1 00:03:59,630 --> 00:04:06,760 Badi Ma, Dwijdas, Kumud, Padma, Dharamdas, where's everybody? 2 00:04:07,260 --> 00:04:13,050 Look, here's Devdas' letter. Devdas is returning from London 3 00:04:13,550 --> 00:04:15,710 Really? Happy tidings! 4 00:04:16,220 --> 00:04:21,890 Dwijdas! You hear? Devdas is coming! - I don't think so. Ma is lying 5 00:04:22,380 --> 00:04:23,550 You're lying, Ma. - Here's the letter 6 00:04:24,050 --> 00:04:27,670 Show me the letter 7 00:04:28,170 --> 00:04:31,840 Shubhankar! My Devdas is coming! - Really? 8 00:04:32,340 --> 00:04:34,340 Give your brother the good news 9 00:04:34,840 --> 00:04:40,550 Badi Ma... Badi Ma... my Tempest is coming home 10 00:04:41,050 --> 00:04:42,130 Thank God 11 00:04:42,630 --> 00:04:47,550 Compliments, lady! - Not in tears Dharamdas 12 00:04:48,050 --> 00:04:50,630 I want a promise. I am going... to receive Devdas. I alone. 13 00:04:51,130 --> 00:04:58,130 Yes, but wind the clocks once again After so many years! My son is back 14 00:04:58,630 --> 00:05:03,960 Winding clocks won't make time move, nor any faster brings the son home 15 00:05:04,470 --> 00:05:08,140 I know Kumud! But look how my heart throbs 16 00:05:08,630 --> 00:05:11,130 Oh when will the day give way to the night...? 17 00:05:11,630 --> 00:05:18,880 Drum up the cheer! Let the music play 18 00:05:19,380 --> 00:05:23,550 What joyous tempest stirs my heartstrings! Drum up the cheer 19 00:05:24,050 --> 00:05:27,550 Let the music play! - Welcome the onset of Tempest 20 00:05:36,420 --> 00:05:39,380 "Hey Kaushalya sister, look..." 21 00:05:39,880 --> 00:05:41,260 "...I have brought sweets for you." 22 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:45,840 Sumitra! Lovely timing! - Sumitra-Kaki's timing! 23 00:05:46,340 --> 00:05:50,380 Always opportune. And your "Shondesh" is famous! 24 00:05:50,880 --> 00:05:53,960 Hear that Didi? - Let her talk. Guess who's coming? 25 00:05:54,470 --> 00:05:58,310 I know! Mr Chattopadhyay...? 26 00:05:58,800 --> 00:06:03,920 Silly! You won't believe this! My Tempest, my Devdas is coming! 27 00:06:04,420 --> 00:06:06,130 Really Didi...? - Yes, yes, really! 28 00:06:06,630 --> 00:06:08,260 Thank Goddess Durga 29 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:14,380 My compliments, Didi! - I'm seeing my son after 10 years 30 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:20,210 What might he look like? What might he sound like? What will he tell me? 31 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:23,720 How am I going to survive tonight, Sumitra? 32 00:06:24,220 --> 00:06:30,390 How I wish I wouldn't blink! What if he walks in right then? 33 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:36,550 I only remember Devdas, the boy who'd walk up to my house... 34 00:06:37,050 --> 00:06:43,380 peep around the door to ask me... - Kaki-Ma, is Paro in? 35 00:06:43,880 --> 00:06:47,090 There she goes, into the act 36 00:06:47,590 --> 00:06:51,840 And when Dev stormed out, I'd send Paro to find him 37 00:06:52,340 --> 00:06:55,840 Found him always in guava orchards. - And Dharamdas would haul him in... 38 00:06:56,340 --> 00:07:02,840 by his ear! Some friendship! - And when Devdas was leaving... 39 00:07:03,340 --> 00:07:05,840 going abroad for his studies, how my Paro ran after his buggy... 40 00:07:06,340 --> 00:07:10,260 as if possessed. Arre O'Deva 41 00:07:10,760 --> 00:07:12,090 Arre O'Deva 42 00:07:12,590 --> 00:07:16,460 In that scorching sun, her feet blistering on the gravelly soil... 43 00:07:16,970 --> 00:07:23,770 yet she ran on, screaming, "I'm going with Dev" 44 00:07:24,260 --> 00:07:31,170 I'm going abroad too! - Are you out of your mind? 45 00:07:31,670 --> 00:07:35,170 Send her abroad? My silly girl 46 00:07:39,720 --> 00:07:41,600 She owed Dev three Rupees 47 00:07:42,090 --> 00:07:45,590 Let me go. I got to give him his 3 Rupees 48 00:07:49,880 --> 00:07:53,420 A lamp lit for a loved one draws the wayfarer home 49 00:07:53,920 --> 00:07:57,340 For 10 years, in that belief she kept that lamp alight for Dev 50 00:07:57,840 --> 00:08:06,460 Not once she let the lamp go out! I must tell her, she'll be glad 51 00:08:06,970 --> 00:08:12,720 She will be overjoyed. - Yes Sumitra, go 52 00:08:13,220 --> 00:08:16,640 It's your son who's coming home and she is the happier for it 53 00:08:17,130 --> 00:08:20,170 Why not? She's our neighbour. Paro and Devdas... 54 00:08:20,670 --> 00:08:23,630 were childhood friends. - What's left of that childhood? 55 00:08:24,130 --> 00:08:27,630 Both are grown ups now... Kaki-Ma's "Shondesh"? 56 00:08:42,340 --> 00:08:44,460 Paro! 57 00:08:44,970 --> 00:08:48,970 What's up Kaki-Ma? - Manorama, where is Paro? 58 00:08:49,470 --> 00:08:52,770 Where else? Must be in her room, talking to her lamp 59 00:08:53,260 --> 00:08:55,380 Not lamp! - Devdas 60 00:08:55,880 --> 00:08:58,880 Oh God. - What's the matter? 61 00:08:59,380 --> 00:09:03,050 The news I have for her will drive her mad with joy 62 00:09:03,550 --> 00:09:06,050 What news? 63 00:09:06,550 --> 00:09:08,880 Paro, Devdas is coming 64 00:09:09,380 --> 00:09:12,710 Really? - Yes, Devdas is coming 65 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:17,270 They're preparing for a welcome! Kaushalya-Didi is nearly going mad 66 00:09:17,760 --> 00:09:21,170 The whole house is in raptures... 67 00:09:21,670 --> 00:09:23,710 Silly, are you crying? 68 00:09:24,220 --> 00:09:27,020 Let not tears of joy douse the lamp before Dev arrives 69 00:09:27,510 --> 00:09:32,090 No power on Earth can put out this lamp 70 00:09:32,590 --> 00:09:36,090 Shall we put the mighty lamp to test? 71 00:10:09,130 --> 00:10:12,170 "At season's change..." 72 00:10:12,670 --> 00:10:15,420 "comes..." 73 00:10:15,920 --> 00:10:22,590 "cloudwaves" 74 00:10:23,090 --> 00:10:24,090 "A waft..." 75 00:10:24,590 --> 00:10:25,800 "will come..." 76 00:10:26,300 --> 00:10:32,800 "to blow out this lamp" 77 00:10:33,300 --> 00:10:36,800 "This longing I didn't let die" 78 00:10:50,380 --> 00:10:56,880 "This longing I never let die" 79 00:10:57,380 --> 00:11:03,300 "This lamp, my love..." 80 00:11:03,800 --> 00:11:09,960 "will never be extinguished, this flame of my love" 81 00:11:10,470 --> 00:11:16,020 "My love, come to me my love" 82 00:11:16,510 --> 00:11:24,670 "Now come to me" 83 00:11:25,170 --> 00:11:27,590 "As this lamp burns..." 84 00:11:28,090 --> 00:11:32,840 "I'm burning in my every pore and my heart" 85 00:11:33,340 --> 00:11:36,760 "Now come to me" 86 00:11:37,260 --> 00:11:40,760 "Come to me, my love" 87 00:12:23,880 --> 00:12:30,300 "Distance parted us..." 88 00:12:30,800 --> 00:12:34,090 "Distance parted us..." 89 00:12:34,590 --> 00:12:37,550 "there was the pain of parting" 90 00:12:38,050 --> 00:12:40,760 "My eyes yearned..." 91 00:12:41,260 --> 00:12:45,800 "but there you were..." 92 00:12:46,300 --> 00:12:49,460 "glittering, glowing..." 93 00:12:49,970 --> 00:12:52,850 "awash in joys..." 94 00:12:53,340 --> 00:12:55,130 "while here..." 95 00:12:55,630 --> 00:13:08,300 "while here, I burned" 96 00:13:08,800 --> 00:13:11,760 "Once again, clouds thunder..." 97 00:13:12,260 --> 00:13:15,340 "raining in thunderous rhapsody" 98 00:13:15,840 --> 00:13:18,420 "Tempest strikes again..." 99 00:13:18,920 --> 00:13:22,380 "but my lamp is never doused..." 100 00:13:22,880 --> 00:13:25,210 "my love, my flame..." 101 00:13:25,720 --> 00:13:33,390 "no matter how much the rains, tempest and thunder torment you" 102 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:39,460 "Come now, come to me, my love" 103 00:13:39,970 --> 00:13:43,470 "Come, my love" 104 00:13:52,050 --> 00:13:55,010 "She's crazy" 105 00:13:55,510 --> 00:13:58,420 "She's naive" 106 00:13:58,920 --> 00:14:04,760 "Oh yes, with a gust of wind will come the one you seek" 107 00:14:05,260 --> 00:14:06,630 "My love..." 108 00:14:07,130 --> 00:14:12,210 "come to me my love" 109 00:14:12,720 --> 00:14:18,640 "This longing I didn't let die" 110 00:14:19,130 --> 00:14:27,260 "My love, this lamp is you" 111 00:14:27,760 --> 00:14:30,960 "My love..." 112 00:14:31,470 --> 00:14:36,140 "My love..." 113 00:14:36,630 --> 00:14:40,130 "My love..." 114 00:14:56,130 --> 00:15:00,050 Hurry! The buggy is here! Kaushalya, quick 115 00:15:00,550 --> 00:15:03,460 Devdas is here! - Coming 116 00:15:03,970 --> 00:15:08,060 I was lighting the welcome-lamp. Tell Badi-Ma 117 00:15:08,550 --> 00:15:11,460 If you take so much time, Devdas will give himself a welcome 118 00:15:11,970 --> 00:15:15,220 Give himself a welcome? Today, I'm welcoming him 119 00:15:15,720 --> 00:15:22,390 Wait a minute! I get to see Devdas first. Everyone shut your eyes 120 00:15:22,880 --> 00:15:26,840 For my sake. - All right? 121 00:15:27,340 --> 00:15:30,960 Lady! I don't believe! Could the world change so much in ten years? 122 00:15:31,470 --> 00:15:37,060 Deva is as tall as my shoulders, my very shoulders he sat upon 123 00:15:37,550 --> 00:15:39,300 Once when you see him you will forget to wink. 124 00:15:39,800 --> 00:15:41,550 Don't trouble me, tell me, where is my Dev? 125 00:15:42,050 --> 00:15:46,460 Got off on the way. Said, he will be back after seeing "My Paro" 126 00:15:46,970 --> 00:15:50,470 Should be here any moment 127 00:15:50,970 --> 00:15:55,390 Chhoto-Ma, you wanted to be the first to set your eyes on Devdas? 128 00:15:55,880 --> 00:16:00,760 Will it be Paro's eyes now? 129 00:16:01,260 --> 00:16:04,760 Chhoto-Ma, what to do with this? 130 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:15,420 Paro 131 00:16:15,920 --> 00:16:19,420 I think it's Devdas 132 00:16:28,720 --> 00:16:29,930 Devdas... 133 00:16:30,420 --> 00:16:34,880 how have you been? Fine? Come in son, welcome 134 00:16:35,380 --> 00:16:37,090 Bless you, son 135 00:16:37,590 --> 00:16:42,420 You look just like an Englishman! We've been so eager to see you 136 00:16:42,920 --> 00:16:46,300 Kaushalya-Didi is dying to see you. - Where is Paro? 137 00:16:46,800 --> 00:16:50,420 She was here a moment ago 138 00:16:50,920 --> 00:16:53,670 She said, let Devdas come and I'll do this and I'll do that 139 00:16:54,170 --> 00:16:58,760 I'll fight with him and scratch him. Now you're here and she's hiding 140 00:16:59,260 --> 00:16:59,920 Ei Paro 141 00:17:00,420 --> 00:17:03,920 Can I go upstairs? - Yes son, go on 142 00:18:23,670 --> 00:18:27,170 How have you been Paro? 143 00:18:30,130 --> 00:18:33,630 Won't you turn to see my face? We're meeting after so many days 144 00:18:34,130 --> 00:18:37,460 Days? For you, maybe. For me... 145 00:18:37,970 --> 00:18:43,100 10 years, 6 months, 4 days and 6 hours 146 00:18:43,590 --> 00:18:46,170 You never missed me? - I did 147 00:18:46,670 --> 00:18:51,670 Lies! Only 5 letters in 10 years? There are four seasons in a year 148 00:18:52,170 --> 00:18:59,550 Couldn't you write once a season? - Makes sense. You're a big girl 149 00:19:00,050 --> 00:19:01,170 Takes time? 150 00:19:01,670 --> 00:19:03,800 The desire to meet the sea turns the stream into a river 151 00:19:04,300 --> 00:19:06,630 Then why take time to show your face? 152 00:19:07,130 --> 00:19:14,300 Like sighting the Moon after ages, I fear I'll leave you breathless 153 00:19:14,800 --> 00:19:21,210 Not even the Moon is as vain. - But the Moon is scarred 154 00:19:21,720 --> 00:19:26,390 Till moonrise spare the Moon, to see which leaves me breathless... 155 00:19:26,880 --> 00:19:30,380 the Moon's radiance? Or your vanity? 156 00:19:36,510 --> 00:19:40,010 Paro, I hate the thought of someone else touching you 157 00:19:51,170 --> 00:19:53,920 Look, Devdas is here! - Let him come 158 00:19:54,420 --> 00:19:56,130 Don't be cross. - I don't want to talk to him 159 00:19:56,630 --> 00:19:58,420 Tell him to go away. - But Ma... 160 00:19:58,920 --> 00:20:02,420 I said, I don't want to... - Ma 161 00:20:07,380 --> 00:20:09,880 Go, I don't want to see your face 162 00:20:10,380 --> 00:20:13,550 Why, what's so ugly about my face... 163 00:20:14,050 --> 00:20:16,920 that neither Paro nor you want to see? 164 00:20:17,420 --> 00:20:20,800 After 10 years of waiting, the neighbour gets to welcome you? 165 00:20:21,300 --> 00:20:24,920 Go back to your Paro 166 00:20:25,420 --> 00:20:30,550 Won't you open your eyes? - I won't 167 00:20:31,050 --> 00:20:34,550 Won't see me either? 168 00:20:36,880 --> 00:20:41,760 Very well, I'm going away. - Where...? 169 00:20:42,260 --> 00:20:45,130 Where are you going, Dev? - Dev, stop 170 00:20:45,630 --> 00:20:48,920 Why did you let him leave? I was just joking 171 00:20:49,420 --> 00:20:54,380 I was joking too 172 00:20:54,880 --> 00:20:58,380 Dev. 173 00:21:03,220 --> 00:21:11,560 My prodigal son returns a lawyer. But no let up on the mischief? 174 00:21:12,050 --> 00:21:16,050 Babu-ji...? (Babu-ji: Father) - He left for his chambers early... 175 00:21:16,550 --> 00:21:20,050 something urgent. - I know, I know 176 00:21:22,050 --> 00:21:23,300 Complaints every day! 177 00:21:23,800 --> 00:21:27,840 Dev and Paro never went to school. Dev caught smoking 178 00:21:28,340 --> 00:21:32,260 All day tramping around the village with that Paro 179 00:21:32,760 --> 00:21:35,920 Not another moment for you in this house 180 00:21:36,420 --> 00:21:37,550 Now get out! 181 00:21:38,050 --> 00:21:41,460 The day I left, he wasn't at home 182 00:21:41,970 --> 00:21:46,180 This day I return, he still isn't here 183 00:21:46,670 --> 00:21:50,010 You know, the British government is knighting him 184 00:21:50,510 --> 00:21:53,460 I see! - And he'll be so glad to see you 185 00:21:53,970 --> 00:21:57,220 Really? - Glad he is, at work 186 00:21:57,720 --> 00:22:02,850 In my home, fathers welcome sons returning home after years... 187 00:22:03,340 --> 00:22:07,380 with arms outstretched. - Same here, child 188 00:22:07,880 --> 00:22:11,130 Come to me, my darling 189 00:22:11,630 --> 00:22:15,130 Aunt! 190 00:22:17,510 --> 00:22:21,010 I told you to get me a nice foreign watch 191 00:22:21,510 --> 00:22:24,170 Have you brought it? 192 00:22:24,670 --> 00:22:30,460 No, but I bring fortuitous times 193 00:22:30,970 --> 00:22:33,350 Look... 194 00:22:33,840 --> 00:22:37,460 over here... but I can't even make out clearly 195 00:22:37,970 --> 00:22:42,850 They use only paper? - And sometimes, not even that 196 00:22:43,340 --> 00:22:48,210 I never shook hands 197 00:22:48,720 --> 00:22:50,930 What are you upto? 198 00:22:51,420 --> 00:22:54,340 Give my box back to me 199 00:22:54,840 --> 00:22:57,670 Give it to me 200 00:22:58,170 --> 00:23:00,960 What's happening? - Nothing 201 00:23:01,470 --> 00:23:04,560 Watching Devdas? How do you find him? 202 00:23:05,050 --> 00:23:06,340 I'm not telling. - Tell me... 203 00:23:06,840 --> 00:23:09,300 how do you find him? - Like a fool 204 00:23:09,800 --> 00:23:13,630 What did he say when he met you? - I didn't show him my face 205 00:23:14,130 --> 00:23:15,590 Swear that by your mother? - I swear 206 00:23:16,090 --> 00:23:19,380 Poor thing, must've been pining. - Let him pine 207 00:23:19,880 --> 00:23:21,170 Don't make him suffer so 208 00:23:21,670 --> 00:23:24,210 Else, he'll come peeping around the door... 209 00:23:24,720 --> 00:23:28,220 and ask me, "Kaki-Ma, is Paro in?" 210 00:23:34,300 --> 00:23:37,800 Only in the moonlight he gets to see my face 211 00:26:22,880 --> 00:26:26,460 Card three and I win. - Damn 212 00:26:26,970 --> 00:26:27,810 Hey, what are you doing! 213 00:26:28,300 --> 00:26:30,260 Lost by a whisker. - You always lose by a whisker 214 00:26:30,760 --> 00:26:36,260 Kumud, so what if he wins once? - Wrong, today's Shubhankar's day 215 00:26:36,760 --> 00:26:41,090 No one else wins, here comes Paro but she can't win either 216 00:26:41,590 --> 00:26:47,460 You bet? - Beware! She'll loot you 217 00:26:47,970 --> 00:26:55,850 Well Paro, what have you brought? - "Shondesh" for Devdas. Ma sent it 218 00:26:56,340 --> 00:27:00,090 Where's Devdas? - The London-returned gentleman? 219 00:27:00,590 --> 00:27:08,090 Where else but in his room, training his binoculars on London? 220 00:27:08,590 --> 00:27:17,460 "The beloved is going to meet her lover." 221 00:27:17,970 --> 00:27:23,020 Saw? Earlier, she'd greet you first. Up she climbs, our beauty... 222 00:27:23,510 --> 00:27:27,010 straight for Devdas. - One too many a sweet message 223 00:27:33,510 --> 00:27:40,960 What brings the Moon down to Earth? - To take your breath away 224 00:27:41,470 --> 00:27:44,890 What are you doing? - Seeing how good my guess was 225 00:27:45,380 --> 00:27:48,170 Accurate? - Could never be wrong 226 00:27:48,670 --> 00:27:52,170 How come? - Known you for ages 227 00:27:55,220 --> 00:27:56,600 What's this? - Platter 228 00:27:57,090 --> 00:28:02,460 I know. But what's on it? - My excuse 229 00:28:02,970 --> 00:28:07,140 "Shondesh" for me? - See for yourself 230 00:28:07,630 --> 00:28:12,460 Empty...? - That's the excuse, silly 231 00:28:12,970 --> 00:28:14,970 Goodness! What a temper! 232 00:28:15,470 --> 00:28:17,470 You make a fine example of how to lose temper 233 00:28:17,970 --> 00:28:21,470 You're the same 234 00:28:23,220 --> 00:28:26,270 You too are just the same. 235 00:28:26,760 --> 00:28:29,550 Like what...? - Unsophisticated 236 00:28:30,050 --> 00:28:36,010 Naturally, after all, you're London-returned 237 00:28:36,510 --> 00:28:41,260 London's a big city, isn't it Dev? - London's entirely different 238 00:28:41,760 --> 00:28:45,010 Great personalities, great debates. Huge thoroughfares, huge edifices... 239 00:28:45,510 --> 00:28:50,840 and London's Trafalgar Square, pigeons, doves... 240 00:28:51,340 --> 00:28:52,130 The Queen's Palace 241 00:28:52,630 --> 00:28:54,380 And milling crowds, everywhere 242 00:28:54,880 --> 00:28:55,550 Do you know, Paro... 243 00:28:56,050 --> 00:28:59,010 Londoners live in a world of their own? 244 00:28:59,510 --> 00:29:01,380 And you? - Of course. 245 00:29:01,880 --> 00:29:03,920 You are so silly. 246 00:29:04,420 --> 00:29:06,380 Mention not. 247 00:29:06,880 --> 00:29:15,630 Say, you never missed the village? - Never, never, except... 248 00:29:16,130 --> 00:29:21,010 when I was fed up of the food at the hostel, I missed Ma's dishes 249 00:29:21,510 --> 00:29:26,880 And back in London, when someone screamed at me... 250 00:29:27,380 --> 00:29:31,380 I was reminded of my father. No one else 251 00:29:31,880 --> 00:29:36,630 On evening walks, I contemplated Dharamdas and his buggy 252 00:29:37,130 --> 00:29:41,920 On sleepless nights, grandmother's gentle pat 253 00:29:42,420 --> 00:29:45,920 Nothing else 254 00:29:50,340 --> 00:29:54,920 Dev... and... 255 00:29:55,420 --> 00:29:57,010 And...? - I...? 256 00:29:57,510 --> 00:30:00,590 Never. Or was it once...? 257 00:30:01,090 --> 00:30:06,210 No, you never came to mind, Paro. - I never came to mind...? 258 00:30:06,720 --> 00:30:10,720 Matters that come to mind are matters that matter. But... 259 00:30:11,220 --> 00:30:17,640 you don't matter, Paro. - True Dev, only you matter 260 00:30:18,130 --> 00:30:26,800 5 letters, 5 times a day. How many times did I read them each year? 261 00:30:27,300 --> 00:30:29,840 And how many times in ten years? - Multiplied by...? 262 00:30:30,340 --> 00:30:35,590 18,250 times. That's how much you matter... 263 00:30:36,090 --> 00:30:42,090 and ten years to the day, I have kept alive the flame I lit for you 264 00:30:42,590 --> 00:30:47,170 How many hours has it been burning? - If I were to count... 265 00:30:47,670 --> 00:30:55,460 87,600 hours. So much you matter, every second I remembered you 266 00:30:55,970 --> 00:31:03,140 How many seconds to a day? - I know, I'll tell you... 267 00:31:03,630 --> 00:31:06,130 You're bad at arithmetic 268 00:31:06,630 --> 00:31:09,010 Hey... hey Paro... 269 00:31:09,510 --> 00:31:16,300 There were times when I missed you. - When...? 270 00:31:16,800 --> 00:31:21,630 Whenever I breathed 271 00:31:22,130 --> 00:31:27,260 For them, reminiscences, those who can be forgotten. Silly 272 00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:31,340 So effortlessly you counted off those seconds? 273 00:31:31,840 --> 00:31:34,380 Without as much as a thought to every passing second... 274 00:31:34,880 --> 00:31:37,380 that carried me away? 275 00:31:37,880 --> 00:31:41,380 In the flame of the lamp that you lit, it was I who burned 276 00:31:57,920 --> 00:32:01,420 87,600 277 00:32:03,880 --> 00:32:06,090 Pity 278 00:32:06,590 --> 00:32:11,920 Shall I tell you what's on my mind for sometime? 279 00:32:12,420 --> 00:32:16,710 Two names on your mind. Paro and Devdas 280 00:32:17,220 --> 00:32:20,890 Mr Landlord! How did you make out? 281 00:32:21,380 --> 00:32:24,880 Kumud was saying, Dev and Paro are upto new antics 282 00:32:25,380 --> 00:32:27,460 For hours they stare at each other through binoculars 283 00:32:27,970 --> 00:32:33,220 "Shondesh" is her excuse for coming over. I don't like it 284 00:32:33,720 --> 00:32:38,060 And Sumitra is daydreaming of Paro's wedding to Devdas 285 00:32:38,550 --> 00:32:43,840 Daydreams never come true. Neelkanth married an actress 286 00:32:44,340 --> 00:32:48,590 Disgraced himself. In an alliance with a disgraced family... 287 00:32:49,090 --> 00:32:50,550 am I to bring my family to ridicule...? 288 00:32:51,050 --> 00:32:55,710 Right, but you know Sumitra. She shoots off her mouth 289 00:32:56,220 --> 00:32:59,430 What if she storms in someday proposing an alliance? 290 00:32:59,920 --> 00:33:04,050 The answer will be "no" - Why will the answer be no? 291 00:33:04,550 --> 00:33:09,880 A knight and a landlord. And the roof over our heads is leaking 292 00:33:10,380 --> 00:33:11,760 Leaking...? 293 00:33:12,260 --> 00:33:17,880 Even my postal address has changed. - Really...? 294 00:33:18,380 --> 00:33:25,880 Neelkanth Chakraborty, Old Mansion 295 00:33:26,380 --> 00:33:30,550 What's lacking in our Paro? She's pretty, she's literate 296 00:33:31,050 --> 00:33:33,550 I only got to spread the word. Tens of boys will be ready... 297 00:33:34,050 --> 00:33:36,340 to pay a bride-price for Paro. - Really? 298 00:33:36,840 --> 00:33:41,010 Yes. You are worrying overmuch 299 00:33:41,510 --> 00:33:44,710 Someday we will get a proposal... from them. You'll see 300 00:33:45,220 --> 00:33:48,720 Till then, I leave you to your musings. I'm off for my nap 301 00:33:55,840 --> 00:34:01,710 Mr Landlord! Have a care! Your old mansion is crumbling 302 00:34:02,220 --> 00:34:05,720 Broke my back 303 00:34:13,970 --> 00:34:18,560 All this jewellery! All for me? - You will give me a grandson 304 00:34:19,050 --> 00:34:20,840 Won't I give you something? 305 00:34:21,340 --> 00:34:24,210 Badi-Ma has opened up her treasure trove. Loot her 306 00:34:24,720 --> 00:34:26,560 I must! 307 00:34:27,050 --> 00:34:30,420 Badi-Ma! How exquisite! I must wear this 308 00:34:30,920 --> 00:34:35,460 No, that one isn't for you. - Then, for whom? 309 00:34:35,970 --> 00:34:40,270 For my Devdas' bride. - Let's see 310 00:34:40,760 --> 00:34:44,880 Give it all away to Devdas' bride! I want none of this 311 00:34:45,380 --> 00:34:47,260 Here's your elder daughter-in-law 312 00:34:47,760 --> 00:34:49,260 And everyone's all agog about someone who's yet to come 313 00:34:49,760 --> 00:34:53,630 Nice bracelet, isn't it? It'll look great on your arm 314 00:34:54,130 --> 00:34:57,090 In my father's house maids wear bracelets like these 315 00:34:57,590 --> 00:35:00,630 Then consider yourself a maid, right Badi-Ma? 316 00:35:01,130 --> 00:35:06,340 Yes! I'm maidservant in this house. My brother-in-law! Always after me 317 00:35:06,840 --> 00:35:12,050 You're making a mountain out of a molehill. I was joking 318 00:35:12,550 --> 00:35:17,010 If you disapprove, I won't even marry. - I hate being ridiculed 319 00:35:17,510 --> 00:35:22,090 Why rib her all the time? Badi-Ma you could've said yes... 320 00:35:22,590 --> 00:35:24,630 if only to please her. You know her nature. And she's pregnant 321 00:35:25,130 --> 00:35:31,710 And you've brought her to tears. Now I got to placate her. Woe betide 322 00:35:32,220 --> 00:35:39,640 No matter how much honey you add, "neem" is always bitter 323 00:35:40,130 --> 00:35:44,710 How do you like this bracelet? 324 00:35:45,220 --> 00:35:51,270 Just like you. Exotic. - Whom are you giving it to? 325 00:35:51,760 --> 00:35:55,260 You want to see? 326 00:35:57,300 --> 00:35:59,050 Take this. - And do what? 327 00:35:59,550 --> 00:36:04,050 Look through it. This bracelet is for whoever you see in it 328 00:36:04,550 --> 00:36:08,050 Wait. Wait. 329 00:36:09,550 --> 00:36:11,840 Goodness! Sumitra? 330 00:36:12,340 --> 00:36:13,880 Bye. 331 00:36:14,380 --> 00:36:20,920 Is she the one? Are you mad? - Yes, but not entirely. Look up 332 00:36:21,420 --> 00:36:23,380 That's Parvati. - Nice...? 333 00:36:23,880 --> 00:36:31,010 Yes nice, but I see her every day. - Do you see her as my bride? 334 00:36:31,510 --> 00:36:34,010 Wretched girl! - Now what's up? 335 00:36:34,510 --> 00:36:38,340 Staring at me through binoculars! - Goodness 336 00:36:38,840 --> 00:36:43,260 She's gone hiding. - She must be embarrassed 337 00:36:43,760 --> 00:36:48,420 Been chatting over binoculars? - Yes Badi-Ma 338 00:36:48,920 --> 00:36:52,260 Take a look, what's the wretch upto? 339 00:36:52,760 --> 00:36:57,460 Goodness! She's watching me out of the corner of her eyes 340 00:36:57,970 --> 00:37:01,560 Ran 341 00:37:02,050 --> 00:37:05,550 Have you run in too, Dev? 342 00:37:23,300 --> 00:37:27,550 Wretched boy 343 00:37:28,050 --> 00:37:31,550 How to make mountains out of a molehill... 344 00:37:32,050 --> 00:37:35,550 I'll show my mother-in-law. Chhoto-Ma... 345 00:37:44,130 --> 00:37:48,460 So you got caught peeping. - You got caught too 346 00:37:48,970 --> 00:37:55,060 And I was sentenced to punish you 347 00:37:55,550 --> 00:37:56,550 For you 348 00:37:57,050 --> 00:37:58,960 What...? - Gift 349 00:37:59,470 --> 00:38:01,560 You might as well put it on me 350 00:38:02,050 --> 00:38:04,460 So many bangles 351 00:38:04,970 --> 00:38:05,810 Silly 352 00:38:06,300 --> 00:38:07,010 Forget it 353 00:38:07,510 --> 00:38:10,340 Tell me, where is London? - Way west 354 00:38:10,840 --> 00:38:13,550 Where sets the Sun? - In the West 355 00:38:14,050 --> 00:38:16,550 The Sun rises over London five hours late every day? 356 00:38:17,050 --> 00:38:18,920 Yes - Is that why you're late... 357 00:38:19,420 --> 00:38:22,760 about understanding everything? - Yes... 358 00:38:23,260 --> 00:38:26,380 Dolt from London! Can't even take my bangles off 359 00:38:26,880 --> 00:38:30,380 How will you ever make me wear a bracelet? 360 00:38:53,590 --> 00:38:57,090 "My cruel lover is heartless" 361 00:39:03,760 --> 00:39:09,760 "My cruel lover is so heartless..." 362 00:39:10,260 --> 00:39:14,880 "he doesn't even know how I pine, he's just a ruthless slaver..." 363 00:39:15,380 --> 00:39:19,800 "oh cruel, please..." 364 00:39:20,300 --> 00:39:25,960 "How do I say this, whom do I tell?" 365 00:39:26,470 --> 00:39:32,020 "God, he doesn't know how I hurt..." 366 00:39:32,510 --> 00:39:36,460 "he knows not..." 367 00:39:36,970 --> 00:39:45,270 "how heartless" 368 00:39:45,760 --> 00:39:49,260 "how heartless" 369 00:40:14,300 --> 00:40:17,210 "You were far away, yet so close..." 370 00:40:17,720 --> 00:40:21,890 "now you're close yet distant...?" 371 00:40:22,380 --> 00:40:24,340 "I don't know... yet I know" 372 00:40:24,840 --> 00:40:33,800 "You were far away, yet so close... now you're close, yet distant...?" 373 00:40:34,300 --> 00:40:35,130 "Come..." 374 00:40:35,630 --> 00:40:37,340 "to me" 375 00:40:37,840 --> 00:40:43,550 "Adorn me with the bangle" - Let me read your palm 376 00:40:44,050 --> 00:40:46,010 "Don't tease me" - Lots of money 377 00:40:46,510 --> 00:40:49,460 "Now don't..." - Your marriage 378 00:40:49,970 --> 00:40:52,060 "Do my bidding" - You'll marry an old man 379 00:40:52,550 --> 00:40:55,460 "How do I say this..." - About your wedding 380 00:40:55,970 --> 00:41:03,270 "Whom do I tell... God" - You'll never marry 381 00:41:03,760 --> 00:41:08,010 "Fool, he doesn't even know..." 382 00:41:08,510 --> 00:41:12,010 "he just doesn't know" 383 00:42:06,050 --> 00:42:06,880 Shame! 384 00:42:07,380 --> 00:42:12,800 You see how the childhood love blossoms into youthful romance? 385 00:42:13,300 --> 00:42:17,260 For all Sumitra's "Shondesh", do send a sweet message to Sumitra 386 00:42:17,760 --> 00:42:24,260 Tell her, Paro has come of age 387 00:42:24,760 --> 00:42:28,260 What are you upto? 388 00:42:31,550 --> 00:42:34,710 What am I upto? 389 00:42:35,220 --> 00:42:39,850 What's up? What's wrong with Ma? - Your mother has gone mad. 390 00:42:40,340 --> 00:42:47,550 Yes! Mad with joy. Because no more will I dream the dream I dreamt 391 00:42:48,050 --> 00:42:50,880 And why? - Because it's coming true 392 00:42:51,380 --> 00:42:55,460 Ma, what dream...? - Which dream? Silly! 393 00:42:55,970 --> 00:42:59,390 I'm invited to a huge mansion. - I know, Kumud has conceived 394 00:42:59,880 --> 00:43:06,460 Also, Kaushalya-Didi wants to see me. She says, Paro has come of age 395 00:43:06,970 --> 00:43:10,470 We ought to think about Paro's wedding 396 00:43:13,130 --> 00:43:17,380 True Paro, when you step into that house in bridal finery... 397 00:43:17,880 --> 00:43:23,050 there will be dreams in your eyes, under the veil drawn over your face 398 00:43:23,550 --> 00:43:27,050 But we'll listen in joyous rapture for the chime in your anklets 399 00:43:39,420 --> 00:43:47,170 Mr Landlord! So how do I look? - Where's Paro? Isn't she going? 400 00:43:47,670 --> 00:43:51,460 So long she awaited this evening, she was dressed and raring to go 401 00:43:51,970 --> 00:43:55,470 In time to leave, she shies away. Off to the lake to fetch water 402 00:43:55,970 --> 00:43:57,970 Why? - Silly girl, she's afraid... 403 00:43:58,470 --> 00:44:01,640 that I might discuss her marriage right in front of her 404 00:44:02,130 --> 00:44:06,710 Don't you raise the topic Sumitra - The auspicious time runs out at 7 405 00:44:07,220 --> 00:44:11,220 By then if she hasn't raised the topic, I shall 406 00:44:11,720 --> 00:44:19,270 But don't worry. The answer won't be a "no". Bless me 407 00:44:19,760 --> 00:44:22,920 The guests are all here. Where is Sumitra-Kaki? 408 00:44:23,420 --> 00:44:27,840 Dreaming of Paro's wedding. To Devdas. You know... 409 00:44:28,340 --> 00:44:32,130 I've found a nice match for Paro. - Who...? 410 00:44:32,630 --> 00:44:37,300 Old Mr Chattopadhyay 411 00:44:37,800 --> 00:44:43,260 My compliments, sister! Best wishes for a grandson 412 00:44:43,760 --> 00:44:47,460 Don't overdo it, Sumitra. There's still time to go 413 00:44:47,970 --> 00:44:50,680 Only a few months, no? 414 00:44:51,170 --> 00:44:54,960 Then the baby's wails will resonate through the mansion 415 00:44:55,470 --> 00:45:00,180 Not sister, I'll call you grandma. - You should get Paro married soon 416 00:45:00,670 --> 00:45:06,260 I'd like to call you grannie too. - That's what I'm here to discuss 417 00:45:06,760 --> 00:45:12,130 I must discuss something too. Girls in your family fetch a bride price? 418 00:45:12,630 --> 00:45:17,630 No, that was olden custom. We will give our Paro away 419 00:45:18,130 --> 00:45:22,630 So it's final. I'll give Paro away in wedding. All the expense is mine 420 00:45:23,130 --> 00:45:26,630 Paro is my daughter too. - No, giving the daughter away... 421 00:45:27,130 --> 00:45:31,050 is a dream every parent dreams. About the expense, we can share it 422 00:45:31,550 --> 00:45:34,800 Then it's decided, Sumitra. - Really Didi? 423 00:45:35,300 --> 00:45:38,260 Yes, really. - Therefore Kaki-Ma, you will be... 424 00:45:38,760 --> 00:45:44,050 the master of ceremonies tonight. A stunning dance for the guests? 425 00:45:44,550 --> 00:45:46,340 Oh no, not I... - Why not? Don't you belong... 426 00:45:46,840 --> 00:45:52,460 to a family of theatre dancers? - Yes Didi, but that was ages ago 427 00:45:52,970 --> 00:45:58,770 No Kaki-Ma, no excuses. Tonight you sing and you dance 428 00:45:59,260 --> 00:46:02,630 No dear, not I... - Are you embarrassed? Just imagine 429 00:46:03,130 --> 00:46:09,960 You're dancing at Paro's wedding. - Now I can't refuse, can I? 430 00:46:10,470 --> 00:46:15,220 So be it. Radha and Krishna and love divine 431 00:46:15,720 --> 00:46:19,220 "Dearest love" 432 00:47:25,340 --> 00:47:27,260 "The Moon alone..." 433 00:47:27,760 --> 00:47:31,260 "in night's embrace..." 434 00:47:35,130 --> 00:47:38,630 "in moonlight vigil, night's desire..." 435 00:47:53,550 --> 00:47:56,460 "sang"run-jhun run-jhun" a breezing gust..." 436 00:47:56,970 --> 00:47:59,640 "into a radiant night..." 437 00:48:00,130 --> 00:48:03,920 "rode in fireflies on a palanquin of stars..." 438 00:48:04,420 --> 00:48:09,420 "as the word played on stilled lips" 439 00:48:09,920 --> 00:48:11,460 "Then to the cadence of drums and cymbals..." 440 00:48:11,970 --> 00:48:14,060 "the duffle was struck... then..." 441 00:48:14,550 --> 00:48:16,340 "into the rhythm swayed..." 442 00:48:16,840 --> 00:48:18,630 "my lovely Radha" 443 00:48:19,130 --> 00:48:23,920 "Into the rhythm Radha swayed" 444 00:48:24,420 --> 00:48:30,010 "Then he came from nowhere and he said... I love you" 445 00:48:30,510 --> 00:48:33,800 "Dear love..." 446 00:48:34,300 --> 00:48:38,880 "oh but I'm afraid" 447 00:48:39,380 --> 00:48:43,710 "Dear love..." 448 00:48:44,220 --> 00:48:47,720 "oh but I'm afraid" 449 00:49:10,300 --> 00:49:13,800 "Oh dearest love" 450 00:49:50,720 --> 00:49:55,560 "No, not my wrist..." 451 00:49:56,050 --> 00:50:00,130 "oh, how shameful" 452 00:50:00,630 --> 00:50:05,460 "Leave me..." 453 00:50:05,970 --> 00:50:10,020 "I beg of you" 454 00:50:10,510 --> 00:50:15,130 "No, don't force me..." 455 00:50:15,630 --> 00:50:17,260 "spare me" 456 00:50:17,760 --> 00:50:19,920 "Dear love" 457 00:50:20,420 --> 00:50:21,340 "No..." 458 00:50:21,840 --> 00:50:23,800 "I'll curse you for this" 459 00:50:24,300 --> 00:50:25,920 "Madman! Go away" 460 00:50:26,420 --> 00:50:27,840 "Don't torment me" 461 00:50:28,340 --> 00:50:31,130 "Oh dearest love..." 462 00:50:31,630 --> 00:50:34,840 "dear love..." 463 00:50:35,340 --> 00:50:39,840 "oh but I'm afraid" 464 00:50:40,340 --> 00:50:44,590 "Love me" 465 00:50:45,090 --> 00:50:50,920 "oh but I'm afraid" 466 00:50:51,420 --> 00:50:56,710 "Love me" 467 00:50:57,220 --> 00:50:59,180 "On the banks of the Yamuna..." 468 00:50:59,670 --> 00:51:01,710 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 469 00:51:02,220 --> 00:51:06,470 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 470 00:51:06,970 --> 00:51:08,770 "Of desire in their hearts rose a song to their lips" 471 00:51:09,260 --> 00:51:11,260 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 472 00:51:11,760 --> 00:51:15,760 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 473 00:51:16,260 --> 00:51:17,800 "Thirsting in every breath, searing passion in their hearts..." 474 00:51:18,300 --> 00:51:20,260 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 475 00:51:20,760 --> 00:51:24,460 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 476 00:51:24,970 --> 00:51:26,560 "The world looks at it in amazement" 477 00:51:27,050 --> 00:51:29,420 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 478 00:51:29,920 --> 00:51:33,300 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 479 00:51:33,800 --> 00:51:37,460 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 480 00:51:37,970 --> 00:51:41,470 "Krishna and Radha in the Dance of Love" 481 00:51:50,220 --> 00:51:51,270 What is this? 482 00:51:51,760 --> 00:51:54,260 The token of betrothal... 483 00:51:54,760 --> 00:51:58,260 of my daughter to your son. Paro and Devdas 484 00:52:03,470 --> 00:52:08,640 Are you in your senses, Sumitra? I invited mother and daughter... 485 00:52:09,130 --> 00:52:13,090 to entertain my guests with some melodrama 486 00:52:13,590 --> 00:52:16,380 Instead, you are out to work magic? 487 00:52:16,880 --> 00:52:23,760 Kumud, you were right! Sumitra-Kaki's timing is opportune 488 00:52:24,260 --> 00:52:28,010 She does knows how to take advantage of opportunity 489 00:52:28,510 --> 00:52:32,420 As a child, her daughter stole guavas from our orchards 490 00:52:32,920 --> 00:52:39,460 Now she sets her sights on my son? - No Didi, that isn't true 491 00:52:39,970 --> 00:52:42,470 Devdas and Paro were childhood sweethearts 492 00:52:42,970 --> 00:52:45,470 They are in love, they can't live without each other 493 00:52:45,970 --> 00:52:52,560 In a large family, maybe you never noticed. But I know how they yearn 494 00:52:53,050 --> 00:52:57,010 Please do not refuse Didi, even if it means... 495 00:52:57,510 --> 00:52:59,340 that you will have nothing more to do with me afterwards 496 00:52:59,840 --> 00:53:05,760 Why draw water from poisoned wells? You may not betray the traits 497 00:53:06,260 --> 00:53:08,960 But your genes remain the same, that of the dancing girls 498 00:53:09,470 --> 00:53:11,640 Yes, we landlords eat fish... 499 00:53:12,130 --> 00:53:14,550 but we won't let bones stick in the gullet 500 00:53:15,050 --> 00:53:17,630 For one, you are a neighbour. Worse, as a family, disgraced 501 00:53:18,130 --> 00:53:24,920 Even if you may momentarily forget your disgrace, but your standing? 502 00:53:25,420 --> 00:53:28,260 Don't you try to palm off your bad coin 503 00:53:28,760 --> 00:53:36,010 Chhoto-Ma, let it pass Chhoto-Ma. We can always talk Dev out of it 504 00:53:36,510 --> 00:53:42,550 Which leaves Parvati. If she can't contain herself, send her to Dev 505 00:53:43,050 --> 00:53:44,840 Honour among landlords isn't sullied by such affairs 506 00:53:45,340 --> 00:53:51,340 Unbecoming of a landlord's woman! Don't interfere when elders speak 507 00:53:51,840 --> 00:53:57,840 Enough! Replying to you is beneath my dignity 508 00:53:58,340 --> 00:54:03,800 My sister you were. From now on, merely Kaushalya 509 00:54:04,300 --> 00:54:11,130 And Kaushalya, you too sang the day my daughter was born 510 00:54:11,630 --> 00:54:14,760 Remember Badi-Ma? She took my daughter from my arms... 511 00:54:15,260 --> 00:54:20,010 saying Paro was her daughter! With a smile, I had even said yes 512 00:54:20,510 --> 00:54:23,760 Little did I know that even in the big landlord's mansion... 513 00:54:24,260 --> 00:54:27,460 a lady of the house could be so narrow-minded... 514 00:54:27,970 --> 00:54:31,770 as to count guavas stolen from one of her orchards 515 00:54:32,260 --> 00:54:36,800 Count, how many guavas did my daughter steal? Tell me 516 00:54:37,300 --> 00:54:41,170 Counting guavas? By the count of it... 517 00:54:41,670 --> 00:54:48,960 I've fed your son many more times than your count of stolen guava 518 00:54:49,470 --> 00:54:51,060 Stolen 519 00:54:51,550 --> 00:54:57,260 And the disgrace? Yes, we do sell our daughters 520 00:54:57,760 --> 00:55:02,960 But you trade too, Kaushalya. We sell our daughters, openly 521 00:55:03,470 --> 00:55:07,390 But you swallow the dowries and the daughters too 522 00:55:07,880 --> 00:55:15,010 Good or bad, the coin is known by it's tinkle. But you wouldn't know 523 00:55:15,510 --> 00:55:20,460 Because you're deaf enough not to know your son's heart 524 00:55:20,970 --> 00:55:24,770 Blind you are, that you do not see their love 525 00:55:25,260 --> 00:55:32,960 Now soon you will stand dumbstruck in witness your son's ruination 526 00:55:33,470 --> 00:55:40,310 I swear, my daughter will marry into a family richer than yours 527 00:55:40,800 --> 00:55:49,460 In a week. If I fail, then come, mourn my death on day eight 528 00:55:49,970 --> 00:55:54,560 I came to wish that you would beget a handsome son 529 00:55:55,050 --> 00:55:58,550 But all I can wish is to see that a daughter you be given 530 00:56:20,670 --> 00:56:22,840 I hear your mother is giving you away... 531 00:56:23,340 --> 00:56:28,760 into a rich family. Do you know your husband's name? 532 00:56:29,260 --> 00:56:31,840 Devdas. - Even after all that happened... 533 00:56:32,340 --> 00:56:34,630 will Dev marry you? - I'll ask him and I'll tell you 534 00:56:35,130 --> 00:56:40,300 Is there anything left to ask? She was insulted so gravely 535 00:56:40,800 --> 00:56:44,050 Dev didn't insult her, did he? - Will you walk up... 536 00:56:44,550 --> 00:56:47,760 to ask Dev to marry you? Won't that be embarrassing? 537 00:56:48,260 --> 00:56:52,760 Why be embarrassed about asking for what is yours? 538 00:56:53,260 --> 00:56:56,760 You're married, yet you don't know what a husband means? 539 00:57:30,340 --> 00:57:33,840 Who...? - I 540 00:58:00,670 --> 00:58:03,630 Are you all right? 541 00:58:04,130 --> 00:58:06,960 So late at night? In the dark...? 542 00:58:07,470 --> 00:58:12,060 Weren't you afraid? - No, now I'm afraid of no one 543 00:58:12,550 --> 00:58:20,210 Not even of being maligned? - No, when I am with you... 544 00:58:20,720 --> 00:58:23,270 I don't even care about getting a bad name 545 00:58:23,760 --> 00:58:28,210 Why... here... now...? - Why does the river head to sea? 546 00:58:28,720 --> 00:58:31,390 Why does the sunflower always face the Sun? 547 00:58:31,880 --> 00:58:34,010 And why comes Paro heedless of her dignity...? 548 00:58:34,510 --> 00:58:37,840 Why unheeding my family honour do I venture out in dark of night? 549 00:58:38,340 --> 00:58:44,050 Why do I seek refuge at your feet? To all questions, a single answer 550 00:58:44,550 --> 00:58:48,920 For the same reply, far too many questions asking to be answered 551 00:58:49,420 --> 00:58:52,760 There are no questions, not as long as we're together 552 00:58:53,260 --> 00:58:57,840 That's what they don't want. - What do you want? 553 00:58:58,340 --> 00:59:02,260 Happiness, for you 554 00:59:02,760 --> 00:59:06,760 But my father won't look at it from our perspective 555 00:59:07,260 --> 00:59:10,760 We'll win him over 556 00:59:13,550 --> 00:59:15,340 What if he doesn't relent? 557 00:59:15,840 --> 00:59:21,300 Where there's love, there's no fear. - Where there's smoke there's fire 558 00:59:21,800 --> 00:59:26,090 In fires of attrition, I don't want us... 559 00:59:26,590 --> 00:59:29,840 to be consumed. - I'm doomed, in any case 560 00:59:30,340 --> 00:59:33,840 Be it with you, or without you 561 00:59:37,420 --> 00:59:43,130 Let me drop you home. - You're coming with me? 562 00:59:43,630 --> 00:59:47,130 Without fear of censure? 563 01:00:01,880 --> 01:00:06,260 Even the cur is wary of the door it's kicked out of 564 01:00:06,760 --> 01:00:10,880 What you can't get away with by light of the day, you try by night? 565 01:00:11,380 --> 01:00:14,880 Why don't you, mother and daughter start a brothel? 566 01:00:20,670 --> 01:00:24,340 Not even a pimp would advise his daughter to do that 567 01:00:24,840 --> 01:00:28,340 Dev! 568 01:00:32,880 --> 01:00:36,550 Paro! 569 01:00:37,050 --> 01:00:41,590 With the lamp, I saw you burn for Devdas 570 01:00:42,090 --> 01:00:48,340 I treasure your feelings. Were you to have asked me before leaving... 571 01:00:48,840 --> 01:00:52,210 I would not even mind if you were to have been whore for a night 572 01:00:52,720 --> 01:00:57,560 Ma, I just went to ask him! - And received what in reply? 573 01:00:58,050 --> 01:01:05,090 Not alone, you carried with you, the honour of our family 574 01:01:05,590 --> 01:01:11,550 Have you left your honour behind? 575 01:01:12,050 --> 01:01:13,760 Let it pass, father. Why make... 576 01:01:14,260 --> 01:01:16,840 ...a mountain out of a molehill? 577 01:01:17,340 --> 01:01:20,340 By the way, what to do about Paro's shawl? 578 01:01:20,840 --> 01:01:24,880 Tell him to return it. This marriage isn't happening 579 01:01:25,380 --> 01:01:26,090 I shall do no such thing 580 01:01:26,590 --> 01:01:29,800 Don't forget yourself, Dev! 581 01:01:30,300 --> 01:01:33,800 You forget whom you are addressing 582 01:01:37,300 --> 01:01:41,630 A hot-headed landlord who will send his fellow-man's daughter... 583 01:01:42,130 --> 01:01:45,170 to a brothel. - Gentlemen's daughters... 584 01:01:45,670 --> 01:01:51,340 never steal out of neighbours' rooms at 2 am 585 01:01:51,840 --> 01:01:55,920 So great was her compulsion and it was you who compelled her 586 01:01:56,420 --> 01:02:01,340 I will brook no argument from you. - Nor do I wish to talk to you 587 01:02:01,840 --> 01:02:02,260 Fine! 588 01:02:02,760 --> 01:02:03,550 It's decided 589 01:02:04,050 --> 01:02:05,050 Case is dismissed. 590 01:02:05,550 --> 01:02:08,460 I object. - Don't you realize... 591 01:02:08,970 --> 01:02:12,270 Our family ranks far higher than theirs 592 01:02:12,760 --> 01:02:14,630 I object. 593 01:02:15,130 --> 01:02:21,460 Yet, it's the same food we eat? - Our hierarchy, status, standing 594 01:02:21,970 --> 01:02:24,220 Even the British government is informed of us 595 01:02:24,720 --> 01:02:26,100 I object. 596 01:02:26,590 --> 01:02:29,760 Yet, the same soil we tread upon? - The bird that soars... 597 01:02:30,260 --> 01:02:34,130 can never have any relationship with fish in the waters 598 01:02:34,630 --> 01:02:38,460 Yet, man on Earth relates to God in Heaven? 599 01:02:38,970 --> 01:02:42,470 How dare you? 600 01:02:44,630 --> 01:02:48,130 I said I object. 601 01:02:58,970 --> 01:03:00,640 Stop, Dev. Dev, stop. 602 01:03:01,130 --> 01:03:04,090 Dev, everything can be resolved. I'll talk to Babu-ji 603 01:03:04,590 --> 01:03:06,630 But don't leave the house. - No Dwij 604 01:03:07,130 --> 01:03:08,460 Childishness! 605 01:03:08,970 --> 01:03:11,060 Over something so trivial...? - Trivial for you, not for me 606 01:03:11,550 --> 01:03:13,420 Not for me a life praying for every breath 607 01:03:13,920 --> 01:03:16,840 Dev, we'll talk to Babu-ji... - Stop Dev 608 01:03:17,340 --> 01:03:19,800 Dev stop. - Stop! Listen to me 609 01:03:20,300 --> 01:03:21,840 Stop him, Kumud. 610 01:03:22,340 --> 01:03:22,920 Dev, listen to me. 611 01:03:23,420 --> 01:03:26,260 You aren't going anywhere. Your mother is talking to the master 612 01:03:26,760 --> 01:03:27,920 Everything will be fine. - No Dharamdas 613 01:03:28,420 --> 01:03:31,260 The tempest ought to pass. lf I stay on, much will be undone 614 01:03:31,760 --> 01:03:32,760 Listen to me. 615 01:03:33,260 --> 01:03:34,090 Lady... 616 01:03:34,590 --> 01:03:37,130 Dev is leaving, Paro 617 01:03:37,630 --> 01:03:42,340 It's as much his test as it is yours. See for yourself... 618 01:03:42,840 --> 01:03:46,050 what he cares for, you or family? Is he taking you with him? 619 01:03:46,550 --> 01:03:49,550 Or is he deserting you? lf he isn't taking you along... 620 01:03:50,050 --> 01:03:54,550 then you shall do your mother's bidding 621 01:03:55,050 --> 01:03:56,840 Stop Deva! I won't let you leave! 622 01:03:57,340 --> 01:04:00,840 Stop. - Out of my way. 623 01:04:22,920 --> 01:04:27,460 "That night, all sense of reasoning deserted me" 624 01:04:27,970 --> 01:04:30,720 "I was left vacillating as if between pendulous scales" 625 01:04:31,220 --> 01:04:35,430 "You wouldn't want me to displease my father to make you happy..." 626 01:04:35,920 --> 01:04:38,550 "would you?" 627 01:04:39,050 --> 01:04:45,340 "Why does the river go to sea? Why the sunflower gazes at the sun?" 628 01:04:45,840 --> 01:04:50,880 "Instead of hunting answers, why not let the question pass?" 629 01:04:51,380 --> 01:04:57,260 "What was between us, was no more than childishness. There's no love" 630 01:04:57,760 --> 01:05:00,380 "From now onwards, you are the girl next-door" 631 01:05:00,880 --> 01:05:02,840 "And I, your friend" 632 01:05:03,340 --> 01:05:06,840 Paro, get dressed, come downstairs. Hurry. Your in-laws are here 633 01:05:19,380 --> 01:05:24,420 "My love! Oh why did you leave me smouldering?" 634 01:05:24,920 --> 01:05:28,420 "Why did you snub out the flame?" 635 01:05:32,050 --> 01:05:35,260 Ei Dev... 636 01:05:35,760 --> 01:05:41,960 Friend, you aren't asleep yet? Are you a stranger in my home? 637 01:05:42,470 --> 01:05:47,930 Nothing of the sort, Chuni Babu. I'm just not feeling sleepy 638 01:05:48,420 --> 01:05:53,210 Drink up... 639 01:05:53,720 --> 01:05:56,640 You know I don't drink. - Then what gives? 640 01:05:57,130 --> 01:06:01,090 If "h" is for happiness in life, why are you so looking so harassed? 641 01:06:01,590 --> 01:06:07,210 So harried as not to feel at home? - Nothing of the sort 642 01:06:07,720 --> 01:06:10,850 Fought with your parents? - No 643 01:06:11,340 --> 01:06:15,050 Or are you nursing a wounded heart? 644 01:06:15,550 --> 01:06:20,880 My point! That's my point! "H" for heart and for hurt 645 01:06:21,380 --> 01:06:25,260 And the two are related so closely my friend, oh-so-closely 646 01:06:25,760 --> 01:06:27,630 - Have you suffered no pain? 647 01:06:28,130 --> 01:06:30,550 Ask not of one Time has weathered what pain each nuance hides... 648 01:06:31,050 --> 01:06:36,300 You know what I make family with. Just me and my wealth 649 01:06:36,800 --> 01:06:40,050 And therefore it was that I adopted music 650 01:06:40,550 --> 01:06:47,130 The "Thumri" for my daughter, and the "Dadra", my son 651 01:06:47,630 --> 01:06:52,170 The "w" in words is tricky, making for warmth... 652 01:06:52,670 --> 01:06:55,800 ...worn, wealth, worlds, wisdom... 653 01:06:56,300 --> 01:07:07,550 wastrels and wishes. Worship too. A well-wisher and your waywardness 654 01:07:08,050 --> 01:07:15,840 Get over this insanity and let's go away. Way away. I feel walled-in 655 01:07:16,340 --> 01:07:21,010 But Chuni Babu, where to? - Wherever you wish 656 01:07:21,510 --> 01:07:25,840 Where you go every night 657 01:07:26,340 --> 01:07:29,840 There, where the anklets tinkle? 658 01:08:08,050 --> 01:08:11,090 How are you ladies? Look, whom I've brought to you 659 01:08:11,590 --> 01:08:15,840 Who is it? - My classmate from London 660 01:08:16,340 --> 01:08:21,050 Where are you lost Dev Babu? Come, here too I hold court 661 01:08:21,550 --> 01:08:25,050 Welcome my friend, enter 662 01:09:06,170 --> 01:09:08,670 Chandramukhi 663 01:09:09,170 --> 01:09:15,130 Your mirror couldn't bear to see my face. I'm sorry for your loss 664 01:09:15,630 --> 01:09:23,010 If sorrow be joy's harbinger, every loss signals what gain shall be? 665 01:09:23,510 --> 01:09:30,670 Wonderful Chandramukhi! Even your words are so seductive 666 01:09:31,170 --> 01:09:38,460 But do use the kohl, to ward off the stranger's evil eye 667 01:09:38,970 --> 01:09:42,560 You are much amused? - Naturally 668 01:09:43,050 --> 01:09:45,090 I see someone trying to ward off the evil eye... 669 01:09:45,590 --> 01:09:48,880 while women on the marketplace... 670 01:09:49,380 --> 01:09:53,260 vie to be seen 671 01:09:53,760 --> 01:09:58,840 You touch upon eyespeak and you have stolen my heart 672 01:09:59,340 --> 01:10:05,840 What I took for stone, breathes the life into me 673 01:10:06,340 --> 01:10:09,710 So you see Dev Babu? On "c" and Chandramukhi... 674 01:10:10,220 --> 01:10:12,140 didn't I warn you she's cause of such amazement? 675 01:10:12,630 --> 01:10:18,010 Chuni Babu also begins with a "c" 676 01:10:18,510 --> 01:10:21,840 Of c's and cause celebres and Chandramukhi... 677 01:10:22,340 --> 01:10:25,840 you saw how clumsy she made me look? 678 01:10:54,340 --> 01:10:57,460 "Jasmine makes fragrant..." 679 01:10:57,970 --> 01:11:01,890 "her lovely dark tresses" 680 01:11:02,380 --> 01:11:05,090 "Jasmine makes fragrant..." 681 01:11:05,590 --> 01:11:09,460 "her lovely dark tresses" 682 01:11:09,970 --> 01:11:13,850 "Radha's face is aglow, electric" 683 01:11:14,340 --> 01:11:18,010 "Her gait, seductive" 684 01:11:18,510 --> 01:11:22,050 "Her gait, seductive" 685 01:11:22,550 --> 01:11:26,050 "Her gait, seductive" 686 01:12:00,470 --> 01:12:05,970 "Krishna stopped her" 687 01:12:06,470 --> 01:12:08,560 "He surprised Radha with a kiss" 688 01:12:09,050 --> 01:12:10,210 "Surprised Radha with a kiss..." 689 01:12:10,720 --> 01:12:11,680 "with a kiss" 690 01:12:12,170 --> 01:12:15,670 "Radha's veil was slipping away" 691 01:12:21,970 --> 01:12:30,810 "Do not tease me, Radha pleaded" 692 01:12:31,300 --> 01:12:38,920 "Do not tease me, Radha pleaded" 693 01:12:39,420 --> 01:12:46,550 "Why are you teasing me?" 694 01:12:47,050 --> 01:12:50,840 "But Krishna was obstinate" 695 01:12:51,340 --> 01:12:54,710 "But Krishna was obstinate"But Krishna was obstinate" 696 01:12:55,220 --> 01:13:02,140 "He shamed Radha" 697 01:13:02,630 --> 01:13:06,130 "He shamed Radha" 698 01:13:06,630 --> 01:13:10,130 "That night, Krishna wouldn't listen" 699 01:13:10,630 --> 01:13:13,760 "That night, Krishna wouldn't listen" 700 01:13:14,260 --> 01:13:21,840 "But whom could Radha complain to? Krishna wouldn't listen" 701 01:13:22,340 --> 01:13:25,840 "Oh, why are you teasing me?" 702 01:13:49,170 --> 01:13:53,840 "A pot of milk..." 703 01:13:54,340 --> 01:13:56,460 "Radha carried on her head..." 704 01:13:56,970 --> 01:13:58,350 "when she heard..." 705 01:13:58,840 --> 01:13:59,920 "Krishna's footsteps..." 706 01:14:00,420 --> 01:14:01,840 "and her heart..." 707 01:14:02,340 --> 01:14:08,460 "skipped a beat" 708 01:14:08,970 --> 01:14:12,470 "Oh stop teasing me" 709 01:14:16,260 --> 01:14:23,880 "Radha pleaded, don't hold my arms so hard, then her bangles broke" 710 01:14:24,380 --> 01:14:27,880 "Radha pleaded, don't hold my arms so hard, then her bangles broke" 711 01:14:43,340 --> 01:14:45,840 "But that night..." 712 01:14:46,340 --> 01:14:50,670 "whom could Radha complain to? Krishna wouldn't listen" 713 01:14:51,170 --> 01:14:54,670 "Oh stop teasing me" 714 01:15:41,050 --> 01:15:43,460 Mesmeric 715 01:15:43,970 --> 01:15:50,390 Where are you off to? Tarry, the night has just come of age 716 01:15:50,880 --> 01:15:57,840 I made a big mistake! I shouldn't have written that letter to Paro 717 01:15:58,340 --> 01:16:06,550 I want to go to Paro. - Who's Paro? Wait, wait for me 718 01:16:07,050 --> 01:16:09,050 Bad manners, walking out on a performance 719 01:16:09,550 --> 01:16:13,420 Dancing to an audience of drunken men... 720 01:16:13,920 --> 01:16:17,420 is shamelessness 721 01:16:19,300 --> 01:16:23,460 You are a woman, Chandramukhi. Realise who you are 722 01:16:23,970 --> 01:16:28,810 Woman, mother, sister, wife, friend 723 01:16:29,300 --> 01:16:31,340 When she is none... 724 01:16:31,840 --> 01:16:34,090 she is whore 725 01:16:34,590 --> 01:16:38,090 Could you be some else, Chandramukhi? 726 01:16:40,340 --> 01:16:42,710 Price. For our time together 727 01:16:43,220 --> 01:16:46,720 Keep it 728 01:16:49,760 --> 01:16:51,960 Friend... 729 01:16:52,470 --> 01:16:59,560 See? Someone I wanted to stay on, is gone 730 01:17:00,050 --> 01:17:07,340 In what are you lost? - Such anguish in those eyes 731 01:17:07,840 --> 01:17:13,170 Does anguish make you anxious? 732 01:17:13,670 --> 01:17:18,840 Have courtesans no hearts? Is she denied the right to love? 733 01:17:19,340 --> 01:17:23,840 Of course! If there be amour, paramour there is too 734 01:17:24,340 --> 01:17:26,710 Will you do me a favour? - Say it 735 01:17:27,220 --> 01:17:29,470 For just once, will you bring him? 736 01:17:29,970 --> 01:17:36,350 Promise, I cannot. But try, I shall. Only for you 737 01:17:36,840 --> 01:17:44,420 Look at her! Paro is as resplendent as the Moon tonight 738 01:17:44,920 --> 01:17:49,420 Had Devdas been here, he'd know what he has lost 739 01:17:49,920 --> 01:17:51,550 My Paro is lucky 740 01:17:52,050 --> 01:17:53,630 Her wedding procession is coming all the way from Manikpur... 741 01:17:54,130 --> 01:17:56,550 like a train of lights. - You haven't seen it 742 01:17:57,050 --> 01:18:00,050 The bride's mother must not watch her daughter's wedding procession 743 01:18:00,550 --> 01:18:02,920 Lest the mother gives the bride the evil eye 744 01:18:03,420 --> 01:18:08,800 And after tonight no one will ever call her Paro 745 01:18:09,300 --> 01:18:10,800 Just Parvati 746 01:18:11,300 --> 01:18:14,460 Kaki-Ma (Kaki Ma: Aunt) 747 01:18:14,970 --> 01:18:18,470 Is Paro in? 748 01:18:22,220 --> 01:18:25,060 The wedding procession is about to arrive 749 01:18:25,550 --> 01:18:29,050 You can see her. Let's go, Manorama 750 01:18:37,760 --> 01:18:40,550 I'm back Paro 751 01:18:41,050 --> 01:18:44,590 Why? - I've come back to you. Forever 752 01:18:45,090 --> 01:18:48,920 When my wedding procession is at my door? 753 01:18:49,420 --> 01:18:55,340 There's still time. I'll convince my parents. I'll tell them... 754 01:18:55,840 --> 01:19:01,760 Your parents! Haven't I...? If honour matters to your family... 755 01:19:02,260 --> 01:19:05,840 ...doesn't honour matter to us? Your father may be a landlord 756 01:19:06,340 --> 01:19:11,920 Doesn't my father count? No matter how lowly we bride-sellers are... 757 01:19:12,420 --> 01:19:15,960 we never cheat anyone. - I never cheated you, Paro 758 01:19:16,470 --> 01:19:19,640 Then why did you leave me? And that letter? 759 01:19:20,130 --> 01:19:25,630 Paro you know, your Dev never does anything deliberately 760 01:19:26,130 --> 01:19:27,630 I was naive 761 01:19:28,130 --> 01:19:33,550 Naivete! How naive can you be Dev? On a whim, you give me a bracelet? 762 01:19:34,050 --> 01:19:37,630 On a whim, you write saying there's no love lost! Naivete? 763 01:19:38,130 --> 01:19:45,630 "Paro forever"...another whim? - Paro! Your wedding procession 764 01:19:46,130 --> 01:19:49,380 Time to part 765 01:19:49,880 --> 01:19:53,590 I don't accept this marriage! - What difference? I accept 766 01:19:54,090 --> 01:20:00,550 Then, I'm going to tell everyone... - I went to see you at 2 am 767 01:20:01,050 --> 01:20:05,170 You want to malign me? - I... malign you? 768 01:20:05,670 --> 01:20:08,260 How could you think? If you ever say that again... 769 01:20:08,760 --> 01:20:11,460 What will you do? Hit me? Ever since I was a child... 770 01:20:11,970 --> 01:20:15,560 have you held me in fief? And when I ask for my right... 771 01:20:16,050 --> 01:20:20,920 you do a volte face? - Enough! Stop it Paro 772 01:20:21,420 --> 01:20:24,710 Such vanity is no good. - Why should I not be vain? 773 01:20:25,220 --> 01:20:29,390 What are you Dev, but wealthy and handsome? 774 01:20:29,880 --> 01:20:34,710 I possess virtues, beauty. And after tonight, riches too 775 01:20:35,220 --> 01:20:37,390 From now on, I am more than an equal to you 776 01:20:37,880 --> 01:20:41,380 If you be a landlord, I take pride in being an aristocrat 777 01:20:48,880 --> 01:20:50,840 Such vanity? 778 01:20:51,340 --> 01:20:54,840 Not even the Moon is as vain. - But the Moon is scarred 779 01:21:14,420 --> 01:21:17,840 What have you done? 780 01:21:18,340 --> 01:21:21,840 I have scarred you, like the Moon. With the mark of my love 781 01:22:00,050 --> 01:22:05,210 "On joyous night..." 782 01:22:05,720 --> 01:22:11,930 "when her bridal procession arrived..." 783 01:22:12,420 --> 01:22:15,460 "slowly, a sea of sorrow..." 784 01:22:15,970 --> 01:22:18,810 "rose, stilled in her eyes" 785 01:22:19,300 --> 01:22:22,210 "To lilting lutes..." 786 01:22:22,720 --> 01:22:26,220 "her eyes told the tale" 787 01:22:33,920 --> 01:22:36,710 "Always, it was you I loved..." 788 01:22:37,220 --> 01:22:40,180 "and I loved and I loved..." 789 01:22:40,670 --> 01:22:44,170 "and I loved forever" 790 01:22:49,380 --> 01:22:59,050 "Forever I have longed for you as I have longed for nothing else" 791 01:22:59,550 --> 01:23:02,340 "My heart has worshipped you..." 792 01:23:02,840 --> 01:23:05,880 "worshipped you and worshipped..." 793 01:23:06,380 --> 01:23:10,340 "and worshipped but none else" 794 01:23:10,840 --> 01:23:13,550 "Never..." 795 01:23:14,050 --> 01:23:18,630 "never, never, never..." 796 01:23:19,130 --> 01:23:21,340 "and none else" 797 01:23:21,840 --> 01:23:25,420 "and none else" 798 01:23:25,920 --> 01:23:29,420 "and none else" 799 01:24:05,130 --> 01:24:08,210 "Sorrow clouds a joy..." 800 01:24:08,720 --> 01:24:11,430 "shades of anguish darken her..." 801 01:24:11,920 --> 01:24:14,920 "as she goes to tell her beloved..." 802 01:24:15,420 --> 01:24:21,300 "only to tell her beloved" 803 01:24:21,800 --> 01:24:28,260 "The wound you have left me with..." 804 01:24:28,760 --> 01:24:35,050 "only adds to my beauty" 805 01:24:35,550 --> 01:24:41,920 "My wound I will preserve as your mark..." 806 01:24:42,420 --> 01:24:48,880 "that anoints my forehead" 807 01:24:49,380 --> 01:24:50,340 "My beloved..." 808 01:24:50,840 --> 01:24:52,300 "oh beloved..." 809 01:24:52,800 --> 01:24:54,010 "without you..." 810 01:24:54,510 --> 01:24:56,550 "my life is incomplete..." 811 01:24:57,050 --> 01:24:58,340 "vacuous..." 812 01:24:58,840 --> 01:25:01,710 "empty..." 813 01:25:02,220 --> 01:25:05,720 "my life is empty..." 814 01:25:17,130 --> 01:25:20,130 "Carrying memories of moments past..." 815 01:25:20,630 --> 01:25:23,460 "with burdened steps she walks..." 816 01:25:23,970 --> 01:25:26,560 "her heart cries..." 817 01:25:27,050 --> 01:25:29,880 "her eyes weep..." 818 01:25:30,380 --> 01:25:33,340 "her heart..." 819 01:25:33,840 --> 01:25:36,760 "resonates" 820 01:25:37,260 --> 01:25:43,710 "Childhood memories..." 821 01:25:44,220 --> 01:25:46,350 "of relationships..." 822 01:25:46,840 --> 01:25:50,170 "swinging in the rain..." 823 01:25:50,670 --> 01:25:52,210 "smiling..." 824 01:25:52,720 --> 01:25:53,770 "drawing laughter..." 825 01:25:54,260 --> 01:25:57,340 "annoyed, being placated" 826 01:25:57,840 --> 01:26:00,880 "Every moment..." 827 01:26:01,380 --> 01:26:02,460 "etched into my heart..." 828 01:26:02,970 --> 01:26:04,720 "in the flames of my lamp..." 829 01:26:05,220 --> 01:26:07,890 "I am carrying..." 830 01:26:08,380 --> 01:26:11,300 "away" 831 01:26:11,800 --> 01:26:14,460 "away" 832 01:26:14,970 --> 01:26:18,020 "My beloved..." 833 01:26:18,510 --> 01:26:19,550 "without you..." 834 01:26:20,050 --> 01:26:27,340 "my life is nothing..." 835 01:26:27,840 --> 01:26:31,340 "nothing at all" 836 01:26:35,970 --> 01:26:38,720 "Always, you I loved..." 837 01:26:39,220 --> 01:26:45,560 "and I loved and I loved..." 838 01:26:46,050 --> 01:26:52,420 "and I loved forever" 839 01:26:52,920 --> 01:26:59,260 "I loved, loved, loved" 840 01:26:59,760 --> 01:27:05,920 "You, I loved and loved" 841 01:27:06,420 --> 01:27:13,010 "I loved and loved" 842 01:27:13,510 --> 01:27:19,840 "Only loved and loved and loved" 843 01:27:20,340 --> 01:27:26,710 "Only loved and loved and loved" 844 01:27:27,220 --> 01:27:30,720 "Only loved and loved and loved" 845 01:27:35,760 --> 01:27:37,840 Deva! Open up! What are you doing? 846 01:27:38,340 --> 01:27:43,630 Open up! What madness is this? - For my sake! Open up 847 01:27:44,130 --> 01:27:48,130 I said it! Don't tear Deva and Paro apart! But who listens to me? 848 01:27:48,630 --> 01:27:50,800 What's going on? - Look! Tell him something 849 01:27:51,300 --> 01:27:55,340 Narayan, tell him. - No point. Leave him alone 850 01:27:55,840 --> 01:27:59,340 The fire will die down on its own. - But look... 851 01:28:04,880 --> 01:28:07,840 Kaushalya! 852 01:28:08,340 --> 01:28:12,010 Time plays games with everyone 853 01:28:12,510 --> 01:28:16,260 My daughter treads upon silver now! But look... 854 01:28:16,760 --> 01:28:20,460 Iook at your son. It's your pride that he sets afire 855 01:28:20,970 --> 01:28:23,680 Two acts to the melodrama! 856 01:28:24,170 --> 01:28:27,010 In Act One my daughter and I danced 857 01:28:27,510 --> 01:28:31,010 Act Two Now you and your son will dance 858 01:29:03,340 --> 01:29:06,550 Why is the new bride so dejected? - Because last night... 859 01:29:07,050 --> 01:29:09,460 husband and bride slept apart. - That's for the first night 860 01:29:09,970 --> 01:29:11,930 It's said to be ominous. But it's over 861 01:29:12,420 --> 01:29:17,050 From tonight, man and wife will sleep together 862 01:29:17,550 --> 01:29:19,340 Are you harassing the bride? 863 01:29:19,840 --> 01:29:21,840 Sit... sit Parvati 864 01:29:22,340 --> 01:29:30,340 You know, we had everything here, but the Moon. And now you're here 865 01:29:30,840 --> 01:29:33,420 Now you are the lady of the manor 866 01:29:33,920 --> 01:29:37,460 Also a mother to these children 867 01:29:37,970 --> 01:29:40,350 From his first wife, Bhuvan has three children 868 01:29:40,840 --> 01:29:44,590 Your son, Mahendra. - Obeisances, Chhoti-Ma 869 01:29:45,090 --> 01:29:49,210 And our youngest, little Kalika. - My obeisances, Chhoti-Ma 870 01:29:49,720 --> 01:29:52,020 And Yashomati, the eldest 871 01:29:52,510 --> 01:29:56,920 She's angry. You must placate her 872 01:29:57,420 --> 01:29:58,510 And all of you... 873 01:29:59,010 --> 01:30:02,010 you must adorn the bride exquisitely... 874 01:30:02,510 --> 01:30:06,010 for her nuptial night 875 01:30:08,800 --> 01:30:10,510 Have you familiarised yourself with the manor? 876 01:30:11,010 --> 01:30:14,760 Yes. - You have my word, Parvati... 877 01:30:15,260 --> 01:30:18,760 in this manor, you will have no problems about anything 878 01:30:19,260 --> 01:30:21,460 Except one 879 01:30:21,970 --> 01:30:26,180 It is difficult to bide time here. - Oh but time flies here 880 01:30:26,670 --> 01:30:33,460 I do not understand...? - A while ago I was a new bride 881 01:30:33,970 --> 01:30:36,850 And in no time, I'm Chhoti-Ma (Chhoti-Ma: little Mother) 882 01:30:37,340 --> 01:30:41,260 From bride to "little Mother", I'm transformed. In no time 883 01:30:41,760 --> 01:30:47,170 I wish to tell you something. I married because my Ma insisted 884 01:30:47,670 --> 01:30:53,380 My children needed a mother, and this manor needs a lady 885 01:30:53,880 --> 01:30:56,130 And you...? 886 01:30:56,630 --> 01:31:02,550 Subhadra... was my first wife 887 01:31:03,050 --> 01:31:06,420 You're now the lady of the manor, the mother of my children... 888 01:31:06,920 --> 01:31:12,420 and my new bride, no doubt. But Subhadra, I can never forget 889 01:31:12,920 --> 01:31:19,510 The ominous first night may be over. But we will stay distanced, forever 890 01:31:20,010 --> 01:31:24,170 My mistake or my sin, call it what you may... 891 01:31:24,670 --> 01:31:28,170 but do forgive me 892 01:31:41,840 --> 01:31:45,340 Good morning friend, good morning. You're lucky, my friend 893 01:31:45,840 --> 01:31:48,510 I ask help of the spirits to knock me out of my senses 894 01:31:49,010 --> 01:31:53,300 You won't even touch the spirits and yet you are inebriated? 895 01:31:53,800 --> 01:31:59,170 You missed telling me? Or made a pariah of me? Paro and paramour 896 01:31:59,670 --> 01:32:06,340 Both spelt with "p"! Your stupor has unravelled all your secrets 897 01:32:06,840 --> 01:32:08,630 Who brought me here? 898 01:32:09,130 --> 01:32:16,130 "My lover is so faithless" 899 01:32:16,630 --> 01:32:21,380 How regrettable, to be rescued off the streets by a prostitute 900 01:32:21,880 --> 01:32:23,840 Oh, my! 901 01:32:24,340 --> 01:32:29,510 This one is an ingrate Chuni Babu! Bites me for the love I gave him 902 01:32:30,010 --> 01:32:34,510 My word! She helped you out of humane concern. You were sick 903 01:32:35,010 --> 01:32:39,590 She picked you up from the streets. You've come to, after two days 904 01:32:40,090 --> 01:32:45,260 She never slept a wink, nursed you, sat through your cries for Paro 905 01:32:45,760 --> 01:32:48,460 Insult instead of gratitude? 906 01:32:48,970 --> 01:32:56,640 Let it pass. It's a landlord trait. Never mind their little trespasses 907 01:32:57,130 --> 01:33:01,710 You left as if, forever. But as luck would have it... 908 01:33:02,220 --> 01:33:06,350 I find you once again. Medicine... 909 01:33:06,840 --> 01:33:10,630 you need it. Now 910 01:33:11,130 --> 01:33:14,510 Your medicine, I don't need. I'd rather have lain there 911 01:33:15,010 --> 01:33:20,340 Just fall unconscious once again. I'll dump you where I found you 912 01:33:20,840 --> 01:33:24,340 Yes Chuni Babu? 913 01:33:27,550 --> 01:33:28,840 What is this? - Chuni Babu says... 914 01:33:29,340 --> 01:33:34,460 you've been here for two nights. Lamps in your boudoir went unlit 915 01:33:34,970 --> 01:33:38,470 This is price. For two nights you wasted on me 916 01:33:42,840 --> 01:33:47,340 Now I know, why Paro abandoned you 917 01:33:47,840 --> 01:33:52,920 Let alone love, you don't even deserve sympathy 918 01:33:53,420 --> 01:33:57,340 Hear Chuni Babu? A courtesan talking of romance 919 01:33:57,840 --> 01:34:02,760 Am I to learn of her what love is, what romance be? What is amour? 920 01:34:03,260 --> 01:34:11,710 Love mirrored in your soul, amour God's gift to life's design, romance 921 01:34:12,220 --> 01:34:17,180 How regrettable Chuni Babu Your friend possesses none... 922 01:34:17,670 --> 01:34:20,840 of soul, or intent or purpose 923 01:34:21,340 --> 01:34:25,170 That thing you flash time and again Dev Babu... 924 01:34:25,670 --> 01:34:28,880 the money, it lies at the feet of harlots in brothels 925 01:34:29,380 --> 01:34:35,460 If you be so vain, return to me what I spent on you 926 01:34:35,970 --> 01:34:37,470 Two nights 927 01:34:37,970 --> 01:34:42,470 You owe me 2 nights, Dev Babu. No more shall I dance... 928 01:34:42,970 --> 01:34:51,220 not until you come. These eyes will await you 929 01:34:51,720 --> 01:35:00,640 "F" for friendship, she came seeking, you found a foe. You owe two nights 930 01:35:01,130 --> 01:35:04,630 O'faithless lover 931 01:35:12,550 --> 01:35:15,050 Music plays 932 01:35:15,550 --> 01:35:19,550 Let slip the veil 933 01:35:20,050 --> 01:35:22,340 Let the revelry begin 934 01:35:22,840 --> 01:35:33,960 Revelry awaits you, Chandramukhi. - No, not until Dev Babu arrives 935 01:35:34,470 --> 01:35:38,520 Pure gold. Custom made, in Lucknow 936 01:35:39,010 --> 01:35:40,710 I also have a gold nose ring 937 01:35:41,220 --> 01:35:45,720 I wish to tie the dancing bells to your feet 938 01:35:46,220 --> 01:35:48,770 Do wear the nose ring and allow me to unscrew it afterwards 939 01:35:49,260 --> 01:35:55,460 Desist from such ardour Kali Babu. Get too close and you will burn... 940 01:35:55,970 --> 01:35:58,770 in the very lamps that light up nights of revelry 941 01:35:59,260 --> 01:36:03,840 At the next instance of insolence I'll give you a nose ring and... 942 01:36:04,340 --> 01:36:06,710 the rest of the revelers may take pleasure in unscrewing 943 01:36:07,220 --> 01:36:10,720 In a marketplace full of beauties... 944 01:36:11,220 --> 01:36:13,850 such spirit is what draws me to you 945 01:36:14,340 --> 01:36:17,510 But the one you await so eagerly... 946 01:36:18,010 --> 01:36:22,670 has no interest in you or your music 947 01:36:23,170 --> 01:36:30,050 It was some Paro's firefly that ran into your fires crying Paro-Paro 948 01:36:30,550 --> 01:36:38,170 Never will he return, Chandramukhi. - He will come, he will Kali Babu 949 01:36:38,670 --> 01:36:46,460 You will see. That's from my heart. - Why not take on a bet? 950 01:36:46,970 --> 01:36:49,680 If he doesn't come before the candle has burnt out... 951 01:36:50,170 --> 01:36:53,090 then you will wear these dancing bells... 952 01:36:53,590 --> 01:36:58,880 only for my pleasure. - I accept 953 01:36:59,380 --> 01:37:01,210 And if he comes... 954 01:37:01,720 --> 01:37:05,220 then you shall leave wearing these very dancing bells 955 01:37:12,800 --> 01:37:16,300 Agreed 956 01:37:44,260 --> 01:37:46,960 "Whose footfall?" 957 01:37:47,470 --> 01:37:50,220 "Whose shadow?" 958 01:37:50,720 --> 01:37:53,430 "Who knocks at my heart?" 959 01:37:53,920 --> 01:37:57,420 "Who is come?" 960 01:38:01,550 --> 01:38:06,760 "Who paints me this emerald?" 961 01:38:07,260 --> 01:38:13,760 "Who paints me this emerald?" 962 01:38:14,260 --> 01:38:19,760 "My joy..." 963 01:38:20,260 --> 01:38:26,090 "is killing me" 964 01:38:26,590 --> 01:38:28,260 "is killing me" 965 01:38:28,760 --> 01:38:33,010 "is killing me" 966 01:38:33,510 --> 01:38:36,010 "Who paints me this emerald?" 967 01:38:36,510 --> 01:38:39,210 "My joy is killing me" 968 01:38:39,720 --> 01:38:42,600 "is killing me" 969 01:38:43,090 --> 01:38:45,340 "is killing me" 970 01:38:45,840 --> 01:38:47,210 "is killing me" 971 01:38:47,720 --> 01:38:48,680 "Oh God" 972 01:38:49,170 --> 01:38:50,340 "is killing me" 973 01:38:50,840 --> 01:38:51,670 "Oh God" 974 01:38:52,170 --> 01:38:52,960 "is killing me" 975 01:38:53,470 --> 01:38:54,470 "Oh God" 976 01:38:54,970 --> 01:38:58,470 "is killing me" 977 01:39:22,800 --> 01:39:31,880 "No Moon I ever desired..." 978 01:39:32,380 --> 01:39:36,760 "nor stars I ever seeked..." 979 01:39:37,260 --> 01:39:40,210 "complaints I have none..." 980 01:39:40,720 --> 01:39:43,220 "complaints I have none..." 981 01:39:43,720 --> 01:39:47,720 "every sorrow I have hidden..." 982 01:39:48,220 --> 01:39:53,100 "every taunt I laughed off..." 983 01:39:53,590 --> 01:39:59,090 "thorns I embraced..." 984 01:39:59,590 --> 01:40:05,920 "their blossoms have wounded me" 985 01:40:06,420 --> 01:40:11,880 "But whenever I have prayed..." 986 01:40:12,380 --> 01:40:18,710 "But whenever I have prayed..." 987 01:40:19,220 --> 01:40:24,470 "of The Lord..." 988 01:40:24,970 --> 01:40:29,470 "I have always seeked you" 989 01:40:29,970 --> 01:40:32,770 "I have always seeked you" 990 01:40:33,260 --> 01:40:37,840 "I have always seeked you" 991 01:40:38,340 --> 01:40:41,090 "Who paints me this emerald?" 992 01:40:41,590 --> 01:40:44,340 "is killing me" 993 01:40:44,840 --> 01:40:50,300 "I'm slain" 994 01:40:50,800 --> 01:40:53,010 "is killing me" 995 01:40:53,510 --> 01:40:56,300 "is killing me" 996 01:40:56,800 --> 01:40:59,590 "is killing me" 997 01:41:00,090 --> 01:41:02,880 "is killing me" 998 01:41:03,380 --> 01:41:06,210 "is killing me" 999 01:41:06,720 --> 01:41:09,430 "is killing me" 1000 01:41:09,920 --> 01:41:12,210 "is killing me" 1001 01:41:12,720 --> 01:41:15,890 "is killing me" 1002 01:41:16,380 --> 01:41:19,010 "is killing me" 1003 01:41:19,510 --> 01:41:21,840 "is killing me" 1004 01:41:22,340 --> 01:41:25,260 "is killing me" 1005 01:41:25,760 --> 01:41:29,260 "is killing me" 1006 01:42:22,590 --> 01:42:26,010 "is killing me" 1007 01:42:26,510 --> 01:42:34,920 You aren't accustomed to the drink. Why drink beyond your limits? 1008 01:42:35,420 --> 01:42:39,590 What fool drinks to stay within limits? 1009 01:42:40,090 --> 01:42:44,420 I drink that I may force myself to stay on... 1010 01:42:44,920 --> 01:42:51,210 Iooking at you, tolerating you... 1011 01:42:51,720 --> 01:42:54,770 that I may lose my senses, to help me forget Paro 1012 01:42:55,260 --> 01:42:56,050 But Chandramukhi... 1013 01:42:56,550 --> 01:43:01,960 such are memories of Paro, they won't even let me lose my senses 1014 01:43:02,470 --> 01:43:08,140 Why, after all I drink, do memories of her haunt me day and night? 1015 01:43:08,630 --> 01:43:11,340 Why... 1016 01:43:11,840 --> 01:43:15,340 oh why? 1017 01:43:16,800 --> 01:43:22,210 Why, does man become so naive? 1018 01:43:22,720 --> 01:43:24,770 Why make mistakes? 1019 01:43:25,260 --> 01:43:30,920 Why... for foible... so harsh a punishment? 1020 01:43:31,420 --> 01:43:36,840 As to be rent asunder? 1021 01:43:37,340 --> 01:43:40,840 One enters matrimony, and the other...? 1022 01:43:52,720 --> 01:43:56,220 Slain 1023 01:44:08,920 --> 01:44:11,460 In what fain folly... 1024 01:44:11,970 --> 01:44:14,100 he forsakes the lotus...? 1025 01:44:14,590 --> 01:44:18,090 For a paper flower? 1026 01:44:20,550 --> 01:44:21,420 Mr. Dev... 1027 01:44:21,920 --> 01:44:26,010 I fall... 1028 01:44:26,510 --> 01:44:27,170 Mr. Dev! 1029 01:44:27,670 --> 01:44:31,840 Touch me not! I despise you! 1030 01:44:32,340 --> 01:44:38,760 I can't bear to see woman come to this. Begone 1031 01:44:39,260 --> 01:44:43,710 Never again shall I stand at this door 1032 01:44:44,220 --> 01:44:48,270 But yes, whenever I come to think of Paro, I shall 1033 01:44:48,760 --> 01:44:54,340 And come the guilt pangs, I shall come 1034 01:44:54,840 --> 01:45:00,090 For where else can I go? 1035 01:45:00,590 --> 01:45:06,460 There... I have sentenced myself. - Why punish yourself so? 1036 01:45:06,970 --> 01:45:10,470 Because every day, my heart is put to trial 1037 01:45:13,970 --> 01:45:17,180 My Lord! 1038 01:45:17,670 --> 01:45:19,880 My Lord! 1039 01:45:20,380 --> 01:45:23,210 My Lord! 1040 01:45:23,720 --> 01:45:26,470 Every day, this romance is tried 1041 01:45:26,970 --> 01:45:29,270 I... I object. I... I... 1042 01:45:29,760 --> 01:45:33,460 But every day, the verdict is the same 1043 01:45:33,970 --> 01:45:37,060 Son of Narayan Mukerjee... I... I... I... I... I object. 1044 01:45:37,550 --> 01:45:40,210 I object. Objection overruled! 1045 01:45:40,720 --> 01:45:42,770 Alias Devdas Mukerjee. I... I... I... I object. 1046 01:45:43,260 --> 01:45:44,210 Objection overruled! 1047 01:45:44,720 --> 01:45:46,020 You are convicted 1048 01:45:46,510 --> 01:45:47,840 You are guilty! 1049 01:45:48,340 --> 01:45:51,840 And you will drink till death. 1050 01:45:55,970 --> 01:45:59,470 Yes, My Lord!. 1051 01:46:01,670 --> 01:46:04,710 No objection, My Lord!. 1052 01:46:05,220 --> 01:46:09,180 No... 1053 01:46:09,670 --> 01:46:13,170 No...No obj... 1054 01:46:20,220 --> 01:46:24,930 Hey Deva! 1055 01:46:25,420 --> 01:46:28,920 Paro 1056 01:46:30,970 --> 01:46:35,430 Our Parvati decides whatever happens in the manor 1057 01:46:35,920 --> 01:46:40,260 The new bride has laid to rest all my worries 1058 01:46:40,760 --> 01:46:45,050 With Parvati's arrival our lost days of joys are here again 1059 01:46:45,550 --> 01:46:50,130 Meet Yashomati's mother-in-law. This is Parvati 1060 01:46:50,630 --> 01:46:53,010 To Bhuvan Chaudhary, you'd more likely be... 1061 01:46:53,510 --> 01:46:57,210 a daughter than his wife. - Whatever I am to him... 1062 01:46:57,720 --> 01:47:02,470 you and I are like sisters. We should be embracing each other 1063 01:47:02,970 --> 01:47:05,930 But you are many years my elder 1064 01:47:06,420 --> 01:47:12,130 From what I see, in Manikpur, wives are better endowed than daughters 1065 01:47:12,630 --> 01:47:15,420 No Badi-Ma? - Our daughters, we send away... 1066 01:47:15,920 --> 01:47:24,840 in hope that they will be cared for, but we're disappointed. No, Badi-Ma? 1067 01:47:25,340 --> 01:47:28,760 Yashomati. I was eager to meet you 1068 01:47:29,260 --> 01:47:33,920 We ought not to be cross with kin. You and I are of the same age 1069 01:47:34,420 --> 01:47:37,300 So you decide, how we will relate to each other 1070 01:47:37,800 --> 01:47:41,630 Mother and daughter? Or friends? 1071 01:47:42,130 --> 01:47:45,630 Ma 1072 01:47:48,050 --> 01:47:53,090 What's this, Ma? All this...? - Gifts, from your Ma 1073 01:47:53,590 --> 01:47:54,920 You'll look great 1074 01:47:55,420 --> 01:47:56,550 Parvati, 1075 01:47:57,050 --> 01:48:00,710 Will you keep to your daughter? Won't you give us company? 1076 01:48:01,220 --> 01:48:06,850 I do not like the smoking pot. - The smoking pot has pride of place 1077 01:48:07,340 --> 01:48:11,340 I don't think so, no pride in what goes up in smoke 1078 01:48:11,840 --> 01:48:15,920 Wonderful, mother-in-law! I delight in your words 1079 01:48:16,420 --> 01:48:21,550 I have been so eager to see you. We missed each other's weddings 1080 01:48:22,050 --> 01:48:25,550 My obeisances 1081 01:48:28,840 --> 01:48:33,840 Touching your feet was a pleasure. I have been given my wish 1082 01:48:34,340 --> 01:48:36,920 How I wish I had attended your wedding... 1083 01:48:37,420 --> 01:48:40,550 if only to have my wish of pulling you up by your ear 1084 01:48:41,050 --> 01:48:46,630 Pulling you up by the ear was a pleasure 1085 01:48:47,130 --> 01:48:50,460 This first acquaintance, I shall always remember, mother-in-law 1086 01:48:50,970 --> 01:48:54,470 Remember the relationship too 1087 01:49:19,670 --> 01:49:25,510 Mr Landlord! Hurry up! Look, Paro is here 1088 01:49:26,010 --> 01:49:27,630 Paro! How have you been? 1089 01:49:28,130 --> 01:49:29,960 I've been expecting you for days. - Why the crowd next-door? 1090 01:49:30,470 --> 01:49:32,560 Is everything all right? - Narayan Mukherjee... 1091 01:49:33,050 --> 01:49:36,840 Breathing his last - Shouldn't we be there? 1092 01:49:37,340 --> 01:49:39,260 My heart won't let me 1093 01:49:39,760 --> 01:49:46,960 Will you see the man who told you and your mother to run a brothel? 1094 01:49:47,470 --> 01:49:54,060 Let not mistaken vanity destroy relationships 1095 01:49:54,550 --> 01:49:58,550 I'm going over 1096 01:49:59,050 --> 01:50:01,550 The entire village, all relatives came to pay their respects 1097 01:50:02,050 --> 01:50:08,800 But no news of his dear son Devdas? How sad 1098 01:50:09,300 --> 01:50:12,630 And here comes someone who has nothing to do 1099 01:50:13,130 --> 01:50:16,630 Look Babu-ji, who's here to see you 1100 01:50:17,130 --> 01:50:18,380 Devdas...? 1101 01:50:18,880 --> 01:50:22,380 Master, your Paro is here 1102 01:50:26,050 --> 01:50:30,170 No, no Babu-ji 1103 01:50:30,670 --> 01:50:37,760 When you were children, I'd ask you to find Dev whenever he was lost 1104 01:50:38,260 --> 01:50:43,460 I've forfeited myself the right, haven't I, Sumitra? 1105 01:50:43,970 --> 01:50:47,560 All night, he was asking, where's Dev-where's Dev? 1106 01:50:48,050 --> 01:50:52,300 Now where do I look for him, my tempest...? 1107 01:50:52,800 --> 01:50:56,300 Dev! 1108 01:50:57,970 --> 01:51:00,850 What happened? 1109 01:51:01,340 --> 01:51:03,550 Mr. Dev? 1110 01:51:04,050 --> 01:51:06,550 Mr. Dev? 1111 01:51:07,050 --> 01:51:09,670 If I am so despicable, if my touch be so abhorrent, then why... 1112 01:51:10,170 --> 01:51:11,960 Did you come into my life? 1113 01:51:12,470 --> 01:51:16,560 In my solitude I was content Why be my messiah of misery? 1114 01:51:17,050 --> 01:51:21,210 Chandramukhi. 1115 01:51:21,720 --> 01:51:25,100 That stopped the spasm didn't it? Divert your attentions and... 1116 01:51:25,590 --> 01:51:29,960 the deepest wounds may be healed. - Which is what I am upto 1117 01:51:30,470 --> 01:51:35,560 Stop it, you've had enough 1118 01:51:36,050 --> 01:51:43,340 Why not say I've lived enough? - How could I...? 1119 01:51:43,840 --> 01:51:50,920 You have Paro, memories of Paro All I have is you, my Midas 1120 01:51:51,420 --> 01:51:54,880 A touch and iron is made to gold 1121 01:51:55,380 --> 01:52:01,170 Are you pricing yourself or me? - In a world of relationships... 1122 01:52:01,670 --> 01:52:05,260 what value a woman of easy virtue? Nothing 1123 01:52:05,760 --> 01:52:09,260 Besides, you won't even give me the right to touch you 1124 01:52:13,300 --> 01:52:22,840 Are you in love with me? - Or you could ask me if I breathe 1125 01:52:23,340 --> 01:52:26,840 You breathe, Chandramukhi? 1126 01:52:29,880 --> 01:52:34,880 What will you get out of it? I have no home, no heart 1127 01:52:35,380 --> 01:52:42,090 Loving isn't only about receiving. Love, I have traded many times 1128 01:52:42,590 --> 01:52:47,260 But loved, I have but once 1129 01:52:47,760 --> 01:52:50,300 Chandramukhi... 1130 01:52:50,800 --> 01:52:56,090 Pour more into a chalice filled, and what happens? 1131 01:52:56,590 --> 01:53:01,630 It spills, to the ground 1132 01:53:02,130 --> 01:53:07,550 So too my cup floweth over, with Paro 1133 01:53:08,050 --> 01:53:13,210 More can only spill... 1134 01:53:13,720 --> 01:53:19,060 to fall, and in the falling, take you down too 1135 01:53:19,550 --> 01:53:23,050 But in the spilling, the wine must've been caressed by the chalice 1136 01:53:37,880 --> 01:53:40,550 Then spill... 1137 01:53:41,050 --> 01:53:44,550 some more 1138 01:53:54,760 --> 01:53:58,380 Where is Devdas? I must see him 1139 01:53:58,880 --> 01:54:03,960 Asleep. You can't see him now. - Can I not? I'm here to take him 1140 01:54:04,470 --> 01:54:09,100 I'm not leaving him in this hell 1141 01:54:09,590 --> 01:54:11,960 Master...! - Who gave you my whereabouts? 1142 01:54:12,470 --> 01:54:13,850 Chuni Babu 1143 01:54:14,340 --> 01:54:14,920 Babu-ji... 1144 01:54:15,420 --> 01:54:19,550 Babu-ji won't even see my face Why has he sent you? 1145 01:54:20,050 --> 01:54:25,260 Anyway, he will be displeased to see me as I am 1146 01:54:25,760 --> 01:54:33,550 Sir Narayan Mukherjee will have to hang his head in shame 1147 01:54:34,050 --> 01:54:35,380 Sir! 1148 01:54:35,880 --> 01:54:43,300 Go Dharamdas, go away. - Listen Deva... 1149 01:54:43,800 --> 01:54:47,300 Your father is no more 1150 01:55:22,050 --> 01:55:23,920 Madam... 1151 01:55:24,420 --> 01:55:27,920 Madam... 1152 01:55:49,760 --> 01:55:54,050 Too bad 1153 01:55:54,550 --> 01:56:01,090 All of a sudden... how...? 1154 01:56:01,590 --> 01:56:04,510 He was a nice man 1155 01:56:05,010 --> 01:56:08,090 Such men aren't born too often 1156 01:56:08,590 --> 01:56:12,090 He... he was a good man. 1157 01:56:18,050 --> 01:56:21,550 Babu-ji has earned... 1158 01:56:23,880 --> 01:56:26,920 another title, no? 1159 01:56:27,420 --> 01:56:31,960 Late Sir Narayan Mukherjee 1160 01:56:32,470 --> 01:56:35,720 We loved each other dearly 1161 01:56:36,220 --> 01:56:40,680 But too bad, this is too bad 1162 01:56:41,170 --> 01:56:45,050 Very... 1163 01:56:45,550 --> 01:56:51,670 Late, Sir Mukherjee... 1164 01:56:52,170 --> 01:56:56,050 was a good man 1165 01:56:56,550 --> 01:57:01,960 Does Devdas drink every day? - When doesn't he drink? 1166 01:57:02,470 --> 01:57:05,270 Alcohol, day and night. Lives on it 1167 01:57:05,760 --> 01:57:09,340 Why don't you stop him? - But only if he'd stay at home 1168 01:57:09,840 --> 01:57:12,420 Rarely does he come home. There he lies in Chitpore... 1169 01:57:12,920 --> 01:57:15,260 in Chandramukhi's brothel, all day 1170 01:57:15,760 --> 01:57:19,420 The room upstairs is practically Deva's residence 1171 01:57:19,920 --> 01:57:24,340 Devdas! He lives in a brothel? 1172 01:57:24,840 --> 01:57:27,380 Such days I have lived to see 1173 01:57:27,880 --> 01:57:31,340 Have you seen Chandramukhi? - When I went to fetch Deva... 1174 01:57:31,840 --> 01:57:35,340 I saw her. - What is she like? 1175 01:57:35,840 --> 01:57:40,760 Sweet deceit, as they say. Famous courtesan, uses her charms 1176 01:57:41,260 --> 01:57:48,550 She plunders, he squanders. We must rescue our Deva from the hell, Paro 1177 01:57:49,050 --> 01:57:53,170 I cannot tell him anything, but he'll surely listen to you 1178 01:57:53,670 --> 01:57:56,340 He holds you in high esteem, he can't refuse you 1179 01:57:56,840 --> 01:57:58,010 Please Didi, tell her 1180 01:57:58,510 --> 01:58:03,170 Only you can stop him, Paro. Only you can stop him from drinking 1181 01:58:03,670 --> 01:58:07,170 Dharamdas, get a hold on yourself. - You'll see him won't you? 1182 01:58:13,340 --> 01:58:18,090 Paro, do you want me to malign you, to give you a bad name? 1183 01:58:18,590 --> 01:58:22,090 Had we given ourselves a bad name, we might've ended up together 1184 01:58:27,050 --> 01:58:31,170 You're happy, aren't you Paro? - Oh it's a different world, Dev 1185 01:58:31,670 --> 01:58:36,420 Huge manor, vast estates, important people, great debates 1186 01:58:36,920 --> 01:58:43,130 Great debates! You've matured Paro 1187 01:58:43,630 --> 01:58:48,960 You even look like an aristocrat. Huge red dot, large eyes... 1188 01:58:49,470 --> 01:58:51,770 big dreams... 1189 01:58:52,260 --> 01:58:54,260 huge manors, vast estates... 1190 01:58:54,760 --> 01:59:00,840 and grown-up children 1191 01:59:01,340 --> 01:59:04,840 Paro! Paro... Paro... hey! 1192 01:59:07,470 --> 01:59:11,350 Those large eyes, I can keep watching 1193 01:59:11,840 --> 01:59:17,170 But I can't bear to see big teardrops in those eyes 1194 01:59:17,670 --> 01:59:21,960 Just as well that you came by. I got some things I wish to return 1195 01:59:22,470 --> 01:59:27,310 Who knows, I might never return 1196 01:59:27,800 --> 01:59:30,880 Come... 1197 01:59:31,380 --> 01:59:33,340 come with me 1198 01:59:33,840 --> 01:59:37,550 Stand right here 1199 01:59:38,050 --> 01:59:41,550 Alright. 1200 01:59:44,380 --> 01:59:45,670 Look... 1201 01:59:46,170 --> 01:59:51,050 at yourself. Remember...? 1202 01:59:51,550 --> 01:59:57,170 Arre O'Deva 1203 01:59:57,670 --> 01:59:59,800 What happened Paro? 1204 02:00:00,300 --> 02:00:02,880 Deva, I lost my anklets. Have you seen them? 1205 02:00:03,380 --> 02:00:07,210 No Paro, not I 1206 02:00:07,720 --> 02:00:09,270 I stole them 1207 02:00:09,760 --> 02:00:13,170 And you knew I did it and why I did it 1208 02:00:13,670 --> 02:00:17,880 All day, the chime of your anklets, and-Deva-this-and-Deva-that... 1209 02:00:18,380 --> 02:00:20,710 And your pot 1210 02:00:21,220 --> 02:00:24,560 And here, the memento of our love, our parting 1211 02:00:25,050 --> 02:00:27,960 You just left, that was the end of the relationship 1212 02:00:28,470 --> 02:00:30,560 But I'm still tied to all these, Paro 1213 02:00:31,050 --> 02:00:33,380 And I am tied to memories of you 1214 02:00:33,880 --> 02:00:36,050 What's that? - A few coins 1215 02:00:36,550 --> 02:00:40,050 Three Rupees. - All they're worth are memories 1216 02:00:40,550 --> 02:00:43,130 Mine, aren't they? You thief 1217 02:00:43,630 --> 02:00:45,130 You thief 1218 02:00:45,630 --> 02:00:49,880 I'll take them back, but only with usury 1219 02:00:50,380 --> 02:00:56,380 How much interest will you take? - Two percent 1220 02:00:56,880 --> 02:00:58,800 At two percent... 1221 02:00:59,300 --> 02:01:00,840 six cents a month... 1222 02:01:01,340 --> 02:01:03,880 72 cents a year... 1223 02:01:04,380 --> 02:01:06,550 For 13 years... 1224 02:01:07,050 --> 02:01:09,130 13 years, Paro 1225 02:01:09,630 --> 02:01:12,550 9.36 1226 02:01:13,050 --> 02:01:18,550 You've become good at arithmetic. - Circumstance taught me, Paro 1227 02:01:19,050 --> 02:01:22,460 Let's talk of something else 1228 02:01:22,970 --> 02:01:28,430 Paro, why not turn matchmaker and find a bride for Devdas? 1229 02:01:28,920 --> 02:01:36,050 I hear Manikpur girls are nice? - Yes, but you want a beauty, no? 1230 02:01:36,550 --> 02:01:42,130 No, not a beauty. Just someone like you 1231 02:01:42,630 --> 02:01:45,420 Someone who is pleasant? - No, must be a bit naughty 1232 02:01:45,920 --> 02:01:50,550 Should be able to quarrel with me. Like I said, she should be like you 1233 02:01:51,050 --> 02:01:53,550 You can find them by the thousands. - Spare me the thousands 1234 02:01:54,050 --> 02:01:57,550 Just let me come to grips with only one, of the likes you. Enough 1235 02:02:00,920 --> 02:02:04,340 Give up drinking. - No 1236 02:02:04,840 --> 02:02:06,050 Try. - No 1237 02:02:06,550 --> 02:02:09,960 You can give it up. Promise me that you'll never drink again 1238 02:02:10,470 --> 02:02:13,970 Can you promise you'll forget me? 1239 02:02:17,050 --> 02:02:20,460 It's rather late, Paro 1240 02:02:20,970 --> 02:02:21,720 Dev! 1241 02:02:22,220 --> 02:02:23,680 I'm not leaving until I have your word 1242 02:02:24,170 --> 02:02:25,420 I can't. - You can 1243 02:02:25,920 --> 02:02:30,170 One can do anything one wants. - Can you elope with me tonight? 1244 02:02:30,670 --> 02:02:32,460 What are you saying? - Can you elope with me? 1245 02:02:32,970 --> 02:02:35,560 You've no one to look after you. - Can you elope with me? 1246 02:02:36,050 --> 02:02:40,050 I had only one dream. To serve you. - If there's love, there's no fear 1247 02:02:40,550 --> 02:02:44,260 One chance to fulfill my dream? - Can you elope with me? Can you? 1248 02:02:44,760 --> 02:02:47,050 Come with me. I'll care for you. - Can you elope with me, Paro? 1249 02:02:47,550 --> 02:02:51,300 I can't bear to see you like this! I feel like dying, Dev 1250 02:02:51,800 --> 02:02:55,260 I feel like dying 1251 02:02:55,760 --> 02:03:04,460 If serving me makes you happy, then so be it 1252 02:03:04,970 --> 02:03:08,470 I promise you, before I die I'll surely come to your doorstep 1253 02:03:14,380 --> 02:03:17,880 Swear that, by me 1254 02:03:41,300 --> 02:03:44,800 Heartless 1255 02:03:50,260 --> 02:03:53,800 Your mother is squandering money. Given so charitable a disposition... 1256 02:03:54,300 --> 02:03:58,760 soon the coffers will be empty. - Absolutely right, Kumud 1257 02:03:59,260 --> 02:04:06,170 But how can I stop Ma? - You're such a complete fool 1258 02:04:06,670 --> 02:04:14,710 You can't. But I can stop her. - You will stop her? But how? 1259 02:04:15,220 --> 02:04:16,020 The keys to the vault? With you? 1260 02:04:16,510 --> 02:04:21,170 Ma has been looking for them. Give it to... 1261 02:04:21,670 --> 02:04:23,340 Kumud! 1262 02:04:23,840 --> 02:04:28,170 I've hidden the keys. You will say that the keys are lost 1263 02:04:28,670 --> 02:04:32,630 What...? - The vault keys are lost 1264 02:04:33,130 --> 02:04:36,630 And the vault has been robbed 1265 02:04:42,130 --> 02:04:43,630 The key... 1266 02:04:44,130 --> 02:04:47,710 to the money 1267 02:04:48,220 --> 02:04:51,470 Brother-in-law! You...? So early? In the offices? 1268 02:04:51,970 --> 02:04:56,020 And alcohol...? Without as much as a care for the family prestige? 1269 02:04:56,510 --> 02:04:59,840 What will people say? What will your mother think? 1270 02:05:00,340 --> 02:05:02,800 You didn't consider that when you were stealing the keys? 1271 02:05:03,300 --> 02:05:07,840 What will people say? What will your Chhoto-Ma think? 1272 02:05:08,340 --> 02:05:12,460 The wealth of our forefathers may not be squandered over alcohol 1273 02:05:12,970 --> 02:05:16,810 The keys left by our forefathers may not be stolen like this 1274 02:05:17,300 --> 02:05:20,630 I'm making this clear. Under no circumstance... 1275 02:05:21,130 --> 02:05:26,630 am I parting with the keys. - You will turn in the keys 1276 02:05:27,130 --> 02:05:31,340 Today and now 1277 02:05:31,840 --> 02:05:34,960 Right here 1278 02:05:35,470 --> 02:05:37,140 To my mother 1279 02:05:37,630 --> 02:05:42,010 Do not think I am so weak. I too hail from a family of landlords 1280 02:05:42,510 --> 02:05:46,170 I have seen money by the chestfuls in my father's house 1281 02:05:46,670 --> 02:05:50,170 Have you seen the streak of madness that runs in the family? 1282 02:05:58,550 --> 02:06:00,880 What are you upto, Dev? - Brother you surely agree that... 1283 02:06:01,380 --> 02:06:08,170 I have as much right as you to the wealth that our forefathers left us 1284 02:06:08,670 --> 02:06:12,170 Yes. Why are you pouring alcohol? 1285 02:06:16,420 --> 02:06:22,840 I'm putting on fire my share. Save your share if you can 1286 02:06:23,340 --> 02:06:29,630 I'll give you anything you want! - As of now... 1287 02:06:30,130 --> 02:06:33,630 only the keys. - Which you will never have 1288 02:06:39,470 --> 02:06:42,180 Kumud! Give him the keys. Else, he'll burn down the office 1289 02:06:42,670 --> 02:06:46,170 Let him do whatever he wants. I'm not scared of empty threats 1290 02:06:52,130 --> 02:06:55,840 He's actually burning the place down! Call Chhoto-Ma 1291 02:06:56,340 --> 02:06:58,010 Give him the keys, Kumud. - No 1292 02:06:58,510 --> 02:07:00,050 He's crazy! Are you out of your mind too? 1293 02:07:00,550 --> 02:07:02,010 No! - Give him the keys 1294 02:07:02,510 --> 02:07:05,170 What's up Kumud? 1295 02:07:05,670 --> 02:07:08,380 What's happening in this house? 1296 02:07:08,880 --> 02:07:12,380 Aunt! 1297 02:07:13,970 --> 02:07:18,720 You were looking for the keys to the vault, weren't you? 1298 02:07:19,220 --> 02:07:23,270 I caught him with the keys and he threatened me 1299 02:07:23,760 --> 02:07:27,550 He won't part with the keys and he wants his share 1300 02:07:28,050 --> 02:07:37,170 Else, he'll burn the house down. I pleaded with him... 1301 02:07:37,670 --> 02:07:41,170 You want your share? 1302 02:07:44,510 --> 02:07:48,460 That is your only share 1303 02:07:48,970 --> 02:07:51,020 No one in this house ever understood you 1304 02:07:51,510 --> 02:07:54,130 All of us are responsible for your ruination 1305 02:07:54,630 --> 02:07:59,840 Before we lead you to worse, leave this house 1306 02:08:00,340 --> 02:08:03,630 Babu-ji said leave the village. Everyone said, leave Paro 1307 02:08:04,130 --> 02:08:08,630 Paro said, leave drinking. Now you say, leave this house 1308 02:08:09,130 --> 02:08:12,340 One day, He will say... 1309 02:08:12,840 --> 02:08:16,460 leave this world 1310 02:08:16,970 --> 02:08:20,470 Hereby I rescind all my rights to everything in this house 1311 02:08:24,420 --> 02:08:29,340 But I am part of you. That right no one takes away from me 1312 02:08:29,840 --> 02:08:33,340 Not even you 1313 02:09:21,050 --> 02:09:23,260 Do you know what you are asking for, daughter-in-law? 1314 02:09:23,760 --> 02:09:25,260 Grand veneration of Goddess Durga! 1315 02:09:25,760 --> 02:09:30,550 It's no easy undertaking, it's an ancient ritual 1316 02:09:31,050 --> 02:09:37,170 For the ritual, one must fetch the soil from a courtesan's doorstep 1317 02:09:37,670 --> 02:09:41,130 In that soil, is built the image of the goddess 1318 02:09:41,630 --> 02:09:42,380 I know 1319 02:09:42,880 --> 02:09:47,130 And go where men daren't even walk in daytimes for fear of censure? 1320 02:09:47,630 --> 02:09:53,130 Don't humans live there? Is there no air...? 1321 02:09:53,630 --> 02:09:59,170 No sun in those quarters? Do rains refuse to visit them? 1322 02:09:59,670 --> 02:10:02,130 Nature doesn't discriminate. Should we? 1323 02:10:02,630 --> 02:10:07,670 Parvati is right. Even Subhadra wanted it done 1324 02:10:08,170 --> 02:10:11,130 Very well, as our Parvati wishes 1325 02:10:11,630 --> 02:10:16,670 But remember, it's the Durga Puja. - Rest assured 1326 02:10:17,170 --> 02:10:22,460 I'll tell Mahendra to facilitate your journey 1327 02:10:22,970 --> 02:10:26,140 "Devdas lives in a brothel?" 1328 02:10:26,630 --> 02:10:28,170 Oh, God! 1329 02:10:28,670 --> 02:10:34,380 A lady is here, wants to see you. She's also asking about Dev Babu 1330 02:10:34,880 --> 02:10:38,380 Must be Paro 1331 02:10:43,970 --> 02:10:45,060 Paro...? 1332 02:10:45,550 --> 02:10:50,880 How did you know I'm Parvati? - Dev Babu told me... 1333 02:10:51,380 --> 02:10:56,880 should a woman come asking for him, she can only be Paro 1334 02:10:57,380 --> 02:10:59,880 What are you doing? 1335 02:11:00,380 --> 02:11:05,090 My obeisances to the woman, whom I shall never be able to replace 1336 02:11:05,590 --> 02:11:13,210 I have heard of exotic women here, but you possess the wile too 1337 02:11:13,720 --> 02:11:17,180 Only if you'd see, I have a heart too 1338 02:11:17,670 --> 02:11:23,010 Chandramukhi... isn't that your name? 1339 02:11:23,510 --> 02:11:28,380 They also call me Devdasi 1340 02:11:28,880 --> 02:11:33,760 You are famous. - Not anymore 1341 02:11:34,260 --> 02:11:35,460 Why? 1342 02:11:35,970 --> 02:11:43,060 At angel's touch, I learnt of a sacrifice I never knew 1343 02:11:43,550 --> 02:11:48,340 How strange of a courtesan to swear by fidelity 1344 02:11:48,840 --> 02:11:51,840 Curious too... 1345 02:11:52,340 --> 02:11:57,050 what draws an aristocrat to a courtesan's doorstep? 1346 02:11:57,550 --> 02:11:59,760 Where is Dev? 1347 02:12:00,260 --> 02:12:05,130 I too am eager to hear his footfall. Six months it has been... 1348 02:12:05,630 --> 02:12:11,050 since I set my eyes on him. - You lie 1349 02:12:11,550 --> 02:12:16,630 If you don't trust, look around. - Or do you assume I won't? 1350 02:12:17,130 --> 02:12:19,510 How long do you think you can keep Dev here? 1351 02:12:20,010 --> 02:12:24,380 Only so long as the beauty, the youth, the money? 1352 02:12:24,880 --> 02:12:29,960 What's your endgame? You must have fleeced Dev 1353 02:12:30,470 --> 02:12:33,970 I'll pay you more. I can't bear to see Dev suffering this hell 1354 02:12:39,880 --> 02:12:42,670 How strange 1355 02:12:43,170 --> 02:12:52,210 The very Paro who drove Dev Babu to insanity, wants to buy him 1356 02:12:52,720 --> 02:12:57,060 And what may you have to offer me? Can you offer social recognition? 1357 02:12:57,550 --> 02:13:00,130 Can you possibly make him love me? 1358 02:13:00,630 --> 02:13:03,260 Or make it possible that I may touch him, just once? 1359 02:13:03,760 --> 02:13:09,510 Dreams, longing, hopes, that he has kindled in my heart... 1360 02:13:10,010 --> 02:13:14,210 might you make them come true? Can you? 1361 02:13:14,720 --> 02:13:19,810 No, you cannot deliver 1362 02:13:20,300 --> 02:13:25,050 And I will not give you Dev Babu. - And I will take him away 1363 02:13:25,550 --> 02:13:33,130 And no one is stopping me. Not you, not social sanction, not even Dev 1364 02:13:33,630 --> 02:13:41,380 Not to forget, courtesans aren't destined to have husbands 1365 02:13:41,880 --> 02:13:45,380 Courtesans have no destiny, lady 1366 02:14:01,470 --> 02:14:08,100 From your perspective, you can see nothing. From mine... 1367 02:14:08,590 --> 02:14:12,380 you will find him everywhere 1368 02:14:12,880 --> 02:14:17,460 Look, there he is, in the flame of the lamp 1369 02:14:17,970 --> 02:14:20,020 There he lies, in folds of the covers 1370 02:14:20,510 --> 02:14:21,920 In that half a chalice... 1371 02:14:22,420 --> 02:14:28,170 his thirst lies, unquenched. His fragrance still lingers 1372 02:14:28,670 --> 02:14:32,170 Take it all, if you can. The light, the folds, the fragrance, all of it 1373 02:14:45,840 --> 02:14:48,050 All yours 1374 02:14:48,550 --> 02:14:54,300 But I cannot give you your Devdas. - You love Dev so dearly? 1375 02:14:54,800 --> 02:14:57,670 I only worship him 1376 02:14:58,170 --> 02:15:03,630 Now I'm assured. Dev isn't lonely anymore 1377 02:15:04,130 --> 02:15:10,260 Oh I forgot what I came here for. I want to perform the Durga Puja 1378 02:15:10,760 --> 02:15:12,710 From your doorstep, I want soil 1379 02:15:13,220 --> 02:15:16,720 May I...? 1380 02:15:27,340 --> 02:15:31,960 What is this? - I came for Dev. Instead... 1381 02:15:32,470 --> 02:15:36,350 it's something I entrust you with 1382 02:15:36,840 --> 02:15:40,340 I will expect you for the Durga Puja. Do come 1383 02:15:46,720 --> 02:15:50,220 Hail to Goddess Durga! 1384 02:16:07,880 --> 02:16:11,960 Chandramukhi... 1385 02:16:12,470 --> 02:16:14,100 I'm so happy to have you here 1386 02:16:14,590 --> 02:16:16,380 I'm glad 1387 02:16:16,880 --> 02:16:20,670 How could I refuse your invitation? I had to come 1388 02:16:21,170 --> 02:16:24,260 Have you met Dev? 1389 02:16:24,760 --> 02:16:26,920 Parvati? 1390 02:16:27,420 --> 02:16:28,800 Who is this? 1391 02:16:29,300 --> 02:16:34,300 Chandramukhi, my friend. She comes from Calcutta 1392 02:16:34,800 --> 02:16:40,380 Bless you, consider this your home. Parvati, don't let her go too soon 1393 02:16:40,880 --> 02:16:44,840 Sure. You will leave only after the celebrations 1394 02:16:45,340 --> 02:16:47,760 No Paro! I can't stay here 1395 02:16:48,260 --> 02:16:52,460 Why not? It's been ages since I had a heart-to-heart chat with someone 1396 02:16:52,970 --> 02:16:56,470 Come, let celebrations be the ruse for forgetting our woes 1397 02:16:56,970 --> 02:16:59,890 Let's sing, dance, give ourselves a little to live 1398 02:17:00,380 --> 02:17:03,920 No... - Our joys might touch Dev 1399 02:17:04,420 --> 02:17:09,090 Paro, listen to me. - No refusing. For Dev's sake 1400 02:17:09,590 --> 02:17:12,920 Come Kali Babu, the chess game isn't over yet 1401 02:17:13,420 --> 02:17:15,960 The real chessgame is being played here 1402 02:17:16,470 --> 02:17:20,100 Devdas' Chandramukhi comes. To meet Devdas' Paro 1403 02:17:20,590 --> 02:17:23,380 Who's Paro? - Mother-in-law 1404 02:17:23,880 --> 02:17:28,550 Parvati. One move and I've checkmated all four 1405 02:17:29,050 --> 02:17:29,920 Paro 1406 02:17:30,420 --> 02:17:31,670 Chandramukhi 1407 02:17:32,170 --> 02:17:34,380 Bhuvan Chaudhary 1408 02:17:34,880 --> 02:17:36,840 Devdas 1409 02:17:37,340 --> 02:17:40,380 Deva, the day is dawning 1410 02:17:40,880 --> 02:17:46,840 But forever, this heart will live in darkness 1411 02:17:47,340 --> 02:17:49,960 Shall we go now? - To whom? 1412 02:17:50,470 --> 02:17:54,100 One by one, all my relationships are over 1413 02:17:54,590 --> 02:17:58,710 Between my father and I there was no love lost, right? 1414 02:17:59,220 --> 02:18:00,640 Right. 1415 02:18:01,130 --> 02:18:04,630 I was his tempest and he was my whip 1416 02:18:16,720 --> 02:18:19,930 Even my brother figured first in mother's lullaby, right? 1417 02:18:20,420 --> 02:18:21,260 Right. Elder brother and I never hit it off. 1418 02:18:21,760 --> 02:18:29,710 My brother and I never hit it off. He's practical, I'm impractical 1419 02:18:30,220 --> 02:18:31,350 Right. 1420 02:18:31,840 --> 02:18:35,800 One inculcates a humorous relationship with a brother's wife 1421 02:18:36,300 --> 02:18:42,210 I was the one who ended up being the butt of the joke, right? 1422 02:18:42,720 --> 02:18:47,970 And there was Paro and I love her... 1423 02:18:48,470 --> 02:18:49,850 you know... 1424 02:18:50,340 --> 02:18:53,840 so much 1425 02:18:56,260 --> 02:19:00,960 So much, right? 1426 02:19:01,470 --> 02:19:04,970 Paro! 1427 02:19:09,050 --> 02:19:11,260 Now she is estranged too 1428 02:19:11,760 --> 02:19:15,260 Estranged! 1429 02:19:17,720 --> 02:19:20,850 But there's one... 1430 02:19:21,340 --> 02:19:25,550 one Chandramukhi. Loves me dearly 1431 02:19:26,050 --> 02:19:28,710 But... 1432 02:19:29,220 --> 02:19:31,390 But... 1433 02:19:31,880 --> 02:19:35,170 Priest? 1434 02:19:35,670 --> 02:19:39,170 Priest... 1435 02:19:41,130 --> 02:19:43,460 Priest... - Careful... careful. 1436 02:19:43,970 --> 02:19:45,970 Greetings, priest. - Greetings. 1437 02:19:46,470 --> 02:19:48,430 Are you familiar with the last rites? - Of course 1438 02:19:48,920 --> 02:19:51,960 Will you perform the ritual? - Of course. Who is the deceased? 1439 02:19:52,470 --> 02:19:54,520 Devdas Mukherjee - Are you insane? 1440 02:19:55,010 --> 02:19:55,420 Priest, Devdas Mukherjee. 1441 02:19:55,920 --> 02:19:58,050 You'll perform your last rites? - Give me my last rites 1442 02:19:58,550 --> 02:19:59,960 Priest, go away 1443 02:20:00,470 --> 02:20:03,970 Priest! 1444 02:20:08,590 --> 02:20:10,670 Hey Deva! 1445 02:20:11,170 --> 02:20:12,760 Hey Deva! Hey Deva! 1446 02:20:13,260 --> 02:20:16,130 Deva! What madness is this? 1447 02:20:16,630 --> 02:20:18,420 Come back 1448 02:20:18,920 --> 02:20:22,510 "Unto the departed Soul..." 1449 02:20:23,010 --> 02:20:25,880 "grant salvation, Lord" 1450 02:20:26,380 --> 02:20:29,880 Come back, I beg of you 1451 02:20:39,880 --> 02:20:43,090 "of the throb..." 1452 02:20:43,590 --> 02:20:47,300 "of the throb..." 1453 02:20:47,800 --> 02:20:51,300 "of the throb..." 1454 02:22:09,130 --> 02:22:12,130 "The throb..." 1455 02:22:12,630 --> 02:22:15,880 "sways my heart" 1456 02:22:16,380 --> 02:22:19,300 "The throb..." 1457 02:22:19,800 --> 02:22:23,460 "sways my heart" 1458 02:22:23,970 --> 02:22:27,430 "I dare that evil eye or let thunder strike" 1459 02:22:27,920 --> 02:22:30,800 "Thunder, thunder" 1460 02:22:31,300 --> 02:22:34,050 "I dare that evil eye or let thunder strike" 1461 02:22:34,550 --> 02:22:37,840 "I'll wear my dancing bells" 1462 02:22:38,340 --> 02:22:41,630 "In my anklets..." 1463 02:22:42,130 --> 02:22:45,420 "I will give in to the ecstasy..." 1464 02:22:45,920 --> 02:22:48,960 "of the throb..." 1465 02:22:49,470 --> 02:22:52,850 "that sways my heart, my soul" 1466 02:22:53,340 --> 02:22:56,420 "of the throb..." 1467 02:22:56,920 --> 02:23:00,420 "sways my heart" 1468 02:23:11,470 --> 02:23:15,140 "What chimes?" 1469 02:23:15,630 --> 02:23:18,510 "What's that love in eyes?" 1470 02:23:19,010 --> 02:23:22,210 "Why the crescendo?" 1471 02:23:22,720 --> 02:23:29,310 "Is it longing?" 1472 02:23:29,800 --> 02:23:32,630 "He's in the red dot I wear" 1473 02:23:33,130 --> 02:23:36,340 "He's in the dream in my eyes" 1474 02:23:36,840 --> 02:23:40,340 "You're obsessed" 1475 02:23:40,840 --> 02:23:43,550 "Your heart beats for him" 1476 02:23:44,050 --> 02:23:50,960 "I remember him in the chime" 1477 02:23:51,470 --> 02:23:58,350 "I remember him in the tinkle" 1478 02:23:58,840 --> 02:24:01,960 "I remember him in the chime" 1479 02:24:02,470 --> 02:24:06,220 "I remember him in the tinkle" 1480 02:24:06,720 --> 02:24:09,680 "In my anklets..." 1481 02:24:10,170 --> 02:24:13,670 "I will give in to the ecstasy..." 1482 02:24:14,170 --> 02:24:17,090 "of the throb..." 1483 02:24:17,590 --> 02:24:20,840 "that sways my heart, my soul" 1484 02:24:21,340 --> 02:24:24,420 "of the throb..." 1485 02:24:24,920 --> 02:24:28,420 "that sways my heart, my soul" 1486 02:25:01,340 --> 02:25:08,050 "You've given me a world..." 1487 02:25:08,550 --> 02:25:15,510 "of your own happinesses" 1488 02:25:16,010 --> 02:25:22,670 "Never desert him" 1489 02:25:23,170 --> 02:25:30,090 "Marry him" 1490 02:25:30,590 --> 02:25:37,420 "To him you are priceless" 1491 02:25:37,920 --> 02:25:45,260 "I am worthless" 1492 02:25:45,760 --> 02:25:48,630 "In my anklets..." 1493 02:25:49,130 --> 02:25:52,510 "In my anklets..." 1494 02:25:53,010 --> 02:25:56,300 "I will give in to the ecstasy..." 1495 02:25:56,800 --> 02:25:59,800 "of the throb..." 1496 02:26:00,300 --> 02:26:03,670 "that sways my heart, my soul" 1497 02:26:04,170 --> 02:26:07,380 "of the throb..." 1498 02:26:07,880 --> 02:26:11,380 "that sways my heart, my soul" 1499 02:26:26,130 --> 02:26:27,510 "of the throb..." 1500 02:26:28,010 --> 02:26:29,340 "of the throb..." 1501 02:26:29,840 --> 02:26:31,300 "of the throb..." 1502 02:26:31,800 --> 02:26:35,300 "of the throb..." 1503 02:26:51,590 --> 02:26:55,090 "of the throb..." 1504 02:27:00,720 --> 02:27:02,680 Wonderful 1505 02:27:03,170 --> 02:27:05,840 What a display of true colour 1506 02:27:06,340 --> 02:27:11,380 An aristocrat and a courtesan come together 1507 02:27:11,880 --> 02:27:12,550 Great! 1508 02:27:13,050 --> 02:27:15,840 What are you saying? - That which you see, Badi-Ma 1509 02:27:16,340 --> 02:27:18,210 And what everyone is watching 1510 02:27:18,720 --> 02:27:22,850 This woman, whom Mother-in-law calls a friend, is a whore 1511 02:27:23,340 --> 02:27:26,420 Yes Mother-in-law? 1512 02:27:26,920 --> 02:27:29,260 What am I hearing Parvati? 1513 02:27:29,760 --> 02:27:33,630 Why are you silent? Answer. - She is embarrassed 1514 02:27:34,130 --> 02:27:38,460 Landlords did keep whores 1515 02:27:38,970 --> 02:27:43,850 Now even a lady of the manor makes friendships in brothels. Wonderment 1516 02:27:44,340 --> 02:27:50,920 That's stripping without touching. You started the farce. I ended it 1517 02:27:51,420 --> 02:27:56,590 No Kali Babu, if men could enact farce, what need for whores? 1518 02:27:57,090 --> 02:27:58,670 You would've had your brothel too 1519 02:27:59,170 --> 02:27:59,460 Chandramukhi! 1520 02:27:59,970 --> 02:28:02,640 You know it and it's commonplace 1521 02:28:03,130 --> 02:28:06,260 It is the aristocrat who brings cheer to the brothels 1522 02:28:06,760 --> 02:28:10,340 And bastards are born of aristocrats of your ilk 1523 02:28:10,840 --> 02:28:14,800 Call them illegitimate if you will, but aristocracy runs in their veins 1524 02:28:15,300 --> 02:28:17,880 Company of the aristocracy doesn't confer status to the courtesan 1525 02:28:18,380 --> 02:28:23,630 Absolutely correct, Badi-Ma. But why should the lady be embarrassed? 1526 02:28:24,130 --> 02:28:29,840 If she spoke a few kind words to me, it's because she considers me human 1527 02:28:30,340 --> 02:28:35,840 He who frequents the alleyways of disrepute ought to be ashamed 1528 02:28:36,340 --> 02:28:40,300 The very dens littered with trophies of the lust of his forefathers 1529 02:28:40,800 --> 02:28:46,630 Have you thought? You might have a sister somewhere in the brothels 1530 02:28:47,130 --> 02:28:49,170 Why sister? You might even visit your daughter's... 1531 02:28:49,670 --> 02:28:52,550 Chandramukhi! 1532 02:28:53,050 --> 02:28:55,010 In the soil at the courtesan's doorstep... 1533 02:28:55,510 --> 02:29:01,920 is moulded the image of the goddess. The soil isn't impotent 1534 02:29:02,420 --> 02:29:05,920 Now the farce ends 1535 02:29:11,130 --> 02:29:13,380 I return, lady... 1536 02:29:13,880 --> 02:29:20,840 back to my world, to those disreputable alleys... 1537 02:29:21,340 --> 02:29:24,840 where I might someday find Dev Babu again 1538 02:29:27,630 --> 02:29:31,130 Farewell 1539 02:29:46,720 --> 02:29:49,470 Before leaving, I wish to apologise 1540 02:29:49,970 --> 02:29:54,680 Talking in public about Chandramukhi was a mistake 1541 02:29:55,170 --> 02:29:59,960 I didn't make the other mistake. I told your husband and Badi Ma... 1542 02:30:00,470 --> 02:30:04,770 about your friendship with Devdas 1543 02:30:05,260 --> 02:30:10,340 You liked twisting my ear? I would cut your nose to spite your face 1544 02:30:10,840 --> 02:30:14,340 Goodbye 1545 02:30:16,470 --> 02:30:18,140 Not at Parvati, fingers will be raised at us 1546 02:30:18,630 --> 02:30:23,090 The matter must end here and now 1547 02:30:23,590 --> 02:30:27,630 Did you ask for me? - Yes Parvati 1548 02:30:28,130 --> 02:30:31,210 I would like to know... - Who Devdas is? 1549 02:30:31,720 --> 02:30:37,640 Devdas is a childhood friend, he was body, I was soul 1550 02:30:38,130 --> 02:30:43,880 He is my love and he is my vanity and he is with me, always 1551 02:30:44,380 --> 02:30:49,630 Do you realise what you are saying? - Same as what you told me 1552 02:30:50,130 --> 02:30:54,460 You're now the lady of the manor, the mother of my children. No doubt 1553 02:30:54,970 --> 02:30:58,060 But Subhadra, I can never forget. - Subhadra was my wife 1554 02:30:58,550 --> 02:31:02,760 Subhadra was your first love. Devdas is mine 1555 02:31:03,260 --> 02:31:07,460 First love, like years can never be obliterated 1556 02:31:07,970 --> 02:31:11,390 Parvati, you are forgetting. You are the lady of the manor 1557 02:31:11,880 --> 02:31:18,760 Maybe that's reason for my guilt? I'll accept any penalty you decree 1558 02:31:19,260 --> 02:31:22,050 Of course you will be punished 1559 02:31:22,550 --> 02:31:30,550 The very men who paid obeisances to this manor are enjoying a farce 1560 02:31:31,050 --> 02:31:37,130 You may never step out of the manor. This is your punishment 1561 02:31:37,630 --> 02:31:42,630 But what punishment, Parvati? We are the ones being punished 1562 02:31:43,130 --> 02:31:47,630 The lamps we lit in celebration have set fire to our house 1563 02:31:48,130 --> 02:31:51,630 Always put out the fires that threaten your home 1564 02:32:13,670 --> 02:32:19,010 Fun, frolic and friends 1565 02:32:19,510 --> 02:32:26,380 Without you, life was desolate. With you, comes the cheer 1566 02:32:26,880 --> 02:32:34,550 Why care for outcomes? Let's raise cheer 1567 02:32:35,050 --> 02:32:38,550 Yes friend? 1568 02:32:46,420 --> 02:32:53,460 "Let clink the glasses" 1569 02:32:53,970 --> 02:33:00,720 "Let clink the glasses, whatever the outcome" 1570 02:33:01,220 --> 02:33:04,720 "Look how" 1571 02:33:21,260 --> 02:33:27,760 "Let clink the glasses, whatever the outcome" 1572 02:33:28,260 --> 02:33:33,460 "And hear the "chhalak-chal" in the swirl" 1573 02:33:33,970 --> 02:33:38,020 "And hear the "chhalak-chal" in the swirl" 1574 02:33:38,510 --> 02:33:42,670 "Music, when my cup floweth over" 1575 02:33:43,170 --> 02:33:47,460 "Look how" 1576 02:33:47,970 --> 02:33:53,180 "And hear the "dhamk-dhamk-dham" inside your heart..." 1577 02:33:53,670 --> 02:33:57,840 "And hear the "dhamk-dhamk-dham" inside your heart..." 1578 02:33:58,340 --> 02:34:01,840 "when you clink the glasses" 1579 02:34:30,630 --> 02:34:34,760 "This"madeira"..." 1580 02:34:35,260 --> 02:34:39,760 "This"madeira"showers a rain of memories" 1581 02:34:40,260 --> 02:34:44,710 "In every spill, "madeira" cheats the heart" 1582 02:34:45,220 --> 02:34:51,220 "The"madeira "coursing down tells..." 1583 02:34:51,720 --> 02:34:54,720 "tales of hearts" 1584 02:34:55,220 --> 02:34:59,770 "Like lightning in hearts, it strikes clouds of sorrow" 1585 02:35:00,260 --> 02:35:04,710 "And when it reaches the heart..." 1586 02:35:05,220 --> 02:35:09,640 "it evokes..." 1587 02:35:10,130 --> 02:35:14,210 "memories of her" 1588 02:35:14,720 --> 02:35:19,310 "Oh for a glimpse..." 1589 02:35:19,800 --> 02:35:24,210 "Oh for a glimpse of her" 1590 02:35:24,720 --> 02:35:26,560 "That's..." 1591 02:35:27,050 --> 02:35:31,460 "what little I pray for" 1592 02:35:31,970 --> 02:35:36,350 "So little I pray for" 1593 02:35:36,840 --> 02:35:40,340 "So little I pray for" 1594 02:35:51,800 --> 02:35:58,920 "Mira dances for her Ghanshyam..." 1595 02:35:59,420 --> 02:36:02,920 "she dances in gay abandon" 1596 02:36:11,220 --> 02:36:16,140 "Hear the "jhanak-jhank-jhan" in the chime of her anklets" 1597 02:36:16,630 --> 02:36:21,170 "Hear the "jhanak-jhank-jhan" in the chime of her anklets" 1598 02:36:21,670 --> 02:36:27,760 "I'm in love, I don't care for censure" 1599 02:36:28,260 --> 02:36:32,170 "And how..." 1600 02:36:32,670 --> 02:36:38,550 "Now hear the "thirak-thirak"? That's my heart dancing away" 1601 02:36:39,050 --> 02:36:43,340 "Now hear the "thirak-thirak"? That's my heart dancing away" 1602 02:36:43,840 --> 02:36:48,340 "And hear the "dhamk-dhamk-dham" inside your heart..." 1603 02:36:48,840 --> 02:36:52,340 "And hear the "dhamk-dhamk-dham" inside your heart..." 1604 02:37:18,170 --> 02:37:22,590 "Hear the beats of your hearts and the swirl" 1605 02:37:23,090 --> 02:37:27,880 "Continue beating and swirling" 1606 02:37:28,380 --> 02:37:32,550 "And hear the "chhalak-chal" in the swirl" 1607 02:37:33,050 --> 02:37:37,840 "And hear the "chhalak-chal" in the swirl" 1608 02:37:38,340 --> 02:37:42,050 "And hear the "chhalak-chal" in the swirl" 1609 02:37:42,550 --> 02:37:47,300 "And hear the "chhalak-chal" in the swirl" 1610 02:37:47,800 --> 02:37:52,260 "Let clink the glasses" 1611 02:37:52,760 --> 02:37:57,210 "Let clink the glasses" 1612 02:37:57,720 --> 02:38:01,220 "Let clink the glasses" 1613 02:38:07,220 --> 02:38:12,180 Even a drop of alcohol is poison for him 1614 02:38:12,670 --> 02:38:15,630 Any moment may be treacherous 1615 02:38:16,130 --> 02:38:21,340 Try to keep him in good cheer 1616 02:38:21,840 --> 02:38:25,710 Oh God! 1617 02:38:26,220 --> 02:38:31,470 What is this Dharamdas? Cry and you will make me cry too 1618 02:38:31,970 --> 02:38:36,390 And people will call me a courtesan who cannot enact a farce 1619 02:38:36,880 --> 02:38:41,460 We got to keep Dev Babu in good cheer, no? 1620 02:38:41,970 --> 02:38:44,890 Game over. I win again 1621 02:38:45,380 --> 02:38:47,630 Show. 1622 02:38:48,130 --> 02:38:52,300 No point playing with you! You've robbed us blind 1623 02:38:52,800 --> 02:38:56,760 A few more games with you and you'll make me sell this brothel 1624 02:38:57,260 --> 02:39:00,130 Stop giggling and get lost 1625 02:39:00,630 --> 02:39:02,550 Time for your medicine. I'll send it over 1626 02:39:03,050 --> 02:39:10,130 In a chalice. Else, it won't work. - Even contemplating it is lethal 1627 02:39:10,630 --> 02:39:15,210 Met Paro? 1628 02:39:15,720 --> 02:39:19,720 How did you find my Paro? - If love be personified... 1629 02:39:20,220 --> 02:39:24,560 Paro's would be the being, hers the very heart 1630 02:39:25,050 --> 02:39:31,300 Forbidden though it is, I always end up with a metaphor about eyes 1631 02:39:31,800 --> 02:39:36,170 One Paro and one, Chandramukhi 1632 02:39:36,670 --> 02:39:38,840 One, sentimental, vivacious 1633 02:39:39,340 --> 02:39:43,170 And you... how delicate, how demure 1634 02:39:43,670 --> 02:39:46,590 She is fickle, like a doe, gushing like a river... 1635 02:39:47,090 --> 02:39:52,010 the liar, the butterfly, the Moon and you...? 1636 02:39:52,510 --> 02:39:58,510 Poem? Ballad? Some tears, sometimes fire 1637 02:39:59,010 --> 02:40:02,510 Everyone loves her. - And you, unloved by all save me? 1638 02:40:11,760 --> 02:40:15,260 Chandramukhi. 1639 02:40:37,340 --> 02:40:43,630 What is this, Chandramukhi? I was likening you to fortitude 1640 02:40:44,130 --> 02:40:49,460 What you turn out to be? Wax doll? Look at you, melting away 1641 02:40:49,970 --> 02:40:53,470 Will you let the candle melt away and cast me in dark? 1642 02:41:04,800 --> 02:41:13,260 You've done much for me, Chandramukhi. One more favour 1643 02:41:13,760 --> 02:41:18,420 Let me leave. - No! You know not what you suffer 1644 02:41:18,920 --> 02:41:25,300 You know it and I suffer. - Then why must you...? 1645 02:41:25,800 --> 02:41:31,010 I must face myself before I'm lost 1646 02:41:31,510 --> 02:41:35,010 May a servant follow you? 1647 02:41:37,880 --> 02:41:41,380 I cannot bear to see my death mirrored in your eyes 1648 02:42:05,720 --> 02:42:09,850 I have been given heaven and earth 1649 02:42:10,340 --> 02:42:13,840 Will we meet again? 1650 02:42:25,380 --> 02:42:35,130 What the Judge of virtue and vice will pronounce for you I know not 1651 02:42:35,630 --> 02:42:39,130 But in the afterlife, should we meet I won't be able to renounce you 1652 02:43:01,590 --> 02:43:07,420 Deva, what is the matter with you? - What's the matter...? 1653 02:43:07,920 --> 02:43:11,550 Are you all right? 1654 02:43:12,050 --> 02:43:17,380 How come you haven't left? - I'm not leaving you all alone 1655 02:43:17,880 --> 02:43:22,050 Are you afraid I'll drink again? - Alcohol is poison for you 1656 02:43:22,550 --> 02:43:24,170 One drop... - And I'm dead? 1657 02:43:24,670 --> 02:43:29,420 Yes! You were delirious, that's why I didn't leave you 1658 02:43:29,920 --> 02:43:35,380 And enough of this journey. You've had your say and I've had enough 1659 02:43:35,880 --> 02:43:38,760 At the next station, we change the train and we go to see your mother 1660 02:43:39,260 --> 02:43:43,710 At the next station, you go back to your compartment 1661 02:43:44,220 --> 02:43:47,850 Why are you so stubborn? - Put out the lights 1662 02:43:48,340 --> 02:43:53,590 And tomorrow, I'm taking you to a doctor. Always fickle 1663 02:43:54,090 --> 02:43:57,590 Passengers to Sonarpur, Garia, Phoolbagan to detrain 1664 02:44:08,920 --> 02:44:12,420 Dharamdas, you're back? 1665 02:44:18,670 --> 02:44:19,380 Mr. Chunni. 1666 02:44:19,880 --> 02:44:22,670 Friend! How are you? 1667 02:44:23,170 --> 02:44:29,050 Small world it is, that's why we keep bumping into each other 1668 02:44:29,550 --> 02:44:39,050 So where and how have you been? - Right here and I'm fine 1669 02:44:39,550 --> 02:44:46,170 Tell me how you have been. - What with me, I'm soaring 1670 02:44:46,670 --> 02:44:53,260 But you look... pale. What gives, friend? 1671 02:44:53,760 --> 02:44:59,590 For a moment I was in a quandary. Is this my star of Chitpore? 1672 02:45:00,090 --> 02:45:05,170 No, I'm all the same. - Even if you aren't, here I am 1673 02:45:05,670 --> 02:45:09,920 Let's raise cheer. It's been long, let's have a party 1674 02:45:10,420 --> 02:45:13,260 So what if we aren't in a brothel? Even train compartments will do 1675 02:45:13,760 --> 02:45:16,590 If not the dancing bells, let's cheer the rhythm of the rails 1676 02:45:17,090 --> 02:45:20,590 If not Chandramukhi, let it be between her paramours 1677 02:45:25,050 --> 02:45:30,130 Here you are 1678 02:45:30,630 --> 02:45:37,010 No Chuni Babu, I don't drink. - Someone has extracted a promise? 1679 02:45:37,510 --> 02:45:41,590 No. - Then do it, for friendship's sake 1680 02:45:42,090 --> 02:45:45,550 After ages! Let's live it up. Why not? 1681 02:45:46,050 --> 02:45:49,550 In a tomorrow, may we be? Might not 1682 02:45:50,050 --> 02:45:53,550 You'll be. As for me, you never know 1683 02:46:07,590 --> 02:46:15,460 My share of life I've lived, now I'm counting on my heart 1684 02:46:15,970 --> 02:46:21,180 What with the world, it will even grudge you your last breath 1685 02:46:21,670 --> 02:46:27,170 Encore! How sweet! That's poetry 1686 02:46:27,670 --> 02:46:31,260 Shards of the heart, they call poetry. I don't care 1687 02:46:31,760 --> 02:46:37,340 What hurts is when they want... - Encores? Wonderful 1688 02:46:37,840 --> 02:46:41,340 Encore, encore 1689 02:46:46,470 --> 02:46:50,350 Hey Dev Babu... 1690 02:46:50,840 --> 02:46:52,550 what's happening? 1691 02:46:53,050 --> 02:46:56,550 What's ailing you? Have you taken a cure? 1692 02:47:00,260 --> 02:47:03,760 I'm incurable, Chuni Babu 1693 02:47:06,050 --> 02:47:10,960 Then why did you drink, knowing...? - For friendship's sake, Chuni Babu 1694 02:47:11,470 --> 02:47:17,430 Friendship? You take me for a stranger? Not again, not again... 1695 02:47:17,920 --> 02:47:23,090 No stranger, Chuni Babu. You're the closest to me 1696 02:47:23,590 --> 02:47:30,130 I've even imbibed your metaphor. The Sunrise of life... 1697 02:47:30,630 --> 02:47:34,460 the salutations... then the solace... 1698 02:47:34,970 --> 02:47:39,470 and in seconds, time takes such a turn Chuni Babu... 1699 02:47:39,970 --> 02:47:44,220 all ties with life are severed. - No Dev Babu 1700 02:47:44,720 --> 02:47:45,970 The Sun... 1701 02:47:46,470 --> 02:47:50,430 the song, the serenade, sympathy between friends 1702 02:47:50,920 --> 02:47:56,630 But separation... no... - It all ends, Chuni Babu 1703 02:47:57,130 --> 02:48:01,130 No 1704 02:48:01,630 --> 02:48:09,670 Silence? So deathly? As if I'm dead already? 1705 02:48:10,170 --> 02:48:12,880 I swear by our friendship... 1706 02:48:13,380 --> 02:48:16,340 this silence... 1707 02:48:16,840 --> 02:48:20,460 is stifling 1708 02:48:20,970 --> 02:48:24,470 And you know Chuni Babu, miles to go... 1709 02:48:32,970 --> 02:48:36,470 before my thirst is quenched 1710 02:48:40,220 --> 02:48:43,720 Oh when will my thirst be quenched? 1711 02:49:09,420 --> 02:49:12,710 What happened to Chhoti-Ma? 1712 02:49:13,220 --> 02:49:16,720 Blood...? 1713 02:49:36,550 --> 02:49:40,050 Pandua. Passengers to Manikpur, Mirzapur, Mirgaon, detrain 1714 02:49:46,970 --> 02:49:49,680 "If serving me makes you happy..." 1715 02:49:50,170 --> 02:49:57,010 "I promise you, before I die I will surely come to your doorstep" 1716 02:49:57,510 --> 02:50:01,010 "Swear that, by me" 1717 02:50:33,970 --> 02:50:34,600 Are we there? 1718 02:50:35,090 --> 02:50:41,550 The journey has just begun. What's wrong with you? 1719 02:50:42,050 --> 02:50:45,550 Devdas... come to me, my darling 1720 02:50:56,090 --> 02:50:59,460 All day tramping around the village with that Paro 1721 02:50:59,970 --> 02:51:02,970 Not another moment for you in this house 1722 02:51:03,470 --> 02:51:04,430 Get out! 1723 02:51:04,920 --> 02:51:12,590 Deva! I'm not letting you leave! - Dharamdas! Don't let him go 1724 02:51:13,090 --> 02:51:16,590 Stop Dev 1725 02:51:29,090 --> 02:51:33,010 Faster, please 1726 02:51:33,510 --> 02:51:34,880 Very little time left 1727 02:51:35,380 --> 02:51:38,880 Yes sir 1728 02:51:44,130 --> 02:51:47,630 Babu-ji said leave the village. Everyone said, leave Paro 1729 02:51:48,130 --> 02:51:52,920 Paro said, leave drinking. Now you say, leave this house 1730 02:51:53,420 --> 02:51:56,920 One day, He will say, leave this world 1731 02:52:03,420 --> 02:52:10,880 Here's Manikpur. Brought you in before sun-up 1732 02:52:11,380 --> 02:52:12,840 Huh! Sir. 1733 02:52:13,340 --> 02:52:15,090 Sir... sir! 1734 02:52:15,590 --> 02:52:19,090 Whom are you seeing in Manikpur? 1735 02:52:22,800 --> 02:52:26,300 Paro. 1736 02:52:29,840 --> 02:52:31,300 Who...? 1737 02:52:31,800 --> 02:52:35,300 I'm here, Paro 1738 02:53:05,880 --> 02:53:10,760 What is the matter, Parvati? - Someone called out to me 1739 02:53:11,260 --> 02:53:14,760 So late at night? Go to bed. You must be mistaken 1740 02:53:29,340 --> 02:53:31,130 Picked him up at Pandua station. I don't know... 1741 02:53:31,630 --> 02:53:35,130 something happened to him overnight. Never said where to, in Manikpur 1742 02:53:43,510 --> 02:53:47,010 What's that crowd outside? 1743 02:53:47,510 --> 02:53:52,840 Some stranger has been lying there all night. Counting his last, maybe 1744 02:53:53,340 --> 02:54:00,960 Poor soul, must've come to return something he owed in this lifetime 1745 02:54:01,470 --> 02:54:04,970 God rest his soul 1746 02:54:08,420 --> 02:54:11,710 No chance of survival, Mahendra Babu 1747 02:54:12,220 --> 02:54:15,720 He's breathing his last 1748 02:54:53,010 --> 02:54:56,510 What is the matter, Parvati? 1749 02:54:59,260 --> 02:55:01,710 These letters might provide a clue 1750 02:55:02,220 --> 02:55:05,720 "She is Eternal peace" 1751 02:55:09,510 --> 02:55:19,880 If you are inattentive Parvati, you needn't say the prayers. Leave 1752 02:55:20,380 --> 02:55:24,010 For some wish unfulfilled, must be, he isn't giving up his ghost 1753 02:55:24,510 --> 02:55:30,760 The policeman has identified him. He's from some Tal Sonapur 1754 02:55:31,260 --> 02:55:33,170 Tal Sonapur 1755 02:55:33,670 --> 02:55:35,800 What's the name? - I don't know 1756 02:55:36,300 --> 02:55:39,210 Mahendra Babu knows. - Will you please call Mahendra? 1757 02:55:39,720 --> 02:55:43,310 Alright. 1758 02:55:43,800 --> 02:55:47,300 I said, call Mahendra. - Yes 1759 02:55:52,760 --> 02:55:53,960 Mr. Mahendra! Hey Mr. Mahendra! 1760 02:55:54,470 --> 02:55:57,970 Yes? - Chhoti-Ma wants to see you. Now 1761 02:56:12,510 --> 02:56:17,460 Yes Chhoti-Ma? You summoned me? - Yes, who's the man lying outside? 1762 02:56:17,970 --> 02:56:21,470 Someone from your village, one Devdas Mukherjee 1763 02:56:24,220 --> 02:56:27,720 Who? - Devdas Mukherjee 1764 02:56:33,420 --> 02:56:35,170 How do you know? - Two letters in his pocket 1765 02:56:35,670 --> 02:56:37,210 One, to Dwijdas Mukherjee. - His elder brother 1766 02:56:37,720 --> 02:56:38,970 And to one Kaushalya. - Yes, his mother 1767 02:56:39,470 --> 02:56:41,220 The name was tattooed on his arm. - At a fair. It rained 1768 02:56:41,720 --> 02:56:43,520 Incomplete tattoo... - Also a torn necklace of pearls 1769 02:56:44,010 --> 02:56:47,510 Hit me here... 1770 02:56:52,720 --> 02:56:54,100 Where are you going Chhoti-Ma? 1771 02:56:54,590 --> 02:56:55,710 By now they must've taken him away 1772 02:56:56,220 --> 02:56:59,720 Mahendra! 1773 02:57:02,010 --> 02:57:07,510 Chhoti-Ma, stop... 1774 02:57:08,010 --> 02:57:11,760 Chhoti-Ma, stop... 1775 02:57:12,260 --> 02:57:15,510 Chhoti-Ma, stop... 1776 02:57:16,010 --> 02:57:18,760 What happened to Chhoti Ma? - What's going on in this house? 1777 02:57:19,260 --> 02:57:21,380 Why this screaming? What's up Mahendra? 1778 02:57:21,880 --> 02:57:26,210 Ma is going out! For some Devdas! - She has gone insane, stop her 1779 02:57:26,720 --> 02:57:28,930 Stop, Parvati! 1780 02:57:29,420 --> 02:57:32,920 Don't let her step outside the manor 1781 02:57:41,170 --> 02:57:44,670 Arre O'Deva 1782 02:57:48,760 --> 02:57:52,260 Arre O'Deva 1783 02:58:01,920 --> 02:58:05,420 Stop Chhoti-Ma 1784 02:58:05,920 --> 02:58:10,550 Stop! Babu-ji forbids you 1785 02:58:11,050 --> 02:58:14,550 Chhoti-Ma, stop... 1786 02:58:24,050 --> 02:58:27,260 Arre O'Deva 1787 02:58:27,760 --> 02:58:31,260 Secure the doors 1788 02:58:39,880 --> 02:58:43,380 Arre O'Deva 1789 02:58:58,260 --> 02:59:02,300 Arre O'Deva 1790 02:59:02,800 --> 02:59:06,300 Arre O'Deva 1791 02:59:11,630 --> 02:59:15,130 Paro. 1792 02:59:23,340 --> 02:59:27,300 "Where will I find again..." 1793 02:59:27,800 --> 02:59:30,550 "my lost innocence..." 1794 02:59:31,050 --> 02:59:33,590 "my lost dreams..." 1795 02:59:34,090 --> 02:59:36,630 "my lost childhood" 1796 02:59:37,130 --> 02:59:39,420 "Where is gone the shade of trees..." 1797 02:59:39,920 --> 02:59:41,670 "where I made myself a home?"