1 00:00:02,711 --> 00:00:04,336 NARRATOR: Previously, on Enterprise: 2 00:00:05,088 --> 00:00:06,797 ARCHER: Admiral Forrest has been killed. 3 00:00:07,215 --> 00:00:11,051 Syrrannites were responsible, and they'll be dealt with accordingly. 4 00:00:11,261 --> 00:00:13,804 Your position is terminated immediately. 5 00:00:16,182 --> 00:00:18,642 ARCHER: Surak. - You're seeing the past 6 00:00:18,852 --> 00:00:20,519 through my eyes. 7 00:00:20,729 --> 00:00:23,147 The culture you've come to know isn't the one I helped create. 8 00:00:23,314 --> 00:00:26,025 ARCHER: Syrran did something to me before he died. 9 00:00:26,192 --> 00:00:27,276 SURAK: He chose you. 10 00:00:27,694 --> 00:00:28,902 [T'PAU GASPS] 11 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:31,655 He has Surak's katra. 12 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:34,950 We can't reach them, and they can't reach us. 13 00:00:35,118 --> 00:00:36,410 They may be in grave danger. 14 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:39,329 Find what my people have lost. 15 00:00:39,956 --> 00:00:41,623 Find the Kir'Shara. 16 00:00:44,044 --> 00:00:45,419 Blanket the area. 17 00:00:45,587 --> 00:00:47,463 Use all necessary force. 18 00:00:47,630 --> 00:00:49,590 Make sure there are no survivors. 19 00:00:49,758 --> 00:00:51,341 You're presiding over a massacre. 20 00:00:51,801 --> 00:00:54,344 The High Command is planning to attack Andoria. 21 00:00:54,512 --> 00:00:56,555 He's gonna start an interstellar war. 22 00:00:56,931 --> 00:00:59,558 Set a course for Andoria. Maximum warp. 23 00:00:59,726 --> 00:01:01,977 NARRATOR: And now the conclusion. 24 00:01:02,145 --> 00:01:04,271 V'LAS: The Andorians have deployed most of their fleet 25 00:01:04,439 --> 00:01:07,107 in defensive positions around Paan Mokar. 26 00:01:07,650 --> 00:01:10,277 We gave them that planet when we signed the treaty. 27 00:01:10,445 --> 00:01:12,654 Why would they move their forces there? 28 00:01:12,822 --> 00:01:14,698 They believe we're preparing to retake it. 29 00:01:14,866 --> 00:01:16,450 We've been using unmanned probes 30 00:01:16,618 --> 00:01:19,453 to generate false warp signatures in that system. 31 00:01:19,621 --> 00:01:21,705 Why weren't we informed of this? 32 00:01:21,873 --> 00:01:26,627 It's possible that Andorian agents have penetrated the High Command. 33 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:30,255 It's necessary to limit access to this information. 34 00:01:31,549 --> 00:01:34,343 Our forces are actually stationed here, 35 00:01:34,511 --> 00:01:37,262 preparing to launch an invasion of Andoria. 36 00:01:37,430 --> 00:01:39,807 There are members of the Council who are not convinced 37 00:01:39,974 --> 00:01:42,935 an invasion is necessary at this time. 38 00:01:43,103 --> 00:01:45,187 We know they have the Xindi technology. 39 00:01:45,355 --> 00:01:46,855 You've all seen the data. 40 00:01:47,023 --> 00:01:48,315 Data can be falsified. 41 00:01:51,111 --> 00:01:54,071 V'LAS: We received this sensor telemetry two days ago. 42 00:01:54,239 --> 00:01:58,659 It was recorded by the Andorian ship that stole the Xindi prototype. 43 00:02:04,999 --> 00:02:08,252 Our operatives tell us the prototype was taken back to Andoria 44 00:02:08,419 --> 00:02:10,087 where it was disassembled. 45 00:02:10,255 --> 00:02:13,090 We have reason to believe the Imperial Guard 46 00:02:13,258 --> 00:02:16,802 plans to equip their vessels with similar weaponry. 47 00:02:16,970 --> 00:02:18,846 Do you have evidence of this? 48 00:02:19,013 --> 00:02:23,142 They didn't steal the prototype because they were merely curious. 49 00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:25,060 I'm certain of one thing: 50 00:02:25,228 --> 00:02:29,648 Sooner or later, the Andorians will make use of this technology. 51 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:34,653 Is it logical for us to wait for that day? 52 00:04:06,246 --> 00:04:08,538 We've sent word to the Syrrannites in the mountains. 53 00:04:08,706 --> 00:04:09,957 They'll care for the wounded. 54 00:04:10,124 --> 00:04:12,000 - How far to the capital? - Two days. 55 00:04:12,168 --> 00:04:15,212 We need to get back to Enterprise, tell Starfleet what we've learned 56 00:04:15,380 --> 00:04:18,715 - about the embassy bombing. - We have a more important mission. 57 00:04:18,883 --> 00:04:20,926 We've got to get this to the capital. 58 00:04:21,094 --> 00:04:22,594 I don't understand. 59 00:04:22,762 --> 00:04:24,972 The Kir'Shara contains Surak's original writings. 60 00:04:25,139 --> 00:04:28,350 It's the only surviving record of his true teachings. 61 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:31,311 It would have an enormous impact on the High Command 62 00:04:31,479 --> 00:04:33,563 and all of Vulcan. 63 00:04:42,365 --> 00:04:43,865 REED: I've got two teams working on it. 64 00:04:44,033 --> 00:04:45,867 Both launchers should be online in a few hours. 65 00:04:46,035 --> 00:04:47,369 Anything else? 66 00:04:48,997 --> 00:04:50,414 Permission to speak freely. 67 00:04:53,626 --> 00:04:56,878 Admiral Gardner ordered us to return to Earth. 68 00:04:57,046 --> 00:05:00,048 Yet we've set a course for Andorian territory. 69 00:05:00,216 --> 00:05:04,052 We are going back. We're just taking a small detour first. 70 00:05:05,346 --> 00:05:08,890 Have you told Starfleet you're planning to warn the Andorians? 71 00:05:09,225 --> 00:05:10,267 No. 72 00:05:11,602 --> 00:05:14,688 Have you any idea what the admiral will do when he finds out? 73 00:05:14,856 --> 00:05:18,150 I'll save you a seat at my court martial. Is there anything else? 74 00:05:18,318 --> 00:05:21,778 The Vulcans have legitimate reasons for launching this strike. 75 00:05:21,946 --> 00:05:25,699 If we alert the Andorians, we will be betraying our closest ally. 76 00:05:25,867 --> 00:05:29,202 I'm trying to prevent a war, Malcolm, a war that Earth could get drawn into. 77 00:05:29,370 --> 00:05:33,457 With all due respect, sir, we shouldn't get involved. 78 00:05:33,624 --> 00:05:35,334 We're already involved. 79 00:05:35,501 --> 00:05:37,044 [DOOR CHIMES] 80 00:05:37,211 --> 00:05:38,795 Come in. 81 00:05:40,465 --> 00:05:41,548 That'll be all, lieutenant. 82 00:05:41,716 --> 00:05:43,592 - Sir. - Dismissed. 83 00:05:53,644 --> 00:05:55,103 You asked for me, commander? 84 00:05:55,271 --> 00:05:56,313 I've been thinking. 85 00:05:56,898 --> 00:05:59,900 There's no guarantee the Imperial Guard's gonna believe us. 86 00:06:00,068 --> 00:06:03,111 We've got no evidence your people are planning this attack. 87 00:06:03,279 --> 00:06:06,198 But there is one Andorian who might trust us. 88 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:08,575 At least he does some of the time. 89 00:06:08,743 --> 00:06:09,826 Commander Shran. 90 00:06:09,994 --> 00:06:12,204 Problem is, I have no idea how to find him. 91 00:06:13,748 --> 00:06:15,749 I may be able to help. 92 00:06:16,959 --> 00:06:18,168 Good. 93 00:06:20,421 --> 00:06:23,382 Lieutenant Reed appeared unsettled. 94 00:06:24,467 --> 00:06:27,677 Some of the crew are wondering if I'm doing the right thing. 95 00:06:28,679 --> 00:06:30,430 Can't say I blame them. 96 00:06:30,598 --> 00:06:32,391 I'm not so sure myself. 97 00:06:32,558 --> 00:06:36,436 I have no doubt Captain Archer would pursue the same course of action. 98 00:06:38,481 --> 00:06:40,649 That's what I keep telling myself. 99 00:06:48,282 --> 00:06:51,410 Enterprise will be scanning for us at the transport coordinates. 100 00:06:51,577 --> 00:06:52,786 One of us should go there. 101 00:06:52,954 --> 00:06:54,663 It's too dangerous. We're staying together. 102 00:06:54,831 --> 00:06:58,041 Taking the artifact to the High Command will accomplish nothing. 103 00:06:58,209 --> 00:07:00,127 It might be the only thing that can stop the war. 104 00:07:00,294 --> 00:07:02,963 - What war? - Between Vulcan and Andoria. 105 00:07:03,131 --> 00:07:06,716 We settled our dispute with the Andorians nearly two years ago. 106 00:07:06,884 --> 00:07:09,010 V'Las was just stalling for time. 107 00:07:09,178 --> 00:07:11,888 He's been preparing a large-scale attack ever since. 108 00:07:12,056 --> 00:07:14,641 Where did you get this information? 109 00:07:15,351 --> 00:07:17,102 Where do you think? 110 00:07:19,689 --> 00:07:23,608 Assuming for the moment you possess Surak's katra, 111 00:07:23,776 --> 00:07:25,694 he's been dead for centuries. 112 00:07:25,862 --> 00:07:28,280 How could he be aware of plans for a war? 113 00:07:28,448 --> 00:07:32,159 Some of Syrran's memories must have been transferred in the meld. 114 00:07:34,036 --> 00:07:35,620 Captain. 115 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:37,664 You think I've lost my mind? 116 00:07:37,832 --> 00:07:41,376 I'm not certain your mind is the one making these decisions. 117 00:07:44,213 --> 00:07:45,964 We should return to the ship. 118 00:07:46,132 --> 00:07:48,258 T'Pau can take the artifact to the capital. 119 00:07:48,426 --> 00:07:50,469 I was chosen for this. 120 00:07:50,636 --> 00:07:51,761 Chosen? 121 00:07:51,929 --> 00:07:54,347 Interesting choice of words. 122 00:07:54,891 --> 00:07:57,976 If I were in your shoes, I'd be just as skeptical. 123 00:07:59,103 --> 00:08:02,522 I'm not possessed, and I'm not delusional. 124 00:08:02,690 --> 00:08:05,400 There are forces at work on your world right now 125 00:08:05,568 --> 00:08:08,737 trying to undo everything Surak taught your people. 126 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:12,365 If we fail, Vulcan will be consumed by them. 127 00:08:12,533 --> 00:08:14,993 That's why we have to get this thing to the capital. 128 00:08:15,161 --> 00:08:17,204 And I'm gonna need all three of us to try and find... 129 00:08:17,371 --> 00:08:19,789 Archer. Don't move. 130 00:08:21,375 --> 00:08:22,959 Gallicite deposits. 131 00:08:23,127 --> 00:08:26,087 Are you in possession of anything metallic? 132 00:08:28,007 --> 00:08:29,633 Just this. 133 00:08:37,934 --> 00:08:39,893 Thanks for the warning. 134 00:08:45,316 --> 00:08:47,025 Our patrol has returned. 135 00:08:47,193 --> 00:08:49,486 They captured eight Syrrannites from the sanctuary. 136 00:08:49,654 --> 00:08:50,862 Was Syrran among them? 137 00:08:51,030 --> 00:08:53,406 No. He is dead. 138 00:08:53,574 --> 00:08:56,034 The Syrrannites say that there were three other survivors, 139 00:08:56,202 --> 00:08:58,703 including a human. 140 00:08:59,247 --> 00:09:00,372 Archer. 141 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:03,333 They say that he is carrying the Kir'Shara. 142 00:09:03,501 --> 00:09:05,961 The Kir'Shara never existed. 143 00:09:06,128 --> 00:09:08,421 There are scholars who believe it does 144 00:09:08,589 --> 00:09:11,007 and that it was hidden in the Forge. 145 00:09:11,175 --> 00:09:15,345 The Syrrannites claim that they are following the true path of Surak. 146 00:09:15,513 --> 00:09:18,598 If the Kir'Shara is real, it could prove them right. 147 00:09:18,766 --> 00:09:20,850 It doesn't exist! 148 00:09:22,353 --> 00:09:25,730 You've been listening to Syrrannite propaganda. 149 00:09:26,023 --> 00:09:28,275 That will be all, minister. 150 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:49,921 Sub-lieutenant, order Major Talok to find the remaining Syrrannites. 151 00:09:50,089 --> 00:09:53,633 We're dealing with radical insurgents. 152 00:09:55,177 --> 00:09:57,554 They're to be eradicated. 153 00:09:58,139 --> 00:10:00,724 Do I make myself clear? 154 00:10:08,983 --> 00:10:10,859 Open a channel. 155 00:10:11,527 --> 00:10:14,195 - To who? - The nebula. 156 00:10:18,909 --> 00:10:20,452 This is Ambassador Soval. 157 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:22,287 I've come on an urgent mission. 158 00:10:22,455 --> 00:10:25,290 I must speak with Commander Shran. 159 00:10:28,169 --> 00:10:31,338 The High Command has decrypted your security protocols. 160 00:10:31,505 --> 00:10:35,884 We're well aware that your task force has been hiding in this nebula. 161 00:10:37,637 --> 00:10:39,971 Maybe your information's out of date. 162 00:10:40,348 --> 00:10:42,098 He's in there. 163 00:10:44,935 --> 00:10:47,354 This is Commander Tucker of Enterprise. 164 00:10:47,521 --> 00:10:50,940 We've got some information you're gonna want to hear. 165 00:10:51,567 --> 00:10:53,777 [PANEL BEEPS] 166 00:10:53,944 --> 00:10:55,362 Sir. 167 00:11:01,369 --> 00:11:02,494 We're being hailed. 168 00:11:05,331 --> 00:11:07,582 Commander Tucker. 169 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:09,918 You have a poor choice of friends. 170 00:11:12,838 --> 00:11:14,214 An invasion? 171 00:11:14,382 --> 00:11:15,799 That's correct. 172 00:11:15,966 --> 00:11:17,967 We keep a very close eye on your fleet. 173 00:11:18,135 --> 00:11:20,303 We'd know if the High Command were preparing to attack. 174 00:11:20,471 --> 00:11:22,972 V'Las has been assembling ships near Regulus, 175 00:11:23,140 --> 00:11:25,558 beyond the range of your listening stations. 176 00:11:25,726 --> 00:11:28,436 Your leaders may be fools, but they're not suicidal. 177 00:11:28,604 --> 00:11:31,147 They know we will respond. 178 00:11:31,315 --> 00:11:33,274 They were told you're adapting Xindi weaponry, 179 00:11:33,442 --> 00:11:35,443 and that you're planning to use it against Vulcan. 180 00:11:35,611 --> 00:11:36,653 That's absurd. 181 00:11:36,821 --> 00:11:39,823 Captain Archer destroyed the Xindi prototype before we could examine it. 182 00:11:39,990 --> 00:11:42,909 That fact was conveniently omitted. 183 00:11:43,077 --> 00:11:45,537 You people are so used to lying, 184 00:11:45,705 --> 00:11:48,081 you don't even tell the truth to each other. 185 00:11:48,249 --> 00:11:50,875 How do I know you weren't sent here as a diversion? 186 00:11:51,043 --> 00:11:52,168 You don't. 187 00:11:52,336 --> 00:11:56,172 Do you have any idea what will happen 188 00:11:56,340 --> 00:11:58,633 when the Imperial Guard retaliates? 189 00:11:59,301 --> 00:12:02,053 It will be a disaster for both our worlds. 190 00:12:02,221 --> 00:12:06,057 Which is why you must convince them to intercept our fleet. 191 00:12:07,643 --> 00:12:11,062 You're betraying your own people by telling me this. 192 00:12:11,230 --> 00:12:14,190 - I'm aware of that. - Why are you doing it? 193 00:12:15,234 --> 00:12:17,986 The High Command is counting on the element of surprise. 194 00:12:18,154 --> 00:12:23,199 If they meet resistance, I believe V'Las will be forced to call off the invasion. 195 00:12:26,829 --> 00:12:30,957 When does this invasion begin? 196 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:32,625 Soon. 197 00:12:32,793 --> 00:12:35,795 That's the best you can give me, "soon"? 198 00:12:35,963 --> 00:12:37,547 SOVAL: Yes. 199 00:12:39,008 --> 00:12:40,842 And you believe him, pink skin? 200 00:12:41,010 --> 00:12:43,178 I wouldn't be here if I didn't. 201 00:12:52,313 --> 00:12:55,023 I'll need to consult with my superiors. 202 00:12:55,357 --> 00:12:57,525 I suggest you do it fast. 203 00:13:11,665 --> 00:13:13,333 T'POL: That's the fourth patrol today. 204 00:13:13,876 --> 00:13:16,169 There's an extensive security grid around the capital. 205 00:13:16,337 --> 00:13:18,421 It's unlikely we'll get past it. 206 00:13:18,589 --> 00:13:20,340 We'll find a way. 207 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:22,550 Surak will help us. 208 00:13:25,721 --> 00:13:28,097 You don't believe in the katra. 209 00:13:28,808 --> 00:13:31,184 It's irrelevant what I believe. 210 00:13:31,477 --> 00:13:33,269 The captain could be permanently injured 211 00:13:33,437 --> 00:13:35,146 if we don't get him to a doctor soon. 212 00:13:35,314 --> 00:13:37,524 He doesn't need a physician, he needs a priest. 213 00:13:37,691 --> 00:13:40,527 One experienced with katras. 214 00:13:44,281 --> 00:13:48,493 It's irrational that we're following someone in his state of mind. 215 00:13:49,203 --> 00:13:52,288 What if he dies before we can get help? 216 00:13:55,501 --> 00:13:57,377 I apologize. 217 00:13:58,212 --> 00:14:01,506 My mother's death has affected me more than I realized. 218 00:14:01,674 --> 00:14:04,008 It was a great loss. 219 00:14:04,468 --> 00:14:08,596 We disagreed frequently, but I valued her counsel. 220 00:14:10,015 --> 00:14:14,143 I could allow you to experience what she shared with me. 221 00:14:16,230 --> 00:14:18,314 You melded with her? 222 00:14:21,861 --> 00:14:23,236 I cannot meld. 223 00:14:23,404 --> 00:14:24,863 I would initiate it. 224 00:14:26,365 --> 00:14:28,575 That's not what I mean. 225 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:31,953 I was forced 226 00:14:32,413 --> 00:14:35,498 to participate in a meld several years ago. 227 00:14:35,749 --> 00:14:38,626 I was infected with a neural disease. 228 00:14:39,003 --> 00:14:40,962 Pa'nar Syndrome. 229 00:14:42,047 --> 00:14:43,631 Do you still suffer from it? 230 00:14:44,633 --> 00:14:46,301 There's no cure. 231 00:14:46,468 --> 00:14:49,637 Another lie perpetrated by the High Command. 232 00:14:49,805 --> 00:14:52,765 Pa'nar has been known since Surak's time. 233 00:14:52,933 --> 00:14:56,728 It's caused by melders who have been improperly trained. 234 00:14:56,896 --> 00:15:00,732 One with great experience can correct the neurological imbalance. 235 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:02,817 Is there something you can do? 236 00:15:12,870 --> 00:15:15,163 My mind to your mind. 237 00:15:15,915 --> 00:15:18,374 My thoughts to your thoughts. 238 00:15:19,752 --> 00:15:22,045 Our minds are merging. 239 00:15:25,341 --> 00:15:27,842 Our minds are one. 240 00:15:33,390 --> 00:15:35,183 OFFICER [OVER COM]: Bridge to Commander Shran. 241 00:15:35,351 --> 00:15:36,392 This is Shran. 242 00:15:36,560 --> 00:15:39,979 OFFICER: We've isolated the Vulcan's bio-signature. He's alone. 243 00:15:40,147 --> 00:15:42,690 You're certain Enterprise won't detect the transport? 244 00:15:42,858 --> 00:15:44,943 OFFICER: All they'll see is a brief energy surge. 245 00:15:45,110 --> 00:15:47,612 They'll think it came from the nebula. 246 00:15:47,780 --> 00:15:49,405 Commander? 247 00:15:51,450 --> 00:15:54,285 - Energize when ready. - Yes, sir. 248 00:15:59,959 --> 00:16:01,834 Welcome aboard, ambassador. 249 00:16:08,592 --> 00:16:11,844 If you're expecting me to plead for mercy, you'll be waiting a long time. 250 00:16:12,012 --> 00:16:15,056 I simply want to know your fleet's actual location. 251 00:16:15,224 --> 00:16:16,683 I've already given it to you. 252 00:16:16,850 --> 00:16:20,895 Then consider this our way of confirming what you've told us. 253 00:16:21,271 --> 00:16:24,190 You didn't expect the Imperial Guard to mobilize its entire fleet 254 00:16:24,358 --> 00:16:28,569 based on nothing more than the word of one loyal Vulcan diplomat? 255 00:16:28,737 --> 00:16:33,157 We spent weeks arguing over details in our treaty negotiations. 256 00:16:33,325 --> 00:16:35,785 Did I ever mislead you? 257 00:16:35,953 --> 00:16:37,328 No. 258 00:16:38,455 --> 00:16:43,292 You must know that torture is rarely effective against Vulcans. 259 00:16:43,460 --> 00:16:46,004 Our mental disciplines allow us to suppress pain. 260 00:16:46,171 --> 00:16:48,840 Our security division has had a great deal of experience 261 00:16:49,008 --> 00:16:52,427 extracting information from Vulcan operatives. 262 00:16:52,594 --> 00:16:55,847 This machine doesn't cause physical discomfort. 263 00:16:56,015 --> 00:17:01,894 It uses a neuro-synaptic field to lower your emotional threshold. 264 00:17:07,693 --> 00:17:09,193 [GROANS] 265 00:17:09,361 --> 00:17:10,778 How do you feel? 266 00:17:10,988 --> 00:17:12,905 [WHIMPERING] 267 00:17:16,452 --> 00:17:21,122 I've seen Vulcans who were broken by this device. 268 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:22,623 They were never the same again. 269 00:17:22,791 --> 00:17:26,210 I have no desire to see that happen to you. 270 00:17:26,378 --> 00:17:28,337 Where is your fleet? 271 00:17:28,505 --> 00:17:31,090 I told you, our ships are assembling near Regulus. 272 00:17:36,638 --> 00:17:38,765 - Release me! - I can't. 273 00:17:38,932 --> 00:17:41,392 Not until I'm certain you've told us the truth. 274 00:17:41,977 --> 00:17:46,522 Then I suggest you increase the setting and get this over with! 275 00:17:51,153 --> 00:17:52,862 [YELLS] 276 00:17:53,781 --> 00:17:54,864 What is it? 277 00:17:55,032 --> 00:17:56,949 The ambassador seems to be missing. 278 00:17:57,367 --> 00:18:00,369 He's not in his quarters or anywhere on D-Deck. 279 00:18:01,538 --> 00:18:03,372 Tucker to Soval. 280 00:18:04,666 --> 00:18:06,876 Ambassador, please respond. 281 00:18:08,504 --> 00:18:11,672 Internal sensors, scan for his bio-signs. 282 00:18:12,716 --> 00:18:14,342 He's not onboard. 283 00:18:18,055 --> 00:18:19,680 Scan the Andorian ships. 284 00:18:21,934 --> 00:18:25,394 There's a Vulcan signature on their lead ship. 285 00:18:25,562 --> 00:18:27,730 Go to tactical alert. Open a channel. 286 00:18:29,525 --> 00:18:31,067 This is Commander Tucker. 287 00:18:31,235 --> 00:18:33,694 We know Ambassador Soval's aboard your ship. 288 00:18:33,862 --> 00:18:35,947 I wanna speak with him now. 289 00:18:39,785 --> 00:18:41,828 Sir, the Andorians are moving toward the nebula. 290 00:18:41,995 --> 00:18:44,997 Target Shran's ship. Disable the engines. 291 00:18:54,633 --> 00:18:56,467 Navigation just went off-line. 292 00:18:56,635 --> 00:18:59,846 It's the particle flux in the nebula. It's overloading the sensors. 293 00:19:00,013 --> 00:19:02,431 - I've lost them. - Can we compensate for the flux? 294 00:19:04,017 --> 00:19:05,810 It'll take a few hours. 295 00:19:05,978 --> 00:19:07,645 You have the Bridge. 296 00:19:14,361 --> 00:19:16,696 Captain, you need to rest. 297 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:18,239 Thanks, but I'll be fine. 298 00:19:18,407 --> 00:19:21,033 The atmosphere is thinner than you're used to. 299 00:19:21,201 --> 00:19:23,619 If you don't stop soon, you'll collapse. 300 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:27,206 If you need a break, T'Pol, you should say so. 301 00:19:27,374 --> 00:19:29,584 I'm going to scout ahead. 302 00:19:37,885 --> 00:19:40,636 Have you had any more conversations with Surak? 303 00:19:40,804 --> 00:19:42,430 Not in a couple of hours. 304 00:19:43,807 --> 00:19:44,849 [CHUCKLES] 305 00:19:45,017 --> 00:19:46,934 Something's amusing? 306 00:19:47,102 --> 00:19:50,104 Of all the people who could have carried this katra... 307 00:19:50,647 --> 00:19:52,690 I doubt you were Syrran's first choice. 308 00:19:53,233 --> 00:19:55,151 Ever since the meld, 309 00:19:55,319 --> 00:19:58,404 I've felt more centered. 310 00:19:59,865 --> 00:20:01,782 It's hard to explain. 311 00:20:02,784 --> 00:20:04,452 My whole life, 312 00:20:04,620 --> 00:20:08,289 I've never really understood Vulcans, 313 00:20:08,790 --> 00:20:11,918 why they work so hard to suppress their emotions. 314 00:20:13,587 --> 00:20:15,963 Now it all seems to make sense. 315 00:20:16,340 --> 00:20:18,674 Next thing you know, I'll be taking up meditation. 316 00:20:19,509 --> 00:20:20,927 You might find it beneficial. 317 00:20:21,094 --> 00:20:22,637 [ARCHER CHUCKLES] 318 00:20:23,597 --> 00:20:25,556 After we get back, 319 00:20:26,141 --> 00:20:28,935 maybe you'll wanna take a closer look at the Syrrannites' philosophy. 320 00:20:30,312 --> 00:20:31,395 Why? 321 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:33,856 It was important to your mother. 322 00:20:34,024 --> 00:20:35,274 There might be something to it. 323 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:42,281 There are many groups who claim to follow the true path of Surak. 324 00:20:42,449 --> 00:20:44,909 I find no evidence that this one's any different. 325 00:20:45,077 --> 00:20:47,954 I would've thought you'd be more sympathetic to their cause. 326 00:20:48,705 --> 00:20:51,916 You never seemed too happy with the status quo around here. 327 00:20:52,084 --> 00:20:54,460 I may have had disagreements with the High Command, 328 00:20:54,628 --> 00:20:57,129 but that doesn't mean I'm going to join a radical faction. 329 00:20:58,507 --> 00:21:00,675 You signed up with Starfleet. 330 00:21:01,718 --> 00:21:05,221 A lot of Vulcans I've met consider us a radical faction. 331 00:21:06,890 --> 00:21:10,768 As a scientist, I just thought you might wanna keep an open mind. 332 00:21:10,936 --> 00:21:14,772 - This has nothing to do with science. T'PAU: Am I interrupting? 333 00:21:18,318 --> 00:21:19,819 No. 334 00:21:33,083 --> 00:21:37,378 - Let me out of here! - I can't. I'm sorry. Not yet. 335 00:21:37,546 --> 00:21:39,213 I'll tear the antenna from your skull! 336 00:21:39,715 --> 00:21:42,049 If this interrogation continues, 337 00:21:42,217 --> 00:21:45,261 your suppression system could be permanently damaged. 338 00:21:45,429 --> 00:21:46,721 Tell me what I wanna know! 339 00:21:47,222 --> 00:21:49,890 Aren't you enjoying this, commander? 340 00:21:50,058 --> 00:21:54,061 Have you imagined having me in this chair many times? 341 00:21:54,229 --> 00:21:56,814 That's not far from the truth. 342 00:21:56,982 --> 00:22:00,484 But after our rather lengthy peace talks, 343 00:22:00,652 --> 00:22:01,986 I came to trust you. 344 00:22:02,154 --> 00:22:03,696 Then trust me now. 345 00:22:04,239 --> 00:22:06,949 You would never betray your people. 346 00:22:07,117 --> 00:22:09,160 I'm trying to save them! 347 00:22:09,328 --> 00:22:11,329 [GRUNTING] 348 00:22:13,248 --> 00:22:15,291 Where is your fleet? 349 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:21,756 Do you know the story of Nirak? 350 00:22:23,342 --> 00:22:24,800 What? 351 00:22:24,968 --> 00:22:27,636 He was a soldier who lived a long time ago. 352 00:22:28,096 --> 00:22:32,516 He was standing watch over the gates of the city of Gol, 353 00:22:32,684 --> 00:22:35,519 and he saw a cloud on the horizon moving toward him. 354 00:22:37,105 --> 00:22:40,816 He thought it was a sandstorm, so he told no one. 355 00:22:40,984 --> 00:22:43,444 It was an army. 356 00:22:43,612 --> 00:22:47,948 They destroyed the city, but they let Nirak live. 357 00:22:48,116 --> 00:22:51,452 His name now means fool in our language, 358 00:22:51,620 --> 00:22:54,246 just as yours will in Andorian! 359 00:22:58,919 --> 00:23:01,087 [YELLING] 360 00:23:08,595 --> 00:23:10,721 Give the Kir'Shara to us. 361 00:23:10,889 --> 00:23:12,848 You won't be injured. 362 00:23:15,477 --> 00:23:18,062 This isn't your world, human. 363 00:24:17,664 --> 00:24:18,956 Archer! 364 00:24:19,124 --> 00:24:20,791 TALOK: Surrender and you won't be harmed. 365 00:24:22,586 --> 00:24:24,295 I'm not leaving her. 366 00:25:04,002 --> 00:25:07,505 - What the hell were you doing? - Protecting the Kir'Shara. 367 00:25:20,227 --> 00:25:22,561 Where are they taking the Kir'Shara? 368 00:25:27,317 --> 00:25:28,609 Mount Seleya. 369 00:25:29,277 --> 00:25:30,361 Why? 370 00:25:30,529 --> 00:25:34,490 Because the artifact contains Surak's original writings. 371 00:25:34,658 --> 00:25:37,535 Only the priests on Seleya can translate them. 372 00:25:38,828 --> 00:25:41,038 If you are deceiving me... 373 00:25:41,206 --> 00:25:43,374 I am a Syrrannite, we don't lie. 374 00:26:00,642 --> 00:26:02,142 I need to rest. 375 00:26:02,310 --> 00:26:05,646 If you're attempting to delay us, it won't work. We'll find your friends. 376 00:26:14,698 --> 00:26:15,739 You've changed. 377 00:26:17,701 --> 00:26:19,535 I served under you during the Tomet Mission. 378 00:26:20,787 --> 00:26:23,914 - You don't remember me. - That's a very long time ago. 379 00:26:24,749 --> 00:26:27,585 You were a fine officer then. 380 00:26:27,752 --> 00:26:29,169 Why did you betray us? 381 00:26:31,715 --> 00:26:33,674 They must have offered you something. 382 00:26:33,842 --> 00:26:35,884 Or perhaps you enjoy hiding bombs in embassies. 383 00:26:36,469 --> 00:26:38,137 We weren't responsible. 384 00:26:38,305 --> 00:26:40,556 Two of my men were killed in the embassy explosion. 385 00:26:40,724 --> 00:26:42,808 You have been misled. 386 00:26:42,976 --> 00:26:44,560 Syrrannites are peaceful. 387 00:26:45,145 --> 00:26:47,813 I have spared your life because you were once my superior. 388 00:26:48,273 --> 00:26:50,983 Your companions won't be so fortunate. 389 00:26:52,861 --> 00:26:54,653 OFFICER [OVER COM]: Bridge to Commander Shran. 390 00:26:54,821 --> 00:26:55,863 What is it? 391 00:26:56,031 --> 00:26:58,240 The general is asking for an update on the interrogation. 392 00:26:58,408 --> 00:27:00,200 Tell him I'll contact him when I'm ready. 393 00:27:00,368 --> 00:27:02,202 OFFICER: Acknowledged. 394 00:27:02,370 --> 00:27:03,954 [SOVAL CHUCKLING] 395 00:27:05,540 --> 00:27:07,916 You find this amusing? 396 00:27:08,668 --> 00:27:13,005 Ordinarily I wouldn't, but because of this device... 397 00:27:13,548 --> 00:27:18,052 There are three higher settings on that panel. 398 00:27:18,219 --> 00:27:20,596 If I use them... 399 00:27:21,765 --> 00:27:24,141 You're afraid to injure me. 400 00:27:24,851 --> 00:27:28,937 If I were you, I'd leave that detail out of your report to the general. 401 00:27:29,606 --> 00:27:32,399 Where is your fleet? 402 00:27:32,567 --> 00:27:35,486 I was a fool to think you'd listen. 403 00:27:35,654 --> 00:27:40,407 Perhaps the High Command was right. We'll be better off when Andoria falls. 404 00:27:40,575 --> 00:27:42,076 [WEAPONS FIRE] 405 00:27:42,786 --> 00:27:43,827 Report! 406 00:27:43,995 --> 00:27:45,954 OFFICER [OVER COM]: It's the Starfleet ship. 407 00:27:46,122 --> 00:27:49,458 - Direct hit to their shield generator. - See if you can get a lock on Soval. 408 00:27:50,835 --> 00:27:52,836 OFFICER: Should we return fire? 409 00:27:53,004 --> 00:27:55,923 Are you going to make enemies of the humans as well? 410 00:28:02,013 --> 00:28:04,932 Lieutenant, order our ships out of the nebula. 411 00:28:05,100 --> 00:28:06,141 OFFICER: Commander? 412 00:28:06,309 --> 00:28:09,144 And tell Enterprise we'll be returning the ambassador shortly. 413 00:28:09,312 --> 00:28:10,646 OFFICER: Understood. 414 00:28:11,064 --> 00:28:13,399 Get that thing off of him. 415 00:28:21,282 --> 00:28:24,493 They're heading east, away from the capital. 416 00:28:26,996 --> 00:28:28,747 She's with them. 417 00:28:32,293 --> 00:28:34,461 - Where are you going? - To find my science officer. 418 00:28:34,629 --> 00:28:36,964 I don't wanna hear any lectures about the needs of the many. 419 00:28:37,132 --> 00:28:39,258 I get enough of that crap from... 420 00:28:40,135 --> 00:28:41,802 From T'Pol. 421 00:28:42,137 --> 00:28:44,138 There's no logic to your plan. 422 00:28:44,305 --> 00:28:45,389 We have no weapons. 423 00:28:45,557 --> 00:28:48,142 If they take the Kir'Shara from you, they'll destroy it. 424 00:28:48,309 --> 00:28:50,102 I'm gonna find her. 425 00:29:07,620 --> 00:29:08,787 How is he? 426 00:29:08,955 --> 00:29:11,039 You've got a lot of nerve pretending you give a damn. 427 00:29:11,207 --> 00:29:13,667 I did what was necessary. 428 00:29:14,544 --> 00:29:16,837 Soval would understand. 429 00:29:17,005 --> 00:29:19,173 He should be fine in another day or so. 430 00:29:19,340 --> 00:29:21,216 He risked his life coming here. 431 00:29:21,384 --> 00:29:23,135 You paid him back by scrambling his neurons. 432 00:29:23,303 --> 00:29:26,221 He is not the only one taking a risk. 433 00:29:26,389 --> 00:29:29,099 I just spoke with the Imperial Guard. 434 00:29:29,267 --> 00:29:31,393 They're redeploying our forces. 435 00:29:32,479 --> 00:29:34,438 Now you believe him. 436 00:29:34,606 --> 00:29:35,856 What changed your mind? 437 00:29:38,067 --> 00:29:42,070 A lesser man would have told me what I wanted to hear, even if it wasn't true. 438 00:29:42,906 --> 00:29:46,158 There's been too much suspicion, 439 00:29:46,326 --> 00:29:49,870 too many lies on both sides. 440 00:29:51,956 --> 00:29:55,667 Our fleet will intercept the Vulcans at these coordinates. 441 00:29:56,002 --> 00:29:59,296 My superiors believe it may be 442 00:29:59,464 --> 00:30:02,007 helpful if Enterprise were to join us. 443 00:30:07,680 --> 00:30:09,723 [CREATURE SCREECHING NEARBY] 444 00:30:09,891 --> 00:30:11,517 Sehlat. 445 00:30:14,938 --> 00:30:17,523 [MIMICS SCREECHING] 446 00:30:40,004 --> 00:30:42,881 My first officer, where is she? 447 00:30:46,761 --> 00:30:48,095 What have you done with her? 448 00:30:49,097 --> 00:30:52,724 She's been taken to the High Command. 449 00:31:02,735 --> 00:31:05,279 Your technique has improved. 450 00:31:12,328 --> 00:31:15,581 Welcome home, sub-commander. 451 00:31:17,500 --> 00:31:19,418 I no longer hold that rank. 452 00:31:19,586 --> 00:31:22,588 Well, you may have joined Starfleet, but you're still Vulcan. 453 00:31:22,755 --> 00:31:25,340 And subject to our laws. 454 00:31:25,884 --> 00:31:29,261 There are few crimes still punishable by execution, 455 00:31:29,429 --> 00:31:32,180 but treason is one of them. 456 00:31:32,348 --> 00:31:33,932 [PANEL BEEPING] 457 00:31:34,350 --> 00:31:35,517 What is it? 458 00:31:35,685 --> 00:31:39,980 Seven alien ships have taken position outside the Andorian system. 459 00:31:40,148 --> 00:31:43,442 They're directly in the path of our fleet. 460 00:31:49,824 --> 00:31:51,325 Are you sure this is wise? 461 00:31:51,492 --> 00:31:54,411 If the Vulcans find us, they might think we're siding with the Andorians. 462 00:31:54,579 --> 00:31:56,663 There's no guarantee they won't fire on us. 463 00:31:56,831 --> 00:31:59,791 Sir, I'm reading a massive subspace distortion. 464 00:31:59,959 --> 00:32:01,960 TRIP: Hoshi? - It's the Vulcans. 465 00:32:02,128 --> 00:32:03,378 They'll be here in two hours. 466 00:32:03,546 --> 00:32:04,588 [PANEL BEEPS] 467 00:32:04,756 --> 00:32:07,382 - He's hailing us again. - On-screen. 468 00:32:08,760 --> 00:32:12,095 Our sensors show 12 Vulcan cruisers approaching. 469 00:32:12,263 --> 00:32:13,931 When will the rest of your fleet get here? 470 00:32:14,098 --> 00:32:15,933 They won't arrive in time. 471 00:32:16,100 --> 00:32:17,184 We're on our own. 472 00:32:25,026 --> 00:32:29,071 I'm still not clear how the Kir'Shara is gonna stop a war. 473 00:32:29,238 --> 00:32:32,240 V'Las can't govern without approval from the Council. 474 00:32:32,408 --> 00:32:34,868 The existence of the Kir'Shara will persuade them 475 00:32:35,036 --> 00:32:36,870 to reconsider their support. 476 00:32:41,668 --> 00:32:45,420 I don't suppose they'll let us just walk into the High Command. 477 00:32:45,588 --> 00:32:49,383 We can transport in, but we'll need access codes. 478 00:32:51,135 --> 00:32:53,428 I know someone who might have them. 479 00:33:04,482 --> 00:33:07,025 Vulcans are powering weapons. The Andorians are doing the same. 480 00:33:07,193 --> 00:33:11,405 Travis, put us between both fleets. If the Vulcans wanna start a war, 481 00:33:11,572 --> 00:33:13,490 they're gonna have to get through us first. 482 00:33:14,492 --> 00:33:16,159 [PANEL BEEPS] 483 00:33:16,327 --> 00:33:17,911 It's Shran. 484 00:33:19,205 --> 00:33:20,664 SHRAN: Commander, what are you doing? 485 00:33:20,832 --> 00:33:23,125 In case you hadn't noticed, they outnumber us two to one. 486 00:33:23,292 --> 00:33:26,461 SHRAN: Get back in formation. - I'm trying to buy us some time! 487 00:33:32,051 --> 00:33:34,886 The Andorians have more ships on the way. 488 00:33:35,054 --> 00:33:36,972 They won't arrive for several hours. 489 00:33:37,140 --> 00:33:40,434 KUVAK: You told us this strike would be a surprise, 490 00:33:40,601 --> 00:33:43,270 that there would be minimal casualties on both sides. 491 00:33:43,730 --> 00:33:47,399 The Andorians are armed with standard particle cannons. 492 00:33:47,567 --> 00:33:51,153 There is no evidence of Xindi technology. 493 00:33:51,946 --> 00:33:53,572 Administrator, 494 00:33:53,740 --> 00:33:56,324 we have to call off this attack. 495 00:33:57,201 --> 00:33:59,536 Our forces are committed. 496 00:33:59,704 --> 00:34:01,747 We can't turn back. 497 00:34:01,914 --> 00:34:04,499 VULCAN [OVER COM]: We're being hailed by the Starfleet ship. 498 00:34:05,752 --> 00:34:07,335 TRIP: This is Commander Tucker. 499 00:34:07,503 --> 00:34:11,131 Sorry to spoil your surprise, but the Andorians know what you're planning. 500 00:34:11,299 --> 00:34:13,300 I suggest you turn your ships around now. 501 00:34:13,468 --> 00:34:15,677 V'LAS: This doesn't concern Starfleet. 502 00:34:15,845 --> 00:34:17,429 Leave the area immediately. 503 00:34:17,597 --> 00:34:18,930 I can't do that. 504 00:34:19,098 --> 00:34:21,141 The Andorians helped us when Earth was under attack. 505 00:34:21,309 --> 00:34:22,934 We're just here to return the favor. 506 00:34:23,102 --> 00:34:26,104 If you side with the Andorians, you'll be fired upon. 507 00:34:26,272 --> 00:34:28,482 TRIP: I've already sent word to Admiral Gardner. 508 00:34:28,649 --> 00:34:32,903 If Enterprise is destroyed, Starfleet's gonna know who was responsible. 509 00:34:34,614 --> 00:34:36,531 Order our ships 510 00:34:36,699 --> 00:34:38,575 to engage the enemy fleet. 511 00:34:38,743 --> 00:34:42,245 Administrator, I can't allow this. 512 00:34:42,413 --> 00:34:44,122 Sub-lieutenant. 513 00:34:44,749 --> 00:34:48,585 If you attempt to interfere again, 514 00:34:49,128 --> 00:34:51,379 I'll have you arrested. 515 00:34:55,676 --> 00:34:57,844 The Vulcans, they're locking weapons. 516 00:34:58,012 --> 00:34:59,096 On us? 517 00:34:59,263 --> 00:35:02,307 - No. Just the Andorians. - Stand by phase cannons. 518 00:35:02,475 --> 00:35:04,935 Don't fire until I give the order. 519 00:35:17,907 --> 00:35:18,949 We're in the crossfire. 520 00:35:19,367 --> 00:35:21,201 Hard about. Get us out of their weapons range. 521 00:35:21,369 --> 00:35:24,496 One of the Andorian ships is in trouble. Their reactor's been hit. 522 00:35:24,664 --> 00:35:27,791 - A Vulcan cruiser's heading for them. - See if you can get their attention. 523 00:35:29,627 --> 00:35:32,045 VULCAN: The Earth vessel's opened fire on one of our ships. 524 00:35:32,213 --> 00:35:34,131 Destroy them. 525 00:35:34,298 --> 00:35:35,841 The cruiser's breaking off its attack. 526 00:35:36,008 --> 00:35:37,509 We're being targeted. 527 00:35:38,094 --> 00:35:41,596 Evasive starboard, full impulse. Malcolm! 528 00:35:41,764 --> 00:35:44,099 We're not making a dent in their shields. 529 00:35:53,568 --> 00:35:54,943 Shran's hailing. 530 00:35:58,823 --> 00:36:01,449 Tell Archer that's two he owes me. 531 00:36:17,550 --> 00:36:21,386 - Contact security. - Stay where you are. 532 00:36:21,554 --> 00:36:22,721 We need to have a talk. 533 00:36:22,889 --> 00:36:26,266 Administrator, it is agreeable to see you again. 534 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:31,563 This woman is an anarchist, captain. 535 00:36:31,731 --> 00:36:34,441 Whatever she's told you isn't the truth. 536 00:36:34,775 --> 00:36:37,777 T'Pau didn't bomb our embassy. 537 00:36:39,155 --> 00:36:40,447 You did. 538 00:36:41,449 --> 00:36:43,533 The evidence is conclusive. 539 00:36:43,701 --> 00:36:46,244 Evidence your people gave us. 540 00:36:46,412 --> 00:36:47,954 The bombing 541 00:36:48,122 --> 00:36:50,540 was an excuse to round up the Syrrannites, 542 00:36:50,708 --> 00:36:54,127 make certain they'd never find this. 543 00:37:01,260 --> 00:37:03,470 Is that...? 544 00:37:03,638 --> 00:37:05,347 The Kir'Shara is a myth. 545 00:37:32,124 --> 00:37:33,875 - Hull plating's gone. TRIP: Torpedoes. 546 00:37:34,043 --> 00:37:35,961 REED: The launchers aren't responding. 547 00:37:36,128 --> 00:37:37,295 TRIP: Where the hell is Shran? 548 00:37:37,463 --> 00:37:39,714 The Vulcans are keeping him busy. 549 00:37:40,341 --> 00:37:42,467 Looks like we really are on our own. 550 00:37:42,635 --> 00:37:44,427 Holographic trickery. 551 00:37:44,595 --> 00:37:46,471 This proves nothing. 552 00:37:46,639 --> 00:37:49,474 The artifact must be examined in detail. 553 00:37:49,809 --> 00:37:51,017 No. 554 00:37:51,185 --> 00:37:53,937 Quantum dating will confirm that it's from the time of Surak. 555 00:37:54,188 --> 00:37:55,605 You can't trust her! 556 00:37:55,773 --> 00:37:58,692 She'd do anything to spread her deviant beliefs. 557 00:37:58,859 --> 00:38:00,694 You've spent years trying to subvert me. 558 00:38:00,861 --> 00:38:03,029 The Kir'Shara will show us our true path. 559 00:38:03,197 --> 00:38:05,865 They'd kill us all if they had the chance! 560 00:38:06,033 --> 00:38:07,659 It must be destroyed. 561 00:38:13,541 --> 00:38:15,542 This is Minister Kuvak. 562 00:38:15,710 --> 00:38:18,295 Get me the fleet commander immediately. 563 00:38:19,130 --> 00:38:21,006 [ALARM BEEPING] [SYSTEMS POWERING DOWN] 564 00:38:21,173 --> 00:38:22,507 I've lost helm control. 565 00:38:23,384 --> 00:38:26,845 Hull breach on G-Deck. We're venting atmosphere. 566 00:38:34,562 --> 00:38:37,480 The Vulcan ships, they're withdrawing. 567 00:38:37,690 --> 00:38:39,190 [PANEL BEEPS] 568 00:38:39,358 --> 00:38:40,942 We're being hailed. 569 00:38:41,110 --> 00:38:42,235 It's the High Command. 570 00:38:45,406 --> 00:38:47,991 ARCHER [OVER COM]: Trip, is everything all right? 571 00:38:48,159 --> 00:38:49,951 More or less. 572 00:38:50,328 --> 00:38:52,287 What's going on, captain? 573 00:38:52,455 --> 00:38:54,372 ARCHER: There have been a few changes here. 574 00:38:54,540 --> 00:38:57,083 Get back to Vulcan as soon as you can. 575 00:38:58,961 --> 00:39:01,046 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 576 00:39:01,213 --> 00:39:04,507 Administrator V'Las has been relieved of his position. 577 00:39:04,675 --> 00:39:07,677 His role in the embassy bombing is being investigated. 578 00:39:07,845 --> 00:39:11,056 For the moment, the conflict between Vulcan and Andoria 579 00:39:11,223 --> 00:39:13,141 appears to have been averted. 580 00:39:14,060 --> 00:39:15,685 T'POL: Enter. 581 00:39:18,230 --> 00:39:21,483 Captain Archer asked me to express his gratitude. 582 00:39:21,942 --> 00:39:24,736 He wouldn't have succeeded without your transporter codes. 583 00:39:25,154 --> 00:39:27,655 The captain told me you were in danger. 584 00:39:27,823 --> 00:39:30,408 I wouldn't have been a very good husband if I didn't help. 585 00:39:31,202 --> 00:39:33,870 I'm not certain when I'll be able to return. 586 00:39:34,580 --> 00:39:37,916 I'm aware that I promised your family that we would eventually live together. 587 00:39:38,084 --> 00:39:39,751 KOSS: That's not why I've come. 588 00:39:40,294 --> 00:39:41,836 I'm releasing you from our marriage. 589 00:39:43,672 --> 00:39:46,883 I know you only bonded with me to help your mother. 590 00:39:47,301 --> 00:39:51,554 She's gone now, there's no reason for us to continue. 591 00:39:53,099 --> 00:39:54,766 You don't have to do this. 592 00:39:54,934 --> 00:39:56,393 I know. 593 00:40:00,606 --> 00:40:01,773 Koss... 594 00:40:04,902 --> 00:40:06,444 Goodbye, T'Pol. 595 00:40:26,090 --> 00:40:28,591 The katra is with me now. 596 00:40:30,344 --> 00:40:32,220 How do you feel, captain? 597 00:40:36,308 --> 00:40:38,184 Like a giant weight's been lifted. 598 00:40:38,352 --> 00:40:41,396 Word has already spread of the discovery. 599 00:40:41,564 --> 00:40:44,566 It may take years to translate all of the writings. 600 00:40:44,733 --> 00:40:48,027 The people of Vulcan are in your debt. 601 00:40:48,863 --> 00:40:50,447 Peace, 602 00:40:50,739 --> 00:40:52,782 and long life. 603 00:40:57,413 --> 00:40:59,956 You may be witnessing the start of a new era. 604 00:41:00,124 --> 00:41:03,001 Not only for Vulcan, but for Earth as well. 605 00:41:03,169 --> 00:41:07,088 The minister intends to pursue a less aggressive policy toward your people. 606 00:41:07,256 --> 00:41:09,674 The High Command will be dissolved. 607 00:41:09,842 --> 00:41:12,260 You'll no longer have us looking over your shoulder. 608 00:41:12,428 --> 00:41:15,305 It's time for Earth to stand on its own. 609 00:41:15,473 --> 00:41:17,140 We're ready. 610 00:41:23,856 --> 00:41:25,815 You've failed. 611 00:41:25,983 --> 00:41:27,567 Decades of work have been lost. 612 00:41:27,735 --> 00:41:29,777 MAN: Am I to be blamed for your incompetence? 613 00:41:29,945 --> 00:41:31,446 Archer should have been killed. 614 00:41:31,614 --> 00:41:34,157 You brought the humans into this. 615 00:41:34,325 --> 00:41:37,160 I must leave Vulcan. My position here has been compromised. 616 00:41:37,328 --> 00:41:39,829 - What about me? - Not now. 617 00:41:39,997 --> 00:41:42,582 Your disappearance would cause suspicion. 618 00:41:43,250 --> 00:41:45,502 This is simply a minor delay. 619 00:41:45,669 --> 00:42:49,065 The reunification of our people is only a matter of time.