1 00:00:24,649 --> 00:00:27,192 Bridge to Engineering. 2 00:00:27,402 --> 00:00:30,195 Engineering, respond. 3 00:00:38,705 --> 00:00:41,415 This is the warship Kumari calling Imperial Command. 4 00:00:41,624 --> 00:00:44,168 We've been attacked by a Tellarite vessel. 5 00:00:44,377 --> 00:00:48,297 Primary systems have failed. Request immediate... 6 00:00:49,007 --> 00:00:53,343 Alert. Warp containment breach in two minutes. 7 00:00:53,678 --> 00:00:58,557 Tellarite swine. They'll pay for this. 8 00:01:00,310 --> 00:01:01,769 This is Shran. 9 00:01:01,978 --> 00:01:07,066 All crew to the escape pods, abandon ship. 10 00:02:33,278 --> 00:02:35,404 The food on this ship isn't fit for animals. 11 00:02:35,613 --> 00:02:38,574 That mangy pet of yours would probably taste better. 12 00:02:38,783 --> 00:02:41,910 You can either take me home or find a new chef, it's that simple. 13 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:44,538 Oh, something else, I want new quarters. 14 00:02:44,747 --> 00:02:46,331 Is that so? 15 00:02:46,541 --> 00:02:48,208 For one thing, my room is too small. 16 00:02:48,418 --> 00:02:50,460 There are plasma conduits running across the ceiling. 17 00:02:50,670 --> 00:02:52,296 It's noisy, it keeps me up all night. 18 00:02:52,505 --> 00:02:54,506 Maybe you'd sleep better in the cargo bay. 19 00:02:54,716 --> 00:02:56,091 What did you say to me? 20 00:02:56,301 --> 00:02:57,885 This is a starship, not a luxury liner. 21 00:02:58,094 --> 00:02:59,970 If you're not satisfied with the accommodations, 22 00:03:00,138 --> 00:03:01,263 we can leave you in a shuttlepod. 23 00:03:01,431 --> 00:03:03,974 Maybe you'll have better luck with whoever picks you up. 24 00:03:04,184 --> 00:03:07,853 And if you don't like Chef's food, don't eat it. 25 00:03:08,062 --> 00:03:09,229 From the looks of things, 26 00:03:09,439 --> 00:03:12,441 you should probably skip the dessert table while you're at it. 27 00:03:17,238 --> 00:03:18,405 That was a nice touch. 28 00:03:20,950 --> 00:03:24,328 I can't believe I'm supposed to speak to their ambassador like that. 29 00:03:24,537 --> 00:03:27,080 Tellarites always have a litany of complaints. 30 00:03:27,248 --> 00:03:29,374 It's how they start arguments with people they just met. 31 00:03:29,542 --> 00:03:31,585 Even if they have nothing to complain about? 32 00:03:31,794 --> 00:03:34,129 In that case, they'll just insult you. 33 00:03:34,339 --> 00:03:36,465 Whatever they say, you have to respond in kind, 34 00:03:36,674 --> 00:03:38,300 otherwise they'll take offense. 35 00:03:39,719 --> 00:03:42,971 A species that actually thrives on arguing. 36 00:03:43,181 --> 00:03:47,100 They probably make good politicians. Thanks for the dry run. 37 00:03:47,310 --> 00:03:50,604 Sir, I wasn't kidding about Porthos. 38 00:03:52,774 --> 00:03:54,107 You think he's mangy? 39 00:03:54,317 --> 00:03:57,236 No, but you might wanna keep him out of sight. 40 00:03:57,445 --> 00:04:03,283 Tellarites consider canines something of a, uh, delicacy. 41 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:13,585 Captain's starlog, November 12th, 2154. 42 00:04:13,795 --> 00:04:16,046 We've arrived in orbit of Tellar Prime. 43 00:04:16,256 --> 00:04:19,591 Starfleet's ordered us to transport their ambassador to a neutral planet 44 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:21,426 designated as Babel, 45 00:04:21,636 --> 00:04:25,264 where Earth's mediators will try to settle a long-standing trade dispute 46 00:04:25,473 --> 00:04:28,517 between the Tellarites and the Andorians. 47 00:04:28,726 --> 00:04:31,436 - Everything ready for our guests? - Well, just about. 48 00:04:31,646 --> 00:04:33,230 But my people are working triple shifts 49 00:04:33,439 --> 00:04:35,440 trying to finish that mud bath they wanted. 50 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:37,401 Mud bath? 51 00:04:37,610 --> 00:04:41,446 Apparently, the ambassador likes a good soak in the morning. 52 00:04:42,156 --> 00:04:45,867 Something I don't understand, these Tellarites have warp ships, 53 00:04:46,077 --> 00:04:48,078 so why do we have to take them to the conference? 54 00:04:48,288 --> 00:04:50,330 Babel's on the far side of Andorian space. 55 00:04:50,540 --> 00:04:54,376 They won't allow Tellarite ships to pass through their territory. 56 00:04:54,961 --> 00:04:57,045 Now we're a shuttle service. 57 00:04:57,255 --> 00:04:58,964 When are we gonna get back to exploring? 58 00:04:59,173 --> 00:05:01,425 This trade dispute is a little more urgent. 59 00:05:01,634 --> 00:05:05,429 It could turn into a shooting war if the conference fails. 60 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:43,759 You people are even uglier than I remember. 61 00:05:45,553 --> 00:05:47,888 Captain Jonathan Archer. Welcome aboard. 62 00:05:49,724 --> 00:05:52,059 Ambassador Gral. 63 00:06:06,991 --> 00:06:11,453 I'm told this ship is the pride of Starfleet. 64 00:06:11,788 --> 00:06:15,957 - I find it small and unimpressive. - Funny. 65 00:06:16,167 --> 00:06:19,002 I was about to say the same thing about you. 66 00:06:26,469 --> 00:06:29,679 You may show us to our quarters. 67 00:06:33,226 --> 00:06:34,810 It's far too cold in here. 68 00:06:35,019 --> 00:06:38,271 We're expected to stay on this ship for five days? 69 00:06:45,738 --> 00:06:49,074 So he says, "Well, I'm not really a pilot." 70 00:06:50,701 --> 00:06:52,536 Oh, you don't get it. 71 00:07:02,422 --> 00:07:03,505 Warm enough? 72 00:07:03,714 --> 00:07:06,133 The ambassador requested the temperature be increased. 73 00:07:06,342 --> 00:07:08,176 Again? 74 00:07:08,386 --> 00:07:11,304 You know, I like these people more than I thought I would. 75 00:07:11,514 --> 00:07:13,473 They don't hold anything back. 76 00:07:13,683 --> 00:07:17,644 It's refreshing, speaking your mind for a change. 77 00:07:17,854 --> 00:07:21,189 You don't feel free to speak your mind with the rest of us? 78 00:07:21,399 --> 00:07:23,650 - Oh, you know what I mean. - No. 79 00:07:23,860 --> 00:07:25,485 Maybe you'd like to explain it to me. 80 00:07:27,655 --> 00:07:30,907 Why don't you change your uniform before you stink up the place? 81 00:07:33,661 --> 00:07:36,705 Ah. Practicing your Tellarite. I get it. 82 00:07:46,757 --> 00:07:48,008 When in Rome. 83 00:07:48,217 --> 00:07:52,095 - I beg your pardon? - Forget it. 84 00:07:52,305 --> 00:07:55,182 The ambassador wants to speak with you. 85 00:07:55,391 --> 00:07:57,142 What a surprise. 86 00:08:04,108 --> 00:08:06,526 Have we crossed into Andorian space? 87 00:08:06,736 --> 00:08:08,653 A few minutes ago. 88 00:08:10,156 --> 00:08:12,407 The last time I was here, I was on the command deck 89 00:08:12,617 --> 00:08:14,326 of one of our cruisers, 90 00:08:14,535 --> 00:08:18,955 driving those blue demons back into their territory. 91 00:08:20,583 --> 00:08:24,085 The Andorians came to your aid during the Xindi crisis. 92 00:08:24,295 --> 00:08:26,004 They helped save my planet. 93 00:08:26,214 --> 00:08:29,674 So why should we trust humans to mediate this dispute? 94 00:08:29,884 --> 00:08:31,301 You owe them your lives. 95 00:08:31,511 --> 00:08:34,679 Earth wants a peaceful outcome just as much as you do. 96 00:08:34,889 --> 00:08:36,890 That isn't going to happen if we choose sides. 97 00:08:37,099 --> 00:08:39,684 Your people have no experience in interstellar affairs. 98 00:08:39,894 --> 00:08:43,522 It doesn't seem that you have a lot of other options. 99 00:08:54,242 --> 00:08:57,077 Your chef obviously went to a great deal of trouble. 100 00:08:57,286 --> 00:08:59,621 I'm told these are authentic Tellarite dishes. 101 00:08:59,789 --> 00:09:04,668 Oh. If I wanted to eat like this, I would have stayed at home. 102 00:09:05,169 --> 00:09:08,797 I was expecting to sample Earth cuisine on this journey. 103 00:09:09,006 --> 00:09:11,633 - I'll have him whip something up. - Ah-ha. 104 00:09:12,552 --> 00:09:14,844 Captain Archer to the Bridge. 105 00:09:21,143 --> 00:09:24,145 We've picked up a message on an Andorian channel. 106 00:09:24,355 --> 00:09:27,774 Kumari calling Imperial Command. Been attacked... 107 00:09:29,277 --> 00:09:32,571 Primary systems have failed, request immed... 108 00:09:32,780 --> 00:09:33,863 That's it. 109 00:09:34,073 --> 00:09:35,657 They have no ships within range. 110 00:09:36,867 --> 00:09:39,327 How long to intercept them at maximum warp? 111 00:09:39,537 --> 00:09:41,329 Two hours. 112 00:09:43,916 --> 00:09:46,710 Alter course, contact Babel, 113 00:09:46,919 --> 00:09:49,337 let them know we're going to be delayed. 114 00:09:54,552 --> 00:09:57,971 Judging by the debris pattern, I'd say their reactor breached. 115 00:09:58,180 --> 00:10:02,183 I'm detecting significant quantities of duranium alloy. 116 00:10:03,060 --> 00:10:07,063 This was most likely an Andorian combat vessel. 117 00:10:11,694 --> 00:10:15,030 Escape pods, multiple bio-signs. 118 00:10:16,365 --> 00:10:21,578 Bring them into the launch bay. Tell Phlox to stand by for casualties. 119 00:10:21,787 --> 00:10:25,290 This would be easier if you'd take a few steps back. 120 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:29,294 I hope you've studied Andorian physiology. 121 00:10:33,924 --> 00:10:35,967 How many of my crew did you rescue? 122 00:10:36,969 --> 00:10:38,762 Nineteen. 123 00:10:43,684 --> 00:10:46,645 Our complement was 86. 124 00:10:46,854 --> 00:10:48,855 Your distress call said you were attacked. 125 00:10:49,065 --> 00:10:50,982 Tellarites. 126 00:10:52,234 --> 00:10:54,486 We were escorting our ambassador to the trade conference 127 00:10:54,695 --> 00:10:55,904 when they dropped out of warp. 128 00:10:56,656 --> 00:10:59,115 The ambassador's ship was destroyed in seconds. 129 00:10:59,325 --> 00:11:01,368 Tellarites crippled us with their next shot. 130 00:11:01,577 --> 00:11:08,166 I've never seen one of their vessels maneuver like this one. 131 00:11:08,376 --> 00:11:10,877 While those barbarians have been talking peace, 132 00:11:11,087 --> 00:11:13,922 they've obviously been improving their warships. 133 00:11:14,131 --> 00:11:17,759 Why would the Tellarites agree to let Earth mediate your dispute 134 00:11:17,968 --> 00:11:19,552 if they were planning this strike? 135 00:11:19,762 --> 00:11:21,221 Perhaps you should ask them. 136 00:11:22,431 --> 00:11:24,557 I suggest you scan for our data recorder. 137 00:11:24,767 --> 00:11:27,852 It'll contain the sensor logs of the attack. 138 00:11:32,191 --> 00:11:35,026 We seem to keep running into each other, captain. 139 00:11:35,653 --> 00:11:38,029 It's fortunate Enterprise was close by. 140 00:11:38,239 --> 00:11:39,698 It's not a coincidence. 141 00:11:41,033 --> 00:11:43,076 We're carrying the Tellarite delegation. 142 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:46,413 They're aboard this ship? 143 00:11:46,622 --> 00:11:47,789 These aren't the people who attacked you. 144 00:11:47,998 --> 00:11:50,542 They may know who did. 145 00:11:51,419 --> 00:11:53,086 Shran, 146 00:11:57,383 --> 00:11:59,342 you're on my ship. 147 00:12:01,887 --> 00:12:05,014 You'd better keep them away from us 148 00:12:05,224 --> 00:12:09,477 or there will be bloodshed. 149 00:12:19,864 --> 00:12:21,573 I've analyzed these hull fragments. 150 00:12:21,782 --> 00:12:24,576 The damage is consistent with Tellarite particle cannons. 151 00:12:24,785 --> 00:12:26,077 What about the black box? 152 00:12:26,287 --> 00:12:28,121 The memory core was damaged 153 00:12:28,330 --> 00:12:33,209 but I was able to reconstruct the last few seconds of sensor data. 154 00:12:41,343 --> 00:12:43,178 Tellarites. 155 00:12:45,306 --> 00:12:48,183 Set course for Andoria, best speed. 156 00:12:48,392 --> 00:12:51,186 These accusations are absurd. 157 00:12:51,395 --> 00:12:55,190 We had nothing to do with this alleged attack. 158 00:12:57,318 --> 00:13:01,279 The Andorian sensor logs, look them over yourself. 159 00:13:01,489 --> 00:13:03,239 Logs can be fabricated. 160 00:13:03,449 --> 00:13:05,283 You saw the debris field. 161 00:13:05,493 --> 00:13:08,244 For all we know, they destroyed the ship themselves. 162 00:13:08,996 --> 00:13:12,081 Andorian technology is more advanced than ours. 163 00:13:12,291 --> 00:13:14,876 One of our cruisers wouldn't stand a chance against two of theirs. 164 00:13:15,085 --> 00:13:18,379 I want you to speak to your people, find out what you can. 165 00:13:18,589 --> 00:13:22,342 I am not comfortable with so many Andorians aboard. 166 00:13:22,551 --> 00:13:24,219 Contact your superiors, 167 00:13:24,428 --> 00:13:26,346 have them transferred to another vessel. 168 00:13:26,555 --> 00:13:28,515 Let's get something straight. 169 00:13:28,724 --> 00:13:31,851 You're just a passenger on my ship. I give the orders. 170 00:13:32,061 --> 00:13:34,187 - Where are you taking them? - Back to Andoria. 171 00:13:34,396 --> 00:13:37,440 You can't. They'll arrest us. 172 00:13:37,650 --> 00:13:39,734 They'll hold us responsible for this incident. 173 00:13:39,944 --> 00:13:45,073 If you're innocent, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. 174 00:13:49,036 --> 00:13:50,912 To the Kumari. 175 00:13:57,545 --> 00:13:59,587 From what I saw, she... 176 00:14:00,756 --> 00:14:03,049 She was a fine ship with a good crew. 177 00:14:03,259 --> 00:14:08,346 I was in command for 12 years. The first ship of her class. 178 00:14:08,556 --> 00:14:10,807 Most of the crew I'd served with even longer. 179 00:14:11,016 --> 00:14:12,767 They were more than colleagues. 180 00:14:12,977 --> 00:14:17,230 I knew their spouses, their children. 181 00:14:20,150 --> 00:14:22,735 I'm grateful Talas survived. 182 00:14:22,945 --> 00:14:24,863 If I'd lost her... 183 00:14:25,072 --> 00:14:27,991 I didn't realize there was something going on between the two of you. 184 00:14:29,493 --> 00:14:31,286 It's a recent development. 185 00:14:31,495 --> 00:14:33,872 In the past, I never would have considered a relationship 186 00:14:34,081 --> 00:14:35,665 with someone under my command. 187 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:36,958 What changed? 188 00:14:39,753 --> 00:14:43,256 Andorian women are far more aggressive than Earth females. 189 00:14:43,966 --> 00:14:47,927 She made an overture. 190 00:14:48,304 --> 00:14:50,346 I had a choice: 191 00:14:50,556 --> 00:14:57,353 Charge her with assaulting a superior or mate with her. 192 00:14:59,565 --> 00:15:01,900 I hope you made the right decision. 193 00:15:07,197 --> 00:15:10,783 I regret that you're drawn into another of our conflicts, captain. 194 00:15:10,993 --> 00:15:13,036 I seem to have a knack for it. 195 00:15:13,245 --> 00:15:15,788 I doubt that war can be avoided this time, 196 00:15:15,998 --> 00:15:19,417 when that sensor data is seen by the Imperial Command. 197 00:15:19,627 --> 00:15:21,502 It doesn't make sense. 198 00:15:21,712 --> 00:15:24,297 Why agree to a conference then attack your ambassador? 199 00:15:25,674 --> 00:15:29,344 Tellarites don't think like you or I do. 200 00:15:29,553 --> 00:15:31,471 They've been provoking us for months. 201 00:15:31,680 --> 00:15:33,556 We've lost six freighters along the border. 202 00:15:33,766 --> 00:15:35,725 We know they're responsible. 203 00:15:35,935 --> 00:15:38,311 Tellarites claim they've lost ships of their own. 204 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:41,064 You'd accept their word over ours? 205 00:15:42,983 --> 00:15:45,151 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 206 00:15:47,237 --> 00:15:48,279 Go ahead. 207 00:15:48,489 --> 00:15:52,325 There's a ship on an intercept course. It's Andorian. 208 00:15:58,332 --> 00:16:00,500 You're expecting company? 209 00:16:02,920 --> 00:16:04,462 Hail them. 210 00:16:09,301 --> 00:16:10,468 They're not responding. 211 00:16:12,137 --> 00:16:14,472 I'm reading a power build-up. They're opening fire. 212 00:16:24,733 --> 00:16:26,818 What the hell are they doing? 213 00:16:27,569 --> 00:16:31,114 Our warp field's destabilizing, we're dropping to impulse. 214 00:16:32,199 --> 00:16:35,368 - Call them off. - Let me talk to them. 215 00:16:35,577 --> 00:16:37,495 This is Commander Shran of the Imperial Guard. 216 00:16:37,705 --> 00:16:39,872 Call off your attack. 217 00:16:41,667 --> 00:16:45,420 My crew is aboard this ship. Do you hear me? Abort your attack. 218 00:16:53,137 --> 00:16:55,096 Phase cannons, return fire. 219 00:16:56,515 --> 00:16:57,682 No damage. 220 00:16:58,434 --> 00:17:00,435 We need to get through their shields. How? 221 00:17:02,354 --> 00:17:05,106 They're gonna kill all of us if you don't do something. 222 00:17:08,944 --> 00:17:11,362 I need to access your targeting array. 223 00:17:17,161 --> 00:17:19,829 These are the coordinates to their shield generator. 224 00:17:20,039 --> 00:17:21,956 Fire when ready. 225 00:17:24,251 --> 00:17:25,752 Direct hit. 226 00:17:27,796 --> 00:17:30,465 - Their shields are still at maximum. - Impossible. 227 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,926 Shran. 228 00:17:35,095 --> 00:17:38,556 - Our dorsal plating's almost gone. - Starboard thrusters are down. 229 00:17:38,766 --> 00:17:40,391 Torpedoes, maximum yield. 230 00:17:46,565 --> 00:17:48,191 They're moving off. 231 00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:50,902 There's a fluctuation in their power grid. 232 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:54,197 Good work. 233 00:17:54,406 --> 00:17:58,785 That wasn't my doing, sir. I didn't target their power grid. 234 00:18:00,204 --> 00:18:02,914 Your government asked us to be a part of this conference 235 00:18:03,123 --> 00:18:04,582 and now you're attacking us? 236 00:18:04,792 --> 00:18:07,001 This makes perfect sense, captain. 237 00:18:07,211 --> 00:18:10,129 They sent out a distress call to lure you into a trap. 238 00:18:10,339 --> 00:18:12,423 We have no argument with Starfleet. 239 00:18:12,633 --> 00:18:14,634 Your people tried to destroy this ship. 240 00:18:14,843 --> 00:18:16,385 Captain, I assure you, 241 00:18:16,595 --> 00:18:19,764 what happened does not represent the will or intent of my government. 242 00:18:19,973 --> 00:18:21,432 Admit the truth. 243 00:18:21,642 --> 00:18:24,602 The Imperial Guard never wanted this conference to take place. 244 00:18:24,812 --> 00:18:27,438 They've obviously taken matters into their own hands. 245 00:18:27,648 --> 00:18:31,317 Are you implying the Imperial Guard's been disloyal? 246 00:18:31,527 --> 00:18:34,821 I don't have to imply anything. The facts speak for themselves. 247 00:18:38,492 --> 00:18:40,618 That may not have been an Andorian ship. 248 00:18:41,453 --> 00:18:42,912 - What? - Its shield matrix 249 00:18:43,122 --> 00:18:44,872 had a completely different configuration. 250 00:18:45,082 --> 00:18:46,749 What is that supposed to prove? 251 00:18:46,959 --> 00:18:49,836 Several of our warships have been reported missing over the years. 252 00:18:50,045 --> 00:18:53,714 The Tellarites could have taken one of them, enhanced its systems. 253 00:18:53,966 --> 00:18:56,884 Ha-ha-ha. He's suffering from paranoia, captain. 254 00:18:57,094 --> 00:18:59,512 I'm not paranoid, you people are trying to kill us. 255 00:18:59,721 --> 00:19:01,264 I've had enough of your lies. 256 00:19:01,473 --> 00:19:03,516 That's enough. 257 00:19:05,894 --> 00:19:08,396 You wanna fight? I'll throw both of you in the brig. 258 00:19:08,605 --> 00:19:09,981 You can tear each other to pieces. 259 00:19:25,414 --> 00:19:26,497 What happened? 260 00:19:26,707 --> 00:19:28,666 Archer claims to be impartial 261 00:19:28,876 --> 00:19:32,461 but it's obvious he's inclined to believe the Andorians. 262 00:19:32,671 --> 00:19:35,256 We may have made a mistake in trusting these humans. 263 00:19:35,465 --> 00:19:39,010 They've posted soldiers outside our quarters. 264 00:19:39,219 --> 00:19:41,721 We're prisoners on this ship. 265 00:19:41,972 --> 00:19:44,432 Have you stopped to consider 266 00:19:44,641 --> 00:19:49,937 Archer may be conspiring with the Andorians? 267 00:19:52,816 --> 00:19:54,984 T'Pol's found something you're gonna wanna see. 268 00:19:55,194 --> 00:19:58,821 We retrieved this from your ship's data recorder. 269 00:19:59,948 --> 00:20:01,908 This is the power signature of the vessel 270 00:20:02,117 --> 00:20:04,285 that destroyed the Kumari. 271 00:20:06,955 --> 00:20:08,873 This signature belongs to the Andorian ship 272 00:20:09,082 --> 00:20:10,875 that attacked Enterprise. 273 00:20:14,838 --> 00:20:19,175 - They're identical. - That can't be correct. 274 00:20:20,260 --> 00:20:21,469 Examine the data yourself. 275 00:20:21,678 --> 00:20:23,221 Your sensors are unsophisticated. 276 00:20:23,430 --> 00:20:25,640 - There's been a mistake. - We've confirmed the data. 277 00:20:25,849 --> 00:20:27,558 What are you suggesting? 278 00:20:27,768 --> 00:20:30,770 That these two vessels are actually the same ship? 279 00:20:30,979 --> 00:20:34,398 I don't know what I'm suggesting, 280 00:20:34,608 --> 00:20:36,525 but we need to keep our minds open. 281 00:20:37,486 --> 00:20:42,698 The Tellarites have violated every accord we've made with them. 282 00:20:42,908 --> 00:20:44,617 They can't be trusted. 283 00:20:44,826 --> 00:20:47,870 Your desire for a peaceful resolution is blinding you from the truth. 284 00:20:48,038 --> 00:20:49,705 - Commander... - I've heard enough from you. 285 00:20:50,374 --> 00:20:53,292 Vulcans are expert liars. Perhaps your people are behind this. 286 00:20:53,502 --> 00:20:56,837 You're speaking to my first officer. 287 00:20:57,047 --> 00:20:59,048 Tucker to the Bridge. 288 00:21:02,344 --> 00:21:03,469 Go ahead. 289 00:21:03,637 --> 00:21:05,680 Warp engines will be online in 10 minutes. 290 00:21:05,889 --> 00:21:07,723 We'll have hull plating back within an hour. 291 00:21:07,933 --> 00:21:09,058 Keep me updated. 292 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:13,396 We've located the warp trail of the ship that attacked us. 293 00:21:14,606 --> 00:21:16,232 We're going to follow it. 294 00:21:16,441 --> 00:21:18,693 Some of my crew are in serious condition. 295 00:21:18,902 --> 00:21:20,528 They need attention from our physicians. 296 00:21:20,737 --> 00:21:23,239 It'll take four days to get to Andoria. 297 00:21:23,448 --> 00:21:25,366 By then that ship will be long gone. 298 00:21:32,708 --> 00:21:34,834 Something wrong with your meal? 299 00:21:36,920 --> 00:21:38,796 I'm just not hungry. 300 00:21:44,136 --> 00:21:45,886 Do you think we're moving too fast? 301 00:21:47,723 --> 00:21:51,434 Commander Tucker believes it's safe to maintain this warp factor. 302 00:21:53,312 --> 00:21:55,146 That's not what I meant. 303 00:21:56,148 --> 00:22:00,026 Earth's got a lot riding on the outcome of these talks, 304 00:22:00,235 --> 00:22:02,611 but I'm not sure we knew what we were getting into. 305 00:22:02,821 --> 00:22:06,866 These people have been feuding for over a century. 306 00:22:08,160 --> 00:22:10,286 Maybe we should have let your government handle this. 307 00:22:12,247 --> 00:22:14,832 Although our relations have improved recently, 308 00:22:15,042 --> 00:22:17,460 it's clear the Andorians don't trust us. 309 00:22:20,839 --> 00:22:23,966 Aside from breathing oxygen, it doesn't seem to me 310 00:22:24,176 --> 00:22:27,136 that Andorians and Tellarites have a hell of a lot in common. 311 00:22:28,430 --> 00:22:31,140 The same has been said about humans and Vulcans. 312 00:22:31,350 --> 00:22:35,269 Hoshi tells me you got a transmission from Vulcan this morning. 313 00:22:36,730 --> 00:22:38,731 It was a personal message. 314 00:22:43,570 --> 00:22:44,737 It was from Koss. 315 00:22:46,156 --> 00:22:48,991 Our marriage has been officially dissolved. 316 00:22:50,035 --> 00:22:51,160 Sorry to hear that. 317 00:22:51,370 --> 00:22:53,245 You have nothing to apologize for. 318 00:22:54,081 --> 00:22:56,665 - Bridge to Captain Archer. - Archer. 319 00:22:56,875 --> 00:23:00,336 I believe we've found the Andorian ship, sir. 320 00:23:00,545 --> 00:23:02,171 We're on our way. 321 00:23:12,808 --> 00:23:13,891 Report. 322 00:23:14,101 --> 00:23:16,560 I've been unable to locate the malfunction. 323 00:23:16,770 --> 00:23:18,521 Then I suggest you double your efforts. 324 00:23:18,730 --> 00:23:19,897 This is enemy territory. 325 00:23:20,107 --> 00:23:21,899 We can't remain here any longer without... 326 00:23:26,988 --> 00:23:28,364 There's a vessel approaching. 327 00:23:30,158 --> 00:23:31,784 Show me. 328 00:23:44,631 --> 00:23:46,048 You said you found the Andorians. 329 00:23:46,258 --> 00:23:49,176 I don't understand it, sir. The warp trail ends right here. 330 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:53,139 Their primary systems are offline. 331 00:23:54,391 --> 00:23:56,183 Hail them. 332 00:24:00,105 --> 00:24:04,859 - No response. - Bio-signs are indeterminate. 333 00:24:05,652 --> 00:24:06,819 Magnify. 334 00:24:10,949 --> 00:24:13,367 Any idea what the spikes are? 335 00:24:13,577 --> 00:24:15,661 They appear to be subspace transceivers. 336 00:24:16,621 --> 00:24:17,997 Why would they need so many? 337 00:24:18,206 --> 00:24:21,208 Their hull is also lined with multispectral emitters. 338 00:24:21,418 --> 00:24:25,296 - For what purpose? - I prefer not to speculate. 339 00:24:27,215 --> 00:24:29,091 Find out who these people are. 340 00:24:29,301 --> 00:24:31,552 Take a team of MACOs with you. 341 00:24:31,803 --> 00:24:33,220 Their life support's offline. 342 00:24:33,430 --> 00:24:36,640 Bring Trip along, see if he can get it working. 343 00:24:48,069 --> 00:24:51,614 - You two, start down there. - Yes, lieutenant. 344 00:24:51,823 --> 00:24:54,033 This whole section's depressurized. 345 00:24:55,494 --> 00:24:58,746 Let's hope the rest of this ship isn't as cramped. 346 00:24:59,289 --> 00:25:02,249 I can't read anything through these bulkheads. 347 00:25:03,585 --> 00:25:05,294 Stay alert. 348 00:25:08,048 --> 00:25:11,008 The propulsion matrix still isn't functioning. 349 00:25:11,218 --> 00:25:12,510 How much longer? 350 00:25:12,719 --> 00:25:15,387 The repairs are underway. 351 00:25:17,098 --> 00:25:18,516 Prepare to overload the core. 352 00:25:18,725 --> 00:25:19,850 What? 353 00:25:20,060 --> 00:25:22,394 If we can't repair the matrix in time, 354 00:25:22,604 --> 00:25:26,398 I'll do whatever is necessary to keep it away from Starfleet. 355 00:25:34,699 --> 00:25:37,159 - Tucker to Enterprise. - Go ahead. 356 00:25:37,369 --> 00:25:40,496 We haven't run into any welcoming parties yet. 357 00:25:41,873 --> 00:25:43,207 We've found a computer interface 358 00:25:43,917 --> 00:25:45,417 but there's no power over here. 359 00:25:45,627 --> 00:25:48,337 I'm gonna need T'Pol's help to bring it online. 360 00:25:48,547 --> 00:25:49,755 Uplink your scanner. 361 00:25:55,095 --> 00:25:57,721 - What's happening? - I didn't do anything. 362 00:25:58,473 --> 00:25:59,807 Sir. 363 00:26:10,735 --> 00:26:12,903 Evasive maneuvers. Get our people back. 364 00:26:23,498 --> 00:26:26,417 Captain, we're ready to come home whenever you are. 365 00:26:26,626 --> 00:26:28,544 They've reinforced their hull plating 366 00:26:29,963 --> 00:26:32,089 We can only transport one at a time. 367 00:26:32,299 --> 00:26:34,133 Take Carender and Myers first! 368 00:26:41,558 --> 00:26:42,641 One of the MACOs is aboard. 369 00:26:44,894 --> 00:26:48,731 - They've hit our EPS couplings. - Switch to auxiliary. 370 00:26:49,482 --> 00:26:50,733 Target their weapons only. 371 00:27:00,160 --> 00:27:01,493 We're losing hull plating. 372 00:27:01,703 --> 00:27:02,745 Transporter's offline. 373 00:27:02,954 --> 00:27:05,164 - Did we get everyone? - Just the MACOs. 374 00:27:06,207 --> 00:27:08,250 - T'Pol. - The primary phase coil is fused. 375 00:27:08,460 --> 00:27:11,045 It'll take several hours to repair it. 376 00:27:12,339 --> 00:27:15,007 Decompression on C-Deck, Section 3. 377 00:27:15,216 --> 00:27:16,634 We have to withdraw. 378 00:27:19,095 --> 00:27:20,220 Archer to Trip, 379 00:27:20,430 --> 00:27:22,514 we've lost the transporter. 380 00:27:22,724 --> 00:27:25,267 - Understood. - Sit tight until we come back for you. 381 00:27:26,561 --> 00:27:28,646 We'll be fine, sir. 382 00:27:28,855 --> 00:27:30,856 Get us out of here, Travis. 383 00:27:31,066 --> 00:27:33,317 Maximum warp. 384 00:27:44,663 --> 00:27:48,332 - They're retreating. - Pursuit course. 385 00:27:59,552 --> 00:28:01,261 Trip. 386 00:28:11,147 --> 00:28:13,607 You're down to eight minutes. 387 00:28:22,826 --> 00:28:24,118 Thanks. 388 00:28:24,327 --> 00:28:27,579 We're not gonna get very far only sharing your supply. 389 00:28:27,789 --> 00:28:30,207 - I'll try to get their life support online. - Right. 390 00:28:30,417 --> 00:28:33,419 With our luck, they probably breathe fluorine. 391 00:28:36,464 --> 00:28:37,756 Warp 4.9. 392 00:28:39,300 --> 00:28:41,719 They're still closing. 393 00:28:41,928 --> 00:28:43,846 Warp 5. 394 00:28:44,723 --> 00:28:46,932 They've matched our speed. 395 00:28:47,142 --> 00:28:49,768 Let's see what those new injectors can do. 396 00:28:51,938 --> 00:28:56,650 Five point O-two. Point O-four. 397 00:28:57,861 --> 00:29:00,028 Five point O-six. 398 00:29:01,072 --> 00:29:02,156 They're falling behind. 399 00:29:05,326 --> 00:29:08,746 The injectors stabilized, we're holding speed. 400 00:29:15,545 --> 00:29:17,838 Maintain your heading. 401 00:29:21,593 --> 00:29:24,470 You're going to wear out the deck plating, 402 00:29:24,679 --> 00:29:26,305 commander. 403 00:29:27,724 --> 00:29:31,685 Gral knows more about these attacks than he's admitting. 404 00:29:31,895 --> 00:29:34,813 How can Archer be so blind? 405 00:29:35,023 --> 00:29:37,691 We have no choice but to let him deal with the situation. 406 00:29:37,901 --> 00:29:39,943 I'm not going to entrust the security of Andoria 407 00:29:40,153 --> 00:29:41,737 to the pink skins or anyone else. 408 00:29:41,946 --> 00:29:44,323 We trusted the Tellarites once. 409 00:29:44,532 --> 00:29:46,742 We won't make that mistake again. 410 00:29:50,205 --> 00:29:56,001 With the appropriate persuasion, Gral will talk. 411 00:29:56,211 --> 00:29:59,546 I doubt Archer's capable of a thorough interrogation. 412 00:29:59,756 --> 00:30:02,758 Then I'll have to question him myself. 413 00:30:02,967 --> 00:30:04,718 There are guards outside our quarters. 414 00:30:04,928 --> 00:30:07,387 We don't even know what deck the ambassador's on. 415 00:30:08,389 --> 00:30:11,391 Can you bypass their security protocols? 416 00:30:16,481 --> 00:30:18,065 Any luck? 417 00:30:18,274 --> 00:30:21,985 I can't find anything that even looks like an atmosphere recycler. 418 00:30:22,362 --> 00:30:25,030 I'm starting to wonder if this ship even has life support. 419 00:30:25,240 --> 00:30:28,325 They must have atmosphere on their Bridge. 420 00:30:31,246 --> 00:30:33,789 Well, let's hope they don't mind sharing. 421 00:30:37,085 --> 00:30:40,337 The Starfleet ship has moved out of sensor range. 422 00:30:41,047 --> 00:30:45,217 The humans have seen too much. We can't allow them to escape. 423 00:30:46,678 --> 00:30:49,555 This vessel is a prototype. 424 00:30:49,764 --> 00:30:51,807 I told you it wasn't ready for combat. 425 00:30:52,016 --> 00:30:54,101 Find them! 426 00:31:01,985 --> 00:31:04,027 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 427 00:31:04,237 --> 00:31:06,154 Our battle damage has been repaired 428 00:31:06,364 --> 00:31:09,324 and we've resumed our search for the alien vessel. 429 00:31:10,994 --> 00:31:12,452 Come in. 430 00:31:16,416 --> 00:31:18,750 I analyzed the data Commander Tucker sent back. 431 00:31:18,960 --> 00:31:23,130 The ship doesn't appear to be Tellarite or Andorian. 432 00:31:24,883 --> 00:31:28,385 - Do we have any idea who built it? - There's a remote possibility. 433 00:31:29,262 --> 00:31:33,223 Its power matrix utilizes boridium cells. 434 00:31:33,433 --> 00:31:36,852 We encountered a similar technology more than two years ago. 435 00:31:37,061 --> 00:31:38,103 The Romulan minefield. 436 00:31:40,398 --> 00:31:43,567 But the power cells on those mines were much larger and more primitive. 437 00:31:43,776 --> 00:31:46,570 I did say it was a remote possibility. 438 00:31:48,323 --> 00:31:50,657 If this is a Romulan ship, 439 00:31:51,159 --> 00:31:54,453 why would they be stirring up trouble so far from home? 440 00:31:54,871 --> 00:31:57,789 They have been known to act aggressively against species 441 00:31:57,999 --> 00:31:59,207 they see as a threat. 442 00:31:59,417 --> 00:32:00,792 We've never threatened them. 443 00:32:01,002 --> 00:32:02,127 As far as I know, 444 00:32:02,337 --> 00:32:05,047 neither have the Andorians or Tellarites. 445 00:32:07,425 --> 00:32:09,927 Maybe they're afraid of something else. 446 00:32:12,347 --> 00:32:15,349 The species in this region have a history of not getting along. 447 00:32:15,558 --> 00:32:18,101 This conference could have been the first step in changing that. 448 00:32:18,311 --> 00:32:20,145 You believe they fear an alliance? 449 00:32:20,980 --> 00:32:24,524 The conference has been postponed indefinitely. 450 00:32:24,734 --> 00:32:28,070 It doesn't sound like there's gonna be an alliance any time soon. 451 00:32:28,905 --> 00:32:30,864 Anything from Trip? 452 00:32:31,532 --> 00:32:34,993 We're still too far away to detect a comm signal. 453 00:32:35,370 --> 00:32:37,329 Well, keep me updated. 454 00:32:45,672 --> 00:32:46,838 Another access tube. 455 00:32:47,048 --> 00:32:49,174 I'm starting to wonder if this ship even has a Bridge. 456 00:32:49,384 --> 00:32:51,134 Yeah. 457 00:32:52,178 --> 00:32:54,972 Your air's down to 26 minutes, Malcolm. 458 00:32:56,349 --> 00:32:58,725 Perhaps it's on one of the lower levels. 459 00:32:58,935 --> 00:32:59,977 There's no rule that says 460 00:33:00,186 --> 00:33:02,145 the Bridge has to be at the top of the ship. 461 00:33:03,940 --> 00:33:05,899 - You see these data conduits? - Uh-huh. 462 00:33:06,109 --> 00:33:08,902 Chances are they converge on the Bridge. 463 00:33:09,112 --> 00:33:13,448 So I understand our first officer's no longer married. 464 00:33:13,658 --> 00:33:14,700 Yeah. 465 00:33:14,909 --> 00:33:16,785 I was wondering what your intentions were. 466 00:33:16,995 --> 00:33:18,453 Well, who are you, her father? 467 00:33:18,663 --> 00:33:20,539 Heh. No, simply curious. 468 00:33:21,916 --> 00:33:25,043 Malcolm, Malcolm, we've got something. 469 00:33:31,217 --> 00:33:34,177 - What is it? - A maneuvering thruster. 470 00:33:35,555 --> 00:33:38,140 Perhaps they'll be kind enough to give us the specs. 471 00:33:38,349 --> 00:33:43,937 It's chemically fueled, liquid hydrogen and oxygen. 472 00:33:45,982 --> 00:33:47,357 We could refill our tanks. 473 00:33:53,698 --> 00:33:58,285 - Can I help you? - I was hoping we could talk. 474 00:33:58,870 --> 00:34:03,290 I doubt you're aware of this... How could you be? 475 00:34:03,499 --> 00:34:08,378 Andorian women are permitted 476 00:34:08,588 --> 00:34:13,633 one final conquest before their wedding. 477 00:34:13,843 --> 00:34:17,679 I've never had relations with a member of your species. 478 00:34:17,889 --> 00:34:22,142 - I was hoping you'd indulge me. - Go back to your quarters. 479 00:34:24,020 --> 00:34:25,729 You won't even consider it? 480 00:34:54,342 --> 00:34:55,884 What is it? 481 00:34:56,094 --> 00:34:58,470 There's a problem with one of the liquid fuel tanks. 482 00:34:58,679 --> 00:35:01,473 - Another malfunction? - No. 483 00:35:02,266 --> 00:35:05,977 The starboard transfer valve has been opened manually. 484 00:35:06,187 --> 00:35:07,813 Activate internal sensors. 485 00:35:11,776 --> 00:35:15,112 - How are you holding up? - A little light-headed. 486 00:35:16,280 --> 00:35:18,448 That's nothing new. 487 00:35:21,661 --> 00:35:25,288 - I should have known better. - About what? 488 00:35:25,498 --> 00:35:27,124 Getting involved with a fellow officer. 489 00:35:28,626 --> 00:35:31,628 There's nothing going on between us anymore if you're interested. 490 00:35:31,838 --> 00:35:33,255 That's not why I asked. 491 00:35:34,632 --> 00:35:36,341 Well, you said she had an awfully nice bum. 492 00:35:38,052 --> 00:35:39,928 This is true. 493 00:35:41,097 --> 00:35:42,973 Pure oxygen. 494 00:35:44,100 --> 00:35:46,059 Be my guest. 495 00:35:53,025 --> 00:35:54,109 Thanks. 496 00:36:15,131 --> 00:36:18,633 Hold. Magnify that image. 497 00:36:23,389 --> 00:36:24,931 Humans. 498 00:36:25,141 --> 00:36:27,893 If they make their way to the Bridge... 499 00:36:28,102 --> 00:36:31,396 - Are the inertial stabilizers off-line? - They are. 500 00:36:36,152 --> 00:36:38,695 Evasive maneuvers. 501 00:36:50,625 --> 00:36:53,001 Magnetize your boots. 502 00:37:24,992 --> 00:37:26,159 We must be... 503 00:37:26,369 --> 00:37:28,495 What is this? 504 00:37:31,040 --> 00:37:34,167 I wanna know why my ship was attacked. 505 00:37:34,377 --> 00:37:40,090 And then you're going to answer for your crimes against my people. 506 00:37:43,552 --> 00:37:44,761 What did you find? 507 00:37:44,971 --> 00:37:47,472 We discovered the function of the emitters on their hull. 508 00:37:47,682 --> 00:37:50,308 They're holographic projectors. 509 00:37:51,602 --> 00:37:52,852 It's a camouflage system. 510 00:37:53,062 --> 00:37:56,648 They can use it to mimic the appearance of almost any ship. 511 00:37:56,857 --> 00:37:58,984 Malcolm analyzed the Andorian debris. 512 00:37:59,193 --> 00:38:01,778 He said that ship was destroyed by Tellarite weapons. 513 00:38:01,988 --> 00:38:06,283 Their disruptor utilizes tri-phasic emitters. 514 00:38:07,702 --> 00:38:10,161 They can simulate different kinds of weapons. 515 00:38:10,371 --> 00:38:13,331 The one thing they couldn't mask is their power signature. 516 00:38:13,541 --> 00:38:16,710 - That's why the... - Security to Captain Archer. 517 00:38:16,919 --> 00:38:17,961 Go ahead. 518 00:38:18,170 --> 00:38:20,714 There's weapons fire on G-Deck, outside the Tellarites' quarters. 519 00:38:20,923 --> 00:38:22,882 On my way. Get the MACOs down there. 520 00:38:23,092 --> 00:38:25,135 Seal off G-Deck. 521 00:38:26,554 --> 00:38:29,639 We know your government's behind the disappearance of our freighters. 522 00:38:29,849 --> 00:38:31,266 We had nothing to do with that! 523 00:38:31,475 --> 00:38:35,312 You may have been able to convince Archer, but I'm not so gullible. 524 00:38:35,521 --> 00:38:37,564 I don't know a lot about Starfleet weapons 525 00:38:37,773 --> 00:38:40,442 but I believe this setting 526 00:38:40,651 --> 00:38:45,697 will bore right through that thick hide of yours. 527 00:38:45,906 --> 00:38:48,033 The truth, now! 528 00:38:59,962 --> 00:39:02,047 - Cover. - Go. 529 00:39:22,860 --> 00:39:26,112 - Stay out of this, pink skin. - Shran, listen to me. 530 00:39:26,322 --> 00:39:29,532 The ship that attacked you wasn't Tellarite. 531 00:39:29,742 --> 00:39:31,242 I was there. 532 00:39:31,452 --> 00:39:32,994 I can prove it was someone else. 533 00:39:43,881 --> 00:39:45,090 You're both being set up. 534 00:39:45,716 --> 00:39:46,716 Your ship was attacked 535 00:39:46,884 --> 00:39:49,135 because someone didn't want this conference to go forward. 536 00:39:49,303 --> 00:39:51,346 Who? 537 00:39:52,306 --> 00:39:56,601 I'm asking you, one captain to another. 538 00:39:56,811 --> 00:40:00,397 Look at the evidence before you do something you're gonna regret. 539 00:40:24,547 --> 00:40:26,714 Get Phlox down here. 540 00:40:29,176 --> 00:40:33,555 - How bad? - It's only superficial. You'll be fine. 541 00:40:40,396 --> 00:40:42,856 The Bridge should be through there. 542 00:41:21,270 --> 00:42:49,482 They've entered the Bridge.