1 00:00:02,127 --> 00:00:03,877 Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,379 --> 00:00:05,462 Jonathan Archer. 3 00:00:06,339 --> 00:00:07,881 What brings you here? 4 00:00:13,054 --> 00:00:14,805 Someone attacked a Klingon bird-of-prey. 5 00:00:14,973 --> 00:00:17,307 The entire crew was massacred, the ship's missing. 6 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:19,643 They were Augments. 7 00:00:19,811 --> 00:00:22,479 You were leading us before, 8 00:00:22,897 --> 00:00:25,065 and now he is, and you can't accept that. 9 00:00:25,233 --> 00:00:28,694 Why shouldn't I lead? Augments should be led by Augments. 10 00:00:28,862 --> 00:00:32,740 We've been authorized to use whatever force necessary to stop Soong. 11 00:00:33,491 --> 00:00:37,036 We know you can get to the embryos. Give us what we came for. 12 00:00:37,203 --> 00:00:41,123 You'll tell us what we want to hear or you'll watch him die too. 13 00:00:43,460 --> 00:00:45,836 Every stasis field in this station will shut down, 14 00:00:46,004 --> 00:00:47,838 releasing hundreds of pathogens. 15 00:00:48,006 --> 00:00:50,257 I wonder which one will kill you first. 16 00:00:50,425 --> 00:00:52,760 - There's no way to stop it from here. - Somewhere else? 17 00:00:52,927 --> 00:00:54,386 The primary junction. 18 00:00:56,473 --> 00:00:58,223 And now, the conclusion. 19 00:01:00,185 --> 00:01:02,227 Containment breach in 40 seconds. 20 00:01:02,395 --> 00:01:03,437 He's almost there. 21 00:01:08,151 --> 00:01:10,402 I'm at the primary junction. 22 00:01:10,570 --> 00:01:12,946 You'll have to divert the secondary relays. 23 00:01:13,114 --> 00:01:15,616 The panel to the left. 24 00:01:15,784 --> 00:01:17,618 I see them. 25 00:01:19,621 --> 00:01:21,080 Twenty seconds. 26 00:01:25,752 --> 00:01:29,838 He's isolated this room, the pathogens can't reach us. 27 00:01:30,006 --> 00:01:31,799 What about the captain? 28 00:01:34,761 --> 00:01:38,388 The ventilation grid is going to carry the pathogens through the rest of the station, 29 00:01:38,556 --> 00:01:41,141 including the central core. 30 00:01:41,392 --> 00:01:42,643 How long do I have? 31 00:01:42,811 --> 00:01:44,269 Less than a minute. 32 00:03:13,151 --> 00:03:14,943 - Archer to T'Pol. - Go ahead. 33 00:03:15,111 --> 00:03:17,905 Can you get a transporter lock on me? 34 00:03:19,073 --> 00:03:20,782 There's too much interference from the core. 35 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:23,702 You have to get farther away. 36 00:03:27,081 --> 00:03:29,249 Arm the phase-cannons. 37 00:03:29,751 --> 00:03:32,252 Target exterior hatch J-9. 38 00:03:33,588 --> 00:03:37,049 - Captain, the core will decompress. - That's the idea. 39 00:03:37,217 --> 00:03:39,051 Stand by on the transporter. 40 00:03:39,219 --> 00:03:43,305 - You'll only have a few seconds. - Acknowledged. 41 00:03:44,098 --> 00:03:47,684 Warning: Pathogens detected in the central core. 42 00:03:47,852 --> 00:03:50,520 - T'Pol. - We're ready. 43 00:03:51,397 --> 00:03:52,522 Fire. 44 00:04:04,327 --> 00:04:05,661 Commander, do you have him? 45 00:04:07,288 --> 00:04:10,207 Yeah. We need a medic down here. 46 00:04:20,677 --> 00:04:23,262 We've crossed into Klingon space. 47 00:04:29,477 --> 00:04:32,312 - Where's Enterprise? - They're holding position. 48 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:34,314 Archer's not foolish enough to follow us. 49 00:04:34,482 --> 00:04:36,275 We won't be seeing Archer again. 50 00:04:38,778 --> 00:04:40,737 What are you saying? 51 00:04:41,155 --> 00:04:42,239 He's dead. 52 00:04:51,499 --> 00:04:55,669 No one was to be killed without my express order. 53 00:04:55,837 --> 00:04:59,089 I had no choice. He attacked us, tried to escape. 54 00:05:00,925 --> 00:05:04,136 If you disobey me again, I'll lock you in the targ pit. 55 00:05:04,304 --> 00:05:08,098 You won't see the light of day for a month. Do I make myself clear? 56 00:05:08,266 --> 00:05:10,475 Yes, Father. 57 00:05:13,396 --> 00:05:15,981 - What's our speed? - Holding at warp 3.8. 58 00:05:16,149 --> 00:05:17,691 Not fast enough. 59 00:05:17,859 --> 00:05:20,235 The port inducer assembly's been damaged. 60 00:05:20,403 --> 00:05:22,070 Go to Engineering and repair it. 61 00:05:22,447 --> 00:05:23,905 I'm not an engineer. 62 00:05:25,825 --> 00:05:30,412 You're a bright boy, Malik, I'm sure you'll figure it out. 63 00:05:44,427 --> 00:05:46,261 First-officer's log, supplemental. 64 00:05:46,429 --> 00:05:49,931 We've evacuated the away team and all personnel from the station. 65 00:05:50,099 --> 00:05:52,434 The captain shows no sign of infection. 66 00:05:52,602 --> 00:05:54,144 He's recovering in Sickbay. 67 00:05:54,312 --> 00:05:57,773 They crossed the Klingon border approximately two hours ago. 68 00:05:57,940 --> 00:06:00,400 Soong's not even bothering to cover his tracks. 69 00:06:00,568 --> 00:06:03,111 He knows the Klingons will intercept us if we follow him. 70 00:06:03,279 --> 00:06:05,655 They have half a dozen patrols in the area. 71 00:06:05,823 --> 00:06:08,700 Is there something we can do to keep from showing up on their sensors? 72 00:06:08,868 --> 00:06:11,536 I could paint a bird-of-prey on the hull. 73 00:06:13,498 --> 00:06:17,292 Perhaps we could fake a Klingon warp signature. 74 00:06:17,877 --> 00:06:20,587 I'd have to reconfigure the coil assembly. 75 00:06:20,755 --> 00:06:23,548 It would take a few hours, but it should be doable. 76 00:06:24,926 --> 00:06:26,426 What's the status of C-12? 77 00:06:26,594 --> 00:06:28,345 Dr. Lucas and his team would like to return 78 00:06:28,513 --> 00:06:30,972 and begin decontamination procedures. 79 00:06:31,140 --> 00:06:32,974 That's quite a mess they gotta clean up. 80 00:06:33,142 --> 00:06:35,560 He estimates it will take more than a year. 81 00:06:37,146 --> 00:06:41,942 Once we're safely through Klingon space, we'll set a course for these coordinates. 82 00:06:43,277 --> 00:06:46,863 The Klingons call it Klach D'kel Brakt. 83 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:51,993 I call it the Briar Patch. It's a little catchier, don't you think? 84 00:06:52,578 --> 00:06:53,745 Briar Patch? 85 00:06:54,414 --> 00:06:57,874 You should have read more of the books I left for you. 86 00:06:58,042 --> 00:07:01,837 The region is flooded with radiation from supernova remnants. 87 00:07:02,004 --> 00:07:04,339 Klingons have never mapped it. 88 00:07:04,507 --> 00:07:09,928 There are signs of at least two habitable planets inside the Briar Patch. 89 00:07:10,096 --> 00:07:13,849 - It's unlikely anyone will find us. - This is your plan? 90 00:07:15,560 --> 00:07:17,769 To hide again? 91 00:07:18,604 --> 00:07:22,190 The embryos need to mature in a safe environment. 92 00:07:22,358 --> 00:07:24,359 Starfleet isn't gonna give up so easily. 93 00:07:24,527 --> 00:07:27,487 They'll send other ships, this gas cloud won't protect us. 94 00:07:27,655 --> 00:07:30,699 All right, what course would you set? 95 00:07:33,536 --> 00:07:34,578 I'm not certain. 96 00:07:36,372 --> 00:07:38,331 But I know that running away isn't the answer. 97 00:07:41,586 --> 00:07:45,046 Are you familiar with the name Botany Bay? 98 00:07:47,049 --> 00:07:49,009 It's a penal colony on the shores of Australia. 99 00:07:49,177 --> 00:07:53,555 It's also the name of a pre-warp vessel launched at the end of the Great Wars. 100 00:07:53,723 --> 00:07:58,435 The ship carried many of our brethren, including Khan Noonien Singh. 101 00:07:58,728 --> 00:08:01,188 Botany Bay is a myth. 102 00:08:01,355 --> 00:08:03,440 There's no evidence it ever existed. 103 00:08:03,608 --> 00:08:07,027 All records of the launch were destroyed. They didn't wanna be followed. 104 00:08:07,528 --> 00:08:11,990 Even if you're right, the ship was lost, never to be heard from again. 105 00:08:12,158 --> 00:08:14,409 That's exactly my point. 106 00:08:15,036 --> 00:08:18,038 Khan was a great leader, but he made one fatal mistake. 107 00:08:18,206 --> 00:08:21,124 He ran from his enemies rather than face them. 108 00:08:21,292 --> 00:08:24,002 We've spent our entire lives running and hiding. 109 00:08:24,170 --> 00:08:26,171 When are we going to make a stand? 110 00:08:26,589 --> 00:08:28,798 The matter is not open for debate. 111 00:08:28,966 --> 00:08:33,053 Alter our heading. Set a course 184-mark-3. 112 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:35,430 We're going to the Briar Patch. 113 00:08:35,806 --> 00:08:37,807 I'll be in my lab. 114 00:08:50,279 --> 00:08:52,113 I wasn't aware the doctor discharged you. 115 00:08:52,281 --> 00:08:54,366 He didn't. What's our status? 116 00:08:54,534 --> 00:08:57,410 Holding position near the Klingon border. 117 00:09:00,289 --> 00:09:01,998 Bridge to Engineering. 118 00:09:02,166 --> 00:09:03,667 Are we ready? 119 00:09:03,834 --> 00:09:05,085 I've realigned the warp coils. 120 00:09:05,253 --> 00:09:08,088 We should look like a Klingon battlecruiser to their sensors. 121 00:09:08,256 --> 00:09:11,550 But this trick's not gonna work if we get within 80,000 kilometers. 122 00:09:11,717 --> 00:09:13,176 Understood. 123 00:09:13,344 --> 00:09:14,761 Tactical Alert. 124 00:09:17,181 --> 00:09:19,683 Take us in, Travis. Warp 4. 125 00:09:31,404 --> 00:09:33,238 Come in, Malik. 126 00:09:35,074 --> 00:09:36,908 You asked for me? 127 00:09:39,120 --> 00:09:43,415 You have to stop challenging my authority in front of the others. 128 00:09:43,583 --> 00:09:46,334 Well, can't a son disagree with his father? I thought we were family. 129 00:09:48,504 --> 00:09:50,839 I'm willing to overlook the things you've done, 130 00:09:51,007 --> 00:09:55,427 but you have to trust that what I'm doing is best for all of us. 131 00:09:57,305 --> 00:09:58,888 You used to have faith in me. 132 00:09:59,473 --> 00:10:01,433 I was a child. I didn't know any better. 133 00:10:03,102 --> 00:10:06,646 - I know it wasn't easy after I left... - How are the embryos? 134 00:10:10,610 --> 00:10:14,112 I'll be ready to incubate the first of them in a few hours. 135 00:10:14,989 --> 00:10:17,115 You're manipulating its DNA. 136 00:10:17,783 --> 00:10:25,165 These base-pair sequences regulate the neurotransmitter levels in their brain. 137 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:28,001 If I can modify them, 138 00:10:28,169 --> 00:10:31,880 aggression and violent behavior will be removed. 139 00:10:32,048 --> 00:10:33,715 You're changing its personality. 140 00:10:33,883 --> 00:10:36,551 I'm correcting a defect in its genome. 141 00:10:37,136 --> 00:10:40,513 Genetic engineering was in its infancy when you were created. 142 00:10:40,681 --> 00:10:43,475 They weren't able to repair all the mistakes. 143 00:10:43,643 --> 00:10:46,770 Did you fix these mistakes in the rest of them? 144 00:10:46,937 --> 00:10:48,855 I didn't know how until recently. 145 00:10:49,315 --> 00:10:52,484 What right do you have to tamper with their genome? 146 00:10:53,486 --> 00:10:55,779 Trust me. I know what I'm doing. 147 00:10:55,946 --> 00:10:59,658 You don't know that this is a defect. 148 00:10:59,825 --> 00:11:03,036 Maybe this is the way our creators wanted us to be. 149 00:11:03,204 --> 00:11:06,414 Father, you're needed on the Bridge. 150 00:11:12,254 --> 00:11:14,381 There's a ship approaching at high warp. 151 00:11:14,548 --> 00:11:18,093 - Have you identified it? - It appears to be Klingon. 152 00:11:18,678 --> 00:11:20,136 Let's see them. 153 00:11:23,724 --> 00:11:26,601 - This ship has minimal aft weapons. - Increase speed. 154 00:11:28,062 --> 00:11:29,854 Arm torpedoes. 155 00:11:30,272 --> 00:11:32,232 Open a channel. 156 00:11:34,527 --> 00:11:35,860 This is Captain Archer. 157 00:11:36,195 --> 00:11:39,072 Drop out of warp or we'll disable you. 158 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:41,449 He sounds pretty confident for a dead man. 159 00:11:41,617 --> 00:11:45,036 Aft torpedoes. Target their propulsion systems. 160 00:11:48,916 --> 00:11:50,375 Forward plating's holding. 161 00:11:50,751 --> 00:11:52,627 Return fire. 162 00:11:55,881 --> 00:11:57,298 Aft shields at 50 percent. 163 00:11:57,633 --> 00:11:59,384 - We should engage them. - Mm-mm. 164 00:11:59,552 --> 00:12:01,803 They outgun us three-to-one. 165 00:12:03,347 --> 00:12:04,764 Father. 166 00:12:04,932 --> 00:12:08,518 The Denobulan pilot, put her aboard the shuttle. 167 00:12:08,686 --> 00:12:10,270 Go. 168 00:12:10,813 --> 00:12:14,065 Scan for any planets along our flight path. 169 00:12:15,735 --> 00:12:17,444 Their warp field's fluctuating. 170 00:12:17,611 --> 00:12:20,363 Concentrate all fire on their engines. 171 00:12:21,949 --> 00:12:25,034 They've altered course. They're heading for a planetary system. 172 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:36,671 We've reached the coordinates. 173 00:12:36,839 --> 00:12:38,965 Take us out of warp. 174 00:12:49,518 --> 00:12:51,644 They're moving into a low orbit. 175 00:12:52,938 --> 00:12:54,773 They're opening their shuttlebay doors. 176 00:12:55,775 --> 00:12:57,108 Hold your fire. 177 00:12:57,276 --> 00:12:58,318 Magnify. 178 00:13:04,784 --> 00:13:06,159 Bio-signs on the shuttle? 179 00:13:06,327 --> 00:13:08,453 One. Denobulan. 180 00:13:16,045 --> 00:13:17,378 Can you get a transporter lock? 181 00:13:17,546 --> 00:13:19,297 The atmosphere is too dense. 182 00:13:19,715 --> 00:13:22,801 We're being hailed. It's Soong. 183 00:13:25,554 --> 00:13:28,556 Murdering hostages is turning into a new hobby for you. 184 00:13:28,724 --> 00:13:30,975 No one's been killed, captain. 185 00:13:31,143 --> 00:13:33,520 That ship is caught between two thermal layers. 186 00:13:33,687 --> 00:13:36,064 It should be relatively safe for four or five hours, 187 00:13:36,232 --> 00:13:38,566 enough time for you to mount a rescue mission. 188 00:13:42,863 --> 00:13:44,239 This isn't over, doctor. 189 00:13:44,657 --> 00:13:46,574 Goodbye, captain. 190 00:13:51,872 --> 00:13:53,039 He's gone to warp. 191 00:13:59,672 --> 00:14:02,715 Disconnect that circuit before you power the relay, you might damage it. 192 00:14:02,883 --> 00:14:04,259 Warp trail's been dispersed. 193 00:14:04,426 --> 00:14:06,678 - Enterprise won't be able to follow us. - Excellent work. 194 00:14:06,846 --> 00:14:09,472 There's something else we need... Father. 195 00:14:13,477 --> 00:14:16,062 - I need to speak with you. - What is it? 196 00:14:16,355 --> 00:14:17,897 We've underestimated them. 197 00:14:18,065 --> 00:14:19,983 Starfleet isn't going to stop until they find us. 198 00:14:20,150 --> 00:14:23,111 What do you suggest we do? Turn ourselves in? 199 00:14:23,279 --> 00:14:27,740 Before we left C-12, I beamed aboard two dozen canisters of biogenic agents. 200 00:14:28,409 --> 00:14:29,450 You did what? 201 00:14:29,618 --> 00:14:32,662 We could modify a torpedo to carry the pathogens. 202 00:14:32,872 --> 00:14:35,623 A single torpedo would never make it through their hull plating. 203 00:14:35,791 --> 00:14:37,917 I wasn't talking about the Enterprise. 204 00:14:38,586 --> 00:14:40,753 We'll use it against the Klingons. 205 00:14:40,921 --> 00:14:43,715 The Qu'Vat colony is less than four light years away. 206 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:46,551 If we detonate the torpedo inside the upper atmosphere, 207 00:14:46,719 --> 00:14:49,345 it'll scatter the pathogen across the entire planet. 208 00:14:49,513 --> 00:14:53,224 Every organism on the surface will be dead within days. 209 00:14:53,392 --> 00:14:56,644 When the High Council hears that humans have decimated their colony, 210 00:14:56,812 --> 00:14:59,230 they'll launch a counterstrike. 211 00:14:59,398 --> 00:15:02,233 The Klingons will keep Starfleet busy for years. 212 00:15:02,693 --> 00:15:04,652 What you're proposing is mass murder. 213 00:15:04,820 --> 00:15:05,904 There is no other choice. 214 00:15:06,071 --> 00:15:10,408 How long will it be before Starfleet turns to the Klingons for help in finding us? 215 00:15:13,621 --> 00:15:16,956 This is the only way to guarantee our survival. 216 00:15:17,833 --> 00:15:19,375 Go back to the Bridge. 217 00:15:22,046 --> 00:15:24,589 What happened to you in prison? 218 00:15:26,175 --> 00:15:28,426 You're not the man who raised us. 219 00:15:30,179 --> 00:15:32,889 The man who was willing to do whatever was necessary. 220 00:15:33,057 --> 00:15:35,350 Return to your station. 221 00:15:44,526 --> 00:15:46,277 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 222 00:15:46,445 --> 00:15:48,821 We've rescued the pilot of the Denobulan shuttle. 223 00:15:48,989 --> 00:15:50,782 Fortunately, her injuries were minor. 224 00:15:50,950 --> 00:15:53,284 Trip and T'Pol are trying to enhance our sensors 225 00:15:53,452 --> 00:15:55,787 in an effort to find the bird-of-prey. 226 00:15:55,955 --> 00:16:00,541 Target the directional array on grid 459. 227 00:16:14,306 --> 00:16:16,349 How are your parents? 228 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:19,811 They're fine. 229 00:16:20,229 --> 00:16:21,938 They moved into a new house in Mississippi. 230 00:16:22,106 --> 00:16:24,899 It's not like the old place in Panama City, 231 00:16:25,359 --> 00:16:27,485 but it's pretty nice. Why do you ask? 232 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:30,279 You haven't spoken of them recently. 233 00:16:31,657 --> 00:16:35,076 In fact, you've said very little since I returned from Vulcan. 234 00:16:35,244 --> 00:16:37,954 There hasn't been a lot of time to catch up. 235 00:16:39,164 --> 00:16:43,668 You also haven't joined us at the Captain's table since we left Earth. 236 00:16:44,545 --> 00:16:47,505 - What are you trying to say? - You've been avoiding me. 237 00:16:47,673 --> 00:16:50,091 Well, maybe I have. 238 00:16:50,342 --> 00:16:53,302 But you gotta admit, it's a little awkward. 239 00:16:53,470 --> 00:16:55,221 I mean, you're married. 240 00:16:55,389 --> 00:16:57,849 I know you did it to help your mother, 241 00:16:59,351 --> 00:17:01,394 but it's gonna take me a little time to adjust. 242 00:17:02,896 --> 00:17:05,440 I'm still adjusting to it myself. 243 00:17:10,696 --> 00:17:13,865 Well, this is gonna sound strange, but, um, 244 00:17:15,284 --> 00:17:18,786 as tough as it was watching you go through with the ceremony, 245 00:17:20,956 --> 00:17:23,416 I was proud of you for what you did. 246 00:17:28,338 --> 00:17:31,591 Yup, I guess it's probably for the best. 247 00:17:33,010 --> 00:17:34,552 What do you mean? 248 00:17:34,720 --> 00:17:36,471 Come on. 249 00:17:36,805 --> 00:17:38,931 It's not like we would've made an ideal couple. 250 00:17:39,683 --> 00:17:41,976 A Vulcan and a human? 251 00:17:42,936 --> 00:17:45,063 Romeo and Juliet probably stood a better chance. 252 00:17:46,565 --> 00:17:48,816 Subspace distortion. 253 00:17:48,984 --> 00:17:50,818 Zero-point-four light years. 254 00:17:50,986 --> 00:17:52,320 There's no sign of a warp trail. 255 00:17:52,488 --> 00:17:55,406 They might have concealed their engine emissions. 256 00:17:57,534 --> 00:17:59,869 - Engineering to Bridge. - Go ahead. 257 00:18:00,037 --> 00:18:01,537 I think we've found him, captain. 258 00:18:01,705 --> 00:18:05,583 - You don't sound 100 percent sure. - Well, it's the best we've got. 259 00:18:07,711 --> 00:18:10,171 Send the coordinates to Mr. Mayweather. 260 00:18:10,506 --> 00:18:13,466 Lay in a pursuit course, maximum warp. 261 00:18:16,220 --> 00:18:17,595 I don't have a lot of time. 262 00:18:17,763 --> 00:18:20,014 The aft launcher's still off-line and father wants me to... 263 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:21,849 You won't have to answer to him any longer. 264 00:18:22,351 --> 00:18:23,935 I'm taking command. 265 00:18:25,854 --> 00:18:26,938 You can't. 266 00:18:27,397 --> 00:18:29,649 I've already spoken with everyone on the Bridge. 267 00:18:29,817 --> 00:18:34,403 They're behind me, but I need to know where you stand. 268 00:18:37,199 --> 00:18:39,325 You helped me before. 269 00:18:39,743 --> 00:18:42,245 That was different, this is our father. 270 00:18:43,372 --> 00:18:46,624 He may have raised us, but that doesn't make him our father. 271 00:18:46,792 --> 00:18:48,417 He'll never be one of us. 272 00:18:48,585 --> 00:18:51,712 - Don't do this to him. - He's given me no choice. 273 00:18:52,297 --> 00:18:55,133 I have a plan to protect us from Starfleet and the Klingons, 274 00:18:55,300 --> 00:18:57,844 and he won't even consider it. 275 00:19:01,849 --> 00:19:04,433 You know what he's doing to the embryos? 276 00:19:06,061 --> 00:19:08,563 He's altering their genome. 277 00:19:09,523 --> 00:19:14,110 Making them weak and docile, like ordinary humans. 278 00:19:14,778 --> 00:19:17,363 - That's not true. - Go to his lab, talk to him yourself. 279 00:19:24,371 --> 00:19:26,956 I know how much he means to you. 280 00:19:27,541 --> 00:19:30,126 I have feelings for him too. 281 00:19:31,795 --> 00:19:34,172 He'll be treated with respect, you have my word. 282 00:19:37,634 --> 00:19:38,676 Are you with me? 283 00:19:48,687 --> 00:19:50,229 Father, please come with us. 284 00:19:52,691 --> 00:19:53,774 Persis? 285 00:19:58,405 --> 00:20:00,990 Four of you, to subdue me? 286 00:20:01,158 --> 00:20:03,951 - The crew is united behind me. - Is that so? 287 00:20:04,119 --> 00:20:06,537 There's no time for this. You all have work to do. 288 00:20:06,705 --> 00:20:09,373 Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be. 289 00:20:10,417 --> 00:20:13,711 And if I refuse, are you going to kill me? 290 00:20:13,879 --> 00:20:15,504 No one else has to die. 291 00:20:15,672 --> 00:20:18,841 What about the millions you plan to kill with that bioweapon? 292 00:20:19,009 --> 00:20:20,718 Please, Father. 293 00:20:20,886 --> 00:20:22,261 There's no other way. 294 00:20:27,559 --> 00:20:29,602 Lock him in his quarters. 295 00:20:44,243 --> 00:20:47,203 A Klingon battlecruiser, 0.3 light years away. 296 00:20:47,371 --> 00:20:49,872 They're on an intercept course. 297 00:20:53,377 --> 00:20:54,794 Archer to Engineering. 298 00:20:54,962 --> 00:20:56,837 Is there a problem with the camouflage? 299 00:20:57,005 --> 00:20:58,297 Not that I can see. 300 00:20:58,465 --> 00:21:00,675 Our Klingon warp signature's holding steady. 301 00:21:00,842 --> 00:21:03,928 They'll be in visual range in less than two minutes. 302 00:21:09,518 --> 00:21:12,144 The universal translator, did you update the database? 303 00:21:12,312 --> 00:21:15,064 It's been programmed with seven Klingon dialects. 304 00:21:15,232 --> 00:21:17,608 Let's hope this guy speaks one of them. 305 00:21:18,694 --> 00:21:19,735 Open a channel. 306 00:21:26,743 --> 00:21:28,828 Attention, cruiser. 307 00:21:29,288 --> 00:21:32,331 If you come any closer to my ship, you'll be fired upon. 308 00:21:32,541 --> 00:21:34,083 Who is this? 309 00:21:35,168 --> 00:21:37,420 My name isn't your concern. 310 00:21:37,587 --> 00:21:39,255 You've entered restricted space. 311 00:21:40,048 --> 00:21:43,175 Drop out of warp and prepare for inspection. 312 00:21:43,343 --> 00:21:46,304 The last time I checked, this was still Klingon territory. 313 00:21:46,471 --> 00:21:50,725 No ship is allowed to pass through this system without authorization, 314 00:21:50,892 --> 00:21:54,228 on the orders of Governor Klag. 315 00:21:55,355 --> 00:21:59,525 I don't take orders from a mere governor. 316 00:22:00,527 --> 00:22:03,029 We're on important business for the High Council. 317 00:22:03,363 --> 00:22:05,906 What sort of business? 318 00:22:06,074 --> 00:22:08,409 That matter is classified. 319 00:22:08,577 --> 00:22:12,371 I'm not detecting a council transponder signal. 320 00:22:12,539 --> 00:22:16,375 Perhaps you forgot to activate it. 321 00:22:16,543 --> 00:22:20,212 You expect me to turn on a transponder 322 00:22:20,380 --> 00:22:25,926 and let every ship in the area know that we have the chancellor on board? 323 00:22:26,094 --> 00:22:28,137 Chancellor M'Rek is on your ship? 324 00:22:29,097 --> 00:22:32,433 He had important negotiations with the Orions. 325 00:22:32,893 --> 00:22:34,393 We're taking him back to Kronos. 326 00:22:34,561 --> 00:22:35,811 The Orions. 327 00:22:39,441 --> 00:22:43,069 I've heard rumors of his negotiations with their females. 328 00:22:43,236 --> 00:22:46,906 Tell me, is it true what they say about them? 329 00:22:47,074 --> 00:22:50,618 If I were you, I wouldn't be making allegations 330 00:22:50,786 --> 00:22:53,704 about Chancellor M'Rek over an unsecured channel. 331 00:22:54,331 --> 00:22:56,499 I meant no insult. 332 00:22:57,084 --> 00:22:59,043 I'm sure you didn't. 333 00:23:00,712 --> 00:23:05,132 It would be best if you made no mention of this to your superiors, 334 00:23:05,300 --> 00:23:09,845 or you might find yourself commanding a garbage scow. 335 00:23:10,013 --> 00:23:11,514 Understood. 336 00:23:11,723 --> 00:23:14,642 We're honored to have the chancellor in our system. 337 00:23:20,482 --> 00:23:22,650 They're altering course. 338 00:23:33,161 --> 00:23:35,496 Don't tell me it's visiting hour. 339 00:23:35,664 --> 00:23:38,958 I'm sorry, Father. If I didn't go along with him, he would've killed me. 340 00:23:41,002 --> 00:23:43,212 You did the right thing. 341 00:23:43,672 --> 00:23:45,256 If he deploys that weapon, 342 00:23:45,424 --> 00:23:49,510 he'll be confirming everything they've said about Augments for the last 150 years. 343 00:23:50,429 --> 00:23:52,888 They'll destroy all of you. 344 00:23:54,015 --> 00:23:56,350 You have to help me stop him. 345 00:23:56,518 --> 00:23:59,103 We can sabotage the engines, or the torpedo launchers. 346 00:23:59,271 --> 00:24:00,729 No, we'll never get to them. 347 00:24:00,897 --> 00:24:03,274 Malik's posted guards at every vital system. 348 00:24:12,993 --> 00:24:15,494 You have to get me off the ship. 349 00:24:23,962 --> 00:24:25,337 I've disabled the internal sensors. 350 00:24:25,505 --> 00:24:27,214 It should be some time before anyone notices 351 00:24:27,382 --> 00:24:29,633 one of the escape pods is missing. 352 00:24:36,516 --> 00:24:40,227 Be careful. He might suspect you. 353 00:25:07,589 --> 00:25:08,672 What is it? 354 00:25:08,840 --> 00:25:11,258 An automated beacon, it's very faint. 355 00:25:11,426 --> 00:25:13,260 It could be a distress signal. 356 00:25:13,428 --> 00:25:15,679 Can you get a fix on it? 357 00:25:34,950 --> 00:25:36,367 Captain. 358 00:25:36,535 --> 00:25:38,285 What took you so long? 359 00:25:48,463 --> 00:25:50,798 You have to alter your... 360 00:25:53,927 --> 00:25:56,053 You have to alter your course. 361 00:25:56,221 --> 00:25:57,304 Is that so? 362 00:25:57,472 --> 00:25:59,265 My children... 363 00:25:59,975 --> 00:26:03,936 The Augments are planning to attack a Klingon colony. 364 00:26:04,104 --> 00:26:06,021 What were you doing in that escape pod? 365 00:26:06,189 --> 00:26:10,067 What do you think? I was waiting for you. You're the only one who can stop them. 366 00:26:11,236 --> 00:26:15,030 Heh. I didn't come back because I missed our lively debates. 367 00:26:15,198 --> 00:26:17,241 Please, please, you have to do as I ask. 368 00:26:17,409 --> 00:26:19,702 Your story doesn't sound very plausible. 369 00:26:20,078 --> 00:26:23,205 I think we were getting close to finding your Augments. 370 00:26:23,373 --> 00:26:27,126 You may have put yourself into that escape pod to throw us off. 371 00:26:28,295 --> 00:26:30,254 You're not serious. 372 00:26:30,422 --> 00:26:33,048 You've made it clear you'll do anything for them. 373 00:26:33,216 --> 00:26:35,259 Lie, murder, 374 00:26:35,427 --> 00:26:37,344 maybe even sacrifice yourself. 375 00:26:38,388 --> 00:26:41,181 If the Klingons retaliate against Earth, 376 00:26:41,349 --> 00:26:44,310 it'll make the Xindi incident look like a lovers' quarrel. 377 00:26:44,477 --> 00:26:47,479 What do you care what happens to Earth? 378 00:26:48,106 --> 00:26:52,109 You believe your children are the future of humanity. 379 00:26:52,277 --> 00:26:53,777 Captain. 380 00:26:53,945 --> 00:26:57,656 Captain. Contact C-12. 381 00:26:57,824 --> 00:27:02,828 Three-hundred kilograms of biotoxins are missing from their inventory. 382 00:27:02,996 --> 00:27:05,497 Dr. Lucas already told me about the missing toxins. 383 00:27:05,665 --> 00:27:07,458 Malik stole them without my knowledge. 384 00:27:07,626 --> 00:27:10,294 He's going to use them on the colony. 385 00:27:10,962 --> 00:27:14,965 You saw what he did on the station. You know what he's capable of. 386 00:27:21,431 --> 00:27:22,556 You didn't know. 387 00:27:24,684 --> 00:27:28,187 You had to see him murder someone in front of you. 388 00:27:28,355 --> 00:27:30,314 What do you want me to say? 389 00:27:30,482 --> 00:27:33,609 That you were right about them and I was wrong? 390 00:27:34,611 --> 00:27:37,613 Maybe things would've been different if I'd been there for them, 391 00:27:37,781 --> 00:27:39,823 if Starfleet hadn't locked me away. 392 00:27:39,991 --> 00:27:42,493 None of that would've mattered in the end. 393 00:27:43,244 --> 00:27:45,204 It's in their nature. 394 00:27:45,372 --> 00:27:47,915 They were engineered to be this way. 395 00:27:48,458 --> 00:27:52,503 "Superior ability breeds superior ambition." 396 00:27:52,671 --> 00:27:55,547 One of their creators wrote that. 397 00:27:57,300 --> 00:27:59,426 He was murdered by an Augment. 398 00:28:04,557 --> 00:28:07,851 Work with Soong. He'll show you how to scan for their warp trail. 399 00:28:08,019 --> 00:28:11,146 I wanna intercept them before they reach the colony. 400 00:28:11,481 --> 00:28:14,149 He may be leading us into a trap. 401 00:28:14,651 --> 00:28:17,194 - I believe him. - That planet's over three light years away. 402 00:28:17,362 --> 00:28:19,822 We're gonna have to push the engines hard to get there in time. 403 00:28:19,989 --> 00:28:21,949 - Is that a problem? - Well, at that speed, 404 00:28:22,117 --> 00:28:25,619 our phony warp signature might not fool the Klingons. 405 00:28:25,995 --> 00:28:27,079 Do what you have to do. 406 00:28:40,135 --> 00:28:41,176 You've been quiet. 407 00:28:41,344 --> 00:28:44,304 Soong didn't get off the ship without help. 408 00:28:46,266 --> 00:28:49,727 The sensor grid wasn't damaged in the attack, 409 00:28:50,311 --> 00:28:52,521 someone took it off-line to cover his escape. 410 00:28:52,689 --> 00:28:55,023 Maybe he disabled it. 411 00:28:55,358 --> 00:28:57,818 He would have needed the security codes. 412 00:29:00,613 --> 00:29:03,031 I never gave them to him. 413 00:29:04,701 --> 00:29:07,453 Well, if Father didn't do it, then who? 414 00:29:09,581 --> 00:29:11,957 Can you think of anyone? 415 00:29:13,668 --> 00:29:17,379 Lokesh didn't seem that enthusiastic about your plan to attack the Klingons. 416 00:29:17,547 --> 00:29:20,674 He's been in the weapons bay for a day and a half modifying the torpedo. 417 00:29:20,842 --> 00:29:24,595 Maybe I should torture him, just to make sure. 418 00:29:25,680 --> 00:29:27,681 What do you think? 419 00:29:32,061 --> 00:29:34,396 Only four of us have the codes. 420 00:29:35,482 --> 00:29:39,860 Of those four, you and I are the only ones who weren't on the Bridge 421 00:29:40,028 --> 00:29:41,612 when Soong escaped. 422 00:29:42,155 --> 00:29:43,655 You think I did it. 423 00:29:51,372 --> 00:29:52,706 Your heart's beating faster. 424 00:29:54,501 --> 00:29:56,752 Perhaps it's trying to tell me something. 425 00:30:01,716 --> 00:30:03,550 Are you going to use that on me? 426 00:30:03,718 --> 00:30:05,886 If I have to. 427 00:30:14,312 --> 00:30:16,396 You shouldn't have done that. 428 00:30:42,423 --> 00:30:43,841 I'll miss you. 429 00:30:57,689 --> 00:30:59,356 How long can we sustain warp 5? 430 00:30:59,774 --> 00:31:02,276 As long as the captain wants it. 431 00:31:02,527 --> 00:31:05,654 Or until we blow up, whichever comes first. 432 00:31:06,447 --> 00:31:11,159 Adjust the scanning frequency, 15 megahertz. 433 00:31:11,786 --> 00:31:14,288 Sorry about that business with the Orions. 434 00:31:14,455 --> 00:31:16,081 Hope you weren't permanently injured. 435 00:31:16,249 --> 00:31:18,083 Why don't you stay focused on what you're doing? 436 00:31:18,251 --> 00:31:21,420 Ooh. Someone's a little protective of Commander T'Pol. 437 00:31:21,588 --> 00:31:23,213 I just don't like you very much. 438 00:31:24,966 --> 00:31:26,174 Is that them? 439 00:31:26,342 --> 00:31:29,261 It is a ship, but it's not the bird-of-prey. 440 00:31:30,096 --> 00:31:32,431 Captain Archer to the Bridge. 441 00:31:35,518 --> 00:31:38,020 It's a Klingon vessel. They're on an intercept course. 442 00:31:38,187 --> 00:31:41,481 It's a lot bigger than the last one. This one's a D-5 class battlecruiser. 443 00:31:42,317 --> 00:31:43,984 How long until we're in visual range? 444 00:31:44,652 --> 00:31:46,320 Two minutes. 445 00:31:46,487 --> 00:31:48,113 Same as before, Hoshi. 446 00:31:49,782 --> 00:31:50,866 They're hailing us. 447 00:31:56,372 --> 00:32:01,793 Earth vessel, surrender and prepare to be boarded. 448 00:32:08,176 --> 00:32:09,927 Aft plating is failing. 449 00:32:10,094 --> 00:32:11,178 Hail them again. 450 00:32:14,307 --> 00:32:16,725 If we don't reach the colony before that bird-of-prey, 451 00:32:16,893 --> 00:32:19,227 millions of your people will be killed. 452 00:32:19,395 --> 00:32:22,397 I'm not detecting any other ships. 453 00:32:22,565 --> 00:32:25,067 Perhaps you plan to attack the colony. 454 00:32:25,234 --> 00:32:27,861 Captain, if I may? 455 00:32:33,117 --> 00:32:34,576 Uh... 456 00:32:37,622 --> 00:32:43,543 Drop out of warp, or we'll destroy your ship. 457 00:32:46,923 --> 00:32:48,840 I tried. 458 00:32:49,592 --> 00:32:52,678 We may be able to surprise them with a torpedo if we drop to impulse. 459 00:32:53,054 --> 00:32:54,429 I wouldn't recommend that, captain. 460 00:32:54,597 --> 00:32:57,933 Their sensors are far superior. They'll detect it. 461 00:33:00,144 --> 00:33:02,479 They're targeting our reactor. 462 00:33:03,022 --> 00:33:04,481 Power down weapons. 463 00:33:04,649 --> 00:33:07,067 Stand by to deploy the grappler. 464 00:33:07,610 --> 00:33:09,486 Take us out of warp. 465 00:33:15,451 --> 00:33:16,660 They've dropped to impulse. 466 00:33:17,286 --> 00:33:20,122 - Malcolm? - A few more seconds, captain. 467 00:33:21,165 --> 00:33:23,166 On my mark, Travis. 468 00:33:23,751 --> 00:33:25,127 They're closing. 469 00:33:25,294 --> 00:33:26,795 They're extending a docking port. 470 00:33:27,630 --> 00:33:28,922 - Malcolm? - Ready, sir. 471 00:33:36,597 --> 00:33:37,848 Full impulse. 472 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:48,775 They're targeting the grappler. 473 00:33:48,943 --> 00:33:50,861 Hold your speed. 474 00:33:53,781 --> 00:33:56,199 Shearing force is approaching critical. 475 00:33:56,367 --> 00:33:59,369 - We're losing the grappler. - Hold your speed. 476 00:34:08,546 --> 00:34:10,505 They can't create a warp field. 477 00:34:10,673 --> 00:34:11,715 They're disabled. 478 00:34:11,883 --> 00:34:15,552 Resume course for the colony, maximum speed. 479 00:34:16,220 --> 00:34:17,721 There are three population centers. 480 00:34:17,889 --> 00:34:20,557 Two here, and another on the northern continent. 481 00:34:20,725 --> 00:34:23,268 We'll detonate the torpedo over the southern hemisphere. 482 00:34:23,436 --> 00:34:26,855 That'll ensure the maximum number of casualties. 483 00:34:27,023 --> 00:34:29,357 - What's the weapon's status? - We've modified the warhead, 484 00:34:29,525 --> 00:34:31,777 but we need to test the guidance protocols before we can... 485 00:34:33,279 --> 00:34:35,489 There's a ship on an intercept course. 486 00:34:38,034 --> 00:34:39,284 Enterprise. 487 00:34:39,452 --> 00:34:40,577 Increase to maximum speed. 488 00:34:40,745 --> 00:34:43,789 Load the torpedo, stand by to fire as soon as we drop out of warp. 489 00:34:43,956 --> 00:34:45,957 - But the guidance protocols... - Do as I say! 490 00:34:55,551 --> 00:34:57,719 They've detected us. They're accelerating. 491 00:34:57,887 --> 00:34:59,096 Stay with them, Travis. 492 00:34:59,263 --> 00:35:00,305 Tucker to Bridge. 493 00:35:00,473 --> 00:35:03,350 If we go any faster, the nacelles are gonna fly off the pylons. 494 00:35:03,518 --> 00:35:05,310 How long until we're in weapons range? 495 00:35:06,020 --> 00:35:10,023 Two minutes, but the bird-of-prey will reach the colony in 73 seconds. 496 00:35:12,235 --> 00:35:13,610 - Trip... - I heard. 497 00:35:13,778 --> 00:35:16,029 I'll give you what I can. 498 00:35:23,621 --> 00:35:25,455 - How much longer? - Guidance is still off-line. 499 00:35:25,623 --> 00:35:28,500 - We'll need to get closer. - Take us into low orbit. 500 00:35:29,585 --> 00:35:31,419 They're preparing to fire. 501 00:35:31,796 --> 00:35:34,756 - Travis? - Another 15 seconds. 502 00:35:34,924 --> 00:35:37,926 - Take us out of warp as close as you can. - Weapons are standing by. 503 00:35:39,512 --> 00:35:40,804 Ten seconds. 504 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:46,560 Torpedo's ready. 505 00:35:47,353 --> 00:35:49,062 Fire. 506 00:35:56,529 --> 00:36:00,157 They've launched the weapon. It will reach the atmosphere in 12 seconds. 507 00:36:00,324 --> 00:36:02,200 Malcolm. 508 00:36:23,222 --> 00:36:24,264 Hard about. 509 00:36:34,442 --> 00:36:36,067 Direct hit to the Armory. 510 00:36:36,235 --> 00:36:38,945 We've lost hull plating, torpedo launchers... 511 00:36:39,155 --> 00:36:40,155 What about phase-cannons? 512 00:36:40,323 --> 00:36:43,617 - The aft cannon's online, just barely. - Lock onto their Bridge. 513 00:36:43,784 --> 00:36:45,410 - No, no, no. - Stand aside, doctor. 514 00:36:45,578 --> 00:36:47,454 Their Bridge is protected with dispersive armor. 515 00:36:47,622 --> 00:36:50,332 Your weapons will never penetrate it. 516 00:36:50,833 --> 00:36:54,502 Target your cannons here, behind their sensor array. 517 00:36:54,670 --> 00:36:55,754 What good will that do? 518 00:36:55,922 --> 00:36:57,589 Their main plasma junction's located there. 519 00:36:57,757 --> 00:37:01,259 A direct hit would disable their entire power grid. 520 00:37:03,429 --> 00:37:04,804 Trust me. 521 00:37:06,015 --> 00:37:09,017 Do what he says. Fire when ready. 522 00:37:24,784 --> 00:37:26,451 They're disabled. 523 00:37:26,619 --> 00:37:28,870 Are they still alive? 524 00:37:30,206 --> 00:37:31,498 I'm reading 12 bio-signs. 525 00:37:55,022 --> 00:37:57,774 Captain, there's a power surge in their reactor. 526 00:37:58,442 --> 00:38:00,235 He's overloading his dilithium matrix. 527 00:38:00,736 --> 00:38:02,070 He'll destroy their ship. 528 00:38:02,238 --> 00:38:04,281 Let me talk to him. 529 00:38:14,333 --> 00:38:16,251 Malik. 530 00:38:17,295 --> 00:38:18,378 Malik, it's Father. 531 00:38:18,838 --> 00:38:20,672 Don't do this. 532 00:38:20,840 --> 00:38:23,925 Some of your brothers and sisters are still alive. 533 00:38:24,093 --> 00:38:27,304 Would you rather they went to prison with you? 534 00:38:27,471 --> 00:38:29,264 The embryos. 535 00:38:29,432 --> 00:38:33,768 There's no place for us on Earth, or anywhere else. 536 00:38:34,854 --> 00:38:36,229 Better to die here. 537 00:38:36,397 --> 00:38:38,440 Please, please, please. 538 00:38:39,734 --> 00:38:41,651 I'll see you soon. 539 00:38:42,403 --> 00:38:44,195 Malik. 540 00:38:46,699 --> 00:38:48,408 Sir... 541 00:39:06,677 --> 00:39:10,972 I'll contact Starfleet on your behalf, let them know that you helped us. 542 00:39:11,140 --> 00:39:15,185 I can't believe they're gone. All of them. 543 00:39:16,312 --> 00:39:17,937 We're heading the wrong way. 544 00:39:18,105 --> 00:39:20,648 You're not going to the brig. I'm taking you to crew quarters. 545 00:39:31,243 --> 00:39:33,036 You're alive. 546 00:39:34,955 --> 00:39:38,166 You betrayed us all. 547 00:39:43,839 --> 00:39:46,132 Goodbye, Father. 548 00:40:01,107 --> 00:40:04,734 Captain's starlog, May 27th, 2154. 549 00:40:04,902 --> 00:40:08,947 Our actions at the Klingon colony appear to have satisfied the High Council. 550 00:40:09,115 --> 00:40:12,784 They've called off their plans to retaliate against Earth. 551 00:40:25,464 --> 00:40:30,301 You could at least let me finish my work before you take it away and destroy it. 552 00:40:30,469 --> 00:40:33,054 No one's destroyed anything. 553 00:40:34,723 --> 00:40:37,559 It's being stored in a secure location. 554 00:40:38,477 --> 00:40:40,520 Maybe someday, 555 00:40:40,938 --> 00:40:43,523 we'll figure out how to use it to benefit humanity. 556 00:40:44,984 --> 00:40:47,277 I wouldn't count on it. 557 00:40:59,081 --> 00:41:01,040 I've been thinking, 558 00:41:02,376 --> 00:41:06,796 perfecting humanity may not be possible. 559 00:41:09,675 --> 00:41:12,051 Cybernetics. 560 00:41:13,596 --> 00:41:15,430 Artificial life-forms. 561 00:41:18,684 --> 00:41:20,602 Goodbye, doctor. 562 00:41:23,022 --> 00:41:26,316 I doubt I'll finish the work myself. 563 00:41:27,109 --> 00:42:50,066 Might take a generation or two.