1 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:11,000 Quills **** Encoded by Jalucian **** 2 00:00:11,325 --> 00:00:14,325 For other high quality encodes, visit: 3 00:00:14,650 --> 00:00:18,650 http://kickass.to/user/Jalucian/ 4 00:00:18,975 --> 00:00:22,975 or http://thepiratebay.sx/user/jalucian/ 5 00:00:26,750 --> 00:00:30,390 (WOMAN BREATHES HEAVILY) 6 00:00:39,350 --> 00:00:40,810 MARQUIS: Dear Reader: 7 00:00:41,640 --> 00:00:44,190 I've a naughty little tale to tell... 8 00:00:44,390 --> 00:00:47,910 ...plucked from the pages of history. Tarted up, true. 9 00:00:49,690 --> 00:00:52,700 But guaranteed to stimulate the senses. 10 00:00:54,070 --> 00:00:56,660 The story of Mademoiselle Renard... 11 00:00:56,910 --> 00:00:59,080 ...a ravishing young aristocrat... 12 00:00:59,320 --> 00:01:04,460 ... whose sexual proclivities ran the gamut from winsome to bestial. 13 00:01:06,250 --> 00:01:10,010 Who doesn't dream of indulging every spasm of lust... 14 00:01:10,250 --> 00:01:13,140 ...feeding each depraved hunger? 15 00:01:15,260 --> 00:01:17,310 Owing to her noble birth... 16 00:01:17,550 --> 00:01:21,900 ...Mademoiselle Renard was granted full immunity to do just that. 17 00:01:22,100 --> 00:01:26,110 Inflicting pain and pleasure with equal zest... 18 00:01:26,350 --> 00:01:28,360 ...until one day... 19 00:01:32,020 --> 00:01:35,040 ...Mademoiselle found herself at the mercy of a man... 20 00:01:35,240 --> 00:01:37,290 ...every bit as perverse as she. 21 00:01:40,820 --> 00:01:43,840 A man whose skill in the art of pain... 22 00:01:44,080 --> 00:01:46,090 ...exceeded her own. 23 00:02:03,970 --> 00:02:05,070 RENARD: No! 24 00:02:06,930 --> 00:02:08,320 No, please. 25 00:02:21,280 --> 00:02:22,830 MARQUIS: How easily, dear Reader... 26 00:02:26,040 --> 00:02:28,170 ...one changes from predator... 27 00:02:30,210 --> 00:02:31,260 ... to prey. 28 00:02:33,130 --> 00:02:36,810 And how swiftly pleasure is taken from some... 29 00:02:37,010 --> 00:02:38,850 ...and given to others. 30 00:03:12,870 --> 00:03:15,840 (SINGING IN FRENCH) 31 00:03:40,740 --> 00:03:42,450 (HUMS) 32 00:04:13,980 --> 00:04:16,030 MADELEINE: Your linens, please. 33 00:04:17,190 --> 00:04:18,700 Your linens, please. 34 00:04:30,450 --> 00:04:33,130 -Morning. -Morning. 35 00:04:41,920 --> 00:04:44,180 Your linens, please. 36 00:04:47,800 --> 00:04:49,230 (HUMS) 37 00:04:49,430 --> 00:04:50,480 MADELEINE: Psst. 38 00:04:51,100 --> 00:04:52,520 It's me. 39 00:05:04,030 --> 00:05:06,500 Careful. The ink's still wet. 40 00:05:14,790 --> 00:05:15,840 Now, hurry. 41 00:05:28,510 --> 00:05:29,560 (WALKING) 42 00:05:29,760 --> 00:05:31,520 That you, Maddy? 43 00:05:32,810 --> 00:05:34,110 Yes, Mother. 44 00:05:34,310 --> 00:05:36,530 Here are the dirty ones for you. 45 00:05:38,770 --> 00:05:39,860 Just, ah. . . . 46 00:05:40,730 --> 00:05:43,410 Just taking the bleached ones out to dry. 47 00:05:59,830 --> 00:06:02,180 Aren't you gonna give us a hand, then? 48 00:06:09,010 --> 00:06:10,100 COULMIER: Give her the ball. 49 00:06:10,300 --> 00:06:12,400 Catch it. 50 00:06:12,640 --> 00:06:14,480 Good. Catch. 51 00:06:14,720 --> 00:06:16,360 Everybody run. 52 00:06:25,530 --> 00:06:26,580 Bouchon! 53 00:06:30,490 --> 00:06:32,710 Remember your manners. 54 00:06:57,680 --> 00:06:59,110 Here it is. 55 00:06:59,770 --> 00:07:01,030 The last chapter. 56 00:07:01,390 --> 00:07:04,110 Monsieur Masse wants another manuscript, quickly. 57 00:07:04,310 --> 00:07:06,200 He can't print them fast enough. 58 00:07:06,440 --> 00:07:08,240 -I'll tell him. -I'll visit you. . . 59 00:07:08,440 --> 00:07:12,460 -. . .with the profits, once it's sold. -I'll be waiting. 60 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:15,580 Perhaps one day you'll tell me your name. 61 00:07:32,760 --> 00:07:34,560 All right, we're all clear. 62 00:07:40,640 --> 00:07:43,070 Marquis de Sade, Justine, latest edition. 63 00:07:43,270 --> 00:07:48,120 Straight from the printers. Justine. Marquis de Sade. Justine. 64 00:07:48,320 --> 00:07:52,120 MAN: "Our story concerns a nymph named Justine. . . 65 00:07:52,320 --> 00:07:55,540 . . .as pretty a maid as ever entered a nunnery. . . 66 00:07:55,780 --> 00:07:59,090 . . .with a body so firm and ripe. . . 67 00:07:59,290 --> 00:08:02,090 . . .it seemed a shame to commit it to God. 68 00:08:02,960 --> 00:08:08,050 One morning, the bishop placed his hand upon her thigh. 69 00:08:08,290 --> 00:08:10,350 MINISTER: 'Holy Father,' cried she. 70 00:08:10,550 --> 00:08:15,230 'I've come to confess my sins, not commit them anew.' 71 00:08:16,390 --> 00:08:20,400 Heedless, the old priest turned her over on his knee. . . 72 00:08:20,600 --> 00:08:23,860 . . .and lifted her skirts high above her hips. . . 73 00:08:24,100 --> 00:08:28,490 . . .exposing the pink flesh of her backside. 74 00:08:28,730 --> 00:08:31,950 There, between the orbs of her dimpled ass. . . 75 00:08:32,150 --> 00:08:34,960 . . .lay a blushing rosebud. . . 76 00:08:35,160 --> 00:08:37,120 . . .begging to be. . . 77 00:08:37,570 --> 00:08:39,210 . . .plucked. 78 00:08:39,870 --> 00:08:43,420 Before Justine could wrestle from his grasp. . . 79 00:08:43,620 --> 00:08:47,260 . . .this most ungodly man took a communion wafer. . . 80 00:08:47,500 --> 00:08:50,800 . . .the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . 81 00:08:51,050 --> 00:08:55,140 . . .and placed it on the girl's twitching orifice. " 82 00:08:55,380 --> 00:08:58,190 Must I, Your Majesty? 83 00:09:01,140 --> 00:09:04,860 "As he loosened his manhood from beneath his robes. . . 84 00:09:05,100 --> 00:09:07,700 . . .the bishop muttered a Latin prayer. 85 00:09:07,940 --> 00:09:11,120 And then, with a mighty thrust. . . 86 00:09:11,320 --> 00:09:14,620 . . .drove it into her very entrails. " 87 00:09:16,740 --> 00:09:20,290 The novel's lewd subject matter and its overripe style. . . 88 00:09:20,490 --> 00:09:23,340 . . .reveal it to be the work of the Marquis de Sade. 89 00:09:23,540 --> 00:09:26,630 He composes his prose from inside a madhouse. 90 00:09:26,960 --> 00:09:28,180 Enough! 91 00:09:28,580 --> 00:09:30,140 Seize every copy. 92 00:09:30,380 --> 00:09:34,560 We'll torch them all on the palace lawn, in full public view! 93 00:09:36,800 --> 00:09:39,900 As for the author, shoot him. 94 00:09:45,770 --> 00:09:47,740 MINISTER: A note of caution, sire. 95 00:09:48,100 --> 00:09:52,450 We all remember what happened to Robespierre, Danton and Marat. 96 00:09:52,690 --> 00:09:57,290 Put the Marquis to death and history might even regard you as a despot. 97 00:09:57,820 --> 00:10:01,210 -But I am history. -Of course, Your Majesty. 98 00:10:01,950 --> 00:10:06,170 Nevertheless, cure the Marquis de Sade. 99 00:10:06,370 --> 00:10:11,800 Succeed where countless physicians and priests have failed. 100 00:10:12,420 --> 00:10:14,850 No one can fault Napoleon. . . 101 00:10:15,090 --> 00:10:19,230 . . .for bringing a man to his senses. 102 00:10:19,470 --> 00:10:24,520 Might I suggest an appraisal at the Asylum of Charenton. . . 103 00:10:24,760 --> 00:10:27,480 . . .and the rather notorious inmate in her care? 104 00:10:27,730 --> 00:10:30,360 I have the perfect candidate for the job. 105 00:10:30,560 --> 00:10:34,580 Dr. Royer-Collard, a distinguished alienist. 106 00:10:34,820 --> 00:10:38,830 He's a staunchly moral man of impeccable character. . . 107 00:10:39,070 --> 00:10:42,250 . . .and iron resolve. 108 00:10:42,450 --> 00:10:44,420 ( CHOKES ON WATER) 109 00:10:50,870 --> 00:10:55,180 My colleagues have called me old-fashioned, even barbaric. 110 00:11:00,470 --> 00:11:04,560 But here at the Hotel Dieu we favor an aggressive course of treatment. 111 00:11:04,760 --> 00:11:05,810 Quite. 112 00:11:06,010 --> 00:11:08,570 I do not seek popularity or renown. 113 00:11:08,810 --> 00:11:10,320 Mine is a higher mission: 114 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:11,570 (YELPS) 115 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:15,660 To take God's tiny blunders and those He has forsaken. . . 116 00:11:15,900 --> 00:11:19,370 . . .and condition them with the same force, the same rigor. . . 117 00:11:19,570 --> 00:11:24,170 . . .one would employ to train a feral dog or a wild stallion. 118 00:11:25,330 --> 00:11:29,590 It may not be pretty, but it is mercy just the same. 119 00:11:30,290 --> 00:11:33,550 A few more months of this and he'll be fine. 120 00:11:35,670 --> 00:11:39,260 It's the emperor's dearest hope that you bring your expertise. . . 121 00:11:39,460 --> 00:11:42,350 . . .your proficiency to the Asylum of Charenton. 122 00:11:42,590 --> 00:11:46,520 Charenton? The administrator there is quite well-loved, isn't he? 123 00:11:46,760 --> 00:11:50,360 He's young, an idealist. You'll have to be politic. 124 00:11:50,600 --> 00:11:53,990 Do you know how I define "idealism," Monsieur Delbene? 125 00:11:54,190 --> 00:11:56,910 "Youth's final luxury. " 126 00:12:12,500 --> 00:12:14,260 COULMIER: Not so hard. 127 00:12:14,500 --> 00:12:16,300 Don't force it. 128 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:19,640 Let the quill guide you. 129 00:12:20,760 --> 00:12:22,140 Good. 130 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:25,140 Slowly. 131 00:12:25,550 --> 00:12:27,980 We mustn't just copy the words. 132 00:12:28,180 --> 00:12:31,320 It's important that we know what they mean. 133 00:12:31,890 --> 00:12:36,530 St. Augustine tells us that angels and demons walk among us on the earth. 134 00:12:36,730 --> 00:12:41,740 And that sometimes, they jointly inhabit the soul of a single man. 135 00:12:43,700 --> 00:12:47,620 Then how can we know who is truly good. . . 136 00:12:47,870 --> 00:12:49,670 . . .and who is evil? 137 00:12:50,450 --> 00:12:52,170 Well, we can't. 138 00:12:54,330 --> 00:12:57,800 All we can do is guard against our own corruption. 139 00:13:05,180 --> 00:13:08,440 So you'll practice reading tonight on your own for me? 140 00:13:10,260 --> 00:13:14,940 "And so the professor lifted Colombe's skirt. . . 141 00:13:15,190 --> 00:13:18,200 . . .high above her waist. 142 00:13:19,110 --> 00:13:24,160 'Let me be your tutor,' said he, 'in the ways of love.' 143 00:13:24,360 --> 00:13:28,330 With that, he slid her pantalettes down. . . 144 00:13:28,570 --> 00:13:31,290 . . .down, down over her knees. . . 145 00:13:31,530 --> 00:13:34,510 . . .and there, nestled between her legs. . . 146 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:37,880 . . .as pink as a tulip, as slick as an eel--" 147 00:13:38,080 --> 00:13:40,840 We oughtn't to be reading his nasty stories. 148 00:13:41,710 --> 00:13:44,310 No one's forcing you to listen. 149 00:13:45,970 --> 00:13:49,100 "--he gazed upon her Venus mound. . . 150 00:13:51,680 --> 00:13:54,110 . . .her flaxen quim. . . 151 00:13:54,390 --> 00:13:56,610 . . .the winking eye of God. " 152 00:13:59,560 --> 00:14:02,030 You've been in his quarters, haven't you? 153 00:14:04,730 --> 00:14:06,040 Once or twice. 154 00:14:06,240 --> 00:14:10,250 I hear he's got a whetstone and chisel he uses to sharpen his teeth. 155 00:14:10,490 --> 00:14:14,420 -He's a writer, not a madman. -What's he doing in here then? 156 00:14:14,660 --> 00:14:16,210 Murder. 157 00:14:19,620 --> 00:14:21,640 That's not so! 158 00:14:23,670 --> 00:14:28,730 He writes books so wicked that one man killed his wife after reading them. 159 00:14:28,970 --> 00:14:31,690 And two young mothers miscarried their babies! 160 00:14:31,930 --> 00:14:34,150 LUISON: I'd say that's murder enough. 161 00:14:34,390 --> 00:14:37,900 If you slander him, you don't deserve to hear his stories. 162 00:14:38,100 --> 00:14:42,280 I think she's sweet on him. That's what I think. 163 00:14:42,480 --> 00:14:46,290 It's not the Marquis she's sweet on. Is it, Madeleine? 164 00:14:51,660 --> 00:14:52,960 (GUERIN PANTS) 165 00:15:12,970 --> 00:15:14,100 VALCOUR: They have no right... 166 00:15:14,350 --> 00:15:16,730 . . .sending someone to sit on your shoulder. 167 00:15:16,970 --> 00:15:20,610 I work for you. I won't take orders from a stranger. 168 00:15:20,810 --> 00:15:22,530 You needn't worry, Valcour. 169 00:15:22,730 --> 00:15:24,410 It's administrative. 170 00:15:24,650 --> 00:15:26,080 Nothing more. 171 00:15:28,030 --> 00:15:30,660 Please don't eat the paint, Pascal. 172 00:15:31,780 --> 00:15:33,420 Bravo, Dauphin! 173 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:37,130 It's far better to paint fires then to set them, isn't it? 174 00:15:38,160 --> 00:15:39,210 Yes. 175 00:15:39,450 --> 00:15:40,880 Wonderful. 176 00:15:43,790 --> 00:15:45,680 Fresh linens. 177 00:15:54,180 --> 00:15:56,310 Fresh linens. 178 00:16:00,890 --> 00:16:04,240 MARQUIS: I'm hungry for a proper visit. -Don't start! 179 00:16:04,480 --> 00:16:09,450 Go ahead, you've a key. Slip it through my tiny hole. 180 00:16:35,590 --> 00:16:36,980 Marquis? 181 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:54,500 Where did you get to, then? 182 00:18:05,180 --> 00:18:06,860 Marquis? 183 00:18:13,610 --> 00:18:14,790 Well? 184 00:18:15,150 --> 00:18:16,830 Did I frighten you? 185 00:18:17,030 --> 00:18:19,210 Frighten me? That's a good one! 186 00:18:19,450 --> 00:18:21,790 I'm twice as quick as you are. 187 00:18:22,660 --> 00:18:25,420 I suppose you're curious about your silly book. 188 00:18:25,660 --> 00:18:27,090 What about my book? 189 00:18:29,620 --> 00:18:31,680 It sold like the devil! 190 00:18:32,670 --> 00:18:35,010 And then they started burning it. 191 00:18:35,300 --> 00:18:39,850 That's the peril of composing such incendiary prose. 192 00:18:42,550 --> 00:18:47,400 If only these coins purchased your other talents too. 193 00:18:48,890 --> 00:18:53,570 -There's something else I want. -You've already stolen my heart. . . 194 00:18:54,230 --> 00:18:58,580 . . .as well as another prominent organ, south of the equator. 195 00:18:59,860 --> 00:19:03,420 Your publisher says I'm not to leave without a new manuscript. 196 00:19:03,660 --> 00:19:05,880 I've just the story. 197 00:19:08,660 --> 00:19:11,630 Inspired by these very surroundings. 198 00:19:17,090 --> 00:19:21,940 The unhappy tale of a virginal laundry lass. 199 00:19:22,340 --> 00:19:26,480 The darling of the lower wards, where they entomb the criminally insane. 200 00:19:26,720 --> 00:19:28,860 -Is it awfully violent? -Most assuredly. 201 00:19:29,730 --> 00:19:32,490 -Is it terribly erotic? -Fiendishly so. 202 00:19:33,560 --> 00:19:35,700 But it comes with a price. 203 00:19:37,400 --> 00:19:40,700 A kiss for each page. 204 00:19:40,900 --> 00:19:43,670 Must I give them directly or might I blow them? 205 00:19:43,870 --> 00:19:47,590 The price, my coquette, is every bit as firm. . . 206 00:19:48,160 --> 00:19:49,880 . . .as I am. 207 00:19:50,080 --> 00:19:51,550 Oh, you. 208 00:19:51,750 --> 00:19:54,050 You talk the same as you write. 209 00:20:23,860 --> 00:20:25,120 Hello. 210 00:20:25,620 --> 00:20:27,580 (HUMS) 211 00:20:32,460 --> 00:20:33,800 (GASPING) 212 00:20:38,500 --> 00:20:40,760 So, what are we today, Cleante? 213 00:20:40,960 --> 00:20:42,680 A bullfinch or a nightingale? 214 00:20:42,920 --> 00:20:45,850 There's but one kind of bird in a madhouse, abbé. 215 00:20:46,050 --> 00:20:47,440 Don't tell me. 216 00:20:47,930 --> 00:20:49,520 A loon. 217 00:20:49,890 --> 00:20:52,860 Sorry. I've heard that one before. 218 00:20:58,480 --> 00:21:00,410 It's a long story, this one. 219 00:21:01,070 --> 00:21:03,500 The climax comes at a higher cost. 220 00:21:03,700 --> 00:21:05,580 You must sit on my lap. 221 00:21:05,820 --> 00:21:08,500 You demand a lot from your readers, you do. 222 00:21:09,830 --> 00:21:13,510 The story's thrilling conclusion comes at a premium. 223 00:21:13,710 --> 00:21:15,800 -What's that then? -Your maidenhead. 224 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:19,350 Then you must sew it up as tightly as the day you were born. . . 225 00:21:19,540 --> 00:21:23,560 . . .and come back to me renewed so I can deflower it a second time. 226 00:21:24,010 --> 00:21:26,230 Some things belong on paper. . . 227 00:21:26,470 --> 00:21:27,900 . . .others in life. 228 00:21:28,090 --> 00:21:31,020 It's a blessed fool who can't tell the difference. 229 00:21:33,100 --> 00:21:34,990 Mademoiselle LeClerc. 230 00:21:37,060 --> 00:21:39,160 You're in the nick of time. 231 00:21:40,190 --> 00:21:42,490 This old lech forgot himself. 232 00:21:42,690 --> 00:21:45,450 He thought I was one of his characters. 233 00:21:45,650 --> 00:21:46,710 Madeleine. 234 00:21:47,570 --> 00:21:48,870 Yes, abbé? 235 00:21:49,120 --> 00:21:52,290 The next time you feel the urge to visit the Marquis. . . 236 00:21:52,580 --> 00:21:55,210 . . .I hope you'll come to confession instead. 237 00:21:56,120 --> 00:21:58,760 Care for a splash of wine, abbé? 238 00:22:02,500 --> 00:22:04,390 Well, it's not even noon. 239 00:22:04,630 --> 00:22:07,690 Conversation, like certain portions of the anatomy. . . 240 00:22:07,880 --> 00:22:11,060 . . .always runs more smoothly when it's lubricated. 241 00:22:12,220 --> 00:22:16,280 This is a rare vintage from an obscure village in Bordeaux. 242 00:22:16,520 --> 00:22:18,780 Rather than crush the grape underfoot. . . 243 00:22:18,980 --> 00:22:21,700 . . .they place the fruit on the belly of a bride. . . 244 00:22:21,940 --> 00:22:27,370 . . .and reap its juices when the young husband steers his vessel into port. 245 00:22:28,240 --> 00:22:30,460 A full-bodied flavor. 246 00:22:30,700 --> 00:22:33,790 Just a hint of wantonness. 247 00:22:36,370 --> 00:22:37,760 Bottoms up! 248 00:22:48,590 --> 00:22:52,980 It's from our own cellar. I recognize the taste. 249 00:22:53,350 --> 00:22:55,860 I should've said it was the blood of Christ. 250 00:22:56,060 --> 00:22:58,400 You'd believe that, wouldn't you? 251 00:23:02,810 --> 00:23:05,700 We treat you well enough here, don't we, Marquis? 252 00:23:06,190 --> 00:23:09,290 Your very own featherbed, in lieu of a straw mat. 253 00:23:09,530 --> 00:23:12,210 Your antique writing desk from LaCoste. 254 00:23:12,450 --> 00:23:17,000 -Enough quills to feather an ostrich-- -It's true, you've spoiled me pink. 255 00:23:17,250 --> 00:23:21,550 In exchange, we ask only that you follow the rules. 256 00:23:21,750 --> 00:23:24,550 You know you're not to entertain visitors here. 257 00:23:24,750 --> 00:23:26,560 But I'm entertaining you now. 258 00:23:26,760 --> 00:23:30,850 Yes, but I'm not a beautiful young prospect, ripe for corruption. 259 00:23:31,090 --> 00:23:33,020 Don't be so sure. 260 00:23:38,850 --> 00:23:42,200 Take your pen in hand, Marquis. 261 00:23:42,480 --> 00:23:45,530 Purge these wicked thoughts of yours on paper. 262 00:23:46,150 --> 00:23:48,450 Maybe they'll govern you less in life. 263 00:23:49,320 --> 00:23:52,620 I'll fill page after page, my cherub. 264 00:23:53,320 --> 00:23:55,130 I promise. 265 00:24:10,220 --> 00:24:13,270 SERVANT: We're here, doctor. Mind your step, sir. 266 00:24:15,850 --> 00:24:17,020 Good day, sir. 267 00:24:17,260 --> 00:24:19,110 We've been expecting you. 268 00:25:22,580 --> 00:25:24,550 Good. Very good. 269 00:25:26,880 --> 00:25:30,430 Dr. Royer-Collard. Welcome to Charenton. 270 00:25:30,710 --> 00:25:33,970 This may feel a little awkward, my friend. . . 271 00:25:34,170 --> 00:25:35,850 . . .but it needn't be. 272 00:25:36,090 --> 00:25:39,770 I've come merely to oversee your work here, understood? 273 00:25:40,010 --> 00:25:43,070 -Of course. -It's a formality. Truly. 274 00:25:43,810 --> 00:25:47,450 Well, you're a man of science, and I'm a man of God. 275 00:25:47,690 --> 00:25:50,120 Charenton stands to profit from us both. 276 00:25:50,320 --> 00:25:54,410 I'll need an office on the grounds, somewhere to store my things. 277 00:25:55,030 --> 00:25:57,370 -This way. -If you don't mind my asking. . . 278 00:25:57,610 --> 00:26:00,750 . . .why has the emperor taken such sudden interest in my-- 279 00:26:01,700 --> 00:26:03,800 --in our affairs? 280 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:07,470 It seems a particular patient of yours. . . 281 00:26:07,710 --> 00:26:09,840 . . .has captured his fancy. 282 00:26:14,260 --> 00:26:18,190 I understand he practices the very crimes he preaches in his fiction. 283 00:26:18,390 --> 00:26:23,110 Certainly not here. There were a few indiscretions in his youth. 284 00:26:23,350 --> 00:26:27,400 Indiscretions? Abbé, please. I have read his case history. 285 00:26:27,640 --> 00:26:30,740 At 16, he violated a serving girl with a crucifix. 286 00:26:30,940 --> 00:26:35,160 After six months in the dungeon at Vincennes, he mutilated a prostitute. 287 00:26:35,360 --> 00:26:39,710 Carving her flesh with a razor, then cauterizing the wounds with hot wax. 288 00:26:39,950 --> 00:26:43,750 I hope you'll judge him by his progress, not his past reputation. 289 00:26:43,950 --> 00:26:47,590 I can't go on like this. Why should this be happening to me? 290 00:26:48,370 --> 00:26:50,300 Once again, gentlemen. 291 00:26:50,710 --> 00:26:55,560 I'm just a lowly cobbler I have been all my life 292 00:26:55,800 --> 00:26:58,100 And with this shoe I'm asking you 293 00:26:58,300 --> 00:27:00,520 To be a cobbler's wife 294 00:27:01,090 --> 00:27:02,810 It's a dreadful play, true! 295 00:27:03,010 --> 00:27:06,150 A festering pustule on the face of literature. 296 00:27:06,430 --> 00:27:10,280 Why, the parchment it's written upon isn't worthy to wipe my ass. 297 00:27:11,150 --> 00:27:13,070 But you need not make it worse! 298 00:27:13,320 --> 00:27:16,790 Say your lines with conviction, my happy little shoemaker. 299 00:27:16,990 --> 00:27:18,700 Like a true actor! 300 00:27:18,900 --> 00:27:21,040 But I'm not an actor. I'm a dyspeptic. 301 00:27:21,240 --> 00:27:23,580 Just seduce her, you goon! 302 00:27:23,870 --> 00:27:28,380 He's made a success of our theater. There's seldom an empty seat. 303 00:27:28,620 --> 00:27:31,260 Not to mention its therapeutic value. 304 00:27:31,500 --> 00:27:36,010 Playing dress up with cretins sounds like a symptom of madness, not a cure. 305 00:27:36,250 --> 00:27:39,310 Homo perversio. A species that thrives in captivity. 306 00:27:39,550 --> 00:27:42,900 This is Dr. Royer-Collard. He's joining us here in an-- 307 00:27:43,090 --> 00:27:45,230 An advisory capacity. 308 00:27:45,930 --> 00:27:48,070 Welcome to our humble madhouse. 309 00:27:48,310 --> 00:27:50,780 I trust you'll find yourself at home. 310 00:27:53,730 --> 00:27:57,790 Tell me, abbé, why is he in your care and not a proper prison? 311 00:27:58,030 --> 00:28:01,000 -His wife's influence. -His wife's? 312 00:28:01,200 --> 00:28:04,880 Well, better to have an insane spouse than a criminal one. 313 00:28:05,120 --> 00:28:08,130 And he has never once tried to escape? 314 00:28:08,370 --> 00:28:09,920 A man of his notoriety? 315 00:28:10,120 --> 00:28:12,470 He wouldn't last a day without capture. 316 00:28:12,670 --> 00:28:16,550 Besides, every wholesome thing he might desire, he has at Charenton. 317 00:28:16,750 --> 00:28:19,390 A library filled with the world's great books. . . 318 00:28:19,630 --> 00:28:22,060 . . .music lessons, watercolor exercises. 319 00:28:22,260 --> 00:28:25,650 COLLARD: What effect have all these amenities had on his psyche? 320 00:28:25,890 --> 00:28:28,320 COULMIER: He no longer roars or spits. 321 00:28:28,520 --> 00:28:32,110 He no longer taunts the guards or molests his fellow wards. 322 00:28:32,350 --> 00:28:34,410 And his writing? 323 00:28:34,650 --> 00:28:36,030 Oh, yes, that. 324 00:28:36,230 --> 00:28:37,410 Well? 325 00:28:37,650 --> 00:28:42,080 It's essential to his recovery, a purgative for the toxins in his mind. 326 00:28:42,280 --> 00:28:44,160 Do you favor its publication? 327 00:28:44,410 --> 00:28:45,500 -For sale? -Yes. 328 00:28:45,700 --> 00:28:47,000 -To the general public? -Yes. 329 00:28:47,370 --> 00:28:50,630 No, certainly not. It's unprintable. 330 00:28:53,160 --> 00:28:55,010 NURSE: Just hold still. 331 00:29:04,050 --> 00:29:05,230 Oh. 332 00:29:06,970 --> 00:29:10,770 All France is aghast at this book, yet you've not heard of it? 333 00:29:11,020 --> 00:29:12,610 Oh, dear God. 334 00:29:14,350 --> 00:29:19,240 Silence the Marquis or Charenton will be shut down by order of the emperor. 335 00:29:19,480 --> 00:29:20,530 Shut down-- 336 00:29:20,730 --> 00:29:23,200 But he's one among some 200 wards! 337 00:29:23,400 --> 00:29:25,620 You could try my calming chair on him. 338 00:29:25,820 --> 00:29:28,250 Or perhaps try bleeding him with leeches. 339 00:29:28,450 --> 00:29:31,090 Or maybe flog him at the stake. 340 00:29:31,330 --> 00:29:34,050 Why? So he'll learn to fear punishment. . . 341 00:29:34,290 --> 00:29:37,340 . . .rather than pursue virtue for its own rewards? 342 00:29:37,580 --> 00:29:41,310 Doctor, let me take up this matter with the Marquis myself. 343 00:29:41,550 --> 00:29:44,430 -Charenton's my life's work-- -I'm not heartless. 344 00:29:44,670 --> 00:29:49,270 But this book is a profound insult to decent people everywhere. 345 00:29:49,510 --> 00:29:52,940 Can you personally guarantee that this won't happen again? 346 00:29:53,140 --> 00:29:54,860 You have my word. 347 00:30:05,320 --> 00:30:06,540 What is it, abbé? 348 00:30:06,780 --> 00:30:11,460 The Marquis. He's embarrassed us before Napoleon himself! 349 00:30:11,700 --> 00:30:13,050 Why? What's he done? 350 00:30:13,290 --> 00:30:16,130 He's been slipping manuscripts to a publisher. 351 00:30:17,710 --> 00:30:19,220 He has? 352 00:30:20,460 --> 00:30:23,010 I place my trust too carelessly, Madeleine. 353 00:30:32,600 --> 00:30:38,030 This is a complete and utter disappointment. 354 00:30:38,560 --> 00:30:42,200 Yes, it is. The paper's cheap, the type's too small. 355 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:45,660 What did you do? Bribe one of the guards? 356 00:30:45,860 --> 00:30:47,290 You implored me to write. 357 00:30:47,490 --> 00:30:50,120 For curative purposes, to stave off madness. 358 00:30:50,320 --> 00:30:54,960 But you've no right to publish! Behind my back, without my sanction? 359 00:30:55,200 --> 00:30:59,930 Have you truly read it? Or did you run straight to the dog-eared pages? 360 00:31:00,420 --> 00:31:03,890 -Enough to discern its tenor. -And? 361 00:31:06,260 --> 00:31:08,390 It's not even a proper novel! 362 00:31:08,630 --> 00:31:12,020 It's nothing but an encyclopedia of perversions! 363 00:31:12,260 --> 00:31:14,650 It even fails as an exercise in craft. 364 00:31:15,140 --> 00:31:18,070 The characters are wooden. The dialogue is inane. 365 00:31:18,310 --> 00:31:21,490 Not to mention the endless repetition of words like. . . 366 00:31:21,690 --> 00:31:23,410 . . . "nipple" and "pikestaff. " 367 00:31:23,650 --> 00:31:25,200 I was taxed, it's true. 368 00:31:25,400 --> 00:31:27,620 And such puny scope! 369 00:31:27,860 --> 00:31:30,000 Nothing but the worst in man's nature. 370 00:31:30,610 --> 00:31:34,420 I write of the great eternal truths that bind together all mankind. 371 00:31:34,660 --> 00:31:36,210 The whole world over. . . 372 00:31:36,450 --> 00:31:39,880 . . .we eat, we shit, we fuck, we kill and we die. 373 00:31:40,080 --> 00:31:41,630 But we also fall in love. 374 00:31:41,880 --> 00:31:45,300 We build cities, we compose symphonies and we endure. 375 00:31:45,500 --> 00:31:47,140 Why not put that in your books? 376 00:31:47,340 --> 00:31:49,730 It's a fiction, not a moral treatise. 377 00:31:49,920 --> 00:31:53,440 But isn't that the duty of art? To elevate us above the beast? 378 00:31:53,760 --> 00:31:56,820 I'd have thought that was your duty, abbé. Not mine. 379 00:31:58,020 --> 00:31:59,740 One more trick like this. . . 380 00:32:00,560 --> 00:32:03,360 . . .and I'll be forced to revoke all your liberties. 381 00:32:05,020 --> 00:32:07,080 It's that doctor fellow, isn't it? 382 00:32:09,070 --> 00:32:11,370 He's come to usurp your place here. 383 00:32:11,570 --> 00:32:13,920 More than your writing's at stake. 384 00:32:15,780 --> 00:32:20,300 -The Ministry's threatened closure. -They can't be serious. 385 00:32:20,500 --> 00:32:22,880 Our future lies in the stroke of your pen. 386 00:32:23,120 --> 00:32:25,430 Mightier than the sword indeed. 387 00:32:25,630 --> 00:32:28,430 Put yourself in my place. I've others to consider. 388 00:32:28,800 --> 00:32:33,140 If Charenton falls, the patients have no place to go, no clothes or food. 389 00:32:33,340 --> 00:32:38,270 Fuck them! Half-wits! Let them die on the streets, as nature intended. 390 00:32:39,350 --> 00:32:40,990 You among them? 391 00:32:43,980 --> 00:32:46,910 If ever I showed you a kind hand, Marquis. . . 392 00:32:47,150 --> 00:32:49,490 . . .if I granted you walking privileges on a spring day. . . 393 00:32:49,730 --> 00:32:52,410 . . .or slipped an extra pillow beneath your door. 394 00:32:52,650 --> 00:32:55,420 If ever I shared your wine, laughed at your vulgarities. . . 395 00:32:55,620 --> 00:32:58,040 . . .or humored you with argument. . . 396 00:32:58,280 --> 00:33:00,420 . . .then you will oblige me now. 397 00:33:00,660 --> 00:33:03,590 For your sake, and for all Charenton. 398 00:33:04,420 --> 00:33:08,850 You've a touch of the poet too. Perhaps you should take up the quill. 399 00:33:09,050 --> 00:33:11,890 -Do I have your word? -Honestly! 400 00:33:12,800 --> 00:33:14,810 You cut me to the core! 401 00:33:15,220 --> 00:33:17,310 What's the point of all your rehabilitation. . . 402 00:33:17,510 --> 00:33:22,440 . . .if when I finally succumb, when I pledge myself to righteous conduct. . . 403 00:33:22,680 --> 00:33:25,070 . . .you regard me with suspicion? 404 00:33:27,110 --> 00:33:30,660 Have you no faith in your own medicine? 405 00:33:35,110 --> 00:33:36,370 COLLARD: My, my. 406 00:33:38,830 --> 00:33:42,250 At Charenton, even the walls have eyes. 407 00:33:42,500 --> 00:33:43,800 Don't they? 408 00:33:50,050 --> 00:33:53,020 -Well? -Well, I. . . . 409 00:33:53,210 --> 00:33:55,680 I spoke to him with reason and compassion. . . 410 00:33:55,880 --> 00:33:58,650 -. . .tools which serve us best here. -And? 411 00:33:58,890 --> 00:34:00,810 He's sworn to obedience. 412 00:34:01,060 --> 00:34:04,530 He's more than a patient, doctor. The Marquis is my friend. 413 00:34:05,140 --> 00:34:09,450 You keep strange company, abbé. If you have the matter truly in hand-- 414 00:34:09,650 --> 00:34:13,410 COULMIER: I have. COLLARD: I've a friend of mine to see. 415 00:34:19,660 --> 00:34:21,880 -Doctor! -I've come for my bride. 416 00:34:22,080 --> 00:34:24,000 Oh, yes. 417 00:34:25,660 --> 00:34:28,010 We'd not expected you for some time. 418 00:34:28,210 --> 00:34:30,720 Simone has not yet come of age. 419 00:34:30,920 --> 00:34:36,060 I've taken a new post at Charenton. I need the succor only a wife can give. 420 00:34:36,260 --> 00:34:37,520 Mm, yes. 421 00:34:39,550 --> 00:34:41,360 SISTER NOIRCEUIL: Simone. 422 00:34:43,220 --> 00:34:45,990 You remember Dr. Royer-Collard. 423 00:34:46,180 --> 00:34:48,740 I'd not forget the man to whom I was promised. 424 00:34:48,940 --> 00:34:50,990 He's come to collect you. 425 00:34:51,310 --> 00:34:52,830 Today? 426 00:34:53,650 --> 00:34:54,870 This minute? 427 00:34:58,110 --> 00:35:00,370 I apologize, mademoiselle. 428 00:35:00,620 --> 00:35:02,630 I had no time to write. 429 00:35:15,010 --> 00:35:17,060 Be grateful, child. 430 00:35:17,300 --> 00:35:20,810 In my experience, poor girls who are orphaned never wed. 431 00:35:21,050 --> 00:35:24,770 They wind up spinsters, or worse still, nuns. 432 00:35:25,020 --> 00:35:29,530 Thank God that fortune has spared you from such a fate. 433 00:35:33,190 --> 00:35:34,490 SISTER: Bye, Simone. 434 00:35:35,150 --> 00:35:36,580 God bless you, Simone. 435 00:36:34,630 --> 00:36:38,560 The emperor wishes to ensure your comfort while at Charenton. 436 00:36:38,800 --> 00:36:41,060 Consider the chateau a gift. . . 437 00:36:41,260 --> 00:36:45,020 . . .provided you're willing to finance the necessary repairs. 438 00:36:47,560 --> 00:36:51,900 Monsieur Prouix is the court's most promising young architect. 439 00:36:52,140 --> 00:36:53,990 He's at your disposal. 440 00:37:06,370 --> 00:37:09,670 DELBENE: The place hasn't been occupied since the Terror. 441 00:37:09,910 --> 00:37:12,970 It has possibilities, yes. 442 00:37:13,670 --> 00:37:14,880 Simone? 443 00:37:16,170 --> 00:37:19,010 I'm to live here? 444 00:37:19,380 --> 00:37:22,350 DELBENE: It belonged to the Duc de Blangis, an avowed monarchist. 445 00:37:22,550 --> 00:37:26,020 The Jacobins were most unforgiving. 446 00:37:26,260 --> 00:37:28,400 His wife tried to escape. 447 00:37:30,140 --> 00:37:32,990 They caught her, here, on the stairs. 448 00:37:33,180 --> 00:37:35,900 Set about her with bayonets. 449 00:37:37,150 --> 00:37:40,700 "There but for the grace of God," eh, doctor? 450 00:37:40,980 --> 00:37:45,910 I shed no tears for the past, Monsieur Delbene. I look to the future. 451 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:48,210 Monsieur Prouix. . . 452 00:37:50,370 --> 00:37:53,630 . . .we should quarry fresh marble, don't you think? 453 00:37:54,540 --> 00:37:56,380 You must humor my wife in all things. 454 00:37:56,620 --> 00:37:58,640 If she wants Venetian glass. . . 455 00:37:58,880 --> 00:38:02,640 . . .Italian tile, Dutch velvet, spare no expense. 456 00:38:02,880 --> 00:38:08,020 But in her bedroom, see to it that the door locks from the outside. 457 00:38:08,260 --> 00:38:11,150 And on her windows are iron grates. 458 00:38:11,560 --> 00:38:13,030 Bars, sir? 459 00:38:13,220 --> 00:38:17,530 In the convent, Simone was spared the world's temptations. 460 00:38:17,770 --> 00:38:20,990 I will not allow her to fall prey to them now. 461 00:38:21,230 --> 00:38:23,240 She is a rare bird. 462 00:38:23,900 --> 00:38:26,160 I intend to keep her caged. 463 00:38:28,320 --> 00:38:30,540 (PAGE TURNS) 464 00:38:33,910 --> 00:38:35,170 (WALKING) 465 00:39:13,990 --> 00:39:16,960 Perhaps the sisters failed. . . 466 00:39:17,210 --> 00:39:19,130 . . .to instruct you. . . 467 00:39:19,830 --> 00:39:21,840 . . .on the ways of marriage. 468 00:39:23,880 --> 00:39:25,060 The nightly duty. . . 469 00:39:27,130 --> 00:39:28,350 . . .of a wife. . . 470 00:39:28,590 --> 00:39:30,600 . . .to her husband. 471 00:39:39,100 --> 00:39:40,780 ( COLLARD GRUNTS) 472 00:39:51,110 --> 00:39:53,750 LUISON: No? SISTER ROSE: It's a scandal, truly. 473 00:39:53,950 --> 00:39:56,250 A doctor pretending to be a God-fearing man. 474 00:39:56,540 --> 00:39:58,760 That's not all. He's too old to marry. 475 00:39:59,000 --> 00:40:01,800 -She's far too young. -Hardly finished schooling. 476 00:40:02,000 --> 00:40:03,590 Taken without a word. 477 00:40:04,420 --> 00:40:06,890 -And that's not all. -Tell me more. 478 00:40:07,090 --> 00:40:10,230 The sweet little thing is barely 16. 479 00:40:10,470 --> 00:40:11,690 I say. . . 480 00:40:11,890 --> 00:40:13,770 . . .she's even younger. 481 00:40:14,010 --> 00:40:15,020 Only a child. 482 00:40:15,260 --> 00:40:18,360 -And that's not all the nuns told us. -Tell me more. 483 00:40:20,560 --> 00:40:21,530 No! 484 00:40:26,980 --> 00:40:29,370 MICHETTE: And that's not all. MADELEINE: What else? 485 00:40:29,570 --> 00:40:33,170 She's from a convent. She's meant to be a nun! 486 00:40:33,370 --> 00:40:35,630 Shhh. Well, tell me more. 487 00:40:35,830 --> 00:40:39,130 She came with a statue of the Virgin Mary in the bargain. 488 00:40:42,500 --> 00:40:46,430 She arrived with a statue of Mary and a crucifix around her neck. . . 489 00:40:46,670 --> 00:40:48,600 . . .from a convent. 490 00:40:49,510 --> 00:40:50,720 Tell me more. 491 00:40:51,170 --> 00:40:53,810 He's old enough to have fathered her twice over. 492 00:40:54,050 --> 00:40:55,690 The hypocrite. 493 00:40:56,260 --> 00:40:59,400 This has all the makings of a farce. 494 00:41:04,850 --> 00:41:06,240 (MARQUIS HUMS) 495 00:41:13,610 --> 00:41:15,370 (MUSIC PLAYS) 496 00:41:15,570 --> 00:41:18,000 Abbé de Coulmier, you rascal! 497 00:41:18,240 --> 00:41:21,380 Your comedies are the rage. I had to claw my way to a ticket. 498 00:41:21,620 --> 00:41:23,010 And so expertly acted! 499 00:41:23,250 --> 00:41:25,550 That charming man in last week's comedy. . . 500 00:41:25,790 --> 00:41:28,470 . . .I'd no idea he was an imbecile. 501 00:41:28,710 --> 00:41:32,020 -Everyone has talents if we look. -Yes, I'm sure. 502 00:41:32,220 --> 00:41:34,520 MADAME CLAIRWILL: Isn't that the new doctor? How thrilling. 503 00:41:34,760 --> 00:41:38,440 A renowned expert, right here at Charenton. 504 00:41:38,680 --> 00:41:40,320 I will say one thing for him. 505 00:41:40,520 --> 00:41:43,030 He has a beautiful daughter. 506 00:42:00,620 --> 00:42:03,340 MARQUIS: Oh, enough of this bilge. 507 00:42:04,500 --> 00:42:06,380 We're better than this. 508 00:42:07,290 --> 00:42:10,550 Remember, gentlemen. Inside each of your. . . 509 00:42:11,170 --> 00:42:14,730 . . .delicate minds, your distinctive bodies. . . 510 00:42:15,300 --> 00:42:18,060 . . .art is waiting to be born! 511 00:42:18,300 --> 00:42:20,980 Let's give the doctor a performance tonight. . . 512 00:42:21,180 --> 00:42:23,480 . . .I hope he'll remember forever. 513 00:42:50,460 --> 00:42:51,760 That's Madame Bougival. 514 00:42:51,960 --> 00:42:56,100 And of course, in front of them, the Marquis' wife. 515 00:42:57,300 --> 00:42:58,560 Indeed? 516 00:43:13,780 --> 00:43:16,410 You. North wind. 517 00:43:17,110 --> 00:43:19,290 Madames and messieurs. . . 518 00:43:20,410 --> 00:43:23,880 . . .there's been a change in tonight's program. 519 00:43:24,160 --> 00:43:27,630 We will not be performing The Happy Shoemaker. 520 00:43:27,830 --> 00:43:28,970 ( AUDIENCE GROANS) 521 00:43:29,170 --> 00:43:33,100 Instead, we'd like to premiere a new play. . . 522 00:43:33,800 --> 00:43:36,310 . . .in honor of the newly appointed. . . 523 00:43:36,510 --> 00:43:39,480 . . .Dr. Royer-Collard and his lovely bride. 524 00:43:39,680 --> 00:43:40,640 ( AUDIENCE APPLAUSES) 525 00:43:40,840 --> 00:43:42,520 A comedy entitled. . . . 526 00:43:45,850 --> 00:43:48,990 -Crimes of Love. -The Crimes of Love. 527 00:43:49,600 --> 00:43:53,030 Written by one of Charenton's very own wards. . . 528 00:43:53,650 --> 00:43:56,290 . . .the Marquis de Sade! 529 00:44:43,870 --> 00:44:46,130 Sister Saint-Fond, whither do we go? 530 00:44:46,330 --> 00:44:48,960 Passing over rivers, canyons and snow? 531 00:44:49,200 --> 00:44:52,220 Hurry, Eugenie For we must not tarry 532 00:44:52,460 --> 00:44:55,760 I deliver you now To the man you shall marry 533 00:44:56,920 --> 00:45:02,270 When you have rested at your leisure He'll coach you in ways of pleasure 534 00:45:07,470 --> 00:45:09,650 LIBERTINE: At last she arrives 535 00:45:09,850 --> 00:45:12,610 My hard-won bride 536 00:45:15,810 --> 00:45:18,990 Hurry, my child, and scurry inside 537 00:45:19,230 --> 00:45:22,330 There you'll find Such treasures await you 538 00:45:22,570 --> 00:45:26,380 Marzipan and meringue to sate you 539 00:45:26,570 --> 00:45:29,710 Such gallantry in men Is sadly a rarity 540 00:45:29,950 --> 00:45:33,170 How lucky I am to receive his charity 541 00:45:35,710 --> 00:45:38,970 Thank you, dear sister For abetting me so 542 00:45:39,500 --> 00:45:43,430 LIBERTINE: Bringing her here To this secluded chateau 543 00:45:43,880 --> 00:45:45,140 Was that good? 544 00:45:47,220 --> 00:45:50,150 Little does she know The terrors in store 545 00:45:50,350 --> 00:45:52,480 LIBERTINE: When I tutor her 546 00:45:52,730 --> 00:45:55,990 In les crimes de l'amour 547 00:46:02,900 --> 00:46:06,670 Take this side of the curtain. One, two, three. 548 00:46:12,500 --> 00:46:13,960 ( AUDIENCE LAUGHS) 549 00:46:32,720 --> 00:46:35,440 Quickly, my suckling Out of your clothes 550 00:46:35,690 --> 00:46:38,450 My scepter awaits How solid it grows 551 00:46:38,650 --> 00:46:41,280 Stop it, I beg you Have pity, I say 552 00:46:41,520 --> 00:46:44,370 You're not my lover You're a monstrous roué 553 00:46:44,570 --> 00:46:47,330 Do as you're told 554 00:46:48,870 --> 00:46:51,960 LIBERTINE: Stick your legs in the air -Leave at once. 555 00:46:52,700 --> 00:46:54,340 -It's just begun. -Do as I say. 556 00:47:01,630 --> 00:47:04,390 It's true I'm a pig 557 00:47:04,960 --> 00:47:08,140 And you've truffles down there 558 00:47:10,220 --> 00:47:13,360 Oh, God, what's this? Such a wicked sensation 559 00:47:13,600 --> 00:47:16,490 A feeling somewhere Between shame and elation 560 00:47:16,770 --> 00:47:18,150 Oh, God! 561 00:47:18,690 --> 00:47:20,450 Use your tongue like a wand 562 00:47:20,690 --> 00:47:24,200 In much the same manner As Sister Saint-Fond 563 00:47:24,480 --> 00:47:27,960 Leaving already? Of course, you've seen it all before. 564 00:47:31,950 --> 00:47:34,210 LIBERTINE: I had a suspicion The sister was Sapphic 565 00:47:34,450 --> 00:47:36,300 INGENUE: I'd tell you more But it's simply too graphic 566 00:47:36,500 --> 00:47:38,920 Suffice it to say She's a preference for lasses 567 00:47:39,170 --> 00:47:41,930 Even at vespers She'll away to make passes 568 00:47:43,210 --> 00:47:46,020 My darling, Eugenie Dainty morsel 569 00:47:46,260 --> 00:47:49,730 Get on your back Let's try it dorsal 570 00:47:52,350 --> 00:47:54,020 He wants to take me in every way 571 00:47:54,220 --> 00:47:58,400 I'll plunder every lovely pore Until you're weak and cry, "No more" 572 00:47:58,600 --> 00:47:59,610 No, more, more! 573 00:48:02,400 --> 00:48:04,070 LIBERTINE: More! More! 574 00:48:04,520 --> 00:48:07,910 Everybody come forward quietly for the next bit. 575 00:48:08,820 --> 00:48:10,500 --from behind 576 00:48:10,950 --> 00:48:13,500 INGENUE: No, no! Yes, yes, yes! 577 00:48:14,660 --> 00:48:16,750 And what of my lips? Will you soil them too? 578 00:48:16,950 --> 00:48:19,340 When you've broken Every other taboo 579 00:48:21,920 --> 00:48:23,680 LIBERTINE: I'll fill every slippery hollow 580 00:48:23,920 --> 00:48:27,810 If you're obliging Then you'll swallow 581 00:48:42,560 --> 00:48:43,700 Manners! 582 00:48:49,360 --> 00:48:50,200 Yes! 583 00:49:12,010 --> 00:49:13,730 Take him to the infirmary! 584 00:49:17,760 --> 00:49:22,240 -Has he hurt you? -No, his breath made my eyes run. 585 00:49:25,520 --> 00:49:26,530 Madeleine. 586 00:49:28,530 --> 00:49:31,200 Do you mean to take us all down with you? 587 00:49:31,700 --> 00:49:33,660 Don't be absurd. 588 00:49:34,240 --> 00:49:36,210 MAN IN AUDIENCE: Disgraceful! 589 00:49:37,490 --> 00:49:39,340 It's only a play. 590 00:49:39,540 --> 00:49:40,550 MAN: Boo! 591 00:50:02,520 --> 00:50:06,860 I wonder who's to blame? The author or his muse? 592 00:50:10,610 --> 00:50:12,200 -It was fiction. -Of course. 593 00:50:12,440 --> 00:50:15,330 -It wasn't inspired by circumstance. -No, it was not. 594 00:50:15,570 --> 00:50:16,790 You ought to be ashamed. 595 00:50:17,030 --> 00:50:20,090 Exploiting these pathetic cretins for financial gain. 596 00:50:20,290 --> 00:50:21,800 That's not our intention! 597 00:50:22,040 --> 00:50:24,840 It's a freak show for tourists and curiosity seekers. 598 00:50:25,040 --> 00:50:27,720 Charenton is a sanatorium, not a circus. 599 00:50:27,960 --> 00:50:30,180 The theater is henceforth closed. 600 00:50:31,090 --> 00:50:32,310 Closed? 601 00:50:32,550 --> 00:50:34,480 As for your friend, the playwright. . . . 602 00:50:35,090 --> 00:50:37,310 I'll do everything in my power. 603 00:50:38,090 --> 00:50:40,480 Do more. Or I'll be forced to tell the Ministry. . . 604 00:50:40,720 --> 00:50:44,190 . . .that the inmates are indeed running the asylum. 605 00:50:58,820 --> 00:51:00,000 Mm. Mmm. 606 00:51:02,290 --> 00:51:05,460 I hope you're satisfied. 607 00:51:05,870 --> 00:51:08,090 He's shut down our theater. 608 00:51:08,330 --> 00:51:10,050 He can't do that to me. 609 00:51:11,460 --> 00:51:14,220 How can one man be so selfish? 610 00:51:16,380 --> 00:51:19,850 We held up a mirror. Apparently, he didn't like what he saw. 611 00:51:25,640 --> 00:51:26,860 What are you doing? 612 00:51:27,100 --> 00:51:29,450 If you won't be true to your word, I've no choice. 613 00:51:29,650 --> 00:51:32,160 But I kept my promise. I didn't publish. 614 00:51:34,280 --> 00:51:36,910 Perhaps, in time, you can earn them back. 615 00:51:37,650 --> 00:51:41,420 You can't! I've all the demons of hell in my head. 616 00:51:41,620 --> 00:51:44,000 My only salvation is to vent them on paper. 617 00:51:44,450 --> 00:51:46,130 Try reading, for a change. 618 00:51:46,370 --> 00:51:51,510 The writer who produces more than he reads? The sure mark of an amateur. 619 00:51:51,840 --> 00:51:53,010 Here. 620 00:51:55,050 --> 00:51:59,730 Start with the Bible. It's cheerier and more artfully written. 621 00:51:59,930 --> 00:52:01,350 This monstrous God of yours? 622 00:52:02,220 --> 00:52:05,320 He strung up His very own son like a side of veal. 623 00:52:05,520 --> 00:52:07,820 I shudder to think what He'd do to me. 624 00:52:16,360 --> 00:52:19,500 -Why are you doing this to me? -Stop it. 625 00:52:21,450 --> 00:52:26,130 I'll die of loneliness! I've no company but the characters I create. 626 00:52:27,080 --> 00:52:31,090 Whores and pederasts? You're better off without them. 627 00:52:32,710 --> 00:52:34,220 I have a proposition. 628 00:52:34,880 --> 00:52:36,010 You always do. 629 00:52:36,250 --> 00:52:39,730 Madeleine. She's besotted with me. She'd do anything I ask. 630 00:52:39,920 --> 00:52:42,140 She could pay you a midnight visit. 631 00:52:42,390 --> 00:52:45,900 I don't know who you insult more, her or me. 632 00:52:46,100 --> 00:52:48,400 -Part the gates of heaven. -That's enough! 633 00:52:48,600 --> 00:52:51,360 You're tense. You could use a long, slow screw. 634 00:52:53,020 --> 00:52:54,240 Good night, Marquis. 635 00:52:55,230 --> 00:52:56,620 Then bugger me! 636 00:52:58,740 --> 00:53:01,000 Goddamn you, abbé! 637 00:53:01,610 --> 00:53:05,460 Have you no sense of my condition? Of its gravity? 638 00:53:05,660 --> 00:53:09,300 My writing is involuntary, like the beating of my heart. 639 00:53:09,830 --> 00:53:12,130 My constant erection! 640 00:53:22,760 --> 00:53:25,650 I've done just as you bade me. 641 00:53:26,350 --> 00:53:29,610 I've paid a visit to the craftsman. 642 00:53:30,430 --> 00:53:34,820 He laughed and called me a whore but took my money just the same. 643 00:53:36,690 --> 00:53:38,490 Which gives you more pleasure? 644 00:53:38,690 --> 00:53:40,490 The objects themselves. . . 645 00:53:40,740 --> 00:53:45,040 . . .or the humiliation I endure procuring them on your behalf. 646 00:53:47,330 --> 00:53:52,130 And last but not least, I've brought you some anise seed drops. . . 647 00:53:52,540 --> 00:53:54,880 . . .and some chocolate pastilles. 648 00:53:58,420 --> 00:54:00,260 Did you now, madame? 649 00:54:03,800 --> 00:54:07,350 They're filled with cream, yes? 650 00:54:09,310 --> 00:54:14,450 You know I shan't touch them unless they're positively bursting. . . 651 00:54:15,850 --> 00:54:18,200 . . .erupting with cream. 652 00:54:21,480 --> 00:54:23,870 What else have you brought that I might nibble upon? 653 00:54:24,110 --> 00:54:26,540 Oh, Donatien, you mustn't. 654 00:54:26,780 --> 00:54:27,830 Tell me. 655 00:54:28,660 --> 00:54:30,090 What other treats? 656 00:54:30,330 --> 00:54:32,590 Shame on you, truly. 657 00:54:33,500 --> 00:54:35,340 For fuck's sake, woman! 658 00:54:35,580 --> 00:54:36,970 Bonbons?! 659 00:54:37,420 --> 00:54:39,680 Am I to gorge myself on useless trifles. . . 660 00:54:39,920 --> 00:54:41,970 . . .sucking down your sweetmeats. . . 661 00:54:42,170 --> 00:54:46,600 . . .when what I require, what I truly need are a few quill pens? 662 00:54:46,840 --> 00:54:48,690 Perhaps a pot of ink? 663 00:54:48,930 --> 00:54:50,150 Forgive me, I beg you. 664 00:54:50,390 --> 00:54:54,490 Don't you see? I've been raped! 665 00:54:54,850 --> 00:54:57,740 Far more egregiously than any of my characters. 666 00:54:57,980 --> 00:54:59,280 How was I to know? 667 00:54:59,520 --> 00:55:01,990 How was I to tell you? By writing a letter? 668 00:55:02,230 --> 00:55:04,910 With what, my asinine bride? 669 00:55:05,110 --> 00:55:07,870 I beg you, Donatien, as your wife, your only ally: 670 00:55:08,450 --> 00:55:12,000 -Stop making a spectacle of yourself. -You've come to lecture me? 671 00:55:12,240 --> 00:55:14,920 To flaunt your deviance upon a stage? 672 00:55:15,160 --> 00:55:16,590 They've put you up to this? 673 00:55:16,830 --> 00:55:18,680 Court the doctor's favor. 674 00:55:18,880 --> 00:55:23,350 I should carve my name into his back and fill the wounds with salt. 675 00:55:25,550 --> 00:55:30,400 You're here, safe, surrounded by brick and mortar. . . 676 00:55:30,640 --> 00:55:34,230 . . .but my prison is far crueler. It has no walls. 677 00:55:34,470 --> 00:55:36,860 Everywhere I go, they point and whisper. 678 00:55:37,100 --> 00:55:39,150 At the opera, they hiss at me. 679 00:55:39,400 --> 00:55:41,820 The priest refused to hear my confession. 680 00:55:42,070 --> 00:55:43,490 He said I was already damned! 681 00:55:43,730 --> 00:55:46,040 Why must I suffer for your sins? 682 00:55:46,280 --> 00:55:49,750 It's the way of all martyrs, isn't it? 683 00:55:50,450 --> 00:55:54,960 Give me back my anonymity, that's all I ask! Let me be invisible again! 684 00:55:55,160 --> 00:55:59,130 Tell me. Have you done anything to secure my release? No. 685 00:55:59,370 --> 00:56:02,390 Petitioned the court? Sought audience with the emperor? 686 00:56:02,630 --> 00:56:04,390 He refuses to see me! 687 00:56:04,630 --> 00:56:06,770 It's convenient having your husband locked up! 688 00:56:07,010 --> 00:56:09,390 You no longer have to hoist your skirts. . . 689 00:56:09,630 --> 00:56:13,980 . . .or crack your mouth so I can put it to its one pleasurable use! 690 00:56:14,220 --> 00:56:17,690 You're not my wife! You're one of my many jailors! 691 00:56:18,180 --> 00:56:19,150 What in God's name--? 692 00:56:19,350 --> 00:56:21,990 Take this cow away! I can't look at her. 693 00:56:22,230 --> 00:56:23,910 Take her to the west wing. 694 00:56:24,190 --> 00:56:26,240 Among the hysterics! 695 00:56:26,690 --> 00:56:30,000 Lock her up so she knows how it feels! 696 00:56:30,450 --> 00:56:34,380 The gorgon! The sow! 697 00:56:48,920 --> 00:56:53,150 For a woman of humble origin, your wife certainly has refined tastes. 698 00:56:53,390 --> 00:56:57,520 When I suggest granite, she counters with Peruvian marble. 699 00:56:57,770 --> 00:57:00,150 Peruvian marble. It costs a fortune to import. 700 00:57:00,390 --> 00:57:02,740 Whatever her heart desires, Monsieur Prouix. 701 00:57:02,980 --> 00:57:06,490 I'd like nothing better than to grant her every wish, sir. 702 00:57:06,730 --> 00:57:11,290 On the modest sum you've accorded me-- I'm an architect, not a magician. 703 00:57:11,950 --> 00:57:13,370 I must see the doctor. 704 00:57:13,870 --> 00:57:15,920 It's a matter of dire urgency. 705 00:57:16,120 --> 00:57:18,800 It is customary to write and request an appointment. 706 00:57:19,000 --> 00:57:22,550 Desperation has driven me past etiquette, all the way to frenzy. 707 00:57:22,790 --> 00:57:25,090 My schedule is not subject to lunatics. 708 00:57:25,340 --> 00:57:28,720 I beg to differ, doctor. You work in a madhouse. 709 00:57:28,960 --> 00:57:32,770 Your every waking moment is governed by the insane. 710 00:57:33,260 --> 00:57:35,020 I pray you, be succinct. 711 00:57:35,220 --> 00:57:36,730 You're new to Charenton, yes? 712 00:57:36,970 --> 00:57:41,570 Perhaps you're not yet familiar with my husband and his unusual case. 713 00:57:41,810 --> 00:57:43,650 With all due respect, madame. . . 714 00:57:43,900 --> 00:57:46,570 . . .all France is familiar with your husband. 715 00:57:46,820 --> 00:57:49,990 Would you grant me a moment alone, Monsieur Prouix? 716 00:57:50,240 --> 00:57:52,080 Happily, sir. Your servant, sir. 717 00:57:52,320 --> 00:57:53,870 Gentlemen. 718 00:57:54,860 --> 00:57:56,540 Madame, please. 719 00:58:05,290 --> 00:58:06,430 Good morning, madame. 720 00:58:06,630 --> 00:58:11,180 I assume you've come to plead for clemency on your husband's behalf. 721 00:58:11,420 --> 00:58:14,810 You do, do you? It's my dearest hope, doctor. . . 722 00:58:15,050 --> 00:58:17,650 . . .that he remain entombed forever. 723 00:58:17,890 --> 00:58:21,570 And that when at last he perishes in the dank bowels of your institution. . . 724 00:58:21,770 --> 00:58:25,110 . . .that he be left as carrion for the rodents and the worms. 725 00:58:26,230 --> 00:58:27,990 I stand corrected, madame. 726 00:58:28,520 --> 00:58:31,200 If you can't cure him. . . 727 00:58:31,400 --> 00:58:33,450 . . .truly cure him. . . 728 00:58:34,740 --> 00:58:39,130 . . .then at least, I beg you, harness the beast that rages in his soul. 729 00:58:41,240 --> 00:58:44,090 That is not easily done, madame. 730 00:58:45,000 --> 00:58:48,260 You are aware, are you not, that it costs a great deal. . . 731 00:58:48,500 --> 00:58:50,390 . . .to house your husband. 732 00:58:50,630 --> 00:58:54,100 I pay his stipend every month, far more dutifully than I should. 733 00:58:54,340 --> 00:58:56,850 That barely covers the cost of his room. . . 734 00:58:57,090 --> 00:59:01,650 . . .with nary a penny left over for appropriate treatments. 735 00:59:01,890 --> 00:59:04,740 Opiates to quell his temper. 736 00:59:05,730 --> 00:59:09,320 Restraints to chasten him when he misbehaves. 737 00:59:09,520 --> 00:59:13,490 If you could buttress your entreaties with the means to oblige them-- 738 00:59:13,690 --> 00:59:15,580 I'm not a wealthy woman. 739 00:59:16,070 --> 00:59:19,960 You've a pension, haven't you, from the sale of his books? 740 00:59:20,160 --> 00:59:21,790 It's tainted money, doctor. 741 00:59:24,080 --> 00:59:27,050 -What a beautiful thought. -What thought is that? 742 00:59:27,250 --> 00:59:31,850 That the ill-gotten funds, borne of his degeneracy. . . 743 00:59:32,340 --> 00:59:34,970 . . .might now effect his salvation. 744 00:59:36,470 --> 00:59:38,730 It's beyond perversity. 745 00:59:39,970 --> 00:59:43,690 That honor should carry a price tag. 746 00:59:44,560 --> 00:59:45,650 Imagine: 747 00:59:46,430 --> 00:59:50,610 OId friends deigning to kiss your hand again. 748 00:59:55,190 --> 00:59:56,660 "Why, Marquise. 749 00:59:56,950 --> 00:59:59,160 Enchanted to see you again. 750 00:59:59,570 --> 01:00:03,670 Welcome back from your long, dark descent into the abyss of infamy. " 751 01:00:05,500 --> 01:00:07,720 Don't toy with me, doctor. 752 01:00:09,620 --> 01:00:13,760 Now is the time to secure your epitaph. 753 01:00:14,380 --> 01:00:16,310 The benevolent Marquise. 754 01:00:16,510 --> 01:00:20,310 Charenton's most revered philanthropist. . . 755 01:00:23,180 --> 01:00:25,230 . . .or Satan's bride. 756 01:00:26,470 --> 01:00:29,820 Rest assured, your generosity speeds your husband. . . 757 01:00:30,060 --> 01:00:32,320 . . .ever faster toward a cure. 758 01:00:32,520 --> 01:00:35,240 The Peruvian marble, without question. 759 01:00:38,820 --> 01:00:43,040 -I am eternally in your debt. -And I in yours, Marquise. 760 01:00:43,240 --> 01:00:47,170 Doctor, can I impart to you his cruelest trick? 761 01:00:47,410 --> 01:00:48,800 Of course. 762 01:00:49,710 --> 01:00:52,130 Once, long ago. . . 763 01:00:52,750 --> 01:00:54,850 . . .in the folly of youth. . . 764 01:00:56,050 --> 01:00:58,180 . . .he made me love him. 765 01:01:15,860 --> 01:01:16,950 (KNOCKING) 766 01:01:20,860 --> 01:01:22,410 Madeleine, my sweet. 767 01:01:22,660 --> 01:01:26,340 Can you smuggle me a quill and some ink? 768 01:01:26,530 --> 01:01:31,130 I don't dare. The doctor's got his eye on you sharper than ever now. 769 01:02:22,630 --> 01:02:24,350 (HUMS) 770 01:02:43,360 --> 01:02:47,080 MARQUIS: Dr. Montalivet was, politely put, diminutive. 771 01:02:47,660 --> 01:02:51,460 When flaccid, his member was little more than a bobbin. 772 01:02:51,700 --> 01:02:56,010 And when inflamed, it towered a mere four inches. 773 01:02:56,250 --> 01:03:00,720 To compensate, he strove to impress his lady with other endowments. 774 01:03:00,960 --> 01:03:05,310 Fine wine, fresh game, and a house as big as his other fortunes were small. 775 01:03:06,300 --> 01:03:10,190 We've ceiling beams en route from Provence. 776 01:03:11,100 --> 01:03:15,240 And next week a muralist from Paris arrives. . . 777 01:03:15,480 --> 01:03:17,700 . . .to paint a trompe l'oeil... 778 01:03:17,980 --> 01:03:19,320 . . .in the ballroom. 779 01:03:20,610 --> 01:03:23,870 -Doesn't that please you? -Very much. 780 01:03:26,110 --> 01:03:28,540 I would prefer brandy in the salon. . . 781 01:03:28,740 --> 01:03:33,340 . . .where we can sit side by side before the fire. 782 01:03:36,120 --> 01:03:38,340 I'd rather read, thank you. 783 01:03:39,750 --> 01:03:42,890 You prefer a book to your husband's company? 784 01:03:44,420 --> 01:03:45,720 Well, no wonder. 785 01:03:45,970 --> 01:03:47,890 I'm only flesh and blood. 786 01:03:48,090 --> 01:03:51,860 That's no match, is it, for the printed page? 787 01:03:52,060 --> 01:03:53,110 Hm? 788 01:03:55,060 --> 01:03:56,650 Good evening, then. 789 01:03:56,940 --> 01:03:59,150 Enjoy your solitude. 790 01:04:10,240 --> 01:04:11,710 MADELEINE: Your linens, please. 791 01:04:13,410 --> 01:04:14,750 (MADELEINE KNOCKS) 792 01:04:15,080 --> 01:04:16,670 Your linens. 793 01:04:20,460 --> 01:04:22,300 Now or never. 794 01:04:23,210 --> 01:04:24,810 No water. 795 01:04:40,440 --> 01:04:43,070 If you won't read it to your own mother. . . 796 01:04:43,320 --> 01:04:46,080 . . .perhaps you ought not to be reading it at all. 797 01:04:46,860 --> 01:04:48,580 It's not your cup of tea, Mother. 798 01:04:49,570 --> 01:04:53,170 Oh, go on, darling, give it a read. 799 01:04:58,000 --> 01:05:01,550 "Monsieur Bouloir was a man whose erotic appetites. . . 800 01:05:01,790 --> 01:05:04,850 . . .might discreetly be described. . . 801 01:05:05,130 --> 01:05:06,720 . . .as 'post-mortem.' 802 01:05:07,960 --> 01:05:10,180 A habitué of cemeteries. . . 803 01:05:10,430 --> 01:05:14,270 . . .his proudest conquest was a maid six decades his senior. . . 804 01:05:14,510 --> 01:05:16,940 . . .deceased a dozen years. " 805 01:05:17,810 --> 01:05:21,360 Oh, that's terrible! That's too, too terrible! 806 01:05:25,270 --> 01:05:26,990 Well, go on! 807 01:05:32,660 --> 01:05:34,790 "The vigor with which he made love. . . 808 01:05:36,200 --> 01:05:39,170 . . .caused her bones to dislodge. 809 01:05:39,950 --> 01:05:45,390 Still, he granted her the highest compliment he accorded any woman: 810 01:05:47,090 --> 01:05:48,140 Yes? 811 01:05:49,050 --> 01:05:51,560 'Well worth the dig!' " 812 01:06:09,990 --> 01:06:11,500 MADELEINE: You asked my name once. 813 01:06:13,950 --> 01:06:15,540 It's Madeleine. 814 01:06:17,080 --> 01:06:20,130 Sweet, then? Like the pastry. 815 01:06:21,620 --> 01:06:23,470 Haven't you a name yourself? 816 01:06:24,870 --> 01:06:27,010 Ride away with me someday. 817 01:06:27,380 --> 01:06:28,890 Perhaps I'll tell you. 818 01:06:44,020 --> 01:06:46,700 (SINGING IN FRENCH) 819 01:06:57,240 --> 01:07:01,880 Your mother may be blind as a bat, but you have a keen pair of eyes. 820 01:07:02,120 --> 01:07:05,590 Mother's blind on account of the lye in the laundry kettles. 821 01:07:05,830 --> 01:07:08,840 Soaking sheets for lunatics cost this woman her sight. 822 01:07:09,090 --> 01:07:10,800 This could cost her far more. 823 01:07:11,000 --> 01:07:12,260 You'll get more with kind-- 824 01:07:12,510 --> 01:07:15,600 What could cause a tincture like this? 825 01:07:15,840 --> 01:07:18,350 -I'm a laundress, not a detective. -Now's not the time-- 826 01:07:18,550 --> 01:07:23,110 Perhaps your kettles are stained with rust, or the lye is rancid. 827 01:07:23,350 --> 01:07:25,400 Or maybe. . . 828 01:07:26,310 --> 01:07:31,240 . . .just maybe, these sheets once belonged to our friend, the Marquis. 829 01:07:34,360 --> 01:07:36,460 We've over 200 beds. 830 01:07:36,820 --> 01:07:38,120 Could be anybody's. 831 01:07:38,320 --> 01:07:42,290 Such a fine thread count? Decorated in his very own script? 832 01:07:42,490 --> 01:07:45,630 She's lying. It shows in her face. 833 01:07:52,090 --> 01:07:54,180 Clearing everything, abbé. 834 01:07:56,840 --> 01:07:58,350 -AImost done. -Remember. . . 835 01:07:58,590 --> 01:08:01,730 . . .anything he might fashion as a quill. His room stripped bare. 836 01:08:01,970 --> 01:08:05,070 The doctor cracks the whip, and you dance! 837 01:08:05,310 --> 01:08:07,950 My bed, gone! Am I to freeze to death? 838 01:08:08,190 --> 01:08:10,030 Gaban, take his rug. 839 01:08:12,820 --> 01:08:16,500 That's a Turkish weave! It costs more than you'll earn in your life. 840 01:08:16,700 --> 01:08:18,370 Valcour. His chair. 841 01:08:18,610 --> 01:08:22,130 Fine! Take it! Take it all! 842 01:08:26,290 --> 01:08:30,050 Careful, it's slippery. You've no idea where it's been. 843 01:08:30,290 --> 01:08:35,180 And let's not forget sweet Mary, the Jewish whore, God's little harlot! 844 01:08:35,420 --> 01:08:39,100 Virgin birth! An entire religion built on an oxymoron! 845 01:08:39,340 --> 01:08:40,690 Orvolle. His wine. 846 01:08:44,390 --> 01:08:47,150 From now on, nothing but water at every meal. 847 01:08:47,350 --> 01:08:48,610 Water! 848 01:08:48,850 --> 01:08:49,990 Your meat, de-boned. 849 01:08:50,230 --> 01:08:53,450 -Why this torture? -Your writing continues, unchecked. 850 01:08:53,690 --> 01:08:56,330 I didn't create this world, I record it. 851 01:08:56,570 --> 01:08:59,870 Its horrors. Its darkest nightmares! To what end? 852 01:09:00,070 --> 01:09:02,420 Nothing but your morbid gratification. 853 01:09:02,620 --> 01:09:05,630 I write what I see: The procession to the guillotine. 854 01:09:05,870 --> 01:09:09,510 We're all lined up waiting for the crunch of the blade. 855 01:09:09,750 --> 01:09:14,090 The rivers of blood are flowing beneath our feet, abbé. 856 01:09:14,340 --> 01:09:18,640 I've been to hell, young man. You've only read about it. 857 01:09:23,300 --> 01:09:25,940 I am sorry, Marquis. Truly. 858 01:09:26,510 --> 01:09:29,570 These chastity vows of yours. How strict are they? 859 01:09:29,770 --> 01:09:32,200 Suppose you only put it in her mouth. 860 01:09:38,650 --> 01:09:40,750 Pious little worm. 861 01:09:42,070 --> 01:09:46,380 In conditions of adversity, the artist flourishes. 862 01:09:59,130 --> 01:10:00,770 Curious, aren't you? 863 01:10:01,010 --> 01:10:05,150 If I can pleasure myself, I can pleasure you too. 864 01:10:05,680 --> 01:10:08,270 You don't know what you're missing. 865 01:10:16,770 --> 01:10:20,370 I'm in search of a book. Perhaps you know it. 866 01:10:23,910 --> 01:10:26,210 I've only got one copy left. 867 01:10:26,410 --> 01:10:29,960 Rescued it meself. . .from the bonfire. 868 01:10:30,660 --> 01:10:33,840 Please hurry. My husband locks the door at dusk. 869 01:10:35,330 --> 01:10:37,590 Sweet little thing like you. . . 870 01:10:38,710 --> 01:10:41,640 . . .shouldn't be reading such filth, anyway. 871 01:10:41,920 --> 01:10:44,060 I grew up in a convent, sir. 872 01:10:44,300 --> 01:10:46,350 Everything I know I owe to books. 873 01:11:12,250 --> 01:11:14,670 MARQUIS: "To the young maidens of the world: 874 01:11:14,910 --> 01:11:17,800 Wrest yourselves free from the tyranny of virtue... 875 01:11:18,000 --> 01:11:21,100 ...and taste without shame the pleasures of the flesh. 876 01:11:21,340 --> 01:11:24,100 Male power lies in the clench of a fist... 877 01:11:24,340 --> 01:11:26,940 ...but a woman's power lies elsewhere: 878 01:11:27,180 --> 01:11:30,440 In the velvet cavity betwixt her thighs. " 879 01:11:30,680 --> 01:11:32,940 It's late, Simone, darling. 880 01:11:33,640 --> 01:11:36,070 Put your poems aside. 881 01:12:12,100 --> 01:12:13,360 (HUMS) 882 01:12:41,210 --> 01:12:42,590 Breakfast. 883 01:12:46,920 --> 01:12:48,480 Madeleine. 884 01:12:48,680 --> 01:12:50,100 I beg you. . . . 885 01:12:50,890 --> 01:12:53,150 What have they done to you now? 886 01:12:53,390 --> 01:12:56,150 Tortures so arcane. . . 887 01:12:56,390 --> 01:13:00,110 . . .so medieval, even I haven't the words to describe them. 888 01:13:02,360 --> 01:13:04,330 If you've an ounce of pity. . . 889 01:13:04,570 --> 01:13:09,910 . . .you'll throw caution aside and unlock my door. 890 01:13:11,240 --> 01:13:12,830 God help me. 891 01:13:14,370 --> 01:13:17,550 -I don't dare. -Don't be a dunce. I've a surprise. 892 01:13:17,790 --> 01:13:19,920 Now open the frigging door! 893 01:13:37,470 --> 01:13:39,230 My newest book. 894 01:13:41,650 --> 01:13:43,490 It starts at my left cuff. . . 895 01:13:44,650 --> 01:13:46,830 . . .and continues across my back. 896 01:13:47,860 --> 01:13:49,750 The longest sentence. . . 897 01:13:49,990 --> 01:13:53,080 . . .runs the entire length of my inseam. 898 01:13:54,410 --> 01:13:59,340 It all completes itself at the base of my right shoe. 899 01:14:10,050 --> 01:14:11,430 -"Pikestaff"? -Yes. 900 01:14:13,800 --> 01:14:14,770 Yes. 901 01:14:18,520 --> 01:14:21,610 -"Naked on a plate"? -Yes. 902 01:14:24,480 --> 01:14:27,950 -"One hundred unholy tongues"? -Yes. 903 01:14:28,650 --> 01:14:30,450 -You're a genius! -Yes! 904 01:14:37,160 --> 01:14:38,210 Go quickly. . . 905 01:14:39,200 --> 01:14:41,590 . . .so you won't be blamed for my misbehavior. 906 01:14:41,790 --> 01:14:46,470 Maddy! You traffic with the Devil, you'll pay the Devil's price. 907 01:14:46,710 --> 01:14:47,930 Sorry. 908 01:14:48,290 --> 01:14:51,350 -Guards, stop him! Guards! -Yes! 909 01:14:53,630 --> 01:14:54,850 CHARLOTTE: Guards! 910 01:14:57,050 --> 01:15:00,650 Look what I've brought you, my darlings! 911 01:15:02,730 --> 01:15:05,860 Two chapters: one for each cheek! 912 01:15:14,280 --> 01:15:17,330 My writing lives! 913 01:15:29,380 --> 01:15:33,600 Take this beast back to his cage! 914 01:15:34,590 --> 01:15:37,560 Don't tell me, you've come to read my trousers. 915 01:15:37,800 --> 01:15:41,730 Don't keep me in suspense. Fifty lashes? A night on the rack? 916 01:15:43,180 --> 01:15:47,820 -I won't sully my hands with him. -Nor should you. 917 01:15:48,060 --> 01:15:49,870 The first rule of politics: 918 01:15:50,110 --> 01:15:54,040 The man who orders the execution never drops the blade! 919 01:15:55,650 --> 01:15:57,790 You're lucky it's me punishing you. 920 01:15:57,990 --> 01:16:00,330 If it were up to the doctor, you'd be flayed. 921 01:16:00,580 --> 01:16:03,300 The doctor is a man after my own heart. 922 01:16:04,120 --> 01:16:05,710 What am I to do with you? 923 01:16:05,960 --> 01:16:09,260 The more I forbid, the more you're provoked! 924 01:16:11,500 --> 01:16:13,010 Strip. 925 01:16:51,330 --> 01:16:52,470 Your breeches as well. 926 01:16:54,500 --> 01:16:57,020 You started this little game. . . 927 01:16:57,920 --> 01:16:59,730 . . .you finish it. 928 01:17:00,590 --> 01:17:02,860 Or haven't you the courage? 929 01:17:06,220 --> 01:17:08,070 I thought not. 930 01:17:29,160 --> 01:17:32,050 It's a potent aphrodisiac. . . 931 01:17:32,250 --> 01:17:34,350 . . .isn't it, dumpling? 932 01:17:36,000 --> 01:17:39,770 Having power over another man? 933 01:17:45,220 --> 01:17:46,610 Your wig. 934 01:18:06,950 --> 01:18:10,920 You'll no longer spread your insidious gospel. 935 01:18:11,960 --> 01:18:14,590 From now on, you will not even write. . . 936 01:18:14,790 --> 01:18:17,720 . . .your own ignominious name. 937 01:18:18,170 --> 01:18:22,810 Are your convictions so fragile, they cannot stand in opposition to mine? 938 01:18:23,640 --> 01:18:25,730 Is your God so flimsy? So weak? 939 01:18:27,140 --> 01:18:28,270 For shame! 940 01:18:29,890 --> 01:18:32,320 Don't flatter yourself, Marquis. 941 01:18:32,810 --> 01:18:34,820 You're not the Antichrist. 942 01:18:35,400 --> 01:18:38,990 You're nothing but a malcontent who knows how to spell. 943 01:18:50,040 --> 01:18:55,260 I saw her myself. She put the key in the latch, proud as you please. 944 01:18:55,960 --> 01:18:57,800 (WHIP CRACKS) 945 01:19:18,020 --> 01:19:19,450 Free her! Now! 946 01:19:20,730 --> 01:19:22,290 Leave her duly strung. 947 01:19:28,200 --> 01:19:29,250 Maddy. 948 01:19:34,410 --> 01:19:38,010 If only blood will appease you. . . 949 01:19:40,420 --> 01:19:42,390 . . .then shed mine. 950 01:19:44,220 --> 01:19:46,230 -Abbé, no! -Go on. 951 01:19:46,840 --> 01:19:48,230 Now! 952 01:19:49,760 --> 01:19:51,690 That won't be necessary. 953 01:19:52,680 --> 01:19:55,570 If you're going to martyr yourself, abbé. . . 954 01:19:55,810 --> 01:19:57,530 . . .do it for God. . . 955 01:19:57,770 --> 01:19:59,700 . . .not a chambermaid. 956 01:20:04,240 --> 01:20:06,370 Now put your clothes back on. 957 01:20:20,420 --> 01:20:23,260 Had I known your taste in novels. . . 958 01:20:24,210 --> 01:20:26,390 . . .I never would've taught you to read. 959 01:20:26,840 --> 01:20:28,480 Don't say that. 960 01:20:28,970 --> 01:20:30,980 Reading's my salvation. 961 01:20:32,100 --> 01:20:35,570 But why must you indulge in his pornography? 962 01:20:36,230 --> 01:20:39,530 It's a hard day's wages, slaving away for madmen. 963 01:20:40,650 --> 01:20:45,370 What I've seen in life, it takes a lot to hold my interest. 964 01:20:45,940 --> 01:20:47,000 Ah! 965 01:20:52,660 --> 01:20:54,960 I put myself in his stories. 966 01:20:55,830 --> 01:20:57,880 I play the parts. 967 01:20:58,960 --> 01:21:02,010 -Each strumpet, each murderess. -Maddy. 968 01:21:03,800 --> 01:21:06,640 If I wasn't such a bad woman on the page. . . 969 01:21:08,130 --> 01:21:11,440 . . .I'll hazard I couldn't be such a good woman in life. 970 01:21:26,690 --> 01:21:29,660 This is no place for a child like you. 971 01:21:30,820 --> 01:21:33,130 I'm sending you away from here. 972 01:21:42,580 --> 01:21:45,850 We could line the walls with Chinese silks. 973 01:21:46,670 --> 01:21:47,970 Or, if you prefer. . . 974 01:21:48,550 --> 01:21:50,850 . . .a Florentine tapestry. 975 01:21:51,760 --> 01:21:53,770 Are you a literary man? 976 01:21:55,310 --> 01:21:56,690 Excuse me? 977 01:21:56,890 --> 01:22:00,240 I do so admire men with an appetite for. . . 978 01:22:02,270 --> 01:22:03,780 . . .books. 979 01:22:15,030 --> 01:22:16,500 Madame. . . 980 01:22:16,790 --> 01:22:18,590 . . .how could you? 981 01:22:20,250 --> 01:22:22,550 Have you actually read this volume? 982 01:22:24,710 --> 01:22:26,390 I've memorized it. 983 01:22:33,050 --> 01:22:36,110 There comes a time in a young lady's life. . . 984 01:22:36,390 --> 01:22:38,150 . . .when she must cast books aside. . . 985 01:22:38,890 --> 01:22:41,320 . . .and learn from experience. 986 01:22:43,270 --> 01:22:45,070 That, monsieur. . . 987 01:22:45,730 --> 01:22:47,570 . . .requires a teacher. 988 01:23:34,650 --> 01:23:36,580 Maddy, what are you--? 989 01:23:39,910 --> 01:23:41,590 Is something wrong? 990 01:23:43,750 --> 01:23:45,340 Abbé. 991 01:23:46,000 --> 01:23:48,050 Don't send me away, I beg you. 992 01:23:49,040 --> 01:23:51,850 I shouldn't refuse your kindness. . . 993 01:23:52,090 --> 01:23:54,520 . . .but my heart's held fast here. 994 01:23:54,920 --> 01:23:55,980 By whom? 995 01:23:56,760 --> 01:23:58,270 The Marquis? 996 01:24:01,680 --> 01:24:04,320 Mother's not half so blind as you. 997 01:24:08,230 --> 01:24:09,740 Oh, Madeleine. 998 01:24:14,570 --> 01:24:16,830 There are certain feelings. . . 999 01:24:17,110 --> 01:24:19,330 . . .we must not voice. 1000 01:24:20,450 --> 01:24:21,840 Why not? 1001 01:24:22,450 --> 01:24:24,130 They incite. . . . 1002 01:24:25,160 --> 01:24:27,260 They incite us to act. . . 1003 01:24:27,960 --> 01:24:29,760 . . .in ways. . . 1004 01:24:30,210 --> 01:24:32,050 . . .we should not. 1005 01:24:39,640 --> 01:24:41,230 What have I done? 1006 01:24:41,470 --> 01:24:42,520 Go back to your room. 1007 01:24:44,180 --> 01:24:46,650 You'll hate me now, won't you? 1008 01:24:47,140 --> 01:24:49,150 I love you, Madeleine. . . 1009 01:24:49,850 --> 01:24:51,870 . . .as a child of God. 1010 01:24:56,320 --> 01:24:57,750 Forgive me. 1011 01:25:12,090 --> 01:25:13,550 Madeleine! 1012 01:25:32,110 --> 01:25:33,160 Maddy. 1013 01:25:35,280 --> 01:25:37,950 You don't fear the Marquis' sway on me. 1014 01:25:38,860 --> 01:25:40,290 You fear your own. 1015 01:25:41,530 --> 01:25:45,670 If you'll grant me a final favor, I'd like the chance to explain. 1016 01:25:48,790 --> 01:25:50,880 Don't come any closer, abbé. 1017 01:25:51,370 --> 01:25:53,180 God's watching. 1018 01:25:57,550 --> 01:25:58,600 Maddy. 1019 01:26:04,510 --> 01:26:07,980 "Most esteemed Dr. Royer-Collard. . . 1020 01:26:08,430 --> 01:26:11,320 . . .at long last, your chateau is complete. 1021 01:26:11,690 --> 01:26:14,490 You will find everything in its assigned place: 1022 01:26:14,730 --> 01:26:18,120 The chintz draperies, the English bell pulls. . . 1023 01:26:18,360 --> 01:26:21,120 . . .even the ivory doorstops. 1024 01:26:21,360 --> 01:26:23,620 Only one detail is missing: 1025 01:26:31,830 --> 01:26:33,430 Your wife. " 1026 01:26:38,090 --> 01:26:40,520 Tell him I'm no fool. 1027 01:26:40,720 --> 01:26:44,600 A prison's still a prison, even with silks and chandeliers. 1028 01:26:44,840 --> 01:26:48,650 "By the time you read this, we'll be long gone. . . 1029 01:26:48,890 --> 01:26:51,490 . . .bound for England or points beyond. " 1030 01:26:51,730 --> 01:26:54,490 Tell him if he discovers our whereabouts. . . 1031 01:26:54,690 --> 01:26:58,990 . . .you'll slit your wrists, and I'll plunge a hatpin through my heart. 1032 01:26:59,230 --> 01:27:02,250 You'd do that, rather than forsake our love? 1033 01:27:04,030 --> 01:27:05,460 No. 1034 01:27:05,700 --> 01:27:07,170 But tell him I would. 1035 01:27:10,410 --> 01:27:12,880 Sign it, quickly. 1036 01:27:13,120 --> 01:27:18,140 Then you can ravish me again on linens for which he so dearly paid. 1037 01:27:18,380 --> 01:27:21,220 And then, I beg you. . . 1038 01:27:21,460 --> 01:27:24,520 . . .on the bearskin rug in his study. . . 1039 01:27:24,800 --> 01:27:28,270 . . .and finally, as a crowning gesture. . . 1040 01:27:28,560 --> 01:27:33,690 . . .we'll leave puddles of love on the Peruvian marble. 1041 01:27:49,910 --> 01:27:51,050 Simone! 1042 01:27:51,290 --> 01:27:53,090 Simone! 1043 01:27:53,790 --> 01:27:55,260 Simone! 1044 01:27:56,290 --> 01:27:57,470 Simone! 1045 01:28:33,500 --> 01:28:34,670 Stop! 1046 01:28:36,960 --> 01:28:38,340 Stop, I beg you! 1047 01:28:39,210 --> 01:28:42,550 I'll write dainty stories! Odes to virtue. 1048 01:28:42,800 --> 01:28:45,850 Children's verses. I promise! 1049 01:28:49,180 --> 01:28:51,310 Excites you, doesn't it, to hurt me? 1050 01:28:51,550 --> 01:28:55,230 You're solid as a bone, straining your trousers. 1051 01:28:59,060 --> 01:29:03,200 Don't you see, you self-righteous fuck. . . 1052 01:29:03,440 --> 01:29:07,580 . . .the longer you continue your vexations, the deeper you root. . . 1053 01:29:07,820 --> 01:29:09,620 . . .my principles in my heart! 1054 01:29:30,680 --> 01:29:32,350 Haven't you seen. . . 1055 01:29:33,180 --> 01:29:36,940 . . .a man naked before? 1056 01:29:44,320 --> 01:29:45,950 The abbé's sending me away. 1057 01:29:46,990 --> 01:29:48,200 Yes. 1058 01:29:49,490 --> 01:29:51,120 Of course he is. 1059 01:29:52,820 --> 01:29:54,250 Marquis. . . 1060 01:29:57,620 --> 01:29:59,880 . . .tell me one last story. 1061 01:30:07,670 --> 01:30:09,680 How do you propose I do that? 1062 01:30:11,300 --> 01:30:13,650 With dust, upon the air? 1063 01:30:13,890 --> 01:30:15,560 Whisper it to me now. 1064 01:30:15,810 --> 01:30:18,230 Child, that's far too dangerous. 1065 01:30:18,890 --> 01:30:21,570 I may never see you again. Let me transcribe. . . 1066 01:30:21,770 --> 01:30:24,070 . . .something to remember you by. 1067 01:30:25,150 --> 01:30:29,080 This is neither the time, nor the place. 1068 01:30:30,280 --> 01:30:32,000 We've lost. 1069 01:30:35,830 --> 01:30:37,670 Never thought I'd see you defeated. 1070 01:30:37,910 --> 01:30:42,220 -I've thousands of stories to tell-- -Then tell me one. 1071 01:30:44,250 --> 01:30:45,640 (INMATE YELLS) 1072 01:30:54,390 --> 01:30:55,770 Perhaps I can. 1073 01:30:57,220 --> 01:31:00,990 Tonight, go to the linen pantry with ink and a quill. . . 1074 01:31:01,480 --> 01:31:06,820 . . .and you shall have a story that will make the angels weep. . . 1075 01:31:07,110 --> 01:31:09,410 . . .and the saints all gasp for air. 1076 01:31:37,640 --> 01:31:39,150 BOUCHON: She's here. 1077 01:31:41,850 --> 01:31:43,320 Dauphin! 1078 01:31:44,140 --> 01:31:45,110 Dauphin! 1079 01:31:45,650 --> 01:31:46,740 Dauphin! 1080 01:31:49,320 --> 01:31:50,620 FRANVAL: Cleante! 1081 01:31:51,110 --> 01:31:52,080 Cleante! 1082 01:31:52,780 --> 01:31:54,500 Psst, Cleante, are you ready? 1083 01:31:54,740 --> 01:31:56,040 Are you ready? 1084 01:31:56,240 --> 01:31:57,580 Marquis, is that you? 1085 01:31:57,820 --> 01:32:00,210 For fuck's sake, who else would it be? 1086 01:32:00,410 --> 01:32:03,800 -Have you alerted the others? -I'm no longer a man. 1087 01:32:04,040 --> 01:32:07,930 I awoke to discover I'd turned into a sparrow. 1088 01:32:09,750 --> 01:32:12,850 Is that so? I awoke to discover I'd turned into a cat. 1089 01:32:13,090 --> 01:32:16,600 If you don't do as I say, I'll sink my fangs into your drumsticks. . . 1090 01:32:16,840 --> 01:32:19,940 . . .and suck the marrow straight out of your bones. 1091 01:32:23,640 --> 01:32:26,070 At your service, count. 1092 01:32:27,810 --> 01:32:30,370 "To my beloved reader: 1093 01:32:30,610 --> 01:32:33,540 Prepare yourself for the most impure tale. . . 1094 01:32:33,780 --> 01:32:36,620 . . .ever to spring from the mind of man. " 1095 01:32:37,990 --> 01:32:39,420 Off your hump. 1096 01:32:42,910 --> 01:32:43,960 Dauphin! 1097 01:32:44,910 --> 01:32:46,340 "To my beloved reader: 1098 01:32:47,420 --> 01:32:51,350 Prepare yourself for the most impure tale ever told. " 1099 01:32:54,920 --> 01:32:57,180 "To my beloved reader: 1100 01:32:57,430 --> 01:33:01,230 Prepare yourself for an impure tale. " 1101 01:33:05,310 --> 01:33:06,740 FLANVAL: Bouchon. -Huh? 1102 01:33:07,310 --> 01:33:09,070 "To my beloved reader: 1103 01:33:09,310 --> 01:33:13,120 Prepare yourself; I've an impure tale to tell. " 1104 01:33:14,940 --> 01:33:16,750 BOUCHON: "Prepare yourself. " 1105 01:33:17,280 --> 01:33:18,330 (ROCKS GRAZING) 1106 01:33:20,200 --> 01:33:21,250 Bouchon? 1107 01:33:21,990 --> 01:33:23,630 MADELEINE: What did you say? 1108 01:33:25,200 --> 01:33:30,510 "Prepare yourself. I've a tale. An impure tale. " 1109 01:33:32,460 --> 01:33:36,140 "Our story concerns the prostitute Fanchon. . . 1110 01:33:36,380 --> 01:33:38,480 . . .whom nature had equipped. . . 1111 01:33:38,720 --> 01:33:43,150 . . .with a tight and downy fissure between her thighs. . . 1112 01:33:43,390 --> 01:33:46,820 . . .and the most finely cleft ass. . . 1113 01:33:47,060 --> 01:33:50,110 . . .ever molded by the hand of God. " 1114 01:33:50,310 --> 01:33:51,660 (THUNDERS) 1115 01:33:53,320 --> 01:33:55,580 "Fanchon was a prostitute. . . 1116 01:33:55,820 --> 01:34:01,000 . . .with a tight and downy fissure between her thighs. . . 1117 01:34:01,240 --> 01:34:02,420 . . .and. . . . " 1118 01:34:03,200 --> 01:34:08,090 -The most finely cleft ass! -"The most finely cleft ass. . . . " 1119 01:34:08,330 --> 01:34:12,840 My glorious prose, filtered through the minds of the insane. 1120 01:34:13,630 --> 01:34:15,350 They might improve it. 1121 01:34:16,590 --> 01:34:19,310 "It's about a harlot named Fanchon. " 1122 01:34:19,510 --> 01:34:22,900 "It's about a harlot named Fanchon. . . 1123 01:34:23,140 --> 01:34:24,270 . . .with a downy fissure. " 1124 01:34:24,510 --> 01:34:28,440 "One day, Fanchon's first client was a surgeon. 1125 01:34:29,390 --> 01:34:32,700 MARQUIS: He ran his fingers across her naked skin. . . 1126 01:34:32,940 --> 01:34:35,280 . . .pulling apart folds of flesh. " 1127 01:34:35,520 --> 01:34:37,910 CLEANTE: "He ran his fingers across her naked skin. . . 1128 01:34:38,150 --> 01:34:41,660 . . .pulling apart folds of flesh. " 1129 01:34:41,860 --> 01:34:45,790 DAUPHIN: "Pulling at her folds. " 1130 01:34:46,030 --> 01:34:50,050 FRANVAL: "And ran his fingers over her naked skin, pulling at her folds. . . . " 1131 01:34:50,290 --> 01:34:54,640 BOUCHON: "Feeling over her naked skin. " 1132 01:34:55,170 --> 01:34:57,050 "Her naked skin. " 1133 01:34:58,170 --> 01:35:01,020 -Naked. -Yes, I've got that bit. 1134 01:35:01,930 --> 01:35:03,810 "'What shall I make ready?' . . . 1135 01:35:04,050 --> 01:35:08,270 . . .asked Fanchon. 'My mouth, my ass or my succulent oyster?' " 1136 01:35:10,480 --> 01:35:11,690 "'What shall I ready?' " 1137 01:35:11,940 --> 01:35:14,780 "'--my ass or my succulent oyster?' " 1138 01:35:15,440 --> 01:35:17,990 "'None!' cried the surgeon with his scalpel. " 1139 01:35:19,030 --> 01:35:21,040 -Yes? -"'Which hole?' 1140 01:35:21,650 --> 01:35:24,250 My mouth, my ass. . . 1141 01:35:24,490 --> 01:35:25,830 . . .or my succulent-- 1142 01:35:28,120 --> 01:35:29,630 Succulent oyster!' " 1143 01:35:29,870 --> 01:35:34,760 "'For I'll carve new orifices where there were none before.' " 1144 01:35:35,460 --> 01:35:37,050 -"'None!' " -"Cried the surgeon. 1145 01:35:37,290 --> 01:35:39,430 BOUCHON: "I'll carve new-- 1146 01:35:39,670 --> 01:35:43,020 New orifices where there were none before!' " 1147 01:35:43,260 --> 01:35:47,520 "With that, Fanchon expelled a scream so extravagantly pitched. . . 1148 01:35:47,760 --> 01:35:51,610 . . .that the surgeon was obliged to tear out her tongue. " 1149 01:35:52,060 --> 01:35:55,530 "Fanchon expelled a scream with such extravagant pitch--" 1150 01:35:55,810 --> 01:35:59,490 "With that, the extravagant bitch screamed so loud--" 1151 01:35:59,690 --> 01:36:02,660 "She screamed so long and so loud--" 1152 01:36:02,900 --> 01:36:06,080 BOUCHON: "She screamed, so he felt he should-- 1153 01:36:06,320 --> 01:36:07,170 Ought--" 1154 01:36:07,410 --> 01:36:10,380 "To seal the wound, he took a poker from the fire--" 1155 01:36:10,620 --> 01:36:12,500 -"A poker! " -"To tear out her tongue! " 1156 01:36:13,120 --> 01:36:14,920 "He took a poker from the fire! " 1157 01:36:15,170 --> 01:36:17,550 Fire. "From the fire! " 1158 01:36:19,170 --> 01:36:22,310 "He took a poker from the fire. " 1159 01:36:22,510 --> 01:36:24,310 From the fire. 1160 01:36:25,300 --> 01:36:26,560 From the fire. . . . 1161 01:36:27,390 --> 01:36:30,360 "He took a poker from the fire! " 1162 01:36:35,640 --> 01:36:38,200 FRANVAL: Dauphin. -From the fire. 1163 01:36:38,520 --> 01:36:39,410 What's next? 1164 01:36:39,730 --> 01:36:41,080 MADELEINE: Bouchon, the words. 1165 01:36:41,860 --> 01:36:42,830 Tell me the words. 1166 01:36:52,700 --> 01:36:53,550 Dauphin? 1167 01:36:56,210 --> 01:36:57,840 -Dauphin! DAUPHIN: Fire! 1168 01:36:58,080 --> 01:36:59,260 What's the next bit? 1169 01:36:59,460 --> 01:37:01,430 -Fire! -What's the next bit? 1170 01:37:01,630 --> 01:37:03,100 Fire! 1171 01:37:03,960 --> 01:37:06,060 DAUPHIN: Fire! -Just tell me the next bit! 1172 01:37:07,010 --> 01:37:08,440 Tell me the words! 1173 01:37:10,390 --> 01:37:11,730 (FIRE BELL SOUNDS) 1174 01:37:11,930 --> 01:37:13,190 Fire! 1175 01:37:15,180 --> 01:37:18,950 Open all the doors! Let the patients out! 1176 01:37:19,440 --> 01:37:22,490 Chase some water! Move yourselves! Move on! 1177 01:37:22,690 --> 01:37:25,200 Get some water! 1178 01:37:25,900 --> 01:37:28,370 It's hot! 1179 01:37:29,860 --> 01:37:31,380 -No! No! -Nice fire! 1180 01:37:31,620 --> 01:37:34,670 Nice, nice, Dauphin, fire! 1181 01:37:38,620 --> 01:37:40,760 Where's that water? 1182 01:37:41,670 --> 01:37:43,800 VALCOUR: Get Dauphin! Stop him! 1183 01:37:44,250 --> 01:37:47,180 DAUPHIN: Fire! Fire! Fire! 1184 01:37:48,300 --> 01:37:53,060 Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! 1185 01:38:03,020 --> 01:38:04,200 Bouchon? 1186 01:38:09,610 --> 01:38:10,660 Bouchon! 1187 01:38:13,620 --> 01:38:15,590 Remember your manners, Bouchon. 1188 01:38:16,580 --> 01:38:17,420 Don't-- 1189 01:38:19,620 --> 01:38:20,470 Madeleine. 1190 01:38:22,130 --> 01:38:23,430 Madeleine! 1191 01:38:23,670 --> 01:38:24,510 Madeleine! 1192 01:38:25,210 --> 01:38:27,810 -Madeleine! Madeleine! MARQUIS: Madeleine! 1193 01:38:28,090 --> 01:38:29,890 CLEANTE: Madeleine! 1194 01:38:31,260 --> 01:38:32,310 Madeleine! 1195 01:38:32,510 --> 01:38:33,730 Madeleine. 1196 01:38:34,390 --> 01:38:39,530 MARQUIS: Madeleine! CLEANTE: Madeleine! Madeleine! 1197 01:38:44,560 --> 01:38:46,660 (SCREAMING) 1198 01:38:48,490 --> 01:38:49,620 (GLASS BREAKS) 1199 01:38:55,700 --> 01:38:56,790 COULMIER: Maddy! 1200 01:38:57,620 --> 01:38:58,460 Madeleine! 1201 01:39:08,420 --> 01:39:09,600 Maddy! 1202 01:39:09,840 --> 01:39:13,270 It's her fault the Devil's unleashed himself upon us! 1203 01:39:13,510 --> 01:39:15,940 It's her fault! 1204 01:39:21,020 --> 01:39:22,440 MADELEINE: No! No! 1205 01:39:26,360 --> 01:39:27,660 (MADELEINE SCREAMS) 1206 01:39:31,530 --> 01:39:32,870 No! No! 1207 01:39:33,110 --> 01:39:34,710 MARQUIS: Madeleine! 1208 01:39:36,030 --> 01:39:36,920 Madeleine! 1209 01:39:43,750 --> 01:39:46,180 We must save Charenton! 1210 01:39:46,670 --> 01:39:47,850 Keep the chain going! 1211 01:39:48,630 --> 01:39:51,970 We've got to stop it before it gets to those beams! 1212 01:40:05,440 --> 01:40:08,120 -Madeleine! -Madeleine! 1213 01:40:12,940 --> 01:40:14,710 Guards! 1214 01:40:14,900 --> 01:40:17,330 Guards! Guards! 1215 01:40:21,200 --> 01:40:22,550 Are you all right? 1216 01:40:28,080 --> 01:40:29,970 Madeleine! 1217 01:40:31,630 --> 01:40:32,890 Madeleine! 1218 01:40:35,260 --> 01:40:37,560 Go! Quickly! 1219 01:40:38,470 --> 01:40:39,810 Madeleine! 1220 01:40:43,390 --> 01:40:45,650 Where are you, Maddy? 1221 01:40:59,160 --> 01:41:04,000 "She screamed, so he felt he ought to tear out her tongue. " 1222 01:41:08,330 --> 01:41:09,890 Bouchon, wait! 1223 01:41:15,090 --> 01:41:18,440 I'm sorry. I'm sorry, abbé. I couldn't help it! 1224 01:41:22,260 --> 01:41:23,570 No. 1225 01:41:23,810 --> 01:41:25,440 Oh, my God! 1226 01:41:26,980 --> 01:41:28,070 No. 1227 01:41:36,240 --> 01:41:37,750 Oh, no! 1228 01:42:31,000 --> 01:42:32,050 HORSEMAN: Madeleine! 1229 01:42:42,800 --> 01:42:45,730 (PRAYS IN LATIN) 1230 01:43:06,530 --> 01:43:09,840 Now, now, don't be shy. 1231 01:43:10,080 --> 01:43:12,630 We have a nice surprise waiting for you. 1232 01:43:14,210 --> 01:43:16,600 VALCOUR: There's a good boy. 1233 01:43:26,970 --> 01:43:29,110 There's a good boy. 1234 01:43:33,230 --> 01:43:34,070 Sorry. 1235 01:43:34,270 --> 01:43:35,360 Wait! 1236 01:43:35,690 --> 01:43:37,870 I promise I won't do it again! 1237 01:43:38,690 --> 01:43:40,040 I promise! 1238 01:43:41,610 --> 01:43:43,410 We mustn't blame Bouchon. 1239 01:43:43,660 --> 01:43:46,960 He is merely one of nature's experiments gone awry. 1240 01:43:47,200 --> 01:43:50,420 No discipline. No conscience. No morality. 1241 01:43:50,660 --> 01:43:53,340 In fact, it is our duty. . . 1242 01:43:53,580 --> 01:43:57,050 . . .to provide such things on his behalf. 1243 01:43:57,290 --> 01:43:58,720 Is it not? 1244 01:44:00,340 --> 01:44:02,020 As you say, doctor. 1245 01:44:02,760 --> 01:44:05,390 He was so impressed by the Marquis' tale. . . 1246 01:44:05,590 --> 01:44:08,560 . . .that he chose to reenact it, yes? 1247 01:44:10,600 --> 01:44:12,690 Upon a certain chambermaid. 1248 01:44:14,230 --> 01:44:18,950 Perhaps you'll be so kind as to remind me of her name. 1249 01:44:19,520 --> 01:44:22,750 I beg you, doctor, don't make me say it. 1250 01:44:22,990 --> 01:44:25,000 Her name, abbé. 1251 01:44:27,370 --> 01:44:29,170 Madeleine. 1252 01:44:31,240 --> 01:44:33,130 Tell me, abbé. . . 1253 01:44:33,620 --> 01:44:35,880 . . .when you are called before God. . . 1254 01:44:36,120 --> 01:44:39,600 . . .how will you answer for Madeleine's death? 1255 01:44:51,430 --> 01:44:52,570 Murderer! 1256 01:45:01,020 --> 01:45:02,740 Your words. 1257 01:45:02,940 --> 01:45:07,330 -Your words drove Bouchon to-- -For fuck's sake, abbé! 1258 01:45:07,530 --> 01:45:11,130 Suppose an inmate tried to walk on water and drowned. 1259 01:45:11,330 --> 01:45:15,050 Would you condemn the Bible? I think not. 1260 01:45:15,290 --> 01:45:18,380 An innocent child is dead. 1261 01:45:19,000 --> 01:45:21,890 So many authors are denied the gratification. . . 1262 01:45:22,090 --> 01:45:24,430 . . .of a concrete response to their work. 1263 01:45:24,920 --> 01:45:27,520 I'm blessed, am I not? 1264 01:45:30,260 --> 01:45:35,360 -It's no secret that you loved her. -I wanted to fuck her, that's all! 1265 01:45:35,980 --> 01:45:39,240 -And did you? -It's not your province to ask. 1266 01:45:39,480 --> 01:45:43,030 -Why did you not take her by force? -Who's to say I did not? 1267 01:45:43,270 --> 01:45:45,540 -Was it impotence? -Never! 1268 01:45:45,780 --> 01:45:48,540 Then it must have been love. 1269 01:45:48,780 --> 01:45:51,790 I fucked her, countless times. . . 1270 01:45:52,030 --> 01:45:56,170 . . .and all the while, she pleaded for more. 1271 01:45:56,410 --> 01:45:58,880 We inspected the body. 1272 01:46:01,920 --> 01:46:04,470 She died a virgin. 1273 01:46:44,590 --> 01:46:47,430 Give her a proper burial. . . 1274 01:46:48,920 --> 01:46:50,770 . . .in the churchyard. . . 1275 01:46:52,260 --> 01:46:53,440 . . .at my expense. 1276 01:46:55,220 --> 01:46:56,610 Do not inter. . . 1277 01:46:57,270 --> 01:46:59,530 . . .her sweet body. . . 1278 01:47:00,440 --> 01:47:02,530 . . .in the same ground. . . 1279 01:47:02,940 --> 01:47:06,490 . . .as the devils who inhabit this accursed place. 1280 01:47:08,900 --> 01:47:12,040 Your terrible secret, revealed. 1281 01:47:12,740 --> 01:47:14,380 You're a man, after all. 1282 01:47:29,210 --> 01:47:31,430 I've opium to numb the pain. 1283 01:47:32,380 --> 01:47:34,400 Our intention is punitive. 1284 01:47:34,640 --> 01:47:37,060 If we numb the pain, what's the point? 1285 01:47:45,400 --> 01:47:47,280 Abbé de Coulmier. 1286 01:47:48,480 --> 01:47:49,790 I'm here. 1287 01:47:52,900 --> 01:47:56,250 Would that I were so easily silenced. 1288 01:47:58,280 --> 01:48:00,420 VALCOUR: There's a good boy. 1289 01:48:06,920 --> 01:48:08,600 (MARQUIS SCREAMS) 1290 01:48:50,210 --> 01:48:52,140 My, my! 1291 01:48:53,420 --> 01:48:56,140 You have exceeded my expectations. 1292 01:48:56,380 --> 01:48:57,770 Have I? 1293 01:48:58,600 --> 01:49:01,440 I'm not the first man to shed blood in God's name. 1294 01:49:03,310 --> 01:49:04,900 And I'm not the last. 1295 01:49:06,440 --> 01:49:08,360 Will you sleep soundly tonight? 1296 01:49:09,060 --> 01:49:10,490 No, sir. 1297 01:49:12,030 --> 01:49:16,830 Plainly put, I never expect to sleep again. 1298 01:51:55,110 --> 01:51:57,780 MADELEINE: Don't send me away, abbé. 1299 01:52:01,990 --> 01:52:03,830 Abbé. Abbé. 1300 01:52:04,740 --> 01:52:06,210 Abbé! 1301 01:52:06,450 --> 01:52:07,960 CHRIST: Abbé. 1302 01:52:08,540 --> 01:52:10,000 Abbé. 1303 01:52:10,910 --> 01:52:12,420 Abbé. 1304 01:52:17,380 --> 01:52:18,510 VALCOUR: Abbé! 1305 01:52:19,710 --> 01:52:22,430 Abbé! Abbé! 1306 01:52:23,590 --> 01:52:25,690 You'd best come quick, abbé. 1307 01:52:26,550 --> 01:52:29,440 He's written all over the walls! 1308 01:52:29,720 --> 01:52:33,860 Used his own filth! Made himself a kind of paint. 1309 01:52:34,480 --> 01:52:36,110 Dear God! 1310 01:52:38,150 --> 01:52:40,160 The stench! 1311 01:52:43,860 --> 01:52:46,420 -Free his mouth. -Mustn't do that, sir. 1312 01:52:46,660 --> 01:52:50,500 I must grant him his last rites. Give me your dagger. 1313 01:52:51,660 --> 01:52:52,550 Leave us. 1314 01:53:23,610 --> 01:53:25,750 I failed to save your soul in life. 1315 01:53:26,780 --> 01:53:29,080 I won't fail in death. 1316 01:53:31,910 --> 01:53:34,130 Dear Heavenly Father: 1317 01:53:34,370 --> 01:53:38,800 Prove Your infinite mercy, and open Your gates to this man. . . 1318 01:53:39,380 --> 01:53:42,010 . . .no less Your child than any other. 1319 01:53:44,630 --> 01:53:46,270 There is. . . 1320 01:53:47,470 --> 01:53:49,310 . . .in each of us. . . 1321 01:53:50,390 --> 01:53:51,900 . . .such beauty. . . 1322 01:53:52,220 --> 01:53:54,150 . . .and such abomination. 1323 01:53:55,180 --> 01:53:56,990 No man is exempt. 1324 01:53:58,560 --> 01:54:00,570 Forgive him. 1325 01:54:03,320 --> 01:54:04,950 Forgive us all. 1326 01:54:09,200 --> 01:54:11,000 Kiss the cross. 1327 01:54:15,370 --> 01:54:16,800 Marquis! 1328 01:54:21,580 --> 01:54:22,640 Marquis! 1329 01:54:27,880 --> 01:54:29,440 (MARQUIS CHOKES) 1330 01:54:39,440 --> 01:54:40,450 No! 1331 01:54:43,980 --> 01:54:46,080 No! 1332 01:54:53,990 --> 01:54:56,300 COLLARD: Welcome. -Pleased to have the post. 1333 01:54:57,000 --> 01:54:58,340 Are you? 1334 01:54:59,750 --> 01:55:02,970 Our endowment has shriveled to a mere pittance. 1335 01:55:03,210 --> 01:55:06,100 We are the laughingstock of all France. 1336 01:55:06,340 --> 01:55:09,220 However, on a happier note. . . 1337 01:55:09,470 --> 01:55:13,150 . . .the hospital is now in my sole command. 1338 01:55:13,350 --> 01:55:17,730 My policy here is that each man must earn his keep. 1339 01:55:19,310 --> 01:55:22,530 The "Charenton Press," abbé. 1340 01:55:22,850 --> 01:55:26,910 We produce books for the discriminating collector. 1341 01:55:28,440 --> 01:55:31,710 The compulsive inmates set the type. 1342 01:55:35,120 --> 01:55:39,420 The listless ones do the binding and prepare the ink. 1343 01:55:40,040 --> 01:55:41,920 It's remarkable, doctor. 1344 01:55:42,120 --> 01:55:44,840 The patients are so subdued, so docile. 1345 01:55:45,040 --> 01:55:46,850 Yes, they are at peace. 1346 01:55:47,090 --> 01:55:52,230 They have the satisfaction that only a hard day's labor can provide. 1347 01:55:54,090 --> 01:55:55,730 I don't believe it. 1348 01:55:55,970 --> 01:55:59,860 The Marquis de Sade. You're actually publishing his novels. 1349 01:56:00,060 --> 01:56:01,320 Yes. 1350 01:56:01,560 --> 01:56:05,950 Ever since his death, there's been a surge of interest in his works. 1351 01:56:06,190 --> 01:56:07,160 Of course. . . 1352 01:56:07,400 --> 01:56:11,950 . . .I will use the profits to restore Charenton to its former glory. 1353 01:56:12,150 --> 01:56:13,290 CHARLOTTE: Oh, doctor. 1354 01:56:15,070 --> 01:56:17,170 We have a meeting with Herr Becker at 4:00. 1355 01:56:17,370 --> 01:56:19,500 He wants to publish a Swiss edition. . . 1356 01:56:19,740 --> 01:56:23,010 . . .on gilded paper, bound in calfskin. 1357 01:56:23,250 --> 01:56:25,840 -Thank you, Charlotte. -My pleasure. 1358 01:56:26,080 --> 01:56:30,310 Have a look at page 205. I turned the corner down. . . . 1359 01:56:47,650 --> 01:56:49,870 VALCOUR: On your last one! Come on! 1360 01:56:50,400 --> 01:56:53,250 Next one! Come on, get these books onboard! 1361 01:56:53,490 --> 01:56:57,420 Next boxes up there. Move yourselves, all right! 1362 01:56:58,660 --> 01:57:02,880 All right, old mates, that's it! See you next week! 1363 01:57:03,120 --> 01:57:06,840 COLLARD: Of course, everything is not quite as harmonious as it seems. 1364 01:57:07,080 --> 01:57:09,300 I hope you have a strong constitution. 1365 01:57:09,540 --> 01:57:14,560 My years tending lepers have steeled me for life's grisliest offerings. 1366 01:57:14,800 --> 01:57:17,850 We still have a few lone incurables. 1367 01:57:18,050 --> 01:57:20,980 Prone to violence and perversion. 1368 01:57:23,350 --> 01:57:25,280 So. . . 1369 01:57:25,520 --> 01:57:27,660 . . .you're my successor, yes? 1370 01:57:27,850 --> 01:57:29,450 Successor? 1371 01:57:34,990 --> 01:57:38,540 Listen to me, abbé. . . 1372 01:57:38,780 --> 01:57:40,380 . . .and listen well. 1373 01:57:43,080 --> 01:57:45,420 I've stared into the face of evil. . . 1374 01:57:47,250 --> 01:57:49,970 . . .and have lived to tell the tale. 1375 01:57:50,210 --> 01:57:54,010 Now I beg you, for your sake, let me write it down. 1376 01:57:54,460 --> 01:57:56,850 Gibberish. He rants and he raves. 1377 01:57:57,090 --> 01:58:01,480 If you've an ounce of Christianity, you'll bring me parchment, ink. . . 1378 01:58:01,680 --> 01:58:02,940 . . .and a quill. 1379 01:58:03,680 --> 01:58:08,570 No, this patient poses a grave danger to himself and to others. 1380 01:58:19,780 --> 01:58:21,250 Are you all right, sir? 1381 01:58:25,410 --> 01:58:28,880 -Do you not see, abbé? -Do you not see, abbé? 1382 01:58:30,040 --> 01:58:33,680 Some men are beyond redemption. 1383 01:58:35,010 --> 01:58:36,640 No, wait. 1384 01:58:36,880 --> 01:58:37,730 Please! 1385 01:58:38,170 --> 01:58:40,600 Please bring me a quill. Please. 1386 01:58:41,390 --> 01:58:44,820 Wait, I'm sorry. Oh, goddamn you, abbé! 1387 01:58:45,390 --> 01:58:47,110 A quill! 1388 01:58:56,150 --> 01:58:57,750 A quill. 1389 01:59:15,340 --> 01:59:17,470 Use it well. 1390 01:59:17,710 --> 01:59:20,060 You owe her that. 1391 01:59:37,570 --> 01:59:39,240 MARQUIS: Beloved reader: 1392 01:59:39,570 --> 01:59:43,000 I leave you with a tale penned by the abbé de Coulmier... 1393 01:59:43,820 --> 01:59:48,420 ...a man who found freedom in the unlikeliest of places... 1394 01:59:48,830 --> 01:59:50,710 ...at the bottom of an inkwell... 1395 01:59:51,160 --> 01:59:53,010 ...on the tip of a quill. 1396 01:59:56,630 --> 01:59:58,470 ( COULMIER HUMS) 1397 02:00:03,300 --> 02:00:05,560 However, be forewarned... 1398 02:00:05,800 --> 02:00:08,270 ...its plot is blood-soaked... 1399 02:00:08,520 --> 02:00:10,860 ...its characters depraved... 1400 02:00:11,100 --> 02:00:15,110 ...and its themes, unwholesome at best. 1401 02:00:15,980 --> 02:00:17,870 But in order to know virtue... 1402 02:00:18,110 --> 02:00:20,950 ... we must acquaint ourselves with vice. 1403 02:00:21,780 --> 02:00:25,000 Only then can we know the full measure of man. 1404 02:00:26,570 --> 02:00:28,040 So come. 1405 02:00:28,660 --> 02:00:30,340 I dare you. 1406 02:00:31,660 --> 02:00:33,670 Turn the page. 1407 02:04:00,040 --> 02:04:01,090 Subtitles by Gelula/SDI 1408 02:04:01,250 --> 02:04:02,300 [ENGLISH SDH]