1 00:00:02,293 --> 00:00:04,086 Previously, on Enterprise: 2 00:00:04,295 --> 00:00:06,005 You, Denobulan, come with us. 3 00:00:09,592 --> 00:00:13,262 A virus is spreading from planet to planet. Millions are already infected. 4 00:00:13,471 --> 00:00:15,639 - What do you want with me? - If this continues, 5 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:18,392 the Klingon species will cease to exist. 6 00:00:18,601 --> 00:00:21,020 There's a job that needs doing, lieutenant. 7 00:00:21,229 --> 00:00:23,814 It may be the only way to save your friend's life. 8 00:00:24,024 --> 00:00:27,568 You don't seriously expect me to help you create Klingon Augments? 9 00:00:27,777 --> 00:00:28,819 Take him. 10 00:00:30,530 --> 00:00:33,991 The Malcolm Reed I know would give his life before committing treason. 11 00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:37,369 There are some obligations 12 00:00:37,579 --> 00:00:41,123 that go beyond my loyalty to you and this crew. 13 00:00:41,332 --> 00:00:43,167 - T'Pol to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 14 00:00:43,376 --> 00:00:47,129 The warp matrix has been compromised by a Klingon subroutine. 15 00:00:47,881 --> 00:00:49,715 It's infiltrated our command protocols. 16 00:00:49,924 --> 00:00:52,718 - Pressure's increasing again. - Take us to warp 5.2. 17 00:00:52,927 --> 00:00:54,762 Sir, we can't hold that speed for long. 18 00:00:54,971 --> 00:00:56,430 We're out of options, Travis. 19 00:00:57,015 --> 00:00:58,057 Five-point-two. 20 00:00:58,266 --> 00:01:00,726 And now, the conclusion... 21 00:01:15,158 --> 00:01:17,451 We have 47 minutes until a reactor breaches. 22 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:21,747 - What did the Klingons do to it? - They altered our engineering sub-routines. 23 00:01:21,956 --> 00:01:25,084 If we go below warp 5, the reactor's going to explode. 24 00:01:26,419 --> 00:01:28,587 - How can I help? - I've been talking with Trip. 25 00:01:28,797 --> 00:01:30,881 Columbia can rendezvous with us in 30 minutes. 26 00:01:31,091 --> 00:01:33,217 He says he can restore the subroutines. 27 00:01:33,426 --> 00:01:36,303 - He can't do that from Columbia. - We'll bring him on board. 28 00:01:36,513 --> 00:01:39,556 Transporter won't operate at warp, docking's out of the question. 29 00:01:39,766 --> 00:01:43,227 Trip told me you had experience transferring personnel at warp speed. 30 00:01:43,436 --> 00:01:45,270 In training exercises, yes. 31 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:46,897 But at warp speed 1. 32 00:01:47,107 --> 00:01:49,358 Every move was rehearsed in simulators for weeks. 33 00:01:50,276 --> 00:01:51,527 We don't have weeks. 34 00:01:52,070 --> 00:01:54,988 We'll have to merge our warp field with Columbia's. 35 00:01:55,198 --> 00:01:57,032 T'Pol's doing the calculations now. 36 00:01:57,242 --> 00:02:00,494 At warp 5, we'll have to move within 50 meters of each other. 37 00:02:00,703 --> 00:02:02,746 Has anyone ever done this before? 38 00:02:05,041 --> 00:02:07,501 Travis can handle the flying. 39 00:02:07,919 --> 00:02:09,795 Can you get Trip over here? 40 00:02:13,174 --> 00:02:15,134 You'll have to let me out of this brig. 41 00:03:54,609 --> 00:03:57,945 Commander Tucker, are you ready for this? 42 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:01,657 As ready as I'll ever be. 43 00:04:03,201 --> 00:04:04,868 Open a channel. 44 00:04:05,995 --> 00:04:08,622 - Columbia to Enterprise. - This is Archer. 45 00:04:08,831 --> 00:04:11,291 We're matching speed and trajectory as requested. 46 00:04:11,501 --> 00:04:13,293 Stand by, Columbia. 47 00:04:13,503 --> 00:04:14,544 Archer to Reed. 48 00:04:16,130 --> 00:04:19,049 - Go ahead. - We're in position. 49 00:04:24,430 --> 00:04:26,932 Have them start their rotation. 50 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:40,654 Coming up on 100 meters. 51 00:04:41,781 --> 00:04:44,658 Ninety, 80 meters. 52 00:04:44,867 --> 00:04:46,326 This is the Bridge. 53 00:04:46,536 --> 00:04:49,204 All hands brace for warp field contact. 54 00:04:59,507 --> 00:05:01,425 Hold her steady, Travis. 55 00:05:01,634 --> 00:05:04,386 Or Chef will know who to blame for the mess in the galley. 56 00:05:06,014 --> 00:05:08,265 We're at 50 meters and holding. 57 00:05:08,474 --> 00:05:11,226 Make sure everything's ready for Trip in Engineering. 58 00:05:14,897 --> 00:05:16,523 Archer to Reed. 59 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:19,026 - You're all clear. - Understood. 60 00:05:19,235 --> 00:05:22,863 Columbia, I'm deploying the tether. 61 00:05:32,832 --> 00:05:34,333 Nice shooting, Malcolm. 62 00:05:37,837 --> 00:05:40,339 - Tucker to Captain Hernandez. - Go ahead. 63 00:05:40,548 --> 00:05:44,217 - I'm heading out. - Quick as you can, commander. 64 00:05:58,399 --> 00:06:00,692 Never thought I'd see the stars like this. 65 00:06:00,902 --> 00:06:04,529 Eyes on the cable, commander. I need you back here in one piece. 66 00:06:17,460 --> 00:06:19,836 You're doing fine, Trip. 67 00:06:23,424 --> 00:06:24,841 T'Pol, what's happening? 68 00:06:27,512 --> 00:06:30,013 I'm reading a fluctuation in the warp field. 69 00:06:30,223 --> 00:06:33,683 Take power from life support if you have to, but keep the field constant. 70 00:06:33,976 --> 00:06:36,311 Sir, I'm having trouble holding position. 71 00:06:38,022 --> 00:06:41,066 Fifty-two meters, 55. 72 00:06:41,776 --> 00:06:44,861 Don't mean to be a pest, but could someone tell me what's going on? 73 00:06:45,071 --> 00:06:47,739 You're almost here, Trip. Keep going. 74 00:06:50,118 --> 00:06:51,576 Engineering, report. 75 00:06:51,786 --> 00:06:54,663 I'm re-routing power now, captain. Stand by. 76 00:06:55,706 --> 00:06:57,040 Fifty-nine meters. 77 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:06,758 The tether's at its limit. Hurry up. 78 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:09,469 T'Pol to the Bridge. 79 00:07:09,679 --> 00:07:12,139 It's not working. The field is still fluctuating. 80 00:07:13,558 --> 00:07:15,225 Almost there. 81 00:07:34,078 --> 00:07:35,412 Trip! 82 00:07:42,378 --> 00:07:44,671 Permission to come aboard? 83 00:07:49,552 --> 00:07:52,387 Bridge, I have him. 84 00:07:55,224 --> 00:07:56,308 You all right, Trip? 85 00:07:56,517 --> 00:07:58,435 I'll feel a lot better when this is over. 86 00:07:58,644 --> 00:08:02,189 There's only one way to do this, captain, a cold start. 87 00:08:02,398 --> 00:08:05,317 I have to shut down the reactor, and reset the algorithms. 88 00:08:05,526 --> 00:08:09,488 Once we bring the warp back on-line, subroutines should be back to normal. 89 00:08:09,697 --> 00:08:11,239 But if we shut down the reactor... 90 00:08:11,449 --> 00:08:13,533 That's why we need to move inside Columbia's warp field. 91 00:08:13,743 --> 00:08:16,745 They can sustain our speed while I re-initialize the engines. 92 00:08:16,954 --> 00:08:19,789 They won't be able to hold us more than a minute. Don't have enough power. 93 00:08:19,999 --> 00:08:21,458 I've got a shortcut in mind. 94 00:08:21,667 --> 00:08:22,709 Shortcut? 95 00:08:22,919 --> 00:08:25,128 Those subroutines would take hours to decrypt. 96 00:08:25,338 --> 00:08:27,756 Better just to purge them, wipe them clean. 97 00:08:29,884 --> 00:08:31,301 I'll contact Columbia. 98 00:08:40,728 --> 00:08:41,811 What are they here for? 99 00:08:42,021 --> 00:08:45,065 The captain and I have had a slight misunderstanding. 100 00:08:45,274 --> 00:08:47,108 - How slight? - These gentlemen are here 101 00:08:47,318 --> 00:08:49,027 to escort me back to the brig. 102 00:08:49,237 --> 00:08:52,489 Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it when we're not quite so busy. 103 00:08:59,705 --> 00:09:01,081 Fancy meeting you here. 104 00:09:01,290 --> 00:09:03,458 Intermix pressure? 105 00:09:04,085 --> 00:09:05,252 Fifteen twenty-seven. 106 00:09:05,461 --> 00:09:08,296 - Field variance? - Eighty-seven millicochranes. 107 00:09:08,506 --> 00:09:10,924 Somebody hasn't been taking good care of my engine. 108 00:09:11,133 --> 00:09:12,384 Speak with the Klingons. 109 00:09:14,136 --> 00:09:15,762 - What are you doing? - Take notes. 110 00:09:15,972 --> 00:09:19,224 I'll perform a manual shutdown and restart in less than two minutes. 111 00:09:19,433 --> 00:09:21,851 - That's not possible. - Watch me. 112 00:09:25,898 --> 00:09:27,065 Columbia to Enterprise. 113 00:09:27,275 --> 00:09:30,443 - Go ahead. - I've routed everything to my warp field. 114 00:09:30,653 --> 00:09:34,406 Do me a favor, Jonathan. Make this quick. 115 00:09:40,037 --> 00:09:41,079 Archer to Trip. 116 00:09:42,957 --> 00:09:44,165 Ready when you are. 117 00:09:44,375 --> 00:09:46,960 Stand by. Everyone get away from the bulkheads. 118 00:09:47,169 --> 00:09:49,296 It's gonna get a little hot here. 119 00:09:54,260 --> 00:10:00,599 Reactor shut down in five, four, three, two, one. 120 00:10:07,648 --> 00:10:10,025 T'Pol, prime the injectors. Jenkins, man the relays. 121 00:10:10,234 --> 00:10:11,735 Yes, sir. 122 00:10:19,285 --> 00:10:21,828 Columbia to Enterprise. You've got about 40 seconds. 123 00:10:23,205 --> 00:10:24,831 Understood. 124 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:29,085 - Trip, how's it going? - Just another minute, captain. 125 00:10:29,295 --> 00:10:30,629 You don't have a minute. 126 00:10:31,380 --> 00:10:33,548 Get ready to initialize the matrix. 127 00:10:41,724 --> 00:10:43,767 Enterprise, we're losing the field. 128 00:10:46,520 --> 00:10:49,105 - Fifteen seconds, Trip. - Almost there. 129 00:10:49,315 --> 00:10:52,233 Full power to containment. Fire up the antimatter stream. 130 00:10:52,443 --> 00:10:56,446 Ten seconds, nine, eight, seven, six... 131 00:10:56,656 --> 00:10:58,239 - Commander. - Here we go. 132 00:10:58,449 --> 00:11:01,034 Four, three, two... 133 00:11:11,128 --> 00:11:12,587 We've got warp power. 134 00:11:14,298 --> 00:11:15,590 Engineering to the Bridge. 135 00:11:15,800 --> 00:11:18,218 Subroutines have been purged. 136 00:11:18,427 --> 00:11:20,345 Appreciate the house call, Mr. Tucker. 137 00:11:20,554 --> 00:11:22,222 Anytime. 138 00:11:22,431 --> 00:11:24,933 I'd like to drop to impulse for a while, captain. 139 00:11:25,142 --> 00:11:27,686 - Just to check things over. - Stand by. 140 00:11:29,105 --> 00:11:30,939 Enterprise to Columbia. 141 00:11:31,357 --> 00:11:32,399 Thanks for the lift. 142 00:11:32,608 --> 00:11:35,694 You're not getting away with my chief engineer that easily. 143 00:11:38,906 --> 00:11:40,573 Any plans for the next few days? 144 00:11:41,450 --> 00:11:43,118 What have you got in mind? 145 00:11:53,921 --> 00:11:55,630 Phlox. 146 00:11:57,049 --> 00:11:58,216 Phlox? 147 00:12:02,138 --> 00:12:04,013 This will help. 148 00:12:06,434 --> 00:12:08,685 My apologies for the general's conduct. 149 00:12:08,894 --> 00:12:11,604 He's so crude. This is no way to treat a man of science. 150 00:12:14,859 --> 00:12:16,067 Then end it. 151 00:12:16,527 --> 00:12:18,361 Contact Starfleet. 152 00:12:18,571 --> 00:12:20,447 My people need you, Phlox. 153 00:12:20,656 --> 00:12:23,032 We have no healers with your abilities. 154 00:12:24,201 --> 00:12:29,748 You want me to create Klingon Augments, living weapons. I won't do it. 155 00:12:29,957 --> 00:12:31,207 No, no. 156 00:12:31,417 --> 00:12:34,544 I've been reviewing your work. It's brilliant. 157 00:12:34,754 --> 00:12:38,923 You have discovered a weakness in the virus causing the plague. 158 00:12:39,133 --> 00:12:43,011 If we interrupt the transcription sequence here... 159 00:12:49,852 --> 00:12:53,271 Yes. 160 00:12:53,522 --> 00:12:58,860 That would stop the genetic effects of the virus in Stage One. 161 00:12:59,069 --> 00:13:00,945 There'd be changes of appearance, 162 00:13:01,155 --> 00:13:03,656 some minor neural reordering, 163 00:13:03,866 --> 00:13:06,618 but no development of Stage Two characteristics. 164 00:13:06,827 --> 00:13:10,371 No enhanced strength or speed or endurance. 165 00:13:14,335 --> 00:13:18,379 But then General K'Vagh would not get his Augments. 166 00:13:19,048 --> 00:13:20,465 He would never allow it. 167 00:13:23,302 --> 00:13:25,345 What if we don't tell him? 168 00:13:26,305 --> 00:13:27,889 Do you understand what will happen 169 00:13:28,098 --> 00:13:30,558 if the general learns that we've deceived him? 170 00:13:30,768 --> 00:13:34,771 A cure would save millions of innocent lives. 171 00:13:34,980 --> 00:13:38,274 What more honorable death could there be for a healer? 172 00:13:38,484 --> 00:13:42,070 Klingon or Denobulan. 173 00:13:48,077 --> 00:13:49,994 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 174 00:13:50,204 --> 00:13:53,122 I've asked Columbia to join us in our search for Phlox. 175 00:13:53,332 --> 00:13:56,334 We'll have a better chance of making it through Klingon territory 176 00:13:56,544 --> 00:13:57,752 with twice the firepower. 177 00:13:59,672 --> 00:14:02,340 I don't suppose you can tell me where I'm going this time. 178 00:14:02,550 --> 00:14:05,260 Unh. I didn't think so. 179 00:14:09,056 --> 00:14:13,101 - Those are my personal files. - Not when they affect my ship. 180 00:14:16,522 --> 00:14:19,315 T'Pol restored everything you tried to erase. 181 00:14:23,404 --> 00:14:26,531 We ran his face and voiceprint through our database. 182 00:14:27,700 --> 00:14:29,450 His name's Harris. 183 00:14:29,994 --> 00:14:32,704 He worked in Starfleet Security. 184 00:14:33,038 --> 00:14:35,331 Up till five years ago. After that, his file ends. 185 00:14:35,541 --> 00:14:37,041 Captain, 186 00:14:37,251 --> 00:14:40,211 - there's nothing more I can add. - I won't accept that. 187 00:14:40,421 --> 00:14:42,297 You endangered every member of this crew. 188 00:14:42,506 --> 00:14:44,632 You answer to me. 189 00:14:48,095 --> 00:14:50,430 I thought I knew you, Malcolm. 190 00:14:52,433 --> 00:14:56,144 Whatever hold this Harris has on you, 191 00:14:56,437 --> 00:14:57,645 you could've come to me. 192 00:14:57,855 --> 00:15:01,232 - I'm under orders. - I'm your commanding officer! 193 00:15:02,526 --> 00:15:05,320 If you don't tell me what's going on, I'll go to Starfleet. 194 00:15:05,529 --> 00:15:08,448 Whatever you think you've been trying to keep hidden is going to come out. 195 00:15:08,616 --> 00:15:11,701 Is that what you want? 196 00:15:12,995 --> 00:15:15,955 I can't tell you what I don't know. 197 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:22,086 Then let me talk to someone who can. 198 00:15:23,923 --> 00:15:26,466 Send a message to Harris. 199 00:15:32,348 --> 00:15:34,849 Has the House of Phlox always been one of healers? 200 00:15:35,893 --> 00:15:39,562 There is no House of Phlox. 201 00:15:39,772 --> 00:15:42,315 Denobulan family units are different from Klingons. 202 00:15:42,858 --> 00:15:45,443 Yes, I've heard. 203 00:15:45,653 --> 00:15:47,654 Three wives for each husband. 204 00:15:47,905 --> 00:15:49,948 Three husbands for each wife. 205 00:15:50,157 --> 00:15:53,201 Your mating practices must be very complex. 206 00:15:53,410 --> 00:15:55,453 Wondrously so. 207 00:15:55,663 --> 00:15:57,288 What about the House of Antaak? 208 00:15:57,498 --> 00:16:00,375 We are a warrior caste. 209 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:05,171 When I became a healer, my father disowned me. 210 00:16:06,131 --> 00:16:09,092 As a physician in Imperial Fleet, you've served in the military. 211 00:16:09,301 --> 00:16:11,302 Not as well as I should have. 212 00:16:14,598 --> 00:16:18,351 I did not screen my subjects properly. 213 00:16:19,144 --> 00:16:20,979 This plague... 214 00:16:21,605 --> 00:16:23,564 all its victims... 215 00:16:25,067 --> 00:16:26,943 It's my fault. 216 00:16:28,737 --> 00:16:31,614 My failure is the reason you're here. 217 00:16:46,922 --> 00:16:48,715 The humans could not stop us. 218 00:16:48,924 --> 00:16:50,341 I am your superior. 219 00:16:50,551 --> 00:16:53,011 You will salute. 220 00:16:57,016 --> 00:16:59,517 Now, report. 221 00:17:00,019 --> 00:17:01,602 Enterprise was destroyed. 222 00:17:01,812 --> 00:17:04,147 Starfleet will think it was her engines. 223 00:17:05,232 --> 00:17:06,691 One of you is missing. 224 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:09,444 Your son was slow. The humans killed him. 225 00:17:11,947 --> 00:17:14,073 Did he die with honor? 226 00:17:14,825 --> 00:17:17,660 He let humans kill him. 227 00:17:36,597 --> 00:17:37,638 Report. 228 00:17:37,848 --> 00:17:40,141 Dr. Phlox has made excellent progress. 229 00:17:40,350 --> 00:17:41,559 Details. 230 00:17:41,769 --> 00:17:43,811 I've identified the RNA sequences that code... 231 00:17:44,021 --> 00:17:47,523 Details I can pass on to my superiors. 232 00:17:48,233 --> 00:17:51,611 I know where to look for the switch that will turn off the virus. 233 00:17:51,820 --> 00:17:53,571 How long until you find it? 234 00:17:53,781 --> 00:17:56,824 - An hour. - One hour. 235 00:18:05,167 --> 00:18:08,252 - What do you want? - I have news for the high council. 236 00:18:08,462 --> 00:18:09,504 Explain. 237 00:18:09,713 --> 00:18:12,507 The Denobulan is close to perfecting the Augments' genome. 238 00:18:12,716 --> 00:18:15,093 The council has shut down your project. 239 00:18:15,302 --> 00:18:19,847 If you sterilize this colony, then all our research will be lost. 240 00:18:22,726 --> 00:18:25,520 The fleet will reach you in three days. 241 00:18:25,729 --> 00:18:28,481 If you're successful by the time we get to orbit, 242 00:18:28,690 --> 00:18:31,150 Qu'Vat will be spared. 243 00:18:43,664 --> 00:18:47,500 Captain, it's gonna be a while before everything's back to normal in Engineering. 244 00:18:47,709 --> 00:18:48,793 Can Kelby handle it? 245 00:18:50,629 --> 00:18:53,131 I could pull a little double duty to help him out. 246 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:55,007 I could check with Captain Hernandez. 247 00:18:59,888 --> 00:19:01,430 Something else? 248 00:19:03,392 --> 00:19:05,685 What the hell's going on with Malcolm? 249 00:19:07,396 --> 00:19:09,647 Nothing I can get into right now. 250 00:19:11,024 --> 00:19:12,650 Fair enough. 251 00:19:12,943 --> 00:19:14,819 Guess I'd better get back to Columbia. 252 00:19:15,195 --> 00:19:17,155 I'll walk with you. 253 00:19:23,704 --> 00:19:26,289 Are you enjoying your time aboard Columbia? 254 00:19:26,498 --> 00:19:27,707 Sure, why wouldn't I? 255 00:19:27,916 --> 00:19:30,710 You haven't been experiencing any problems? 256 00:19:30,919 --> 00:19:32,086 Such as? 257 00:19:33,046 --> 00:19:37,425 Adjusting to new food, new routines. 258 00:19:37,634 --> 00:19:39,135 Trouble sleeping? 259 00:19:40,012 --> 00:19:41,888 I sleep just fine. 260 00:19:42,097 --> 00:19:43,139 How about you? 261 00:19:43,348 --> 00:19:44,640 Fine. 262 00:19:44,850 --> 00:19:45,933 You sure about that? 263 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:48,060 Quite. 264 00:19:54,067 --> 00:19:56,319 Your hour is up. 265 00:19:56,778 --> 00:19:58,446 We are getting the test results now. 266 00:19:58,655 --> 00:20:01,282 We are running out of time! 267 00:20:01,491 --> 00:20:04,744 General, I know the Klingon fleet is on its way, 268 00:20:04,953 --> 00:20:09,540 and I understand what this project cost you, personally. 269 00:20:10,334 --> 00:20:12,251 Antaak told me about your son. 270 00:20:12,461 --> 00:20:14,670 He died in combat for the empire. 271 00:20:15,464 --> 00:20:19,467 At least he was spared the final stage of this disease. 272 00:20:20,761 --> 00:20:24,430 May I ask how he was infected? 273 00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:27,391 Command chose his unit for the Augment experiment 274 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:29,810 when we had exhausted our supply of prisoners. 275 00:20:30,687 --> 00:20:32,313 My son was a warrior. 276 00:20:32,522 --> 00:20:36,234 He asked for no special treatment, and I gave him none. 277 00:20:47,871 --> 00:20:49,413 What'd they give you? 278 00:20:49,623 --> 00:20:51,791 It's dead. I can't eat that. 279 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:54,543 No wonder you're all so weak. 280 00:20:55,587 --> 00:20:59,006 - Physical strength isn't everything. - You can't win wars without it. 281 00:20:59,925 --> 00:21:01,968 Being smart is more important. 282 00:21:02,177 --> 00:21:04,262 General Sun Tzu said that the greatest victories 283 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:06,305 are those won without fighting. 284 00:21:06,515 --> 00:21:09,892 The great Kahless said there's no victory without combat. 285 00:21:13,146 --> 00:21:16,774 Do you ever question why you fight? 286 00:21:16,984 --> 00:21:18,651 Soldiers don't question. 287 00:21:18,860 --> 00:21:19,986 They obey. 288 00:21:21,321 --> 00:21:23,614 What if your superiors are wrong? 289 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:25,700 They're imprisoned 290 00:21:26,076 --> 00:21:27,994 or killed. 291 00:21:28,203 --> 00:21:30,204 That's not how we do things in Starfleet. 292 00:21:30,414 --> 00:21:33,207 Which is why the Klingon Empire will defeat you. 293 00:21:35,794 --> 00:21:39,922 Then how come you're in the same brig that I'm in? 294 00:21:44,052 --> 00:21:46,012 You said we'd become stronger. 295 00:21:46,221 --> 00:21:48,472 This is what you've done to us. 296 00:21:48,682 --> 00:21:51,809 You'll become infectious so you should be quarantined. 297 00:21:52,019 --> 00:21:53,227 We'll remain here. 298 00:21:53,437 --> 00:21:57,106 If we're going to die, we'll die together 299 00:21:57,524 --> 00:21:58,899 as comrades. 300 00:21:59,109 --> 00:22:00,943 Be patient, lieutenant. 301 00:22:01,153 --> 00:22:03,946 The Denobulan is working to stabilize the human DNA. 302 00:22:04,156 --> 00:22:08,451 You will all be healthy again, and stronger than any Klingon. 303 00:22:08,660 --> 00:22:11,120 Will he restore our appearance? 304 00:22:11,788 --> 00:22:12,913 I don't know. 305 00:22:13,123 --> 00:22:16,625 How do you expect us to return home looking like this? 306 00:22:16,835 --> 00:22:18,627 We will be outcasts. 307 00:22:18,837 --> 00:22:20,629 There will be no place for us in the empire. 308 00:22:20,839 --> 00:22:24,342 Your heart is still Klingon. 309 00:22:24,551 --> 00:22:27,136 Are you certain of that? 310 00:22:28,638 --> 00:22:31,182 During the battle with the Starfleet ship, 311 00:22:31,391 --> 00:22:36,437 I felt fear for the first time since I was a child. 312 00:22:36,730 --> 00:22:37,938 I wasn't alone. 313 00:22:38,148 --> 00:22:41,192 I could see it in the eyes of the others. 314 00:22:41,651 --> 00:22:46,364 We've become like them, weak, cowardly. 315 00:22:46,573 --> 00:22:49,116 It would be better for us to die. 316 00:22:49,326 --> 00:22:55,539 As long as I draw breath, the empire will not turn its back on you. 317 00:23:02,047 --> 00:23:04,882 I get the feeling you miss Phlox too. 318 00:23:07,094 --> 00:23:11,889 Maybe it's just the stash of cheese he's got in Sickbay. 319 00:23:14,184 --> 00:23:16,268 Hold that thought. 320 00:23:16,478 --> 00:23:19,897 Captain Archer, I'm told you have some questions for me. 321 00:23:21,108 --> 00:23:22,233 Where's my doctor? 322 00:23:22,442 --> 00:23:23,484 He's safe. 323 00:23:23,693 --> 00:23:25,986 On a mission of great importance to Starfleet. 324 00:23:26,196 --> 00:23:27,738 Phlox was kidnapped. 325 00:23:27,948 --> 00:23:29,907 Starfleet would never authorize that. 326 00:23:30,784 --> 00:23:33,828 Reread the Charter, article 14, section 31. 327 00:23:34,037 --> 00:23:36,455 There are a few lines that make allowances 328 00:23:36,665 --> 00:23:39,208 for bending the rules during times of extraordinary threat. 329 00:23:40,168 --> 00:23:42,211 - What threat? - Take your pick. 330 00:23:42,421 --> 00:23:43,838 Earth's got a lot of enemies. 331 00:23:44,047 --> 00:23:45,923 Klingons attacked my ship. 332 00:23:46,133 --> 00:23:47,508 Is that what we're talking about? 333 00:23:47,968 --> 00:23:50,594 What I want to talk about is Lieutenant Reed. 334 00:23:50,804 --> 00:23:52,847 He's done good work for us over the years. 335 00:23:53,056 --> 00:23:54,723 Don't be too hard on him. 336 00:23:54,933 --> 00:23:56,517 He was just following my orders. 337 00:23:56,726 --> 00:23:59,145 You put him in an impossible position. 338 00:23:59,354 --> 00:24:00,938 I understand why you would feel that way, 339 00:24:01,148 --> 00:24:03,816 but this is bigger than one captain and one ship. 340 00:24:04,025 --> 00:24:05,734 You're gonna have to do better than that. 341 00:24:07,070 --> 00:24:11,031 All I can tell you is that if you interfere before Phlox completes his assignment, 342 00:24:11,241 --> 00:24:13,993 the repercussions will affect entire worlds. 343 00:24:17,330 --> 00:24:20,249 One of these four strains has the genetic trigger 344 00:24:20,459 --> 00:24:23,627 that can neutralize the virus before it advances to its lethal stage. 345 00:24:23,837 --> 00:24:26,380 - Which one? - I don't know yet. 346 00:24:26,590 --> 00:24:28,632 That's why I have to check each of them. 347 00:24:28,842 --> 00:24:32,470 - How long will it take? - A week. 348 00:24:32,971 --> 00:24:36,724 Your fleet can quarantine this world, hm, while I complete my tests. 349 00:24:36,933 --> 00:24:39,143 Sterilization is not necessary. 350 00:24:39,352 --> 00:24:42,313 Fleet Admiral Krell will not extend his deadline. 351 00:24:42,522 --> 00:24:45,024 The only possible way to get results on Krell's schedule 352 00:24:45,233 --> 00:24:47,067 is to infect four healthy Klingons. 353 00:24:47,277 --> 00:24:49,278 You have four right here! 354 00:24:49,488 --> 00:24:52,072 Only one of these strains will work. 355 00:24:52,282 --> 00:24:53,908 The other three will be lethal. 356 00:24:54,117 --> 00:24:55,242 Ethically, it's unthinkable! 357 00:24:55,452 --> 00:24:58,329 The ethics, doctor, are simple. 358 00:24:58,538 --> 00:25:02,333 Three lives to save millions. 359 00:25:07,005 --> 00:25:09,840 At first, it didn't seem like lying. 360 00:25:10,050 --> 00:25:12,635 - What else would you call it? - Covert operations. 361 00:25:12,844 --> 00:25:16,805 I was a young ensign, it was exciting. 362 00:25:17,015 --> 00:25:18,682 How do you feel about it now? 363 00:25:18,892 --> 00:25:20,893 I thought it was done. 364 00:25:23,355 --> 00:25:25,439 This is the first time that Harris has contacted me 365 00:25:25,649 --> 00:25:27,942 since I've served on Enterprise. 366 00:25:28,151 --> 00:25:30,027 He told me about the plague. 367 00:25:30,237 --> 00:25:33,072 He said they needed Phlox to help the Klingons find a cure. 368 00:25:33,281 --> 00:25:35,491 I was supposed to just slow us down. 369 00:25:36,910 --> 00:25:39,119 Did Harris tell you about this? 370 00:25:41,081 --> 00:25:43,666 I had T'Pol take a closer look at our prisoner's medical scans. 371 00:25:43,875 --> 00:25:46,043 It's human DNA. 372 00:25:46,503 --> 00:25:52,258 I'm guessing the plague is a side-effect of a military experiment that went wrong. 373 00:25:52,467 --> 00:25:53,592 I didn't know. 374 00:25:53,802 --> 00:25:55,302 Harris claims he's doing this 375 00:25:55,512 --> 00:25:59,890 because Starfleet needs a stable Klingon Empire. 376 00:26:01,851 --> 00:26:03,769 Do you believe him? 377 00:26:04,229 --> 00:26:06,063 I don't trust him. 378 00:26:08,191 --> 00:26:11,527 If the Klingons needed our help, there are easier ways to get it. 379 00:26:12,737 --> 00:26:15,864 I wanted to tell you everything, captain. 380 00:26:19,327 --> 00:26:21,453 There's a way out of this. 381 00:26:22,581 --> 00:26:23,914 I don't have to put you in Brig, 382 00:26:24,124 --> 00:26:26,792 but you have to choose where your loyalties lie. 383 00:26:30,297 --> 00:26:31,964 I wasn't told why Phlox was taken, 384 00:26:32,173 --> 00:26:33,674 but Starfleet intelligence believes 385 00:26:33,883 --> 00:26:39,388 the Klingons have a genetic research facility on Qu'Vat colony. 386 00:26:58,241 --> 00:26:59,992 As you were. 387 00:27:06,958 --> 00:27:09,001 How long until we reach Qu'Vat? 388 00:27:09,210 --> 00:27:10,753 Six hours, sir. 389 00:27:10,962 --> 00:27:13,881 Captain, we need to be ready for Klingon patrols. 390 00:27:14,090 --> 00:27:16,508 I suggest that Columbia withdraws to a safer distance, 391 00:27:16,718 --> 00:27:18,427 so that we don't make a single target. 392 00:27:19,346 --> 00:27:21,305 Open a channel to Captain Hernandez. 393 00:27:23,642 --> 00:27:27,102 Why did you think you'd succeed in perfecting Augments 394 00:27:27,312 --> 00:27:28,687 when Dr. Soong failed? 395 00:27:29,230 --> 00:27:31,690 Soong's mistake was that he made too few of them. 396 00:27:31,900 --> 00:27:33,150 Earth once had thousands. 397 00:27:33,360 --> 00:27:35,152 They became tyrannical and started a war. 398 00:27:35,362 --> 00:27:36,695 Klingons have discipline. 399 00:27:36,905 --> 00:27:38,739 Augments don't. 400 00:27:38,948 --> 00:27:42,326 Their increased aggression is matched by their decreased inhibitions. 401 00:27:42,535 --> 00:27:45,454 You'd lose control of them, just as humans did. 402 00:27:58,176 --> 00:28:00,594 How long until we know which one of us survives? 403 00:28:01,888 --> 00:28:03,222 An hour, at most. 404 00:28:04,224 --> 00:28:06,517 Would bloodwine affect the results? 405 00:28:08,144 --> 00:28:09,186 I don't believe so. 406 00:28:09,396 --> 00:28:14,983 Then we shall drink, ha, ha, ha, to the bravery of these warriors. 407 00:28:15,193 --> 00:28:18,737 - Doctor. - Never on the job. 408 00:28:21,157 --> 00:28:24,451 We know Phlox was taken to Qu'Vat colony to work on a cure. 409 00:28:24,661 --> 00:28:27,121 We're gonna be there in less than an hour. 410 00:28:27,330 --> 00:28:29,790 Krell's patrols will crush you. 411 00:28:29,999 --> 00:28:32,209 They've all been recalled to enforce quarantine zones. 412 00:28:33,837 --> 00:28:35,838 Phlox will be in the medical facility. 413 00:28:36,047 --> 00:28:37,423 We need the coordinates. 414 00:28:41,803 --> 00:28:45,556 If you don't want to help us, help your people. 415 00:28:59,154 --> 00:29:01,155 My brothers. Unh! 416 00:29:02,615 --> 00:29:04,324 They're quite ill. 417 00:29:04,534 --> 00:29:06,076 So are you. 418 00:29:06,286 --> 00:29:07,911 Try to rest. 419 00:29:08,204 --> 00:29:13,709 Doctor, the two guards are displaying the first symptoms. 420 00:29:15,420 --> 00:29:18,422 That accounts for two of the three lethal strains. 421 00:29:18,631 --> 00:29:21,633 So either General K'Vagh lives, or I do. 422 00:29:33,438 --> 00:29:37,024 It's the general, isn't it? His strain has the cure. 423 00:29:37,233 --> 00:29:39,526 If we work quickly, there's a chance we can treat you. 424 00:29:51,581 --> 00:29:52,831 What now? 425 00:29:53,041 --> 00:29:55,209 There's been a complication. 426 00:29:56,127 --> 00:29:57,169 Another one? 427 00:29:57,378 --> 00:29:59,546 This time, your people failed to stop Enterprise. 428 00:29:59,756 --> 00:30:01,632 It's on its way to Qu'Vat, with Columbia. 429 00:30:02,342 --> 00:30:05,427 - Order them to withdraw. - You know I don't have that authority. 430 00:30:05,637 --> 00:30:07,638 Then I'll destroy them. 431 00:30:08,264 --> 00:30:09,389 We had an arrangement. 432 00:30:11,392 --> 00:30:13,435 You did what I wanted. 433 00:30:13,812 --> 00:30:16,271 I don't need you anymore. 434 00:30:16,481 --> 00:30:19,858 You agreed that both our governments would benefit if we worked together. 435 00:30:20,652 --> 00:30:24,404 And you believed me. 436 00:30:24,864 --> 00:30:25,948 Load the amino acids. 437 00:30:26,157 --> 00:30:28,951 I'll extract the viral DNA from his blood. 438 00:30:33,957 --> 00:30:36,083 - Captain. - Are you all right? 439 00:30:36,709 --> 00:30:38,252 Better, now that you're here. 440 00:30:38,920 --> 00:30:40,587 Father. 441 00:30:42,173 --> 00:30:44,258 I was told that you had been killed. 442 00:30:45,593 --> 00:30:46,969 The humans spared me. 443 00:30:47,178 --> 00:30:48,762 I came to get my doctor back. 444 00:30:48,972 --> 00:30:50,097 We need him here. 445 00:30:50,306 --> 00:30:52,182 I have two ships in orbit, heavily armed. 446 00:30:52,392 --> 00:30:54,768 Gentlemen, please. I think I can speak for myself. 447 00:30:54,978 --> 00:30:58,522 Captain, I need a little more time to cure this plague. 448 00:30:58,731 --> 00:31:00,107 Cure? 449 00:31:00,316 --> 00:31:03,151 You were supposed to perfect the augment genome! 450 00:31:03,361 --> 00:31:05,195 I lied. 451 00:31:05,405 --> 00:31:07,614 Your son may be alive but he will not survive much longer 452 00:31:07,824 --> 00:31:09,950 unless I complete my work. 453 00:31:10,159 --> 00:31:11,577 A few hours, captain. 454 00:31:12,203 --> 00:31:15,664 That's all I ask. Several million patients are counting on it. 455 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:20,878 Commander, three Klingon battlecruisers have just dropped out of warp. 456 00:31:21,546 --> 00:31:23,881 Open a channel to Columbia. 457 00:31:25,216 --> 00:31:26,758 The Klingons are jamming everything. 458 00:31:30,054 --> 00:31:32,848 - What is it? - Krell's ships are here. 459 00:31:33,057 --> 00:31:34,433 Keep working. 460 00:31:35,226 --> 00:31:36,351 Archer to Enterprise. 461 00:31:36,561 --> 00:31:38,478 Tell the Klingons we have the cure. 462 00:31:41,190 --> 00:31:42,649 Enterprise, respond. 463 00:31:42,859 --> 00:31:45,068 This is Fleet Admiral Krell. 464 00:31:45,278 --> 00:31:48,447 I'm under orders to eradicate this colony. 465 00:31:48,656 --> 00:31:49,781 You don't have to do that. 466 00:31:49,991 --> 00:31:52,409 My doctor can stop the plague. 467 00:31:53,244 --> 00:31:56,622 I have a more effective solution. 468 00:31:56,831 --> 00:31:58,206 Hello, Admiral Krell. 469 00:31:58,416 --> 00:32:00,500 This is Dr. Phlox. 470 00:32:00,710 --> 00:32:04,296 I am transmitting the details of the antivirus. 471 00:32:04,505 --> 00:32:07,257 Feel free to have your physicians confirm my findings, 472 00:32:07,467 --> 00:32:10,552 and you're welcome to call with any questions. 473 00:32:10,762 --> 00:32:12,471 My orders are clear. 474 00:32:12,680 --> 00:32:18,101 Captain Archer, your ships are now the property of the Klingon Empire. 475 00:32:18,311 --> 00:32:21,313 Stand down or be destroyed. 476 00:32:32,825 --> 00:32:35,744 Proceed as planned. 477 00:32:36,245 --> 00:32:39,206 Leave nothing standing. 478 00:32:39,415 --> 00:32:41,750 The lead ship's moving into a lower orbit. 479 00:32:41,960 --> 00:32:43,001 They're charging weapons. 480 00:32:43,211 --> 00:32:44,670 Intercept course. 481 00:32:44,879 --> 00:32:46,463 Columbia. 482 00:32:47,882 --> 00:32:49,049 I can't get through. 483 00:32:49,258 --> 00:32:51,718 - They're firing on the colony. - Target their disruptors. 484 00:33:02,981 --> 00:33:04,606 How strong are the shields around this place? 485 00:33:04,816 --> 00:33:06,858 Not strong enough! 486 00:33:07,652 --> 00:33:09,444 You said you had two ships in orbit. 487 00:33:09,654 --> 00:33:11,655 I'm sure they're doing everything they can. 488 00:33:12,240 --> 00:33:14,157 Archer to Enterprise. 489 00:33:24,085 --> 00:33:26,461 They're closing from astern. 490 00:33:27,380 --> 00:33:28,839 Aft cannons are down. 491 00:33:34,971 --> 00:33:37,139 Columbia to Enterprise. 492 00:33:37,348 --> 00:33:39,224 Looks like you could use a hand. 493 00:33:41,936 --> 00:33:43,937 Let's keep those ships off their tail. 494 00:33:46,274 --> 00:33:48,900 Your ships are taking damage. 495 00:33:49,110 --> 00:33:52,029 - How much longer? - As I said, another few hours. 496 00:33:52,238 --> 00:33:54,156 Can you speed that up a little? 497 00:33:54,824 --> 00:33:56,783 Phlox, I've got an idea. 498 00:33:56,993 --> 00:34:00,704 If we wanna get out of here in one piece, we've gotta get that cure fast. 499 00:34:04,792 --> 00:34:08,545 I could finish the antivirus in less time if I had a human host 500 00:34:08,755 --> 00:34:09,963 to replicate enough antibodies. 501 00:34:12,925 --> 00:34:14,593 I don't see any other humans around. 502 00:34:14,802 --> 00:34:17,763 I would have to expose you to the plague. I cannot predict what it might do to you. 503 00:34:17,972 --> 00:34:20,932 - Will it give you the cure? - Unquestionably. 504 00:34:21,142 --> 00:34:22,851 Let's get started. 505 00:34:24,145 --> 00:34:25,187 What do you intend to do? 506 00:34:25,396 --> 00:34:28,940 This virus may be our best weapon against Krell. 507 00:34:30,902 --> 00:34:32,652 Ready when you are. 508 00:34:38,242 --> 00:34:39,868 One of the ships is losing power. 509 00:34:40,078 --> 00:34:42,037 Their port nacelle is vulnerable. 510 00:34:42,246 --> 00:34:44,164 Then fire at will. 511 00:34:52,090 --> 00:34:55,133 In addition to the virus, I'm injecting you with a metabolic catalyst 512 00:34:55,343 --> 00:34:57,010 to accelerate your immune response. 513 00:34:57,220 --> 00:34:59,179 It won't be pleasant. 514 00:35:09,941 --> 00:35:12,400 It's no use. I can't penetrate their shields. 515 00:35:12,610 --> 00:35:15,529 Commander, I've broken through their jamming frequencies. 516 00:35:17,073 --> 00:35:19,032 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 517 00:35:21,661 --> 00:35:23,620 Captain, respond. 518 00:35:23,830 --> 00:35:24,955 Dr. Phlox here. 519 00:35:25,414 --> 00:35:27,374 The captain is indisposed at the moment. 520 00:35:27,583 --> 00:35:29,709 I imagine you have your hands full up there. 521 00:35:29,919 --> 00:35:31,086 To say the least. 522 00:35:31,295 --> 00:35:32,838 We have a plan to defuse the situation, 523 00:35:33,047 --> 00:35:35,048 but we'll need a few more minutes to carry it out. 524 00:35:36,676 --> 00:35:40,095 I'd appreciate it if you could keep the ceiling from caving in on us until then! 525 00:35:40,304 --> 00:35:41,805 Understood. 526 00:35:43,266 --> 00:35:44,850 How much hull plating do we have left? 527 00:35:45,226 --> 00:35:46,268 Sixty-two percent. 528 00:35:46,477 --> 00:35:50,438 Mr. Mayweather, put us directly between that cruiser and the colony. 529 00:35:50,648 --> 00:35:53,650 You may want to divert all available power to our dorsal plating. 530 00:35:54,694 --> 00:35:56,069 Aye, aye. 531 00:36:04,370 --> 00:36:05,495 It's working! 532 00:36:25,183 --> 00:36:27,267 - They're shifting their orbit. - Stay with them. 533 00:36:27,476 --> 00:36:29,936 - Hull plating's down to 40 percent. - Keep firing. 534 00:36:32,148 --> 00:36:35,275 Captain Hernandez, please direct your weapons at the battlecruiser. 535 00:36:35,484 --> 00:36:37,569 Wish I could help. We just lost our weapons. 536 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:50,749 It's done! Hold him! 537 00:36:58,507 --> 00:37:00,050 We've got it! 538 00:37:01,719 --> 00:37:02,761 Is the canister ready? 539 00:37:02,970 --> 00:37:05,513 It's set to disperse five seconds after transport. 540 00:37:05,723 --> 00:37:07,432 Send it. 541 00:37:08,643 --> 00:37:09,684 Open a channel to Krell. 542 00:37:17,401 --> 00:37:19,069 Hull plating's nearly down. 543 00:37:19,278 --> 00:37:20,862 We can't hold this position much later. 544 00:37:22,740 --> 00:37:25,992 Admiral Krell, Dr. Phlox again. 545 00:37:26,202 --> 00:37:28,870 By now, you may have noticed the small package 546 00:37:29,080 --> 00:37:30,830 which we sent to your Bridge. 547 00:37:31,040 --> 00:37:35,210 What you may not know is that it contains a potent sample of the metagenic virus. 548 00:37:35,419 --> 00:37:38,630 Even as we speak, it is dispersing throughout your ship, 549 00:37:38,839 --> 00:37:40,423 infecting you and your crew. 550 00:37:40,633 --> 00:37:43,301 You're lying! 551 00:37:43,511 --> 00:37:44,678 Check your internal sensors. 552 00:37:44,887 --> 00:37:46,805 You will find that the atmosphere contains 553 00:37:47,014 --> 00:37:50,183 approximately 20 parts per million of the viral strain. 554 00:37:50,393 --> 00:37:53,770 Or if you don't trust your sensors, trust your senses. 555 00:37:53,980 --> 00:37:57,607 You will feel the initial symptoms in about 30 minutes. 556 00:37:57,817 --> 00:38:02,028 Tightness in the chest, irregular heartbeat, tingling in your cranial ridges. 557 00:38:02,238 --> 00:38:05,282 This is a cowardly attack! 558 00:38:05,491 --> 00:38:07,075 Maybe so. 559 00:38:07,285 --> 00:38:09,160 But I am prepared to give you the cure. 560 00:38:09,370 --> 00:38:12,247 Thanks to Captain Archer, I have managed to complete the antivirus. 561 00:38:12,456 --> 00:38:13,957 Of course, if you destroy this colony, 562 00:38:14,166 --> 00:38:18,503 well, treating you and your crew could prove difficult. 563 00:38:19,171 --> 00:38:24,968 I suggest you power down your weapons, admiral, and let me cure your people. 564 00:38:31,600 --> 00:38:33,560 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 565 00:38:33,769 --> 00:38:36,146 Admiral Krell has convinced the High Council 566 00:38:36,355 --> 00:38:39,024 to call off their sterilization program. 567 00:38:39,233 --> 00:38:42,986 They've promised to distribute Phlox's cure throughout the empire. 568 00:38:43,946 --> 00:38:46,906 There's no trace of the virus in your bloodstream. 569 00:38:48,701 --> 00:38:51,786 My targ won't even recognize me. 570 00:38:51,996 --> 00:38:55,623 In the future, it may be possible to reverse the cosmetic effects. 571 00:38:55,833 --> 00:38:58,918 I suppose this is what I deserve. 572 00:38:59,795 --> 00:39:04,591 Millions of my people will have to live with this disfigurement. 573 00:39:04,800 --> 00:39:07,594 It'll be passed on to our children. 574 00:39:07,803 --> 00:39:09,471 Life won't be easy for us. 575 00:39:09,680 --> 00:39:11,931 You did your best to correct your mistakes. 576 00:39:12,141 --> 00:39:13,641 That's all we can ask of ourselves. 577 00:39:13,851 --> 00:39:17,729 I doubt my superiors will allow me to remain in my position. 578 00:39:18,439 --> 00:39:21,316 I'll need to find a new specialty. 579 00:39:23,486 --> 00:39:26,613 Perhaps cranial reconstruction. 580 00:39:26,822 --> 00:39:30,617 I have a feeling that's about to become very popular. 581 00:39:38,542 --> 00:39:42,670 I'm grateful for everything that you've done. 582 00:39:48,177 --> 00:39:49,219 How are you feeling? 583 00:39:49,428 --> 00:39:53,181 Not too bad, aside from some strange cravings, 584 00:39:53,391 --> 00:39:56,059 a plateful of live gagh sounds pretty good right now. 585 00:39:56,394 --> 00:40:01,022 Heh, heh. The cravings should disappear in a day or so, along with your ridges. 586 00:40:01,690 --> 00:40:04,067 I'd keep them if I were you, captain. 587 00:40:04,276 --> 00:40:06,194 It makes you look intimidating. 588 00:40:07,988 --> 00:40:09,322 I should get back on the road. 589 00:40:09,532 --> 00:40:11,366 One of us needs to get some exploring done. 590 00:40:13,452 --> 00:40:14,494 Thanks for your help. 591 00:40:14,912 --> 00:40:17,747 I don't know how you survived all these years without me. 592 00:40:21,001 --> 00:40:22,419 Shouldn't you be joining her? 593 00:40:22,628 --> 00:40:25,713 I asked Trip to stick around for a while to help us out with repairs. 594 00:40:25,923 --> 00:40:27,340 Indeed. 595 00:40:27,550 --> 00:40:30,510 Our new chief engineer will no doubt be delighted for the help. 596 00:40:30,719 --> 00:40:32,554 No, Kelby's got nothing to be worried about. 597 00:40:32,763 --> 00:40:34,305 I'm only here temporarily. 598 00:40:51,699 --> 00:40:52,824 What do you want? 599 00:40:53,284 --> 00:40:55,076 I called to thank you. 600 00:40:55,286 --> 00:40:57,162 Everything went according to our projections. 601 00:40:57,371 --> 00:40:59,330 The empire's been stabilized. 602 00:40:59,540 --> 00:41:03,168 I doubt very much they'll be experimenting with Augments any time soon. 603 00:41:03,377 --> 00:41:05,587 We could have explained everything to Captain Archer. 604 00:41:05,796 --> 00:41:07,547 That's not how Krell wanted things done. 605 00:41:08,174 --> 00:41:10,675 Since when do we do things the way the Klingons want? 606 00:41:11,844 --> 00:41:13,178 When it's in our interests. 607 00:41:13,387 --> 00:41:15,221 I had to keep certain details from you as well. 608 00:41:15,431 --> 00:41:16,723 Hope there are no hard feelings. 609 00:41:18,309 --> 00:41:20,768 This mission wouldn't have succeeded without you, lieutenant. 610 00:41:21,604 --> 00:41:23,563 Don't ever contact me again. 611 00:41:23,772 --> 00:41:24,814 Is that clear? 612 00:41:26,233 --> 00:41:28,735 Maybe you didn't understand our recruitment policy. 613 00:41:28,944 --> 00:41:30,695 You can't simply walk away. 614 00:41:30,905 --> 00:41:34,657 I answer to one commanding officer, Jonathan Archer. 615 00:41:34,867 --> 00:41:36,367 Lieutenant, why don't we...