing up. 389 00:16:47,023 --> 00:16:48,023 And you know what? 390 00:16:48,023 --> 00:16:50,013 Yes, it's painful sometimes, 391 00:16:50,008 --> 00:16:52,008 but it's worth it, you know? 392 00:16:52,014 --> 00:16:54,014 I mean, the guy has to go there for work. 393 00:16:54,011 --> 00:16:56,021 And really, what is so awful about spending 394 00:16:56,022 --> 00:16:59,012 a week here and there with your boyfriend in Paris? 395 00:16:59,014 --> 00:17:01,014 Nothing, it's so romantic. 396 00:17:01,016 --> 00:17:03,996 Great, your love life takes you to Paris, 397 00:17:04,004 --> 00:17:06,004 and I'm fucking in the back of a cab. 398 00:17:06,005 --> 00:17:06,995 That's lovely. 399 00:17:07,003 --> 00:17:08,013 And not just there. 400 00:17:08,016 --> 00:17:11,006 We've done it in the bathroom at Bond Street. 401 00:17:11,015 --> 00:17:12,015 Ew, I just ate there! 402 00:17:12,023 --> 00:17:14,023 The elevator at the Marriott Marquis 403 00:17:15,001 --> 00:17:17,001 and a public restroom in Central Park. 404 00:17:17,005 --> 00:17:18,015 How very "George Michael" of you. 405 00:17:18,020 --> 00:17:21,000 We've actually never done it lying down, 406 00:17:21,005 --> 00:17:22,995 or inside, for that matter. 407 00:17:23,004 --> 00:17:25,014 Miranda, this is supposed to be a relationship, 408 00:17:25,012 --> 00:17:26,022 not Outward Bound . 409 00:17:26,017 --> 00:17:27,017 You've got to get this guy in a bedroom 410 00:17:27,023 --> 00:17:29,023 and find out what's really there. 411 00:17:29,017 --> 00:17:31,007 I'm a little afraid to try. 412 00:17:31,013 --> 00:17:33,013 He likes the threat of getting caught. 413 00:17:33,007 --> 00:17:35,007 What if being with just me isn't enough? 414 00:17:35,015 --> 00:17:36,995 Excuse me, Miss Charlotte, 415 00:17:37,010 --> 00:17:39,010 what is happening south of your ankles? 416 00:17:39,008 --> 00:17:41,008 Oh, they're new, do you like them? 417 00:17:41,016 --> 00:17:43,016 Oh, I love them! $500? 418 00:17:43,022 --> 00:17:45,022 Oh, no, not that much. 419 00:17:45,020 --> 00:17:47,020 The guy kind of gave me a deal. 420 00:17:47,019 --> 00:17:48,019 How much? 421 00:17:48,017 --> 00:17:50,017 Um... free. 422 00:17:52,004 --> 00:17:54,004 -Why? -And where is he? 423 00:17:54,006 --> 00:17:56,006 Well, he just, he really wanted me to have them. 424 00:17:56,011 --> 00:18:00,011 I mean, he just really loves it when people love shoes. 425 00:18:00,008 --> 00:18:01,018 Sweetie, this is New York City. 426 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:03,020 Nobody loves anything that much. 427 00:18:05,004 --> 00:18:07,014 Well, I let him hold my feet, 428 00:18:07,015 --> 00:18:08,015 just a little. 429 00:18:08,022 --> 00:18:10,022 [Carrie] The second she said it out loud, 430 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:12,020 she knew what she had to do. 431 00:18:18,007 --> 00:18:19,007 Hello, again. 432 00:18:19,010 --> 00:18:22,000 I can't keep these shoes you gave me. 433 00:18:22,013 --> 00:18:23,013 Why? 434 00:18:23,010 --> 00:18:25,010 You know why. 435 00:18:30,023 --> 00:18:33,013 You've already worn them, I can't take them back. 436 00:18:33,009 --> 00:18:34,009 Keep 'em. 437 00:18:34,009 --> 00:18:35,019 No, thank you! 438 00:18:36,010 --> 00:18:37,020 Then I'll throw them in the garbage. 439 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:40,010 No, no, no, they're too beautiful. 440 00:18:40,022 --> 00:18:43,022 I'd buy them, but I can't afford it. 441 00:18:44,001 --> 00:18:45,011 What about a trade? 442 00:18:46,004 --> 00:18:48,014 Six new styles just came in. 443 00:18:48,015 --> 00:18:50,015 I've never seen them on a foot. 444 00:18:50,018 --> 00:18:53,018 [Carrie] Charlotte looked down at the exquisite shoes. 445 00:18:53,018 --> 00:18:55,018 The smell of leather was intoxicating. 446 00:18:55,023 --> 00:18:58,023 And all I have to do is try the shoes on? 447 00:19:02,010 --> 00:19:04,020 [Carrie] Charlotte felt like Cinderella... 448 00:19:12,020 --> 00:19:14,010 [Buster moans] 449 00:19:18,003 --> 00:19:20,013 [sniffs] 450 00:19:20,013 --> 00:19:23,023 Cinderella in a dirty, kinky, freaked out, storybook parallel universe. 451 00:19:24,004 --> 00:19:25,024 [moans] 452 00:19:26,022 --> 00:19:28,012 [groans] 453 00:19:28,019 --> 00:19:30,009 [Buster gasps] 454 00:19:31,016 --> 00:19:32,016 [sighs contentedly] 455 00:19:35,023 --> 00:19:37,013 Thank you. 456 00:19:37,008 --> 00:19:39,008 [Carrie] Big arrived on the 9:00 p.m. flight. 457 00:19:39,011 --> 00:19:42,021 I was at his door by 10:00 to welcome him home in style. 458 00:19:42,017 --> 00:19:44,017 Bonjour, voilà, le French hat , 459 00:19:44,020 --> 00:19:47,000 voilà, le french fry . 460 00:19:48,018 --> 00:19:50,008 And it doesn't stop there. 461 00:19:50,010 --> 00:19:52,020 I have le Big Mac, 462 00:19:52,023 --> 00:19:55,013 and le Filet-De-Fish. 463 00:20:06,022 --> 00:20:08,002 What is all this? 464 00:20:08,006 --> 00:20:11,006 It's an apology for being le bitch. 465 00:20:11,007 --> 00:20:13,007 Now, I've been thinking about this. 466 00:20:13,008 --> 00:20:14,008 We can make this work. 467 00:20:14,015 --> 00:20:16,995 We can, you know, we'll do le phone sex. 468 00:20:17,004 --> 00:20:19,004 And if things get really bad 469 00:20:19,005 --> 00:20:20,015 then I'll move to Paris for a while 470 00:20:21,001 --> 00:20:22,011 and write Le Sex and Le City . 471 00:20:23,017 --> 00:20:24,017 That would be great. 472 00:20:25,001 --> 00:20:26,011 Which one? 473 00:20:27,010 --> 00:20:28,010 I don't care. 474 00:20:29,001 --> 00:20:32,011 But you'd be moving to Paris for yourself, right? 475 00:20:32,015 --> 00:20:34,015 I mean, don't move for me. 476 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:37,020 Well, why would I move to Paris if it wasn't for you? 477 00:20:37,020 --> 00:20:39,010 No, I'm just saying, 478 00:20:39,008 --> 00:20:42,008 I don't want you to uproot your life and expect anything. 479 00:20:45,016 --> 00:20:47,006 I am such an idiot! 480 00:20:47,009 --> 00:20:48,019 What the fuck? 481 00:20:48,018 --> 00:20:50,008 I'm running around town in a beret, 482 00:20:50,012 --> 00:20:51,022 buying your greasy food 483 00:20:51,020 --> 00:20:55,010 and you don't even care if I'm in your life! 484 00:20:55,014 --> 00:20:56,024 Would you calm down? 485 00:20:56,022 --> 00:20:59,022 No, you know what? I am so tired of calming down! 486 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:03,010 Look, I have to be in a relationship 487 00:21:03,009 --> 00:21:05,999 where if I have to go to Paris, 488 00:21:06,003 --> 00:21:07,013 I have to go to Paris. 489 00:21:07,010 --> 00:21:08,020 Fine, go to Paris 490 00:21:08,022 --> 00:21:11,012 and then what happens to us next year 491 00:21:11,007 --> 00:21:14,007 when you decide you just have to go to Brazil? 492 00:21:14,013 --> 00:21:16,003 This isn't about us. 493 00:21:16,003 --> 00:21:17,023 This is about work! 494 00:21:17,021 --> 00:21:19,011 No, this isn't about work. 495 00:21:19,012 --> 00:21:21,012 This is about us getting closer, 496 00:21:21,016 --> 00:21:23,016 and you getting so freaked out 497 00:21:23,017 --> 00:21:26,007 that you have to put an ocean between us. 498 00:21:28,007 --> 00:21:30,017 I don't want to talk about this anymore. 499 00:21:33,020 --> 00:21:35,020 Why is it so hard... 500 00:21:37,019 --> 00:21:41,009 for you to factor me into your life in any real way? 501 00:21:41,016 --> 00:21:43,006 [cries] 502 00:21:46,017 --> 00:21:48,017 I guess old habits die hard. 503 00:21:49,016 --> 00:21:51,996 Well, maybe I can't do this anymore. 504 00:21:52,019 --> 00:21:53,019 I understand. 505 00:21:57,007 --> 00:21:58,997 Yeah, I bet you do. 506 00:22:01,015 --> 00:22:03,005 You said you loved me. 507 00:22:04,003 --> 00:22:05,003 I do. 508 00:22:05,014 --> 00:22:08,024 Then why does it hurt so fucking much? 509 00:22:08,019 --> 00:22:09,019 [door slams] 510 00:22:10,023 --> 00:22:13,013 On the way home, I was furious. 511 00:22:13,009 --> 00:22:15,019 Not with Big, with myself. 512 00:22:15,019 --> 00:22:17,019 I was the real sadist. 513 00:22:17,019 --> 00:22:18,999 He might be the one with the whip, 514 00:22:19,003 --> 00:22:21,023 but I was the one who tied myself up. 515 00:22:21,019 --> 00:22:25,019 Tied myself to a man who was terrified of being tied down. 516 00:22:30,004 --> 00:22:31,014 [club music playing] 517 00:22:31,016 --> 00:22:33,016 And downtown in the Meatpacking District, 518 00:22:33,020 --> 00:22:37,000 another terrified man was preparing to face his fears. 519 00:22:39,019 --> 00:22:40,999 Take 'em off. 520 00:22:41,023 --> 00:22:43,003 Excuse me? 521 00:22:48,004 --> 00:22:49,024 [Carrie] Stanford panicked. 522 00:22:49,023 --> 00:22:51,013 He hadn't been seen in his underwear 523 00:22:51,015 --> 00:22:53,995 by a roomful of men since 7th grade gym class. 524 00:22:54,002 --> 00:22:55,022 What's it gonna be, pal? In or out? 525 00:22:58,016 --> 00:23:02,016 [thumping dance music playing] 526 00:23:05,015 --> 00:23:08,015 [Carrie] So, "Rick9Plus" undressed. 527 00:23:08,017 --> 00:23:11,007 It would have been rude to stand up "Bigtool4U." 528 00:23:13,008 --> 00:23:15,018 To her surprise, Miranda had no trouble 529 00:23:15,017 --> 00:23:18,007 getting Jack to agree to make love in his bedroom that night. 530 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:24,010 Let's do it in bed. 531 00:23:24,010 --> 00:23:27,020 [Carrie] Suddenly, her fear of his fetish ended. 532 00:23:27,019 --> 00:23:29,009 Miranda realized that Jack's excitement 533 00:23:29,016 --> 00:23:31,016 wasn't about getting caught, it was about her. 534 00:23:32,000 --> 00:23:33,020 And she really began to let loose, 535 00:23:33,021 --> 00:23:36,011 something she'd been unable to do outside. 536 00:23:36,011 --> 00:23:38,021 Oh! Oh! 537 00:23:39,007 --> 00:23:40,007 [woman] Jack? 538 00:23:40,010 --> 00:23:42,000 Is everything all right? 539 00:23:43,004 --> 00:23:44,014 Who was that? 540 00:23:44,018 --> 00:23:45,018 It's my mother. 541 00:23:46,009 --> 00:23:47,999 My parents are visiting. 542 00:23:48,007 --> 00:23:49,007 [Jack's dad] Son? 543 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:51,010 They sound like they're coming in here. 544 00:23:51,020 --> 00:23:52,020 Are they coming in here? 545 00:23:53,001 --> 00:23:55,011 Yeah. [breathes heavily] 546 00:23:56,003 --> 00:23:58,013 [moans] 547 00:24:01,006 --> 00:24:04,006 ["The Rockafeller Skank" by Fatboy Slim playing] 548 00:24:04,009 --> 00:24:07,009 ♪ The funk soul brother Right about now ♪ 549 00:24:07,014 --> 00:24:10,024 ♪ The funk soul brother Check it out now ♪ 550 00:24:10,022 --> 00:24:13,012 ♪ The funk soul brother Right about now ♪ 551 00:24:13,009 --> 00:24:14,019 ♪ 'Bout now, 'bout now ♪ 552 00:24:14,021 --> 00:24:16,021 [Carrie] At first, Stanford thought he'd be shunned 553 00:24:16,022 --> 00:24:19,012 for lack of the popular six-pack abs. 554 00:24:20,003 --> 00:24:21,013 But then... 555 00:24:33,021 --> 00:24:35,021 Never seen that kind before. 556 00:24:36,023 --> 00:24:38,013 They're French! 557 00:24:38,015 --> 00:24:40,015 I bought them in Paris. 558 00:24:41,018 --> 00:24:42,998 Turn around. 559 00:24:46,002 --> 00:24:50,012 [Carrie] Stanford Blatch had never felt more special. 560 00:24:55,014 --> 00:24:56,024 Nice. 561 00:24:59,006 --> 00:25:00,996 "Bigtool4U"? 562 00:25:01,002 --> 00:25:02,012 Excuse me? 563 00:25:03,011 --> 00:25:05,011 Another beer for you? 564 00:25:05,008 --> 00:25:06,018 Yeah! 565 00:25:09,006 --> 00:25:10,006 I'll buy. 566 00:25:18,008 --> 00:25:21,008 [Carrie] Stanford learned that sometimes a brief encounter 567 00:25:21,013 --> 00:25:23,003 can be quite fulfilling. 568 00:25:27,000 --> 00:25:28,010 I went to bed at 1:00. 569 00:25:28,015 --> 00:25:30,995 I was still wide awake at 2:30. 570 00:25:35,004 --> 00:25:37,004 [intercom buzzes] 571 00:25:45,005 --> 00:25:46,015 There were no words left. 572 00:25:46,017 --> 00:25:48,007 We'd said them all. 573 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:08,000 After we made love, I knew it was over. 574 00:26:08,002 --> 00:26:09,022 Did I ever really love Big? 575 00:26:09,022 --> 00:26:12,012 Or was I addicted to the pain? 576 00:26:12,008 --> 00:26:16,008 The exquisite pain of wanting someone so unattainable. 577 00:26:19,007 --> 00:26:20,007 Hey. 578 00:26:21,019 --> 00:26:23,019 What are you doing over there? 579 00:26:25,017 --> 00:26:27,007 Go to Paris. 580 00:26:28,008 --> 00:26:29,018 I'm not gonna come. 581 00:26:32,002 --> 00:26:34,012 Let's not pretend we're something we're not. 582 00:26:37,002 --> 00:26:38,012 It's okay. 583 00:26:40,003 --> 00:26:42,003 Come to bed. 584 00:26:42,006 --> 00:26:43,996 [Carrie] I wanted to go to him. 585 00:26:44,005 --> 00:26:46,015 But I felt like I was tied to the chair. 586 00:26:46,017 --> 00:26:48,017 Some part of me was holding me back, 587 00:26:48,019 --> 00:26:52,009 knowing I had gone too far, reached my limit. 588 00:27:29,019 --> 00:27:31,009 And just like that, 589 00:27:31,007 --> 00:27:33,017 I had untied myself from Mr. Big. 590 00:27:34,006 --> 00:27:35,016 I was free. 591 00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:38,000 But there was nothing exquisite about it.