1 00:00:02,627 --> 00:00:04,753 ARCHER: Previously on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,963 --> 00:00:07,589 I'm starting to wonder if this ship even has life support. 3 00:00:07,799 --> 00:00:09,967 They must have atmosphere on their Bridge. 4 00:00:10,176 --> 00:00:13,387 The humans have seen too much. We can't allow them to escape. 5 00:00:17,642 --> 00:00:18,851 Ow! 6 00:00:22,147 --> 00:00:23,814 Evasive maneuvers. Get our people back. 7 00:00:24,941 --> 00:00:26,734 - Did we get everyone? T'POL: Just the MACOs. 8 00:00:26,943 --> 00:00:28,485 ARCHER: Trip, we've lost the transporter. 9 00:00:28,653 --> 00:00:30,696 - Sit tight until we come back for you. - Understood. 10 00:00:32,699 --> 00:00:34,074 If this is a Romulan ship, 11 00:00:34,284 --> 00:00:36,618 why would they be stirring up trouble so far from home? 12 00:00:38,204 --> 00:00:40,581 - Stay out of this, pinkskin. ARCHER: Shran, listen to me. 13 00:00:40,790 --> 00:00:42,583 The ship that attacked you wasn't Tellarite. 14 00:00:42,792 --> 00:00:44,793 You're both being set up. 15 00:00:45,003 --> 00:00:47,087 Someone didn't want this conference to go forward. 16 00:00:48,548 --> 00:00:50,507 [BOTH GRUNT] 17 00:00:51,843 --> 00:00:53,510 NIJIL: They've entered the Bridge. 18 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:54,928 TRIP: There's no one here. 19 00:01:03,396 --> 00:01:04,980 [BOTH GRUNTING] 20 00:01:14,324 --> 00:01:16,366 They won't last much longer. 21 00:01:18,953 --> 00:01:21,455 It will have to wait. We're approaching our next target. 22 00:01:21,664 --> 00:01:23,874 NIJIL: Stabilize the drone for battle. 23 00:01:24,584 --> 00:01:27,127 Activating the holographic skin. 24 00:01:27,337 --> 00:01:29,379 Use this configuration. 25 00:01:30,256 --> 00:01:31,507 TRIP: You still in one piece? 26 00:01:31,716 --> 00:01:35,677 Yeah, I'll let you know when my head stops spinning. 27 00:01:37,764 --> 00:01:39,056 Feel that? 28 00:01:39,265 --> 00:01:41,016 We're dropping out of warp. 29 00:01:41,226 --> 00:01:42,309 Target acquired. 30 00:01:42,519 --> 00:01:44,269 Engage visual sensors. 31 00:01:47,107 --> 00:01:49,024 The Rigelians are hailing us. 32 00:01:49,234 --> 00:01:50,818 Answer them. 33 00:01:52,862 --> 00:01:55,280 - We're firing at someone. REED: Well, brace yourself. 34 00:01:55,490 --> 00:01:57,658 Whoever it is, they'll be sure to fire back. 35 00:02:00,453 --> 00:02:02,037 The drone is taking damage. 36 00:02:02,247 --> 00:02:05,916 Give the Rigelians time to send their distress call. 37 00:02:10,672 --> 00:02:13,882 Now destroy them. 38 00:03:46,017 --> 00:03:48,018 ARCHER: Captain's Starlog, Supplemental. 39 00:03:48,228 --> 00:03:53,023 For now, the truce between the Andorians and Tellarites on Enterprise is holding. 40 00:03:53,233 --> 00:03:56,568 But Starfleet has informed me of a new diplomatic crisis. 41 00:03:56,819 --> 00:04:00,030 It was a heavily-armed scoutship with a crew of 17. 42 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:02,115 There were no survivors. 43 00:04:02,784 --> 00:04:06,328 Why does Starfleet think this is connected to the other incidents? 44 00:04:06,537 --> 00:04:10,624 Rigelians transmitted a visual record of the ship that attacked them. 45 00:04:10,833 --> 00:04:14,670 I'm told their trade commission is demanding compensation 46 00:04:14,879 --> 00:04:16,338 and my arrest. 47 00:04:16,506 --> 00:04:18,131 [COMPUTER BEEPS OFF] 48 00:04:18,466 --> 00:04:20,592 Whoever's behind these attacks, 49 00:04:21,135 --> 00:04:22,970 they're trying to do more than provoke a war 50 00:04:23,179 --> 00:04:25,347 between Andorians and Tellarites. 51 00:04:25,556 --> 00:04:29,226 This is an attempt to destabilize the entire region. 52 00:04:30,186 --> 00:04:33,438 We need to find the marauder before it attacks again. 53 00:04:33,648 --> 00:04:36,441 I've found a way to detect their warp signature. 54 00:04:36,651 --> 00:04:41,029 And Travis designed a sensor grid that should extend our range. 55 00:04:41,239 --> 00:04:42,656 How many ships will make this work? 56 00:04:42,865 --> 00:04:44,825 Only 128. 57 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:52,291 There's just one way we can get that many ships to help us. 58 00:04:59,966 --> 00:05:01,758 Talas. 59 00:05:04,679 --> 00:05:07,055 Have you come to take me home? 60 00:05:07,265 --> 00:05:09,975 I think this Denobulan doctor 61 00:05:10,601 --> 00:05:12,728 is secretly in love with you. 62 00:05:12,937 --> 00:05:15,647 He wants to keep you to himself. 63 00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:19,109 You said my wound was superficial. 64 00:05:21,696 --> 00:05:23,780 You were only grazed. 65 00:05:24,741 --> 00:05:27,367 But the phase-pistol was set to kill. 66 00:05:28,202 --> 00:05:30,078 That Tellarite pig. 67 00:05:30,747 --> 00:05:33,040 Is there any other kind? 68 00:05:33,624 --> 00:05:36,918 I've seen what phase-pulse infection can do to Andorians. 69 00:05:37,128 --> 00:05:39,463 You're going to be fine. 70 00:05:40,882 --> 00:05:42,924 We'll be home soon, 71 00:05:43,843 --> 00:05:45,218 the two of us. 72 00:05:48,598 --> 00:05:51,058 Don't let me die unavenged. 73 00:05:53,227 --> 00:05:55,020 I won't. 74 00:05:58,399 --> 00:06:01,568 I'm sorry. She needs to rest. 75 00:06:02,820 --> 00:06:04,613 See what I mean? 76 00:06:05,198 --> 00:06:07,032 He can't get enough of you. 77 00:06:10,787 --> 00:06:12,496 I'm jealous. 78 00:06:21,964 --> 00:06:23,465 Doctor. 79 00:06:35,353 --> 00:06:38,313 - How is she? - Lucky to be alive. 80 00:06:41,526 --> 00:06:43,443 I have a proposal. 81 00:06:44,028 --> 00:06:47,697 If it involves killing Tellarites, I'm all for it. 82 00:06:56,332 --> 00:07:00,502 Your ship is adrift in enemy space, damaged and defenseless, 83 00:07:00,711 --> 00:07:04,005 because of a single Rigelian scoutship? 84 00:07:04,215 --> 00:07:07,259 Is that what you want me to report to the Senate? 85 00:07:07,468 --> 00:07:09,469 The drone has taken damage before. 86 00:07:09,679 --> 00:07:11,680 It's designed to self-repair. 87 00:07:11,889 --> 00:07:16,017 - If our enemies find it... - That's the point of this project. 88 00:07:16,227 --> 00:07:18,979 No prisoners to capture, no bodies to recover. 89 00:07:19,188 --> 00:07:23,275 These drone ships can never be traced back to us. 90 00:07:23,484 --> 00:07:25,485 This prototype's a modified warbird. 91 00:07:25,695 --> 00:07:29,448 The Vulcans would identify it the moment they inspected the propulsion matrix. 92 00:07:29,657 --> 00:07:32,617 The Vulcans won't get anywhere near it. 93 00:07:32,827 --> 00:07:36,705 Don't underestimate our distant brothers. 94 00:07:36,914 --> 00:07:38,415 Bring your ship home. 95 00:07:38,624 --> 00:07:41,668 I'll tell the Senate that your test has been a success. 96 00:07:41,878 --> 00:07:45,714 Otherwise, they'll make someone pay for this failure. 97 00:07:52,013 --> 00:07:55,849 And I promise you, it won't be me. 98 00:07:56,058 --> 00:07:58,810 Jolan tru, admiral. 99 00:08:06,152 --> 00:08:07,194 [DOOR BEEPS] 100 00:08:07,361 --> 00:08:08,403 Come in. 101 00:08:10,156 --> 00:08:11,823 Admiral Gardner just called. 102 00:08:12,033 --> 00:08:14,618 He's sending every ship available, but at top speed, 103 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:17,078 it will take weeks for most of them to get here. 104 00:08:17,288 --> 00:08:20,373 - What about Columbia? - She's stuck in dry dock. Engine trouble. 105 00:08:20,583 --> 00:08:21,791 Did you contact your people? 106 00:08:22,335 --> 00:08:25,837 Minister T'Pau is dispatching 23 vessels. 107 00:08:26,422 --> 00:08:28,924 - That's all? - The High Command was disbanded. 108 00:08:29,133 --> 00:08:32,010 Many of our ships no longer have full crew complements. 109 00:08:32,220 --> 00:08:35,180 T'Pau could have picked a better time to clean house. 110 00:08:35,973 --> 00:08:38,642 Andorian and Tellarite fleet deployments? 111 00:08:38,851 --> 00:08:40,852 I'm thinking of asking them to join us. 112 00:08:42,271 --> 00:08:46,024 Without more ships, our sensor net's gonna have a gaping hole. 113 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:48,276 The marauder could fly right through it unknown. 114 00:08:48,486 --> 00:08:51,780 Have you discussed this with Commander Shran or Ambassador Gral? 115 00:08:51,989 --> 00:08:53,240 Not yet. 116 00:08:53,866 --> 00:08:57,077 Even if both sides were to agree, which seems unlikely, 117 00:08:57,286 --> 00:08:59,287 their deployments would have to be coordinated, 118 00:08:59,497 --> 00:09:01,122 a command hierarchy established. 119 00:09:01,332 --> 00:09:04,292 An Andorian captain might have a problem taking orders from a Tellarite? 120 00:09:04,502 --> 00:09:06,127 Precisely. 121 00:09:06,504 --> 00:09:10,131 There's one species that's on friendly terms with both of them. 122 00:09:10,341 --> 00:09:11,883 Humans. 123 00:09:12,760 --> 00:09:16,680 Enterprise could serve as the command ship, relaying all orders. 124 00:09:17,848 --> 00:09:21,142 The other ships would only have to exchange communication codes. 125 00:09:21,811 --> 00:09:23,144 It might work. 126 00:09:23,854 --> 00:09:25,981 - You don't sound too optimistic. - These four species 127 00:09:26,190 --> 00:09:28,692 have never cooperated on a mutual endeavor. 128 00:09:28,901 --> 00:09:32,320 As far as I know, no one's ever tried to get them together before. 129 00:09:32,738 --> 00:09:35,740 From what I've heard about these Romulans, they mean business. 130 00:09:35,950 --> 00:09:37,617 If they're behind these attacks, 131 00:09:38,119 --> 00:09:41,162 we have to find some way to stop them, or next time, 132 00:09:41,747 --> 00:09:44,624 they might come back with a thousand of those ships. 133 00:09:45,501 --> 00:09:47,752 Some of these circuits are live, 134 00:09:48,212 --> 00:09:50,213 but I don't know what they're for. 135 00:09:50,423 --> 00:09:52,841 TRIP: I can't figure out what half this stuff is. 136 00:09:53,050 --> 00:09:54,217 What about the other half? 137 00:09:55,303 --> 00:09:57,345 Well, I think I found an environmental system. 138 00:09:57,555 --> 00:09:58,972 That'd make sense. 139 00:09:59,181 --> 00:10:01,224 These consoles look like crew stations. 140 00:10:01,434 --> 00:10:02,851 Here goes. 141 00:10:07,189 --> 00:10:08,898 Well, how about that? 142 00:10:10,651 --> 00:10:12,902 In a few minutes, we'll have heat and air. 143 00:10:13,070 --> 00:10:14,195 REED: Huh. 144 00:10:15,489 --> 00:10:18,617 Do you think it's possible there's no one else on board? 145 00:10:19,035 --> 00:10:21,620 Why would a robot ship have a Bridge like this? 146 00:10:21,829 --> 00:10:23,163 It could be a prototype. 147 00:10:23,372 --> 00:10:26,458 Outfit an existing ship with the latest in computer controls. 148 00:10:26,667 --> 00:10:29,961 - That'd make things a lot easier for us. - How's that? 149 00:10:30,171 --> 00:10:34,591 If this ship's run by computer, what we need to do is find the off switch. 150 00:10:34,759 --> 00:10:36,343 REED: Mm-hm. 151 00:10:37,678 --> 00:10:42,599 I'd rather cohabit with Klingon targs than join forces with Tellarites! 152 00:10:42,808 --> 00:10:46,478 Your personal mating preference is no concern of mine. 153 00:10:53,361 --> 00:10:56,321 If you're waiting for me to stop you, don't worry. 154 00:10:56,530 --> 00:10:58,948 - I won't. - You heard what he said! 155 00:10:59,158 --> 00:11:00,992 And I heard what you said. 156 00:11:01,619 --> 00:11:04,704 So now it's time for both of you to listen to me. 157 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:11,920 Instead of insulting you to make you feel at home 158 00:11:12,129 --> 00:11:15,173 and putting up with your arrogance as a sign of my respect, 159 00:11:15,383 --> 00:11:18,843 why don't the two of you try behaving like humans for a change? 160 00:11:19,053 --> 00:11:20,637 And you said you wouldn't be insulting. 161 00:11:30,106 --> 00:11:34,484 There's one thing humans seem to do better than any species we've met. 162 00:11:34,694 --> 00:11:37,278 When we're faced with a common threat, 163 00:11:37,947 --> 00:11:42,575 we put our differences aside and try to cooperate. 164 00:11:45,663 --> 00:11:50,041 Someone is determined to start a war in this region. 165 00:11:50,251 --> 00:11:52,377 I've shown you how we can stop them, 166 00:11:52,586 --> 00:11:56,464 but if you don't understand that, feel free to strangle each other. 167 00:11:58,259 --> 00:12:04,013 Just remember, that's exactly what this marauder wants you to do. 168 00:12:14,692 --> 00:12:15,775 We've gone back to warp. 169 00:12:15,985 --> 00:12:18,319 Yeah, I got a power spike from one of these conduits. 170 00:12:18,529 --> 00:12:20,572 You think warp control runs through here? 171 00:12:20,781 --> 00:12:24,909 If this ship was originally built for a crew, all controls should connect to the Bridge. 172 00:12:25,745 --> 00:12:29,372 Maybe they never got disconnected. Keep your eyes on these consoles. 173 00:12:35,463 --> 00:12:37,547 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 174 00:12:38,007 --> 00:12:39,424 Did you do that? 175 00:12:42,052 --> 00:12:44,012 Even money, we just found the propulsion controls. 176 00:12:44,221 --> 00:12:48,141 - What are they doing? - I can't tell. Visual surveillance is off-line. 177 00:12:49,143 --> 00:12:50,852 The drone is dropping out of warp. 178 00:12:52,897 --> 00:12:54,063 You found the off switch? 179 00:12:54,273 --> 00:12:57,150 All I did was interrupt the power to the warp controls. 180 00:12:57,359 --> 00:12:59,861 There's probably a backup that'll switch on in a few minutes. 181 00:13:00,070 --> 00:13:02,030 Can you make any sense of this? 182 00:13:04,492 --> 00:13:06,075 Where's Hoshi when you need her? 183 00:13:07,995 --> 00:13:09,913 REED: That's where we are. 184 00:13:12,124 --> 00:13:15,210 I'm gonna guess that's the power circuit I just shut down. 185 00:13:15,419 --> 00:13:16,669 REED: If this were Enterprise, 186 00:13:16,879 --> 00:13:19,714 that'd be the power coupling for the entire warp control system, 187 00:13:19,924 --> 00:13:21,883 including the backups. 188 00:13:25,971 --> 00:13:27,597 Should be right through there. 189 00:13:27,807 --> 00:13:28,848 [DOOR OPENS] 190 00:13:30,726 --> 00:13:33,144 Huh. Maestro. 191 00:13:36,607 --> 00:13:39,484 One of them's left the Bridge. He's in the service junction. 192 00:13:39,693 --> 00:13:42,153 - Why? - It appears he's located the main coupling 193 00:13:42,363 --> 00:13:43,530 for the warp matrix. 194 00:13:43,739 --> 00:13:45,532 What else is in there? 195 00:13:47,284 --> 00:13:48,785 [COMPUTER KEYS CLICKING] 196 00:13:48,994 --> 00:13:52,330 Just what we need to kill him. 197 00:13:53,958 --> 00:13:56,584 TRIP: Malcolm, I'm gonna flip through these like circuit breakers. 198 00:13:57,378 --> 00:14:00,380 - Let me know how the diagram changes. - Ready when you are. 199 00:14:00,881 --> 00:14:02,006 There's the first one. 200 00:14:03,717 --> 00:14:04,759 It went out. 201 00:14:04,969 --> 00:14:07,595 NIJIL: He's disabling the warp system. - Is self-repair still activated? 202 00:14:07,805 --> 00:14:10,014 It'll take more than a day to reroute the major circuits. 203 00:14:10,224 --> 00:14:11,766 We don't have a day. 204 00:14:13,143 --> 00:14:15,520 One of them's still in the Service Junction. 205 00:14:16,230 --> 00:14:18,189 Seal him in. 206 00:14:18,399 --> 00:14:20,692 I'm gonna see if there's a communications circuit we can... 207 00:14:22,111 --> 00:14:23,361 Malcolm! 208 00:14:26,282 --> 00:14:29,200 - Malcolm, did you touch something? - Wasn't me. 209 00:14:29,368 --> 00:14:30,618 [KEYS TAPPING] 210 00:14:37,209 --> 00:14:39,127 Do the hatch controls work on your side? 211 00:14:39,336 --> 00:14:41,629 Negative. They're not responding. 212 00:14:41,797 --> 00:14:45,133 [GRUNTS] 213 00:14:45,384 --> 00:14:48,011 VALDORE: Listen carefully and you won't be harmed. 214 00:14:48,637 --> 00:14:51,097 - Who are you? - I control the ship. 215 00:14:51,307 --> 00:14:52,891 Not anymore, you don't. 216 00:14:57,855 --> 00:15:00,023 Commander, what's happening? 217 00:15:01,567 --> 00:15:03,443 Reactor coolant. 218 00:15:03,652 --> 00:15:05,695 Radiation's at a hundred roentgens and climbing. 219 00:15:05,905 --> 00:15:08,072 VALDORE: That gives you seven minutes, commander. 220 00:15:08,282 --> 00:15:11,951 Reestablish the warp matrix, or you will die. 221 00:15:20,836 --> 00:15:23,004 SHRAN: Compliments of the Imperial Guard. 222 00:15:23,505 --> 00:15:26,716 These are the communication codes we'll use for the joint operation. 223 00:15:26,926 --> 00:15:30,803 Gral's informed me that the Tellarites are also taking part. 224 00:15:31,388 --> 00:15:33,306 So they'll need these codes as well. 225 00:15:34,642 --> 00:15:36,517 Do what you have to. 226 00:15:36,727 --> 00:15:38,561 I appreciate your cooperation. 227 00:15:38,771 --> 00:15:40,897 You're not difficult to work with, captain. 228 00:15:41,106 --> 00:15:44,651 Unlike Tellarites, you understand ethics and try to live by them. 229 00:15:45,736 --> 00:15:48,446 - Try? - Well, nobody's perfect. 230 00:15:49,573 --> 00:15:51,991 Have you served on all these vessels? 231 00:15:52,493 --> 00:15:55,453 A few of them are a bit before my time, 232 00:15:56,497 --> 00:15:58,289 but they were all named Enterprise. 233 00:15:58,499 --> 00:16:02,502 This one sailed Earth's oceans almost 400 years ago. 234 00:16:02,711 --> 00:16:05,171 My vessel, the Kumari, 235 00:16:05,381 --> 00:16:09,467 was named for the first ice-cutter to circumnavigate Andoria. 236 00:16:10,260 --> 00:16:14,347 Perhaps future ships will be named after our vessels, 237 00:16:14,556 --> 00:16:17,308 especially if we do something historic... 238 00:16:17,893 --> 00:16:19,227 together. 239 00:16:19,770 --> 00:16:22,897 There's no reason our people can't become allies. 240 00:16:25,609 --> 00:16:27,652 Agreed. 241 00:16:28,821 --> 00:16:32,281 Pay attention to that board, Malcolm. I'm gonna try to cut power to the reactor. 242 00:16:32,491 --> 00:16:35,660 I've got a better idea. Make sure you're well away from the door. 243 00:16:35,869 --> 00:16:37,328 You're wasting time, commander. 244 00:16:37,538 --> 00:16:39,914 The radiation will be fatal in three minutes. 245 00:16:40,124 --> 00:16:41,833 I can save you. 246 00:16:49,383 --> 00:16:52,427 - Malcolm, what happened to the board? - Everything's off. 247 00:16:53,512 --> 00:16:55,221 That's more like it. 248 00:16:55,723 --> 00:16:57,473 Radiation's falling. 249 00:16:57,683 --> 00:17:00,810 - They've taken the reactor off-line. - Activate the backup sequencer. 250 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:07,316 VALDORE: I'm still in control. 251 00:17:07,526 --> 00:17:09,777 There's nothing you can do to save your life, 252 00:17:09,987 --> 00:17:12,780 except follow my instructions. 253 00:17:12,990 --> 00:17:18,119 We've received the final confirmations. All 128 ships are in position. 254 00:17:18,537 --> 00:17:20,079 PHLOX [ON COM]: Phlox to Captain Archer. 255 00:17:20,247 --> 00:17:21,330 Go ahead. 256 00:17:21,540 --> 00:17:24,125 I require you in Sickbay as soon as possible. 257 00:17:35,554 --> 00:17:37,263 No. 258 00:17:38,390 --> 00:17:40,391 I did everything I could. 259 00:17:42,227 --> 00:17:45,438 You said she'd recover. 260 00:17:46,106 --> 00:17:47,565 Shran. 261 00:17:53,739 --> 00:17:56,365 [GASPING] 262 00:18:05,501 --> 00:18:07,293 [SOBBING] 263 00:18:08,712 --> 00:18:10,296 No. 264 00:18:20,224 --> 00:18:22,350 REED: Commander, what's your status? 265 00:18:22,810 --> 00:18:24,519 I should have brought my helmet. 266 00:18:24,728 --> 00:18:28,564 Radiation's at 180 and climbing. I can't shut it down. 267 00:18:28,774 --> 00:18:31,776 - You don't have to die like this. - You're not getting this ship back. 268 00:18:31,985 --> 00:18:35,071 You're wrong, commander. Eventually it will repair itself. 269 00:18:35,280 --> 00:18:37,198 You'll have died for nothing. 270 00:18:37,407 --> 00:18:40,201 All right. I'll reconnect the matrix. 271 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:41,494 Open the hatch! 272 00:18:41,703 --> 00:18:43,955 Malcolm, no! 273 00:18:44,832 --> 00:18:46,666 That's an order. 274 00:18:46,834 --> 00:18:48,835 [GASPING] 275 00:18:51,630 --> 00:18:52,672 Commander? 276 00:18:52,881 --> 00:18:55,758 Do your duty, Malcolm. Restore the matrix. 277 00:18:55,968 --> 00:18:57,885 Save your commander's life. 278 00:19:05,269 --> 00:19:07,979 There. Every Tellarite ship is connected to your sensor network, 279 00:19:08,188 --> 00:19:11,357 despite the inefficient Andorian codes. 280 00:19:12,484 --> 00:19:15,486 Now comes the hard part. We have to sit and wait. 281 00:19:15,988 --> 00:19:20,741 - Unh. We're not a patient people. - I've noticed. 282 00:19:21,410 --> 00:19:24,829 - Maybe that's something we can... SHRAN: I only wanna talk to him. 283 00:19:35,424 --> 00:19:36,841 I only wanna talk. 284 00:19:44,266 --> 00:19:45,349 We're listening. 285 00:19:56,361 --> 00:20:00,281 You need to know about Talas, 286 00:20:00,490 --> 00:20:01,908 the woman you killed. 287 00:20:02,117 --> 00:20:03,910 She attacked us. 288 00:20:04,119 --> 00:20:07,205 The attack was over when you shot her. 289 00:20:07,414 --> 00:20:09,081 But I'm not here to argue that. 290 00:20:10,042 --> 00:20:12,710 Her family was privileged, 291 00:20:12,920 --> 00:20:14,754 her parents wealthy. 292 00:20:14,963 --> 00:20:20,301 She could have chosen any career, never known discomfort. 293 00:20:21,053 --> 00:20:23,179 But she felt the call of duty. 294 00:20:23,931 --> 00:20:27,225 She pledged her life to the Imperial Guard. 295 00:20:29,436 --> 00:20:32,230 Talas could have had anything. 296 00:20:33,732 --> 00:20:35,274 Anyone. 297 00:20:37,694 --> 00:20:39,445 She chose me. 298 00:20:43,200 --> 00:20:44,867 I just wanted you to know. 299 00:20:55,045 --> 00:20:56,629 It's her blood. 300 00:20:59,758 --> 00:21:02,134 When a Guardsman dies far from home, 301 00:21:03,262 --> 00:21:05,179 his companions, 302 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:09,475 her companions, 303 00:21:11,061 --> 00:21:16,732 carry a part of her back to the ice of Andoria. 304 00:21:21,488 --> 00:21:23,322 I wanted you to know that too. 305 00:21:24,449 --> 00:21:25,741 [NAARG GRUNTING] 306 00:21:26,827 --> 00:21:28,452 Before you die! 307 00:21:28,662 --> 00:21:32,665 - That's enough! - Not until his blood pays for hers! 308 00:21:32,874 --> 00:21:36,419 - Keep him away. - You will face justice at my hands! 309 00:21:36,628 --> 00:21:39,672 - That's not gonna happen on my ship. - Yes, it will, pinkskin. 310 00:21:39,881 --> 00:21:44,969 Because if you and the Tellarites don't show respect for Andorian tradition, 311 00:21:45,178 --> 00:21:47,596 the Imperial Guard will withdraw its ships. 312 00:21:48,015 --> 00:21:49,348 What tradition? 313 00:21:49,558 --> 00:21:54,270 Unless this murderer meets me in combat, 314 00:21:54,479 --> 00:21:58,274 your precious alliance is finished! 315 00:22:03,655 --> 00:22:04,989 [HISSING] 316 00:22:07,159 --> 00:22:08,951 I'm reconnecting the warp matrix. 317 00:22:09,161 --> 00:22:11,287 Shut off the radiation. 318 00:22:11,496 --> 00:22:12,747 When you're finished. 319 00:22:13,165 --> 00:22:14,415 [SWITCH CLICKS ON] 320 00:22:14,583 --> 00:22:16,000 There. 321 00:22:16,835 --> 00:22:20,254 Now shut it off. And open this hatch. 322 00:22:25,594 --> 00:22:28,596 Commander, stay with me. 323 00:22:31,058 --> 00:22:33,267 The matrix has been reactivated. 324 00:22:33,977 --> 00:22:36,479 Then we don't need the humans anymore. 325 00:22:36,730 --> 00:22:38,022 [DOOR CLICKS] 326 00:22:39,316 --> 00:22:41,942 Why didn't you listen to me? 327 00:22:42,152 --> 00:22:44,445 We're better off here than on the Bridge. 328 00:22:46,615 --> 00:22:48,491 [DEVICE BEEPING] 329 00:22:49,618 --> 00:22:53,788 Take it to warp. Set a course for home. 330 00:22:57,042 --> 00:22:58,793 We're back at warp. 331 00:22:59,461 --> 00:23:01,587 I ordered you not to help them. 332 00:23:02,297 --> 00:23:04,924 I apologize for saving your life, commander. 333 00:23:05,133 --> 00:23:06,801 It won't happen again. 334 00:23:07,010 --> 00:23:08,094 Sorry. 335 00:23:08,303 --> 00:23:11,847 According to the Bridge schematic, this is an access panel. 336 00:23:12,057 --> 00:23:15,017 - Where does it lead? - Away from the Bridge. 337 00:23:15,227 --> 00:23:16,560 What does that give us? 338 00:23:16,770 --> 00:23:19,063 We should assume that we're being monitored. 339 00:23:20,607 --> 00:23:23,025 Did you ever read the manual that came with that thing? 340 00:23:26,071 --> 00:23:28,531 The warning about inadvertent overload? 341 00:23:29,908 --> 00:23:34,036 - How long does it take? - By now, less than a minute. 342 00:23:39,126 --> 00:23:40,709 What access panel are they talking about? 343 00:23:40,919 --> 00:23:44,338 It leads into the superstructure, away from any critical equipment. 344 00:23:44,548 --> 00:23:47,633 We'll deal with them when the drone returns. 345 00:23:51,930 --> 00:23:53,514 [DEVICE BEEPING FASTER] 346 00:23:54,266 --> 00:23:56,016 [BOTH GRUNTING] 347 00:24:06,945 --> 00:24:11,240 We've gotta be a safe distance by now. I wired it directly into the power conduit. 348 00:24:26,089 --> 00:24:27,548 [BOTH GRUNT] 349 00:24:33,430 --> 00:24:35,389 We've lost contact. 350 00:24:42,772 --> 00:24:44,732 The Andorian tradition Shran wants to follow 351 00:24:44,941 --> 00:24:46,358 is called the Ushaan. 352 00:24:46,568 --> 00:24:49,278 Basically, it's a duel to the death. 353 00:24:49,863 --> 00:24:53,157 The combatants fight with these. 354 00:24:53,617 --> 00:24:55,743 It's called a ushaan-tor. 355 00:24:55,952 --> 00:24:57,495 It's an ice miner's tool. 356 00:24:57,704 --> 00:25:00,414 Andorians play with them as children. 357 00:25:00,624 --> 00:25:03,292 A Tellarite won't stand a chance using one against Shran. 358 00:25:03,502 --> 00:25:05,377 I don't think that's gonna be an issue. 359 00:25:05,587 --> 00:25:08,088 Ambassador Gral's refusing to let Naarg fight. 360 00:25:08,298 --> 00:25:11,550 Andorians will consider that a further insult. 361 00:25:12,969 --> 00:25:15,221 What else do we know about this tradition? 362 00:25:23,021 --> 00:25:25,648 Please, make yourself at home. 363 00:25:29,945 --> 00:25:31,403 An old friend. 364 00:25:32,030 --> 00:25:34,406 I carry it everywhere. 365 00:25:37,702 --> 00:25:42,706 Two hours ago, we spoke about a new partnership between Andoria and Earth. 366 00:25:42,916 --> 00:25:45,084 A benefit to both our worlds. 367 00:25:46,253 --> 00:25:48,587 You're throwing it away for personal vengeance? 368 00:25:49,965 --> 00:25:52,258 There's more to this than Talas. 369 00:25:52,467 --> 00:25:55,761 I lost my ship, almost my entire crew. 370 00:25:55,971 --> 00:25:59,848 If I do nothing to avenge these losses, what kind of leader am I? 371 00:26:00,058 --> 00:26:02,685 Why should any soldier follow me again? 372 00:26:05,522 --> 00:26:08,732 Besides, you should be wishing me luck. 373 00:26:10,610 --> 00:26:14,989 I provide a voice for your species at the Imperial Guard. 374 00:26:15,657 --> 00:26:18,409 I'm valuable to humans. 375 00:26:21,371 --> 00:26:22,830 I spoke to Ambassador Gral... 376 00:26:22,998 --> 00:26:24,081 Oh. 377 00:26:24,249 --> 00:26:26,750 ...about the rules of the Ushaan. 378 00:26:27,502 --> 00:26:29,295 Specifically, 379 00:26:30,213 --> 00:26:31,755 the right of substitution. 380 00:26:35,343 --> 00:26:39,013 The Ambassador's decided to fight in place of his underling? 381 00:26:42,017 --> 00:26:43,434 Not the Ambassador. 382 00:26:46,396 --> 00:26:48,105 You wouldn't. 383 00:26:48,315 --> 00:26:50,274 I'm the substitute. 384 00:26:51,067 --> 00:26:52,651 You're gonna have to fight me. 385 00:26:52,861 --> 00:26:55,237 I'm going to have to kill you. 386 00:26:57,365 --> 00:26:58,907 You're my friend. 387 00:26:59,117 --> 00:27:00,534 Then call it off. 388 00:27:07,292 --> 00:27:08,626 I can't. 389 00:27:11,087 --> 00:27:12,838 TRIP: You did all this with one phase-pistol? 390 00:27:13,006 --> 00:27:14,298 REED: You're good at building things. 391 00:27:14,466 --> 00:27:15,591 I'm good at blowing them up. 392 00:27:15,759 --> 00:27:17,301 We should get to the outer hull. 393 00:27:17,510 --> 00:27:19,970 We might be safer finding another area with life support. 394 00:27:20,180 --> 00:27:22,014 The hull's covered with subspace transceivers. 395 00:27:22,223 --> 00:27:26,018 If I can link one to our communicators, we might be able to contact Enterprise. 396 00:27:29,230 --> 00:27:31,523 Admiral, the drone's restored contact. 397 00:27:31,733 --> 00:27:33,776 The repair systems are starting to work. 398 00:27:33,985 --> 00:27:35,944 It'll take days. 399 00:27:36,154 --> 00:27:39,573 Let me know when it's restored its ability to self-destruct. 400 00:27:41,284 --> 00:27:42,743 Come in. 401 00:27:46,915 --> 00:27:48,540 Updating your will? 402 00:27:49,584 --> 00:27:50,959 You expect me to lose? 403 00:27:51,169 --> 00:27:53,796 Shran is a member of the Imperial Guard, 404 00:27:54,005 --> 00:27:57,216 trained in combat from childhood. 405 00:27:57,425 --> 00:28:00,427 - He won't back down. - He can't. 406 00:28:01,012 --> 00:28:03,180 - I understand. - If you back down, 407 00:28:03,390 --> 00:28:05,474 the Imperial Guard will withdraw their ships. 408 00:28:05,684 --> 00:28:07,518 If I kill Shran, 409 00:28:08,103 --> 00:28:11,897 or one of the Tellarites does, the Andorians will pull out anyway. 410 00:28:13,316 --> 00:28:18,028 The Tellarites will do the same thing if Shran kills one of them. 411 00:28:19,948 --> 00:28:25,035 So I'm the only one who can be killed, because Starfleet won't withdraw. 412 00:28:28,039 --> 00:28:30,332 This operation is important, 413 00:28:30,542 --> 00:28:34,586 considering that it might lead to an alliance of planets. 414 00:28:36,506 --> 00:28:41,176 Vulcans have a saying: "One man can summon the future." 415 00:28:42,095 --> 00:28:46,306 What happens if that man throws away his life before his time? 416 00:28:48,560 --> 00:28:52,521 If I've learned anything these past few years on Enterprise, 417 00:28:53,273 --> 00:28:55,816 it's that the future isn't fixed. 418 00:28:56,025 --> 00:28:58,527 If anything happens to you... 419 00:28:59,279 --> 00:29:02,072 Then I'd better make sure that nothing does. 420 00:29:11,249 --> 00:29:12,541 [DOOR OPENS] 421 00:29:14,794 --> 00:29:17,045 Didn't expect to find you up this late. 422 00:29:17,255 --> 00:29:18,714 What are you doing here? 423 00:29:18,923 --> 00:29:20,591 Too wired to sleep. 424 00:29:20,800 --> 00:29:24,595 Hard to believe the captain's going to be fighting a duel to the death in a few hours. 425 00:29:24,804 --> 00:29:27,014 Barbaric, if you ask me. 426 00:29:27,724 --> 00:29:29,808 - What are you looking at? HOSHI: Code of the Ushaan. 427 00:29:30,018 --> 00:29:34,188 T'Pol wants me to go over it again, see if I can find a way out of this mess. 428 00:29:34,397 --> 00:29:37,483 Well, the last I heard, the captain sounded determined to go through with it. 429 00:29:37,692 --> 00:29:39,568 She wants me to find a loophole. 430 00:29:39,778 --> 00:29:42,946 Some way to forfeit without offending the Andorians. 431 00:29:44,991 --> 00:29:47,701 Two of us could get through that a lot faster. 432 00:29:51,539 --> 00:29:52,706 Look at this. 433 00:29:52,916 --> 00:29:55,417 "Either combatant can postpone a duel indefinitely 434 00:29:55,627 --> 00:29:58,587 if there are no children to continue his clan." 435 00:29:59,380 --> 00:30:00,631 How does that help us? 436 00:30:00,840 --> 00:30:03,425 As far as I know, Captain Archer doesn't have any kids. 437 00:30:03,635 --> 00:30:06,094 If he's killed, his clan would die with him. 438 00:30:06,304 --> 00:30:09,056 That rule only applies if he's married. 439 00:30:10,850 --> 00:30:13,644 Don't suppose we can find him a wife in the next four hours. 440 00:30:13,853 --> 00:30:17,898 Even if we could, something tells me the Andorians would cry foul. 441 00:30:18,316 --> 00:30:19,483 [SIGHS] 442 00:30:19,651 --> 00:30:22,611 There are 12,000 amendments to this ridiculous honor code. 443 00:30:22,821 --> 00:30:25,781 There's got to be one that can get him out of this. 444 00:30:25,990 --> 00:30:28,242 Instead of looking for a loophole, 445 00:30:28,451 --> 00:30:31,870 maybe we should be trying to find a way for the captain to win. 446 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:35,874 If the captain wins, Shran's dead. The alliance falls apart. 447 00:30:37,335 --> 00:30:39,044 Have you ever been to Nobelia Prime? 448 00:30:40,421 --> 00:30:42,172 Not recently. 449 00:30:42,799 --> 00:30:45,509 The tribal elders there can challenge you to a duel 450 00:30:45,718 --> 00:30:47,219 if you look at them the wrong way. 451 00:30:47,428 --> 00:30:48,762 Happened to my father. 452 00:30:48,972 --> 00:30:50,222 How did he get out of it? 453 00:30:52,475 --> 00:30:55,435 Which one of these has the combat rules? 454 00:30:59,315 --> 00:31:02,609 Don't block with this. When he swings, intercept, deflect, and hook it away. 455 00:31:02,819 --> 00:31:05,404 Better to insert between the eyes and twist. 456 00:31:05,613 --> 00:31:07,823 Andorian metabolism is higher than humans'. 457 00:31:08,032 --> 00:31:10,742 Keep moving, you'll exhaust him. 458 00:31:12,120 --> 00:31:13,829 How about I just win? 459 00:31:14,038 --> 00:31:15,747 Take your places. 460 00:31:20,753 --> 00:31:24,464 - There is still time to end this. - It can only end one way. 461 00:31:25,258 --> 00:31:26,800 This is not what I wanted. 462 00:31:27,677 --> 00:31:30,554 Things have a way of turning out differently than we expect. 463 00:31:32,140 --> 00:31:33,891 I'm glad we met. 464 00:31:34,893 --> 00:31:38,061 In your honor, I'll continue to support cooperation 465 00:31:38,271 --> 00:31:40,647 between the Imperial Guard and your species. 466 00:31:42,275 --> 00:31:44,067 Let's get this over with. 467 00:31:44,736 --> 00:31:45,986 I got a ship to run. 468 00:31:54,203 --> 00:31:56,496 I'll take your blood to Andoria. 469 00:31:58,041 --> 00:31:59,791 To the Wall of Heroes. 470 00:32:00,501 --> 00:32:01,710 Not today. 471 00:32:11,012 --> 00:32:12,387 You have the first move. 472 00:32:12,597 --> 00:32:14,514 [SHRAN GRUNTS] 473 00:32:28,029 --> 00:32:29,613 [ARCHER GRUNTS] 474 00:32:32,325 --> 00:32:33,992 [BOTH GRUNTING] 475 00:32:41,459 --> 00:32:45,545 Give up. A single stroke, and there'll be no pain. 476 00:32:45,755 --> 00:32:47,589 You think I'm losing? 477 00:32:48,257 --> 00:32:50,759 I'm just trying to make you look good in front of your soldiers. 478 00:32:50,927 --> 00:32:52,260 [CHUCKLES] 479 00:33:07,235 --> 00:33:09,444 [GASPING AND CHOKING] 480 00:33:10,321 --> 00:33:11,780 Now do you give up? 481 00:33:11,990 --> 00:33:13,448 Never! 482 00:33:17,245 --> 00:33:18,912 Wrong choice. 483 00:33:26,004 --> 00:33:28,296 You should have cut off my head. 484 00:33:28,506 --> 00:33:31,967 I considered it, but I still need your help. 485 00:33:32,301 --> 00:33:33,760 [GROANING] 486 00:33:40,435 --> 00:33:45,647 What good is a Guardsman without two antennae? 487 00:33:47,984 --> 00:33:49,067 Ugh. 488 00:33:49,277 --> 00:33:51,570 You'll begin to compensate within a day or two. 489 00:33:51,779 --> 00:33:54,698 They take nine months to grow back. 490 00:33:54,907 --> 00:33:56,700 If left untreated. 491 00:33:56,909 --> 00:33:59,995 With electrical stimulation and brisk cranial massage, 492 00:34:00,204 --> 00:34:02,706 you'll be back to normal in half that time. 493 00:34:02,915 --> 00:34:05,542 I was told that the loss of an antenna wasn't critical. 494 00:34:06,961 --> 00:34:08,795 You humiliated me. 495 00:34:09,005 --> 00:34:13,133 And that the Ushaan is settled when one fighter is rendered defenseless. 496 00:34:15,636 --> 00:34:16,928 Are we done? 497 00:34:19,766 --> 00:34:22,726 You respected Andorian tradition. 498 00:34:24,479 --> 00:34:25,687 It's settled. 499 00:34:26,606 --> 00:34:28,565 T'POL [OVER COM]: Bridge to Captain Archer. 500 00:34:31,736 --> 00:34:34,863 Four ships have located the marauder's power signature. 501 00:34:35,073 --> 00:34:37,449 ARCHER: Can you pick up bio-signs? 502 00:34:38,201 --> 00:34:40,035 Not at this distance. 503 00:34:41,621 --> 00:34:45,082 Travis, plot an intercept course. 504 00:34:45,291 --> 00:34:47,250 Take us to maximum warp. 505 00:34:47,877 --> 00:34:50,045 Intercept in 47 minutes. 506 00:34:50,755 --> 00:34:52,339 Alert the fleet. 507 00:34:57,345 --> 00:35:00,138 The drone's sensors have detected Enterprise. It's closing. 508 00:35:00,348 --> 00:35:02,682 Activate the holographic skin. 509 00:35:08,689 --> 00:35:10,857 TRIP: Something's starting to draw a lot of power. 510 00:35:11,067 --> 00:35:13,110 It's the systems that went down in the explosion. 511 00:35:13,319 --> 00:35:14,486 They're coming back online. 512 00:35:14,695 --> 00:35:16,780 REED: What about the warp matrix? TRIP: Not yet. 513 00:35:16,989 --> 00:35:19,699 But if you wanna contact Enterprise, we'd better hurry. 514 00:35:24,122 --> 00:35:25,872 Approaching visual range. 515 00:35:26,707 --> 00:35:28,416 On-screen. 516 00:35:29,127 --> 00:35:30,585 Magnify. 517 00:35:31,379 --> 00:35:32,712 SHRAN: Vulcan? 518 00:35:34,507 --> 00:35:35,841 Check their power signature. 519 00:35:37,927 --> 00:35:40,595 - It doesn't match. - Tactical Alert. 520 00:35:42,473 --> 00:35:44,015 Charge weapons. 521 00:35:45,268 --> 00:35:49,187 Enterprise will reach the drone before the matrix is restored. 522 00:35:49,355 --> 00:35:50,814 [DOOR OPENS] 523 00:35:51,566 --> 00:35:54,776 Senator, I was not told of your visit. 524 00:35:54,986 --> 00:35:59,197 You allowed our enemies to board and disable the drone. 525 00:36:01,325 --> 00:36:03,618 I have my sources, admiral. 526 00:36:06,080 --> 00:36:09,416 Then you know we are about to engage the human ship. 527 00:36:09,625 --> 00:36:13,295 I'm here to witness its destruction. 528 00:36:13,504 --> 00:36:15,088 One minute. 529 00:36:15,298 --> 00:36:17,048 We have bio-signs. 530 00:36:17,258 --> 00:36:19,718 - Two humans. - Can you get a transporter lock? 531 00:36:22,096 --> 00:36:23,471 We'll need to be much closer. 532 00:36:25,474 --> 00:36:27,726 Open a channel. 533 00:36:27,894 --> 00:36:29,019 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 534 00:36:29,187 --> 00:36:31,396 Archer to Tucker and Reed. 535 00:36:33,399 --> 00:36:34,524 Respond. 536 00:36:37,737 --> 00:36:39,738 REED [OVER COM]: We're both here, captain. 537 00:36:39,947 --> 00:36:41,489 [SIGHS] 538 00:36:43,701 --> 00:36:44,910 Fire. 539 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:49,915 Target its weapons. 540 00:36:50,124 --> 00:36:52,459 I can't get a lock through the camouflage. 541 00:36:54,253 --> 00:36:56,713 Take out the emitters, but don't puncture the hull. 542 00:37:04,138 --> 00:37:05,680 [BOTH GRUNT] 543 00:37:07,516 --> 00:37:08,892 They do know we're onboard? 544 00:37:09,101 --> 00:37:11,228 They're probably trying to take out the weapons. 545 00:37:11,437 --> 00:37:14,856 TRIP: Enterprise, any chance of using the transporter? 546 00:37:17,443 --> 00:37:19,694 You have to get closer to the hull. Can you do that? 547 00:37:19,904 --> 00:37:22,280 We're on our way. 548 00:37:23,199 --> 00:37:25,408 - We've lost the emitters. - Warp status? 549 00:37:25,618 --> 00:37:26,993 NIJIL: Two minutes. 550 00:37:27,203 --> 00:37:29,079 More enemy ships are closing. 551 00:37:29,664 --> 00:37:31,706 If Enterprise stops the self-repair sequence... 552 00:37:31,916 --> 00:37:34,668 The drone will escape. 553 00:37:41,300 --> 00:37:44,344 Unh! Enterprise! We're at the hull! 554 00:37:51,477 --> 00:37:53,937 The ship's movement is too erratic. I can't get a lock. 555 00:37:54,146 --> 00:37:58,400 They're targeting our warp core. Hull plating's at 43 percent. 556 00:37:58,609 --> 00:37:59,818 Thirty-six percent. 557 00:38:00,027 --> 00:38:02,737 Shut down weapons. All power to hull plating. 558 00:38:02,947 --> 00:38:04,614 Travis, bring us about. 559 00:38:05,700 --> 00:38:09,577 Trip, Malcolm, we can make one more pass. Get the hell out of there. 560 00:38:10,788 --> 00:38:14,207 Their weapons are off-line. They're vulnerable. 561 00:38:18,045 --> 00:38:21,756 I can't imagine how things could get much worse. 562 00:38:21,966 --> 00:38:23,591 I can. 563 00:38:23,759 --> 00:38:25,302 [BOTH YELLING] 564 00:38:29,515 --> 00:38:30,807 They're clear. 565 00:38:35,438 --> 00:38:37,022 Sensors are down. 566 00:38:38,357 --> 00:38:40,025 I've lost them. 567 00:38:44,071 --> 00:38:46,281 Six more enemy ships within range. 568 00:38:46,490 --> 00:38:48,616 Twenty seconds to warp. 569 00:38:48,826 --> 00:38:50,452 We've got company, alliance ships. 570 00:38:50,661 --> 00:38:53,371 Tell them not to fire. Our people are out there. 571 00:39:02,631 --> 00:39:05,133 - The matrix is restored. - Withdraw. 572 00:39:21,442 --> 00:39:24,152 They left us. You were right. 573 00:39:24,945 --> 00:39:26,488 This is worse. 574 00:39:26,697 --> 00:39:29,032 ARCHER: Anyone out there need a lift? 575 00:39:39,794 --> 00:39:42,587 REED: If I had to wear this helmet for one more minute, 576 00:39:42,797 --> 00:39:45,215 - I swear it would have fused to my skull. TRIP: Ha, ha, ha. 577 00:39:45,424 --> 00:39:48,635 I tell you, I'd like to find the designer of this suit 578 00:39:48,844 --> 00:39:51,930 - and make him wear it for three days. - Yeah. 579 00:39:52,598 --> 00:39:55,725 - Thanks for what you did back there. - You would have done the same for me. 580 00:39:55,935 --> 00:39:57,894 No, you took a big chance. 581 00:39:58,854 --> 00:40:01,606 Which makes what I have to do all the more difficult. 582 00:40:03,984 --> 00:40:05,819 I'm putting you on report. 583 00:40:07,238 --> 00:40:08,613 You're what? 584 00:40:08,823 --> 00:40:10,198 You disobeyed a direct order. 585 00:40:10,658 --> 00:40:12,158 I saved your life. 586 00:40:13,869 --> 00:40:15,328 If you put a reprimand in my file, 587 00:40:15,538 --> 00:40:18,289 it could be years before I'm even eligible... 588 00:40:18,499 --> 00:40:20,250 [LAUGHING] 589 00:40:22,545 --> 00:40:24,087 Are you pulling my leg? 590 00:40:24,296 --> 00:40:28,383 Malcolm, heh, heh, you're just such an easy target. 591 00:40:28,551 --> 00:40:30,301 [TRIP LAUGHING AND REED CHUCKLES] 592 00:40:35,850 --> 00:40:37,559 [DOOR OPENS] 593 00:40:42,189 --> 00:40:44,149 The marauder got away. 594 00:40:46,444 --> 00:40:48,820 One of the Tellarite ships was hit. 595 00:40:49,029 --> 00:40:52,240 An Andorian warship rescued the crew. 596 00:40:52,741 --> 00:40:55,618 So it's still out there. 597 00:40:55,828 --> 00:40:58,121 As you said, a common threat. 598 00:40:58,330 --> 00:41:01,833 I believe we have more to discuss than trade disputes. 599 00:41:10,092 --> 00:41:12,510 Why wait until we get to Babel? 600 00:41:37,620 --> 00:41:40,497 The drone has reentered Romulan space. 601 00:41:41,123 --> 00:42:48,690 Disconnect the pilot.