1 00:00:50,008 --> 00:00:54,303 CHEEKY 2 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:32,622 - Are you ItaIian? - From Venice. How did you know? 3 00:05:32,749 --> 00:05:36,501 I was married to an ItaIian and you speak EngIish Iike him. 4 00:05:37,628 --> 00:05:41,256 - Are you Iooking for a house? - A IittIe flat, reaIIy. 5 00:05:41,382 --> 00:05:43,759 Something cheap. For four weeks. 6 00:05:43,885 --> 00:05:46,970 - In which area? - Near the Hyde Park HoteI if possibIe. 7 00:05:47,096 --> 00:05:51,850 I work there, on the reception desk. I'm staying in a IittIe room in the attic. 8 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:55,270 - And you're not happy with it? - No, it's fine for me. 9 00:05:55,396 --> 00:05:58,607 But my boyfriend's coming in ten days for a fuII immersion... 10 00:05:58,733 --> 00:06:02,361 - Serious reIationship? - WeII, kind of. 11 00:06:03,446 --> 00:06:04,488 I see. 12 00:06:04,614 --> 00:06:08,700 You're Iooking for a flat for a fuII sexuaI immersion. 13 00:06:10,995 --> 00:06:12,454 If onIy! 14 00:06:13,664 --> 00:06:17,793 I think I'II be abIe to heIp you. Not where you want, though. 15 00:06:17,919 --> 00:06:19,586 - ReaIIy? - No. 16 00:06:19,712 --> 00:06:22,172 - Where, then? - Come with me. 17 00:06:22,298 --> 00:06:24,424 I'II show you. 18 00:06:29,180 --> 00:06:32,724 We're in CheIsea and your hoteI's here, in Knightsbridge. 19 00:06:32,850 --> 00:06:35,852 I've got a Ioft overIooking the Thames, in the DockIands. 20 00:06:35,978 --> 00:06:37,896 It's not far from the Hyde Park HoteI. 21 00:06:38,022 --> 00:06:40,941 It takes no time at aII on the Underground. 22 00:06:41,067 --> 00:06:43,610 - Where, exactIy? - Here. 23 00:06:45,071 --> 00:06:49,991 - Did you get an eIectric shock? - No, I've just got sensitive nippIes. 24 00:06:50,118 --> 00:06:53,495 - Lucky him. What's his name? - Who? 25 00:06:53,621 --> 00:06:55,914 The boy who's coming to London to see you. 26 00:06:56,040 --> 00:06:57,958 Matteo. 27 00:06:58,084 --> 00:07:03,338 It's a shame he's coming. You couId have stayed with me for free. 28 00:07:03,464 --> 00:07:06,967 There's a Iot more room in my house now that I'm on my own. 29 00:07:07,969 --> 00:07:10,554 - Can I go and see it? - Yes, but not today. 30 00:07:10,680 --> 00:07:12,347 There's nobody eIse here. 31 00:07:13,307 --> 00:07:15,851 - And how much is it? - That depends on you. 32 00:07:15,977 --> 00:07:18,812 Is he a good kisser, at Ieast? 33 00:07:21,607 --> 00:07:23,108 He's not bad. 34 00:07:23,234 --> 00:07:26,319 Men have no idea about what women Iike. 35 00:07:26,946 --> 00:07:28,029 Matteo reaIIy... 36 00:07:28,906 --> 00:07:30,073 That's boIIocks. 37 00:07:30,199 --> 00:07:33,410 They're aII the same. They onIy think about themseIves. 38 00:07:33,536 --> 00:07:36,371 No, Moira. PIease. 39 00:07:36,497 --> 00:07:39,374 Why not? I know you Iike it. 40 00:07:40,084 --> 00:07:45,255 Be honest, you IittIe sexpot. Do you go out with no pants in Venice? 41 00:07:45,965 --> 00:07:47,883 I'm a bit aIIergic... 42 00:07:51,012 --> 00:07:53,680 You're aII wet Iike your home town. 43 00:08:08,070 --> 00:08:10,155 That's enough, Moira. Stop it. 44 00:08:10,281 --> 00:08:12,491 - I don't want to do it. - Liar. 45 00:08:19,916 --> 00:08:22,834 See you tomorrow to go and Iook at the Ioft? 46 00:08:22,960 --> 00:08:24,753 AII right. When? 47 00:08:26,881 --> 00:08:28,340 Ten o'cIock, here. 48 00:08:28,466 --> 00:08:32,052 - What's your name, by the way? - CarIa Borin. 49 00:08:33,012 --> 00:08:35,096 CarIa. That's a nice name. 50 00:08:35,223 --> 00:08:37,849 CarIa from Venice. 51 00:08:38,351 --> 00:08:40,060 Thank you. 52 00:08:40,186 --> 00:08:42,437 See you tomorrow. 53 00:08:51,572 --> 00:08:53,240 These diagrams are such a drag. 54 00:08:53,366 --> 00:08:55,825 Do you know what aII these curves remind me of? 55 00:08:55,952 --> 00:08:57,327 TeII me about it! 56 00:08:57,453 --> 00:09:00,664 What we need is a good shag to reIax before the exams. 57 00:09:00,790 --> 00:09:02,415 You couId aIways have a wank. 58 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:04,960 I've aIready done that, my friend. 59 00:09:05,086 --> 00:09:06,878 I thought about that sIut GiuIia. 60 00:09:07,004 --> 00:09:09,047 BIoody heII, she gives me a reaI hard-on. 61 00:09:09,173 --> 00:09:10,799 GiuIia? PaoIo's girIfriend? 62 00:09:10,925 --> 00:09:13,969 OfficiaIIy PaoIo's but actuaIIy everybody's. 63 00:09:14,095 --> 00:09:15,762 Does PaoIo know? 64 00:09:15,888 --> 00:09:18,932 He's the onIy one who doesn't. At Ieast he pretends not to. 65 00:09:19,058 --> 00:09:22,185 Be honest, Matteo, you've thought about her too. 66 00:09:22,311 --> 00:09:25,522 - I onIy think about CarIa. - Even when you wank? 67 00:09:26,232 --> 00:09:29,985 - EspeciaIIy when I wank. - ReaIIy? How do you imagine her? 68 00:09:31,404 --> 00:09:34,239 Just normaI. Naked, her on top and me underneath. 69 00:09:34,365 --> 00:09:36,241 Where's your imagination? 70 00:09:36,367 --> 00:09:39,786 You couId imagine her doing it doggy-styIe with an EngIish guy. 71 00:09:39,912 --> 00:09:41,580 Why with somebody eIse? 72 00:09:42,999 --> 00:09:44,874 When you're not having any sex... 73 00:09:45,001 --> 00:09:47,627 Sorry, but how Iong has CarIa been in London? 74 00:09:50,089 --> 00:09:52,173 A month, more or Iess. 75 00:09:53,676 --> 00:09:56,469 You think someone can go for a month without shagging? 76 00:09:57,471 --> 00:09:59,347 You're obsessed with sex. 77 00:09:59,473 --> 00:10:02,475 It's different for women. Emotions are more important. 78 00:10:02,602 --> 00:10:06,187 BoIIocks. They're just bigger Iiars than us and better at faking it. 79 00:10:06,314 --> 00:10:09,649 Don't you beIieve it. They get wet first and then they faII in Iove. 80 00:10:09,775 --> 00:10:12,152 Stop it. Not aII of them. 81 00:10:12,278 --> 00:10:17,449 AII of them. That's why I Iike them, because they're aII whores. 82 00:10:23,122 --> 00:10:25,040 - HeIIo? - Hi, darling, it's me. 83 00:10:25,166 --> 00:10:26,541 CarIa. 84 00:10:26,667 --> 00:10:28,084 Aren't you pleased to hear from me? 85 00:10:28,210 --> 00:10:30,253 Of course I am. ReaIIy pIeased. 86 00:10:30,379 --> 00:10:32,964 - Why are you caIIing? - Because l miss you. 87 00:10:33,090 --> 00:10:34,633 What is it? You sound strange. 88 00:10:34,759 --> 00:10:38,511 It's just that I wasn't expecting you to caII. 89 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:42,849 - TeII me about London. - lt's beautiful. So beautiful. 90 00:10:42,975 --> 00:10:46,144 - What's wrong? - Nothing. I'm keeping in shape for you. 91 00:10:46,270 --> 00:10:48,480 I'm working out on an exercise bike. 92 00:10:49,982 --> 00:10:52,567 Matteo, I can't wait for you to come. 93 00:10:52,693 --> 00:10:54,861 lt's not long now. Have you found a flat? 94 00:10:54,987 --> 00:10:58,782 That's why I'm caIIing. I'm seeing one tomorrow by the Thames. 95 00:10:58,908 --> 00:11:01,159 By the Thames? Won't it be expensive? 96 00:11:01,744 --> 00:11:05,080 Moira wiII give me preferentiaI treatment. 97 00:11:05,998 --> 00:11:07,457 Who's Moira? 98 00:11:07,917 --> 00:11:10,460 She owns the estate agency that's renting it out. 99 00:11:10,586 --> 00:11:13,630 - She's got a soft spot for me. - A soft spot? 100 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:17,550 I think she's a Iesbian and she wants to go to bed with me. 101 00:11:17,677 --> 00:11:19,844 Go to bed with you? Are you crazy, Carla? 102 00:11:19,970 --> 00:11:22,681 No. I'm just horny. 103 00:11:23,974 --> 00:11:26,851 - Can you hear me, Matteo? - Yes, I can hear you. 104 00:11:26,977 --> 00:11:29,854 - Has she tried it on aIready? - No. 105 00:11:29,980 --> 00:11:34,526 But hurry up and come over. I've had enough of being on my own. 106 00:11:34,652 --> 00:11:36,778 Swear to me nothing's happened. 107 00:11:36,904 --> 00:11:39,030 Matteo, you're such a bore. 108 00:11:39,156 --> 00:11:42,992 You know that sex doesn't even exist for me when you're not there. 109 00:11:43,119 --> 00:11:46,204 So why do you think that she wants to go to bed with you? 110 00:11:46,330 --> 00:11:49,416 WeII, you know how it is. 111 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:53,545 Women understand each other where certain things are concerned. 112 00:11:53,671 --> 00:11:57,173 - Are you telling me the truth, Carla? - Of course I am, you idiot. 113 00:11:57,299 --> 00:11:58,967 Do me a favour, darIing. 114 00:12:01,178 --> 00:12:03,054 Before you Ieave, caII in at my house 115 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:06,182 and get my mum to give you my pants with the butterfly on them 116 00:12:06,308 --> 00:12:08,184 and "The Interpretation of Dreams". 117 00:12:08,310 --> 00:12:13,523 Even though the interpretation is aIways sex, I'm reaIIy missing that book. 118 00:12:13,649 --> 00:12:17,610 - More than me? - WeII, you can aIways be repIaced. 119 00:12:17,737 --> 00:12:19,112 By Moira, maybe. 120 00:12:19,238 --> 00:12:21,781 Be honest. Has anything happened between you? 121 00:12:21,907 --> 00:12:25,160 My card's running out. Come, Matteo. 122 00:12:25,286 --> 00:12:27,412 PIease hurry. 123 00:12:27,538 --> 00:12:29,414 I need you. 124 00:12:51,437 --> 00:12:53,646 Speak of the deviI and horns appear. 125 00:12:54,565 --> 00:12:55,815 Fuck off. 126 00:12:55,941 --> 00:12:59,986 Statistics say 98 per cent of women 127 00:13:00,112 --> 00:13:02,197 cheat on their partner when they're on hoIiday. 128 00:13:05,534 --> 00:13:07,410 CarIa's not on hoIiday. 129 00:13:28,849 --> 00:13:30,099 - Is it here? - No. 130 00:13:30,226 --> 00:13:34,646 The taxi can onIy come this far. The entrance is on Riverside WaIk. 131 00:14:13,477 --> 00:14:17,063 - It's beautifuI. - I'm gIad you Iike it. 132 00:14:17,189 --> 00:14:19,274 The bathroom's over there. 133 00:14:24,280 --> 00:14:29,826 I'm sure Matteo wiII Iike it. I wonder how much it costs. 134 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:32,161 Matteo? 135 00:14:33,247 --> 00:14:35,748 Oh, yeah, your boyfriend. 136 00:14:36,667 --> 00:14:39,085 Don't worry about the price. 137 00:14:39,211 --> 00:14:41,212 I'm sure we'II come to an agreement. 138 00:14:50,347 --> 00:14:52,348 I'II take it, then. 139 00:14:56,020 --> 00:14:59,731 - I dreamt about you Iast night. - ReaIIy? 140 00:15:00,941 --> 00:15:02,567 You were naked. 141 00:15:02,693 --> 00:15:05,486 ReaIIy? What was I doing naked? 142 00:15:06,196 --> 00:15:09,115 You were riding a mare bareback and sweating. 143 00:15:10,576 --> 00:15:13,244 Freud wouId interpret that as sex. 144 00:15:15,456 --> 00:15:18,875 - I Iike you, CarIa. - What are you doing? 145 00:15:19,001 --> 00:15:20,376 - I want you. - No, Moira. 146 00:15:20,502 --> 00:15:21,544 PIease. 147 00:15:26,383 --> 00:15:29,177 - No. - Why not? I know you Iike it. 148 00:15:49,073 --> 00:15:52,158 Don't resist me, CarIa. Don't fight. 149 00:16:25,484 --> 00:16:26,943 Yes! 150 00:16:27,069 --> 00:16:28,319 Make me come. 151 00:16:28,445 --> 00:16:31,781 Make me come, Moira. PIease. Make me come. 152 00:17:23,917 --> 00:17:24,959 Who are you? 153 00:17:25,085 --> 00:17:27,336 Good morning, Mr Borin. It's me, Matteo. 154 00:17:27,463 --> 00:17:29,130 Sorry to bother you. 155 00:17:29,715 --> 00:17:32,008 I've come to pick up CarIa's things. 156 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:35,178 I'm going to London next week so I can take them to her. 157 00:17:35,304 --> 00:17:38,681 - What things? - She said she'd toId her mother. 158 00:17:38,807 --> 00:17:41,768 She's not here. Do you know what she wants? 159 00:17:42,394 --> 00:17:45,354 Yeah, more or Iess. A pair of pants and a book. 160 00:17:45,481 --> 00:17:49,358 Wait a minute and I'II go and see if my wife's put them out. 161 00:18:05,918 --> 00:18:09,045 "The more I wank, the Iess I disappoint." 162 00:18:15,344 --> 00:18:17,220 "AIe, I Iove you." 163 00:18:17,346 --> 00:18:19,013 "Nina is a whore." 164 00:18:23,602 --> 00:18:28,272 "The thought of you cheating on me makes me mad with jeaIousy." 165 00:18:37,407 --> 00:18:40,576 "And jeaIousy makes me crazy with desire." 166 00:21:19,528 --> 00:21:22,238 I'd go crazy if I thought you were cheating on me. 167 00:21:22,364 --> 00:21:25,700 That wouId never happen because you'd never know. 168 00:21:25,826 --> 00:21:29,161 Thinking about you with someone eIse makes me want to die. 169 00:21:29,871 --> 00:21:35,042 - Thinking about me how? Like this? - Yeah, Iike this. 170 00:21:44,428 --> 00:21:47,430 - You'II never know about it. Never. - Yes, I wiII. 171 00:21:47,556 --> 00:21:50,599 - Yes. - Never. Never. 172 00:21:55,147 --> 00:21:57,523 Are these the ones? 173 00:21:58,775 --> 00:22:01,485 I don't know. There shouId be a butterfly on them. 174 00:22:03,238 --> 00:22:05,281 There's no butterfly here. 175 00:22:05,407 --> 00:22:06,741 Come up and Iook for them. 176 00:22:06,867 --> 00:22:09,660 You couId have caIIed before you came over. 177 00:22:09,786 --> 00:22:11,871 Sorry, I thought everything was ready. 178 00:22:11,997 --> 00:22:13,664 Ready, my arse! 179 00:22:23,300 --> 00:22:25,718 - Have a Iook. - Thank you. I'II be quick. 180 00:22:25,844 --> 00:22:28,012 If you need me, I'II be out there. 181 00:24:06,820 --> 00:24:09,321 Here they are. The book and the pants. 182 00:24:58,538 --> 00:25:03,334 "My dear Charlotte, I can't Iive without you. 183 00:25:03,460 --> 00:25:06,045 "I keep thinking about our happy days in Venice 184 00:25:06,171 --> 00:25:09,715 "and the blissful times that we spent together. 185 00:25:09,841 --> 00:25:13,511 "I Iove you, my darling. I Iove you. Bernard." 186 00:25:32,489 --> 00:25:34,156 You whore! 187 00:25:43,500 --> 00:25:46,085 Have you toId Matteo about the Ioft? 188 00:25:46,795 --> 00:25:52,049 Of course. I caIIed him and said I'd go and see it. 189 00:25:52,175 --> 00:25:54,260 Have you toId him you've been? 190 00:25:54,386 --> 00:25:56,262 Not yet. 191 00:25:57,764 --> 00:26:01,183 - But I'II teII him that I've rented it. - And that's aII? 192 00:26:04,563 --> 00:26:09,608 - What eIse is there to teII him? - WeII, about me, for exampIe. 193 00:26:11,653 --> 00:26:13,320 Oh, yes. 194 00:26:13,446 --> 00:26:16,699 I'II teII him you came with me. 195 00:26:46,229 --> 00:26:48,647 Come on in, it's IoveIy! 196 00:26:54,321 --> 00:26:57,698 Moira. Where are you going, Moira? 197 00:27:00,410 --> 00:27:01,452 Moira? 198 00:27:02,746 --> 00:27:04,330 So many questions. 199 00:27:04,456 --> 00:27:06,999 Get out of the water and come with me. 200 00:27:55,131 --> 00:27:56,799 Come and Iive with me. 201 00:27:56,925 --> 00:28:01,553 Moira, don't you ever stop? Matteo wiII be here soon. 202 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:03,430 So? I'm not jeaIous. 203 00:28:03,556 --> 00:28:05,265 - Matteo is. - Dump him, then. 204 00:28:06,017 --> 00:28:07,893 Forget about him. 205 00:28:08,019 --> 00:28:11,063 Are you crazy? I Iike men. 206 00:28:11,773 --> 00:28:14,316 What are you thinking? I'm not a... 207 00:28:14,442 --> 00:28:17,236 - Lesbian? - Yes, a Iesbian. Like you. 208 00:28:19,406 --> 00:28:21,073 You hurt me. 209 00:28:21,199 --> 00:28:23,075 I don't Iike you when you're vioIent. 210 00:28:23,201 --> 00:28:26,245 Sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't want to... 211 00:28:29,541 --> 00:28:32,167 Come on, Iet's go and have a massage. 212 00:28:32,293 --> 00:28:33,544 You go. 213 00:28:34,921 --> 00:28:37,005 The masseur's a man. 214 00:31:34,392 --> 00:31:37,394 I'm here for the photos. CarIa Borin. 215 00:31:52,869 --> 00:31:57,664 Choose the ones you want to have printed. They haven't aII come out weII. 216 00:32:20,813 --> 00:32:22,481 Come here. 217 00:32:23,524 --> 00:32:26,026 Put the negatives on here. 218 00:32:34,494 --> 00:32:37,454 - I stiII can't see them properIy. - Try using this. 219 00:32:48,007 --> 00:32:50,258 What did I teII you? 220 00:32:52,720 --> 00:32:55,681 Can you see that they haven't aII come out weII? 221 00:33:04,983 --> 00:33:09,778 Which ones do you think I shouId reject? 222 00:33:10,905 --> 00:33:15,450 The ones that are out of focus and the ones that are bIurred. 223 00:33:23,209 --> 00:33:25,252 You choose which ones. 224 00:33:30,675 --> 00:33:32,968 I'II come by tomorrow and pick them up. 225 00:34:15,553 --> 00:34:17,012 - HeIIo? - Hi, darling... 226 00:34:17,138 --> 00:34:19,765 - Who is it? - Go away. 227 00:34:22,393 --> 00:34:24,061 Nice way to treat your mother. 228 00:34:24,187 --> 00:34:27,022 - Can you hear me, Matteo? - Yes, I can hear you. 229 00:34:27,148 --> 00:34:29,816 - Guess where l am. - In bed with the estate agent. 230 00:34:29,942 --> 00:34:32,027 ldiot. We're in the loft. It's amazing. 231 00:34:32,153 --> 00:34:34,863 - So she reaIIy is in Iove with you. - Looks like it. 232 00:34:34,989 --> 00:34:36,656 - Have you got a pen? - What for? 233 00:34:36,783 --> 00:34:39,701 - To write down the address. - I don't know if I can come. 234 00:34:39,827 --> 00:34:42,162 - What do you mean? - I can't come. 235 00:34:42,288 --> 00:34:45,957 - Have you gone mad? - No, I've got to revise for an exam. 236 00:34:46,084 --> 00:34:48,752 - Can't you revise here? - No, I can't. 237 00:34:48,878 --> 00:34:53,590 Why not? It's reaIIy quiet in the Ioft. You can do aII the studying you want. 238 00:34:54,300 --> 00:34:57,010 - And l'm here. - ExactIy. 239 00:34:57,136 --> 00:34:59,805 - What do you mean, "exactIy"? - I was just saying it. 240 00:34:59,931 --> 00:35:02,390 I don't understand you. Don't you want to see me? 241 00:35:02,517 --> 00:35:04,935 Think what we could do after three weeks apart. 242 00:35:05,061 --> 00:35:07,729 Don't insist, CarIa. I said I can't and that's that. 243 00:35:07,855 --> 00:35:11,191 I don't beIieve you. It's a joke. You're doing it to make me angry. 244 00:35:11,317 --> 00:35:13,944 - Write down the address. - I said I'm not coming. 245 00:35:14,070 --> 00:35:17,739 - Write it down anyway. - You don't stop, do you? Go on. 246 00:35:17,865 --> 00:35:21,660 53, Dock Street, North East 1 5. 247 00:35:21,786 --> 00:35:27,290 The phone number's 0044 64567876. 248 00:35:28,292 --> 00:35:31,837 - Have you written it down? - Yes, but I'm not going to bIoody use it. 249 00:35:31,963 --> 00:35:33,922 Why, Matteo? What's happened? 250 00:35:34,048 --> 00:35:36,007 I've had enough, that's what's happened! 251 00:35:36,134 --> 00:35:39,427 Of me? Please don't be like that. You're worried about your exam. 252 00:35:39,554 --> 00:35:41,888 I'm worried about you. Don't you understand? 253 00:35:42,014 --> 00:35:44,099 Understand what? Please tell me. 254 00:35:44,225 --> 00:35:45,433 I said no. Bye. 255 00:36:10,960 --> 00:36:13,420 ArsehoIe! These were for you! 256 00:36:14,213 --> 00:36:17,132 Bastard! Go fuck yourseIf! 257 00:36:17,258 --> 00:36:19,342 I hate you! I hate you! 258 00:36:30,354 --> 00:36:33,106 - DarIing. - You missed me, then. 259 00:36:33,232 --> 00:36:34,274 It's you. 260 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:38,528 - Who did you think it was? - Nobody. How are you? 261 00:36:38,654 --> 00:36:40,614 How are you? You don't sound happy. 262 00:36:40,740 --> 00:36:45,785 No, it's just that I'm feeIing a bit IoneIy with aII this space around me. 263 00:36:45,912 --> 00:36:48,997 I thought as much. Do you fancy coming to a party? 264 00:36:49,123 --> 00:36:51,458 - A party? - At my house. 265 00:36:52,710 --> 00:36:54,794 - I don't know. When? - This evening. 266 00:36:54,921 --> 00:36:58,131 There are Iots of peopIe. PIenty of ItaIians too. 267 00:37:00,635 --> 00:37:01,885 Well? 268 00:37:02,428 --> 00:37:04,971 AII right. Why not? 269 00:37:05,556 --> 00:37:07,432 Where do I go? 270 00:37:13,231 --> 00:37:16,191 OK. I'II get dressed and come straight over. 271 00:37:16,317 --> 00:37:18,985 Make sure you don't put too many cIothes on. 272 00:37:20,112 --> 00:37:21,780 See you soon. Bye. 273 00:40:13,744 --> 00:40:15,203 ArsehoIe! 274 00:41:47,796 --> 00:41:51,466 - You're here too. - I wouIdn't miss the Judgment of Paris. 275 00:41:53,469 --> 00:41:57,222 - I wonder who wiII win this year. - It depends on who Paris is. 276 00:41:57,348 --> 00:41:59,015 Someone said it's Moira. 277 00:41:59,141 --> 00:42:02,101 That's a reIief. She understands these things. 278 00:42:03,437 --> 00:42:06,439 If there was a prize for the most use, you'd definiteIy win. 279 00:42:07,191 --> 00:42:09,526 Why do we have to show our arses? 280 00:42:09,652 --> 00:42:12,820 Because the face can deceive but the arse never Iies. 281 00:42:12,947 --> 00:42:15,365 Don't you know it's the mirror of the souI? 282 00:42:21,080 --> 00:42:23,039 Why is it Iaughing? 283 00:42:23,165 --> 00:42:24,916 - What? - That arse. 284 00:42:25,042 --> 00:42:26,918 It's got dimpIes in its cheeks. 285 00:42:27,044 --> 00:42:31,005 I think it's Iaughing at us. It needs to be taught a Iesson. 286 00:42:38,264 --> 00:42:39,931 Yes, it needs to be punished. 287 00:42:43,769 --> 00:42:45,061 You ugIy arse-breaker. 288 00:42:45,187 --> 00:42:48,064 Yours is sad because of aII the pricks that have fucked it. 289 00:42:56,824 --> 00:42:59,951 This is such fun. I'm tempted to join in too. 290 00:43:00,077 --> 00:43:02,829 Oh, no. That wouId be unfair, darIing. 291 00:43:02,955 --> 00:43:05,540 With your arse, you'd win hands down. 292 00:43:05,666 --> 00:43:07,542 Cheers. 293 00:43:09,336 --> 00:43:13,381 - WiII you introduce your friend? - Sure, darIing. 294 00:43:13,507 --> 00:43:15,592 CarIa, one of my cIients. 295 00:43:16,427 --> 00:43:19,429 Mario, my arsehoIe of an ex-husband. 296 00:43:19,555 --> 00:43:22,223 She says that because she's stiII in Iove with me. 297 00:43:22,349 --> 00:43:25,310 - Are you ItaIian too? - Yes, from Venice. 298 00:43:25,436 --> 00:43:29,606 So beautifuI. I Iove Venice. EspeciaIIy the women. 299 00:43:29,732 --> 00:43:32,066 Watch out, CarIa. Don't be deceived. 300 00:43:32,192 --> 00:43:34,861 Mario bewitches women Iike snakes bewitch frogs. 301 00:43:34,987 --> 00:43:37,071 What? You make me sound Iike a pIayboy. 302 00:43:37,197 --> 00:43:40,491 You're worse, darIing. You're just a Latin Iover. 303 00:43:42,369 --> 00:43:44,662 Ignore her. ShaII we dance? 304 00:43:44,788 --> 00:43:46,247 Yes, pIease. 305 00:43:59,762 --> 00:44:02,096 - Who drew that for you? - Giotto. 306 00:44:03,140 --> 00:44:05,266 I couId bite that. 307 00:44:09,730 --> 00:44:13,941 Every year somebody tries to be cIever, but with Moira as Paris... 308 00:44:24,995 --> 00:44:29,165 I've aIways wondered... Do you know who designs the Queen's hats? 309 00:44:29,291 --> 00:44:31,501 He's got to be a dickhead. 310 00:45:29,727 --> 00:45:31,602 The scent of Venice. 311 00:45:31,729 --> 00:45:34,355 I Iike women who get wet straightaway. 312 00:45:39,278 --> 00:45:41,946 It's Iike champagne that's about to pop. 313 00:45:42,573 --> 00:45:44,449 Where's the bathroom? 314 00:45:46,118 --> 00:45:47,994 Over there, at the end. 315 00:47:32,182 --> 00:47:33,349 CarIa. 316 00:48:07,426 --> 00:48:10,344 Is it true that women don't kiss you down here in EngIand? 317 00:48:11,930 --> 00:48:14,098 They do something eIse instead. 318 00:48:14,224 --> 00:48:15,433 What? 319 00:48:19,021 --> 00:48:21,856 - They take it up here. - No. What are you doing? 320 00:48:29,114 --> 00:48:31,198 The path of the satyr. 321 00:48:33,619 --> 00:48:36,662 The road to Gomorrah or the aIIey of Sodom. 322 00:49:56,076 --> 00:49:57,952 CarIa, are you in there? 323 00:50:05,627 --> 00:50:08,212 Open the door, CarIa. I know you're in there. 324 00:50:09,798 --> 00:50:11,465 Just a minute. 325 00:50:20,434 --> 00:50:23,561 ExceIIent choice, my dear. A reaI deIicacy. 326 00:50:33,488 --> 00:50:35,948 I invited you because I'm in Iove with you, 327 00:50:36,074 --> 00:50:38,951 not so that you couId pIay the whore with my ex-husband. 328 00:50:39,077 --> 00:50:40,453 I don't give a toss! 329 00:50:40,579 --> 00:50:44,123 I'm not interested in you. I Iike men. 330 00:50:44,249 --> 00:50:47,585 Can't you get that into your stupid head? Men, not women! 331 00:50:47,711 --> 00:50:50,671 Men! I Iike dicks! 332 00:51:03,477 --> 00:51:04,935 CaIm down, CarIa. 333 00:51:07,939 --> 00:51:10,983 What's the matter? Is something wrong? 334 00:51:11,109 --> 00:51:13,402 You can teII me everything. I'm your friend. 335 00:51:13,528 --> 00:51:17,656 - I didn't mean to offend you. - That's got nothing to do with it. 336 00:51:17,783 --> 00:51:19,450 It's Matteo's fauIt. 337 00:51:19,576 --> 00:51:21,827 I don't understand him. 338 00:51:22,871 --> 00:51:25,498 I was so happy when I caIIed him about the Ioft 339 00:51:25,624 --> 00:51:29,126 and then the stupid idiot said he wasn't coming to London. 340 00:51:29,252 --> 00:51:31,921 He was coId and unfriendIy and nasty. 341 00:51:32,047 --> 00:51:35,299 He even sIammed the phone down on me. 342 00:51:37,135 --> 00:51:38,803 Don't cry, darIing. 343 00:51:38,929 --> 00:51:41,639 I toId you, aII men are arsehoIes. 344 00:51:42,808 --> 00:51:44,391 But Matteo wasn't Iike that. 345 00:51:44,518 --> 00:51:46,644 Everything was going so weII between us. 346 00:51:51,650 --> 00:51:55,361 Here. It's a token of my Iove. It wiII bring you good Iuck. 347 00:52:01,076 --> 00:52:04,578 I don't understand. Something must have happened. 348 00:52:05,831 --> 00:52:09,250 No, I understand compIeteIy and I know how you're feeIing, 349 00:52:09,376 --> 00:52:11,043 because I've been there too. 350 00:52:11,169 --> 00:52:12,711 Never trust men. 351 00:52:12,838 --> 00:52:16,799 They're fickIe and untrustworthy. 352 00:52:16,925 --> 00:52:19,009 Listen to me, my darIing. 353 00:52:19,136 --> 00:52:23,222 Forget about Matteo. TeII him to fuck off, Iike I did with Mario. 354 00:52:24,224 --> 00:52:26,100 Come with me. 355 00:52:26,893 --> 00:52:28,352 Come on. 356 00:54:03,907 --> 00:54:08,035 See, CarIa? We don't need men. We do very weII without them. 357 00:54:24,386 --> 00:54:27,513 Painters, writers and architects of worIdwide renown 358 00:54:27,639 --> 00:54:30,808 were aII attracted by the Iure of the Doge's court. 359 00:54:30,934 --> 00:54:35,354 The profits from Venice's monopoIy of the siIk and spice market 360 00:54:35,480 --> 00:54:39,233 were invested to adorn the city with a pomp and spIendour that, 361 00:54:39,359 --> 00:54:41,819 according to the CounciI of Ten, 362 00:54:41,945 --> 00:54:45,823 wouId reflect the immense weaIth produced by its trade. 363 00:54:45,949 --> 00:54:49,994 The government of La Serenissima was focused Iess on conquering Iand 364 00:54:50,120 --> 00:54:52,913 and more on creating secure outposts 365 00:54:53,039 --> 00:54:55,332 in the commerciaI ports of the BaIkans 366 00:54:55,458 --> 00:54:58,585 so that they couId penetrate 367 00:54:58,712 --> 00:55:01,046 the rich siIk and spice markets of the East more easiIy. 368 00:55:01,840 --> 00:55:04,925 We therefore have evidence to substantiate our cIaim 369 00:55:05,051 --> 00:55:07,970 that the Venetian repubIic's penetration 370 00:55:08,096 --> 00:55:10,806 into the markets of the Mediterranean... 371 00:55:10,932 --> 00:55:14,435 Does the word "penetration" derive from "penis"? 372 00:55:14,561 --> 00:55:17,646 Maybe from "prick". Our teacher's prick. 373 00:55:23,194 --> 00:55:24,862 Look at that amazing arse. 374 00:55:24,988 --> 00:55:28,532 ...and Venice's poIiticaI and cuIturaI success. 375 00:55:28,658 --> 00:55:33,746 We can IegitimateIy say that La Serenissima's mercantiIe penetration 376 00:55:33,872 --> 00:55:36,123 underpinned its artistic spIendour. 377 00:55:37,042 --> 00:55:38,959 Pietro Aretino, for instance... 378 00:55:39,085 --> 00:55:40,169 Whore! 379 00:55:48,011 --> 00:55:49,678 CuckoId! 380 00:57:29,154 --> 00:57:30,195 Matteo! 381 00:57:31,114 --> 00:57:32,823 Surprise! 382 00:57:33,741 --> 00:57:36,326 - What about your exam? - I'II sit it in September. 383 00:57:36,453 --> 00:57:38,912 Do you aIways answer the door dressed Iike that? 384 00:57:41,416 --> 00:57:44,001 Have you come here to fight? 385 00:57:44,127 --> 00:57:46,170 You don't seem very pIeased to see me. 386 00:57:46,296 --> 00:57:48,839 No, I'm reaIIy happy. 387 00:57:49,841 --> 00:57:52,217 It's just that I wasn't expecting you. 388 00:57:52,343 --> 00:57:55,304 Now that I'm here, aren't you going to Iet me in, 389 00:57:55,430 --> 00:57:57,598 instead of keeping me here on the doorstep? 390 00:57:57,724 --> 00:58:00,225 Sorry. Sure, come on in. 391 00:58:28,588 --> 00:58:30,672 Who is it at this time of the morning? 392 00:58:33,468 --> 00:58:35,844 Matteo, this is Moira. 393 00:58:39,015 --> 00:58:40,807 The estate agent? 394 00:58:43,436 --> 00:58:45,020 I'm Iate for work. 395 00:58:58,451 --> 00:59:01,620 Come and Iook out of the window. 396 00:59:04,499 --> 00:59:06,959 Look at the beautifuI view. 397 00:59:09,212 --> 00:59:10,254 BeautifuI. 398 00:59:11,798 --> 00:59:15,801 - I wonder how much it costs. - Moira gave me a speciaI price. 399 00:59:15,927 --> 00:59:18,011 Sure, I can imagine. 400 00:59:18,972 --> 00:59:20,639 It's not what you think. 401 00:59:20,765 --> 00:59:23,433 Nothing's happened between Moira and me. 402 00:59:23,560 --> 00:59:25,561 So what's she doing here? 403 00:59:25,687 --> 00:59:28,605 She gave me a Iift home Iast night. 404 00:59:28,731 --> 00:59:30,816 We'd been to the theatre. 405 00:59:30,942 --> 00:59:33,819 It was Iate so she stayed over. 406 00:59:33,945 --> 00:59:35,821 Naked? 407 00:59:35,947 --> 00:59:38,323 And in your bed? 408 00:59:46,708 --> 00:59:48,792 AII right, then. Bye, CarIa. 409 00:59:49,544 --> 00:59:52,462 Bye, Matteo. It was nice to meet you. 410 00:59:52,589 --> 00:59:56,550 By the way, CarIa's toId me a Iot about you. 411 00:59:56,676 --> 00:59:58,760 She's toId me a Iot about you too. 412 01:00:07,770 --> 01:00:11,690 Have you brought "The Interpretation of Dreams" and my butterfly pants? 413 01:00:13,234 --> 01:00:15,360 I've brought you these. 414 01:00:26,497 --> 01:00:28,582 What's this stuff got to do with us? 415 01:00:28,708 --> 01:00:31,793 It's got a Iot to do with us. 416 01:00:33,004 --> 01:00:36,381 Am I mistaken or is this your arse? 417 01:00:36,507 --> 01:00:39,259 What the heII were you doing on the beach naked? 418 01:00:39,385 --> 01:00:42,721 - Who gave them to you? - Don't worry about that. 419 01:00:42,847 --> 01:00:47,601 You teII me what happened between you and that French poof 420 01:00:47,727 --> 01:00:50,687 who writes, "Je t'aime, mon amour. 421 01:00:50,813 --> 01:00:53,065 "Je t'aime." 422 01:00:53,191 --> 01:00:55,734 It's an oId reIationship. Water under the bridge. 423 01:00:55,860 --> 01:00:56,985 BoIIocks! 424 01:00:57,111 --> 01:01:01,990 If you want to stay with me, you need to be honest and teII me everything. 425 01:01:02,116 --> 01:01:03,992 There's nothing to say. 426 01:01:04,118 --> 01:01:07,746 ReaIIy? Is it normaI for you to have your photo taken naked? 427 01:01:09,499 --> 01:01:11,708 It's not what you think. 428 01:01:11,834 --> 01:01:17,172 We went to Iook at the tourist faciIities at the beach hoteIs on the Lido. 429 01:01:18,591 --> 01:01:20,759 It was with the catering coIIege. 430 01:01:21,761 --> 01:01:24,054 You know what these trips are Iike. 431 01:01:24,180 --> 01:01:28,475 On the water buses, in the kitchens, between the cabins. 432 01:01:28,601 --> 01:01:31,436 We'd mess around and strike poses. 433 01:01:31,562 --> 01:01:35,857 We'd get our photos taken and flirt for a Iaugh. 434 01:01:37,360 --> 01:01:40,153 Aftrr Iunch we'd go off for waIks in groups. 435 01:01:41,781 --> 01:01:45,742 I ended up with Bernard on the dunes on AIberoni beach. 436 01:01:46,202 --> 01:01:47,869 It was September. 437 01:01:47,995 --> 01:01:51,832 It was hot and there was nobody around. 438 01:01:51,958 --> 01:01:55,502 We took our cIothes off and dived into the sea. 439 01:01:55,628 --> 01:01:57,796 - Naked? - Of course. 440 01:01:57,922 --> 01:02:00,507 We didn't have any swimming costumes. 441 01:02:00,633 --> 01:02:02,509 Carry on. Stick to the point. 442 01:02:02,635 --> 01:02:05,512 It was very warm for the time of year. 443 01:02:05,638 --> 01:02:09,099 The sea was caIm. The sun was setting. 444 01:02:09,225 --> 01:02:11,768 The water was stiII and inviting. 445 01:04:57,768 --> 01:04:59,436 l love you, Carla. 446 01:05:05,151 --> 01:05:07,027 I fancy you. 447 01:06:49,964 --> 01:06:51,381 Look this way. 448 01:07:05,229 --> 01:07:06,688 And then? 449 01:07:06,814 --> 01:07:09,524 And then nothing. We got dressed. 450 01:07:09,650 --> 01:07:11,234 Are you taking the piss? 451 01:07:11,360 --> 01:07:14,904 I mean it. Nothing eIse happened. It was just an innocent bit of fun. 452 01:07:16,073 --> 01:07:19,617 - When did it happen? - I toId you. Last year. 453 01:07:19,744 --> 01:07:21,453 Towards the end of September. 454 01:07:21,579 --> 01:07:27,167 - So you were aIready with me? - Yes, but we hadn't been together Iong. 455 01:07:27,293 --> 01:07:29,377 TeII me the truth. Did you make Iove? 456 01:07:29,503 --> 01:07:32,380 - No, Matteo, I swear. - Don't swear. 457 01:07:34,592 --> 01:07:38,595 WeII, not reaIIy. Just a IittIe bit. 458 01:07:38,721 --> 01:07:40,805 What do you mean, a IittIe bit? 459 01:07:40,931 --> 01:07:43,475 WeII, we flirted a bit. 460 01:07:43,601 --> 01:07:46,311 He was turned on and kissed me. 461 01:07:46,437 --> 01:07:49,355 Where? On your arse? 462 01:07:52,109 --> 01:07:56,154 TeII me at Ieast how Iong your innocent flirting Iasted. 463 01:07:56,280 --> 01:07:57,697 A coupIe of months. 464 01:07:57,823 --> 01:08:02,410 At Christmas, Bernard Ieft catering coIIege and went back to France. 465 01:08:02,536 --> 01:08:03,995 Did you see each other again? 466 01:08:04,538 --> 01:08:07,040 No. Never. I swear. 467 01:08:07,166 --> 01:08:09,042 I toId you not to swear. 468 01:08:09,168 --> 01:08:12,253 - Did you write to each other? - For a IittIe whiIe. 469 01:08:12,379 --> 01:08:16,007 Just those Ietters you're hoIding. He wanted me to go to Paris. 470 01:08:16,133 --> 01:08:19,594 - Why didn't you go? - Because I'd faIIen in Iove with you. 471 01:08:19,720 --> 01:08:22,138 I wasn't interested in him any more. 472 01:08:23,432 --> 01:08:28,478 - PIease, Matteo, stop tormenting me. - The heII I wiII. 473 01:08:28,604 --> 01:08:31,397 How couId you have done it when you were with me? 474 01:08:33,400 --> 01:08:37,612 I toId you, it was right at the beginning. I didn't know I'd faII in Iove with you. 475 01:08:38,197 --> 01:08:41,533 My reIationship with you was just an affair Iike aII the others. 476 01:08:41,659 --> 01:08:43,743 PIease, Matteo. 477 01:08:52,419 --> 01:08:54,295 Matteo, Iet's make Iove. 478 01:08:55,673 --> 01:08:57,549 I want to feeI you inside me. 479 01:08:57,675 --> 01:09:00,510 What happened doesn't mean anything. 480 01:09:01,303 --> 01:09:04,764 The onIy thing that matters is that I Iove you and I want you. 481 01:09:07,852 --> 01:09:12,480 No, no. You're just a whore! You did it with Bernard. 482 01:09:20,322 --> 01:09:22,490 What did you do with that bastard? 483 01:11:58,439 --> 01:12:02,400 That's enough. It's pointIess. You don't turn me on any more. 484 01:12:04,611 --> 01:12:07,405 So I'm the Iiar, am I? 485 01:12:16,623 --> 01:12:19,584 I want to know. How many times have you cheated on me? 486 01:12:19,710 --> 01:12:23,087 It's your Iast chance to be honest with me 487 01:12:23,213 --> 01:12:26,674 and convince me that our reIationship wasn't a big mistake. 488 01:12:26,800 --> 01:12:29,177 How did your affair with Bernard start? 489 01:12:29,970 --> 01:12:32,055 If you're ashamed to teII me to my face, 490 01:12:32,181 --> 01:12:35,725 write it in a Ietter with aII the facts and detaiIs, 491 01:12:35,851 --> 01:12:38,686 Iike the ones your Bernard wrote to you. 492 01:12:38,812 --> 01:12:40,730 Don't worry about offending me. 493 01:12:40,856 --> 01:12:43,900 Your Iies and your siIence offend me much more. 494 01:13:21,355 --> 01:13:23,439 My darling Matteo, 495 01:13:23,565 --> 01:13:27,110 betrayaI doesn't exist without the illusion of closeness 496 01:13:27,236 --> 01:13:30,238 due to one's own presumption or another's deception. 497 01:13:30,364 --> 01:13:34,283 If you reaIIy need to know, don't be afraid, I'II teII you everything. 498 01:13:35,494 --> 01:13:37,245 Do you remember when we went to see 499 01:13:37,371 --> 01:13:39,372 "The Key" at the Olympia cinema? 500 01:13:39,498 --> 01:13:42,625 lt was the end of October and Luca and Bernard were with us... 501 01:13:42,751 --> 01:13:46,712 - SandreIIi's Iike our oenoIogy professor. - She's beautifuI, though. 502 01:13:46,839 --> 01:13:50,216 Her husband's right when he says, "Under that faIse modesty, 503 01:13:50,342 --> 01:13:53,678 "you're more of a whore than aII the whores I've ever met." 504 01:13:53,804 --> 01:13:56,931 I don't understand him, trying to get his wife to cheat on him. 505 01:13:57,057 --> 01:13:59,851 No, my friend, without betrayaI there's no jeaIousy, 506 01:13:59,977 --> 01:14:03,729 without jeaIousy there's no desire and without desire there's no sex. 507 01:14:03,856 --> 01:14:06,065 - Isn't that right, CarIa? - AbsoIuteIy. 508 01:14:06,191 --> 01:14:10,278 My dear Matteo, betrayaI shouId be seen as a gift of Iove. 509 01:14:10,404 --> 01:14:14,282 It's the magic potion that wakes up peopIe who've been asIeep for too Iong. 510 01:14:20,122 --> 01:14:21,664 Do me a favour. 511 01:14:21,790 --> 01:14:24,333 How can thinking about your woman with another man turn you on? 512 01:14:24,460 --> 01:14:26,586 Where's CarIa? 513 01:14:28,547 --> 01:14:29,797 CarIa! 514 01:14:42,603 --> 01:14:44,687 You go that way. We'II go this way. 515 01:15:05,459 --> 01:15:10,338 l was all wet. Watching that fiIm had turned me on. 516 01:15:10,464 --> 01:15:11,797 CarIa! 517 01:15:11,924 --> 01:15:14,759 CarIa, jokes are onIy funny if they don't Iast too Iong. 518 01:15:14,885 --> 01:15:18,054 Come on, CarIina. TeII us where you are. 519 01:16:08,063 --> 01:16:11,816 That's enough, CarIa. What are you pIaying at? 520 01:20:16,978 --> 01:20:18,062 NINA IS A WHORE 521 01:21:18,623 --> 01:21:20,583 Hi, Nina. You're stiII awake. 522 01:21:23,962 --> 01:21:26,881 It's the March scirocco wind. I can't sIeep. 523 01:21:27,716 --> 01:21:30,426 TeII me about it! 524 01:21:43,982 --> 01:21:46,567 - Where's your husband? - At the furnace. 525 01:21:47,819 --> 01:21:49,695 He's on the night shift. 526 01:21:51,323 --> 01:21:53,198 It must be hot there. 527 01:21:53,325 --> 01:21:56,452 It's hot here too. I'm soaking wet. 528 01:21:57,996 --> 01:22:00,623 - FeeI. - Yeah, you are. 529 01:22:00,749 --> 01:22:02,625 ReaIIy soaking. 530 01:22:12,802 --> 01:22:15,721 It's burning me. 531 01:22:16,765 --> 01:22:19,475 Touch me. 532 01:22:56,513 --> 01:23:00,140 - Nina, someone's there. - Be quiet, you idiot. 533 01:23:00,266 --> 01:23:03,143 It's my husband. He Iikes to watch. 534 01:23:53,445 --> 01:23:56,572 "The thought of you cheating on me makes me mad with jeaIousy, 535 01:23:56,698 --> 01:23:58,782 "and jeaIousy makes me crazy with desire." 536 01:24:23,099 --> 01:24:25,184 Yes, darIing, I'II come straightaway. 537 01:25:36,756 --> 01:25:39,174 You were right. What happened doesn't matter. 538 01:25:39,300 --> 01:25:41,385 What matters is that I'm crazy about you. 539 01:25:41,511 --> 01:25:43,929 Matteo, I'm crazy about you too. 540 01:25:45,557 --> 01:25:48,225 Look. I did what you wanted. 541 01:25:57,694 --> 01:26:00,028 I don't need it now. 542 01:26:00,155 --> 01:26:01,488 Oh, darIing. 543 01:26:01,614 --> 01:26:04,700 Suspicion is better than the truth, aftrr aII. 544 01:26:05,577 --> 01:26:09,329 Your Iies reveaI your desire more than any confession couId. 545 01:26:10,290 --> 01:26:12,416 Promise that you'II aIways Iie to me. 546 01:26:12,542 --> 01:26:14,626 Yes, of course. Whatever you want. 547 01:26:15,378 --> 01:26:17,462 AIthough I don't understand why. 548 01:26:17,589 --> 01:26:21,550 I Iied to you before, because I didn't want to Iose you. 549 01:26:22,468 --> 01:26:24,720 But why shouId I do it now? 550 01:26:24,846 --> 01:26:27,514 Because suspicion makes me mad with jeaIousy, 551 01:26:27,640 --> 01:26:30,434 and jeaIousy makes me fuII of desire for you. 552 01:26:30,560 --> 01:26:33,020 Oh, Matteo, I Iove you. 553 01:26:34,022 --> 01:26:35,063 Oh, darIing. 554 01:26:35,732 --> 01:26:39,109 I swear I'II aIways Iie to you. 555 01:26:49,329 --> 01:26:51,413 You're such a whore.