1 00:00:02,377 --> 00:00:04,336 NARRATOR: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,546 --> 00:00:06,213 We only want to be your partners, 3 00:00:06,423 --> 00:00:08,215 to work together in common cause. 4 00:00:08,425 --> 00:00:10,217 [RUMBLING] 5 00:00:11,886 --> 00:00:14,179 ARCHER: Admiral Forrest has been killed. 6 00:00:14,389 --> 00:00:17,725 The DNA on the bomb's controls was left by this woman, T'Pau. 7 00:00:17,934 --> 00:00:19,852 The answers you need are on Vulcan. 8 00:00:20,061 --> 00:00:23,939 And however far you have to take this investigation, 9 00:00:24,149 --> 00:00:25,899 you have my support. 10 00:00:26,109 --> 00:00:27,860 This is a desert called The Forge. 11 00:00:28,069 --> 00:00:30,821 The route's the one Surak supposedly followed. 12 00:00:33,491 --> 00:00:34,700 The guard recognized the person 13 00:00:34,868 --> 00:00:36,702 who brought in the bomb we found in the rubble. 14 00:00:36,870 --> 00:00:38,412 - T'Pau. - No. 15 00:00:39,748 --> 00:00:40,831 It was you. 16 00:00:41,041 --> 00:00:42,124 What's a katra? 17 00:00:42,333 --> 00:00:45,878 Syrrannites claim it's the essence of a Vulcan mind, 18 00:00:46,046 --> 00:00:48,338 that it can be transferred from the body before death. 19 00:00:48,548 --> 00:00:51,091 V'Las was involved in the attack on your embassy. 20 00:00:51,301 --> 00:00:53,719 He's responsible for blaming it on the Syrrannites. 21 00:01:14,032 --> 00:01:18,243 Before we announce our decision, is there anything you wish to say? 22 00:01:18,870 --> 00:01:21,955 My actions were taken in the best interest 23 00:01:22,123 --> 00:01:24,458 of Vulcan and the High Command. 24 00:01:24,667 --> 00:01:28,837 Keeping secrets from us is in our best interest? 25 00:01:29,047 --> 00:01:30,631 Had I revealed my abilities as a melder, 26 00:01:30,840 --> 00:01:34,009 my years of service would not have been possible. 27 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:36,428 Your accomplishments have been noteworthy. 28 00:01:36,638 --> 00:01:38,347 They don't justify deception. 29 00:01:38,556 --> 00:01:41,350 Deception has never been a stranger to this room. 30 00:01:42,685 --> 00:01:44,103 I caution you. 31 00:01:44,312 --> 00:01:46,105 One of our own members was responsible 32 00:01:46,272 --> 00:01:47,856 for bombing the Earth embassy, 33 00:01:48,525 --> 00:01:50,859 an act we tried to blame on the Syrrannites. 34 00:01:51,069 --> 00:01:53,237 That assessment was correct. 35 00:01:53,446 --> 00:01:56,698 Our investigation of Stel has revealed he's a Syrrannite. 36 00:01:57,450 --> 00:01:59,409 I find that difficult to accept. 37 00:01:59,619 --> 00:02:01,995 Numerous documents were discovered in his home. 38 00:02:02,205 --> 00:02:04,081 The evidence is irrefutable. 39 00:02:04,290 --> 00:02:08,085 Syrrannites were responsible and they'll be dealt with accordingly. 40 00:02:08,795 --> 00:02:10,546 Regarding the matter at hand, 41 00:02:10,755 --> 00:02:13,882 your position is terminated immediately. 42 00:02:14,425 --> 00:02:16,593 You're to surrender all classified materials 43 00:02:16,761 --> 00:02:19,179 to the Security Directorate before leaving. 44 00:02:19,389 --> 00:02:24,393 I remind you that your loyalty oath is still in effect. 45 00:02:24,602 --> 00:02:26,019 A violation of that oath... 46 00:02:26,229 --> 00:02:28,605 - I'm aware of the penalty. - Good. 47 00:02:29,315 --> 00:02:33,193 Is there anything else you would like to say? 48 00:02:33,361 --> 00:02:36,780 There's a great deal that needs to be said, Excellency, 49 00:02:37,282 --> 00:02:39,950 but no one's willing to listen. 50 00:04:21,010 --> 00:04:22,135 Who are you? 51 00:04:22,762 --> 00:04:23,929 I'm Jonathan Archer. 52 00:04:25,181 --> 00:04:27,266 Captain of the Earth vessel. 53 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:30,310 And you must be T'Pol. 54 00:04:36,067 --> 00:04:37,818 You are a long way from Enterprise. 55 00:04:37,986 --> 00:04:41,655 I'm here to find the person who bombed the Earth embassy. 56 00:04:43,032 --> 00:04:44,324 Her name is T'Pau. 57 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:47,703 And she looks a hell of a lot like you. 58 00:04:48,413 --> 00:04:49,454 I am T'Pau. 59 00:04:49,664 --> 00:04:51,081 You murdered my friend, 60 00:04:51,249 --> 00:04:53,375 along with 40 other people. 61 00:04:53,584 --> 00:04:56,962 I had nothing to do with the destruction of your embassy. 62 00:04:57,171 --> 00:04:58,380 The evidence says you did. 63 00:04:59,924 --> 00:05:02,968 I haven't left this desert for two years. 64 00:05:03,219 --> 00:05:05,178 What does that tell you about your evidence? 65 00:05:05,388 --> 00:05:07,222 It tells me that you're lying. 66 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:10,017 You have a lot to learn about Syrrannites. 67 00:05:10,226 --> 00:05:11,810 You have a lot to learn about humans. 68 00:05:12,020 --> 00:05:15,147 We don't sit back and do nothing while our people are attacked. 69 00:05:15,356 --> 00:05:19,192 No, you traverse vast wastelands based on false information. 70 00:05:21,988 --> 00:05:24,364 What did you plan to do when you found me? 71 00:05:25,116 --> 00:05:26,450 Place me under arrest? 72 00:05:26,617 --> 00:05:28,327 Something like that. 73 00:05:28,494 --> 00:05:31,413 It seems everything I've heard about your species is accurate. 74 00:05:31,914 --> 00:05:32,956 Mother. 75 00:05:35,293 --> 00:05:37,085 I'm pleased to see that you're all right. 76 00:05:38,004 --> 00:05:40,255 We have a great deal to talk about. 77 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:42,632 Agreed. 78 00:05:42,800 --> 00:05:45,719 - You told them where to find us. - Yes. 79 00:05:46,304 --> 00:05:47,804 Is there anyone else with you? 80 00:05:49,223 --> 00:05:51,141 - No. - To have crossed The Forge 81 00:05:51,309 --> 00:05:54,895 by yourselves with the sandfire storms this time of year... 82 00:05:55,104 --> 00:05:57,856 We met a Syrrannite. He helped us find shelter. 83 00:05:58,066 --> 00:05:59,358 Who was this person? 84 00:06:00,777 --> 00:06:02,027 His name was Arev. 85 00:06:03,404 --> 00:06:06,448 He was struck down by an electrical charge. 86 00:06:06,657 --> 00:06:09,242 - He didn't make it. - He's dead? 87 00:06:11,621 --> 00:06:13,538 Are you certain his name was Arev? 88 00:06:13,706 --> 00:06:15,123 That's what he told us. 89 00:06:17,335 --> 00:06:20,337 His true name was Syrran. 90 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:24,424 He was our leader. 91 00:06:41,109 --> 00:06:43,819 Captain, are you all right? 92 00:06:44,028 --> 00:06:45,278 I'm okay. 93 00:06:47,907 --> 00:06:52,035 Right before Arev died, he grabbed me. 94 00:06:53,454 --> 00:06:56,998 He put his hand on my forehead. I felt something inside... 95 00:06:58,418 --> 00:06:59,709 ...my head. 96 00:07:01,671 --> 00:07:04,005 Do you think he was trying to meld with you? 97 00:07:05,133 --> 00:07:06,425 I don't know. 98 00:07:10,555 --> 00:07:13,306 But ever since, I haven't been myself. 99 00:07:19,730 --> 00:07:21,356 T'PAU: You put us all in danger. 100 00:07:21,566 --> 00:07:23,191 What if they'd been followed? 101 00:07:23,401 --> 00:07:25,819 I only wanted her to know I was safe. 102 00:07:26,028 --> 00:07:28,530 You could have accomplished that without revealing our location. 103 00:07:28,739 --> 00:07:30,615 I can't change what I've done. 104 00:07:31,409 --> 00:07:33,535 She doesn't deserve imprisonment. I want her released. 105 00:07:33,744 --> 00:07:35,412 Not until we've confirmed their story. 106 00:07:35,621 --> 00:07:37,539 My daughter wouldn't lie. 107 00:07:37,748 --> 00:07:39,291 She's not merely your daughter. 108 00:07:39,959 --> 00:07:41,251 She's a member of Starfleet, 109 00:07:41,419 --> 00:07:43,211 and Starfleet is allied with the High Command. 110 00:07:44,464 --> 00:07:48,091 They'll both remain where they are until I'm satisfied they can be trusted. 111 00:07:52,180 --> 00:07:54,890 Search patrols are flying day and night. 112 00:07:55,057 --> 00:07:56,516 They're the least of our worries now. 113 00:07:57,560 --> 00:07:59,519 If Syrran is dead, 114 00:08:01,564 --> 00:08:05,233 then everything we've worked for is lost. 115 00:08:09,363 --> 00:08:11,656 I can't believe they threw you out. 116 00:08:11,866 --> 00:08:13,867 Just because you helped us? 117 00:08:14,243 --> 00:08:15,368 I knew the risks. 118 00:08:15,578 --> 00:08:17,746 There's gotta be some way you can fight this. 119 00:08:17,955 --> 00:08:21,166 I could protest, but it wouldn't accomplish anything. 120 00:08:21,417 --> 00:08:23,335 V'Las isn't one to change his mind. 121 00:08:23,544 --> 00:08:25,212 Who the hell put him in charge, anyway? 122 00:08:25,838 --> 00:08:27,756 Our society rewards merit. 123 00:08:27,965 --> 00:08:32,469 V'Las has demonstrated a singular talent for governing. 124 00:08:35,139 --> 00:08:36,640 What are you gonna do now? 125 00:08:37,141 --> 00:08:39,226 You're referring to my career? 126 00:08:39,435 --> 00:08:41,561 I haven't given it much thought. 127 00:08:41,812 --> 00:08:45,148 There's something more important we need to discuss. 128 00:08:45,358 --> 00:08:48,026 Have you made contact with T'Pol or your captain? 129 00:08:48,236 --> 00:08:50,695 We can't reach them and they can't reach us. 130 00:08:51,906 --> 00:08:55,325 V'Las is determined to wipe out the Syrrannites. 131 00:08:55,535 --> 00:08:59,621 He's particularly intent on destroying their encampment in The Forge. 132 00:08:59,830 --> 00:09:02,082 Where the captain and T'Pol are headed. 133 00:09:03,042 --> 00:09:05,502 They may be in grave danger. 134 00:09:24,939 --> 00:09:27,023 You must have questions for me. 135 00:09:31,988 --> 00:09:34,239 I can't understand how you could join these people. 136 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:39,995 I'd been growing disillusioned with Vulcan society for some time. 137 00:09:41,038 --> 00:09:43,999 When I was forced to resign from the Academy, 138 00:09:45,001 --> 00:09:47,877 I began seriously to question my beliefs. 139 00:09:48,337 --> 00:09:50,755 And this is where you came for answers? 140 00:09:55,177 --> 00:09:56,720 Syrrannites believe that the Vulcans 141 00:09:56,887 --> 00:09:59,472 have strayed from the teachings of Surak. 142 00:09:59,932 --> 00:10:02,517 Considering what the High Command has done in recent years, 143 00:10:02,727 --> 00:10:05,186 the listening station at P'Jem, 144 00:10:05,396 --> 00:10:07,564 suppression of dissent, 145 00:10:07,815 --> 00:10:10,066 our position isn't so hard to accept. 146 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:14,613 You could have told me all this when I came to visit. 147 00:10:14,822 --> 00:10:18,783 The High Command was just beginning to hunt down suspected Syrrannites. 148 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:20,368 I was afraid I would be next. 149 00:10:20,578 --> 00:10:22,329 I wanted to keep you out of it. 150 00:10:22,538 --> 00:10:25,707 I know your marriage to Koss was for my sake, 151 00:10:26,083 --> 00:10:27,709 to help me regain my post. 152 00:10:27,918 --> 00:10:30,211 I don't want your apologies, Mother. 153 00:10:31,130 --> 00:10:32,672 I want you to come back with me. 154 00:10:39,347 --> 00:10:40,847 I can't do that. 155 00:10:44,602 --> 00:10:48,188 When you gave me that map, you knew I'd try to find you. 156 00:10:48,397 --> 00:10:51,733 I thought that if you could see what we were trying to accomplish... 157 00:10:51,942 --> 00:10:53,485 That I'd understand? 158 00:10:55,237 --> 00:10:56,780 That I'd join you? 159 00:10:57,657 --> 00:11:00,450 I held out that hope, yes. 160 00:11:02,411 --> 00:11:03,912 It's possible I was being foolish. 161 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:05,747 Extremely. 162 00:11:27,853 --> 00:11:30,188 [EXPLOSIONS IN DISTANCE] 163 00:11:36,904 --> 00:11:39,072 SURAK: War is taking its toll. 164 00:11:39,949 --> 00:11:42,367 Vulcan is tearing itself apart. 165 00:11:42,535 --> 00:11:43,868 Who are you? 166 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:46,538 You know who I am, captain. 167 00:11:56,966 --> 00:11:58,633 So much death. 168 00:11:59,468 --> 00:12:03,847 Hard to believe this will become known as the Time of Awakening. 169 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:06,516 That was 1,800 years ago. 170 00:12:15,609 --> 00:12:17,610 This doesn't feel like a dream. 171 00:12:18,946 --> 00:12:22,949 You're seeing the past through my eyes. 172 00:12:26,287 --> 00:12:30,790 Syrran did something to me before he died. 173 00:12:31,417 --> 00:12:32,834 SURAK: He chose you. 174 00:12:33,002 --> 00:12:34,043 [CHUCKLES] 175 00:12:35,045 --> 00:12:36,921 You don't trust Vulcans, captain. 176 00:12:37,715 --> 00:12:40,592 And given your experiences with them, I can't say I blame you. 177 00:12:41,594 --> 00:12:45,138 The culture you've come to know isn't the one I helped to create. 178 00:12:46,348 --> 00:12:51,561 My people have strayed, and someone must restore them to the path. 179 00:12:53,647 --> 00:12:55,231 You've got the wrong man. 180 00:12:55,399 --> 00:12:56,900 Sorry, captain. 181 00:12:57,109 --> 00:13:00,069 There's an Earth expression, "We're stuck with each other." 182 00:13:01,906 --> 00:13:03,656 Don't fight what's been given to you. 183 00:13:04,909 --> 00:13:07,702 Open your mind and your heart, 184 00:13:07,870 --> 00:13:10,121 and the way will become clear. 185 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:11,372 T'POL: Captain. 186 00:13:13,918 --> 00:13:15,335 Captain. 187 00:13:28,474 --> 00:13:32,977 We've pinpointed their location near the northeastern border of The Forge. 188 00:13:33,646 --> 00:13:34,979 How accurate is this information? 189 00:13:35,189 --> 00:13:37,023 It's based on data collected by search patrols. 190 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:39,567 They've been conducting missions for several days. 191 00:13:39,777 --> 00:13:42,487 We are going to bombard the camp 192 00:13:43,572 --> 00:13:45,698 with photonic weapons. 193 00:13:45,908 --> 00:13:48,326 Our goal isn't to exterminate these people. 194 00:13:48,536 --> 00:13:53,289 Our goal is to maintain order. 195 00:13:53,499 --> 00:13:57,168 They're in the deep desert. What possible harm could they do us? 196 00:13:57,336 --> 00:13:59,796 They've already destroyed an embassy. 197 00:14:00,214 --> 00:14:03,007 Eventually they're going to have to leave The Forge, 198 00:14:03,217 --> 00:14:04,634 and when they do, 199 00:14:04,844 --> 00:14:08,054 we can apprehend them with little or no loss of life. 200 00:14:08,264 --> 00:14:12,058 It's very likely that Syrran himself is inside the compound. 201 00:14:12,268 --> 00:14:14,143 With one decisive thrust, 202 00:14:14,353 --> 00:14:18,565 we can cripple this insurgency, perhaps end it. 203 00:14:18,774 --> 00:14:21,442 We can't let an opportunity like this pass us by. 204 00:14:21,652 --> 00:14:24,571 A surgical strike could minimize the loss of life. 205 00:14:24,780 --> 00:14:28,741 The geomagnetic anomalies make a precision attack impossible. 206 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:32,078 This is the only way. 207 00:14:33,497 --> 00:14:35,290 We'll begin preparations immediately. 208 00:14:40,421 --> 00:14:42,755 This man, did he tell you his name? 209 00:14:42,965 --> 00:14:45,300 He seemed to think I knew who he was. 210 00:14:46,051 --> 00:14:47,635 Did you? 211 00:14:48,429 --> 00:14:49,512 It was Surak. 212 00:14:52,016 --> 00:14:53,808 We believe you. 213 00:14:54,018 --> 00:14:56,144 Syrran possessed the katra of Surak. 214 00:14:56,353 --> 00:14:57,854 Katras are nothing more than a myth. 215 00:14:59,231 --> 00:15:00,982 I used to think that, 216 00:15:01,859 --> 00:15:04,319 until I learned to open up my mind to other possibilities. 217 00:15:05,070 --> 00:15:07,572 If Syrran knew he was close to death, 218 00:15:07,948 --> 00:15:10,366 he would have tried to transfer the katra to someone else. 219 00:15:11,327 --> 00:15:12,827 I was near him when he died. 220 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:16,956 There is only one way to be certain. 221 00:15:17,166 --> 00:15:18,499 I have to meld with you. 222 00:15:19,668 --> 00:15:21,294 I've had my fill of mind-melds. 223 00:15:21,503 --> 00:15:23,880 The prospect doesn't appeal to me either. 224 00:15:24,298 --> 00:15:26,633 I've never melded with a human before. 225 00:15:27,384 --> 00:15:31,262 Your unchecked emotions will no doubt prove distasteful. 226 00:15:32,556 --> 00:15:35,642 However, I ask your indulgence. 227 00:15:51,158 --> 00:15:54,577 My mind to your mind. 228 00:15:55,704 --> 00:15:59,082 My thoughts to your thoughts. 229 00:16:00,584 --> 00:16:03,544 Our minds are merging. 230 00:16:04,088 --> 00:16:06,714 - Our minds are one. - Our minds are one. 231 00:16:09,218 --> 00:16:10,843 We're in the desert. 232 00:16:12,054 --> 00:16:13,638 There's a storm. 233 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:19,394 We find refuge in a cave. 234 00:16:20,270 --> 00:16:22,021 Sand-lightning. 235 00:16:23,107 --> 00:16:24,983 Our minds are not alone. 236 00:16:25,859 --> 00:16:29,195 There's someone else here with us. 237 00:16:29,363 --> 00:16:31,698 I sense his presence. 238 00:16:36,870 --> 00:16:38,121 T'Pau? 239 00:16:40,207 --> 00:16:42,083 He has the katra. 240 00:16:47,506 --> 00:16:50,883 We can trigger a malfunction in this satellite's imaging node. 241 00:16:51,093 --> 00:16:54,095 It'll take six minutes for the central processor to correct the error. 242 00:16:54,304 --> 00:16:56,806 That should be enough time to slip through the net. 243 00:16:57,057 --> 00:16:58,683 Won't they wonder what caused the glitch? 244 00:16:58,892 --> 00:17:00,685 Errors occur frequently near The Forge. 245 00:17:00,894 --> 00:17:02,937 It shouldn't raise suspicion. 246 00:17:04,565 --> 00:17:06,399 Mind if I ask you something? 247 00:17:08,861 --> 00:17:10,319 Why are you doing this? 248 00:17:11,321 --> 00:17:14,198 I never got the impression you cared that much about humans. 249 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:18,036 Seems like you were always finding something new to complain about. 250 00:17:18,954 --> 00:17:22,415 I lived on Earth for more than 30 years, commander. 251 00:17:22,624 --> 00:17:26,919 In that time, I developed an affinity for your world and its people. 252 00:17:28,881 --> 00:17:30,590 You did a pretty good job of hiding it. 253 00:17:31,759 --> 00:17:32,884 Thank you. 254 00:17:34,595 --> 00:17:36,846 MAYWEATHER [OVER COM]: Launch Bay to Commander Tucker. 255 00:17:38,223 --> 00:17:39,265 Go ahead, Travis. 256 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:43,269 - We should be ready within the hour. TRIP: What about helm control? 257 00:17:43,479 --> 00:17:45,396 I've rigged up a stick-and-rudder system. 258 00:17:45,606 --> 00:17:49,192 It'll get us where we want to go, but I can't promise a smooth ride. 259 00:17:49,401 --> 00:17:52,445 Just don't tell Malcolm about that part until you're underway. 260 00:17:53,739 --> 00:17:57,033 Centuries ago, a set of Katric Arks were discovered 261 00:17:57,242 --> 00:17:59,202 at the P'Jem monastery. 262 00:17:59,620 --> 00:18:02,497 - Katric Arks? - Polycrystalline vessels. 263 00:18:02,706 --> 00:18:07,752 Allegedly used by ancient Vulcans to preserve katras. 264 00:18:09,254 --> 00:18:12,590 They were scanned, analyzed. 265 00:18:12,800 --> 00:18:15,468 One of the scientists even attempted to meld with them. 266 00:18:16,345 --> 00:18:19,806 They found nothing to indicate the presence of a katra. 267 00:18:20,766 --> 00:18:24,352 The Vulcan Science Academy was just as skeptical about time travel. 268 00:18:25,270 --> 00:18:31,109 Do you really believe you possess the living spirit of Surak inside you? 269 00:18:31,318 --> 00:18:33,611 A man who died 1,800 years ago. 270 00:18:35,114 --> 00:18:36,614 Not when you put it like that. 271 00:18:39,284 --> 00:18:42,703 - There is a logical explanation. - I'm listening. 272 00:18:44,706 --> 00:18:47,583 Syrran melded with you before he died. 273 00:18:47,918 --> 00:18:52,004 What you're experiencing is the residue of his thoughts. 274 00:18:52,381 --> 00:18:56,634 So I'm suffering from a mind-meld hangover? 275 00:18:57,302 --> 00:19:00,096 I wouldn't characterize it quite that way, 276 00:19:00,597 --> 00:19:01,764 but essentially. 277 00:19:02,266 --> 00:19:03,975 It feels like... 278 00:19:06,478 --> 00:19:07,812 ...more than that. 279 00:19:08,021 --> 00:19:10,356 You have no basis for comparison. 280 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:12,859 You've never undergone a mind-meld before. 281 00:19:13,068 --> 00:19:15,486 Seeing Surak is only a part of it. 282 00:19:15,904 --> 00:19:19,157 I could swear I've been here before, in this sanctuary. 283 00:19:19,366 --> 00:19:22,785 It's like coming back to the house you grew up in. 284 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:25,872 Syrran spent a great deal of time here. 285 00:19:28,458 --> 00:19:32,211 Let's say you're right and it was just a mind-meld. 286 00:19:32,379 --> 00:19:34,922 He still put something in my head. 287 00:19:37,801 --> 00:19:39,635 And I want it taken out. 288 00:19:40,637 --> 00:19:43,139 That may not be possible. 289 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:50,855 What can we do for you? 290 00:19:51,064 --> 00:19:52,773 Where is your captain? 291 00:19:52,983 --> 00:19:54,984 He's indisposed at the moment. 292 00:19:55,194 --> 00:19:56,235 Can I help you? 293 00:19:56,445 --> 00:19:59,238 The investigation of the embassy bombing is nearly complete. 294 00:20:00,699 --> 00:20:02,366 You have a suspect? 295 00:20:02,576 --> 00:20:05,953 The evidence against him and the Syrrannites is compelling. 296 00:20:06,163 --> 00:20:08,581 There's no longer any need for your presence here. 297 00:20:09,750 --> 00:20:12,168 If it's all the same to you, we'd like to stick around. 298 00:20:12,628 --> 00:20:15,796 We'd prefer you didn't. This is an internal matter. 299 00:20:16,006 --> 00:20:17,506 We'll keep Starfleet apprised 300 00:20:17,674 --> 00:20:20,051 if there are any subsequent developments. 301 00:20:20,260 --> 00:20:21,302 Excellency... 302 00:20:21,511 --> 00:20:24,472 Again, you have my deepest sympathy for your loss. 303 00:20:24,681 --> 00:20:26,807 All of Vulcan grieves with you. 304 00:20:27,017 --> 00:20:30,061 With all respects, we aren't leaving, 305 00:20:30,270 --> 00:20:32,230 not until we know exactly what happened. 306 00:20:32,439 --> 00:20:34,440 I've also contacted Admiral Gardner. 307 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:37,109 I'm sure you'll be hearing from him soon. 308 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:39,237 A pleasant journey. 309 00:20:40,822 --> 00:20:42,240 Son of a bitch hung up on us. 310 00:20:42,449 --> 00:20:43,741 Should I try to get him back? 311 00:20:46,828 --> 00:20:48,913 No one here has ever performed this ritual. 312 00:20:49,122 --> 00:20:51,457 I've studied it for some time. 313 00:20:52,042 --> 00:20:54,001 I believe I can conduct it successfully. 314 00:20:54,211 --> 00:20:58,172 You'd not only be placing Surak's katra in jeopardy, you could kill Archer. 315 00:20:58,382 --> 00:21:00,800 The risks are acceptable. 316 00:21:01,176 --> 00:21:02,468 I doubt Surak would agree. 317 00:21:02,678 --> 00:21:04,470 What alternative would you suggest? 318 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:06,639 That we follow this human? 319 00:21:07,224 --> 00:21:10,434 I believe your prejudice towards humans is clouding your judgment. 320 00:21:10,644 --> 00:21:12,478 You question my logic? 321 00:21:16,108 --> 00:21:19,986 Syrran chose to place the katra in Archer. 322 00:21:20,570 --> 00:21:24,282 He must have had his reasons, even if we don't understand them. 323 00:21:24,491 --> 00:21:26,534 It is obvious. 324 00:21:26,743 --> 00:21:29,161 He was dying, your daughter couldn't reach him in time. 325 00:21:29,371 --> 00:21:31,372 He had to choose Archer. 326 00:21:31,707 --> 00:21:34,917 That may be, but we do have a choice. 327 00:21:35,127 --> 00:21:37,878 Now, for the sake of everyone involved, 328 00:21:38,088 --> 00:21:39,672 I ask you to reconsider. 329 00:21:40,674 --> 00:21:42,008 I've made my decision. 330 00:21:42,175 --> 00:21:44,677 I'll perform the procedure in one hour. 331 00:21:46,555 --> 00:21:48,097 And if Archer dies? 332 00:21:48,974 --> 00:21:52,518 I won't sacrifice our future to protect the life of one human. 333 00:22:04,740 --> 00:22:05,948 You know, 334 00:22:07,868 --> 00:22:10,619 I'm the one with a Vulcan ghost in his head, 335 00:22:11,413 --> 00:22:13,372 depending on who you believe. 336 00:22:15,417 --> 00:22:16,667 But... 337 00:22:17,586 --> 00:22:20,421 I don't feel half as bad as you look. 338 00:22:22,591 --> 00:22:25,009 I'm considering our options. 339 00:22:27,137 --> 00:22:28,637 At least we know your mother's okay. 340 00:22:30,390 --> 00:22:32,933 She's joined a violent cult. 341 00:22:33,602 --> 00:22:35,102 She's not okay. 342 00:22:36,813 --> 00:22:39,982 I don't think these people had anything to do with the embassy. 343 00:22:40,776 --> 00:22:42,735 You sound convinced. 344 00:22:43,320 --> 00:22:47,031 Let's just say it's more than a gut feeling. 345 00:22:53,205 --> 00:22:55,289 We've come to a decision. 346 00:22:55,499 --> 00:22:57,291 The katra must be removed. 347 00:22:58,919 --> 00:23:00,503 I can't argue with that. 348 00:23:00,712 --> 00:23:03,547 There's a procedure, a ritual. 349 00:23:03,757 --> 00:23:06,342 It will transfer the katra to another person. 350 00:23:06,551 --> 00:23:07,676 It's not without risk. 351 00:23:08,470 --> 00:23:13,140 Vulcan neurology is exceptionally resilient, but a human's... 352 00:23:13,725 --> 00:23:16,811 The shock to your nervous system will be severe. 353 00:23:17,020 --> 00:23:19,563 - It could kill you. - You must decline. 354 00:23:20,232 --> 00:23:21,816 We're not offering a choice. 355 00:23:23,235 --> 00:23:25,486 You'd do this by force? 356 00:23:26,363 --> 00:23:28,739 We'd prefer that you undertake the ritual willingly. 357 00:23:28,949 --> 00:23:31,033 It will stand a better chance of success. 358 00:23:31,243 --> 00:23:33,536 However, if force is required, 359 00:23:33,745 --> 00:23:35,830 we won't hesitate to use it. 360 00:23:40,001 --> 00:23:41,085 Let's get started. 361 00:23:41,294 --> 00:23:43,838 - Captain. - It's my call. 362 00:23:47,843 --> 00:23:50,344 TRIP: Gardner followed the Vulcan line straight down the middle. 363 00:23:50,512 --> 00:23:52,346 He wants us out of here yesterday. 364 00:23:52,556 --> 00:23:55,224 - Tell him about the captain and T'Pol? - I left that part out. 365 00:23:55,434 --> 00:23:57,685 Enterprise was supposed to leave orbit an hour ago. 366 00:23:57,894 --> 00:24:00,980 - V'Las is not a patient man. - Not a whole lot he can do about it. 367 00:24:04,818 --> 00:24:06,694 - Hell of a job, Travis. - Thank you, sir. 368 00:24:06,903 --> 00:24:10,197 Just find them and bring them back. No sightseeing along the way. 369 00:24:10,365 --> 00:24:11,407 Understood. 370 00:24:12,200 --> 00:24:14,577 We've got a recon satellite to jam. 371 00:24:14,786 --> 00:24:16,620 VULCAN [OVER COM]: Enterprise hasn't left orbit. 372 00:24:16,788 --> 00:24:19,748 They're maintaining a stationary position above The Forge. 373 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:22,918 - Keep monitoring them. - Yes, Excellency. 374 00:24:23,795 --> 00:24:27,423 We can't proceed with the operation while the Earth ship is there. 375 00:24:27,632 --> 00:24:29,675 You're concerned about witnesses. 376 00:24:29,885 --> 00:24:31,844 Gardner gave them an order to leave. 377 00:24:32,053 --> 00:24:33,888 I heard the transmission. 378 00:24:34,097 --> 00:24:36,724 So now we're monitoring their communications? 379 00:24:36,933 --> 00:24:40,227 They wouldn't disobey an order without a reason. 380 00:24:40,770 --> 00:24:43,105 I intend to find out what it is. 381 00:24:55,327 --> 00:24:57,578 T'PAU: Passed down through the ages, 382 00:24:57,787 --> 00:25:00,498 the katra of Surak, 383 00:25:01,249 --> 00:25:03,584 father of all we hold true, 384 00:25:03,793 --> 00:25:05,961 lives on in this man. 385 00:25:12,761 --> 00:25:17,223 Let it now live on in me. 386 00:25:25,440 --> 00:25:27,358 [SPEAKING IN VULCAN] 387 00:26:00,684 --> 00:26:02,017 Surak. 388 00:26:02,644 --> 00:26:04,979 [GROANING] 389 00:26:08,567 --> 00:26:11,151 Good to see you again, captain. 390 00:26:11,945 --> 00:26:15,573 My appearance must be quite disconcerting. I apologize. 391 00:26:16,616 --> 00:26:17,866 Radiation sickness? 392 00:26:18,493 --> 00:26:21,662 We're paying a heavy price for our foolishness. 393 00:26:21,871 --> 00:26:24,748 Logic has not won this day. 394 00:26:25,083 --> 00:26:28,335 But this day won't last forever. 395 00:26:29,254 --> 00:26:32,715 Logic is at the heart of every Vulcan. 396 00:26:32,924 --> 00:26:37,970 Even as the ashes fall, my people are discovering a new way. 397 00:26:38,179 --> 00:26:41,599 You can accomplish what Syrran could not. 398 00:26:41,808 --> 00:26:42,850 But... 399 00:26:43,018 --> 00:26:48,772 Syrran was a Vulcan and you're human, 400 00:26:48,940 --> 00:26:50,983 which means you are untouched by a culture 401 00:26:51,192 --> 00:26:54,820 that can no longer see its own imminent destruction. 402 00:26:55,030 --> 00:26:59,658 We cannot let what happened to the Vulcans in my time take place again. 403 00:27:02,787 --> 00:27:06,290 Find what my people have lost. 404 00:27:09,628 --> 00:27:11,253 [GROANING] 405 00:27:11,421 --> 00:27:15,424 Find the Kir'Shara. 406 00:27:20,680 --> 00:27:22,014 T'POL: Captain. 407 00:27:23,350 --> 00:27:24,933 I failed. 408 00:27:28,855 --> 00:27:31,440 Surak chooses to remain where he is. 409 00:27:48,500 --> 00:27:50,042 The satellite's been disabled. 410 00:27:50,251 --> 00:27:52,211 You've got six minutes to get through. 411 00:27:52,420 --> 00:27:54,755 Travis, it's all yours. 412 00:27:58,301 --> 00:28:01,470 Probably should have skipped breakfast this morning. 413 00:28:02,347 --> 00:28:04,598 - They're through. - We're losing contact. 414 00:28:05,392 --> 00:28:07,351 These thermals are only going to get stronger. 415 00:28:07,519 --> 00:28:09,228 [WEAPONS FIRING] 416 00:28:09,688 --> 00:28:11,563 That was no thermal. 417 00:28:19,614 --> 00:28:21,323 The plasma-cannons are still working, 418 00:28:21,533 --> 00:28:23,909 but I can't say the same for the targeting sensors. 419 00:28:24,119 --> 00:28:26,704 We must be getting close to the geomagnetic field. 420 00:28:28,206 --> 00:28:30,040 It doesn't seem to be affecting them. 421 00:28:30,250 --> 00:28:31,667 They must have better shielding. 422 00:28:32,168 --> 00:28:33,711 I'll have to aim manually. 423 00:28:33,920 --> 00:28:35,587 Can you get us on their tail? 424 00:28:46,307 --> 00:28:48,225 They're still below us. 425 00:28:48,393 --> 00:28:49,435 [ALARM BEEPING] 426 00:28:49,602 --> 00:28:51,145 We've lost part of the starboard wing. 427 00:28:51,354 --> 00:28:54,314 - We have to abort. - I think I can get us down. 428 00:28:54,524 --> 00:28:56,024 You won't be able to get us back up. 429 00:28:57,068 --> 00:28:58,235 Thrusters are offline. 430 00:28:58,445 --> 00:29:01,447 We'll have to fire the chemical rockets. Hang on. 431 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:05,117 They've been fired on. 432 00:29:05,326 --> 00:29:07,911 They took damage, but they're heading back to Enterprise. 433 00:29:08,121 --> 00:29:10,956 - I guess six minutes wasn't enough. - They must have been monitoring us. 434 00:29:11,124 --> 00:29:12,416 [PANEL BEEPS] 435 00:29:12,584 --> 00:29:14,126 Three ships closing on our position. 436 00:29:14,294 --> 00:29:15,335 [PANEL BEEPS] 437 00:29:15,503 --> 00:29:17,838 We're being hailed. It's Administrator V'Las. 438 00:29:20,592 --> 00:29:22,593 Why did you launch a shuttlepod? 439 00:29:22,802 --> 00:29:24,094 Why the hell did you fire on it? 440 00:29:24,304 --> 00:29:26,638 You had no authorization. Answer the question. 441 00:29:27,474 --> 00:29:29,016 We're looking for our captain. 442 00:29:29,726 --> 00:29:31,435 Archer's on the surface? 443 00:29:31,644 --> 00:29:35,355 He's in The Forge, searching for the Syrrannites. 444 00:29:35,565 --> 00:29:37,483 You were ordered to leave orbit. 445 00:29:38,568 --> 00:29:40,736 I advised them to stay. 446 00:29:42,071 --> 00:29:46,366 I assume you assisted in disabling the security satellite. 447 00:29:47,035 --> 00:29:48,452 I gave them the code. 448 00:29:51,581 --> 00:29:53,248 Commander Tucker, 449 00:29:54,584 --> 00:29:56,919 you're to break orbit immediately. 450 00:29:57,128 --> 00:29:59,004 We're not leaving without the captain. 451 00:29:59,214 --> 00:30:01,757 You will leave immediately, 452 00:30:01,966 --> 00:30:05,511 or I'll order my ships to open fire. 453 00:30:25,073 --> 00:30:26,532 T'LES: How is he? 454 00:30:29,035 --> 00:30:31,745 His breathing has stabilized. 455 00:30:32,872 --> 00:30:35,082 But his fever's still high. 456 00:30:38,795 --> 00:30:40,921 He agreed to the ritual. 457 00:30:42,715 --> 00:30:44,633 If he hadn't, you would have forced him. 458 00:30:47,720 --> 00:30:51,098 You claim that Surak's teachings have been corrupted by the High Command, 459 00:30:52,100 --> 00:30:53,475 but you're no different. 460 00:30:54,435 --> 00:30:56,311 There is a profound difference. 461 00:30:56,521 --> 00:31:00,232 - You deceive yourself. - T'Pol. 462 00:31:02,777 --> 00:31:05,404 I shouldn't have come here looking for you. 463 00:31:06,406 --> 00:31:09,032 And I don't want anything more to do with you. 464 00:31:11,411 --> 00:31:13,245 If that's your wish. 465 00:31:18,710 --> 00:31:20,210 How long have I been out? 466 00:31:20,420 --> 00:31:21,545 More than three hours. 467 00:31:22,839 --> 00:31:24,631 I feel like 468 00:31:25,258 --> 00:31:29,636 I just pulled my head out of a plasma relay. 469 00:31:29,846 --> 00:31:31,555 You should rest. 470 00:31:45,445 --> 00:31:47,154 ARCHER: The Kir'Shara. 471 00:31:48,281 --> 00:31:49,656 What do you know about it? 472 00:31:50,533 --> 00:31:52,701 It was important to Surak. 473 00:31:54,871 --> 00:31:56,163 And it's in there. 474 00:31:57,415 --> 00:32:00,167 - What's a Kir'Shara? T'PAU: An artifact. 475 00:32:00,376 --> 00:32:02,836 - Syrran led us here to find it. - If he knows where it is... 476 00:32:03,004 --> 00:32:05,088 Telescopes have sighted three Vulcan cruisers 477 00:32:05,256 --> 00:32:07,007 in orbit over The Forge. 478 00:32:07,216 --> 00:32:08,717 The High Command knows we're here. 479 00:32:08,927 --> 00:32:10,844 We should evacuate immediately. 480 00:32:11,054 --> 00:32:12,721 Give the order. 481 00:32:15,683 --> 00:32:16,725 I can find it. 482 00:32:19,270 --> 00:32:20,479 [MUFFLED EXPLOSION] 483 00:32:20,647 --> 00:32:23,190 That one missed us by 20 meters. 484 00:32:23,399 --> 00:32:26,276 Tactical Alert. Polarize hull plating. 485 00:32:27,195 --> 00:32:29,529 How many warning shots do Vulcans usually fire? 486 00:32:30,323 --> 00:32:31,448 None. 487 00:32:31,658 --> 00:32:32,699 [PANEL BEEPS] 488 00:32:32,867 --> 00:32:34,576 V'Las. 489 00:32:36,788 --> 00:32:39,665 I'm running out of patience, commander. 490 00:32:39,874 --> 00:32:41,500 We've been over this. 491 00:32:41,709 --> 00:32:44,544 Our captain and first officer are down there. 492 00:32:44,754 --> 00:32:47,547 We'll make sure they're returned to you. 493 00:32:48,216 --> 00:32:50,676 Break orbit now. 494 00:32:53,304 --> 00:32:55,180 You really think he'll do it? 495 00:32:56,099 --> 00:32:59,017 V'Las will do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal. 496 00:33:02,230 --> 00:33:05,148 Vulcan and Earth have been allies for a hundred years. 497 00:33:05,358 --> 00:33:07,484 Syrrannites must have seen our ships by now. 498 00:33:07,694 --> 00:33:11,071 If they evacuate into The Forge, they'll be extremely hard to track. 499 00:33:11,280 --> 00:33:13,365 We can't wait any longer. 500 00:33:14,742 --> 00:33:17,953 Drive Enterprise from orbit. Use all necessary force. 501 00:33:18,162 --> 00:33:20,163 VULCAN [OVER COM]: Yes, Excellency. 502 00:33:27,672 --> 00:33:28,964 Phase-cannons. Return fire. 503 00:33:31,676 --> 00:33:34,428 The Vulcan ships are firing on Enterprise. 504 00:33:35,054 --> 00:33:37,264 - We could be next. - Take charge of the evacuation. 505 00:33:37,432 --> 00:33:39,599 We'll meet you on The Forge as soon as we can. 506 00:33:39,767 --> 00:33:40,809 You can't stay here. 507 00:33:42,020 --> 00:33:43,854 I've spent two years searching for the artifact. 508 00:33:44,022 --> 00:33:46,231 If there's a chance of finding it... 509 00:33:47,275 --> 00:33:48,734 T'Pol? 510 00:33:50,069 --> 00:33:51,153 I'm staying. 511 00:33:52,613 --> 00:33:54,322 Go. 512 00:33:58,119 --> 00:33:59,995 [THUNDER CRASHES] 513 00:34:12,425 --> 00:34:14,426 [ALARM BEEPING] 514 00:34:14,594 --> 00:34:16,344 Re-route emergency power to phase-cannons. 515 00:34:16,554 --> 00:34:18,388 HOSHI: Hull breach on C-Deck. 516 00:34:18,598 --> 00:34:20,474 They're reporting casualties. 517 00:34:20,683 --> 00:34:23,477 - V'Las is hailing, audio only. - Put him through. 518 00:34:25,104 --> 00:34:26,897 V'LAS [OVER COM]: You're hopelessly outgunned. 519 00:34:27,065 --> 00:34:30,108 Weapons are offline, engines failing. 520 00:34:30,318 --> 00:34:33,487 Don't force me to destroy your ship. 521 00:34:34,447 --> 00:34:37,699 He's right. We should withdraw. 522 00:34:37,909 --> 00:34:40,327 Our deaths won't help Captain Archer or T'Pol. 523 00:34:42,997 --> 00:34:44,748 Get us the hell out of here. 524 00:34:45,625 --> 00:34:49,127 The moment Enterprise is beyond scanner range, 525 00:34:49,337 --> 00:34:51,546 begin bombardment of the compound. 526 00:34:51,756 --> 00:34:53,673 VULCAN [OVER COM]: Yes, Excellency. 527 00:35:22,954 --> 00:35:24,496 T'Klaas. 528 00:35:25,248 --> 00:35:29,167 He was a student of Surak, one of the first kolinahr masters. 529 00:35:32,088 --> 00:35:34,089 There's no inscription. 530 00:35:34,757 --> 00:35:36,925 Nothing to indicate his bloodline. 531 00:35:37,135 --> 00:35:39,219 How do you know his name? 532 00:35:41,222 --> 00:35:42,305 We're getting close. 533 00:35:42,473 --> 00:35:44,558 [WEAPONS FIRE AND EXPLOSIONS] 534 00:35:44,725 --> 00:35:46,768 They've begun their assault. 535 00:35:56,863 --> 00:35:58,321 It's here. 536 00:36:32,773 --> 00:36:34,816 [WEAPONS FIRE AND EXPLOSIONS CONTINUE] 537 00:36:45,161 --> 00:36:48,163 I had my doubts whether it really existed. 538 00:36:51,918 --> 00:36:53,251 Let's go. 539 00:37:00,384 --> 00:37:01,968 This way. 540 00:37:09,185 --> 00:37:10,227 Report. 541 00:37:10,436 --> 00:37:12,145 VULCAN [OVER COM]: Geomagnetic interference. 542 00:37:12,313 --> 00:37:13,355 We can't get a target lock. 543 00:37:13,773 --> 00:37:15,148 Blanket the area. 544 00:37:16,192 --> 00:37:18,276 [EXPLOSIONS AND RUMBLING] 545 00:37:30,539 --> 00:37:31,790 [ARCHER YELLS] 546 00:37:51,644 --> 00:37:53,061 [GRUNTS] 547 00:38:11,580 --> 00:38:13,748 VULCAN [OVER COM]: The sanctuary has been destroyed. 548 00:38:13,958 --> 00:38:15,667 Comb the desert. 549 00:38:16,294 --> 00:38:18,962 - Make sure there are no survivors. VULCAN: Affirmative. 550 00:38:19,171 --> 00:38:21,006 You're presiding over a massacre. 551 00:38:21,215 --> 00:38:24,676 We are eliminating a threat. 552 00:38:28,973 --> 00:38:30,598 Are you all right? 553 00:38:32,101 --> 00:38:33,727 I'm fine. 554 00:38:34,312 --> 00:38:36,146 We should keep moving. 555 00:38:44,322 --> 00:38:46,448 [ROCKS GRINDING AND WOMAN GRUNTING NEARBY] 556 00:38:46,949 --> 00:38:48,241 Captain. 557 00:39:11,390 --> 00:39:13,141 T'Pol. 558 00:39:13,351 --> 00:39:16,269 I was afraid you were still inside. 559 00:39:17,772 --> 00:39:19,356 It's all right. 560 00:39:20,775 --> 00:39:22,734 We found the Kir'Shara. 561 00:39:26,405 --> 00:39:29,324 You have always struggled so with your emotions. 562 00:39:30,493 --> 00:39:32,452 I came here, 563 00:39:32,661 --> 00:39:34,662 I did all this to help you. 564 00:39:37,833 --> 00:39:39,167 I don't understand. 565 00:39:40,044 --> 00:39:41,461 You will. 566 00:39:44,840 --> 00:39:46,216 Mother... 567 00:39:49,845 --> 00:39:52,305 I've always been so proud of you. 568 00:39:53,140 --> 00:39:54,849 My T'Pol. 569 00:40:02,733 --> 00:40:04,234 Mother. 570 00:40:19,708 --> 00:40:22,043 I understand we suffered casualties. 571 00:40:22,253 --> 00:40:23,753 Injuries. 572 00:40:24,255 --> 00:40:25,630 Two of them serious. 573 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:28,842 I share your concern about Captain Archer and T'Pol. 574 00:40:29,260 --> 00:40:30,969 They've been in tough jams before. 575 00:40:33,389 --> 00:40:35,765 What does the High Command have against the Syrrannites? 576 00:40:37,184 --> 00:40:39,644 Went to a lot of trouble to frame them for the embassy bombing. 577 00:40:39,812 --> 00:40:44,232 The Syrrannites believe violence to be antithetical to Surak's teachings. 578 00:40:44,442 --> 00:40:46,443 So they're pacifists. 579 00:40:46,902 --> 00:40:50,905 V'Las considers that a dangerous mindset, particularly now. 580 00:40:51,115 --> 00:40:52,282 What do you mean? 581 00:40:53,534 --> 00:40:56,161 The High Command is planning to attack Andoria. 582 00:40:57,079 --> 00:40:58,371 Wait, wait. 583 00:40:58,581 --> 00:41:02,125 Vulcan and Andoria signed a peace treaty two years ago. 584 00:41:02,334 --> 00:41:04,002 Captain Archer helped negotiate it. 585 00:41:04,587 --> 00:41:08,423 Vulcan intelligence claims the Andorians are developing a weapon, 586 00:41:08,632 --> 00:41:10,884 possibly based on Xindi technology. 587 00:41:11,343 --> 00:41:12,469 You don't believe it? 588 00:41:12,678 --> 00:41:16,389 I suspect V'Las is using the claim to advance an agenda. 589 00:41:16,599 --> 00:41:20,185 He's persuaded the High Command to launch a pre-emptive strike. 590 00:41:20,394 --> 00:41:22,520 He's gonna start an interstellar war. 591 00:41:22,730 --> 00:41:25,690 One that could devastate Andoria and Vulcan, 592 00:41:25,900 --> 00:41:28,902 and eventually involve other worlds, 593 00:41:29,111 --> 00:41:30,570 including Earth. 594 00:41:34,492 --> 00:41:37,327 - Set a course for Andoria. - Andoria? 595 00:41:39,538 --> 00:42:48,523 Maximum warp.