1 00:02:22,392 --> 00:02:26,895 Captain's starlog, November 27th, 2154. 2 00:02:27,105 --> 00:02:31,400 We've returned home for the official launch of our sister ship, Columbia. 3 00:02:31,609 --> 00:02:32,651 On a personal note, 4 00:02:32,861 --> 00:02:36,572 I'll also be saying goodbye to one hell of a chief engineer. 5 00:02:47,417 --> 00:02:48,458 Yeah? 6 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:56,049 She's a thing of beauty. 7 00:02:56,259 --> 00:02:58,802 Columbia's virtually identical to Enterprise. 8 00:02:59,012 --> 00:03:01,930 Well, a good engineer can see the differences. 9 00:03:04,184 --> 00:03:08,604 You coming to the mess hall later? My going-away party? 10 00:03:09,063 --> 00:03:11,982 I don't understand the logic behind this transfer. 11 00:03:12,192 --> 00:03:15,527 - You're not being promoted. - I'm doing this to advance my career? 12 00:03:15,737 --> 00:03:18,155 You wouldn't leave Archer without sufficient reason. 13 00:03:18,364 --> 00:03:21,033 Well, for one thing, this is a new challenge. 14 00:03:21,242 --> 00:03:23,160 It took me a year to fine tune Enterprise, 15 00:03:23,369 --> 00:03:26,079 I can do the same for Captain Hernandez in half the time. 16 00:03:26,289 --> 00:03:28,624 She needs a chief engineer who's been out there... 17 00:03:28,833 --> 00:03:30,083 ...has the experience. 18 00:03:31,669 --> 00:03:33,253 Are you leaving because of me? 19 00:03:33,463 --> 00:03:35,797 Look, Starfleet's approved the transfer. 20 00:03:36,007 --> 00:03:37,382 You didn't answer my question. 21 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:41,553 This may come as a shock, 22 00:03:41,763 --> 00:03:44,514 but not everything in my life revolves around you. 23 00:04:00,865 --> 00:04:04,534 - I'm glad we got here early. - There never used to be a wait to get in. 24 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:08,413 You didn't think Madame Chang's was gonna be your little secret forever? 25 00:04:08,623 --> 00:04:12,709 - There are a lot of Starfleet people here. - That's probably my fault. 26 00:04:12,919 --> 00:04:15,879 - I told a few friends about the place. - A few? 27 00:04:16,089 --> 00:04:17,130 I'm a com officer. 28 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:21,051 If there's one thing I know how to do, it's disseminate information. 29 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:23,929 You didn't tell me how your meeting went at the I.M.E. 30 00:04:24,138 --> 00:04:27,266 They asked if I was interested in becoming Director of Xenobiology. 31 00:04:27,475 --> 00:04:29,643 That's great. Are you gonna accept? 32 00:04:29,852 --> 00:04:32,562 I'm considering it. I've grown rather fond of my shipmates. 33 00:04:32,772 --> 00:04:35,607 I'm not ready to leave them just yet. What would you suggest? 34 00:04:35,817 --> 00:04:37,276 I'm the wrong person to ask. 35 00:04:37,485 --> 00:04:40,070 I've got a vested interest in keeping you around. 36 00:04:40,780 --> 00:04:42,698 You, Denobulan, come with us. 37 00:04:43,157 --> 00:04:45,742 - What do you want? - Maybe you didn't hear me. 38 00:04:55,920 --> 00:04:57,629 Ow. 39 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:17,774 Hoshi. 40 00:05:17,984 --> 00:05:19,651 - I'm all right, sir. - Who did this? 41 00:05:19,861 --> 00:05:23,322 That's what I'm trying to determine. Commander Collins, Starfleet Security. 42 00:05:23,531 --> 00:05:25,324 Jonathan Archer. This is Lt. Reed. 43 00:05:25,533 --> 00:05:27,743 There were three men. They were in the shadows. 44 00:05:27,952 --> 00:05:31,913 - I didn't get a good look at them. - One said something to the others? 45 00:05:32,123 --> 00:05:34,249 Right before I passed out. 46 00:05:34,459 --> 00:05:35,917 I'm pretty sure it wasn't English. 47 00:05:36,085 --> 00:05:38,045 Do you remember what he said? 48 00:05:39,756 --> 00:05:40,797 I'm sorry, sir. 49 00:05:41,007 --> 00:05:44,760 The only DNA we've recovered belongs to Ensign Sato and to your doctor. 50 00:05:44,969 --> 00:05:48,221 We did find some residual ionization traces here. 51 00:05:48,431 --> 00:05:50,682 A transporter signature? 52 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:53,393 Very few people have access to that kind of technology. 53 00:05:53,603 --> 00:05:56,813 Still, it's a likely explanation. 54 00:05:57,023 --> 00:06:01,276 Dr. Phlox was involved in an altercation the last time he was in San Francisco. 55 00:06:01,486 --> 00:06:02,694 You think this is related? 56 00:06:02,904 --> 00:06:06,823 Assaults against aliens are still pretty rare. If the man was holding a grudge... 57 00:06:07,033 --> 00:06:08,533 He was a loudmouth in a bar. 58 00:06:08,743 --> 00:06:11,953 I doubt he could find his head, never mind organize a kidnapping. 59 00:06:12,663 --> 00:06:14,331 We're pursuing all avenues. 60 00:06:14,540 --> 00:06:16,458 Excuse me, captain, lieutenant. 61 00:06:19,253 --> 00:06:21,380 Check with Starfleet Operations. 62 00:06:21,589 --> 00:06:26,676 See if their satellites picked up any transporter activity this evening. 63 00:06:40,066 --> 00:06:43,276 The dilithium matrix has gotta be aligned within 0.3 microns. 64 00:06:43,486 --> 00:06:45,445 The specs say 0.5. 65 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:47,322 Who do you think wrote those specs? 66 00:06:47,782 --> 00:06:50,325 - A warp field specialist? - Exactly. 67 00:06:50,535 --> 00:06:53,370 Some guy who's probably never been outside the solar system. 68 00:06:53,579 --> 00:06:57,332 I've spent the last three and a half years crawling inside one of these engines. 69 00:06:57,542 --> 00:06:59,000 I know what I'm talking about. 70 00:06:59,210 --> 00:07:00,419 Aye, sir. 71 00:07:01,212 --> 00:07:04,589 Biggs, Pierce, I want you to recalibrate the field stabilizers. 72 00:07:04,799 --> 00:07:08,385 Rivers and Strong, start with the injector assembly. 73 00:07:08,594 --> 00:07:12,556 This bucket of bolts was supposed to leave dry dock six months ago. 74 00:07:12,765 --> 00:07:14,349 I guarantee you, 75 00:07:14,559 --> 00:07:17,853 Columbia's gonna warp out of orbit before the end of the week. 76 00:07:18,312 --> 00:07:20,063 Let's get to work. 77 00:07:25,820 --> 00:07:28,321 Customary to report to the captain after a transfer. 78 00:07:28,531 --> 00:07:29,614 I'm sorry, ma'am. 79 00:07:29,824 --> 00:07:32,576 I wanted to see what the situation was like before we spoke. 80 00:07:33,828 --> 00:07:36,413 Commander Charles Tucker, reporting for duty. 81 00:07:37,331 --> 00:07:38,373 Welcome aboard. 82 00:07:39,167 --> 00:07:41,293 - Trip, is it? - That's right. 83 00:07:41,836 --> 00:07:44,671 So, what do you think? Can she be salvaged? 84 00:07:46,841 --> 00:07:49,009 I think there's a good chance. 85 00:07:50,219 --> 00:07:52,179 Any news on Dr. Phlox? 86 00:07:52,680 --> 00:07:55,849 Not so far. If I hear anything, I'll let you know. 87 00:07:56,934 --> 00:07:58,935 Certainly know how to motivate the troops. 88 00:07:59,395 --> 00:08:02,731 We'll be pulling triple shifts if we wanna meet this new launch date. 89 00:08:03,316 --> 00:08:05,525 You still need to eat. 90 00:08:05,735 --> 00:08:09,279 Captain's mess, tomorrow, 18:00? 91 00:08:09,489 --> 00:08:11,490 We can trade stories about your former CO. 92 00:08:11,699 --> 00:08:13,366 I'll be there. 93 00:08:15,870 --> 00:08:20,248 Commander, drop by the quartermaster's at the end of your shift. 94 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:26,588 - Ma'am? - Might wanna... update your uniform. 95 00:08:29,550 --> 00:08:31,092 Aye, captain. 96 00:08:40,728 --> 00:08:42,145 Come in. 97 00:08:42,563 --> 00:08:46,399 We've heard nothing from the kidnappers. Not even a ransom demand. 98 00:08:46,609 --> 00:08:49,486 I've spoken with the Denobulan ambassador. 99 00:08:49,695 --> 00:08:51,363 He's notified the doctor's wives. 100 00:08:51,864 --> 00:08:55,283 Hoshi overheard one of the kidnappers say something in another language, 101 00:08:55,493 --> 00:08:58,537 but she was semi-conscious at the time. 102 00:09:00,915 --> 00:09:02,749 Maybe you could help her remember. 103 00:09:04,168 --> 00:09:06,002 A mind meld? 104 00:09:06,504 --> 00:09:10,340 I've never initiated a meld before. I don't have the proper training. 105 00:09:10,550 --> 00:09:12,676 I know it's dangerous, 106 00:09:12,885 --> 00:09:15,470 - but I can walk you through it. - You? 107 00:09:15,972 --> 00:09:19,224 I had Surak's katra in my head for four days. 108 00:09:19,433 --> 00:09:20,934 I picked up a few tricks. 109 00:09:24,772 --> 00:09:29,192 Computer, access satellite logs 137. 110 00:09:29,402 --> 00:09:33,572 Time parameters 19:00 and 19:45 today. 111 00:09:35,908 --> 00:09:36,950 What? 112 00:09:40,746 --> 00:09:44,916 Starfleet Operations, this is Lt. Malcolm Reed aboard Enterprise. 113 00:09:47,253 --> 00:09:48,670 Please acknowledge. 114 00:09:49,964 --> 00:09:51,965 Burning the midnight oil, lieutenant? 115 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:55,135 Sir? 116 00:09:55,928 --> 00:09:58,221 I thought I was calling Starfleet Ops. 117 00:09:58,431 --> 00:09:59,472 Let me guess. 118 00:09:59,682 --> 00:10:03,143 You wanna know why the grid covering San Francisco was down tonight. 119 00:10:04,604 --> 00:10:06,062 Something like that. 120 00:10:06,272 --> 00:10:07,439 Meet me at this address. 121 00:10:09,191 --> 00:10:10,650 In one hour. 122 00:10:30,379 --> 00:10:32,922 My mind to your mind. 123 00:10:33,382 --> 00:10:35,300 Our minds are merging. 124 00:10:35,509 --> 00:10:37,927 Our minds are one. 125 00:10:41,349 --> 00:10:43,016 Nothing's happening. 126 00:10:43,225 --> 00:10:46,061 T'Pol, try to relax your emotional suppression just a little. 127 00:10:50,858 --> 00:10:52,942 I feel what you feel. 128 00:10:55,237 --> 00:10:57,322 I know what you know. 129 00:11:01,077 --> 00:11:02,535 Can you hear me? 130 00:11:02,745 --> 00:11:04,704 Yes, perfectly. 131 00:11:05,456 --> 00:11:08,124 You and the doctor have just left the restaurant. 132 00:11:10,044 --> 00:11:14,381 - I'm glad we got here early. - There never used to be a wait to get in. 133 00:11:15,216 --> 00:11:16,341 Good. 134 00:11:16,676 --> 00:11:19,594 They asked if I was interested in becoming Director of Xenobiology. 135 00:11:19,804 --> 00:11:21,680 - Where were you attacked? - There. 136 00:11:21,889 --> 00:11:23,515 The truth is, I've grown rather fond of my shipmates... 137 00:11:23,724 --> 00:11:25,308 Do you see them? 138 00:11:26,769 --> 00:11:28,812 - What would you suggest? - Yes. 139 00:11:30,564 --> 00:11:32,774 You, Denobulan, come with us. 140 00:11:32,983 --> 00:11:35,610 - What do you want? - Maybe you didn't hear me. 141 00:11:45,329 --> 00:11:47,205 Focus on the moment. 142 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:48,790 Put aside any pain. 143 00:11:59,719 --> 00:12:03,179 "Bring him with us." It's Rigelian. 144 00:12:09,061 --> 00:12:12,939 A Rigelian freighter left orbit two hours after Phlox's abduction. 145 00:12:13,149 --> 00:12:16,276 According to their flight plan, they were headed for Proxima colony. 146 00:12:16,485 --> 00:12:20,447 This trajectory won't take them anywhere near Proxima colony. 147 00:12:23,367 --> 00:12:25,034 - Ensign. - Sir? 148 00:12:25,244 --> 00:12:27,287 Put Admiral Gardner through to my Ready Room. 149 00:12:27,496 --> 00:12:29,414 Shore leaves are canceled. 150 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:31,916 Get everyone back onboard. 151 00:12:48,184 --> 00:12:52,353 Am I to understand you are responsible for taking that satellite grid off-line? 152 00:12:52,563 --> 00:12:54,689 Not me personally. 153 00:12:55,483 --> 00:12:56,649 But you're involved. 154 00:13:00,488 --> 00:13:02,405 Phlox is my friend. 155 00:13:02,615 --> 00:13:04,783 Do you know where he is? 156 00:13:05,409 --> 00:13:07,660 We have an assignment for you. 157 00:13:08,329 --> 00:13:11,873 I wasn't aware that I was still a part of your section. 158 00:13:13,250 --> 00:13:15,794 There's a job that needs doing, lieutenant. 159 00:13:16,003 --> 00:13:19,214 It may be the only way to save your friend's life. 160 00:13:48,828 --> 00:13:51,496 Welcome to Qu'Vat colony, doctor. 161 00:13:51,705 --> 00:13:54,999 You will work with Dr. Antaak. 162 00:13:56,293 --> 00:13:58,086 I will do nothing of the kind. 163 00:13:59,255 --> 00:14:01,422 Then you will die. 164 00:14:02,675 --> 00:14:05,593 There are easier ways for you to recruit a new lab assistant. 165 00:14:05,803 --> 00:14:07,512 You misunderstand me, doctor. 166 00:14:07,721 --> 00:14:09,848 Antaak will be assisting you. 167 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:13,601 It's good to see you again, doctor. 168 00:14:14,395 --> 00:14:17,063 - I beg your pardon? - I wouldn't expect you to remember, 169 00:14:17,273 --> 00:14:21,776 but we met briefly five years ago at the I.M.E. conference on Tiburon. 170 00:14:22,361 --> 00:14:25,238 I don't recall meeting a Klingon at that conference. 171 00:14:25,447 --> 00:14:28,491 I was disguised as a member of the Mazarite delegation. 172 00:14:28,701 --> 00:14:30,493 My people weren't invited. 173 00:14:31,036 --> 00:14:33,538 I will let you two get reacquainted. 174 00:14:33,747 --> 00:14:36,791 I suggest you work quickly, doctor. 175 00:14:37,001 --> 00:14:41,838 I expect a progress report by sunrise. 176 00:14:48,095 --> 00:14:50,513 You must forgive the general's conduct. 177 00:14:50,723 --> 00:14:54,392 The warrior caste has little use for social protocols. 178 00:14:56,854 --> 00:14:58,354 What do you want with me? 179 00:14:58,564 --> 00:15:03,192 The empire is facing its greatest threat since the Hur'q invasion. 180 00:15:03,402 --> 00:15:07,530 A virus is spreading from planet to planet. Millions are already infected. 181 00:15:07,740 --> 00:15:12,410 If this continues, the Klingon species will cease to exist. 182 00:15:12,828 --> 00:15:14,787 Why didn't you simply ask for our help? 183 00:15:14,997 --> 00:15:17,999 Starfleet and Denobula would have provided the specialists you'd need. 184 00:15:18,208 --> 00:15:20,585 You don't understand the Klingon way, doctor. 185 00:15:20,794 --> 00:15:24,547 To ask for assistance would make us look weak in the eyes of our enemies. 186 00:15:24,757 --> 00:15:26,591 It could even incite rebellion. 187 00:15:27,426 --> 00:15:28,468 Why me? 188 00:15:28,677 --> 00:15:31,804 I was impressed by your lecture at the conference. 189 00:15:32,014 --> 00:15:35,642 Your paper on viral propagation was very insightful. 190 00:15:38,103 --> 00:15:40,104 What field of study are you in, precisely? 191 00:15:40,648 --> 00:15:42,941 Metagenic research. 192 00:15:43,359 --> 00:15:46,027 I've already isolated the virus. 193 00:15:46,236 --> 00:15:49,906 I assume you'll want to start by mapping the nucleotides? 194 00:15:51,533 --> 00:15:54,285 It wasn't my idea to abduct you. 195 00:15:54,495 --> 00:15:57,121 Nevertheless you are here. 196 00:15:57,331 --> 00:15:59,832 Millions of lives are at risk. 197 00:16:14,473 --> 00:16:18,434 - The freighter's warp trail has terminated. - They may have dropped to impulse. 198 00:16:21,855 --> 00:16:23,439 How long to intercept? 199 00:16:23,649 --> 00:16:27,235 At our current speed, 8.2 hours. 200 00:16:31,281 --> 00:16:33,366 Archer to Engineering. 201 00:16:41,250 --> 00:16:44,252 Commander Kelby, respond. 202 00:16:46,046 --> 00:16:47,088 Kelby here, sir. 203 00:16:47,297 --> 00:16:48,881 We could use a little more speed. 204 00:16:49,091 --> 00:16:51,384 The injectors are running at 105 percent. 205 00:16:51,593 --> 00:16:53,845 Tucker has pushed them higher than that before. 206 00:16:54,054 --> 00:16:56,264 I'll see what I can do, captain. 207 00:17:13,323 --> 00:17:15,491 I don't know who's in charge of your mess hall, 208 00:17:15,701 --> 00:17:18,536 but he could give the chef on Enterprise a run for his money. 209 00:17:18,746 --> 00:17:20,163 I stole him from the Republic. 210 00:17:21,540 --> 00:17:24,625 Captain Jennings said I could have anything I wanted when I left, 211 00:17:24,835 --> 00:17:26,586 so I took his cook. 212 00:17:30,174 --> 00:17:33,885 I've gotten two transfer requests from crewmen in your department. 213 00:17:34,636 --> 00:17:36,137 Who? 214 00:17:36,346 --> 00:17:38,639 It's probably better if I didn't mention names. 215 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:42,435 I denied them, you're already short-handed. 216 00:17:43,270 --> 00:17:45,688 Quite an impression you've made, commander. 217 00:17:45,898 --> 00:17:47,690 You've been aboard less than two days, 218 00:17:47,900 --> 00:17:50,318 already some of your team wanna jump ship. 219 00:17:50,819 --> 00:17:54,906 I've knocked a few heads together, but we're getting the job done. 220 00:17:55,115 --> 00:17:57,450 We'll be ready for warp trials by Thursday. 221 00:17:59,411 --> 00:18:02,246 I was surprised you accepted this transfer. 222 00:18:02,456 --> 00:18:04,832 I saw an interview with you after the Xindi mission. 223 00:18:05,042 --> 00:18:07,585 Said you couldn't see yourself serving on any other starship. 224 00:18:07,795 --> 00:18:09,378 You've got a good memory, captain. 225 00:18:10,130 --> 00:18:11,923 It comes in handy. 226 00:18:14,885 --> 00:18:17,678 I was getting a little too comfortable on Enterprise. 227 00:18:18,055 --> 00:18:20,348 Got a lot of friends over there, but... 228 00:18:21,266 --> 00:18:24,435 ...sometimes it's easier to work with people who are just colleagues. 229 00:18:51,672 --> 00:18:52,713 Why are you here? 230 00:18:53,382 --> 00:18:56,217 I was about to ask you the same thing. 231 00:18:58,053 --> 00:19:01,681 - Is this a daydream? - I'm meditating. 232 00:19:01,890 --> 00:19:03,850 This is where I go in my mind. 233 00:19:04,059 --> 00:19:07,603 Well, I would've thought you'd pick a more interesting place. 234 00:19:10,190 --> 00:19:15,653 Like the beach, or one of those Fire Plains you showed me. 235 00:19:18,365 --> 00:19:19,574 Please leave. 236 00:19:20,576 --> 00:19:22,952 Exactly where am I supposed to go? 237 00:19:23,162 --> 00:19:24,453 Away. 238 00:19:25,455 --> 00:19:28,416 - This is my daydream, you go away. - Excuse me, commander. 239 00:19:29,042 --> 00:19:31,085 - Is everything all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. 240 00:19:31,295 --> 00:19:34,463 - The diagnostic you asked for. - Thanks. 241 00:19:40,304 --> 00:19:41,846 Bridge to T'Pol. 242 00:19:42,014 --> 00:19:44,265 We're approaching the coordinates. 243 00:19:48,896 --> 00:19:50,688 On my way. 244 00:19:59,907 --> 00:20:01,115 No bio-signs. 245 00:20:01,992 --> 00:20:04,744 I'm reading several bodies aboard. 246 00:20:11,043 --> 00:20:13,169 Is one of them Denobulan? 247 00:20:13,378 --> 00:20:15,087 They're all Rigelian. 248 00:20:20,260 --> 00:20:21,469 Can you tell who did this? 249 00:20:27,059 --> 00:20:28,726 No, sir. 250 00:20:29,394 --> 00:20:33,314 I'll have to bring aboard some of the debris and analyze it. 251 00:20:33,523 --> 00:20:35,566 Scan for their data recorder. 252 00:20:35,776 --> 00:20:37,401 It might tell us something. 253 00:20:42,532 --> 00:20:46,327 Unless I'm mistaken, this virus is a mutated form of the Levodian flu. 254 00:20:46,536 --> 00:20:50,539 It's immune to whatever anti-viral we've tried. 255 00:20:50,916 --> 00:20:54,335 We should contact the I.M.E. They may have seen this mutation before. 256 00:20:54,544 --> 00:20:57,463 I'm certain they'll be willing to share their database with us. 257 00:20:57,673 --> 00:21:00,925 I know of a few indirect channels. 258 00:21:01,134 --> 00:21:02,385 No one would have to know. 259 00:21:02,803 --> 00:21:05,429 There's no reason to contact them. 260 00:21:07,766 --> 00:21:11,269 We've acquired their entire database. 261 00:21:13,563 --> 00:21:14,647 You stole it. 262 00:21:14,856 --> 00:21:18,192 Medical research isn't a priority for the High Council. 263 00:21:18,402 --> 00:21:21,028 I am forced to obtain information however I can. 264 00:21:21,238 --> 00:21:23,155 That doesn't sound very honorable. 265 00:21:23,365 --> 00:21:27,243 Given the choice between honor and saving lives, I choose the latter. 266 00:21:27,452 --> 00:21:30,913 Perhaps you should ask your superiors to steal a genome sequencer. 267 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:34,583 We're not going to be able to map the virus without the proper technology. 268 00:21:43,885 --> 00:21:45,928 - This man's been infected. - Very observant. 269 00:21:46,138 --> 00:21:47,346 We're being exposed! 270 00:21:47,556 --> 00:21:49,223 This patient is at stage one. 271 00:21:49,433 --> 00:21:53,227 The virus doesn't become contagious until stage three. 272 00:21:53,437 --> 00:21:56,814 When I asked you to bring me a subject for dissection, I assumed he'd be dead. 273 00:21:57,024 --> 00:21:59,275 He won't be alive much longer. 274 00:21:59,484 --> 00:22:01,902 - What do you think you're doing? - Euthanizing him. 275 00:22:02,112 --> 00:22:04,238 Out of the question. 276 00:22:04,448 --> 00:22:06,324 I thought you were committed to saving lives. 277 00:22:06,533 --> 00:22:09,327 It is more honorable to give one's life to medical research 278 00:22:09,536 --> 00:22:10,953 than to die for no purpose. 279 00:22:11,163 --> 00:22:14,373 That choice is not ours to make. 280 00:22:15,167 --> 00:22:16,876 Proceed. 281 00:22:24,009 --> 00:22:27,803 Computer, establish an encrypted com-link. 282 00:22:28,013 --> 00:22:32,183 Starfleet frequency seven-nine-baker. 283 00:22:34,186 --> 00:22:36,312 - Lieutenant. - You told me the Klingons 284 00:22:36,521 --> 00:22:39,648 were going to rendezvous with that freighter, not destroy it. 285 00:22:39,858 --> 00:22:41,192 I regret what happened. 286 00:22:41,401 --> 00:22:42,818 But they had to cover their tracks. 287 00:22:43,028 --> 00:22:44,403 How many were onboard that ship? 288 00:22:44,613 --> 00:22:45,696 That's not your concern. 289 00:22:46,490 --> 00:22:49,116 Have you analyzed the weapon signatures yet? 290 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:51,243 Yes. 291 00:22:51,620 --> 00:22:52,870 You haven't told Archer? 292 00:22:54,247 --> 00:22:56,957 I'm not certain how much longer I can keep this from him. 293 00:22:58,043 --> 00:23:01,003 Orion raiders have been known to operate in this area. 294 00:23:02,089 --> 00:23:03,964 You want me to lie again? 295 00:23:05,008 --> 00:23:07,551 I could explain the situation to the captain. 296 00:23:08,345 --> 00:23:10,221 You have a peculiar sense of humor, lieutenant. 297 00:23:10,639 --> 00:23:13,516 I've worked closely with the man. You can trust him. 298 00:23:13,725 --> 00:23:15,476 Archer is a Starfleet captain. 299 00:23:15,685 --> 00:23:18,771 His duty would be to report everything you tell him to Admiral Gardner. 300 00:23:18,980 --> 00:23:20,356 They would launch an investigation. 301 00:23:22,067 --> 00:23:26,612 I'm being compromised, sir, and I don't like it. 302 00:23:27,322 --> 00:23:30,449 Then I suggest you adjust your comfort level, lieutenant. 303 00:23:30,659 --> 00:23:33,494 You made a commitment to us long before you joined the Enterprise. 304 00:23:34,663 --> 00:23:37,373 Tactical alert. All hands to battle stations. 305 00:23:37,541 --> 00:23:40,543 - What was that? - I believe we're under attack. 306 00:23:53,557 --> 00:23:55,057 Hull plating's holding. 307 00:23:55,267 --> 00:23:57,560 Still no response. 308 00:23:58,228 --> 00:23:59,854 Target their weapons. 309 00:24:14,578 --> 00:24:17,496 We've been boarded, D-deck, starboard side. 310 00:24:17,706 --> 00:24:18,831 Access Tube 7. 311 00:24:19,332 --> 00:24:21,292 Seal it off. Get the MACOs down there. 312 00:24:52,199 --> 00:24:54,492 Disable that ship. I don't want them getting away. 313 00:25:23,730 --> 00:25:25,189 They've activated their transporter. 314 00:25:26,650 --> 00:25:27,858 They're going to warp. 315 00:25:28,068 --> 00:25:29,860 Pursuit course! 316 00:25:31,905 --> 00:25:33,197 The helm's not responding. 317 00:25:41,289 --> 00:25:42,748 Wake him up. 318 00:25:50,465 --> 00:25:51,924 Why did you attack us? 319 00:25:58,181 --> 00:26:00,808 "I have nothing to say to you, human." 320 00:26:01,434 --> 00:26:03,018 - That sounds like... - Klingon. 321 00:26:03,228 --> 00:26:07,398 - There must be some kind of mistake. - What is it? 322 00:26:07,607 --> 00:26:10,818 According to his bio-signature, he is Klingon. 323 00:26:22,581 --> 00:26:25,499 He must have been surgically altered to look human. 324 00:26:28,295 --> 00:26:31,088 - Any theories? - I need to run further tests. 325 00:26:31,298 --> 00:26:35,426 Their boarding party disabled our antimatter flow regulators. 326 00:26:36,094 --> 00:26:39,805 Warp drive should be repaired in six hours. 327 00:26:40,932 --> 00:26:43,183 Give our new chief engineer a hand. 328 00:26:43,393 --> 00:26:44,602 Tell him to dig a little deeper 329 00:26:44,811 --> 00:26:48,689 to see if these Klingons damaged any other systems. 330 00:26:49,232 --> 00:26:53,736 The Rigelian freighter, did you get anything out of the black box? 331 00:26:53,945 --> 00:26:55,696 It's been erased. 332 00:26:55,905 --> 00:26:59,658 It might have been a safeguard, in case it fell into the wrong hands. 333 00:27:00,994 --> 00:27:04,496 Work with Hoshi. See if you can reconstruct any data. 334 00:27:17,927 --> 00:27:21,639 There is something familiar about these base-pair sequences. 335 00:27:21,848 --> 00:27:23,557 Familiar? 336 00:27:27,729 --> 00:27:29,688 Boshar! 337 00:27:31,566 --> 00:27:33,108 Feeding time is over. 338 00:27:33,318 --> 00:27:34,902 Go back. 339 00:27:35,945 --> 00:27:39,031 Do you think it's wise to keep wild animals in here? 340 00:27:39,240 --> 00:27:41,450 There are dozens of creatures in your Sickbay. 341 00:27:41,660 --> 00:27:43,118 I don't let them roam free. 342 00:27:43,328 --> 00:27:45,496 I could never keep Boshar locked up. 343 00:27:45,705 --> 00:27:47,206 He was my first patient. 344 00:27:47,415 --> 00:27:50,209 He tore his side open when I was a child. 345 00:27:50,418 --> 00:27:53,212 I stitched the wound myself. 346 00:27:55,340 --> 00:27:57,549 I've seen these sequences before. 347 00:27:57,759 --> 00:28:02,221 Six months ago, to be precise. This is Augment DNA! 348 00:28:03,014 --> 00:28:05,974 How did modified human genes find their way into this virus? 349 00:28:06,184 --> 00:28:07,810 Is that really such a surprise, doctor? 350 00:28:08,353 --> 00:28:11,438 It only took two human Augments to commandeer a bird-of-prey 351 00:28:11,648 --> 00:28:13,607 and murder its entire crew. 352 00:28:14,442 --> 00:28:16,819 The empire could not allow an inferior species 353 00:28:17,028 --> 00:28:18,320 to gain an advantage on us. 354 00:28:18,530 --> 00:28:23,742 Imagine, every Starfleet vessel manned with genetically-engineered humans. 355 00:28:24,285 --> 00:28:27,079 Earth banned genetic engineering decades ago. 356 00:28:27,288 --> 00:28:30,582 The Augments who attacked you were relics of another era. 357 00:28:30,792 --> 00:28:32,501 The Vulcans told that to the High Council. 358 00:28:32,711 --> 00:28:34,420 They weren't very persuasive. 359 00:28:34,629 --> 00:28:36,130 We were simply responding to a threat. 360 00:28:36,339 --> 00:28:38,632 You were trying to create Klingon Augments. 361 00:28:39,843 --> 00:28:42,678 Soong's experiments were killed. Where did you get the genetic material? 362 00:28:43,138 --> 00:28:47,433 Several embryos were found in the wreckage of the bird-of-prey. 363 00:28:48,017 --> 00:28:52,563 We used them to re-sequence a number of test subjects. 364 00:28:52,772 --> 00:28:55,858 There were some unanticipated side effects. 365 00:28:56,067 --> 00:28:59,153 Their cranial ridges started to dissolve. 366 00:28:59,362 --> 00:29:02,614 Augment DNA was more aggressive than you realized. 367 00:29:02,824 --> 00:29:05,617 For a time, it appeared we were quite successful. 368 00:29:05,827 --> 00:29:09,079 Our Augments might have looked human, but they were Klingon. 369 00:29:09,289 --> 00:29:11,331 Stronger, more intelligent. 370 00:29:12,333 --> 00:29:16,712 Then, their neural pathways started to degrade, they died in agony. 371 00:29:17,881 --> 00:29:21,091 One of the test subjects was suffering from the Levodian flu. 372 00:29:21,301 --> 00:29:24,178 The Augment genes modified the virus. 373 00:29:24,387 --> 00:29:25,971 It became airborne. 374 00:29:26,806 --> 00:29:28,348 You should have told me this earlier! 375 00:29:28,558 --> 00:29:30,517 If you hope to ever leave this place, 376 00:29:30,727 --> 00:29:34,938 I suggest you stop asking questions and resume work! 377 00:29:42,489 --> 00:29:43,530 What do you think? 378 00:29:43,740 --> 00:29:47,743 We may be able to reconstruct the directory with a recursive algorithm. 379 00:29:47,952 --> 00:29:52,414 Is it unusual to have weird dreams after a mind meld? 380 00:29:52,957 --> 00:29:55,417 Subconscious thoughts are often exchanged. 381 00:29:56,169 --> 00:29:57,920 They sometimes surface during sleep. 382 00:29:59,672 --> 00:30:01,715 I had a bizarre dream last night. 383 00:30:01,925 --> 00:30:03,759 Commander Tucker was in it. 384 00:30:03,968 --> 00:30:07,971 We were in a strange place, it was all white. 385 00:30:09,808 --> 00:30:13,977 There was almost a romantic quality to it. 386 00:30:14,187 --> 00:30:17,731 I don't ever remember dreaming about Commander Tucker before. 387 00:30:19,567 --> 00:30:21,610 Most unusual. 388 00:30:22,654 --> 00:30:25,447 The recorder was erased deliberately. 389 00:30:25,615 --> 00:30:27,533 Malcolm said there might have been a safeguard. 390 00:30:27,951 --> 00:30:30,494 The memory core was wiped by that microdyne coupler. 391 00:30:33,081 --> 00:30:36,291 - You're sure? - It left a unique magnetic signature. 392 00:30:36,501 --> 00:30:39,795 We found it in storage locker C-14. 393 00:30:40,004 --> 00:30:43,340 The last person to access that locker was Lieutenant Reed. 394 00:30:47,387 --> 00:30:50,597 I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, sir. 395 00:30:50,807 --> 00:30:54,268 Only someone with security clearance Alpha-4 or higher 396 00:30:54,477 --> 00:30:56,311 had access to the black box. 397 00:30:56,521 --> 00:30:57,855 That's just T'Pol, you and me. 398 00:30:59,023 --> 00:31:02,985 I agree. It is a bit of a mystery. 399 00:31:04,946 --> 00:31:10,284 You're sure that freighter was destroyed by Orion weapons? 400 00:31:10,493 --> 00:31:12,244 There's no doubt. 401 00:31:15,331 --> 00:31:19,668 I asked T'Pol to double-check your analysis. 402 00:31:25,091 --> 00:31:28,468 The freighter was fired on by Klingon disruptors. 403 00:31:30,513 --> 00:31:33,390 With all due respect, sir, it must have been a mistake. 404 00:31:33,600 --> 00:31:36,059 I've seen the sensor logs. 405 00:31:36,895 --> 00:31:38,395 Someone could have tampered with them. 406 00:31:43,484 --> 00:31:45,694 I want to know what the hell is going on. 407 00:31:49,532 --> 00:31:51,158 Answer me, lieutenant. 408 00:31:53,620 --> 00:31:58,582 Respectfully, sir, I refuse to answer any more questions. 409 00:32:03,713 --> 00:32:05,172 Malcolm, 410 00:32:06,007 --> 00:32:10,552 I never would have believed that you, of all people. 411 00:32:17,644 --> 00:32:19,144 Corporal, 412 00:32:20,605 --> 00:32:25,025 Lieutenant Reed's been relieved of duty. Escort him to the Brig and confine him. 413 00:32:56,849 --> 00:32:59,267 We've set course for Klingon territory. 414 00:32:59,477 --> 00:33:01,812 We haven't picked up any warp signatures yet. 415 00:33:02,647 --> 00:33:04,439 I may have to take this ship into their space. 416 00:33:04,649 --> 00:33:07,109 I don't have to tell you how dangerous that is. 417 00:33:07,318 --> 00:33:09,903 If you know where they've taken Phlox... 418 00:33:10,780 --> 00:33:13,949 I have no idea where the doctor is, captain. 419 00:33:14,158 --> 00:33:15,826 On that, you have my word. 420 00:33:16,035 --> 00:33:18,578 Your word isn't worth a lot at the moment. 421 00:33:28,089 --> 00:33:30,924 The Malcolm Reed I know would give his life 422 00:33:31,134 --> 00:33:32,718 before committing treason. 423 00:33:33,386 --> 00:33:36,138 I'm not working for the Klingons. 424 00:33:37,265 --> 00:33:38,807 Who, then? 425 00:33:47,567 --> 00:33:50,027 You've betrayed everything that uniform stands for. 426 00:33:51,237 --> 00:33:52,279 Captain, 427 00:33:55,992 --> 00:34:00,912 there are some obligations 428 00:34:01,205 --> 00:34:06,168 that go beyond my loyalty to you and this crew. 429 00:34:15,094 --> 00:34:16,511 What the hell does that mean? 430 00:34:20,558 --> 00:34:22,017 I can't say any more. 431 00:34:22,226 --> 00:34:24,853 You haven't said much of anything. 432 00:34:29,150 --> 00:34:31,485 You've told me a lot about your father. 433 00:34:32,111 --> 00:34:37,282 His years in the Royal Navy, their tradition of honor and service. 434 00:34:38,159 --> 00:34:39,284 How do you think he'll react 435 00:34:39,494 --> 00:34:41,578 when he learns you're facing court-martial? 436 00:34:42,622 --> 00:34:44,623 I wouldn't know, sir. 437 00:35:05,061 --> 00:35:06,144 We're running out of time. 438 00:35:06,354 --> 00:35:10,023 I can't sequence these nucleotides any faster. 439 00:35:10,316 --> 00:35:12,192 Perhaps you should have abducted Doctor Soong. 440 00:35:12,401 --> 00:35:14,945 He could have mapped this genome more efficiently than I can. 441 00:35:15,154 --> 00:35:16,822 We tried. Soong was under heavy guard. 442 00:35:17,031 --> 00:35:20,367 If you don't accelerate your efforts, there will be no one left to cure. 443 00:35:21,202 --> 00:35:23,703 The High Council has dispatched a fleet. 444 00:35:23,913 --> 00:35:26,206 They have annihilated N'Vak Colony. 445 00:35:26,666 --> 00:35:29,960 N'Vak was one of the first planets affected by the plague. 446 00:35:30,169 --> 00:35:31,837 They're massacring the victims? 447 00:35:32,046 --> 00:35:35,715 The council will do whatever is required to contain this outbreak. 448 00:35:36,759 --> 00:35:38,301 General, we are making progress, 449 00:35:38,511 --> 00:35:40,846 but I'll need a few weeks to develop an antiviral agent. 450 00:35:41,055 --> 00:35:42,222 It will have to be tested. 451 00:35:42,431 --> 00:35:44,683 Millions will be infected by then. 452 00:35:44,892 --> 00:35:46,935 The council will not wait! 453 00:35:47,145 --> 00:35:48,979 How long until the fleet reaches us? 454 00:35:49,397 --> 00:35:52,649 - Five days. - I can't cure this in five days! 455 00:35:52,859 --> 00:35:56,486 They wouldn't destroy us if they knew we had created Klingon Augments. 456 00:35:56,696 --> 00:35:58,113 The experiment failed. 457 00:35:58,322 --> 00:36:00,699 It succeeded for a brief period. 458 00:36:00,908 --> 00:36:04,119 If Phlox and I can find a way to stabilize the human DNA 459 00:36:04,328 --> 00:36:09,040 prior to the onset of stage three, our Augments would survive. 460 00:36:09,250 --> 00:36:12,085 If we're successful, you could use them as leverage, 461 00:36:12,295 --> 00:36:15,922 force the High Council to give us more time to find a cure. 462 00:36:16,132 --> 00:36:19,718 You don't seriously expect me to help you create Klingon Augments? 463 00:36:19,927 --> 00:36:22,429 You could save the inhabitants of this planet. 464 00:36:25,266 --> 00:36:27,309 I won't assist you. 465 00:36:31,230 --> 00:36:34,191 Kill me if you must. 466 00:36:34,567 --> 00:36:36,401 I refuse to cooperate. 467 00:36:37,320 --> 00:36:38,695 Take him. 468 00:36:52,585 --> 00:36:54,628 Hail the dock master. 469 00:36:59,634 --> 00:37:02,677 This is Captain Hernandez, request permission to depart. 470 00:37:02,845 --> 00:37:04,888 You're cleared for departure. 471 00:37:05,097 --> 00:37:06,598 Smooth sailing, Columbia. 472 00:37:06,807 --> 00:37:08,350 Thank you. 473 00:37:09,727 --> 00:37:11,186 Bridge to Engineering. 474 00:37:11,395 --> 00:37:13,021 Are we ready, Mr. Tucker? 475 00:37:13,231 --> 00:37:16,233 Just a few more seconds. I hope. 476 00:37:16,442 --> 00:37:18,693 - Ensign. - Dilithium matrix is stable. 477 00:37:18,903 --> 00:37:21,863 Driver coils are configured for warp speed. 478 00:37:22,073 --> 00:37:23,698 Nice work. 479 00:37:23,908 --> 00:37:25,325 Engineering to Bridge. 480 00:37:25,534 --> 00:37:27,285 We're ready whenever you are, captain. 481 00:37:27,495 --> 00:37:29,871 Time to weigh anchor. 482 00:37:31,082 --> 00:37:36,336 Lieutenant, aft thrusters at one-half until we clear space dock. 483 00:37:36,879 --> 00:37:39,673 Then take us to warp. 484 00:38:17,586 --> 00:38:18,878 So, what are you in for? 485 00:38:19,588 --> 00:38:21,923 Is your captain hoping you'll obtain information from me? 486 00:38:22,633 --> 00:38:24,426 I shouldn't think so. 487 00:38:24,635 --> 00:38:25,760 Why are you here? 488 00:38:27,305 --> 00:38:29,055 That's a long story. 489 00:38:29,265 --> 00:38:31,224 Entertain me. 490 00:38:33,978 --> 00:38:35,145 I lied to him. 491 00:38:36,856 --> 00:38:38,940 You're fortunate to be alive. 492 00:38:39,150 --> 00:38:42,569 A Klingon who betrays his captain would be immediately executed. 493 00:38:53,122 --> 00:38:55,790 Why did you and your men board Enterprise? 494 00:38:58,210 --> 00:38:59,961 You know, you may find this hard to believe, 495 00:39:00,171 --> 00:39:03,465 but you and I actually want the same thing. 496 00:39:03,674 --> 00:39:05,175 And what is that? 497 00:39:06,510 --> 00:39:07,886 A cure. 498 00:39:10,097 --> 00:39:15,101 There's no reason for you or any more of your people to die. 499 00:39:17,813 --> 00:39:19,773 There's a malfunction in the intermix chamber. 500 00:39:19,982 --> 00:39:21,316 Plasma pressure's rising. 501 00:39:21,525 --> 00:39:23,610 The antimatter flow regulators are locked open. 502 00:39:24,111 --> 00:39:26,738 - Did the Klingons damage them? - Uncertain. 503 00:39:28,324 --> 00:39:29,699 Pressure's approaching critical. 504 00:39:30,659 --> 00:39:31,868 Can we drop to impulse? 505 00:39:32,328 --> 00:39:36,498 The reactor would breach but we can reduce pressure by increasing speed. 506 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:39,125 Go to maximum warp. 507 00:39:39,335 --> 00:39:41,211 Get down to Engineering. 508 00:39:41,420 --> 00:39:43,171 See what you can do. 509 00:39:56,060 --> 00:39:58,103 You sabotaged us. 510 00:39:58,312 --> 00:40:00,688 How do we repair the damage? 511 00:40:02,983 --> 00:40:05,777 If our reactor breaches, you're going to die with us. 512 00:40:05,986 --> 00:40:07,612 I'm a soldier of the empire. 513 00:40:07,822 --> 00:40:10,156 I'm prepared to die. 514 00:40:10,366 --> 00:40:11,616 Captain! 515 00:40:11,826 --> 00:40:14,369 You need your tactical officer. 516 00:40:15,704 --> 00:40:17,580 Please, sir! 517 00:40:19,750 --> 00:40:21,918 I can be useful! 518 00:40:39,520 --> 00:40:41,271 Commander, did you see that? 519 00:40:41,480 --> 00:40:42,897 Please be more specific. 520 00:40:43,107 --> 00:40:44,858 On the monitor. 521 00:40:53,659 --> 00:40:55,160 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 522 00:40:55,369 --> 00:40:56,411 Go ahead. 523 00:40:56,620 --> 00:40:59,289 The warp matrix has been compromised 524 00:40:59,498 --> 00:41:01,082 by a Klingon subroutine. 525 00:41:01,292 --> 00:41:03,418 - Can you remove it? - I'm not certain. 526 00:41:03,627 --> 00:41:05,920 It's infiltrated our command protocols. 527 00:41:08,841 --> 00:41:10,633 Do what you can. 528 00:41:14,805 --> 00:41:18,391 Bridge to Captain Archer. Pressure's increasing again. 529 00:41:19,101 --> 00:41:20,643 Take us to warp 5.2. 530 00:41:21,562 --> 00:41:23,480 Sir, we can't hold that speed for long. 531 00:41:23,689 --> 00:41:27,567 We're out of options, Travis, 5.2. 532 00:41:27,776 --> 00:42:49,315 Acknowledged.