1 00:00:51,182 --> 00:00:55,619 Um... you have no actual medical training? 2 00:00:55,670 --> 00:01:00,216 No. I have kids. Learned a lot right there. 3 00:01:00,466 --> 00:01:05,179 I've seen nurses give my son throat cultures, and what is it? 4 00:01:05,388 --> 00:01:08,516 You stick a giant Q-tip down their throat and wait. 5 00:01:08,766 --> 00:01:13,312 You take that dipstick to see if the white count's high. 6 00:01:13,521 --> 00:01:15,022 - Yes, I understand. - Yeah. 7 00:01:15,439 --> 00:01:16,857 I'm great with people. 8 00:01:17,066 --> 00:01:21,028 You'd have to observe me to know for sure. Trust me on that. 9 00:01:22,071 --> 00:01:24,991 I'm a fast learner. Show me in a lab once... 10 00:01:25,199 --> 00:01:27,284 ...and I've got it down. 11 00:01:28,995 --> 00:01:31,872 I always wanted to go to medical school. 12 00:01:32,081 --> 00:01:35,042 That was my first interest. Then I got married... 13 00:01:35,292 --> 00:01:37,878 ...and had a kid too young and blew that. 14 00:01:38,337 --> 00:01:40,631 Out of high school, I got a job... 15 00:01:40,840 --> 00:01:43,551 ...with Fleuer Engineers in Irvine. 16 00:01:43,801 --> 00:01:46,846 I fell madly in love with geology. 17 00:01:48,347 --> 00:01:49,807 - Geology? - Yeah. 18 00:01:50,057 --> 00:01:52,101 I learned how to read maps. 19 00:01:52,685 --> 00:01:55,229 Yeah. But I lost my job because... 20 00:01:55,438 --> 00:01:58,399 ...my boy got chickenpox, 104 temperature. 21 00:01:58,649 --> 00:02:01,736 My ex-husband was useless, so... 22 00:02:01,986 --> 00:02:03,779 That didn't really work out. 23 00:02:10,286 --> 00:02:12,747 You got a really nice office. 24 00:02:15,041 --> 00:02:16,292 Thanks. 25 00:02:21,756 --> 00:02:22,590 Look... 26 00:02:53,788 --> 00:02:55,706 Oh, fuck! 27 00:03:03,839 --> 00:03:06,550 Goddamn it! 28 00:03:46,048 --> 00:03:47,425 Good morning, Mr. Masry. 29 00:03:47,633 --> 00:03:49,552 - Morning, Rosalind. - How are you? 30 00:03:49,802 --> 00:03:53,264 - I'm fine. And you? - Very well. Thank you for asking. 31 00:03:56,058 --> 00:03:57,435 Good morning. 32 00:04:00,312 --> 00:04:03,065 How you doing? Donald. 33 00:04:03,274 --> 00:04:04,942 Did you see it last night? 34 00:04:05,151 --> 00:04:07,278 I taped it. Don't tell me what happens. 35 00:04:07,528 --> 00:04:08,821 It was so good. 36 00:04:09,071 --> 00:04:11,198 Your nine o'clock's here already. 37 00:04:20,249 --> 00:04:22,501 - Remind me. - Erin Brockovich. 38 00:04:22,752 --> 00:04:25,796 Car accident. Not her fault, she says. 39 00:04:26,589 --> 00:04:28,299 She was referred. 40 00:04:35,139 --> 00:04:36,891 - Erin, hi. - Hi. 41 00:04:37,141 --> 00:04:39,977 Ed Masry. Sorry you had to wait. 42 00:04:40,895 --> 00:04:41,937 That's okay. 43 00:04:42,355 --> 00:04:45,191 Here, sit. Sit down. 44 00:04:53,532 --> 00:04:54,992 Thank you. 45 00:04:58,537 --> 00:05:01,499 I never thought standing could take it out of you. 46 00:05:01,749 --> 00:05:03,751 Ever since that shithead hit me... 47 00:05:04,001 --> 00:05:06,170 ...it's like my body's put together wrong. 48 00:05:06,420 --> 00:05:07,630 You poor thing. 49 00:05:09,590 --> 00:05:11,801 Did anyone ask if you wanted coffee? 50 00:05:12,051 --> 00:05:14,720 - Yeah. I'm fine. - Good. 51 00:05:15,596 --> 00:05:19,392 Listen, whoever did this to you made one hell of a mistake. 52 00:05:19,642 --> 00:05:23,771 And you and me, we're gonna make him pay for it. 53 00:05:26,232 --> 00:05:27,608 So, uh... 54 00:05:27,858 --> 00:05:30,027 ...why don't you tell me what happened? 55 00:05:30,319 --> 00:05:34,615 I was pulling out real slow, and out of nowhere... 56 00:05:34,865 --> 00:05:39,036 ...his Jaguar comes racing around the corner like a bat out of hell. 57 00:05:39,286 --> 00:05:43,374 They took some bone from my hip and put it in my neck. 58 00:05:43,624 --> 00:05:45,918 I don't have insurance... 59 00:05:46,127 --> 00:05:49,839 ...so I'm about $17,000 in debt right now. 60 00:05:50,047 --> 00:05:54,677 I couldn't take painkillers. They made me too groggy to take care of my kids. 61 00:05:54,927 --> 00:05:58,389 Matthew's 8, and Katie's almost 6. 62 00:05:58,597 --> 00:06:00,891 And Beth's just 9 months. 63 00:06:01,142 --> 00:06:03,185 I just wanna be a good mom... 64 00:06:03,394 --> 00:06:06,522 ...a nice person, a decent citizen. 65 00:06:06,772 --> 00:06:09,400 I just wanna take good care of my kids. 66 00:06:09,942 --> 00:06:13,404 Yeah. Yeah, I know. 67 00:06:15,448 --> 00:06:18,200 Seventeen thousand in debt? 68 00:06:20,119 --> 00:06:21,287 Your ex-husband helping? 69 00:06:21,871 --> 00:06:22,747 Which one? 70 00:06:25,166 --> 00:06:26,292 There's more than one? 71 00:06:27,460 --> 00:06:29,503 Yeah, there's two. Why? 72 00:06:35,593 --> 00:06:38,596 You must have been feeling desperate that afternoon. 73 00:06:39,221 --> 00:06:40,264 What's your point? 74 00:06:40,514 --> 00:06:42,933 Broke, three kids, no job. 75 00:06:43,267 --> 00:06:46,270 - Doctor in a Jaguar is a meal ticket... - Objection. 76 00:06:46,520 --> 00:06:48,022 - Sustained. - He hit me! 77 00:06:48,272 --> 00:06:49,148 So you say. 78 00:06:49,357 --> 00:06:52,193 He came tearing around the corner, out of control. 79 00:06:52,443 --> 00:06:57,448 An ER doctor, who spends his days saving lives, was out of control? 80 00:06:57,698 --> 00:07:01,327 That asshole smashed in my fucking neck! 81 00:07:04,705 --> 00:07:06,165 Open and fucking shut?! 82 00:07:06,415 --> 00:07:09,502 - Exactly the language... - It was over before that! 83 00:07:09,710 --> 00:07:11,379 I told you he might get personal. 84 00:07:11,587 --> 00:07:13,589 - You said I was set. - I never said that. 85 00:07:13,839 --> 00:07:16,217 You told me I had a good shot! 86 00:07:16,467 --> 00:07:20,179 - Let's settle down. - Fuck "settle down"! I've got $74. 87 00:07:20,429 --> 00:07:24,058 - I can't afford to settle down! - I'm sorry, Erin. 88 00:07:25,643 --> 00:07:30,356 Do they teach lawyers to apologize? Because you suck at it. 89 00:08:04,223 --> 00:08:05,599 Hello? 90 00:08:06,100 --> 00:08:07,810 - Hi. - Hi, Erin. 91 00:08:08,060 --> 00:08:10,396 You're back so soon. 92 00:08:11,105 --> 00:08:13,232 Were you a good girl? 93 00:08:13,482 --> 00:08:17,069 You're my little baby. What is that? A little cough? 94 00:08:17,278 --> 00:08:18,404 She's got a cough. 95 00:08:18,738 --> 00:08:22,158 I sat in the steam with her to try to loosen it up. 96 00:08:22,408 --> 00:08:25,202 - I think I've got cough medicine. - Bueno. 97 00:08:26,662 --> 00:08:27,705 Listen. 98 00:08:27,913 --> 00:08:29,832 I didn't wanna tell you before. 99 00:08:30,249 --> 00:08:32,126 - With your worries. - What? 100 00:08:32,668 --> 00:08:35,921 My daughter bought a big house with a room for me. 101 00:08:36,297 --> 00:08:37,757 I'm moving in with her. 102 00:08:38,007 --> 00:08:39,425 - When? - Next week. 103 00:08:39,675 --> 00:08:43,220 - Next week? - I know. But it's good for me. 104 00:08:43,471 --> 00:08:46,098 Now I can help take care of my grandkids. 105 00:08:46,349 --> 00:08:47,433 It's good for you. 106 00:08:47,683 --> 00:08:50,478 Now with money, you can hire a good babysitter. 107 00:08:50,728 --> 00:08:52,730 Not the old lady next door. 108 00:08:53,189 --> 00:08:54,607 Thanks. 109 00:08:58,778 --> 00:09:00,029 Matthew? 110 00:09:00,237 --> 00:09:03,366 - Katie, you back here? - Yeah. 111 00:09:03,616 --> 00:09:04,950 Come on in, would ya? 112 00:09:09,413 --> 00:09:13,584 - Hey, get in the house. No dripping. - Okay! 113 00:09:16,545 --> 00:09:21,509 Sweetie. Please don't get sick on me, please. 114 00:09:30,685 --> 00:09:31,936 Let's fix dinner. 115 00:09:34,105 --> 00:09:35,690 Yes, look. 116 00:09:41,195 --> 00:09:42,780 Look at the water. 117 00:09:50,496 --> 00:09:53,624 Goddamn it! 118 00:09:53,916 --> 00:09:56,335 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 119 00:09:58,295 --> 00:10:02,425 Matthew! Katie! We're going out! 120 00:10:06,721 --> 00:10:08,055 You go ahead and order. 121 00:10:08,305 --> 00:10:11,976 I'm gonna have a cheeseburger deluxe with a Coke. 122 00:10:13,436 --> 00:10:18,065 Mommy, can I have a cheeseburger deluxe with no cheese and no bread? 123 00:10:19,692 --> 00:10:21,110 Did you get that? 124 00:10:21,819 --> 00:10:26,699 And she will have a cup of chicken broth and a few crackers, please. 125 00:10:26,949 --> 00:10:29,493 - And for you? - Just a cup of coffee. 126 00:10:30,328 --> 00:10:31,537 You're not eating? 127 00:10:31,787 --> 00:10:36,375 My lawyer took me out to a fancy lunch to celebrate, and I'm still stuffed. 128 00:10:36,876 --> 00:10:38,336 How about that? 129 00:11:18,793 --> 00:11:21,796 Yes, I'm calling about the job ad in the paper. 130 00:11:22,046 --> 00:11:24,256 I'm calling about the job ad. 131 00:11:24,507 --> 00:11:26,550 The great personality, good voice. 132 00:11:26,801 --> 00:11:29,303 I don't have any actual sales experience. 133 00:11:29,553 --> 00:11:32,932 I don't really have a resume, but I can... 134 00:11:33,182 --> 00:11:35,434 I don't have any computer skills. 135 00:11:36,060 --> 00:11:40,481 Oh. Well, I thought it was the local store. 136 00:11:40,982 --> 00:11:43,401 Okay. Thanks anyway. 137 00:11:44,026 --> 00:11:45,403 Okay, bye. 138 00:11:51,534 --> 00:11:52,743 Ed Masry, please. 139 00:11:52,994 --> 00:11:55,037 Yes, I'm holding for Ed Masry. 140 00:11:55,287 --> 00:11:56,789 Is he ever in the office? 141 00:11:57,248 --> 00:11:59,458 No, but I've called about a dozen times. 142 00:11:59,667 --> 00:12:01,335 I'd like to leave a message. 143 00:12:01,585 --> 00:12:05,214 Brockovich, B-R-O-C-K-O-V-l-C-H. 144 00:12:05,715 --> 00:12:09,010 I'm a client. I want him to call. It's that simple. 145 00:12:13,347 --> 00:12:14,598 Okay. 146 00:12:29,488 --> 00:12:31,699 Goddamn it! 147 00:12:31,991 --> 00:12:34,744 - Brenda! Brenda! - Yeah? 148 00:12:35,328 --> 00:12:37,079 Who put that there? 149 00:12:37,288 --> 00:12:39,040 The files you asked for. 150 00:12:39,290 --> 00:12:42,710 I didn't ask you to put it in the middle of the floor. 151 00:12:42,960 --> 00:12:45,713 Get a towel, will you? Hey, hey... 152 00:12:47,923 --> 00:12:50,468 - Hey, what's she doing here? - Who? 153 00:12:54,722 --> 00:12:56,098 Donald. 154 00:12:58,267 --> 00:12:59,685 What's she doing here? 155 00:12:59,935 --> 00:13:01,354 She works here. 156 00:13:14,158 --> 00:13:15,034 Erin. 157 00:13:15,785 --> 00:13:17,370 How's it going? 158 00:13:17,828 --> 00:13:20,206 You never called me back. I left messages. 159 00:13:20,581 --> 00:13:24,085 You did? I didn't know that. Donald seems to think... 160 00:13:24,710 --> 00:13:29,715 Being ignored and being lied to. 161 00:13:29,965 --> 00:13:32,218 - I never lied. - You said things'd be fine. 162 00:13:32,468 --> 00:13:34,220 They're not. I trusted you. 163 00:13:34,470 --> 00:13:36,055 - I'm sorry. - I don't need pity. 164 00:13:36,305 --> 00:13:39,058 I need a paycheck. And I've looked. 165 00:13:39,308 --> 00:13:43,646 When you spend 6 years raising babies, it's hard to get a job that pays. 166 00:13:43,854 --> 00:13:48,025 Are you getting this down, honey? Or am I talking too fast for you? 167 00:13:48,526 --> 00:13:49,902 I'm sorry about that. 168 00:13:50,152 --> 00:13:52,113 But we have a full staff now... 169 00:13:52,363 --> 00:13:57,410 Bullshit. If you had a full staff, you'd return a client's damn call. 170 00:13:57,660 --> 00:14:02,289 I'm smart and hard-working. I'm not leaving here without a job. 171 00:14:15,302 --> 00:14:17,221 Don't make me beg. 172 00:14:17,888 --> 00:14:20,975 If it doesn't work out, fire me. 173 00:14:22,435 --> 00:14:23,644 Don't make me beg. 174 00:14:29,817 --> 00:14:32,028 No benefits. 175 00:14:34,613 --> 00:14:38,284 What we do in here is file all of the cases. 176 00:14:38,534 --> 00:14:42,079 That way, at any time, we can tell the status of a file. 177 00:14:42,330 --> 00:14:44,790 Where it is in the office and stuff. 178 00:14:45,041 --> 00:14:48,502 Here's where we organize all the files alphabetically. 179 00:14:48,711 --> 00:14:50,588 - Simple enough. - Okay. 180 00:14:50,796 --> 00:14:52,715 - And here is your desk. - Okay. 181 00:14:52,965 --> 00:14:55,593 I want to show you where the X erox machine is. 182 00:14:55,801 --> 00:14:58,012 Everybody has a code. 183 00:14:58,262 --> 00:15:00,765 - Do I get to pick my own code? - We'll see. 184 00:15:07,146 --> 00:15:11,567 Can you tell me who I talk to about getting an advance on my paycheck? 185 00:15:11,817 --> 00:15:13,736 Just for the weekend. 186 00:15:14,236 --> 00:15:16,280 Rosalind's the office manager. 187 00:15:16,530 --> 00:15:19,492 She handles the payroll and petty cash. 188 00:15:19,700 --> 00:15:20,910 She's gone already. 189 00:15:21,160 --> 00:15:24,163 She leaves early on Fridays. 190 00:15:27,667 --> 00:15:30,544 - Okay, thank you. - Oh, for Pete's sake, here. 191 00:15:33,339 --> 00:15:36,133 I've only got hundreds. 192 00:15:41,472 --> 00:15:43,599 I don't want your money, Mr. Masry. 193 00:15:44,266 --> 00:15:47,520 Where do you think your paycheck comes from? 194 00:15:48,020 --> 00:15:50,231 - Have a good weekend. - Thank you. 195 00:15:50,481 --> 00:15:52,942 - See you. - All right, see you. 196 00:15:54,402 --> 00:15:55,903 See you Monday. 197 00:16:07,790 --> 00:16:10,960 Hi, my sweetie. Hello. 198 00:16:11,210 --> 00:16:12,253 How are you? 199 00:16:12,503 --> 00:16:13,963 Matthew, Katie. 200 00:16:14,422 --> 00:16:16,298 - Hey, Mom. - Hi, sweetie. 201 00:16:17,591 --> 00:16:19,260 How are you? 202 00:16:19,510 --> 00:16:21,929 - Thanks a lot. - You're welcome. 203 00:16:56,130 --> 00:16:57,381 Hey! 204 00:16:59,508 --> 00:17:01,135 Hey! 205 00:17:06,223 --> 00:17:07,558 Hello. 206 00:17:08,100 --> 00:17:11,562 What are you doing making all that goddamn noise? 207 00:17:11,937 --> 00:17:15,358 Introducing ourselves to the neighbourhood, I guess. 208 00:17:15,775 --> 00:17:18,653 Well, I am the neighbours. There. 209 00:17:18,861 --> 00:17:20,905 We're introduced. So shut up. 210 00:17:24,325 --> 00:17:27,203 Wait. Hold on there. Let's start over, okay? 211 00:17:27,411 --> 00:17:29,121 My name's George. What's yours? 212 00:17:29,747 --> 00:17:33,876 Just think of me as the person next door who likes it quiet. 213 00:17:34,377 --> 00:17:35,544 Don't be like that. 214 00:17:35,795 --> 00:17:38,255 Look, we live next door. I feel bad. 215 00:17:38,506 --> 00:17:41,258 I'm sorry. Will you accept my apology? 216 00:17:41,676 --> 00:17:45,137 We're living right next door. If you need a cup of a sugar... 217 00:17:45,346 --> 00:17:47,640 - I don't need sugar. - You don't. 218 00:17:47,890 --> 00:17:50,768 Why don't I take you out to dinner to apologize? 219 00:17:51,227 --> 00:17:53,521 Give me your number. I got your address... 220 00:17:53,771 --> 00:17:55,815 ...so you can't get away. 221 00:17:56,065 --> 00:17:58,401 I'll call you up proper and ask you out. 222 00:18:00,027 --> 00:18:01,237 You want my number? 223 00:18:01,487 --> 00:18:03,614 I do. I do want your number. 224 00:18:05,157 --> 00:18:07,994 Which number do you want, George? 225 00:18:08,869 --> 00:18:11,122 I like the way you say that. 226 00:18:11,372 --> 00:18:12,957 How many numbers you got? 227 00:18:13,332 --> 00:18:16,669 I got numbers coming out of my ears. For instance, 10. 228 00:18:16,919 --> 00:18:18,421 - Ten. - Yeah. 229 00:18:18,671 --> 00:18:21,424 That's how many months old my baby girl is. 230 00:18:22,091 --> 00:18:23,759 - You got a little girl? - Yeah. 231 00:18:24,010 --> 00:18:26,470 Sexy, huh? How about this? Six. 232 00:18:26,721 --> 00:18:29,765 That's my other daughter. Eight is my son. 233 00:18:30,016 --> 00:18:32,768 Two is the times I've been married and divorced. 234 00:18:33,019 --> 00:18:35,187 $16 is what I have in my bank account. 235 00:18:35,396 --> 00:18:38,441 850-3943, that's my phone number. 236 00:18:38,691 --> 00:18:43,237 I'm guessing zero is the number of times you're gonna call it. 237 00:18:44,030 --> 00:18:46,866 Hey, how do you remember your bank balance? 238 00:18:47,116 --> 00:18:48,951 See, that impresses me. 239 00:18:49,535 --> 00:18:51,662 You're dead wrong about that zero. 240 00:19:00,421 --> 00:19:02,715 How long has she been crying? 241 00:19:04,467 --> 00:19:06,719 She's got that tooth coming in. 242 00:19:06,969 --> 00:19:11,223 Give her a cold washcloth to suck on. I'll check back later. 243 00:19:11,474 --> 00:19:12,308 Where's Anna? 244 00:19:13,142 --> 00:19:15,227 She's out to lunch with the girls. 245 00:19:18,022 --> 00:19:20,232 I have to open a file. 246 00:19:21,359 --> 00:19:23,694 Real-estate thing, pro bono. 247 00:19:23,944 --> 00:19:25,905 - Okay. - Know how to do that? 248 00:19:26,155 --> 00:19:28,616 Yeah, I got it. No problem. 249 00:19:32,119 --> 00:19:33,204 You're a girl. 250 00:19:35,456 --> 00:19:36,290 Excuse me? 251 00:19:36,791 --> 00:19:40,127 Why aren't you out to lunch with the girls? You're a girl. 252 00:19:41,962 --> 00:19:44,215 I guess I'm not the right kind. 253 00:19:51,138 --> 00:19:54,642 Look, you may want to... Now that you're working here... 254 00:19:54,892 --> 00:19:58,813 You may want to rethink your wardrobe a little. 255 00:20:00,398 --> 00:20:01,357 Why is that? 256 00:20:01,899 --> 00:20:06,946 Well, I think some of the girls are a little uncomfortable... 257 00:20:07,154 --> 00:20:09,573 ...because of what you wear. 258 00:20:11,534 --> 00:20:13,202 Is that so? 259 00:20:13,577 --> 00:20:17,623 Well, it just so happens, I think I look nice. 260 00:20:17,832 --> 00:20:21,168 As long as I have one ass instead of two, I'll wear what I like... 261 00:20:21,419 --> 00:20:23,129 ...if that's all right with you? 262 00:20:31,303 --> 00:20:34,056 You might wanna rethink those ties. 263 00:20:49,113 --> 00:20:53,701 With real-estate stuff, could you remind me? I'm a little confused. 264 00:20:53,951 --> 00:20:58,497 Why are there medical records and blood samples in real-estate files? 265 00:20:58,748 --> 00:21:00,333 You've been here long enough. 266 00:21:00,583 --> 00:21:05,004 If you don't know how to do your job by now, I'm not gonna do it for you. 267 00:21:21,646 --> 00:21:23,064 Hello? 268 00:21:26,692 --> 00:21:28,569 Hello? 269 00:21:28,778 --> 00:21:32,657 Matthew? Katie? 270 00:21:50,341 --> 00:21:53,177 Matthew? Katie? 271 00:21:58,599 --> 00:21:59,976 Matthew! 272 00:22:20,246 --> 00:22:21,455 What happened? 273 00:22:21,706 --> 00:22:24,208 - Hi, Mom. - Hey. Hungry? 274 00:22:24,458 --> 00:22:25,543 Am I...? 275 00:22:26,293 --> 00:22:28,754 They're here? I went to pick them up. 276 00:22:29,171 --> 00:22:32,758 She came by an hour ago. Something came up, she dropped them off. 277 00:22:33,175 --> 00:22:34,385 Something came up? 278 00:22:34,635 --> 00:22:35,678 Why didn't she call? 279 00:22:35,928 --> 00:22:40,057 I don't know. She, I was, she... I don't know why. 280 00:22:40,474 --> 00:22:43,060 - That stupid bitch. - Mom! 281 00:22:43,519 --> 00:22:47,064 I just can't believe she dumps my kids off when nobody's home. 282 00:22:47,398 --> 00:22:48,983 I was home. 283 00:22:49,567 --> 00:22:52,320 We're fine. We cooked burgers, had some milk. 284 00:22:52,778 --> 00:22:55,031 You want a hot dog? There's one. 285 00:22:55,239 --> 00:22:58,701 - Or a cheeseburger? - But this mustard is slippery. 286 00:23:00,536 --> 00:23:03,497 Mom, what do you think about me getting a tattoo? 287 00:23:03,789 --> 00:23:05,666 One, two, three. 288 00:23:10,338 --> 00:23:13,174 I got all these kings. You win, you got a joker. 289 00:23:13,966 --> 00:23:15,134 King. 290 00:23:15,343 --> 00:23:16,802 Joker. 291 00:23:17,386 --> 00:23:20,056 You stole a joker! 292 00:23:20,306 --> 00:23:21,349 You cheat. 293 00:23:21,557 --> 00:23:22,975 What do you mean? 294 00:23:23,893 --> 00:23:27,855 You cheat! Get another one. 295 00:23:28,105 --> 00:23:29,857 Time to go to bed. 296 00:23:30,691 --> 00:23:33,277 Get ready for bed. Brush your teeth. 297 00:23:34,612 --> 00:23:36,739 - Play tomorrow? - Yeah. 298 00:23:40,660 --> 00:23:42,161 Good night, buddy. 299 00:23:42,662 --> 00:23:43,829 What's that? 300 00:23:44,080 --> 00:23:47,249 This is a Harley-Davidson, the best motorcycle ever. 301 00:23:47,500 --> 00:23:51,379 And if I ever catch either one of you near one, knock you silly. 302 00:23:56,634 --> 00:23:59,303 Brush. And keep it down, the baby's asleep. 303 00:24:00,596 --> 00:24:01,972 You got great kids. 304 00:24:02,640 --> 00:24:05,977 Well, I'm sure I'll fuck 'em up eventually. 305 00:24:07,436 --> 00:24:08,646 Why? 306 00:24:09,647 --> 00:24:13,442 I'm not a good judge of character, or I wouldn't have left them... 307 00:24:13,651 --> 00:24:17,530 ...with that idiot, who cost a lot and smelled like chicken fat. 308 00:24:17,780 --> 00:24:20,116 And after I find her and kill her... 309 00:24:20,700 --> 00:24:22,827 ...I don't know what I'm gonna do. 310 00:24:23,202 --> 00:24:25,538 If you need help with them, I could do that. 311 00:24:26,872 --> 00:24:29,709 - I'm not leaving my kids with you. - Why? 312 00:24:30,334 --> 00:24:33,671 - I don't even know you. - What do you wanna know? 313 00:24:34,505 --> 00:24:36,799 - Thanks for today... - You're welcome. 314 00:24:37,049 --> 00:24:38,676 It was my pleasure. 315 00:24:40,428 --> 00:24:41,929 How many decks did you have? 316 00:24:42,304 --> 00:24:44,515 We had more than enough. 317 00:24:44,765 --> 00:24:47,101 Got so many friends you can't use one more? 318 00:24:48,728 --> 00:24:53,232 If you need someone to look after your kids after school, or whatever... 319 00:24:53,482 --> 00:24:55,401 ...I don't have a job now. 320 00:24:56,652 --> 00:25:00,364 " I'm unemployed." 321 00:25:00,614 --> 00:25:01,657 By choice. 322 00:25:01,907 --> 00:25:03,659 I work when I need to. 323 00:25:04,410 --> 00:25:07,371 What do you do? Live off your trust fund? 324 00:25:07,621 --> 00:25:12,084 I do construction, which pays good, and I make it last by living cheap. 325 00:25:12,335 --> 00:25:14,003 Is that supposed to impress me? 326 00:25:14,253 --> 00:25:15,838 Hey. Bed. 327 00:25:16,088 --> 00:25:18,090 Your little ghosts. 328 00:25:19,884 --> 00:25:22,887 You always this hard on people who try to help you? 329 00:25:23,596 --> 00:25:24,805 I'm out of practice. 330 00:25:25,056 --> 00:25:27,767 Well, let me remind you then. 331 00:25:28,017 --> 00:25:31,854 The polite thing is to say thank you. I'd start it off with that. 332 00:25:32,063 --> 00:25:35,024 Then, " Hey, that's a really nice offer. 333 00:25:35,441 --> 00:25:37,693 I don't mind taking you up on that." 334 00:25:37,902 --> 00:25:40,029 Why do you want to watch my kids? 335 00:25:40,279 --> 00:25:41,447 - I like kids. - Right. 336 00:25:41,697 --> 00:25:44,450 I like hanging out with them. They keep it simple. 337 00:25:47,453 --> 00:25:48,788 You're home every afternoon? 338 00:25:49,121 --> 00:25:51,082 I'm usually working on my bike. 339 00:25:54,752 --> 00:25:59,757 If it doesn't work out, you can always send them back to the chicken-fat lady. 340 00:26:06,222 --> 00:26:07,974 This isn't gonna get you laid. 341 00:26:10,184 --> 00:26:11,477 Get in bed. 342 00:26:11,727 --> 00:26:14,814 Good, because I don't find you attractive either. 343 00:26:15,439 --> 00:26:16,482 Then we're even. 344 00:26:16,691 --> 00:26:19,443 I'm so glad we got that out of the way. 345 00:26:19,694 --> 00:26:20,820 I feel much better. 346 00:26:21,070 --> 00:26:24,407 I do too. Because now I can just look after the kids... 347 00:26:24,615 --> 00:26:27,618 ...and I don't have to worry about you coming on to me. 348 00:27:26,135 --> 00:27:29,889 Bring the phone into the changing room. Of course they won't. 349 00:27:30,139 --> 00:27:34,685 Mrs. Masry, don't be such a tease. Hold on, just hold on. Yeah? 350 00:27:34,935 --> 00:27:37,647 Sorry, would you mind if I investigate this? 351 00:27:38,064 --> 00:27:39,148 Investigate what? 352 00:27:39,357 --> 00:27:42,526 This real-estate thing with the Jensens. The pro bono. 353 00:27:44,612 --> 00:27:47,198 I wanna make sure I understand what I'm reading. 354 00:27:47,448 --> 00:27:50,743 - Yeah, yeah, sure. - You don't mind? 355 00:27:50,951 --> 00:27:53,454 Okay, great. Thanks. 356 00:29:03,482 --> 00:29:04,525 Donna Jensen? 357 00:29:05,568 --> 00:29:08,571 I'm Erin Brockovich, with Masry and Vititoe. 358 00:29:08,821 --> 00:29:11,240 Oh! You're a lawyer? 359 00:29:11,490 --> 00:29:14,827 Hell, no. I hate lawyers. I just work for 'em. 360 00:29:15,536 --> 00:29:16,579 Do you have a minute? 361 00:29:17,163 --> 00:29:21,459 I don't mean to be a pain to PG&E after all they've done for Hinkley... 362 00:29:22,668 --> 00:29:27,757 ...but if they want this place, they're gonna have to pay for it. 363 00:29:28,382 --> 00:29:31,927 You didn't put the house up for sale. They just wanted to buy it? 364 00:29:32,178 --> 00:29:34,013 Oh, yeah, yeah. 365 00:29:34,263 --> 00:29:37,433 Oh, I don't wanna move. Uproot the kids? 366 00:29:37,683 --> 00:29:39,769 I've got a couple of girls. 367 00:29:40,019 --> 00:29:43,189 Honest to God, I don't know if I have the energy. 368 00:29:43,439 --> 00:29:47,443 You know, I've been sick. Me and Pete both have. 369 00:29:48,778 --> 00:29:52,239 The idea of selling, if they're not gonna pay us properly... 370 00:29:52,448 --> 00:29:53,949 ...I don't see the point. 371 00:29:54,700 --> 00:29:57,745 Yeah, yeah, I can see that. 372 00:29:58,746 --> 00:30:00,915 I guess the only thing that confused me... 373 00:30:01,165 --> 00:30:05,378 Not that your medical problems aren't important. 374 00:30:05,628 --> 00:30:09,048 How come those files are in with all the real-estate stuff? 375 00:30:10,091 --> 00:30:14,136 There's just so much correspondence, I just keep it all in one place. 376 00:30:18,808 --> 00:30:23,896 I'm sorry, I just don't see why you're corresponding with PG&E... 377 00:30:24,105 --> 00:30:26,983 ...about your medical problems in the first place. 378 00:30:27,233 --> 00:30:30,152 Well, they paid for the doctor's visit. 379 00:30:30,987 --> 00:30:31,946 They did? 380 00:30:32,154 --> 00:30:35,616 You bet. Paid for a checkup for the whole family. 381 00:30:35,992 --> 00:30:40,955 Not like with insurance, where you pay and maybe you see some money in a year. 382 00:30:41,205 --> 00:30:43,833 They just took care of it. Just like that. 383 00:30:44,125 --> 00:30:45,418 We never saw a bill. 384 00:30:45,668 --> 00:30:47,503 Wow. Why'd they do that? 385 00:30:48,087 --> 00:30:49,338 The chromium. 386 00:30:49,714 --> 00:30:51,632 - The what? - The chromium. 387 00:30:51,924 --> 00:30:55,094 Well, that's what kicked this whole thing off. 388 00:31:35,718 --> 00:31:38,054 - What kind of chromium? - There's more than one? 389 00:31:38,304 --> 00:31:42,058 There's straight-up chromium, it does good things for the body. 390 00:31:42,308 --> 00:31:44,852 There's chrom three, which is fairly benign. 391 00:31:45,102 --> 00:31:47,438 There's chrom six, hexavalent chromium... 392 00:31:47,688 --> 00:31:50,691 ...which, depending on the amounts, can be harmful. 393 00:31:50,941 --> 00:31:53,653 Harmful how? What would you get? 394 00:31:54,362 --> 00:31:57,239 With repeated exposure to toxic levels, anything... 395 00:31:57,490 --> 00:32:01,952 ...from chronic headaches to respiratory disease, liver failure... 396 00:32:02,203 --> 00:32:05,998 ...heart failure, reproductive failure, bone or organ deterioration. 397 00:32:06,248 --> 00:32:08,501 Plus, of course, any type of cancer. 398 00:32:08,709 --> 00:32:11,629 So that stuff, it kills people. 399 00:32:11,837 --> 00:32:13,214 Yeah, definitely. 400 00:32:13,464 --> 00:32:15,299 Highly toxic. Highly carcinogenic. 401 00:32:15,549 --> 00:32:19,762 It gets into your DNA, so you pass the trouble to your kids. Very bad. 402 00:32:19,971 --> 00:32:21,847 Well, what's it used for? 403 00:32:22,056 --> 00:32:23,307 A rust inhibitor. 404 00:32:23,557 --> 00:32:28,688 The utility plants use piston engines that get hot, they run water through. 405 00:32:28,896 --> 00:32:30,856 Chromium's in the water to prevent corrosion. 406 00:32:31,691 --> 00:32:35,236 How do I find out what kind of chromium they use in Hinkley? 407 00:32:35,486 --> 00:32:37,822 - Been to their water board? - What's that? 408 00:32:38,072 --> 00:32:39,156 Every county has one. 409 00:32:39,365 --> 00:32:42,076 They keep records of anything in their jurisdiction. 410 00:32:42,326 --> 00:32:45,413 - You should find something there. - County water board. 411 00:32:45,663 --> 00:32:48,791 - Alrighty. Well, thanks. - Good luck. 412 00:32:50,001 --> 00:32:52,545 I wouldn't advertise what you're looking for. 413 00:32:52,795 --> 00:32:57,091 Incriminating records have a way of disappearing when people smell trouble. 414 00:32:57,925 --> 00:33:00,636 I'll remember that. Thanks. 415 00:33:11,981 --> 00:33:13,607 This guy's too smart. 416 00:33:13,858 --> 00:33:17,320 It's only a matter of time until he makes his move. 417 00:33:17,528 --> 00:33:20,239 He positions women employees in such a way... 418 00:33:20,448 --> 00:33:24,994 ... that they have no choice but to respond or lose their jobs... 419 00:33:31,375 --> 00:33:33,794 - That's a heavy door. - Let me give you a hand. 420 00:33:34,003 --> 00:33:37,965 Thank you very much. Aren't you a gentleman, Mr? 421 00:33:38,174 --> 00:33:40,718 - Scott. - Mr. Scott. 422 00:33:40,968 --> 00:33:44,430 Pleased to meet you. I'm Erin. 423 00:33:44,639 --> 00:33:46,390 Erin. Erin. Cool. 424 00:33:46,807 --> 00:33:49,310 What can I do for you, Erin? 425 00:33:49,894 --> 00:33:53,856 Believe it or not, I'm on the prowl for some water records. 426 00:33:54,106 --> 00:33:55,733 You come to the right place. 427 00:33:56,275 --> 00:33:57,652 I guess I did. 428 00:33:58,235 --> 00:34:02,573 Just tell me what you wanna look at, and I'd be glad to dig 'em out. 429 00:34:02,823 --> 00:34:06,786 I wish I knew. It's for my boss. He's in this water dispute... 430 00:34:07,036 --> 00:34:12,041 ...and he wants me to find all kinds of papers, from all kinds of places. 431 00:34:15,878 --> 00:34:19,507 You know, it would probably be easiest... 432 00:34:19,757 --> 00:34:22,718 ...if I squeezed back there and poked around myself. 433 00:34:22,968 --> 00:34:26,180 - Would that be all right with you? - Come on back. 434 00:34:26,430 --> 00:34:29,976 - I'm gonna need you to sign in here. - Oh, sure. 435 00:34:35,272 --> 00:34:38,651 - " Pattee," is that your middle name? - No, maiden. 436 00:34:38,859 --> 00:34:40,236 Oh, you're married? 437 00:34:41,529 --> 00:34:43,030 Not anymore. 438 00:34:45,825 --> 00:34:47,368 - Can I just? - Yeah. 439 00:34:48,244 --> 00:34:49,412 I love your pants. 440 00:34:49,662 --> 00:34:53,040 Oh, well, yeah, thanks. 441 00:34:53,749 --> 00:34:54,959 Well, this is it. 442 00:34:56,752 --> 00:34:57,920 It's impressive. 443 00:35:00,214 --> 00:35:02,258 I'll call you if I need anything. 444 00:35:05,136 --> 00:35:06,595 - All right. - Okay. 445 00:35:06,846 --> 00:35:08,222 - Thank you. - Okay. 446 00:36:32,306 --> 00:36:33,349 Where's my stuff? 447 00:36:33,849 --> 00:36:35,434 Where have you been? 448 00:36:35,685 --> 00:36:37,228 Where the fuck is my stuff? 449 00:36:37,478 --> 00:36:40,398 Don't you use language like that with... 450 00:36:42,149 --> 00:36:43,192 Someone took my stuff. 451 00:36:43,442 --> 00:36:46,112 - Nice to see you. - I had photos of my kids... 452 00:36:46,362 --> 00:36:49,865 Toothbrush, toothpaste, mousse and deodorant. 453 00:36:51,409 --> 00:36:52,284 What's going on? 454 00:36:52,994 --> 00:36:56,622 This isn't a job where you can disappear for days at a time. 455 00:36:56,831 --> 00:36:59,417 You don't do the work, you don't get to stay. 456 00:36:59,625 --> 00:37:02,461 All I've been doing is working. Ask Mr. Masry. 457 00:37:02,920 --> 00:37:05,715 You ask Mr. Masry. He fired you. 458 00:37:09,176 --> 00:37:10,511 You said to fire me? 459 00:37:10,761 --> 00:37:13,389 I'll call you back. You've been gone for a week. 460 00:37:13,639 --> 00:37:17,351 I left a message. I was gonna write a whole damn report. 461 00:37:17,601 --> 00:37:21,105 That's not how we work. You don't leave a message and take off. 462 00:37:21,355 --> 00:37:24,692 - Want me to check in every second? - It's called accountability. 463 00:37:24,942 --> 00:37:27,153 I'm not talking to you, bitch! 464 00:37:27,361 --> 00:37:28,362 That's enough! 465 00:37:28,612 --> 00:37:33,034 Look, Erin, this incident aside, I don't think this is the right... 466 00:37:33,242 --> 00:37:34,660 ...place for you. 467 00:37:34,869 --> 00:37:38,622 So I'm gonna make a few calls, find you something else. 468 00:37:38,873 --> 00:37:39,749 Don't bother. 469 00:37:39,999 --> 00:37:41,250 I'm trying to help. 470 00:37:41,500 --> 00:37:45,004 You're trying not to feel guilty about firing someone with 3 kids. 471 00:37:45,296 --> 00:37:47,590 Fuck if I'm gonna help you do that. 472 00:37:50,176 --> 00:37:51,969 Get back to work! 473 00:38:12,406 --> 00:38:14,283 What the hell are you doing here? 474 00:38:15,201 --> 00:38:16,661 I'm fixing the leak. 475 00:38:16,911 --> 00:38:20,122 Damn it, I don't ask you to do things like that. 476 00:38:21,248 --> 00:38:23,501 Look at this mess that you've made. 477 00:38:23,751 --> 00:38:26,796 - I'm not done with that yet. - Well, get it out. 478 00:38:28,047 --> 00:38:30,174 - Relax. - Shit! Where did it go? 479 00:38:31,050 --> 00:38:32,009 Where is it? 480 00:38:32,259 --> 00:38:33,260 Back there. 481 00:38:33,511 --> 00:38:34,595 Behind your foot. 482 00:38:34,804 --> 00:38:36,931 - Going up your leg now. - Jesus! 483 00:38:37,181 --> 00:38:39,684 Who fucking lives like this, George? 484 00:38:39,934 --> 00:38:45,064 Who lets their kids run around in a place with bugs the size of house cats? 485 00:38:45,314 --> 00:38:48,401 All you have to do is call an exterminator. 486 00:38:48,651 --> 00:38:51,153 I can't call an exterminator. 487 00:38:51,821 --> 00:38:54,949 I can't afford one. I can't even afford my phone. 488 00:38:58,327 --> 00:38:59,412 I got fired. 489 00:38:59,954 --> 00:39:01,205 What? 490 00:39:02,039 --> 00:39:05,793 What do you mean, you got fired? You're working so hard. 491 00:39:06,419 --> 00:39:07,878 Doesn't matter. 492 00:39:11,465 --> 00:39:14,135 Doesn't make one fucking bit of difference. 493 00:39:28,899 --> 00:39:31,110 I don't know what happened to me. 494 00:39:35,406 --> 00:39:36,866 I mean... 495 00:39:37,867 --> 00:39:41,871 God, I was Miss Wichita, for chrissake. 496 00:39:43,956 --> 00:39:45,207 Did I tell you that? 497 00:39:47,877 --> 00:39:52,923 You are living next door to a real, live fucking beauty queen. 498 00:39:58,220 --> 00:40:00,640 I still have my tiara. 499 00:40:03,184 --> 00:40:08,314 And I thought it meant I was gonna do something important with my life. 500 00:40:08,731 --> 00:40:10,566 That it meant I was someone. 501 00:40:17,948 --> 00:40:19,617 You're someone to me. 502 00:40:29,710 --> 00:40:33,172 Are you gonna be something else that I have to survive? 503 00:40:34,924 --> 00:40:36,926 Because I'll tell you the truth... 504 00:40:39,387 --> 00:40:41,097 ...l'm not up to it. 505 00:41:23,431 --> 00:41:25,933 I get up in the centre of the stage... 506 00:41:26,183 --> 00:41:28,644 ...and I have the big bouquet of flowers. 507 00:41:28,894 --> 00:41:31,480 I had my foot out like this, 508 00:41:31,731 --> 00:41:35,359 " I will devote my entire reign as Miss Wichita... 509 00:41:35,609 --> 00:41:38,070 ...to bringing an end to world hunger. 510 00:41:38,487 --> 00:41:41,365 And to the creation of a peaceful earth... 511 00:41:41,615 --> 00:41:44,201 ...for every man, woman and child." 512 00:41:44,452 --> 00:41:48,414 - How long were you Miss Wichita? - One year. 513 00:41:48,664 --> 00:41:51,792 By the time I got through opening new supermarkets... 514 00:41:52,043 --> 00:41:55,588 ...I only had a few weeks left to work on hunger... 515 00:41:55,838 --> 00:41:57,840 ...and world peace. - World peace. 516 00:41:58,049 --> 00:42:00,509 I don't know what I was thinking. 517 00:42:01,677 --> 00:42:03,679 What about you, huh? 518 00:42:03,971 --> 00:42:05,556 What about me? 519 00:42:11,979 --> 00:42:13,898 Let me tell you something. 520 00:42:14,398 --> 00:42:16,400 Let me get that out of your hair. 521 00:42:17,985 --> 00:42:20,363 - Thank you. - Nice. 522 00:42:26,786 --> 00:42:28,913 You're a very special lady. 523 00:42:35,044 --> 00:42:36,879 Don't be too nice to me, okay? 524 00:42:37,129 --> 00:42:38,506 Why? 525 00:42:39,340 --> 00:42:41,217 Makes me nervous. 526 00:42:54,230 --> 00:42:56,649 It's some slim pickings here, baby. 527 00:42:59,860 --> 00:43:03,155 Maybe that's Ed McMahon. Let's go see. 528 00:43:09,870 --> 00:43:10,913 Wrong Ed. 529 00:43:11,956 --> 00:43:13,457 What are you doing here? 530 00:43:13,708 --> 00:43:17,378 I had an interesting call this afternoon from Dr. Frankel... 531 00:43:17,670 --> 00:43:19,714 ...from UCLA. - Oh, yeah? 532 00:43:19,964 --> 00:43:24,302 He wanted you to know that the " legal limit for hexavalent chromium... 533 00:43:24,802 --> 00:43:29,015 ...is.05 parts per million... 534 00:43:29,265 --> 00:43:32,852 ...and at the rate you mentioned, .58, it could be... 535 00:43:33,102 --> 00:43:37,648 ...responsible for the cancers" in that family you asked about... 536 00:43:38,024 --> 00:43:39,608 ...the Jensens. 537 00:43:40,192 --> 00:43:42,778 Well. Wasn't that nice of him? 538 00:43:43,029 --> 00:43:47,116 Funny how some people help people, and others just fire them. 539 00:43:47,491 --> 00:43:51,287 I'm sorry. You were gone. I assumed you were off having fun. 540 00:43:52,496 --> 00:43:55,207 Why the hell would you assume that? 541 00:43:55,458 --> 00:43:58,544 Maybe you look like someone who has a lot of fun. 542 00:43:58,753 --> 00:44:01,589 By that standard, I assume you never get laid. 543 00:44:04,008 --> 00:44:05,051 I'm married. 544 00:44:07,136 --> 00:44:11,682 Look, what is this... What's the story on this cancer stuff? 545 00:44:15,144 --> 00:44:19,023 You wanna know, you have to hire me back. I got a ton of bills to pay. 546 00:44:20,691 --> 00:44:21,942 Fine. 547 00:44:22,693 --> 00:44:23,736 Fine. 548 00:44:24,445 --> 00:44:28,199 Donna just put in these new cabinets, stained the wood and all... 549 00:44:28,449 --> 00:44:32,161 ...when she gets a call from PG&E, saying a freeway's gonna be built... 550 00:44:32,370 --> 00:44:35,289 ...and they wanna buy her house for an off-ramp. 551 00:44:35,790 --> 00:44:38,000 The husband's sick with Hodgkin's. 552 00:44:38,209 --> 00:44:39,752 She keeps getting tumours... 553 00:44:39,960 --> 00:44:42,838 ...believing one has nothing to do with the other. 554 00:44:43,089 --> 00:44:45,341 Because PG&E told her about the chromium? 555 00:44:45,591 --> 00:44:47,301 They had a seminar. 556 00:44:47,551 --> 00:44:49,887 They invited 200 people from the area... 557 00:44:50,137 --> 00:44:51,889 ...had it at the plant... 558 00:44:52,139 --> 00:44:55,017 ...about chromium three and how good it is... 559 00:44:55,267 --> 00:44:57,436 ...when they're using chromium six. 560 00:44:58,604 --> 00:45:02,650 That document you found at the water board... 561 00:45:02,900 --> 00:45:06,862 ...the one that says about the bad chromium... 562 00:45:07,863 --> 00:45:10,491 You didn't happen to make a copy, did you? 563 00:45:10,741 --> 00:45:12,243 Of course I did. 564 00:45:13,119 --> 00:45:14,412 Could I have a look? 565 00:45:14,954 --> 00:45:16,497 I want a raise. 566 00:45:16,747 --> 00:45:20,668 And benefits, including dental. 567 00:45:21,877 --> 00:45:23,546 It's not how I do business. 568 00:45:23,754 --> 00:45:25,381 - What way is that? - Extortion. 569 00:45:33,097 --> 00:45:35,766 A 5% raise, we'll talk about benefits later. 570 00:45:36,267 --> 00:45:41,022 Ten. There are lots of other places I could get work. 571 00:45:42,732 --> 00:45:46,569 10% raise and benefits, but that's it. I'm drawing the line. 572 00:45:47,862 --> 00:45:49,572 He's drawing the line. 573 00:45:59,999 --> 00:46:01,709 This the only thing you got? 574 00:46:01,917 --> 00:46:05,004 Well, the place is a pigsty. There's probably more. 575 00:46:05,254 --> 00:46:07,506 I know how those things are run. 576 00:46:08,341 --> 00:46:11,844 What makes you think you can just walk in there... 577 00:46:12,094 --> 00:46:15,014 ...and find what we need? 578 00:46:15,973 --> 00:46:17,975 They're called boobs, Ed. 579 00:46:34,325 --> 00:46:36,452 Yes, I'm sure it is. 580 00:46:37,703 --> 00:46:38,913 I understand. 581 00:46:40,373 --> 00:46:42,166 I agree. I agree. I'm going to. 582 00:46:42,416 --> 00:46:43,542 Right now. 583 00:46:51,467 --> 00:46:52,885 I'm almost done. Look. 584 00:46:53,803 --> 00:46:55,429 How are we doing? 585 00:46:55,680 --> 00:46:57,306 We're doing great. 586 00:46:59,266 --> 00:47:00,685 Good. 587 00:47:00,935 --> 00:47:04,814 Well, you've got quite a lot done already. So... 588 00:47:06,649 --> 00:47:09,443 Sorry, we need to have those records back now. 589 00:47:09,902 --> 00:47:11,070 No. 590 00:47:14,240 --> 00:47:17,159 These papers are public record. I'm not leaving... 591 00:47:17,410 --> 00:47:20,871 ...until they're copied. 592 00:47:34,010 --> 00:47:36,929 Fax these to this number, okay? 593 00:47:37,221 --> 00:47:39,432 - All of them? - All of them. 594 00:48:00,911 --> 00:48:02,997 An on-site monitoring well? 595 00:48:03,247 --> 00:48:06,292 - That means it was... - It's on the PG&E property. 596 00:48:07,251 --> 00:48:12,381 And you say that this stuff, this hexavalent chromium... 597 00:48:13,424 --> 00:48:15,926 - Well, it's poisonous. - Yeah. 598 00:48:23,684 --> 00:48:28,314 It's gotta be different than what's in our water, because ours is okay. 599 00:48:28,522 --> 00:48:31,359 The guys from PG&E told me. 600 00:48:31,567 --> 00:48:35,321 They sat right in the kitchen and told me that it was fine. 601 00:48:36,322 --> 00:48:40,743 I know. But the toxicologist that I've been talking to... 602 00:48:40,951 --> 00:48:45,748 ...he gave me a list of problems that come from hexavalent chromium exposure. 603 00:48:45,998 --> 00:48:49,293 Everything you all have is on that list. 604 00:48:49,502 --> 00:48:52,004 No, no, no. 605 00:48:54,173 --> 00:48:58,678 That's not what... That's not what our doctor said. 606 00:48:58,886 --> 00:49:00,554 He said that... 607 00:49:01,806 --> 00:49:05,351 Well, that one's got absolutely nothing to do with the other. 608 00:49:06,894 --> 00:49:09,522 But PG&E paid for that doctor. 609 00:49:30,835 --> 00:49:32,044 Ashley! 610 00:49:32,962 --> 00:49:34,797 Shanna! Get out of the pool! 611 00:49:35,047 --> 00:49:37,591 - How come? - I said so, that's why. 612 00:49:44,223 --> 00:49:46,475 The minute Brenda sent that fax... 613 00:49:46,726 --> 00:49:50,813 ...l'm saying, the second she pressed the "send" button... 614 00:49:52,315 --> 00:49:56,444 ...PG&E's claim department was on the phone to me... 615 00:49:56,694 --> 00:49:58,446 ...scheduling a meeting. 616 00:49:58,696 --> 00:50:00,948 So you think that... Let me do it. 617 00:50:01,198 --> 00:50:02,908 You're driving me nuts. 618 00:50:03,117 --> 00:50:04,702 You think we scared them? 619 00:50:04,952 --> 00:50:07,288 Taking the trouble to send someone... 620 00:50:07,496 --> 00:50:10,958 ...sounds like they're sitting up and taking notice. 621 00:50:26,557 --> 00:50:27,642 Mr. Foil? 622 00:50:29,644 --> 00:50:32,146 In the interest of putting this to rest... 623 00:50:32,355 --> 00:50:36,817 ...PG&E is willing to offer the Jensens $250,000 for their home. 624 00:50:37,401 --> 00:50:38,903 $250,000? 625 00:50:40,071 --> 00:50:42,531 In terms of land value in Hinkley... 626 00:50:42,740 --> 00:50:45,493 ...we feel that's a more than fair price. 627 00:50:45,868 --> 00:50:48,371 How about in terms of medical expenses? 628 00:50:48,621 --> 00:50:53,209 $250,000 isn't gonna come close to what this family's gonna spend on doctors. 629 00:50:54,877 --> 00:50:57,797 I understand they've had bad luck, health-wise. 630 00:50:58,047 --> 00:50:59,757 They have my sympathies. 631 00:51:00,007 --> 00:51:01,509 But that's not PG&E's fault. 632 00:51:01,759 --> 00:51:03,511 You're kidding, right? 633 00:51:05,262 --> 00:51:07,139 Look at these readings. 634 00:51:07,348 --> 00:51:11,227 PG&E's own technicians documented... 635 00:51:11,477 --> 00:51:14,480 ...toxic levels of hexavalent chromium in those wells... 636 00:51:14,730 --> 00:51:16,941 ...on numerous occasions. 637 00:51:17,149 --> 00:51:19,360 Everything the Jensens have had... 638 00:51:19,610 --> 00:51:24,657 ...is proven reaction to exposure to hexavalent chromium. They have had... 639 00:51:25,533 --> 00:51:27,159 They have had... 640 00:51:30,037 --> 00:51:34,458 Breast cysts, uterine cancer, Hodgkin's, immune deficiencies... 641 00:51:34,709 --> 00:51:35,960 ...asthma, nosebleeds... 642 00:51:36,210 --> 00:51:38,671 A million things could cause those problems. 643 00:51:38,921 --> 00:51:43,259 Poor diet, bad genes, irresponsible lifestyle. 644 00:51:43,467 --> 00:51:45,636 Our offer is final and more than fair. 645 00:51:45,886 --> 00:51:49,056 Wait a minute. I thought we were negotiating here. 646 00:51:51,976 --> 00:51:56,230 $250,000 is all I'm authorized to offer. 647 00:51:58,274 --> 00:52:01,152 I'll present your offer to my clients. 648 00:52:01,402 --> 00:52:03,446 I doubt they'll accept. 649 00:52:05,197 --> 00:52:07,158 Before you go off on a crusade... 650 00:52:07,408 --> 00:52:09,744 ...remember who you're dealing with. 651 00:52:09,994 --> 00:52:13,664 PG&E's a 28 billion dollar corporation. 652 00:52:14,123 --> 00:52:17,043 28 billion dollars? 653 00:52:17,293 --> 00:52:19,503 I didn't know it was that much! 654 00:52:19,712 --> 00:52:24,008 Wow! Twenty-eight billion! 655 00:52:24,258 --> 00:52:26,385 Holy cow! 656 00:52:26,761 --> 00:52:27,845 They made an offer. 657 00:52:28,095 --> 00:52:31,807 No, a million would have been an offer. They send that... 658 00:52:32,058 --> 00:52:35,269 ...mail clerk down to jerk me off, waste my time. 659 00:52:35,478 --> 00:52:36,312 Why? 660 00:52:36,854 --> 00:52:38,689 You heard what that kid said. 661 00:52:38,898 --> 00:52:43,319 They have 28 billion dollars. They can afford to waste time. 662 00:52:43,569 --> 00:52:45,279 - You can't? - Am I made of money? 663 00:52:45,529 --> 00:52:47,782 - Why are you yelling? - I'm pissed. 664 00:52:50,034 --> 00:52:51,994 - Fuck you! - Fuck you back! 665 00:53:02,088 --> 00:53:04,090 I really hate you sometimes. 666 00:53:04,548 --> 00:53:06,842 No. You love me. 667 00:53:18,604 --> 00:53:21,023 You've been reading for hours. 668 00:53:21,273 --> 00:53:23,109 I'm a slow reader. 669 00:53:53,639 --> 00:53:55,057 Excuse me. 670 00:53:55,266 --> 00:53:57,018 - Are you Erin Brockovich? - Yeah. 671 00:53:58,019 --> 00:53:59,645 I'm Tom Robinson. 672 00:53:59,854 --> 00:54:01,689 This is my wife, Mandy. 673 00:54:01,897 --> 00:54:04,900 We used to live across the street from the Jensens. 674 00:54:05,109 --> 00:54:07,361 I think you know Donna. 675 00:54:08,654 --> 00:54:11,699 PG&E bought our house last year. 676 00:54:13,075 --> 00:54:17,163 Well, the vet said they had a bunch of tumours and stuff. 677 00:54:18,289 --> 00:54:21,042 Well, you can see they couldn't really walk. 678 00:54:21,542 --> 00:54:23,419 How many were born like this? 679 00:54:24,337 --> 00:54:27,381 Twelve or 13 or so. 680 00:54:28,299 --> 00:54:31,719 When Donna told us what you told her about the chromium... 681 00:54:31,927 --> 00:54:35,097 ...we figured it might have something to do with this. 682 00:54:35,306 --> 00:54:37,016 Yeah, it might. 683 00:54:37,224 --> 00:54:38,809 Really, may I keep these? 684 00:54:39,018 --> 00:54:40,269 - Yeah. - Okay, great. 685 00:54:40,478 --> 00:54:43,648 Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. 686 00:54:44,899 --> 00:54:46,525 There's something else too. 687 00:54:48,611 --> 00:54:49,695 What? 688 00:54:54,367 --> 00:54:57,078 Mandy, here, has had... 689 00:54:57,286 --> 00:54:59,914 ...five miscarriages. 690 00:55:00,414 --> 00:55:01,540 I'm so sorry. 691 00:55:02,792 --> 00:55:05,127 I figured it was something I did. 692 00:55:06,003 --> 00:55:08,631 Like, when I smoked marijuana, maybe... 693 00:55:08,839 --> 00:55:11,258 ...or took birth control pills... 694 00:55:11,467 --> 00:55:13,928 ...but then Donna said that you thought... 695 00:55:14,136 --> 00:55:17,306 ...this chromium might be to blame for her problems. 696 00:55:17,515 --> 00:55:19,517 So I figured maybe... 697 00:55:22,728 --> 00:55:24,146 ...it wasn't just me. 698 00:55:41,414 --> 00:55:43,290 I have to take a bath. 699 00:55:43,874 --> 00:55:45,376 You should go in. 700 00:55:47,503 --> 00:55:49,130 They're not asleep? 701 00:55:52,633 --> 00:55:54,343 Beth and Katie are. 702 00:56:10,776 --> 00:56:13,738 - How was school? - Fine. 703 00:56:14,405 --> 00:56:16,532 - Did you do your homework? - Yeah. 704 00:56:19,243 --> 00:56:21,037 Any problems? 705 00:56:31,922 --> 00:56:35,593 I know you're upset, but the way this job is... 706 00:56:35,801 --> 00:56:39,889 ...things come up at the last minute. Things that I gotta deal with. 707 00:56:40,097 --> 00:56:42,183 Fine! 708 00:56:48,022 --> 00:56:50,024 Please don't be mad at me. 709 00:56:51,025 --> 00:56:54,612 I'm doing this for us. I know it's hard for you to understand... 710 00:56:57,865 --> 00:57:00,618 ...but don't you want Mommy to be good at her job? 711 00:57:07,625 --> 00:57:11,504 I don't miss dinner all the time. We all ate together last night. 712 00:57:11,712 --> 00:57:13,673 You were reading the whole time. 713 00:57:38,197 --> 00:57:42,201 There's something about this thing I don't understand, Mr. Masry. 714 00:57:42,660 --> 00:57:45,371 If PG&E messed with our water... 715 00:57:45,579 --> 00:57:48,499 ...why would they say anything about it to us at all? 716 00:57:48,833 --> 00:57:50,626 Why not just keep quiet about it? 717 00:57:50,918 --> 00:57:52,962 To establish a statute of limitations. 718 00:57:53,170 --> 00:57:55,965 In a case like this, you only have one year... 719 00:57:56,215 --> 00:57:59,343 ...from the time you learn about the problem to file suit. 720 00:57:59,969 --> 00:58:01,804 So PG&E figures... 721 00:58:02,013 --> 00:58:06,017 ..."We'll let the cat out of the bag. Tell them the water isn't perfect. 722 00:58:06,434 --> 00:58:09,270 If we can ride out the year with no one suing... 723 00:58:09,478 --> 00:58:11,355 ...we'll be in the clear forever." 724 00:58:12,023 --> 00:58:14,233 But they told us more than a year ago. 725 00:58:14,442 --> 00:58:16,986 - That's okay. We're not suing. - Not yet. 726 00:58:17,486 --> 00:58:20,323 All we're doing is using this information... 727 00:58:20,531 --> 00:58:23,284 ...to get you a nice purchase price on your house. 728 00:58:23,492 --> 00:58:28,080 And you two, a comparable retroactive bonus on your sale price. 729 00:58:28,289 --> 00:58:30,958 PG&E still looks good to their shareholders. 730 00:58:31,167 --> 00:58:32,918 They're not in a lawsuit. 731 00:58:33,127 --> 00:58:35,546 All they're doing is buying property. 732 00:58:37,673 --> 00:58:40,509 Doesn't say how much this thing's gonna cost us. 733 00:58:41,344 --> 00:58:44,639 My fee is 40% of whatever you get awarded. 734 00:58:54,565 --> 00:58:56,817 Boy, do I know how you feel. 735 00:58:57,026 --> 00:59:00,780 The first time I heard that number, I said, "You're kidding me." 736 00:59:00,988 --> 00:59:02,907 Forty goddamned percent? 737 00:59:03,115 --> 00:59:06,994 I'm the one that's injured, and this joker sits at a desk all day... 738 00:59:07,203 --> 00:59:09,622 ...and he wants almost half of my reward? 739 00:59:09,830 --> 00:59:11,791 - Erin, can I...? - But then... 740 00:59:12,500 --> 00:59:14,502 ...I asked him... 741 00:59:14,710 --> 00:59:17,254 ...what he makes if I don't get anything. 742 00:59:18,798 --> 00:59:20,758 Then I don't get anything either. 743 00:59:21,467 --> 00:59:23,177 Plus, he's out all the costs. 744 00:59:23,803 --> 00:59:25,805 So I realized... 745 00:59:26,055 --> 00:59:27,682 ...he's taking a chance too. 746 00:59:37,024 --> 00:59:38,526 You got a pen, honey? 747 00:59:44,323 --> 00:59:45,449 All right, then. 748 00:59:48,619 --> 00:59:50,621 Oh, I made a bundt cake. 749 00:59:50,913 --> 00:59:53,207 Who would like coffee and cake? 750 00:59:53,416 --> 00:59:55,668 - I do. - Thanks, but we have to get back. 751 00:59:57,503 --> 00:59:59,797 Have a fucking cup of coffee, Ed. 752 01:00:00,006 --> 01:00:01,924 Coffee will be great. Thank you. 753 01:00:02,383 --> 01:00:04,593 - All right. - I'll help you. 754 01:00:09,348 --> 01:00:11,892 My wife makes really good bundt cake. 755 01:00:12,268 --> 01:00:13,978 I love bundt cake. 756 01:00:16,939 --> 01:00:21,402 Well, it seems like everybody in the family ended up with a rash somehow. 757 01:00:22,111 --> 01:00:25,614 It seemed like no matter what we did, it always came back. 758 01:00:26,365 --> 01:00:28,534 Over what kind of period of time? 759 01:00:28,743 --> 01:00:32,747 Oh, long time, you know, years. I never did keep track of it. 760 01:00:32,955 --> 01:00:36,083 Kids are sick. Animals need to be fed. 761 01:00:36,292 --> 01:00:37,960 Just couldn't get rid of it. 762 01:00:39,587 --> 01:00:41,589 Well, Mrs. De Soto said... 763 01:00:42,006 --> 01:00:44,925 ...that she wasn't exactly sure what you had. 764 01:00:45,134 --> 01:00:46,385 We know what it is. 765 01:00:46,594 --> 01:00:49,847 - It's gastrointestinal... - Gastrointestinal cancer. 766 01:00:50,056 --> 01:00:53,267 - She got sick about nine months ago... - Nine months ago. 767 01:00:53,476 --> 01:00:56,354 And they operated on her about six months ago. 768 01:00:56,562 --> 01:00:58,064 - The intestine. - Right. 769 01:01:08,407 --> 01:01:11,535 - Hi. I'm Erin Brock... - I know who you are. 770 01:01:11,744 --> 01:01:13,412 Donna called me. 771 01:01:14,747 --> 01:01:16,123 Can I come in? 772 01:01:16,582 --> 01:01:19,293 We're not interested in getting involved. 773 01:01:21,545 --> 01:01:23,214 Can I ask why? 774 01:01:23,798 --> 01:01:25,508 What's the point? 775 01:01:27,760 --> 01:01:31,430 Donna told me that you've been sick and that your kids were sick... 776 01:01:31,639 --> 01:01:34,266 You people don't give a shit. 777 01:01:34,725 --> 01:01:37,395 Anything to get what you want. 778 01:01:45,486 --> 01:01:46,862 Thanks for having me... 779 01:01:47,071 --> 01:01:49,907 It's a good day to come by. She's feeling good. 780 01:01:50,116 --> 01:01:52,493 Well, Mike Ambrosino had remembered... 781 01:01:52,702 --> 01:01:55,413 ...that he had seen you folks at the hospital. 782 01:01:55,621 --> 01:01:57,456 That's what brought me out here. 783 01:01:59,458 --> 01:02:02,628 Yeah, we've been there from time to time. 784 01:02:03,129 --> 01:02:05,715 And you! Wooftie! 785 01:02:05,923 --> 01:02:07,008 Ain't you a beauty? 786 01:02:07,717 --> 01:02:09,802 You drive all the boys crazy, don't you? 787 01:02:10,011 --> 01:02:13,055 I can see it in your eyes. You drive them wild. 788 01:02:13,431 --> 01:02:14,932 You do, don't you? 789 01:02:15,433 --> 01:02:16,600 Torture them. 790 01:02:16,809 --> 01:02:18,269 It's good for them. 791 01:02:20,396 --> 01:02:22,648 Don't teach her anything too early. 792 01:02:23,566 --> 01:02:26,402 Yeah, she can't wait to get on her new dress. 793 01:02:26,610 --> 01:02:28,112 She wants to go to school. 794 01:02:28,321 --> 01:02:30,865 We're trying to do that, in a few months. 795 01:02:31,073 --> 01:02:33,743 Yeah, get her out of her nightgown here. 796 01:02:36,912 --> 01:02:38,706 She's gonna do it. 797 01:02:56,724 --> 01:02:57,975 Absolutely not. 798 01:02:58,184 --> 01:03:00,269 - Why not? - Because I said no. 799 01:03:00,478 --> 01:03:02,563 The reason PG&E even talks to us... 800 01:03:02,772 --> 01:03:05,608 ...is because this is a quiet real-estate dispute. 801 01:03:05,900 --> 01:03:09,445 We add plaintiffs, we're in the middle of a toxic-trot... 802 01:03:09,654 --> 01:03:12,531 ...with a statute problem, against a massive utility. 803 01:03:12,740 --> 01:03:13,574 No, thank you. 804 01:03:13,783 --> 01:03:15,493 Okay, so here's what I'll do. 805 01:03:15,701 --> 01:03:19,455 I'll go to the Daniels', the nicest people you'll ever meet... 806 01:03:19,664 --> 01:03:22,792 ...who watch their girl fight like a dog against cancer. 807 01:03:23,000 --> 01:03:24,043 I'll tell them... 808 01:03:24,251 --> 01:03:28,089 ...we can't help them, because you just don't wanna work that hard. 809 01:03:28,506 --> 01:03:29,799 Work hard? 810 01:03:30,007 --> 01:03:31,926 Let me tell you something. 811 01:03:32,134 --> 01:03:33,636 I've worked all my life. 812 01:03:33,844 --> 01:03:38,140 I've built a firm and kept it alive through lawsuits and injunctions. 813 01:03:38,432 --> 01:03:41,435 I've survived a quadruple bypass, cancer... 814 01:03:41,644 --> 01:03:44,105 ...being born with one kidney and diabetes. 815 01:03:44,313 --> 01:03:47,108 I personally managed to save a million dollars... 816 01:03:47,316 --> 01:03:49,986 ...over 30 years, getting clients 10 times that. 817 01:03:50,194 --> 01:03:52,405 Don't tell me I don't work hard! 818 01:03:52,613 --> 01:03:56,158 Don't tell me I can't stop, take a breath and enjoy life. 819 01:03:56,367 --> 01:03:58,869 What the hell do you know about any of this? 820 01:03:59,286 --> 01:04:02,289 Something like this, Erin, it could take forever. 821 01:04:02,498 --> 01:04:04,208 They're a huge corporation! 822 01:04:04,417 --> 01:04:06,585 They'll bury us in paperwork for years. 823 01:04:06,794 --> 01:04:09,255 I'm just a guy with a small, private firm! 824 01:04:10,464 --> 01:04:13,551 Who knows they poisoned people and lied about it. 825 01:04:14,302 --> 01:04:15,761 We can get these people. 826 01:04:15,970 --> 01:04:19,807 With a little effort, I think we can nail their asses to the wall. 827 01:04:20,016 --> 01:04:22,435 With your legal expertise, you believe that? 828 01:04:22,643 --> 01:04:25,354 - Don't you ever just know? - Do you know about money? 829 01:04:25,563 --> 01:04:27,231 They settle due to lack of money. 830 01:04:27,440 --> 01:04:30,735 You know what toxicologists and geology experts cost? 831 01:04:30,943 --> 01:04:32,820 We're looking at $100,000 a month. 832 01:04:33,029 --> 01:04:36,240 - I've already spent some of my savings. - We'll figure it out. 833 01:04:36,449 --> 01:04:40,411 I don't know shit, but I know the difference between right and wrong! 834 01:04:40,619 --> 01:04:43,497 - Lovers' quarrel? - Bite my ass, Krispy Kreme. 835 01:04:48,085 --> 01:04:49,754 I feel you looking at me. 836 01:04:53,424 --> 01:04:55,509 I'm sorry. 837 01:04:57,595 --> 01:05:00,097 How many families are we talking about? 838 01:05:00,306 --> 01:05:02,892 Four more. Eleven people so far. 839 01:05:03,100 --> 01:05:04,060 There's more? 840 01:05:04,518 --> 01:05:09,649 I found a document at the water board, a toxic test well reading from 1967. 841 01:05:09,982 --> 01:05:12,443 More people have lived there since then. 842 01:05:13,319 --> 01:05:17,156 This is a whole different ball game. A much bigger deal. 843 01:05:18,115 --> 01:05:20,868 Kind of like David and what's- his-name. 844 01:05:22,703 --> 01:05:26,666 Kind of like David and what's- his-name's whole fucking family. 845 01:05:28,334 --> 01:05:30,211 Here's the deal. 846 01:05:30,419 --> 01:05:35,341 If, and only if, you find all the evidence to back this up, I'll do it. 847 01:05:35,591 --> 01:05:37,176 You're doing the right thing. 848 01:05:37,385 --> 01:05:41,597 Remind me of that when I'm filing for bankruptcy. 849 01:05:43,349 --> 01:05:47,269 Of course, gathering evidence is a big job. 850 01:05:47,478 --> 01:05:49,772 Hell of a lot bigger than just filing. 851 01:05:49,981 --> 01:05:51,691 I'll be working a lot harder... 852 01:05:51,899 --> 01:05:54,819 ...taking on a lot more responsibility. 853 01:05:55,027 --> 01:05:57,488 - I don't believe this. - A raise wouldn't hurt. 854 01:05:57,697 --> 01:05:59,407 I'll spend more time in my car... 855 01:05:59,615 --> 01:06:02,994 ...so I'll probably be needing one of those cell phones. 856 01:06:03,703 --> 01:06:06,831 - I don't believe this. - Just a little phone. 857 01:07:15,191 --> 01:07:16,692 Thank you! 858 01:07:23,866 --> 01:07:26,327 Whoever is behind you. 859 01:07:27,328 --> 01:07:28,454 Just play. 860 01:07:28,663 --> 01:07:32,124 Go, roll the dice and play. 861 01:07:34,168 --> 01:07:36,379 Come on, aren't you gonna play? 862 01:07:36,587 --> 01:07:38,756 Roll the dice. 863 01:07:38,965 --> 01:07:40,424 Come on. 864 01:07:43,844 --> 01:07:44,887 Hello. 865 01:07:45,096 --> 01:07:49,642 Is this the Erin Brockovich that's been snooping around the water board? 866 01:07:49,850 --> 01:07:51,185 Yeah. Who's this? 867 01:07:51,394 --> 01:07:52,853 You should watch your step. 868 01:07:53,062 --> 01:07:57,066 A young lady with three young children really should think again. 869 01:07:57,274 --> 01:07:58,192 Who is this? 870 01:07:59,318 --> 01:08:01,946 Do you understand what I'm saying? 871 01:08:08,369 --> 01:08:09,412 Who is it? 872 01:08:11,122 --> 01:08:12,623 It's okay. 873 01:08:14,667 --> 01:08:18,796 I'm not gonna quit because of one creepy phone call, George. 874 01:08:19,005 --> 01:08:20,506 Come on, Erin. 875 01:08:21,632 --> 01:08:23,384 A job shouldn't put you in danger. 876 01:08:23,592 --> 01:08:24,719 I'm not in danger. 877 01:08:24,927 --> 01:08:27,388 - The phone might be tapped but... - What? 878 01:08:27,596 --> 01:08:30,975 That's usual. We've got a dead bolt, it's not a big deal. 879 01:08:31,600 --> 01:08:34,770 You don't think you're a little out of your league? 880 01:08:34,979 --> 01:08:38,107 That's what those PG&E fucks want me to think. 881 01:08:38,316 --> 01:08:39,567 But they're wrong. 882 01:08:39,775 --> 01:08:42,486 Erin, there are plenty of jobs out there. 883 01:08:42,695 --> 01:08:44,280 How would you know? 884 01:08:53,748 --> 01:08:55,541 What that's supposed to mean? 885 01:08:55,750 --> 01:08:59,170 You got a problem with me caring for your kids instead of a job? 886 01:08:59,378 --> 01:09:00,546 I can get a job. 887 01:09:00,755 --> 01:09:03,841 You can leave the kids with the chicken-fat lady again. 888 01:09:04,050 --> 01:09:06,385 I said I'm sorry. Keep your voice down. 889 01:09:06,594 --> 01:09:10,139 I know what these kids can sleep through, better than you. 890 01:09:24,153 --> 01:09:26,197 Scott, tell me something. 891 01:09:26,405 --> 01:09:28,741 Does PG&E pay you to cover their ass? 892 01:09:28,949 --> 01:09:32,036 Or do you just do it out of the kindness of your heart? 893 01:09:32,495 --> 01:09:35,039 I don't know what you're talking about. 894 01:09:35,247 --> 01:09:36,999 Nobody calls me Pattee. 895 01:09:37,208 --> 01:09:41,629 That sicko that called could've only found out about me from you. 896 01:09:42,421 --> 01:09:44,006 People are dying, Scott. 897 01:09:44,215 --> 01:09:46,300 You've got document after document... 898 01:09:46,509 --> 01:09:50,388 ...that says why, and you haven't said one word about it. 899 01:09:51,806 --> 01:09:54,725 I wanna know how the hell you sleep at night. 900 01:10:15,037 --> 01:10:19,166 I'm about to drive off the road, I'm so tired. Keep me awake. 901 01:10:20,710 --> 01:10:22,086 What do you want, a joke? 902 01:10:22,920 --> 01:10:25,631 No, I don't want a joke. 903 01:10:26,132 --> 01:10:28,467 Tell me about what went on back there. 904 01:10:30,219 --> 01:10:33,347 Come to think of it, we had a big event around here. 905 01:10:35,391 --> 01:10:38,436 Beth started talking. 906 01:10:40,855 --> 01:10:41,897 What? 907 01:10:43,649 --> 01:10:45,609 Beth? My Beth? 908 01:10:45,818 --> 01:10:47,153 We were sitting around... 909 01:10:48,154 --> 01:10:50,865 ...and she pointed 910 01:10:51,574 --> 01:10:52,742 " Ball." 911 01:10:53,868 --> 01:10:55,411 Out of the blue like that. 912 01:10:58,247 --> 01:10:59,915 It was pretty intense. 913 01:11:00,124 --> 01:11:02,418 You know, seeing somebody's first word. 914 01:11:02,627 --> 01:11:07,548 Of all the words in her life, "ball." 915 01:11:10,134 --> 01:11:12,345 She pointed her little finger... 916 01:11:13,137 --> 01:11:16,098 ... with her beautiful, soft, chubby little arm... 917 01:11:16,849 --> 01:11:18,059 ... and her cheeks. 918 01:11:18,267 --> 01:11:21,145 It's like she'd been looking at it for months... 919 01:11:21,354 --> 01:11:24,440 ... and couldn't get it out, but knowing what it was. 920 01:11:24,649 --> 01:11:26,776 She didn't look away or anything. 921 01:11:26,984 --> 01:11:29,528 She was just sitting there with her arm out. 922 01:11:29,737 --> 01:11:32,531 You should've seen Matthew and Katie and me. 923 01:11:32,740 --> 01:11:34,283 Our jaws just dropped. 924 01:11:34,492 --> 01:11:38,663 We must've stood there for three or four minutes and just looked at her. 925 01:11:38,871 --> 01:11:42,041 She just had her arm out like that. "Ball." 926 01:11:42,249 --> 01:11:45,086 And, you know, her little lips wrapped around it. 927 01:11:47,004 --> 01:11:48,422 It was great. 928 01:11:48,631 --> 01:11:50,299 It was intense. 929 01:11:57,765 --> 01:12:00,685 I brought some stuff that you might be interested in. 930 01:12:00,893 --> 01:12:03,938 My name's Erin, and I'll be here all day. 931 01:12:04,146 --> 01:12:06,440 Let's go over to these nice ladies. Hi. 932 01:12:06,649 --> 01:12:08,025 - How are you? - Good. 933 01:12:08,234 --> 01:12:12,154 I brought some information today, if you wanna have a look at it. 934 01:12:12,363 --> 01:12:14,782 If you have any questions, let me know. 935 01:12:14,991 --> 01:12:17,827 Hi. Excuse me, ladies, I'm Ed Masry. 936 01:12:18,035 --> 01:12:21,872 I'm the lawyer involved in the case. You might like to read these. 937 01:12:22,081 --> 01:12:24,333 If you have questions, I'm here all day. 938 01:12:24,542 --> 01:12:27,003 - Sounds good. Thank you. - Thanks so much. 939 01:12:28,045 --> 01:12:29,588 Is your phone number in this? 940 01:12:30,715 --> 01:12:33,676 There's more important information than that in there. 941 01:12:35,219 --> 01:12:36,470 I'm bored. 942 01:12:36,679 --> 01:12:38,139 So are the kids. 943 01:12:39,181 --> 01:12:40,808 I'm a little busy, honey. 944 01:12:41,017 --> 01:12:43,311 We invited these people. Ed and I have to... 945 01:12:43,519 --> 01:12:45,396 I'm sorry. You know what? 946 01:12:45,646 --> 01:12:47,523 Please, I have an idea. 947 01:12:47,732 --> 01:12:49,108 Can you take her? 948 01:12:49,317 --> 01:12:52,653 She's getting heavy, and I'll work faster if you take her. 949 01:13:03,581 --> 01:13:04,874 Got a knee for me? 950 01:13:06,417 --> 01:13:08,586 - Hello. - Hello, sweetness. 951 01:13:08,794 --> 01:13:10,463 - Guess what? - What? 952 01:13:10,671 --> 01:13:12,506 I would like to go home. 953 01:13:12,715 --> 01:13:13,591 Everything's done? 954 01:13:13,799 --> 01:13:15,051 We got a lot done. 955 01:13:15,259 --> 01:13:17,887 Did you? I think I ate three watermelons. 956 01:13:18,095 --> 01:13:19,138 Piggyback! 957 01:13:19,347 --> 01:13:20,890 Let's go, brother. Get on. 958 01:13:21,098 --> 01:13:22,558 Careful. 959 01:13:22,767 --> 01:13:24,226 Here, get on me, now. 960 01:13:24,435 --> 01:13:26,520 Erin, excuse me. 961 01:13:26,729 --> 01:13:29,857 This is Nelson Perez, he works at the compressor station. 962 01:13:30,066 --> 01:13:32,443 - Hi, nice to meet you. - PG&E. 963 01:13:32,652 --> 01:13:34,362 Oh, hi. 964 01:13:35,821 --> 01:13:37,740 - I've come at a bad time. - No. 965 01:13:37,948 --> 01:13:41,035 - Can you just give me one...? - Of course. Sure. 966 01:13:41,243 --> 01:13:42,912 Thank you. 967 01:13:45,915 --> 01:13:46,916 You know what? 968 01:13:47,124 --> 01:13:51,128 Why don't you guys go ahead without me, and I'll get a ride with Ed. 969 01:13:51,337 --> 01:13:54,465 - No, Mom. - No, sweetie, I'll be right behind you. 970 01:13:54,674 --> 01:13:56,759 I'll be right behind you, all right? 971 01:13:57,093 --> 01:14:01,889 - I really... This is so... - Fine. Go, go, go. 972 01:14:05,309 --> 01:14:06,894 Get down, bud. 973 01:14:11,023 --> 01:14:12,400 Hang on tight there. 974 01:14:12,608 --> 01:14:15,027 Help your sister with her shoes. Let's go. 975 01:14:32,003 --> 01:14:35,256 This is so helpful. Is it okay if I write this down? 976 01:14:35,464 --> 01:14:36,882 I have so many questions. 977 01:14:37,091 --> 01:14:40,553 I wanna know about how the plant works and the cooling towers, just everything. 978 01:14:40,553 --> 01:14:41,679 I wanna know about how the plant works and the cooling towers, just everything. 979 01:14:41,887 --> 01:14:47,018 They use the hexachrome here, in these cooling towers, as an anticorrosive. 980 01:14:47,268 --> 01:14:50,271 Then they dump the excess water into these ponds. 981 01:14:50,646 --> 01:14:53,441 I don't remember seeing any ponds up there. 982 01:14:53,649 --> 01:14:56,610 They've been covered over, and not too carefully. 983 01:14:56,819 --> 01:14:59,363 If you dig one inch under the surface... 984 01:14:59,572 --> 01:15:01,699 ...dirt's as green as a fucking shamrock. 985 01:15:01,907 --> 01:15:04,410 And that's what caused the contamination? 986 01:15:04,618 --> 01:15:08,456 It didn't help, but no. The problem started on the bottom. 987 01:15:08,748 --> 01:15:10,791 According to... 988 01:15:12,710 --> 01:15:14,295 ...this... 989 01:15:14,503 --> 01:15:17,131 ...in most cases you would line these ponds... 990 01:15:17,340 --> 01:15:19,634 ...so the shit didn't seep into the ground. 991 01:15:20,259 --> 01:15:23,721 - But guess what? - They skipped that step? 992 01:15:24,096 --> 01:15:26,807 Here are the ponds, the plume comes down... 993 01:15:27,016 --> 01:15:29,310 ...and Hinkley is down here... 994 01:15:29,518 --> 01:15:32,938 ...it's 14 years of hexachrome flowing into the groundwater. 995 01:15:33,731 --> 01:15:34,982 Jesus. 996 01:15:36,025 --> 01:15:38,569 This guy just offered all this information? 997 01:15:39,111 --> 01:15:42,073 Well, yeah. Nelson cares what's in those ponds. 998 01:15:42,281 --> 01:15:45,868 He used to spend time wading around them. That was his job. 999 01:15:46,077 --> 01:15:47,286 Shit. 1000 01:15:54,794 --> 01:15:55,670 What's the matter? 1001 01:15:58,214 --> 01:16:00,633 I don't know if we can pull this off. 1002 01:16:01,759 --> 01:16:05,721 This is a monster case. We're up to 411 plaintiffs. 1003 01:16:05,930 --> 01:16:10,810 We've taken 162 declarations. 1004 01:16:11,018 --> 01:16:14,605 Probably hundreds more out there have moved away. 1005 01:16:14,897 --> 01:16:17,191 We have to find them, it's taking time. 1006 01:16:17,400 --> 01:16:19,485 Money's going out, nothing's coming in. 1007 01:16:19,694 --> 01:16:21,696 I have to take a second mortgage. 1008 01:16:21,904 --> 01:16:23,614 - So? - So! 1009 01:16:26,993 --> 01:16:28,577 I have to tell you. 1010 01:16:29,370 --> 01:16:33,249 I've been making inquiries with other firms... 1011 01:16:33,457 --> 01:16:36,919 ...bigger firms to share some of the cost. 1012 01:16:37,420 --> 01:16:39,839 They all said no, said they don't have it. 1013 01:16:41,966 --> 01:16:43,676 We got PG&E by the balls. 1014 01:16:43,884 --> 01:16:48,055 PG&E Hinkley, but nobody'll get rich unless we pin this on Corporate... 1015 01:16:48,264 --> 01:16:50,349 ...in San Francisco. - What do you mean? 1016 01:16:50,558 --> 01:16:53,811 PG&E Corporate claims they didn't know about Hinkley. 1017 01:16:54,020 --> 01:16:56,063 They knew. They had to know. 1018 01:16:56,272 --> 01:16:58,024 Show me the document to prove it. 1019 01:17:00,985 --> 01:17:05,114 Then they didn't know. If so, we can't hit them with punitive damages. 1020 01:17:05,323 --> 01:17:08,784 With punitive damages, it's a sum of money that can... 1021 01:17:08,993 --> 01:17:12,997 ...have some effect on these people's lives. 1022 01:17:14,332 --> 01:17:15,708 So what do we do now? 1023 01:17:20,254 --> 01:17:24,842 Let's assume there are documents connecting PG&E Hinkley and Corporate... 1024 01:17:25,051 --> 01:17:26,719 ...and they know about them. 1025 01:17:27,219 --> 01:17:31,766 We take our 400 or so plaintiffs and everything you've dug up... 1026 01:17:32,058 --> 01:17:34,435 ...we file a lawsuit to provoke a reaction. 1027 01:17:34,644 --> 01:17:38,648 See if they offer a reasonable settlement, or throw more paper at us. 1028 01:17:39,148 --> 01:17:40,733 Sounds great. Let's do that. 1029 01:17:40,941 --> 01:17:42,151 There's a downside. 1030 01:17:43,486 --> 01:17:45,946 PG&E will submit a demurrer. 1031 01:17:46,155 --> 01:17:48,407 A list attacking each complaint... 1032 01:17:48,616 --> 01:17:51,452 ...claiming that each cause of action has no merit. 1033 01:17:51,661 --> 01:17:53,829 And if the judge agrees with them... 1034 01:17:54,038 --> 01:17:57,500 ...he'll dismiss our case. PG&E will have no reason to settle. 1035 01:17:58,334 --> 01:18:00,127 Then it's all over. 1036 01:18:06,175 --> 01:18:08,469 So basically it all comes down to... 1037 01:18:08,678 --> 01:18:11,764 ...what this one judge decides. 1038 01:18:12,932 --> 01:18:14,517 Basically, yeah. 1039 01:18:15,726 --> 01:18:17,228 Jesus. 1040 01:19:00,896 --> 01:19:03,941 Well, I'd got so used to having them come up benign. 1041 01:19:05,776 --> 01:19:08,738 Guess I just didn't expect it. 1042 01:19:09,989 --> 01:19:13,534 I sure wish I would've had longer to get used to the idea. 1043 01:19:17,121 --> 01:19:19,248 You think if you got no uterus... 1044 01:19:19,457 --> 01:19:22,877 ...and no breasts... 1045 01:19:23,085 --> 01:19:25,880 ...you're still technically a woman? 1046 01:19:27,590 --> 01:19:29,634 Sure you are. 1047 01:19:29,842 --> 01:19:31,636 Yeah, you just... 1048 01:19:31,844 --> 01:19:34,430 You're actually a happier woman. 1049 01:19:34,639 --> 01:19:37,683 No need to worry about maxi-pads and underwire. 1050 01:19:45,232 --> 01:19:47,026 We're gonna get them, aren't we? 1051 01:19:47,401 --> 01:19:50,446 You gotta promise me that we're gonna get them. 1052 01:20:06,671 --> 01:20:09,715 I have before me a complaint on behalf of residents... 1053 01:20:12,843 --> 01:20:17,014 ... of Hinkley, California, who have filed against PG&E. 1054 01:20:17,223 --> 01:20:20,226 For damages, medical expenses and personal trauma... 1055 01:20:20,434 --> 01:20:25,147 ...due to contamination of the ground water in their area by the defendant. 1056 01:20:25,856 --> 01:20:29,110 And I have here 84 motions to strike and demurrers... 1057 01:20:29,318 --> 01:20:33,280 ...submitted by representatives of Pacific Gas & Electric. 1058 01:20:33,489 --> 01:20:36,701 Each one attacking the validity of this complaint. 1059 01:20:37,576 --> 01:20:40,913 I have reviewed all of the information carefully. 1060 01:20:41,414 --> 01:20:43,499 I'm ready to give my decision. 1061 01:20:43,708 --> 01:20:46,711 Before I do, is there anything anyone wants to say? 1062 01:20:47,753 --> 01:20:50,381 - No, Your Honour. - No, Your Honour. 1063 01:20:51,549 --> 01:20:52,800 Very well. 1064 01:20:53,092 --> 01:20:57,805 In the matter of the plaintiffs of Hinkley, California vs. PG&E... 1065 01:20:58,014 --> 01:21:02,226 ...it is the order of this court that each of the 84 motions to strike... 1066 01:21:02,435 --> 01:21:05,062 ...and demurrers are denied. 1067 01:21:05,271 --> 01:21:10,109 And the causes of action against Pacific Gas and Electric are upheld. 1068 01:21:10,943 --> 01:21:12,486 On a more personal note... 1069 01:21:13,112 --> 01:21:17,158 ...as a resident here in Barstow, which is not far from Hinkley... 1070 01:21:17,366 --> 01:21:19,869 ...I am disturbed by reference... 1071 01:21:20,077 --> 01:21:24,999 ...to evidence that suggests that not only was hexavalent chromium used... 1072 01:21:25,207 --> 01:21:29,670 ...but that your clients actually sent these residents... 1073 01:21:29,879 --> 01:21:32,923 ...pamphlets telling them that it was good for them. 1074 01:21:34,175 --> 01:21:36,302 Tell your clients they're going to trial. 1075 01:21:48,064 --> 01:21:51,233 Jesus. They look like the Secret Service. 1076 01:21:52,026 --> 01:21:53,819 Intimidation. 1077 01:21:55,655 --> 01:21:57,782 Let the games begin. 1078 01:21:58,074 --> 01:22:00,284 Show them into the conference room. 1079 01:22:02,578 --> 01:22:04,330 Donald, Anna... 1080 01:22:05,539 --> 01:22:07,792 ...I wanna talk to you for a minute. 1081 01:22:12,380 --> 01:22:13,547 Counsellors. 1082 01:22:13,756 --> 01:22:14,715 Counsellors. 1083 01:22:22,264 --> 01:22:23,307 Let's be honest. 1084 01:22:23,933 --> 01:22:27,353 $20,000,000 is more than these people have ever dreamed of. 1085 01:22:28,688 --> 01:22:30,398 Now that pisses me off. 1086 01:22:31,357 --> 01:22:35,152 First of all, since the demurrer, we have more than 400 plaintiffs. 1087 01:22:35,361 --> 01:22:37,655 Let's be honest, we know there's more. 1088 01:22:37,905 --> 01:22:41,117 They may not be sophisticated, but they can divide... 1089 01:22:41,325 --> 01:22:44,245 ...and $20,000,000 isn't shit after splitting it. 1090 01:22:44,453 --> 01:22:45,538 Second of all... 1091 01:22:45,746 --> 01:22:47,707 ...they don't dream of being rich. 1092 01:22:47,915 --> 01:22:50,793 They dream about watching their kids in a pool... 1093 01:22:51,002 --> 01:22:54,588 ...without worrying that they'll have a hysterectomy at 20. 1094 01:22:54,797 --> 01:22:56,590 Like Rosa Diaz, our client. 1095 01:22:56,882 --> 01:23:01,470 Or have their spine deteriorate, like Stan Bloom, another client of ours. 1096 01:23:01,679 --> 01:23:05,516 So before you come back here with another lame-ass offer... 1097 01:23:05,725 --> 01:23:09,645 ...I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth. 1098 01:23:10,062 --> 01:23:13,232 Or what you expect someone to pay you for your uterus. 1099 01:23:13,983 --> 01:23:17,695 Then take out your calculator and multiply that number by 100. 1100 01:23:18,154 --> 01:23:21,073 Anything less than that is a waste of our time. 1101 01:23:23,451 --> 01:23:26,662 We had that water brought in special for you folks. 1102 01:23:26,871 --> 01:23:27,913 Came from Hinkley. 1103 01:23:45,181 --> 01:23:46,641 I think this meeting's over. 1104 01:23:47,141 --> 01:23:48,726 Damn right it is. 1105 01:24:25,805 --> 01:24:30,017 What the fuck? Did a bomb blow up? You letting the kids run wild? 1106 01:24:40,778 --> 01:24:41,779 What's that? 1107 01:24:52,081 --> 01:24:54,000 I saw them in a mall one day. 1108 01:24:55,543 --> 01:24:57,128 I said, " Damn... 1109 01:24:57,795 --> 01:25:00,381 ...they'll look good on those beautiful ears." 1110 01:25:02,591 --> 01:25:07,430 I bought them and I said, "When Erin does something nice, I'll surprise her." 1111 01:25:09,056 --> 01:25:11,100 You know how long ago that was? 1112 01:25:13,811 --> 01:25:14,854 Six months ago. 1113 01:25:17,440 --> 01:25:21,110 - I'm sorry, I've just... - And so what I'm thinking is... 1114 01:25:25,031 --> 01:25:28,159 Either you gotta find a different job or a different guy. 1115 01:25:30,578 --> 01:25:31,746 I mean... 1116 01:25:33,289 --> 01:25:36,959 There may be many men out there who don't mind being the maid... 1117 01:25:37,168 --> 01:25:39,837 ...and getting nothing. But I ain't one of them. 1118 01:25:42,632 --> 01:25:44,216 I can't leave my job, George. 1119 01:25:44,467 --> 01:25:45,926 Yes, you can. 1120 01:25:46,844 --> 01:25:48,763 People do it all the time. 1121 01:25:49,847 --> 01:25:51,974 How can you ask me to do that? 1122 01:25:53,684 --> 01:25:55,519 This job... 1123 01:25:57,063 --> 01:26:01,233 For the first time in my life, I got people respecting me. 1124 01:26:01,442 --> 01:26:02,902 Up in Hinkley... 1125 01:26:03,110 --> 01:26:07,448 ...I walk into a room, everybody shuts up to hear what I have to say. 1126 01:26:07,657 --> 01:26:10,743 I never had that before, ever. 1127 01:26:11,577 --> 01:26:13,579 Please, don't ask me to give it up. 1128 01:26:13,955 --> 01:26:15,581 What about your kids? 1129 01:26:16,624 --> 01:26:20,419 I'm doing more for them now than I did living with my parents. 1130 01:26:20,628 --> 01:26:22,046 One day they'll see it. 1131 01:26:22,254 --> 01:26:24,924 - Well, what about me? - What about you? 1132 01:26:29,220 --> 01:26:31,764 You think the men who gave me those children... 1133 01:26:31,973 --> 01:26:35,142 ...asked me what I wanted before walking away? 1134 01:26:35,351 --> 01:26:38,771 All I've ever done is bend my life around... 1135 01:26:38,980 --> 01:26:41,273 ...what men decide they need. 1136 01:26:41,482 --> 01:26:44,527 Well, not now. I'm sorry. I won't do it. 1137 01:26:44,735 --> 01:26:45,778 Well... 1138 01:26:46,779 --> 01:26:49,115 Erin, I'm not them. So... 1139 01:26:49,699 --> 01:26:52,076 What more can I do to prove that to you? 1140 01:26:53,244 --> 01:26:54,537 Stay. 1141 01:27:10,678 --> 01:27:12,054 What for? 1142 01:27:14,765 --> 01:27:16,267 I mean, you got a raise. 1143 01:27:16,475 --> 01:27:18,769 You can afford daycare. You don't need me. 1144 01:28:03,856 --> 01:28:05,024 Hi. 1145 01:28:21,082 --> 01:28:22,500 We can get them, Pamela. 1146 01:28:23,751 --> 01:28:25,044 We can. 1147 01:28:25,503 --> 01:28:28,381 I don't wanna feel it all over again... 1148 01:28:28,589 --> 01:28:31,300 ...and then not have it come out right. 1149 01:28:33,010 --> 01:28:35,680 I don't know if I could handle that. 1150 01:28:36,597 --> 01:28:38,599 Put the kids through that. 1151 01:28:39,308 --> 01:28:43,270 The thing is, it doesn't matter whether you win, lose or draw here. 1152 01:28:43,479 --> 01:28:48,609 You were lied to. You're sick and your kids are sick because of those lies. 1153 01:28:51,362 --> 01:28:54,073 You all have to come together... 1154 01:28:54,282 --> 01:28:56,784 ...to stand up in a courtroom and say that. 1155 01:29:02,748 --> 01:29:04,959 I'd bring the kids into the hospital... 1156 01:29:05,167 --> 01:29:09,005 ...with towels soaked from their nosebleeds. 1157 01:29:12,883 --> 01:29:17,596 They called County Services because they assumed the kids were abused. 1158 01:29:22,476 --> 01:29:25,730 Am I gonna get the best behaviour in the office? 1159 01:29:25,938 --> 01:29:27,148 No. 1160 01:29:27,356 --> 01:29:32,403 What's with the attitude? I just need cool, I need quiet. 1161 01:29:32,820 --> 01:29:35,323 Hello. Am I alone in the car? Yes? 1162 01:29:35,531 --> 01:29:39,160 - I don't understand why... - I don't wanna talk about it now. 1163 01:29:39,368 --> 01:29:41,871 - The other moms gave permission. - I don't care. 1164 01:29:42,079 --> 01:29:46,542 - So when can I get a friggin' answer? - Don't talk to me like that! 1165 01:29:46,751 --> 01:29:48,294 Randy's mom said yes. 1166 01:29:48,502 --> 01:29:52,173 Goddamn it, Randy's mom doesn't work, and his dad didn't leave her! 1167 01:29:52,381 --> 01:29:54,925 Figuring out who takes him to roller hockey... 1168 01:29:55,134 --> 01:29:58,304 ...is probably easier at Randy's house. Now cool it. 1169 01:30:03,142 --> 01:30:06,604 I'll be as quick as I can. Matthew, can you watch your sister? 1170 01:30:07,480 --> 01:30:10,441 - Matthew. - All right, fine. Come here, Beth. 1171 01:30:10,650 --> 01:30:13,653 - Can I come with you? - No, baby, I'll just be a second. 1172 01:30:49,855 --> 01:30:52,483 Thank you. I'm only sorry you couldn't meet Erin. 1173 01:30:52,692 --> 01:30:53,818 - I will. - You will. 1174 01:30:54,026 --> 01:30:56,529 We have a lot of work to do together. 1175 01:30:56,737 --> 01:30:59,615 Thanks for coming. Erin, I was just talking about you. 1176 01:30:59,824 --> 01:31:03,035 Meet our new partner, Kurt Potter. He'll handle Hinkley. 1177 01:31:03,244 --> 01:31:05,913 I see what you mean about a secret weapon. 1178 01:31:06,122 --> 01:31:09,542 Erin, it's great to meet you. You've done a fabulous job. 1179 01:31:09,750 --> 01:31:13,129 - I'll be seeing you. - Thanks, I appreciate you coming over. 1180 01:31:25,516 --> 01:31:26,350 What? 1181 01:31:26,559 --> 01:31:28,102 Our new partner? 1182 01:31:28,311 --> 01:31:30,730 When was I gonna hear about this? 1183 01:31:30,938 --> 01:31:34,525 Just listen. Did I ever tell you about that airline case? 1184 01:31:34,859 --> 01:31:36,861 What the fuck are you talking about? 1185 01:31:37,069 --> 01:31:39,822 A few years back, I was trying this airline case... 1186 01:31:40,031 --> 01:31:44,493 ...and I got my ass kicked by this guy. He buried me in paper, brutal. 1187 01:31:44,702 --> 01:31:46,871 He's the toughest I'd ever been up against. 1188 01:31:47,079 --> 01:31:48,164 Make a point! 1189 01:31:48,456 --> 01:31:50,374 It was Kurt Potter. 1190 01:31:51,167 --> 01:31:56,297 After the judge's decision, I asked him to partner, he didn't hesitate. 1191 01:31:56,547 --> 01:32:00,635 He wouldn't hesitate now, we did all the work. Where was he before? 1192 01:32:00,843 --> 01:32:03,679 Will you listen to me? It doesn't matter. 1193 01:32:03,888 --> 01:32:06,390 You wanna win this? He gave me this check. 1194 01:32:06,599 --> 01:32:08,893 It covers all our expenses to date... 1195 01:32:09,101 --> 01:32:12,438 ...and he's got more toxic tort experience than anyone. 1196 01:32:12,647 --> 01:32:13,981 This is good news! 1197 01:32:18,361 --> 01:32:19,987 I got Pamela Duncan. 1198 01:32:32,541 --> 01:32:34,877 I'll open, Mommy. 1199 01:32:35,086 --> 01:32:38,547 You wanna open the can for Mommy? Well, here, I'll help you. 1200 01:32:39,298 --> 01:32:40,716 You turn it? 1201 01:32:42,551 --> 01:32:45,388 - Hi, George. - Hi, George. Let's go see. 1202 01:33:11,872 --> 01:33:12,957 Erin Brockovich? 1203 01:33:13,666 --> 01:33:15,960 Package from Masry and Vititoe. 1204 01:33:27,179 --> 01:33:29,307 - Thank you. - Thank you. 1205 01:33:32,518 --> 01:33:34,312 - What's in here? - Baby. 1206 01:33:34,520 --> 01:33:36,814 There's no baby in here. 1207 01:33:37,481 --> 01:33:39,150 - What is it? - A dolly. 1208 01:33:39,358 --> 01:33:41,610 It's a dolly? It's... 1209 01:33:54,707 --> 01:33:55,875 Lookit. 1210 01:33:58,794 --> 01:34:00,546 " Lookit" is right. 1211 01:34:08,262 --> 01:34:09,764 Do you see that? 1212 01:34:14,143 --> 01:34:16,395 - I want that. - I want that too. 1213 01:34:16,604 --> 01:34:18,272 It's our lucky day. 1214 01:34:18,481 --> 01:34:19,982 Matthew, Katie! 1215 01:34:30,910 --> 01:34:34,288 PG&E has requested that we submit to binding arbitration. 1216 01:34:34,747 --> 01:34:36,040 What's that? 1217 01:34:38,125 --> 01:34:41,420 That's where we try the case without a jury, before a judge. 1218 01:34:41,629 --> 01:34:42,922 It's called a test trial. 1219 01:34:43,214 --> 01:34:46,258 The judge's decision is final. There's no appeal. 1220 01:34:47,385 --> 01:34:50,680 - How many plaintiffs do you have? - 634. 1221 01:34:51,681 --> 01:34:54,016 They'll never try that many all at once. 1222 01:34:54,225 --> 01:34:57,728 So we need to get them together in groups of 20 or 30. 1223 01:34:57,937 --> 01:35:02,817 Worst cases, the most life-threatened, the sickest first and so on. 1224 01:35:03,025 --> 01:35:06,404 Each one gets a go before the judge to determine damages. 1225 01:35:06,779 --> 01:35:08,781 PG&E proposes that they're liable... 1226 01:35:08,990 --> 01:35:12,785 ...anywhere between 50 and 400 million. 1227 01:35:14,287 --> 01:35:17,081 So wait a minute. Let me just get this straight. 1228 01:35:17,373 --> 01:35:18,457 If we went to trial... 1229 01:35:18,666 --> 01:35:22,753 ...PG&E could stretch this over 10 years with appeal after appeal. 1230 01:35:22,962 --> 01:35:25,840 - Those people would... - These people expect a trial. 1231 01:35:26,549 --> 01:35:30,469 That's what we told them, you and me. They won't understand this. 1232 01:35:32,763 --> 01:35:35,182 Kurt thinks it's the best way to go. 1233 01:35:44,608 --> 01:35:49,071 Look, I promise you that we'll be very sensitive on this point. 1234 01:35:49,530 --> 01:35:51,198 We'll make sure they see... 1235 01:35:51,407 --> 01:35:55,286 ...that this is the only way we can go forward at this time. 1236 01:35:55,995 --> 01:35:58,080 But we have a lot of work to do... 1237 01:35:58,664 --> 01:36:01,542 ...before we even broach that subject. 1238 01:36:03,210 --> 01:36:05,129 I'll take Erin down the hall... 1239 01:36:05,338 --> 01:36:09,884 ...so we can start on this stuff, and I'll fill her in on the details. 1240 01:36:10,593 --> 01:36:14,263 - Those are my files. - Yeah. We had them couriered over. 1241 01:36:14,722 --> 01:36:16,849 Listen, good work. They're a great start. 1242 01:36:17,058 --> 01:36:20,728 We'll just spend some time filling in the holes in your research. 1243 01:36:20,936 --> 01:36:25,816 Excuse me... Theresa, is it? There are no holes in my research. 1244 01:36:26,233 --> 01:36:29,654 There are things we need you probably didn't know to ask. 1245 01:36:30,154 --> 01:36:32,156 Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot. 1246 01:36:32,365 --> 01:36:34,659 I spent 18 months on this case... 1247 01:36:34,909 --> 01:36:38,412 ...and I know more about the plaintiffs than you ever will. 1248 01:36:39,872 --> 01:36:41,999 You don't even have phone numbers. 1249 01:36:42,416 --> 01:36:43,668 Whose number do you need? 1250 01:36:43,876 --> 01:36:47,254 Everyone's. We need to be able to contact the plaintiffs. 1251 01:36:47,713 --> 01:36:49,715 I said whose number do you need? 1252 01:36:51,133 --> 01:36:53,511 You don't know 600 numbers by heart. 1253 01:37:08,567 --> 01:37:09,777 Annabelle Daniels. 1254 01:37:09,986 --> 01:37:14,115 Annabelle Daniels. 714-454-9346. 1255 01:37:14,323 --> 01:37:17,410 Ten years old. Lived on the plume since birth. 1256 01:37:17,618 --> 01:37:22,039 Wanted to be a synchronized swimmer, so she spent every minute in the pool. 1257 01:37:22,331 --> 01:37:24,417 They detected a tumour in her brain. 1258 01:37:24,625 --> 01:37:27,545 An operation shrunk it, with radiation after that. 1259 01:37:27,795 --> 01:37:29,422 Her parents are Ted and Rita. 1260 01:37:29,630 --> 01:37:34,719 Ted's got Crohn's disease. Rita has headaches and underwent a hysterectomy. 1261 01:37:35,011 --> 01:37:38,973 Ted grew up in Hinkley. His brother and his wife and their kids... 1262 01:37:39,181 --> 01:37:43,269 ...Robbie Jr., Martha, Ed, Rose and Peter also lived on the plume. 1263 01:37:43,477 --> 01:37:45,646 Their number is 454-9554. 1264 01:37:45,896 --> 01:37:47,773 You want their diseases? 1265 01:37:53,195 --> 01:37:55,364 I think we got off on the wrong foot. 1266 01:37:55,573 --> 01:37:59,452 That's all you got, lady, two wrong feet in fucking ugly shoes. 1267 01:38:05,791 --> 01:38:09,253 - She insulted me. - Bullshit. It was a misunderstanding. 1268 01:38:09,462 --> 01:38:12,506 Instead of being polite and treating her with respect... 1269 01:38:12,715 --> 01:38:14,175 Why should I respect her? 1270 01:38:14,383 --> 01:38:19,138 Just because she's not supporting kids with no husband, she's not an idiot! 1271 01:38:19,347 --> 01:38:21,557 Just because she dresses like a lawyer... 1272 01:38:21,766 --> 01:38:25,269 ...doesn't mean she didn't work her ass off in law school. 1273 01:38:25,478 --> 01:38:27,605 Excuse me for not going to law school. 1274 01:38:27,813 --> 01:38:31,692 Law school? At this point, I'd settle for charm school! 1275 01:38:40,076 --> 01:38:41,285 Mr. Linwood! 1276 01:38:49,627 --> 01:38:51,087 Bob? 1277 01:38:55,675 --> 01:38:59,428 6086 Ridge Road... 1278 01:39:00,304 --> 01:39:03,432 ...Hinkley, California. 714... 1279 01:39:05,101 --> 01:39:06,769 ...455... 1280 01:39:07,937 --> 01:39:11,148 Okay, now, if you could walk me through... 1281 01:39:11,482 --> 01:39:16,529 ...all of the elements of Annabelle's illnesses. 1282 01:39:17,822 --> 01:39:19,490 Specific details... 1283 01:39:19,699 --> 01:39:24,578 ...when the symptoms began, prior to the first medical visit. 1284 01:39:25,788 --> 01:39:29,709 If you could reserve sentimental embellishments, I'd appreciate it... 1285 01:39:29,917 --> 01:39:32,420 ...because they won't help you in court. 1286 01:39:32,628 --> 01:39:35,756 I just need facts, dates, time. 1287 01:39:36,924 --> 01:39:40,011 I know Theresa isn't real warm, but she's a good lawyer. 1288 01:39:40,720 --> 01:39:44,515 She asks the same questions you did. I told you everything. 1289 01:39:44,724 --> 01:39:49,228 I don't want her coming to the house again. She upsets Annabelle. 1290 01:39:49,437 --> 01:39:52,189 Okay, if you don't like Theresa, that's okay. 1291 01:39:52,398 --> 01:39:55,192 You know how important Annabelle is to me. 1292 01:39:55,401 --> 01:39:57,403 Ed and I are still here for you. 1293 01:39:57,612 --> 01:40:01,657 I called Ed two days ago, Erin. He still hasn't called me back. 1294 01:40:01,866 --> 01:40:04,035 Now, I hate to say this, but... 1295 01:40:04,285 --> 01:40:07,038 ...everyone's upset about this arbitration thing. 1296 01:40:07,913 --> 01:40:09,165 What? 1297 01:40:09,373 --> 01:40:11,626 Pamela has written a letter... 1298 01:40:11,834 --> 01:40:14,337 ...telling everybody to get new lawyers. 1299 01:40:14,545 --> 01:40:15,796 That we've been lied to. 1300 01:40:16,213 --> 01:40:18,883 - Is it true? - No. 1301 01:40:19,383 --> 01:40:20,551 Did you? 1302 01:40:20,760 --> 01:40:24,930 I'm telling you the truth, and I'll get to the bottom of all of this. 1303 01:40:25,139 --> 01:40:26,599 Don't lie to us. 1304 01:40:26,807 --> 01:40:28,309 I will take care of this. 1305 01:40:28,517 --> 01:40:31,562 - Now, we're trusting you here, so... - Thanks. 1306 01:40:31,771 --> 01:40:33,814 I'll talk to you soon, okay? 1307 01:40:37,318 --> 01:40:39,570 I'm not saying it's not a strong case. 1308 01:40:39,779 --> 01:40:43,991 Otherwise, they wouldn't have dropped the demurrers. I wouldn't be here. 1309 01:40:44,200 --> 01:40:47,203 What I am saying is, we don't have a smoking gun... 1310 01:40:47,411 --> 01:40:49,497 ...that ties San Francisco to Hinkley. 1311 01:40:49,705 --> 01:40:52,959 Something that proves that prior to 1987... 1312 01:40:53,167 --> 01:40:58,047 ...PG&E Corporate knew the water was bad there and did nothing about it. 1313 01:40:59,548 --> 01:41:04,136 - Erin, I thought you took a sick day. - So did I. 1314 01:41:09,934 --> 01:41:13,062 - What's going on in there? - Meeting about the PG&E thing. 1315 01:41:13,270 --> 01:41:15,398 - Are you sure? - Yep. 1316 01:41:17,483 --> 01:41:20,611 We can find it, or we don't have a big win. 1317 01:41:21,404 --> 01:41:24,240 Can I take a brief break here for a moment? 1318 01:41:24,991 --> 01:41:26,325 I'll be right back. 1319 01:41:35,960 --> 01:41:39,463 - You told me you weren't feeling great. - Bullshit! 1320 01:41:39,672 --> 01:41:44,593 If I was on my deathbed, if it helped you, you'd drag me out of it! 1321 01:41:48,848 --> 01:41:50,266 How could you take this away from me? 1322 01:41:50,474 --> 01:41:54,437 - Nobody's taking anything. - Bullshit! You stuck me in Siberia! 1323 01:41:54,687 --> 01:41:59,358 Dictating to some goddamned clerk so you could finish this without me. 1324 01:41:59,567 --> 01:42:01,360 They screwed up, Erin! 1325 01:42:01,569 --> 01:42:03,904 They screwed up and they admit it. 1326 01:42:04,155 --> 01:42:05,906 The arbitration proposal... 1327 01:42:06,157 --> 01:42:09,910 ...could've been written in Sanskrit, for all the sense it made. 1328 01:42:10,119 --> 01:42:15,124 I know. I spoke to Ted. Pamela Duncan wouldn't even get on the phone with me! 1329 01:42:15,333 --> 01:42:17,627 Pamela made everybody mad with that letter. 1330 01:42:17,835 --> 01:42:19,295 She called us thieves. 1331 01:42:19,503 --> 01:42:21,547 - The whole thing's falling apart. - Why? 1332 01:42:21,756 --> 01:42:25,635 Because before we go to arbitration, the plaintiffs must agree! 1333 01:42:25,843 --> 01:42:29,096 - How many? - Usually they require about 70%. 1334 01:42:29,305 --> 01:42:32,850 PG&E is demanding 90. In other words, everybody. 1335 01:42:33,059 --> 01:42:35,144 Do you understand? This is serious. 1336 01:42:35,353 --> 01:42:37,772 And, what, Ed? I'm not serious? 1337 01:42:37,980 --> 01:42:40,024 You're emotional, you're erratic. 1338 01:42:40,232 --> 01:42:43,361 You say anything, you make this personal, and it isn't. 1339 01:42:43,653 --> 01:42:45,154 Not personal? 1340 01:42:45,363 --> 01:42:46,906 That is my work! 1341 01:42:47,114 --> 01:42:49,325 My sweat! My time away from my kids! 1342 01:42:49,533 --> 01:42:52,578 If that's not personal, I don't know what is. 1343 01:42:58,793 --> 01:43:00,461 Hey, come on. 1344 01:43:00,670 --> 01:43:01,963 Come on. 1345 01:43:03,047 --> 01:43:05,049 Go home. Get well. 1346 01:43:05,257 --> 01:43:07,802 Because you're no good to me sick. 1347 01:43:08,594 --> 01:43:10,513 I need you, all right? 1348 01:43:11,222 --> 01:43:13,224 This case needs you. 1349 01:43:15,935 --> 01:43:17,812 Did you tell them that? 1350 01:43:43,337 --> 01:43:46,465 Binding arbitration isn't that different from a trial. 1351 01:43:46,674 --> 01:43:51,053 It's overseen by a judge. Evidence is presented in much the same way. 1352 01:43:51,262 --> 01:43:52,888 And then a jury decides? 1353 01:43:53,389 --> 01:43:58,311 Sorry, I forgot to mention that there's no jury in binding arbitration. 1354 01:43:58,519 --> 01:44:00,313 No jury and no appeal. 1355 01:44:02,231 --> 01:44:05,067 What option do we have if we don't like the result? 1356 01:44:05,276 --> 01:44:07,361 None. The judge's decision is final. 1357 01:44:07,570 --> 01:44:08,487 Not a good answer. 1358 01:44:08,696 --> 01:44:11,699 No, but we don't anticipate that being a problem. 1359 01:44:11,907 --> 01:44:13,451 As I already told you... 1360 01:44:13,909 --> 01:44:17,580 ...it's definitely between 50 and 400,000,000 dollars. 1361 01:44:17,913 --> 01:44:20,166 Well, which? There's a big difference. 1362 01:44:20,374 --> 01:44:22,376 I wouldn't like to speculate. 1363 01:44:23,919 --> 01:44:27,673 - Well, how does it get divided? - Yeah, who gets what? 1364 01:44:30,593 --> 01:44:35,222 My medical bills started two years ago, before some of the other people here. 1365 01:44:35,431 --> 01:44:38,517 My daughter was in and out of hospitals more than his. 1366 01:44:38,726 --> 01:44:41,437 It shouldn't matter when it started. 1367 01:44:42,772 --> 01:44:45,149 People, listen, please! 1368 01:44:45,358 --> 01:44:49,946 The point we have to address tonight is getting everyone to agree... 1369 01:44:50,154 --> 01:44:53,199 ...that binding arbitration is better than a trial... 1370 01:44:53,407 --> 01:44:56,953 ...that could go on for 10 years before you see any money. 1371 01:44:57,161 --> 01:45:00,456 Maybe some of us wanna wait 10 years! 1372 01:45:04,251 --> 01:45:07,463 Everyone has to agree, or no one has a chance! 1373 01:45:08,005 --> 01:45:13,010 Those of you about to leave, I'd like 1978! 1374 01:45:13,219 --> 01:45:16,514 That's the year of the Love Canal controversy. 1375 01:45:16,722 --> 01:45:19,058 They're still waiting for their money! 1376 01:45:19,266 --> 01:45:22,561 Think about where you'll be in 15 or 20 years. 1377 01:45:29,402 --> 01:45:32,738 Now, look, everyone. Is this a big decision? 1378 01:45:33,030 --> 01:45:38,077 Absolutely! But I do not believe this is a sell-out. 1379 01:45:38,411 --> 01:45:41,372 This is the best shot to get everyone some money now. 1380 01:45:43,666 --> 01:45:46,002 You and I both know... 1381 01:45:46,711 --> 01:45:50,172 ...there are people in this room who can't afford to wait. 1382 01:45:51,465 --> 01:45:52,675 To take that chance. 1383 01:45:53,843 --> 01:45:55,678 Are you gonna make them wait? 1384 01:46:02,685 --> 01:46:04,645 So how many altogether? 1385 01:46:06,605 --> 01:46:11,402 We got just about everybody that came here, but it leaves us about 150 short. 1386 01:46:11,611 --> 01:46:13,195 Oh, shit. 1387 01:46:15,156 --> 01:46:16,949 We'll have to go door-to-door. 1388 01:46:19,535 --> 01:46:21,662 I gotta go pick up my kids. 1389 01:46:25,916 --> 01:46:28,002 - You need a hand with that? - No. 1390 01:46:34,425 --> 01:46:35,384 You did good. 1391 01:46:37,178 --> 01:46:38,638 We'll see. 1392 01:47:13,464 --> 01:47:14,924 Thanks for coming. 1393 01:47:20,012 --> 01:47:24,517 Don't take them anywhere on your bike. I'll give you money for a cab. 1394 01:47:25,184 --> 01:47:26,394 I got money. 1395 01:47:27,103 --> 01:47:29,105 So how long is this gonna take? 1396 01:47:32,233 --> 01:47:33,901 I don't know. A few days. 1397 01:47:35,403 --> 01:47:37,029 Got your own room. 1398 01:47:49,750 --> 01:47:51,460 I am really sorry, George. 1399 01:47:53,879 --> 01:47:55,006 Have the kids eaten? 1400 01:47:58,759 --> 01:47:59,760 No. 1401 01:49:07,370 --> 01:49:10,331 Wanna get some pancakes? Come on, let's go. 1402 01:49:10,539 --> 01:49:14,043 Everybody up today. 1403 01:49:14,251 --> 01:49:15,670 All right. 1404 01:49:16,003 --> 01:49:17,213 Come on, baby. 1405 01:49:17,421 --> 01:49:19,840 - What time is it? - It's early. 1406 01:49:20,091 --> 01:49:22,760 We're taking your car to go get breakfast. 1407 01:49:24,303 --> 01:49:27,765 - No, I need my car. - We'll be back in a minute. 1408 01:49:28,975 --> 01:49:30,476 Get some sleep. 1409 01:49:31,310 --> 01:49:34,855 Matt, buddy. Put that down. Let's go. 1410 01:49:35,064 --> 01:49:36,732 I'll be there in a minute. 1411 01:49:38,901 --> 01:49:42,571 Let's go get some pancakes, girly. Come on. 1412 01:49:51,872 --> 01:49:53,040 Don't play with that. 1413 01:49:53,249 --> 01:49:57,461 It took me so long to get organized. Would you put that back, please? 1414 01:49:57,670 --> 01:49:59,547 This girl's the same age as me. 1415 01:50:05,094 --> 01:50:06,304 Is she sick? 1416 01:50:10,266 --> 01:50:13,185 She is, but that's why I'm helping her. 1417 01:50:13,394 --> 01:50:15,146 We'll make her feel better. 1418 01:50:15,813 --> 01:50:17,815 Why can't her own mama help her? 1419 01:50:21,027 --> 01:50:22,987 Because she's real sick too. 1420 01:50:36,876 --> 01:50:39,086 I'll bring you back some breakfast. 1421 01:50:40,171 --> 01:50:41,589 You want eggs? 1422 01:50:44,383 --> 01:50:45,968 Eggs would be great. 1423 01:50:54,894 --> 01:50:56,604 Eggs would be perfect. 1424 01:52:07,341 --> 01:52:10,344 - Hey, Matt. - Hey, Erin. How are you? 1425 01:52:13,514 --> 01:52:15,808 - You been at this all day? - Yeah. 1426 01:52:16,058 --> 01:52:18,477 - You want some coffee? - I'd love some. 1427 01:52:18,686 --> 01:52:20,896 - I'll make a fresh pot. - Thanks. 1428 01:52:47,757 --> 01:52:49,467 Don't I know you? 1429 01:52:49,759 --> 01:52:50,801 I don't think so. 1430 01:52:51,010 --> 01:52:53,846 Sure, you were at the barbecue in Hinkley. 1431 01:52:54,096 --> 01:52:55,931 And at the town meeting. 1432 01:52:57,266 --> 01:52:59,060 I was watching you. 1433 01:53:00,728 --> 01:53:02,605 I had my eye on you. 1434 01:53:05,066 --> 01:53:06,359 Nice. 1435 01:53:06,609 --> 01:53:10,696 You were talking to everybody and writing down a lot of stuff. 1436 01:53:10,947 --> 01:53:15,743 When I saw you, I said to myself, "There's something about her. 1437 01:53:16,869 --> 01:53:19,163 I really like that girl." 1438 01:53:21,040 --> 01:53:23,918 - Matt, can I get that coffee to go? - Sure thing. 1439 01:53:27,463 --> 01:53:29,924 I feel like I can talk to you too. 1440 01:53:31,258 --> 01:53:34,720 Like you're the type of person I could say anything to. 1441 01:53:36,597 --> 01:53:37,848 - Here you go. - Great. 1442 01:53:38,099 --> 01:53:39,141 What do I owe you? 1443 01:53:39,392 --> 01:53:42,103 - There's no charge. - Thanks, Matt. 1444 01:53:42,353 --> 01:53:45,147 Well, nice talking to you. 1445 01:53:45,356 --> 01:53:49,860 Would it be important if, when I worked at the plant, I destroyed documents? 1446 01:53:55,783 --> 01:53:57,243 Maybe. 1447 01:53:59,203 --> 01:54:00,496 What's your name? 1448 01:54:01,163 --> 01:54:02,873 Charles Embry. 1449 01:54:03,332 --> 01:54:05,167 Charles. Erin. 1450 01:54:05,459 --> 01:54:06,919 Nice to meet you. 1451 01:54:09,422 --> 01:54:13,634 Can you excuse me for a quick... I'm just gonna run to the... 1452 01:54:28,190 --> 01:54:29,525 Oh, come on. 1453 01:54:31,527 --> 01:54:34,822 Oh, you fucking piece of crap with no signal! 1454 01:54:35,072 --> 01:54:36,449 Fuck! 1455 01:54:54,216 --> 01:54:55,593 Ed. Ed, oh, my God. 1456 01:54:55,968 --> 01:54:59,305 This guy said he destroyed records. He worked there. 1457 01:54:59,555 --> 01:55:00,431 Slow down. 1458 01:55:00,681 --> 01:55:03,476 I'm trying to relax. This Charles Embry... 1459 01:55:03,726 --> 01:55:05,269 - Who? - Charles Embry. 1460 01:55:05,519 --> 01:55:08,397 I thought he was trying to kill me or pick me up... 1461 01:55:08,648 --> 01:55:12,109 ... but why would he use that, say that? It's crazy. 1462 01:55:14,779 --> 01:55:18,741 Shit. Go back and see if he'll make a declaration. 1463 01:55:18,991 --> 01:55:20,034 A declaration. 1464 01:55:20,242 --> 01:55:22,453 But be careful. Don't scare him off. 1465 01:55:23,037 --> 01:55:25,706 And stay calm. Stay calm. 1466 01:55:25,957 --> 01:55:29,085 If it weren't for you, I'd be in Palm Springs now. 1467 01:55:29,335 --> 01:55:31,754 You're good at talking people into things. 1468 01:55:32,004 --> 01:55:36,926 Don't pepper him with questions. Don't do that. Just... 1469 01:55:37,134 --> 01:55:40,972 People wanna tell their story. Just let him talk. Let him... 1470 01:55:41,222 --> 01:55:43,933 ... do all the talking. All right? 1471 01:55:48,562 --> 01:55:50,273 Oh, sorry. 1472 01:55:54,735 --> 01:55:56,946 Would you like another beer, or... 1473 01:56:05,579 --> 01:56:07,581 My cousin passed away yesterday. 1474 01:56:10,918 --> 01:56:12,503 He had kidney tumours... 1475 01:56:12,753 --> 01:56:16,757 ...no colon, his intestines were eaten away. 1476 01:56:16,966 --> 01:56:18,843 Forty-one years old. 1477 01:56:20,303 --> 01:56:22,513 I remember seeing him over at the plant. 1478 01:56:22,763 --> 01:56:25,975 He'd be cleaning the cooling towers, wearing... 1479 01:56:26,225 --> 01:56:28,019 What do you call them? 1480 01:56:28,227 --> 01:56:31,105 - A mask? - Yeah, doctors' masks. 1481 01:56:32,481 --> 01:56:35,526 And it'd be soaked in red from the nosebleeds. 1482 01:56:49,081 --> 01:56:51,208 I was working in the compressor. 1483 01:56:51,459 --> 01:56:55,046 The supervisor calls me 1484 01:56:55,296 --> 01:56:57,048 "We'll give you a shredder... 1485 01:56:57,298 --> 01:57:00,968 ...and send you to the warehouse to shred the documents we stored." 1486 01:57:03,304 --> 01:57:04,847 He say why? 1487 01:57:05,848 --> 01:57:08,851 Nope. And I didn't ask. 1488 01:57:12,855 --> 01:57:15,358 Did you look at the stuff you destroyed? 1489 01:57:15,608 --> 01:57:18,402 It was a lot of dull vacation schedules and stuff. 1490 01:57:20,029 --> 01:57:23,824 Then there were memos about the holding ponds, the water in them. 1491 01:57:24,075 --> 01:57:28,537 And readings from the test wells, stuff like that. 1492 01:57:32,625 --> 01:57:34,961 You were told to destroy those? 1493 01:57:35,294 --> 01:57:36,379 That's right. 1494 01:57:38,881 --> 01:57:40,841 Course, as it turns out... 1495 01:57:41,092 --> 01:57:43,970 ...I wasn't a very good employee. 1496 01:58:00,361 --> 01:58:02,071 - Good morning! - Morning. 1497 01:58:02,697 --> 01:58:04,782 Ed. Erin, what's this? 1498 01:58:05,700 --> 01:58:08,119 - May I? - Yep. Go ahead. 1499 01:58:08,327 --> 01:58:10,955 Well, you know what, Mr. Potter? 1500 01:58:11,205 --> 01:58:14,166 We completely forgot your birthday this year. 1501 01:58:14,417 --> 01:58:18,129 Seeing as how you've been so good to me, it's a terrible oversight. 1502 01:58:18,379 --> 01:58:22,425 So Ed and I have been putting together a present for you. 1503 01:58:22,675 --> 01:58:24,635 Six-hundred and thirty-four. 1504 01:58:25,094 --> 01:58:26,679 They're signed, every one. 1505 01:58:27,596 --> 01:58:28,973 Holy shit. 1506 01:58:29,181 --> 01:58:31,892 Now, don't go getting jealous, Theresa. 1507 01:58:32,143 --> 01:58:33,728 We have something for you. 1508 01:58:34,270 --> 01:58:37,523 Internal PG&E documents, all about the contamination. 1509 01:58:37,773 --> 01:58:39,483 The one I like best says... 1510 01:58:39,734 --> 01:58:43,529 ...l'm paraphrasing here, but it says, "The water's poisonous... 1511 01:58:43,779 --> 01:58:47,366 ...but it's best if this wasn't discussed with the neighbours." 1512 01:58:47,617 --> 01:58:50,077 It's to Hinkley from PG&E headquarters. 1513 01:58:50,328 --> 01:58:53,122 Stamp received March 1966. 1514 01:58:57,501 --> 01:58:59,086 How did you do this? 1515 01:59:00,546 --> 01:59:03,841 Seeing as how I have no brains or legal expertise... 1516 01:59:04,091 --> 01:59:06,010 ...and Ed was losing all faith. 1517 01:59:06,260 --> 01:59:07,803 Completely. No faith. 1518 01:59:08,054 --> 01:59:12,850 I went out there and performed sexual favours. 634 blowjobs in five days. 1519 01:59:19,607 --> 01:59:21,525 I'm really quite tired. 1520 01:59:22,234 --> 01:59:23,611 Oh, thank you. 1521 01:59:49,971 --> 01:59:52,014 Why did you want me to come? 1522 01:59:53,641 --> 01:59:56,352 I wanna show you what you helped to do. 1523 02:00:23,963 --> 02:00:25,965 - How are you feeling today? - Good. 1524 02:00:26,340 --> 02:00:28,968 - It's a good day. - Oh, I'm glad. 1525 02:00:29,468 --> 02:00:31,178 Well, come on in. 1526 02:00:31,971 --> 02:00:34,598 What a nice surprise this is. 1527 02:00:37,184 --> 02:00:38,227 Donna. 1528 02:00:41,439 --> 02:00:46,444 I wanted to come out here instead of calling... 1529 02:00:46,694 --> 02:00:49,739 ...because the judge came back with a number. 1530 02:00:56,579 --> 02:01:00,958 For the whole group, or for us? 1531 02:01:01,709 --> 02:01:03,085 Both. 1532 02:01:04,337 --> 02:01:08,924 He's gonna make them pay 333 million. 1533 02:01:12,887 --> 02:01:15,097 - And... - Oh, my God. 1534 02:01:17,516 --> 02:01:21,020 He's gonna make them give 5 million of that to your family. 1535 02:01:22,980 --> 02:01:24,273 Five million dollars? 1536 02:01:24,565 --> 02:01:26,233 Five million dollars. 1537 02:01:29,820 --> 02:01:32,698 I don't even know how much money that is. 1538 02:01:33,199 --> 02:01:37,745 Well, it's enough. It's enough for whatever you could ever need... 1539 02:01:37,995 --> 02:01:43,125 ...or what your girls need, or your girls' girls. It'll be enough. 1540 02:01:43,376 --> 02:01:46,504 Oh, Erin. Oh, God. 1541 02:01:49,048 --> 02:01:51,676 Thank you so much. 1542 02:01:55,262 --> 02:01:56,681 It's okay. 1543 02:02:01,602 --> 02:02:04,105 I don't know what I'd have done without you. 1544 02:02:05,273 --> 02:02:06,899 It's a good day. 1545 02:02:07,942 --> 02:02:10,444 This is too much. 1546 02:02:21,122 --> 02:02:24,834 Masry and Vititoe, can I...? Shoot! 1547 02:02:28,462 --> 02:02:30,172 Delivery for Ed Masry. 1548 02:02:30,423 --> 02:02:33,009 Last office down the corridor, on the right. 1549 02:02:33,259 --> 02:02:34,635 Thank you. 1550 02:02:34,885 --> 02:02:36,637 Masry and Vititoe... 1551 02:02:36,846 --> 02:02:37,888 Damn it! 1552 02:02:38,097 --> 02:02:41,517 Does anyone know anything about these phones? 1553 02:02:46,147 --> 02:02:48,691 Everybody loves the desk... 1554 02:02:48,941 --> 02:02:51,527 ...you picked out for me. It's great. 1555 02:02:52,486 --> 02:02:56,115 Guess who's on the cover of Los Angeles Lawyer magazine? 1556 02:02:56,365 --> 02:02:58,367 Talk to you later, baby. Bye. 1557 02:03:03,289 --> 02:03:04,874 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 1558 02:03:19,847 --> 02:03:23,434 I'd rather walk her through this in person, to show her... 1559 02:03:23,643 --> 02:03:26,395 ...visual aids, documents and stuff. 1560 02:03:26,646 --> 02:03:29,899 Tell her I won't take up too much of her time. 1561 02:03:33,945 --> 02:03:37,615 It's a little more complicated than Hinkley, so let me do that. 1562 02:03:39,784 --> 02:03:42,036 Say I'm not a lawyer. That may help. 1563 02:03:43,079 --> 02:03:44,121 Great. 1564 02:03:44,372 --> 02:03:47,833 Why don't you give me the address now? Just in case. 1565 02:03:52,088 --> 02:03:55,549 All right. Thanks so much. Bye. 1566 02:03:55,841 --> 02:03:57,259 What's up? 1567 02:03:58,719 --> 02:04:00,680 I have your bonus check. 1568 02:04:04,517 --> 02:04:06,352 I want you to be prepared. 1569 02:04:08,771 --> 02:04:11,357 The figure's not exactly what we discussed. 1570 02:04:15,236 --> 02:04:16,779 Why not? 1571 02:04:16,988 --> 02:04:20,866 Because, after careful consideration, I felt... 1572 02:04:22,076 --> 02:04:25,288 ...that figure was not appropriate. 1573 02:04:26,914 --> 02:04:28,708 Although you may not agree... 1574 02:04:29,625 --> 02:04:31,377 ...you have to trust my... 1575 02:04:31,836 --> 02:04:34,380 Trust? You want me to trust you? 1576 02:04:34,630 --> 02:04:37,383 Don't use big words you don't understand. 1577 02:04:37,842 --> 02:04:40,553 - It's a complicated issue... - I did a job. 1578 02:04:40,803 --> 02:04:43,973 You should reward me accordingly. It's not complicated. 1579 02:04:44,223 --> 02:04:48,728 All you lawyers do is complicate situations that aren't complicated. 1580 02:04:49,103 --> 02:04:52,064 Do you know why people think lawyers are scumbags? 1581 02:04:52,273 --> 02:04:55,818 Because they are. I can't believe you're doing this to me... 1582 02:04:56,027 --> 02:04:58,237 ...when I'm up to my ass in Kettleman plaintiffs... 1583 02:04:58,446 --> 02:05:00,990 ...which looks to be double the amount of Hinkley. 1584 02:05:01,198 --> 02:05:05,536 You expect me to leave my kids with strangers, knock on doors... 1585 02:05:05,745 --> 02:05:08,539 ...get these people to trust you, and you're screwing me! 1586 02:05:10,416 --> 02:05:13,085 I want you to know, it's not about the number! 1587 02:05:13,336 --> 02:05:15,630 It is about the way my work is valued. 1588 02:05:15,880 --> 02:05:18,549 No matter what I do, you're not... 1589 02:05:23,846 --> 02:05:25,640 As I was saying... 1590 02:05:26,432 --> 02:05:30,853 ...I decided that the figure you proposed... 1591 02:05:31,103 --> 02:05:33,564 ...was inappropriate. 1592 02:05:33,773 --> 02:05:35,107 So I increased it. 1593 02:05:46,327 --> 02:05:49,872 Do they teach beauty queens how to apologize? 1594 02:05:50,122 --> 02:05:52,959 Because you suck at it.