1 00:01:13,239 --> 00:01:14,948 Surak. 2 00:02:39,659 --> 00:02:42,369 FORREST: Admiral Maxwell Forrest's personal log. 3 00:02:42,537 --> 00:02:44,830 I've arrived on Vulcan hopeful that the High Command 4 00:02:44,998 --> 00:02:48,167 is finally ready to conduct joint missions with Starfleet. 5 00:02:48,376 --> 00:02:52,212 Admiral, the High Command will tell you its decision at the proper time. 6 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:55,632 After all we've been through, I'd rather hear the good news from you. 7 00:02:55,800 --> 00:02:59,261 The High Command hasn't included me in their discussions. 8 00:02:59,429 --> 00:03:01,513 They're not telling their own ambassador to Earth 9 00:03:01,681 --> 00:03:03,557 what they're planning? 10 00:03:03,725 --> 00:03:05,225 Welcome to the club. 11 00:03:05,435 --> 00:03:07,769 SOVAL: Admiral, I know you find our reluctance 12 00:03:07,937 --> 00:03:11,190 to share technology and discoveries restrictive. 13 00:03:11,357 --> 00:03:14,693 I can think of a few stronger words than that. 14 00:03:14,861 --> 00:03:18,030 We don't know what to do about humans. 15 00:03:18,198 --> 00:03:20,407 Of all the species we've made contact with, 16 00:03:20,575 --> 00:03:23,202 yours is the only one we can't define. 17 00:03:23,369 --> 00:03:27,539 You have the arrogance of Andorians, the stubborn pride of Tellarites. 18 00:03:27,707 --> 00:03:30,584 One moment you're as driven by your emotions as Klingons, 19 00:03:30,752 --> 00:03:34,546 and the next, you confound us by suddenly embracing logic. 20 00:03:36,507 --> 00:03:37,549 [SCANNER BEEPING] 21 00:03:37,717 --> 00:03:39,968 I'm sure those qualities are found in every species. 22 00:03:40,136 --> 00:03:42,304 Not in such confusing abundance. 23 00:03:42,472 --> 00:03:45,224 MAN: Next, please. Step up to the scanner. 24 00:03:46,142 --> 00:03:47,684 FORREST: Ambassador. 25 00:03:50,313 --> 00:03:52,272 Are Vulcans afraid of humans? 26 00:03:55,902 --> 00:03:56,944 Why? 27 00:03:57,111 --> 00:04:00,030 Because there is one species you remind us of. 28 00:04:02,158 --> 00:04:03,200 Vulcans. 29 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:07,579 We had our wars, admiral, just as humans did. 30 00:04:07,747 --> 00:04:11,291 Our planet was devastated, our civilization nearly destroyed. 31 00:04:11,459 --> 00:04:13,085 Logic saved us. 32 00:04:13,294 --> 00:04:15,879 But it took almost 1,500 years 33 00:04:16,047 --> 00:04:18,131 for us to rebuild our world and travel to the stars. 34 00:04:18,299 --> 00:04:21,718 You humans did the same in less than a century. 35 00:04:23,888 --> 00:04:27,432 There are those on the High Command who wonder 36 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:31,603 what humans would achieve in the century to come. 37 00:04:31,771 --> 00:04:33,605 And they don't like the answer. 38 00:04:34,565 --> 00:04:36,900 We're not the Klingons. 39 00:04:37,652 --> 00:04:39,778 We only want to be your partners, 40 00:04:39,946 --> 00:04:43,282 to do what the nations of Earth have learned to do, 41 00:04:43,616 --> 00:04:45,534 to work together in common cause. 42 00:04:46,577 --> 00:04:49,121 Unfortunately, the future of relations between our worlds 43 00:04:49,289 --> 00:04:51,123 is not mine to control. 44 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:53,500 [RUMBLING] 45 00:04:53,668 --> 00:04:54,918 [EXPLOSION] 46 00:05:07,390 --> 00:05:08,432 Captain. 47 00:05:10,393 --> 00:05:12,269 HOSHI: Here. 48 00:05:12,645 --> 00:05:14,187 [ALL GRUNTING] 49 00:05:14,939 --> 00:05:17,566 HOSHI: Aww. TRIP: Yes. Ha-ha-ha. 50 00:05:17,775 --> 00:05:20,986 - That's another game, 21 to two. - Ha-ha-ha. 51 00:05:21,154 --> 00:05:23,155 Time to switch sides again, doctor. 52 00:05:23,323 --> 00:05:25,032 Certainly. 53 00:05:25,450 --> 00:05:27,451 This is a most enjoyable sport. 54 00:05:27,618 --> 00:05:30,203 Reminiscent of Octran fertility contests. 55 00:05:30,371 --> 00:05:32,789 HOSHI: Oh, good. ALL: Ha-ha-ha. 56 00:05:33,207 --> 00:05:37,127 Captain, I've just spoken with Starfleet Command. 57 00:05:37,795 --> 00:05:42,257 Except we're fully clothed, which is probably for the best. 58 00:05:50,391 --> 00:05:52,392 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 59 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:55,437 Enterprise has arrived at Vulcan as ordered. 60 00:05:55,605 --> 00:05:58,148 Three days after the bombing of Earth's embassy, 61 00:05:58,316 --> 00:06:03,737 the death toll stands at 43, and I have lost my friend, Admiral Forrest. 62 00:06:03,905 --> 00:06:06,907 Vulcan authorities still have no lead on who's responsible. 63 00:06:07,075 --> 00:06:08,617 I'm sorry to keep you from your family, 64 00:06:08,785 --> 00:06:10,577 but I need you on the investigation full-time. 65 00:06:10,745 --> 00:06:12,829 It's where I prefer to be. 66 00:06:12,997 --> 00:06:16,958 Your mother and husband will understand? 67 00:06:17,627 --> 00:06:20,754 My mother hasn't responded to my communiqués. 68 00:06:21,172 --> 00:06:23,673 It's not unusual for her to become lost in her work. 69 00:06:23,841 --> 00:06:29,346 As for my husband, our arrangement remains unchanged. 70 00:06:34,977 --> 00:06:36,770 Captain Jonathan Archer. 71 00:06:36,938 --> 00:06:39,981 I regret we meet under such tragic circumstances. 72 00:06:40,149 --> 00:06:43,985 I'd like to introduce Administrator V'Las. 73 00:06:45,405 --> 00:06:47,197 Administrator. 74 00:06:47,740 --> 00:06:50,242 I wasn't told to expect the head of the High Command. 75 00:06:50,451 --> 00:06:53,495 Captain Archer, all of Vulcan grieves with you today. 76 00:06:55,081 --> 00:06:57,416 Twelve Vulcans died in the blast, ambassador. 77 00:06:57,750 --> 00:06:59,084 To that end, this is Stel, 78 00:06:59,252 --> 00:07:01,878 chief investigator of our Security Directorate. 79 00:07:02,422 --> 00:07:04,798 Captain, we now have suspects. 80 00:07:08,970 --> 00:07:10,762 Andorians? 81 00:07:11,681 --> 00:07:13,348 Why would they attack our embassy? 82 00:07:13,516 --> 00:07:16,393 To create conflict between Earth and Vulcan. 83 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:20,105 They do consider us allies who stand against them. 84 00:07:20,314 --> 00:07:22,816 So far, we've done our best to remain neutral, 85 00:07:22,984 --> 00:07:24,985 and the Andorians know that. 86 00:07:25,153 --> 00:07:26,987 They have nothing to gain by attacking us. 87 00:07:29,824 --> 00:07:31,241 You have other suspects? 88 00:07:32,535 --> 00:07:33,702 Syrrannites. 89 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:35,954 I've never heard of that species. 90 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:39,416 Actually, they're a small group of Vulcans. 91 00:07:39,584 --> 00:07:43,545 They follow a corrupted form of Surak's teachings. 92 00:07:44,172 --> 00:07:46,381 Surak I've heard of. 93 00:07:46,799 --> 00:07:48,675 He's the father of Vulcan logic. 94 00:07:48,885 --> 00:07:50,177 Even after 1,800 years, 95 00:07:50,344 --> 00:07:53,054 we consider him the most important Vulcan who ever lived. 96 00:07:53,222 --> 00:07:56,850 So why would these Syrrannites want to attack our embassy? 97 00:07:57,018 --> 00:07:58,268 It's hardly an act of logic. 98 00:07:58,728 --> 00:08:01,062 They've been vocal about their opposition to government, 99 00:08:01,230 --> 00:08:02,856 but always peaceful. 100 00:08:03,024 --> 00:08:06,151 Over the past year, their leader, a dissident named Syrran, 101 00:08:06,319 --> 00:08:07,819 has become a dangerous zealot. 102 00:08:08,362 --> 00:08:11,615 Captain, I trust you to keep this matter confidential. 103 00:08:11,782 --> 00:08:14,201 We don't share it lightly. 104 00:08:14,368 --> 00:08:17,913 But recently on our world, there have been instances of violence 105 00:08:18,080 --> 00:08:20,123 against non-Vulcans. 106 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:21,666 Though we have no conclusive proof, 107 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:25,837 there are signs that Syrrannites might be responsible. 108 00:08:27,089 --> 00:08:30,383 Is there any evidence connecting Syrrannites to the bombing? 109 00:08:32,428 --> 00:08:37,265 Your embassy is officially considered to be on Earth soil. 110 00:08:37,433 --> 00:08:39,976 We've preserved the site for you to investigate. 111 00:08:40,144 --> 00:08:41,186 If evidence is there, 112 00:08:41,354 --> 00:08:44,439 the chief investigator and I feel confident you'll find it. 113 00:08:44,857 --> 00:08:46,608 I intend to. 114 00:08:50,821 --> 00:08:54,199 MAYWEATHER: Lieutenant, here's the junction room. 115 00:09:21,477 --> 00:09:24,771 Schematics say the secondary security bank's right in there. 116 00:09:25,022 --> 00:09:28,900 Ah. Still in one piece. 117 00:09:33,322 --> 00:09:35,740 There's a weak power signature under this mess. 118 00:09:36,117 --> 00:09:40,704 It's probably an emergency light running on batteries. 119 00:09:44,667 --> 00:09:48,378 Well, there's something here, some kind of surveillance recorder. Uhn. 120 00:09:50,631 --> 00:09:51,840 [GRUNTS] 121 00:09:55,970 --> 00:09:57,137 Lieutenant. 122 00:10:01,017 --> 00:10:04,019 The timer might be broken, but that bomb's armed. 123 00:10:04,186 --> 00:10:07,772 Don't move. The slightest vibration might set it off. 124 00:10:13,321 --> 00:10:15,405 Reed to Enterprise. 125 00:10:15,573 --> 00:10:20,076 I need an emergency transporter lock, two to beam up on my mark. 126 00:10:20,536 --> 00:10:22,287 HOSHI: Acknowledged. 127 00:10:24,874 --> 00:10:26,124 Why not beam the bomb out? 128 00:10:26,292 --> 00:10:29,586 If there's a gravity switch, it'll detonate in the matter stream. 129 00:10:29,754 --> 00:10:32,255 HOSHI: Enterprise to Reed. The transporter's locked. 130 00:10:32,423 --> 00:10:34,090 Do you need assistance? 131 00:10:34,258 --> 00:10:37,177 Negative, Enterprise. Stand by. 132 00:10:40,056 --> 00:10:41,640 I'm going to attempt to scan it. 133 00:10:41,849 --> 00:10:44,392 - Attempt? - Yeah. 134 00:10:44,560 --> 00:10:46,853 If I'd designed that bomb, 135 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:51,941 I'd rig it to go off the instant a sensor beam made contact. 136 00:10:54,278 --> 00:10:56,279 Look on the bright side. 137 00:10:56,614 --> 00:10:58,531 If it detonates, 138 00:10:59,158 --> 00:11:01,409 we'll never know. 139 00:11:02,161 --> 00:11:03,703 Steady. 140 00:11:03,871 --> 00:11:05,664 [THUMP] 141 00:11:12,171 --> 00:11:13,838 [BEEPING] 142 00:11:14,382 --> 00:11:15,757 [SIGHS] 143 00:11:19,303 --> 00:11:22,389 There's Vulcan DNA on these controls. 144 00:11:22,973 --> 00:11:25,684 So much for blaming Andorians. 145 00:11:26,811 --> 00:11:29,312 REED: Boosting scan resolution. 146 00:11:30,064 --> 00:11:31,648 [BOMB BEEPING] 147 00:11:31,857 --> 00:11:32,941 That can't be good. 148 00:11:33,150 --> 00:11:36,277 Oh, damn. Enterprise, mark. 149 00:11:36,821 --> 00:11:39,280 [BEEPING CONTINUES] 150 00:11:39,740 --> 00:11:41,616 Enterprise. 151 00:11:50,334 --> 00:11:52,168 PHLOX: According to the Vulcan Genome Registry, 152 00:11:52,336 --> 00:11:57,090 the DNA on the bomb's controls was left by this woman, T'Pau. 153 00:11:57,299 --> 00:11:58,550 Since you had her DNA on record, 154 00:11:58,718 --> 00:12:00,593 does that mean she's been arrested before? 155 00:12:00,761 --> 00:12:03,805 The registry records DNA from all Vulcans at birth. 156 00:12:04,014 --> 00:12:07,058 - Do you know anything about her? - T'Pau is a well-known Syrrannite. 157 00:12:08,894 --> 00:12:12,355 All right, we've got a solid start. 158 00:12:12,523 --> 00:12:13,898 Now we need to find her. 159 00:12:14,066 --> 00:12:17,277 Captain, T'Pau is Vulcan. 160 00:12:17,445 --> 00:12:20,947 The Security Directorate will take charge of the investigation. 161 00:12:21,115 --> 00:12:23,867 Of course. Vulcan sovereignty. 162 00:12:24,368 --> 00:12:27,120 Lieutenant Reed and Commander T'Pol will work with you. 163 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:30,331 Their assistance isn't required. 164 00:12:31,751 --> 00:12:36,421 Chief investigator, 43 people died in the bombing. 165 00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:38,923 Twelve Vulcans and 31 humans. 166 00:12:39,091 --> 00:12:40,592 We want her as much as you do. 167 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:44,262 This is now a Vulcan security operation. 168 00:12:44,430 --> 00:12:48,141 We'll inform Ambassador Soval of any developments that concern you. 169 00:13:33,103 --> 00:13:36,731 [DOOR OPENS THEN CLOSES] 170 00:13:39,735 --> 00:13:42,695 SOVAL: His death is a loss to both our worlds. 171 00:13:43,364 --> 00:13:46,950 If you're lost, ambassador, I can direct you to your shuttle. 172 00:13:50,996 --> 00:13:55,792 He saved my life in the explosion. 173 00:13:58,587 --> 00:14:01,130 He could have saved himself. 174 00:14:08,514 --> 00:14:13,977 He always put the mission first. 175 00:14:18,899 --> 00:14:21,526 The last time we spoke, 176 00:14:22,194 --> 00:14:26,114 he was anticipating the prospect of joint missions, 177 00:14:26,657 --> 00:14:29,450 humans and Vulcans working together. 178 00:14:32,955 --> 00:14:35,206 We have to make that possible. 179 00:14:37,334 --> 00:14:39,002 Despite the High Command. 180 00:14:43,132 --> 00:14:44,674 It makes no sense 181 00:14:44,842 --> 00:14:49,345 to think the Syrrannites are responsible for this outrage. 182 00:14:50,097 --> 00:14:51,306 We have DNA evidence. 183 00:14:51,515 --> 00:14:54,350 Recheck everything, captain. Question everything. 184 00:14:54,518 --> 00:14:56,519 And don't let them keep you on Enterprise. 185 00:14:56,687 --> 00:14:58,688 The answers you need are on Vulcan, 186 00:14:58,898 --> 00:15:03,067 and however far you have to take this investigation, 187 00:15:03,235 --> 00:15:05,069 you have my support. 188 00:15:14,163 --> 00:15:15,788 [DOOR CHIMES] 189 00:15:19,668 --> 00:15:21,294 Enter. 190 00:15:28,552 --> 00:15:30,553 It is agreeable to see you. 191 00:15:30,721 --> 00:15:33,097 What is the purpose of your visit? 192 00:15:33,265 --> 00:15:38,269 Does a husband need a purpose to visit his wife? 193 00:15:38,437 --> 00:15:40,438 Your message was cryptic. 194 00:15:40,606 --> 00:15:42,690 By necessity. 195 00:15:42,858 --> 00:15:47,320 The Syrrannite threat has brought new security measures into effect. 196 00:15:47,488 --> 00:15:49,989 Private communications are no longer private. 197 00:15:50,157 --> 00:15:53,159 You have something to tell me that the authorities shouldn't hear? 198 00:15:54,286 --> 00:15:56,412 KOSS: Something to give you. 199 00:15:56,580 --> 00:15:59,248 Your mother asked me to deliver it personally. 200 00:16:04,630 --> 00:16:06,881 She told me that it's been in your family for generations, 201 00:16:07,049 --> 00:16:09,509 and now it's your turn to care for it. 202 00:16:10,970 --> 00:16:12,971 Why didn't she give this to me herself? 203 00:16:14,139 --> 00:16:16,724 The new security conditions. 204 00:16:17,184 --> 00:16:19,811 They've forced your mother into hiding to avoid arrest. 205 00:16:21,897 --> 00:16:23,022 My mother? 206 00:16:24,525 --> 00:16:26,150 She's a Syrrannite. 207 00:16:39,415 --> 00:16:40,456 ARCHER: A Syrrannite? 208 00:16:40,624 --> 00:16:41,749 And she never told you? 209 00:16:42,084 --> 00:16:45,169 What's important is that she's disappeared like the others, 210 00:16:45,337 --> 00:16:47,088 facing unjustified arrest. 211 00:16:47,464 --> 00:16:50,341 - Like T'Pau. - No, there's a difference. 212 00:16:50,509 --> 00:16:52,427 My mother wants me to find her. 213 00:16:57,057 --> 00:16:59,892 - It's called an IDIC. - Looks old. 214 00:17:00,394 --> 00:17:01,978 It's been modified. 215 00:17:03,063 --> 00:17:04,147 [LOW HUMMING SOUND] 216 00:17:08,444 --> 00:17:11,112 This is a desert called The Forge. 217 00:17:11,321 --> 00:17:14,407 The route's the one Surak supposedly followed. 218 00:17:14,616 --> 00:17:15,908 Eighteen hundred years ago? 219 00:17:16,118 --> 00:17:20,580 Syrrannites follow the same path today, seeking enlightenment. 220 00:17:21,123 --> 00:17:23,708 And you think your mother is somewhere along that path? 221 00:17:23,917 --> 00:17:26,544 She told Koss this was a family heirloom, 222 00:17:26,712 --> 00:17:28,463 but I've never seen it before. 223 00:17:35,763 --> 00:17:37,722 She didn't want Koss to know about the map. 224 00:17:39,141 --> 00:17:40,850 With any luck, 225 00:17:41,727 --> 00:17:46,272 we can use this to find your mother and T'Pau. 226 00:17:47,691 --> 00:17:50,526 Captain, have you seen the reports on this place? It's a hellhole. 227 00:17:50,694 --> 00:17:52,987 It's a Vulcan desert. I expect it'll be hot. 228 00:17:53,155 --> 00:17:54,697 It's got electrical sandstorms. 229 00:17:54,865 --> 00:17:57,784 Geomagnetic instabilities so bad technology won't work. 230 00:17:57,951 --> 00:18:00,745 So no communicators, no scanners, no phase-pistols. 231 00:18:00,913 --> 00:18:02,288 We can't even beam you into it. 232 00:18:02,456 --> 00:18:04,582 - You're gonna have to walk in. - I'll be careful. 233 00:18:04,750 --> 00:18:05,958 You've got Enterprise. 234 00:18:06,126 --> 00:18:08,336 You and Malcolm keep the investigation going up here. 235 00:18:08,504 --> 00:18:11,506 And whatever the Vulcans tell you, believe the opposite. 236 00:18:11,673 --> 00:18:13,466 Present company excepted. 237 00:18:13,634 --> 00:18:16,135 - Ambassador. - Captain. Commander. 238 00:18:16,303 --> 00:18:18,846 This shows the gaps in our satellite surveillance 239 00:18:19,014 --> 00:18:22,058 when beam-ins can't be detected. 240 00:18:22,226 --> 00:18:24,560 I'm thinking we're not exactly cleared to have this. 241 00:18:24,728 --> 00:18:28,523 Have what, commander? All I see is a Starfleet data module. 242 00:18:29,817 --> 00:18:31,359 Right. 243 00:18:32,903 --> 00:18:34,821 Captain, what if something goes wrong down there? 244 00:18:35,405 --> 00:18:36,697 It already has. 245 00:18:38,158 --> 00:18:39,784 Energize. 246 00:18:39,993 --> 00:18:41,828 [MACHINE BEEPS] 247 00:18:51,046 --> 00:18:53,381 This site is called Gateway, 248 00:18:53,549 --> 00:18:56,759 where Surak supposedly began his journey into The Forge. 249 00:18:56,927 --> 00:18:58,636 ARCHER: You keep saying "supposedly." 250 00:18:59,179 --> 00:19:01,514 You don't believe Surak did the things they said he did? 251 00:19:01,682 --> 00:19:05,643 He brought logic to Vulcan, in an age we call the Time of Awakening. 252 00:19:07,271 --> 00:19:10,022 But his writings from that period no longer exist. 253 00:19:10,190 --> 00:19:11,566 There must be some record of it. 254 00:19:11,733 --> 00:19:15,486 Over the centuries, his followers made copies of his teachings. 255 00:19:15,654 --> 00:19:21,367 Let me guess, with the originals lost, whatever's left is open to interpretation. 256 00:19:22,035 --> 00:19:24,871 - You find this amusing? - I find it familiar. 257 00:19:25,038 --> 00:19:26,914 We should get moving. 258 00:19:41,221 --> 00:19:43,931 I thought technology didn't work here. 259 00:19:44,099 --> 00:19:45,516 The dampening field only extends 260 00:19:45,684 --> 00:19:48,311 a few hundred meters above the ground. 261 00:19:48,478 --> 00:19:52,273 Patrol craft can fly over it, but their sensors can't see us. 262 00:19:53,233 --> 00:19:55,943 No wonder the Syrrannites like it here. 263 00:20:05,078 --> 00:20:06,245 We're being stalked. 264 00:20:06,455 --> 00:20:08,164 [CREATURE SCREECHING] 265 00:20:08,332 --> 00:20:09,415 What the hell was that? 266 00:20:10,083 --> 00:20:11,334 Sehlat. 267 00:20:11,501 --> 00:20:13,002 Run. 268 00:20:17,090 --> 00:20:18,424 [SEHLAT SCREECHING] 269 00:20:21,345 --> 00:20:22,887 Higher ground. 270 00:20:29,269 --> 00:20:31,520 T'POL: Higher. They won't climb. 271 00:20:31,730 --> 00:20:33,731 [SEHLAT SCREECHING] 272 00:20:48,038 --> 00:20:51,165 How long before it starts to lose interest in us? 273 00:20:52,376 --> 00:20:54,961 Days, at least. 274 00:20:59,049 --> 00:21:01,092 They're very persistent creatures. 275 00:21:01,260 --> 00:21:04,136 When I was a child, I had one as a pet. 276 00:21:04,304 --> 00:21:06,597 - You had one of those? - Domesticated. 277 00:21:06,765 --> 00:21:08,766 [SEHLAT CONTINUES SCREECHING] 278 00:21:09,434 --> 00:21:12,561 They're smaller, slightly. 279 00:21:13,689 --> 00:21:15,398 How slightly? 280 00:21:17,234 --> 00:21:19,277 You have Porthos. 281 00:21:19,444 --> 00:21:22,697 Porthos doesn't try and eat me when I'm late with his dinner. 282 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:26,659 Vulcan children are never late with their sehlats' dinner. 283 00:21:27,661 --> 00:21:29,829 I can believe that. 284 00:21:31,498 --> 00:21:34,208 The captain asked me to re-examine the DNA from the bomb 285 00:21:34,418 --> 00:21:36,294 to see if anyone else might have handled it. 286 00:21:36,503 --> 00:21:37,837 You say you found an anomaly. 287 00:21:38,297 --> 00:21:41,215 In these chromosomal fragments, here and here. 288 00:21:41,425 --> 00:21:42,717 What kind of anomaly? 289 00:21:42,926 --> 00:21:44,176 These are telomeres. 290 00:21:44,386 --> 00:21:46,387 A genetic clock, if you will. 291 00:21:46,596 --> 00:21:48,556 Each time a cell divides, they grow shorter. 292 00:21:48,724 --> 00:21:51,684 Sure. That's how you tell how old someone is from a cell sample. 293 00:21:51,893 --> 00:21:55,271 Mm. Though T'Pau's current age is 32 standard years, 294 00:21:55,439 --> 00:21:58,691 her DNA recovered from the bomb has an age of only a few months. 295 00:22:00,152 --> 00:22:02,987 They used the DNA they sampled when she was registered as a baby. 296 00:22:03,196 --> 00:22:06,365 Precisely. The evidence implicating T'Pau is false. 297 00:22:06,575 --> 00:22:09,243 Captain Archer's going after the wrong person. 298 00:22:09,411 --> 00:22:12,330 And there's no way to get word to him. 299 00:22:13,457 --> 00:22:15,041 Doc, take a look at this. 300 00:22:18,170 --> 00:22:20,338 It's the recording Malcolm recovered from the embassy. 301 00:22:20,547 --> 00:22:22,173 REED: According to the security log, 302 00:22:22,341 --> 00:22:24,717 this is when T'Pau's biometric signature was recorded. 303 00:22:24,885 --> 00:22:27,470 - Undoubtedly another fabrication. TRIP: But look. 304 00:22:28,305 --> 00:22:30,598 The guard recognized whoever it was. 305 00:22:30,807 --> 00:22:32,641 And that guard... 306 00:22:33,435 --> 00:22:34,727 ...is your patient. 307 00:22:36,563 --> 00:22:37,855 Corporal Askwith? 308 00:22:38,065 --> 00:22:40,483 He could be our only chance to identify who planted the bomb. 309 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:43,736 He's in a coma. His cranial injuries are substantial. 310 00:22:43,945 --> 00:22:45,196 I don't expect him to recover. 311 00:22:45,405 --> 00:22:47,406 There must be a stimulant you can inject him with, 312 00:22:47,616 --> 00:22:49,575 something to bring him around for a few minutes. 313 00:22:49,785 --> 00:22:52,244 There's only so much damage a human body can withstand. 314 00:22:52,454 --> 00:22:54,330 I don't care about his body, doc. 315 00:22:54,539 --> 00:22:56,082 We need what's in his mind. 316 00:23:00,337 --> 00:23:02,338 [SEHLAT SCREECHING] 317 00:23:05,550 --> 00:23:09,345 Sounds like that Klingon opera Hoshi made us listen to. 318 00:23:10,514 --> 00:23:14,517 [SCREECHING] 319 00:23:23,151 --> 00:23:24,568 SYRRAN: The path is safe again. 320 00:23:27,322 --> 00:23:28,364 That's quite a trick. 321 00:23:29,241 --> 00:23:30,324 You're a human. 322 00:23:31,284 --> 00:23:32,701 Jonathan Archer. 323 00:23:33,412 --> 00:23:34,787 Traveling with a Vulcan. 324 00:23:35,330 --> 00:23:36,664 T'Pol. 325 00:23:37,290 --> 00:23:38,582 Curious. 326 00:23:44,881 --> 00:23:46,382 May we ask your name? 327 00:23:46,967 --> 00:23:48,134 Arev. 328 00:23:48,343 --> 00:23:49,844 That means "desert wind." 329 00:23:51,847 --> 00:23:53,055 Does it? 330 00:23:55,517 --> 00:23:58,686 - Why are you here? - We could ask you the same thing. 331 00:23:58,854 --> 00:24:01,981 I follow the path of Surak, in meditation and study. 332 00:24:02,983 --> 00:24:04,775 And you? 333 00:24:04,943 --> 00:24:08,028 I'm on a pilgrimage to study Surak and logic. 334 00:24:08,238 --> 00:24:10,114 T'Pol is my teacher. 335 00:24:12,409 --> 00:24:14,952 I welcome you to walk with me. 336 00:24:15,829 --> 00:24:18,330 But this is no place for your kind. 337 00:24:18,874 --> 00:24:19,957 Turn back. 338 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:21,834 ARCHER: If it's all the same, 339 00:24:22,544 --> 00:24:24,044 I'll walk with you too. 340 00:24:25,630 --> 00:24:28,424 This desert's called The Forge for a reason. 341 00:24:29,176 --> 00:24:30,843 It will test you 342 00:24:31,511 --> 00:24:32,970 and destroy you. 343 00:24:51,948 --> 00:24:53,365 AREV: The Plain of Blood. 344 00:24:53,867 --> 00:24:55,701 Some say Surak crossed this expanse 345 00:24:55,911 --> 00:24:59,538 when the hot blood of battle still flowed green, but with logic, 346 00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:01,499 he cooled it. 347 00:25:07,797 --> 00:25:11,175 Captain, the reflected heat is too hot for you. 348 00:25:14,221 --> 00:25:16,388 I'll stick to the sand-covered parts wherever I can. 349 00:25:19,267 --> 00:25:21,894 I won't need water for several more days. 350 00:25:25,232 --> 00:25:27,691 You'd better protect your eyes from the glare. 351 00:25:29,361 --> 00:25:31,362 My inner eyelids will protect my vision. 352 00:25:32,197 --> 00:25:34,657 My species evolved on this planet. 353 00:26:07,399 --> 00:26:10,276 AREV: How long have you tried to understand Vulcan logic? 354 00:26:10,443 --> 00:26:11,819 ARCHER: Ever since I met T'Pol. 355 00:26:15,574 --> 00:26:17,575 Very well, student of Surak. 356 00:26:18,159 --> 00:26:20,369 Who said, "Logic is the cement of our civilization 357 00:26:20,579 --> 00:26:23,747 with which we ascend from chaos using reason as our guide?" 358 00:26:24,958 --> 00:26:26,625 I'm new at this. You tell me. 359 00:26:26,835 --> 00:26:28,002 Something more basic, then. 360 00:26:28,211 --> 00:26:30,546 What is Kiri-kin-tha's First Law of Metaphysics? 361 00:26:32,716 --> 00:26:35,926 I'm familiar with Newton's First Law of Motion. 362 00:26:36,094 --> 00:26:37,720 I imagine they're pretty much the same. 363 00:26:38,680 --> 00:26:40,931 You haven't been truthful about your presence here. 364 00:26:45,437 --> 00:26:46,604 Have you? 365 00:26:47,230 --> 00:26:48,814 Vulcans do not lie. 366 00:26:50,817 --> 00:26:53,110 I've dealt with the High Command. 367 00:26:53,278 --> 00:26:55,863 Vulcans can lie and cheat with the best of them. 368 00:26:56,072 --> 00:26:59,867 The High Command does not follow Surak's true path. 369 00:27:00,035 --> 00:27:02,286 No wonder you humans are their allies. 370 00:27:10,837 --> 00:27:13,672 From the questions he asked you, 371 00:27:13,840 --> 00:27:15,674 I believe he is a Syrrannite. 372 00:27:16,468 --> 00:27:19,553 It's obvious that he doesn't trust us enough to take us to the others. 373 00:27:19,763 --> 00:27:21,680 That only leaves one option. 374 00:27:26,895 --> 00:27:29,438 We have to tell him what he wants to know. 375 00:27:29,606 --> 00:27:30,648 The truth. 376 00:27:30,857 --> 00:27:34,026 It may be too late for that. Sandfire! 377 00:27:45,997 --> 00:27:47,831 This man's our only witness. 378 00:27:48,041 --> 00:27:51,210 He's comatose, brain-damaged, and he's human. 379 00:27:51,419 --> 00:27:55,047 A mind-meld is dangerous under the best of conditions. 380 00:27:55,256 --> 00:27:56,423 But under these... 381 00:27:56,633 --> 00:27:58,509 I know Phlox says there aren't a lot of Vulcans 382 00:27:58,677 --> 00:28:00,135 who can do this sort of thing, 383 00:28:00,303 --> 00:28:03,305 but you've got to know someone who could at least try. 384 00:28:03,515 --> 00:28:05,891 Those who do have the ability won't risk their careers 385 00:28:06,101 --> 00:28:08,268 by publicly attempting what you suggest. 386 00:28:08,478 --> 00:28:12,064 Most Vulcans see melding as deviant behavior. 387 00:28:12,232 --> 00:28:13,399 What's that got to do with it? 388 00:28:14,693 --> 00:28:18,737 Evidence will solve this crime, not mind-melds. 389 00:28:18,947 --> 00:28:20,114 What evidence? 390 00:28:20,323 --> 00:28:23,075 The DNA on the bomb was planted. 391 00:28:24,911 --> 00:28:27,287 - You can prove that? - I can. 392 00:28:27,455 --> 00:28:29,039 Ambassador. 393 00:28:29,499 --> 00:28:32,876 I don't know what kind of pull it takes to mess with DNA records on Vulcan, 394 00:28:33,086 --> 00:28:36,171 but I think we're looking at a deliberate attempt to hide the truth. 395 00:28:36,923 --> 00:28:38,924 You're suggesting a conspiracy. 396 00:28:39,426 --> 00:28:42,094 One that cost 43 innocent lives. 397 00:28:42,303 --> 00:28:44,304 Aren't they worth a little risk? 398 00:28:47,809 --> 00:28:49,768 The needs of the many... 399 00:28:52,689 --> 00:28:55,065 I can perform the meld. 400 00:29:18,089 --> 00:29:19,882 T'POL: Captain! 401 00:29:20,091 --> 00:29:21,967 Over here! 402 00:29:46,367 --> 00:29:47,868 AREV: Help me with this. 403 00:29:48,536 --> 00:29:50,829 The sandfire can still reach us. 404 00:29:51,122 --> 00:29:53,123 [ARCHER GROANING & GRUNTING] 405 00:30:13,603 --> 00:30:14,728 I know this. 406 00:30:16,231 --> 00:30:17,564 How did you get this medallion? 407 00:30:18,107 --> 00:30:19,358 From my mother. 408 00:30:20,443 --> 00:30:21,860 T'Les. 409 00:30:23,196 --> 00:30:24,655 You're a Syrrannite. 410 00:30:24,864 --> 00:30:27,407 The daughter of T'Les serves on a human starship. 411 00:30:27,617 --> 00:30:30,786 When did you talk with her? Is she safe? 412 00:30:33,957 --> 00:30:35,165 You're the human responsible 413 00:30:35,333 --> 00:30:37,709 for the destruction of the monastery at P'Jem. 414 00:30:39,295 --> 00:30:40,838 Is that gonna be a problem? 415 00:30:41,047 --> 00:30:45,175 The High Command defiled P'Jem when they used it to spy on Andoria. 416 00:30:45,343 --> 00:30:47,010 You exposed their hypocrisy. 417 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:49,763 You seem to know a lot about us. 418 00:30:49,931 --> 00:30:52,766 I'm guessing that means you know why we're here. 419 00:30:52,976 --> 00:30:55,102 [SANDFIRE CRACKLING] 420 00:30:56,688 --> 00:30:59,898 Your mother is safe with the others, at the T'Karath Sanctuary. 421 00:31:00,275 --> 00:31:01,817 It's not far. 422 00:31:02,569 --> 00:31:04,862 I'll guide you both there when the storm has passed. 423 00:31:13,788 --> 00:31:18,417 I don't know if this has ever been attempted with a human before. 424 00:31:36,269 --> 00:31:39,813 My mind to your mind. 425 00:31:41,524 --> 00:31:43,650 Our minds are one. 426 00:31:43,818 --> 00:31:46,570 Our thoughts are joined. 427 00:31:54,078 --> 00:31:55,120 Yes. 428 00:31:57,415 --> 00:31:59,291 I see what you see. 429 00:32:00,752 --> 00:32:02,586 The embassy. 430 00:32:04,130 --> 00:32:06,006 I'm at my station. 431 00:32:06,841 --> 00:32:08,926 At your station. 432 00:32:12,013 --> 00:32:14,765 So many new people arriving 433 00:32:15,224 --> 00:32:17,184 for the summit. 434 00:32:17,393 --> 00:32:19,102 I don't recognize them all, 435 00:32:20,438 --> 00:32:23,398 but some I know. 436 00:32:31,824 --> 00:32:32,991 A package. 437 00:32:33,910 --> 00:32:35,702 "That's all right. 438 00:32:35,912 --> 00:32:38,538 I don't need to see it. Go right through." 439 00:32:42,001 --> 00:32:44,044 Who are you? 440 00:32:44,253 --> 00:32:45,545 Who.? 441 00:32:49,509 --> 00:32:50,676 Ambassador. 442 00:32:50,843 --> 00:32:52,844 [GASPING] 443 00:32:53,304 --> 00:32:55,138 What'd you see? 444 00:32:59,936 --> 00:33:01,937 [SANDFIRE CRACKLING] 445 00:33:08,444 --> 00:33:11,530 How long do these sandfire storms usually last? 446 00:33:18,121 --> 00:33:19,413 A day. 447 00:33:20,039 --> 00:33:22,249 Perhaps two. I've never seen one this strong. 448 00:33:23,001 --> 00:33:24,835 But we're safe here. 449 00:33:25,003 --> 00:33:26,545 And we're in no hurry. 450 00:33:26,754 --> 00:33:28,672 Maybe we should be. 451 00:33:28,881 --> 00:33:31,091 The High Command believes the Syrrannites are responsible 452 00:33:31,259 --> 00:33:32,676 for bombing the Earth embassy. 453 00:33:33,803 --> 00:33:35,220 That's not our way. 454 00:33:35,430 --> 00:33:37,014 They seem to think that it is. 455 00:33:37,515 --> 00:33:38,598 That you and your leader 456 00:33:38,766 --> 00:33:40,976 believe in a corrupted version of Surak's teachings. 457 00:33:41,185 --> 00:33:42,644 [CHUCKLES] 458 00:33:43,604 --> 00:33:45,272 Did your mother tell you the story? 459 00:33:47,734 --> 00:33:48,817 Of the IDIC? 460 00:33:49,318 --> 00:33:52,779 "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination." 461 00:33:52,947 --> 00:33:55,741 Words that are a mere shadow of its true meaning. 462 00:33:59,829 --> 00:34:04,166 Surak tells us that the story of the IDIC has no end. 463 00:34:04,333 --> 00:34:07,919 But it begins here at Mount Seleya. 464 00:34:08,087 --> 00:34:10,881 Surak died on Mount Seleya. 465 00:34:11,049 --> 00:34:12,549 AREV: His body, yes. 466 00:34:12,759 --> 00:34:14,968 But his katra was spirited away 467 00:34:15,178 --> 00:34:17,387 before the last battle against those 468 00:34:17,555 --> 00:34:19,973 who marched beneath the raptor's wings, 469 00:34:20,141 --> 00:34:23,018 those who wanted to return to the savage ways. 470 00:34:23,478 --> 00:34:24,853 What's a "katra"? 471 00:34:28,024 --> 00:34:31,610 Syrrannites claim it's the essence of a Vulcan mind, 472 00:34:31,778 --> 00:34:35,614 that it can be transferred from the body before death, 473 00:34:35,782 --> 00:34:37,491 then stored in some manner. 474 00:34:37,700 --> 00:34:40,035 Some say Surak's katra was found, 475 00:34:40,244 --> 00:34:42,204 and now is carried by a Syrrannite, 476 00:34:42,663 --> 00:34:45,624 so all those who meld with him may touch Surak's mind. 477 00:34:47,335 --> 00:34:49,336 Syrrannites conduct mind-melding? 478 00:34:49,837 --> 00:34:54,132 Surak tells us it is the heritage of every Vulcan. 479 00:34:56,469 --> 00:34:59,054 Even those who don't believe in the practice. 480 00:35:04,936 --> 00:35:06,103 A witness? 481 00:35:06,312 --> 00:35:07,521 The guard recognized the person 482 00:35:07,688 --> 00:35:09,773 who brought in the bomb we found in the rubble. 483 00:35:09,941 --> 00:35:11,900 The Syrrannite woman, T'Pau. 484 00:35:12,110 --> 00:35:13,777 No. 485 00:35:16,948 --> 00:35:18,240 It was you. 486 00:35:20,284 --> 00:35:23,078 I would like to interrogate this witness myself. 487 00:35:23,287 --> 00:35:24,579 You're not getting near him. 488 00:35:24,789 --> 00:35:26,957 Perhaps I could speak with the guard. 489 00:35:27,166 --> 00:35:29,167 I'm afraid he's in no condition to be questioned. 490 00:35:30,503 --> 00:35:31,586 He's in a coma. 491 00:35:32,880 --> 00:35:37,384 Yet he provided an eyewitness account. 492 00:35:39,220 --> 00:35:42,848 We accessed his memories through a mind-meld. 493 00:35:45,309 --> 00:35:47,519 Telepathic evidence is inadmissible. 494 00:35:47,728 --> 00:35:49,771 It's not evidence at all. 495 00:35:52,525 --> 00:35:56,278 You allowed this distasteful act to take place? 496 00:35:57,280 --> 00:35:58,697 I performed it. 497 00:36:03,286 --> 00:36:04,744 Soval, 498 00:36:06,539 --> 00:36:11,126 you've shamed Vulcan and yourself. 499 00:36:11,294 --> 00:36:14,129 The law leaves me no recourse. 500 00:36:14,297 --> 00:36:16,298 You'll be summoned to appear before the High Command 501 00:36:16,465 --> 00:36:17,966 to account for your actions. 502 00:36:20,720 --> 00:36:23,388 Commander, doctor. 503 00:36:25,933 --> 00:36:28,101 AREV: At one time the High Command was only responsible 504 00:36:28,269 --> 00:36:30,437 for the exploration of space. 505 00:36:30,813 --> 00:36:32,022 But that's changed. 506 00:36:34,317 --> 00:36:36,902 I've been told Vulcans have never been explorers. 507 00:36:37,111 --> 00:36:39,613 I think you've been told many things about us that aren't true. 508 00:36:39,906 --> 00:36:41,323 [SANDFIRE BLAZING] 509 00:36:43,618 --> 00:36:45,368 Reseal the entrance! 510 00:36:51,083 --> 00:36:52,584 T'POL: Aah! 511 00:36:53,044 --> 00:36:54,377 T'Pol! 512 00:36:58,591 --> 00:37:00,592 [MOANS] 513 00:37:01,761 --> 00:37:05,388 Easy. Easy, easy, easy. 514 00:37:05,681 --> 00:37:08,683 AREV: Listen. The storm is gaining strength. 515 00:37:10,394 --> 00:37:11,853 Aah! 516 00:37:16,275 --> 00:37:17,692 Arev. 517 00:37:19,278 --> 00:37:22,239 You must carry it to sanctuary. 518 00:37:22,740 --> 00:37:24,491 Carry what? 519 00:37:24,825 --> 00:37:26,993 [ARCHER GRUNTING AND AREV SPEAKING IN VULCAN] 520 00:37:34,252 --> 00:37:36,670 TRIP: You can't go back. SOVAL: I'm not a fool, commander. 521 00:37:36,879 --> 00:37:39,422 V'Las was involved with the attack on your embassy. 522 00:37:39,632 --> 00:37:41,841 He's responsible for blaming it on the Syrrannites. 523 00:37:42,051 --> 00:37:43,843 Then why turn yourself over to him? 524 00:37:45,513 --> 00:37:49,015 It's the only chance I'll have to reach the rest of the High Command. 525 00:37:49,225 --> 00:37:50,600 What if they're all in on it? 526 00:37:57,316 --> 00:38:00,819 If you really want humans and Vulcans to work together someday, 527 00:38:00,987 --> 00:38:02,904 you might start thinking about trusting us. 528 00:38:07,451 --> 00:38:09,953 Peace and long life, commander. 529 00:38:10,162 --> 00:38:11,788 [DOOR CHIRPS] 530 00:38:14,125 --> 00:38:15,375 Right. 531 00:38:18,587 --> 00:38:20,380 [MUTTERING] 532 00:38:30,141 --> 00:38:31,683 Arev. 533 00:38:38,524 --> 00:38:40,025 [GRUNTS] 534 00:38:42,945 --> 00:38:45,238 - Are you injured? - I'm fine. 535 00:38:45,656 --> 00:38:46,823 [SIGHS] 536 00:38:46,991 --> 00:38:50,785 He said something in Vulcan. 537 00:38:51,329 --> 00:38:52,370 [SPEAKS IN VULCAN] 538 00:38:52,538 --> 00:38:54,205 Remember. 539 00:38:54,373 --> 00:38:55,999 Remember what? 540 00:38:57,752 --> 00:38:59,878 I think he... 541 00:39:01,130 --> 00:39:03,089 He punched me. 542 00:39:04,008 --> 00:39:05,425 Oh... 543 00:39:08,137 --> 00:39:09,304 The storm's over? 544 00:39:10,348 --> 00:39:12,349 [PATROL CRAFT WHIRRING] 545 00:39:13,434 --> 00:39:15,310 The patrol craft are flying again. 546 00:39:15,478 --> 00:39:17,479 They sound like they're closing in on this location. 547 00:39:20,358 --> 00:39:24,110 ARCHER: He said we weren't far from the T'Karath Sanctuary. 548 00:39:24,278 --> 00:39:26,237 We should keep moving. 549 00:39:29,450 --> 00:39:31,993 After we bury him. 550 00:39:55,434 --> 00:39:57,852 They're following a grid search pattern. 551 00:39:58,604 --> 00:40:01,773 No sensors, but they can still make visual contact. 552 00:40:03,359 --> 00:40:06,152 We have to find cover before the sun comes up. 553 00:40:10,408 --> 00:40:11,741 That way. 554 00:40:14,954 --> 00:40:18,498 - There's nothing there. - That's where the Syrrannites are. 555 00:40:19,625 --> 00:40:21,543 T'POL: How do you know? 556 00:40:47,528 --> 00:40:48,903 I'm good for a few more days. 557 00:40:49,321 --> 00:40:52,282 Captain, you're not Vulcan. 558 00:40:55,786 --> 00:40:57,579 Right. 559 00:41:00,040 --> 00:41:02,041 It's almost dawn. 560 00:41:02,209 --> 00:41:04,294 We need to find someplace to hide. 561 00:41:04,503 --> 00:41:05,795 No. 562 00:41:06,630 --> 00:41:08,006 Over here. 563 00:41:12,428 --> 00:41:14,345 That won't help us. 564 00:41:32,615 --> 00:41:34,115 Don't resist. 565 00:41:36,285 --> 00:41:37,410 What do you mean? 566 00:41:43,417 --> 00:42:47,355 [GRUNTING]